Daily Wordplay! EIGHT BALL Create as many words as you can using three or more of the letters below (at least one eight-letter word is possible): CODTEIRR Director Daily Wordplay! CATALOG CREATOR The prefixes “syn-” or “sym-“ mean “at the same time or together” and sound like “sin” or “sim.” How many words can you list that contain this prefix? syn- / sym- Daily Wordplay! RHYME THYME Time to think like a rapper. How many rhymes can you come up with for the following word? RIGHT Daily Wordplay! ANAGRAM Rearrange the letters in the nonsense phrase below to create new words that actually make sense (ignore the spaces): BOLD ANT FACE COLORS (Hint: two similar sports) Football and Soccer Daily Wordplay! COMBINATOR The vowel combination “ee” almost always sounds like the hard “E” in “feet.” List as many words as you can that contain “ee.” EE Daily Wordplay! DESCRAMBLER Try to sort out the five scrambled words below: IMEL RGNIB FIRDEF NCESIEC USEQONIT Mile Bring Differ Science Question Daily Wordplay! FIXER-ROOTER How many words can you think of that have the same prefix, suffix, OR root as the multisyllabic word below? (The possibilities are endless!) TYPOGRAPHICAL TYPO / GRAPH / ICAL (Definition: pertaining to printing) Daily Wordplay! FOUR-LETTER WORDS Take the four-letter word below and change one letter to make a new four-letter word (keep it clean!) Then take that word and change one letter to make a new word. Then take that word and… You get the picture. FIRE Daily Wordplay! EIGHT BALL Create as many words as you can using three or more of the letters below (at least one eight-letter word is possible): SEOIPSRM Promises Daily Wordplay! EIGHT BALL Create as many words as you can using three or more of the letters below (at least one eight-letter word is possible): PORWDYLA Wordplay Daily Wordplay! EIGHT BALL Create as many words as you can using three or more of the letters below (at least one eight-letter word is possible): GSMUEROE Gruesome Daily Wordplay! EIGHT BALL Create as many words as you can using three or more of the letters below (at least one eight-letter word is possible): PSGNTOIT Spotting Daily Wordplay! CATALOG CREATOR The root word “-chron-” means “time” and sounds like “kron.” How many words can you list that contain this root? -chron- Daily Wordplay! CATALOG CREATOR The root word “-fin-” means “end or finished.” How many words can you list that contain this root? -fin- Daily Wordplay! CATALOG CREATOR The prefixes “com-” or “con-” mean “with or together.” How many words can you list that contain one of these prefixes? com- / con- Daily Wordplay! CATALOG CREATOR The prefix “mis-” means “badly or wrongly.” How many words can you list that contain this prefix? mis- Daily Wordplay! RHYME THYME Time to think like a rapper. How many rhymes can you come up with for the following word? ARREST Daily Wordplay! RHYME THYME Time to think like a rapper. How many rhymes can you come up with for the following word? BLACK Daily Wordplay! RHYME THYME Time to think like a rapper. How many rhymes can you come up with for the following word? DEAD Daily Wordplay! RHYME THYME Time to think like a rapper. How many rhymes can you come up with for the following word? HAIR Daily Wordplay! ANAGRAM Rearrange the letters in the nonsense phrase below to create new words that actually make sense (ignore the spaces): JOY OF HURT FLU (Hint: independence) Fourth of July Daily Wordplay! ANAGRAM Rearrange the letters in the nonsense phrase below to create new words that actually make sense (ignore the spaces): LOON LANDS INN WATCHING (Hint: Great Commanders in Chief) Washington and Lincoln Daily Wordplay! ANAGRAM Rearrange the letters in the nonsense phrase below to create new words that actually make sense (ignore the spaces): AXIOM DAD CAN ACNE (Hint: to the north and to the south) Mexico and Canada Daily Wordplay! ANAGRAM Rearrange the letters in the nonsense phrase below to create new words that actually make sense (ignore the spaces): EMPORIUM TIPS (Hint: becomes a semi) Optimus Prime Daily Wordplay! COMBINATOR The vowel combination “oo” can make the the “double-o” sound in “boo” or the “u” sound in “book.” List as many words as you can that contain “oo” and rhyme with “book.” OO Daily Wordplay! COMBINATOR The vowel combination “ay” almost always sounds like the hard “A” in “play.” List as many words as you can that contain “ay.” AY Daily Wordplay! COMBINATOR The vowel combination “ea” usually sounds like the hard “E” in “beach.” List as many words as you can that contain “ea.” EA Daily Wordplay! COMBINATOR The vowel combination “oi” almost always sounds like the vowel sound in “boy.” List as many words as you can that contain “oi.” OI Daily Wordplay! DESCRAMBLER Try to sort out the five scrambled words below: RTEA ILBEB KCSLSA NRIRGEA ROTBRUIS Tear Bible Slacks Earring Burritos Daily Wordplay! DESCRAMBLER Try to sort out the five scrambled words below: RFBA PICUD NPARET DIALCME DVOACAOS Barf Cupid Parent Medical Avocados Daily Wordplay! DESCRAMBLER Try to sort out the five scrambled words below: KOPE OPDTA RULENA GRRECAH KNICERUH Poke Adopt Unreal Charger Chunkier Daily Wordplay! DESCRAMBLER Try to sort out the five scrambled words below: LAOE FUPFY GOLOEG HTECEHA LDWANDOO Aloe Puffy Google Cheetah Download Daily Wordplay! FIXER-ROOTER How many words can you think of that have the same prefix OR suffix as the multisyllabic word below? (The possibilities are endless!) OBSOLESCENCE OB / ENCE (Definition: the condition or process of gradually falling into disuse) Daily Wordplay! FIXER-ROOTER How many words can you think of that have the same prefix, suffix, OR root as the multisyllabic word below? (The possibilities are endless!) EXTEMPORANEOUS EX / TEMP / OUS (Definition: done or made without much or any preparation) Daily Wordplay! FIXER-ROOTER How many words can you think of that have the same prefix, suffix, OR root as the multisyllabic word below? (The possibilities are endless!) SYMPHONIOUS SYM / PHON / OUS (Definition: marked by a harmonious or agreeable mingling of sounds) Daily Wordplay! FIXER-ROOTER How many words can you think of that have the same prefix, suffix, OR root as the multisyllabic word below? (The possibilities are endless!) PREEXISTENCE PRE / EXIST / ENCE (Definition: existence before something else) Daily Wordplay! FOUR-LETTER WORDS Take the four-letter word below and change one letter to make a new four-letter word (keep it clean!) Then take that word and change one letter to make a new word. Then take that word and… You get the picture. JUST Daily Wordplay! FOUR-LETTER WORDS Take the four-letter word below and change one letter to make a new four-letter word (keep it clean!) Then take that word and change one letter to make a new word. Then take that word and… You get the picture. HOOK Daily Wordplay! FOUR-LETTER WORDS Take the four-letter word below and change one letter to make a new four-letter word (keep it clean!) Then take that word and change one letter to make a new word. Then take that word and… You get the picture. HARM Daily Wordplay! FOUR-LETTER WORDS Take the four-letter word below and change one letter to make a new four-letter word (keep it clean!) Then take that word and change one letter to make a new word. Then take that word and… You get the picture. GRIM Daily Wordplay! TEACHER’S GUIDE Thanks for downloading my Daily Wordplay! I created these five-minute word games as a way to get students’ brains working as they come into class and get ready to work. Each activity engages students’ brains in a different way, and each is designed to teach a different language concept or skill—from basic phonics to roots and affixes to SAT level vocabulary development. The goal is to get them thinking about language and to get the creative juices flowing—and a somewhat sneakier goal is to covertly convince kids that English can be fun! These activities are intended to be a bell-ringer. I suggest having them up each day on a projector when the students come in (if you can project straight from your computer, that’s the best because you’ll save paper and ink, and the students can see the activities in full-color.) Give the students no more than a few minutes to work—basically long enough for you to take roll and answer a work-related email or two. Then try to pick a winner. I like to give out a small piece of candy to the winner each day—it always amazes me what teenagers are willing to do for a Jolly Rancher or a Starburst. The winner should be the student who came up with the most correct answers—unless there’s only one correct answer, in which case the winner is the first student to get it right. There are eight different word games included here, each with its set of rules and instructions. “Anagram” and “Descrambler” are the only games that have a single correct answer (“Eight Ball” has a single eight-letter word as a possible answer, but they can answer with smaller words as well); answers to the others are limited only by your students’ creativity, vocab knowledge, and word-manipulation skills. Below, I’ve included example answers for each of the activities (except “Anagram” and “Descrabler.”) The first couple of times your students do a particular Wordplay activity, they might need some extra help and explanation, but from that point on they’ll most likely have it down and be ready to roll with it. EIGHT BALL: Create as many words as you can using three or more of the letters below (at least one eight-letter word is possible): CODTEIRR director, dot, cod, tore, ire, tire, core, dire, code, tired, ride, rode, rote, torrid, trod, rot, cot, tier, rod, cord, etc. FOUR-LETTER WORDS: Take the four-letter word below and change one letter to make a new four-letter word (keep it clean!) Then take that word and change one letter to make a new word. Then take that word and… You get the picture. FIRE TIRE – TARE – TART – TACT – FACT – PACT – PACK – PACE – FACE – MACE – RACE – RATE – DATE – MATE – MATH – etc. COMBINATOR: The vowel combination “ee” almost always sounds like the hard “E” in “feet.” List as many words as you can that contain “ee.” absentee, beetle, breeze, cheese, wheeze, coffee, unseemly, tweezers, freedom, seer, between, spleen, teeth, etc. CATALOG CREATOR: The prefixes “syn-” or “sym-“ mean “at the same time or together” and sound like “sin” or “sim.” How many words can you list that contain this prefix? symphony, sympathy, synthetic, synthesizer, symposium, synagogue, synchronized, synonym, symmetrical, symptoms, symbolism, etc. FIXER-ROOTER: How many words can you think of that have the same prefix, suffix, or root as the multisyllabic word below? TYPOGRAPHICAL TYPO / GRAPH / ICAL (Definition: pertaining to printing) autograph, whimsical, typographer, seismograph, comical, musical, graphics, polygraph, metaphorical, numerical, etc. RHYME THYME: Time to think like a rapper. How many rhymes can you come up with for the following word? RIGHT flight, site, sight, night, knight, blight, tight, bright, kite, trite, write, slight, light, mite, height, quite, white, spite, etc. In my classroom, I use Daily Wordplay as an extra activity tagged onto the end of my daily Ten-Minute Grammar units. It works as something to motivate students and keep them engaged even after they’ve finished the daily grammar work. Ten-Minute Grammar is a comprehensive grammar curriculum designed to take ten minutes of class every day all year long. It includes daily bell-ringers, worksheets, quizzes, as well as differentiated assignments for struggling students and a full teacher’s guide. If you’re interested, please check out the other products in my store: http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Arik-Durfee Also, check out the full-year version of Daily Wordplay!, which includes over 260 days’ worth of Wordplay games! http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Daily-Wordplay-Full-Year-of-Language-Games Created by Arik Durfee
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