Policy Manual Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery This Manual belongs to: Table of Contents General Preamble to the Structure and Policies Presbytery Mission, Values, Beliefs and Assumptions Definitions Delegates to Presbytery Conflict of Interest 1.0 1.1 1.5 1.6 1.7 Leadership Circle Leadership Circle Chair and Vice Chair of Presbytery Presbytery Member of BC Conference Executive 2.1 2.3 2.6 Executive Executive Administration Coordinator Discipleship Coordinator Human Resources Coordinator Minutes of Meetings 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Working Units Gifts and Callings Christian Formation Communications Presbytery Resource Centre Education and Students Licensed Lay Worship Leaders Registrar Treasurer Budgeting Process Assessment Policy Property and Manses Major Personal Property and Major Renovation Strategic Learning Fund Outdoor Ministries Pastoral Oversight Pastoral Relations Pensions Convener Shared Ministries Global and Societal Concerns Stewardship and Mission & Service Worship Animation Youth and Young Adults Youth Council 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.3.1 4.4 4.4.1 4.5.1 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.5.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.14.1 POLICY NUMBER: 1.0 POLICY TYPE: General POLICY TITLE: Preamble to Structure and Policies DATE ADOPTED: Sep 25/06 DATE AMENDED: Sept 24/07 Preamble to Governance Structure and Policies The Intent The structure described in these policies represents a whole new way of operating as a presbytery. While attempting to achieve continuity with regard to the essential responsibilities of Presbytery as specified in The Manual, the aim is to make it possible for the presbytery to give visionary leadership which enables congregations to achieve the goals of calling and equipping people to be disciples. Everything described here is intended to enhance the presbytery’s capacity to fulfill it’s stated Mission. Leadership and Management Management has been defined as “doing things right,” while leadership has been defined as “doing the right things”. Thus the term leadership in this document refers to the process of discerning values and direction, while management means putting those directions into practice, translating vision into action. To accomplish the intentions described above, it is necessary to have a body at the highest level of the presbytery which is empowered and has sufficient time to listen to all the relevant voices, to discern the leading of God and to cast a vision of the future shape of the presbytery and the congregations within it. In this model, a new body has been created and named the Leadership Circle. The Leadership Circle is to be like a Board of Elders, wise and visionary leaders discerning the path to which we are called. It discerns core values, directions and “ends” and transmits those to the other working units through policies. The Leadership Circle does not involve itself in the everyday management of presbytery business. The Leadership Circle is accountable to the Presbytery as a whole. Part of its mandate is to spend about 30% of its time “listening” to the needs of congregations and the presbytery. However, someone must attend to those everyday management issues. Thus, a second body has been created, called the Management Team, whose role is to translate the vision and ends of the Presbytery into concrete actions. Almost all of the other working units are accountable to the Management Team. The Management Team is made up of three Coordinators which collectively (not individually) have gifts of administration, finance and ministry. It also includes the Conference Minister, Presbytery Youth Minister, the Presbytery Secretary and the Treasurer. It is directly accountable to the Leadership Circle. Matters of management and administration, as they come up in the Leadership Circle are referred immediately to the Management Team for action. There are times when the Manual specifies that a particular kind of decision must be made by the Executive. In KO Presbytery, the Executive is defined as the Leadership Circle and the Management Team working together. All in all, the intent is to spend less time and energy on maintenance matters and more time and energy on reshaping the church into what God is calling it to be. Unlike the former Executive, the Leadership Circle is not made up of representatives of other committees or divisions. Rather it is made up of people who have the particular spiritgiven gifts required to do what it is supposed to do. This is a shift that is reflected in other parts of the structure. For example the former Nominations Committee has been renamed the Gifts and Callings Committee to indicate that its job is to discern those individuals with the right gifts for each position in the presbytery structure. Another important principle that underlies this structure is that of “permission giving”. That is, working units are expected to fulfill their stated “ends” but are free to choose whatever “means” they believe will be most effective. This allows creativity and commitment in that working units are not required to seek permission for actions as long as they contribute to the achievement of their ends and stay within certain minimal bounds. The bounds are defined by limitation policies which, while intended to provide freedom, are stated in negative terms. In other words, they define only those actions that are not acceptable. The negative language in which they are written is often jarring because we prefer to use positives. However, they are an important way of narrowing the mandate of a working unit just enough to ensure that actions stay within the bounds of legal and ethical considerations as well as within the core values of the United Church. POLICY NUMBER: POLICY TYPE: POLICY TITLE: Mission, Values, Assumptions 1.1 Ends Policies Presbytery Beliefs and DATE ADOPTED: October/03 DATE AMENDED: Presbytery Mission Statement To have healthy and vital congregations which call and nurture people to be disciples of Jesus Christ. In support of our mission statement we acknowledge and share the BC Conference Goals: 1. Healthy congregations and ministries 2. Effective leadership 3. Faithful public witness. Beliefs, Values & Assumptions 1. That all Christians are called into discipleship. 2. That discipleship is a life long journey. 3. That discipleship includes learning, following, serving, and seeking justice and peace as well as individual spiritual nurture. 4. That discipleship involves regular, spiritual practices including worship, prayer, scripture reading and generous giving. 5. That involvement in an intentional Christian community is part of discipleship. 6. That healthy and vital congregations foster faithful discipleship which, in turn, contributes to the health and vitality of congregations. 7. That despite Christological differences, disciples believe that Jesus is teacher and guide for our living and revelation of God. Assumptions about Presbytery 1. That Presbytery, as a worshipping community, contributes to the wellbeing of the whole church. 2. That Presbytery needs to model the health it desires for congregations. 3. That Presbytery respects theological and cultural differences. 4. That conflict is part of life and tends to be healthy when engaged in a respectful manner, thus not be feared or avoided. 5. That in a healthy presbytery, all members have a voice and an opportunity to influence decisions. 6. That Presbytery exists primarily for the good of congregations (including nonpastoral charge ministries such as camps) and ministry personnel. 7. That the Presbytery mission statement gives grounding, purpose and inspiration for the carrying out of Presbytery responsibilities as defined in the Manual POLICY NUMBER: 1.5 POLICY TYPE: General POLICY TITLE: Definitions DATE ADOPTED: DATE AMENDED: Definitions Mission Statement A statement in “ends language” (see “Ends” below) of the purpose of the Presbytery or one of it’s units. [ Ends We use the idea of Ends as a way to think more concretely about a unit’s Mission. It is a definition of the desired end state that would exist if the mission were fulfilled. An Ends statement specifies what good is to be accomplished and for whom. Limitation Policies Limitation Policies are those policies which limit those means or strategies which are not acceptable for a person or working unit to use. They often refer to means that are contrary to or outside of the accepted values, theology or ethics of the United Church of Canada. Working Unit A Working Unit consists of one or more individuals responsible for a particular aspect of the presbytery’s mission. A Working Unit has its own Mission (ends statement) and its own limitation policies. Working Units are established as appropriate by the Management Team or as mandated by The Manual. The term Working Unit as used in this document could include an individual convener, a committee, a task force or other configuration. It would not include a Commission as defined by The Manual. Leadership Circle The Leadership Circle takes the place of the Executive in the traditional model. It’s purpose is primarily to define the core values of the presbytery and to discern a vision for the presbytery in which quality leadership and support is provided to achieve the Presbytery Mission Statement. It does this primarily through policy development. Management Team The Management Team fulfills the role of translating the visions and directions of the Leadership Team into practical activities. Working Units are accountable to the Management Team. The Management Team is accountable to the Leadership Circle. Gifts and Callings The Gifts and Callings Working Unit (formerly known as the Nominations Committee) is responsible for developing an inventory of the gifts possessed by all presbyters, identifying the gifts needed by the various positions and tasks required by the presbytery, and attempting through a process of spiritual discernment to match the gifts with the positions. Executive In this governance model there is no body called the Executive as such. The functions of the Executive, as described in The Manual, are carried in part by the Leadership Circle, in part by the Management Team, and in part by the two meeting together. See policies 2.1 (Leadership Circle) and 3.1 (Management Team) for details. Unless otherwise specified in these policies the Executive will refer to the Leadership Circle and the Management Team meeting together. POLICY NUMBER: 1.6 POLICY TYPE: General POLICY TITLE: Delegates to Presbytery DATE ADOPTED: Sep 25/06 DATE AMENDED: Delegates to Presbytery Mission To further the stated mission of Kamloops Okanagan Presbytery and to ensure good communication between Presbytery and their home congregation. Responsibilities of Presbyters To regularly attend the meetings of Presbytery (2 weekends a year, normally in October and February, Friday afternoon until after worship on Sunday) and of BC Conference. To agree to serve a 3 year term when possible To regularly report back to the