NASSAU COUNTY FISCAL 2012 BUDGET PREPARATION MANUAL Office of Management and Budget F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Message from the Director of the OMB 2 Seminar Agenda 3 BPREP Pre-load and Entry 4 Budget Confirmation Forms 9 Performance Management / Measures 11 Purchasing – Just-In-Time / Sub-Object Codes 13 Directory of BB and DD Sub-Object Codes 14 Purchasing Policy 21 Tips to Assist Requisition Processing 23 Capital & Operating Budget Integration 24 Information Technology 26 Fleet Management 29 Risk Management 31 Interdepartmental Service Agreements (ISAs) 36 Grants Plan 41 Appendix A - OMB Contact List 45 Appendix B – Budget Analyst Department Assignments 46 Appendix C – Forms Checklist 47 Note: Copies of all forms are at http://countydocs/ F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL TIM SULLIVAN DEPUTY COUNTY EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT BUDGET & FINANCE EDWARD MANGANO COUNTY EXECUTIVE JEFFREY NOGID BUDGET DIRECTOR OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET 1 West Street Mineola, NY 11501 TO: Department Heads/Fiscal Staff FROM: Jeff Nogid, Director DATE: June 13, 2011 SUBJECT: Fiscal 2012 Budget Process The 2012 Budget development process will begin with OMB conducting two seminars on Wednesday, June 15 at 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm and Friday, June 17, 10:00 am – 12:00 noon at 1550 Franklin Avenue in the Legislative Chamber. Please contact your respective Budget Analyst to RSVP and let them know which session your department will be attending, and who will attend the session. They will email you a PDF copy of the Fiscal 2012 Budget Preparation Manual in advance of the meetings. A list of the important dates in the Fiscal 2012 Budget development calendar is below. Final Fiscal 2012 Budget Development Calendar Date Activity 6/15, 6/17 Conduct Budget Seminars and Distribute Budget Preparation Materials 7/12 Budget Submissions Due Back to OMB 7/12-8/5 9/26 – 10/30 OMB and County Executive Review of Budget Submissions Fiscal 2012 Proposed Budget and Fiscal 2012-2015 Multi-Year Plan Released Legislative Budget Hearings 10/30 Deadline for Legislature to Adopt Budget and Multi-Year Plan 9/15 2 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL AGENDA FOR 2012 BUDGET SEMINAR Introduction Jeff Nogid, OMB Director BPREP Pre-Load & Entry Martha Worsham, Sr. Budget Analyst Submission of Forms Jeff Nogid, OMB Director Performance Management Doug Cioffi, Manager of Performance Measurement (OMB) Purchasing Jeff Nogid, Purchasing Capital Budget Chris Nolan, Manager, Fiscal Projects (OMB) Information Technology Ed Eisenstein, Commissioner of Information Technology Fleet Management Fleet Management Risk Management Roseann D’Alleva, Deputy Director Interdepartmental Charges / ISAs Anthony Romano, Budget Analyst Grants Plan Steve Feiner, Director, Grants Management (OMB) Richard Haemmerle, Operation Analyst 3 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL BPREP ENTRY Pre-Load This year departments will again be entering their requests directly into BPREP. The system will contain the pre-load of projected base wages as of January 1, 2012 and targets for all the other codes. Department Request (D1) In the D1 column (Department request), departments should enter the adjustments they would make to the pre-load to reflect their requests for the 2012 fiscal year. This submission will appear in the Proposed Budget document as the department’s request. The deadline for entering your departmental request (D1) and adjustments to meet OMB targets into BPREP is July 12. County Executive Recommendation (D2) In the D2 column, OMB will enter adjustments if necessary. This submission will appear in the Proposed Budget document as recommended by the County Executive. OMB and IT will not be providing formal BPREP training this year. However, both departments will be available to provide assistance on an as-needed basis if necessary. In most cases, your budget examiner will be able to assist you. OMB will provide a copy of the manual for BPREP. Note: All entries in BPREP or any budget form must be rounded to the nearest dollar, e.g., $25,205.15 should be entered as $25,205.00. Anything outside of the AA line should be rounded to the nearest hundred e.g., DD = $200,501 should be entered as $200,500. Expenses: Salaries (AA): The BPREP pre-load will assume the current salaries of your existing employees plus any contractual increases projected between now and December 31, 2012. This amount is in the salary tables forwarded by OMB. OMB will forward detailed schedules on anticipated termination payments, longevity and base wages. Use these tables as a guide in developing your budget submission. The longevity and special pay estimates are firm; therefore, there should be few instances where the departmental submission will differ from these figures. The termination pay estimate contains firm figures for 2009 and 2010 departures and an estimate for 2011 departures. 4 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL STAFFING CHANGES Department name: Type PRF NO. EMPLOYEE NAME FT/PT Title ON BOARD PER BPREP PRELOAD FT VARIOUS ON BOARD PER BPREP PRELOAD PT VARIOUS CC RC SUBOBJ CODE # OF POSITIONS 2012 SALARY PER POSITION 1 10,000 TOTAL SALARIES Reimb % ON BOARD NOT IN PRELOAD: 10,000 TOTAL ON BOARD NOT IN PRELOAD 1 10,000 10,000 (1) 1,000 (1,000) RETIREMENTS: (Less Retirements) - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL RETIREMENTS: PRF APPROVED - NEW HIRES: (Add PRF & Include PRF #) - (1) 1,000 (1,000) 1 10,000 10,000 Only Pre Approved by Chief Deputy County Executive - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL PRF APPROVED - NEW HIRES: 1 10,000 10,000 1 10,000 10,000 1 10,000 10,000 2 31,000 29,000 PRF APPROVED - PROMOS : (Add PRF & Include PRF #) PRF Approved - Promos. FT PRF Approved - Promos. FT - TOTAL PRF APPROVED - PROMOS : GRAND TOTAL CHANGES: = Preload + addl onboards - retirements + approved PRFs (new hires) Fringe Benefits (AB): Consistent with the practice in prior years, OMB will calculate all fringe benefits costs centrally. Departments should zero out any fringe appropriations in the pre-load. Departments that receive State or Federal reimbursement for fringes should consult the schedules distributed by OMB that identify the fringe rates to apply in each case. Other-Than-Personal-Services (BB & DD): When entering BB and DD amounts in your request (both in BPREP and on the Confirmation Forms), refer to the Sub-Object Code Directory in the Purchasing section of this guide to make sure you use only those sub-object codes that are acceptable. Any sub-object codes other than those in the directory that contain dollars will be zeroed out and rejected. No entries of any kind should be entered in the CC object code. Projected expenditures for travel must be identified separately to be consistent with the County’s 5 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL existing travel policy. Please be sure to fund your “Just in Time” Office Supplies account (DD300). In addition, the BB & DD Justification Forms must be returned with your submission. Department: 2012 Proposed Budget - BB Equipment CC Subobject Code RC Subobject Name Capitalized (Y/N) Actual 2010 Total BB Adopted Budget - 2011 10,000 5,000 Proposed 2012 2,000 70,000 15,000 72,000 - Variance 2011 Adopted vs 2012 Proposed 8,000 (65,000) (57,000) Comments Department: 2012 Proposed Budget - DD General Expenses CC RC Subobject Subobject Name Actual 2010 Total DD Adopted Budget 2011 1,000 Proposed 2012 5,000 1,000 5,000 - Variance 2011 Adopted vs 2012 Proposed (4,000) (4,000) Comments Contractual Services (DE): For those departments with a Contractual Services budget line, please complete the Contract Detail Worksheet (sample below). 2012 Proposed Budget - Contractual Services Fund Dept. RC Mandated (Y/N) Contract Name or Vendor name (Only Write Vendor Name or Miscellaneous) Comments - Description of Services Prior Years Encumbered Balance 2011 Adopted 2012 Proposed Budget Budget 5,000 TOTAL: $ - $ 5,000 10,000 $ 10,000 Reimburse. If 2012 Revenue Variance 2011 Applicable Impact $$ Adopted and % 2012 Proposed 1% 100 5,000 1.0% $ 100 $ - Comments - Description of Services All contractual services related to Information Technology should be allocated to sub-object codes DE505 (IT – Systems & Programming) and DE5A5 (IT – Hardware/Software Maintenance). 