Pristavski Listic - Slovenska Pristava

Pristavski listi Č
Odprtje Slovenske pristave 2015
Dragi člani in članice , spet se bomo po dolgi zimi in kratki
pomladi dobili skupaj na prvi veselici na Slovenski pristavi
za “Memorial Day” vikend v nedeljo 24 maja. Sveto mašo
bo daroval prečastiti župnik Janez Kumše ob 1:45
popoldne. Po božjem obredu si boste lahko privoščili
zemeljsko hrano dobro znane pristavske kuhinje in okusnih
pristavskih čevapčičev.
Pri točilni mizi boste prijazno postreženi z običajno pijačo.
Za ples in dobro počutje smo tokrat povabili muzikante
poljskega porekla Don Wojtila Band, ki bodo igrali od 4. ure
naprej. Ker je običajno udeležba na prvi veselici bolj slaba,
vas mogoče privabijo teli muzikantje, da pridete v večjem
Nadzor članskih izkaznic
Članske karte so magnetne z
imenom člana in serijsko
številko. Če članarina ni
plačana, kartica ni veljavna.
Kot vam je znano letos mineva 70 let konca druge svetovne Gostje morajo plačati vstopnino
$10 in s tem postanejo člani za
vojne in obnavljamo Orlov vrh s kapelo brezjanske Marije.
en dan. Dodatne magnetne
Pridite na odprtje –prvo veselico letos na Pristavi in si oglejte kartice je mogoče nabaviti za $7.
kako napreduje obnova celega projekta.
Dragi člani in članice, povabite še vaše prijatelje in pridite na nas mali konček Slovenije v Ameriki.
Opening day picnic 2015
Membership and Gate Cards
Dear members,
Cards issued from 2009 to the
present are your Membership
card and Gate
Key. Your card/
s will be activated only upon
payment of all
dues owed.
should always carry their cards
For your dancing pleasure and enjoyment, we have invited
the Don Wojtila Band to play from 4:00pm on. Attendance at and will be required to present
them at the gate for admisthe first picnic has been usually rather poor, but maybe this
sion. All adult guests who wish
band of musicians will entice more of you to come.
to gain admission to our
As you know, this year marks 70 years since the end of World grounds are required to purchase a one-day membership
War II. We are renovating the chapel on Orlov Vrh which is
for $10. Additional gate cards
dedicated to our Blessed Mother Mary of Brezje. Come to
may be purchased for $7.
our opening picnic at Pristava and you can see for yourself
the progress on this project.
After a long winter and a short spring, we will once again get
together for the first picnic this Memorial Day weekend on
Sunday, May 24th. Holy Mass will be celebrated by Father
John Kumse at 1:45pm. After Mass, you can treat yourself to
some homemade food from the famous Pristava kitchen or
delicious grilled “čevapčiči”. The usual refreshments will be
served at the bar.
Dearest members, Invite your friends and come to our little corner of Slovenia in America.
Pristavski Listič 2015
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From the President….
Welcome to the 2015 Slovenska Pristava SeasonA Year of Remembrance and Celebrations
Life for all Slovenians changed, as they knew it with the horrendous events of May 1945 and the days,
months, and years that followed. Those days culminated with the torture and murder of thousands, the separation of families, the
theft of land and livelihood, and the loss of home and homeland. For the families who stayed behind, Slovenia was wrapped in
poverty, fear, and abuse. For those living in the international refugee camps came the realization that most would not be going
home again and the resolution to begin life anew.
For the refugees who settled in the United States, Canada, and Argentina post WWII, it was important for them to rebuild their
cultures in their new countries. For Cleveland area recent immigrants, keeping the motto of Bog, Narod, Domovina was of utmost
concern. The émigrés of the late 1940s and 1950s were able to remain tightly knit through their passions for the Slovenian Catholic
Churches, Slovenian culture, and Slovenian Family.
