Bedfordshire Adult Skills and Community Learning Provider Manual 2014/15 Version 1.2 September 2014 PM000 Provider Manual 2014-15 V1.2 Sep 2014 Page 1 of 23 Document Control The Provider Manual is intended as guidance for programme delivery. It is a maintained document that will be revised at key points within contract delivery, this will include incorporating changes made by the funding body, the Skills Funding Agency. In all cases please refer to the Contract Conditions that are legally binding. Document approved for release: 01/09/2014 Head of Community Regeneration & Adult Skills Version Control Version 1 Pre-contract meetings Effective Date: 16 September 2013 Version 1.1 Effective Date: 30 September 2013 Version 1.2 Effective Date: 01 September 2014 PM000 Provider Manual 2014-15 V1.2 Sep 2014 Page 2 of 23 Table of Contents 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Mission Statement ................................................................................................................................ 4 Central Bedfordshire Council Priorities................................................................................................. 4 Bedford Borough Council Priorities ...................................................................................................... 4 Bedfordshire Adult Skills Priorities ........................................................................................................ 4 Bedfordshire Adult Skills Aims.............................................................................................................. 4 2.0 2.1 2.2 Bedfordshire Adult Skills and Community Learning Contacts ..................................................... 5 Management Team............................................................................................................................... 5 Contract Management Officers ............................................................................................................. 5 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 Contract Management ........................................................................................................................ 6 Under Performance .............................................................................................................................. 6 Over Performance ................................................................................................................................ 6 Payment ................................................................................................................................................ 7 Adult Skills Budget (ASB) ..................................................................................................................... 7 ASB Co-funding .................................................................................................................................... 8 ASB Qualifying Days ............................................................................................................................ 8 ASB Funding Cap ................................................................................................................................. 9 Community Learning............................................................................................................................. 9 2014-15 Data Collection Timetable .................................................................................................... 10 4.0 Financial Contributions ................................................................................................................... 11 5.0 5.1 24+ Advanced Learning Loans ....................................................................................................... 13 Administration Process ....................................................................................................................... 13 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Learner Support ................................................................................................................................ 16 Discretionary Learner Support (DLS) ................................................................................................. 16 Adults aged 19 years or over and in financial hardship...................................................................... 16 Adults aged 20 years or over with childcare issues ........................................................................... 16 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 Quality Assurance ............................................................................................................................ 17 Ofsted Short Notice Inspections ......................................................................................................... 17 Observations of Teaching and Learning............................................................................................. 18 The Observation Process ................................................................................................................... 18 Learner Feedback............................................................................................................................... 18 Learner Surveys ................................................................................................................................. 18 Contacting Learners ........................................................................................................................... 18 Course Files ........................................................................................................................................ 18 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 What We Expect of Providers .......................................................................................................... 20 Learner Entitlement ............................................................................................................................ 