PROGRAM / PROGRAMME ART STAYS FESTIVAL 2015 13. FESTIVAL SODOBNE UMETNOSTI ART STAYS 2015 13 FESTIVAL OF CONTEMPORARY ART ART STAYS 2015 10. JULIJ – 1. SEPTEMBER / 10 JULY – 1 SEPTEMBER 2015 PTUJ, SLOVENIJA 2 8 4 1 7 3 12 5 9 6 11 10 PRIZORIŠČA / VENUES 1 Info točka / Info Point 2 Dominikanski samostan / Dominican monastery 3 Mestni trg square 4 Oder / Stage (Slovenski trg square) 5 Galerija Magistrat / Magistrat Gallery 6 Miheličeva galerija / Mihelič Gallery 7 Atelje / Atelier 8 Knjižnica / Library 9 Fürstova hiša / Fürst house 10 Galerija FO.VI / FO.VI Gallery, Kidričevo 11 Tovarna umetnosti / Art Factory, Majšperk 12 Mestni kino / City Cinema, Ptuj IZDAL / PUBLISHED BY: KUD ART STAYS PRODUKCIJA SODOBNE UMETNOSTI CONTEMPORARY ART PRODUCTION ZANJ / BY: VLADIMIR FORBICI NAKLADA / EDITION: 2.500 UMETNIŠKI VODJI / CURATED BY: JERNEJ FORBICI & MARIKA VICARI VODSTVO FESTIVA LA SI PRIDRŽUJE PRAV ICO DO SPREMEMBE PROGRAMA IN PRIZORIŠČ. THE FESTIVAL MANAGMENT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES IN THE PROGRAMME AND VENUES. KABINET ČUDES / WUNDERKAMMER Jernej Forbici & Marika Vicari, umetniška direktorja / Art Directors Kabineti čudes – enciklopedične zbirke nenavadnih predmetov, ki si jih znanost (menda) ni znala pojasniti. Rekli so jim tudi svet v malem ali gledališče sveta in med 16. in 18. stoletjem si brez njih ni dalo zamisliti nobene ugledne hiše. Geologija, etnografija, arheologija, verske in zgodovinske relikvije, umetniška dela in starine – vse to se je našlo v njih – včasih originali, včasih ponaredki, pomembno je bilo le, da je bila zbirka čim bolj pestra in čudežna. Predstavljajo zametke današnjih muzejev in že od nekdaj veljajo za pomembne spodbujevalce umetniškega zbirateljstva. Cabinets of wonders – encyclopaedic collections of curious items that science (supposedly) could not find any explanation for. Sometimes they were called microcosms or theatres of the world, and from the 16th to 18th century one could not have imagined any reputable house without such a cabinet of wonders. Geology, ethnography, archaeology, religious and historical relics, works of art and antiquities – all of these could be found in them. Sometimes the items were originals and sometimes they were fake, the only important thing was that the collection was as diverse and wondrous as possible. They represent the origins of today's museums, and have always been regarded as an important part in encouraging individuals to the collecting of art. Podobno smo si zamislili letošnji festival Art Stays: kot popotovanje dveh zbiralcev po svetu ter hkrati iskanje nenavadnih in eksotičnih sodobnih umetniških del. Najdeno sta zbiralca natovorila in pripeljala na Ptuj, da bi stare mestne stavbe napolnila s čudesi z vseh kontinentov. Svoje popotovanje sta tudi vestno in sproti beležila, njun dnevnik pa je v besedi in sliki predstavila večkrat nagrajena pisateljica Nataša Kramberger. When preparing this year’s festival Art Stays, we have envisioned it similarly: as a journey of two collectors, who have travelled the world in order to find unusual and exotic contemporary works of art. Our two collectors loaded the items they found and brought them to Ptuj in order to fill the town’s old buildings with wonders from all continents. They also meticulously and regularly kept a record of their journey, and their diary with pictures will be presented by the award winning Slovenian author Nataša Kramberger. Program 13. festivala sodobne umetnosti ART STAYS je nastal v sodelovanju z več mednarodnimi galerijami, muzeji in kustosi. Vključuje razstave v praktično vseh ptujskih in okoliških galerijah in razstaviščih. Mednarodna ekipa umetnikov bo ustvarjala tudi v ptujskih ateljejih. Na Slovenskem trgu bodo vsak dan pogovori z gostujočimi umetniki in kustosi, performansi in koncerti. V Mestnem kinu se bo odvil ciklus umetniških filmov in dokumentarcev. V dopoldanskih urah bodo potekale delavnice za otroke in najstnike, manjkale pa ne bodo niti edinstvene umetniške večerje. Na Mestnem trgu bo gostoval cirkus najmanjših fotografij na svetu (Blink Circus), po mestu pa bodo igrali glasbeniki. Skupaj bomo predstavili preko 100 ustvarjalcev s celega sveta. The programme of the 13th Festival of Contemporary Art ART STAYS is the result of collaboration between several international galleries, museums and curators. It includes