Societies are asked to contact the Chairperson of FEBS Education Committee for future potential workshops. The Education Committee also organizes joint activities with other FEBS Committees or Working Groups as well as with education committees of other international organizations such as IUBMB. The Committee also disseminates educational resources for teaching Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and it promotes innovative education methods. FEBS Education Committee runs a website, the “FEBS Education Platform”, containing a number of resources from workshops and symposia it organizes or compiles ( Some of the material is freely available and some courses are accessible only with an access key ( ) which can be obtained from the FEBS Education Committee. Science & Society The FEBS Science & Society Committee intends to discuss and advise the Executive Committee to address potential societal problems emerging from the advancements in molecular biosciences. The committee promotes participation in public debates and makes on behalf of FEBS general recommendations how to deal with all relevant issues related to Science & Society, including the ever-increasing ethical aspects of research. FEBS also seeks to interact with other scientific organizations and societies engaged in similar activities, including joint workshops and debates at the annual FEBS Congress. FEBS Working Groups The FEBS Working Group on Careers of Young Scientists. The main activity of this working group is in coordinating a yearly event, the “Young Scientist Forum (YSF)”, an international scientific meeting organized by young scientists as a satellite for the annual FEBS Congress. The YSF aims at promoting the career and international network building of about 125 participants fully supported by FEBS. The Forum offers a unique opportunity to discuss projects, meet colleagues and build a network among those that will be the next generation scientists and leaders. Participants include PhD students and early post-docs who are also the main actors (speakers, organizers of round tables) of this event. Round table discussions addressing the various aspects of a scientific career take place during the YSF and at the main FEBS Congress as a “YSF session”. Additional activities include: Counseling by e-mails and collaboration with the IUBMB and EMBO. FEBS now sponsors up to 20 participants in the EMBO Laboratory Management Courses. These courses aim at the training of young group-leaders in complementary skills such as leadership, communication, staff selection and effective problem solving. The Working Group on Women in Science aims to explore ways for FEBS’ engagement on the topic of Women in Science (WISE). The activities of the working group are to facilitate awareness on the issues of women in science and to encourage people to participate actively in the promotion of gender equality in science. Initiatives are undertaken with the aim to expand the prospects for women to pursue a career in science. Workshops on WISE issues take place at the main FEBS Congress and a women’s career lunch is organized where groups consisting of female senior scientists and participants discuss personal career related issues. Finally, an annual FEBS/EMBO Women in Science Award is presented to a woman working in the molecular life sciences, acknowledging her exceptional achievement and inspiring future generations of women scientists. The Working Group on Integration (WGI) explores ways of improving conditions of researchers in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The WGI promotes integration of life-scientists in the latter countries. It undertakes exploratory visits to them and provides reports containing a comparative analysis of the state of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. The WGI suggests measures to be taken both by FEBS and local governmental bodies to improve the quality and competitiveness. The WGI helps to encourage participation of CEE countries in FEBS activities and organizes lectures, whereby distinguished scientists are invited to present new research or educational information, as well as information on the benefits available from the Federation. The deadlines for all ONLINE applications are on: March 1 & August 1 in each calendar year All applications must be submitted online via the FEBS homepage. Detailed information and all guidelines are available at the FEBS website FEBS Federation of European Biochemical Societies A Global Charity Supporting Science & Education in the Molecular Biosciences Dear Colleagues: FEBS is Europe’s leading scientific organization in the field of the molecular life sciences, with more than 45.000 members of 46 National Biochemical Societies active all the way from Ireland and Iceland in the west to Armenia and Azerbaijan in the east. Thus, FEBS provides a voice to a large part of the academic research and teaching community in Europe and beyond. FEBS publishes three world- renowned scientific journals: FEBS Journal, FEBS Letters and Molecular Oncology, to which a new open access journal was added very recently - FEBS openbio. These serve as platforms for presenting the most recent discoveries in the life sciences and also generate the means for funding our Federation’s activities, ranging from fellowships for graduate and postgraduate students, to the organization of courses, workshops and conferences, and the annual FEBS Congress. The 2012 FEBS Congress shall take place in Seville, Spain, jointly with IUBMB, and all of you are invited to participate ( Further activities address the promotion of modern biochemistry and molecular biology education, advancing careers of women in science and of young scientists as well as assistance in integration of developing communities such as those in parts of Eastern Europe. Of paramount importance is the advantage FEBS has in maintaining a close relationship with thousands of its Constituent Societies’ members. Through the exchange of ideas and information among its members, as well as through a constructive and collective opinion formation process, we aim to provide thoughtful and influential input towards the development of European scientific policies. Furthermore, an effective dissemination of scientific information understandable to the layperson and to the public at large, about new scientific discoveries and achievements, are crucial elements in the ongoing discussions on the role of science, especially in issues related to quality of life and health. Taken together, all these and other important activities substantially contribute to the promotion of scientific excellence mainly, but not exclusively, in Europe. Winnie Eskild FEBS Chair 2012 Israel Pecht FEBS Secretary General Contact Info FEBS Secretary General’s Office is located at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. All further contacts are available on the FEBS website. FEBS – A Global Player in Science For many years, FEBS has been entertaining close ties with the International Union of Biochemistry (IUBMB). FEBS has been contributing to science policy-making. Collaborative instruments such as the Initiative for Science in Europe (ISE) or the European Life Science Foundation (ELSF) have been catalyzing the creation of the European Research Council (ERC). The future will also bring