Manual AMB8472-M Configurator Version 1.1 WDV / Molliné GmbH · Mönchstraße 11 · 70191 Stuttgart · Tel. 0711 / 35 16 95 - 20 · Fax 0711 / 35 16 95 - 29 · Table of Contents 1 Functional description .......................................................................................................... 3 2 Installation ............................................................................................................................. 3 2.1 Driver installation AMB8465-M .......................................................................................... 3 2.2 Software Requirements .................................................................................................... 3 2.3 Software installation .......................................................................................................... 3 3 The user interface ................................................................................................................. 4 4 Walkthrough .......................................................................................................................... 5 4.1 Starting the program ......................................................................................................... 5 4.2 Selecting the COM Port .................................................................................................... 5 4.3 Open COM Port ................................................................................................................ 5 4.4 Select Profile .................................................................................................................... 5 4.5 Read ................................................................................................................................. 6 4.6 Edit ................................................................................................................................... 8 4.7 Select Logfile .................................................................................................................... 9 4.8 Write Configuration ........................................................................................................... 9 5 Profile ................................................................................................................................... 10 6 Logging ................................................................................................................................ 11 7 Important Notes ................................................................................................................... 13 AMB8472-M_Configurator_MA_1_1 Page 2 of 13 Date: 09/2013 WDV / Molliné GmbH · Mönchstraße 11 · 70191 Stuttgart · Tel. 0711 / 35 16 95 - 20 · Fax 0711 / 35 16 95 - 29 · 1 Functional description The AMB8472-M Configurator is PC software bundled with the AMB8472-M rf-adapter. Using this software will allow you to configure the AMB8472-M to your specific needs. The AMB8472-M enhances your Elster gas meter with pulse interface with the capability of transmitting the meter reading value in an OMS conform wireless M-BUS frame. 2 Installation 2.1 Driver installation AMB8465-M This step can be ignored if the most recent FTDI drivers (or any FTDI VCP driver version newer or equal to version 2.08.24) have already been installed on the computer. If not, the latest drivers can be downloaded from the FTDI website ( via the “Drivers->VCP Drivers” menu. We recommend using the “setup executable” which makes the installation automatically. (you can find the link in the “Comments” column of the table) After the installation please restart your PC also if there is no restart request from the driver installation routine. After the reboot you may insert the USB stick into a free USB port. 2.2 Software Requirements Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 (Client Profile) Microsoft Windows XP (SP3), Vista (SP2) or Windows 7 (SP1). The AMB8472-M Configurator is a 32 bit Software (“x86”). 