“ZGODOVINSKOST LITERARNE NARACIJE: PRIMER EVROPSKEGA ZGODOVINSKEGA ROMANA” “THE HISTORICITY OF LITERARY NARRATION: THE CASE OF THE EUROPEAN HISTORICAL NOVEL” Mednarodna konferenca / International Conference (program in povzetki referatov / programme and paper abstracts) Slovensko društvo za primerjalno književnost Slovenian Comparative Literature Association, Oddelek za primerjalno književnost in literarno teorijo, Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Inštitut za slovensko literaturo in literarne vede, ZRC SAZU Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Studies, SRC SASA Ljubljana, 27-28 November 2014 Prešernova dvorana ZRC SAZU (Novi trg 4) Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Prešeren’s Hall (Novi trg 4) UVOD / INTRODUCTION Vanesa Matajc Univerza v Ljubljani / University of Ljubljana Pripoved, romanopisje, preteklost in zgodovina Po M. Bahtinovi teoriji romana literarno vrsto roman še posebej opredeljuje nanašanje na vsakokratno (nedovršeno) sodobnost oziroma na njena raznolika dojemanja resničnosti. Zato je roman še posebej dovzeten za vsebinske in strukturne spremembe znotraj samega žanra. Te vključujejo tudi spremembe v dojemanju preteklosti oziroma različne koncepte zgodovine. Roman jih predstavlja oziroma (so)ustvarja v medbesedilnem razmerju do neliterarnih diskurzov, ki krožijo v njegovi vsakokratni kulturi. Katere so pravzaprav te spremembe v sodobnem romanu, ki tematizira preteklost in različne koncepte zgodovine v različnih podžanrih (od tradicionalnega in modernističnega zgodovinskega romana, historiografske metafikcije v postmodernem zgodovinskem romanu, romana, ki se nanaša na pričevanjsko literaturo, preko biografskega, avtobiografskega romana, heterobiografije, dokumentarnega romana itn.)? Sodobno mišljenje preteklosti opredeljuje pretežno poststrukturalistična paradigma. Del postmodernega mišljenja in romana je (posebej v zahodni literarni kulturi) izrazil radikalen dvom o možnosti dostopa do pretekle resničnosti in / ali predstavljal konec velikih zgodb zgodovine (npr. v romanih, ki jih oblikuje historiografska metafikcija). Ob tem je treba upoštevati mednarodne zgodovinske okoliščine v obdobju po II. svetovni vojni in nato po padcu berlinskega zidu, ki so na različne načine izpostavile prav problem preteklosti in zgodovinopisja v različnih kulturnih skupnostih. Mednarodni procesi politične emancipacije ali vsaj okrepljenih identitetnih konstrukcij različnih nacionalnih in etničnih skupnosti ob izteku modernosti so poudarjali pomen zgodovinskih preteklosti teh skupnosti, kar je bolj ali manj intenzivno soustvarjal tudi žanr romana (npr. zgodovinskega romana ali romana, ki se v prevladi drugih žanrov nanaša na preteklost neke skupnosti). To zanimanje romana za predstavljanje preteklosti se zdi razvidno na primer v okviru evropskih literarnih kultur (slovenske, hrvaške, bosanske … , češke, slovaške … estonske, latvijske … katalonske, baskovske itn.) in / oziroma v postkolonialnih literarnih kulturah (v prostorih Afrike, Bližnjega vzhoda, Indije, Latinske Amerike, deloma Kanade in ZDA, deloma v prostorih, ki jih manj ali bolj opredeljuje postsovjetska situacija itn.). Ob pomnoženih ideoloških interpretacijah preteklosti sta roman in znanstveno zgodovinopisje v medsebojnih nanašanjih soustvarjala nove koncepte zgodovine oziroma metode za predstavljanje preteklosti. Za tiste podžanre sodobnega romana, ki se nanašajo na preteklost, se zdijo ključne zlasti tiste sodobne zgodovinopisne usmeritve, ki izpostavljajo na primer »male zgodbe« posameznikov, osebno (pričevanjsko) doživljanje preteklosti, preteklost vsakdanjega življenja, zamolčane zgodovine posameznih skupnosti (ustna zgodovina, mikrozgodovina, zgodovina vsakdana, postkolonialno zgodovinopisje). S temi medbesedilnimi razmerji med sodobnim romanom in sodobnim znanstvenim zgodovinopisjem se preteklost pomnožuje v različne koncepte zgodovine in pojavlja kot polifonija interpretacij. Glede na Bahtinovo domnevo, da literarno vrsto roman opredeljuje prav polifonija njegovih »jezikov« (ki se nanašajo na njegovo sodobnost), lahko sodobni roman načeloma učinkovito soustvarja te sodobne, pomnožene koncepte zgodovine in se prenavlja z vsebinsko-strukturnimi inovacijami, ki zajemajo zgodbo (vprašanje, katero vrsto zgodovinske zgodbe), diskurz in raznolika medbesedilna razmerja, pripovedovalca, literarne karakterje, načine, kako se predstavljajo (v čigavi perspektivi in / ali s čigavim glasom oziroma glasovi) itn. To je razberljivo v sodobnih zgodovinskih romanih in v romanih drugih žanrskih dominant, ki se očitno navezujejo na snov preteklosti. Cilj mednarodne konference je analizirati vsebinsko-strukturne spremembe v modernih in sodobnih romanih, ki se nanašajo na preteklost, ter jih primerjalno soočiti z vidika različnih literarnih kultur, v katerih nastajajo. S primerjavo podobnosti in razlik lahko ta raziskava oblikuje preglednejšo podobo sodobnega zgodovinskega romana in tudi posebnosti, ki jih ustvarjajo različni (tudi novejši) podžanri sodobnega romana s snovjo preteklosti. Narrative and Novel Writing, History and the Past In respect of M. Bakhtin's theory of the novel, the novel as a literary genre seems to be characterized especially by referring to its contemporary conditions that are susceptible to constant change and openness to the future. Therefore, the novel reveals its extreme flexibility in forming thematicstructural changes and renewals of the literary genre. These changes also include changes in considering the past, i.e. creating or accommodating different concepts of history. The novel represents / creates them in the intertextual relations to the non-literary discourses that circulate in the culture in which it appears. What actually are these changes that can be perceived in the contemporary novel when it (re-)presents the past and different concepts of history in its different sub-genres, such as the traditional and modernist historical novel, the post-modern historical novel that appears as historiographical metafiction, the novel that refers to the literature of testimony, the biographical, autobiographical and heterobiographical novel, the documentary novel, etc.? Contemporary thinking about the past is predominantly characterized by the post-structuralist paradigm. One direction of this post-modern thought and the novel (especially in the western literary cultures) articulates the radical doubt concerning the possibility of accessing past reality and / or intensively represents the end of the great narrations of histories (for example, in novels that are structured as historiographical metafiction). However, international historical conditions in the period after World War II and after the perestroika need to be taken into account too. These historical conditions have pointed out the very problems with the past and the historiography of this past in different cultural communities. International processes of (historical-political) emancipations or at least the processes of strenghtening the identity constructions of different national, ethnic or social communities at the end of modernity pointed out the meaning of their historical past. This strengthened sense for history was more or less intensively co-created by the novel, either by the genre of the historical novel or the novel which under the predominance of another sub-genre refers to one community's past. This interest of the novel for re-presentations of history can be perceived, for example, in the frameworks of European (national-)literary cultures, such as Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian … Czech, Slovak … Estonian, Latvian … Catalan, Basque, etc., as well as in the post-colonial literary cultures on the territories of Africa, Latin America, Canada and the U.S.A., India, and in cultural spaces that are more or less characterized by the post-soviet historical situation, etc. Together with ideologically multiplied interpretations of the past, the novel and scientific historiography in their mutual referring to each other have co-created new concepts of history, i.e. the methods of representing the past. For those sub-genres of the contemporary novels that refer to the past seem to be of crucial meaning especially those contemporary historiographical directions that point out ,for example, the »small stories« of the individuums , a personal (testimonial) experiencing of the past, the past of