Fifty-four years ago, Slovenska Pristava was born from the remains of Strojin’s Farm in an oxbow of the Grand River. It was there
that the immigrants came together to create a space much like Slovenia in Northeastern Ohio. Through their love and passion these
individuals, who were just making a place for themselves in their new homeland, scraped, saved, and worked to create a center that
would keep alive the religious, educational, and cultural traditions of the Slovenian family both then and long into the future.
This year, Slovenska Pristava will be commemorating and celebrating milestones both within the worldwide Slovenian community
and Pristava itself.
First, please plan on making Pristava your destination for Father’s Day 2015. This year we will be commemorating the 70 th
Anniversary of the atrocities of the end of World War II as well as the exodus of Slovenian citizens from Slovenia into the
international refugee camps. Join us for a very special Mass, and then stay with us for dinner and a program in remembrance of
those who gave of their lives and of their homeland. Slovenska Pristava was built because of the passion, commitment, and love of
the survivors of this dark time in Slovenian history. It is only fitting that we remember those who sacrificed their lives and those who
left their homeland at this time.
This year’s Spominski Dan will be special for us as we rededicate the Chapel and Orlov Vrh at this year’s Mass. After many years of
basic repair and upkeep, due especially to the members of Tabor and then the Slovenska Pristava Pensioners, we have been able to
raise funds to renovate the Chapel and landscaping of the grounds. Always a special place to many, we hope these renovations will
continue to stress the importance of the Slovenian history into our future.
The future is about children, and Slovenska Pristava has always maintained a special part of its mission for the children of Slovenian
descent. This year we are celebrating the anniversary Pristavska Taborenje (CAMP PRISTAVA). Begun in 1965, this camp has
brought together over the years thousands of campers, counselors, and adults who have built relationships that last the test of time.
Year after year people of all ages talk about how important “Camp Pristava” was to them. This year rejoice with us as we mark this
Pristava was born from the suffering of the past and is alive today for the future, our children. We are once again only able to keep
Pristava both sustainable and thriving because of you. Your financial and volunteer support, as well as your attendance at events
throughout the year, allows Pristava to continue to grow to be the strongest cultural center in Northeastern Ohio. THANK YOU!
Inside this edition of The Listič you will find more information concerning what I wrote about above and more. I hope it along with
the website and other Slovenian media will keep you in the know of what is happening at Pristava throughout the 2015 season.
In conclusion, on behalf of the 2015 Board Members of Slovenska Pristava, I would like to welcome you to our upcoming season. I
look forward to seeing you at one of the many events this season and sharing a glass of wine with you! Na zdravje!
Respectfully yours,
Mary Ann Vogel
Pristavski Listič 2015
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Tina Maze
Autographed Olympic Ski-Racing Suit Raffle
Tina is the most successful female Slovenian ski-racer of all time!
1 ticket $10.00
6 tickets for $50.00
Autographed Ski racing suit worn by 2time 2014 Olympic Gold Medal
Champion Tina Maze.
Raffle held at Slovenska Pristava
Visit for
more information about purchasing
Own a part of history!
Napovedani koncert Ota Pestnerja je bil odpovedan zaradi njegovega nenadnega zdravstvenega problema. Ker se
je njegovo stanje zboljšalo in ker sam zelo želi obiskati Ameriko, bo koncert na Slovenski pristavi v nedeljo 19.
aprila ob 4.uri popoldne. Dvorana bo odprta ob 3. uri. Po koncertu bo ansambel Alpski sextet igral za
ples. Vstopnice bodo $20 in ves dobiček je namenjen za obnovo kapele na Slovenski pristavi. Za rezervacijo
vstopnic pokličite M. Zalar na št. 440-943-3844 po 7. uri zvečer ali za vikend. Kupite jih lahko tudi pri vratih na dan
koncerta. Poskrbljeno bo tudi za pijačo in običajno hrano pristavske kuhinje. Vsi prijatelji slovenske glasbe prisrčno
The legendary singer from Slovenia, OTO PESTNER had to cancel his engagement for March 13th due to
unexpected health issues, but will be here in Cleveland on Sunday, April 19th at 4 PM with a concert in the hall at
Slovenska Pristava. The doors will open at 3 PM with the concert commencing at 4 PM. Since this is past the
Lenten season, there will be a dance afterwards with the Alpine sextet, who will accompany Oto on a few selections
during the concert. This will also be an opportunity to meet Oto personally. Food and refreshments will be available.
