Solutions Manual to Accompany FUNDAMETALS OF SEMICONDUCTOR FABRICATION G. S. May Motorola Foundation Professor School of Electrical & Computer Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA, USA S. M. SZE UMC Chair Professor National Chiao Tung University National Nano Device Laboratories Hsinchu, Taiwan 1 John Wiley and Sons, Inc New York. Chicester / Weinheim / Brisband / Singapore / Toronto 2 Contents Ch.1 Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- N/A Ch.2 Crystal Growth ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Ch.3 Silicon Oxidation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 Ch.4 Photolithography------------------------------------------------------------------------12 Ch.5 Etching -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 Ch.6 Diffusion ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 Ch.7 Ion Implantation ------------------------------------------------------------------------26 Ch.8 Film Deposition -------------------------------------------------------------------------32 Ch.9 Process Integration ---------------------------------------------------------------------40 Ch.10 IC Manufacturing----------------------------------------------------------------------65 Ch.11 Future Trends and Challenges--------------------------------------------------------78 0 CHAPTER 2 1. C0 = 1017 cm-3 k0(As in Si) = 0.3 CS= k0C0(1 - M/M0)k0-1 = 0.3×1017(1- x)-0.7 = 3×1016/(1 - l/50)0.7 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.9 l (cm) 0 10 20 30 40 45 CS (cm-3) 3×1016 3.5×1016 4.28×1016 5.68×1016 1.07×1017 1.5×1017 0 20 40 ND (10 16 -3 cm ) x 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 10 30 50 l ( cm) 2. (a) The radius of a silicon atom can be expressed as 3 a 8 r= so r = 3 × 5.43 = 1.175Å 8 (b) The numbers of Si atom in its diamond structure are 8. So the density of silicon atoms is n= 8 8 = = 5.0 × 10 22 atoms/cm 3 3 3 a (5.43Å) (c) The density of Si is ρ = M / 6.02 × 10 23 1/ n = 28.09 × 5 × 10 22 6.02 × 10 23 1 g / cm 3 = 2.33 g / cm3. 3. k0 = 0.8 for boron in silicon M / M0 = 0.5 The density of Si is 2.33 g / cm3. The acceptor concentration for ρ = 0.01 Ω–cm is 9×1018 cm-3. The doping concentration CS is given by C s = k 0 C 0 (1 − M k0 −1 ) M0 Therefore C0 = Cs 9 × 1018 = M k 0 −1 0.8(1 − 0.5) − 0.2 ) k 0 (1 − M0 = 9.8 × 1018 cm − 3 The amount of boron required for a 10 kg charge is 10,000 × 9.8 × 1018 = 4.2 × 10 22 boron atoms 2.338 So that 10.8g/mole × 4.2 × 10 22 atoms = 0.75g boron . 6.02 × 10 23 atoms/mole 4. (a) The molecular weight of boron is 10.81. The boron concentration can be given as number of boron atoms volume of silicon wafer 5.41 × 10 −3 g / 10.81g × 6.02 × 10 23 = 10.0 2 × 3.14 × 0.1 = 9.78 × 1018 atoms/cm 3 nb = (b) The average occupied volume of everyone boron atoms in the wafer is 2 V = 1 1 = cm 3 18 nb 9.78 × 10 We assume the volume is a sphere, so the radius of the sphere ( r ) is the average distance between two boron atoms. Then r= 3V = 2.9 × 10 −7 cm . 4π 5. The cross-sectional area of the seed is 2 0.55 2 π = 0.24 cm 2 The maximum weight that can be supported by the seed equals the product of the critical yield strength and the seed’s cross-sectional area: (2 × 10 6 ) × 0.24 = 4.8 × 10 5 g = 480 kg The corresponding weight of a 200-mm-diameter ingot with length l is 2 20.0 ( 2.33g/cm )π l = 480000 g 2 ∴ l = 656 cm = 6.56 m. 3 6. We have k0 −1 M Cs / C0 = k0 1− M0 Fractional 0 solidified Cs /C0 0.05 0.2 0.4 0.06 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.08 3 0.12 0.23 ∞ Cs/Co 0.21 0.11 0.01 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Fraction Solidified 7. The segregation coefficient of boron in silicon is 0.72. It is smaller than unity, so the solubility of B in Si under solid phase is smaller than that of the melt. Therefore, the excess B atoms will be thrown-off into the melt, then the concentration of B in the melt will be increased. The tail-end of the crystal is the last to solidify. Therefore, the concentration of B in the tail-end of grown crystal will be higher than that of seed-end. 8. The reason is that the solubility in the melt is proportional to the temperature, and the temperature is higher in the center part than at the perimeter. Therefore, the solubility is higher in the center part, causing a higher impurity concentration there. 9. The segregation coefficient of Ga in Si is 8 ×10-3 From Eq. 18 C s / C 0 = 1 − (1 − k )e − kx / L We have x= L 1− k ln k 1 − C s / C 0 2 1 − 8 × 10 − 3 ln 8 × 10 -3 1 − 5 × 1015 / 5 × 1016 = 250 ln(1.102) = = 24 cm. 10. We have from Eq.18 Cs = C0[1 − (1 − ke ) exp(−ke x / L)] 4 So the ratio Cs / C0 = [1 − (1 − ke ) exp(−ke x / L)] = 1 − (1 − 0.3) • exp(−0.3 × 1) = 0.52 = 0.38 at x / L = 1 at x/L = 2. 11. For the conventionally-doped silicon, the resistivity varies from 120 Ω-cm to 155 Ω-cm. The corresponding doping concentration varies from 2.5×1013 to 4×1013 cm-3. Therefore the range of breakdown voltages of p+ - n junctions is given by VB ≅ = ε s Ec 2 2q ( N B ) −1 1.05 × 10 −12 × (3 × 10 5 ) 2 ( N B ) −1 = 2.9 × 1017 / N B = 7250 to 11600 V −19 2 × 1.6 × 10 ∆V B = 11600 − 7250 = 4350 V ∆V ∴ B / 7250 = ±30% 2 For the neutron irradiated silicon, ρ = 148 ± 1.5 Ω-cm. The doping concentration is 3×1013 (±1%). The range of breakdown voltage is V B = 1.3 × 10 17 / N B = 2.9 × 10 17 / 3 × 10 13 ( ±1%) = 9570 to 9762 V . ∆V B = 9762 − 9570 = 192 V ∆V ∴ B 2 / 9570 = ±1% . 12. We have M s weight of GaAs at Tb C m − C l s = = = M l weight of liquid at Tb C s − C m l Therefore, the fraction of liquid remained f can be obtained as following 5 f = Ml l 30 = ≈ = 0.65 . M s + M l s + l 16 + 30 13. From the Fig.2.11, we find the vapor pressure of As is much higher than that of the Ga. Therefore, the As content will be lost when the temperature is increased. Thus the composition of liquid GaAs always becomes gallium rich. − 88.8 (T / 300) 14. n s = N exp(− E s / kT ) = 5 × 10 22 exp(2.3 eV / kT ) = 5 × 10 22 exp = 1.23 × 10 −16 cm −3 ≈ 0 at 27 0 C = 300 K = 6.7 × 1012 cm −3 at 900 0 C = 1173 K = 6.7 × 1014 cm −3 at 1200 0 C = 1473 K . 15. n f = NN ` exp(− E f / 2kT ) = 5 × 10 22 × 1 × 10 27 e −3.8eV / kT × e −1.1eV / 2 kT = 7.07 × 10 24 × e −94.7 /(T / 300 ) = 5.27 × 10 −17 at 27oC = 300 K =2.14×1014 at 900oC = 1173 K. 16. 37 × 4 = 148 chips In terms of litho-stepper considerations, there are 500 µm space tolerance between the mask boundary of two dice. We divide the wafer into four symmetrical parts for convenient dicing, and discard the perimeter parts of the wafer. Usually the quality of the perimeter parts is the worst due to the edge effects. 