exhibitions that will occur in virtually all galleries and exhibition rooms in and around Ptuj. An international group of artists will be creating also in Ptuj’s ateliers. Every day, the Slovenski trg square will be the place for talks with artists and curators in residence, and the venue for several performances and concerts. The City Cinema will show a cycle of artistic films and documentaries. In the morning hours, workshops for children and youth will take place, while in the evenings, one will even have the opportunity to experience art at unique dinner events. The Mestni trg square will be hosting the exhibition of the world’s smallest photographs (Blink Circus), and there will be musicians performing all over town. This year’s festival will host more than 100 artists from all over the world. Zato prijazno vabljeni, da poletje preživite (tudi) na Ptuju, obkroženi s sodobno umetnostjo! Therefore, you are kindly invited to spend the summer in Ptuj (as well), surrounded by contemporary art! UMETNIKI / ARTISTS Dario Agrimi Chiara Albertoni Jordi Alcaraz Karin Andersen Antonella Aprile Aqua Aura Davide Balossi Hans Beckers Janet Bellotto Goran Bertok Beti Bricelj Blink Circus Federico Bonaldi Fürstova hiša (Boris B. Voglar, Tomaž Plavec, Tjaša Čuš, Srečko Molk) Benedetta Bonichi Alessandro Brigheti Nadia Buyse Mario Ciaramella Franz Cimitan Nicola Civiero Andrea Collesano Hannah Collins Vanni Cuoghi Lana Čmajčanin Allesia De Montis Nora De Saint Pichman Simone Del Pizzol Leo Ferdinando Demetz Tina Dobrajc Iris Van Dongen Christiane Draffehn Aleksander Fenos Alessandro Filippini Enzo Fiore Fischli&Weis Dušan Fišer Anne & Patrick Poirier C: Galleria Alfonso Artiaco Fiorella Fontana Giovanni Gaggia Michelangelo Galliani Gianfranco Gentile Eva Gerd H.R. Giger Monika Grcyko Vjatkin Gleb Haik Grigoryan Alessandra Guolla Isoya Hirofumi Džeko Hodžić Irwin Adela Jušić Robert Jurak Gergo Kovactz Roberto Kusterle Valeria La Torre Lamarche – Ovize Andrej Lamut Matthias Langer Hongbo Li Wei Li Ina Loitzl Lello Lopez Erik Lovko Beatrix Mapalagama Marina Marcolin Isabelle Menin Jose Molina Boštjan Novak Viola Pantano Beatrice Pasquali Penzo+Fiore Perino & Vele Serena Piccinini Alex Pinna Ann & Patrick Poierier Tomaž Plavec Monika Grycko Lamarche – Ovize C: Galeria Luis Adelantado Fernando Prats Matteo Pugliese Tobia Rava Antonio Redaelli Ahmed Reem Elisa Rossi Nicola Samori Olga Schigal Marek Schovanek Joachim Seinfeld Caterina Silenzi Vincent Solheid Elisa Strinna Tanja Špenko Jože Šubic Zoran Todorović Raša Todosijević Translation(s) (Justin Ascott, Arch Dyson, Jessica Ledwich, Luis Lara Malvacias, Damon Ayers & Tessie Word, Lawrence Wood, Jean Maria Casbarian, Eva Petrič, Michael Poetschko, Zoran Poposki) Transversal Project (Erika Vicari, Paola Rossi, Ciro Passilongo, Cristina Antonini) Ernesto Treccani Walter Trecchi Bénédicte Van Caloen Serena Vignolini Lei Wang Marissa Wedenig Peter Wehinger Carla Zaccagnini Salvatore Zacchino Alice Zanin Andrea Zucchi Davide Balossi C: Galleria Punto sull’Arte RAZSTAVE / EXHIBITIONS WUNDERKAMMER – THE GRAND TOUR (3€) MIHELIČEVA GALERIJA / MIHELIČ GALLERY, Dravska ulica 3, Ptuj TOR / TUE – PET / FRI 10.00 – 16.00, SOB / SAT 10.00 – 13.00 WUNDERSCULPTOR DOMINIKANSKI SAMOSTAN / DOMINICAN MONASTERY, Muzejski trg 11, Ptuj TOR / TUE – NED / SUN 11.00 – 17.00 WUNDERHERBARIUM GALERIJA MAGISTRAT / MAGISTRAT GALLERY, Mestni trg 1, Ptuj PON / MON, TOR / TUE, ČET / THU 7.00 – 16.00 SRE / WED 7.00 – 18.00 & PET / FRI 7.00 – 14.00 RELIQUIA / RELIKVIJA GALERIJA FO.VI / FO.VI GALLERY, Strnišče 6, Kidričevo PON / MON, SRE / WED, PET / FRI 9.00 – 13.00 SOB / SAT 14.00 – 18.00 WUNDERSKY PTUJSKI GRAD / PTUJ CASTLE, Na gradu 1, 2250 Ptuj PON / MON – PET / FRI 8.00 – 18.00 SOB / SAT – NED / SUN 9.00 – 20.00 NOKTURNO / NOCTURNO TOVARNA UMETNOSTI / ART FACTORY, Breg 9, Majšperk PON / MON – PET / FRI 9.00 – 18.00 SOB / SAT 8.00 – 12.00 WUNDERDOC KNJIŽNICA IVANA POTRČA PTUJ / IVAN POTRČ LIBRARY, Prešernova ulica 33–35, Ptuj PON / MON 12.00 – 19.00 TOR / TUE – PET / FRI 8.00 – 15.00 ODPRTI ATELJE / OPEN ATELIER FURSTOVA HIŠA / FURST HOUSE, Krempljeva ulica 13, 2250 Ptuj PON / MON – PET / FRI 16.00 – 18.00 SOB / SAT 10.00 – 12.00 OPEN TRGI IN ULICE / SQUARES AND STREETS NON-STOP Elisa Strinna C: Galleria Massimodeluca Perino & Vele C: Galleria Alfonso Artiaco Iris Van Dongen C: Galeria Luis Adelantado