Vabilo_Spomini in sanje Kristine B_7.4.2015

Javni vodstvi s soavtorjem razstave in stripa
dr. Blažem Vurnikom, kustosom za obdobje
novejše zgodovine v Mestnem muzeju
Ljubljana, MGML: v sredo, 15. aprila, in
četrtek, 14. maja, ob 17. uri.
Guided tours with the co-author of the
exhibition and the comics, Blaž Vurnik,
PhD, Curator of Modern History at the City
Museum of Ljubljana, MGML: Wednesday,
15 April, and Thursday, 14 May, at 5 p.m.
Filmski program v Slovenski kinoteki:
začetek 14. aprila ob 18. uri s filmom
Ljubezen (Rajko Ranfl, 1984), ki mu bo
sledil pogovor z Zoranom Smiljanićem
in dr. Blažem Vurnikom, avtorjema stripa
Spomini in sanje Kristine B. – Ljubljana
1941–1945. V Dvorani Silvana Furlana na
Miklošičevi 28 bodo v času spremljevalnega
filmskega programa razstavljeni tudi
medvojni filmski plakati iz Kinotekine zbirke.
Podrobnejši program na
Film programme in Slovenian
Cinematheque: Beginning on
14 April at 6 p.m. with the film Love
(Rajko Ranfl, 1984), which will be followed
by a discussion with Zoran Smiljanić
and Blaž Vurnik, PhD, authors of
the comics Memories and dreams of
Kristina B. – Ljubljana 1941–1945. While
the accompanying film programme is
running, wartime film posters from the
Cinematheque collection will be exhibited
in the Silvan Furlan hall at Miklošičeva 28,
Ljubljana. For a detailed programme please
Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane
Galerija Vžigalica
Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane /
Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana,
zanje / represented by Blaž Peršin,
direktor / Director
Galerija Vžigalica / Vžigalica Gallery,
zanjo / represented by Marija Skočir,
vodja galerije / Art Gallery Director
Avtorja stripa / Authors of the comics:
Zoran Smiljanić, dr. Blaž Vurnik
Avtorja razstave / Authors of the
exhibition: dr. Blaž Vurnik, Metka Dariš
Koordinacija / Coordination: Nika Perne
Odnosi z javnostmi / Public Relations:
Maja Kovač
Tisk / Print: R-tisk, 1500 izvodov / copies
Projekt so podprli | The project is supported by:
Partner | Partner:
Galerija Vžigalica
Trg francoske revolucije 7
1000 Ljubljana|Slovenija
T: +386 (0)1 2412 590
Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane
Gosposka 15
1000 Ljubljana|Slovenija
T: +386 (0)1 2412 500
Poštnina plačana pri pošti 1128.
Spomini in sanje Kristine B. /
Memories and dreams of Kristina B.
Ljubljana 1941–1945
Sličici iz stripa / From the comics: Spomini in sanje Kristine B. / Memories and dreams of Kristina B.
7. 4.–17. 5. 2015
torek–nedelja 10.00–18.00|Vstop prost.
Ponedeljek zaprto.
Opening hours:
Tuesday–Sunday 10 am–6 pm|Free entry.
Closed on Mondays.
7. 4.–17. 5. 2015
Vljudno vas vabimo na
odprtje razstave, ki bo v torek,
7. aprila 2015, ob 19. uri v
Galeriji Vžigalica v Ljubljani.
You are cordially invited to attend
the opening of the exhibition on
Tuesday, 7 April 2015, at 7 p.m. at
the Vžigalica Gallery in Ljubljana.
Na naslovnici / on the cover:
Zoran Smiljanić, naslovnica stripa / comics book cover
Eden od odgovorov na vprašanje, na kakšne načine vse lahko govorimo o
zgodovinskih vsebinah, je strip. Noben drug tiskani medij ne omogoča tako
tesnega prepletanja resničnosti in fikcije, faktografije in domišljije. Strip je
morda manj običajen pristop za pripovedovanje o preteklosti, a tudi v tej vlogi
je že krepko uveljavljen. Zgodovinsko snov je v stripu mogoče pripovedovati
na načine, ki jih v drugih oblikah tiskanega medija bodisi ni mogoče uporabiti
bodisi ne dosegajo učinka, ki ga s svojo neposredno vizualizacijo ustvari strip.
Zgodba Spomini in sanje Kristine B. – Ljubljana 1941–1945 avtorjev Zorana
Smiljanića, znanega slovenskega ustvarjalca stripov, in Blaža Vurnika, kustosa
za novejšo zgodovino v Mestnem muzeju Ljubljana, MGML, je takšna pripoved;
nadgrajuje jo razstava kot medij, lasten galerijskemu prostoru in klasični
muzejski pripovedi, v kateri osnovni znak sporazumevanja postane muzejski
predmet kot pričevalec in nosilec zgodb.