different everyday lives or life-stories, the suppressed histories of different social communities or cultural minorities, such as oral history, micro-history, history of everyday life, post-colonial historiography, etc. In these intertextual relations between the contemporary novel and contemporary historiography, the past multiplies itself in different concepts of history and appears as a polyphony of interpretations. In respect of Bakhtin's presupposition that the novel as a literary genre is characterized by the polyphony of its »languages« (referring to its contemporaneity), the contemporary novel can effectively co-create these multiplied concepts of history, re-newing itself by thematical-structural innovations that include cathegories such as story (different kinds of historical story), discourse and different intertextual relations, narrator, literary characters and the ways in which they represent themselves (in whose perspective and / or by whose voice(s)?), etc. This can be perceived in contemporary historical novels and in novels that under the predominance of another sub-genre clearly refer to the past. The aims of the international conference are to analyze the thematical-structural changes in modern and contemporary novels that refer to the past and comparatively confront them in respect of the literary cultures in which they appear. In comparing their similarities and differences, this research can lead to a clearer image of the contemporary historical novel, as well as of the specialities represented by different (and also newer) sub-genres of the novel that refer to the past. POVZETKI REFERATOV / PAPER ABSTRACTS Vladimir Biti Univerza na Dunaju / University of Vienna Zgodovina proti Spominu: domovina-v-premikih v izseljenskem pisanju Saše Stanišića in Ismeta Prcića Izseljenci se zde obsojeni na podvojeni nikjer. Domovina, ki so jo za vselej zapustili, obstaja le v negotovih spominih, dežela, v kateri so se naselili, pa postaja vse prej kot domača. V tako posebni resničnosti navadno domišljija izrinja zavest. Nekdanja in sedanja domovina, podvrženi vsiljeni fikcionalizaciji, se začneta vznemirjajoče prekrivati, kar zabrisuje meje njunih identitet. Ob tako obojestranski prostorski zmedi njuna spremešanost ustvari posebno konstelacijo après coup in déjà vu vtisov, ki se pomnožujejo tudi v časovno izruvano domovino-v-premikih. V svojem prispevku bom skušal predstaviti različne konfiguracije le-te v izseljenskem pisanju Saše Stanišića in Ismeta Prcića, dveh nekdanjih Bosancev, ki zdaj pišeta v nemščini oz. ameriški angleščini. Ker njuna izgnanska zavest ne more dospeti do nobene stalne destinacije ustaliti Ker njuna izseljenska zavest ne more dospeti do nikakršne čvrste ustalitve ne v jezikovnem ne v kulturnem smislu, kakor utemeljujem, je primorana v trajno tavanje, ki v končni fazi preobraža literaturo v begavoturo [literature ̶ loiterature], zaznamovano s ponavljajočim se in prekinjanim meandriranjem. History vs. Memory: The Homeland-on-the-Move in the Exile Writing of Saša Stanišić and Ismet Prcić Exiles appear to be sentenced to a double nowhere. Their irrevocably abandoned homeland exists only in uncertain memories, whereas the newly inhabited land comes to be all but familiar. In the presence of such an extraordinary reality imagination usually replaces consciousness. Subjected to enforced fictionalization, the past and the present homeland enter the process of a disquieting overlapping which blurs their identity boundaries. Next to such mutual spatial dislocation, their intermingling creates a peculiar constellation of après coup and déjà vu impressions, spawning also a temporally uprooted homeland-on-the-move. In my contribution I will try to reconstruct the latter’s various configurations in the exile writing of Saša Stanišić and Ismet Prcić, two former Bosnians now writing in German resp. American English. Inasmuch as their exilic consciousness cannot reach any firm destination neither in linguistic or cultural sense, my argument goes, it is forced to permanent wandering which, in the final analysis, transforms literature into a loiterature characterized by a repetitive and discontinuous meandering. John K. Cox Državna univerza v Severni Dakoti (ZDA), Fulbrightov štipendist na Univerzi v Szegedu / North Dakota State University (USA), Fulbright fellow at the University of Szeged Zgodovina kot književnost in književnost kot zgodovina: razmišljanje o zgodovinskosti pisanja Erzsébet Galgóczi, Danila Kiša in Ismaila Kadareja Dela nekaterih avtorjev iz komunističnih režimov je koristno preučevati z vidika zgodovinskosti, torej kot zgodovinska dela in dela, ki so pisala zgodovino. Kadare, Kiš in Galgóczi so si podobni po tem, da so v svojih delih v ospredje postavljali pomembna politična in zgodovinska vprašanja, pojave »iz resničnega sveta«, s katerimi so se srečevali v svojem življenju; poleg tega so bili njihovi literarni prispevki na nacionalni ravni (in širše, še posebno v primeru Kiša) epohalni zaradi inovacij ali drugih posebnosti. Primerjava podobnosti in razlik v tematskih in formalnih značilnostih del teh piscev iz zelo različnih okolij Albanije, Jugoslavije in Madžarske nam ponuja raznolike uvide v duhovno in družbeno zgodovino (materialna kultura). Od otomanske okupacije in običajnega prava, prek holokavsta in izginulega srednjeevropskega družbenega sloja, do kmetijskih reorganizacij in trdovratne bede podeželja v eni od ljudskih demokracij se zdi, da bi bila dela teh treh odličnih prozaistov lahko veliko bolj enotna, kot je videti na prvi pogled. History as Literature and Literature as History: Thoughts on the Historicity of the Writings of Erzsébet Galgóczi, Danilo Kiš, and Ismail Kadare The work of certain authors in communist regimes can be usefully examined from the point of view of historicity, that is, as both historical and history-making. Kadare, Kiš, and Galgóczi are all similar in foregrounding in their works important political and historical issues, “real-life” phenomena that they encountered in their own lives; in addition, their literary contributions, viewed at the national level, (and beyond, especially in the case of Kiš) were epochal in innovation or other types of importance. By comparing and contrasting the thematic and formal preoccupations of these writers from the very different countries of Albania, Yugoslavia, and Hungary, we can gain quite varied insights into both intellectual history and social history (material culture). From Ottoman occupation and customary law, through the Shoah and a vanished stratum of Central European life, to the agricultural reorganizations and stubborn rural misery of one of the people's democracies, the work of these three great prose writers is arguably much more of a unity than might first appear. Jeanne E. Glesener Univerza v Luksemburgu / University of Luxemburg Revizije nacionalne preteklosti v luksemburškem romanu po letu 1980 Osemdeseta leta 20.stoletja predstavljajo pomenljivo zarezo v luksemburški trijezični književnosti v francoščini, nemščini in luksemburščini: nastop mlajše generacije piscev, ki si prizadeva prekiniti s povojno estetiko predhodne generacije, sprosti ustvarjalno energijo brez primere v vseh žanrih, zlasti v romanu. Dobesedno gre za čas novih začetkov, ki jih opredeljuje poudarek na novih tematikah in snoveh, raziskovanje postmodernih pripovednih form in, nenazadnje, vzpon romana v luksemburškem jeziku. Da slednji obravnava preteklost dežele v maternem jeziku, je bilo neizbežno, vsekakor pa se ni pričakovalo, da to počne tako zelo nekritično. Zgodovinski diskurz v književnosti tega časa se je še vedno spopadal z izkušnjo okupacije v tretjem rajhu in roman, večidel pisan v nemščini, je obtičal v prevladujočem mitizirajočem diskurzu preživetja, ki so ga podpirale konzervativne politične oblasti. Obenem je zabrisoval druge zgodovine, najočitneje zgodovino priseljenskih skupnosti, ki v Luksemburgu obstajajo vse od vzpostavitve jeklarske industrije konec 19. stoletja. Ta zgodovina je, skupaj z zgodovino Luksemburga v obdobju druge svetovne vojne, terjala, da se jo napiše. V svojem referatu se nameravam posvetiti povezavi med revizijskimi zgodovinskimi diskurzi in tematsko-strukturno inovacijo v romanih schacko klak (1988) Rogerja Manderscheida in La mémoire de la baleine (1993) Jeana Portantea. Medtem ko prvi, pisan v luksemburščini, prinaša subtilno ponovno preučitev konfliktne zgodovine