congregation and to Board/Council of the congregation, and to educate the congregation on the work of the wider church To serve on a working unit of Presbytery which might include other meetings and responsibilities between Presbytery meetings To vote according to conscience and the movement of the Spirit, not as representatives of their congregation Attributes of a Presbyter Is a lay member in good standing of a United Church congregation within the presbytery, or a member of Kamloops Okanagan Presbytery. Regularly participates in worship and other aspects of church life Is committed to the life and ministry of a particular congregation Is interested in the work and mission of the wider United Church Is willing to take on Presbytery work outside of Presbytery meetings (e.g. oversight visits, working units, etc.) . POLICY NUMBER: 1.7 POLICY TYPE: Executive Governance DATE APPROVED: June 14, 2013 DATE AMENDED: POLICY NAME: Conflict of Interest This policy is adapted from policies of General Council and Toronto Conference. Members of the Executive and others appointed by the Executive to any position owe a duty of undivided loyalty to the United Church as represented by KamloopsOkanagan Presbytery. Individuals must not put themselves in a position where their own interest may conflict with their duty to act in the best interest of The United Church of Canada and, more specifically, the Presbytery. . General 1. Definition: “Member” is defined as a person serving on the Presbytery Executive (composed of members of the Leadership Circle and the Management Team) or appointed by the Executive to serve on any Presbytery committee or task group. For purposes of this policy, “Member” also includes the Conference Minister serving Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery. Although it is acknowledged from time to time the duties of the Conference Minister might be in conflict with loyalty to the Presbytery. 2. A conflict of duty may be monetary or non-monetary: a. a monetary conflict arises when a member is considering a decision that may have a monetary effect, either positive or negative, on that member of the Executive or a person close to that member, i.e. a relative or friend. b. a non-monetary conflict arises in any circumstance where a member is constrained in any way from acting in the best interest of the United Church and, more specifically, the Presbytery. That could occur when a member or a person close to that member, i.e. a relative or friend, stands to gain a benefit or could be seen to benefit in some non-monetary way from a decision the Executive is considering. 3. Members must avoid situations where their duty to the United Church and, more specifically, the Presbytery is in a conflict with a duty they owe to another organization or another part of the United Church. That could happen where a member serves another organization as an employee, contractor, or in an elected leadership role.. Principles 4. Members must not participate in any decision that could result in direct or indirect benefit to them. 5. Members must not give preferential treatment to relatives or friends or any organization or congregation in which they have an interest. 6. Members must not benefit from the use of information acquired during the course of their participation if that information is not generally available to the wider church. 7. Members must not use any property provided by the Presbytery for any activities other than the work of the Presbytery. 8. Members must not accept or offer, or agree to accept from a person who has dealings with the Presbytery, any regard, advantage or benefit of any kind, either directly or indirectly. 9. Members must not place themselves in a position where they are under obligation to another person or group who might benefit from special consideration or favour, or who might seek preferential treatment. 10. Exceptions: a. Monetary conflicts: It is not a conflict of interest if, in the opinion of the Executive, the member’s monetary interest is substantially the same as the monetary interest of all other members, e.g. the setting of a travel rate for the Presbytery. b. Non-monetary conflicts: It is not a conflict of interest if, in the opinion of the body, the member’s conflict is so remote that it is not likely to affect the member’s decision. c. Conflicts regarding Presbytery representation: The Conference Executive has been structured intentionally to include Presbytery representation. The representative of Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery to the BC Conference Executive brings the perspective of the Presbytery to the Conference. It is not a conflict of interest for such a representative to participate when the Conference Executive is considering a decision that affects Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery with the exception of the Executive considering a decision to enact Section 422.1 of The Manual in a case where “the functioning of a Presbytery is ineffectual or the Presbytery fails to take appropriate action”, or where the Conference is requesting an action involving finances specific to Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery or one of its congregations. d. Waiver of conflicts: In waiving the conflict, the Executive must ensure that its decision will not negatively impact on the transparency and integrity of the Executive’s decision-making. Practice 11. Knowledge/awareness: Members must be constantly aware of the need to avoid situations that might result in a conflict of interest, or that might be perceived as resulting in a conflict of interest. 12. Identifying conflicts: Members must consider whether any particular item of business presents a conflict of interest for them. If unsure, the member may seek advice in discerning whether a conflict exists. 13. Disclosing conflicts: A member informs the Executive of the conflict at the earliest opportunity once the member becomes aware of the conflict. 14. Refrain from participation: If the member stands to benefit from a decision as described in paragraph #2, above, or is in a conflict as described in paragraph #3, above, the member shall refrain from all participation except to answer any questions for clarification that might be possible because of having information which the Executive requires to make an informed decision. When any questions have been asked, the member shall leave the room while further discussion continues, and shall abstain from the actual vote. 15. Responsibility of other members: If a member fails to notice, or to declare, a conflict of interest, any other member may raise the matter. Once the issue has been raised, the member with the conflict of interest will act according to paragraphs #2, 3, 10 and 14, above. 16. Decision by the Executive: If a dispute about conflict of interest continues, the chair of the meeting shall call for a vote on whether the member is considered to be in a conflict of interest. 17. Documentation: The minutes of the meeting shall record all actions regarding conflict of interest. POLICY NUMBER: 2.1 DATE ADOPTED: September 25, 2006 POLICY TYPE: Leadership Circle DATE AMENDED: February 15, 2014 POLICY TITLE: Leadership Circle Leadership Circle Purpose The purpose of the Leadership Circle is to provide vision, direction and guidance which are both spiritual and strategic to the Presbytery in order that the Presbytery will fulfill its stated mission. It acts like a board of wise elders discerning the leading of God for the Presbytery and its Pastoral Charges. Membership The Leadership Circle will consist of nine members, recommended and appointed by Presbytery for their gifts and commitment to the tasks outlined in this document. At least one third will be ministry personnel and at least one third will be lay persons. There will be a rough balance of genders, ages and areas of expertise. The Leadership Circle will select from among its membership one person to act as its Chairperson. The Presbytery Chair is a member by virtue of office. The Conference Minister will attend meetings as a resource person and consultant. Appointment As much as possible, three members (one third of nine) will be appointed each year at the Spring Presbytery meeting. If one or two members resign during the year, it will not be necessary to replace them prior to the next yearly appointment. If the number of members drops to seven or fewer, or if the Leadership Circle deems it important to replace them immediately, then the Leadership Circle may appoint persons temporarily to complete the term(s) of those who have resigned. The appointments of those persons may then be affirmed at the next Presbytery Meeting. A member may serve for a maximum of two consecutive three-year terms. Such members may then be eligible for election after one year. Authority 1. To offer direction to Presbytery in fulfillment of the Mission Statement. 2. To recommend and update the Mission Goals of Presbytery. 3. To provide direction and oversight for the implementation of Presbytery Values. Responsibilities 1. To plan and deliver the education component of Presbytery Meetings. 2. To develop policies governing its own work, in cooperation with the Executive. 3. To care for the spiritual health of the Presbytery as a working and worshipping community so that it will be effective in its work and a model for congregational health and discipleship. 4. To engage all aspects of Presbytery in the work of Vision and Mission. Page 1 Policy 2.1 Leadership Circle Revised February 15, 2014 Mode of Operation 1. Focuses on the big questions first. 2. Makes decisions through an intentional process of spiritual discernment through consensual decision making. 3. Keeps the Presbytery mission statement in the forefront. 4. Refers as many of its decisions as possible of a management nature to the Executive, Working Units or appropriate individuals. Desirable Gifts for Members of the Leadership Circle It is not expected that every member of the Leadership Circle will have all of the gifts listed below. It is expected that each member will value these gifts and be willing to cultivate them. It is also expected that the Leadership Circle as a whole will have a good balance of these gifts. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Page 2 Ability to see “the big picture”, to take a “balcony view” Ability to be future-oriented – to vision, dream, and imagine how the Presbytery could be in the future as it develops and supports healthy and vital congregations in their calling and nurturing of disciples of Jesus Christ. Commitment to the life and ministry of Presbytery. Commitment to maintaining an active spiritual life including prayer and other spiritual practices. Understanding of and commitment to the process of “spiritual discernment” both in one’s own life and in the decision making process of the Leadership Circle. Leadership ability which motivates/inspires others. Willingness to delegate to others so that the ends, visions, goals and directions are achieved. Policy 2.1 Leadership Circle Revised February 15, 2014 POLICY NUMBER: 2.3 DATE ADOPTED: September 25, 2006 POLICY TYPE: Executive DATE AMENDED: February 15, 2014 POLICY TITLE: Chair and Vice Chair of Presbytery Chair and Vice Chair of Presbytery Mission (Ends) To Chair meetings of the presbytery in which the leading of God for the whole body is accurately discerned and acted upon in a spirit of Christian community. To fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the position as outlined by the Manual and the Presbytery. The chair shall be elected pursuant to the Manual from among the members of the Presbytery. The election will be held at a regular meeting of the Presbytery, normally at the February meeting of the year in which the previous term expires. As a matter of policy the chair shall serve a maximum of 3 terms. The chair will take office at the rise of the Conference Annual General Meeting. In a year in which Conference does not meet, the Chair will normally take office on June 1st. If the chair is absent or is an interested party in a matter before the court, the Vice-Chair shall have all the rights and functions of the chair, but in signing documents shall add to their signature “Acting Chair.” In the event of the death, removal, or permanent disability of the chair, the Vice Chair shall complete the unexpired term. Limitations Shall not fail to call meetings of the Executive as required. Shall not fail to maintain the Executive’s and the Presbytery’s focus on spiritual discernment as the basis for decisions. Shall not fail to regularly remind the Presbytery and the Executive to carry out their responsibilities and make decisions that contribute to the fulfillment of the Presbytery Mission Statement. Sacramental Privileges A chair who is a Diaconal Minister or lay person shall have the right while in office to administer the Sacrament of Holy Communion at regular meetings of Presbytery and of the Leadership Team, as well as at other presbytery events. POLICY NUMBER: POLICY TYPE: POLICY TITLE: Executive 2.6 DATE ADOPTED: Sep 25/06 Leadership Circle DATE AMENDED: Conference Member Presbytery Member of BC Conference Executive Method of Appointment 1. The Leadership Circle shall select from among its membership a person to be the Kamloops-Okanagan member of the Conference Executive for a three year term. This decision will require ratification by a meeting of the Presbytery. This person shall be eligible to serve for up to two consecutive terms. 2. If the position becomes vacant for any reason prior to the expiry of the term of appointment, the Leadership Circle shall appoint one of its number to fill the remainder of the term of the person who has vacated the position. If the time remaining in the term is greater than one year, this decision will require ratification by a meeting of the Presbytery. Duties 1. The duties of the Conference Executive Member are defined by BC Conference. 2. The member will act as a two way communication link between the Presbytery and BC Conference. Limitations 1. Will not fail to keep the Leadership Circle and the Presbytery informed of the work and news of BC Conference. 2. Will not fail to communicate the needs, visions and aspirations of the KamloopsOkanagan churches to the Conference Executive as appropriate. POLICY NUMBER: 3.1 POLICY TYPE: Structure POLICY TITLE: Executive DATE ADOPTED: February 15, 2014 DATE AMENDED: Executive Purpose The purpose of the Executive is to implement appropriate strategies so that the Mission of the Presbytery will be achieved. It provides the link between the vision of the Presbytery and the work of individual working units. It acts on behalf of Presbytery between full meetings. Authority The Executive is empowered by the Presbytery to act on behalf of the Presbytery between full meetings and in matters required of the Presbytery by The Manual. These decisions will be made according to the following criteria: 1. If the matter is primarily one of direction, values, and spiritual leadership, such decision will be made on the recommendation of the Leadership Circle. 2. If the matter is one that would fall under the umbrella of management, administration, or the implementation of existing policy, the decision will be made by the Executive on the recommendation of the relevant Working Unit. The Executive, as the primary appointed body, will have the responsibility and the authority to make more detailed policy to define which decisions fall under each of the two criteria above. Membership 1. The Executive will consist of the officers of Presbytery, (the chair, the vicechair, the secretary, and the treasurer), the elected Presbytery representative to BC Conference, and the Presbytery appointed members (administrative coordinator, discipleship coordinator, human resources coordinator, a Gifts & Callings representative). 2. In addition, the Conference Minister and the Presbytery Youth Minister will attend as resource persons and consultants to the Executive. 3. Effort is made to achieve a balance of lay and ministry personnel, age and gender. However, this balance is secondary to the expertise, gifts and commitment offered by the members, individually and collectively. The Coordinators will serve a maximum of two consecutive three-year terms after which at least one year must pass before serving again. 4. Terms on the Executive are set by The Manual. Responsibilities 1. To establish Working Units as needed (or required by The Manual) in order to achieve specified ends. 2. To define the Mission and Limitations of each Working Unit. 3. To act as the communications link with the working units in their designated areas. 4. To relate with the Gifts and Callings Working Unit in identification of the gifts, skills and abilities required of Coordinators and members of the various working units. 5. To hold working units accountable for implementing the established policies, directions, visions and strategies while staying within the bounds of their limitation policies. 6. To review the draft budget as prepared by Treasurer and Administration Coordinator each year for presentation to the Presbytery at the Fall meeting. 7. To oversee the accounting and financial management procedures of the Presbytery. 8. To facilitate communications and information sharing between Working Units. 9. To ensure written reports are provided to the Presbyters prior to each Presbytery meeting regarding the past activities of the Working Units and future plans intended in carrying out its portion of the Presbytery mission statement. Mode of Operation 1. Each of the three Coordinators relates regularly with the chairs of the Working Units in their particular area of expertise, gifts, and commitment. This does not limit the team’s ability to adjust reporting responsibilities as it sees fit. a. • • • • Administration Home Missions Property and Manse Communications Registrar b. • • • • • • c. • • • • • • 2. Discipleship and Ministry with Congregations Worship Animation Christian Formation Stewardship / Mission and Service Peace and Justice Outdoor Ministries Youth and Young Adults o Youth Council Human Resources Pastoral Oversight Pastoral Relations Education and Students Pensions, Group Insurance, and Retirees Shared Ministry Spiritual Care Network The Youth Minister attends meetings of the Executive only as able or as needed and acts as the primary liaison with • • Youth Council Youth and Young Adults Working Unit 3. The Conference Minister acts as resource and/or consultant to the Executive. 4. Addresses the matters before it prayerfully and intentionally. 5. Keeps the Presbytery Mission Statement in the forefront of all its deliberations and actions. Limitations The Executive shall not 1. cause or allow any practice, activity, decision or organizational circumstance which is unlawful, imprudent, or in violation of commonly accepted church, business, or professional ethics, 2. deal with staff, Presbyters or congregations in a manner that would be considered inhumane, disrespectful, or unfair, 3. fail to hold the Working Units and Leadership Circle accountable for meeting their ends (goals) in support of the Presbytery mission, or for transgressing their limitations, or for providing regular and timely written reports to Presbyters. 4. approve the budget submission of a working group that is inconsistent with the goals, vision, direction, and mission of Presbytery. 5. fail to ensure, prior to each regular meeting of Presbytery, that the Gifts and Callings Committee is functioning with no fewer than three people and no more than five. Desirable Gifts for Members of the Executive 1. Gifts, interests, experience, and ability in one of the following areas: a) Discipleship and Congregational Life; b) Human Resources; c) Administration and Finance. Together the skills, gifts, and expertise of the members of the Executive will encompass these three broad areas. 2. Management ability which motivates/inspires individuals and working groups so that they are committed to the mission, policies, directions, and ends of the Presbytery. 3. Ability to ensure the implementation of the mission, policies, directions, ends, and visions by establishing means, goals, and strategies to achieve them. 4. Ability to relate to several Working Units and oversee their commitment to and implementation of the mission, policies, directions, and ends. 5. Willingness to hold Working Units accountable for implementing the policies, directions, ends, visions and for achieving their means, goals and strategies, and to take action if the goals and ends are not achieved, or if the Working Unit has exceeded its limitations. N.B. Being a member of the Executive requires a significant time commitment as members meet together regularly, and on some occasions, the Working Units that they oversee. POLICY NUMBER: POLICY TYPE: Team Job POLICY TITLE: Coordinator 3.3 Management Descriptions Discipleship DATE ADOPTED: Sep 25/06 DATE AMENDED: Discipleship Coordinator A Member of the Management Team Position Summary The Discipleship Coordinator is a member of the Management Team who provides coordination, direction and accountability to the Working Units which are identified as having discipleship based missions. This person attends nearly all meetings of both the Management Team and the Leadership Circle. He or she is responsible for ensuring that the mission (ends) of the presbytery are adequately communicated to the appropriate Working Units and that those units are held accountable for achieving their stated mission within their stated limitations. The Discipleship Coordinator is also responsible for ensuring that communication flows upward, so that the needs, concerns, learnings and views of the Working Units are effectively communicated to the rest of the Management Team and to the Leadership Circle. Mission (Ends) 1. Working Units in the Discipleship stream are well informed of the directions and relevant policies of the Leadership Circle. 2. The needs, concerns, learnings and views of the Working Units are effectively communicated to the Management Team and the Leadership Circle. 