Project “MARRIAGE - Better marina management, harbour network consolidation and water tourism marketing in the southern Baltic rim” MARRIAGE c/o Economic Development Corporation Vorpommern Lead Beneficiary Brandteichstraße 20 D 17489 Greifswald Germany Phone: +49 3834 550605 Fax: + 49 3834 550551 E-mail: Brand manual Version 2.0 30 Sept 2013 MARRIAGE is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) Contents 1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 3 2 Brand profile ..................................................................................................................................... 4 3 4 2.1 Origin and background ............................................................................................................ 4 2.2 Brand character – basic considerations .................................................................................. 5 2.3 User groups ............................................................................................................................. 5 2.3.1 Benefits for regional & local tourist organisations ............................................................... 6 2.3.2 Benefits for marina operators .............................................................................................. 6 2.4 Target groups .......................................................................................................................... 6 2.5 Brand aims – envisaged impacts on target groups ................................................................. 7 South Coast Baltic – key messages ................................................................................................. 8 3.1 General messages................................................................................................................... 8 3.2 Character of the region ............................................................................................................ 8 3.3 Boating along the South Coast Baltic ...................................................................................... 8 3.4 Borders and customs – facts ................................................................................................... 9 3.5 Sub-regions – key words & touristic highlights ...................................................................... 10 3.5.1 Vorpommern ...................................................................................................................... 10 3.5.2 Zachodniopomorskie ......................................................................................................... 11 3.5.3 Pomorskie .......................................................................................................................... 12 3.5.4 Kaliningrad region .............................................................................................................. 13 3.5.5 Klaipeda region .................................................................................................................. 14 Campaign / communication channels / tools.................................................................................. 15 4.1 South Coast Baltic boating folder .......................................................................................... 15 4.2 South Coast Baltic slide show ............................................................................................... 16 4.3 Joint visits of boating fairs ..................................................................................................... 18 4.4 Fam trip series for foreign boating journalists ....................................................................... 19 4.5 Cross-border boater forum .................................................................................................... 19 4.6 Regional boating brochures ................................................................................................... 20 4.7 Regional boating apps ........................................................................................................... 20 5 Logo information / style guide ........................................................................................................ 21 6 Contacts ......................................................................................................................................... 