Join us for an outstanding concert by Oto Pestner and a dance on Slovenska Pristava on Sunday April 19th at 4
PM. This is a benefit for the renovation of the chapel on Pristava, donation $20. For more information call M. Zalar
at 1-440-943-3844 after 7 PM or on weekends.
Pristavski Listič 2015
Calendar of events for 2015
May 24
Opening Day Picnic (Don
Wojtila Band)
June 7
June 20
June 21
June 28
July 5
July 11
St. Mary’s Slovenian School
St. Vitus Slovenian School
“Spominski Dan” Mass and
“Proud to be Slovenian” Day
Farewell for Consul General
Jure Žmauc
Pristava Campers Steak Roast
July 12
Monday thru
July 13 thru
July 19
July 19
August 2
August 9
“MZA” Catholic Mission Aid
Camp Pristava (Slovenian
schools and Slovenska
St. Vitus Parish picnic
Slovenska Pristava Pensioners
picnic - Alpski Sextet
Primorski Club picnic
August 16
October 11
October 17
Pristava Campers Clambake
and Pristava Jam (Clam Jam)
Rice & Blood Sausage Festival
- Pristava Pensioners
October 25
“Občni Zbor” - Annual Meeting
November 7
January 23,
“Molitve” - Prayers for deceased
Pristavska Noč 2016
St. Mary’s Parish picnic
Baraga Days (No event at
“Vinska Trgatev” - Wine Festival
Page 4
“Why I Joined Slovenska Pristava”
By: Erin Fabian
In 2009, I had a crazy idea. My father and I are avid
canoe racers and I had heard of a race in Canada. But
not just any race; the longest annual canoe and kayak
race in the world -- The Yukon River Quest. We had
some serious training to do. Luckily, I live extremely
close to the Grand River and we were able to spend
countless hours on the river paddling during the fall of
2009 through our departure to Yukon, Canada in June
2010. Even luckier, I was able to watch the pool at
Slovenska Pristava being built from the riverbed. My
father and I would watch the progress and ponder what
on earth was going on in those woods. We talked about
that pool a lot during those hours on the river. The pool
piqued my interest and, ultimately, was the reason why I
decided to join. Pristava was in the background of one of
the most enjoyable seasons of my life with my father;
Pristava was there while I got to know my dad.
By the time I sent in my application in 2014, the pool
was finished! In addition—so was my family! My
husband and I had welcomed our two daughters into the
world (February 2012 and November 2013). We live just
down the road from Slovenska Pristava and are there all
the time in the summer. After work, I pick my kids up
from daycare and we head down to play on the
playground or swim in the pool for a couple hours before
dinner. On the weekends, I should just have my mail
forwarded there. Pristava has been there while I got to
know my kids.
Interestingly, most of the people I have met at Pristava
are second or third generation Slovenians. However,
my Slovenian ancestors immigrated to the United States
in the early 1900’s and eventually settled in Geauga
County. Because they did not settle in an ethnic
neighborhood surrounded by other Slovenians, much of
their Slovenian culture was lost by the time I came
around in the fourth generation. It has been absolutely
fascinating digging into my family history to learn about
where my great grandparents came from and what
brought them to America. Pristava has been there to
help me get to know my family’s past.
In closing, I joined Pristava for the sole purpose of
having a place close by for my kids to play. But, the
community has given me so many reasons to stay a
member of Pristava and get involved helping to maintain
and improve the organization. We are so excited to sign
our daughters up for their first summer camp, we look
forward to the numerous picnics during the summer, we
love the friends we are making poolside, we love the
sense of peace on that hunk of land in Ashtabula
County! Pristava will be there for my kids’ future.