6 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL Revenues: Federal and State Aid (FA and SA): The baseline estimates in your targets reflect OMB's projection of Federal and State Aid based on County-wide growth assumptions and factors unique to individual departments. However, OMB recognizes that the departments, particularly in the Health and Human Services area, have extensive experience calculating the outside reimbursements for staffing and entitlement programs. In these cases, the departments should consider the OMB projection as a general guide and feel free to submit their own projections. An explanation for significant variances compared to the existing baseline is expected. Please try to show how each instance of State/Federal Aid is linked to the corresponding expense. For example, Aid for an expense in a particular responsibility center should ideally be in that same responsibility center. Please identify the expense and explain why the Aid is budgeted elsewhere. Property Tax (TL): OMB will enter all property tax levies into the 2012 Budget consistent with the Multi-Year Plan. For the time being, the Police Department and Fire Commission should zero out all property tax levy revenue from BPREP. OMB will add property tax levy to the funds at the end of the budget process. Inter-fund and Interdepartmental Expense/ Revenue Charges: The distinction between HD/BV; HF/BJ is that they represent expense/revenue charged to your department by other departments in the Major Operating Funds. HH/BW charges represent expense/revenue charges to your department by a non-Major Operating Fund. Sample Revenue Detail worksheet: 2012 REVENUE DETAIL DEPARTMENT RC OBJ CODE SUBOBJECT CODE DESCRIPTION Adopted Budget 2011 2010 Actual TOTAL Department - 7 2012 Proposed Budget 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 2011 Adopted vs 2012 Proposed - Fav/(Unfav) 10 Proj vs 2011 Prop - F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL Departments MUST provide a month-by-month spreadsheet of their requested budget, showing how it expects each object code to be expensed (or, if revenue, recognized) over the course of 12 months. Please note that the sum of the individual months must tie to the total amount requested for each object code on the confirmation form. DEPARTMENT: OBJECT CODE JANUARY FEBRUARY >>>>>>>> EXPENSES: AA Salaries 0 0 AB Fringe Benefits 0 0 AC Workers' Compensation 0 0 BB Equipment 0 0 DD General Expenses 0 0 DE Contractual Services 0 0 DF Utilities 0 0 DG Various Expenses 0 0 FF Interest Expense 0 0 GA Local Gov't Assistance 0 0 GG Principal 0 0 HF Interdepartmental Charges 0 0 HH Interfund Charges 0 0 MM Mass Transportation 0 0 OO Other Expenses 0 0 PP Special Education/Early Intervention 0 0 SS Recipient Grants 0 0 TT Purchased Services 0 0 WW Vendor Payments 0 0 XX Medicaid 0 0 XY Medicaid IGT 0 0 TOTAL EXPENSES 0 0 REVENUES: AA Fund Balance BA Interest Penalty on Tax BC Permits & Licenses BD Fines & Forfeits BE Investment Income BF Rents & Recoveries BG Revenue Offset to Expense BH Department Revenues BI Capital Backcharges BJ Interdepartmental Revenue BK Service Fees BW Interfund Charges- Revenue FA Federal Aid SA State Aid TX Special Taxes TOTAL REVENUES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 NOVEMBER DECEMBER TOTALS (must match your confirmation page numbers) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTALS (must match your confirmation page numbers) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL BUDGET CONFIRMATION FORMS The 2012 Budget Targets were developed based on the 2011 – 2014 Multi-Year Plan Update, with the exception of salary and fringe costs, which were adjusted to reflect the most up-to-date information. If you do not receive your targets by the close of business on 6/21/11, please contact your OMB Analyst. The Budget Submission Confirmation Form is to be completed by the department, reviewed, approved and signed by the department head and Deputy County Executive, and returned to OMB electronically and in hard copy. FISCAL 2012 BUDGET SUBMISSION CONFIRMATION FORM Department: ( Please indicate your Requested Expense and Revenue amounts, as well as your Budget Targets. You do not need to enter any data into the shaded cells) For each EXPENSE, REVENUE and HEADCOUNT item where the request is DIFFERENT than the target, please enter an explanation and/or calculation for the VARIANCE in the labeled tabs in this worksheet: Expenses: Object Code AA Salaries, Wages, Fees BB Equipment DD General Expenses DE Contractual Services DF Utilities DG Various Expenses GA Local Gov't Assistance HF Interdepartmental Charges HH Interfund Charges MM Mass Transportation OO Other Expenses PP Spec Ed/ EI SS Recipient Grants TT Purchased Services WW Vendor Payments XX Medicaid XY Medicaid IGT Total Department FY12 Budget Target $0 FY12 Request Amt (D1) $0 Request Variance from Target $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 OMB (D2) Request Variance from Target $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 OMB (D2) Request Variance from Target OMB (D2) $0 Target versus D2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Target versus D2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 All Differences over target must be explained & signed off by Chief DCE Revenues: Object Code BA Interest Penalty on Tax BC Permits & Licenses BD Fines & Forfeits BE Investment Income BF Rents & Recoveries BG Revenue Offset to Expense BH Department Revenues BI Capital Backcharges BJ Interdepartmental Revenue BK Service Fees BW Interfund Charges- Revenue FA Federal Aid SA State Aid TX Special Taxes Total Department FY12 Budget Target $0 FY12 Request Amt (D1) $0 Staffing FY12 Budget Target FT PT SE FY12 Request Amt (D1) Full Time Positions Part Time Positions Seasonal Positions 0 0 0 Target versus D2 (should be zero) 0 0 0 Date MUST BE SIGNED AND DATED: Department Head Deputy County Executive 9 All Differences over target must be explained & signed off by Chief DCE All Differences over target must be explained & signed off by Chief DCE F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL Steps in completing the Budget Confirmation Form: 1) Enter the expense and revenue Targets in the “FY12 Budget Target” column; and 2) Input your D1 Expense, Revenue and headcount requests in the “FY12 Request Amount” column. This will generate the Variance from Target for each expense and revenue object code in the middle column. 10 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT /CPAR MEASURES In 2011, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) continued working with Departments in developing “Department-owned” performance measures used to link goals and objectives. These “CPAR” measures (County Performance and Accomplishment Report) are monitored monthly using the BIRT Performance Scorecard software tool. Your existing 2011 CPAR performance measures, along with current performance targets and data will be provided in a separate communication to follow. For your Fiscal 2012 submittal, existing CPAR performance measures and new proposed CPAR performance measures must be consistent with the goals and objectives described in your Departmental narrative. Each Department should be able to describe how a submitted CPAR performance measure specifically relates to a given goal and objective. In addition, CPAR measures should be: o o o Numeric and monitored on a monthly or quarterly basis Within the Department’s direct managerial control or influence Assigned a realistic annual target (given the current economic environment) with the expectation for year-over-year improvement where feasible Your 2012 CPAR performance measures should be updated and submitted on the Excel spreadsheet you will receive shortly (sample provided below). If you are simply updating an existing CPAR measure, then the only data required is a 2012 CPAR annual target. If you are proposing a new CPAR measure, enter data in each column of the spreadsheet. Departments not yet using BIRT Performance Scorecard to monitor CPAR measures are encouraged to do so as soon as possible and will also be required to enter data in each column on the spreadsheet. If you have any questions regarding these instructions, please contact Doug Cioffi of the Performance Management Unit at 571-6333. 