FAST FORWARD Mednarodni sejem obrti in podjetnosti International Trade and Business Fair Celjski sejem, 8.-13. september 2015 Celje Showground, 8th-13th September 2015 TRADE FAIR NEWSLETTER Thursday, 3rd september GOOD TO KNOW TUESDAY 8th September at 10 am – 48th MOS Opening Ceremony; the trade fair will be officially opened by Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar, LLD (Blue Hall) WEDNESDAY 9th September at 11 am Premium Brands China, B2B meetings between Chinese and Slovenian companies (Exhibition Hall A) THURSDAY 10th September at 10.45 am - International business meeting SME between businessmen from EU member states and Southeast Europe (Blue Hall) CE novice 0 Editorial Ready for a successful trade fair kick-off Dear Exhibitors, At the end of each MOS we always like to say that our thoughts and actions are already with the next edition, and this is most certainly true. After each thorough post-show evaluation, we pay a lot of attention to exhibitors’ wishes and suggestions and visitors’ - our partners’ - opinions. When all these are integrated to form a logical whole, we come up with a new project proposal. This is how MOS, bringing us together for the first time from Tuesday to Sunday, was born this year. We are especially glad that after a short quiet summer period our MOS as the largest business and trade fair event in the country and wider region turns Slovenian economic space and our trade show city into a hive of activity. And what can we expect this year when MOS is nearing its soon-to-be half a century long tradition? 2 This year the content is even more diverse as we are going to introduce quite a few new features dictated by the needs and priorities of the country economy together with our partners. There will be a real feast for the eyes for all lovers of active leisure since we are organizing the first big camping and caravanning exhibition within MOS. We are also going to emphasize the importance of wood as strategic raw material, and this year for the first time in Slovenia we are featuring e-mobility under one roof. On this occasion, an electric vehicle 2 x 22kW rapid charging point will be opened on the showground on the first day of the trade fair which will be at visitors’ disposal free of charge, including free parking for electric vehicles. International buzz, new technologies and innovative products, new features and special deals for visitors together with side events will have an impact on the 48th MOS. This year long-standing projects that critically address the most burning entrepreneur issues have been joined by new ones which will undoubtedly enhance the event experience. MOS Special Experience will take care of the fun part of the hustle and bustle. In addition to seeing music and dance performances on the Showground Atrium Event Stage, make sure you take time off to attend some attractive events in MOS Outdoor Park, or take an e-car for a spin on the Showground … In Celje Fair we are well aware of the fact that first have to be a good business partner and diversify by adding new interesting content to trade shows. We can be proud of our long tradition and reputation but we cannot rest on our laurels therefore we are going to strive for your loyalty and that of our mutual partners - the visitors. Breda Obrez Preskar, BSc.Econ. Executive Director Celje Fair PLC Thanks to all exhibitors and partners for putting their trust in us and helping us design a diverse 48th MOS programme. Trade Fair Newsletter MOS 2015 Celjski sejem, 8.