4100071B 8/31/98 10:05 AM Page CVR3 CE Oligonucleotide Analysis Kit Instruction Manual Catalog Number 148-4140 For Technical Service Call Your Local Bio-Rad Office or in the U.S. Call 1-800-4BIORAD (1-800-424-6723) 4100071B 8/31/98 10:05 AM Page i Table of Contents Section 1 Introduction................................................................1 Section 2 CE Oligonucleotide Kit Components ....................1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Capillary Preparation and Use ................................................2 Using the Oligonucleotide Size Standards........................2 Sample Preparation............................................................4 Buffer Preparation..................................................................5 Section 3 Analysis Conditions on the BioFocus System......5 3.1 3.2 3.3 Configuration ........................................................................5 Oligonucleotide Analysis Method ....................................7 Analysis of Multiple Samples............................................7 Section 4 System Shutdown Method......................................8 Section 5 Regenerating a Plugged Capillary......................10 Section 6 Product Information..............................................11 4100071B 8/31/98 10:05 AM Page 1 Section 1 Introduction The CE Oligonucleotide Analysis Kit is optimized for use on the BioFocus® capillary electrophoresis system. It provides separations of oligonucleotides from 4 to 40 bases in length, and can be used to determine the purity of synthetic oligonucleotides with quantitative estimation of the amounts of product and failure sequences. Separations are achieved by dynamic sieving capillary electrophoresis. In this technique, incorporation of a hydrophilic polymer in the electrophoresis buffer solution results in a molecular sieving of nucleic acids. The polymer type and concentration have been selected to provide unit resolution of oligonucleotides in the 4–40 mer range. The polymer-containing buffer is replenished between each analysis, which provides reproducibility of migration time and peak area. The analysis employs capillaries coated internally with a novel polymer (polyAAEE) which insures high-resolution separations over many runs. Section 2 CE Oligonucleotide Kit Components The CE Oligonucleotide Analysis Kit contains all the reagents necessary to perform oligonucleotide separations using the BioFocus capillary electrophoresis system. 1 4100071B 8/31/98 10:05 AM Page 2 • BioCAP™ Oligonucleotide Analysis Capillary, 2, coated internally with poly(AAEE), 30 cm x 75 µm ID x 375 µm OD, with detection window 8 cm from the end, 148-3080 • CE Oligonucleotide Run Buffer, 50 ml, 148-5026 • CE Oligonucleotide Standards 8–32 mer, 13 peaks, total 0.5 O.D. units, 148-2014 2.1 Capillary Preparation and Use The AAEE-coated capillary supplied with this kit is designed for use with the BioFocus user assembled capillary cartridge. For information on capillary installation, refer to the instructions included with the BioFocus cartridge assembly kit, catalog number 148-3050, or BioFocus cartridge, catalog number 148-3052. For use with this kit, the capillary cartridge should be assembled with 24 cm (total length) of capillary installed. 2.2 Using the CE Oligonucleotide Size Standards The CE Oligonucleotide Size Standard is a lyophilized mixture of 13 synthetic single-stranded mixed-sequence oligonucleotides ranging in length from 8 to 32 bases (see Figure 1). When reconstituted with 100 µl of water, the mixture contains approximately 14 µg/ml of each sequence in TBE buffer (25 mM Tris, 25 mM borate, 2 mM EDTA) and a total optical density of 5 A260 units/ml. This standard is used to check the oper2 4100071B 8/31/98 10:05 AM Page 3 ation of the BioFocus instrument and to confirm performance of the run buffer and coated capillary. Under the conditions described below, the standard will exhibit 13 major peaks with detector response of > 5 mAU at 260 nm (see Figure 2). It can be used directly by pipetting 50 