Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual which travel is interrupted, immediately after completion of formalities and religious customs, if any, but in no event later than forty-five (45) days after the travel is interrupted. The ticket will be endorsed “Return Account Death (name)” and such endorsement shall be authenticated by validation or other official stamp. 3.2.2 A death certificate must be presented to the reticketing carrier either at the place and time of reticketing, or in the country where death occurred. In the latter case details shall be transmitted to the reticketing office before reticketing. Should a death certificate not be available at the time of re-routing, a new ticket shall be issued at the normal one way fare applicable to the journey to be undertaken. Upon the later presentation of the certificate refund may be arranged. 4. REFUND The Member making the originating sale may: 4.1 in case of death before commencement of travel arrange for refund of the fare paid; 4.2 in case of death after commencement of travel arrange for any necessary refund in accordance with Resolutions 735d and 737. 5. GROUP TRAVEL In the event a passenger(s) is discontinuing travel with the group in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution, this shall not affect the entitlement to travel at the group fare of the remaining passengers in the group. 6. CHANGE OF CARRIER Tickets may be endorsed to another Member for carriage. GOVERNMENT RESERVATIONS CANADA Acceptance of Resolution 735c (previously 277b) is subject to the understanding that, unless otherwise clearly defined in the tariffs, it shall apply to any and all types of group fares, including Bulk and/or Inclusive Tour Group Fares notwithstanding current reservations of the Canadian Transportation Agency on certain IATA group type fare Resolutions, and the applicable fare for the return journey separate from the group to the place of origin without stopover en route shall be the group fare paid provided it does not exceed the amount of the carrier's lowest available individual travel fare applicable for the class of service and over the route actually flown between the point of origin and the point of interrupted group travel. (4.12.72) RESOLUTION 735d INVOLUNTARY CHANGE OF CARRIER, ROUTING, CLASS OR TYPE OF FARE PSC(32)735d Expiry: Indefinite Type: B RESOLVED that: 1.1 ‘INVOLUNTARY REROUTE’ means a change to a passenger's itinerary as ticketed due to an interruption in the operation of a carrier's flight or inability to provide transportation for confirmed space. 1.2 “MISCONNECTION” occurs when a passenger is unable to use reserved accommodation out of a connection point due to late arrival or cancellation of delivering flight. 1.3 ‘NEW OPERATING CARRIER (NOC)’ means the carrier(s) selected for onward carriage from the point where an involuntary reroute became necessary and any subsequent connecting carrier in the disrupted itinerary. 1.4 ‘NORMAL FARES’ means a fare established in the Resolution 040/050/060 series for intermediate, first or economy class service and any other fare denominated and published as a normal fare (e.g. C2,F2,Y2). Children's fares and infant's fares which are established as a percentage of the fares referred to above are also considered to be normal fares. 1.5 ‘ORIGINAL means MARKETING CARRIER (OMC)’ 1.5.1 the carrier whose airline designator is originally recorded as the transporting carrier on the affected electronic flight coupon. 1.5.2 the carrier responsible for the reissuance of the original flight coupon(s), for the issuance of a Flight Interruption Manifest or for setting the involuntary indicator. 1.5.3 in a code share situation, the Original Marketing Carrier may be different from the Original Operating Carrier. 1.6 ‘ORIGINAL OPERATING CARRIER (OOC)’ means 1.6.1 the carrier on whose flight a passenger is originally scheduled to be carried and who is responsible for the condition which creates the need for an involuntary change in the passenger's journey, 1.6.2 the carrier responsible for the reissuance of the original flight coupon(s), for the issuance of a Flight Interruption Manifest or for setting the involuntary indicator. 1.6.3 in a code share situation, the Original Operating Carrier may be different from the Original Marketing Carrier. 