24 MARRIAGE is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 1 Introduction South Coast Baltic… ► …is a boating brand that promotes coast parallel travels along the south Baltic coastline. ► …encourages boaters to leave the beaten tracks and extend their boating experiences with a touch of adventure. ► …calls the attention of boaters to attractive destinations beyond borders that are nearby but most widely unexplored by them so far. ► …gives the promise to find a save and comfortable marina network when boating coast parallel along the south Baltic coastline. ► …provides the basis for joint boating marketing measures of institutions from Vorpommern / DE, Zachodniopomorskie / PL, Pomorskie / PL, Kaliningrad region / RU and Klaipeda region / LT. ► …gives marina operators the possibility to add value and promote themselves as part of an attractive network / chain of marinas. ► …gives (sub-) destinations along the south Baltic coastline the opportunity to promote themselves in connection to their neighbouring destinations with a common identity / spirit. ► …is a long-term approach to promote boating trips from west to east as well as from east to west. This brand manual… ► …addresses marina operators and local / regional tourism agencies ► …enables to easily understand and make use of South Coast Baltic for own purposes & benefits. ► …illustrates the advantages of using South Coast Baltic for all potential users. ► …provides basic ideas and key messages towards the core target groups. ► …ensures a consistent use of the brand South Coast Baltic, thereby to enhance its credibility and to raise its public recognition value. ► …provides direction and examples on how to use media, communication channels and a style of communication that is in the sense of South Coast Baltic. ► …provides direction and examples on how to produce South Coast Baltic materials with greater unity, clarity and visual harmony. ► ...sets the frame and provides guidelines and a frame for the correct usage of South Coast Baltic. ► …should not limit the creativity to further develop the South Coast Baltic spirit and ideas and to adapt them to local circumstances. ► …may be further developed step-by-step, along with the implementation of the South Coast Baltic promotion campaign. ► …shows that for carrying further the ideas of South Coast Baltic it is not necessary to play the same instrument but to play the same music! MARRIAGE is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 2 Brand profile 2.1 Origin and background South Coast Baltic origins from the EU-project “MARRIAGE – Better marina management, harbour 1 network consolidation and water tourism marketing in the southern Baltic rim”. Its project partners from Lithuania, Russia, Poland and Germany established the brand in 2013 as a joint tool to promote the southern coastline of the Baltic Sea as boating area and to encourage cross-border and coast parallel boating. Since the 1990s, the regions along the southern coastline of the Baltic Sea have developed to interesting and successful tourist destinations. For instance “Rügen”, Szczecin Lagoon”, “Tricity” or the “Curonian Spit” are well known and strong touristic brands, both in their countries and beyond. As part of these destinations, also water tourism is already promoted. However, the focus is here on boating in the respective region and not on longer trips to adjacent areas. Possible connections and tours to neighbouring destinations and boating areas are rarely addressed (see map). “South Coast Baltic” in the context of existing boating brands / destinations in the Baltic Sea Sailing coast parallel, across borders and on longer boating trips from region to region, therefore, is still unusual today along the South Coast Baltic. Prejudices in both directions are still present. On the one hand, German boaters see trips to the east as very adventurous or even unsecure. On the other hand boaters from Lithuania, Germany or Poland prefer Scandinavia and see it as much more exiting boating destination than Germany. Also the historical background of the region in which it was not 1 Further information on the MARRIAGE project can be found at MARRIAGE is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) allowed to sail beyond boarders for many years and in which Kaliningrad is still “unknown territory” plays a role and supported the coexistence of the destinations. Successful examples in the Baltic Sea region (e.g. Baltic Sailing) proved that joint marketing activities within cross-border sailing areas at sub-Baltic Sea Region level can boost the attractiveness of their marinas and sub-destination. They attract further visitors and encourage boaters to visit different spots and destinations during their trip, also in adjacent countries. The visibility and attractiveness of smaller destinations and marinas in the area is boosted noticeably. This potential is not used along the South Coast Baltic yet. It is a “white spot” in this respect. This gap is closed with the South Coast Baltic brand and marketing campaign. Especially the further income and the self-strengthening economic effects for marinas and destinations are in the interest of and shall be enforced by the activities. 