-13. september 2015 Who can help? During erection, stand fitting, trade fair and removal of display a trade fair office is open – Rotunda next to Hall D at the bottom of the Showground Atrium. Here you can get all the necessary information, report any breakdowns, order additional services etc. You can stop by at the office or call these numbers +386 354 33 150, +386 3 54 33 151, +386 3 54 33 157 and +386 3 54 33 158. Other important telephone numbers Hall Managers • • • • • • • A, L1 – Nina Ermenc Pangerl, +386 70 840 084 C, C1, D – Gregor Hudohmet, +386 41 596 466 E, K – Polona Marovt, +386 41 602 438 F, G, H, I, J, K1 and outdoor exhibition area No. 3 Marjana Žgajner, +386 41 369 414 L – Sergeja Marjanovič Pregelj, +386 41 649 499 M – Uroš Pavlovič, +386 31 323 074 Outdoor exhibition area -– Lucija Berce, +386 41 938 106 (during the event) • • • • • • Celje Fair Reception: +386 3 54 33 000 Press Centre: +386 3 54 33 160 Office of Protocol: +386 3 54 33 164 First Aid: +386 31 318 172 Police: 113 Goods handling: Bernarda Premrl, Intereuropa d.d., +386 40 450 015 Opening times Visitor opening times are from 9 am to 7 pm every day except the last day Sunday Daily goods drop-off 13th September when the Any vehicles attempting to trade fair closes one hour enter the showground dur- earlier at 6 pm. ing the event (8 – 13 September) to drop off mate- This year exhibition hall ope- rial, catering supplies, etc. ning for exhibitors will be at need a special move-in pass 8.15 am (15 minutes earlier which can be obtained from than in the past) and closing the hall manager prior to the at 7.30 pm. The only excep- trade fair opening. The pass tion is the first day (Tuesday allows access to the show- 8th September) when all ex- ground every day from 8 am hibition halls open at 8 am. (exhibition halls open at 8.15) Exhibitors unlocked to 8.45 by which time at the exhibits or more valuable latest you have to leave the equipment that can easily showground. with be removed from the stand are asked to make sure their premises are under 24-hour surveillance. 3 Tickets and exhibitor parking passes Tickets There are two kinds of exhibitor tickets: • • Multiple admission tickets allowing multiple admissions to the showground Limited admission tickets allowing two daily admissions to the showground These tickets are for companies (issued in the name of a company) and can be shared by company members. This means that one day they can be used by one person and the next day by another but they cannot be given to another person while the persons who used them to enter the showground are still on the premises. The number of these exhibitor tickets (passes) depends on the size of the exhibition stand, but more exhibitor passes can be ordered at extra charge. All permanent (multiple admission and limited admission) tickets have a barcode and the name of your company. Every time you enter or exit the showground, the ticket has to be shown to a member of staff at the entrance. Exhibitors are especially reminded that electronic ticket reading is compulsory for all types of permanent tickets also on exiting the showground otherwise re-entry on the same day will not be possible. Parking Exhibitors have also received permanent parking passes the number of which depends on the size of parking space, but more passes can be ordered at extra charge. 4 Exhibitors with exhibition stands in halls E, F, G, H, I, J, K1 and outdoor exhibition area number 3 can use the passes to park on level 4 of the Celje Citycenter parking garage. Parking garage for pass holders opens at 8 am. Exhibitors with exhibition stands in other halls and outdoor exhibition area can use parking passes to park in all car parks managed by Celje Fair. In the event of late arrival at the showground when all car parks are fully occupied, please go to the car park located on the south side of the showground (military barrack grounds) where we have reserved a few extra parking spaces for pass holders. For late arrivals on the last day of the trade fair (13 September) when Stara Dečkova cesta (Old Dečkova Street) is closed for all traffic from 12.00 to 18.00, a few extra parking spaces in the first car park to the right of Dečkova cesta have been reserved for exhibitors (Southwest of the Showground). Trade Fair Newsletter MOS 2015 Celjski sejem, 8.