Gregor Kosec c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e • BASIC INFO DATE/PLACE OF BIRTH: 25.11.1980, Ljubljana, Slovenia PERMANENT ADRESS: Kleče 14, Ljubljana, Slovenia MAIL:, PERSONAL PAGE: RESEARCH GATE PROFILE: GOOGLE SCHOOLAR PROFILE: • EDUCATION 2011 Ph.D: University of Nova Gorica, Graduate school, thesis:: Local Meshless Method For Multi-Phase Thermo-Fluid Problems 2006 BS.c: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics 1999 Matura: School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Ljubljana • EMPLOYMENT 2011- Jožef Stefan Institute :: Parallel and distributed systems Laboratory (Postdoctoral associate) 2006-2011 University of Nova Gorica :: Laboratory for Multi-Phase Processes (Junior researcher / Teaching assistant) • RESEARCH EXPERIENCES Development and analysis of the local meshless methods Development of the C++ based meshless numerical framework for general transport phenomena Analysis of the execution efficiency of numerical methods regarding the computer architecture Development and C++ implementation of statistical algorithms for time series analysis Numerical optimization Experimental measurements of temperature in metallurgic industry Laboratory experiments in geophysical fluid dynamics • MAIN SKILLS Languages: Slovene, English Programming and scripting: C++, MatLAB/Octave, PowerShell, Bash, PHP, JS, AS Compute: COMSOL multiphysics, Mathematica Support: LaTeX, MS Office suite, NanoCAD, Photoshop, CorelDraw, etc. • VISITING RESEARCHER 2014 Oleum trading systems Pte. Ltd., Singapore, Dr. Abraham Jalbout 2013-2014 Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering (FCSE), University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius", Skopje, Macedonia, dr. Ivica Dimitrovski and dr. Suzana Loskovska 2010,2011 Institut Jean Lamour, Ecole des Mines de Nancy, France, Dr. Herve Combeau 2010 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Podgorica, Montenegro, Dr. Igor Vušanovič 2009 FAST, Heat & Mass Transfer and Fluid Flow group, Orsay, France, Dr. Dominique Gobin • REWARDS 2014 Emerald’s awards for excellence: Engineering Outstanding Doctoral Research 2013 Emerald’s awards for excellence: Outstanding paper :: Solution of a low Prandtl number natural convection benchmark by a local meshless method 2010 Slovene human resources development and scholarship found: Reward for exceptional contribution to the sustainable development 2009 Emerald’s awards for excellence: Highly recommended paper :: Solution of thermo-fluid problems by collocation with local pressure correction 2009 World Federation of Scientists: National Scholarship • PUBLICATIONS TROBEC, Roman, KOSEC, Gregor. Parallel scientific computing: theory, algorithms, and applications of mesh based and meshless methods, (SpringerBriefs in computer science). Cham [etc.]: Springer, cop. 2015. XI, 2015 ISBN 978-3-319-17072-5. ISBN 978-3-319-17073-2 KOSEC, Gregor, TROBEC, Roman, Simulation of Semiconductors Devices with a Local Numerical Approach, Engineering analysis with boundary elements , 2015, vol. 50, pp 69-75. KOSEC, Gregor, DEPOLLI, Matjaž, RASHKOVSKA, Aleksandra, TROBEC, Roman. Super linear speedup in a local parallel meshless solution of thermo-fluid problem. Computers & Structures, ISSN 0045-7949, 2014, vol. 133, pp. 30-38. 2014 KOSEC, Gregor, ŠARLER, Božidar. Simulation of macrosegregation with mesosegregates in binary metallic casts by a meshless method. Engineering analysis with boundary elements, ISSN 0955-7997., 2014, vol. 45, pp. 36-44. DEPOLLI, Matjaž, KOSEC, Gregor, TROBEC, Roman. Efficient numerical solution of 2D diffusion equation on multicore computers. High-performance computing on complex environments. new York: Willey, 2014, pp. 33-51. KOSEC, Gregor, ZINTERHOF, Peter. Local strong form meshless method on multiple Graphics Processing Units.Comput. model. eng. sci., 2013, vol. 91, no. 5, pp. 377-396. 2013 KOSEC, Gregor, ŠARLER, Božidar. Solution of a low Prandtl number natural convection benchmark by a local meshless method. International journal of numerical methods for heat & fluid flow, 2013, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 189-204. RASHKOVSKA, Aleksandra, TROBEC, Roman, DEPOLLI, Matjaž, KOSEC, Gregor. 3-D numerical simulation of heat transfer in biomedical applications. Heat transfer phenomena and applications. Rijeka: InTech, 2012, pp. 99-152. ISLAM, Siraj-ul-, ŠARLER, Božidar, VERTNIK, Robert, KOSEC, Gregor. Radial basis function collocation method for the numerical solution of the two-dimensional transient nonlinear coupled Burgers' equations. 2012 Appl. math. model., 2012, vol. 36, issue 3, pp. 1148-1160. TROBEC, Roman, KOSEC, Gregor, ŠTERK, Marjan, ŠARLER, Božidar. Comparison of local weak and strong form meshless methods for 2-D diffusion equation. Eng. anal. bound. elem., 2012, vol. 36, issue 3, pp. 310-321. KOSEC, Gregor. Simulation of multiphase thermo-fluid phenomena by a local meshless numerical approach. Informatica, 2012, vol. 36, pp. 227-228. STEPIŠNIK, Uroš, KOSEC, Gregor. Modelling of slope processes on karst. Acta carsol., 2011, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 267-273. KOSEC, Gregor, ZALOŽNIK, Miha, ŠARLER, Božidar, COMBEAU, Hervé. A meshless approach towards solution of macrosegregation phenomena. Computers, materials & continua, 2011, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 169-195. 