2.2 Brand character – basic considerations The brand South Coast Baltic with its claim “Where boating adventure begins”… ► …is an “interface” and “add-on” to connect and lift up existing local (e.g. cities, marinas) and regional boating destinations in the region. ► …avoids any outshining and competition to existing brands and promotion strategies. ► …focuses on geography and boating only (instead of giving a thematic roof like “amber” – the regional brand proved to be too different for such approach). ► …gives a frame to emphasise diversity within the region (instead of shared features). ► …provides the possibility to promote coast-parallel tours and cross-border links on top of wellestablished brands without losing their strengths and core competences. ► …gives marinas and regions the opportunity to promote themselves as (part of) the South Coast Baltic – in certain context, towards certain target group and in addition to their usual campaigns. 2.3 User groups The envisaged main user groups of the South Coast Baltic brand are: ► Regional and local tourist organisations from the region ► Marina operators from the region The brand is open for use by organisations both within and beyond the core partnership of the “MARRIAGE” project. Interested parties that want to utilise South Coast Baltic for promotion purposes are asked to get in touch with the regional South Coast Baltic contact persons in advance (see chapter 4). MARRIAGE is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 2.3.1 Benefits for regional & local tourist organisations Regional & local tourist organisations may use South Coast Baltic to… ► …accomplish their own brand by adding information on cross-border and coast parallel tour opportunities for boaters. ► …raise the attractiveness of their own destination by presenting it as part of a larger boating area. ► …become (more) visible also as part of a “southern route” through the Baltic Sea. ► …benefit from mutual promotion among participating regions. ► …raise the number of guest boaters from neighbouring or far away regions, in perspective. 2.3.2 Benefits for marina operators Marina operators may use South Coast Baltic to… ► …promote themselves as part of an attractive boating area. ► …become (more) visible also as part of the “southern route” through the Baltic Sea. ► …become a part of buzz marketing / word-of-mouth communication that may occur around the South Coast Baltic. ► …inform their residents and guests about tour opportunities, neighbouring marinas and shorebased attractions / destinations. ► …attract both guest boaters and resident boaters from abroad with its help. 2.4 Target groups Main target groups of the South Coast Baltic brand are (selection): ► Boaters with permanent berth in the region …looking for new tour opportunities. ► Boaters from Germany, Poland, Russia, Lithuania and beyond… …considering a longer tour (in the Baltic Sea). ► Boaters from Germany, Poland, Russia, Lithuania … …searching for a new permanent berth (in the region). ► Boaters from Germany, Poland, Russia, Lithuania and beyond …who like to explore culture & adventures on shore, too. ► Organisers of sailing regattas or organised boating trips… …searching for tour opportunities in the Baltic Sea. The given target groups are not exhaustive and rather a snap-shot. More addressees may be identified in the further course of the marketing campaign. MARRIAGE is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 2.5 Brand aims – envisaged impacts on target groups The South Coast Baltic brand and marketing campaign shall… ► …encourage boaters to think outside the box and leave their beaten tour tracks. ► …motivate boaters to look beyond their home boating region and to consider visiting destinations along the South Coast Baltic, also beyond national borders. ► …induce more coast parallel boating trips both from west to east and from east to west. ► …establish the “southern route” as option (as alternative to e.g. Western Baltic, sailing along the Swedish coast or going via Bornholm) for boaters that conduct longer trips in the Baltic Sea. ► …close knowledge gaps concerning advantages and positive developments in the boating region (e.g. new marinas built, abolition of customs procedures etc.), thereby counteract prevailing prejudices in this regard within the boater community. ► …bring into focus tour options and destinations not widely known (across borders) yet. ► …attract adventuresome boaters as pioneers to follow the South Coast Baltic, so that they further spread a positive image by their word-of-mouth communication and “buzz marketing”. ► …establish South Coast Baltic as signage and synonym for boating adventures and as an attractive cross-border boating area. ► …make the marinas along the coastline recognisable as being part of a South Coast Baltic marina network, where safe and comfortable places can be found. MARRIAGE is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 3 South Coast Baltic – key messages The following key messages / text blocks describe the core of the South Coast Baltic brand. They may be used and considered when making use of the brand for promotion measures. 