Luksemburga in Nemčije v 20. stoletju, drugi beleži zgodovino italijanskih priseljencev od konca 19. stoletja, ki jo je nacionalna zgodovina doslej zapostavljala. Kljub različnim vsebinam, sta si romana blizu na mnogih ravneh. V osnovi sta oba prevprašujoča, z ozirom na takšno reprezentacijo preteklosti, ki vodi v širše koncepte nacionalne zgodovine, segajoče onstran povsem nacionalistične agende. Na pripovedni ravni oba romana druži dvojno-pripovedna struktura otroškega pripovedovalca in pisateljske figure, ki oba izvajata pripovedovanje zgodbe/zgodovine. Ta struktura neizogibno vodi v opuščanje linearne pripovedi, značilne za roman predhodne generacije, in v izgradnjo kompleksnega fragmentarnega pripovednega ogrodja. Vprašanje, na katerega se osredinjam, je, kako se v revizijskih zgodovinskih diskurzih, ne glede na kontekst in vsebino, struktura in oblika odražata v individualni subjektni poziciji in identitetnih konstruktih. Revisiting the nation’s past in the Luxembourgish novel from the 1980s onwards The 1980s constitute a significant caesura in Luxembourg’s trilingual literature in French, German and Luxembourgish: enter a young generation of writers whose endeavour to break with the postwar aesthetics of the previous generation leads to an unprecedented creative energy in all the genres, especially the novel. It is quite literally a time of new beginnings marked by the emphasis on new topics and themes, the exploration of postmodern narrative forms and last but not least the rise of the novel in the Luxembourgish language. That the latter should explore the country’s past in the mother tongue was inevitable; that it should do so in an eminently critical vain certainly was less expected. Historical discourse in literature at the time was still trying to come to grips with the experience of occupation by the Third Reich and the novel, mainly written in German, had got stuck in a dominant mythologizing discourse of survival supported by conservative political positions. It also blended out other histories and most notably that of the migrant communities whose existence in Luxembourg dates back to the establishment of the steel industry at the end of the 19th century. That history along with a revised history of Luxembourg during World War II clamoured to be written. In my presentation, I wish to examine the link between revisionary historical discourses and thematic‐structural innovation in the novels schacko klak (1988) by Roger Manderscheid and La mémoire de la baleine (1993) by Jean Portante. Whereas the first, written in Luxembourgish, offers a subtle re-examination of Luxembourg’s conflicted history with Germany in the 20th century, the second records the history of Italian immigration since the end of the 19th century, which had hitherto been neglected by national historiography. Despite their diverging subject matter these novels converge on many levels. Both feature underlying interrogations as to the representation of the past which result in expanded concepts of national history that reach beyond a purely nationalistic agenda. On the narrative level, both novels share a dual‐narrative structure, carried by a child narrator and a writer figure who are both in charge of (hi)story telling. This structure necessary leads to an abandonment of a linear time narrative, characteristic of the novel by the previous generation, and the construction of a complex fragmentary narrative framework. The question I shall be concentrating on is how, apart from context and content, structure and form reflect on individual subject’s position and identity constructs in revisionary historical discourses in literature. Andraž Jež Inštitut za slovensko literaturo in literarne vede ZRC SAZU / Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Studies, SRC SASA Nacionalna zgodovina ̶ orožje imperializma ali odpora zoper imperializem? Polifonija glasov v Joyceovih »Kiklopih« Članek se osredinja na dileme, ki jih odpira poglavje Joyceovega Uliksa Kiklop. V precep vzame zlasti stališča do irskega nacionalnega preporoda in strategij konsenzualno nujnega odpora do britanskega imperializma v začetku 20. stoletja. Ta se skozi prizmo polifonije glasov, ki na vseh ravneh interpolira v osnovno problematiko poglavja (tj. Bloomov besedni dvoboj z gorečimi irskimi nacionalisti), kažejo kot kompleksen sklop nastavkov, ki jih članek dalje razvija z joyceoslovjem, postkolonialnimi študijami, predvsem pa z revizijo slednjih pri Slavoju Žižku, ki tudi teoretično utemelji dialektično in na prvi pogled protislovno pozicijo Joyceovega pripovedovalca. National History – A Weapon of Imperialism or of the Resistance Against It? Polyphony of Voices in James Joyce’s “Cyclops” The article deals with dilemmas, triggered by »Cyclops« chapter in James Joyce's Ulysses. It especially stresses different positions on the Irish national revival as well as on the strategies of consensually necessary resistance to the British imperialism at the beginning of the 20th century. Through the polyphony of voices that interpolates the basic problematic of the chapter (i.e. Bloom's verbal duel with ardent Irish nationalists) on all levels these positions appear as a complex set of possible starting points that are developed later on in the article with the help of joyceology, postcolonial studies and especially Slavoj Žižek's revision of the latter. Žižek unwillingly theoretically explains the dialectical and seemingly controversial position of Joyce's narrator. Benedikts Kalnacs Inštitut za književnost, folkloro in umetnost, Univerza v Latviji / Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art, University of Latvia Velike postkomunistične pripovedi? Postkolonialni pogled na latvijsko zgodovinsko fikcijo Referat se osredinja na tekstni in kontekstni vidik latvijskega zgodovinskega romana. S tekstnega vidika se posveča (1) spremembam v pripovednem oblikovanju najsodobnejših besedil v primerjavi s prejšnjimi pristopi. Opaziti je mogoče, kako postopoma stabilen pripovedni tok zgodovinskih romanov bolj in bolj nadomešča fragmentarizacija in kako se pripovedovalčeva perspektiva oži; (2) izbira vsebin odraža spremembe v pripovedi. Sodobna pripovedna proza se bolj kot na velike zgodovinske figure in dogodke osredinja na podobe vsakdana, zgodovinske situacije pa so predstavljene z vidika navadnih ljudi v vsakdanjih okoliščinah. Drugo perspektivo odpirajo vidiki konteksta, ki opredeljujejo razvoj latvijske pripovedne proze. V tem oziru se bom posvetil (1) položaju zgodovinskega romana v žanrski hierarhiji latvijske pripovedne proze. Utemeljujem, da je bil v zgodovini latvijske književnosti zgodovinski roman dokaj marginalen pojav, naloga oblikovanja nacionalne identitete pa je pripadla drugim, pretežno krajšim zvrstem pripovedne proze, sorazmerno s primerjalno poznim vzponom latvijske fikcije; (2) v okviru te utemeljitve je pomembna predstavitev širših, zlasti regionalnih in vzhodno-srednjeevropskih kontekstov. V ta proces bom vključil tudi koncepte postkolonialne teorije. Za moje utemeljitve bo posebej pomembna misel, da so tako imenovane velike zgodovinske pripovedi še vedno bistvenega pomena za tiste kulture, ki si prizadevajo, da bi po izkustvu kolonialne travme odkrile svoje potlačene glasove, četudi ob nastopu postmodernizma morda izgubljajo svojo moč. Great Post-communist Narratives? A Postcolonial Perspective on Latvian Historical Fiction The paper focuses on both textual and contextual aspects of Latvian historical novel. From the textual point of view, the attention is paid to (1) the changes in the formation of narrative in most recent texts compared to earlier approaches. It can be observed how gradually the stable narrative flow of historical novels is more and more substituted by fragmentation and the perspective of the narrator narrows; (2) the choice of plots mirrors changes in the narrative. Contemporary fiction focuses more on the depiction of the everyday instead of great historical figures and events, and historical situations are represented as seen through the perspective of ordinary people in everyday circumstances. Another perspective is provided by contextual aspects which determine the development of Latvian fiction. In this respect I will concentrate (1) on the position of the historical novel in the genre hierarchy of Latvian fiction. I argue that the historical novel has been a rather marginal phenomenon in the history of