TN/TS-3000 Inverter Instruction Manual TN/TS-3000 Inverter Instruction Manual Index 1. Safety Guidelines ............................................................................... 1 2. Introduction ........................................................................................ 1 2.1 Features ........................................................................................ 2 2.2 Main Specification ........................................................................ 3 2.3 System Block Diagram .................................................................. 3 3. User Interface Panel ............................................................................ 3 3.1 Front Panel .................................................................................... 3 3.2 AC Terminal Configuration ........................................................... 5 3 .3 L ED Indicato r on Fro nt P ane l ...................................................... 5 3 .4 F unc tion al Indic atio n an d A larm ................................................ 5 3 .5 R ear Pan el .................................................................................... 6 4. Explanation of Operating Logic ........................................................ 6 4 .1 Explanation o f UP S Mode Control Logic .................................... 7 4 .2 Explanation o f En ergy Saving Mode C ontrol Logic ................... 9 5 .TN/TS-300 0 Initial Output Voltage & F requency and P rocedure to Se t tin g Op era t in g Mo de ................................................................... 10 5.1 Initial Factory Sta te ..................................................................... 10 5.2 Initial Setting for Tran sition Voltages ........................................ 11 5.3 P r oce dur es t o S e ttin g O p era ting Mo de , Ou t put Vo lt age , Frequency, and Standby Saving Mode ....................................... 11 5.4 Remote Monitoring So ftware (Optional Accessory) .................. 13 5.5 Remote Control M odule (O ptional Accessory) ........................... 13 6. Pro tection ........................................................................................... 13 6 .1 Input Pro tec tion ........................................................................... 13 6 .2 O utp ut P rote ctio n ........................................................................ 14 7. Ins tall ation & Wiring .......................................................................... 15 8. Failure Correction Not es ................................................................... 17 9. Warran ty ............................................................................................. 18 Apr. 2014 Version 3 1.Sa fety Gu idelin es (Pleas e re ad throug h this manua l before ass embling the inverter) ‧Risk of electrical shock and energy hazard. All failures should be examined by a qualified technician. Please do not remove the ca se o f the inverter by yourself! ‧After connecting the AC input of the inverter to the utility, the AC outlet of the inverter will have AC output even if the power switch on the front panel is in the OFF position. ‧It is highly recommen ded to m oun t the unit horizontally. ‧Plea se d o no t install the inverter in places with hig h moisture o r nea r wa ter. ‧Plea se d o no t install the inverter in places with hig h ambient te mperature, under direct sunlight, or near fire source. ‧Please only connect batteries with the same brand and model number in one battery bank. Using batteries from different manufacturers or different capacities is strictly proh ibited! ‧Never allow a spark or fla me in the vic inity of the batteries. ‧Make sure the air flow from the fan is not obstructed at both sides (front and back) of the inverter. (P lease allow at least 15cm of space) ‧Plea se d o no t stack any object on the inverter as it may impede heat dissipation. WARNING: Batteries will have aging problem after years of operation. It is suggeste d to exe cute re g ul ar battery maintena nce (e.g. every year). Once aged, the batteries should be changed by professional technician, or the failed batteries may cause fire or other hazards. Inverter Inverter Don't disasse mble Keep away from moistu re Inverter Keep away from fire or high temperatur e Don't stack on the inverter Inve rter K eep good ve ntilation 2.Introduction ‧The TN/T S-3 000 is a true sine wa ve D C/AC inverter fully digita l control led by an advance d m icro proc essor. B y us ing the setting b utto n on the front pa nel o r th e monitoring s oftw are, the use r can flexibly adjust outpu t vo ltage, freque