11 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL Risk Management Category Performance Measures Description Goal Statement Government Efficiency Risk Management Procedures Includes the number of Risk Management (Safety / Insurance) procedures developed by the Risk Management group. Procedures must be written, approved and distributed. Participate in the production of Risk Management related procedures for the County which will address all aspects of Risk Management including those related to safety, environmental and insurance. Government Efficiency Risk Mgmt-Training Programs Includes the total number of Risk Management related Conduct training programs throughout the training programs conducted throughout the County. County. Training can relate to safety, environmental, insurance and overall risk management topics. Training does not have to be performed by a member of Risk Management but related to mitigating risk. Government Efficiency Safety Inspections Includes the number of inspections conducted in Conduct Environmental, Safety & Health relation to Environmental, safety & health. The inspections throughout the County. inspections are to identify areas of risk to the County. The inspections must be documented with appropriate recommendations and findings communicated to the appropriate agency and commissioner. Government Efficiency Triad Audits Includes the number of audits to ensure full Conduct periodic On and Offsite Triad compliance by Triad in Risk Management directives in Audits throughout the year. worker's compensation claim handling. The audits include review of bills to claims, review of filing appropriate forms, meeting County claim's special instructions, and adequate reserving practices. The audits will help determine actual exposures as they relate to the adequacy of reserves, the tracking of aggregates, the forecasting of future costs and the evaluation of performance. New Measure #1 New Measure #2 New Measure #3 Risk Management Performance Measures Risk Management Procedures Risk Mgmt-Training Programs 2009 Actual 2010 Actual 2011 Target 6 24 2011 May YTD Actual 4 3 26 6 Safety Inspections 30 38 16 Triad Audits 58 22 3 New Measure #1 New Measure #2 New Measure #3 12 2012 Target F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL PURCHASING BUDGET GUIDELINES A copy of the Sub-Object Code directory for BB and DD codes is below. Just-In-Time / Staples Office Supplies All departments must budget their Staples office supplies in sub-object code DD300 for each responsibility center within their department. If they are purchasing miscellaneous items not listed in the Staples catalog or items restricted by the County from being ordered from Staples (see the Excluded / Restricted items list below), they may budget under a different DD sub-object code and order via an ADPICS requisition. If departments do not budget properly in DD300 and later determine they need to purchase Staples items, a delay will occur in arranging for budget funds to be transferred from the other DD line. First, Purchasing needs to send a request to Comptrollers to transfer funds from the other DD line to the Staples line. Upon confirmation from Comptrollers that the funds have been transferred, Purchasing must open a corresponding account at JP Morgan Chase on behalf of that index code/sub-object code. Only upon confirmation that Chase has opened the appropriate line of credit and issued a new account number can Purchasing advise Staples what the new corresponding account number is for their records. Staples also requires time to update the department’s profile. The overall process can often take several days to a week to complete. This delay can be avoided if departments comply with the correct procedure. Copier paper and toner cartridges may be ordered from Staples if they are listed in the Staples catalog. If a department has a non-standard toner not available through Staples, these items should be budgeted separately. Specialty papers, not available through Staples, should also be budgeted separately and ordered via an ADPICS requisition. EXCLUDED / RESTRICTED ITEMS Audio Visual Bathroom Supplies Binding Systems Boards Briefcases, Luggage, etc. Cameras & Film Cleaning Products Computers Computer Accessories and Peripherals: Cables, Keyboards, Mice, Monitors, Computer Tool Kits Fax Machines Food Furniture, Files, Lamps Hand Trucks Letter Folders Light Bulbs Lunchroom Supplies Mailroom Supplies & Equipment Medicines (e.g., Tylenol) Multi-Function Machines Palm Pilots/PDAs Photocopiers Printers Recorders & Transcribers Scanners Shredders Surge Protectors Telephones & Cell Phones Televisions Time Recorders Typewriters Vacuum Cleaners 13 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL The following table outlines the sub-objects that are no longer used and also lists the updated codes that are to be used going forward. A complete list of all sub-objects is in NIFS. DIRECTORY OF BB SUB-OBJECT CODES Effective January 1, 2006 General Definition: The primary distinction between object codes BB and DD is that BB is to be utilized for the purchase of actual equipment, while DD should be used for expenses related to the maintenance and operation of that equipment. New Code BB201 BB202 BB203 BB204 BB205 Description Office Furniture/Furnishings Art Acquisitions Cabinets, Files, Etc. Chair, Lounges Clocks, Timestamps Desk Accessories/Lamps/Desk Tops Desk Accessories/Lamps Lockers Tables, Table Tops Waste & Ash Receivers Beds and Beddings Equipment Kitchen and Dining Room Equipment Lamps Bedding Springs etc Fans Window Shades Vents Previous Sub-Object Code BB003 BB010 BB011 BB012 BB014 BB015 BB017 BB022 BB025 BB030 BB031 BB032 BB033 BB060 BB067 Copying/Blueprint Equipment Purchase of Copier Machines Typesetting & Bindery Equipment Bindery Equipment Photostat and Blueprint Equipment BB045 BB074 BB083 BB090 Computer Equipment Word Processing Equipment Computer Equipment Technology Fee Expenditures BB100 BB101 BB104 Educational & Training Equipment Educational Equipment Training Equipment BB005 BB103 Medical/Dental Equipment Dental Equipment Microscopes Sterilizers Surgical Equipment Wheelchairs Stretchers etc X-ray Equipment Lab & Testing Equipment BB004 BB034 BB037 BB039 BB041 BB042 BB043 BB089 14 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL BB206 BB207 BB208 BB209 BB210 Building Equipment Special Building Equipment Mechanical Equipment Floor Cleaning Equipment Wheelbarrows & Trucks Boiler & Engine Room Equipment Ladders Electric Heaters & Stoves Other Building Equipment Air Conditioning etc Engineers Equipment Construction Equipment Miscellaneous BB007 BB019 BB065 BB066 BB068 BB069 BB070 BB079 BB080 BB087 BB097 Motor Vehicles Automobiles Ambulances Motorcycles Trucks & Trailers Other Motor Equipment Boats & Marine Equipment BB050 BB051 BB052 BB054 BB059 BB082 Motor Vehicle Equipment Other Motor Equipment Boats & Marine Equipment BB059 BB082 Heavy Duty Equipment Snow Plows Tractors, Mixers etc Road Equipment Miscellaneous Garage & Shop Equipment Farm & Agricultural Equipment BB053 BB055 BB056 BB088 BB096 Safety & Security Equipment Fire Protection Fire Arms & Clubs etc. BB062 BB081 15 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL BB211 BB212 BB213 BB215 BB216 Communication Equipment Radio & Communications Equipment BB091 Traffic/Highway Equipment Traffic Signals Signs Highway Equipment (Chips) BB092 BB102 Recreational Equipment Stop Watches Recreation & Playground Equipment BB038 BB098 Election/Voting Equipment Election Equipment Voting Machines BB086 BB094 Miscellaneous Equipment Numbering Machines Safes, Strong Boxes etc Typewriters Records & Trans Equipment Refrigerators & Coolers Scales Laundry Equipment Sewing Machines Other Institutional Equipment Flags Lawn Mowers etc Cameras Projectors etc Corporate Seal Other General Equipment BB009 BB021 BB023 BB027 BB035 BB036 BB040 BB044 BB049 BB061 BB063 BB084 BB085 BB099 16 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL DIRECTORY OF DD SUB-OBJECT CODES Effective January 1, 2006 General Definition: The primary distinction between object codes BB and DD is that BB is to be utilized for the purchase of actual equipment, while DD should be used for expenses related to the maintenance and operation of that equipment. New Code DD300 DD301 DD305 DD308 DD330 DD401 DD402 DD403 Sub-Object Code Name Office Supplies / Just in Time Office Supplies & Copy Paper Previous Sub-Object Code DD300 Traveling Expenses Traveling Expenses DD301 Insurance Premiums Insurance Premiums DD305 Rents Rents DD308 Election Supplies and Expenses Election Supplies DD330 Copying, Blueprint Supplies and Expenses Photostat and Blueprint Printing Copier Maintenance Copier Supplies CC210 DD361 DD391 DD393 Postage and Postage Delivery Postage Messenger & Delivery Service DD316 DD369 Computer Supplies & Expenses Data Processing Supplies Data Processing Products Data Processing System Service CC244 DD356 DD357 17 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL DD404 DD405 DD406 DD407 DD408 Educational Supplies Books Recreation & Education Equipment Books (College Only) Small Pts - Technical & Science Educational Expenses Books, Newspapers & Periodicals BB016 CC211 CC216 CC233 DD345 DD373 Medical Supplies and Expenses Medical, Surgical and Laboratory Supplies Biologicals and Vaccines Medications, Prescriptions & Drugs Dental Supplies X-Ray Film and Supplies Blood Supplies Isotopes Tube Feeding Supplies Non-Prescription Drugs Oxygen Medical Purchase Savings - NUMC Tuberculosis Drugs Tuberculosis Care Charges Rehabilitation Services - Adult Rehabilitation Services - PHC CC208 CC217 CC218 CC219 CC220 CC221 CC222 CC224 CC226 CC227 CC228 CC234 DD324 DD349 DD367 Building Supplies and Maintenance Floor Coverings Building Supplies Exterminator Chemicals Repairs & Maintenance of Buildings Facilities Renovation Facilities BB020 CC207 CC213 DD306 DD39C DD394 Fuel, Gasoline, Oil and Lubricants Fuel Gas, Oil and Lubricants Gas, Oil and Lubricants CC201 CC240 DD344 Motor