-13. september 2015 Free business coupons for your clients We hope you have not forgotten to invite your partners, clients and employees to visit your stand on the showground. For every m2 of rented exhibition space you are entitled to a free used e-business coupon or e-ticket. If your exhibition stand measures 20 m², you will not be charged for 20 used business coupons. The business coupons are considered used if they were presented on entering the showground. For example, if you have sent 80 business coupons and only 30 invited people visited the trade fair, you will only be charged for extra 10 used business coupons at a price of €7 per coupon (you are entitled to 20 coupons out of 30 free of charge because of 20 m² of rented exhibition space). If you decide to use more than 20 business coupons on top of free tickets you are entitled to for the size of your exhibition stand, you will be given a 20% discount for every used coupon following number 21. If you have not taken advantage of this special offer yet and invited as many business partners as you are entitled to business coupons, you can still do this during the erection and during the trade fair. The same applies to all those who have you received on the application confirmation any time and already sent business coupons but they would like to send a send more business coupons. This will also allow you to check few more. You can access ticketing system with a password the number of used coupons at the end of each day. To je naša ideja: Zagotoviti brezplačno tiskanje sejma MOS. tiskanje To je naša udeležencem ideja: Zagotoviti brezplačno udeležencem sejma MOS. Do 50% nižja cena izpisa na stran in HP promotional booth in exhibition hall L1 (exhibition stand 11a) offers free printing and photocopying services on top-notch HP printers. A lucky winner will also receive an HP laptop. do dvakrat hitrejši izpis v primerjavi z namiznimi Do 50% nižja laserskimi cena izpisatiskalniki. na stran in do dvakrat hitrejši izpis v primerjavi Razmišljali smo:laserskimi Kaj lahko ponudimo z namiznimi tiskalniki. *Slike e e boličn boličn so sim like so sim *S © Copyright 2015 HP Development Company, L.P. © Copyright 2015 HP Development Company, L.P. udeležencem sejma in razstavljavcem? Ponudimo jim brezplačno tiskanje na Razmišljali smo: Kaj lahko ponudimo vrhunskih HP tiskalnikih. Enemu srečnežu udeležencem sejma in razstavljavcem? pa bomo podelili HP prenosnik. Ponudimo jim brezplačno tiskanje na vrhunskih HP tiskalnikih. Enemu srečnežu Poiščite HP promocijski prostor, preizkusite pa bomo podelili HP prenosnik. vrhunske tiskalnike HP in sodelujte v nagradni igri! Najpogostejša izbira med tiskalniki na svetu. Poiščite HP promocijski prostor, preizkusite vrhunske tiskalnike HP in sodelujte v nagradni igri! Najpogostejša izbira med tiskalniki na svetu. 5 Technical instructions Fire risks and safety tire hall during the night except for requested (ordered) “overnight electricity” and does not take responsibility There is a lot of different equipment, exhibits and people on the showground during the trade fair. Since exhibition stands are temporary, there are also “improvised versions” which can affect fire safety that is why we pay a lot of attention to it and we must ask you to strictly observe the following rules: • All switches for turning on and off electrical items on the exhibition stands have to be clearly marked and located • so that they can be easily reached (not in locked cabinets). Exhibitors and stand fitters are reminded to handle electric and gas heaters with extra care. Every evening • • • for any damage occasioned thereby. It is not allowed to store anything on or behind the exhibition stand. In the event of a gangway leading across the exhibitor's stand to an emergency exit, hydrants, electricity mains or public conveniences, the