Club Umpire Convenor Information Manual Baulkham Hills Shire Netball Association Ltd

Baulkham Hills Shire Netball
Association Ltd
Club Umpire Convenor
Information Manual
BHSNA Umpiring Mission Statement……………………………………………
Umpiring Objectives
Umpiring Commitment
Code of Ethics for Umpires
2014 Contact List……………………………………………………………………
Club Umpire Convenor……………………………………………………………
General Umpiring Calendar 2014…………………………………………………
Procedures & Protocols – Saturday Umpiring……………………………………
Umpire Eligibility for Allocation to Games………………………….
Injury/Illness, Blood Policy…………………………………………..
Final Series – Providing Umpires……………………………………
Grand Finals………………………………………………………….
Club Convenor Saturday Role……………………………………………………
Penalties – Umpire Your Own Fixture……………………………………………
District Badge Testing Procedures…………………………………………………
Gold/Green Key Performance Indicators…………………………………………
Coaching/Testing Form (Gold/Green)……………………………………………
* Terminology Sheet…………………………………………………………………..
* Positioning / Timing / Vision……………………………………………………….
* NetSetGO! Umpiring Do’s and Don’ts…………………………………………….
PUDR (Personal Umpiring Development Record)…………………………….…
District Committee Saturday Role…………………………………………………
Complaint Management – Umpires………………………………………………
Umpire Development Programs……………………………………………………
Recognition – District……………………………………………………………….
Recognition – Club………………………………………………………………….
Pathway Document Overview……………………………………………………
* Useful handouts
BHSNA Umpire Mission Statement
To promote, develop and enhance umpires and
umpiring matters in accordance with the initiatives of
the National Umpires Development Framework.
BHSNA Umpiring Objectives
• To provide well trained umpires capable of officiating netball games at the local
• To work with club convenors to develop and nurture umpiring at all levels within
• To establish correct techniques by disseminating rules and their interpretations in
the best interests of the players of the game;
• To attract resources to benefit and support the growth, development and profile of
• To facilitate and promote a network to assist clubs with the development of
umpiring, with the view to increase the numbers of participants interested in
• To equipment our badged umpires with the skills and techniques of the game to be
able to officiate at any level of netball.
BHSNA Umpiring Commitment
The Association’s Umpires Committee is committed and charged with achieving
high quality outcomes by:
Working together with clubs
Striving for excellence
Drawing on best practice documents from all levels of netball
Code of Ethics for Umpires
Umpires shall:
Respect the dignity of people regardless of race, colour or creed
Umpire to the Rules without fear or favour
Uphold the standards of the National Umpiring awards
“Umpiring is a volunteer service – a fact frequently overlooked or
taken for granted by players and spectators, who readily criticise
the umpire for decisions and rarely offer praise. The importance
of umpiring upon the maintenance of a good standard of play can
never be stressed too strongly. However outstanding the players,
however effective the coaching, in the long run it is the efficiency
of the umpiring which influences the standard of play. Even lower
standard teams with little or no coaching can improve with
consistently good umpiring. An Umpire is an integral part of the
game and can make or mar a game. The enjoyment of the games
depends on the efficiency and manner of the umpire.”
“When players play to the Rules of Netball,
the umpire’s role is less evident.”
Baulkham Hills Shire Netball Association adheres to the National Umpire
Development Framework to prepare and assess all candidates for national
level badges. Such qualifications are recognised throughout Australia
within the larger Netball community.
Affiliated clubs should follow the BHSNA Pathway to prepare and assess
members for district level badges. District level badges are not recognised
outside the boundaries of this association but are used as a means of
identifying talent at grass roots level. It is in the best interest of clubs (a)
to encourage all their members to learn the rules and (b) to identify and
promote umpires through the education and development programs on
offer to enable them to reach their full potential. Clubs who have no
development plans impede their capacity to meet the needs of their own
The Association offers a structured competition pathway and together
with development programs umpires are afforded opportunities to advance
from grass roots to high performance.
2014 Contact List
Umpire Committee
District Umpire Convenor
Laurel Cunico
0414 469 224 / 9838 9224
Asst District Umpire Conv
Amanda Hughes
0419 211 964
Committee Members
Club Liaison
Keryn Twining
Baulkham Hills, Gazelles, Oakhill Drive, Magpies, Tangara
Rhiannon Brown
Glenhaven, MFarms, Rams, St Pauls, Whills Snr
Janaya Gilbert
Chill Sport, Kenthurst, OLOL, Phoenix, Whills Jnr
Monique O’Callaghan
Gilroy, Impalas, OLOR, RHAC
Danielle O’Callaghan
Angels, Glenwood, North Rocks, St Bernadettes,
Claudette Noble
Club convenors are encouraged to direct all enquiries regarding umpiring within their club
to their individual liaison person who is available via email 24/7 or during Saturday.
Arrangements can be made for club visits as well.
BHSNA Office
Mon/Wed/Fri 9am-3pm
BHSNA Website
Netball NSW Website
Netball Australia Website
Club Umpire Convenors – Contact Email
Please use BCC when sending an email to multiple convenors.
Helen Cane
Baulkham Hills joint
Erin McCluskey
Alison Brough
Castle Hill Sport Snr
Heather Nicholls
Castle Hill Sport Jnr
Jessica Basile
Keryn Twining
Gazelles Asst
Janaya Gilbert
Sharon Nutter
Heather Williams
Glenwood Snr
Amanda Brown
Club Umpire Convenors - Contact Email continued
Glenwood Jnr
Holly Johnson
Impalas Coord Snrs
Renee Smith
Impalas Asst Jnrs
Renee Smith
Nicole Boslem
M Farms Senior
Teresa Thomson
M Farms Junior
Rebecca Noble
North Rocks
Jenny Pike
Oakhill Drive
Kim Davis
Margaret Terry
OLOR Senior
Lauren Wheeler
OLOR Assistant
Courtney Meurant
OLOR Junior
Jodi Browning
OLOR NetSetGo!