2.3 Software installation Simply unzip the into a free to choose location on your hard disk. Your chosen directory will contain all required files as well as the associated documentation. It must be accessible (with full read and write access) by any user which is about to use this software. The files in this zip-file are, “AMB8472M_Configurator.exe”, this manual and a number of several profiles (profile_*.xls) files. You can create a shortcut to the application (*.exe) on your desktop. The software installation is then completed. AMB8472-M_Configurator_MA_1_1 Page 3 of 13 Date: 09/2013 WDV / Molliné GmbH · Mönchstraße 11 · 70191 Stuttgart · Tel. 0711 / 35 16 95 - 20 · Fax 0711 / 35 16 95 - 29 · 3 The user interface Once the program has been started, a dialog application window appears. Figure 1 Application window AMB8472-M_Configurator_MA_1_1 Page 4 of 13 Date: 09/2013 WDV / Molliné GmbH · Mönchstraße 11 · 70191 Stuttgart · Tel. 0711 / 35 16 95 - 20 · Fax 0711 / 35 16 95 - 29 · 4 Walkthrough This chapter will perform a walkthrough to a complete configuration process. There is no functionality until you have written a valid configuration to the device. 4.1 Starting the program To start the AMB8472-M Configurator, double-click the application or, alternatively, the shortcut symbol if you have created a shortcut. Figure 2 Program icon The application will then be opened and display a window as shown in Figure 1. 4.2 Selecting the COM Port Please insert the AMB8465-M USB Stick which will be needed for the wireless configuration of an AMB8472-M. Then choose in the COM Port which is assigned to the AMB8465-M USB stick. You may need to install the FTDI drivers if you use an AMB8465-M USB for the first time. In this case please follow the steps described with chapter 2.1. 4.3 Open COM Port After selecting the COM Port please press the “Open” button and wait till the box at the bottom of the software shows “AMB8465-M configuration successful”. If the box does not show this sentence after 30 seconds you may have selected the wrong COM Port. Figure 3 Open COM Port Figure 4 Com Port opened and USB Stick configured. 4.4 Select Profile Please select the profile which belongs to the meter you want to configure. The profile must be selected using the blue marked tag from the Label of the gas meter (see Figure 5). This tag may differ from each to each gas meter. If the dropdown box does not contain your meter please contact the support in order to receive a profile for your gas meter. AMB8472-M_Configurator_MA_1_1 Page 5 of 13 Date: 09/2013 WDV / Molliné GmbH · Mönchstraße 11 · 70191 Stuttgart · Tel. 0711 / 35 16 95 - 20 · Fax 0711 / 35 16 95 - 29 · Figure 5 Label of the gas meter You may also create a profile by yourself by copying and editing an existing profile. This will need some detailed knowledge of the gas meter(s), the wireless M-Bus and the pulse-interface of the gas meter. Any wrong or missing parameters may lead to a malfunction of the AMB8472-M. A valid profile will show “Profile was read.” in the box at the bottom of the Software. 4.5 Read After the COM Port has been opened the “Read” button is usable. Please make sure that there is a distance of at least 1 meter between the USB Stick and the gas meter during the configuration. Please press the “Read” button to read the current configuration of the gas meter you want to configure. Figure 6 Prompt to click ok and then activate the reed contact using a magnet After clicking “OK” on the popup window you need to trigger the reed contact by using a magnet. The place where to hold and move the magnet is shown in Figure 7. AMB8472-M_Configurator_MA_1_1 Page 6 of 13 Date: 09/2013 WDV / Molliné GmbH · Mönchstraße 11 · 70191 Stuttgart · Tel. 0711 / 35 16 95 - 20 · Fax 0711 / 35 16 95 - 29 · Figure 7 Location of the reed contact in the housing of the RF-adapter. When the reed contact is triggered the information box at the bottom will show some information according to the read process. Then you may move the magnet away and place it somewhere for later reuse. Figure 8 RX Password error If the read process stops with an “Invalid password” error you must change the “Device Password” which is needed to gain access to the configuration interface to the password that was set with an earlier configuration. AMB8472-M_Configurator_MA_1_1 Page 7 of 13 Date: 09/2013 WDV / Molliné GmbH · Mönchstraße 11 · 70191 Stuttgart · Tel. 0711 / 35 16 95 - 20 · Fax 0711 / 35 16 95 - 29 · Figure 9 Read Process in the information box Check if the “Adapter ID (LLA)” is the number you expected. The label of the RF-adapter will show this number on its label. Any AMB8472-M adapter ID will start with 85 the following 6 numbers will vary with each adaptor. Figure 10 LLA adapter ID After being read out the device goes into the sleep mode. There is no functionality until you have written to the device. 