New IDEAS Place to Hard to Find PLANTS CONNECT COME TO THE LARGEST GREEN INDUSTRY SHOW IN THE WEST. COME TO THE SOURCE 2014 Exhibitor MANUAL August 21–23, 2014 Oregon Convention Center, 777 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97232 Produced by the Oregon Association of Nurseries 2014 2014 exhibitor MANUAL Table of Contents General Information.................................................................................................................................. 3–6 • Show Address, Dates and Hours........................................... 3 • Location of Show Office and Registration ........................ 3 • Checklist & Important Deadlines.................................... 4–5 • List of Official Show Contractors.......................................... 6 Show Directory Listing...................................................................................................................................7 • General Printed Show Directory Information ................ 7 • Company Listing Information ............................................. 7 Exhibitor & Event Registration................................................................................................................ 8–9 • How to Order Exhibitor Badges............................................ 8 • Explanation of Badges.............................................................. 8 • Nursery Tours, Seminars & Equipment Innovation Day................................................ 9 Exhibitor Booth Information .................................................................................................................10–18 • Good Neighbor and End Cap Booth Policy..............10–12 • Certificate of Insurance.........................................................12 • Order Booth Furnishings......................................................12 • Order Utilities............................................................................13 • Order Lead Retrieval Scanners...........................................13 • Rules and Regulations....................................................14–18 Set Up & Move Out .....................................................................................................................................19–21 • Move-In/Move-Out Procedures........................................19 • Color-Coded Map......................................................................19 • Forklift Service..........................................................................19 • Marshalling Yard .....................................................................20 • Unloading Procedures............................................................20 • Exhibitor Parking ....................................................................21 Exhibitor Marketing Tools....................................................................................................................22–25 • • • • Promote Your Product............................................................22 Equipment Innovation Day..................................................22 New Products Showcase........................................................22 Demo Stage.................................................................................22 • Advertising & Sponsorship Opportunities ....................22 • Advertise in Digger Magazine.............................................22 • Sponsorship Packages ...................................................22–25 • Customized sponsorship opportunities ..........................25 Free MARKETING Resources..................................................................................................................... 26–27 • • • • Complimentary Trade Show Tickets................................26 How to Promote Your Show Specials for Free...............26 Postcard Template...................................................................26 Farwest Web Banners.............................................................26 • Press Exposure & PR................................................................26 • Social Media...............................................................................26 • Keys to Success.........................................................................27 Money Saving Ideas.........................................................................................................................................27 Hotel/Travel............................................................................................................................................28–29 • Discounted Hotel Rooms...............................................28–29 • Free Metro Passes....................................................................29 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide • Public Transit Options............................................................29 • Directions and Parking..........................................................29 Page 2 General Information Location: Oregon Convention Center 777 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97232 Show Dates: Show Hours: August 21-23, 2014 Move-In & Set-Up: At the Oregon Convention Center: Tuesday, August 19 Wednesday, August 20 **Refer to your “Move-In Pass” emailed to you in May for details** Move-Out: Upon Show Closing Saturday, August 23 (after 4 pm) and Sunday, August 24 (by 3 pm) Show Office: Location: C120 Personnel: Allan Niemi, Kate Crawford, Crystal Cady, Ann Murphy Management: Show: Thursday, August 21, Noon–6 pm Friday, August 22, Noon–6 pm Saturday, August 23, Noon–4 pm Oregon Association of Nurseries 29751 SW Town Center Loop West, Wilsonville, OR 97070 503-682-5089 | Email: | Website: Decorator: DWA 3721 NW Front Ave, Portland, OR 97210 503-228-6800 Email: | Website: Registration: Action Registration 13504 NE 84th St Ste 103, Vancouver, WA 98682 360-314-4900 Email: | Website: Booth Space includes: 8’ high booth back drape 3’ high draped black side dividers 44” x 7” sign with your company name & booth #. ALL OTHER SERVICES (carpeting, electric, etc.) must be ordered separately. 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 3 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Checklist Marketing: Order the 2013 Attendee Mailing List and reach out to past attendees to increase your industry visibility Take advantage of our FREE marketing resources like postcards, show tickets and social media. Put a Farwest banner on your website to increase your booth exposure. Leverage your advertising dollars with ads in Digger: Farwest Edition and customizable sponsorship opportunities. Submit your show specials (raffle, discounts, etc.) and we will promote them for free. Unveil your new products at the show! Submit an application for the New Products Showcase online. Logistics: Review the show Rules & Regulations (Page 14) Register yourself and employees for exhibitor badges Send in show guide listing verification form by May 10 Look for your required move-in pass in an email to you in May Order furniture and accessories, carpet, labor services or freight and material handling (if needed) Order electricity, compressed air, water fill-up or drain, natural gas, telephone/Internet, vacuuming or audiovisual (if needed) Review the Move-In/Out Procedures and Color-Coded Map Purchase an Exhibitor Lot Parking Pass to allow for easy in and out access during the show and a smooth move-out process (limited number available) Have Fun! Sign up for Seminars, Nursery Tours and the Equipment Innovation Day before they sell out Plan your trip to beautiful Portland Book a room at one of our hosted hotels and receive a