Robyn Ryan
Helen Singleton
David Hughes
RHill Magpies
Sophie Bawden
RHill Rams Snr
Catherine Smith
RHill Rams Jnr
Stephanie Bromwich
St Bernadettes joint
Cassandra Holden
Jacqui Holden
St Michaels Snr
Lynne Robertson
St Michaels Jnr
Robert Gilbert
St Pauls Snr
Maureen Cahill
St Pauls Jnr
Danielle Bliss
St Pauls Developer
Kylie Mulcare
Sally Healey
Winston Hills Snr
Jo Kiner
Winston Hills Jnr
Nicole Brennan
Winston Hills Jnr Asst
Jessica Goddard
Club Umpire Convenor
Current Level 1 Umpires’ Course (highly recommended)
National Badge (not essential)
Organisational ability
Willingness to learn
An open mind
Sense of humour
Calm and composed
An understanding family
A key aspect of the club convenor’s role is to promote umpiring by stressing the
importance of developing quality umpires and encouraging others to see umpiring as
an investment in our sport at all levels.
These can vary depending on the number of umpiring personnel within your club and
the size of your club.
At all times the club convenor should liaise closely with their club secretary or
registrar, the BHSNA umpires convenor and the appointed committee liaison
The club convenor plays an important leadership role within the club. The convenor
sets the tone and standards of umpiring from junior through to senior.
General Umpiring Calendar 2014
Umpire Development
Junior Rep Carnival
Junior Rep Carnival
Northern Suburbs
Umpire Development
Council Meeting
Umpiring Report
Senior Rep Carnival
Baulkham Hills
Umpire Development
Junior Rep Carnival
Umpire Development
State Championship
National Bs eligible
Junior Rep Carnival
Umpire Development
Mid-season meeting
Kellyville, 7.30pm
All Club Umpires’ Convenors
Junior Rep Carnival
Hills District
Umpire Development
Council Meeting
Umpiring Report
State Age Champs
All nationals eligible
Level 1 Accreditation
NSG - wrap up
Your feedback is important
Semi umpires due
5pm at Ump. Control
One qualified umpire per team
Council Meeting
Umpiring Report
Umpires’ Thank You
SL & Carnival Umpires
Level 1 Accreditation
NID commences
Netball Central
To run over 3 nights
Nominations close
Executive and Committee positions
Commences 9.00am
NID concludes
Netball Central
Procedures & Protocols – Saturday Umpiring
All participants shall abide by the current Official Rules of Netball and Codes of Behaviour
[as defined under Netball NSW MPP – Part A – Code of Behaviour (v4)].
Each Club shall nominate an Umpire Convenor who shall be the Association’s point of
contact for umpiring matters within the Club.
The District Umpires’ Convenor manages all testing for National badges under the National
Umpire Development Framework and National Grading System.
Club Umpires’ Convenors manage all testing for District badges under the Umpire Pathways
The approved dress code for umpires is:
Female Umpire:
White/cream skirt and polo top or registered club playing uniform.
Wearing a white top over registered club playing uniform is encouraged.
Skirts are not to be worn over tracksuit pants.
Male Umpire:
White/cream shorts and polo top.
All Umpires:
If wearing white/cream must wear white underwear.
May wear a white or club tracksuit top during inclement weather.
Skimpy briefs are not permitted.
Scarves are not permitted whilst umpiring.
Hood up whilst umpiring is not permitted.
Umpiring fixtures are either a neutral allocation or umpire your own.
Umpires are required to sign on at Umpires’ Control before attending their game and are not
required to sign the score sheet.
If only one umpire is at the court when the time signal sounds for the start of play, the game
should not commence until the other umpire arrives. If umpire does not arrive quickly advise
Umpires’ Control who will call for a replacement club umpire or non-offending team may
claim a forfeit.
If dissatisfaction is felt with the umpiring of a game, coaches/managers should see their own
Convenor, then the Association Umpire Convenor.
An umpire sending a player from the court for disciplinary reasons should complete an
Incident Report. This form is available from Admin Control. The Umpire Convenors and a
Member Protection Information Officer will investigate the matter and decide whether or not
further action should be taken.
An umpire is permitted to stop a match and award game to opposing team if there are any
continued abusive remarks or unduly loud criticisms of their umpiring from a team or their
Procedures & Protocols – Saturday Umpiring cont’d
Umpires to be turning a minimum of 12 years of age prior to placement on a competition game. A
qualified coaching umpire, from the umpire’s club, is necessary on the sideline as a support person.
All clubs are requested to have as many persons as possible pass the online Section 1 Theory
examination and then provide a copy of the theory pass certificate to the Association.
Holders of National Badges must pass the Section 1 theory exam with a pass relevant to the
badge held every six years otherwise they are no longer accredited with that badge level.
Holders of District Badges must pass the Section 1 theory exam (70%) every six years
otherwise they are no longer considered an active district badge.
For the Finals Series, a club must submit the minimum number of active qualified umpires
equivalent to the number of club teams in each of the final series. In the event of noncompliance a fine will apply.
Umpire Eligibility for Allocation to Games
Recommended minimum requirement for umpire placement on each grade. All National and
District Gold badge holders must hold a current Section 1 theory pass.
a) A grades, National badge
b) B grades, District Gold with Level 1 Accreditation
c) C grades, District Green with current theory pass
d) D grades, unbadged umpire with support person
NB: Unqualified junior umpires (i.e. less than 17 years of age) cannot be used on Senior
grades. They must either be holders of a National Badge or be a Talent Identified Umpire.
