Our steel – everywhere Ravne Steel Center is one of the largest service centers for the tool making industry in Central Europe. As a member of the SIJ Group it is also a certified steel distributor to end customers for Metal Ravne and Acroni. With more than 5,000 tons of steel in stock, modern equipment for cutting and mechanical treatment, the company is present on all key European markets. Its vision is to offer the customers all the necessary service and technical support. As a steel service center, Ravne Steel Center carries out different levels of mechanical and heat treatment of steels and complete control over the steels’ end quality. Sidertoce is recognized as one of the leading tool steel distributors in Italy. Company was founded in 1972 and joined the SIJ Group in 2010, where it effectively operates as a steel distributor for Metal Ravne and Acroni. Due to long-term presence on the market and vast experience of its employees, Sidertoce has become a recognized partner of cylinder, knife and tool manufacturers in Italy. With 6,700 m2 of storage facilities, 3,000 tons of steel in storage, 22 saws for cold cut, and an effective logistic service, Sidertoce provides steel and services for more than 1000 end customers. APPPLICATION RANGE OF OUR PRODUCTS • machine building industry • food processing industry • oil and gas industry • automotive and aircraft industry • chemical and petrochemical industry • yellow goods industry • construction industry • medical and pharmaceutical industry • metal-working industry • electrical industry Steel range in stock: Steel range in stock: • Cold-work tool steel • Cold-work tool steel • Hot-work tool steel • Hot-work tool steel • Tool steel for plastic reforming • Tool steel for plastic reforming • High-speed tool steel • High-speed tool steel • Structural steel. • Structural steel www.sidertoce.it www.rsc.si Map of our sales network Founded in 1994, at present NIRO Wenden GmbH has become one of the leading stainless steel processors on the German and international markets. As a subsidiary of the SIJ Group and in conjunction with its specialist partners, NIRO covers an extensive range of stainless steel blanks and machining options, and offers a complete supply programme for stainless steel fabricators from a single source. On average, the company has approximately 2,500 tons of stainless steel sheets available in stock. Precision-engineered production and fullyautomated order processing systems combined with state-of-the-art logistics come as standard. Plasma cutting Laser cutting Water jet cutting Shearing Round off Straigthening Grinding www.niro-wenden.de Belgija Nizozemska Srbija Švedska Finska Rusija Portugalska Bosna in Hercegovina Brazilija Tajvan Južna Koreja Pakistan Kanada Estonija Romunija Slovaška Bolgarija Ukrajina Danska Združeni arabski emirati Singapur Norveška Belorusija Kitajska Izrael Južna Afrika Makedonija Tajska Litva Egipt Latvija Indonezija Avstralija Malezija Kosovo Kolumbija Črna gora Vietnam Luksemburg Moldavija Uzbekistan Čile Grčija Japonska Maroko Saudova Arabija Alžirija Bangladeš Mehika Hong Kong Libija Sirija San Marino Albanija Peru Katar Sri Lanka Urugvaj Uganda Services: • • • • • • • Services: • • • • • • • Since 1954 Griffon & Romano has been pursuing a constant policy of modernization by means of the timely application of every technological innovation. Nowadays Griffon & Romano is considered as a company of primary importance in the field of stainless steel, in particular as far as plasma and mechanic cut are concerned. With its full complement of suitable machinery, the company has reached a high qualitative level, ensuring its ability to satisfy the requirements of the most demanding customers in Italian market. Nemčija Italija Slovenija Združene države Amerike Avstrija Poljska Češka Francija Indija Madžarska Španija Švica Hrvaška Velika Britanija Turčija Plasma cutting Saw cutting Laser cutting Water jet cutting Decoiling Flatttening of sheets or pieces Mechanical processing www.griffon-romano.it SIJ - Slovenska industrija jekla, d. d. Gerbičeva 98, 1000 Ljubljana Slovenija T: +386 1 242 98 00 F: +386 1 242 98 55 E: info@sij.si The best things in the world contain Slovenian steel Driven by continuous quality and constant development of new and more complex steel types, Acroni has become one of the leading European manufacturers of stainless quarto plates. In addition to stainless steel, Acroni produces a wide range of other steel types such as wear resistant, high strength, tool steel, pressure vessel and other special steel types. Acroni’s product range also includes the production of coils, mainly electrical steel for use in electrical engines, which in addition to ferritic and special steel represents the largest The best things in the world contain Slovenian steel Our customers are the focus of our operations, therefore we are building a long-term strategic partnership and cooperation with them. share of production. Production program: Production program: Production