20 Learner Experience ............................................................................................................................ 20 Teaching and Learning Aims .............................................................................................................. 21 Equality and Diversity in Teaching and Learning ............................................................................... 21 Valuing Diversity ................................................................................................................................. 21 9.0 Safeguarding ..................................................................................................................................... 21 Appendix 1 - Prior Attainment Levels.......................................................................................................... 22 Appendix 2 – Mandatory Course Paperwork .............................................................................................. 23 PM000 Provider Manual 2014-15 V1.2 Sep 2014 Page 3 of 23 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Mission Statement The Bedfordshire Adult Skills and Community Learning (BASCL) Service works with residents, employers and partners to promote a range of high quality learning opportunities for adults to improve their employment prospects and quality of life which enhances the character of our communities. 1.2 Central Bedfordshire Council Priorities Enhancing Central Bedfordshire - creating jobs, managing growth, protecting our countryside and enabling businesses to grow. Specifically by: • Improved education attainment. • Promoting health and wellbeing and protecting the vulnerable. • Better infrastructure – improved roads, broadband reach and transport. • Great universal services – bins, leisure and libraries. • Value for money – freezing council tax. 1.3 Bedford Borough Council Priorities • • • • Encourage economic participation and reduce worklessness within urban and rural communities Improve the safeguarding, well being and independence of vulnerable adults and older people Reduce health inequalities by focussing effort on deprived areas and increasing opportunities for healthier lifestyles - e.g. by focusing on physical and mental capability. Reduce the proportion of people living in poverty and so make a positive difference to communities through the delivery of a range of programmes that contribute towards improving skills, raising confidence through achievement 1.4 Bedfordshire Adult Skills Priorities • • • • • • • • To focus adult skills provision on those geographical areas with the highest levels of deprivation, tailoring delivery to meet the needs of individuals in those communities through bite size periods of learning, that build confidence and an appetite for further learning Provision should focus on developing work skills with better support for learners to secure employment Delivery of work clubs to support unemployed adults into work through training and personal development Improve progression routes into next level training and into work Further embed Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) into the curriculum offer Provide particular support to those aged 19-24yrs and those over 50+yrs to find work and progress in employment Support workforce development through provision of flexible, needs led provision that meets locally identified business needs Recognise the impact that learning can have on social wellbeing and where appropriate use as a gateway to economic wellbeing 1.5 Bedfordshire Adult Skills Aims Improving quality by • Monitoring and supporting the development of teaching, learning and assessment • Monitoring performance management • Improving outcomes for learners • Focussing on the usefulness of qualifications • Measuring the impact of the provision • Tracking learner progress and destinations PM000 Provider Manual 2014-15 V1.2 Sep 2014 Page 4 of 23 2.0 Bedfordshire Adult Skills and Community Learning Contacts 2.1 Management Team Job Title Name Telephone Number Email Adult Skills Service Manager Lynne Davison 0300 300 6115 Commissioning & Contract Manager Anna Bosworth 0300 300 5016 Quality & Inclusion Manager Mandy Bates 0300 300 6497 Skills for Work & Life Manager Bev Auburn 0300 300 6469 Finance & Data Officer Jayne Macleod 0300 300 4326 2.2 Contract Management Officers Job Title Name Telephone Number Email Contract Management Officer Karen Simpson 0300 300 6492 Contract Management Officer Rachel Looker 0300 300 6471 PM000 Provider Manual 2014-15 V1.2 Sep 2014 Page 5 of 23 3.0 Contract Management 3.0.1 Providers will be assigned a named Contract Management Officer. 3.0.2 Providers will be monitored on the delivery profiles submitted as part of the commissioning process, performance against profile will be reviewed on a monthly basis upon submission of the data return. 3.0.3 All providers must familiarise themselves and comply with the Skills Funding Agency Funding Rules 2014/15 and any subsequent updates ng_rules_2014_to_2015_version_2.pdf 3.0.4 Providers will be legally responsible for the compliance of the SFA Funding rules throughout the duration of the contract. 3.1 Under Performance 3.1.1 BASCL will reduce overall contract values where a provider fails to deliver within an agreed tolerance of the forecasted profile Dependent on risk provider’s tolerances will range between 10% and 25%. 3.1.2 For the purpose of contract management completers means learners who achieve their associated learning aims whether these are accredited learning aims in terms of Adult Skills Budget provision or non-accredited provision in terms of Community Learning programme funding. 3.1.3 In the event of a provider failing to recover performance following the implementation of a recovery plan within an agreed timeframe BASCL will reduce a provider's contract to reflect some or all of the value of the under performance . The provider will also be required to undertake a delivery re-profiling exercise. 