gangway must be clearly marked and accessible regardless of the layout of the exhibition stand you have chosen. Waste disposal Exhibitors undertake to provide a litter bin or rubbish bag for before leaving the exhibition stand make sure you swi- waste in the gangway in front of their exhibition stand every tch off all floodlights, electrical items (except fridge) and day after the closing times. Waste disposal is arranged in the provide a litter bin or rubbish bag for waste in front of evening hours. Waste disposal bags will be delivered to your your exhibition stand. stand every second day. If you need more bags, or need them Exhibitors who require 24-hour electricity supply have to more often, you can pick them up from the trade fair office – order “overnight” electricity. Due to fire safety, Celje Fair the Rotunda. reserves the right to turn off electricity supply in the en- Safety comes first There are a lot of people present on the showground during erection, stand fitting, trade fair and removal. There is security on the showground during this time and police on standby during the trade fair, but it is up to you to take care of your exhibits and personal items to prevent thefts. It is absolutely necessary to ensure exhibition stand surveillance from the exhibition hall opening to closing – from 8.15 am to 7.30 pm and not only from 9 am to 7 pm when the trade fair is open to visitors. This is especially important if you have unlocked exhibits and equipment that can easily be removed from the stand. Exhibition stands also have to be under surveillance during erection and removal of display and in the time of exhibition hall opening and closing. You are also advised to ask your neighbour to keep an eye on the things in your absence. Keep small items and high value goods in glass cases and do not display them around for everyone to see them as they can become easy target for opportunistic prowlers even in the presence of your staff. 6 We would especially like to remind you to keep an eye on telephones, laptops and wallets. They all invite theft. Do not leave them displayed on desktops, not even for a few minutes, as this can be crucial when somebody requires information from you and you forget about them, which gives a thief enough time to steal them. Not only are these items most attractive for thieves, but they are personal things not covered by insurance despite your exhibits and exhibition stand equipment being insured against theft. In the event of theft, collect all the necessary information (description and value of stolen item) and report theft to the police immediately (later reports proved to be suspicious)! To report theft, call 113 or police officer on duty in a special police van on standby next to the trade fair office (Rotunda next to hall D). If you have taken out insurance for exhibits or equipment through Celje Fair, report the theft to the hall manager or the person in charge of outdoor exhibition area. We advise extra care with cashless payment transactions and payments with euro and foreign currency banknotes. Trade Fair Newsletter MOS 2015 Celjski sejem, 8.-13. september 2015 Catering on the showground EUTERPE, GOSTINSTVO IN STORITVE, D.O.O. T: +386 40 474 048 E: Charge account: YES Catering: NO SPONZORS: SENZOR CATERING D.O.O. – GOSTILNA AMERIKA T: +386 41 636 790 E: net Charge account: YES Catering: YES GOSTINSKE STORITVE MOMČILO PERIĆ T: +386 70 826 308 Charge account: YES Catering: YES KULINARIČNA HIŠA SOMRAK T: +386 40 749 442 E: somraktomaz@ Charge account:NO Catering: YES TIBURON, ŠESTIČ&CO. T: +386 51 871 156 E: david.sestic@yahoo. com Charge account: NO Catering: YES TIFFANY T: +386 41 410 755 Charge account: YES Catering: NO ZOJAL D.O.O. T: +386 40 471 066 Charge account: YES Catering: NO 48th MOS TRADE FAIR NEWSLETTER FAST FORWARD Publisher: Celjski sejem d.d. Mednarodni sejem obrti in podjetnosti Editorial Board and Project Team: International Trade and Business Fair Celjski sejem, 8.