RVCS Private Satellite Program Main Policy Manual 2014-‐15 Revised July 2014 1 Rincon Valley Christian School Private Satellite Program 4585 Badger Road Santa Rosa, CA 95409 (707) 539-‐1486 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Purpose Position on Educational Choice and Ministry Vision Statement Goals and Values MEMBER SERVICES Website Maintenance of School Records Official High School Report Cards, Transcripts, and Diploma School Calendar and Monthly Newsletters Monthly Parent Education Meetings (PEMs) Social and Educational Opportunities Campus Day Program Curriculum Lending Library Resource and Literature Library Spring Stanford Achievement Computerized Testing School Pictures and Annual PSP Yearbook End of the Year Honors Night and Graduation Ceremony MEMBER REQUIREMENTS General Expectations Enrollment and Fees Application / Enrollment / Re-‐enrollment Fees Tuition Secondary Student Surcharge Home School Legal Defense Association Campus Day Classes RVCS Day School Class and Sports Fees CIF Paperwork Field Trips and Activities Stanford Achievement Computerized Testing Fee Other Expenses Fines and Late Fees Recordkeeping (Annual and Monthly) Attendance HSLDA Parent Teaching Requirement Grading and Report Cards Testing Withdrawal RVCS PARTICIPATION Class and Sports Options RVCS Activities RVCS Fundraisers PSP ADMINISTRATION Organizational Structure Advisory Committee Staff Positions PARENT – STUDENT CONTRACT AT A GLANCE: NOTES FROM RVCS STUDENT HANDBOOK PAYMENT SCHEDULE RVCS PSP PAPERWORK & FINANCIAL POLICY FORM Revised July 2014 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 12 13 14 RINCON VALLEY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL PRIVATE SATELLITE PROGRAM Purpose The Rincon Valley Christian Private Satellite Program (PSP) is a private school existing as a ministry of Santa Rosa Bible Church with oversight by Rincon Valley Christian School and the PSP Advisory Committee. The purpose of the PSP is to encourage Christian families in maintaining a Christ-‐ centered, biblically focused home education, based on Deuteronomy 6:5-‐9, while offering a wide array of academic, athletic, spiritual, and social opportunities for grades Kindergarten through 12th grade. The PSP operates under the provision of the California Education Code Section 58222, falling under the Private School Affidavit of Rincon Valley Christian School, which is filed annually each October. SRBC Position on Educational Choice God ordained the local church to accomplish His purposes and it is designed to work in concert with the family. The family is to be the primary means of instruction, discipline, and to be the primary teachers of God’s Word to their children (Psalm 78:5-‐7). Scripture clearly states that fathers are to bring up their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:5). The family is where the Word of God should be discussed, taught, learned and memorized (Deut. 6:6-‐9). Parents are the primary ministers to their children. The local church should be seen as a supplement to assisting parents in this important role and responsibility. We recognize that there are differing views regarding educational choices (public school, Christian school, PSP, home school, etc.) within various families among the church. Parents are to prayerfully consider the best educational option for each child and follow the Lord’s leading. SRBC supports and respects each of these choices without denigrating or biasing our ministry towards one philosophy or choice. Division among believers based on educational choices is not acceptable as Romans 15:10 states, “You then, why do you judge your brother? Or why do you look down on your brother? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat.” SRBC Educational Ministry Vision Statement SRBC offers two alternatives to families for the education of their children. Both are ministries of the church, have an outreach to the community of Santa Rosa, and operate under the authority of SRBC’s Official Board with delegated oversight by the Rincon Valley Christian School (RVCS). The educational ministries that are approved by the Official Board include both a “day school” program and a Private Satellite Program (PSP). Both of these programs are intended to operate under RVCS with full cooperation and mutual support from the faculty and families involved in either program. It is expected that there will be overlap of the programs where it is appropriate in accomplishing the educational and Christian character goals of the ministries. While the goal of both programs is the education of the student, it is expected that there will be different educational pathways associated with each. All ministries of SRBC are to strive to bring glory to God in excellence, integrity, and unity. Revised July 2014 3 Goals 1. To build a strong moral foundation for our children based on scriptural principles and a Christian worldview. 2. To bring up our children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. 