3.1.4 Under performance in financial terms will be calculated on the actual financial under performance of starters in relation to the cost per learner agreed through the commissioning process. 3.1.5 Any override to this approach will only be made in exceptional circumstances and is subject to written agreement by the BASCL Adult Skills Manager. For this reason it is important that all providers submit timely data returns, in line with the BASCL prescribed timeline. 3.2 Over Performance 3.2.1 BASCL will not pay for any over-performance unless agreed in writing. Any increase in contract values will only be made available if, and when funds are available either through additional funding from the Skills Funding Agency or from underperforming providers. 3.2.2 Providers requesting growth through a change request must have a demonstrable track record of delivery and provide evidence of employer or learner demand for additional funding. BASCL has to be confident that awarding additional funds does not represent unmanageable risks to the BASCL overall SFA Contract. 3.2.3 Increases to a provider’s maximum contract value in-year will be put in place through a formal signed contract variation; providers will be notified of any decreases. PM000 Provider Manual 2014-15 V1.2 Sep 2014 Page 6 of 23 Reprofile Contract Profile Agreed by Adult Skills Manager Over performance or Change required Delivery Change Request Not Agreed by Adult Skills Manager Reprofile Under Performance by tolerance Agreed by Adult Skills Manager Recovery plan Not Agreed by Adult Skills Manager 3.3 Payment 3.3.1 The Government’s contribution to each qualification or programme (including all Apprenticeships) will be distributed over the learner’s journey from starting the programme to achieving the expected outcome. No funding will be earned if a learner does not enrol, so each provider’s total funding will be determined by the choices of learners and employers. Funding will directly link to retention and achievement and how job outcome payments can be earned. 3.3.2 Payment methods will depend on the type of provision. 3.4 Adult Skills Budget (ASB) 3.4.1 Funding levels will be paid a set amount each month per learner. Subcontractors will be paid monthly in arrears based on information reported in their Individualised Learner Record (ILR) returns. 3.4.2 The payments to subcontractors will be reviewed in the first instance at period 4 (November) and then monthly with a final review at the end of the year (that is, payments will be compared against earnings) and any necessary adjustments made. 3.4.3 Earnings will be based on monthly instalments (so that funding follows the learner for as long as they remain in learning) and an achievement element. This will apply to all learning aims, including all component learning aims delivered within an Apprenticeship framework. This means that all learning aims delivered within an Apprenticeship framework will have an achievement element to recognise the importance of driving up standards through achievement. 3.4.4 The achievement element will be 20% of the funding rate, which will be earned when the learning aim is achieved or, for competence and knowledge components of Apprenticeships, when the framework is achieved. All achievement elements will be earned on the actual end date. 3.4.5 In Apprenticeships, other than for the competence and knowledge component learning aims, the achievement element will be earned when the component itself is achieved (including any Apprenticeship Element earned when the framework is completed). This will PM000 Provider Manual 2014-15 V1.2 Sep 2014 Page 7 of 23 make sure that payment for achieving English and Maths qualifications is made when these qualifications are achieved. 3.4.6 The monthly instalments are calculated once the achievement element has been removed. These are apportioned across the number of planned months for the learning aim, with a double payment in the first month. The instalment calculation uses the formula n+1, where ‘n’ is the number of planned months. The formula recognises the upfront costs associated with enrolling a learner on a learning aim. 3.4.7 Example Learning aim Funding £ earned on achievement Total on programme pay Months on programme Number of instalments First on programme double instalment Remaining on programme instalments XYZ123 £1000 200 800 12 13 123.06 61.54 x11 3.4.8 If the learner leaves early, the monthly instalments will stop. However, for eligible learners, subcontractors will be paid a job outcome payment (equal to half of the achievement element) if the learner leaves early without achieving their qualification to enter work of 16 hours or more a week for at least four weeks in a row. If the learner subsequently goes on to achieve the learning aim, the subcontractor will earn the outstanding monthly instalments and the remainder of the achievement element. 3.4.9 For learners who achieve their learning aim early, the subcontractor will earn the remaining monthly payments as well as the achievement element. 3.4.10 Rules on minimum durations will continue to apply to all Apprenticeships. 3.5 ASB Co-funding 3.5.1 All 19+ Apprenticeships and Access to Apprenticeship learners will be co-funded by the Government at 50% of the fully-funded weighted rate, reflecting the employer’s contribution to and ownership of the Apprenticeship. This will apply to all aims, including Functional Skills or GCSEs where they are delivered. 3.5.2 Based on the activity commissioned we envisage the majority of individual learners to be fully funded. For all non-Apprenticeship provision, where a learner is expected to contribute towards the costs of learning, the total funding available will be reduced by 50% of the fullyfunded un-weighted rate. If a learner is not able to pay the Discretionary Learner Support Fund could be explored, if all other options have been exhausted. 3.5.3 For all non-Apprenticeship provision, where an employer is expected to contribute towards the costs of learning, the total funding available will be reduced by 50% of the fully-funded un-weighted rate. 3.6 ASB Qualifying Days 3.6.1 There are a qualifying number of days for funding starts. If a learner is in learning for at least the qualifying number of days, they are counted as a ‘funding start’ and funding will start to be earned by that learner. 