discounted rate AND a free Metro transit pass Transportation: Check out the Plan Your Trip tab on the website for information on getting to and from the show Mark your calendar for the 3rd Annual Pub Crawl on Thursday, August 21st — a not-to-be-missed networking night Look into other networking opportunities, such as the Women in Agriculture Conference and Young Professionals Group 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 4 Important Dates & Deadlines April 30 Final booth payment is due and you can pay online May 10 Fill out and submit your listing verification form for Digger: Farwest Edition (emailed in early May) June 10 New Products Showcase submissions due for Tier 1 (includes ad for show guide and show floor placement) June 28 Last day to receive special identification in Digger: Farwest Edition for your show specials — submit online July 11 Island signage orders due July 19 Discounted hotel room rates with free metro pass expire July 31 Early-bird deadline for Nursery Tours ends Early-bird deadline for Seminars ends August 3 Send in your certificate of insurance to OAN office at August 15 New Products Showcase submissions due for Tier 2 (show floor placement only) August 19-20 Exhibitor Move-In Equipment Innovation Day August 20 Exhibitor Move-In Nursery Tours 2014 August 21-23 August 23-24 Show hours: Thursday and Friday, Noon–6 pm; Saturday, Noon–4 pm Seminars hours: Thursday–Saturday, 9 am–noon Exhibitor Move-Out 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 5 List of Official Show Contractors DWA 3721 NW Front Ave, Portland, OR 97210 Email: Website: 503-228-6800 Oregon Convention Center 777 NE MLK, Jr. Blvd Portland, OR 97232 Website: 503-235-7578 Sales Lead Recorder Action Registration 13504 NE 84th St Ste 103 Vancouver, WA 98682 Email: Website: 360-314-4900 Hotel & Travel Arrangements The Farwest show offers host hotels with discounted room rates, but NO OFFICIAL Travel Agent. Please see the “Hotel/Travel” section for more details and do not give your credit card information to anyone calling and claiming to be a Farwest Travel agent. Show Guides, Publications Oregon Association of Nurseries 29751 SW Town Center Loop West Wilsonville, OR 97070 Email: Website: Trade Show Services Material Handling, Rigging, SetUp/Dismantle, Labor, Drayage, Furniture, Signs, Carpeting, Booth Display Rentals Utilities Including Water, Electricity, Cleaning, Telephone/Internet, Audio Visual, Computer Rental 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide 503-582-2008 Page 6 Show Directory Listing Show Directory Listing The official printed show directory is Digger: Farwest Edition magazine. It is sent out in August to all subscribers and also distributed at the entrances to the show floor. This is the most important tool a visitor will have to find you during and after the show. Do not miss the opportunity to maximize your company’s exposure. Your directory listing is filled out with your exhibitor booth contract. You will be sent a show listing verification form via email early May. Please fill out any changes and submit by May 10th. Contact Kate Crawford at if you have any questions. Organization of the Show Directory Alphabetical Section: All exhibitors will be listed in the show directory, alphabetically by company name. This section will also include the company address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, website and brief description, if provided by the exhibitor. Product Section: In this very important section of the directory, exhibitors will be listed by product category. This is the section that visitors will utilize to find the products they have come to the show to see. Deadline for Exhibitor Listing: Friday, June 6th 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 7 Exhibitor & Event Registration Online Exhibitor Registration & Badges The Farwest Show is pleased to offer exhibitors the convenience of online registration when ordering exhibitor badges. How to order exhibitor badges: 1. Go to 2. Select the EXHIBIT tab and click on “Exhibitor Badge & Event Registration” 3. Select the link to register online 4. Follow the instructions and fill out your company information Explanation of Exhibitor Badges: yy INCLUDED: Four (4) Exhibitor Badges per 10 x 10 booth space, with a maximum of 12 badges per company yy Additional badges are available for $10 each yy Exhibitor Badges grant access to the expo floor before, during and after show hours yy Employees needing access to a booth pre/post show hours must have an Exhibitor Badge yy Employees coming on-site to set-up your booth on Tuesday and Wednesday do not need a badge yy Register for your badges in-advance to save time when checking in! Farwest Show Tickets for OAN Members and Farwest Show Exhibitors yy Exhibitors receive 15 FREE Trade Show Only passes. yy OAN Members receive five (5) FREE Trade Show Only passes (three (3) of which are redeemable on-site). yy $5 Trade Show Only passes (pre-registration and on-site) — Unlimited amount may be purchased by Exhibitors and OAN Members FOR General Attendees yy Trade Show Admission Only (3-day pass): $10 ($15 after July 31) yy Seminars (plus Trade Show): see show website for details yy Tours 1 & 2 (plus Trade Show): see show website for details Register for your Farwest Tickets Online at 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 8 Show Events Nursery Tours Wednesday, August 20 Meet growers and allied suppliers before the show and then connect with them on Farwest Trade Show floor. Tours are limited. Transportation provided on luxury coach buses. Tour price includes lunch, snacks and beverages and entrance to the Farwest Trade Show exhibition floor. Grab your seat now – space is limited! Register for Nursery Tours online Seminars Thursday, August 21–Saturday, August 23 Advance your career through skill development and networking at the 2014 Farwest Trade Show Seminars. More than 40 hours of high-quality continuing education taught by industry leaders. View the Seminar Schedule online Equipment Innovation Day Tuesday, August 19 New for 2014! Experience new equipment in action and see how innovative growers implement automation to enhance their production efficiency. Equipment Innovation Day gives you the opportunity to compare equipment manufacturers and talk with innovative-minded growers. Demonstration areas at two nurseries will showcase Farwest equipment exhibitors demonstrating their newest products. The nurseries also will share production innovations they utilize in their day-to-day operations. Visit to register and for sponsorship opportunities and event schedule 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 9 Exhibitor Booth Information Good Neighbor Policy and end cap booth yy Each exhibitor is entitled to a reasonable sight line from the aisle regardless of the size of his/her exhibit. yy Exhibitors are expected to use the good neighbor policy when designing exhibit space. yy An end cap booth space is 10’ x 20’, includes a pipe and drape 10’ wide by 8’ high centered backdrop bookended by 3’ high back curtains that separate you from the neighbors located behind you (see shaded area in End Cap diagram on next page). yy A corner booth space is 10’ x 10’ (corner), includes a pipe and drape 10’ wide by 8’ high back drop backdrop. 