ncy, turn ON or OFF standby saving mode, and ope rating m ode. ‧TN-3000 possesses 2 operating modes, UPS and Energy saving mode. Depending on o pera ting req uire men t, th e us er c an flexib ly re con figu re o pera ting mo de t o suit their needs. When the UPS mode is selected, AC utility voltage will automatically be b ypa ssed to t he o utpu t lo ad/e quip men t. I f the re is an inte rrup tion to th e AC utility voltage, battery → inverter will automatically take over power provision like an UPS system. When the energy saving mode is selected in combination with the use of solar pane l, solar power will take priority, thus effectively saving electrica l power. Basically, the operating modes can be easily set to match weather conditions or other special need s. 1 ‧TN-3000 is equipped with 2 methods of battery charging. An AC charger and solar charger coexist in this unit. The user only needs to connect their own battery banks and sola r panel to form an energy saving inde pen den t pow er station w hich is in line with our goals of conserving energy and being environ mental friend ly. ‧TS-3 000 Series o nly pos sess the inverter function. It uses batterie s as the input source and coverts it into AC power. ‧TN/TS-3000 Series can provide 3000W pure sine wave output continuously, 3450W for 3 min utes , an d pe ak power of 600 0W for all kin ds o f loa ds such as inductive , capacitive, and peak demanding motors. General applications includes PC , ITE , yach ts, RV, h ome applia nces, mo tor, pow er tools, industrial control eq uipm ent, AV system, and etc. (No te: D escript ions which are h igh ligh ted rep resents functio ns e xclu siv e to th e TN-3000 S eries) 2.1 Features ‧True sine wave output (THD < 3.0% ) ‧3000W rated output ‧Surg e power capability up to 6000W ‧H igh effic iency up to 92% ‧O utput vo ltage/freque ncy sele ctable ‧C om plete protections for both the input and output ‧Battery low a larm and indicator ‧C om plete LE D ind ication for opera ting status ‧Fully digital controlled with dig ital display ‧C an b e u sed for m ost electronic products requiring AC input ‧Selectable UPS or Energy saving mode ‧U tility→ →inverter transfer time < 10 ms (Typ.) ‧Solar charging current 30A ma x. ‧O ptional rem ote m onitorin g ac cessory pack (includ es c able + C D) ‧O ptional rem ote control accessory (IR C Se ries) ‧3 year glo bal warranty 2 2.2 Main S pecifications TN/TS-3000 MODEL Rated power Factory set ting Output voltage Frequency O U T P U T WAVEFORM 112 12 4 148 212 224 248 3000W continuously, 3 450W fo r 3 minu tes, 4500W for 10 second s, 6000W for 30 AC cycle s 110V 60Hz 230V 50 Hz 100 / 110 / 115 / 120V ( adjustab le) 200 / 220 / 230 / 2 40V (ad justable ) 50 / 60 Hz±0.1H z True s ine wave (THD < 3.0%) PROTECTION AC sh ort、Ove rload 、 Over Tem perature, and c ircuit bre aker BAT. VOLTAGE 10.5 ~ 15.0V 21.0 ~ 30.0V 42.0 ~ 60.0V 10.5 ~ 15.0V 21.0 ~ 30.0V 42.0 ~ 60.0V 1 50A 75A 300A 150A 75A I DC CURRENT 300A N EFFICIENCY 88% 9 0% 91% 89% 91% 92% P OFF MODE U CURRENT Under 1.0mA at power s witch OFF T DRAW PROTECTION Over current, battery reverse polari ty, battery low alarm, and battery low shutdown AC CHARGER CHARGE 14.3V VOLTAGE CHARGE 25A CURRENT SOLAR PANEL OPEN CIRCUIT 25V max. VOLTAGE SHORT CIRCUIT 30A max. CURRENT 2 8.5V 57V 14.3V 28.5V 57V 1 2A 6A 25A 12A 6A 4 5V max. 75V m ax. 25V max. 45V max. 75V max . 2 .3 S yste m B lock Dia gra m TN-3000 Inverter E MI fi l ter AC Input CPU C ontroll er LED Display AC ch arger F use Circui t Break er Solar c harger 200V DC /400V D C Battery 12V/2 4V /48V Fuse Polari ty detect DC/ DC Converter DC/AC Inverte r 110V/230V 50 Hz/60H z LOAD AC Output Solar P anel Fi gure 2.1 System block diagram 3.Use r Interface Panel 3.1 Front Panel A PO WE R O N/O FF s witc h: The inve rter w ill turn OFF if th e sw itch is in the OF F positio n. B AC OUTPU T outlet: To satisfy demands of diffe rent geo graphic areas all over the wo rld, there are many option al A C outlets to choose from . (A & B type s are standard; C, D, E, F typ es a re op tional) 3 Receptacle type TYPE-A TYPE-B TYPE-C TYPE-D TYPE-E TYPE-F USA EUROPE AUSTRALIA U.K JAPAN GFCI Country E13 Certificate E13 E13 (Ex pect for 48V input) C No fuse breaker with reset button (for AC input): Under "bypass mode", when the AC output is shorted or the lo ad current exceeds the rated current of the N o Fu s e B rea ker, the B re a ker will ope n an d th at st ops byp assing e nerg y fo r th e utility thus prevent pos sible dan ger. Wh en the abnormal con dition is cle ared , the user can press down on the reset bu tton to resume op eration. D No fuse breaker with rese t button (for rec eptacle): The AC output outlet has a c urre nt r ating of 15A . Wh en t he lo ad c urr ent e xce eds 15A , th e Bre ake r will open and that stops AC provision from the outlet. For application requiring more E F G H than 15A, please use the internal terminal block behind the front pane l (refer to section 3.2). LE D in dic atio n pa nel: Op erating s tatu s, lo ad cond itio n, ba tter y lo w, an d a ll types of warning will be displayed. Fu nction s ett ing : Op e rati ng m ode , ou tpu t voltage , fre que ncy, and sta n db y saving mode can be set through this button. Communication port: For remote monitoring purpose, the unit can be connected to a PC through this communication port by using the optional cable and monitoring software. Also for remote control purpose, the unit can be connected to the IRC module through this port. Ve ntil atio n slits: T he inve rter requ ires goo d ve ntil ation for pro per o peratio n and prolonging its lifetim e. I Frame gro und (FG ). J Grommet hole for input AC utility connection. K Grommet hole for output A C connection. B D E AC Receptacle SOLA R CHA RGE ON A AC CHA RGE OFF BATTERY 10 0 INVERTER LOAD 100 S etting F On 0 C 0 A C IN Ch as si s Gr oun d B at Low BY PAS S Sav ing (For Receptacle) (For AC Output) Cat .N o. (1G G1H S-21 2) Wir eRan g e(10 -4 AWG Str G Cu Solde red Wir es ) Tor qu e( 17 .7- 26. 5i nlb) Remote po rt I AC INTPUT AC O UTPUT J K H F igure 3.1 Front panel (T N-3000) 4 3.2 AC Term inal Configuration Wh en t he lo ad curre nt i s >1 5A, you mus t us e this ou tput term ina l co nnection (terminal ca n withstand 3000W). To ensure user safety, please follow the w iring instructions as below: This AC ter mina l block can be fo und inside the in verter. To acces s it, the fron t panel m ust first be remo ved then the output w ire s ca n be screwed onto th e AC output terminal block. In sert the cable th rough th e AC output grom met, tig hten the grommet, and then connect the other end of the cable to the load to complete this con nection. A Term inals for AC utility input. B Term inals for AC output connection. C Term inal for FG c onnection. A B C 3 .3 LED Indicato r On Fro nt P ane l Battery capacity indicator: represents the remaining capacity of external batteries. LED Display Battery Capacity LED 1 ON LED 1~ 2 ON LED 1 ~ 3 ON LE D 1 ~ 4 ON 0 ~ 25% 26 ~ 50% 51 ~ 75% 7 6 ~ 100% Load c ondition indicator:re presents th e magnitude of o utput loads. LED Display LED 1 ON LED 1~ 2 ON LED 1 ~ 3 ON LE D 1 ~ 4 ON Battery 0 ~ 30% 30 ~ 50% 50 ~ 75% 7 5 ~ 100% Capacity 3.4 Function Indic atio n and A larm ◎ ON indicato r: The inverter ha d started up and the output is normal. ◎ Bat low indicator: Volta ge o f extern al ba tteries is too low. Th e inverte r will send out a "Beep" sound to w arn the users. ◎ Saving mode indicator: The inverter is operating under the "standby saving mode" and th ere is no AC output. ◎ A C C HA RG E in d ica t or : Th e bu ilt- in AC c ha rge r is c har g ing the exte rna l batteries. ◎ SOLAR CHARGE indicator: The external solar panels are providing charging current to the external batteries through the built-in so lar charger. ◎ AC IN in dicator: The sta tus of utility is normal. ◎ BY PASS indicator: The unit is working under "bypass mode." The AC power consumed by the loads is provided by the utility instead of the inverter. ◎ INV ERT E R in dic ato r: T h e u nit i s wo rkin g un der "inv erte r mo de." Th e AC pow er consumed by the loads is converted fro m th e batteries. 5 ◎ BATTERY indicator: Display the rem aining capacity o f external batteries. ◎ LOAD indicator: Display the outpu t loa d level. 3.5 Rear Panel A Battery input (+),(-). B Solar panel input connector. C Fan ventilation openings. B Re verse Pol ari ty Will D amag e The Un it. N EG PO S C A C Figure 3.2 Rear pan el (TN-3000) 4.Ex planation of Operating Logic TN -3000 is CPU di gital controlled true sine wave DC/AC inve rter. It is designed to ac hiev e th e ta rget of e n erg y co n se rvatio n a nd pos sess es b oth UPS an d en ergy saving modes. These 2 modes are user adjustable. The unit will be factory set in the UPS mode. Depending on weather and utility conditions, users can manually adjust (re fer to se ction 5.3) or use the mon itoring softw are to sw itch to the e nergy sa ving mode. Th e main d iffe re nc e be twe en t he U P S a nd Ene rgy savi ng m ode is t he a m ou nt o f energy conserved. Under the UPS mode, the unit will remain in the bypass mode as long as utility is available, thus less energy is conserved (refer to figure 4.1 for details of UPS mo d e c o nt rol lo gic). Un d er the E ne rg y s avi ng m o de , th e pr io rit y of in pu t so u rc e ch o se n i s s o la r pa n el → AC ut il i ty → b a t te r y. I f av a i la b l e, t h e C PU wi l l automatically select external solar panel as its first priority in order to conserve energy. In case of insufficient solar power and utility failu re, battery power will be drawn as the last the last resort. When the capacity of batteries drops to around 10~20% , the CP U w ill re min d th e en d us er b y continuous ly s ending o ut w arning s iren until the system shuts d own . 