3.6.2 Planned number of days in learning Qualifying number of days • • Fewer than 14 days – 1 Between 14 and 167 days -14 PM000 Provider Manual 2014-15 V1.2 Sep 2014 Page 8 of 23 • 168 days and greater - 42 3.7 ASB Funding Cap 3.7.1 A funding cap will apply to each learner with BASCL for each year. 3.7.2 It will apply across all Adult Skills Budget provision, except Apprenticeships. 3.7.3 The funding cap will be £4,400 per learner per year, before any weightings or government contribution calculations are applied. This applies to all ASB funded learning with BASCL. Providers whose provision is above this cap will have their earnings reduced accordingly. 3.7.4 The SFA monthly limit on earnings will be enforced to reinforce the annual funding cap 3.8 Community Learning Personal & Community Development Learning (PCDL) and Wider Family Learning (WFL) 3.8.1 Allocations will be paid per learner. Subcontractors will be paid based on information reported in their Individualised Learner Record (ILR) returns. 3.8.2 20% of the cost per learner (as per the contract) will be paid on successful enrolment on the programme. The 20% is not taken back if the learner does not complete but attendance and retention % will be monitored throughout the contract with the expectation that a provider is able to maintain a minimum 85% retention. 3.8.3 The remaining 80% will be paid on successful completion. Successful completion, or a ‘completer’, is defined as a learner who is retained (does not miss 3 consecutive sessions of the total number of course sessions) and has achieved there individual learning aims (made progress relative to their starting point and individual learning aims evidenced through RARPA and an ILP). If a learner is not retained and they miss 3 consecutive sessions within a course, they must be withdrawn and would not be funded as a completer. 3.8.4 Subcontractors will be paid based on the data return by the provider following successful upload to the Skills Funding Agency. This will be checked by BASCL who will issue a corresponding Purchase Order Number(s) and remittance advice. 3.8.5 Payments will be made upon receipt of an invoice which must contain the appropriate/corresponding Purchase Order Number. Undisputed invoices will be paid via BACS within 30 days of receipt. PM000 Provider Manual 2014-15 V1.2 Sep 2014 Page 9 of 23 3.9 2014-15 Data Collection Timetable Period 1 R13 (13/14) 2 R14 (13/14) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 'Lock Down' Period TERMS unavailable between these dates LR ER PCDL WFL FLLN Comments 22/08/2014 29/08/2014 10/09/2014 15/09/2014 Terms update Q2 2014. Data Collection Service being updated and SFA advise NO R01 upload requirement. End of Year: To allow 13/14 results to be recorded on TERMS 30/09/2014 06/10/2014 Learners entered on TERMS after collection deadline will not be included until the following period 22/10/2014 24/10/2014 Final 13/14 return Learners entered on TERMS after collection deadline will not be included until the following period Learners entered on TERMS after collection deadline will not be included until the following period Learners entered on TERMS after collection deadline will not be included until the following period Learners entered on TERMS after collection deadline will not be included until the following period Learners entered on TERMS after collection deadline will not be included until the following period Learners entered on TERMS after collection deadline will not be included until the following period Learners entered on TERMS after collection deadline will not be included until the following period Learners entered on TERMS after collection deadline will not be included until the following period 03/11/2014 01/12/2014 31/12/2014 02/02/2015 02/03/2015 30/03/2015 30/04/2015 01/06/2015 06/11/2014 04/12/2014 07/01/2015 05/02/2015 05/03/2015 08/04/2015 07/05/2015 04/06/2015 11 30/06/2015 06/07/2015 12 03/08/2015 06/08/2015 13 14 09/09/2015 20/10/2015 14/09/2015 23/10/2015 PM000 Provider Manual 2014-15 V1.2 Sep 2014 Learners entered on TERMS after collection deadline will not be included until the following period All 13/14 learners to be on TERMS End of Year: To allow 14/15 results to be recorded on TERMS Final 14/15 return Page 10 of 23 4.0 Financial Contributions 4.0.1 The policy documents, Skills for Sustainable Growth and New Challenges, New Chances, gives a clear steer on the government policy for funding skills and will financially support the following: • • • Fully fund those who did not achieve English and Maths in school include and fund those who need GCSE English and / or Maths Level 2. Young people aged 19 up to 24 can access full funding for Foundation Learning where they need that to progress into further learning or to get a job. They can also access full funding for their first qualifications at Level 2 (or 3), including an opportunity to get GCSE English and Maths. Unemployed people on benefits who are looking for work and therefore wish to access labour market relevant courses, in order to improve their skills or re-train to help them get a job, also those at risk of social exclusion to support them to access community learning. Those on the following benefits are considered for full financial support: 1. Learners in receipt of Job Seekers Allowance 2. Learners is in receipt of Employment and support Allowance- Work related Activity group (ESA WRAG) 3. Learner in receipt of Universal Credit unemployed and mandated to undertake skills training 4. In receipt of another state benefit and actively seeking work 4.0.2 BASCL has adopted the principles laid out in Skills for Sustainable Growth and New Challenges, New Chances. 