3’ high curtains separate you from the neighbors located inline next door to you (see Multi-Unit diagram below). The 10’ high drape separates you from the neighboring corner. yy A 10’ x 20’ corner inline — you will have an 8’ high x 20’ wide backdrop bookended by 3’ high curtains that separate you from the neighbors located next door to you inline (see Multi-Unit diagram on next page). yy Side displays are not to exceed 4 feet in height from the aisle continuing back 5 feet. yy From each side along the 3’ height pipe and drape back curtains (shaded), display materials are limited to 4’ high and must be of a “see through nature.” All display materials/products, plant or otherwise, must allow attendees to see through your booth to the exhibit space behind you. yy Within the 8’ high backdrop, you may have solid material up to 8’ feet high. Plant material may exceed this. Signage may not. yy No exhibit display or signage shall exceed 8 feet in height unless approved in advance in writing by show management. yy Plant material used in booth displays may exceed the 8-foot height limit without prior approval, but may not block the 5-foot set-back next to neighboring exhibits. yy You may not make special arrangements with your neighbor. These rules apply to all exhibitors for all booth displays if you are an end cap, regardless of the orientation. yy For island booths, signage can extend up to 12 feet, but no larger. Plant material may extend beyond that, but it cannot adversely impact a neighboring exhibitor. Show management reserves the right of final decision in determining what is “see through” and the importance of material exceeding standard show rules and regulations. 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 10 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 11 Certificate of Insurance Requirement as recommended by Farwest Trade Show Contract: d. Insurance — Exhibitor is recommended to purchase and maintain such insurance, at limits established by management of $1,000,000, naming management, The Oregon Association of Nurseries and the facility, Oregon Convention Center, as additional insureds, as will protect those parties from claims that may arise out of or result from the activities of the exhibitor. Neither the management nor the facility shall be responsible for loss or damage occurring to the exhibit or sustained by the exhibitor from any cause. Such additional insurance, if desired, must be obtained by the exhibitor. Insurance is not valid if both parties are not listed as additional insured. Additional Insured: Oregon Association of Nurseries and the facility, Oregon Convention Center (above copy should be listed on Certificate of Insurance form in box labeled “Description of Operations/Locations/Vehicles—attach ACORD 101, Additional remarks, schedule, if more space is required) Insurance Liability Amount:$1,000,000.00 Certificate Holder: Oregon Association of Nurseries 29751 SW Town Center Loop West Wilsonville, OR 97070 Send Certificate: By Mail: Oregon Association of Nurseries 29751 SW Town Center Loop West Wilsonville, OR 97070 By Email: By Fax: 503-682-5099 Certificates of Insurance are due August 1st. We recommend all exhibitors provide a valid Certificate of Insurance from their insurance company prior to move-in. This is necessary to protect both the Farwest Trade Show organizers and your business. If there is an injury in your booth during the show or if someone is injured during move-in/ move-out, it is critical that you are protected with adequate insurance coverage. In addition, your exhibitor contract requires that you purchase and maintain liability insurance with $1,000,000 limits, naming the Oregon Association of Nurseries and Oregon Convention Center as additional insureds during the Farwest Trade Show. Need Exhibitor Insurance for the Show? In order to make it easy to protect yourself, we have identified three online Exhibitor Insurance providers. They charge just over $100 for single show insurance for 5 days coverage. yy yy yy * The OAN is not affiliated in any way with these insurance providers. They are an example of what is available. Should you choose to utilize the service of these providers you do so at your own risk. We recommend you read their terms closely and comparison shop for coverage and price. Booth Furnishing Needs If you would like to add carpet, drayage, draped tables, chairs, booth set-up, etc., contact the official show decorator: DWA, 3721 NW Front Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97210 503.228.6800 Fax: 503.595.1470 Email: Web: Please reference code NAXRVWH for all DWA orders related to the Farwest Trade Show. 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 12 Utilities If your booth requires water, electricity, carpet cleaning, telephone/internet, etc. contact: Oregon Convention Center 777 NE MLK, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97232 Tel: 503-235-7578 Website: Lead Retrieval Scanners Scan the barcodes of your important leads, new sales, contacts and everyone who walks into your booth! Leads are importable to most popular database programs. Leads are emailed after the show in an Excel spreadsheet. Scanner Options: Item Description Pre-Show Price Each On-Site Price Each HANDISCAN – Battery-operated, hand-held scanner that captures contact information (name, company name, address, phone, fax and email) $65.00 $95.00 Z-Best Scanner – Battery-operated, hand-held scanner that captures the contact information, as well as follow-up codes to list lines, products, etc. $95.00 $155.00 For more information and ordering, please contact Lori at or call 360-314-4900. 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 13 Rules & Regulations Farwest Trade Show Statement of Intent The Farwest Trade Show strives to provide each exhibitor with a qualified buying audience and a positive exhibition experience. A full-time professional Farwest Trade Show staff executes a strategic marketing and production plan designed to reach horticultural buyers of plants, products and services throughout North America. Convention Services Contractor The official Farwest Trade Show decorator and drayage company is: DWA Trade Show & Exposition Services 3721 NW Front Avenue Portland, Oregon 97210 Tel: 503-228-6800, Fax: 503-595-1470 Email: Web: DWA is the contact for: yy Freight shipment and handling yy Forklift and drayage service yy Furniture, carpet and display system rental yy On-site labor services Facility Exhibitor Services The Oregon Convention Center is responsible for the following services: yy Electrical hook-up yy Water and drain yy Telecommunications and audio/visual yy Natural gas and compressed air yy Food and beverage yy Booth Cleaning Contact Info: 503-235-7578 / (food and beverage require phone call) Move-In & Move-Out Age Limit Move-in and move-out of the show floor requires the use of heavy equipment and machinery and safety is a major concern of the OAN. No children under the age of 11 will be allowed on the show floor during move-in and move-out hours, and all children between the ages of 12 and 15 will be required to be accompanied by an adult at all times. We appreciate the burden this may create for many of our exhibitors who have family-owned businesses, but safety concerns for all individuals on the show floor will require that we strictly enforce this regulation. 