Džeko Hodžić PETEK / FRIDAY 10. JULIJ / 10 JULY 2015 SOBOTA / SATURDAY 11. JULIJ / 11 JULY 2015 19.00 Miheličeva galerija / Mihelič Gallery 10.00 Miheličeva galerija / Mihelič Gallery Otvoritev razstave / Exhibition opening Voden ogled razstave / Guided exhibition tour WUNDERKAMMER – The Grand Tour WUNDERKAMMER Otvoritev osrednje razstave Wunderkammer – The Grand Tour. Dva »malce nenavadna« zbiralca sta se odpravila na leto dni dolgo potovanje okrog sveta in prinesla na Ptuj umetniška dela, ki so razstavljena v sodobnem kabinetu čudes. Opening of the main exhibition entitled Wunderkammer – The Grand Tour. Two "a bit unusual" collectors have spent a year travelling around the world and returned to Ptuj with artworks which are being exhibited in a state of the art cabinet of wonders. 20.30 Oder / Stage (Slovenski trg square) Otvoritev festivala / Festival opening s pripovedovalko / with a narrator Zgodba o nenavadnem zbirateljskem paru. The story about an unusual collectors couple. 11.00 Oder/ Stage (Slovenski trg square) Pogovor z umetnikom / Artist talk HANS BECKERS (BE) Pogovor z belgijskim umetnikom v rezidenci Hansom Beckersom, dobitnikom nagrade Art Stays na Arte Laguna Prize v Benetkah. Talk with the Belgian artist in residence Hans Beckers, winner of the Art Stays award at the Arte Laguna Prize in Venice. WUNDERKAMMER Otvoritev 13. festivala sodobne umetnosti ART STAYS 2015, Wunderkammer, ter praznovanje 10. obletnice društva Art Stays. Video mapiranje z likovnimi deli Beti Bricelj in DJ-set. 19.30 Dominikanski samostan / Dominican monastery Opening of the 13th Festival of Contemporary Art ART STAYS 2015, entitled Wunderkammer, and celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Cultural and Artistic Society Art Stays. Projection mapping with artworks of Beti Bricelj and DJ set. Otvoritev drugega dela razstave Wunderkammer – The Grand Tour. Tokrat predstavljamo kipe, ki sta jih na Ptuj prinesla naša zbiralca. 21.30 Oder / Stage (Slovenski trg square) Performans / Performance BLACK TABLE PERFORMANCE V predstavi z naslovom Black Table Performance Hans Beckers s pomočjo posebne naprave, ki deluje kot ojačevalnik zvokov, in magnetnega polja pretvarja neslišne zvoke v slišne. Kot glasbeni inštrumenti mu služi vse, kar pač najde, predvsem kuhinjski predmeti in pripomočki. Uporabi stvari, ki ji vsi poznamo, a ne po zvoku, npr. električno zobno ščetko, masažne pripomočke, kuhinjski mešalnik, ventilator, stensko uro, žičnate gobice... In his Black Table performances Hans Beckers uses a machine that amplifies normally inaudible sounds through a magnetic field. He uses found objects, kitchen objects and utensils as musical instruments. Objects that we all know but don't know how they sound. Like for example an electric toothbrush, a massage machine, a mixer, a small fan, a clock, metal sponges... Otvoritev razstave / Exhibition opening WUNDERSCULPTOR Opening of the second part of the exhibition Wunderkammer – The Grand Tour. Exhibited are sculptures that were brought to Ptuj by our two collectors. 20.30 Dominikanski samostan / Dominican monastery Koncert in zabava / Concert and party WUNDERKAMMERCLASSICS Glasba slovenskega renesančnega skladatelja Jakoba Petelina Gallusa v sodobni preobleki. Modern cover versions of classical music by the Slovenian renaissance composer Iacobus Gallus Carniolus. NEDELJA / SUNDAY 12. JULIJ / 12 JULY 2015 PONEDELJEK / MONDAY 13. JULIJ / 13 JULY 2015 10.00 Dominikanski samostan / Dominican monastery 10.00 – 13.00 Atelje / Atelier Zajtrk / Breakfast Delavnica s CID-om Ptuj / Workshop with CID Ptuj WUNDERFOOD WUNDERNATURE Festival vabi na zajtrk med umetniškimi deli. Delavnice za otroke in mladostnike. Workshops for children and youth. A breakfast served in between works of art. 11.00 oder/ stage (Slovenski trg square) Pogovor z umetnikom / Artist talk WALTER TRECCHI (IT) Pogovor z italijanskim umetnikom v rezidenci Walterjem Trecchijem, ki v času festivala pripravlja projekt, ki bo predstavljen jeseni. Talk with the Italian artist in residence Walter Trecchi, who at the time of festival events is preparing a project which will be presented in autumn. 18.00 Galerija Magistrat / Magistrat Gallery Otvoritev razstave / Exhibition opening WUNDERHERBARIUM Otvoritev vzporedne razstave Wunderherbarium. Vpogled v svet čudes narave. Opening of a parallel exhibition entitled Wunderherbarium. An insight into the world of nature's wonders. 