G ARY LEWIS D IRECTOR OF MUSIC,O RGANIST BLCMUSIC@ BETHEL - MADISON. ORG S ANDY RIPP W EDDING S ECRETARY SANDY@ BETHEL - MADISON. ORG Bethel P ASTOR S COT S ORENSEN POSSIBLE SCRIPTURE READINGS S ENIOR P ASTOR SCOTS@ BETHEL - MADISON. ORG Here is a short selection of scripture readings for you to consider. Other favorite passages may be used. Please discuss with your Pastor. † OLD T ESTAMENT READINGS GENERAL T HEME Genesis 1:26-31 Male and female created by God Genesis 2:18-24 God creates man and woman Genesis 24:48-51 Marriage of Isaac and Rebekah Ruth 1:16-17 Do not press me to leave you Song of Solomon 2:10-13 Love in the spring Song of Solomon 5:16 What my lover is like Song of Solomon 8:7 Unquenchable love Isaiah 61:10-11 I will greatly rejoice in the Lord Isaiah 63:7-9 The steadfast love of God Jeremiah 32:38-41 God’s faithfulness Jeremiah 33:11 The voice … of gladness Psalms: 29, 33, 34, 63, 100, 117, 127, 128, 136, 150 Hosea 2:19-20 And I will take you for my wife forever † NEW T ESTAMENT READINGS Romans 1:1-2 I Corinthians 7:1-7 I Corinthians 12:31-13:13 Ephesians 5:21-33 Colossians 3:12-17 Philippians 2:5-11 I John 3:16; 4:7-19 † T HE GOSPELS Matthew 19:4-6 John 2:1-10 John 15:9-12 John 17:22-23 Wedding Manual GENERAL T HEME A living offering Marital duties of husband & wife The song of God’s love Marriage and the church Live in love and thanksgiving Attitudes to build a marriage Teaching on love GENERAL T HEME Faithfulness in marriage The wedding at Cana Love one another Christ’s prayer for love and unity BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 11 BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 312 Wisconsin Avenue Madison, WI 53703 ▪ 608-257-3577 bethel@bethel-madison.org www.bethel-madison.org CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR DECISION TO BE MARRIED On behalf of Bethel Lutheran Church, we rejoice with you in your upcoming marriage. I, and all of those involved with weddings at Bethel, want to make your wedding and your marriage an abundance of blessings. When asked, I always encourage couples to be married in their home congregation. But, if you do not have a church home, we at Bethel would be honored if we can serve you in this very special way. A Christian wedding takes place within a service of worship. This means that wedding planning is done with careful and prayerful consideration. The joy of the marriage ceremony is reflected in the prayers, praise, and thanksgiving of those who come together for this special occasion. We consider the estate of marriage to be a most holy and special bond, and are pleased that we can play a part in this special time for you. This booklet is intended to give you all the information necessary to make your wedding meaningful. You have my assurance that we at Bethel will do all we can to ensure it all flows smoothly. The following information is provided to assist in making your wedding a beautiful and joyful celebration, which will reflect upon the sanctity of the marriage covenant. We look forward to meeting with you both, and assisting in making this an extraordinary and memorable time. Yours in Christ, Sandy Ripp Wedding Secretary 2014 Pre-marital Wedding Conferences Saturday, February 1 9:00 am – 12:30 pm Saturday, May 17 9:00 am – 12:30 pm Saturday, September 13 9:00 am – 12:30 pm SAMPLE W EDDING VOWS Here is a selection of different vows for you to consider for your wedding, or you may write your own, upon approval of the Pastors. † VOW ONE I, N.., take you, N.., to be my husband/wife, and do in the presence of God and before this congregation, promise and covenant to be a loving and faithful wife/husband to you, so long as we both shall live. † VOW TWO I, N.., take you, N.., to be my husband/wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse; for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, so long as we both shall live. † VOW T HREE N.., the Scripture tells us to love God with all our heart, soul, strength and mind. Today, as I become your husband/wife, I make this covenant to so love God, and to so love you. With all my heart I love you, with all that is in my soul I love you, with all my strength and energy I will love you, and with all the powers of my mind I will love you. Always and only will I love you, as long as we both shall live. † VOW FOUR In the name of God, I, N.., take you, N.., to be my wife/husband. I offer you my strength and my support; I pledge my loyalty and faith; I offer my hope. I will trust, respect and encourage you; I give you my love in all the circumstances of life, as long as we both shall live. † VOW FIVE I take you, , to be my wife/husband and these things I promise you: I will be faithful to you and honest with you; I will respect, trust, help and care for you; I will share my life with you; I will forgive you as we have been forgiven; and I will try with you to better understand ourselves, the world, and God; through the best and the worst of what is to come until death parts us. BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 10 NOW W HAT? T HE MARRIAGE SERVICE W E ARE GETTING MARRIED SPECIFICS - CONTINUED † VOWS Chosen by the bride and groom. † GIVING OF † RINGS Minister: The wedding ring is the outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace, signifying the uniting of this man and this woman in holy matrimony, through the church of Jesus Christ our Lord. Let us Pray, Bless, O Lord, the giving of these rings; may they who wear them live in love and fidelity, and continue in your service all the days of our lives, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Congregation replies: Amen. The bride and groom exchange rings with these words: I give you this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness. † ACCLAMATION OF MARRIAGE The bride and groom join hands, and the minister announces their marriage by saying: (Name) and (name), by their promises before God and