3.1 General messages The South Coast Baltic… ► …inspires to leave the beaten tracks and to extend boating experiences with a touch of adventure. ► …stands for coast parallel boating along the southern Baltic Sea. ► …invites to coast-parallel tours in an (almost) borderless Europe. ► …leads to attractive destinations that are nearby but most widely unexplored by foreign boaters. ► …marks the “southern route” through the Baltic Sea (as alternative to sailing along the Swedish coast or going via Bornholm). ► …may be explored from west to east as well as from east to west. ► …gives the promise to find comfortable and modern marinas and a convenient harbour network that allows to boat in safe stages. ► …provides an attractive boating mixture: challenging high sea stages alternate with sailing in picturesque lagoons, bays & rivers. 3.2 Character of the region The South Coast Baltic… ► …provides attractive destinations that are nearby but most widely unexplored by foreign boaters. ► …is full of diversity both in terms of nature and culture. ► …combines amazing nature with vibrant towns and cities. ► …allows boaters to explore & access exiting shore-based destinations full of culture, history & life. ► …gives access to many destinations on the way that all tell their own stories. 3.3 Boating along the South Coast Baltic The boating area South Coast Baltic: ► An attractive boating mixture – challenging high sea stages alternate with sailing in picturesque lagoons, bays & rivers. ► More than 1.000 km outer and inner shoreline rich in variety – cliffs, beaches, spits, lagoons and much more. ► More than 100 leisure boat harbours – many of them newly built or upgraded just recently. ► A dense marina network – with comfortable and safe distances in between harbours. ► 300 nm straight sailing distance from west to east – or the other way around. MARRIAGE is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) ► Sail in 40 hours „non-stop“ from Sassnitz to Gdańsk – for sporty sailors with following wind bft 4-7. ► 3 weeks of relaxing boating holiday from Sassnitz to Klaipeda and back – with convenient time to get to know countries and people. ► Borderless boating between Germany, Poland and Lithuania – without border & customs controls. ► Exploring the Russian exclave Kaliningrad – easier than you may think with a tourist visa. 3.4 Borders and customs – facts ► No border controls between Lithuania, Poland & Germany. ► No custom controls between Lithuania, Poland & Germany. ► Russian visa needed for entering the Polish part of Vistula lagoon via Baltijsk channel. ► Russian waters and ports: tourist visa needed for entering. ► Entering / leaving Russia: border and customs controls necessary (but they take usually no more than 30 min per boat, if templates are prepared in advance). ► Entering / leaving Russia: Baltijsk is the obligatory first and last port of call (currently the only one harbour with border control & customs). ► Baltijsk is the border crossing for boats, but no place to stay longer (military area). ► Border control and customs in Baltisjk are available only from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. – it is therefore necessary to approach Baltijsk during daytime. ► Documents necessary for entering Russia by boat are: o Passport o Valid tourist visa o International boat certificate (alternatively: flag certificate) o Crew list (recommended: at least 5 copies) o If you sail on charter boat: charter contract ► Russian tourist visa are easy to get via specialised agencies in DE, PL, LT, without need to approach the Russian consulate personally. ► The new 72 h visa for Kaliningrad region for Schengen citizens, which can usually be obtained at the border, does not work for sailors (because you can get it only at 3 points: Kaliningrad airport, Bagrationovsk, Mamonovo – but not in Baltijsk). MARRIAGE is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 3.5 Sub-regions – key words & touristic highlights The following key word and aspects describe the sub-regions of the South Coast Baltic. They may help when promoting tour opportunities and destinations to / in neighbouring regions. 3.5.1 Vorpommern Highlights / key words related to Vorpommern English German Polish Lithuanian Russian Vorpommern enjoyment hiking musical festivals open air theatres kiting Heringsdorf on the island of Usedom UNESCO world heritage biking enjoy the beautiful nature swimming inviting sea front white chalk cliffs varied coastal line Island of Rügen Hanseatic City of Stralsund Germany`s sundeck Ozeaneum numerous promenade piers adventure sailing historical brick gothic endless green alleys Vorpommern Vergnügen Wandern Musikfestivals Freilichtbühne n Kiten Heringsdorf auf der Insel Usedom UNESCO Weltkulturerbe Radfahren wunderschöne Natur genießen Schwimmen einladende Strandpromenaden weiße Kreidefelsen abwechslungs reiche Küsten Insel Rügen Hansestadt Stalsund Deutschlands Sonnendeck Ozeaneum zahlreiche Seebrücken Abenteuer Segeln historische Backsteingotik endlose Alleen Pomorze Przednie rozrywka wędrówki festiwale muzyczne