• 14 years, 13 years (no junior umpire should umpire own age group)
a) A grades, District Green, 2 years experience
b) B grades, District Green, 1 year experience
c) C grades, White Award.
d) D grades, unbadged umpire with support person.
NB: Beginner umpires must be turning 12 years of age in their first year of umpiring and
should always be accompanied by a coaching umpire with 2 years umpiring experience.
• 12 years, 11 years, 10 years.
a) A grades, District Green
b) B grades, White Award
c) All other grades, unbadged umpire with support person.
NB: 10 years age division - Many clubs use this age group for their new umpires. To
support your coaches to educate these players to the rules, clubs are encouraged to
regularly provide experienced umpires throughout the season. The players will then be
better equipped when reaching semi-finals. Remember that full rules apply without
Procedures & Protocols – Saturday Umpiring cont’d
NetSetGo! 8 years and 9 years.
o Preferred - National and District badged umpires.
o Permitted - Experienced umpires.
o Not permitted - Unbadged inexperienced umpires.
NB: No learner umpire should be used. All umpires should be trained in the proper
application of NetSetGo! (NSG) rules and use them appropriately. ALL other netball rules
apply to these players. NSG umpires approach the game as a rules educator and not a rules
enforcer. Smile a lot!
• Number of Umpiring Allocations Per Day Per Umpire
o If umpire plays they should umpire no more than 2 games per day.
o If umpire does not play they should umpire no more than 3 games per day with a break
between games.
Injury & Illness / Blood Policy
For normal rounds (1-15), play may be stopped for up to 2 minutes for the first injury for each team
in each quarter, and 30 seconds for any subsequent injury, however no time is added.
In the final series time is held (as per above) and added to the end of the last quarter of the game.
Timekeepers must advise Control and an official timekeeper is sent to the court during the last
Finals Series Umpire Allocation
As there is a very short time between the end of round games and the final series, this can often be
a very stressful time for all convenors if the following timeline is not followed.
• Start sourcing umpire availability for final series by round 12 at the latest.
• 5pm Saturday Round 14 all semi-finals umpires are due to BHSNA Umpires Convenor.
• 9am Sunday following Round 14 the umpires committee will commence tabulating all clubs’
umpires in preparation for allocation.
• Clubs are required to supply the same number of umpires as teams playing + 1 extra
umpire. Your extra umpire can be either in the morning or in the afternoon session. Clubs
may communicate with other clubs to ensure that their quota is met by the Saturday 5pm
• Monetary fines will be charged for clubs who fail to provide the correct number of umpires by
the time the committee commences allocations. Such fines will need to be cleared on the semifinal Saturday.
• TUESDAY MORNING allocations will be sent to all club convenors who are now required to
personally contact each umpire to ensure that their availability is confirmed for Semi-finals.
• THURSDAY MIDDAY: All umpires must be confirmed and the BHSNA Umpire Convenor
• Club convenors or umpires may not make their own changes. Any changes are to be submitted
and then clubs will be advised.
Procedures & Protocols – Saturday Umpiring cont’d
• 4pm Saturday Semi-Finals any change in umpire availability are due to BHSNA Umpire
• 7pm Saturday Evening Semi-Finals the umpires committee will commence Finals allocation.
• Clubs are required to supply the same number of umpires as teams playing. Clubs may
communicate with other clubs to ensure that their quota is met by the Saturday 4pm
• Monetary fines will be charged for clubs who fail to provide the correct number of umpires by
the time the committee commences allocations. Such fines will need to be cleared on Finals
• MONDAY MORNING allocations will be sent to all club convenors who are now required to
personally contact each umpire to ensure that their availability is confirmed for Finals.
• THURSDAY MIDDAY: All umpires must be confirmed and the BHSNA Umpire Convenor
• Club convenors or umpires may not make their own changes. Any changes are to be submitted
and then clubs will be advised.
Grand Finals
• 3pm Saturday Finals any change in umpire availability are due to BHSNA Umpire Convenor
• 7pm Saturday Evening Finals the umpire committee will commence Grand Finals allocation.
• Clubs are required to supply the same number of umpires as teams playing. Clubs may
communicate with other clubs to ensure that their quota is met by the Saturday 3pm
• Monetary fines will be charged for clubs who fail to provide the correct number of umpires by
the time the committee commences allocation. Such fines will need to be cleared on Grand Final
• MONDAY MORNING allocations will be sent to all club convenors who are now required to
personally contact each umpire to ensure that their availability is confirmed for Grand Finals.
• THURSDAY MIDDAY: All umpires must be confirmed and the BHSNA Umpire Convenor
• Club convenors or umpires may not make their own changes. Any changes are to be submitted
and then clubs will be advised.
Club Convenor Saturday Role
o The Saturday Winter Competition Umpire Allocation is either neutral or umpire your own. In
both cases the umpiring allocation is based on clubs providing one umpire for each team
playing each Saturday.
o To help you identify your club umpires and their current qualifications the district database is
provided at the end of the previous year and again following team registrations in February.
Use the Umpire Eligibility guide provided in this document when allocating umpires to games.
o The competition fixture is normally available 4 weeks prior to commencement. Preparation is
the key to being a successful club umpire convenor so take your time and allocate your umpires
appropriately. It is possible to prepare your umpire roster 7 weeks in advance. This time span
gives your umpires a chance to organize themselves and permits you to prepare for those last
minute hiccups. Convenors who advise umpires during the week prior invariably realise it leads
to problems of non-availability. The trend of late notification is increasing and is the biggest
cause of frustration to both umpires and convenors.
Club Convenor Saturday Role cont’d
o Prepare a duty list for the notice board each Saturday showing time/court/grade/umpire
allocated. The list should be available for your umpires before your club’s first umpiring duty
on that day. Keep a copy of your umpire list handy if an announcement for a missing umpire is
made and make sure another club official has a copy as well.
o If you swap an umpiring duty it must still listed showing name of the club you swapped with.