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 14 Move-In & Move-Out Logistics In Exhibitors are assigned a block of time between Tuesday, August 19, and Wednesday, August 20 for move-in and will be given a designated pass. Times are assigned based on size of display and location in the exhibit hall. Exhibitors needing loading dock space are required to check-in at the Marshalling Yard. All materials must be moved-into exhibit space by 7 pm on Wednesday, August 20. If this is not possible, exhibitors must receive approval from Farwest Trade Show Management. Otherwise, booths not installed by 7 pm on Wednesday may be subject to resale. Out Exhibitors may begin packing and carrying their booth out after the show closes at 4 pm on closing day. Any exhibitor removing or dismantling exhibit display prior to this time may be denied space in the future. The Farwest attracts a full and diverse audience for the exhibitor and expects to present a full show to all visitors during all scheduled hours of the show. Move-out will continue until 10 pm on Saturday, August 23 and from 8 am–3 pm on Sunday, August 24. Trucks that need access to the loading dock are required to check in at the Marshalling Yard. Before entrance to the loading dock is allowed, all material must be palletized and ready to load. Sale Limitations The Farwest Trade Show is a closed industry trade show. Direct, individualized sale of items that are taken from any exhibit booth prior to the close of the show is prohibited. This rule is necessary in order to provide all exhibitors balanced security and to help ensure against theft. Items may be sold directly from the booth but may not be removed from the booth and/or exhibit hall until 4 p.m. on closing day. Space Assignment Any exhibiting firm occupying booth space in the Farwest Trade Show is given first choice on that location for the subsequent year’s show. Exhibitors desiring to relocate or change the size of their booth must contact the Farwest Trade Show office. Preference will be given by exhibitor seniority status and in order of receipt. Sub-Leasing Exhibit space is owned solely by the OAN, producer of the Farwest Trade Show, and ownership is non-transferable. No exhibitor may assign, sublet or apportion the whole or any part of the booth space assigned, nor permit any other party to exhibit therein, nor distribute any promotional or advertising materials in the assigned space other than those manufactured, grown or sold by exhibitor in the normal course of his/her business. Penalty for violation may be loss of exhibit space. Payments and Booth Cancellations The schedule of payments due for the 2014 booth space is as follows: yy October 31, 2013: First-right-of-refusal for 2014 exhibit spaces and 50% deposit due. yy April 30, 2014: Booth paid in full (exhibitors failing to make full payment may be considered vacant and subject to re-sale). Exhibitors who have a signed contract and paid for a booth space under the OAN member benefit rate, but have not renewed their membership for the current year will be invoiced after April 1, 2014 for the non-member booth rate. Payment will be due April 30, 2014. New exhibitors entering the show after May 1 may make tentative reservations on available space for a period of fourteen (14) days, upon which time payment in full is due for final booth space confirmation. 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 15 2014 Contracts cancelled or modified prior to October 31, 2013, will be assessed a $50.00 handling fee; contracts cancelled after October 31, 2013, but prior to April 30, 2014, will be assessed a $200.00 handling fee; contracts cancelled after April 30, 2014, but prior to June 1, 2014, will be assessed a penalty equal to one-half of the exhibit space fee. NO refunds will be given for the 2014 exhibit space contracts cancelled or modified after June 1, 2014. All cancellations must be in writing. Exhibitor Soliciting Exhibitors must limit their activities within the confines of the assigned booth space (which includes all marketing material) and conduct themselves in an appropriate manner that does not interfere with legitimate activities of other exhibitors. This means at no time should product or promotional materials protrude, for any distance, into the exhibit hall aisles, or be handed out in the aisle to attendees or other exhibitors without approval of show management. Non-Exhibitor Soliciting Show management makes every effort to protect against unauthorized selling within the show exhibit area by individuals not booking space. If exhibitors experience this with an attendee, please report them to show management. These individuals are taking advantage of exhibitors who pay for their space and abide by show rules. Character of Exhibits The Farwest Trade Show retains the right to restrict exhibits to products and services of interest to and related to the nursery, horticultural and retail garden center trade. The management also reserves the right to restrict exhibits which, because of noise, method of operation, materials, or for any reason are deemed to be objectionable, and also to prohibit or evict any exhibit which, in the opinion of the management, may detract from the general character of the Farwest Trade Show. This reservation includes persons, things, conduct, printed matter or anything of a character which the management determines objectionable. In the event of such restriction or eviction, the Farwest Trade Show is not liable for any refunds for rentals or other exhibit expense. All exhibits must include a person(s) in their booths at all times, with the exception of minimal breaks. Height Restrictions The Farwest Trade Show works hard to maintain a professional show, which involves respecting the space and line of sight for every exhibitor. This means that if an exhibit is breaking height restrictions, it will be required to be changed on-site. This could be costly or timely (depending on when Show Management is made aware of this issue). Please be aware of the rules prior to designing your exhibit space. A request for a variance from the Farwest Trade Show must be submitted no later than July 31, 2014, and will be approved only in the case where the extended height serves as an integral part of the display. Variances are not granted for signage and will not allow a company name to extend beyond the 8-foot mark (or 12-foot for island booths). It is not required for plant material that is placed in the back 5-feet of the booth. Exhibitors may not use plant material which adversely impacts a neighboring exhibitor and will be subject to following rules concerning line of sight. Show management reserves the right of final decision in determining what is considered “see through” and the importance of the display material exceeding standard show rules and regulations. Special Equipment Requirements The operation of oil, alcohol or gasoline engines is prohibited during show hours and all such engines must be free of all such fuels and fuel tank caps must be taped closed while on display in the exhibit area. In addition, all battery cables must be disconnected during exhibition of vehicles and cable ends must be taped to meet fire department regulations. Audio-visual equipment is limited in its operation to sales demonstrations only and shall not be used for showings designed to attract or entertain visitors. All audio visual equipment shall be in accordance with the requirements of the fire prevention authorities and in harmony with any agreements entered into by the Farwest Trade Show, the Oregon Convention Center and applicable labor unions. The use of loud speakers and public address equipment by exhibitors is absolutely prohibited. Exhibits which include the operation of musical instruments, radios or any noisemaking equipment must be conducted or arranged so that the noise resulting from the demonstrations will not disturb adjacent exhibitors. All plans for installation and operation of special sound equipment must be approved by the Farwest Trade Show prior to installation. 