teatry pod gołym niebem kiting Heringsdorf na wyspie Uznam światowe dziedzictwo UNESCO jazda rowerem podziwiaj piękno przyrody pływanie kuszące wybrzeże białe klify kredowe zróżnicowana linia brzegowa Rugia hanzeatyckie miasto Stralsund tarasy do opalania w Niemczech Ozeaneum liczne molo przygoda żeglowanie zabytki gotyku ceglanego długie zielone alejki Pomeranija Nuotykiai Ņygiai Muzikos festivaliai Teatrai po atviru dangumi Aitvarų ńventės Unikalusis Heringsdorfas Usedomo saloje UNESCO pasaulio paveldas Ņygiai dviračiais Unikali gamta andens sportas ir pramogos Įvairialypis pajūrio krańtovaizdis Baltosios kreidos uolos Nuostabus jūros krańtovaizdis Riugeno sala Ńtralzundo Hanzos miestas Vokietijos saulės terasa Unikalus Okeanijos muziejus Pakrančių pramogos Nuotykiai Būriavimas Istorinė gotikinė architektūra Begalinės ņaliosios alėjos Передняя Померания развлечения пешие прогулки музыкальные фестивали театры на открытом воздухе кайтинг Херингсдорф на острове Узедом Всемирное наследие ЮНЕСКО велосипедные прогулки созерцание прекрасной природы плавание гостеприимные набережные белые меловые скалы извилистая линия побережья остров Рюген Ганзейский город Штральзунд прогулочная палуба Германии Океанариум бесчисленные прогулочные пирсы приключения парусная навигация историческая каменная готика бесконечные зеленые аллеи MARRIAGE is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 3.5.2 Zachodniopomorskie Highlights / key words related to Zachodniopomorskie: English German Polish Lithuanian Russian Zachodniopomorskie The most exquisite European flavours Slavs and Vikings Centre By bike, on foot and by sailing boat discover Szczecin for good encounters with amazing nature A region in the very heart of Europe feel the friendly atmosphere atmospheric Kołobrzeg The Wisent Display Reserve The friendly waves history and modernity Zachodniopomorskie Zachodniopomorskie najbardziej wyszukane smaki Europy Centrum Słowian i Wikingów rowerem, pieszo i żaglówką odkryj Szczecin na dobre doświadcz dzikiej przyrody region w samym sercu Europy poczuj przyjazną atmosferę nastrojowy Kołobrzeg Rezerwat Żubrów przyjazne morze historia i nowoczesność Vakarų pamario vaivadija Delikatesai ińrankiausiems skoniams Slavų ir vikingų centras Ņygiai dviračiais ir pėsčiomis. Būriavimas Ińskirtinės pramogos Ńčecine Nuostabia gamta Regionas Europos ńirdyje Draugińki vietiniai ņmonės Mistinis Kolobņegas Stumbras rezervatas Nepakartojamos vandens pramogos Istorijos ir ńiuolaikinio gyvenimo sanglauda Западно-Поморское воеводство самые изысканные европейские ароматы центр славян и викингов на велосипеде, пешком и под парусом откройте удивительный Щецин встреча с потрясающей природой Регион в самом центре Европы почувствуйте гостеприимную атмосферу волшебный Колобржег демонстрационна я резервация зубров ласковые волны история и современность die erlesensten europäischen Aromen Slawen- und Wikingerzentrum auf dem Fahrrad, zu Fuß und mit dem Segelboot entdecke Szczecin ganz und gar erstaunlicher Natur begegnen eine Region im Herzen Europas spüre die freundliche Atmosphäre stimmungsvolles Kołobrzeg das Wisentgehege freundliche Wellen Geschichte und Modernität MARRIAGE is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 3.5.3 Pomorskie Highlights / key words related to Pomorskie: English German Polish Lithuanian Russian Pomorskie Pomorskie Pomorskie Pamarys Поморское воеводство Леба – земля движущихся дюн Хельская коса – здесь начинается Польша Пуцкий залив – одно из лучших мест в Европе для запуска воздушного зменя Курс на Померанию Гданьск-СопотГдыня – три города, одна цель Мальборк – крупнейший готический замок в миреthe largest gothic castle in the world Жулавская петля – 303 км водных приключений Łeba – land of moving dunes Hel peninsular – the beginning of Poland Puck bay – one of the best kite spots in Europe Set course for Pomorskie GdańskGdynia-Sopot three cities, one destination Malbork – the largest gothic castle in the world Żuławy loop 303 km of water adventure Łeba – Land der Wanderdünen Halbinsel Hel – wo Polen anfängt Pucker Wieck – einer der besten Kite-Spots Europas Pomorskie – auf dem richtigen Kurs Gdańsk-GdyniaSopot – 3 Städte, 1 Reiseziel Malbork – die größte gotische Burganlage der Welt Pętla Żuławska – 303 km Abenteuer auf dem Wasser des WeichselWerder-Rings Łeba – kraina ruchomych wydm Mierzeja Helska – początek Polski Zatoka Pucka – jedno z najlepszych miejsc do kitesurfingu w Europie Obierz kurs na Pomorskie Gdańsk-GdyniaSopot trzy miasta, jeden cel podróży Malbork – największy zamek gotycki na świecie Pętla Żuławska – 303 km wodnej przygody Leba – slenkančių kopų ņemė Helio pusiasalis – Lenkijos pradņia Pucko įlanka – geriausia aitvarų sporto vieta Europoje. Kursas į Pamarį. Gdanskas– Gdynė– Sopotas. Trys miestai – vienas tikslas Malborkas – didņiausia gotikinė pilis pasaulyje Ņulavų kilpos – 303 km, kur galima mėgautis vandens nuotykiais MARRIAGE is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 3.5.4 