534 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 Resolution 735d 1.7 ‘ORIGINAL RECEIVING CARRIER’ means the carrier on whose flight a passenger is originally ticketed to be carried from a connection point. 1.8 ‘SPECIAL FARES’ means any fare other than a normal fare. 1.9 ‘TICKET HANDLER’ means an airline used to perform ticketing services on behalf of the Operating Carrier, in locations where the Marketing/Operating Carrier does not have its own ticketing point and using a different system to that of the Operating Carrier. 2. GENERAL PROVISIONS 2.1 The following circumstances shall justify an involuntary change of carrier, routing, class of service: 2.1.1 a Member cancels a flight; 2.1.2 a Member fails to operate a flight reasonably in accordance with schedule; 2.1.3 a Member fails to stop at a point to which the passenger is destined or is ticketed to stop over (whether over or under carriage); 2.1.4 a Member is unable to provide previously confirmed space; 2.1.5 a Member causes a passenger to miss a connecting flight on which he holds a reservation. 2.2 In the foregoing circumstances Original Marketing/ Operating Carrier, or the Ticket Handler acting on their behalf, with due consideration to the passenger's reasonable interests, shall: 2.2.1 arrange for involuntary refund in accordance with Resolution 737; or 2.2.2 provide onward carriage to the destination or point of stopover named on the ticket, if necessary at a higher cost and without additional charge to the passenger, as follows: for a flight interruption en route on the same or another of its own aircraft; for other than flight interruption en route on the service of the original receiving carrier or or Ticket Handler acting on their behalf, and the New Operating Carrier(s). 2.4 Where onward carriage is provided pursuant to the following additional conditions shall also apply: 2.4.1 The provisions of resolution 766, paragraph 10.6 shall be adhered to. 2.4.2 except for normal fares, if onward carriage is arranged more than 24 hours prior to departure of the New Operating Carrier's flight, re-routing may only take place with the prior approval of the New Operating Carrier; 2.4.3 if onward carriage is arranged less than 24 hours prior to departure of the New Operating Carrier's flight: re-routing/upgrading to a higher compartment class (cabin class) may only take place with the prior approval of the New Operating Carrier; re-routing within any compartment class (cabin class) may take place without prior approval of the New Operating Carrier. 2.5 Where onward carriage is provided pursuant to 2.2.2: 2.5.1 in the case of misconnections at the scheduled connecting point, new reservations, acceptable to the passenger, shall first be requested from the Original Receiving Carrier(s) before being requested from any New Operating Carrier; 2.5.2 upgrading to a higher compartment class (cabin class) shall be permitted only when, at the time of making new reservations, space is not available in the same compartment class (cabin class) originally paid for and that when upgraded, the passenger need not be downgraded during his carriage on the applicable flight; carriage at a higher cost shall be permitted only when accommodation similar to that paid for is not available on the flight of any Member which is due to depart from the point of involuntary change before the flight of the selected New Operating Carrier. When requesting such carriage, the New Operating Carrier is to be advised that the reservations are on an involuntary upgrading basis; when a passenger is carried by a Member at a higher cost, it shall be at no additional charge to the Original Marketing/Operating Carrier. on any other transportation service(s). 2.3 Provided the Original Marketing/Operating Carrier, or the Ticket Handler acting on their behalf, has observed all the provisions of this Resolution, the New Operating Carrier(s) shall accept the new flight coupons provided for ‘Involuntary Reroute’ irrespective of the fare basis entered on the flight coupon(s). 