19.00 Mestni trg / Mestni trg square 18.00 Tovarna umetnosti / Art Factory Otvoritev / Opening Otvoritev razstave / Exhibition opening BLINK CIRCUS NOK TURNO / NOC TURNO Cirkus najmanjših fotografij na svetu. Otvoritev fotografske razstave mladega fotografa Andreja Lamuta. Opening of an exhibition hosted by the young photographer Andrej Lamut. A circus of the world's smallest photographs. 20.00 Mestni kino / City Cinema Projekcija filma / Film screening 20.30 Oder/ Stage (Slovenski trg square) Pogovor & projekcija / Artist talk & screening ZORAN TODOROVIĆ (SRB) Pogovor z umetnikom Zoranom Todorovićem, predstavnikom Srbije na Beneškem bienalu leta 2009 in projekcija njegovih video del. Talk with the artist Zoran Todorovič, who was representing the Republic of Serbia at the 2009 Venice Art Biennale, and a video screening of his works. 22.00 Oder / Stage (Slovenski trg square) Projekcija / Screening PREVODI II / TRANSLATIONS II Namen tega projekta je praktično raziskovanje urbanega okolja z uporabo video tehnik. This projects aims to explore urban space and place through practice-based research in the medium of video. ART STAYS KINO #1 (3€) THE WAY THINGS GO , CH 1987, 30′, 16mm Peter Fischli, David Weiss – T&C Film Zurich V filmu je prikazano, kaj se zgodi, ko v skladišču postavimo 30 metrov dolgo, nestabilno konstrukcijo iz različnih predmetov. Ko sprožimo premikanje prvega, sledi verižna reakcija. Inside a warehouse, a precarious 30 meters long structure has been constructed using various items. When this is set in motion, a chain reaction ensues. 21.30 Dominikanski samostan / Dominican monastery Glasbeni performans / Music performance WUNDERLUST – TRANSVERSAL P. Iz želje dveh glasbenih ustvarjalk (Paole Rossi in Erike Vicari) se je porodila zamisel o tem, kako zvok pretvoriti v stičišče. It started from the desire of two musicians (Paola Rossi, Erika Vicari) to convert the sound into a meeting point. TOREK / TUESDAY 14. JULIJ / 14 JULY 2015 SREDA / WEDNESDAY 15. JULIJ / 15 JULY 2015 10.00 – 13.00 Atelje / Atelier 10.00 – 13.00 Atelje / Atelier Delavnica s CID-om Ptuj / Workshop with CID Ptuj Delavnica s CID-om Ptuj / Workshop with CID Ptuj WUNDER MUSIC WUNDER LIGHT Delavnice za otroke in mladostnike. Workshops for children and youth. Delavnice za otroke in mladostnike. Workshops for children and youth. 17.30 Galerija FO.VI / FO.VI Gallery (Strnišče) 18.00 Ptujski grad / Ptuj Castle Otvoritev razstave / Exhibition opening Otvoritev razstave / Exhibition opening WUNDERKAMMER RELIKVIJA / RELIQUIAE Pogovor s kustosom razstave Reliquiae Claudijem Compostijem, direktorjem galerije Mc2 iz Milana in otvoritev mednarodne razstave Reliquiae. Talk with the curator of the exhibition Reliquiae Claudio Composti, who is also the director of the Mc2 Gallery in Milano, and opening of the international exhibition entitled Reliquiae. WUNDER SKY Otvoritev postavitve italijanskega umetnika Maria Ciaramelle z naslovom Icaro. Opening of an exhibition curated by the Italian artist Mario Ciaramelle entitled Icaro. 20.00 Mestni kino / City Cinema Projekcija filma / Film screening ART STAYS KINO #3 (3€) 20.00 Mestni kino / City Cinema Projekcija filma / Film screening ART STAYS KINO #2 (3€) THE RIGHT WAY CH 1983, 55′, 16mm Peter Fischli, David Weiss – T&C Film Zurich Film prikazuje podgano in medveda, ki se odpravita na izlet na tako imenovano nepokvarjeno podeželje. Prepuščena elementom narave, čudežem vseh vrst in predvsem – sama sebi, tam ob popolni čistosti duše in z veliko dobre volje poskušata najti razloge za vse, kar vidita in doživljata. A rat and a bear go hiking in the free, so-called unspoiled countryside, at the mercy of the elements, of all sorts of miracles – and, above all, of themselves. With pure hearts and a lot of goodwill, they try to find reasons for all they see and experience. THE POINT OF LEAST RESISTANCE CH 1981, 30′, S-8 blow up 16mm Peter Fischli, David Weiss – T&C Film Zurich V zgodbi se medved in podgana ponovno odpravita na pot, tokrat da bi zaslužila ogromno denarja – z umetnostjo. Na poti raziskovanja v galeriji odkrijeta truplo in ga – v upanju, da jima bo odprlo vrata v svet kulture, dogajanja in denarja – vzameta s seboj. Yet again, a bear and a rat are out to make a lot of money – this time with art. During a tour