µl of the solution into a 500 µl sample vial. To avoid loss of solution which may be trapped on the top of the vial, centrifuge the standards for 10 seconds in a microcentrifuge prior to opening. The reconstituted standards should be stored at 4 °C. 8 mer 10 mer 12 mer 14 mer 16 mer 18 mer 20 mer 22 mer 24 mer 26 mer 28 mer 30 mer 32 mer GACTGACT GACTGACTGT GACTGACTGACT GACTGACTGACTGT GACTGACTGACTGACT GACTGACTGACTGACTGT GACTGACTGACTGACTGACT GACTGACTGACTGACTGACTGT GACTGACTGACTGACTGACTGACT GACTGACTGACTGACTGACTGACTGT GACTGACTGACTGACTGACTGACTGACT GACTGACTGACTGACTGACTGACTGACTGT GACTGACTGACTGACTGACTGACTGACTGACT Fig. 1. Sequences of the synthetic oligonucleotides in the CE Oligonucleotide Size Standard. 3 14 mer 0.016 12 mer 0.01 0.008 10 mer 0.012 8 mer Absorbance at 260 nm 0.014 16 mer 18 mer 20 mer 22 mer 24 mer 26 mer 28 mer 30 mer 32 mer 4100071B 8/31/98 10:05 AM Page 4 0.006 0.004 0.002 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Fig. 2. Electropherogram of the CE Oligonucleotide Size Standards. 2.3 Sample Preparation The presence of salt in the sample can reduce the injection efficiency in electrophoretic injection, resulting in decreased sensitivity. If the salt concentration of the sample is known to be greater than 50 mM, or if peak response is much smaller than expected, the sample may have to be desalted by dialysis or ultrafiltration. 4 4100071B 8/31/98 10:05 AM Page 5 2.4 Buffer Preparation The CE Oligonucleotide Run Buffer should be brought up to room temperature before use. All run buffer vials should be filled to capacity to insure proper contact with the capillary and electrode. Degassing by centrifugation is highly recommended. After pipetting buffer into vials, centrifuge the vials for at least 3 minutes in a microcentrifuge immediately before inserting them into the BioFocus carousels. Section 3 Analysis Conditions on the BioFocus System The cartridge data and instrument configuration are shown in Table 1, the oligonucleotide analysis method in Table 2, and the shutdown method in Table 3; these should be entered into the BioFocus database. For systems with carousel temperature control select either "Not Set" or set the temperature to 20 °C. 3.1 Configuration The configuration specified in Table 1 includes sufficient reagents to do up to 30 analyses and a clean up of the capillary at the end of the automation sequence. The reagents must be assigned to carousel positions with vial holders that can accommodate the vial size recommended in Table 1. 5 4100071B 8/31/98 10:05 AM Page 6 Table 1. Configuration for Oligonucleotide Analysis ID: OLIGO Description: Oligonucleotide Analysis INLET CAROUSEL POSITIONS Pos Type ID/Description 1 R OLIGO_PREP 2 R OLIGO_DIP1 3 R OLIGO_DIP2 4 R OLIGO_RUN 5 R WATER 6 R NITROGEN 7 S Oligonucleotide Standard OUTLET CAROUSEL POSITIONS Pos Type ID/Description 1 W Waste 2 R OLIGO_RUN 3 R WATER CARTRIDGE DATA Catalog Number: UAC Length: 24 cm Diameter: 75 mm Use Count: 0 Active 6 Contents Run buffer Water Water Run buffer Water Empty Vial Size 500 µl 500 µl 500 µl 500 µl 500 µl Empty 500 µl Contents Waste Run buffer Water Vial Size 500 µl 500 µl 500 µl Serial Number: OLIGO Coated 4100071B 8/31/98 10:05 AM Page 7 3.2 Oligonucleotide Analysis Method Preparation Cycles—The 120 second, high pressure preparation cycle (Prep 1) fills the capillary with fresh run buffer at the beginning of each analysis. The two 0 second cycles (Prep 2 and 3) dip the capillary and electrode into vials containing deionized water to rinse their surfaces to prevent buffer carry-over into the sample vial. Sample Injection—The best resolution and sensitivity are obtained using electrophoretic injection. However, in cases where the sample contains excessive amounts of salt, pressure injection may provide better results. Because of the high viscosity of the run buffer, a pressure injection value of 100 psi* sec or more should be used; this injects a volume of approximately 15 nl. Caution: Operating the capillary above 12 kV may shorten the capillary lifetime. 