3. The mission of the presbytery is being achieved. Desirable Gifts 1. A holistic understanding of the emerging shape of churches in this postmodern, post-Christendom society. 2. A commitment to the principle of the church as a community of disciples of Jesus Christ. 3. Personal organization. 4. An understanding of and support for the general polity and ethos of the United Church of Canada. 5. An ability and willingness to be an effective and cooperative team member. Working Units for Which the Discipleship Coordinator is Responsible At the time of writing, the Working Units for which this position is responsible are as follows. The Management Team has authority to reassign responsibilities from time to time. · · Christian Formation Worship Animation · · · · o Stewardship/Mission & Service Outdoor Ministries Global & Societal Concerns Youth and Young Adults Youth Council In addition, the Discipleship Coordinator will be the primary point of contact with Women’s Ministries (UCW). POLICY NUMBER: 3.4 DATE ADOPTED: POLICY TYPE: Descriptions Management Team Job DATE AMENDED: POLICY TITLE: Human Resources Coordinator Sep 25/06 Human Resources Coordinator A Member of the Management Team Position Summary The Human Resources Coordinator is a member of the Management Team who provides coordination, direction and accountability to the Working Units which are identified as having Human Resources based missions. This person attends nearly all meetings of both the Management Team and the Leadership Circle. He or she is responsible for ensuring that the mission (ends) of the presbytery are adequately communicated to the appropriate Working Units and that those units are held accountable for achieving their stated mission within their stated limitations. The Human Resources Coordinator is also responsible for ensuring that communication flows upward, so that the needs, concerns, learnings and views of the Working Units are effectively communicated to the rest of the Management Team and to the Leadership Circle. Mission (Ends) 1. Working Units in the Human Resources stream are well informed of the directions and relevant policies of the Leadership Circle. 2. The needs, concerns, learnings and views of the Working Units are effectively communicated to the Management Team and the Leadership Circle. 3. The mission of the presbytery is being achieved. Desirable Gifts 1. A holistic understanding of the emerging shape of churches in this postmodern, postChristendom society. 2. A commitment to the principle of the church as a community of disciples of Jesus Christ. 3. An understanding of the role of quality leadership in the life and mission of the church. 4. Experience or training in the personnel or human resources field. 5. Personal organization. 6. An understanding of and support for the general polity and ethos of the United Church of Canada. 7. An ability and willingness to be an effective and cooperative team member. Working Units for Which the Human Resources Coordinator is Responsible As of this writing, the Working Units for which this position is responsible are: • • • • • Pastoral Oversight Pastoral Relations Education and Students Pensions Convener Shared Ministries Convener POLICY NUMBER: 3.5 DATE ADOPTED: POLICY TYPE: Management Team DATE AMENDED: POLICY TITLE: Minutes of Meetings January 8/08 Minutes of Meetings Introduction The maintenance of good records of decisions made is an important part of Presbytery operations. The policy governance structure requires some modifications to the way minutes of meetings are kept and to the role of the Presbytery Secretary. In this model the functioning of the former Executive is divided into three different bodies: • The Leadership Circle • The Management Team • The above two bodies meeting together as the Executive. The minutes of all of these meetings need to be included in the official minutes of Presbytery and numbered sequentially according to The Manual Section 92. The Kamloops-Okanagan governance model empowers Working Units to make certain decisions that in the past would have been made by the Presbytery or by the Executive. However, these decisions must still be recorded in the Presbytery minutes so that they are accessible to anyone who needs this information. Two Working Units in particular are affected by this. Both the Pastoral Relations Committee and the Education and Students Committee deal with sensitive personal matters and need to keep confidential records of some of their deliberations though their decisions are public. There may be cases where other Working Units need their Decisions to be entered into the Presbytery minutes. This policy is intended to accomplish all of the above objectives in as efficient a manner as possible. The Secretary of Presbytery 1. The Secretary of Presbytery will record the minutes of all meetings of the presbytery itself, the Executive, the Leadership Circle and the Management Team. In cases were the Leadership Circle and the Management Team are meeting concurrently the Secretary will record the minutes of one body while another person records the minutes of the other. The Presbytery Secretary will compile all of the minutes into the one official record according to the requirements of The Manual Section 92. Working Unit Meetings 2. Working Units will keep private minutes of their meetings for their own reference and for use in the case of future disagreements. These minutes may contain personal or sensitive information that the working unit needs for its own corporate memory. 3. After each meeting the secretary of the Working Unit will provide to the Secretary of Presbytery a brief report listing all Decisions (with movers and seconders) and any other information that needs to be in the official Presbytery record. 4. The Presbytery Secretary will bring these reports to the appropriate body (Executive, Leadership Circle or Management Team, depending on the nature of the matter being decided). The report will be presented as correspondence to the meeting and a single motion will normally be made to ratify all Decisions contained therein. The Working Unit motions will then be inserted (not appended to) into the body of the minutes of the ratifying body. This clause is not intended to restrict the ratifying body’s right to question or to decline to ratify an individual Decision of the Working Unit. It is intended, though, to avoid the practice of reworking all of these decisions before ratifying them. POLICY NUMBER: 4.1 POLICY TYPE: Working Units POLICY TITLE: Gifts & Callings Working Unit DATE ADOPTED: Sep 25/06 DATE AMENDED: Gifts and Callings Working Unit [formerly Nominations] Mission To have all Working Unit positions filled with appropriately gifted and talented disciples of Jesus Christ. Membership The chair and members of the Working Unit are appointed by the Leadership Circle. The Working Unit will normally consist of three persons, at least one of whom is ministry personnel (active or retired) and one of whom is a lay person. Responsibilities 1. To be a resource to both the Leadership Circle and the Management Team in regard to matching presbyters gifts with the needs of the presbytery and its positions. 2. To use a process of prayerful, spiritual discernment in going about its work. 3. To receive up-to-date job descriptions for all positions and Working Units. 4. To receive requests for appointments to positions and Working Units. 5. To assess the knowledge, skills, and spiritual gifts of all members of Presbytery. 6. To develop appropriate questionnaires and spiritual gifts inventories for the work and discernment of the Committee. 7. To provide orientation and training to presbyters for the completion of aforesaid questionnaires and discernment tools. 8. To ensure that orientation is provided for each new appointment and placement in a position or working unit. 9. To use in its communications a multi-faceted approach to seeking people for appointments. These may include personal questionnaires, spiritual gift inventories, interviews, personal invitation, word of mouth, spoken announcements, Presbytery notices and prayer. 10. To recommend a slate of names to the Presbytery for election to the Leadership Circle for a term normally of three years, making provision for turnover of terms over a three year cycle. 11. To recommend names to the Leadership Circle for appointment to the Management Team making provision for turnover of the Coordinators over a three year cycle. 12. To recommend names to the Management Team for appointment to the various Working Units and positions that report to it. Desirable Gifts The following gifts would be valuable for the Working Unit as a whole to possess: • Good knowledge of the Presbytery and its members • Ability and willingness to use a discernment process for identifying the gifts of others and match them to the work needed • A strong faith based in spiritual practice. • Ability to create and maintain a database of presbyters’ spirit given gifts and talents. POLICY NUMBER: 4.2 DATE ADOPTED: POLICY TYPE: Working Units DATE AMENDED: POLICY TITLE: Unit Christian Formation Working Sep 25/06 CHRISTIAN FORMATION Mission (Ends) Congregations which feel informed and supported by Presbytery as they seek to call, nurture and support people of all ages to be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. Limitations The Christian Formation Resources Working Unit shall be free to pursue its mission using whatever means it sees fit providing that: It advocates and supports resources that are consistent with United Church of Canada theology It keeps congregations apprised of current information and resources to strengthen their own Christian Formation (Christian Education/Development) programs. Possible Means Provide information on various curricula and other programs for all age groups which are consistent with the ethos and theology of the United Church of Canada Provide information on other resources (e.g. literature, audiovisual, confirmation, Bible study, etc.) that are of particular interest to United Church congregations Provide input to the Presbytery Resource Centre on resources that may be carried and recommended to congregations. Organize learning events to animate and educate local people on current approaches to Christian Formation. POLICY NUMBER: 4.3 DATE ADOPTED: POLICY TYPE: Working Unit Ends & Means DATE AMENDED: POLICY TITLE: Communication WU Sep 25/06 Communication Working Unit Mission To have congregations which are fully informed as to the mission and work of KamloopsOkanagan Presbytery and the United Church at large; To have a Presbytery Resource Centre whose resources are promoted and available to all congregations within the bounds of presbytery and to neighboring presbyteries as well. To have congregations with knowledge of and access to appropriate technology which aids in their mission. Limitations The Communication Working Unit shall not fail to: provide to each congregation within the bounds of the presbytery a report, at least annually, describing the activities, decisions, achievements and challenges of presbytery for the time period in review with a preview of the up-coming issues and activities facing the court; maintain a Resource Centre facility that shall be open to the public for a certain number of hours each week and by access through the internet; maintain resources that are of particular interest to United Church congregations, in particular, and mainline Protestant denominations, in general; arrange for maintenance of the Presbytery web-site. POLICY NUMBER: 4.3.1 DATE ADOPTED: POLICY TYPE: Working Units DATE AMENDED: POLICY TITLE: Presbytery Resource Centre Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery Resource Centre Mission (Ends) 1. United Church people and congregations in the Interior of BC have access to high quality, current resources which will assist clergy and lay persons in developing leadership skills, expanding knowledge and supporting spiritual growth. 