2.3.1 Flight coupons for transportation covered by IATA Resolution 788 (other than ID50 which are covered under 2.3) shall be accepted by mutual agreement between the Original Marketing/Operating Carrier, or the 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 3. BAGGAGE 3.1 A passenger shall be entitled to the free baggage allowance applicable to the fare originally paid. 3.2 The Original Marketing/Operating Carrier, or the Ticket Handler acting on their behalf, shall return checked baggage to the passenger or transfer it to the New Operating Carrier. If the Original Marketing/Operating Carrier, or the Ticket Handler acting on their behalf fails to complete either of these transactions, that 535 Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual airline shall expedite the baggage in accordance with Resolution 743a. the affected original electronic ticket flight coupon(s) as bilaterally agreed. The involuntary indicator ‘I’ shall be set in accordance with Resolution 722f. 4. Unsolicited Airport Control shall be in accordance with Resolution 722f. REFUNDS Where the transportation cost for the revised routing or class of service is lower than the fare originally paid, the Member effecting the involuntary change shall arrange for the difference to be refunded to the passenger. Where a passenger is carried in a lower class of service, the refund shall be the difference between the higher and lower fares for the re-routed section(s) or the amount calculated in accordance with Resolution 737, whichever is higher Original Marketing/Operating Carrier, or the Ticket Handler acting on their behalf shall absorb any difference between the amount of the refund as calculated and the balance remaining after all claims for carriage have been ascertained. 5. ABSORPTION OF PASSENGER'S EXPENSES In an interline journey, it is the responsibility of the carrier responsible for a delay causing involuntary change of a passenger's journey to arrange for a reasonable alternative route within a reasonable time and, if such time limit is not feasible, to comply with the requirements of absorption of passenger's expenses as may be incurred during the period of the passenger's delay at the place where the involuntary change occurred and to absorb such expenses at subsequent points en route where they are a direct consequence of such a change, provided that they are limited to essential expenses such as hotel room, suitable meals and beverages without regard to class of service, ground transportation, transit taxes, and reasonable communications costs necessarily incurred by the passenger because of the involuntary change. 6. PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Transfer of control of a flight coupon(s) by the Validating Carrier shall constitute endorsement of that coupon(s) under the provisions of Resolution 736. 6.1.1 For electronic coupons, the “i” involuntary indicator shall be set in accordance with Resolution 722f. 6.4 The Original Marketing/Operating Carrier, or the Ticket Handler acting on their behalf, shall provide a reissued ticket and ensure that the ticket is immediately acceptable at check-in (including self-service and online) with the New Operating Carrier(s). This procedure should be applied when the Original Marketing/Operating Carrier, or the Ticket Handler acting on their behalf, has been able to confirm or waitlist flight inventory with the New Operating Carrier. It should be applied irrespective of the fare type (e.g. Free Ticket(s), Frequent Traveler, AWARD, IT/BT and BULK). The reissued ticket shall only include those coupons affected by the rerouting in order to provide onward carriage to the next point of stopover named on the original electronic ticket. 6.4.1 The new ticket shall reflect that it was issued as the result of an involuntary reroute. 6.4.2 Carry forward to the new ticket the Original Fare Calculation, Fare, Tax/Fee/Charge, Equivalent Fare Paid and Fare Basis. Carry forward to the new ticket the original Baggage Allowance or leave blank. The provisions of this paragraph shall apply only in respect of reissue when the same cabin class is booked in the flight coupons affected by the disruption. Reservation procedures for upgrading to a higher compartment are covered in section In cases where an involuntary change results in a change from the original connecting flight(s) and the fare basis differs on the coupon(s) affected by the disruption, the fare basis to be used on all reissued coupons shall be the fare basis of the first flight coupon affected by the disruption. Examples: Original Routing: OSL - LH - X/HAM -KL - AMS Fare Basis Codes: YW KPEX 6.2 Airline Redirect of electronic ticket flight coupon(s) If acceptable to the New Operating Carrier and the Validating Carrier, the Original Operating Carrier may redirect the affected original electronic