Latvian literature, and the task of the identity formation of the nation has been also ascribed to other, predominantly shorter fictional forms thus to a degree reacting to the comparatively late rise of Latvian fiction; (2) within this line of argument, it is substantial to introduce broader, especially regional and East-Central European contexts. I will also involve concepts of postcolonial criticism in this process. Especially important for my argument will be the idea that, even if the so-called great historical narratives might be losing their strength with the advent of postmodernism, their presence is still crucial in those cultures that are trying to recover their suppressed voices after having experienced the trauma of colonialism. Seta Knop Univerza v Ljubljani/ University of Ljubljana Med zgodovinskim in biografskim: porevolucionarna Rusija v dokumentarnem primežu Danila Kiša, Jurija Trifonova in Lada Kralja Prispevek se osredotoča na različne pripovedne tehnike, ki so jih v svojem pristopu k zgodovinski tematiki (v vseh treh primerih gre za Rusijo v dvajsetih in tridesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja) uporabljali Danilo Kiš v zbirki pripovedi Grobnica za Borisa Davidoviča (1976), Jurij Trifonov v leto pozneje objavljenem Starcu in Lado Kralj v letos izdanem romanu Če delaš omleto. Za izhodišče jemlje Kiša, ki je v vseh svojih delih tematiziral prav način združevanja fikcije in resničnosti in se pri izmuzljivem odnosu med njima obilo zatekal k (psevdo)dokumentarnim postopkom, ki so s prepletom pravih in lažnih likov, imen, dogodkov in pričevanj mejo med njima, če jo je sploh mogoče potegniti, dokončno zabrisali. Na podlagi njegove avtopoetike, ki jo je najbolj razdelal v Uri anatomije, odgovoru na polemike ob izidu Grobnice, se prispevek loteva drugih dveh romanov, ki fikcijo podobno kot Kiš »podpirata« tudi z dokumentarnim gradivom, obenem pa ju v nasprotju z njim druži bolj izsledljiva biografskost, saj gre v obeh primerih za neke vrste roman s ključem. Razlike v tem, kako se tega lotevata (pri Trifonovu temelji pripoved na spominskih drobcih, ki neizogibno razkrijejo svojo rašomonsko plat, pri Kralju pa narativni potek razvojnega romana spodkopljejo elementi nadnaravnega in fantastičnega), vodijo do spraševanja o tem, ali sploh obstaja kaj takega, kot je objektivna resničnost, ali pa tisto »tako je bilo«, tako kot pri Kišu, kot takšno obstaja le v romanesknem delu in je zgodovinska resničnost (ali pa bi bilo bolje reči: zgodovinska pravičnost) dosežena šele z literarno mistifikacijo. Between History and Biography: Post-revolutionary Russia in the Documentary Grip of Danilo Kiš, Yury Trifonov and Lado Kralj The paper focuses on the different narrative techniques used to approach historical subject-matter (the Russia of the 1920s and 1930s) in the collection of stories A Tomb for Boris Davidovich by Danilo Kiš (1978), the novel The Old Man, written just a year later by Yury Trifonov, and the novel When Making an Omelette, written in 2014 by Lado Kralj. Its starting point is Danilo Kiš, who – in all of his works – thematises the seamless merging of fiction and truth. Emphasising the elusive relation between them, he makes abundant use of (pseudo)documentary sources which intertwine real and fictional characters, names, events and testimonies, thus ultimately blurring the line between these two spheres if there ever had been one. On the basis of his autopoetics as laid down in The Anatomy Lesson, his answer to the polemics following the publication of the Tomb, the paper proceeds to the other two novels, which also 'support' their fiction with documentary sources but share, in contrast to Kiš, a more traceable biographical element, since both represent a kind of roman a clef. The differences in their approach (Trifonov bases his narration on fragments of memory which inevitably reveal their Rashomonic aspects, Kralj undermines the narrative course of the Bildungsroman by supernatural and fantastic elements) arouse questions about the so called 'objective reality': can we ever detect how things 'really were'? Or do they exist as such – again, just as in Kiš – only in the literary work, so that the historical truth (or should we say: historical justice?) can only be achieved through literary mystification? Dejan Kos Univerza v Mariboru / University of Maribor Literarna naracija med zgodovinskostjo in nezgodovinskostjo Literarno naracijo zaznamuje arbitrarnost spremenljivih zgodovinskih okoliščin na več ravneh. Tok časa ne preoblikuje le produkcijskih estetik, temveč tudi recepcijske perspektive, mehanizme literarnega posredništva in epistemološka izhodišča literarnozgodovinskih refleksij. Niti temeljni kriteriji literarnosti (npr. pisnost, fikcionalnost fikcijskost ?, estetskost) pripovednim besedilom ne zagotavljajo identitete, ki bi presegala poljubnost njihovih zgodovinskih manifestacij. To pa ne pomeni nujno, da je literarna naracija izključno zgodovinski pojav. Funkcionalno je namreč vpeta v mehanizme družbene konstrukcije realnosti, ki so v svoji težnji po optimiziranju orientacijskih zmožnosti ahistorični. Sleherna konstrukcija sveta je spričo svoje semiotične narave prostor potencialno neskončnih simbolnih interpretacij. Ker prekomerna kompleksnost otežuje orientacijo, skušamo semiotično odprtost prekriti z mehanizmi kontekstualizacije. Vtis stabilnega in obvladljivega okolja vzdržujejo predvsem postopki ontologizacije, referencializacije in verifikacije simbolnih svetov. Vendar pa tudi prekomerno omejevanje kompleksnosti privede do orientacijskih težav. Z njim namreč izgubljamo fleksibilnost. Zato sleherna kultura razvija komunikacijske (oz. pripovedne) postopke, ki tudi v pogojih kontekstualizacije skrbijo za semiotično odprtost. Zdi se, da je prav »resemiotizacija« diskurza o dejanskem svetu nezgodovinsko jedro literarne naracije. Literary Narrative between Historicity and Ahistoricity Literary narrative is characterised by the arbitrariness of changing historical circumstances on several levels. The flow of time not only transforms the aesthetics of production, but also reception perspectives, the mechanisms of literary mediation and the epistemological bases of literaryhistorical reflections. Not even the fundamental criteria of literariness (e.g., written form, fictionality, aesthetics) can provide narrative texts with an identity that would reach beyond the arbitrariness of their historical manifestations. However, this does not necessarily mean that literary narrative is exclusively a historical phenomenon. That is to say it is functionally integrated in the mechanisms of the social construction of reality which are ahistorical in their tendency to optimize orientation abilities. On account of its semiotic nature, each construction of the world represents a space of potentially infinite symbolic interpretations. Because excessive complexity makes orientation more difficult we try to cover up the semiotic openness with mechanisms of contextualization. The impression of a stable and manageable environment is primarily maintained through the processes of ontologization, referentialization and verification of symbolic worlds. However, an excessive restriction of complexity leads to orientation problems as well; because of it flexibility is lost. Therefore, every culture develops communication (or narrative) processes which reveal semiotic openness even in conditions of contextualization. It thus seems that the “re-semiotization” of the discourse about the real world is the ahistorical core of literary narrative. Alenka Koron Inštitut za slovensko literaturo in literarne vede ZRC SAZU / Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Studies, SRC SASA Pisanje o holokavstu med zgodovino in fikcijo: Primer Littellovega romana Sojenice (Les Bienveillantes) Vse od izida (september 2006) so mednarodno uspešne Sojenice Jonathana Littella predmet kontroverz: pohvalne geste in mnenja, na primer da je avtor temeljito preučil historično gradivo in da gre za estetsko dovršen roman, se krešejo z izrazito odklonilnimi. Med slednjimi velja za posebej moteče, da je pisatelj za pisanje o holokavstu in nacistični Nemčiji izbral perspektivo nacističnega zločinca in ne žrtve. Po mnenju zagovornikov romana, pa nasprotno, prav ta provokativna odločitev predstavlja nov mejnik v izročilu pisanja o holokavstu. V prispevku se ukvarjam z vprašanjema, ali je Littellov protagonist