Vehicle Supplies and Parts Vehicle Parts Vehicle Parts CC243 DD343 18 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL DD409 DD410 DD411 DD412 DD413 DD414 DD415 DD416 DD417 DD418 Motor Vehicle Expenses Auto Expense Motorcycle Expense DD312 DD315 Heavy Duty Motor Vehicle Expenses Marine Expense Trucks and Tractors DD314 DD319 Traffic and Highway Supplies and Expenses Traffic Signals and Signs Highway Supplies DD321 CC206 Communication Supplies and Maintenance Telephone Installation Costs Radio and Communication DD307 DD317 Investigative Expenses Investigative Telecommunications Investigative Travel Investigative Buy Money Investigative Charges Investigations DD31A DD31B DD31C DD31D DD313 Recreation Supplies & Expenses Referee Fees DD326 Equipment Maintenance and Rental Maintenance of Equipment Rental of Equipment Rental of Other Equipment Credit Card Terminals DD303 DD309 DD310 DD328 Food Supplies Food Bread Ingredients CC202 CC215 Clothing and Uniform Supplies Clothing & Clothing Supplies Uniform Maintenance Police Clothing & Equipment CC214 DD346 DD353 Clothing and Uniform Supplies Sewage Chemicals, etc. Drainage Structures CC212 DD332 19 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL DD419 Miscellaneous Supplies & Expenses Maps Brief Cases and Bags Other Materials and Supplies Sewage Chemicals, Etc Paper Goods Supplies for Sale Other Materials and Supplies Transcribing & Briefs Public Administrator Expenses Other Expenses Miscellaneous Materials & Supplies Drainage Structures Transportation of Inmates Laundry Services Public Information Expenses Stamps and Stationery 20 BB018 BB024 CC209 CC212 CC223 CC225 CC229 DD320 DD327 DD329 DD331 DD332 DD366 DD358 DD359 DD386 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL PURCHASING POLICY Due to the severe budget constraints, the Administration must keep County-wide purchasing to an absolute minimum for the entire fiscal year. Accordingly, the following policy is in effect: 1. All purchase requests in the ADPICS system must be reviewed expeditiously by the Director of Purchasing and the OMB Budget Analysts. With the authority of the County Executive, resolution of all outstanding purchase requests is a top priority for both the Purchasing Department and the Office of Management and Budget. (Unclear sentence) 2. All purchases must be made according to the standard operating procedures of the County. Within the ADPICS system, departments must use the “Notes” field (sample responses attached) to identify: a. A description of the request (as applicable, identify if the request for goods or services is driven by mandates or laws); Example: Water testing kits required for daily testing of public water supply. By state law, we are required to test the water 3 times a day at 10 different water districts. b. Why the purchase is needed now, (i.e., why is the purchase is essential for day-to-day operations); Example: Currently we have 180 kits in stock. Based upon the daily usage we have 6 days of supply left. The lead-time for receiving the goods from date of purchase order placement is 3 days. c. Any alternatives to purchasing the goods or services, (e.g.,. the use of already-existing inhouse County resources); Example: No alternatives, the kits are required to test the water. d. Why your department needs the quantity of items you are requesting now; Example: This order is for a three-month supply. e. The revenue-generating capacity of the purchase; Example: If applicable, describe the fees the County receives on the sale of the items or services. f. The percentage of purchase cost reimbursed through external assistance. Example: The County receives 75% reimbursement from the state to cover this expense. 3. Purchase requests must be reviewed by OMB and by the Director of Purchasing. Approval of purchase requests depends upon the availability of appropriated funds and the answers that departments provide to the criteria established in #2. 4. Failure to include adequate justifications in the “Notes” field in the ADPICS system will result in rejection of the purchase request. 5. OMB monitors department’s purchasing expenses against the Adopted Budget and month-bymonth averages. In the event OMB identifies adverse trends, OMB meets with the applicable 21 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL department to develop a corrective action plan. OMB reserves the right to freeze a department’s ability to purchase items if the department fails to submit an acceptable corrective action plan. 6. OMB also monitors the progress of a department with respect to the implementation of savings and revenue initiatives included in the Adopted Multi-Year Plan. OMB reserves the right to freeze a department’s ability to purchase items if the department's initiative targets and milestones are not met and a contingency plan is not in place. 22 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL TIPS TO ASSIST REQUISITION PROCESSING To: From: Re: All Department Heads Office of Purchasing Tips to Assist Requisition Processing The Office of Purchasing encourages all departments entering requisitions to be cognizant of the correct method of placing requisitions into ADPICS. Below are ways to avoid unnecessary delays and requisition rejection. It is important for agencies to understand that Purchasing operates under the bidding rules of New York State and the Nassau County Charter and must comply with those rules. These rules impose time factors on the processing of orders. Below are ways to assist in expediting your requisitions: Commodity Codes: Requisitions may be rejected because the wrong commodity code was used. Additionally, based on description and commodity code, a requisition might be rejected after it is determined that the item is covered under a Blanket Purchase Order. Insufficient Funds: Outdated estimates of cost on the requisition may cause the item to be rejected by ADPICS and returned if the item exceeds available funding. Circumventing OMB: Agencies often request that quantities be increased after the initial OMB approval. Purchasing will not process these requests and may reject them back to the initiating agency to resubmit. Likewise, agencies often ask Purchasing to decrease quantities after Purchasing has solicited quotations. In this instance, Purchasing will reject the requisition for the agency to submit with the lesser quantities. (Unclear sentence) Price quotations are based on quantities and Purchasing cannot go back and forth to vendors several times for different quantity scenarios. However, Purchasing may be made aware of price breaks by the vendor and offer these to the agency when appropriate. Specification Details: Item Descriptions must be as complete as possible, including manufacturer and part numbers. Recommended Vendor: Please indicate the correct vendor ID number on the Detail Header. Also, whenever possible avoid using .COM vendors who typically will not accept a government purchase order on-line. In addition, many .COM vendor-pricing charts are outdated and obsolete. Please do not attempt to place orders via the Internet using an ADPICS issued purchase order as authorization. Department Contact: Please include the contact person in the Notepad portion of the requisition, especially if it is different from the person entering the document into the system. Copying Requisitions: In copying a requisition from a previous order, please remove the buyer’s name, as it would typically be routed to them upon receipt. The same buyer may not be handling it now and this creates another delay by rerouting the requisition internally. In addition, copying a requisition repeatedly can result in pricing that might be out of date, misleading OMB as to what the actual cost might be. Grants: Please allow sufficient time to process requisitions involving grant funding. Grant funded purchases are not excluded from normal bidding rules or legislative approval requirements. If over $10,000 or estimated to be $10,000 or more, a formal sealed bid is required. If over $100,000, Legislative Rules Committee approval is required, which needs an additional 17 day notice to the Legislature. Please indicate the grant expiration date in the Note Pad section of the requisition. 