6 7 CHAPTER 3 1. From Eq. 11 (with τ=0) x2+Ax = Bt From Figs. 3.6 and 3.7, we obtain B/A =1.5 µm /hr, B=0.47 µm 2/hr, therefore A= 0.31 µm. The time required to grow 0.45µm oxide is t= 1 2 1 (x + Ax) = (0.45 2 + 0.31 × 0.45) = 0.72 hr = 44 min . B 0.47 2. After a window is opened in the oxide for a second oxidation, the rate constants are B = 0.01 µm 2/hr, A= 0.116 µm (B/A = 6 ×10-2 µm /hr). If the initial oxide thickness is 20 nm = 0.02 µm for dry oxidation, the value ofτcan be obtained as followed: (0.02)2 + 0.166(0.02) = 0.01 (0 +τ) or τ= 0.372 hr. For an oxidation time of 20 min (=1/3 hr), the oxide thickness in the window area is x2+ 0.166x = 0.01(0.333+0.372) = 0.007 or x = 0.0350 µm = 35 nm (gate oxide). For the field oxide with an original thickness 0.45 µm, the effectiveτis given by τ= 1 2 1 (0.45 2 + 0.166 × 0.45) = 27.72 hr. ( x + Ax) = B 0.01 x2+ 0.166x = 0.01(0.333+27.72) = 0.28053 or x = 0.4530 µm (an increase of 0.003µm only for the field oxide). 3. x2 + Ax = B (t + τ ) (x + A 2 A2 ) − = B (t + τ ) 2 4 (x + A2 A 2 ) =B + (t + τ ) 2 4B 8 when t >> τ , t >> A2 , 4B then, x2 = Bt similarly, when t >> τ , t >> then, x = A2 , 4B B (t + τ ) A 4. At 980℃(=1253K) and 1 atm, B = 8.5×10-3 µm 2/hr, B/A = 4×10-2 µm /hr (from Figs. 3.6 and 3.7). Since A ≡2D/k , B/A = kC0/C1, C0 = 5.2×1016 molecules/cm3 and C1 = 2.2×1022 cm-3 , the diffusion coefficient is given by D= Ak A B C1 = ⋅ 2 2 A C0 B C1 = 2 C0 8.5 × 10 −3 2.2 × 10 22 µm 2 / hr 2 5.2 × 1016 = 1.79 × 10 3 µm 2 / hr = = 4.79 × 10 -9 cm 2 / s. 5. For impurity in the oxidation process of silicon, segregation coefficeint = 6. κ= equilibrium concentration of impurity in silicon . equilibrium concentration of impurity in SiO 2 3 × 1011 3 = = 0.006 . 13 500 5 × 10 7. The SUPREM input file for the first oxidation step is: TITLE Problem 3-7a COMMENT Initialize silicon substrate INITIALIZE <100> Silicon COMMENT Oxidize the wafer for 60 minutes at 1100 C in dry O2 DIFFUSION Time=60 Temperature=1100 DryO2 PRINT Layers STOP End Problem 3-7a The result of the PRINT Layers command is: 9 layer material type (microns) 2 1 (microns) thickness dxmin top bottom no. 0.1088 0.0100 0.0010 1.9521 0.0100 0.0010 798 805 804 1000 node OXIDE SILICON dx node This indicates an oxide thickness of 0.1088 µm, which means 0.44 * 0.1088 µm = 0.0479 µm of silicon has been consumed during the process (i.e., the Si/SiO2 interface is 0.0479 µm below the original Si surface). The figure below is a graphical representation. For the half of the wafer, the oxide is removed, and the wafer is re-oxidized in wet O2. For this half, we use the following SUPREM input file: TITLE Problem 3-7b COMMENT Initialize silicon substrate INITIALIZE <100> Silicon COMMENT Oxidize the wafer for 60 minutes at 1100 C in dry O2 DIFFUSION Time=60 Temperature=1100 DryO2 COMMENT Remove the oxide ETCH Oxide All COMMENT Oxidize the wafer for 30 minutes at 1000 C in wet O2 DIFFUSION Time=30 Temperature=1000 WetO2 PRINT Layers STOP End Problem 3-7b The result of this PRINT Layers command is: layer no. material type thickness (microns) dx dxmin top bottom (microns) node node 2 OXIDE 0.2291 0.0100 0.0010 803 814 1 SILICON 1.8513 0.0100 0.0010 815 1000 This indicates a final oxide thickness of 0.2291 µm on the etched side, which means an additional 0.44 10 * 0.2291 µm = 0.1008 µm of silicon has been consumed during the process. The total distance from the Si/SiO2 interface to the original Si surface on this side is therefore 0.0479 µm + 0.1008 µm = 0.1487 µm. The unetched side is simulated using the SUPREM input file: TITLE Problem 3-7c COMMENT Initialize silicon substrate INITIALIZE <100> Silicon COMMENT Oxidize the wafer for 60 minutes at 1100 C in dry O2 DIFFUSION Time=60 Temperature=1100 DryO2 COMMENT Oxidize the wafer for 30 minutes at 1000 C in wet O2 DIFFUSION Time=30 Temperature=1000 WetO2 PRINT Layers STOP End Problem 3-7c The result of this PRINT Layers command is: layer no. 2 1 material type OXIDE SILICON thickness (microns) dx dxmin top bottom (microns) node node 0.2897 0.0100 0.0010 1.8725 0.0100 0.0010 798 813 812 1000 On this side, a total of 0.44 * 0.2897 µm = 0.1275 µm of Si is consumed. The total distance from the Si/SiO2 interface to the original Si surface on this side is 0.44 * 0.2987 µm = 0.1275 µm. The figure below is a graphical representation of the final structure. 11 The step heights on the surface and in the substrate are 0.0818 µm and 0.0212 µm, respectively. 12 CHAPTER 4 1. With reference to Fig. 2 for class 100 clean room we have a total of 3500 particles/m3 with particle sizes ≥ 0.5 µm 21 × 3500 = 735 particles/m2 with particle sizes ≥ 1.0 µm 100 4.5 × 3500 = 157 particles/m2 with particle sizes ≥ 2.0 µm 100 Therefore, (a) 3500-735 = 2765 particles/m3 between 0.5 and 1 µm (b) 735-157 = 578 particles/m3 between 1 and 2 µm (c) 157 particles/m3 above 2 µm. 2. 9 Y = Π e − D1 A n =1 A = 50 mm2 = 0.5 cm2 Y = e −4( 0.1×0.5) × e −4 ( 0.25×0.5) × e −1(1×0.5) = e −1.2 = 30.1% . 3. The available exposure energy in an hour is 0.3 mW2/cm2 × 3600 s =1080 mJ/cm2 For positive resist, the throughput is 1080 = 7 wafers/hr 140 For negative resist, the throughput is 1080 = 120 wafers/hr . 9 4. (a) The resolution of a projection system is given by l m = k1 λ NA DOF = k 2 (b) = 0 .6 × 0.193μm = 0.178 µm 0.65 λ 0.193µm = 0.228 µm = 0 .5 2 ( NA) (0.65) 2 We can increase NA to improve the resolution. We can adopt resolution enhancement techniques (RET) such as optical proximity correction (OPC) and phase-shifting Masks (PSM). We can also develop new resists that provide lower k1 and higher k2 for better 13 resolution and depth of focus. (c) PSM technique changes k1 to improve resolution. 5. (a) Using resists with high γ value can result in a more vertical profile but throughput decreases. (b) Conventional resists can not be used in deep UV lithography process because these resists have high absorption and require high dose to be exposed in deep UV. This raises the concern of damage to stepper lens, lower exposure speed and reduced throughput. 6. (a) A shaped beam system enables the size and shape of the beam to be varied, thereby minimizing the number of flashes required for exposing a given area to be patterned. Therefore, a shaped beam can save time and increase throughput compared to a Gaussian beam. (b) We can make alignment marks on wafers using e-beam and etch the exposed marks. We can then use them to do alignment with e-beam radiation and obtain the signal from these marks for wafer alignment. X-ray lithography is a proximity printing lithography. Its accuracy requirement is very high, therefore alignment is difficult. (c) X-ray lithography using synchrotron radiation has a high exposure flux so X-ray has better throughput than e-beam. 7. (a) To avoid the mask damage problem associated with shadow printing, projection printing exposure tools have been developed to project an image from the mask. With a 1:1 projection printing system is much more difficult to produce defect-free masks than it is with a 5:1 reduction step-and-repeat system. (b) It is not possible. The main reason is that X-rays cannot be focused by an optical lens. When it is through the reticle. So we can not build a step-and-scan X-ray lithography system. 