of investigation, they find a corpse in a gallery and, hoping it will prove to be a means of access to the worlds of culture, action and finance, they take it along with them. 21.00 Dominikanski samostan / Dominican monastery Performans večerja / Food performance LIVE WUNDER DINNER #1 (35€) 21.00 Oder / Stage (Slovenski trg square) Pogovor & projekcija / Artist talk & screening ADELA JUŠIĆ (BIH) Pogovor z umetnico Adelo Jušić in projekcija njenih video del. Talk with the artist Adela Jušić and a video screening of her works. Nemški fotograf Matthias Langer bo v dveh večerih posnel fotografije večerij na različnih lokacijah v starem mestnem jedru. The German photographer Matthias Langer is going to take photographs at dinners served at various locations in the old town centre of Ptuj. ČETRTEK / THURSDAY 16. JULIJ / 16 JULY 2015 PETEK / FRIDAY 17. JULIJ / 17 JULY 2015 10.00 – 13.00 Atelje / Atelier 10.00 – 13.00 Atelje / Atelier Delavnica s CID-om Ptuj / Workshop with CID Ptuj Delavnica s CID-om Ptuj / Workshop with CID Ptuj STREET SKY STREET PRINT Delavnice za otroke in mladostnike. Workshops for children and youth. Delavnice za otroke in mladostnike. Workshops for children and youth. 18.00 Oder / Stage (Slovenski trg square) 18.00 Oder / Stage (Slovenski trg square) Pogovor z umetnikom / Artist talk Pogovor z umetnikom / Artist talk NADIA BUYSE (USA) MATTHIAS LANGER (D) Pogovor z ameriško umetnico Nadio Buyse o njenem delu in spektaklu, ki ga pripravlja za ptujsko občinstvo. Talk with the American artist Nadia Buyse about her work and the spectacle she has been preparing for the Ptuj audience. Pogovor z nemškim fotografom Matthiasem Langerjem o delu, ki ga pripravlja v umetniški rezidenci na Ptuju. Talk with the German photographer Matthias Langer about his artistic work planned for the time of his residence in Ptuj. 20.00 Mestni kino / City Cinema 21.30 Oder / Stage (Slovenski trg square) Projekcija filma / Film screening Glasbeni performans / Music performance ART STAYS KINO #4 (3€) DARK STAR – HR GIGER DIE UNTERWELT CH 1983, 55′, 16mm Belinda Sallin – T&C Film Zurich Kdo je umetnik HR Giger? Kakšna oseba se skriva za vsemi temi grozljivimi in vznemirljivimi, pa vendar estetskimi oblikami in bitji? Dokumentarni film o mednarodno priznanem umetniku, ki je deloval kot slikar, kipar, arhitekt in oblikovalec, in je poleg tega tudi dobitnik Oskarja in ustvarjalec nezemeljskih prikazni iz filma Osmi potnik. Who is the artist HR Giger? What kind of person is behind such terrifying and disturbing yet aesthetic forms and beings? A film with and about the internationally acclaimed and controversial painter, sculptor, architect, designer, Oscar winner and Alien creator. 21.30 Hotel Mitra / Hotel Mitra Performans večerja / Food performance LIVE WUNDER DINNER #2 (35€) Nemški fotograf Matthias Langer bo v dveh večerih posnel fotografije večerij na različnih lokacijah v starem mestnem jedru. The German photographer Matthias Langer is going to take photographs at dinners served at various locations in the old town centre of Ptuj. DUBAIS – NADIA BUYSE (USA) Multimedijska umetnica Nadia Buyse ima prodoren glas, ki poslušalca takoj spomni na Björk, a vseeno je to le eden njenih atributov. Buysejeva, ki prihaja iz Portlanda in je v umetniških krogih znana pod psevdonimom Dubais, v svojih performansih združuje igro, video vsebine, glasbo in zvok. Gostovala je že v Združenih državah in Evropi, njena zadnja stvaritev pa je neke vrste pop opera z naslovom »Unterwelt«, ki glede na obravnavano tematiko vključuje tako prvine globalnih razsežnosti kot tudi take z izjemno osebno noto. Multimedia performer Nadia Buyse has a belting voice that immediately reminds one of Björk – but that is just one tool in this acclaimed artist's arsenal. Melding performance, video, music, and sound, Portland-based Buyse (who goes by the stage name DUBAIS) has toured the States and Europe – and her new pop opera Die Unterwelt tells a story that is both global and extremely personal in scope. SOBOTA / SATURDAY 18. JULIJ / 18 JULY 2015 11.00 CID Ptuj / Youth Centre CID Ptuj Otvoritev razstave / Exhibition opening WUNDERWORKSHOP Po tednu dni ustvarjanja s sodelujočimi umetniki bodo otroci pripravili in odprli razstavo ustvarjenih del. After a week of creating together with participating artists, children who have taken part in workshops will