AdvancesinProductionEngineering&Management ISSN1854‐6250 Volume9|Number4|December2014|pp168–180 Journalhome:apem‐ Originalscientificpaper Parametric study of die sinking EDM process on AISI H13 tool steel using statistical techniques Bose, G.K.a,*, Mahapatra, K.K.b a Department of Mechanical Engineering , Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia, India Technical Service, Central Institute of Plastic Engineering Technology, Bhubaneswar, India b A B S T R A C T Thecorrectoptimizationofprocessparametersisoneofthemore important aspects when taking into consideration the majority of manufacturing pro‐ cessesandparticularlyforprocessesrelatingtoelectricaldischargemachin‐ ing(EDM).Itiscapableofmachininggeometricallycomplexorhardmaterial components that are precise and difficult‐to‐machine, such as heat‐treated toolsteels,composites,superalloys,ceramics,carbides,heatresistantsteels etc.Thepresentedstudyfocusedontheelectricdischargemachining(EDM) ofAISIH13,W.‐Nr.1.2344Grade:OrvarSupremeforfindingouttheeffectof machining parameters such as discharge gap current (GI), pulse on time (POT), pulse off time (POF) and spark gap (SG) on performance responses suchasmaterialremovalrate(MRR),surfaceroughness(Ra)andovercut(OC) using a square‐shaped Cu tool with lateral flushing. A well‐designed experi‐ mentalschemewasusedtoreducethetotalnumberofexperiments.Partsof theexperimentwereconductedwithintheL27orthogonalarraybasedonthe Taguchi method and significant process parameters were identified using analysisofvariance(ANOVA). ItwasfoundthatMRRisaffectedbygapcur‐ rentandRaisaffectedbypulseontime.Moreover,thesignal‐to‐noiseratios associatedwiththeobservedvaluesintheexperimentsweredeterminedby which factor was most affected by the responses of MRR, Ra and OC. These experimental data are investigated using response surface methodology (RSM)fortheeffectsoffourEDMparametersGI,POT,POFandSGonMRR,Ra and OC. Response surfaces and contour plots were considered for exploring the importance of the variables and their levels, so as to optimize the re‐ sponses. Finally multi‐response optimization was carried out by means of overlaidcontourplotsanddesirabilityfunctions. ©2014PEI,UniversityofMaribor.Allrightsreserved. A R T I C L E I N F O Keywords: DiesinkingEDM Multiresponseoptimization Analysisofvariance Responsesurfacemethodology *Correspondingauthor: (Bose,G.K.) Articlehistory: Received29June2014 Revised4November2014 Accepted10November2014 AdvancesinProductionEngineering&Management ISSN1854‐6250 Letnik9|Številka4|December2014|Strani168–180 Spletnastran:apem‐ Izvirniznanstveničlanek Parametrična analiza potopne elektroerozije pri obdelavi orodnega jekla AISI H13 z uporabo statističnih tehnik Bose, G.K.a,*, Mahapatra, K.K.b a Department of Mechanical Engineering , Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia, India Technical Service, Central Institute of Plastic Engineering Technology, Bhubaneswar, India b P O V Z E T E K Pri večini obdelovalnih postopkov je vitalnega pomena pravilna nastavitev procesnihparametrov,šeposebejpapriobdelavahspostopkomelektroerozi‐ je (angl. Electrical Discharge Machining – EDM). Z njim je mogoče natančno obdelatigeometrijskozahtevneoblikeizmaterialovzvisokotrdoto,kijihje sicertežkoobdelovati.Takimaterialisonpr.toplotnoobdelanaorodnajekla, kompoziti,superzlitine,keramike,karbidi,toplotnoobstojnajeklaitd.Priču‐ joča raziskava je bila namenjena študiju obdelave orodnega jekla AISI H 13, W.‐Nr.1.2344spostopkomelektroerozije.Želelismougotovitivplivobdelo‐ valnihparametrov,kotsotokvreži(GI),časimpulza(POT),časpavze(POF) invelikostreže(SG),naučinkovitostpostopka,kotsostopnjaodvzemamate‐ riala(MRR),površinskahrapavost(Ra)inobdelavanadpredvidenonominal‐ no mero (angl. Overcut – OC). Uporabili smo pravokotno bakreno orodje s stranskim dovajanjem dielektrika. Z dobro načrtovanim eksperimentalnim delom smo zmanjšali potrebno število eksperimentov. Ti so bili izvedeni v skladuzL27ortogonalnomatriko,temelječonaTaguchimetodi.Signifikantni procesni parametri so bili ugotovljeni z metodo analize variance (ANOVA). Ugotovilismo,datokvreživplivanaMRR,časimpulzapanaRa.Polegtega smozrazmerjisignal/šuminustreznimieksperimentalnimipodatkiugotovili tistevplivneparametre,kinajboljvplivajonaMRR,Ra inOC.Eksperimental‐ ne podatke smo raziskali z metodologijo odzivnih površin (angl. Response SurfaceMethodology–RSM)inugotavljalivplivštirihprocesnihparametrov elektroerozijskegapostopka(tj.GI,POT,POFinSG)naMRR,Ra inOC.Zaugo‐ tavljanje pomembnosti procesnih parametrov in s tem optimiranje odziva, smouporabiliodzivnepovršineinkonturnediagrame.Nakoncusmoizvedli šeoptimizacijozoziromnavečodzivovspomočjokonturnihdiagramovint.i. funkcijželja(angl.DesirabilityFunctions). ©2014PEI,UniversityofMaribor.Allrightsreserved. P O D A T K I O Č L A N K U Ključnebesede: Potopnaelektroerozija Optimizacijanavečodzivov Analizavariance Metodologijaodzivnihpovršin *Kontaktnaoseba: (Bose,G.K.) 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