8. All of the above values can be entered from the Parameters menu or by clicking on the appropriate 14 icon on the toolbar. The resulting resist profile is shown in the figure below. In comparison to Example 3, we see that no resist feature is printed under the modified process conditions. The combination of the long pre-bake time and low exposure dose prevents the feature from being defined. 15 CHAPTER 5 1. As shown in the figure, the profile for each case is a segment of a circle with origin at the initial mask-film edge. As overetching proceeds the radius of curvature increases so that the profile tends to a vertical line. 2. (a) 20 sec 0.6 × 20/60 = 0.2 µm…..(100) plane 0.6/16 × 20/60 = 0.0125 µm……..(110) plane 0.6/100 × 20/60 = 0.002 µm…….(111) plane Wb = W0 − 2l = 1.5 − 2 × 0.2 = 1.22 µm (b) 40 sec 0.6 × 40/60 = 0.4 µm….(100)plane 0.6/16 × 40/60 = 0.025 µm…. (110) plane 0.6/100 × 40/60 = 0.004 µm…..(111) plane Wb = W0 − 2l = 1.5 − 2 × 0.4 = 0.93 µm (c) 60 sec 0.6 ×1 = 0.6 µm….(100)plane 0.6/16 ×1 = 0.0375 µm…. (110) plane 0.6/100 ×1= 0.006 µm…..(111) plane Wb = W0 − 2l = 1.5 − 2 × 0.6 = 0.65 µm. 3. Using the data in Prob. 2, the etched pattern profiles on <100>-Si are shown in below. (a) 20 sec l = 0.012 µm, W0 = Wb = 1.5 µm 16 (b) 40 sec l = 0.025 µm, W0 = Wb = 1.5 µm (c) 60 sec l = 0.0375 µm W0 = Wb = 1.5 µm. 4. If we protect the IC chip areas (e.g. with Si3N4 layer) and etch the wafer from the top, the width of the bottom surface is W = W1 + 2l = 1000 + 2 × 625 = 1884 µm The fraction of surface area that is lost is (W 2 − W12 ) / W 2 × 100%=(18842-10002) /18842× 100% = 71.8 % In terms of the wafer area, we have lost 71.8 % × π (15 / 2) 2 =127 cm2 Another method is to define masking areas on the backside and etch from the back. The width of each square mask centered with respect of IC chip is given by W = W1 − 2l = 1000 − 2 × 625 = 116 µm Using this method, the fraction of the top surface area that is lost can be negligibly small. 5. 1 Pa = 7.52 m Torr PV = nRT 7.52 /760 × 10-3 = n/V ×0.082 × 273 n/V = 4.42 × 10-7 mole/liter = 4.42 × 10-7 × 6.02 × 1023/1000 =2.7 ×1014 cm-3 mean–free–path λ = 5 × 10 −3 / P cm = 5× 10-3 ×1000/ 7.52 = 0.6649 cm = 6649 µm 150Pa = 1128 m Torr PV = nRT 17 1128/ 760 × 10-3 = n/V × 0.082 × 273 n/V = 6.63 × 10-5 mole/liter = 6.63 ×10-5×6.02×1023/1000 = 4 × 1016 cm-3 mean-free-path λ = 5 × 10 −3 / P cm = 5× 10-3 ×1000/1128 = 0.0044 cm = 44 µm. 6. Si Etch Rate (nm/min) = 2.86 × 10-13 × n F × T 1 -13 = 2.86 × 10 2 ×e − Ea RT 15 ×3×10 × (298) 1 2 ×e −2.48×103 1.987× 298 = 224.7 nm/min. 7. SiO2 Etch Rate (nm/min) = 0.614× 10 -13 15 ×3×10 × (298) 1 2 ×e −3.76×103 1.987×298 = 5.6 nm/min Etch selectivity of SiO2 over Si = 5.6 = 0.025 224.7 Or etch rate (SiO2)/etch rate (Si) = 0.614 ( −3.76+ 2.48)1.987×298 ×e = 0.025 . 2.86 8. A three–step process is required for polysilicon gate etching. Step 1 is a nonselective etch process that is used to remove any native oxide on the polysilicon surface. Step 2 is a high polysilicon etch rate process which etches polysilicon with an anisotropic etch profile. Step 3 is a highly selective polysilicon to oxide process which usually has a low polysilicon etch rate. 9. If the etch rate can be controlled to within 10 %, the polysilicon may be etched 10 % longer or for an equivalent thickness of 40 nm. The selectivity is therefore 40 nm/1 nm = 40. 10. Assuming a 30% overetching, and that the selectivity of Al over the photoresist maintains 3. The minimum photoresist thickness required is 18 (1+ 30%) × 1 µm/3 = 0.433 µm = 433.3 nm. 11. ωe = qB me 1.6 × 10 −19 × B 2π × 2.45 × 10 = 9.1 × 10 −31 9 B = 8.75 × 10-2(tesla) = 875 (gauss). 12. Traditional RIE generates low-density plasma (109 cm-3) with high ion energy. ECR and ICP generate high-density plasma (1011 to 1012 cm-3) with low ion energy. Advantages of ECR and ICP are low etch damage, low microloading, low aspect-ratio dependent etching effect, and simple chemistry. However, ECR and ICP systems are more complicated than traditional RIE systems. 13. The corrosion reaction requires the presence of moisture to proceed. Therefore, the first line of defense in controlling corrosion is controlling humidity. Low humidity is essential,. especially if copper containing alloys are being etched. Second is to remove as much chlorine as possible from the wafers before the wafers are exposed to air. Finally, gases such as CF4 and SF6 can be used for fluorine/chlorine exchange reactions and polymeric encapsulation. Thus, Al-Cl bonds are replaced by Al-F bonds. Whereas Al-Cl bonds will react with ambient moisture and start the corrosion process , Al-F bonds are very stable and do not react. Furthermore, fluorine will not catalyze any corrosion reactions. 19 CHAPTER 6 1. Ea(boron) = 3.46 eV, D0 = 0.76 cm2/sec From Eq. 6, D = D0 exp( − Ea − 3.46 −15 2 ) = 0.76 exp = 4.142 × 10 cm /s −5 kT 8.614 × 10 × 1223 L = Dt = 4.142 × 10 −15 × 1800 = 2.73 × 10 −6 cm From Eq. 9, C ( x ) = C s erfc( x x ) = 1.8 × 10 20 erfc −6 2L 5.46 × 10 If x = 0, C (0) = 1.8 × 10 20 atoms /cm 3 ; x = 0.05 ×10-4, C(5× 10-6) = 3.6 × 1019 atoms/cm3; x = 0.075 ×10-4 , C(7.5×10-6) = 9.4 ×1018 atoms/cm3; x = 0.1×10-4, C(10-5) = 1.8 × 1018 atoms/cm3; x = 0.15× 10-4, C(1.5×10-5) = 1.8× 1016 atoms/cm3. The x j = 2 Dt (erfc -1 C sub ) = 0.15µm Cs Total amount of dopant introduced = Q(t) = 2 π C s L = 5.54 × 1014 atoms/cm2. − 3.46 − Ea −14 2 2. D = D0 exp = 0.76 exp = 4.96 × 10 cm /s −5 kT × × 8 . 614 10 1323 From Eq. 15, C S = C (0, t ) = S πDt = 2.342 × 1019 atoms/cm 3 x x C ( x) = C S erfc = 2.342 × 1019 erfc −5 2L 2.673 × 10 If x = 0, C(0) = 2.342 × 1019 atoms/cm3; x = 0.1×10-4, C(10-5) = 1.41×1019 atoms/cm3; x = 0.2×10-4, C(2×10-5) = 6.79×1018 atoms/cm3; x = 0.3×10-4, C(3×10-5) = 2.65×1018 20 atoms/cm3; x = 0.4×10-4, C(4×10-5) = 9.37×1017 atoms/cm3; x = 0.5×10-4, C(5×10-5) = 1.87×1017 atoms/cm3; x = 0.6×10-4, C(6×10-5) = 3.51×1016 atoms/cm3; x = 0.7×10-4, C(7×10-5) = 7.03×1015 atoms/cm3; x = 0.8×10-4, C(8×10-5) = 5.62×1014 atoms/cm3. The x j = 4 Dt ln S C B πDt = 0.72 µm . 10 −8 3. 1 × 1015 = 1 × 1018 exp −13 4 2 . 3 10 t × × t = 1573 s = 26 min For the constant-total-dopant diffusion case, Eq. 15 gives C S = S πDt S = 1 × 1018 π × 2.3 × 10 −13 × 1573 = 3.4 × 1013 atoms/cm 2 . 4. The process is called the ramping of a diffusion furnace. For the ramp-down situation, the furnace temperature T is given by T = T0 - rt where T0 is the initial temperature and r is the linear ramp rate. The effective Dt product during a ramp-down time of t1 is given by ( Dt ) eff = ∫ t1 0 D (t )dt In a typical diffusion process, ramping is carried out until the diffusivity is negligibly small. Thus the upper limit t1 can be taken as infinity: 21 1 T = 1 T0 − rt ≈ 1 T0 (1 + rt T0 + ...) and − Ea = D exp − E a (1 + rt + ...) = D (exp − E a )(exp − rE a t ...) ≈ D (T ) exp − rE a t D = D0 exp 0 0 0 kT 2 2 kT T0 kT0 kT0 kT0 0 where D(T0) is the diffusion coefficient at T0. Substituting the above equation into the expression for the effective Dt product gives ∞ ( Dt ) eff ≈ ∫ D (T0 ) exp 0 − rE a t kT0 2 2 dt = D (T0 ) kT0 rE a Thus the ramp-down process results in an effective additional time equal to kT02/rEa at the initial diffusion temperature T0. For phosphorus diffusion in silicon at 1000°C, we have from Fig. 6.4: D(T0) = D (1273 K) = 2× 10-14 cm2/s 1273 − 773 r= 20 × 60 = 0.417 K / s Ea = 3.66 eV Therefore, the effective diffusion time for the ramp-down process is kT 2 0 rE a = 1.38 × 10 −23 (1273) 0.417( 3.66 × 1.6 × 10 2 −19 ) = 91s ≈ 1.5 min . 