4.0.3 BASCL takes the view that based on the activity commissioned and profiles submitted we envisage the majority of individual learners being fully funded. However, we recognise that on occasion a minority of learners may be enrolled who can afford to pay and so should contribute to their learning. This principle applies to both Community Learning (CL) and Adult Skills Budget (ASB) funding, but not currently to Family Learning (FL) provision. 4.0.4 Providers will be expected to have their own fee policy and make this available to learners and the Commissioning and Contracts Officer when requested. 4.0.5 Providers are expected to reinvest any fees into the provision of adult learning. 4.0.6 Where a provider requires clarification on ‘disadvantaged learners’ or those on universal credit and unclear as to whether a learner is either a partial or fully funded learner the provider must contact BASCL for clarification before a learner is registered on the database. 4.0.7 Providers are expected to ensure that learners are made fully aware of all costs prior to them enrolling on the course. 4.0.8 Financial contributions are not permitted on the following: • • Courses commissioned as part of those funding streams where fees are not permitted, currently Wider Family learning (WFL), Family English, Maths & Language (FEML) and Skills for Work & Life (SfWL). Provision that is delivered to disadvantaged groups and those who are exempt from payment of fees as outlined in the policy documents, Skills for Sustainable Growth and New Challenges, New Chances. PM000 Provider Manual 2014-15 V1.2 Sep 2014 Page 11 of 23 • 4.0.9 It is assumed that learners who do not pay fees in the first instance will be encouraged to progress on to other forms of learning which may attract fees. Learners aged 24 and over may be supported and pay partial fees if they wish to study towards learning aim up to Level 2. Learners aged 24+ wishing to study towards a Level 3 or 4 qualification will be required to pay the fee, and learners can request a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan. PM000 Provider Manual 2014-15 V1.2 Sep 2014 Page 12 of 23 5.0 24+ Advanced Learning Loans 5.0.1 24+ Advanced Learning Loans are being introduced from 1 August 2013 to support those aged 24 and over studying at level 3 or level 4 and Advanced and Higher Apprenticeships. Level 3 and 4 courses include QCF Certificates and Diplomas, Access to HE Diplomas and A levels. The loans will only be repaid when the individual has completed their training and is earning more than £21,000 a year. 5.0.2 Learners (not employers) can apply for a loan to help meet the cost of their course, which will be paid directly to BASCL on their behalf. 5.0.3 The loans will not be means tested and will not be subject to credit checks. 5.0.4 A learner must be studying at a Skills Funding Agency approved provider in England. 5.0.5 A learner is entitled to a loan up to the maximum amount of public funding available for a course or up to the level of fee charged by the subcontractor (whichever is the lowest). 5.0.6 The minimum loan amount is £300 5.0.7 For Apprenticeship frameworks, the maximum loan amount will take into account the assumed contribution of 50% made by the employer 5.1 Administration Process Is the Learner aged 24 or over on the start of the chosen course, a resident in the UK and undertaking an eligible course at an approved training organisation in England? YES Qualifies for an Advanced Learning Loan NO Does not qualify for an Advanced Learning Loan Has the learner previously had a loan to do the same qualification type and level of qualification. Only one loan can be taken out at any one time (learners can have up to a maximum of four loans in total). Please see example combination grid below. Learner Brian Sam Laura Jacob Loan 1 QCF L4 Certificate in Engineering Loan 2 Access to HE Loan 3 QCF L3 Diploma in Electrical Engineering Loan 4 QCF L4 Diploma in Engineering Advanced Apprenticeship in Plumbing QCF L3 Certificate in Business Administration QCF L3 Diploma in Starting your own Business Higher Apprenticeship in Plumbing Advanced Apprenticeship in Creative Design QCF L3 Diploma in Graphic Design QCF L3 Diploma in Design Management QCF L3 Certificate in Management A combination of Higher QCF L3 Diploma in A combination of A- PM000 Provider Manual 2014-15 V1.2 Sep 2014 Page 13 of 23 Apprenticeship in Hair Dressing Beauty Levels AS Science QCF L4 Certificate in Tourism Services QCF L4 Diploma in Business Studies QCF L3 Diploma in Construction Access to HE Diploma A-Levels App 1 – AS Maths App 2 – A2 French App 3 – A- Level Spanish App 4 – A- Level English Freya YES Qualifies for an Advanced Learning Loan NO Does not qualify for an Advanced Learning Loan BASCL must authorise that the learner may apply for the funding (as this will come from a budget and will need to be monitored). Providers must complete a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan Prior Authorisation Form (PM014) and submit to Bedfordshire Adult Skills & Community Learning (BASCL), detailing how much the learner will be applying for from the Student Loan Company (SLC) if they choose this option. BASCL to return the Prior Authorisation form to Provider to confirm authorisation and set deadline for learner to apply for the funding amount requested. Provider must issue the learner with a Learning and Funding Information Letter (PM011) (stating course fees, start date and learning aim details). This letter must include the total amount to be covered by a loan* and any upfront fees to be paid directly to the provider (a copy of this letter must also be submitted to BASCL). The following documents must also be included: 24+ Advanced Learning Loan Learner Fact Sheet (PM012) and Learners FAQs (PM013) *A learner is entitled to a loan up to the maximum amount of public funding available for a course or up to the level of fee charged by the subcontractor (whichever is the lowest). The minimum loan amount is £300. Learner to apply directly to the SLC (using information provided on ‘Learning and Funding Information’ Letter). BASCL to look on Learning Provider Portal to confirm that Learner Applications have been authorised and to feed back to Provider