-13. september 2015 Breda Obrez Preskar, Executive Director mag. Robert Otorepec Nataša Vodušek Fras Mojca Hren Polona Marovt Sergeja Marjanovič Pregelj Nina Ermenc Pangerl Marjana Žgajner Lucija Berce Gregor Hudohmet Špela Peras Uroš Pavlovič Vlasta Fideršek Darja Polak Alenka Tovornik Peter Perc Gregor Žgajner Celje Showground, 8th-13th September 2015 Photography: Nataša Müller Shutterstock TRADE FAIR NEWSLETTER Thursday, 3th september 0 Translation: Viktorija Plavčak Page break and print: PODOBA - Matija Kvesić s.p., Rogaška Slatina GOOD TO KNOW TUESDAY 8th September at 10 am – 48th MOS Opening Ceremony; the trade fair will be officially opened by Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar, LLD (Blue Hall) WEDNESDAY 9th September at 11 am Premium Brands China, B2B meetings between Chinese and Slovenian companies (Exhibition Hall A)) THURSDAY 10th September at 10.45 am - International business meeting SME between businessmen from EU member states and Southeast Europe (Blue Hall) CE novice Special Preview Edition, Issue 0, 3rd September 2015 7 FAST FORWARD Mednarodni sejem obrti in podjetnosti International Trade and Business Fair NAČRT SEJMIŠČA / SHOWGROUND MAP 1 SLUŽBA ZA RAZSTAVLJAVCE / SERVICE FOR EXHIBITORS 2 POLICIJA / POLICE 3 TEHNIČNA POMOČ / TECHNICAL SERVICES GASILCI / FIRE BRIGADE 4 VODSTVO SEJMIŠČA / FAIR MANAGEMENT SVETOVALNA TOČKA / ADVISORY POINT 5 NOVINARSKO SREDIŠČE / PRESS CENTER 6 PROTOKOL / PROTOCOL 7 MODRA DVORANA, MALA KONGRESNA DVORANA, CELJANKA, E1, E2 8 PRVA POMOČ / EMERGENCY SERVICE GOSTINSTVO / RESTAURANT SERVICES, SNACK BAR PARKIRIŠČE / PARKING BLUE HALL, SMALL CONGRESS HALL, CELJANKA HALL, E1, E2 PARKIRIŠČE ZA E-VOZILA / CAR PARK FOR E-VEHICLES SEJNA SOBA L1 / L1 MEETING ROOM PARKIRNA MESTA ZA PRESS / PRESS PARKING PARKIRIŠČE PROTOKOL / PARKING PROTOCOL 10. DRŽAVNO TEKMOVANJE GOZDNIH DELAVCEV SLOVENIJE (12.9.2015) 10th SLOVENIAN STATE LUMBERJACK COMPETITION INFORMACIJE / INFORMATION PREVIJALNICA / BABY CHANGING ROOM E-MOBILNOST IN TESTNE VOŽNJE Z ELEKTRIČNIMI VOZILI E-MOBILITY AND ELECTRIC VEHICLE TEST RIDES BANKOMAT / CASH MACHINE POLNILNICA ZA E-VOZILA E-VEHICLE CHARGING POINT MOSOVI PODJETNI TALENTI / MOS ENTERPRISING TALENTS TOALETNI PROSTORI / TOILET MINI OLIMPIJADA (11. in 12. 9. 2015) MINI OLYMPICS (11th and 12th September 2015) POLNILNICA TELEFONA / MOBILE PHONE CHARGING POINT MOSov DARILNI BUTIK DOMAČE IN UMETNOSTNE OBRTI MOS GIFT BOUTIQUE WITH DOMESTIC ARTS AND CRAFTS OTROŠKI KOTIČEK / CHILDREN'S ANIMATION VHOD / ENTRANCE Z.R.P. 7 Z.R .P. 2 OTROŠKI KOTIČEK / CHILDREN ANIMATION VHOD / ENTRANCE C L1 A G I J K1 Z.R .P. 3 Z.R.P. 3 ATRIJ B K E PROTOKOL M Z.R.P. 5 L VHOD ENTRANCE ZUNANJI RAZSTAVNI PROSTOR / OUTDOOR EXHIBITION STANDS Z.R.P. 4 Z.R .P. 6 sta ce s ka or D rib Ma Z.R.P. 2 C1 F H KAMPING, KARAVANING & OUTDOOR PARK Z.R.P. 6 VHOD ENTRANCE Deč kova ce s t a VHOD ENTRANCE SPECIAL EXPERIENCE GLASBA IN PLES NA ODRU MUSIC AND DANCE ONSTAGE KAMPING, KARAVANING & OUTDOOR PARK CAMPING, CARAVANNING & OUTDOOR PARK Mobilni adrenalinski park (preizkus spretnosti za celotno družino) Mobile Adrenaline Park (skills test for whole family) Smučanje na travi Grass Skiing Zorbing Zorbing Dirkanje s formulami – gokardi Go Kart Racing Izposoja koles in preizkus na posebej prirejeni adrenalinski podlagi Bike hire and testing on a specially designed adrenaline surface Predstavitve adrenalinskih športnih doživetij v puščavi (tek, kolesarjenje, vožnje z motorji …) Introduction to adrenaline sporting events in the desert (jogging, cycling, motorcycling…) Motoristične dogodivščine (predstavitve motokrosa in cross-country-ja) Motorcycle adventures (motocross and cross-country demos) Nordijska hoja za vso družino in vse generacije Nordic walking for whole family and all generations CE novice
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