Max Aue, množični morilec in literarno kultiviran izobraženec, dozdevni morilec matere in očima in incestuozni brat ter hkrati prvoosebni pripovedovalec, ki gradi pripoved na dvojnosti zgodovine in fikcije, sploh primeren medij obujanja spomina na holokavst in ali morda spodnaša konvencije zgodovinskega romana, na katerega se Sojenice sicer opirajo. Ob tem se dotaknem nekaterih širših ozadij vprašanj, ki presegajo območje literarne stroke in vključujejo etične, filozofske, kulturne in zgodovinske vidike. Writing on Holocaust between History and Fiction: the Case of Jonathan Littell's novel The Kindly Ones (Les Bienveillantes) Since it was published in September 2006, Jonathan Littell's internationally bestselling novel The Kindly Ones (Les Bienveillantes) has been subjected to controversies: affirmative gestures and opinions, as for example, that the author had thoroughly studied historical materials and that the novel is aesthetically distinguished, are in sharp contrast with the explicitly unfavourable ones. These are especially troubled by the fact that the writer has chosen the perspective of a Nazi criminal for writing on Holocaust and Nazi Germany, and not of a victim. On the other hand, the approving opinions see exactly this provocative decision as the new turning point in the tradition of the holocaust writing. In my paper, I address the question of whether Littell's protagonist Max Aue, a mass murderer and literary cultivated intellectual, supposed murderer of his mother and step-father and an incestuous brother, and at the same time also the first-person narrator, who forms the narration on the duality of history and fiction, can be a convenient medium for reminiscing about Holocaust; and whether he might subvert the conventions of the historical novel which The Kindly Ones are based on. I also discuss some broader backgrounds of the questions which transcend the field of literary studies and include ethical, cultural, and historical aspects. Madli Kütt Univerza v Tartuju / University of Tartu Živeti preteklost kot metafora: pisanje in ponovno pisanje preteklosti v Proustovem Znova najdenem času (Le Temps retrouvé) in njegovo prevajanje v estonščino Proustovo pisanje preteklosti je metaforično. Spozna, da lahko oživi ali ponovno živi pretekle trenutke, vendar le, ko se to zgodi od znotraj, nehote in metaforično. To pomeni, da podobe preteklosti vzrastejo iz njegovega spomina preko čutne analogije, vonja, zvoka, igre svetlobe in senc v trenutku sedanjosti, ki ga nekaj druži z drugim, preteklim trenutkom. V pisanju ta dva trenutka postaneta en sam, simultano obstajata združena v metaforo. To osebi ne daje le možnost, da ponovno doživlja preteklost, marveč tudi možnost, da uzre resnično vrednost teh trenutkov, ki v njihovi prvi pojavitvi ni bila zaznavna. To je, po Proustu, naloga pisatelja in umetnika – pisati preteklost tako, da nevidno postane vidno. Prevajalski proces podvaja izkušnjo pisanja. Razkriva relacijsko naravo metafor in včasih razkrije v razvidnost tudi tisto, kar v izvirnem pisanju ni tako očitno. V svojem referatu bom s treh vidikov obravnavala, kako estonski prevod preoblikuje Proustovo metaforično pisanje: dinamiko spominskih prostorov, vizualnost izkušanja preteklosti in vidik nehotnosti te izkušnje. Prevod lahko v tem primeru razumemo kot povečevalno steklo, ki razkriva pomen teh treh vidikov v Proustovem pisanju preteklosti, obenem pa deluje kot ustvarjanje novega fikcijskega sveta, ki teži k vzpostavljanju svojih lastnih pravil glede dinamike, vizualnosti in nadzora. Living the Past as a Metaphor: Writing and Re-Writing the Past in Marcel Proust’s The Time Regained (Le Temps retrouvé) and Its Translation into Estonian Marcel Proust’s writing of the past is metaphorical. He realises that he can revivify or relive the moments of the past, but only in if it happens from the inside, involuntarily, and metaphorically. This means that the images of the past arise from his memory due to a sensual analogue, a scent, a sound, a play of light and shadows in a present moment that has something in common with another moment in the past. In writing, these two moments become one, existing simultaneously, united into a metaphor. This not only gives a person a chance to relive the past, but also gives them a chance to see the real value of these moments which was unperceived when they first occurred. This is, according to Proust, the task of a writer and an artist – to write the past so that invisible becomes visible. The process of translation doubles the experience of writing. It brings forth the relational nature of the metaphors, and also, sometimes, makes visible the things that are not so obvious in the original writing. In my paper, I will be discussing three views on how the Estonian translation transforms Proust’s metaphorical writing: the dynamics of memory spaces, the visuality of experiencing the past, and the involuntary aspect of these experiences. The translation can be seen here as a sort of a magnifying glass which shows the importance of these three aspects in Proust’s writing of the past, but it also acts as a creation of a new fictional world that tends to bring its own rules regarding dynamics, visuality and control. Andrej Leben Univerza v Gradcu/ University of Graz Vojni narativi v koroški (slovenski) literaturi V preteklih štirih desetletjih so koroški (slovenski) avtorji obravnavali vojno tematiko z zelo različnih perspektiv, še zlasti v zvezi z drugo svetovno vojno. Prispevek uvodoma prinaša kratko preliminarno tipologijo teh pisav, s posebnim ozirom na biografijo avtorjev, strukturo pripovednega dogajanja, geografsko razsežnost literarnega prostora, pripovedno instanco, glavne like in medbesedilne vezi z aktualnimi medijskimi, zgodovinopisnimi in spominskimi diskurzi v prostoru, v katerem ta besedila nastajajo ali na katerega se nanašajo, pa tudi na jezik, v katerem so napisana. Posebnosti sodobnih koroških (slovenskih) pisav o drugi svetovni vojni bodo predstavljene na primeru romanov Boštjanov let Florjana Lipuša, Der Heimat treu (Domovini zvest) Ferdinanda Skuka, Graparji Antona Haderlapa, Immer noch Sturm (Še vedno vihar) Petra Handkeja in Engel des Vergessens (Angel pozabe) Maje Haderlap. War narratives in Carinthian (Slovene) literature In the past four decades Carinthian (Slovene) authors have treated the topic of war from very different points of view, especially in connection with the WW II. The paper begins with a brief preliminary typology of these writings with a special emphasis on the authors’ biographies, plots of the stories, the geographic dimension of the literary space, the narrator, the main characters, and the intertextual ties to current media, historiographical and memory discourses in the area where the texts are created or which they refer to, as well as to the language which they are written in. The features of contemporary Carinthian (Slovene) writings about the Second World War will be presented with novels Boštjanov let (Boštjan’s Flight) by Florjan Lipuš, Der Heimat treu (Faithful to the Homeland) by Ferdinand Skuk, Graparji (Raviners) by Anton Haderlap, Immer noch Sturm (Storm Still) by Peter Handke, and Engel des Vergessens (Angel of Oblivion) by Maja Haderlap. Vanesa Matajc Univerza v Ljubljani/ University of Ljubljana Medbesedilna razmerja med postmodernim znanstvenim zgodovinopisjem in literarno pripovedjo: sodobni slovenski koncepti revizije preteklosti The Intertextual Relations between the Post-modern Scientific Historiography and Literary Narration: Contemporary Slovene Concepts of Revisiting the Past Katja Mihurko – Poniž Univerza v Novi Gorici/ Univesrity of Nova Gorica Dialog z zgodovino kot pomemben dejavnik pri oblikovanju identitete v dveh slovenskih romanih V slovenski književnosti je veliko romanov, ki v ospredje postavljajo čas druge svetovne vojne in so v njih osrednje osebe moški liki. Šele v novem tisočletju se pojavita dva romana, v katerih sta v ospredju ženski lik in njen glas: Saga o kovčku (2003) Nedeljke Pirjevec in Da me je strah? (2012) Maruše Krese. V obeh besedilih vojna zaznamuje družinsko življenje obeh protagonistk. Dominika (Dominka) v Sagi o kovčku v vojni dozori iz otroka v dekle, ki tenkočutno opazuje osebe iz svojega intimnega sveta: očeta in mater, ki v vojni vihri spet najdeta pot drug do drugega, a se v nič manj krutem povojnem času povsem odtujita. Tudi Maruša Krese pripoveduje