Zgodba Kristine B. je zgodba o dekletu, njeni družini in mestu. Prave Kristine
B. nikoli ni bilo. V njeni zgodbi so združena doživljanja otrok, ki so živeli
Ljubljano v letih 1941–1945, tako kot jo doživlja naša stripovska junakinja.
Čeprav bi svoja najstniška leta morala preživljati brezskrbno in sproščeno,
se je v njeno življenje vrinil čas druge svetovne vojne, ki ji desetletja kasneje
še vedno postavlja vprašanja. Na nekatera kot starka v pogovoru z vnukom
sama išče odgovore, na druga, ki jih postavlja vnuk in preko njega tudi bralec,
pa noče odgovoriti. Njeno preteklost in sedanjost, mladost in jesen življenja
povezuje Šmarna gora, dominantna vzpetina na obrobju Ljubljane, ki so jo
prebivalci tega mesta med vojno lahko le hrepeneče opazovali kot del sveta
na drugi strani žice. Kristina B. v času vojne iz deklice postaja ženska. Čeprav
je oropana dela otroštva, se tudi v zmedi vojnih okoliščin, očetove odsotnosti
in stanja v vrstah za vsakršno malenkost srečuje z vprašanji lastnega bitja,
ljubezni in odraščanja. Ljubljana v njeni zgodbi, ki je skupek resničnosti in
fikcije, pomeni zgodovinski okvir, v katerem se odvija resnično zgodovinsko
dogajanje. Okupacija, teror, odpor, kolaboracija, pomanjkanje in vsakdanje
življenje meščanov so teme, ki jih iz stripa povzema razstava.
Spomini in sanje Kristine B. ter zgodba o njeni družini, ki skuša preživeti hude
čase in ostati skupaj, je zgodba o pogumu, vztrajnosti in iznajdljivosti malih
ljudi, ki so se znašli pred velikimi odločitvami. Je zgodba o razklanem narodu,
zločinih in posledicah. In ne nazadnje – je zgodba o usodnih dilemah, na katere
ni preprostih, še manj pa dokončnih odgovorov.
Tako kot stripu so možnosti vizualizacije in dramatizacije lastne tudi filmu.
Razstavo v Galeriji Vžigalica v tem pogledu dopolnjuje program Slovenske
kinoteke, v kateri si bo v času trajanja razstave mogoče ogledati cikel filmov, ki
jih povezuje vojni čas izpred sedmih desetletij.
When it comes to the question in what ways historical contents can be
discussed, comics is one of the answers. There is no other printed media
that enables such close integration of reality and fiction, of listing facts and
using imagination. Although it might be a less ordinary approach to tell
about the past, comics has been firmly established in the role. In comics,
historical matter can be told in ways that in other printed media either
cannot be used or fail to achieve the same effect that comics creates with
its immediate visualisation. Memories and dreams of Kristina B. – Ljubljana
1941–1945 by Zoran Smiljanić, renowned Slovenian comics author, and Blaž
Vurnik, Curator of Modern History at the City Museum of Ljubljana, MGML,
is such a narrative. It is upgraded by an exhibition as a medium typical both
of the gallery and the traditional museum narrative, in which the basic sign
of communication becomes a museum object as a witness and narrator of
The story of Kristina B. is a story of a girl, her family and the city. There
never was a real Kristina B.. Her story combines the experience of children
who, just like the comic strip heroine, lived in Ljubljana in years 1941–1945.
Although her teenage years were supposed to be carefree and relaxed,
World War II forced its way into her life only to continue raising questions
decades later. Some of them she strives to answer herself when talking to
her grandchild, whereas others, posed by her grandchild, and through him
the reader, she refuses to answer. Her past and present, the youth and
autumn of her life are connected through Šmarna gora, a dominant slope at
the brink of Ljubljana, which during the war the inhabitants of the city could
only observe longingly as part of the world on the other side of the wire.
During the war, Kristina B. is a girl turning into a woman. Although being
deprived of a part of her childhood, she is still being faced with issues of her
own existence, love, and growing up during the confused mixture of wartime
circumstances, her father's absence and queuing for each and every
triviality. Her story being a combination of reality and fiction, Ljubljana
provides it with the historical context in which real historical events unfold.
Occupation, terror, resistance, collaboration, shortage and everyday life
of city dwellers are the topics taken from the comics summarized in the
Memories and dreams of Kristina B., and the story of her family trying to live
through hard times and remain together, is a story of courage, perseverance
and resourcefulness of little people who are faced with big decisions. It is a
story of a divided nation, of crime and its consequences. And, last but not
least, it is a story of fatal dilemmas to which there are no simple, let alone
final answers.
Just like visualisations and dramatizations are typical of comics, they are
typical of film. The exhibition in Vžigalica Gallery is thus complemented by
the programme of the Slovenian Cinematheque: while the exhibition is on
display, they will be screening a series of films linked through the wartime
period seven decades ago.