Kaliningrad region Highlights / key words related to Kaliningrad region: English German Polish Lithuanian Russian Kaliningrad region Nature Curonian Spit historical sites and fortress Russia`s window to Europe churches Amber changeful history Russian exclave Baltic Sea University Kaliningrader Gebiet Okręg kaliningradzki Przyroda Mierzeja Kurońska historyczne miejsca i twierdza rosyjskie okno na Europę kościoły bursztyn historia pełna zwrotów rosyjska eksklawa Morze Bałtyckie Uniwersytet Kaliningradas Калининград Natur Kurische Nehrung historische Orte und Festungen Russlands Fenster nach Europa Kirchen Bernstein wechselvolle Geschichte russische Exklave Ostsee Universität Gamta Kurńių nerija Istorinės vietos ir tvirtovės Rusijos langas į Europą Baņnyčios Gintaras Istorinės vietos Rusijos anklavas Baltijos jūra Universitetas природа Куршская коса Культурноисторические памятники и крепость Окно России в Европу церкви янтарь изменчивая история форпост России Балтийское море университет MARRIAGE is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 3.5.5 Klaipeda region Highlights / key words related to Klaipeda region: English German Polish Lithuanian Russian Klaipeda region Region Klaipeda Okręg kłajpedzki Klaipėdos regionas Gintaro muziejus – didņiausia pasaulyje inkliuzų kolekcija UNESCO gamtos paveldas – Kurńių nerija Klaipėda Slapta sovietmečio branduolinio ginklo saugykla Didņiausias Baltijos ńalyse jūrų muziejusdelfinariumas Gintaro amatų mugės Viliojantis Klaipėdos fachwerk architektūros senamiestis Liaudies amatų mugės Įspūdinga ir nepakartojama Jūros ńventė Vietinio alaus degustavimas Aukńčiausios Europoje baltojo smėlio kopos Клайпедская область Музей янтаря – крупнейшая в мире коллекция включений насекомых Наследие ЮНЕСКО – Куршская коса Клайпеда Совершенно секретно: бывший советский полигон для испытания ядерного оружия Крупнейший в Балтийском регионе морской музейдельфинарий Янтарные рынки притягательный Старый город в Клайпеде в стиле фахверк ярмарка народных промыслов жизнерадостный традиционный Праздник моря дегустация местных сортов пива самые высокие в Европе белые песчаные дюны Amber museum – the world largest collection of insect inclusions UNESCO site – Curonian spit Klaipeda Top Secret former Soviet Nuclear Weapon Site Largest in the Baltics Maritime MuseumDelphinarium Amber markets alluring Klaipeda Fachwerkstyle Old Town Crafts fairs bustling traditional Sea Festival local bier tasting highest Europe White Sand Dune Bernsteinmuseum – die weltgrößte Sammlung von Insekteneinschlüssen UNESCO Welterbe – Kurische Nehrung Klaipeda Hochgeheim: Ehemalige sowjetische Atomwaffenbasis Das größte Meeresmuseum des Baltikums – mit Delfinarium Bernsteinmärkte Klaipedas charmante FachwerkAltstadt Kunsthandwerksmärkte das Meeresfest – lebendig und mit Tradition probiere das heimische Bier die höchste weiße Sanddüne Europas Muzeum bursztynu – największa na świecie kolekcja owadów zatopionych w bursztynie Mierzeja Kurońska – miejsce na liście UNESCO Kłajpeda Tajny silos atomowy wojsk radzieckich Największe nad Bałtykiem muzeum morskie i delfinarium Targi bursztynu wspaniałe stare miasto w stylu muru pruskiego targi rzemiosła tętniący życiem tradycyjny festiwal morz degustacja miejscowego piwa najwyższe w Europie białe wydmy MARRIAGE is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 4 Campaign / communication channels / tools The following chapter describes the communication channels and the set of activities that will jointly promote and establish South Coast Baltic as cross-border boating area towards boaters. The channels have differing schemes and are specifically tailored towards boaters and other tourists as end users. They aim in making them interested and visit and explore the southern Baltic Sea coast. 4.1 South Coast Baltic boating folder Description / contents The South Coast Baltic boating folder is a promotion material that can be used at numerous occasions and events. It is produced in English as well as all national languages of the region: Lithuanian, Russian, Polish and German. The brochure focuses on generally promoting South Coast Baltic as boating brand and the cross boarder boating opportunities along the coastline. It is meant to be a basic and standard promotion material for the brand and will be handed out at e.g. boating fairs, information events, fam trips or in the marinas (informing about neighbouring destinations in reach) of the region. Thereby it focuses rather on string emotions and interest than on boring information. The South Coast Baltic boating brochure displays a map of the region that shall attract boaters to have a deeper look on it. On the map an exemplary boating trip from Klaipeda westwards to Rügen with diary entries and experiences made on several spots during the trip illustrates the claim “where boating adventure begins”. As addition the brochure provides information about the 5 participating regions Vorpommern, Zachodniopomorskie, Pomorskie, Kaliningrad