networks with related scientific organizations operating in Asia and the American continent, underscoring the global importance of FEBS as a scientific organization promoting bioscience development. FEBS Congresses FEBS Journal Published by WileyBlackwell, The FEBS Journal publishes full-length research papers and reviews in all areas of molecular life sciences. It is among the leading journals in biology & biochemistry and has been named a Rising Star (Thomson Reuters Science Watch 2008) among them. Focus disciplines also include bioinformatics, genomics, proteomics, molecular and cell biology, systems biology as well as signal transduction. Each year a prize is awarded to a young scientist who has published an outstanding paper in FEBS Journal. ISI Thompson Impact Factor for 2010 is 3.129 FEBS annual Congresses are one of the most visible activities of the Federation aiming to present, especially to the younger generation, a broad spectrum of the latest developments in the molecular life sciences. The FEBS Congress, held annually in countries that have a constituent society of the Federation, provides a platform for scientific presentations, discussions and exchange of data and ideas. FEBS Congresses provide opportunities for the presentation of original communications in symposia and workshops. Featuring approx. 2000-3000 attendees and a showcase of the newest advances in biochemistry, the annual FEBS Congress is one of the larger lifesciences congresses in Europe. FEBS Letters The next FEBS Congress will be held in Seville (Spain) September 4th-9th 2012. Published by Elsevier, highlights new discoveries, approaches, as well as technical developments, in basic, clinical discovery-driven translational cancer research. The journal also provides an international forum for debating cancer issues, and for integrating the input of all stakeholders. Molecular Oncology‘s News section includes regular updates on new developments in Cancer Research Infrastructures (biobanks, databases, genomic resources). ISI Thompson Impact Factor for 2010 is 4.25 Guidelines and detailed information on the application procedure to host the Annual FEBS Congress are available at: FEBS Publications & Publishers The FEBS Publications Committee coordinates the cooperation with two leading publishers, Elsevier and Wiley-Blackwell, publishing three prominent FEBS journals in molecular life sciences and translational cancer research, in addition to its open access online journal. We invite scientists to consider publishing their primary research in FEBS publications, each covering a certain area and offering distinctive advantages over other competitor journals. Published by Elsevier, FEBS Letters enjoys international reputation for the rapid publication of short reports in many areas of Molecular Biosciences, and has recently become the first journal to publish Structured Digital Abstracts interlinking novel proteinprotein interaction data directly with interaction databases. Each year an award is given to a young author of a paper published in FEBS Letters. ISI Thompson Impact Factor for 2010 is 3.601 Molecular Oncology FEBS Open Bio FEBS Open Bio is a new online-only, author-pays, open access journal for the rapid publication of articles in the molecular and cellular life sciences in both health and disease. FEBS Fellowships The FEBS Fellowships Committee coordinates the FEBS Fellowships Programme that was set up in 1978. Since then the programme has come to be known as a highly competitive and prestigious one thanks to the rigorous selection used and the package FEBS offers fellows. FEBS fellowships and scholarships are stipends available to members of a FEBS Constituent Society seeking to work in a different FEBS country to that in which they are working or, in the case of Return-To-Europe fellowships, to resume working in a FEBS country. FEBS offers Short-Term Fellowships (of up to three months), Long-Term Post-Doctoral Fellowships (of up to three years), Collaborative Experimental Scholarships for Central & Eastern Europe (for PhD. students from currently depressed economies of Central and Eastern Europe for short visits to well-equipped laboratories in Western Europe in order to perform experiments they are unable to carry out in their home laboratory due to a lack of resources), Summer Fellowships (for students and very young researchers interested in using their free time in summer to upgrade their scientific experience in a foreign laboratory), and Return-toEurope Fellowships (for post-doctoral scientists currently working outside Europe and wishing to return to the European area for a second postdoctoral position). In addition, FEBS has a special Fellowship: Follow-up Research Fund through which it offers support to particularly successful long-term FEBS fellows in order to help them start an independent research career in their country of origin after completion of their fellowship. A FEBS Distinguished Young Investigator Award is given in recognition of excellent research conducted by a recipient of a FEBS Long-Term Fellowship. All applications must be submitted to the Chairperson of the FEBS Fellowships committee. Detailed guidelines and instructions as well as deadlines can be found at: FEBS Advanced Courses The FEBS Advanced Courses Committee (ACC) evaluates in a competitive process all applications to organize FEBS events, usually in countries in the wider European region with FEBS or Associated Societies. The main decision criterion for supporting events is the quality of scientific programmes. Furthermore, successful proposals require a strong emphasis on training elements for young scientists. All organizers are encouraged to seek collaborations and co-funding with other scientific societies. The instruments include FEBS Advanced Lecture Courses and Joint FEBS/EMBO Lecture Courses. These must address training needs and the interaction of young scientists with invited lecturers through tutorials, student talks, posters and group discussions. New collaborative instruments such as Joint FEBS/IUBMB Summer/ Winter Schools are foreseen for the year 2012. FEBS Practical Courses and Combined Practical/ Lecture Courses must have strong hands-on training elements in the programme, and provide extensive tutoring of young scientists. Finally, Workshops & Special Meetings focus on timely scientific topics at the highest possible levels, attracting both senior and junior scientists from all over the world. Young Scientists (PhD students & Post-Docs within 5 years after obtaining a PhD) wishing to attend FEBS Courses or Workshops are eligible to obtain support through Youth Travel Funds (YTFs) or Transcontinental Youth Travel Funds (Trans-YTFs) to cover participation in FEBS events. Trans-YTF Grants are only available for young scientists from Asia, North & South America, and Africa. Special guidelines apply. Education The FEBS Education Committee promotes training and education of highest quality in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from undergraduate to postgraduate levels. Educational activities are pursued during the annual FEBS Congress and as educational workshops in FEBS member countries. Such events, if possible, are timed to coincide with national meetings of Constituent Societies. The
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