3. To impart Godly values to our children through example and academic study. Values 1. Commitment to educational philosophy which is not after the traditions of men or the principals of this world, but after Christ in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. (Col. 2:8) 2. Belief that God established the institution of marriage in order to raise Godly offspring. (Mal 2:15) 3. Conviction that God has called Christian parents to fulfill their obligation in raising and training their children for the glory of God. (Deut. 5:2 and 6:5-‐9, Psalm 78:3-‐8, 2 Tim 1:5)) 4. Recognition that parents are accountable to God for the instruction and discipline of their own children. (Eph. 6:5, Titus 2:5-‐5) 5. Realization that Christian families must be above reproach in word and deed as a testimony for the Lord, maintaining a positive reputation with SRBC, RVCS and the community. Revised July 2014 4 Member Services Website – www.rinconvalleychristian.org, click on Private Satellite Program tab The majority of our forms, school calendar, monthly issues of the PSP newsletter, links to HSLDA, CHEA, and eScrip, and much more are available with the click of a mouse. Maintenance of School Records (both cumulative and family files) Official High School Report Cards, Transcripts, and Diploma School Calendar and Monthly Newsletters Monthly Parent Education Meetings (PEMs) The purpose of the PEM is for educational and spiritual encouragement and support. Prayer and Care Groups provide additional support in a more personal setting within a small group. Attendance at the PEM is mandatory for one or both parents. Children are not allowed at the PEM except when designated as a family event. A check for the family statement balance must be turned in at the meeting or in the PSP office prior to the PEM. Only one PEM absence is allowed per school year. PEM attendance is counted when the member attending is present for the entire meeting including paperwork drop off, announcements, prayer group time, and speaker presentation. Social and Educational Opportunities Children are required to be accompanied by a parent at all activities unless special arrangements have been made with another adult and PSP staff has been notified. *Participation in events with an asterisk is for PSP enrolled students only. *School sports opportunities *Honors Night Recognition Program Family Night Field Trips *Student Showcase Seasonal Parties Wells Fargo Center Shows *Campus Day *Physical Fitness Testing End of Year Swim Party Campus Day Program The optional Campus Day program exists to provide opportunities for students enrolled in the PSP program to participate in classes once a week in a classroom setting in both academic and elective courses. Students have the option of taking up to four classes on Thursdays on campus taught primarily by PSP parents. At the High School level these courses will provide affordable access towards fulfillment of current CIF outside graded course requirements. Campus Day will occur twice a year for 16 weeks each in a Fall and Spring semester format. Parental involvement is necessary providing oversight and accountability for their student. Curriculum Lending Library -‐ Borrow curriculum and other resources for an entire school year. Resource and Literature Library -‐ Checkout parent educator resources for one month Spring Stanford Achievement Computerized Testing (for grades 4 – 11, optional grade 3) School Pictures and Annual PSP Yearbook End of the Year Honors Night and Graduation Ceremony Revised July 2014 5 Member Requirements General Expectations Compliance with all PSP policies Willingness to be supportive of the authority you place your students under Adherence to guidelines within RVCS Student Handbook Regular church attendance Clear testimony of salvation Agreement with SRBC doctrinal statement Meet requirement of 10 parent participation hours annually Willingness to participate in eScrip Commitment to checking email daily for PSP communications Enrollment Enrollment is open to children at least 5 years old by September 1st. Children can only be enrolled in a single school program. Annual membership in HSLDA is mandatory in all cases. Fees Application Fee, non-‐refundable, processed at schedule of interview Enrollment Fee New Family, non-‐refundable (Application received by June 10th) New Family, non-‐refundable (Application received after June 10th) Re-‐enrollment Fee Returning families, non-‐refundable (due at February PEM) Returning families, non-‐refundable (after February PEM) $25 $150 $200 $100 $150 Tuition for 1 student: $320 – 8 payments of $40 each Tuition for 2 students: $400 – 8 payments of $50 each Tuition for 3+ students: $480 – 8 payments of $60 each High School Student (9th-‐12th) surcharge each: $40 – 8 payments of $5 each Monthly tuition payments are due at the August through April PEMs with no payment due in December. Campus Day Class Fees are in addition to tuition (see below). Home School Legal Defense Membership (HSLDA Group # 299594) $100 Campus Day Class Fees, per month (four payments per semester) Individual class, K-‐6th $15 Individual class, 7th-‐12th $20 Maximum per family (for first 3 classes per student) $100 (additional fees apply for 4th class, surcharge classes, and one time course fee) RVCS Day School Class Fees (Payable directly to day school in office) Upon application ($25 fee) plus 1/7 of the current year's registration and matriculation Monthly – 1/7 of tuition per class Revised July 2014 6 RVCS Day School Sports Fees 5th – 8th grade sports (per