2. Individuals and congregations have knowledgeable assistance in choosing suitable resources. 3. Presbytery meetings and events and other gatherings are provided with book displays whenever possible. A secondary mission is to provide resources to other individuals, groups and denominations who may not have ready access to these materials. Operations The Resource Centre’s primary functions are to 1. Select and acquire suitable resources 2. Encourage the use of United Church produced and recommended resources 3. Provide a location for the viewing, selecting and purchasing of these resources 4. Provide consultation for the selection of resources 5. Provide a method of purchasing resources by telephone, fax, e-mail, regular mail or person-to-person 6. Provide a hands-on experience of resources through book displays, especially at Presbytery functions, UCW Presbyterial rallies and annual meetings, Resource Fairs and local congregational events. 7. Encourage active participation by volunteers in the Resource Centre’s operations. Accountability While the Resource Centre provides resources to the interior of British Columbia generally, it is directly accountable to Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery. The Resource Centre Management Committee is accountable to the Administration Coordinator of KO Presbytery through the Communications Working Unit. POLICY NUMBER: 4.4 POLICY TYPE: Working Units POLICY TITLE: Education & Students Committee DATE ADOPTED: Sep 25/06 DATE AMENDED: Education and Students Committee Mission (Ends) • To have persons in any stage of movement toward becoming Ministry Personnel who feel appropriately supported, encouraged and challenged as they move through the church’s proper procedures. • To have ordinands, commissionands, and Designated Lay Ministers who are well trained and suited to ministry in the United Church. Duties The duties and responsibilities of the Education and Students Committee are documented in The Manual, the Policy and Procedures Handbook for the Use of Education and Students Committees and in other policy documents released by the General Council from time to time. POLICY NUMBER: 4.4.1 POLICY TYPE: Education and Students POLICY TITLE: Licensed Lay Worship Leaders DATE ADOPTED: January 2011 DATE AMENDED: June 14, 2013 Licensed Lay Worship Leaders Role and Characteristics of Licensed Lay Worship Leaders In 1925, when the Methodist, Presbyterian, and Congregationalist churches joined to form The United Church of Canada, lay preachers, as a leadership designation, became a part of this union. Today, rather than the designation “lay preachers,” the term “licensed lay worship leader” is used to designate those who offer occasional worship leadership that continues to be part of our life as a church. Specifically, a licensed lay worship leader is a person who • has completed a course of study and, after appropriate recommendation and evaluation processes by Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery, is licensed to offer occasional worship leadership and preaching within the bounds of KamloopsOkanagan Presbytery in the absence of a regularly designated minister. • conducts worship when a regularly designated minister is away due to illness, continuing education course work, or vacation. • is a member in good standing in a local congregation who has been determined by his/her home congregation and Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery to have gifts and a sense of call to a ministry of worship leadership and preaching. Through participation in a Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery approved course of study, these gifts and call are developed further, giving both the licensed lay worship leader and the congregation confidence that worship leadership is built upon a theological and biblical foundation consistent with the ethos of the United Church. Many lay people in a congregation participate and give leadership in worship, but those who choose to participate in a licensed lay worship leadership program are choosing to develop their leadership gifts further. They are not entering an order of ministry. The term “licensed” indicates that an individual has engaged in a course of study and is considered suitable for this ministry by a congregational session, board, or council as well as Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery. Licensed lay worship leaders are not eligible for appointment to any paid accountable ministry personnel position, although they may receive standard remuneration for conducting individual worship services on the basis of the “Worship Leadership and Preaching” rate, including travel, in the current Salary and Allowances Schedule issued by General Council each year. They are not eligible, by virtue of licensing, to preside at sacraments or to wear vestments. (Adapted from Licensed Lay Worship Leaders Guidelines for Preparation June 2009 – UCC) Training Program The training program is outlined in The Manual (Section 734). 734 Program. The normal program leading to licensing as a Licensed Lay Worship Leader shall extend over at least two (2) years, and shall include the study of theology and church history, Hebrew and Christian scriptures, preaching, and worship and pastoral skills. Lists of recommended books and seminar topics on each subject are available from the appropriate General Council working unit. This training may be obtained outside of Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery (e.g. at the Calling Lakes Centre in Saskatchewan) or, when offered, within the presbytery itself. For its LLWL training, Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery is responsible for determining the format and prescribed curriculum (in accordance with the topics set forth in The Manual as outlined above), the frequency of gatherings, assignments required, the cost of the program for participants, honoraria paid to the course facilitator/instructor(s), the competencies required for licensing as a Lay Worship Leader, and the means by which to evaluate such competencies. The procedures and guidelines as outlined in this paragraph will be set by the appropriate Presbytery Committee charged with oversight of the LLWL program and licensing of those who have completed the program. Evaluation and Licensing Evaluation will normally take place in three parts. 1. There will be an element of peer feedback, particularly in the areas of preaching and leadership in worship. 2. The evaluative tools or process for each topic may include papers, tests, participation and direct observation of practice. 3. The final determination of suitability for licensing will be made by the appropriate Presbytery Committee after an interview with the individual and feedback from the instructor(s) and/or the educational institution. While LLWLs are not expected to perform at the same level as ordered ministers or Designated Lay Ministers, the central evaluation question will be, “are this person’s worship leadership skills of a sufficient standard to provide a sound worship experience?” Alternatively, the evaluators might ask, “Would I be comfortable recommending this person to lead worship in my congregation or a neighbouring one?” The appropriate Presbytery Committee shall recommend by motion to Presbytery the names of individuals for licensing and the presbytery will make the final decision. The costs of the final evaluation process will be born by the appropriate Presbytery Committee’s budget. Remuneration In cases where a LLWL is asked to lead worship in a congregation or pastoral charge of which he/she is not a member, then an honorarium with travel expenses and incidentals would normally be expected on the basis of the “Sunday Supply” rate in the current “Salary and Allowances” schedule issued by General Council each year. This policy is not intended to limit the freedom of a Licensed Lay Worship Leader to offer this service on a volunteer basis if desired. If the LLWL chooses to donate their honorarium they must first accept it and then donate it back. Where the LLWL occasionally leads worship in his/her own congregation or pastoral charge, whether an honorarium is paid will be determined by the policy of that pastoral charge. In any case, the LLWL should be able to be reimbursed for travel or out of pocket expenses. When leading worship in a 2-point charge, the charge is responsible for one pulpit supply fee at the national minimum prescribed rate plus travel for the distance between the points. Some 2-point charges may choose to pay more than the minimum, but this is not required. Recognition After approving individuals for licensing, the presbytery will conduct a suitable liturgy of recognition. Licensed Lay Worship Leaders will be presented with a pin or similar item to indicate their role. Because the LLWL program is clearly a lay program and not another order of ministry it would be inappropriate to present as a symbol of licensed status any item that would be seen as a vestment such as a stole, alb or shawl. The cost of the item of recognition will be built into the budget for the LLWL program. Accountability to Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery Each Licensed Lay Worship Leader is accountable to the Presbytery through the appropriate Presbytery Committee. If the LLWL or congregations where the LLWL has led worship and preached have particular concerns, such concerns should be taken to that Committee. It is the expectation of Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery that an LLWL will preach no more than once per month in any given Pastoral Charge. In cases where an extended use of one particular LLWL is desired, the Pastoral Charge is required to receive permission from the appropriate Presbytery Committee Chairperson. In accordance with The Manual (section 344 (d) ), the License for a Lay Worship Leader is valid for one year and must be renewed annually in writing to the appropriate Presbytery Committee. It is the prerogative of that Committee to turn down a re-licensing request if there are seen to be valid concerns about the suitability and/or conduct of the LLWL. The appropriate Presbytery Committee will establish the procedures necessary for annual re-licensing, and will advise all LLWL’s of these