ticket flight coupon(s) as bilaterally agreed. The involuntary indicator ‘I’ shall be set in accordance with Resolution 722f. Redirect Airport Control shall be in accordance with Resolution 722f. 6.3 Unsolicited Airport Control If acceptable to the New Operating Carrier, the Original Operating Carrier may send Unsolicited Airport Control of 536 Procedures for Reissue New Routing: OSL - KL - AMS New Fare Basis: YW or New Routing OSL - SK -X/LON - BA - AMS New Fare Basis YW YW Original Routing: TYO AF X/PAR KL AMS Fare Basis Codes: JLOW COW New Routing: TYO - KL - AMS New Fare Basis: JLOW 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 Resolution 735d or New Routing TYO - SK -X/CPH - KL- AMS New Fare Basis JLOW JLOW In cases where an involuntary change results in a change from the original connecting flight(s) and the fare basis and cabin class differ on the coupon(s) affected by the disruption, the fare basis to be used on all reissued coupons shall be the fare basis of the first flight coupon affected by the disruption. Upgrading to a higher cabin class that is not shown on the coupons affected by the involuntary rerouting shall only be permitted in accordance with the procedures for upgrading to a higher compartment covered in section The fare basis to be applied to the reissued ticket shall refer to the fare basis that was shown on the first coupon affected by the disruption of the original ticket irrespective of the actual cabin class of travel. Examples: Original Routing: TYO AF X/PAR KL AMS Fare Basis Codes: FOWAF COWKL New Routing: TYO - JL - AMS New Fare Basis: FOWAF or New Routing TYO - SK -X/CPH - KL- AMS New Fare Basis FOWAF FOWAF Examples: Original Routing: AMS KL X/PAR AF TYO Fare Basis Codes: COWKL FOWAF New Routing: AMS - JL - TYO New Fare Basis: COWKL or New Routing AMS - KL -X/CPH - SK- TYO New Fare Basis COWKL COWKL 6.4.3 The first five places of the endorsement/restriction text shall reflect the characters ‘INVOL’. 6.4.4 The Not Valid After data element shall reflect the date of departure of the flight(s) on which the passenger has been involuntary rerouted. Alternatively, if the original NVA date is later than the new travel date, the original NVA date may be used or may be left blank. 6.4.5 The Not Valid Before data element shall reflect the date of departure of the flight(s) on which the passenger has been involuntary rerouted or may be left blank. 6.5 Request Airport Control with Involuntary Indicator (i) When the Original Operating/Marketing Carrier, or the Ticket Handler acting on their behalf, requests airport 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 control for an involuntary reroute, the involuntary indicator shall be included in the request. The request for control shall only include those coupon(s) affected by the disruption. Upon receipt of a request airport control message that includes the involuntary indicator, the Validating Carrier shall not deny the request when the coupon status is open for use and the requesting carrier is part of the ticketed itinerary affected by the disruption. 6.5.1 Where the result of the reissue is a new electronic ticket, it shall be issued in accordance with Resolution 722f. 6.5.2 A paper ticket shall only be issued when the new itinerary is ineligible for an electronic ticket. In these circumstances, the paper ticket shall be issued in accordance with Resolution 722. The provisions set forth in paragraph 7 shall apply for the involuntary rerouting of paper tickets. 6.6 Provision of New Itinerary Receipt The Original Operating/Marketing Carrier as the new Validating Carrier, when providing a replacement electronic ticket, shall deliver an itinerary/receipt to the passenger in accordance with Resolution 722f. 6.7 Usage of Flight Interruption Manifest (FIM) A FIM shall only be used for a diversion en route when the applicable electronic flight coupon(s) is not available, in accordance with Resolution 735e. Exception: For an involuntary change of carrier and/or routing, in the event that the original electronic ticket cannot be reissued or transferred to the New Operating Carrier, a FIM may be issued provided the Original Operating Carrier has control of all the affected electronic flight coupons. The Original Operating Carrier shall advise the Validating Carrier via a Change of Status message that the electronic coupons have been exchanged. 