sport) $250 9th – 12th grade sports (per sport except football) $350 th th 9 – 12 grade football $450 RVCS College Counseling Support College counseling with the Day School Counselor $50/hr CIF Paperwork Per eligibility quarter (High school students participating in RVCS sports) $25 Field Trips and Activities Fees for field trips and activities vary depending upon the event. All fees are non-‐refundable and must be paid in a timely manner or forfeiture of attendance may occur. Stanford Achievement Computerized Testing (SAT) Fee 4th –11th grades per student, 3rd grade optional per student $20 Other Expenses Parents are responsible for the purchase of the curriculum of their choice. Participation in RVCS day school activities may have additional costs. Fines and Late Fees Each PEM absence beyond the 1st absence (maximum 3 absences) $25 Late account balance -‐ $10 per week past PEM date $10 th Late monthly paperwork -‐ $10 per family per week past the 10 of the month $10 Late report card – $10 per family per week $10 Unfulfilled parent participation hours (10 hours required) $15 each hour Any member missing a deadline for a fourth time may be required to forfeit membership. Please refer to page 5 of this manual to understand how PEM attendance is determined. Recordkeeping Annual records due by August 10th (updated in Dropbox) Teacher Qualifications (review and update if necessary) Family Emergency Form (update each year) Course of Study per student High School Tracking (9th-‐12th only) Annual records handed in at or before the August Orientation (please retain copies) Parent-‐Student Contract Paperwork and Financial Policy Proof of HSLDA membership (only if not using PSP Group #) Monthly and Quarterly Records Each school month members must update attendance and lesson summaries in the COS and Lesson Summary file for each student in their family folder in Dropbox, due by the 10th of the following month. Course of Studies must be updated with quarterly grades at the end of each school quarter according to dates listed on PSP calendar. Revised July 2014 7 Attendance The PSP school year runs June thru May. A minimum of 175 annual school days is required by May 31st. Please refer to the PSP calendar for a standard attendance day schedule that you can utilize for the year. Secondary students may not miss more than 10 school days/semester. HSLDA Parent Teaching Requirement K-‐8th graders must be parent-‐taught in at least half of their subjects. High school students are exempt, but a parent must closely and actively monitor all work. Grading and Report Cards Kindergarten-‐12th grade reports are due at the end of each quarter (see PSP Calendar for due dates) based on the parent assigned grading rubrics or outside grading rubric assigned by an outside teacher. CIF outside grade verification forms are also due quarterly (see PSP Calendar for due dates). The following grading systems apply to RVCS PSP as well as the day school: K-‐3rd Grades 4th -‐12th Grades E = Excellent A = Outstanding 90-‐100% S = Satisfactory B = Very Good 80-‐89% N = Needs Improvement C = Average 70-‐79% D = Needs Improvement 60-‐69% F = Failure/repeat the material 0-‐59% Suggested Grading Categories: 4th-‐6th Grades 7th-‐12th Grades 30% Participation 10% Participation 30% Daily Work 50% Daily Work 20% Tests/Exams 20% Tests/Exams 20% Special Projects 20% Special Projects Testing The Stanford Achievement Computerized Test in Language Arts and Mathematics is mandatory for all 4th-‐11th graders, and optional for 3rd graders. RVCS PSP does not allow exemptions for learning difficulties. Our SAT tests follow the recommended unlimited time format. Test results are not used by the PSP for promotion purposes, but are mandatory for our school and useful to the parent-‐teachers for future academic planning. Withdrawal To withdraw from the PSP, a 30-‐day written notice must be emailed in advance directly to the PSP Administrator. Tuition will be charged through the month of withdrawal. Revised July 2014 8 RVCS Participation PSP students participating in any on campus or school sponsored activity must follow the day school’s code of conduct and dress code described in the current year RVCS Student Handbook, available on the website at rinconvalleychristian.org. On campus class and sports concerns should be directly communicated to the on campus teacher or coach. Please refer to the RVCS Student Handbook for specific on-‐campus procedures. Class Options RVCS PSP students may attend classes at the RVCS day school campus on a space available basis and upon approval of the RVCS administration. Requests for classes (form available on the PSP website) at the day campus should be submitted through the day school office. Students will be required to comply with all school rules of conduct and dress. Sports Options RVCS PSP students have the privilege of trying out for RVCS sports teams. Placement on a team is not guaranteed. While participating on a RVCS sports team, students must pay the associated sports fees and comply with all RVCS rules of conduct and dress. Parents are expected to help with any requested parent participation (driving, ticket sales, snack bar); this does not count towards PSP parent participation. Additionally, RVCS participates in high school