if any information is missing (applications will be delayed if data is missing or incorrect). PM000 Provider Manual 2014-15 V1.2 Sep 2014 Page 14 of 23 BASCL will inform the Provider (with confirmation from the SLC) when the Learning Loan has been authorised. Learner may start to attend the course (from the start date on their loan application). Provider must confirm attendance within 2 weeks of the start date (or advise us if any changes have been made to the learners start date) in order for the SLC to release the first loan payment. BASCL will be required to also update the portal with the learners ULN number to obtain the first payment. Provider must confirm learner attendance on a monthly basis, in order for BASCL to release payment. The Provider must ensure that BASCL are informed as soon as any issues may arise. PM000 Provider Manual 2014-15 V1.2 Sep 2014 Page 15 of 23 6.0 Learner Support 6.1 Discretionary Learner Support (DLS) BASCL has an allocation from the Skills Funding Agency, Discretionary Learner Support (DLS) Fund, to alleviate, where possible, the financial barrier to studying that is faced by some learners. 6.1.0 DLS is only available to support learners studying adult skills classroom based provision (LR). It cannot be used to support learners funded from Personal & Community Development Learning (PCDL) or work-based learning (ER). 6.1.1 Discretionary Learner Support (DLS) is aimed at supporting learners with a specific financial hardship that prevents them from taking part in learning. Before completing the form the learner’s specific financial hardship within the following two areas needs to be identified. 6.2 Adults aged 19 years or over and in financial hardship DLS could be used to cover course related needs (e.g. books and equipment and exam fees) and transport. 6.2.1 Examples of those who may be considered eligible for hardship funding include: • • learners in receipt of a means-tested state benefit learners taking a Skills for Life programme or study 6.2.2 Equipment and materials purchased with DLS remains the property of BASCL and the learner will be required to return them on leaving/completing their learning 6.3 Adults aged 20 years or over with childcare issues 20+ Childcare provides targeted childcare support for learners who are at risk of not starting learning, or not continuing learning, as a result of difficulty getting childcare. 6.3.1 Childcare funds may only be used to fund childcare that is approved or registered with Ofsted. 6.3.2 The Childcare Fund has the single purpose of providing help with childcare costs whilst a person with childcare responsibility is actually attending or travelling to and from timetabled classes. 6.3.3 DLS cannot be used to set up childcare places or to make a financial contribution to the costs of a crèche. 6.3.4 It is recommended that payments are made directly to the Ofsted approved organisation or individual as it can affect student’s right to means tested benefits. 6.3.5 Learners who are eligible for support are not automatically entitled to it. The final decision on the allocation of DLS rests with the BASL service. If you think you have a learner for who DLS is appropriate contact your Commissioning and Contracts Officer. PM000 Provider Manual 2014-15 V1.2 Sep 2014 Page 16 of 23 7.0 Quality Assurance Quality Assurance processes in relation to teaching and learning programmes are required to ensure that we commission, fund, promote and support a range of high quality learning opportunities for adults and wider families. This is a vital part of our operational procedure and is essential for public funding and the continuation of Adult Skills and Community Learning programmes. 7.0.1 The quality framework enables us to be able to: • • • 7.0.2 demonstrate to funding organisations that BASCL commissioned programmes meet quality thresholds set out by the Skills Funding Agency and the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) demonstrate that BASCL offers good value offer an integrated and coherent approach to continuous quality improvement Providers will be monitored on the quality of provision through: • • • • • • termly Provider Quality Framework reports compliance with BASCL Policy documents and Manuals Quality and Inclusion data tracking and monitoring visits to audit and quality check programmes learner and employer surveys and feedback observations of teaching and learning 7.0.3 All providers must familiarise themselves with the Ofsted Common Inspection Framework for Further Education and Skills and any subsequent updates 7.0.4 Providers will be responsible for delivering outstanding and good teaching and learning as described by the Common Inspection Framework for Further Education and Skills throughout the duration of the contract. 7.1 Ofsted Short Notice Inspections 7.1.1 BASCL funded provision is subject to short notice (2 working day) inspection by Ofsted under the Common Inspection Framework. As well as visiting the BASCL management and direct delivery teams the inspection team will also apply the short notice inspection process to any commissioned organisations delivering our funded programmes. 7.1.2 Commissioned organisations will need to be prepared for a short notice inspection, routinely updating any data and records to be inspection ready. 7.1.3 Commissioned organisations will need to have a nominated member of staff to liase with the Ofsted inspection team, provide the information they require and organise visits to programme sessions. 7.1.4 The nominee should be familiar with Ofsted short notice inspection requirements and understand their role and responsibilities as such. 7.1.5 The on-going contract & commissioning and quality & inclusion cycle that will track and monitor programmes will support commissioned organisations to be inspection ready. PM000 Provider Manual 2014-15 V1.2 Sep 2014 Page 17 of 23 7.2 Observations of Teaching and Learning 7.2.1 To enable BASCL to effectively monitor the quality of commissioned teaching and learning and provide support to promote quality improvement, providers will be required to undertake a minimum of one observation for each lead tutor delivering commissioned programmes during each academic year. 7.2.2 Formal, graded observations of teaching and learning will be co-ordinated and monitored by the Quality & Inclusion Manager. 