procedures. An LLWL who has not been licensed for 2 years and who wishes to reapply for a license, normally will be asked to lead worship in his or her own pastoral charge, and be evaluated by a representative appointed by Presbytery before being considered for relicensing. To maintain the license, an LLWL normally needs to lead worship a minimum of twice in one year. This may include leading worship in his or her own pastoral charge. Educational Events As laid out in The Procedures for Re-Licensing, LLWL’s are required to engage in continuing education in order to be relicensed. This may include a variety of programs, workshops, and reading as well as educational events deemed mandatory by the national church, BC Conference or Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery. In such cases, travel costs will be reimbursed from the appropriate Presbytery Committee’s budget at regular KO Presbytery meeting rates. Transfer to Another Presbytery The License of the LLWL is applicable only in Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery. Should the LLWL move to another Presbytery and should the performance of said LLWL be satisfactory in this Presbytery, then Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery may write a letter recommending that the LLWL be considered for similar licensing in the new Presbytery. POLICY NUMBER: 4.5.1 POLICY TYPE: POLICY TITLE: Registrar DATE ADOPTED: Sep 25/06 DATE AMENDED: Registrar Method of Appointment The Management Team will appoint a person to act as registrar for a three year term. Duties 1. To circulate, approximately one month prior to each meeting of the Presbytery, registration forms, a preliminary agenda and any other materials as needed or as directed by the Management Team. This should include, if appropriate, a poster or flier describing any pre-presbytery workshop. 2. To receive the registrations and fees. 3. To ensure that the local arrangements committee of the host congregation is aware of the details needed for good planning (i.e. numbers for each meal, billets required, dietary limitations, etc.). 4. To ensure that registrants are greeted upon arrival at the Presbytery meeting, collect fees, arrange for the distribution of such information as is required (i.e. treasurer’s reports, other reports, evaluation sheets). 5. To make a report to the meeting on the numbers in attendance of each category of presbyter and of guests. 6. To forward all monies received to the Treasurer. 7. To work with the Presbytery Secretary and the Conference Minister to maintain an up to date contact list of Presbyters. 8. To keep a permanent record of the dates and places of all presbytery meetings. 9. To ensure that the informational booklet for churches hosting presbytery, currently entitled So You’re Going to Host Presbytery, be regularly updated and provided to each host church at least four months prior to the meeting they are hosting. Accountability The Registrar is directly accountable to the Management Team through the Administration Coordinator . POLICY NUMBER: 4.5.3 POLICY TYPE: Management Team POLICY TITLE: Treasurer DATE ADOPTED: Nov 21/06 DATE AMENDED: Treasurer Mission (Ends) To have a presbytery whose accounts are maintained in accordance with The Manual and generally accepted accounting practices so that the ministries of the presbytery are properly enabled. Responsibilities 1. Keep accounts which shall be audited or reviewed and presented to the Presbytery annually. Interim financial statements shall be given at the regular meetings of Presbytery and of the Management Team. 2. Employ accounting practices that are prudent and support the mission and vision of the Presbytery. 3. Provide whatever financial information is needed by the Management Team and the Leadership Circle. 4. Work jointly with the Administration Coordinator to prepare a proposed Presbytery Budget each year in accordance with The Manual. Accountability The Treasurer is directly accountable to the Management Team through the Administration Coordinator. POLICY NUMBER: POLICY TYPE: POLICY TITLE: Process Finance The Budgeting DATE ADOPTED: February 23, 2002 DATE AMENDED: The Budgeting Process 1. Mid-year, each year, the Presbytery Finance Committee will send out requests, with supporting information, to all committees and individuals who have responsibility for line items in the budget for the coming year. 2. Based upon the responses, and considering historical data and anticipated needs, the Treasurer along with the Finance Committee will formulate a proposed budget (or alternative budgets) for the coming year. 3. The proposed budget will be presented to the Presbytery Executive at it’s early fall meeting. The Executive will approve or amend it or refer it back with instructions to the Finance Committee. 4. The budget as approved or as re-worked according to paragraph 3 will be sent out to all pastoral charges for input and feedback. 5. The Finance Committee may propose further changes based upon the feedback received. The budget (or alternative budgets) will then be presented to the fall meeting of Presbytery for decision. Changes to the Budget Mid-Year 1. During the year, the Treasurer, in consultation with the Finance Committee, may make minor adjustments to line items as it becomes clear that more or less money is needed for each purpose. 2. Major departures from budgeted amounts require a motion of the Presbytery or the Executive. 3. Any proposed motion from the floor of Presbytery or of an Executive meeting that has the effect of: a) increasing a line item of the budget by $5,000 or more, or b) introducing a new line item of $1,000 or more, will require a notice of motion. This notice will be circulated to all delegates in advance of the next meeting of Presbytery at which time it may be brought to a vote. POLICY NUMBER: POLICY TYPE: Finance POLICY TITLE: Assessment Policy DATE ADOPTED: DATE AMENDED: October 18, 2013 Assessment Policy 1. Authority to Assess. Kamloops Okanagan Presbytery (“KOP”) will set an annual assessment payable by each Pastoral Charge in the Presbytery. 2. Calculation of Assessment. a. Assessments are based upon the budget for KOP in the upcoming year, allocated among the Pastoral Charges based upon the Pastoral Charge’s “Calculated Expenditure.” i. The Calculated Expenditure for all the Pastoral Charges is added, and that total is used to determine the percentage each Pastoral Charge’s Calculated Expenditure is of the total, ii. Each Pastoral Charge is assessed that percentage of the KOP budget expenditures. b. A Pastoral Charge’s Calculated Expenditure, except for a Pastoral Charge in Shared Ministry, is a three-year average of the amounts recorded in column 40 of The United Church of Canada Yearbook, using the most recent three years available. c. A Pastoral Charge’s Calculated Expenditure for a Pastoral Charge in Shared Ministry is the three-year average of the amounts recorded in column 40 average of The United Church of Canada Yearbook, using the most recent three years available, divided by the number of denominations in the Shared Ministry. i. This calculation is effective upon the signing of a Shared Ministry Agreement. ii. To be considered for this Shared Ministry calculation, the Pastoral Charge must be required to also contribute to the other shared denomination(s). iii. If part of the Pastoral Charge is in Shared Ministry, and part is not, then a calculation will be made proportionately. iv. If the Shared Ministry Pastoral Charge’s reporting of column 40 already includes a division of expenses between denominations, then the Calculated Expenditure will be as set out in 2(b) above. Notes: 1. The definition of Column 40: “Column 40 of the Year Book – Expended for the Operation of the Pastoral Charge, including salaries – comprises the totals of B.3, B.4, B.5(a), B.6(a) – essentially, all expenses except housing allowance, M&S and other charitable contributions, and capital projects or major renovation costs.” POLICY NUMBER: 4.5.4 POLICY TYPE: Working Units POLICY TITLE: Property and Manses DATE ADOPTED: Sep 25/06 DATE AMENDED: Property and Manses Mission (Ends) To have pastoral charges whose properties are prudently managed in accordance with The Manual and the laws of Canada and British Columbia, and whose manses, if any, meet United Church standards. Limitations The Property and Manses Convener will be free to pursue his/her mission using whatever means he/she sees fit providing that: The provisions of The Manual are not contravened Membership The Property and Manses function will typically be carried out by one person appointed by Presbytery after a recommendation by the Gifts and Callings Committee. Responsibilities Develop and implement financial and property policies and practices that support the mission and vision of the Presbytery. Receive, examine and make appropriate recommendations on submissions for financial assistance which are related to property and manses (e.g. capital assistance, loans). Be a resource to Church Boards/Councils and to Boards of Trustees with regard to their responsibilities, as well as to help with the bureaucratic requirements involved in property transactions. Accountability The Property and Manses Convener is directly accountable to the Management Team through the Administration Coordinator. The Administration Coordinator will also be available for consultation and assistance. POLICY NUMBER: DATE ADOPTED: October 27, 2007 POLICY TYPE: POLICY TITLE: DATE AMENDED: Management Team Major Personal Property and Major Renovation Major Personal Property and Major Renovation Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to comply with by-law 335 (a) of The Manual of The United Church of Canada.1 By-law 335 (a) states: Each Presbytery shall determine what constitutes “major Personal Property” and “major renovations” for the area within its jurisdiction and shall communicate that determination to each Congregation and Pastoral Charge within its jurisdiction. Definitions: a. Major Renovation – a renovation to real property where the cost will exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) or result in a congregational indebtedness of more than ten percent (10%) of its annual “Total Amount Raised for All Purposes” as listed in the most recent United Church Yearbook, Statistics Section, Item 32(D).2 b. Major Personal Property – any personal property asset whose market value exceeds fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) or ten percent (10%) or more of the congregation’s annual “Total Amount Raised for All Purposes” as listed in the most recent United Church Yearbook, Statistics Section, Item 32(D). A collective asset, such as a set of hymnals, shall be considered as one asset. c. Personal Property – means all property other than Real Property. Personal Property includes, without limitation, money, investments, furniture, and equipment.3 d. Proposal – means a formal request for specific action within the jurisdiction of the Court to which it is directed.4 e. Real Property – means land, buildings, and anything else affixed to or growing on land or buildings, and rights relating to these.5 f. 1 Renovation – means the making of real property new again, by repair or by restoration to good condition.6 th The United Church of Canada, The Manual 34 Rev. ed. (United Church Publishing House, 1928, 2007). 