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Phone (440) 944-8400 Joe Zevnik - Licensed
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Pristavski Listič 2015
Page 5
The question often comes to mind, why support Slovenian institutions; our churches, our Slovenian Homes, publications,
singing groups, musical groups and most of all our Slovenska Pristava? All mentioned, tell us what we are and where we
came from. They are the fibers of our being. Our churches have given us spirituality and stability. The Slovenian homes have
been our gathering places. Publications and even our radio programs have been a uniting force. Singing and musical groups
have given us the music that lightens the very soul of our identity.
Then there is Slovenska Pristava, which brings everything together. Pristava, like no other, offers everything Slovenian all in
one place. As we drive up, the first thing that greets us is a roadside shrine and the chapel on the hill. How Slovenian is that?
As we continue down the hill a beautiful hall comes into view and the pavilion, where so many singing and musical groups
have brought us so many happy occasions. Across the bridge stands a type of village all its own. The children’s playground
delights so many of our young Slovenians who will cherish memories made there.
Across the road in the large field we see the volleyball, tennis courts, and a soccer field in the shadow of the Slovenian
haystack, or kozolec. How appropriate is it to remind us of being Slovenian with its rich history of monumental traditions? Just
think of all the churches on hilltops all over Slovenia. As we continue down the wooded road of Pristava, it takes us to the
beautiful swimming pool with its high water slides. And let’s not forget the landscaping and the small pavilion to utilize for our
small gatherings in the summer heat by the poolside.
OUR Slovenska Pristava has everything we need to enjoy ourselves any day of the week. But Sunday afternoons it’s really
the place to be, especially in the summer months. Every weekend something is happening, be it a parish picnic, a concert
performance, a private event such as a wedding reception, or just a friendly gathering in the shade of tall trees, providing
relief from the hot sun. Pristava is a place we can call our home away from home. We meet our family and friends there,
which can sometimes be a rare commodity in these hurried days of our lives. We even hear our own mother tongue spoken,
especially when grandparents and grandchildren get together, or we have visitors from Slovenia. Those visitors are simply
amazed at what they see on our Pristava. A little bit of Slovenia in this vast country we live in.
Cherish what we have and support it in any way you can. Support can be given by giving some of your time in keeping
Pristava clean and beautiful. You can also give a hand in the kitchen or serving drinks. Only with support and volunteerism
will Slovenska Pristava continue to be… Our Home Away from Home.
Tony Ovsenik
Subscribe TODAY!
Subscription Information Contact:
or call 440-833-0020
Pozor Balincarji !!! All balinca lovers are invited to join Pristava Balinca players every Thursday
and Sunday afternoon for fun and friendly competition. All interested setting up teams
for the summer season, call Matt Loncar (440) 944-8675 or Tone Skerl (440) 2561987. Happy Balinca playing to all!!!
Pristavski Listič 2015
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Attention all Volleyball Players!
Pristava will once again host sand volleyball tournaments this
summer. If you're interested in playing in any of the tournaments,
Sat, June ??
Draw 3’s
contact Matt Plečnik at 440-791-4623 (
Sat, July 4
Saturday, June ??th - Draw 3's Tournament This date is to be decided. We
will update everyone as soon as possible. Tournament start time at 9 am. All
Sat, Sept 5
players register as individuals and teams will be drawn randomly each match.
Saturday, July 4th - 4v4 Tournament (Jože Žakelj Memorial Tournament)
Tournament start time at 9 am. (4) players per team with a minimum of (1) girl.
Saturday, September 5th- Doubles Tournament (Labor Day Tournament) Tournament start time at 9 am. (2) players per
team (no gender requirement: guy/guy, guy/girl, or girl/girl). All will play in the same tournament.
More Soccer at Pristava!