sports under the auspices of the North Coast Section (NCS) of the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF), the state governing body for high school sports. Under NCS rules, all student athletes are required to maintain at least a 2.0 GPA while playing, with no F’s in any class, and PSP athletes are required to have a minimum of four outside graded subjects (other than a parent) per quarter of eligibility. The intent behind these requirements is objective grading and academic stability. Please see the PSP Secondary Manual for examples of outside graded classes, which may include Campus Day, SRJC, Potter's School, other co-‐op classes, Work Experience, and music lessons. RVCS Activities Participation in various RVCS activities is usually open to PSP students. Full commitment to involvement and associated fees is mandatory prior to signing up for the activity. PSP members will approach all activities with the day school with an attitude of unity and full participation. RVCS Fundraisers PSP families are encouraged to participate in the major day school fundraisers in support of school wide technology upgrades, art and athletic programs, and tuition assistance. Revised July 2014 9 PSP Administration Organizational Structure Santa Rosa Bible Church and Rincon Valley Christian School are considered one legal entity, under non-‐profit status. Both the day school and the satellite program file under one State of California Private School Affidavit. Rincon Valley Christian School’s Private Satellite Program is a ministry of Santa Rosa Bible Church, and an educational program within Rincon Valley Christian School. Santa Rosa Bible Church is governed by the Church Board of Directors, which oversees the RVC School Board of Directors. Rincon Valley Christian School is administered by the day school principal, currently Paul Eggenberger, who reports to and is directed by the School Board. The day school principal oversees both the day school and satellite programs, with the PSP Administrator reporting directly to the principal. The PSP Administrator works with both the day school principal and has an advisory relationship with the PSP Advisory Committee for general direction and specific issue resolution. PSP Advisory Committee The Advisory Committee exists to provide advice and interview support to the PSP Administrator on an as-‐needed basis. The committee consists of four non-‐employee PSP couples. Current AC members include: Paul (Facilitator) & Ann Bartholow, Robert (Facilitator) & Toddy Cantrell, John & Amy Semans, and Leo & Kim Gorauskas. PSP Staff Positions Administrator Administrative Assistant Parent Education Assistant Student Activities Director Linda Hoffman Janice Maples Lori Willis Shelly Gillette 696-‐2396 575-‐1756 486-‐2476 529-‐2413 Administrator – Reports directly to the principal and supervises all PSP Staff. Management of PSP including enrollment, interviews, membership, directories, calendar, communication, electronic paperwork, attendance requirements, Campus Day program, high school counseling, transcripts, report cards, CIF eligibility, SAT testing, policy manual updates, finance and annual budget, and website update. Administrative Assistant – Reports to PSP Administrator. Responsible for all financial and paperwork aspects of the PSP including collection of tuition, maintenance of family accounts, Campus Day finances, monthly P&L and balance sheets, bank reconciliations, payroll, financial reimbursements, PEM attendance, delinquent payer accounts, and cumulative and family files, K-‐8th recordkeeping, and procedure documentation. Parent Education Assistant -‐ Reports to PSP Administrator. Responsible for Parent Education Meetings, parent participation, new family ministry, prayer and support groups, monthly newsletter, Picture Day, Honors Night, TCHEN, and Yearbook production. Student Activities Director – Reports to PSP Administrator. Responsible for all PSP field trips. She assists the Administrator in Campus Day support including determination of class offerings and schedule, curriculum and materials, teacher procurement, teacher policy and support, and on campus relations integrating class times and room usage with the day school and church. Revised July 2014 10 RVCS PSP 2014-‐15 Parent -‐ Student Contract • • • • • • I understand that RVCS PSP is a ministry of Santa Rosa Bible Church and support the Christian purpose, doctrinal basis of RVCS and the PSP goals and values. I desire to work with the PSP, Rincon Valley Christian School and Santa Rosa Bible Church in the total education of my child(ren). (Parents) As a family, we will support and submit to the authority of the on campus administration, teachers, and coaches we place ourselves under. (Parents and students) I have read the RVCS PSP policy manual completely and agree to meet all the requirements. Failure to comply with all requirements may result in disciplinary action or forfeiture of membership. (Parents) I promise to pay the appropriate tuition charges payable for the students enrolled in the PSP, Campus Day program and RVCS day school including sports and on campus activities. (Parents) I have read and agree to strictly adhere to the RVCS On Campus Student Dress Code and Moral Conduct policies. I have read the At a