prepare and open an exhibition of their artworks. Dubais – Nadia Buyse, Die Unterwelt 16.00 Dominikanski samostan / Dominican monastery Okrogla miza / Round table WUNDERPTUJ Povezuje / Conducting: Nevenka Dobljekar 18.00 Miheličeva galerija / Mihelič Gallery Vodeni ogled festivala / Guided tour of the festival WUNDERTOUR Ogled razstav postavljenih v Miheličevi galeriji, Galeriji Magistrat, na trgih, v Dominikanskem samostanu in na Ptujskem gradu ter zaključek v Knjižnici Ivana Potrča na Ptuju. Dario Agrimi, C: Galleria Nuvole Arte Contemporanea Visits of exhibitions held at the Mihelič and Magistrat Galleries, squares across town, the Dominican monastery and Ptuj Castle, with the tour ending at Ivan Potrč Library in Ptuj. 20.00 Knjižnica / Library Otvoritev razstave / Exhibition opening WUNDERDOC Otvoritev fotografske razstave Matthiasa Langerja, ki je v času festivala dokumentiral dogajanje s svojo veliko formatno fotografsko napravo. Opening of the exhibition of photographs taken by the photographer Matthias Langer, who will be documenting the entire festival happening with his large-scale camera. Matthias Langer, C: Bianca Maria Rizzi & Matthias Ritter 21.00 Fürstova hiša / Fürst house Otvoritev razstave / Exhibition opening FÜRST OPEN & PARTY Razstava ptujskih ustvarjalcev, ki ustvarjajo v Fürstovi hiši. Sledi velika zaključna zabava. Exhibition of works by Ptuj artists who create in the Fürst house, followed by a big closure party. Peter Wehinger, C: Galerie Kro Art Contemporary Courtes IZPOSTAVLJENO / HIGHLIGHTS Razstava / Exhibition WUNDERKAMMER – THE GRAND TOUR Miheličeva galerija / Mihelič Gallery Razstava Wunderkammer – The Grand Tour / Kabinet čudes – Veliko popotovanje je osrednji razstavni projekt letošnjega festivala. Med razstavljenimi umetninami bodo dela umetnikov, kot so: Fernando Prats, udeleženec beneškega bienala leta 2011; Hannah Collins, finalistka Turnerjeve nagrade, z razstavami v Centru Pompidou in galeriji Tate Modern; Ann & Patrick Poirier, udeleženca Beneškega bienala v letih 1976, 1980 in 1984, dOCUMENTE v Kasslu leta 1977 in Havanskega bienala leta 2006; Perino & Vele, leta 1999 predstavljena na 48. Beneškem bienalu; Dragoljub Raša Todosijević, udeleženec 54. Beneškega bienala; Zoran Todorović, predstavnik Srbije na Beneškem bienalu leta 2009; izbrani uveljavljeni kitajski umetniki Hongbo Li, Zhang Qiushi in Lei Wang ter številni slovenski umetniki, med drugim Tina Dobrajc, Goran Bertok, Boštjan Novak, Tomaž Plavec ... The exhibition Wunderkammer – The Grand Tour is the central exposition project of this year’s festival and presents artworks by international artists. Among them are: Fernando Prats, one of the participants of the 2011 Venice Biennale; Hannah Collins, finalist for the Turner Prize, who has had exhibitions at Centre Pompidou and Tate modern gallery; Ann & Patrick Poirier, an artist couple who has participated at the Venice Biennale in the years 1976, 1980 and 1984, the dOCUMENTA in Kassel in 1977 and the Havana Biennale in 2006; Perino & Vele, who were presented in 1999 at the 48th Venice Biennale; Dragoljub Raša Todosijević, one of the participants of the 54th Venice Biennale; Zoran Todorović, who represented the Republic of Serbia at the Venice Biennale in 2009. The collection also displays works by the established Chinese artists Hongbo Li, Zhang Qiushi and Lei Wang, and last but not least, visitors have the opportunity to see some of Slovenian art as well, among others by Tina Dobrajc, Goran Bertok, Boštjan Novak, Tomaž Plavec … Christiane Draffehn, C: B. M. Rizzi & M. Ritter Goran Bertok Lelle Lopez, C: Galleria Alfonso Artiaco Gergo Kovach, C: Ludwig M. B. Leo Ferdinando Demetz Alice Zanin, C: Bianca M. Rizzi & M. Ritter Razstava / Exhibition WUNDERKAMMER RELIQUIAE / RELIKVIJA kustos / curator: Claudio Composti Galerija FO.VI / FO.VI Gallery (Strnišče) Razstava Relikvija pod taktirko italijanskega kustosa Claudija Compostija prinaša na Ptuj celo serijo nenavadnih del mednarodnih umetnikov: Michelangelo Galliani, Isoya Hirofumi, Caterina Silenzi, Alessandro Brigheti, Beatrice Pasquali, Benede a Bonichi, Allesia De Montis, Roberto Kusterle, Eva Gerd, Karin Andersen, Giovanni Gaggia, Antonio Redaelli, Antonella Aprile. Exhibition Reliquiae, a project curated by Italian curator Claudio Composti, is bringing to Ptuj a series of unsual artworks by international artists: Michelangelo Galliani, Isoya Hirofumi, Caterina Silenzi, Alessandro Brigheti, Beatrice Pasquali, Benede a Bonichi, Allesia De Montis, Roberto Kusterle, Eva Gerd, Karin Andersen, Giovanni Gaggia, Antonio Redaelli, Antonella Aprile. Alessandro Brigheti C: Scaramouche, New York Beatrice Pasquali Karin Andersen C: Traffic Gallery, Bergamo Filmi / Films ART STAYS KINO FISCHLI & WEIS + HR GIGER 13. 