6 4.1 Expla nation of UPS Mode Control Logic ON ON Utility Power OFF OFF Power-On Re-power-on ON ON By pass mode OFF OFF ON Inverter Mode OFF 28.5V t ON ON OFF OFF t 28.5V 28.5V 28.5V 25.4V 26.5V 26.5V 22.5V (Alarm) 26.5V Battery voltage 21V(Shut-down) t 29.0V Solar charger state AC charger state ON ON ON OFF ON ON t2 OFF OFF t3 OFF t ON OFF t1 ON OFF OFF t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t t12 t13 Figure 4.1 D iagram of UPS m ode control logic t1: To ensure the battery is at full capacity, when the TN-3000 is turned ON, the CPU will execute the "bypass mode" automatically connecting the AC main to the load. I n th e m e a nt i m e , i t w i l l a c ti v a te b ot h t h e A C c h a r ge r an d so l a r c h a r g e r t o simultaneously charge the batteries. t2 : When the batteries are full (battery voltage around 28.5V), both the AC and solar ch arge r will be turn ed O FF by t he C PU to pr eve nt ov erc harg ing and redu cin g battery lifetime . t3 : At this time period, TN-3000 is still in the bypass mode. The battery voltage level will decrease gradually due to standby power dissipation. When the batteries are consum ed to ar oun d 90 % o f the ir ca pac ity (batte ry v olta ge a rou nd 2 6.5V ) th e CP U will restart the charger. The CPU will use so lar charging current of 3A as a guideline. When the provided charging current is >3A (solar charge LED indicator turns ON), the solar charger will be used to charge the battery. When the provided solar ch arging c urre nt is under 3 A, the AC charger will be turn ed ON (e.g. nigh t 7 tim e or clou dy d ay) taking over batte ry charging duty and at t his time the sola r cha rger indicator w ill tu rn O FF. t4 : With th e ch arge r activa ted, voltage of th e ba ttery ba nk w ill in crea se g radually un til 2 8 .5V is r eac hed the n the CP U w i ll sh u t o ff the ch arg e r to p rev en t ove r charging. A t th is tim e, outp ut lo ad is still supplied by utility. t5 : If utility we re to fail at this m ome nt, the C PU will auto matically sw itch (<10ms) to the inverter m ode insurin g uninte rrup ted power. t6 : Once utility recovers, the CPU will switch back to the bypass mode. t7 : Wh en b att e ry v o lta g e d r op s to b elo w 2 6 .5V, th e CP U w ill a gain act ivat e the charger to charge th e b attery banks (refer to t3 fo r detaile d description). t8 : Same as t4. t9 : Du e to lack of u tilit y, th e CP U w ill s w itc h to th e i nve rter m od e . S ince uti lity i s unavailable and it is night time/cloudy, the charging function is in the O FF m ode. The AC output relies purely on battery power. So, the battery bank will be depleted rather quickly. t10 : As the battery discharges below 26.5V and utility rem ains unavailable and only the solar charger is ON. The ba ttery bank will continue to discharge at a quick pace. t11 : The battery eventually becomes completely discharged and the inverter shuts down because utility is unavailable. Only when the solar charger current is >3A (d ay time /sunny) w ill charging recomm enc e and the battery voltage leve l will gradually increase. t1 2 : O nce the b atte ry vo lta g e leve l has ris e n to a le v el cap able of r esta rtin g the inverter, the inverter w ill autom atically restart. At this time, utility is still OFF, so power to th e load is provide d by the inverter. t1 3 : U tility power is st ill OFF. If th e eq u ipm e nt dra ws p owe r wh ich is lo w er than what the solar panel can provide and the solar current is <3A, battery charging w ill te rminate. Inverter will con tinue to provide powe r th rough the battery. Th e subseque nt supply pe riod is subject to capa city of battery a nd load condition. Note: The advantage of the UPS mode is that battery voltage level will be maintained at 90% at all time s. This insures that uninterru pted pow er c an be provided to equip ment in case of utility failure. Backup period will d epend o n capac ity of battery banks. UPS mode is suitable for areas where AC utility is readily available such as offices and homes. 