Glance Student Handbook page (following) and agree to comply with RVCS's stated policy when on campus. (Parents and students) I certify that all the information presented by me in this contract is to the best of my knowledge, true, complete, and accurate. It is understood that my child’s attendance is a privilege, not a right. (Parents) Printed Name and Signature of Father ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Date Printed Name and Signature of Mother ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Date Printed Names and Signatures of all enrolled students ________________________________________ ____________________________________ ________________________________________ ____________________________________ ________________________________________ ____________________________________ ________________________________________ ____________________________________ ________________________________________ ____________________________________ Rincon Valley Christian School and Private Satellite Program admit students of any race, color, and national origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at school. It does not discriminate because of race, color, and national origin in the administration of its educational and admissions policies, tuition assistance programs, and athletic and other school-‐administered programs. Revised July 2014 11 At a Glance: Items to note from the RVCS Student Handbook 2014-‐15 As mentioned in "Student Moral Conduct", at RVCS, our highest priority and standard for living is the Word of God. RVCS also has "house rules" or preferences to assist in maintaining an orderly and safe campus. Students and parents should know and understand these policies. p. 22 GENERAL DRESS-‐CODE GUIDELINES (beginning page 24) • Dress standards apply to all school related activities (concerts, athletic events, etc.) • Words or pictures on clothing/accessories must be consistent w/God's Word • Bare torsos, see-‐through clothing, low-‐cut armholes, spaghetti straps, tank tops, halter tops, low cut tops, too tight or form fitting, etc. are not allowed. Bra straps and underwear must not be visible. • Clothing should be neat in appearance and free from holes. No pajamas allowed except for special theme occasions announced by the school. • Athletic wear may be worn as long as it adheres to school dress code guidelines. • Hair should be well maintained & groomed. Any dyed hair must be a natural hair color • Girl’s ears are the only body piercings allowed & earlobe expanders may not be worn. • Visible tattoos are not allowed. • Sunglasses, hats, bandanas or caps are allowed outside, but not in classroom or chapel -‐ applies to both boys & girls. • Students may not go bare foot. Secondary students may wear sandals. Elementary students must have enclosed heels or back straps due to playground safety. • Shorts and skirts must be at least two inches below fingertips in a relaxed stance with arms at side. Yoga pants and leggings must have a blouse, skirt, or dress meeting the two inch requirement. • Boy’s hair may not be worn below collar of a regular t-‐shirt. Eyes must be visible. • All boys’ shirts must have sleeves. Tank tops are not allowed. Shirts must be worn at all times • Girl’s clothing, hair and make-‐up must be modest, well maintained, groomed and not distracting. ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES • Cell phones must be turned off when school is in session and due to privacy issues, are not allowed in PE locker rooms. p. 22 • Students are not permitted to "hang out" on parking lot side of campus during breaks or lunch. p. 23 • Food and beverages (including water) are not allowed in any of the labs at any time. p. 23 • Chewing gum on campus is prohibited at all times. Breath mints are an appropriate substitute for those who are concerned about hygiene. p. 26 • RVCS is acknowledging those with allergies and is now a fragrance-‐free school. • Students are NOT to be in the gym without teacher supervision due to insurance liability. p. 26 • Students who drive to school are to park their cars in the area designated for student parking. Student parking is limited to the lined parking areas in front of the gymnasium. p. 28 • Students who participate on athletic teams may not drive their own vehicles to games. p. 32 (see exception to this rule on same page) • Toys, radios, electronic games, lasers, etc. may not be brought to school. p. 32 • NO weapons (knives, firearms, bullets, etc,) of any kind (even toys) may be brought to school. p. 33 • Student Moral Conduct pp. 33 -‐ 37 Prohibited behaviors: Academic dishonesty, fornication and/or pregnancy, harassment, public displays of affection, tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. ADDITIONAL CAMPUS DAY GUIDELINES FOR PSP STUDENTS • Cell phones must be turned off when school is in session and only used in front of Sanctuary to call an adult for pickup. NO other cell phone usage, including texting, will be allowed. • Musical listening devices may not be brought to Campus Day. Please leave these devices at home. • If any medication needs exist for any PSP student, please talk with the Administrator for procedure. PSP students are not allowed to self dispense any medications. Revised July 2014 12 RVCS PSP Payment