6.8 Examples for Obtaining Control in an Involuntary Reroute Scenario Example 1: Involuntary rerouting when connecting flight is cancelled Validating Carrier: BB Original Ticketed Routing: CPH CC X/LON BB BOM CC BKK (no stopover at LON) Flight LON BB BOM is cancelled Point of rerouting CPH New routing: CPH DD X/FRA DD BOM (no stopover at FRA) Reissue is performed by carrier BB for the sectors CPH CC X/LON BB BOM for travel CPH DD X/FRA DD BOM (no stopover at FRA). Carrier BB requests control back from CC to enable the original Validating Carrier to reissue the ticket. 537 Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual Example 2: Involuntary rerouting by Original Operating Carrier when originating flight is cancelled Validating Carrier: BB Point of rerouting: GVA New routing: GVA EE ZRH Original Ticketed Routing: CPH CC X/LON BB BOM CC BKK (no stopover at LON) Reissue is performed by carrier CC for sector GVA EE ZRH only as Carrier CC already has airport control of the affected flight coupon. Flight CPH CC LON is cancelled resulting in a missed connection LON BB BOM Point of rerouting CPH Example 5: Involuntary rerouting by Original Operating Carrier at origin change from a connecting flight to a direct flight New routing: CPH DD X/FRA DD BOM (no stopover at FRA) Validating Carrier: BB Reissue is performed by carrier CC for the sectors CPH CC X/LON BB BOM for travel CPH DD X/FRA DD BOM (no stopover at FRA). Original Ticketed Routing: GVA CC X/ZRH BB X/DXB BB X/ BKK DD SYD Flight GVA CC ZRH is cancelled Carrier CC requests control of coupon LON BB BOM with the involuntary indicator (I) to enable the Original Operating/Marketing Carrier of the disrupted flight to reissue the ticket for travel to BOM. The Validating Carrier shall not deny the request. Point of rerouting: GVA Example 3: Involuntary rerouting by Original Operating Carrier due to missed connection Carrier CC has control of GVA ZRH and must request control of coupons ZRH DXB and DXB BKK from Validating Carrier BB using the involuntary indicator.Carrier BB shall not deny the airport control request. Validating Carrier: BB Original Ticketed Routing: GVA CC X/ZRH BB X/DXB BB X/BKK DD SYD (no stopover at ZRH, DXB and BKK) Flight GVA CC ZRH arrives late into ZRH resulting in a missed connection to DXB and subsequent missed connection to BKK. New routing: GVA EE BKK Reissue is performed by carrier CC for sectors GVA CC X/ZRH BB X/DXB BB X/BKK. Example 6: Involuntary rerouting by Original Operating Carrier at origin changing from a direct flight to connecting flights Validating Carrier: BB Point of rerouting: ZRH Original Ticketed Routing: GVA CC DXB BB X/BKK DD SYD New routing: ZRH DD X/FRA DD BKK (no stopover at FRA) Flight GVA CC DXB is cancelled Reissue is performed by carrier CC for sectors ZRH BB X/DXB BB X/BKK for travel ZRH DD X/FRA DD BKK (no stopover at FRA). Carrier CC requests control of the coupons affected by the disruption ZRH BB X/DXB BB BKK with the involuntary indicator (I) to enable the Original Operating/ Marketing Carrier of the disrupted flight to reissue the affected flight coupons for travel to BKK. Point of rerouting: GVA New routing: GVA EE X/ZRH EE DXB Reissue is performed by carrier CC for sectors GVA CC DXB. Carrier CC has control of GVA DXB and reissues the ticket over the connecting point of ZRH. Carrier BB shall not deny the request. Carrier CC may not request control of the coupon BKK DD SYD with an (I) indicator as this coupon is not affected by the disruption. 7. PROVISIONS FOR THE INVOLUNTARY REROUTING OF PAPER TICKETS Example 4: Involuntary rerouting by Original Operating Carrier at origin change from one Operating Carrier to a New Operating Carrier–direct flight 7.1 The endorsement requirement of Resolution 736 shall apply. Validating Carrier: BB 7.2 Original Ticketed Routing: GVA CC ZRH BB X/DXB BB X/BKK DD SYD The Original Marketing/Operating Carrier or Ticket Handler acting on their behalf shall: Flight GVA CC ZRH is cancelled 7.2.1 present the original flight coupon(s) for onward carriage. When so presented, they shall be accepted by the New Operating Carrier, provided that provisions of 7.2.3 of Resolution 735d are applied, taking into account 538 PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS No Change of Routing 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 Resolution 735d the applicable endorsement procedures, on the understanding that an