5. For low-concentration drive-in diffusion, the diffusion is given by Gaussian distribution. The surface concentration is then C (0, t ) = S S E = exp a πDt πD0 t 2kT 22 dC S E − t 3 / 2 = exp a dt πD 0 2kT 2 or dC C = −0.5 × C = −0.5 × t dt t which means 1% change in diffusion time will induce 0.5% change in surface concentration. dC S E − E a exp a = 2 dT πD0 t 2kT 2kT or dC C = −E a 2 kT × dT T = E = −C a 2 2kT − 3.6 × 1.6 × 10 −19 2 × 1.38 × 10 − 23 × 1273 × dT T = −16.9 × dT T which means 1% change in diffusion temperature will cause 16.9% change in surface concentration. 6. At 1100°C, ni = 6×1018 cm-3. Therefore, the doping profile for a surface concentration of 4 × 1018 cm-3 is given by the “intrinsic” diffusion process: x C ( x, t ) = C s erfc 2 Dt where Cs = 4× 1018 cm-3, t = 3 hr = 10800 s, and D = 5x10-14 cm2/s. The diffusion length is then Dt = 2.32 × 10 −5 cm = 0.232µm x The distribution of arsenic is C ( x) = 4 × 1018 erfc −5 4.64 × 10 The junction depth can be obtained as follows xj 1015 = 4 × 1018 erfc −5 4 . 64 10 × xj = 1.2× 10-4 cm = 1.2 µm. 23 7. At 900°C, ni = 2× 1018 cm-3. For a surface concentration of 4×1018 cm-3, given by the “extrinsic” diffusion process D = D0 e − Ea kT −4.05×1.6×10 −19 4 × 1018 n − 23 × = 45.8e 1.38×10 ×1173 × = 3.77 × 10 −16 cm 2 /s ni 2 × 1018 x j = 1.6 Dt = 1.6 3.77 × 10 −16 × 10800 = 3.23 × 10 −6 cm = 32.3 nm . 8. Intrinsic diffusion is for dopant concentration lower than the intrinsic carrier concentration ni at the diffusion temperature. Extrinsic diffusion is for dopant concentration higher than ni. 9. The SUPREM input file for this problem is: TITLE Problem 6-9 COMMENT Initialize silicon substrate INITIALIZE Thickness = 5 <100> Silicon Phosphor Concentration=1e16 COMMENT Diffuse Boron DIFFUSIONT ime=15 Temperature=850 Boron Solidsol COMMENT Perform Drive-In DIFFUSIONT ime=360 Temperature=1175 PRINT Layers Active Concentration Phosphorus Boron Net PLOT Active Net Cmin=1e12 STOP End Problem 6-9 Note that the thickness of the structure has been increased to 5 µm (in the INITIALIZE statement) to accommodate an anticipated deeper junction. The resulting plot is shown below. The junction depth occurs at approximately 3.48 µm. 24 10. The SUPREM input file for this problem is: TITLE Problem 6-10 COMMENT Initialize silicon substrate INITIALIZE Thickness = 5 <100> Silicon Phosphor Concentration=1e16 COMMENT Boron Predep DIFFUSION ime=15 Temperature=850 Boron Solidsol COMMENT Boron Drive-In DIFFUSION Time=360 Temperature=1175 COMMENT Phosphorus Predep DIFFUSION Time=30 Temperature=850 Phosphor Solidsol COMMENT Phosphorus Drive-In DIFFUSION Time=30 Temperature=1000 PRINT PLOT Layers Active Concentration Phosphorus Boron Net Active Net Cmin=1e13 25 STOP End Problem 6-10 The resulting plot is shown below. There are 2 pn junctions formed. The junction depths occur at approximately 0.45 and 3.49 µm, respectively. 26 CHAPTER 7 1. The ion dose per unit area is It 10 × 10 −6 × 5 × 60 N q 1.6 × 10 −19 = = = 2.38 × 1012 ions/cm 2 10 2 A A π ×( ) 2 From Eq. 1 and Example 1, the peak ion concentration is at x = Rp. Figure 7.6 indicates the σp is 20 nm. Therefore, the ion concentration is S σ p 2π 2. = 2.38 × 1012 20 × 10 −7 2π = 4.74 × 1017 cm −3 . From Fig. 7.6, the Rp = 230 nm, and σp = 62 nm. The peak concentration is S σ p 2π = 2 × 1015 62 × 10 −7 2π = 1.29 × 10 20 cm −3 From Eq. 1, − (x j − Rp )2 1015 = 1.29 × 10 20 exp 2 2σ p xj = 0.53 µm. 3. Dose per unit area = Q C 0 ∆VT 3.9 × 8.85 × 10 −14 × 1 = = = 8.6 × 1011 cm − 2 q q 250 × 10 −8 × 1.6 × 10 −19 From Fig. 7.6 and Example 1, the peak concentration occurs at 140 nm from the surface. Also, it is at (140-25) = 115 nm from the Si-SiO2 interface. 27 4. The total implanted dose is integrated from Eq. 1 QT = ∫ S ∞ 0 σp − (x − Rp )2 R p S S S = + − 1 1 erfc ( ) = [2 − erfc( 2.3)] = × 1.9989 exp dx 2 2 2 σ p 2 2 2π 2σ p The total dose in silicon is as follows (d = 25 nm): Q Si = ∫ S ∞ d σp − (x − Rp )2 R p − d S S S dx 1 1 erfc ( ) = [2 − erfc(1.87)] = × 1.9918 = + − exp 2 2 2 σ p 2 2 2π 2σ p the ratio of dose in the silicon = QSi/QT = 99.6%. 5. The projected range is 150 nm (see Fig. 7.6). The average nuclear energy loss over the range is 60 eV/nm (Fig. 7.5). 60× 0.25 = 15 eV (energy loss of boron ion per each lattice plane) the damage volume = VD = π (2.5 nm)2(150 nm) = 3× 10-18 cm3 total damage layer = 150/0.25 = 600 displaced atom for one layer = 15/15 = 1 damage density = 600/VD = 2×1020 cm-3 2×1020/5.02×1022 = 0.4%. 6. The higher the temperature, the faster defects anneal out. Also, the solubility of electrically active dopant atoms increases with temperature. 7. ∆V t = 1 V = Q1 C ox where Q1 is the additional charge added just below the oxide-semiconductor surface by ion implantation. COX is a parallel-plate capacitance per unit area given by C ox = εs d (d is the oxide thickness, ε s is the permittivity of the semiconductor) 28 1V × 3.9 × 8.85 × 10 −14 F/cm C Q1 = ∆Vt C ox = = 8.63 × 10 −7 −6 cm 2 0.4 × 10 cm 8.63 × 10 −7 = 5.4 ×1012 ions/cm2 −19 1.6 × 10 Total implant dose = 8. 5.4 × 1012 = 1.2 × 1013 ions/cm2. 45% The discussion should mention much of Section 7.3. Diffusion from a surface film avoids problems of channeling. Tilted beams cannot be used because of shadowing problems. If low energy implantation is used, perhaps with preamorphization by silicon, then to keep the junctions shallow, RTA is also necessary. 9. From Eq.11 Sd 1 0.4 − 0.6 = erfc = 0.84 S 2 0.2 2 The effectiveness of the photoresist mask is only 16%. Sd 1 1 − 0.6 = erfc = 0.023 S 2 0.2 2 The effectiveness of the photoresist mask is 97.7%. 10. 