Schedule Items in bold are mandatory All other fees are optional based on participation You will find additional optional activities available for sign up on our monthly Activity Form Month Due August September October November January February March April Tuition Other Items In full or 1st of 8 payments Renew HSLDA Fall Campus Day Resource Fees (1 per PEM) Fall Campus Day Class Fees 1st payment WFCA Shows nd 2 payment Fall Campus Day Class Fees 2nd payment High School Sports Paperwork Fee (to play 2nd quarter) RVCS Sports Fees: cross country, football, soccer, volleyball, and flag football 3rd payment Fall Campus Day Class Fees 3rd payment First 1/2 Parent Participation Fee (if not volunteering) Yearbook(s) 4th payment Fall Campus Day Class Fees 4th payment Registration fee for Spring Campus Day High School Sports Paperwork Fee (to play 3rd quarter) RVCS Sports Fees: HS & JH boys’ basketball, and JH volleyball th 5 payment Spring Campus Day Resource Fees Spring Campus Day Class Fees 1st payment 6th payment Spring Campus Day Class Fees 2nd payment *Re-enrollment fee for High School Sports Paperwork Fee (to play 4th following year quarter) RVCS Sports Fees: girls’ JH basketball th 7 payment SAT Testing (required for 4th-11th, 3rd optional) Spring Campus Day Class Fee 3rd payment RVCS Sports Fees: baseball, golf, softball, tennis, track, and JH soccer. th 8 payment Spring Campus Day Class Fee 4th payment Registration Fee for Fall Campus Day Kindergarten Graduation supplies High School Sports Paperwork Fee (to play 1st qrtr) RVCS Sports Fee: Elementary basketball Second 1/2 Parent Participation Fee (if have not volunteered 10 hours) Revised July 2014 13 RVCS PSP 2014-‐15 Paperwork and Financial Policy Please read the following Paperwork and Financial Policy sign and bring it to the August PEM. Turning in paperwork on time is mandatory. CA Educ. Law requires much of this paperwork. Paperwork that is turned in late creates extra work for our staff. Please plan for a successful school year by adding all due dates from our PSP calendar to your personal calendar. PSP membership may be terminated for lack of adherence to PSP staff requirements and requests for necessary paperwork. If for some reason an emergency arises and you will be late, please communicate with the appropriate staff member. While we hope that due dates will always be met, we want you to be aware of our late policy and the consequences for late items. Beginning of the Year Paperwork: Due by August 10 (update files in family Dropbox folder) Teacher Qualifications (revised and updated), Family Emergency Form (updated) , Course of Study for each student, and High School Tracking for each 9th – 12th grade student. Due at August Orientation (within the Main Policy Manual): Parent – Student Contract, Paperwork & Financial Policy, and HSLDA Membership Copy (if not using PSP Group#). Monthly Lesson Summaries and Attendance: Due by the 10th of each month. Update the Monthly Lesson Summary and Attendance file in your family Dropbox folder by completing a brief summary of lessons completed by subject and the monthly and YTD attendance days. 175 minimum days are required by May 31st of each school year. Course of Study: All student (K-‐12th) Course of Studies must be updated quarterly in the family Dropbox folder. Please refer to the PSP calendar for deadlines. PLEASE NOTE: A late fee of $10 per family per week will be charged for any late paperwork. Repeated late paperwork may result in forfeiture of PSP membership. CIF Paperwork (check calendar for due dates): Four outside graded (other than a parent) courses must be emailed to lhoffman@rvchristian.org. CIF eligibility will not be issued if paperwork is turned in late. If you are having a problem getting a document, please contact Linda Hoffman. Payments: Your emailed statement balance including tuition is due at each monthly PEM. A late fee of $10 per family per week past the PEM date will apply to past due accounts. PEM Attendance is mandatory for one parent. PEM attendance is counted when the member is present for the entire meeting including paperwork drop off, announcements, prayer group time, and speaker presentation. There is a $25 fine per absence after the 1st miss, after the 4th time you may forfeit your PSP membership. Field Trip and Activity payments are non-‐refundable, even if something prevents participation at a later date. Late payment may result in forfeiture of participation in the activity, including non-‐refund of prior payments. Parent Participation Requirement Each family within the PSP is required to complete a minimum of 10 annual hours of parent participation. Members who choose not to volunteer, will be charged $75 on their October and April statements for a total of $150. Members who volunteer, yet have not fulfilled the entire 10 hours, will be charged $15 per unfulfilled hour on their April statement. RVC Fundraising Support is strongly encouraged as a means of school wide support for technology and resource upgrades. I have read the PSP Policy Manual and will adhere to all RVCS PSP paperwork and financial policies. Printed Name: _________________________Signature_________________________Date _________ Revised July 2014 14
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