3.3 Analysis of Multiple Samples For analysis of multiple samples, a fresh set of run buffer vials should be used every 10–20 injections. 7 4100071B 8/31/98 10:05 AM Page 8 Table 2. Oligonucleotide Analysis Method ID: OLIGO Description: oligonucleotide method Prep 1: Pre-Inject from [OLIGO_PREP ] to [Waste ] 120 sec Prep 2: Pre-Inject from [OLIGO_DIP1 ] to [Waste ] 0 sec Prep 1: Pre-Inject from [OLIGO_DIP2 ] to [Waste ] 0 sec Polarity: Electrophoretic Injection: Inject Voltage: Current Limit: Run Voltage: Current Limit: Inlet buffer: Outlet buffer: Cartridge Temperature: Run Time: Detector: Negative - >Positive 4 seconds 10.00 kV 50.00 mA 12.00 kV 50.00 mA [OLIGO_RUN [OLIGO_RUN ] ] 40 degrees Celsius 14.00 min Single wavelength 260 nm Channel: 1 Range: 0.0200 Rise Time (sec): 1.0 Lamp(s) remain on at the end of the run group Section 4 System Shutdown Method When not in use, do not leave the capillary filled with the CE Oligonucleotide Run Buffer. Drying of the buffer at the ends of the 8 4100071B 8/31/98 10:05 AM Page 9 capillary may cause the capillary to become plugged. After use, flush the capillary thoroughly with water and then purge with nitrogen. This may be programmed to run automatically at the end of an automation sequence using the method parameters shown in Table 3. The Shutdown Method included in the BioFocus software can be used as a template to quickly program the Oligonucleotide Shutdown Method. Table 3. Oligonucleotide Shutdown Method ID: END Description: terminates autosequence Prep 1: Pre-Inject from [WATER Prep 2: Pre-Inject from [NITROGEN ] to [Waste ] to [Waste ] ] 180 sec 300 sec No Injection Polarity: Run Voltage: Current Limit: Inlet buffer: Outlet buffer: Cartridge Temperature: Run Time: Detector: Negative -> Positive 0.00 kV 0.30 mA [WATER ] [WATER ] 20 degrees Celsius 1.00 min Single wavelength 200 nm Channel: 1 Range: 0.0200 Rise Time (sec): 1.0 Lamp(s) turned off at the end of the run group 9 4100071B 8/31/98 10:05 AM Page 10 Section 5 Regenerating a Plugged Capillary If the capillary becomes plugged (as evidenced by zero current, or failure of the liquid to appear at the capillary outlet during manual purging), there are two ways to unplug the capillary. 1. On-line method—Leave the capillary cartridge installed in the BioFocus system. Place vials containing 100 µl deionized water in the inlet and outlet carousel. Select Pressure Diagnostics from the toolbar. In the Pressure Diagnostics window, select High Pressure Mode, select the carousel positions containing the water vials, enter 180 seconds for the Maximum Limit for Testing, then press Start. After the 3 minute purge period, exit from Pressure Diagnostics and visually check the liquid level in the inlet water vial. If the vial is empty, the capillary has been unplugged. 2. Off-line method—Remove the capillary cartridge from the instrument and immerse the capillary ends in hot (70 °C, not boiling) deionized water for 10–15 minutes and check by manually purging with water. Alternatively, immerse the capillary ends in a sonic bath filled with deionized water and sonicate for about 5–10 minutes before purging with water. 10 4100071B 8/31/98 10:05 AM Page 11 Section 6 Product Information Catalog Number 148-4140 Product Description CE Oligonucleotide Analysis Kit 148-5026 CE Oligonucleotide Run Buffer 148-2014 CE Oligonucleotide Size Standard 148-3080 BioCAP Oligonucleotide Analysis Capillary, 2 148-3052 BioFocus User Assembled Cartridge 11 4100071B 8/31/98 10:05 AM Page CVR2 Bio-Rad Laboratories Life Science Group U.S. (800) 4BIORAD California (510) 741-1000 Australia 02-9914-2800 Austria (1) 877 89 01 Belgium 09-385 55 11 Canada (905) 712-2771 China (01)2046622 Denmark 39 17 9947 Finland 90 804 2200 France (1) 49 60 68 34 Germany 089 31884-0 India 91-11-461-0103 Italy 02-21609 1 Japan 03-5811-6270 Hong Kong 7893300 The Netherlands 0318-540666 New Zealand 09-443 3099 Singapore (65) 272-9877 Spain (91) 661 70 85 Sweden 46 (0) 735 83 00 Switzerland 01-809 55 55 United Kingdom 0800 181134 SIG 020996 Printed in USA 4100071 Rev B
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