8 4.2 Expla nation of Energy Saving Mode Control Logic ON Utility Power OFF Power-On ON ON Bypass mode OFF O FF ON Inverter Mode ON O FF O FF OFF 28.5V 28.5 V 28.5 V 26.5 V Battery voltage Solar charg er state AC ch arger st ate 22V ON ON 21 .0 V (Sh ut-down) ON OFF t ON ON O FF OFF t1 t ON OFF O FF O FF t 28.5 V 26 .5V 22.5 V (Alarm) 22 .5 V (Alarm) 26.5 V t ON t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t t8 Figu re 4.2 Diagram o f energy sav ing m ode control logic t1 : To ensure the battery is at full capacity, when the TN-3000 is turned ON, the CPU will ex e cut e th e "b ypas s m o de " au toma tica lly c on n ecti ng th e A C m ain t o th e loa d. In the meantim e, it will activate both the AC ch arge r an d so lar c harger to sim ulta neo usl y ch arge the bat terie s. t2 : When the batteries are full (battery voltage around 28.5V), both the AC and solar ch arge r wi ll be turn ed O FF by t he C PU to preve nt ov erc harg ing and redu cin g battery lifetime. The CPU will also switch to inverter mode and the AC electricity provided to the loads will be com ing from the batteries. t3 : When the batteries are depleted to around 90% of their capacity (battery voltage around 26.5V), CPU will start up the solar charger but not the AC charger to achieve the goal of energy saving. t4 : If t he e nergy provid ed by th e so lar p anels is larger than the load requirem ent , voltage of the battery bank will increase gradually until reaching battery voltage aro und 28.5V a nd then the sola r ch arge r wi ll sh ut o ff to p rev ent the batterie s fro m overcharging. 9 t5 : When the capacity of batteries goes down to battery voltage around 26.5V, solar charger will restart and beg in charging. t6 : If the energy provided b y the sol ar panel s is lower than consumed by the loads, vo ltag e of the b atte ry b ank will dec reas e gr adu ally to ba tter y vo ltag e aroun d 22 .5V. Th e bui lt-in buz zer will sou n d to info rm the u ser tha t ba t tery pow er i s very low. t7 : If th e p owe r co n sum pt io n o f the loa d s d oes n ot dec reas e an d th e AC ma in is normal, the CPU will detect this and the unit will be transferred to "bypass mode." The utility will provide electricity to the loads and charge the battery bank at the sa me time in o rde r to p reve nt t he u nit fr om shu tting off. If th e so lar c urre nt is hig her than 3A , the CP U w ill no t ac tivate th e AC cha rge r and jus t let the sola r changer charge the batteries to ach ieve energy saving target. t8 : When there is no AC main, the CPU will shutdown the whole system if the external battery ban k vo ltag e is less than 21 V in order to prev ent ove r-dis charging an d reducing its life time. After shutdow n, th e CPU w ill s till provide LED indic atio n so the user knows why the inverter has shut off. Note: The advantage of the energy saving mode is that the user only has to add solar p ane ls a nd s ola r en e rg y ca n be h arn ess ed a nd s tore d in ba t t er y ba n k f o r c on v ers i on t o A C v o lta g e. T h e u ser n o lo ng e r h a s t o re ly on AC m ai n s f o r electricity. The su n ca n provide all the free electricity n eeded. E nergy savin g m od e is suita ble for a rea s w h ere AC utility is no t rea d ily a vai lable su ch a s mountain tops, boats, and vehicles. Even when AC utility is available, the main source of power will still be solar, AC utility will supplement only when necessary. This type of design cuts back the use of paid electricity thus reaching the goal of energy conservation. 5 .T N /T S -3 00 0 Init ia l O u tp ut Volta g e & Fr equ enc y an d Pro ced ure to Setting O perating Mode 5.1 In itial Factory State Initial factory setting is set to 110V / 60Hz or 230V / 50Hz, "UPS mode" and disabled "s tan d by savi ng m ode " ar e ac tiva ted. If th e us ers ne e d to rev is e i t for the i r application, it can be done through the setting button on the front panel to update th e C PU setting (p lease re fer t o se ction 5.3 for sett ing proc edu res). The unit will start up automatically after the setting procedure is completed and the new settings will be executed. These new settings will be kept even if AC utility, battery, a nd s olar is discon nected . Occ urre nce of fault con ditio ns le adi ng to inverter shutd own and requiring re pow er O N will also not affect the new settings. 10 5.2 In itial Setting for Transition Voltages TN/TS-3000 F acto ry S etting 112 212 124 224 AC cha rger 14 .3V 28.5V transition voltag e AC cha rger 11V 22V sta rt up vol tage Solar charg er 13 .3V 26.5V sta rt up vol tage Solar cha rger 14.3V 28.5 V s hutdown vol tage Inver ter 10.5V 21 V s hutdown 148 248 57 V 44 V 53 V 57 V 42 V 5.3 Pr oce dure s to Se tting Op era ting Mod e, O utp ut Volta ge, F re que ncy, and Standby S aving M ode AC Re cept acle ON SO LA R CH AR GE AC CHA RGE O FF 10 0 BATTERY I NVE RTER L OA D 100 Setting On 0 0 BatL ow A C IN Gro und Sav ing (For Receptacl e) (Fo rA COu tpu t) Chas s is B Y PAS S C at. N o.