23 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL CAPITAL AND OPERATING BUDGET INTEGRATION: LINKING CAPITAL PROJECTS TO OPERATING BUDGET AND SERVICE DELIVERY IMPACTS Introduction Since the adoption of Local Law 13 in 2001, the County has continued to make improvements in the development and management of its Capital Budget and Capital Improvement Plan. Among the most important improvements in the process has been the establishment of the Capital Program Office, the publication of quarterly status reports, and the introduction of a new database to manage the capital planning process. These key improvements have laid the foundation for greater integration of capital program initiatives with operating budget goals. In other words, County departments should link the outcomes of capital projects with the inherent impacts they will have on the operating costs to leverage any opportunities for expense savings and enhanced revenue performance that may exist. The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) has always considered this linkage an important standard in effective budgeting, but has now made documentation of the capital budget impacts a mandatory criterion. In order to realize this vision fully, departments proposing non-infrastructure projects are required to submit more extensive and reasoned analysis to justify the County’s capital investment. The overarching goal is to ensure that such an investment is financially sound, captures all operating impacts, and provides measurable improvement toward meeting service delivery objectives. The Capital Project Submission Process Currently, the Capital Program Office initiates the Capital Budget development process in the late spring by issuing a budget call with detailed instructions and deadlines for submissions. When submitting capital projects for consideration, departments are required to use the Capital Budget Wizard (Cap Wizard) database. From the user departments, the Cap Wizard gathers information on the proposed project, including the type of project, a description of the scope of work, the project location, a justification of the need, the projected costs and the source(s) funding sought or available. The4 Cap Wizard also requires answers to a number of questions, such as: “Will the project result in a new asset?”, “Will the asset be County operated?”, “Must land be acquired for the project?”, etc. The Cap Wizard also requests the submitting department to calculate the project’s impact on the operating budget, should the project be approved. While this data must be provided in order to submit the project, historically, the impact has been very generally stated in text and the database only captures summarized financial data and not the underlying calculations and assumptions for the expense and revenue impacts. In order to promote better communication of the effect that many projects will have on the operating budget, the submitting departments must complete the Fiscal and Service Impact Memorandum (formerly the “Fiscal & Service Impact Worksheets”). The memorandum must contain a narrative description of the project and provide as much detail on the impacts on both fiscal and constituent service as can be reasonably be determined. Immediately upon submitting the proposed project, the memorandum must be given to the Office of Management and Budget and the Capital Program Office. OMB will ensure that the impacts adhere to the budget and multi-year plan targets. Deputy Directors and analysts will review the finances and service 24 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL impacts in the context of the overall submission. Subsequent analysis and data may be requested from the submitting department to allow OMB to develop a recommendation. Format of the Fiscal and Service Impact Memorandum The memorandum requires the same data from departments that is already required by the Cap Wizard database; therefore, this should not require significantly more effort on the part of the submitting department. The memorandum should be jointly addressed to the Office of Management and Budget and the Capital Program Office and contain the following sections. Project Detail Please provide the Project Name (and Project Number, if applicable), the Estimated Completion Date, the total Project Cost along with a description of the project’s scope and goals. Fiscal Impact Please provide a simple schedule detailing: Expected expense savings New funding needed as a result of the project Expected new revenue or enhancements to revenue collections If a fiscal impact cannot be calculated, please provide some narrative to explain how expense savings or new revenue may be generated because of the project. Service Impacts Departments must indicate their expectations for how the new or improved capital asset will help to improve departmental performance and/or direct services to constituents. If there is an applicable performance measure that will be impacted, the department should provide a chart depicting the expected result. 25 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL Department of Information Technology Budget Guidelines The Department of Information Technology, NCIT, is a service department that provides technology solutions and services to County departments and agencies. NCIT plays an integral role in supporting County operations by designing, implementing and supporting technology solutions that improve the overall business efficiencies of each agency. BB - Equipment: Individual departments will have a permanent IT Project Manager assigned to their department. When equipment is needed, the Project Manager, along with the Equipment Manager, will address your needs and create an equipment needs list that will be in line with your associated software. Only after the approval of funding will IT is able to move forward on your requests. DE - Software and Maintenance Contracts: The first distinction made in regard to software is to who will utilize the product. All software that has County-wide application will be licensed and maintained by the Department of Information Technology. As a guide, a list of software that is maintained by IT is below: Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Symantec IBM Adobe SAS Office Pro (EA) SharePoint (EA) Windows Pro (EA) Windows CAL (EA) Project Pro w/Project Svr CAL (EA) Outlook/Exchange SQL (EA) AV Enterprise-Anti virus 3270 Terminal Emulation (PCOM) Acrobat Statistical Program Any software or technology solution installed for an agency must be coordinated through IT. In the course of the business analysis, the funding source for the software purchase will be identified. Typical funding sources include grants, agency operating budgets, and technology capital projects. Software needs are to be identified by the individual department with the assistance of the IT Project Manager assigned to your department. Approval by the IT Department is necessary to eliminate duplication of product and services. You will be contacted by your Project Manager CRM to assist you in identifying your needs and requirements and preparing the submission of your request with the required justification. Maintenance charges for agency-specific software must be budgeted in the user department’s operating or grant funds annually. While the IT Department supports and coordinates maintenance agreements, it is the responsibility of the individual agency to budget the cost of annual maintenance for these software products. When a capital project for a specific department goes into production, the maintenance contract is the responsibility of that department and needs to be budgeted by the user department annually. We have 26 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL provided a copy of a Production Notification Form that the IT Department will forward to your department with an anticipated maintenance cost when the project goes live. We request that you sign and return this to IT as soon as possible, so there is no confusion as to who is to cover the maintenance costs going forward. In addition, please note that all contractual services related to Information Technology should be allocated to sub-object codes DE505 (IT-Systems & Programming) and DE5A5 (IT Hardware/Software Maintenance). PROJECTED MAINTENANCE 2012 Vendor Genesis CCH Asset Works Asset Works Cityworks Locality Media ATL Porter Lee Quincy TBD SVAM Performance Vermont Systems Tracker Automon Compu Trusts Softcode Elavon S S & C Technologies CS Stars System Projected Annual Cost 2012 Budgeting Department Voice Gene $15,000 Assessment Paperless Audit System $1,300 Comptroller Fuel Focus $20,000 DPW Work Management $65,000 DPW Sewer Maintenance System $64,000 DPW Permits System $21,000 Fire Marshall Sample Master LIMS $7,400 Health LIMS System $11,000 Medical Examiner CMFW Software $17,285 Medical Examiner Case Tracking $50,000 Office of Housing Case Track $60,000 OHIA PB Views $19,000 OMB Rec Trac $28,000 Parks Probation Upgrade $16,000 Corrections Case Load Explorer $120,000 Probation Case Management $6,000 Public Administrator Sheriff Accounting System $30,000 Sheriff E-Treasury $0 Treasurer Debt Manager $5,500 Treasurer Risk Management/OMB $68,000 OMB Technology (Grant Funded): Equipment or software purchases that are part of an approved grant budget must be coordinated with NCIT to eliminate duplication of hardware, software or services. We need to ensure that all information technology software and hardware purchases are consistent with the NCIT’s standards and are consistent with the County’s strategic direction. Technology (Capital Funded): If you are planning a capital project in your department, the IT Department will need to work with you to develop the best utilization of available funds. The CRM assigned to your department will assist you with your technology project requests, justifications, and the necessary IT approval process. 