in the presence of this assembly, have joined themselves to one another as husband and wife. Blessed be the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit now and forever. Those whom God has joined together let no one separate.” Congregation replies: Amen. † LIGHTING OF THE UNITY CANDLE OR OTHER CULTURAL T RADITION (OPTIONAL ) The bride and groom may kneel † MARRIAGE BLESSING One of two options † PRAYERS Two of three options, then LORD’S PRAYER † HOLY COMMUNION (OPTIONAL ) † BLESSING One of three options. † INTRODUCTION † RECESSIONAL OF THE W HERE TO BEGIN It is important to begin preparing for your wedding by contacting the church office at 608-257-3577 x 231. Please inquire about the availability of the Sanctuary, prior to booking your reception, band, photographer, etc. Dates for weddings can be reserved only through the church office. † MEETING WITH THE W EDDING SECRETARY AND W EDDING COORDINATOR The Wedding Secretary serves as your main resource person in relation to your ceremony at Bethel. She will assist in asking and answering the many questions you have concerning your wedding. She coordinates with the musicians and schedules the wedding coordinator who will choreograph your rehearsal and help with the details of the wedding day. About six to eight weeks prior to your wedding, you will meet with your Coordinator. At that meeting, you will finalize worship selections, vows, scripture readings, and your wedding program. Her goal is to ensure that your wedding day is as special as possible, having open communication between the pastor, couple, and others involved in the service. † W EDDING W ORKSHOPS AND PASTOR MEETING Once your date has been set and confirmed with the Wedding Secretary, and your deposit has been received, you will be invited to attend one of Bethel’s pre-marital workshops. The pre-marital workshop is required for all couples. They are held throughout the year on a Saturday morning from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. During the workshop, you will have an opportunity to discover a bit more about your partner, meet some of the Bethel pastoral and music staff, learn about the Lutheran wedding liturgy and music, and be given instructions for the pre-marital inventory taken by all couples. About two to six weeks prior to your wedding, the Officiating Pastor will meet with each couple and will review the completed pre-marital inventory. COUPLE BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 9 BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 2 T HE SANCTUARY MUSIC AND REHEARSALS † T HE SANCTUARY The seating area will comfortably accommodate 800. The church is available to you for one hour prior to the wedding time for set-up, preparation and photography. Women may change into their dresses in our Bride’s Room Men will have a room for their use prior to the wedding, but should arrive dressed and ready. After the ceremony, one hour is allowed for photography † MUSIC As is true of all worship, we gather to praise God and to invite God to be present to bless and shape the marriage. Everything in the ceremony points towards God – the readings, the sermon and the music. Your wedding, in every sense, will reflect the unique character of you as a couple, your interests and your commitments all within the context of worship. The Director of Music will help you select music that speaks of God’s love for us and our love for God. This includes all music played or sung in the Sanctuary from the Prelude through the Postlude. We encourage you to sing your favorite love songs at the rehearsal or the reception. Time is set aside during the pre-marital workshop to meet with the Director of Music. He will assist you in selecting appropriate music for the service. He will be happy to meet with you further as needed. All music selected must be approved for worship by the Director of Music. You should not print your wedding bulletins until you have received this approval. Arrangements with vocalists and other musicians are your responsibility, and must be approved by the Director of Worship and Music. Their fees should be paid by you directly. Bethel is happy to recommend soloists and instrumentalists as needed. The use of pre-recorded music is not permitted. † REHEARSALS Rehearsals are scheduled on Fridays at 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm (later, if the Coordinator agrees). In the event of a legal holiday on Friday, rehearsals may be scheduled on Thursday. It is requested that all attendants, ushers, and parents of the couple be present at the rehearsal. The Wedding Coordinator conducts the rehearsal and is present the day of the wedding. Pastors and organist are not present at the rehearsal. BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 3 T HE MARRIAGE SERVICE TYPICAL OUTLINE † FORMAL SEATING † PROCESSIONAL OF PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTS The bride, groom, and wedding party stand in front of the minister. † W ELCOME † AFFIRMATION OF FAMILIES (OPTIONAL ) Minister says to the families: “Will all of you, by God’s grace, uphold and care for (name) and (name) in their life together?” Congregation replies: We will. † GREETING Minister: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Congregation: And also with you. † PRAYER † SCRIPTURE READINGS Two or three, chosen by the bride and groom. † SERMON † T HE CHARGE OF THE DAY One of two options. The Lord God in his goodness created us male and female, and by the gift of marriage founded human community in a joy that begins now and is brought to perfection in the life to come. Because of sin, our age-old rebellion, the gladness of marriage can be overcast and the gift of family can become a burden. But because God, who established marriage, continues still to bless it with his abundant and ever-present support, we can be sustained in our weariness and have our joy restored. (Name) and (name), if