and Klaipeda region. Furthermore the boaters can get an impression of what they can experience in these regions by displayed pictures and characterising messages and find hints on where to look for further background information for their boating trip. Practical information ► Language versions: English, German. Polish, Lithuanian, Russian st ► Printed copies / 1 edition: 20.000 (EN: 5.000, DE: 7.000, PL: 5.000, LT: 2.000, RU: 1.000) ► Printouts can be ordered at: Regional contact persons (see chapter 5) ► PDF versions for download: available at ► Distribution of printed copies e.g. by: o MARRIAGE partner organisations (at fairs, regional events) o Marina operators o Tourist offices MARRIAGE is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) Layout of the South Coast Baltic folder (front and back side) 4.2 South Coast Baltic slide show Description / contents The South Coast Baltic slide show is a marketing product that visualises the attractiveness of the southern coastline of the Baltic Sea as boating area. The slide show is meant to be shown online, during boating fairs or at other public events. It incudes, besides the overview about the geographic location of the promoted area, pictures and impressions from marinas and touristic sights that are interesting for boaters who shall be attracted to visit the region for a boating trip. The slide show shows example for stops of a boat during an imaginary boating trip from Klaipeda to Rügen along the southern coastline of the Baltic Sea. Its focus is on emotion rather than information. Practical information ► Available versions: High resolution / low resoultion o Low res version for download: available at o Link to YouTube channel (high res version): o QR code to YouTube channel: ask regional contact persons ► Slide show may be used / distributed e.g. by: o MARRIAGE partner organisations (link or download at their tourist websites) o Marina operators (link or download at their websites) o Local and regional tourist offices / organisations (link or download at their websites) MARRIAGE is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) Screenshots from the slide show map and the stop in Wolin and Kołobrzeg. MARRIAGE is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 4.3 Joint visits of boating fairs Description / contents One of the heart pieces of establishing South Coast Baltic are the joint fair visits of the cooperating partners and regions. In 2013 and 2014 the boating fairs in Hamburg, Berlin and Warsaw will be visited with a joint fair booth that symbolises the cross-border approach of South Coast Baltic. Besides four regional fair booth sections from Vorpommern, Zachodniopomorskie, Pomorskie and Klaipeda region in which the regional brands and sights are shown, the joint fair booth includes a part that is reserved for the promotion of South Coast Baltic. Generally the whole booth will be firstly visible through the appearance of the brand (e.g. the colours of booth) and only secondly through the destination brands. Thereby it is always clearly visible that the destinations promote themselves as part of the whole region and under the brand South Coast Baltic. Interested visitors can find all information needed for making a trip along the southern coastline of the Baltic Sea by visiting the single destinations and the common part of the fair booth. The joint / common part displays information that has been developed and produced to promote South Coast Baltic (also a map on the carpet) as well as complementary material from the destinations. Picture of the South Coast Baltic fair booth for Hanseboot Practical information ► Fairs to be visited: o Hanseboot, Hamburg / DE, 26 Oct - 3 Dec 2013 ( o Boot & Fun, Berlin / DE, 20-24 Nov 2013 ( o Wiatr i Woda, Warsaw / PL, 3-6 April 2014 ( MARRIAGE is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 4.4 Fam trip series for foreign boating journalists Description / contents From summer 2013 to summer 2014 a series of familiarization (fam) tips for boating journalists will be organised in order to enhance the visibility of the South Coast Baltic regions and its (sub-) destinations. In the course of the fam trip series all destinations and their touristic highlights will be introduced and all together form the picture of an divers and interesting boating area. The regionally organised fam trip, 5-6 in total, will be identifiable as part of a series. Its highlight is a cross-border boating rally from Gdansk / Gdynia, via Kaliningrad to Klaipeda. Target group for this communication channel are international boating journalists and tour operators who are important multipliers when it comes to the establishment of South Coast Baltic. The fam trips therefore shall lead to various articles and coverage in relevant boating and tourism related print and online media in the countries of the region. The cross-border approach of the brand is underlined by the fact that all fam trips