Please note that your club is liable for any fine if the other club’s umpire fails to show.
o Arrange for buddy umpires to support your learner umpires especially your junior umpires.
This is one of the most important jobs you do. A green badge from last year can buddy a new
umpire and would learn and grow from the experience.
o Support your umpires by ensuring you or a club official respond quickly if called to umpire
control. If you know that a game needs extra control, have club support in place or allocate a
more experienced umpire on the game. Remember, umpires do not lose games, players do.
Educate your club members to accept that mistakes are made by all involved in the game, not
simply umpires.
o Test early! Don’t leave the assessment for Green and Gold until the last few weeks. Remember
the candidate is not to be aware they are being tested. Boost their confidence early and you will
be amazed at their positive response and improved performance. Learn the KPIs for the badge
level and if unsure seek advice from your committee liaison person. Keep in mind that every
umpire is unique and will progress at their own speed. Your umpires are not in competition
with one another and some progress rapidly while others need more time to gain their
confidence. If each umpire is striving to do better every game, regardless of badge level, you
are doing your job extremely well and your club should be congratulating you.
o Keep your RULE BOOK with you at all times. Most queries are from coaches and spectators.
Never guess an answer! Circulate the FAQs, it may reduce the number of queries.
o Liaise often and early with the district committee to help identify talent. Your liaison person
can be contacted via Don’t leave it until the Saturday as they may not
have the time to watch.
o Encourage your umpires, players and coaches, to update their rules knowledge and encourage
your umpires to take advantage of the district’s development programs.
o Attempt to have a ‘reserve’ umpire for each timeslot as there are no spare umpires available
from umpires’ control. Have your reserve on ‘standby’ at the sign-on table so they can respond
quickly if one of your umpires are running late or missing. Note that once the game begins no
umpire can be replaced unless they are injured or ill.
o Keep smiling, openly support your umpires and they will pay you back tenfold. Have fun with
your umpires and remain positive! Remember, preparation is the key!
Umpire Your Own Fixture
Clubs must provide capable umpires for every team playing
each competition day, this includes the final series.
Any team that fails to provide an umpire at the commencement of
the game shall incur a loss of -2 points and a monetary fine.
One missing umpire for club incurs a $55 monetary fine
Two missing umpires for same club on the same day incurs a $110 monetary fine
Three missing umpires for same club on the same day incurs a $220 monetary fine
Four missing umpires for same club on the same day incurs a $440 monetary fine
BHSNA Executive may grant an exception if there are extenuating circumstances.
Reasons for seeking an exception must be received in writing from Club Secretary.
The BHSNA Registrar will notify the club receiving the penalty forfeit by
email within 1 week of the penalty being applied. If a response is required, this
must be received by email prior to the next competition day from either the
Club Secretary or Club Convenor.
All monetary fines must be paid, within one week of email notification to
Club Secretary.
Please note that a Convenor error is permitted once per season with no fine or
penalty forfeit applying.
District Badge Testing Procedures
Gold and Green
Please follow these steps for all candidates who must be registered members.
1. Arrange for a suitable game relevant to the badge level and age of candidate. Use of ‘C’ grade
games for testing is recommended.
Senior player no higher than C1
Reserve player no higher than C Reserve
Cadet player no higher than Cadet C1
Junior player, one age division lower. E.g. umpire aged 13 yrs needs 12C game. If you have
no 12C you are permitted to drop down an age division but move up one grade higher ie 11B.
2. If you club does not have a suitable game, seek a swap from another club. If you are
unsuccessful in swapping, check with your liaison member for another option.
3. Check that the candidate holds any prerequisite for the badge level.
4. Arrange your tester who should have held the same badge level for 2 years and is conversant
with the KPIs for that badge level.
5. Use the Coaching/Test Sheet as it lists the KPIs. If unsure what each means seek help from your
committee liaison person.
6. Do not tell the candidate they are being tested. They should be used to and feel
comfortable having a mentor or coaching umpire on their sideline.
7. Visit umpire’s control and locate the RED exercise book and print the correct name of the
candidate, club and badge level being tested in columns provided.
8. From the plastic containers marked GOLD/GREEN take the relevant badge. Please only take the
number of badges you need for that day.
9. Be encouraging throughout the session whether successful or not.
At the end of the game if the candidate is successful provide immediate feedback.
“Congratulations, you have been awarded your Gold/Green badge.” Hand them the badge
then and there.
Ask them if they have a moment to listen to some comments on their performance and either
provide immediate feedback or arrange a suitable time to do so. Feedback is important.
If the candidate is not being awarded the badge simply turn the session into a full coaching
session and provide the feedback they need to be successful the next time you watch them. They
will not know the difference and therefore will not be disappointed and feel that they have failed.
Provide them with the feedback sheet so they can check it later to know what they did well and
what they need to improve.
We cannot stress how important paragraphs 10, 11 and 12 are to the candidate. An immediate
recognition of their achievement is of utmost value. Clubs can formally recognise and reward these
umpires for their achievements publically at presentation days. Provide them with a certificate
(templates available on the BHSNA website), new whistle or new umpire’s white top etc in front of
the whole club as this action provides motivation for others to aspire to do the same.
National Badges
Candidates are identified via a number of methods, prerequisites are checked and testing panels
organised by the District Umpires’ Convenor all in accordance with the National Umpiring
Development Framework. If successful, the Umpire is informed straight after the game and
provided with feedback. The National Testing Sheet is forwarded to Netball NSW who check
credentials of both the candidate and the panellists used. If all is in order they post the National
badge directly to the successful candidate. Members should ensure their CORRECT ADDRESS is
recorded on their MyNetball record.
Any questions regarding either process should be directed to the umpiring committee.
Key Performance Indicators
No candidate should be told they are being tested.