(1 GG 1H S-212 ) W ire Rang e( 10 -4 AWG Str C u Sol de red Wire s) T orq ue ( 17.7- 26.5 in lb) Remote p ort AC IN TPU T Use an i nsula ted stick to press th is setti ng bu tton AC O UTP UT Figure 5.1: Adjustment of output mode, output voltage, frequency, and saving mode Note:TS-3000 does not have steps 3~4. Procedure 1 involves "UPS mode" and "Energy Saving mode" selection, the steps a re as follows: Step 1: The inverter should be turned off while resetting. Input batteries should be connected, AC main can either b e co nne cted or disconne ct ed, and the loa ds s hould be removed. Step 2: Use an insulated stick to press down on the setting button and then turn on the power switch. After pressing for 5 seconds, the inverter will send out a "Beep" sound. User can release the button and go on with the setting procedure. St e p 3: Pl e ase ref e r to Ta b le 5 .1 a n d c h ec k th e LE D in d ic a tio n to s ee i f th e op erat in g mod e is th e one you nee d. If Ye s, hol d do wn on the s ettin g button for 3~5 seconds and the inverter will let out a beep sound signaling th at y ou h ad skip p ed t o p roc e dur e 2 ( volta ge & fre qu e nc y se tt in g) . However, if change is required please go on to step 4. 11 (Factory settin g: UPS m ode) Energy saving mode UPS mode On ● Bat Low ★ Saving ★ On Bat Low ○ Saving ★ ★ ● Light ○ Dark ★ Flashing Table 5.1 LED indication for operating mod e Step 4: The LEDs will change state from pressing the setting button for 1 second and th en release. Operatin g m ode can be adjusted as required. After selecting the operating mode, press the setting button for 3~5 seconds and the inverter will let out a beep sound. Released the button and yo u will go on to procedure 2 (voltage & freq uency setting). Procedure 2 involves voltage and frequency selection, the steps are as follows: Step 1: Ple ase refer to Table 5.2 an d check whether the com bination of o utput voltage and frequency is what you need. If Yes, hold down on the setting button for 3~5 seconds and the inverter will let out a beep sound signaling that you had skipped to procedure 3 (saving mode). However, if change is requ ired please go on to step 2. (Fa ctory setting : 230 VAC/50Hz o r 11 0VAC/60 Hz) Outp ut Volta ge Frequen cy On 50Hz Bat Low Saving On 60Hz Bat Low Saving 1 00Vac (2 00Vac) 11 0Vac (22 0Vac) 115Vac (230Vac) 120Vac ( 240Vac) ● ○ ○ ★ ○ ○ ● ○ ● ★ ○ ● ● ● ○ ★ ● ○ ● ● ● ★ ● ● ● Light ○ Dark ★ Flashing Table 5.2 LED Indication for voltage/frequ ency com binatio ns Step 2: The LEDs will change state from pressing the setting button for 1 second an d then re lease. P lease select the com bination of o utput vo ltage and frequency you need. After making your selection, press the setting button for 3~5 seconds and the inverter will let out a beep sound. Released the button and you will go on to procedure 3 (saving mode). 110V (220V) 5 0Hz 115 V (230V) 50Hz 12 0V (240V) 50Hz 100V (200V) 5 0Hz 100 V (200V) 60Hz 120V (240V) 6 0Hz 115 V (230V) 60Hz 11 0V (220V) 60Hz Figure 5.2 Circulation diagrams of output voltage and frequency 12 Procedure 3 involves standby saving mode selection, the steps are as follows: Step 1: Please refer to Table 5.3 and check w hether the "saving m ode" is set as required. If yes, hold down on the setting bu tton for 5 seconds and th e inverter will let out a be ep s ound. Released the button and the inverter will automatically store all settings and then restart. However, if change is required please go on to step 2. (Factory setting: Enable saving m ode) Saving mode ON Saving mode OFF On Bat Low ★ Saving ● On ★ Bat Low ★ Saving ○ ★ ● Light ○ Dark ★ Flashing Table 5.3 LED indication for saving m ode ON/OFF Step 2: The LEDs will change state from pressing the setting button for 1 second and then release. "Saving mode" can be activated or cancelled according to your need. 5.4 Remo te M onitoring Softw are (Option al Accesso ry) Users can make operating mode, voltage / frequency, saving mode, and transition voltage adjustments by using this software. Software update can be downloaded from the MW website. Please contact us or our distributor if you have any questions. 5.5 Remo te C ontrol M od ule (Optiona l Accessory ) (A ) U ser c an p urc hase and use the rem ote con trol mod ule to co ntro l inverter ON/OFF, turn s aving m ode ON/OFF, and observe inverter status. (B)Compatible models: IRC1 : TS-700 / 1000 / 1 500 / 3000, TN-1500 / 3000。 