4.6 Edit You will need to edit the following 3 fields as marked in Figure 11: Meter ID (ALA), the green marked number. This field is auto selected after a successful read process. Meter Reading (integer part and fractional part) as shown by the gas meter reading. The other parameters will be auto applied by your selected profile. AMB8472-M_Configurator_MA_1_1 Page 8 of 13 Date: 09/2013 WDV / Molliné GmbH · Mönchstraße 11 · 70191 Stuttgart · Tel. 0711 / 35 16 95 - 20 · Fax 0711 / 35 16 95 - 29 · Figure 11 Field assignment 4.7 Select Logfile Before you can write the configuration you need to press the “Select Logfile” button if no logfile is selected yet. You can select or create any file you want. If you want to select an existing logfile you must know that its content will not be overwritten. New logs will be appended to the existing logfile. 4.8 Write Configuration After editing the values you have to write them back into the AMB8472-M. To achieve this you need to press the “Write” button. After Clicking “OK” you need to trigger the reed contact by using a magnet. To prevent accidental malconfiguration the write access will only be allowed to the meter with the same “LLA Adapter ID” that was read in step 4.5. The write process may notify you when it applies an auto correction to the meter reading. All or some digits (starting with the least significant digit) of the fractional meter reading will be set to 0 according to the valence base of the gas meter (which is set by the selected profile). AMB8472-M_Configurator_MA_1_1 Page 9 of 13 Date: 09/2013 WDV / Molliné GmbH · Mönchstraße 11 · 70191 Stuttgart · Tel. 0711 / 35 16 95 - 20 · Fax 0711 / 35 16 95 - 29 · The correction must be applied because of the valence base. The process of writing will also result in notifications in the information box. After a successful write process the box will show “Write configuration successful“. Your meter is now configured with your edited values and the profiles parameters. The details of your configuration were logged into the selected logfile. Figure 12 Content of the info box when writing a configuration. The configuration process has to be finished with the write function. After you have written the device, it works as designated. 5 Profile Default profile for the “Elster BK-G4M” gas meter. The filename would be “profile_elster_BKG4M.xml” or “profile_BK-G4M.xml”. This will lead to “elster_BK-G4M” or “BK-G4M” in the “Meter Select / Profile Select” dropdown box. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <AMB8472-M_Profile> <!--ALA: Application Layer--> <!--ALA_Manufacturer must consist of 3 upper case ASCII characters--> <!--ALA_Version must be in range of 0x00 to 0xFF (hex).--> <!--ALA_Devicetype must be a hex code of any valid devicetype the table 3 "Device type identification" found in EN13757-3:2004.--> <ALA Manufacturer="ELS" Version="0x01" Devicetype="0x03" /> <!--Custom_String--> <!--Enabled "true" or "false" are supported.--> <!--Value supports up to 16 ASCII characters.--> <Custom_String Enabled="true" Value=" Configure ME" /> <!--DataBlock0--> <!--Index: Vtc=9 (temperaturecompensated volume), Vm=9 (non temperaturecompensated volume),Vb=10 (Volumen at base conditions)--> <!--ValenceCounter / ValenceBasis = Pulses per unit. Be careful: unit is always 1 litre = 0.001 m³. Both ValenceCounter and ValenceBasis may be numbers from 1...65535.--> <DataBlock0 Index="9" ValenceCounter="1" ValenceBasis="10" /> <!--Meter_Configuration--> <!--Tx_Intervall_s and Tx_Intervall_Installation_s must be a number in the range of 3...65535.--> <!--Number_of_Installation_Frames must be a number in the range of 0...255.--> <!--Wireless_M-BUS_Mode "S1m" or "T1 meter" are supported.--> <!--Operating_mode_after_configuration "install", "sleep" or "normal" are supported.--> <!--TX_sync_enabled "true" or "false" supported--> <Meter_Configuration AMB8472-M_Configurator_MA_1_1 Page 10 of 13 Date: 09/2013 WDV / Molliné GmbH · Mönchstraße 11 · 70191 Stuttgart · Tel. 0711 / 35 16 95 - 20 · Fax 0711 / 35 16 95 - 29 · Tx_Intervall_s="5" Tx_Intervall_Installation_s="5" Number_of_Installation_Frames="5" Wireless_M-BUS_Mode="T1 meter" Operating_mode_after_configuration="install" TX_sync_enabled="false" /> <!--Encryption--> <!