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 16 The Farwest Trade Show does not have a performing rights license issued by ASCAP, thus, the performance or use of copyrighted music, whether live, tapes, CDs, videos, etc., is prohibited. Exhibitors are responsible for any action taken by ASCAP or other such organization. Failure to observe this rule may be grounds for removal from the show. Hazardous Materials No exhibitor will be allowed to bring any hazardous material into the exhibit hall for any purpose during hours of move-in, show hours or move-out. The Farwest Trade Show requires the use of empty display containers that have never been filled with hazardous materials. This rule will be strictly enforced. Hazardous materials are defined as follows: 1. Any material packaged in a container that has the words “danger”, “warning” or “poison” on it, accompanied by a phrase such as, but not limited to, “do not get on skin,” “do not get in eyes,” “do not breathe dust;” 2. Live aerosol spray cans. Rules and regulations set forth by the Portland Fire Bureau covering hazardous materials must be followed, or exhibits are subject to removal from the Show. Pets Except for guide dogs, no animals or pets are permitted in exhibit hall or booths at any time without show management approval, which in turn, must get approval from the facility. It is also forbidden to house animals in automobiles or trucks parked on Convention Center property. Security The Farwest Trade Show will attempt to provide adequate security service for the exhibit area during show hours as well as when the show is closed. As further protection, the Farwest Trade Show encourages each exhibitor to have at least one employee in the booth during move-in and move-out hours. The ultimate responsibility of security lies with the exhibitor at all times and the Farwest Trade Show shall not be held liable for the loss or theft of any or all items from an exhibit booth at any time. Exhibitors are encouraged to secure and insure valuable items, including but not limited to televisions, computers, small equipment and tools. It is strongly suggested to remove such items immediately upon the close of the show. Please note, during move-in and move-out hours it is impossible to assure total protection of exhibits and items within them. Exhibitors can assist the Farwest Trade Show by securing items of value during these hours. Exhibitors Credentials In keeping with our efforts to provide exhibitors and show visitors with the best possible security, it is important that all exhibitors and guests wear, in clear view at all times, appropriate name badges. Exhibitor badges allow access onto the show floor prior to opening. Attendee badges are allowed access to the exhibit halls during posted show hours. Exhibitor badges are for exhibitors, show management and staff only. Please note that rules covering registration and security are for the protection and benefit of Farwest Trade Show exhibitors. Non-Compliance to Rules And Regulations Each exhibitor, for himself/herself and his employees, substitutes or agents, agrees to abide by the rules and regulations given herein and by subsequent amendments and additions, considered by the Farwest Trade Show to be in the best interest of all exhibitors. Upon non-compliance with the established rules, the Farwest Trade Show reserves the right to prohibit, reject or eject any exhibitor, exhibitor’s representative, exhibit (in whole or part) or visitor, with or without giving cause. In the event of restriction or eviction, the Farwest Trade Show is not liable for any refunds on rentals or other exhibit expenses. Amendments to Rules These rules, regulations and conditions and the exhibitor’s space agreements have been drawn for the purpose and intention of providing a well-balanced, regulated, attractive and successful exposition. Any and all matters, or 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 17 questions not specifically covered by the preceding rules and regulations or the Exhibit Space Contract, shall be subject solely to the decision of the Farwest Trade Show. The Farwest Trade Show shall have full power to so interpret the rules and regulations, or make such judgments, as may appear to be for the best interests of the Farwest Trade Show and the OAN, and any and all amendments of the foregoing rules, regulations and conditions shall bind the exhibitors. Limitation of Liability It is expressly understood and agreed, and the exhibitor agrees by accepting these rules and regulations, and by signing the Exhibit Space Contract, that he/she will make no claim of any kind against the Farwest Trade Show, the OAN, its members, employees or agents for any loss, damage or destruction of goods, nor for any injury or death that may occur to himself or his employees, associates, aides or guests while on the show grounds, nor for any damage of any nature or character whatsoever. Rules and regulations contained above are considered to be in addition to rules and regulations printed on the Farwest Trade Show Exhibit Space Contract. Signing of the exhibitor’s contract accepts the conditions and limits listed above. 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 18 Set Up & Move Out Move-In Schedule Exhibitors are assigned a specific move-in start time for the loading dock, which is based on booth location. The schedule is as follows: Green Zone: Tuesday from 8 am–2 pm Blue Zone: Tuesday from 2 pm–8 pm To see your slotted time for the loading dock, please see the color coded map and your Move-In Pass. If you need to request early or late move-in, it must be approved by show management. Please send your request via email to The exhibit hall is open until 8 pm each night (Tuesday and Wednesday, August 19-20). As stated in the rules and regulations, all booth displays need to be completed by 7 pm on Wednesday, August 20. Forklift Service DWA forklift drivers are available to transport off-loaded material to exhibitor booths. Forklift service is complimentary for all privately owned vehicles (POV). The complimentary forklift service does not include “spotting” equipment in the booth or any return trips to the booth to move equipment once it has been delivered. POV is defined as a booth representative being present at the dock to take responsibility of material, oversee unloading and loading of material. If DWA is required to sign for liability, there will be a material handling charge. Please palletize your materials as much as possible to expedite the offloading of your equipment. 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 19 Marshalling Yard and Freight Show Procedures Marshalling Yard A Marshalling Yard is required for all exhibitors needing the loading dock (vehicles able to use the roll-up doors may drive directly to the building). The yard is located at DWA Warehouse. You will find more information and directions to the Marshalling Yard on page 20-21 in the DWA Trade Show Services Kit available online at or Exhibitors who are using common carriers or other shippers to deliver their display materials directly to the show site during move-in hours are responsible for notifying their carriers of these important move-in regulations. Exhibitors that ship their display materials through DWA do not need to be concerned with the procedures related to the Marshalling Yard. Direct / Marshalling Yard Address: 2014 Farwest Trade Show Company Name - Booth # MARSHALLING YARD (This must be on shipping label) c/o DWA 3721 NW Front Avenue Portland, Oregon 97210 Unloading at the Roll-Up Doors Small vehicles that do not require access to a loading dock can report directly to the facility and can check in with a Farwest Show Traffic Manager. The Traffic Manager will identify your booth location and will then direct you to the appropriate door. Drivers will be required to remain with their vehicle while exhibitors off-load materials into a staging area. As soon as materials are off-loaded, the driver is required to move the vehicle before