zgodbo svojih staršev, ki v določenem trenutku postane tudi njena. V obeh romanih je zgodovinska resničnost ozadje, na katerem se izgrajuje pripovedovalkina identiteta. Razcep med sistemom vrednot, ki se oblikuje v prelomnem vojnem času in se po zmagi vse bolj preobraža v svoje žalostno nasprotje, zaznamuje obe protagonistki. Tudi oni se znajdeta v konfliktu med humanističnimi ideali, v katere njuni najbližji še vedno verjamejo ter vsakdanjim, povojnim pragmatizmom, ki te ideale pervertira zaradi lastnih koristi. Prav zaradi intimnih, družinskih vrednot, ki se prekalijo v vojnem času, se spremenita v upornici, v odnosu do ozkosrčne družbe se izoblikuje njuna osebnost – jaz, ki ne pristaja na konvencije, zlaganost ali konformizem, s čimer avtorici ustvarita nove podobe ženskosti. A Dialogue with History as an Important Factor of the Shaping of Identity in Two Slovene Novels In Slovene literature, numerous novels give prominence to World War II and the main protagonists in those novels are male. It was not until the new millennium when two novels which put a woman and her voice in the foreground emerged: Saga o kovčku (The Suitcase Saga) (2003) by Nedeljka Pirjevec and Da me je strah? ( That I am Afraid?) (2012) by Maruša Krese. In both texts, the war leaves a mark on the family life of both protagonists. In Saga o kovčku (The Suitcase Saga), the main protagonist Dominika, sometimes called Dominka, matures from a child into a young girl who sensitively observes the people from her intimate life: her father and mother who in the maelstrom of war rekindle their love, but grow apart again in the equally cruel post-war time. Maruša Krese also narrates her parents’ story which in a certain moment becomes her own story. In both novels, the historical accuracy is the background against which the narrator’s identity is shaped. Both protagonists are affected by the split between the values formed in the crucial war time and what these values wistfully turn into after the victory. They find themselves in a conflict between humanistic ideals their families still believe in and the everyday post-war pragmatism which perverts these ideals for its own benefit. It is because of the vanishing intimate family values that they turn into rebels who do not acknowledge conventions, falsity or conformity. Their personalities are formed in relation to the narrow-minded society and in this way the authors create new images of womanhood. Marcello Potocco Univerza na Primorskem/ University of Primorska Spremembe historične narative v kanadski literaturi V slavnem “Sklepu” k prvi izdaji Literarne zgodovine Kanade (1967) Northrop Frye ponavlja opazko Victorja Hopwooda, da kanadska literatura – drugače kot evropske literature – ni osnovana v mitu, marveč kot svoje arhetipsko bistvo in kot proto-obliko narodne literature jemlje zlasti historično izročilo: poročila prvotnih raziskovalcev, trgovcev in pionirjev. Ta specifična okoliščina se zdi bistvena, ko obravnavamo odnos kanadske literature do historičnih snovi, saj se zdi, da kanadska literatura pogosto historizira mit, na drugi strani pa mitizira zgodovino. Historizacijo mita lahko najpogosteje zaznamo v šestdesetih letih 20. stoletja, v liriki avtorjev, ki so tematizirali nacionalno identiteto (John Newlove, Al Purdy, deloma Margaret Atwood). Za razliko od tega pa je mitizacija zgodovine še jasneje zaznavna v kanadski pripovedni književnosti, začenši z anahronističnimi poizkusi E. J. Pratta v štiridesetih in petdesetih letih 20. stoletja, da bi ustvaril uspešno historično epsko verzno narativo. Spričo pomanjkanja zgodovinskega romana pred šestdesetimi leti 20. stoletja, je Prattova obravnava zgodovine toliko bolj zanimiva in pomembna. Vendar je mitizacija zgodovine opazna tudi v kanadskem pripovedništvu v kasnejših generacijah, izmed katerega bom kratki obravnavi podvrgel dva med seboj različna, a dovolj zgovorna primera, ki obdelujeta tudi historično snov, čeprav ju ne bi mogli opredeliti kot zgodovinska romana. Changes of Historic Narrative in Canadian Literature In the famous “Conclusion” to the first edition of Literary History of Canada (1967), Northrop Frye reiterated Victor Hopwood's observation concerning the historical basis of Canadian literature. In contrast to European literatures, Canadian literature was in Hopwood's opinion not founded in myth, but in the historical narratives of the first explorers. I find this specific circumstance to be crucial with regards to the literary treatment of historical subjects, since Canadian literature tends to historicise myth as well as mythicise history. While the historisation of myth can often be seen in Canadian literature, e.g., in the lyric poetry of the 1960's that thematised national identity (John Newlove, Al Purdy, partly Margaret Atwood), the mythisation of history is even more clearly observable in Canadian narrative literature, starting with the anachronistic attempts of E. J. Pratt to write epic poetry in 1940's and 1950's. The lack of proper historical novel in Canadian literature prior to 1960's makes Pratt's treatment of history even more intriguing. The mythisation of history is also well observable in the Canadian fiction of later generations. I shall try to briefly demonstrate this feature using two very diverse examples of Canadian novel that essentially cannot be classified as historical novels but do take into account historical subjects. Tone Smolej Univerza v Ljubljani/ University of Ljubljana Roman med zgodovinskimi dokumenti in fikcijo o komunistični preteklosti: Zapisnik Vladimirja Kavčiča in To noč sem jo videl Draga Jančarja Referat se najprej posveča obravnavi romana Zapisnik (1973) Vladimirja Kavčiča, ki je sestavljen kot zbirka šestindvajsetih pričevanj partizanskega komisarja Brodnika. Opis viharnega političnega odziva na natis romana temelji na arhivskih virih. Naslednje delo, ki ga obravnava razprava, je roman Draga Jančarja To noč sem jo videl (2010), ki preko petih pripovedovalcev obnavlja zgodbo graščaka, ki je bil likvidiran v času vojne. Oba romana predstavljata vrh slovenskega polifonega romanopisja. The Novel between Historical Documents and Fiction on the Communist Past: the Case of Vladimir Kavčič's Zapisnik (The Record) and Drago Jančar's To noč sem jo videl (I Saw Her That Night) The paper begins by examining Zapisnik(The Record,1973) by Vladimir Kavčič, structured as a collection of 26 testimonies on Partisan Commissar Brodnik. The description of the stormy political reaction after its publication is based on archival sources. The other work addressed in the study is Drago Jančar's novel To noč sem jo videl (I Saw Her That Night,2010), which employs five narrators to recount the story of a manor owner liquidated during the war. Both novels are considered peaks of Slovene polyphonic novel-writing. Simona Škrabec Samostojna raziskovalka/ Independant Scholar, Barcelona Katalonski primer ali nedostopnost preteklosti V zadnjih letih je katalonska družba doživela pravi prevrat v svoji samopodobi. Katalonija poleg Škotske dandanes predstavlja najvidnejše gibanje na mednarodnem odru, ki si prizadeva sprožiti razmislek o pojmu naroda in nacije znotraj same Evrope. Politični proces je na katalonsko literaturo vplival na dva zelo različna načina. Po eni strani je mogoče opaziti določena prizadevanja k spodbujanju literarnih del, ki naj bi nadomestila pomanjkanje narodno zavednih zgodb. Uradna kultura še vedno sanja o tem, da bo nekoč napisan »veliki« roman o Barceloni v najbolj tradicionalnem duhu 19. stoletja, a k sreči to zaenkrat še ni nikomur uspelo. V zadnjem času so se pojavili tudi pravi zgodovinski romani z namenom obujanja spomina na pozabljena poglavja, kakor je na primer obleganje Barcelone iz leta 1714, z namenom, da bi literatura vzpostavila močno čustveno vez s preteklostjo. Roman Alberta Sáncheza Piñola Victus (2013) je doživel sicer velik prodajni uspeh in je bil tudi zelo promoviran, a ta knjiga ne predstavlja nobene resnične inovacije v literarnem smislu, ki bi lahko spremenila smer katalonske proze. Povojni katalonski roman je dejansko stopil na popolnoma drugačno pot od ustvarjanja Velikih zgodb: če pomislimo samo na Mercè Rodoredo in Josepa Plaja v prvih povojnih letih ali pa na Jesúsa Moncado in Quima Monzója v osemdesetih, če naj omenimo samo najbolj znane avtorje, potem je jasno, da si je katalonska proza vedno prizadevala vzpostaviti razdaljo do samoumevnega posnemanja