7.2.3 Observations will be undertaken by providers. Some observations will be carried out by external organisations as part of the quality monitoring and moderation process. 7.2.4 The Quality & Inclusion Manager will undertake and support OTL activities to ensure quality levels are maintained and, where required, improved upon. 7.2.5 Overall grades and performance criteria grades will be tracked and monitored continually through a BASCL central record. Any actions arising as a result of observations will be recorded in the BASCL Observation Report Form action plan. These action plans will be checked during monthly visits to ensure actions are reviewed and completed as part of providers quality improvement plans. 7.2.6 The OTL framework and performance criteria are based around the Ofsted Common Inspection Framework for Further Education and Skills 2012. 7.2.7 Providers are encouraged to undertake at least one peer observation for another provider to support good practice in delivering teach and learning and to support co-operative working and partnerships between organisations. 7.2.8 The observation process should follow the procedures outlined in the BASCL OTL Policy (PL003) 7.3 The Observation Process Section superseded by PL003 OTL Policy 7.4 Learner Feedback Section superseded by PL002 Learner View and Employer View Policy and PL009 Complaint Policy 7.5 Learner Surveys Section superseded by PL002 Learner View and Employer View Policy 7.6 Contacting Learners Section superseded by PL002 Learner View and Employer View Policy 7.7 Course Files 7.7.1 Up to date, well organised course files must be available at all times to support effective teaching, learning and assessment and to enable BASCL to quality check and audit aspects of the provision. 7.7.2 Fully maintained, complete course files should be available at any time for Ofsted short notice inspection and BASCL audits and quality checks. 7.7.3 BASCL mandatory forms must be used where specified. See Appendix 2 – Mandatory Course Paperwork PM000 Provider Manual 2014-15 V1.2 Sep 2014 Page 18 of 23 7.7.4 Non-accredited programmes must comply with PL005 RARPA Policy 7.7.5 A completed course file must contain the following: Community Learning Adult Skills Budget PCDL WFL LR ER Copy of course information provided to learners as part of induction Risk Assessment Register Scheme of Work Session Plans Details of qualification(s) for accredited courses Records of internal and/or external moderation for accredited courses Enrolment Forms BASCL Mandatory PM002a BASCL Mandatory PM002c (For child learners on WFL and FEML programmes) Learner Withdrawal Forms BASCL Mandatory PM003 Learner Induction Forms BASCL mandatory PM022 Individual Learning Plans PCDL BASCL mandatory PM004 WFL BASCL mandatory PM005 Community Learning Providers can use own ILP forms and process ONLY if approved by the QI Manager. CL ILPs MUST include relevant RARPA documents such as initial assessment, formative assessment, summative assessment and other evidence of progress, such as samples of work undertaken or products produced. Refer to PL005 RARPA Policy. Examples of resources Progression Tracking Forms BASCL mandatory PM006b Learner Destination and Progression Tracking 24+ Advanced Learning Loans Forms BASCL mandatory form PM011, BASCL mandatory form PM012 BASCL mandatory form PM013, BASCL mandatory form PM014 Copy of information used to support progression to further learning and work. Resources used by tutor or assessor to signpost learners Referrals to BASCL Skills for Life and IAG where appropriate BASCL mandatory form PM008 Learner course feedback PCDL BASCL mandatory form PM004a WFL BASCL mandatory form PM005a LR, ER - Providers own End of course evaluation PM000 Provider Manual 2014-15 V1.2 Sep 2014 Page 19 of 23 8.0 What We Expect of Providers 8.0.1 We expect Providers to plan and support learning programmes that meet contract requirements, deliver good quality, effective teaching, learning and assessment that meets the needs of all learners and ensure that learners have a positive learning experiences by: • • • • • • • • • • • ensuring that all data capture requirements are met complying with administrative procedures to keep required course records supporting learners to progress into employment and higher level qualifications referring learners, as appropriate, to the BASCL direct delivery Skills for Life and/or Information Advice and Guidance teams where individual Skills for Life needs or IAG needs are identified maintaining a central record of compliments and complaints by learners related to programmes being conversant with and acting within all relevant health and safety, safeguarding, equality & diversity, data protection and copyright legislation ensuring suitable and sufficient risk assessments are undertaken for all activities, control measures are put in place and risk assessments are reviewed as appropriate for any significant change attending contract management meetings, quality assurance meetings, provider network meetings, training and support sessions as directed by BASCL actively contribute to developing a positive provider network and working relationship between providers a commitment to contribute to BASCL Self Assessment and Quality Improvement processes letting us know, in a timely way, if you need help or support to deliver quality programmes 8.1 Learner Entitlement 8.1.1 Providers should ensure that the following is delivered as part of the Learner Entitlement: • • • • • an introduction and overview of the course as part of induction or at the first session a balanced range of teaching and learning strategies, appropriate to the learners’ needs regular feedback on progress to learners with fair and accurate assessment of their work opportunities for learners to contribute to the evaluation of the course and feedback on the quality of the provision information and resources to support learners to progress to further learning and/or work including details of BASCL funded courses and ways learners can access National Careers Service support. 