assisting with building the booth display. Unloading from the Parking Garage Exhibitors able to hand carry or utilize a push cart from a vehicle less than 7 feet tall without a trailer are encouraged to go to the Oregon Convention Center parking garage and use the freight elevator. There is a $10 charge to park in the garage. This allows you to avoid waiting in line for a roll-up door and keep your vehicle in the same spot while you build your booth. Move-Out Procedures Saturday, August 23 – Timeline:4 pmShow closes 4–5 pm Aisle carpet removed 5–10 pm Empties returned, push carts and forklift service available to exhibitors Sunday, August, 24 – Timeline: 8 am Doors open for exhibitor move out 3 pm All exhibitors must be out of the building All vehicles seeking access to the loading dock Saturday night, August 23 or Sunday, August 24, must first report to the Marshalling Yard to obtain a pass to be dispatched to the loading dock. Exhibitors who have hand-carried items only that can easily be loaded into their vehicle may use the roll-up doors or the parking garage. All material to be loaded must be palletized, placed on racks or be similarly organized and staged on the loading dock or near the roll-up door before vehicle will be allowed access to the loading dock or roll-up doors. 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 20 Parking The Oregon Convention Center (OCC) provides underground parking at a cost of $10 per day (does not allow in and out privileges). Exhibitors-Only Lot Exhibitors may purchase a three-day parking pass (Aug 21-23) that allows in-and-out access during the show dates for $35. The OCC Exhibitors’ Lot is located at the rear of the building, near the loading dock, making move-out easier. Passes are limited to 160 and will sell out. During move-in, this lot is available for $10 per day. A freight elevator is available for those using the underground parking garage. Note: Trailers and large vehicles that take up more than one standard parking space will require additional parking passes. Lot does allow vehicles exceeding seven feet in height, but is located under a sloping bridge. Be aware when parking. For large trucks: We suggest you consult with the hotel or motel you are staying at in advance. The OCC Lloyd Lot is also available for $10 per day per space and has a limit of 80 spots (no in/out privileges and turn-around radius may be difficult). You can order your passes online on the Farwest Show website or by phone at 800-342-6401 or 503-682-5089. 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 21 Exhibitor Marketing Tools Promote Your Product Showcase your product at one of our dynamic show features, listed below: Equipment Innovation Day New for 2014! Experience new equipment in action and see how innovative growers implement automation to enhance their production efficiency. Equipment Innovation Day gives you the opportunity to compare equipment manufacturers and talk with innovative-minded growers. Demonstration areas at two nurseries will showcase Farwest equipment exhibitors demonstrating their newest products. The nurseries also will share production innovations they utilize in their day-to-day operations. Visit to register and for sponsorship opportunities and event schedule. New Products Showcase Help your target audience find your newest and best products at the New Products Showcase. Labor savings, production process improvement, resource conservation, business system improvements and more will be displayed so you can easily see what’s new in the green industry. Submit a New Product Request online. Demo Stage Look for new and exciting changes to the Demo Stage to come! Get the latest information at or contact Crystal Cady at Advertising & Sponsorship Opportunities Marketing Resources To get the most value out of your advertising dollars and your Farwest experience, take advantage of the many marketing resources available to you. By promoting your company’s presence before and at the show you are not only stacking the odds in your favor, but you are also supporting the Farwest Show and the nursery industry as a whole. Advertise in Digger Magazine The triple-size Digger: Farwest Edition issue also serves as the official publication of the Farwest Show. Every regular Digger subscriber will get your message, and so will show attendees, for a total distribution of 11,000 copies. The space reservation deadline is June 23rd. Ad material deadline is July 1st. Submit your ad online or contact Chris Sweet at or 503-682-5089 for more details. Sponsorships yy For over 40 years the Farwest Trade Show has been setting the standard for quality. yy With more than 500 exhibitors and averaging over 6,000 attendees, the annual Farwest Trade Show in Portland, Oregon is your ticket to everything green. yy Leverage your marketing dollars with Farwest advertising reaching over 20,000 garden centers and 10,000 landscape professionals. yy The Farwest Trade Show offers many sponsorship opportunities that can be creatively customized to meet your marketing and sales goals. Contact Chris Sweet at or call 503-682-5089 for more details. 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 22 Farwest Trade Show Sponsorship Packages All sponsorship packages over $1,200 include the following additional benefits: yy Sponsor Logo on Farwest website, including hotlink to Sponsor’s website yy Sponsor Logo on two (2) Show Entrance Signs recognizing sponsors yy Sponsor Logo in Digger: Farwest Edition (the official show magazine, over 11,000 copies) yy Special recognition and logo in select ads and other marketing materials yy Optional VIP Suite reservation rights for up to (30) guests yy Complimentary passes to attend the Farwest Trade Show yy Show Attendee mailing list! Sponsorship Packages: COMBINE AND SAVE! yy 10% Multi-Package Discount: Bundle multiple packages and receive a 10% discount. yy 10% Multi-Year Discount: Commit to a multi-year Sponsorship and receive a 10% discount. Main Boulevard — $3,750 Our most visible show floor sponsorship. In addition to highly effective carpet decals literally underfoot on our main show aisles, you’ll also be the named patron on boulevard benches, directing people to your booth! Attendees will relish the opportunity to take a peaceful moment’s rest, thanks to you. (Limit 5) Show Bags — $4,000 Place your mobile advertisements in the hands of every Farwest Attendee by sponsoring our show bags. Your materials will be given out at each show entrance to ensure maximum exposure. Increase your visibility on the show floor and in thousands of homes throughout the year. Relaxation Station – Hall C or Hall D Entrance — $3,500 In this fast-paced world, even Farwest folks can’t go without internet for long. Your sponsorship will provide a comfortable, quiet, and connected place for relaxation just outside of the main hall entrance. Signage, table displays, and static kiosks will let attendees know who to thank for their peace of mind. (Limit 2) Keynote Sponsorship Package — $2,500 The Keynote Seminar will be August 21, 11am–noon (starting one hour before the show opens). The Keynote will accommodate over 450 industry professionals and is open to all show attendees. Includes: yy Logo identification as Sponsor in Keynote Sponsorship section of the Seminar & Information Guide distributed to over 10,000 industry professionals in June-August. yy Logo identification as Sponsor of Keynote Sponsorship section of the Digger Farwest Edition: Show Guide distributed to over 11,500 industry professionals in August. yy One (1) 3x8’ banner provided by sponsor displayed outside Keynote room. yy Sponsor promotional materials on a display table outside Keynote entrance. Table can be staffed by Sponsor. yy Includes 30 complimentary show expo passes ($450 value) Lanyard Sponsor — $2,500 Be the first name attendees read by sponsoring our badge lanyards, given out at registration. Your sponsorship is a great value with more than 7000 opportunities for eye-level marketing. 