Come out and enjoy soccer! Come join us for another fun season of Soccer at Pristava. All
ages are welcome to play. We will form teams as you come to Pristava on the day of the
games. We will play 6 vs. 6 on a small field. We will have two tournaments:
 June 28 for “Proud to be Slovenian day” starting at 2 pm
 July 11 for “ Campers Steak dinner” starting at 3 pm
After the games, you can enjoy the rest of the day with food and drinks and participate
in other activities or entertainment. For more information contact :
Camp Pristava 2015
Camp Pristava 2015 will be held from July 13 - 19, 2015. We will be celebrating our 50th Anniversary since its
founding. Enrollment is open to all members of Slovenska Pristava, Saint Mary’s Slovenian School and Saint Vitus
Slovenian School. Camp is open to children who have completed 3rd grade (must be 9 years old) through 8th grade.
Registration forms will be available in May 2015 via email and or on the Slovenska Pristava website at For additional information, please contact Tony Hauptman at or
at 440-446-9202.
Oktoberfest at Slovenska Pristava
The second annual Oktoberfest at Pristava will be on Saturday, October 17, 2015 in the late afternoon in
Lausche Hall. Dinner with Slovenian food will be available and limited food served after dinner. Laško pivo
and German beers will be available. Music will be provided by a local Slovenian band. Traditional Oktoberfest costumes are desired. You are all invited to this fun event. Prost! Na zdravje!
Pomoč v kuhinji—Kitchen Help needed
Pristava ima letos šest veselic. Kuhinja bo postregla
z kosili ali pa z prodajo hamburgerjev, klobas,
hrenovk in drugih dobrin. Za vsako veselico je
potrebno približno 10-15 ljudi, ki so vajeni v
kuhinjskega dela. Prosimo vse članice in člane, ki
so pripravljeni pomagati, naj pokličejo Ani Sterle
telefonsko št. 216-731-3057.
Pristava has scheduled six picnics this summer.
Dinners will be served or you can be served with
hamburgers, sausages, hot dogs, and other food.
We need 10-15 volunteers to work in the kitchen for
each Pristava picnic. All members who know their
way around a kitchen or can help serve, are asked to
volunteer by calling Ani Sterle (216-731-3057).
Pristavski Listič 2015
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Informacije za člane—Information for members
Spletna Stran—Slovenska Pristava Website:
Our website has changed and is vastly improved. On the Pristava grounds, we also have
Wi-Fi so one can be connected to the world all the time!
Like us on Facebook: Slovenska Pristava
Follow us on Twitter: @slopristava
Počitniške hišice in prikolice
Članarina za počitniške hišice in prikolice je $250.
Člani naj pošljejo ček tajnici Ani Sterle do 8.junija.
Opozarjamo vse člane lastnike
hišic, da če ne želijo biti več
lastniki, naj to sporoče odboru
Slovenske pristave. V nobenem
primeru se počitniška hišica ne
prenese novemu lastniku brez
vednosti pristavskega odbora. Prikolica se mora
odstraniti z pristavskega zemljišča, če se ne
uporablja ali lastnik premine.
Camping Trailers and Cabins
Yearly Dues for campers and cabins is $250.00
and must be paid by June 8th. Campsites or
cottages cannot be transferred to
another member without the
approval of the Board of
Slovenska Pristava. Campers/
trailers cannot be transferred to
another member. For any
questions regarding building a cabin, please
contact Ani Sterle at
Dovoljenje za prodajo alkoholnih pijač (Liquor
Slovenska pristava ima dovoljenje za prodajo alkohola. To dovoljenje se daje samo organizacijam,
ki imajo nonprofit status. Pogoj dovoljenja je, da
se pijača lahko prodaja samo aktivnim članom,
zato je važno da vsak član redno plačuje članarino.
Swimming Pool Fees
And Schedule for 2015
Liquor License Slovenska Pristava has a liquor license to sell alcohol on its premises. This
license is valid only for organizations that have nonprofit status. The rules of this license
mandate that only active members may purchase alcohol.