Minimum age limit turning 12 yrs applies.
o Gold Award candidates must hold a current Section 1 theory examination pass.
o Green Award candidates must hold a Red Award Assessment pass.
Game Required
o Gold Award candidates 18 yrs or above, C1, C2 or C3 grades.
o Gold Award candidates less than 18 yrs, Cadet C or C Reserve grades.
o Green Award candidates, select a C grade one year below the candidate’s age i.e. aged 13 yrs
should be assessed on 12C or aged 14 yrs then can be assessed on 12B.
o No grade below 11C can be used for testing purposes.
Candidates need to be able to
• Blow whistle loud enough for players to hear and stop
• Signal C Passes and attempt to keep them in correct order
• Have a clear voice and use correct terminology
• Attempt to keep up with play and show basic knowledge of positioning
• Show recognition of footwork infringements, extremely important.
• Demonstrate awareness of some general rules i.e. held ball, offside, breaking,
replayed ball, throw-in, short pass.
• Demonstrate an awareness of contact and obstruction infringements.
• Use of Advantage or calling Possession is NOT necessary.
• Assessor should be positive in their approach and not expect a perfect display.
o needs to be inconspicuous and able to concentrate solely on the testing
o should approach the experience looking for reasons to acknowledge the level of achievement
o to have a min of 2 years practical umpiring experience at the same level or higher
o keeps their comments simple, relevant and directed towards a positive outcome
o must be supportive, encouraging and willing to assist the candidate
o should encourage candidate to work on improving one skill or technique at a time [whistle
blowing/voice/terminology/rules knowledge/ positioning/movement]
After testing, if successful
o Introduce yourself and congratulate the umpire on their performance.
o Make a positive statement on at least one aspect of their performance.
o Ask them if they have the time to listen to your comments and if not, make a time that is suitable. It is
important that your feedback is provided at a time when the candidate can be receptive. At the conclusion
of your feedback hand the candidate their coaching sheet and, if it is a positive outcome, their award.
After testing, if unsuccessful
o If the testing is not successful, simply offer all feedback and tell them you want to view them again in a
couple of weeks.
o There is no need for the candidate to know they have failed an assessment.
Coaching/Test Sheet – Gold/Green
Personal Presentation
Prompt, neatly dressed, hair off face
Match Responsibilities
Checks nails, jewellery, ball and court
Displays a pleasant manner
Blows whistle clearly
Uses a voice which players hear
Terminology correct
C passes in order, uses hand signal
Demonstrates an understanding of moving
along side and goal lines for the whole
Tries to remain level with, if not just
ahead of the ball at most times
May at times, adjust position to better
view the players
Demonstrate knowledge of penalty setting
ie in the correct area
Demonstrates knowledge by penalising
minor infringements (stepping/held
ball/offside etc)
Is able to penalise obvious contact and
obvious obstruction infringements
May use hand signals to indicate
General Comments (be positive and encouraging)
Coaching Umpire’s Name:
Use a loud sharp whistle at all times. Voice should be loud enough for all 14 players on the court to
hear the decision. For each infringement an Umpire needs to:
Blow whistle.
State Infringement and use Hand Signals to reinforce statement.
State Penalty and to whom awarded (use club and positional names)
Indicate place where penalty is to be taken.
Ensure penalty is set up correctly and in the right spot
Players are responsible for ensuring they set the penalty where indicated by the umpire
In guideline below Red and Blue are the club names.
Breaking Blue WA
Delaying the Game Blue WD
Held Ball, Blue C
Offside, Blue C
Red Throw In (not Red Out or Red Ball)
Replayed Ball, Blue GD
Short Pass caught by Blue Centre
Simultaneous Contact or Possession
Red Free Pass where infringement occurred
Red Free Pass where infringer is standing
Red Free Pass where infringer is standing
Red Free Pass where infringement occurred
Free Pass just beyond where ball crossed second line
Where ball crossed the line
Red Free Pass where infringement occurred
Red Free Pass where ball is caught
Toss Up Red WA/Blue WD where infringement occurred
Red Free Pass where infringement occurred
PENALTIES ON COURT [not in the Goal Circle]
State where penalty is to be taken & indicate by hand signals.
Contact Blue WA
Obstruction Blue WD
Intimidation Blue C
Red Penalty Pass where infringement occurred –
Blue WA to stand beside & away (cannot move or talk until ball released)
Red Penalty Pass where infringer is standing –
Blue WD to stand beside & away (cannot move or talk until ball released)
Red Penalty Pass where infringer is standing –
Blue C to stand beside & away (cannot move or talk until ball released)
State where penalty is to be taken & indicate by hand signals.
The penalty should be taken either where infringement occurred (Contact) or where infringer was
standing (Obstruction) unless this disadvantages the non-offending team.
Red Penalty Pass or Shot – where
Blue GD to stand beside & away, cannot
Contact Blue GD
infringement occurred
move or talk until ball released
Blue Penalty Pass or Shot - where
Red GK to stand beside & away, cannot
Obstruction Red GK
infringer was standing
move or talk until ball released
GD to stand beside & away, cannot
Contact Blue GD
infringement occurred
move or talk until ball released
Blue Penalty Pass – where
Red GA to stand beside & away, cannot
Contact Red GA
infringement occurred
move or talk until ball released
Red GS to stand beside & away, cannot
Obstruction Red GS
was standing
move or talk until ball released
Remember, practice makes perfect and keep your words simple
Where should the umpire be standing?
In line with play, or just slightly ahead.
When should the umpire move?
Before release of the ball and arrive as it is caught.
Where should the umpire be looking?
Quick scan of catch/land/defence then eyes AHEAD
to see where next pass may go and make decision to
move quickly
Decision making
Instantaneous, know your rules so well that decision
is automatic.