2 e -u T= = 10 −5 u 2 π 1 ∴u = 3.02 d = Rp + 4.27 σ p = 0.53 + 4.27 × 0.093 = 0.927 µm 29 11. The SUPREM input file for this problem is: TITLE Problem 7-11 COMMENT Initialize silicon substrate INITIALIZE <100> Silicon Phosphor Concentration=1e14 COMMENT Implant Boron IMPLANT Boron Energy=30 Dose=1e13 PRINT Layers Active Concentration Phosphorus Boron Net PLOT Active Net Cmin=1e11 STOP End Problem 7-11 The resulting doping profile is shown in the figure below. Examining this figure and the SUPREM output file gives: (a) The peak of the implanted boron occurs at a depth of 0.11 µm. (b) The boron concentration at the peak is 8.59e17 cm-3. (c) The junction depth is 0.4492 µm. 30 12. The SUPREM input parameters that must be determined are the dose and implant energy. The dose can be determined from Eq. 11 in Chapter 6 as Q(t ) ≅ 1.13Cs Dt where Cs can be read directly from the SUPREM output file for Example 3 in Chapter 6 as 4.6e19 cm-3, D ≈ 2.3e − 16 cm2/s for boron at 850 oC (see Figure 6.4), and t = 900 s. Substituting these numbers into the above expression gives a dose of 2.36e13 cm-2. The implant energy required can be approximated by matching the diffused and implanted concentration profiles at the surface (x = 0) and at the junction and using Eq. 1 to solve for Rp and σp simultaneously. Note from the SUPREM output file corresponding to Example 3 in Chapter 6 that the junction occurs at xj = 0.0555 µm, at which point the doping concentration is 1016 cm-3. As stated before, the surface concentration is 4.6e19 cm-3. These equations cannot be solved analytically, but after several iterations, the approximate values of Rp and σp required are found to be 0.011 µm and 0.008 µm, respectively. These values correspond to an implant energy of 5 keV (extrapolating from Figure 7.6a). The require SUPREM input file is therefore: TITLE COMMENT INITIALIZE COMMENT IMPLANT PRINT PLOT STOP Problem 7-12 Initialize silicon substrate <100> Silicon Phosphor Concentration=1e16 Implant Boron Boron Energy=5 Dose=2.36e13 Layers Active Concentration Phosphorus Boron Net Active Net Cmin=1e11 End Problem 7-12 The resulting doping profile appears in the figure below. 31 32 CHAPTER 8 ν av = 1. ∫ ∫ ∞ 0 ∞ 0 vf v dv = f v dv 4 M Where fν = π 2kT 8kT πM 3/ 2 Mν 2 2kT ν 2 exp − M: Molecular mass k: Boltzmann constant = 1.38×10-23 J/k T: The absolute temperature ν: Speed of molecular So that 2. λ = π 0.66 cm P( in Pa ) ∴P = 3. 2 × 1.38 × 10 −23 × 300 = 468 m/sec = 4.68 × 10 4 cm/sec . 29 × 1.67 × 10 − 27 2 ν av = 0.66 λ = 0.66 = 4.4 × 10 −3 Pa . 150 For close-packing arrange, there are 3 pie shaped sections in the equilateral triangle. Each section corresponds to 1/6 of an atom. Therefore 1 3× number of atoms contained in the triangle 6 = Ns = area of the triangle 1 3 d× d 2 2 = 2 3d 2 = 2 3 (4.68 × 10 −8 ) 2 = 5.27 × 1014 atoms/cm 2 . 33 dd 4. (a) The pressure at 970°C (=1243K) is 2.9×10-1 Pa for Ga and 13 Pa for As2. The arrival rate is given by the product of the impringement rate and A/πL2 : P A Arrival rate = 2.64×1020 2 MT πL 2.9 × 10 −1 5 = 2.64×1020 2 69.72 × 1243 π × 12 = 2.9×1015 Ga molecules/cm2 –s The growth rate is determined by the Ga arrival rate and is given by (2.9×1015)×2.8/(6×1014) = 13.5 Å/s = 810 Å/min . (b) The pressure at 700ºC for tin is 2.66×10-6 Pa. The molecular weight is 118.69. Therefore the arrival rate is 2.66 × 10 −6 5 2.64 × 10 20 = 2.28 × 1010 molecular/cm 2 ⋅ s 2 π 12 × 118.69 × 973 If Sn atoms are fully incorporated and active in the Ga sublattice of GaAs, we have an electron concentration of 2.28 × 1010 15 2.9 × 10 4.42 × 10 22 2 = 1.74 × 1017 cm -3 . 5. The x value is about 0.25, which is obtained from Fig. 8.7. 34 6. The lattice constants for InAs, GaAs, Si and Ge are 6.05, 5.65,5.43, and 5.65 Å, respectively. Therefore, the f value for InAs-GaAs system is f = (5.65 − 6.05) 6.05 = −0.066 And for Ge-Si system is f = (5.43 − 5.65) 5.65 = −0.39 . 7. (a) For SiNxHy Si 1 = = 1.2 N x ∴ x = 0.83 atomic % H = 100 y = 20 1 + 0.83 + y ∴ y = 0.46 The empirical formula is SiN0.83H0.46. (b) ρ= 5× 1028e-33.3×1.2 = 2× 1011 Ω-cm As the Si/N ratio increases, the resistivity decreases exponentially. 8. Set Ta2O5 thickness = 3t, ε1 = 25 SiO2 thickness = t, ε2 = 3.9 Si3N4 thickness = t, ε3 = 7.6, area = A then C Ta 2O5 = 1 C ONO C ONO C Ta 2 O5 C ONO = ε 1ε 0 A 3t t + t + t ε 2ε 0 A ε 3ε 0 A ε 2ε 0 A εεε A = 2 3 0 (ε 2 + 2ε 3 )t = ε 1 (ε 2 + 2ε 3 ) 25(3.9 + 2 × 7.6) = = 5.37 . 3ε 2 ε 3 3 × 3.9 × 7.6 35 9. Set BST thickness = 3t, ε1 = 500, area = A1 SiO2 thickness = t, ε2 = 3.9, area = A2 Si3N4 thickness = t, ε3 = 7.6, area = A2 then ε 1ε 0 A1 3t = ε 2 ε 3ε 0 A2 (ε 2 + 2ε 3 )t A1 = 0.0093. A2 10. Let Ta2O5 thickness = 3t, ε1 = 25 SiO2 thickness = t, ε2 = 3.9 Si3N4 thickness = t, ε3 = 7.6 area = A then ε 1ε 0 A 3t d= = 3ε 2 t ε1 ε 2ε 0 A d = 0.468t. 36 11. The deposition rate can be expressed as r = r0 exp (-Ea/kT) where Ea = 0.6 eV for silane-oxygen reaction. Therefore for T1 = 698 K 1 r (T2 ) 1 = 2 = exp 0.6 − r (T1 ) kT1 kT2 ln 2 = 0.6 300 300 − 0.0259 698 T2 4 T2 =1030 K= 757 ℃. 12. We can use energy-enhanced CVD methods such as using a focused energy source or UV lamp. Another method is to use boron doped P-glass which will reflow at temperatures less than 900 . 13. Moderately low temperatures are usually used for polysilicon deposition, and silane decomposition occurs at lower temperatures than that for chloride reactions. In addition, silane is used for better coverage over amorphous materials such SiO2. 14. There are two reasons. One is to minimize the thermal budget of the wafer, reducing dopant diffusion and material degradation. In addition, fewer gas phase reactions occur at lower temperatures, resulting in smoother and better adhering films. Another reason is that the polysilicon will have small grains. The finer grains are easier to mask and etch to give smooth and uniform edges. However, for temperatures less than 575 ºC the deposition rate is too low. 15. The flat-band voltage shift is ∆VFB = 0.5 V ~ C0 = ε ox d = Qot C0 3.9 × 8.85 × 10 −14 = 6.9 × 10 −8 F/cm − 2 . 500 × 10 −8 ∴ Number of fixed oxide charge is 37 0.5C 0 0.5 × 6.9 × 10 −8 = = 2.1 × 1011 cm -2 −19 q 1.6 × 10 To remove these charges, a 450℃ heat treatment in hydrogen for about 30 minutes is required. 16. 20/0.25 = 80 sqs. Therefore, the resistance of the metal line is 5×50 = 400 Ω . 17. For TiSi2 30 × 2.37 = 71.1nm For CoSi2 30 × 3.56 = 106.8nm. 18. For TiSi2: Advantage: low resistivity It can reduce native-oxide layers TiSi2 on the gate electrode is more resistant to high-field-induced hot-electron degradation. Disadvantage: bridging effect occurs. Larger Si consumption during formation of TiSi2 Less thermal stability For CoSi2: Advantage: low resistivity High temperature stability No bridging effect A selective chemical etch exits Low shear forces Disadvantage: not a good candidate for polycides 38 19. (a) R = ρ εA C= d L 1 = 2.67 × 10 − 6 × = 3.2 × 10 3 Ω −4 −4 A 0.28 × 10 × 0.3 × 10 = εTL S 3.9 × 8.85 × 10 −14 × 0.3 × 10 −4 × 1 × 10 4 × 10 −6 = 2.9 × 10 −13 F 0.36 × 10 − 4 = RC = 3.2 × 10 5 × 2.9 × 10 −15 = 0.93 ns (b) R = ρ L 1 = 1.7 × 10 − 6 × = 2 × 10 3 Ω −4 −4 A 0.28 × 10 × 0.3 × 10 εA εTL 2.8 × 8.85 × 10 −14 × 0.3 × 10 −4 × 1 = 2.1 × 10 −13 F −4 d S 0.36 × 10 3 −13 RC = 2 × 10 × 2.1 × 10 = 0.42 ns C= = = (c) We can decrease the RC delay by 55%. Ratio = 20. (a) R=ρ εA 0.42 = 0.45. 