resničnosti, iskala je nove pripovedne načine in se vedno spopadala z dvomom, »kdo vendar smo mi«. Zaradi tega je katalonska povojna literatura ena najzanimivejših in najinovativnejših tradicij v Evropi. Tudi v sodobnih proznih delih, ki so jih ustvarili avtorji rojeni po letu 1960, je mogoče jasno razbrati, kako težko je za Katalonce obnavljati lastno preteklost. Seveda je napačna trditev, da narodi brez priznane politične identitete nimajo zgodovine, vendar pa je res, da pomanjkanje trdnega političnega okvira postavlja pod vprašaj samo trdnost sveta. Najbolj zanimivi katalonski pripovedniki danes govorijo o preteklosti kot o nečem, kar jim ni neposredno dostopno. Tako je nastala cela vrsta romanov, v kateri preteklosti dejansko ni. O preteklosti je mogoče govoriti le, v kolikor gre za osebni spomin nekoga, ki je v danem trenutku prisoten. Le če danes nekdo vidi ali se dotakne ostankov iz nekdanjih časov, ti sploh obstajajo. Ta pripovedna strategija čas dejansko izbriše in vse dogajanje prenese v neposredno sedanjost – tako da se čas spremeni v prostor, edini mogoči zorni kot pa postane pogled junaka, ki si ni sposoben ustvariti celostne podobe svojega lastnega sveta. The Catalan Case or the Inaccessibility of the Past In recent years, Catalan society has been experiencing a true revolution in its self-representation. At this moment, Catalonia is one of the most visible protagonists on the international stage and is, together with Scotland, currently leading a review of the concept of the national state within Europe. This political process can be seen in the literature produced in the Catalan language in two very different ways. There is a certain tendency to encourage the production of works that would remedy the lack of national narratives. Official culture still hopes to be one day able to celebrate the «great» novel about Barcelona in the most traditional spirit of 19th century narrative, though fortunately this project has not as yet had any success. There have also been recent historical novels that have tried to recover the forgotten chapters of the past, as for example the siege of Barcelona in 1714, and arouse through literature some kind of emotional link with the past. Albert Sánchez Piñol’s novel, Victus (2013), though written in Spanish, was commercially successful and widely promoted, but it does not represent any kind of a real innovation that could influence the models of Catalan literature. The post-war Catalan novel actually took the opposite path from that of the construction of Great Narratives: in the case of Mercè Rodoreda or Josep Pla just after the war, or Jesús Moncada or Quim Monzó in the 1980s, to mention only the most familiar authors, Catalan prose has always questioned the capacity of representing reality, searching for new forms of narration and introducing doubts about ‘who we are’. This has made Catalan post-war literature one of the most interesting and innovative traditions in Europe. The recent prose output from authors born after 1960 shows even more clearly how difficult it is for Catalans to reconstruct the past. It is of course not true that a people without a recognized political identity has no history, but the lack of a stable political framework calls the stability of the world itself into question. The most interesting young Catalan novelists take the past as something that is not immediately accessible. Furthermore, there is a whole range of prose works in which the past does not exist anymore. It is only possible to talk about the past when there is somebody who remembers, sees and touches some kind of a vestige from other times. This narrative strategy actually suppresses time and converts all the action into the immediate present — so that time actually becomes space, and the only possible point of view is that of a single person who is unable to construct a complete picture of his own world. Andrei Terian Univerza Luciana Blaga v Sibiuju/ Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu Na pragu Orienta: romunska historiografska metafikcija v poznem komunizmu in postkomunizmu Referat raziskuje preobrazbe romunskega zgodovinskega romana v zadnjih tridesetih letih, pri čemer se nanaša na notranjo dinamiko žanra in na njegova razmerja s sorodnimi diskurzi. Razpravo začenjam z omembo, da se je kanonizirana oblika romunskega zgodovinskega romana vzpostavila v prvi polovici 20. stoletja v pisanju Mihaila Sadoveanuja, ki je spopolnil tako herojsko (v trilogiji Frații Jderi/ Bratje Jder, 1935-1942) kot tudi anti-herojsko različico romunske zgodovinske fikcije (Zodia Cancerului sau Vremea Ducăi-Vodă / Znamenje raka ali časi princa Duca, 1929). Da bi komunistični režim v drugi polovici stoletja , legitimiziral svojo oblast, je spodbujal razrast herojske različice nacionalne preteklosti in jo prikazoval ne le v uradnih zgodovinskih obravnavah, marveč tudi v številčnih propagandnih fikcijah (npr. filmih, romanih, zgodovinskih “legendah” itn.) Kot odgovor na to politiko so se v Romuniji od šestdesetih do osemdesetih let 20. stoletja tri zvrsti romana namerile k dekonstrukciji uradnih metapripovedi: roman parabola (Eugen Barbu, Eugen Uricaru) s problematiziranjem zank, ki jih nastavlja oblast, ter razmerja med posameznikom in družbo, retrofikcija (Gabriela Adameşteanu, Constantin Ţoiu), ki se, bolj z nostalgičnega kakor kritičnega vidika, usmerja k ponovnemu odkrivanju “buržoazne” faze romunske zgodovine (18211944), ter, nenazadnje, historiografska metafikcija (v Tache de catifea / The Velvet Man Ștefana Agopiana, 1983, ter O sută de ani de zile la porțile Orientului / Stoletje na pragu Orienta Ioana Groșana, 1992). Moj referat se ukvarja s slednjim podžanrom zgodovinskega romana: prikazuje, kako literarne tehnike, kot so kronološko zavlačevanje in odlašanje, ironija in absurdnost, metalepsa in ezopski jezik, polifonija in medbesedilnost, prispevajo k spodkopavanju zmagoslavne različice romunske zgodovine, ki ji je komunistični režim poskušal poveriti uradno veljavnost. Obenem razprava v dvojni primerjalni analizi ̶ med Agopianovim in Groșanovim romanom na eni strani ter med Zilele regelui / Kraljevi dnevi (2008) Filipa Floriana na drugi, kakor tudi med Florianovim metafikcijskim romanom in zgodovinopisnim esejem, uspešnico Luciana Boiaja De ce este România altfel / Zakaj je Romunija tako drugačna (2012) ̶ razpoznava mutacije, ki so se pojavile v romunskem zgodovinskem romanu v postkomunizmu. Sklep moje analize je, da so konstantna dekonstrukcija nacionalnih tabujev, bahavo razkazovanje orientalizma in oživljanje mita o romunski izjemnosti simptomi krize, ki vpliva ne le na tradicionalni žanr zgodovinskega romana, marveč tudi na postkomunistično romunsko nacionalno identiteto v celoti. At the Gates of the Orient: Romanian Historiographical Metafiction in Late Communism and Postcommunism The paper investigates the metamorphoses of the Romanian historical novel over the last three decades, referring both to the internal dynamics of the genre and to its relations with similar discourses. This study begins by recalling that the canonical form of the Romanian historical novel was set in the first half of the 20th century through the writings of Mihail Sadoveanu, who elaborated the heroic (in Frații Jderi/ The Jder Brothers trilogy, 1935-1942) as well as the anti-heroic versions of Romanian historiographical fiction (Zodia Cancerului sau Vremea Ducăi-Vodă/ The Sign of the Cancer or Prince Duca’s Times, 1929). In the second half of the century, with the aim of legitimizing its own power, the communist regime encouraged the proliferation of heroic version of the national past and represented it not only in official historical treatises but also in a number of propaganda fictions (e.g. movies, novels, historical “legends”, etc.). From the 1960s until the 1980s, three forms of the historical novel intended to deconstruct the official meta-narratives emerged in Romania in response to this policy: the parable novel (Eugen Barbu, Eugen Uricaru) which problematized the traps of the authorities and the relationship between the individual and society; the retro-fiction (Gabriela Adameşteanu, Constantin Ţoiu) which aimed to recover from the “bourgeois” phase (1821-1944) of Romanian history from a rather nostalgic than critical perspective; and, last but not least, the historiographical metafiction (in Ștefan Agopian’s Tache de catifea/ The Velvet Man, 1983, and Ioan