The Umpire ‘U’
Attacker’s Hands
Defender’s Arms
Attacker’s Landed Foot
Defender’s Nearer Foot
Umpire’s Position
Umpire’s Actions
1. Watches how ball possession occurs
2. Immediately sees which is the attacker’s landed foot
3. Then quickly checks the nearer foot of defender to ensure the distance between is 0.9m
4. Then check defender’s raised arms to ensure they are not defending “in the eyes” [intimidation]
5. Look forward to all the other players, scan their movements [reading play]
6. Umpire moves off to where they believe the next pass WILL be caught
7. Umpire should move off before the ball is released to hopefully arrive when and where it is
8. There is absolutely NO NEED for the umpire to keep their eyes “on the ball”. Those that
do will always be chasing play and trying to catch up instead of anticipating play and
arriving in time.
Become a PROACTIVE umpire by developing these skills and techniques
instead of being a REACTIVE umpire who only chases the ball.
NetSetGO! – some umpiring do’s and don’ts
Centre Pass
7 yrs only
Held Ball
Falling on
Throw ins
Score a goal
Defending /
Toss Ups
Do divide the court correctly as per the normal rules when
umpiring NetSetGO!
Do blow the whistle to stop play if an infringement occurs
Do offer a brief explanation of what has been done wrong when
an infringement occurs (this may involve going onto the court).
Do make sure that teams change ends at the end of each quarter
Do make sure that all players play all positions over the season
(BHSNA policy). Do allow the team to borrow or lend players
rather than play short. Do allow players to wear unrestrictive
warm clothing with their uniform.
Do check players for fingernails, jewellery and adornments
After the first C pass ensure all subsequent C passes are taken
by the team thatt DID NOT SCORE THE LAST GOAL.
Do allow unlimited substitutions at an interval or during play.
Players to tag one another if during play
Do allow some shuffling on the spot to gain balance
Do award a free pass to the opposing team if player shuffles
Do award a free pass when the player
playe holds the ball for 5
Do apply the normal rules and award a free pass to the
opposing team if players fall on the ball to gain possession
Do apply the normal rules and award a throw in to the
opposing team when the ball goes out of court
Do show players where to stand with their foot up to the line
Do apply normal rules and award a free pass to the opposing
team over the second crossed line
Do allow a goal to be scored through either or both goal rings
Do award a penalty pass or penalty pass/shot if players are
defending closer than 1.2m (4ft).
(4ft) Do demonstrate how far 1.2m
(4ft) is, as ‘two big steps’ away.
away Do allow players to have their
arms up to defend a shot at goal or to go for a rebound or to
quickly deflect a pass
Do apply normal contact rules, award a penalty pass or penalty
pass/shot to the opposing team if player contacts
Do apply the normal rules for player offside when in possession
of the ball.
Don’t coach while umpiring (ie during
the game). At intervals is appropriate
Don’t change sides during the game
Don’t change umpires during the game
Don’t be officious,
be friendly, smile!
Do apply the normal rules and award a toss up for simultaneous
possession and explain why.
Don’t allow playing patches to be
Don’t allow players to wear jewellery, it
is dangerous for that player and her
Don’t guess, check with Scorer if unsure
Ask who scored the last goal?
Don’t allow player with no patch to take
the court
Don’t allow shuffling forward
Don’t allow holding the ball for longer
than 5 seconds
Don’t allow players to fall on the ball to
gain possession as per normal rules
Don’t allow players to step onto the line
or the court when taking a throw-in
Don’t allow players to put their arms up
to defend if they are closer than 1.2m
(4ft) from the player with or without the
Don’t stand players ‘out of play’
Don’t stand players ‘out of play’ for
Don’t penalise an offside player without
the ball, simply move them to their
playing area
Don’t call “possession” repeatedly
PUDR – Personal Umpiring Development Record
Maintain the umpire’s record of development and learning and pass on if
umpire changes club. Supply kept in umpires’ control room.
Baulkham Hills Shire Netball Association Ltd.
Date of Birth …………………….…
Practice sessions satisfactorily completed.
Achievement Stamp
Completion Date
Skill development, min. 4 competition games.
Achievement Sticker
Completion Date
Level 1
AANA Level 1 Umpires Accreditation – Comprises of
Theory & Practical Education
Certificate Issued
Completion Date
Section 1
AANA Section 1 Theory Exam
Section 1 Theory Mark & Date
Date Achieved
Section 1 Theory Mark & Date…………………………
Level 1 Accreditation Date of Attendance………….…
Date AANA Guidelines Achieved………………………
District Committee Saturday Role
o Each committee member must abide by the Umpire Code of Behaviour.
o Support and promote district umpire development programs.
o Search for talent and identify them to their club and the district convenors.
o Check-in with your liaison club often, acknowledge the hard work they do.
o Provide your umpire sign-on sheets one week prior to being needed.
o Help new umpires sign-on, show them how and wish them good luck.
o Check umpires meet dress requirements, if not, politely advise their convenor.
o Support convenors whose umpire is missing. Use the club list to identify
missing umpire before calling. If there is no response, call for volunteer from
that club and then all clubs. Two umpires are required before a game can
start. Highlight the club whose umpire is missing and record the name of the
volunteer umpire. Refer matter to District Convenor for investigation as fines
and penalties apply.
o The umpiring committee only answers umpiring questions. Do not answer
any other type of question ie playing regulations. Refer these queries to club
officials or to main control.
o If asked to check nails/jewellery/adornments before the player goes to the
court, DON’T! Educate members that the match umpires have that
responsibility and their decision is FINAL. If concerned, go to the court and
support the umpires with their checking and subsequent decision, whatever
they decide.
o Respond honestly to umpiring questions by referring to your Rule Book or the
FAQs. NEVER GUESS! If you don’t know, say so and then find the correct
answer. We don’t know everything and it is easy to misunderstand the
question sometimes.
o Follow the complaint management guide in this publication. Go to the court
with a positive, supportive attitude for the umpire and mentor as they may
need it. Don’t be officious or bias. Provide advice to best manage the current
problem and hopefully prevent any future incidence. Remember, clubs need
all their umpires.
o If asked, clubs are responsible for providing umpires, not the committee.
o Keep a smile in your voice when using the microphone and use the word
o Remember the umpiring committee non-negotiables.