endorsement to the New Operating Carrier must not be withheld. When the passenger is in possession of the flight coupon(s), a Flight Interruption Manifest (FIM) shall not be issued nor shall the New Operating Carrier request the issuance of a FIM, or Example 2: Change from a ‘direct’ flight to ‘connecting’ flights 7.2.2 issue a FIM where the passenger has surrendered the flight coupon(s) prior to the occurrence of the involuntary reroute, in order to provide the least possible delay or inconvenience to the passenger. When so presented, the FIM shall be accepted. Rerouting using original flight coupons is permitted since origin and destination did not change and new routing is by one carrier. Note: Whenever possible the original flight coupon(s) should later be substituted for the FIM. Change from a ‘direct’ flight to ‘connecting’ flights with an onward sector, the latter not being effected by the change. 7.2.3 when the original paper flight coupon(s) are presented for onward carriage, the Original Operating Carrier shall enter “INVOL REROUTE” on the applicable flight coupon(s). When such onward carriage is at a higher or at a lower cost, the Original Operating Carrier shall enter and validate “INVOL UP” or “INVOL DOWN”, as applicable, in the “Restrictions/Endorsements” box of the appropriate flight coupon(s) and the carbonised passenger coupon(s) or the ATB passenger receipt(s). When the passenger is downgraded and it is known which class of service he will be downgraded to, enter “INVOL DOWN TO (enter applicable class of service code) CLASS”; provided further that when the Original Operating Carrier is physically unable to do so, the New Operating Carrier shall enter and validate this notation. 7.3 Change of Routing The Original Operating Carrier taking into account the applicable endorsement procedures, on the understanding that an endorsement to the Original Operating Carrier shall not be withheld shall: 7.3.1 reticket the passenger; or 7.3.2 issue Flight Interruption Manifest(s) (FIM(s)) in accordance with paragraphs 1.2 and 2 of Resolution 735e in order to provide onward carriage with the least possible delay or inconvenience to the passenger; or 7.3.3 if acceptable to the New Operating Carrier, present the original flight coupon(s) for onward carriage when there is no change in the origin and destination and the new routing is to be flown by one receiving carrier over two or more sector(s). In such case, the Original Operating Carrier shall enter “INVOL REROUTE” in a blank area, other than the “SCAN AREA” on the applicable coupon(s). Original Ticketed Routing: OSL SK FRA New Routing: OSL KL AMS KL FRA (no stopover) Example 3: Two or more carriers, no change in Connecting Point Original Ticketed Routing: OSL KL AMS KL FRA (no stopover) New Routing: OSL SK CPH SK AMS KL FRA (no stopover) Rerouting using original flight coupons is permitted since origin and destination of each original flight coupon did not change. Example 4: Change from ‘connecting’ flights to a ‘direct’ flight Original Ticketed Routing: OSL LH HAM LH AMS (no stopover) New Routing: OSL KL AMS Rerouting using original flight coupons is permitted since origin and destination did not change. 7.3.4 nothing in this paragraph shall prevent the New Operating Carrier from reissuing the ticket when the Original Operating Carrier is unable to do so. 7.4 In all cases where the passenger is reticketed to cover carriage via a different routing, carry forward to the new ticket the original “Fare Calculation”, “Fare”, “Tax/ Fee/Charge”, “Equiv. Fare Paid” and “Total” entries and show the revised routing being reflected only in the “Good for Passage” section. Optionally, “NO ADC” may be entered in the “Total” box. The “Restrictions/ Endorsements” box on all appropriate coupons shall be marked “INVOL REROUTE”. 7.5 The withdrawn flight coupons of tickets shall be endorsed across the face of coupons “EXCHANGED” (or another notation to the same effect), in order to prevent their fraudulent reuse lost or stolen. Example 1: Change in Connecting Point Original Ticketed Routing: OSL KL AMS KL FRA (no stopover) New Routing: OSL SK CPH SK FRA (no stopover) Rerouting using original flight coupons is permitted since origin and destination did not change and the new routing is by one carrier. 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 539
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