27 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL Nassau County Department of Information Technology To: From: Date: Project Number: Project Description: Production Notification Nassau County Information Technology POLICY: Maintenance costs are 100% the responsibility of the department if the technology serves one single department. The receiving department is responsible for allocating the appropriate funds in their operating budget. Post production turnover, contract closeout will begin. All support will be transitioned to the assigned application support area noted below. There are no exceptions to the aforementioned policy without the signed approval from the Commissioner of IT and the Director of OMB. AREA NAME TITLE Accepting Department Project Manager Office CRM Estimated Annual Maintenance Receiving Dept Acceptance: Date: __________ Effective Date: 28 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL FLEET MANAGEMENT Departments anticipating acquiring new vehicles or motorized equipment, through either purchase or lease, are required to participate in the Fleet Management Annual Purchasing Plan (APP) process. Those who request acquisitions should consider the following: The use of available alternative fueled vehicles critical to reducing dependence on foreign oil and improving the air quality of Nassau County. Any diesel powered vehicle over 8,500 pounds must be equipped with an engine certified to the applicable 2007 EPA standard for particulate matter as set forth in section 86.007-11 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, or to any subsequent EPA standard for such pollutant that is an stringent. The department’s utilization of the most economical transportation available and maximization of the use and fuel efficiency of its fleet, and the results of a comprehensive review of alternative transportation methods. An explanation of vehicle assignments and reassignments and usage. Recent programmatic changes that warrant the acquisition of new vehicles. The total number and annual cost of the new and/or replacement vehicles, the recommended funding source, and whether additional resources are being requested. Departments are required to submit requests for 2012 acquisitions using the Vehicle and Motorized Equipment Acquisition Request Form. Please note that: a) new vehicles are those which would increase the size of the fleet; and b) replacement vehicles are those which would replace existing vehicles that will be surplused or otherwise removed from service, (e.g., vehicles that are beyond use due to an accident) or leased vehicles which have been or will be returned to a vendor at the close of the multi-year term. Departments should also indicate if the requested new acquisitions use alternative fuel. The completed Vehicle and Motorized Equipment Acquisition Request Forms, including applicable Department Head & DCE signatures, should be submitted to Brad Dickson, Assistant Director Bureau of Equipment Inventory DPW by August 1, 2011. Fleet Management will review the acquisition requests and prepare the APP for senior management review in accordance with County replacement criteria and operational effectiveness and environmental goals. Accordingly, Fleet Management will manage the capital funding appropriated in the Capital Budget identified for the acquisition of vehicles and motorized equipment. Fleet Management will communicate final approvals to departments so they may begin to process their vehicle acquisitions when capital funds are formally appropriated. If, during the year, an unanticipated need arises that has a matching funding source, Fleet Management will propose amending the APP as long as the need is in accordance with County replacement criteria and operational effectiveness and environmental goals. Departments will be responsible for following normal purchasing procedures for approved vehicle acquisitions in coordination with the Office of Purchasing and Fleet Management. 29 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL Nassau County Office of Purchasing Vehicle and Motorized Equipment Acquisition Request Requesting Agency and Contact Information Agency: Submitter: Phone: Title: Submit Date: Request/Agency Information Contact Name: Phone: Budgetary Info: Budgeted Amount: Cost Center: Dept: Resp. Center: ADPICS Req. No.: XXXXXXXXXXXXX Fund: Obj /Subobj. Code: Grant No.: Exp Date: Vehicle Specifications (Mark boxes with an X or enter a number for multiple units.) Body Type: Sedan Sport Utility Vehicle Pick-up Truck Van / Minivan Other / Specialty (Please describe) Handling: Two Wheel Drive (2WD) Part time 4WD AWD Engine (Cylinder): Fuel: Gasoline E85 4 Cyl Diesel 6 Cyl 8 Cyl Natural Gas (CNG) Hybrid Other*: *Provide any other specifications that are necessary to the meet the needs of the Agency. Suggested Vehicle: Make: Model: Justification of Need (Mark boxes with an X) Primary User(s): (1) For General Departmental Use (2) For Use by a Specific Division (3) For a County Employee's Assigned Use - Standard Shift [Provide Employee's Name and Title Below] (4) For a County Employee's Assigned Use - Take Home [Provide Employee's Name and Title Below] Name: Title: Operational Purpose of Vehicle: Date of Last Utilization Report: In the space below, please describe the intended use of the vehicle. If more space is needed, please attach. Is this Vehicle? Increasing the size of the fleet. Replacing an existing or recently retired asset. (Provide Fleet Number(s) below) FMO Unit or FSB Number(s) Department and DCE Approval Department Head: Date: Dep. County Exec.: Date: 30 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL RISK MANAGEMENT Risk Management will develop the Workers’ Compensation, Defensive Driving, and Insurance Budgets for all departments. These costs will be allocated to all departments at year-end based on actual expenses. The Budget package has three Risk Management related forms to be completed by each department and budgeted for by each department. Safety-Related Training Programs If your department is required to conduct Safety Training Programs by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) or Public Employee Safety and Health (PESH) regulations, please provide the information on these training programs conducted or scheduled for 2011 and requested in 2012. Safety Equipment If your department must purchase safety equipment as required by State or Federal law, or if your department procedures require the use of special safety equipment, please indicate the equipment needed on the Safety Related Equipment Form. Workers’ Compensation (WC): Four Departments have direct budget o Police Headquarters (PDPDH1100) o Police District (PDPDD2400) o Corrections (CCGEN1120) o DPW (PWGEN1010) All other WC budgets are managed by Risk Management There are three Interdepartmental Service Agreements for WC o BUGEN2150 (Health) o BUGEN2350 (Social Services) o BUGEN2830 (Sewer Fund) Safety Related: Defensive Driving Training courses are provided by Risk Management o If you have staff who will be driving County vehicles they must: Complete a defensive driving course within the past 3 years Complete a “Nassau County Risk Management Motor Vehicle Operators Approval Request Form” Have a valid New York State driver’s license. As part of the operator approval, licenses are inspected for violations before approval is granted. Safety Training o Departments that require safety training should budget for them o Some safety training is provided by Risk Management, (e.g., Confined Space) o All safety related training must be approved by Risk Management. Safety Inspections o Safety inspections performed in areas where there is potential risk o Inspections of Park facilities 31 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL Safety Equipment If your department is required to use safety equipment or OSHA/PESH required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), it should be budgeted for by the department. All PPE must include a hazard assessment and appropriate training. Insurance Risk Management manages the insurance policies for buildings and property. Risk Management Intranet http://webconnect/agencies/RiskManagement/index.php Workers’ Compensation Motor Vehicles Policies & Procedures Safety Programs 32 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL Risk Management Forms SAFETY-RELATED TRAINING PROGRAMS Scheduled for 2011 Name of Training Program Purpose/ Requirement for Training # of Attendees Cost of Program Training Provider Requested for 2012 Name of Training Program Purpose/ Requirement for Training 33 # of Attendees Cost of Program Training Provider F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL SAFETY RELATED EQUIPMENT Scheduled for 2011 Equipment Requested Purpose or Requirement # Required Cost Budgeted Under Training requested (Y/N) Requested for 2012 Equipment Requested Purpose or Requirement # Required 34 Cost Budgeted Under Training requested (Y/N) F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL INSURANCE SCHEDULED FOR 2011 Type of Policy Location Covered Amount of Coverage Environmental Commercial Package Crime Grumman 106 Charles Lindberg Glen Cove $ 1,090.00 Crime Long Beach $ 1,846.00 Crime Nassau County $ 11,417.00 Aviation Public Official Bond Recreation Camp Helicopters Public Administrator Parks – Recreation Camp $153,953.00 $1,250.00 Varies – Bucket 500,000 Premium Budgeted Department $361,896.63 $29,856 REQUESTED FOR 2012 Type of Policy Location Covered Environmental Grumman Commercial Package Crime Crime 106 Charles Lindberg Crime Nassau County Amount of Coverage Glen Cove Long Beach Aviation Helicopters Public Official Bond Recreation Camp Public Administrator Parks – Recreation Camp Sports League – Accident Parks – Sports Leagues Parks Event Cancellation 35 Premium Budgeted Department F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL INTERDEPARTMENTAL SERVICE AGREEMENTS The process for developing 2012 Interdepartmental Service Agreements (ISA) between interdependent County departments is unchanged from the process established in 2006. OMB requires interdepartmental services expense forecasts for all departments, however, ISA’s are only required for primary buyer units/departments. Only primary buyer units/departments are allocated an Interdepartmental Charge (HF) budget. Primary buyer units/departments are either defined as a cost segment of a major County operating fund or are routinely eligible for Federal and State reimbursement of expenses. Primary Buyer Units/Departments Fire Commission Police Headquarters Police District All Health and Human Services Departments Primary seller departments (noted below) prepare their ISAs as required in the ISA instructions (see sample on following pages) for primary buyer unit/departments only. Seller departments forward signed copies of these ISAs directly to the primary buying units/departments noted above and their OMB Analyst. In addition, primary seller departments provide their OMB representative with a spreadsheet listing of interdepartmental services expense forecasts for all other departments that use their services. Primary Seller Departments Information Technology Police Headquarters Real Estate Services Constituent Affairs - Printing Graphics and Mail Services Purchasing Department County Attorney Other departments (sellers and buyers not described above) may participate in this process, but only if both parties have agreed to the terms of ISA. 36 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL ISA INSTRUCTIONS Seller departments should complete the ISA form (see sample provided), available electronically in an Excel format on the countydocs webpage (or contact your OMB representative). You may include additional information for the ISA not included as part of the template if necessary. The fully executed ISAs are to be submitted with each seller’s departmental budget submission. This means the ISA must be signed by both the seller and the buyer. Form Definitions: The ISA # should be assigned by the seller department. The ISA Manager is usually someone on the fiscal staff of the buyer and seller departments. The Period is the period of performance; in most cases, this will be annual (12 months). The Requirements and Specifications should briefly explain what service or product is being provided and what the quality and schedule expectations are. The Resource Plan should identify what resources (staffing, equipment, vendors, etc.) will be dedicated to the accomplishment of the Requirements and Specifications. The Reporting Requirements establish the necessary level of communication/coordination for the successful completion of the ISA. The type and content of status reports should be identified. Monthly status reports are recommended but quarterly status reports may be more appropriate. The Price defines the cost (Salary, Fringe Benefits and OTPS expenses) of providing the services or products defined by the ISA. For ISA purposes, the following fringe rates should be applied to the salary expenses: General Fund: Fire Fund: 61% 40% Police Headquarters Fund: Police District Fund: 52% 48% The Buyer Account Information is the buying department’s index code along with the expenditure object code HF and appropriate sub object for the for the service or product being provided. The Seller Account Information is the selling department’s index code and revenue object code BJ and appropriate sub-object (in most cases 7800 designated “Interdepartmental Revenues”). Records Control OMB and both the seller and buying departments should retain copies of the completed/signed ISA forms. 37 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL FOR SELLER DEPARTMENTS: Each seller department must submit a summary of their “buyer” department details: Nassau County ISA Interdepartmental Charges Summary Projected for Fiscal Year 2012 Seller Department Name: HF Subobject Code Buyer Department Name CC Example: Health HE10 TOTALS: 595-County Attorney Charges $ $ 38 598-County Attorney Charges 10,000 $ - $ 400 - F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL Interdepartmental Service Agreement ~ 2012 EXAMPLE By executing this Interdepartmental Service Agreement(ISA) the Buyer and Seller Departments agree that the Seller Department is qualified to perform this ISA; that performance will be timely and meet or exceed ISA standards; that each department will maintain the necessary level of departmental communication, coordination and cooperation to ensure the successful completion of the ISA; that the Buyer certifies that sufficient funds are available for this ISA; and that the Seller is required to provide reports as specified in the ISA. ISA # PK-PK-03-001 Buying Department Parks, Recreation & Museums Buying Division Technical Service ISA Manager 1 Period From: 01/01/12 To: Selling Department Dept of Publik Works Selling Division Facilities maintenance ISA Manager 12/31/12 2 Requirements/Specifications (use separate sheets if necessary) DPE-FM Facilities Management Service Center will be responsible for all labor, equipment, repair parts, materials, suplies, tools and subcontractors to perform facilites major repair and maintenance services within the Parks, Recreation and Museum Department. These include but not limites to, building and facility preventative maintenance, major equipment repair and replacement, fire protection system maintenacnce, electrical distripution maintenance, plumbing and NVAC operations. DPWFM will perform all preventative maintenance on all buildings, buildings systems and related equipment. DPW-FM will also perform all major repairs and corrective maintenance for work orders. Work requests over $5,000 will require estimates approved by Parks, Rec & Museums. (cont. pg2) 3 Resource Plan Staffing (use separate sheets if necessary) FT PT Seasonal 39 0 45 84 4 Reporting Requirements 1. Monthly Work Order Status 2. Monthly Cost Status 5 Price Service Center Dept Dedicated Staff Direct Material Total 6 Basis of Charging Actuals Transaction Based Allocated (indicate one) $7,449,970 7 Buyer Account Information 8 Seller Account Information HF 569 - Facilities Mgmt Charges BJ 7800 Interdepartmental Revenue Buyer's Chargeback Code Seller's Chargeback Code Buyer Signature Date Seller Signature Date 39 X F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL Interdepartmental Service Agreement ISA # PK-PW-03-001 Buying Department Parks, Recreation & Museums Buying Division Technical Service ISA Manager Page 2 Selling Department Selling Division ISA Manager 2 Requirements/Specifications (cont.) All workorders and/or service requests will require PR&M Site Management sign off upon completion of the work or service. DPW-FM will deploy a quality control system to identift and control problems or deficiencies in ISA performance, take corrective action to correct deficiencies prevent recurrences. DPW-FM will also maintain documentation to support the quality control system, including procedures, practices, records and reports. 