Complaint Management Regarding Umpires ONLY
The Umpiring Committee supports and develops umpires of all levels in an effort to achieve a beneficial outcome for
both players and umpires. Although an umpire’s decision cannot be overturned, an umpire may be questioned if
approached using the appropriate procedure, for clarification of their ruling (see below*). Correctly handled, this
procedure may prove beneficial to both players and the umpire concerned. Complaints from members about umpires
are managed as follows.
1. Ask the complainant “Are you lodging a complaint against an umpire?”
2. If response is NO, call for a club official to come to control to assist that person.
3. If response is YES, note their name, their role, court and grade involved. Advise the complainant that this
information is recorded for future reference.
4. Seek immediate support from the umpire’s club by requesting a club official come to control. If club support is not
immediately available go to the court and support the umpire, as they may need it.
5. Take your Rule Book with you and use an honest and commonsense approach to the issue.
6. It is important that the umpire’s club, if not in attendance, is advised quickly that a verbal complaint was made. They
need to follow up with the umpire concerned and may wish to lodge, in a timely manner, their own complaint or
response on behalf of their umpire.
• Advise the result of the game stands as per the submitted score sheet and help should have been sought before the
game concluded.
• If the complainant wishes to lodge a written complaint against an umpire advise them to seek advice from their club
officials and use procedures outlined in the BHSNA Complaint Policy, in a timely manner.
• Advise complainant that names of all involved along with court/grade will be noted and recorded for future
• Once again, it is important that the umpire’s club, if not aware, is advised that a verbal complaint was received at the
conclusion of a game. They may wish to follow up with the umpire concerned and lodge, in a timely manner, their
own complaint or response.
1. Umpiring Committee goes to the court and check if club mentor or official is present.
2. Take your Rule Book with you, watch the game and listen to the umpire or mentor.
3. Umpiring Committee support the umpire and/or mentor by providing advice on how to best manage the situation.
This may include applying the Discipline Rules (refer extract below).
4. Record all details of the situation for future reference.
5. Club officials may wish to pursue the matter via the Complaint Policy, in a timely manner.
• The Umpiring Committee listens and records details for future reference and also advises the umpire that in future
they should seek support during the game.
• Guidance on proper use of the Discipline Rules to prevent further occurrences would also be provided.
• Advise the umpire to contact their club officials who need to know what happened and who may wish to pursue the
matter via the Complaint Policy, in a timely manner.
*NB1: Only the Team Captain may ask umpire/s for a clarification of a rule during an interval or after the game. In
young grades (10-12yrs) the team captain together with their coach may approach the umpire/s, but the player should
ask the question.
NB2: Either an Executive or a Member Protection Information Officer (MPIO) investigates written complaints.
Official Rule Book References
Rule 3.4.2:
…”Team Officials and bench players may not indulge in inappropriate comments or behaviour.”
Rules 20 (iv):
“For rough or dangerous play, persistent and/or deliberate breaking of the Rules, misconduct or any other
conduct which is considered inappropriate, the Umpire may, in addition to any penalty awarded in extreme circumstances, stop the
game and require the exclusion from the area of any Team Official whose inappropriate comments and/or behaviour continues after
a warning.”
Rule 20.1.2:
“A warning may be given to a player and/or Team Official whose comments and/or behaviour are considered
inappropriate in any way (refer Rule 3.4.2).”
Umpire Development Programs
Each umpire is responsible for his or her own fitness, both mentally and physically, to prepare for
the challenge of becoming an umpire. Learn your rules well, do the theory test often, it won’t hurt
you. Keep your body strong and fit which will allow you to participate fully and take advantage of
what is being offered. Teach others what you have learnt, it is extremely rewarding.
District Rule Discussion and Information Sessions
All members are welcome at any district rule discussion session. Information sessions are also
offered which provide an overview of opportunities and experiences available. Regular meetings
are conducted with Club Umpire Convenors.
Level 1 Umpire Course (accredited with the Australian Sports Commission)
Want to learn the rules? Want to become a better coach or player? Attend a Level 1 that are
regularly conducted at Kellyville, 2 to 3 times per year. You will earn yourself a National
Accreditation Certificate, which has no end date. It takes 4 hours of your time and costs $35. Once
you have attended you will have no difficulty passing the online rules test. A must for all would be
umpires and very beneficial for players and coaches.
Red / Blue / White Award
Publications are provided that enables a club to teach the rules of netball, identify potential umpires
and nurture them at grass roots level whether a senior or junior member. The literature comprises a
Lecturer’s Manual, Participant’s Workbook and Assessment. These are located on the BHSNA web
site under Umpiring.
Training Games and Selections
Selection of representative players are conducted from August through to March annually, usually
at Kellyville courts. Umpires from Green to National are welcome to all selections. This is a perfect
opportunity for clubs to expose their talent to the district umpire committee. Training and practice
games are held regularly and all umpires should value these opportunities to gain experience of
talented players. Gold badged umpires benefit from the junior grades and national badged
umpires who seek challenges and higher qualifications. This is a chance for umpires to step
outside their comfort zone and face their fears. Coaching is available.