2 Item 32(D) is the total of (A) Congregational givings for all purposes, plus (B) total amount raised by United Church Women, plus (C) total raised for all purposes by other organizations, sources, and means. 3 th The United Church of Canada, The Manual 34 Rev. ed. (United Church Publishing House, 1928, 2007) p. 39. 4 ibid., p. 40 5 ibid., p. 40 6 th This definition is based on those provided in The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English, 4 ed. (Oxford University Press, 1934; rev. 1952.) and Gage Canadian Dictionary (Gage Educational Publishing nd Company, 1983). Also, The Oxford Paperback Thesaurus 2 ed. (Oxford University Press, 1994, 2001) provides these synonyms: modernize, restore, refurbish, revamp, recondition, rehabilitate, overhaul, redevelop; update, upgrade, refit; to bring something up to code. g. Repair – means to restore (a building, machine etc.) to good condition, to mend, by replacing parts.7 Process for Submitting a Proposal: By-law 267 of The Manual states: Direction and Consent. The Trustees may acquire, sell, mortgage, exchange, lease, or otherwise deal with the Real Property or major Personal Property of any Congregation, or erect, enlarge, demolish, rebuild, or effect major renovations to any buildings held or to be held for any Congregation, only with the prior Decision of the Presbytery, in writing, consenting to such action. Such consent shall be sought in the first instance at the preliminary planning stage, and at such other times as the Presbytery may direct. The application for such consent shall be in writing. The Trustees shall submit such material as the Presbytery may require, and: (a) in the case of any acquisition, major renovation, enlargement, or construction, the application shall state the source from which funds will be made available; and (b) in the case of any sale, mortgage, exchange, lease, or other disposition of Real Property or major Personal Property, the application shall give the Presbytery full information. The Official Board or Church Board or Church Council shall develop, in consultation with the Presbytery, a proposal in respect of the disposition of the proceeds after providing for all costs and payment of indebtedness of the Trustees. The Presbytery shall make a Decision in respect of such proposal.8 Thus, any congregation or church camp within the boundaries of Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery, when contemplating a change in major personal property or when contemplating a major renovation – shall do so in conformity with by-law 267. a. Prior to submitting the initial proposal, it would be wise for the congregation to consult with the most recent edition of Congregational Trustees Handbook, especially the chapter titled, “Dealing with Congregational Property” and to follow the suggestions and requirements listed there. b. When submitting the initial proposal, the written material should include a description of what changes are proposed to be made and the impact these changes will have on the finances, personnel, activities and services of the congregation as well as what plans the congregation will have to overcome any resulting encumbrances. If, following the preliminary planning state, the congregation makes a decision to persue their plan the procedures as stated in By-law 271 of The Manual should be followed. 7 th This definition is based on those provided in The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English, 4 ed. (Oxford University Press, 1934; rev. 1952.) and Gage Canadian Dictionary (Gage Educational Publishing Company, 1983). 8 th The United Church of Canada, The Manual 34 Rev. ed. (United Church Publishing House, 1928, 2007) pp. 132-33 POLICY NUMBER: 4.5.5 DATE ADOPTED: POLICY TYPE: Financial DATE AMENDED: POLICY TITLE: Strategic Learning Fund Strategic Learning Fund Background At the time when the Life Long Learning Fund of the General Council was cancelled, KamloopsOkanagan Presbytery began to put a small amount of money each year into its own Life Long Learning Fund. No clear policies have ever been developed for the use of this money and it has tended to accumulate. Since that time, the national church has created two new funds to support continuing education for lay persons and ministry personnel, namely the Congregational Learning Fund and the Learning in Community Fund. This policy is intended to set clear criteria for the use of the Presbytery fund. It also renames the fund from “Life Long Learning Fund” to “Strategic Learning Fund”. Principles for Use of the Fund 1. The purpose of the fund is to provide resources for the Presbytery to pursue its own strategic goals insofar as these involve learning or training experiences. It is to be used to finance learning experiences that directly embody the priorities of the presbytery as determined by the Leadership Circle. 2. These learning experiences my be for specific groups, individuals or the presbytery as a whole. 3. The priorities may relate to the effective functioning of the presbytery itself or to enhancing the life of congregations in line with the presbytery’s mission and values. 4. Disbursements would generally be of two types: a. To fund a Presbytery event to which people are invited (e.g. a Presbytery organized workshop on encouraging discipleship in congregations, in line with our mission statement.) b. To encourage individuals to attend a specific event that has been identified by the Presbytery or the Leadership Circle as a priority (e.g. individuals could be offered a fixed amount of money to defray expenses in attending an “Emerging Spirit” training event). 5. Events that are eligible for other grants would receive a lower priority for this fund, though it would be appropriate to use the fund where some form of matching funding is required in order to obtain an external grant. 6. Applications for funding from individuals for their own private continuing education choices would not normally be considered since these are covered by other funding sources (Congregational Learning Fund, Learning in Communities Fund and others). The Leadership Circle may make decisions itself for the uses of the fund or it may, where appropriate, delegate those decisions to the Management Team with appropriate criteria. The Presbytery budget will allow for annual additions to the fund, such additions to be transferred to a holding account and carried forward from year to year. POLICY NUMBER: 4.6 DATE ADOPTED: POLICY TYPE: DATE AMENDED: POLICY TITLE: Sep 25/06 Outdoor Ministries Outdoor Ministries Working Unit Mission (Ends) To have camping and outdoor ministry programs as a vital and important ministry in The United Church of Canada and, in particular, within the bounds of Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery, so that people of all ages and stages of life may come to our camps and outdoor ministry programs to live in community, develop leadership skills, experience the outdoors, have fun, and deepen their faith in God. To have safe and high quality programming for the people who come to our camps and/or attend our outdoor ministry programs. To have an increasing number of individuals in our Presbytery who are trained and able to provide the kind of leadership that will assure quality programming in all types of camping and outdoor ministry programs. Limitations The Outdoor Ministry Working Unit shall not fail to recruit one corresponding member of presbytery from the Board, or equivalent administrative body, of each camp or outdoor ministry program within the bounds of Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery that is owned or operated by the United Church or a United Church congregation. The Outdoor Ministry Working Unit shall not fail to provide advice and support to the Presbytery Pastoral Oversight Committee in its triennial visitation program to camps and/or outdoor ministry programs. The Outdoor Ministry Working Unit shall not fail to foster the use of, and adherence to, the latest edition of The United Church Camping Standards Manual as well as the provincial government camping standards by all camping and outdoor ministry programs carried out within the bounds of Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery. POLICY NUMBER: 4.7 DATE ADOPTED: POLICY TYPE: DATE AMENDED: POLICY TITLE: Sep 25/06 Pastoral Oversight Committee PASTORAL OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Purpose The purpose of the Pastoral Oversight Committee of Presbytery is as defined in The Manual of the United Church of Canada: • • • To have oversight of all pastoral charges within its bounds To review the records of all pastoral charges within its bounds To adopt measures to promote the religious life of each pastoral charge Membership The Pastoral Oversight Committee will consist of the Chair of the Committee plus at least two other members, with every effort made for a balance of clergy and lay membership. Responsibilities To receive and review Annual Reports of all pastoral charges within the Presbytery To organize a triennial oversight visit to each pastoral charge and church camp within the bounds of Presbytery To establish guidelines as a basis for the dialogue and discussion during the aforementioned visits To train visitors in preparation for the triennial visits To ensure that recommendations for follow-up actions to visits are referred. To ensure that all pastoral charges complete the annual statistical report required by the national church Mode of Operation Establishes visiting teams which assume responsibility for one or more visits in each calendar year. Prepares and updates the Presbytery Visitation Guide, always keeping the Presbytery Mission Statement in the forefront. Reviews the reports received from the visits and recommend further action to the Management Team or other appropriate body as necessary for follow-up. Reviews the evaluations completed by the visited congregation and provides feedback to the Visitation Team Maintains rotation schedule for triennial visits and brings to attention of Presbytery any difficulty in keeping with that schedule Limitations May not coerce a pastoral charge or clergy into a particular way of thinking or course of action without consultation with and the authority of the Management Team of the Presbytery. May not disclose confidential information, or discuss the contents of a pastoral charge’s Annual Report or the report of an Oversight Visit with persons outside the Committee or those appropriate groups within Presbytery charged with action POLICY NUMBER: 4.8 DATE ADOPTED: POLICY TYPE: Working Units DATE AMENDED: POLICY TITLE: Pastoral Relations Committee Sep 25/06 Pastoral Relations Committee Mission To have all congregations and pastoral charges that are healthy and being effectively served by well matched ministry personnel and/or lay leaders. Role and Function The Pastoral Relations Committee is responsible for managing on behalf of Presbytery the relationship between Ministry Personnel and the pastoral charges they serve. Its responsibilities include: 1. To develop and maintain a positive and close relationship with each Pastoral Charge, particularly through their Ministry and Personnel Committees and through their ministry personnel. 