2011 KOSEC, Gregor, ŠARLER, Božidar. H-adaptive local radial basis function collocation meshless method. Computers, materials & continua, 2011, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 227-253. KOSEC, Gregor, ŠARLER, Božidar. Numerical solution of natural convection problems by a meshless method. V: AHSAN, Convection and conduction heat transfer. Rijeka: Intech, 2011, pp. 107-132. KOSEC, Gregor, ŠARLER, Božidar. Solution of phase change problems by collocation with local pressure correction. Comput. model. eng. sci, 2009, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 191-216, 2009 KOSEC, Gregor, ŠARLER, Božidar. Convection driven melting of anisotropic metals. Int. j. cast. met. res., 2009, vol. 22, no. 1/4, pp. 279-282. KOSEC, Gregor, ŠARLER, Božidar. Local RBF collocation method for Darcy flow. Comput. model. eng. sci., 2008 2008, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 197-208. KOSEC, Gregor, ŠARLER, Božidar. Solution of thermo-fluid problems by collocation with local pressure correction. International journal of numerical methods for heat & fluid flow, 2008, vol.18, pp. 868-882. • PUBLIC SPEECHES 2015 4th International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering, A Parallel Solution Procedure for solving Partial Differential Equations, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2015 8th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Methods in Multiphase and Complex Flow, Parallel Solution of Multiphase Transport Problem, Valencia, Spain, 2015 Scuola Internazionale Superiore Di Studi Avanzati, Local Meshless Numerical Method for Solving Transport Problems, Trieste, Italy, 2014 1st International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences Optimization - Optimization of meshless based simulation for coupled transport phenomena., OPT-i, Kos, Greece, 2014 2014 ThermaComp2014 - A meshless approach to modelling of solidification : macro- and mesosegregation issues, Bled, Slovenija, 2014 11th International Conference on Informatics and Information Technologies - Solving systems of coupled Partial Differential Equations on shared memory architectures, Bitola, Macedonia, 2014 The 9th International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology - Meshless solution of incompressible flow in complex domains, Naples, Italy, 2014 2013 University Donja Gorica, Topics from numerical analysis, Donja Gorica, Montenegro, 2013 MIPRO 2013, 36th International Convention - Parallelization of NAPOM implementation, Opatija, Croatia, 2013 The 14th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing - Parallel 2 1 0 2 meshless simulation of P-N junction, Cagliari, Italy, 2013 9th Conference on Advances in Fluid Mechanics AFM - Assessment of two pressure-velocity coupling strategies for local meshless numerical method, Split, Croatia, 2012 The 8th International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology ECT - A parallel meshless numerical approach for the solution of transport phenomena, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2012 The meshless symposium ICCES MM - Meshless method for solidification problems - from pure substances to multicomponent alloys, Budva, Montenegro, 2012 2011 2nd International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Heat & Mass Transfer - Solution Of Solidification of a Binary Alloy by a Local Meshless Technique, Corfu Island, Greece, 2011 International Workshop on Parallel Numerics 2011 - Multicore Parallelization of a Meshless PDE Solver With 2010 OpenMP, Leibnitz, Austria, 2011 8th International Conference on Advances in Fluid Mechanics - Adaptive meshfree method for thermo-fluid problems with phase change, Caroveir, Portugal, 2010 2009 15th international Conference on FEF in Flow Problems - R-Adaptive Local Radial Basis Function Collocation Method for Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Problems, Tokyo, Japan, 2009 5th ICCES International Symposium on Meshless and Other Novel Computational Methods - Adaptive node distribution strategy for convective-diffusive-meshfree solution of convective problems, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2009 2008 8th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8) - Solution of Melting Problems by a Meshless Technique, Venice, Italy, 2008 5th. International Conference on Solidification and Gravity - Meshless approach to Solving Freezing, Miskolc, 2007 Hungary, 2008 14th international Conference on FEF in Flow Problems - Solution of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Problems by the Simplified Explicit Local Radial Basis Function Collocation Method, Santa Fe, USA, 2007 • ORGANISER/CHAIRMAN 4th International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering, A Parallel Solution Procedure for solving Partial Differential Equations, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2015 European Network of Excellence on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation Workshop, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2014 DC VIS / Distributed Computing, Visualization and Biomedical Engineering – MIPRO, 2014, Opatija, Croatia • REWIEVER FOR Applied Mathematical Modelling Applied Mathematics And Computation Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Water Resources Ain Shams Engineering Journal International Journal of Computer Mathematics
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