Saturday Competition – Junior Rep Teams Playing
During the Saturday Winter Competition, Junior representative teams (12-14 yrs) are included in
the first 7 rounds and 15 yrs play 14 rounds. This is an opportunity for accredited Talented Gold
and National Badges. Once again, individual coaching is provided along with exposure to talented
Representative Carnivals
Carnivals are normally held on Sundays starting April ending mid-June and are available to
National, Gold and Green badge holders. You need to have an open mind able to accept and take
on board constructive criticism. Umpires are not only coached individually, they also learn how to
coach each other. In a friendly atmosphere umpires are exposed, many for the first time, to players
and umpires from other districts. A must for the umpire who wishes to improve their rules
knowledge, skills and techniques.
NNSW Camps
National badged umpires should attend a camp every 2-3 years to ensure they remain abreast of the
latest rule interpretations. Another benefit of camps is that you may be identified as worthy of
receiving an invitation to officiate on State League games. Rookies camp is conducted in
November and B, C and A camps are offered in February and March. The NSW camps are a must
for the eager umpire wanting to progress.
State League
Runs Week Nights for Divisions 1 - 4 and Saturday for Divisions 5 – 8 at the Anne Clark Centre,
Lidcombe until further notice and then Netball Central. National A for Div 1; National B for Divs
2-6 and National C for Divs 7-8. Current theory pass, professional attitude and dress and protocol
proficiency is expected. These umpires are exposed to high quality senior games and possible
identification by NSW as worthy of further development. Progression through the divisions is
performance based. The NSW Umpires’ Operating Panel appoints umpires to games. This is the
only option to progress to National A Badge qualification.
Night Inter-district
This state run competition runs for 10 weeks over 3 week nights starting Monday 29 September
concluding first week of December. There are currently two timeslots 7pm & 8.30pm. In 2014 the
competition will be conducted at Netball Central at Homebush. Only National badged umpires
can officiate and is highly recommended for new Cs. This is a chance to gain experience
officiating on various playing styles and, once again, coaching is provided.
State Championship (17 years to 45 years)
This is held over the 3 days of the long weekend in June. In 2014 the competition will be conducted
at Campbelltown and Camden. NSW requests only National B badges but we have had, on
occasions, experienced National C umpires accepted. All umpires must hold accreditation to
attend and must be fit enough to run for the whole day.
State Age Championship (15, 14, 13, 12 yrs)
This is held on the first weekend of the July school holidays (note Monday is not a public holiday).
In 2014 our teams and umpires will play at Illawarra. Only National badges are accepted. All
must hold current accreditation and be extremely fit.
Recognition - District
Acknowledging your umpires’ achievements is one way to maintain their interest and enthusiasm
while gaining the knowledge and experience which will eventually provide its own reward. The
aim of umpiring awards is to
encourage people to enjoy umpiring
develop a sense of achievement leading to positive self concepts
develop an interest and desire to continue participation in umpiring
encourage those who wish to continue to refine their skill development
provides recognition of an achievement level
Umpiring Awards
The Spirit of Umpiring Award.
The criteria for candidate:
a) Is a recognizable role model to aspiring umpires.
b) Demonstrates ability to identify potential and takes an active role in the development of
such potential.
c) Encourages umpires to develop a better understanding of their impact on the game and
to foster a mutual respect with players and coaches.
d) Encourages umpires to work together to promote the spirit of umpiring
e) Recipient decided by the current holder of this award and the BHSNA Umpires’
Most Outstanding Junior Umpire
a) Age of umpire up to and including 17 years
b) Clubs and/or any member may nominate candidates
c) To have excellent presentation, manner and attitude
d) Demonstrates good rules knowledge and technical skills
Most Improved Junior Umpire
a) Age of umpire up to and including 17 years
b) Clubs and/or any member may nominate candidates
c) To have improved their presentation, manner and attitude
d) Demonstrates development in rules knowledge and technical skills
Umpiring Service Award – All members all ages
a) Clubs and/or any member may nominate candidates.
b) Umpire to be active throughout the season
c) Umpire to attend carnivals (where applicable)
d) Umpire to have high standard of presentation (i.e. dress, attitude)
Most Valued NetSetGo Umpire
a) Clubs and/or any member may nominate candidate.
b) Demonstrates their ability to act as umpire educator rather than rules enforcer.
c) Children relate and respond positively to this umpire.
Grand Final Certificate
a) Recognition of achievement and participation.
a) Umpires may receive an honorary payment for carrying out umpiring duties for the
b) BHSNA Executive will submit these amounts via the Annual Budget as presented to
Council for approval.
Recognition - Club
Club Level
o Publicise umpiring achievements in your club’s newsletter, include an
umpire’s profile.
o Acknowledge their commitment by small rewards i.e. supply a bottle of water;
provide pencil case/notepad/pen to individual umpires to enable coaching
umpires to record their performance.
o Acknowledge their development by giving them a higher grade to umpire.
Recognise and reward your umpires when ALL club members are present as this
maybe the only time players realise how hard your umpires work.
o Presentation of Service Awards (movie passes, certificates)
o Presentation of Certificates
o Announcement of National Badges (new whistle)
o Most Outstanding Umpires - Junior and Senior (white top)
o Most Improved Umpires - Junior and Senior (white skirt)
o Recognition of top level umpires
o Financial assistance to attend NSW Umpiring Camps (for National badge
holders only)
Pathways Document Overview
Located BHSNA Website - Umpiring
Convenors should become familiar with the Pathway document for all
umpiring information as listed below.
Badge Framework
Umpire’s Tool Kit
Umpires Rules Education:
Section I Theory Examination
Section II Theory Examination
Umpire Education Courses
Level 1 Umpire Education Course
Level 2 Umpire Education Course
Rules in Action
Overview of Umpire Education Courses
Umpire Education Courses Enrolment Prerequisites
Presenter Qualifications
National Badge Résumés
Gold and Green – Key Performance Indicators
‘A’ Badge – Key Performance Indicators
‘B’ Badge – Key Performance Indicators
‘C’ Badge – Key Performance Indicators
High Achievers
Elite Umpires
District Development Programs