093 1 L = 2.67 × 10 − 6 × = 3.2 × 10 3 Ω 4 4 A 0.28 × 10 × 0.3 × 10 εTL 3.9 × 8.85 × 10 −14 × 0.3 × 10 −4 × 1 × 3 = 8.7 × 10 −13 F C= = = 4 d S 0.36 × 10 RC = 3.2 ×103 ×8.7 × 10-13 = 2.8 ns. . (b) R = ρ C= 1 L = 1.7 × 10 − 6 × = 2 × 10 3 Ω 4 4 A 0.28 × 10 × 0.3 × 10 εA d = εTL S = 2.8 × 8.85 × 10 −14 × 0.3 × 10 −4 × 1 × 3 = 6.3 × 10 −13 F 4 0.36 × 10 RC = 2 × 10 3 × 8.7 × 10 −13 = 2.5 ns RC = 3.2 × 10 3 × 8.7 × 10 −13 = 2.5 ns. 21. (a) The aluminum runner can be considered as two segments connected in series: 20% (or 0.4 mm) of the length is half thickness (0.5 µm) and the remaining 1.6 mm is full thickness (1µm). The total resistance is A 0.16 A 0.04 + −4 R = ρ 1 + 2 = 3 × 10 − 6 − 4 −4 −4 10 × (0.5 × 10 ) 10 × 10 A1 A2 39 = 72 Ω. The limiting current I is given by the maximum allowed current density times cross-sectional area of the thinner conductor sections: I = 5×105 A/cm2× (10-4×0.5×10-4) = 2.5×10-3 A = 2.5 mA. The voltage drop across the whole conductor is then V = RI = 72Ω × 2.5 × 10 −3 A = 0.18V. 22. 0.5 µm 0.5 µm 40 nm Cu = Al 60 nm h: height , W : width , t : thickness, assume that the resistivities of the cladding layer and TiN are much larger than ρ AA and ρ Cu R Al = ρ Al × A A = 2.7 h ×W (0.5 − 0.1) × 0.5 RCu = ρ Cu × A A = 1.7 h ×W (0.5 − 2t ) × (0.5 − 2t ) When R Al = RCu Then ⇒ 2.7 1.7 = 0.4 × 0.5 (0.5 − 2t ) 2 t = 0.073 µm = 73 nm . 40 CHAPTER 9 1. Each U-shape section (refer to the figure) has an area of 2500 µm × 8 µm = 2 × 104 µm2. Therefore, there are (2500)2/2 ×104 = 312.5 U-shaped section. Each section contains 2 long lines with 1248 squares each, 4 corner squares, 1 bottom square, and 2 half squares at the top. Therefore the resistance for each section is 1 kΩ /□ (1248×2 + 4×0.65 +2) = 2500.6 kΩ The maximum resistance is then 312.5×2500.6 = 7.81 × 108 Ω = 781 MΩ 2. The area required on the chip is 41 A= Cd ε ox = (30 × 10 −7 )(5 × 10 −12 ) = 4.35 × 10 −5 cm 2 −14 3.9 × 8.85 × 10 = 4.35 × 103 µm2 = 66 × 66 µm Refer to Fig.9.4a and using negative photoresist of all levels (a) Ion implantation mask (for p+ implantation and gate oxide) (b) Contact windows (2×10 µm) (c) Metallization mask (using Al to form ohmic contact in the contact window and form the MOS capacitor). Because of the registration errors, an additional 2 µm is incorporated in all critical dimensions. 42 3. If the space between lines is 2 µm, then there is 4 µm for each turn (i.e., 2×n, for one turn). Assume there are n turns, from Eq.6, L ≈ µ0n2r ≈ 1.2 × 10-6n2r, where r can be replaced by 2 × n. Then, we can obtain that n is 13. 43 4. (a) Metal 1, (b) contact hole, (c) Metal 2. (a) Metal 1, (b) contact hole, (c) Metal 2. 44 5. The circuit diagram and device cross-section of a clamped transistor are shown in (a) and (b), respectively. 6. (a) The undoped polysilicon is used for isolation. (b) The polysilicon 1 is used as a solid-phase diffusion source to form the extrinsic base region and the base electrode. (c) The polysilicon 2 is used as a solid-phase diffusion source to form the emitter region and the emitter electrode. 7. (a) For 30 keV boron, Rp = 100 nm and ∆Rp = 34 nm. Assuming that Rp and ∆Rp for 45 boron are the same in Si and SiO2 the peak concentration is given by S 2π ∆R p 8 × 1011 = = 9.4 × 1016 cm −3 2π (34 × 10 ) −7 The amount of boron ions in the silicon is (x − R p )2 ∞ Q S exp − =∫ d q 2 ∆R p2 2π ∆R p = Rp − d S 2 − erfc 2 ∆R 2 p = 8 × 1011 2 dx 750 2 − erfc 2 × 340 = 7.88 × 1011 cm − 2 Assume that the implanted boron ions form a negative sheet charge near the Si-SiO2 interface, then Q 1.6 × 10 −19 × (7.88 × 1011 ) = 0.91 V ∆VT = q / C ox = 3.9 × 8.85 × 10 −14 / (25 × 10 − 7 ) q (b) For 80 keV arsenic implantation, Rp = 49 nm and ∆ Rp = 18 nm. The peak arsenic concentration is S 2π ∆R p = 1016 π × (18 × 10 ) −7 46 = 2.21 × 10 21 cm − 3 . 8. (a) Because (100)-oriented silicon has lower (~ one tenth) interface-trapped charge and a lower fixed oxide charge. (b) If the field oxide is too thin, it may not provide a large enough threshold voltage for adequate isolation between neighboring MOSFETs. (c) The typical sheet resistance of heavily doped polysilicon gate is 20 to 30 Ω /□, which is adequate for MOSFETs with gate lengths larger than 3 µm. For shorter gates, the sheet resistance of polysilicon is too high and will cause large RC 47 delays. We can use refractory metals (e.g., Mo) or silicides as the gate material to reduce the sheet resistance to about 1 Ω /□. (d) A self-aligned gate can be obtained by first defining the MOS gate structure, then using the gate electrode as a mask for the source/drain implantation. The self-aligned gate can minimize parasitic capacitance caused by the source/drain regions extending underneath the gate electrode (due to diffusion or misalignment). (e) P-glass can be used for insulation between conducting layers, for diffusion and ion implantation masks, and for passivation to protect devices from impurities, moisture, and scratches. 9. The lower insulator has a dielectric constant ε1/ε0 = 4 and a thickness d1= 10 nm The upper insulator has a dielectric constant ε2/ε0 = 10 and a thickness d2 = 100 nm. Upon application of a positive voltage VG to the external gate, electric field E1 and E2 are established in the d1 and d2 respectively. We have, from Gauss’ law, that ε1E1 = ε2E2 +Q and VG = E1d1 + E2d2 where Q is the stored charge on the floating gate. From these above two equations, we obtain E1 = VG Q + d1 + d 2 (ε 1 / ε 2 ) ε 1 + ε 2 (d1 / d 2 ) 48 10 × 10 7 −7 + J = σE1 = 10 10 + 100 4 10 Q 5 = 0.2 − 2.26 × 10 Q 10 −14 4 + 10 100 × 8.85 × 10 (a) If the stored charge does not reduce E1 by a significant amount (i.e., 0.2 >> 2.26×105 Q, we can write Q = ∫ σE1 dt ' ≈ 0.2∆t = 0.2 × (0.25 × 10 − 6 ) = 5 × 10 −8 C t 0 ∆VT = 5 × 10 −8 Q = = 0.565 V C2 10 × 8.85 × 10 −14 / 100 × 10 −7 ( )( ) (b) when t → ∞, J → 0 we have Q → 0.2 / 2.26 × 10 5 ≅ 8.84×10-7 C. Then ∆VT = 8.84 × 10 −7 Q = = 9.98 V. C2 10 × 8.85 × 10 −14 / 10 −5 ( ) 10. 49 50 11. The oxide capacitance per unit area is given by C ox = ε SiO d 2 = 3.5 × 10 − 7 F/cm2 and the maximum current supplied by the device is I DS ≈ 1W 1 5µm 2 µC ox (VG − VT )2 = 3.5 × 10 −7 (VG − VT ) ≈ 5 mA 2 L 2 0.5µm 51 and the maximum allowable wire resistance is 0.1 V/5 mA, or 20Ω. Then, the length of the wire must be L≤ R × Area ρ = 20Ω × 10 −8 cm 2 = 0.074 cm 2.7 × 10 −8 Ω − cm or 740 µm. This is a long distance compared to most device spacing. When driving signals between widely spaced logic blocks however, minimum feature sized lines would not be appropriate. 12. 52 13. To solve the short-channel effect of devices. 14. The device performance will be degraded from the boron penetration. There are 53 methods to reduce this effect: (1) using rapid thermal annealing to reduce the time at high temperatures, consequently reduces the diffusion of boron, (2) using nitrided oxide to suppress the boron penetration, since boron can easily combine with nitrogen and becomes less mobile, (3) making a multi-layer of polysilicon to trap the boron atoms at the interface of each layer. 