2. To be available for confidential consultation on matters regarding the pastoral relationship. 3. To offer intervention, support and counsel to churches in conflict, especially if it involves the pastoral relationship. 4. To process and track all the proper forms which allow the church to keep good administrative order of all pastoral relationships. 5. To educate Presbytery, congregational ministries and Ministry Personnel about good pastoral relations policies and practices. 6. Upon request, to be a resource by Pastoral Charges and other ministries regarding employment practices for non-ministry personnel. The committee is empowered to make decisions on most matters falling within its area of responsibility. Decisions which The Manual requires to be made by the Presbytery or its Executive, will normally be approved in one omnibus motion rather than by case-bycase motions. In cases where the Committee wishes to have a sober second thought regarding its decisions, it may request that the Management Team review its decisions. In matters vitally affecting the core values and mission of Presbytery it may request that the Leadership Circle review its decisions. The committee may also suggest or request new policies be passed by the Leadership Circle if such policies are needed to guide the committee’s decisions. Core Values Some of the core values that underlie this work are: Both ministry personnel and pastoral charges are to be treated with justice and compassion. The committee will operate out of a deep theology of call, approaching its work as seeking to discern the call of God to each ministry personnel and pastoral charge. The committee will ensure reasonable Presbytery-wide consistency in the procedures and decisions that apply to each situation, while retaining enough flexibility to meet the needs of personnel and pastoral charges in exceptional circumstances. Confidentiality will be respected in conversations and consultations except where the safety and well-being of individuals or congregations would be jeopardized. Membership The membership of the committee shall be consistent with Section 389(a) of The Manual, namely: • the Presbytery’s representatives to the Settlement Committee • at least three others appointed The Committee shall consist of at least two members of the Order of Ministry and two lay persons. One or two of the members will be appointed Convener (or Co-conveners) of the Committee. The Conference Minister will be an ex-officio member. Limitations The Committee may pursue its mission in any way that it sees fit providing: That the criteria for decisions do not fall outside the bounds of the Core Values identified above. That the requirements of The Manual are met with regard to the Pastoral Relationship and the respective duties of the Presbytery. That the minimum standards of the United Church, along with Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery policies, are met with regard to salaries, benefits, housing and working conditions. That a report is made in writing to each meeting of the Presbytery and of the Leadership Team, such report normally to include a single motion to approve all decisions of the committee that are required by The Manual to be made by that body. This report shall be appended to the minutes of each meeting of the Presbytery and the Leadership Circle. Accurate minutes are kept of its meetings. That all parties to each pastoral relationship are treated with fairness and compassion by the presbytery. POLICY NUMBER: 4.9 POLICY TYPE: Working Unit Ends & Means POLICY TITLE: Pensions Convener DATE ADOPTED: Sep 25/06 DATE AMENDED: Pensions Convener Mission To have each of the pensioners living within our bounds feeling supported and informed about issues that affect them. Responsibilities 1. To present matters of interest regarding pensions to members of Presbytery; 2. To contact annually each of the pensioners within the boundaries of the presbytery; 3. To assist with procedural matters regarding pensions for those who will be or are in receipt of the UCC pension. Refer to The Manual for further elaboration of the duties of the Pensions Convener. POLICY NUMBER: 4.10 POLICY TYPE: Working Unit Ends & Means POLICY TITLE: Shared Ministries Convener DATE ADOPTED: Sep 25/06 DATE AMENDED: Shared Ministries Convener Mission To have healthy and vital congregations of shared ministries (or more denominations) within the boundaries of the presbytery. Responsibilities 1. To keep the interests and needs of shared ministries in the mind of the presbytery. 2. To make decisions on the use of presbytery funds allocated for shared ministries. 3. To assist with the interpretation and compliance with the Shared Ministries Regulations negotiated with the Diocese of Kootenay. 4. To encourage continuing education opportunities helpful to Shared Ministries. POLICY NUMBER: 4.11 POLICY TYPE: Working Unit Ends & Means POLICY TITLE: Global and Societal Concerns DATE ADOPTED: DATE AMENDED: Global and Societal Concerns Working Unit Mission The congregations within Kamloops-Okanagan Presbytery follow the example of Jesus Christ in addressing issues of justice, peace and the integrity of creation in the local community and the world. Limitations This working unit shall not: 5. Undertake justice campaigns or actions contrary to United Church policy. 6. Fail to keep the Presbytery informed of justice issues and the working unit’s activities. 7. Exceed its approved budget. POLICY NUMBER: 4.12 POLICY TYPE: Working Unit Ends & Means POLICY TITLE: Stewardship & M&S WU DATE ADOPTED: Sep 25/06 DATE AMENDED: Stewardship and Mission & Service Working Unit Mission To have congregations which understand stewardship as the faithful response of disciples to the love of God as shown in Jesus Christ, which are active in stewardship education and practices, and which are well informed of the needs and assets of the mission of the United Church of Canada. Limitations The Stewardship and M&S Working Unit shall be free to pursue its mission using whatever means it sees fit provided that it does not fail to: 1. Encourage the use by congregations of strategies and resources that will help them in their understanding and practice of Christian stewardship in all its forms – time, talent and financial resources; 2. Encourage congregations to become familiar with and to support the Mission and Service Fund, and to appoint a M & S Enthusiast; 3. Ensure that the M&S Suggested Response Forms are distributed to each Pastoral Charge to assist congregations in setting their M&S givings for the following calendar year; 4. Collect the completed M&S Suggested Response Forms as soon as possible after each congregation has met to set its M&S goal. 5. Report regularly to the presbytery on the status of M&S givings within the presbytery. 6. Follow up with congregations that appear to be having difficulty submitting their M&S givings on a timely basis. 7. Carry out its other duties as described in The Manual. Possible Means 1. Encouraging congregations to conduct stewardship visitation programs. 2. Ensure pastoral charges are properly organized with a Stewardship Committee in some form. 3. Review the giving levels of pastoral charges to ascertain whether they are achieving their financial potential. 4. Help congregations to have a perspective on the way funds are divided between the pastoral charge and the wider church. 5. Consult with local stewardship conveners regarding dissemination of information and the use of study materials. 6. Organize local or regional workshops on stewardship issues and approaches. 7. Encourage attendance at Stewardship events offered by the wider church. POLICY NUMBER: 4.13 POLICY TYPE: Working Units POLICY TITLE: Worship Animation DATE ADOPTED: Sep 25/06 DATE AMENDED: Worship Animation Working Unit Mission 1. Presbytery is experienced as a rich and deep worshiping community exposed to a variety of worship styles and experiences. 2. Congregations are inspired to continually deepen and enrich their own worship life together. Limitations The Worship Animation Working Unit will be free to pursue its mission in any way it sees fit provided that: 1. Innovative worship experiences are provided at meetings of Presbytery, both for the Presbytery’s own health and vitality, and as examples for presbyters to consider for use in local congregations; 2. Quality worship resources are recommended to the presbytery, to congregations and to the Presbytery Resource Centre for purchasing. POLICY NUMBER: 4.14 POLICY TYPE: Working Units POLICY TITLE: Youth and Young Adults WU DATE ADOPTED: DATE AMENDED: Youth and Young Adults Working Unit (YAYAWU) Mission (Ends) 1. Active, effective youth participation in aspects of Presbytery life. 2. Congregations feel supported, guided and encouraged in their ministry with youth. 3. Youth leaders across the presbytery have a well established and maintained network. 4. Presbytery Youth Council feels supported and empowered to pursue it’s own mission. Limitations The working unit is free to pursue the above mission (ends) using whatever means it believes to be most effective, providing that: 1. A positive and just employment or contractual relationship (as the case may be) is maintained with the Presbytery Youth Minister, 2. A connection is maintained with each congregation in the presbytery with regard to youth ministry, 3. Presbytery youth activities are safe, 4. The ethos and theology of the United Church is respected. Core Values 1. Divine wisdom knows no age boundaries. 2. Ministry with youth happens most effectively when youth are empowered to participate in all aspects of church life, not only in programs designed specifically for youth. 3. [More needed here] POLICY NUMBER: 4.14.1 DATE ADOPTED: POLICY TYPE: Working Units DATE AMENDED: POLICY TITLE: Youth Council Youth Council Mission 1. 2. 3. 4. Active, effective youth participation in aspects of Presbytery life. Healthy, nurturing community for all youth involved. Leadership development and spiritual nurture of Youth Council members. Planning, implementation and evaluation of an annual youth event. Limitations Youth Council will work with the Presbytery Youth Minister and is accountable to the Youth & Young Adult Working Unit. Youth Council is free to pursue the above mission in any way it sees fit providing that: 1. the ethos and theology of the United Church is respected 2. all Presbytery youth activities and events are safe 3. youth from every pastoral charge are welcome Core Values 1. Youth wisdom is essential within the wider church 2. All benefit from youth who are empowered to participate in all aspects of church life. 3. ??? 4. ???
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