are organised with international participation. Practical information ► Invited participants: Boating / tourism journalists from DE, PL, LT ► Schedule of the fam trips: o Vorpommern: 18-20 Sept 2013 o Zachodniopomorskie (2 trips): Summer 2014 (tbc) o Pomorskie: Aug 2014 (tbc) o Klaipeda region: 1-2 June 2014 o Boating rally Poland – Kaliningrad – Lithuania: July 2014 (tbc) 4.5 Cross-border boater forum Description / contents The cross-border boater forum is an interactive web 2.0 forum in which boaters can exchange about the experiences they have made in the southern Baltic Sea regarding cross-border boating trips. South Coast Baltic should initiate the exchange and interactivity which is very important especially among boaters who are talkative and often accord more credibility to the honest reports of other boaters. The forum should function as collection of experiences generally made in the region and in specific places like marinas or harbours and enhance trust in provided information, as also mental barriers and prejudices prevent boaters to travel across borders. Practical information ► Will follow later MARRIAGE is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 4.6 Regional boating brochures Description / contents Regional boating brochures that promote one of the regions or destinations of the southern Baltic Sea as boating area should include and mention the South Coast Baltic approach. Thereby they promote themselves as part of an attractive boating area and give hints to possible boating trips to the neighbouring regions and destinations. Practical information ► Further information will follow later (no brochures finalized yet – first ones due in Oct 2013). 4.7 Regional boating apps Description / contents Regional boating apps that stand for themselves and that provide boating related information for the regions / destinations shall be linked in order to follow the idea of South Coast Baltic as connecting element. Therefore the apps have to be synchronized in certain aspects regarding the brands approach and target and the users have to be able to easily switch between the regional apps. Practical information ► Will follow later (concept / outlines due in autumn 2013). MARRIAGE is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 5 Logo information / style guide Description / contents Background information on South Coast Baltic logo and claim: ► The logo symbolizes a sailing ship (red dot) in the waves (blue parts). ► The “waves” follow the south Baltic coastline > geographic reference in the logo. ► The claim adverts to the fact that sailing along the South Coast Baltic is still rather unusual and still perceived as kind of adventure by many sailors. ► The logo may be used with or without claim. ► The claim can be displayed in different ways, depending on size / available space. Practical information ► The logo is available in different versions and in different file formats. ► Download of logo: ► Download of style guide as separate PDF file: Colour schemes The following visualisations explain the standards for using the corporate design (e.g. definition of colours, possibilities to combine logo and slogan). MARRIAGE is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) MARRIAGE is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) MARRIAGE is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) 6 Contacts SOUTH COAST BALTIC - REGIONAL CONTACT PERSONS Vorpommern Economic Development Corporation Vorpommern Brandteichstraße 20 17489 Greifswald Germany Ms Monique Schulze Phone: +49 3834 550 605 Fax: +49 3834 550 551 Email: Zachodniopomorskie Marshal’s Office of Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship Korsarzy 34 70-540 Szczecin Poland Ms Ewa Madaj Phone: +48 (91) 44 19 134 Email: Pomorskie The Association of Sea Cities and Municipalities Wały Jagiellońskie 1 80-853 Gdańsk Poland Mr Rafał Galiński Phone: +48 501020248 Email: Klaipeda Klaipeda Tourism and Culture Information Centre Turgaus Str. 7 LT-91247 Klaipeda Lithuania Kipras Paldauskas Phone: +370 (46) 430 702 Email: MARRIAGE is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) MARRIAGE COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT c/o MARRIAGE Lead Beneficiary Economic Development Corporation Vorpommern Brandteichstraße 20 17489 Greifswald Germany Ms Monique Schulze Phone: +49 3834 550 605 Fax: +49 3834 550 551 Email: c/o MARRIAGE Project Management PLANCO Consulting GmbH Office Schwerin: Mecklenburgstraße 75 19053 Schwerin Germany Office Essen: Am Waldthausenpark 11 45127 Essen Germany Phone: +49 385 593753-0 Fax: +49 385 593753-20 Phone: +49 201 43771-0 Fax: +49 201 411468 Mr Björn Gabler Phone: +49 385 593753-11 E-mail: Mr Jens Masuch Phone: +49 201 43771-11 E-mail: Ms Constanze Benzel Phone: +49 385 593753-12 E-mail: Mr Paul Palmer Phone: +49 201 43771-16 E-mail: MARRIAGE is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)
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