15. Total capacitance of the stacked gate structure is : C= ε1 d1 × ε2 d2 ε1 ε 2 7 25 7 25 = + × + = 2.12 0.5 10 0.5 10 d1 d 2 3.9 = 2.12 d ∴d = 3.9 =1.84 nm. 2.12 16. Disadvantages of LOCOS: (1) high temperature and long oxidation time cause VT shift, (2) bird’s beak, (3) not a planar surface, (4) exhibits oxide thinning effect. Advantages of shallow trench isolation: (1) planar surface, (2) no high temperature processing and long oxidation time, (3) no oxide thinning effect, (4) no bird’s beak. 17. For isolation between the metal and the substrate. 18. GaAs lacks of high-quality insulating film. 19. Answers will vary. If we ignore the contributions of isolation region processing, the structure can be simulated using four SUPREM input decks. The first deck simulates 54 processing in the active region of the device, up to the point of the isolation oxidation. The second deck starts with the results from the first deck and completes all processing in the active regions. This allows the doping profile through the emitter to be plotted (for part b). The third deck is similar to the second, except it eliminates the emitter implant and facilitates plotting of the doping profile through the base region (for part a). The final deck is also similar to the second, except that it eliminates the base implant and facilitates plotting the doping profile through the collector region (for part c). The complete process sequence is as follows: 1) Begin with a high-resistivity, <100>, p-type silicon substrate. 2) Grow a 1 µm SiO2 layer. 3) Remove the oxide in the areas where the buried layers are to be placed. 4) Implant antimony at a dose of 1e15 cm-2. Drive in the buried layer for 5 hours at 1150 oC. 5) Etch the silicon dioxide from the surface. 6) Grow a 1.6 µm arsenic-doped epitaxial layer. 7) Grow a 400 Å pad oxide. 8) Deposit 800 Å of silicon nitride. 9) Etch the oxide and nitride from the isolation regions. 10) Etch the silicon halfway through the epi-layer. 55 11) Implant boron in the field regions with a dose of 1e13 cm-2 at an energy of 50 keV. 12) Oxidize the field regions to a thickness approximately one-half that of the epi-layer. 13) Implant the base region with boron at a dose of 1e14 cm-2 at an energy of 50 keV. 14) Etch the oxide from the emitter region. 15) Implant emitter collector contact regions with arsenic at a dose of 5e15 cm-2 at an energy of 100 keV. 16) Drive-in the arsenic and activate the base diffusion. The SUPREM input decks are as follows: TITLE BJT – Deck 1 COMMENT Initial Active Region Processing COMMENT Initialize silicon substrate INITIALIZE <100> Silicon Boron Concentration=5e14 COMMENT Grow masking oxide for non-active regions DIFFUSION Time=100 Temperature=1150 WetO2 COMMENT Etch oxide over buried layer regions ETCH Oxide COMMENT Implant and drive-in antimony buried layer IMPLANT Antimony Dose=5e14 Energy=120 DIFFUSION Time=15 Temperature=1150 DryO2 DIFFUSION Time=300 Temperature=1150 COMMENT Etch the oxide ETCH Oxide COMMENT Grow 1.6 µm of arsenic-doped epi EPITAXY Temperature=1050 Time=4 Growth.Rate=0.4 Arsenic Gas.Conc=5e15 56 COMMENT Grow 400 A pad oxide DIFFUSION Time=20 Temperature=1060 DryO2 COMMENT Deposit nitride to mask the field oxidation DEPOSITION Nitride Thickness=0.08 SAVEFILE Structur Filename=bjtactiveinit.str STOP End BJT 1 TITLE BJT – Deck 2 COMMENT Final Active Region Processing for Emitter Profile COMMENT Start with previous results INITIALIZE Structur=bjtactiveinit.str COMMENT Field oxide growth DIFFUSION Time=30 Temperature=800 t.rate=10 DIFFUSION Time=15 Temperature=1000 DryO2 DIFFUSION Time=210 Temperature=1100 Wet02 DIFFUSION Time=15 Temperature=1100 DIFFUSION Time=10 Temperature=1100 t.rate=-30 COMMENT Etch the oxide and nitride layers ETCH Oxide ETCH Nitride ETCH Oxide COMMENT Implant boron base IMPLANT Boron Dose=1e14 Energy=50 COMMENT Remove oxide from emitter region ETCH Oxide COMMENT Implant arsenic emitter and collector contacts IMPLANT Arsenic Dose=5e15 Energy=100 COMMENT Drive-in emitter and collector contact regions DIFFUSION Time=20 Temperature=1000 PRINT Layers PLOT Chemical Boron Arsenic Phosphor Net STOP End BJT 2 TITLE BJT – Deck 3 COMMENT Active Region Processing for Base Profile COMMENT Start with previous results 57 DryO2 INITIALIZE Structur=bjtactiveinit.str COMMENT Field oxide growth DIFFUSION Time=30 Temperature=800 t.rate=10 DIFFUSION Time=15 Temperature=1000 DryO2 DIFFUSION Time=210 Temperature=1100 Wet02 DIFFUSION Time=15 Temperature=1100 DIFFUSION Time=10 Temperature=1100 t.rate=-30 COMMENT Etch the oxide and nitride layers ETCH Oxide ETCH Nitride ETCH Oxide COMMENT Implant boron base IMPLANT Boron Dose=1e14 Energy=50 COMMENT Remove oxide from emitter region ETCH Oxide COMMENT Drive-in emitter and collector contact region DIFFUSION Time=20 Temperature=1000 PRINT Layers PLOT Chemical Boron Arsenic Phosphor Net STOP End BJT 3 TITLE BJT – Deck 4 COMMENT Active Region Processing for Collector Profile COMMENT Start with previous results INITIALIZE Structur=bjtactiveinit.str COMMENT Field oxide growth DIFFUSION Time=30 Temperature=800 t.rate=10 DIFFUSION Time=15 Temperature=1000 DryO2 DIFFUSION Time=210 Temperature=1100 Wet02 DIFFUSION Time=15 Temperature=1100 DIFFUSION Time=10 Temperature=1100 t.rate=-30 COMMENT Etch the oxide and nitride layers ETCH Oxide ETCH Nitride ETCH Oxide COMMENT Remove oxide from emitter region ETCH Oxide 58 DryO2 DryO2 COMMENT Implant arsenic emitter and collector contacts IMPLANT Arsenic Dose=5e15 Energy=100 COMMENT Drive-in emitter and collector contact regions DIFFUSION Time=20 Temperature=1000 PRINT Layers PLOT Chemical Boron Arsenic Phosphor Net STOP End BJT 4 The resulting doping profiles though the base, emitter, and collector (parts a, b, and c), respectively, are shown in the following three figures: (a) 59 (b) 60 (c) 20. Answers will vary. For the sake of simplicity, we will ignore isolation-related processing. The structure can be simulated using four SUPREM input decks (one for each requested profile). The complete process sequence is as follows: 61 1) Start with a <100>, n-type silicon substrate. 2) Grow a 0.9 µm SiO2 layer. 3) Remove the oxide in the p-well areas. 4) Implant boron well at a dose of 5e14 cm-2 at 50 keV. 5) Drive in the p-well for 6 hours at 1150 oC. 6) Remove oxide in PMOS source/drain regions. 7) Implant boron for PMOS source/drain at a dose of 1e14 cm-2 at 20 keV. 8) Drive in the PMOS source/drain regions for 2.5 hours at 1100 oC. 9) Etch oxide in NMOS source/drain regions. 10) Implant phosphorus for NMOS source/drain at a dose of 1e14 cm-2 at 20 keV. 11) Drive in the NMOS source/drain regions for 2.5 hours at 1100 oC. 12) Etch oxide in gate areas. 13) Grow 500 Å gate oxide. 14) Deposit and pattern polysilicon gates. 15) Grow passivation oxide. 