7. – 18. 7. 2015, 20.00, Mestni kino / City Cinema Ciklus umetniških filmov in dokumentarcev je letos posvečen umetniškemu tandemu Fischli & Weis, dobitnikoma Zlatega leva na Beneškem bienalu leta 2003, in nedavno preminulemu umetniku in dobitniku oskarja HR Gigerju, saj bomo premierno predstavili dokumentarec HR GIGER - THE DARK STAR švicarske produkcije hiše TC Films. A cycle of art films and documentaries is this year dedicated to artist duo Fischli & Weis, winners of Golden Lion on Venice Biennale in 2003 and recently passed artist and Oscar winner HR Giger, as we will have a premier of a documetary HR GIGER – THE DARK STAR by Swiss production house TC Films. Fischli & Weis (CH) - THE WAY THINGS GO & THE RIGHT WAY C: artists & TC Films HR GIGER (CH) - THE DARK STAR C: TC Films Performans / Performance DIE UNTERWELT DUBAIS – NADIA BUYSE 17. 7. 2015, 21.30, Oder / Stage, Slovenski trg square Multimedijska umetnica Nadia Buyse ima prodoren glas, ki poslušalca takoj spomni na Björk, a vseeno je to le eden njenih atributov. Buysejeva, ki prihaja iz Portlanda in je v umetniških krogih znana pod psevdonimom Dubais, v svojih performansih združuje igro, video vsebine, glasbo in zvok. Gostovala je že v Združenih državah in Evropi, njena zadnja stvaritev pa je neke vrste pop opera z naslovom »Unterwelt«, ki glede na obravnavano tematiko vključuje tako prvine globalnih razsežnosti kot tudi take z izjemno osebno noto. Ker je povsem naveličana te Zemlje, Dubais (kot glavni lik predstave) zapusti življenje in se znajde v prostoru, ki niso ne nebesa ne pekel. Gre za neke vrste Podsvet (Unterwelt), v katerem so duše ločene po ideologijah, razdvojuje pa jih ogromen zid (sence Berlina). Težka, a vendar izjemno zanimiva tematika, s katero Buysejeva pokaže celotni spekter svojih multimedijskih sposobnosti. Multimedia performer Nadia Buyse has a belting voice that immediately reminds one of Björk – but that is just one tool in this acclaimed artist's arsenal. Melding performance, video, music, and sound, Portland-based Buyse (who goes by the stage name DUBAIS) has toured the States and Europe – and her new pop opera Die Unterwelt tells a story that is both global and extremely personal in scope. Having quite enough of this earth, (the character) DUBAIS exits life and ends up in a place that is neither heaven nor hell. It is the "Unterwelt" (Underworld) where souls are separated by ideologies and a giant wall (shades of Berlin). It is heavy, interesting stuff – showing off the gamut of Buyse's multimedia skills. Razstava / Exhibition WUNDERHERBARIUM Galerija Magistrat / Magistrat Gallery Vzporedna razstava Wunderherbarium. Vpogled v svet čudes narave. Parallel exhibition entitled Wunderherbarium. An insight into the world of nature's wonders. Umetniki / Artists: Chiara Albertoni, Alessandra Guolla, Isabelle Menin, Ann & Patrick Poierer, Aqua Aura Aqua Aura Razstava / Exhibition WUNDERSCULPTOR Dominikanski samostan / Dominican monastery Drugi del velike razstave Wunderkammer – The Grand Tour. Tokrat predstavljamo kipe, ki sta jih na Ptuj prinesla naša zbiralca. The second part of the big exhibition Wunderkammer – The Grand Tour. Exhibited are sculptures that were brought to Ptuj by our two collectors. Umetniki / Artists: Mario Ciaramella, Leo Ferdinando Deme , Monika Grycko, Džeko Hodžić , Robert Jurak, Tobia Rava, Tanja Špenko, Salvatore Zacchino, Alice Zanin Tobia Rava, C: Galleria 3D Koncert / Concert WUNDERLUST 13. 7. 2015, 21.30, Dominkanski samostan Iz želje dveh glasbenih ustvarjalk (Paole Rossi in Erike Vicari) se je porodila zamisel o tem, kako zvok pretvoriti v stičišče dveh bitij in s tem tudi dveh kultur. Med tem majhnim in velikim potovanjem spoznamo, da je vsako srečanje edinstveno doživetje; izvor presenečenj in izjemnih izkustev. Cirkus / Circus BLINK CIRCUS 13. 7. – 18. 7. 