Therefore, it is very important
that yearly dues are paid in full.
Yearly Pass
Daily Admission
Youth (8-17)
Youth (2-7)
Youth (Under 2)
Yearly Pass (Must be co-signed by a member and approved by the board)
Daily Admission (Must be recommended or accompanied by a Pristava Member)
Youth (8-17)
Youth (2-7)
Youth (under 2)
Adult non-swimmers
Pool Pavilion is available for rent: $30 for members &
$60 for non-members
Swimming Pool Schedule
May 23-25
May 30-May 31
June 6-Aug 16
Aug 22-23
Aug 29-Aug30
July 13-18 MEMBERS ONLY (Camp Week)
Pristavski Listič 2015
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To all our members and wonderful friends:
We waited so long this year for Spring to spring into action. All the snow, sleet, ice and record low temperatures really
made us think winter of 2015 would never end. One might ask: what is our reward for enduring all the “ugh”? Our
human spirit allows us to use our imagination and our creative mind to think of nature’s green beauty, fresh air when spring
comes, birds singing, and flowers starting to bloom. These are the things that make us smile. They give us pause to
mentally regroup and anchor ourselves in the promise of tomorrow by enjoying today. This is how campers, pensioners,
members of Slovenska Pristava and the chapel committee have enjoyed working by attending meetings during the winter
months and planning the work to restore the 50 year old chapel on Orlov Vrh.
The chapel renovation and the Orlov Vrh new landscaping should be completed for our special yearly memorial mass/
dinner on Sunday, June 21st, to observe the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Slovenian tragedies of 1945.
This yearly memorial mass has been a tradition on Father’s day since the chapel was built 50 years ago, to remember our
fallen domobrance and all the people that suffered and had to leave their home in Slovenia.
Our Pensioners club will start the 2015 season with the annual cleaning and sprucing up Pristava on Wednesday, May
20th to get it ready for the opening day picnic on Sunday, May 24th. Like every year, we are asking our members and
friends who are able to do physical work to come and help. Thank you for all your hard work and ongoing financial
If you are a fan of good food and good company, you will not want to miss our annual Pensioners picnics on Sunday,
August 2nd and the sausage dinner (“koline”) on Sunday, Oct. 11th. Please bring your families and also invite your
friends to join us at our picnics and all the other variety of picnics and events during the year to be held on our beautiful
Slovenska Pristava. The Pensioners Club of Slovenska Pristava always welcomes new members --- Join us and enjoy the
We ask you, members and non-members, to please call the people in charge to sign up for any of the following categories according
to your physical ability to perform the work comfortably and to fit your personality. With more volunteers, we could all enjoy the
picnics at Pristava with our family and friends. To help, please call or e-mail the following people. Thank you!
Bar/Dinner Tickets
Campground Main.
Special Events
Ani Sterle
Michael Kosir
Margie Leden
Frank Vidmar
Dennis Zalik
John Ferkul
Stane Rus
Frank Kogovsek
Tom Znidarsic
Ani Sterle
Elizabeth Zalik
Milan Ribic
Tony Ovsenik
Mary Ann Vogel
Pristava Executive Board Members
Mary Ann Vogel 216-235-2185
Vice President
Milan Ribic
Secretary – campground Ani Sterle
Dennis Zalik
Recording Secretary
Sonia Omahen 216-531-9927
Event Reservations
Elizabeth Zalik 440-537-1941
Connie Spehar 440-255-2542
Mary Riccardi 440-749-4792
Margie Leden
Upravni odbor Pristave za leto
Mary Ann Vogel 216-235-2185
Milan Ribič
Tajnica – taborni prostor Ani Sterle
Dennis Zalik
Sonia Omahen 216-531-9927
Elizabeta Zalik 440-537-1941
Connie Spehar 440-255-2542
Mary Riccardi 440-749-4792
Margie Leden