IRC2 : TS-700 / 1000 / 1 500 / 3000。 IRC3 : TN-1500 / 30 00。 (C)Comes with 10FT connection cable (standard) and 25FT/50FT are optional. 6.Protection 6.1 Input P rotection (A )Ba t tery po larit y pr ote ctio n : If the batte ry inpu t is con n ect ed in re v ers e polarity, the internal fuse will blow and the inverter should be send back to us or o ur authorized distribu tor for repair. (B)Bat tery und er volta ge p rotection: Whe n th e ba ttery voltage is lo wer than the pre-set value, the inverter will automatically terminate the output and the "battery low" signal on the display panel will light up. Please refer to table 6.1 for more details abou t fa ilure sign als displayed on the panel. (C )Ba t tery ov e r v olta g e p rot e ct i on: Whe n t h e ba tte r y vo lt ag e is too h igh , inve rter will auto ma tically te rmin ate the outp ut a nd the b uilt-in bu zze r wi ll 13 sound to inform the user. Please refer to table 6.1 for more details about failure signals disp layed on the panel. WARNING: Please choose suitable batteries that is within the input DC voltage range of the inverter (refer to spe c). If the input DC voltage is too low (ex. using 12Vdc battery bank for 24Vdc mod els ), th e inverter ca nno t startup properly. If the input DC voltage is too high (ex. using 48Vdc battery bank for 24Vdc mod els ), th e inverter w ill g et da ma ged . (D) Sol ar c harg er o ver curren t pro tec tion : TN -30 00 c an p rovide m ax sola r charging curren t of 3 0A. If th e charging c urrent is too high, the internal fuse will blow and the inverter should be send back to M W for repair. 6.2 Ou tput Protection (A)Bypass mode: Use no fuse circuit breaker as automatic over current protection. When over curre nt occurs, the reset button of the circuit breaker on the front pan el w ill po p up and the inv erte r will shu t do wn. At th is ti me, users sh ould rem ove the loads, restart the inverter and press down on the reset button o f the circuit breaker an d the AC output can now be provided normally. (B)Inve rte r mo de: Under th e in verter m ode, if a ny a bnormal situ atio n oc curs, the d isp lay pane l will send ou t fa ilure mes sage (p lease refer to tab le 6 .1 for failure condition). (1) OTP: When the internal temperature is higher than the limit value, OTP will activate leading to automatic shutdown. It must be restarted. (2) Abno rmal AC output pro tection: If the AC output voltage of the inverter is too high or low, the unit will turn OFF and should be restarted again. (3) AC output short circuit protection: When a short circuit situation occurs at the output or the load increase drastically in a short period of time, the unit will turn OFF and sho uld be restarted again. (4) Abno rm al battery voltag e p rote ction: W hen the battery voltage is to o high or lo w, this p rote ct ion will be activate d. T he inverter a uto-recovers o nc e t h e ba t ter y go e s b a ck t o a s afe le v el a n d t h e u s er d o n o t h a ve t o restart it. (5) O utp ut o verload pro tec tio n : W hen the o utp ut is ove rloa de d bet wee n 3000W~3450W, the inverter can continuously provide power for 3 minutes. After that, if the overload condition is not removed, the overload protection will be activated. When the load is higher than 4500W, the overload protection will activate instantly. 14 Table 6.1 Failure mes sages on the disp lay pan el LOA D Fa ilure message LED Indicator Out put overload (3000W~3450W) LOA D Out put overload (3450W~4500W) Out put overload (>4500W) LOA D LOA D Fa ilure message 10 0 0 0 10 0 AC o utput shor t circu it 0 0 Abno rmal batte ry volta ge 100 0 LOA D LOAD 10 0 0 LOAD 100 10 0 Batte ry agin g 0 0 LOAD 1 00 Fan abno rmalit y 10 0 0 0 LOAD LOAD Abnormal AC output vol tage 10 0 LOA D 100 LO A D O ver te mpera ture LED Indicator Remote shut down 10 0 0 10 0 0 7. Installation & Wiring (A)Wiring for batteries: Wire connection should be made as short as possible and less than 1.5m is highly recommended. Also make sure suitable wires are chosen ba sed on s afety req uire me nt a n d cu rre nt ra ting . To o sm all cros s se ctio n wi ll res ult in low er effic ienc y, le ss o u tpu t p owe r, an d th e wires m ay also bec om e ov e rhe ate d an d ca u se d an ger. Ple a se refe r to tab l e 7. 