2015, 18.00 – 22.00, Mestni trg square Cirkus najmanjših fotografij na svetu. A circus of the world's smallest photographs. It started from the desire of two musicians (Paola Rossi, Erika Vicari) to convert the sound into a meeting point, not just only between two beings, but between cultures. In this small and big travel we recognize that each encounter is unique; a source of surprises and extraordinary Koncerti / Concerts WUNDERMUSICBOX 10. 7. – 18. 7. 2015, 19.00 - 22.00 Kratki in sladki koncerti na mobilnem odru. Short and sweet concerts on mobile stage. Blink Circus Delavnice / Workshops O TROCI / K IDS Instalacija / Installation KALEIDOSCOPE 13. 7. – 18. 7. 2015, 18.00 – 22.00, Slovenski trg square Ste kdaj vstopili v kaleidoskop? Še ne? Instalacija slovenske umetnice Beti Bricelj vas čaka na Slovenskem trgu. Did you ever entered a Caleidoscope? Not yet? Installation of Slovenian artist Beti Bricelj awaits you on Slovenian Square. v sodelovanju z Centrom interesnih dejavnosti Ptuj / in collaboration with Youth Centre CID Ptuj 13. 7. – 18. 7. 2015, 10.00 – 13.00, Atelje / Atelier Brezplačne delavnice za otroke in mladostnike pod vodstvom likovne pedagoginje. Obiski umetnikov, razstav in ustvarjanje v umetniškem ateljeju. Free workshops for kids and youngsters under the supervision of an art teacher. Visiting artists, exhibitions and creating in an art studio. Delavnice / Workshops ART STAYS foto / photo: Boris B. Voglar Beti Bricelj INFORMACIJE / INFORMATION INFO TOČKA / INFO POINT Murkova ulica 7, 2250 Ptuj Tel.: +386 31 517 140; 10. 7. – 18. 7. 2015 11.00 – 20.00 19. 7. – 1. 9. 2015 TOR / TUE – SOB / SAT 10.00 – 12.00, 17.00 – 19.00 Izdal / Published by: KUD ART STAYS Produkcija sodobne umetnosti Contemporary Art Production zanj / by Predsednik / President: Vladimir Forbici Festivalska info točka ponuja vsem, ki jo obiščejo, obilo informacij o festivalu Art Stays, umetnikih, dogodkih in vsem, kar se dogaja v času festivala. Tukaj lahko rezervirate voden ogled po razstaviščih in mestu, prav tako lahko kupite festivalski spominek ali manjše likovno delo. Za tiste, ki jih sodobna umetnost prav posebej zanima, pa smo pripravili izbor knjig, katalogov in revij, ki jih lahko v miru, ob kavi, prebrskate. Umetniški vodja / Art Director: Jernej Forbici Kreativni vodja / Creative Director: Marika Vicari Izvršni odbor / Executive committee: The Festival info point offers its visitors a wealth of information about the Art Stays festival, artists, events, and everythingtaking place during the festival. Here you can book your guided tour of the exhibition spaces and the town, as well as buy festival souvenirs or a small art work. For the visitors especially interested in contemporary art, we’ve prepared a wide selection of books, catalogues, and magazines that you can sift through while relaxing with a coffee. Jernej Forbici, Marika Vicari, Vladimir Forbici, Tina Baštevc, Sanja Selinšek Festivalski fotograf / Festival photographer: Boris B. Voglar Sodelavci / Collaborators: Ludwig Museum Budapest, Galleria MC2, Galleria Alfonso Artiaco, Galeria Joan Prats, Galeria TURISTIČNO INFORMATIVNI CENTER / TOURIST OFFICE TIC, Slovenski trg 5, 2250 Ptuj Tel.: 02/ 779 60 11; vsak dan med 9. in 20. uro / every day from 9 am until 8 pm Luis Adelantado, Galleria Antonio Nardone, Tovarna umetnosti, Galerie Kro Art, Galleria Bianca Maria Rizzi e Matthias Ritter, SPS Fine Art, Galleria Nuvole Arte Contemporanea, Arte Laguna, CID Ptuj, Sara Sists, Claudio Composti, Zoran Poposki Stamperia d’Arte Busato, Galleria Federico Rui, Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj, Deodato Arte, Area B, JAVNI PREVOZI / PUBLIC TRANSPORT Železniška postaja / Train Station, Osojnikova cesta 2, Ptuj, Avtobusna postaja / Bus Station, Osojnikova cesta 11, Ptuj. Tel.: +386 (0)2 77 11 491, Bližnja letališča / Nearest Airports: Ljubljana, Graz, Zagreb, Vienna PRENOČIŠČA / ACCOMMODATION Hotel Mitra, Sobe Šilak, Dom Kulture - Muzikafe, Sobe Krapša, Youth Hostel Eva, Hostel Sonce, več / more: Peter Tomaž Dobrila, Code Blue, Galerija FO.VI, Talum d.d., Darko Ferlinc, Dušan Fišer Prevod in lektoriranje / Translation and Text Review: Katja Vrabl Oblikovanje / Design: FO.VI Tisk / Print: Flyeralarm, 2500 Hvala vsem umetnikom, kustosom, imetnikom avtorskih pravic za reprodukcijo likovnih del. Thanks to all the artists, curators, gallerists, rights holders for reproduction authorisation. Blink Circus
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