3 Pricing Details (varies with basis of charging) Salaries AA 2210424 Fringes AB 736475 Equipment BB 46000 General Exp DD 758980 Contractual Exp DE 141,000 Utilities DF 3,220,091 Inter Dept Chgs Indirect Chgs 137,000 DGS chgs 200,000 7,449,970 40 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL GRANTS PLAN The Grants Plan is a summary of all grants expected to commence in the ensuing fiscal year (2012) as well as those grants awarded in prior years with appropriations in 2012. This information will provide an inventory of all County grants, including descriptions, dollar amounts, and General Fund impacts. The purpose of this plan is to provide transparency to the Grant Fund and improve monitoring and oversight. Department submissions for the Grants Plan are due July 8, 2011 along with your Fiscal 2012 budget submissions. Please note that new grants commencing in 2012 will use the grant detail of X2 while other grants continue to use their existing coding method. Projected Grants Plan Schedules A “Grants Plan Schedule” should be completed for each grant (see template below) as shown on page 2. This schedule should include grant title, index code, term of grant, program description, financials and accomplishments with objectives/impact tables. Enter each grant that has a starting date in 2012 and grant awarded in prior years with appropriations expected in 2012 (regardless of the ending date) on a separate schedule. The information included should be for the 12 months of the grant starting in 2012. Use actual information (if available) or projected information to complete these schedules. Fringes (AB) and indirect costs: Most grants include salary appropriations. If there is a salary (AA) appropriation, the grant should also include all fringe costs. Based on each grant reimbursement criteria, the grant manager should review charging direct and indirect costs. Include only indirect costs that will be reimbursed by the grant. (See definitions at end of this section.) For grants received from another department within the County, as a sub-grantee, each department receiving grant funds must submit a separate budget. Examples are the Urban Area Security Initiative and State Homeland Security Grants through Emergency Management, where the programs provide funds to County departments to implement programs designed within categories of the functions that the subgrantee department provides. In the lines at the top left of the spreadsheet, enter the Department Name, the Grant Title (name of grant given by the grantor), the Grant Detail year (e.g., X2), the Program and the Grant Term (e.g., 4/1/123/31/13). 41 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL Sample Grants Plan Form Narrative: Financials PROJECTED GRANT FUNDING Department: Grant Title: Grant Detail: Program: Grant Term: Estimated Grant Beginning in 2012 Expense Revenue Annual Budget Expense AA - Salaries AB - Fringes BB - Equipment DD - General Expenses DE - Contractual HH - Interfund Charges Total Appropriation Federal 2013 State 2014 Other Non-County Source Total County Share - - 2015 Projected Grant Accomplishments with Objectives / Impact Tables Accomplishments For the Last Completed Grant Funding Year _____ Objectives Impact 42 - F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL The expense appropriation cells (“Annual Budget”) will be the sum of the data entered in the revenue columns. In the revenue columns for each expense object code, enter the amount of funding projected for each revenue source: Federal: funds received from the Federal Government. State: funds received from New York State including pass-thru funds from the Federal Government. Other Non-County Sources: funds received from sources excluding Federal, New York State or Nassau County. County Share: The County Share includes cash matches, in-kind matches and other costsharing required by the grantor (if applicable). This can also include items that are not fully reimbursed by the grant (e.g., certain fringe benefit costs such as pensions etc.). In the column, labeled “Name of Fund Subsidizing Grant” note the name of the fund (e.g. GEN, PDD, PDH, FC, SSW, etc.) where the revenue has been budgeted. In the “Projected Grant” line at the bottom of the spreadsheet, enter the projected (or actual if available) total amount of the grant funding for 2013, 2014 and 2015. Definitions Direct Costs: Includes all items that can be categorically identified and charged to the specific project, such as personnel, fringe benefits, consultants, subcontractors, travel, equipment, supplies, communications, computer time, and publication charges. After all direct costs have been determined and assigned to the grant and other activities as appropriate, what remains are: Indirect Costs: Costs of an institution not readily identifiable to a specific project or activity. The costs of maintaining buildings, grounds and equipment, accounting services, and general administrative expenses are considered types of indirect costs. Such costs may or may not be allowed by a funding source, and others may place a ceiling on the percentage allowed in a given grant situation. Indirect costs are generally calculated as a percentage of the total direct costs of the project minus any capital or equipment expenses. Indirect costs are comprised of three types: 1. Departmental Indirect Costs – Those costs incurred by the department that do not benefit the grant objective 100%, ( e.g.,. personnel costs for a department director who oversees the grant, among other functions; an attorney who works in the department and devotes a portion of his/her time to the grant, etc.). 2. County-wide Indirect Costs – These are the costs of central government services distributed through the central service allocation plan (MAXIMUS Federal OMB A-87 Central Services Cost Allocation Plan). 43 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL 3. Other Department Indirect Costs – These costs include the following: a. Fleet Maintenance b. Building Occupancy c. Purchasing d. Records Management e. Information Technology f. Postage Charges g. Printing Charges h. Gasoline Caution: Some grants will not be reimbursed if charges are made to an Indirect Cost (HH) code. In order not to lose reimbursement, please be aware of the following: Expenses in the Grant Fund should be charged to the appropriate sub object code(s) within the AA, BB, DD, and DE lines as appropriated. The revenue recovery into any of the Major Funds (General, PDD, PDH and Fire Commission) should be BF (Rents & Recoveries) – sub object code R07GR – Grants Recoveries. (Please note this is a change from previous years, when revenue recovery was recognized in the BW object code.) 44 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL APPENDIX A OMB CONTACT LIST Jeff Nogid Budget Director 571-0528 Bob Birbiglia General Claims Manager 571-0529 Doug Cioffi Manager, Performance Management 571-6333 Bob Conroy Deputy Budget Director 571-6335 Roseann D’Alleva Deputy Budget Director 571-0525 Joseph Devito Senior Budget Analyst 571-0113 Steve Feiner Director, Grants Management 571-0413 Randy Ghisone Assistant to the DCE 571-4221 Richard Haemmerle Operations Analyst 571-0797 Narda Hall Senior Budget Analyst 571-0556 Ann Hulka Deputy Budget Director 571-0423 Chris Nolan Manager, Fiscal Projects 571-4269 Irfan Qureshi Senior Budget Analyst 571-0462 Susan Richer Senior Budget Analyst 571-4322 Anthony Romano Budget Analyst 571-4385 Joseph Schiliro Budget Analyst 571-4373 Vivek Singh Manager, Budget Analysis 571-4372 Ryan Studdert Budget Analyst 571-6260 Martha Worsham Senior Budget Analyst 571-1459 45 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL APPENDIX B Budget Analyst Department Assignments HI SS PUA CA TR BU TV EM RM CC PB CL Departments DGS & CF CT ISA FC PR AT NHCC PA OTB NCC RE AC YB BH FB IT PDD PDH MA PL PK RS SA PW CE RV HR SSW CO MI VS ENV DA OMB Staff Telephone AS Anthony Romano 571-4385 HE ME Narda Hall Joe Schiliro Ryan Studdert 571-0556 571-4373 571-6260 PE HP EL CS SC LE Vivek Singh Susan Richer Martha Worsham Irfan Qureshi 571-4372 571-4322 571-1459 571-0462 Ann Hulka 571-0423 Chris Nolan Doug Cioffi Roseann D'Alleva Bob Birbiglia Roseann D'Alleva 571-4269 571-6333 571-0525 571-0529 571-0525 Roseann D'Alleva 571-0525 AR Project Management and Capital Projects Performance management Risk Management Risk Management (Claims) Risk Management (Fiscal) 46 LR Deputy Bob Conroy 571-6335 F ISCAL 2012 B UDGET P REPARATION M ANUAL APPENDIX C Forms Checklist The following worksheets/forms must be submitted to OMB electronically: 1. Budget Confirmation Form (including original signed by department head and DCE) 2. Justification of Differences Form 3. Detail of Differences Form 4. Salary Detail Worksheet (AA) 5. OTPS Justification Worksheets (BB & DD) 6. Contract Detail Worksheet (DE) 7. Revenue Detail Worksheet 8. Month-by-Month Object Code Worksheet (Forms 1-8 are contained in the “2011 Consolidated Budget submission forms” Excel file) 9. CPAR Performance Measures 10. Interdepartmental Service Agreement (ISA) Worksheet and Seller Summary 11. Information Technology Product Notification Memorandum 12. Fleet Vehicle and Motorized Equipment Acquisition Request 13. Risk Management: Safety Related Equipment and Training 14. Grants Plan Worksheet Copies of all forms are at http://countydocs/ 47
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