1 or con sult u s o r ou r distributor if yo u ha ve any questions. Rated current of equipm ent (amp) Cross section of wire 2 lead (mm ) Note Choosing suita ble wires based on the rating of solar panels and distance from the inverter 10A ~ 13A 1.25 16 13A ~ 16A 1.5 14 16A ~ 25A 2.5 12 25A ~ 32A 63A ~ 80A 4 10 16 4 125A ~ 160A 25 50 2 0 160A ~ 190A 260A ~ 300A 70 150 000 300kc mil 300A ~ 340A 185 400kc mil 80A ~ 100A Tab le 7.1 Suggestio n for wire selection 15 Models using 48V batterie s Models using 24V batterie s Models using 12V batterie s (B)Suggested battery type and capacity TN/TS-3000 Battery type Lea d-acid 112 212 124 224 Battery 12V / 400Ah 24V / 200A h c apacity or h igher or higher Input current from solar panel 148 248 48V / 100Ah or higher 30A max. (C)Installation requirements: The unit should be mounted on a flat surface or holding rack with suitable strength. In order to ensure the lifespan of the u nit, plea se refrain fro m o pera ting the unit in high d ust or m oist ure e nvi ronm ent . Th is is a po wer unit with built-in DC fan. Plea se mak e su re th e ve ntil atio n op enin gs a re n ot b lock ed a nd refra in f rom continuous operation with heavy load in high ambient environment beca use this may prevent inverter from operating properly and its life sp an m ay be a ffected. We high ly re com men d th at th ere sho uld be no ob jects imp edi ng a irflo w wi thin 15cm of the ventilatio n openings. >15cm >15cm Inverter Air Air Figure 7.1 Example of insta llation (D)Example of sy stem se tup As short as pos sible AC O/P So lar Panel Battery + - L arger than 1 5cm LOAD TN/TS-3000 Inverter Larger than 15cm AC I/P D C I/P -+ Solar I/P Chassis S hou ld be les s tha n 1m Depending on the act ual leng th of wiri ng, choose suitable c ross-section of t he leads 16 Wall or system FG (E)Derating 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 10.5VDC 21VDC 42VDC Ambient Temperature (℃) 11.5VDC 23VDC 46VDC 15VDC (HORIZONTAL) 30VDC 60VDC Batt ery input vol tage (V) Figure 7.2: Output derating curve Figure 7.3 Inp ut derating curve (F) Notes on output loads: TN /TS -300 0 Se ries ca n po wer mo st eq uip men t re quiring an A C s ource o f 300 0W. But for certain typ e of load, the unit may not work pro perly. (1)Since inductive loads or motor based equipments needs a large start up current (6~10 times of its rated current), please make sure this startup current is less than the max imum cu rren t capability of the inverte r. (2) Whe n th e lo ads are capa citi ve o r rec tifie d eq uip m en ts (s u ch as s witc hin g power supply), we suggest operating these equipment at no load or light load duri ng p ow e r O N . In cre a se the l oad slow ly o nly a fter the TN/ TS -3 000 ha s started u p to ensure proper opera tion. 8.Failure Co rrection Notes TN/TS-3000 is a complex product which should be serviced by professional technician. Improper usage or modification may damage the unit or result in shock hazard. If you are no t ab le to clea r th e failure con ditio n ac cor ding to the fo llow ing instructions , pl ease con tact us or your closest distrib utor for repa ir se rvice. Failure status Possible reasons Recommended solutions Abno rma l inp ut C hec k the AC or D C in put sources ( s ola r/b atte ry ) t o ma k e su re the v oltage is within the requi red rang e. Over temperature protection M ake sure that the ve ntila tion is not block and the ambient temperature is not too high. Please derate load usage o r lower the a mbient t emp erature. Overload protection M ake sure th e ou tput load does not e xce ed t he ra ted valu e o r the pea k startup current is not too high, typically found in inductive or capacitive loads. Short circuit pro tection M ake sure the output is no t o verloaded o r short circui ted. No AC output voltage 17 Failure status Possible reasons Recommended solutions N o vo ltage at th e AC ou tlet No fu se c ircuit breake r has activated C hec k whether th e load excee ds 1 5A. C hec k whether th e load has e xceeded 20A(21 2/224/2 48) o r 4 0A(112 /1 24 /1 48) N o vo ltage at No fu se c ircuit breake r the AC terminal has activated block Battery aged or broke n R eplace the b atte ries . D isch argi ng Battery capacity is too period for battery small is too short Malfunction o f the charge r (no charge voltag e) F an d oes not w ork R eco nfirm ba ttery specificatio n an d enlarge the battery capacity as suggested. P lease re turn to u s for rep air. Clog with foreign obje ct R emove foreign o bjec t. Fan malfunction P lease re turn to u s for rep air. 9.Warranty Th ree years of warran ty is provided u nder normal operating conditio ns. Pleas e do not cha nge com po nen ts o r mo dify the unit by you rse lf or atte mp t to repair the unit by yourself because Mean Well reserves the right to void the warranty. 18 N o . 2 8 , Wu q u a n 3 r d R d ., Wu g u D i s t . , Ne w Ta i pe i C i t y 2 4 8 , Ta i wa n
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