16) Deposit and pattern metallization. The SUPREM input decks are and corresponding outputs as follows: TITLE CMOS – Deck 1 COMMENT PMOS source/drain COMMENT Initialize silicon substrate INITIALIZE <100> Silicon Phosphorus Concentration=5e15 Thickness=5 62 COMMENT Grow field oxide DIFFUSION Time=120 Temperature=1100 WetO2 COMMENT Etch oxide after p-well implant ETCH Oxide COMMENT P-well drive-in DIFFUSION Time=900 Temperature=1150 DryO2 COMMENT Etch the oxide prior to PMOS source/drain implant ETCH Oxide COMMENT PMOS source/drain implant IMPLANT Boron Dose=1e14 Energy=20 COMMENT PMOS source/drain drive-in DIFFUSION Time=150 Temperature=1100 DryO2 COMMENT NMOS source/drain drive-in and gate oxidation DIFFUSION Time=150 Temperature=1100 DryO2 COMMENT Etch oxide ETCH Oxide COMMENT Deposit metal DEPOSITION Aluminum Thickness=1.0 PRINT Layers PLOT Chemical Boron Phosphor Net STOP End CMOS 1 63 (a) TITLE CMOS – Deck 2 COMMENT PMOS Gate COMMENT Initialize silicon substrate INITIALIZE <100> Silicon Phosphorus Concentration=5e15 Thickness=5 COMMENT Grow field oxide DIFFUSION Time=120 Temperature=1100 WetO2 COMMENT Etch oxide after p-well implant ETCH Oxide COMMENT P-well drive-in DIFFUSION Time=900 Temperature=1150 DryO2 64 COMMENT Etch the oxide prior to PMOS source/drain implant ETCH Oxide COMMENT PMOS source/drain drive-in DIFFUSION Time=150 Temperature=1100 DryO2 COMMENT NMOS source/drain drive-in and gate oxidation DIFFUSION Time=150 Temperature=1100 DryO2 COMMENT Deposit polysilicon DEPOSITION Polysilicon Thickness=0.5 COMMENT Grow passivation oxide DIFFUSION Time=30 Temperature=1000 DryO2 PRINT Layers PLOT Chemical Boron Phosphor Net STOP End CMOS 2 65 (b) TITLE CMOS – Deck 3 COMMENT NMOS source/drain COMMENT Initialize silicon substrate INITIALIZE <100> Silicon Phosphorus Concentration=5e15 Thickness=5 COMMENT Grow field oxide DIFFUSION Time=120 Temperature=1100 WetO2 COMMENT Etch oxide in p-well region ETCH Oxide COMMENT P-well implant 66 IMPLANT Boron Dose=5e14 Energy=50 COMMENT P-well drive-in DIFFUSION Time=900 Temperature=1150 DryO2 COMMENT PMOS source/drain drive-in DIFFUSION Time=150 Temperature=1100 DryO2 COMMENT Etch the oxide prior to NMOS source/drain implant ETCH Oxide COMMENT NMOS source/drain implant IMPLANT Phosphorus Dose=1e14 Energy=20 COMMENT NMOS source/drain drive-in and gate oxidation DIFFUSION Time=150 Temperature=1100 DryO2 COMMENT Etch oxide ETCH Oxide COMMENT Deposit metal DEPOSITION Aluminum Thickness=1.0 PRINT Layers PLOT Chemical Boron Phosphor Net STOP End CMOS 3 67 (c) TITLE CMOS – Deck 4 COMMENT NMOS gate COMMENT Initialize silicon substrate INITIALIZE <100> Silicon Phosphorus Concentration=5e15 Thickness=5 COMMENT Grow field oxide DIFFUSION Time=120 Temperature=1100 WetO2 COMMENT Etch oxide in p-well region ETCH Oxide 68 COMMENT P-well implant IMPLANT Boron Dose=5e14 Energy=50 COMMENT P-well drive-in DIFFUSION Time=900 Temperature=1150 DryO2 COMMENT PMOS source/drain drive-in DIFFUSION Time=150 Temperature=1100 DryO2 COMMENT Etch the oxide prior to NMOS source/drain implant ETCH Oxide COMMENT NMOS source/drain drive-in and gate oxidation DIFFUSION Time=150 Temperature=1100 DryO2 COMMENT Deposit polysilicon DEPOSITION Polysilicon Thickness=0.5 COMMENT Grow passivation oxide DIFFUSION Time=30 Temperature=1000 DryO2 PRINT Layers PLOT Chemical Boron Phosphor Net STOP End CMOS 4 69 (d) 70 CHAPTER 10 1. x -chart: Center = µ = 0.75 V UCL = µ + LCL = 3- 3σ 3(0.1) = 0.75 + = 0.845 V n 10 3σ = 0.655 V n s-chart: Center = s = c4σ = 0.9727(0.1) = 0.0973 V 1 2 UCL = s + 3 σ 1 − c = 0.973 + 3(0.1)(1 − 0.9727) = 0.167 V 2 4 LCL = s - 3 σ 1 − c42 = 0.028 V 2. x -chart: Center = x = 0.734 V UCL = x + LCL = x − 3s = 0.846 V c4 n 3s c4 n = 0.622 V s-chart: Center = s = 0.125 V s UCL = s + 3 1 − c 42 = 0.215 V c4 LCL = s − 3 s 1 − c42 = 0.036 V c4 3. Let ED = exposure dose, DT = develop time, BT = bake temperature ED DT BT Y (1) (2) (3) Div. Eff. ID 60 137 264 534 8 66.75 Avg. 71 + + + + + + + + + + + + 77 59 68 57 83 45 85 127 140 130 17 9 26 40 270 26 66 -10 -10 -8 14 92 -20 6 6 40 0 22 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 23 -5 1.5 1.5 10 0 5.5 ED DT ED x DT BT ED x BT DT x BT ED x DT x BT 4. Let: days = blocks (i.e., n = 3) processes = treatments (i.e., k = 5) Then we have: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 yt A B C D E yi 509 505 465 493 512 507 472 497 532 542 498 524 506 520 483 503 509 519 475 501 513.6 518.6 478.6 y = 503.6 ANOVA Table: Source Average (SA) Blocks (SB) Treatments (ST) Residual (SR) Sum of Squares 3,804,194.4 4,750 1,737.6 210 Degrees of Freedom 1 2 4 8 where: S A = nky 2 = 3,804,194.4 n 2 S B = k ∑ ( y i − y ) , DF = n – 1 i =1 k 2 S T = n∑ ( y t − y ) , DF = k – 1 t =1 k 2 n S R ∑∑ ( y ti − y i − y t + y ) , DF = (n – 1)(k – 1) t =1 i =1 Now: s B2 / s R2 = 90.48 72 Mean Square 3,804,194.4 2,375 ( s B2 ) 434.4 ( sT2 ) 26.25 ( s R2 ) sT2 / s R2 = 16.55 A. Significance level for the null hypothesis that the blocks are the same is very low, since P( F 2,8 > 90.48) ~0 B. The same is true for the hypothesis that the treatments are the same, since: P ( F4,8 > 16.55) ~ 0 I. II. The processes are significantly different. The processing dates have significant differences. 5. From Eq. 33: Y = exp(-AcD0)N = exp(-NAcD0) where: Y = 0.95 N = 100,000 Ac = WL = (10e-4 cm)(1e-4 cm) = 1e-7 cm2 => D = − ln Y = 5.13 cm-2 NAc ∞ 6. Murphy’s Yield Integral (Eq. 34): Y = ∫ e − Ac D f ( D)dD 0 Uniform defect distribution: f ( D) = 1 / 2 D0 for 0 ≤ D ≤ 2 D0 Y= 2 D0 ∫ 0 e − Ac D 1 e − Ac D dD = 2 D0 2 D0 − Ac => Yuniform = 2 D0 0 1 − e −2 D0 Ac 2 D0 Ac Triangular defect distribution: f ( D) = D / D02 for 0 ≤ D ≤ D0 =− 73 D 2 + for D0 ≤ D ≤ 2D0 2 D0 D0 D0 Y = ∫e − Ac D 0 D dD + D02 2 D0 ∫e − Ac D D0 D 2 − 2 + dD D0 D0 1 e − AD 1 e − Ac D 2 e − Ac D D 2 D0 ( ) Y = 2 2 (− Ac D − 1) 0 0 − 2 − A D − 1 + c D0 D0 Ac D0 Ac2 D0 − Ac => Ytriangular 1 − e − D0 Ac = D0 Ac Exponential Defect Distribution: f ( D) = 2 D0 D0 2 − D 1 exp D0 D 0 ∞ ∞ ∞ − D(1 + Ac D0 ) − D(1 + Ac D0 ) 1 − Ac D − D / D0 1 1 exp exp Y =∫ e e dD = dD = ∫ 1 + Ac D0 D0 D0 0 D0 D0 0 0 => Yexp onential = 1 1 + D0 Ac 7. Use Murphy’s Yield Integral (Eq. 34): Y = ∫ e − AD f ( D)dD , 0.1 Y= ∫e −100 D where: A = 100cm2, f(D) = -100D+10 (− 100 D + 10)dD 0.05 = -100 = 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.05 −100 D −100 D ∫ De dD + 10 ∫ e dD − 100 −100 D ( AD − 1) 00..105 − 10 e −100 D e 4 100 10 0.1 0.05 => Y = 0.094 % 74 CHAPTER 11 1. (a) A 1 L RC = ρ ε ox = 10 −5 × d 1 × 0.5 × 10 −8 A 1 × (1 × 10 −4 ) −14 3 . 9 8 . 85 10 × × × 0.5 × 10 − 4 = 2000 × (69.03 × 10 −14 ) = 1.38 × 10 − 9 s = 1.38 ns. (b) For a polysilicon runner L A RC = Rsquare ε ox W d 1 = 30 − 4 69.03 × 10 −14 = 2.07 × 10 −7 s 10 = 207 ns ( ) Therefore the polysilicon runner’s RC time constant is 150 times larger than the aluminum runner. 2. When we combine the logic circuits and memory on the chip, we need multiple supply voltages. For reliability issue, different oxide thicknesses are needed for different supply voltages. 3. (a) 1 C total = 1 hence EOT C Ta 2 O5 3.9 + 1 = 75 25 C nitride + 10 = 17.3 Å 7 (b) EOT = 16.7 Å. 75
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