program: Production program: Noži Ravne is one of the largest industrial knife manufacturers in the world, with products successfully marketed in more than 70 different countries. Manufacturing process is characterized by usage of high-quality materials in accordance with strict quality standards in order to ensure that knifes produced remain within tolerance levels and are professionally treated. Noži Ravne products are result of rich experience, knowledge and new technologies that follow the needs of the market. Own R&D enables Ravne Knives to develop improvements, which are reflected in the longer life span of the products and result in a better machine utilization, lower energy consumption and increased productivity. Elektrode Jesenice is the largest welding material manufacturer in Slovenia, and a prominent one in Europe, with technology development and manufacturing tradition dating back more than 70 years. Manufacturing program includes welding materials for manual, semi-automatic and automatic - robotic welding of all steel types and various colored metals. SUZ is a cold drawn and ground steel bars and wire manufacturer. The product range comprises round, hexagonal, square and special shapes. SUZ also manufactures finished products, semi-products and spare parts on classical lathes and modern universal MAZAK lathing centers. • Quarto plates ▪▪ Stainless steel ▪▪ austenitic ▪▪ ferritic ▪▪ heat resistant ▪▪ duplex ▪▪ super duplex ▪▪ nickel alloys ▪▪ ▪▪ ▪▪ ▪▪ ▪▪ ▪▪ ▪▪ ▪▪ SIJ is a vertically integrated holding company, the leading steel manufacturer in Slovenia, and one of the largest stainless and special steel manufacturers in Europe. SIJ Group consists of the two largest steel companies in Slovenia (Acroni and Metal Ravne), other manufacturing and processing companies (Noži Ravne, Elektrode, SUZ), specialized service and sales centers across Europe and the USA, and companies for scrap steel collection and sales. Wear resistant – Nicrodur High strength – Micral Tool steel Pressure vessel steel Armor steel Carbon steel Structural steel Clad plates Knives for: www.acroni.si A 400-year tradition in steel manufacturing, combined with constant development and • Plastic industry • Recycling industry • Metal industry regular investments into technical progress, make Metal Ravne one of the leading carbon, alloyed, special and tool steel manufacturers in EU. Own steel plant, forging shop, rolling mill and a wide range of heat treatment and machining processes allow Metal Ravne to produce a rich pallet of more than 200 steel Production program: • Steel program: ▪▪ Ingots: conventional and ESR • Rolling program: ▪▪ Billets with rounded edges ▪▪ Wide flats ▪▪ Round sections ▪▪ Square sections ▪▪ Flat sections ▪▪ Peeled and peeled & polished bars ▪▪ Ground and ground & polished bars • Forging program: ▪▪ Billets ▪▪ Forged bars: round, square, flat ▪▪ Machined forgings: rolls, shafts, mandrels, sleeves and bushes, rings and plates www.metalravne.com • MIG and MAG welding wire for shielded inert or reactive gases welding • Coated electrodes for MMAW manual arch welding, cladding and hardfacing • Wire and welding rods for TIG welding • Pulp, paper and paper processing industry grades in different dimensional shapes. www.sij.si ▪▪ Electrical steel ▪▪ Stainless ferritic steel ▪▪ Special steel • Wood industry SIJ Group is the pillar of the steel industry in Slovenia and one of the largest business systems in the country. The Group generates more than 85 percent of its total income from foreign market sales. In 2014, SIJ has strengthened its position in both, domestic market and key European export markets, increasing its global competiveness mainly in segments of stainless and special steel. The key levers of the Group’s sustainable growth are adapting to customer needs, the optimization of key product groups (production mix), and numerous consolidation and operation optimization measures. At the same time, SIJ Group continues increasing its share of products with higher added value, entering more demanding industrial sectors and industries, e.g. energy generation (also from renewable energy sources), nuclear industry, oil and gas industry, and aviation. The company estimates that they will also significantly contribute to the future growth in demand for stainless and special steel in Europe and worldwide. This is how SIJ Group, in cooperation with its strategic partners, continues to build its reputation as one of the most prominent stainless and special steel suppliers in Europe. • Cold/hot rolled coils • Wire and welding rods for oxyacetylene welding • FCW flux-cored welding wires made with seamless technology • Agglomerated fluxes and wires for SAW submerged arc welding Steel bars and drawn wire made of: • Stainless steel • Free cutting steel • Unalloyed steel • Structural steel • Tool steel • Case hardening steel • Steel for quenching and tempering • Steel for cold heading www.elektrode.si www.suz.si www.ravne.com
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