8.2 Learner Experience 8.2.1 Providers should ensure learner satisfaction by incorporating the following into delivery: • • • an outstanding teaching and learning experience for each learner that is satisfying, memorable and good preparation for further learning each learner is welcomed, valued and respected in any communication with the provider induction helps learners settle in without detracting from the subject PM000 Provider Manual 2014-15 V1.2 Sep 2014 Page 20 of 23 • • • • • • • • • • • the tutor is friendly, approachable and accessible to learners to discuss any issues they may have learners know what to do if they have any problems and concerns about the course and they feel confident enough to seek help the venue and environment is safe, appropriate and accessible for every learner all learners are encouraged to feel confident to participate in the sessions learners are given a say in ongoing course management and decisions the learners are in a safe, healthy environment with good facilities, conducive to learning learners feel safe, physically and psychologically, especially if they have any problems or uncertainties, have protected characteristics (See Equalities and Diversity) or are vulnerable adults the provider/tutor gives help and support on completing course documents, arbitrating or offering creative solutions if needed learners’ interests, experiences and circumstances are incorporated into teaching content and methods learners’ aptitude (what they are good at and what they are capable of) is nurtured, encouraged and celebrated learners’ non attendance at sessions is followed up in a timely way with advice and support offered as appropriate to improve attendance and retention 8.3 Teaching and Learning Aims 8.3.1 The provider should aim to deliver outstanding teaching and learning where: • • • • • • • • • • • • 8.4 the tutor has high expectations of all learners teaching methods and a variety of approaches stimulate learning and enjoyment tutor’s innovation, imaginative techniques and creative solutions enhance the learning experience teaching inspires commitment and encourages confidence, independence, curiosity and motivation in the learners sound planning adds to the effectiveness of the learning sessions link from week to week and feed into coherent whole course aims teaching content builds in reflection, reviews and revision to promote learning that lasts learning and learning assessment are prioritised as much as teaching constructive, sensitive feedback helps learners to move forward activities give the learners healthy and enjoyable challenges, guaranteeing that over time they achieve the most they can it is obvious that learning is taking place, to the learner and the tutor learners are given praise to take pride in their successes, to be ambitious, to gain confidence and to be resilient to set-backs, temporary or longer-term Equality and Diversity in Teaching and Learning Sub section superseded by PL007 Equality and Diversity Policy 8.5 Valuing Diversity Sub section superseded by PL007 Equality and Diversity Policy 9.0 Safeguarding Section superseded by PL006 Safeguarding Policy PM000 Provider Manual 2014-15 V1.2 Sep 2014 Page 21 of 23 Appendix 1 - Prior Attainment Levels The information shown in the table below provides a guide to the overall attainment level of learners that have achieved various combinations of qualifications. Prior Attainment Level Academic Qualification Equivalent Level 0 Word Power / Number Power Level 1 GCSE / O Level Grades D – G (or fewer than 5 at grades A – C) CSE Below grade 1 1 AS Level Level 2 GCSE / O Level (5 or more at grade AC) CSE Grade 1 (5 or more) 1 Advanced Level 2/3 AS Levels Level 3 2 or more Advanced Level passes 4 or more AS Levels Level 4 Teaching Qualifications (including PGCE) First Degree Level 5 Higher Degree PM000 Provider Manual 2014-15 V1.2 Sep 2014 Vocational Qualification Equivalent BEC General Certificate/BEC Diploma BTEC First Certificate City & Guilds Operative Award CPVE Year 1(Technician) GNVQ Foundation LCCI Elementary/First Level NVQ Level 1 PEI Elementary/First Level RSA Elementary/First Level RSA Vocational Certificate BEC General Certificate/ Diploma with Credit BTEC First Diploma City & Guilds Higher Operative/Craft GNVQ Intermediate LCCI Certificate (Second Level) NVQ Level 2 PEI Stage 2 Pitman’s Intermediate Level 2 Diploma Certificate RSA Diploma BEC National ONC/OND BTEC National ONC/OND City & Guilds Advanced Craft GNVQ Advanced LCCI Diploma (third level) NVQ Level 3 Pitman’s Level 3 Advanced Higher Certificate RSA Stage 3 Advanced Diploma Access to Higher Education Courses ESOL & Foreign Languages Advanced Awards BEC National HNC/HND BTEC HNC/HND Higher Education Certificate Higher Education Diploma LCCI Advanced Level NVQ Level 4 Nursing (SRN) RSA Advanced Certificate RSA Higher Diploma Continuing Education Diploma NVQ Level 5 Other High Level Professional Qualifications Page 22 of 23 Appendix 2 – Mandatory Course Paperwork Title Reference PCDL WFL FEML LR ER Enrolment Form (Adult only) PM002a Enrolment Form (Child only) to be used with PM002c PM002a Learner Induction Form PM022 Learner Withdrawal Form PM003 Individual Learning Plan (PCDL) PM004 Learner Course Feedback (incorporated into ILP for PCDL) PM004a Individual Learning Plan (WFL/FEML) PM005 Learner Course Feedback (incorporated into ILP for WFL/FEML) PM005a Learner Destination and Progression Tracking Form PM006b Observation Report Form PM009 PM011 PM012 PM013 PM014 24+ Advanced Learning Loan Learning and Funding Information Letter 24+ Advanced Learning Loan Learner Fact Sheet 24+ Advanced Learning Loan Learners FAQs 24+ Advanced Learning Loan Prior Authorisation Form PM000 Provider Manual 2014-15 V1.2 Sep 2014 Page 23 of 23
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