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 23 Nursery Tours Sponsor — $2,500 Go out, have fun, and educate our most active participants with your promotional t-shirts, snack bags, or other materials during our Nursery Tours. Sponsor also reserves the right to provide company representatives as Nursery Tour Leaders. This is a great way to get face to face with Farwest attendees and start talking! Demonstration Stage — $2,500 Advertise with a captive audience by sponsoring our active Demo Stage. In addition to banner space and signage options, you’ll be given a presentation time slot during our New Product Showcase. Capitalize on the excitement with a specially featured product of your own. Growers Showcase — $2,500 At Farwest, nursery professionals are looking to be impressed. Tap into the energy and put your branding in front an attentive audience in our Plant Display Area. Your signage will be visible above every buyer and featured at our area entrance to capture the most impressions possible. New Products Showcase — $2,500 Better, faster, stronger, greener! Tap into the energy and put your branding in front an attentive audience in our New Products Showcase area. Your signage will be visible above every buyer and featured at our area entrance to capture the most impressions possible. New Varieties Showcase Plant Tags — $2,500 By providing take-home plant tags for our popular New Varieties Showcase, you increase your name recognition while promoting exciting and inspiring selections in plant breeding. Associate your business with cutting edge, creative new developments. Food Court – Hall E — $2,000 Showcase your talents for design in special garden vignettes in our high-traffic Food Court. Your branding creates the beautiful ambiance that attendees will enjoy throughout the show, complete with an impressive banner space to highlight your business name and logo. Seminar Sponsor – Meeting Rooms — $1,850 Engaged and educated nursery professionals will see your name first as the official sponsor of our seminar tracks (choose Retail, Breeders, Designers, Growers, Pesticide Recertification and more. See complete seminar schedule). Display your banner at the seminar entrance and be sure to stock your Sponsor table with promotional materials for attendees to take home. Your company logo will also be featured in our Seminar & Information Guide. Hall C Lobby Display #1: 10’x20’ — $1,750 Draw attention as they walk to the show entrance with your own large Lobby Display area. Decorate or set up signage as you like within a featured double booth space. Classic black pipe and drape and plenty of banner space complete this high-profile package. Hall C Lobby Display #2: 4’x10’ — $1,250 Draw attention as they walk to the show entrance with your own 4’x10’ Lobby Display area. Decorate or set up signage as you like within a featured pre-entrance booth. Classic black pipe and drape and plenty of banner space complete this high-profile package. 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 24 Hall D Lobby Display #3: 4’x10’ — $1,250 Draw attention as they walk to the show entrance with your own 4’x10’ Lobby Display area. Decorate or set up signage as you like within a featured pre-entrance booth. Classic black pipe and drape and plenty of banner space complete this high-profile package. Sustainability Sponsor — $1,750 Show your dedication to the Nursery industry and support “green” business at the same time. Your promotional “wrap” signage will cover plastic bottle recycling bins throughout the show floor with multiple advertising opportunities. Main Entrance Display Kiosk – C Lobby or D Lobby — $1,500 With flowers blooming at the front doors, your four Planter Display spaces and logo signage will attract attention and capture impressions. Show off your business, your plants, and your eye for design, all while supporting the nursery industry and Farwest Trade Show. (Limit two) Pub Crawl Sponsor — $1,500 Attendees will thank you for sponsoring our popular Pub Crawl throughout Portland the first night of the show. Your support will be enthusiastically acknowledged through our announcement banners and welcome signs at all pub locations. Cheers to you! (Limit two) Internet CafE — $1,500 Generate appreciation and recognition as the exclusive sponsor of our Internet Café. This fantastic lounge space will provide attendees with the chance to connect, relax, network, and check in while on the show floor. Grab their attention with your overhead banner and attractive entrance signage. Bench Signs – 3 pack $850 Direct people to your booth! Be the named patron on benches throughout the show floor. Attendees will relish the opportunity to take a peaceful moment’s rest, thanks to you. Customized Sponsorship Packages The Farwest Trade Show offers many sponsorship opportunities that can be creatively customized to meet your marketing and sales goals. Contact Chris Sweet at or call 503-682-5089 for more details! 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 25 FREE Marketing Resources Trade Show Tickets 15 FREE Trade Show tickets printed with you company name and mailed directly to you to give to your customers. Exhibitor Information Profile for Printed and Online Listings yy Online exhibitor listing yy Digger Magazine: Farwest Show Edition for the official directory yy Live online show floor plan yy Official Farwest mobile app **If you have any questions, please contact Kate Crawford at Market Your Show Specials Planning on creating a show discount or special event like a contest or raffle within your booth at Farwest? We will promote them online and at the show for free! Print your application online and email it to Farwest Postcard Template Beautifully designed postcard template for you to send to your customers and buyers letting them know you will be at the show. Download, customize, and print – it’s that easy. Visit the website for the postcard template Farwest Web Banners Promote your booth on your website! Web banners are offered in a few different varieties and can be placed on your website, emails, and signatures. Download a Farwest Web Banner online Publicity and Press Exposure With Farwest advertising in both regional and national online and print publications, your investment in a booth at the show means a greater return on your investment and increased exposure. Publications include: Digger, Grower Talks, Green Profit, Nursery Management, Garden Center Magazine, Today’s Garden Center, City Trees Society of Municipal Arborists, Landscape Trades (Canada), B & B (Washington), Landscape Oregon, Looseleaf (Colorado), NW Professional (Washington), Taproot (Idaho), Trunkline (Utah), Western Nursery & Landscape Association, Canadian Nursery + Landscape Association, e-newsletters, Google ads Social Media Join the party online! Utilize our social media outlets to connect with fellow exhibitors, clients and future customers: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Official Hashtag (on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram): #FarwestShow 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 26 8 Keys to Exhibiting Success 1. Start Now: Use the marketing resources to let prospects and customers know you will be exhibiting and invite them to see your display. Invited visitors are most valuable and walk-bys become icing on the cake. 2. Make a Plan: Create measurable goals before the show for both your company and your staff. Also, craft a clear and concise sales message and incorporate it into your pre-show marketing material and at the show. It’s important for attendees to know why they should visit your exhibit — give them a reason. 