Groșan’s O sută de ani de zile la porțile Orientului/ One Hundred Years at the Gates of the Orient, 1992). My paper explores the latter subgenre of the historical novel, showing how literary techniques such as the dilation and suspension of chronology, irony and absurdity, metalepsis and Aesopian language, polyphony and intertextuality contributed to the undermining of the triumphalist version of Romanian history the communist regime tried to validate as official. At the same time, this study identifies, through a double comparative analysis – between Agopian’s and Groșan’s novels, on the one hand, and Filip Florian’s Zilele regelui/ The Days of the King (2008), on the other; as well as between Florian’s metafictional novel and Lucian Boia’s best-selling historiographical essay De ce este România altfel/ Why Romania is so different (2012) –, the mutations that occurred in the Romanian historical novel during post-communism. The conclusion of my analysis is that the constant deconstruction of national taboos, the ostentatiously displayed Orientalism and the revival of the myth of the Romanian exceptionalism are the symptoms of the crisis that affects not only the traditional genre of the historical novel, but also the post-communist Romanian national identity as a whole. Dragoş Varga Univerza Luciana Blaga Sibiu/ Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu Popularna fikcija za popularno demokracijo: potrošništvo in propaganda v romunskem zgodovinskem romanu v komunizmu Referat predstavlja kritično in primerjalno analizo dveh romunskih avtorjev zgodovinskih romanov: to sta Ioan Dan in Rodica Ojog-Brașoveanu. Čeprav ne veljata za kanonizirana pisatelja in se celo niti ne omenjata v najbolj veljavnih zgodovinah romunske književnosti, pa ju romunski bralci popularne pripovedne proze dobro poznajo. Med njunim življenjem in pisanjem je tudi precej podobnosti. Njuni življenji opredeljuje uporništvo, do neke mere v trkih in pod pritiski komunistične ideologije, ker sta njuni porekli veljali za “nezdravi” in sta bila primorana kot nekvalificirana delavca opravljati najrazličnejša dela. Zdi se, da je njun literarni uspeh posledica neke vrste eskapizma iz neposredne resničnosti, obnavljanje (v vseh uradnih zgodovinah opisane kot izključno veličastne) preteklosti v vznemirljivih pripovedih, ki prepletajo dokumentirano zgodovinsko resničnost z umišljenimi hipotezami in spektakularnimi zapleti. Njun recept se nadaljuje z evropskim romanom intrige [cloakand-dagger novel] (Walter Scott, Alexandre Dumas, Michel Zévaco, Paul Féval, Rafael Sabatini), literarnim žanrom, ki se je v romunski književnosti pojavil s pomenljivo zamudo, v relativno revno tradicijo romunskega romana. Za tem eskapizmom pa Danovi in Ojog-Brașiveanujini romani še vedno pošiljajo subliminalno “protokronistično” sporočilo z ozirom na uradno ideologijo, ki je, da bi vzdrževala lepo samopodobo naroda, povzdigovala večvrednost romunskega “značaja”: bistroumnost, običaje, gastronomijo itn. To pojasnjuje, čemu avtorja umeščata pustolovščine svojih junakov v najreprezentativnejše trenutke romunske zgodovine, s katerimi se je v polni meri okoriščala komunistična propaganda. Obdobje, ki ga Dan obuja v svoji trilogiji (Skrivni sel, Vitezi in Viteška skrivnost, 1974-1976), je vladavina Mihaija Viteazu(l)a (Mihaija Hrabrega, princa, ki naj bi glede na komunistično zgodovinopisje za kratko obdobje v letu 1600, »združil« tri romunske kneževine (Vlaško, Transilvanijo in Moldavijo) pod eno oblast. Zgodovinski romani Rodice Ojog-Brașoveanu (Tajni kancler, Oči mlade častite gospe, Srebrna kronika, Tajni agent “Altîn beja”, Orel onkraj luninega krajca, 1978-1988) pa pričarajo vladavino Constantina Brâncoveanuja, med letoma 1688 in 1714 vlaškega princa, ki so ga na otomanskem dvoru poznali pod imenom “Altîn-bej” (»zlati princ«), zaščitnika kulture, ki so ga Otomani z njegovimi štirimi sinovi obglavili v upanju, da bodo odkrili neznansko bogastvo, ki si ga je nakopičil. V svojem referatu razmišljam o dvoumnem statusu in mejah popularne fikcije v komunizmu: na eni strani je krepila veličastno podobo nacionalne preteklosti, ki jo je spopolnjevala komunistična propaganda, in na drugi razprla eskapistično razsežnost, ki je pripomogla k spodkopavanju “sivega” realizma, pripovednega obrazca, ki ga je priznaval režim. Popular Fiction for Popular Democracy: Consumerism and Propaganda in Romanian Historical Novel under Communism The paper performs a critical and comparative analysis of two Romanian authors of historical novels: Ioan Dan and Rodica Ojog-Brașoveanu. Although they are not considered canonical writers and they are not even mentioned in the most authoritative histories of Romanian literature, they are wellknown to the Romanian readers of popular fiction. Moreover, there are many similarities between their life and works. Both authors had riotous biographies, clashing to some extent with the communist ideology and its constraints because they were of “unhealthy” origins and were forced to work various jobs as unqualified workers. Their literary success seems to be the result of some kind of escapism from the immediate reality by reconstructing the past (described in all the official histories as an exclusively glorious one) into exciting narrations that combine documented historical reality with fictional hypotheses and spectacular plots. Their recipe develops into the European cloak-and-dagger novel (Walter Scott, Alexandre Dumas, Michel Zévaco, Paul Féval, Rafael Sabatini), a literary genre that emerged in Romanian literature with a significant belatedness, given the relatively poor tradition of the Romanian novel. Beyond this escapism, both Dan’s and Ojog-Brașiveanu’s novels still carry a subliminal “protochronist” message with reference tothe official ideology, which celebrated the superiority of the Romanian “character”in an attempt to preserve some national self-esteem: intelligence, habits, gastronomy, etc. It is for these reasons that the adventures of their heroes take place during some of the most representative moments of the Romanian history, fully exploited by the communist propaganda. In Dan’s trilogy (The Secret Runner, The Knights and The Secrecy of the Knights, 19741976), the age evoked is the reign of Mihai Viteazu(l) (Mihai Bravu / Michael the Brave, the prince who – according to the communist historiography – “united” the three Romanian principalities (Wallachia, Transylvania and Moldavia) under a single rule for a short period of time in 1600. On the other hand, Ojog-Brașoveanu’s historical novels (The Secret Chancellor, The Eyes of the Young Titled Lady, The Silver Chronicle, The Secret Agent of „Altîn bey”, The Eagle Beyond the Sickle Moon, 1978-1988) conjure the reign of Constantin Brâncoveanu, prince of Wallachia between 1688-1714, known at the Ottoman Court as “Altîn-bey” (“The Prince of Gold”), a patron of culture who was beheaded together with his four sons by the Ottomans, who hoped to locate the immense fortune he had amassed. My paper is a reflection on the ambiguous status and boundaries of popular historical fiction under communism: on the one hand, it strengthened the glorious image of the national past elaborated by the communist propaganda; on the other hand, it opened an escapist dimension that contributed to the subversion of the “gray” realism the regime approved of as a narrative formula. KOREFERATI/ CO-SPEAKERS Dr. Irena Avsenik Nabergoj Inštitut za Inštitut za kulturno zgodovino, ZRC SAZU/ Institute of Cultural History, SRC SASA Nekonvencionalna reprezentacija holokavsta v avtobiografskem romanu Imreta Kertésza Brezusodnost (Sorstalanság, 1975) / Unconventional Representation of the Holocaust in the Imre Kertész's Autobiographical Novel Fatelessness (Sorstalanság, 1975) Nina Sivec Doktorska študentka, Univerza v Ljubljani / Doctoral Student, University of Ljubljana Pričevanjska literatura in vprašanje etike: primer romana Herte Müller Zaziban dih (Atemschaukel)/ Testimonial Literature and the Question of Ethics: The Case of Herta Müller’s The Hunger Angel (Atemschaukel). Dr. Tanja Tomazin Samostojna raziskovalka, Tržič, Beograd/ Independant Scholar, Tržič, Belgrade Postmodernizem in zgodovinskost v srbski književnosti : dvojni angažma srbskega postmodernizma / Postmodernism and Historicity in Serbian Literature: The Double Engagement of Serbian Postmodernism
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