it is your intention to share with each other your joys and sorrows and all that the years will bring, with your promises bind yourselves to each other as husband and wife. The bride and groom join hands. BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 8 SERVICE OUTLINE † AND CHRISTIAN ORDER OF PHOTOGRAPHERS LICENSE SERVICE FLORISTS, BULLETINS AND CANDLES FOR † MARRIAGE At Bethel, we offer a Christian service in which the wedding vows are made in a context of worship, prayer and thanksgiving. A typical service includes: Processional Welcome Declaration of Intention (optional) Greeting Prayer of the Day The Scripture Readings Sermon The Charge The Vows and Giving of Rings Acclamation of Marriage Lighting of the Unity Candle (if desired) Marriage Blessing Prayers, The Lord’s Prayer Holy Communion (if desired) Blessing Introduction of Couple Recessional This is a basic outline of a wedding ceremony, and each couple is invited to work with the Pastor(s) and the Wedding Secretary to personalize their service with music, hymns, readings, and other components. † LICENSE The Marriage License is issued in the Dane County Clerk’s Office, 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. in Madison. Monday-Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Phone: 608-266-4452. Application must be made at least six full calendar days before the license is issued. If your wedding is on Saturday, you will need to obtain the license the prior week. You may then use your license within the next 30 days following the date of application. Your Marriage License should be brought to the Church Office no later than the Tuesday prior to your ceremony. BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 7 PHOTOGRAPHY AND VIDEOGRAPHY In order to maintain a worshipful atmosphere, flash photography is not allowed during the wedding service. Formal photos may be taken in the chancel area, either prior to or immediately after the wedding. Videotaping the service is possible. Videographers may record from the rear of the church or from the balcony. An unmanned video camera on a tripod may be set up on the Altar area, and turned on before the ceremony. Prior arrangements should be made with the Wedding Coordinator to discuss placement of the video equipment. NO Photographers or Videographers are allowed in or near the altar area during the ceremony. To request the Bethel Media Team to record the wedding, please reserve three months prior to the wedding date. † FLOWERS Flowers may be placed on either side of the Altar Cross and should not cover any portion of it. No flowers are allowed on the Altar. It is your responsibility to remove flowers immediately after your wedding. Your florist can arrive to decorate the church one hour before your ceremony and should be finished 30 minutes before the ceremony begins. † PEW BOWS Pew bows must attach to the pews with ribbon, rubber bands, or plastic clips (no tape or wire is allowed). Recommendation is six pew bows on each side (every other pew). † W EDDING BULLETINS The Wedding Secretary at Bethel has samples of bulletins in her office for your convenience. Bethel does not print wedding bulletins. † CANDLES Bethel has two sets of candelabra available for your use. Candelabras can have 7 or 14 candles on each side. Bethel will also provide a Unity Candle, if one is desired, and side tapers. BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 4 W EDDING FEES GENERAL POLICIES † † COMMUNION If Holy Communion is celebrated, everyone, not just the wedding party, is invited to participate. Your pastor will assist you in planning this part of worship. † PARKING As parking is limited at Bethel, parking is not available after the Wedding Rehearsal or Wedding. Guests must move their vehicles out of the Bethel lot after the wedding. † CLEAN-UP Please assign someone who is not a member of the wedding party, to remove all personal possessions from the Bride’s Room (and the area the men will be using), prior to the start of the wedding ceremony. Bethel is located in a busy downtown area and is not responsible for items left unattended. † AVAILABILITY Weddings are scheduled Saturdays between 9:30 am and 6:30 pm. Additionally, some Fridays & Sundays, starting at 3:00 pm, plus a few other times may be available. † ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ SPECIFIC ITEMS Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in the church building or on the church grounds Smoking is not allowed inside the church building Rice, bird seed, rose petals, or confetti is not to be thrown either inside or outside the church building Silk rose petals are acceptable during the ceremony Aisle runners are not permitted for use in the church building BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 5 † MEMBER FEES Use of Sanctuary Use of Chapel Pastor Organist Wedding Coordinator Custodian Supplies Bethel Media-DVD (optional) No Charge No Charge At your discretion $250.00 $250.00 $ 75.00 $ 75.00 $695.00 NON -MEMBER FEES The fixed price for non-members is $1,650. The fee includes: The use of the Church Pastor Organist Wedding Coordinator Custodian Supplies Pre-Marital Counseling & Materials Unity Candle Candelabra Candles We require a deposit of $500 at the time the church is reserved ($400 of the deposit is refundable if the wedding is canceled more than 6 months prior to the wedding date). The balance is due three weeks prior to the wedding. † OUR APPROACH Both Bethel member and non-member weddings are welcome. A minister of Bethel will officiate at the wedding service. Requests for other clergy to participate in the wedding service should be made to the Bethel pastor officiating at your wedding. The Organist is provided by Bethel and will approve all music selections. All couples must attend the pre-marital workshop. BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 6
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