--Modes "0" (unencrypted) or "5" are supported.--> <!--generation "random" and "fixed" are supported.--> <!--fixedKey must represent 16 Byte in hex notification. This attribute can be empty when generation is random.--> <Encryption Mode="5" Generation="random" FixedKey="000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f" /> <!--Device_Password--> <!--Value must consist of 8 ASCII characters.--> <Device_Password Value="00000000" /> </AMB8472-M_Profile> 6 Logging For easy and reliable documentation of the single configurations there will be a logfile filled with information that were written into an AMB8472-M during a write configuration process.The file will be a csv-file with “;” as separator. The information will be readable for later reuse. We recommend using only read access on any logfile provided by the AMB8472-M Configuration software. In a write access case there can be data loss due to the used editor for csv files. The following information will be logged for any configured device: Timestamp when the device was configured, ( hour:minute:second) LLA: Manufacturer, ID, Version and devicetype ALA: Manufacturer, ID, Version and devicetype Datarecord0 to 9 index, 255 means unused record Unused, this column is unused. Default “unused” CustomString, the custom string content ValenceCounter ValenceBasis MeterReading TX_NOM, transmission interval in seconds in normal operating mode TX_NOM_INSTALL, transmission interval in seconds in install operating mode TX_NUM_INST_TEL, number of installation frames to be send before switching from install operating mode to normal operating mode MeterMode, wireless M-Bus Mode of the AMB8472-M, 2 (= S1m) or 5 (= T1meter) AfterConfig, mode after the configuration (should be 1 = install, 2 = normal or 3 = sleep) TXSyncEnable, synchronous transmission mode (default: 0 = disabled) EncryptionMode, default: mode 5, 0 means encryption disabled. AMB8472-M_Configurator_MA_1_1 Page 11 of 13 Date: 09/2013 WDV / Molliné GmbH · Mönchstraße 11 · 70191 Stuttgart · Tel. 0711 / 35 16 95 - 20 · Fax 0711 / 35 16 95 - 29 · Key, the written AES Key as hex Status, configuration status, should be “success” Device Password, the 8 character password for configuration access of an AMB8472-M, this password needs to be entered when reconfiguring the device. AMB8472-M_Configurator_MA_1_1 Page 12 of 13 Date: 09/2013 WDV / Molliné GmbH · Mönchstraße 11 · 70191 Stuttgart · Tel. 0711 / 35 16 95 - 20 · Fax 0711 / 35 16 95 - 29 · 7 Important Notes Disclaimer of Liability AMBER wireless GmbH believes the information contained herein is correct and accurate at the time of this printing. However, AMBER wireless GmbH reserves the right to change the technical specifications or functions of its products, or to discontinue the manufacture of any of its products or to discontinue the support of any of its products, without any written announcement and urges its customers to ensure, that the information at their disposal is valid. AMBER wireless GmbH does not assume any responsibility for the use of the described products, neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, or its other intellectual property rights, or any third party rights. It is the customer's responsibility to ensure that his system or his device, in which AMBER wireless products are integrated, complies with all applicable regulations. Trademarks AMBER wireless® is a registered trademark owned by AMBER wireless GmbH All other trademarks, registered trademarks and product names are the sole property of their respective owners. Limitation of Use AMBER wireless products are not authorised for use in life support appliances, devices, or other systems where malfunction can reasonably be expected to result in significant personal injury to the user, or as a critical component in any life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. AMBER wireless GmbH customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify AMBER wireless GmbH for any damages resulting from any improper use or sale. Use of AMBER wireless products commits the user to the terms and conditions set out herein. Copyright © 2014, AMBER wireless GmbH. All rights reserved. AMB8472-M_Configurator_MA_1_1 Page 13 of 13 Date: 09/2013 WDV / Molliné GmbH · Mönchstraße 11 · 70191 Stuttgart · Tel. 0711 / 35 16 95 - 20 · Fax 0711 / 35 16 95 - 29 ·
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