3. Train Your Staff: People may forget your booth display, but they remember the staff. Make sure to train your staff before the show on how to engage attendees and clearly communicate your company’s purpose and sales message. 4. Be Inviting: Face the flow of visitor traffic, making eye contact as often as possible to welcome attendees into your booth. Your best asset is a smile and a positive attitude. 5. Stay Energized: The Farwest Show has some of the easiest hours in the industry, so it’s important to make the most of them. Therefore, avoid sitting, eating, reading and especially sleeping in your booth. 6. Focus on Quantity over Quantity: The most important aspect of any trade show is the relationship building. Instead of only focusing on how many people stop by your booth, make it a priority to create meaningful connections with buyers and clients who are of high value to you. 7. Make Your Mark: Distinguish your company through a creative booth display, exciting give-aways with your company logo and playful ways to engage attendees. It will not only set you apart from the crowd, but it will also create memorable experiences for attendees. If you are offering a show special, a raffle, contest, etc. at your booth let us know and we will promote it for free! 8. Follow Up!: Often the most forgotten step, follow up is critical to your Farwest success. As soon as the show ends your real work begins. Have a specific plan in place for getting leads to the appropriate sales person so they can be turned into sales. Be certain that they are followed up asap. Money Saving Ideas 1. If an exhibitor has a problem during any phase of the Farwest Trade Show which cannot be satisfactorily resolved by the appropriate service contractor, the exhibitor should come to the show management office for assistance. All too often, an exhibitor will write after the show about a problem which could have been corrected at the time it occurred. We recommend very strongly that you also use the services of our OAN events staff for this purpose. 2. Gratuities, tips or gifts of any kind should be avoided. All employees of official Farwest Trade Show contractors are fully compensated. 3. Any small items which may be subject to theft should be placed in the security rooms provided by show management. 4. Plan ahead! When planning and ordering exhibitor badges, nursery tour tickets, attendee tickets, booth furnishings, and making hotel and travel arrangements, save BIG by simply buying in advance. Exhibitors can easily save hundreds of dollars by ordering before deadlines and avoiding substantial price increases during the show. 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 27 Hotel & Travel Plan your trip - Enjoy August in Oregon! The Oregon Convention Center sits in the heart of one of the nation’s most beautiful cities. Known for its sustainability initiatives, public transit, excellent dining, microbrews, great coffee and fine wines, Portland is the epicenter of the Northwest culture. Take time before and after the Farwest Trade Show to treat yourself to the many unique opportunities Portland and the nearby areas afford. For more information about Portland and her surroundings, log on to and Farwest Trade Show Host Hotels The Farwest Trade Show has room blocks and discounted rates at the following hotels. To ensure that you receive our preferred rates, be sure to contact your hotel of choice for availability. Reserve today and save! By choosing these preferred hotels, you are supporting the activities of the Oregon Association of Nurseries. Plus you get a FREE metro pass good on any Portland public transit during the show dates. Please be aware that there are companies contacting exhibitors on behalf of the Farwest Trade Show claiming to have room blocks. They are not associated with the Farwest Show or Travel Portland. We have no control over booking and cancellation fees associated with their service. yy The Benson 309 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97205 888-523-6766 or 503-228-2000 Reserve your room Reservation deadline: July 16, 2014 Run of House: $157 plus Tax Parking: $27 a day AAA Four Diamond historic hotel located in the heart of downtown Portland, just two blocks from the MAX light rail, which takes you to the show for free. Steps to dining, shopping and entertainment yy Courtyard by Marriott Portland City Center 550 SW Oak Street, Portland, OR 97204 503-505-5500 Reserve your room Reservation deadline: July 20, 2014 Run of House: $179 plus Tax Parking: discounted overnight available for Farwest Attendees only at $26 With boutique charm and contemporary style, the Courtyard by Marriott Portland City Center offers an ideal location to enjoy both business and pleasure. With the MAX light rail right outside the door, you can hop on it (for free with one of our metro passes) and arrive at the convention center in about five minutes. Later, come back after the show to enjoy the delicious restaurants and thriving nightlife of downtown Portland. yy Courtyard by Marriott /Portland Lloyd Center 435 NE Wasco St., Portland, OR 97232 503-234-3200 (group code FWS) Reservation deadline: August 4, 2014 Run of House: $165 plus Tax Parking: $18 a day Located two blocks from the show and easy access to light rail; rooms offer free WiFi and other amenities ideal for 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 28 business travelers. yy Doubletree Hotel /Portland Lloyd Center 1000 NE Multnomah, Portland, OR 97232 800-222-8733 or 503-281-6111 (Group Code: OAN) Reservation deadline: July 26, 2014 Standard: $139 Standard Parking: $18 a day Close to the show and on the light rail line, features beautifully renovated guest rooms and GATHER – its new restaurant. yy Embassy Suites Hotel 319 SW Pine St, Portland, OR 97204 503-279-9000 Reserve your room Reservation deadline: July 29, 2014 Run of House: $180 Parking: discounted overnight available for Farwest Attendees only at $15 A short ride to the show via light rail, these luxurious two-room suites with wet bar/refrigerator include a sofa sleeper and full cooked-to-order breakfast and evening reception. yy Red Lion Hotel 1021 NE Grand Ave., Portland, OR 97232 503-235-2100 (group access code is FARWEST1) Reservation deadline: July 29, 2014 Run of House: $125 plus Tax Parking: $14 a day Renovated hotel with stunning city views; closest hotel to the show and on the MAX light rail line. Public Transit Options The Convention Center is located along the MAX light-rail and Street Car line. Farwest Trade Show guests lodging at one of our official Farwest partner hotels will receive a FREE TRANSPORTATION PASS for Portland Light Rail, Street Car and Bus transportation from their hotel upon check-in. The cost from Portland International Airport and downtown is $2.50. Visit TriMet’s website at for MAX & bus maps and schedules. Directions The show takes place at the Oregon Convention Center (OCC), located at 777 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. It’s near where two major freeways, I-5 and I-84, converge. The venue is just blocks from Lloyd Center shopping mall, the Willamette River and downtown Portland. Just look for the distinctive twin glass spires to guide you. Attendee Parking The Oregon Convention Center (OCC) provides underground parking and costs $10 per day. 2014 Farwest Trade Show Exhibitor Guide Page 29
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