Oversize/ Overweight Permit Manual Washington Foreword The Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association is pleased to publish this Oversize/ Overweight Permit Manual. Each state analysis includes information in a standardized format: contact, legal limits, special permit limits, general restrictions, types of permits available, fees, escort needs, fines, and restricted travel areas. Telephone numbers, locations, and hours of operation are listed for ports of entry and permit branches. However, readers are always advised to check with the state offices on current laws and procedures. This project could not have been completed without the advice and consultation of many state officials. We thank all of those who provided permit manuals, maps, laws, regulations, and various other forms of documentation. Legal Notice This SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual is intended only to provide concise, easily read information, useful in planning movements of overdimensional and overweight loads. This Permit Manual is not intended to be an accurate summary of all the applicable laws and regulations. Users of the Permit Manual should confirm the information contained herein before dispatching vehicles and loads. The SC&RA cautions Permit Manual users that state laws and regulations are subject to change without notice, and that some time elapses between the effective date of such changes and the amendment of the Permit Manual to reflect those changes. The SC&RA assumes no responsibility for accident, injury, loss or claim, penalties or any other damage resulting from reliance on the contents of this Permit Manual. Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association 5870 Trinity Parkway, Suite 200 Centreville, VA 20120 PHONE: (703) 698-0291 Fax: (571) 722-1698 Website: www.scranet.org Email: info@scranet.org WA-1 06/14 Copyright 1987-2014 by the Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Joel M. Dandrea, Executive Vice President, Specialized Carrier & Rigging Association. Requests to the publisher for permission should be addressed to Joel M. Dandrea, Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association, 5870 Trinity Parkway, Suite 200, Centreville, VA 20120. SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual WASHINGTON CONTACT Department of Transportation Commercial Vehicle Services Mailing Address P.O. Box 47367 Olympia, WA 98504-7367 Commercial Vehicle Services 7345 Linderson Way SW Tumwater, WA 98504-7367 Website: www.wsdot.wa.gov/commercialvehicle Hours: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm closed daily 12:00 – 12:30 pm Permits: (360) 704-6340 Monday-Friday Fax: (360) 704-6350 cvspermits@wsdot.wa.gov Outside Agents - extended hours (see website) LEGAL LIMITS GVW o (steer) 105,500 12,000* plus or minus o oo ooo 20,000 34,000 42,000** plus or minus -Federal Bridge Formula applies TOLERANCE: none. *Subject to tire size **Subject to axle spacing and tire size WIDTH HEIGHT LENGTH 8'6" 14' 40' single unit 53' semitrailer 61' doubles (two trailers incl. coupling device) 75' truck/trailer 65' standard auto transporter 75' auto transporter/truck and stinger steered trailer plus overhangs (3' front, 4’ rear) NR overall length OVERHANG 3' front 15' rear measured from center of last axle TIRE WIDTH 600 lbs. per inch width on steer, 500 lbs. per inch width of all other axles equipped with single axles. PERMIT LIMITS o (steer) o oo ooo oooo 5 axles 6 axles 7 axles 8 axles *Subject to WA-2 600 lbs/in. width 22,000 43,000* 65,000* 70,000* 99,200* 108,000* 134,000* 156,000* axle spacing and tire size 06/14 TANDEM AXLES 43,000 lbs. plus, depending on trailer width WIDTH 14'-32' Nondivisible load (depends on lanes) Over 16' is superload HEIGHT Nondivisible load SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual (depends on clearances) LENGTH loads Over 16' is superload 56' semitrailer carrying divisible 68' doubles (including coupling device) carrying divisible load Nondivisible load over 125' is superload (depends on route) Over 200,000 lbs considered a Super Load PERMIT RESTRICTIONS General - Permits are generally valid for three days with certain oversize permits issued for longer periods. Travel is permitted from one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset seven days a week, subject to specific holidays and commuter curfew restrictions. No travel is permitted on major holidays. Loads which are overweight only may travel 24 hours, 7 days a week. Divisible load permits are available up to 105,500 lbs. GVW. Subject to the Federal Bridge Formula. Insurance – Insurance — Not required to be on file at the Permit office; $750,000 liability (vehicle & operator); $50,000/$100,000/$300,000 for pilot cars escorting manufacture red homes. Weekend/Night Travel – Travel is permitted Saturday and Sunday all day. Night travel is routinely allowed for vehicles which don’t exceed 12' wide, 100' long with legal overhang and 14'6" high on all highways. Vehicles or combinations operating under a special permit beyond these dimensions may request to move at night on state highways subject to department preferred hours and routes of travel. In those cases, "Night movement approved" must be stated on the permit, except as provided for in WAC 468-38075. Overdimensional moves authorized to move at night must have lighting equipment that complies with the Code of Federal Regulation, 49 CFR, Part 393.11. Holiday – Vehicles operating under special permit for overweight/overdimensional, except as provided for in WAC 468-38-075, may be restricted from the state highways on the holidays of New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, and commencing at noon of the day preceding said holidays. Holidays Not Restricted by Washington State: Martin Luther King Jr. Day (CVS Office Closed) Lincoln’s Birthday Presidents’ Day (CVS Office Closed) Washington’s Birthday Easter Day (CVS Office Closed) Flag Day Columbus Day Veterans Day (CVS Office Closed) Overweight vehicles that cannot maintain the speed of the surrounding traffic flow, and all overdimensional vehicles/loads are prohibited on the holidays of New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, day after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and during the afternoon of the day preceding said holidays. See details at WA DOT CVS Holiday Restrictions Inclement Weather - No movements shall be made when visibility is reduced to five hundred feet or when hazardous roadway conditions exist (including, but not limited to: Snow, ice, mudslide, wind or water flooding over roadway). It is the responsibility of the vehicle operator to discontinue the move and exit the highway to a safe location when any of the above conditions exist. Permit Information Required — All tractor information; owner; load description; overall dimensions; gross weight; axle weights; axle spacings; routes to be traveled; effective dates. Milepost on all routes required for all overweight permits. A written state application is required unless acquiring the permit overthe-counter. PERMIT TYPES Single Trip — For three consecutive days. Available on self issue program: Trip Permit - 3 day Permit WA-3 06/14 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual This permit provides Washington State Licensing for three consecutive days to a vehicle in lieu of regular licensing. This allows 40,000 lbs. for single vehicle and 80,000 lbs. for combination vehicles. No more than three permits are allowed in a 30 day period. Trip permits cannot be used in lieu of tonnage for a vehicle currently licensed in Washington but can be used to increase current valid tonnage. Two axle vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of 26,000 or less and are currently licensed in another state, have reciprocity and are not required to license in Washington. Reciprocity also covers trailers that have current licensing in other states. Fee: $25.00 Available on self issue program: Single Trailer- Monthly and Annual Legal semi-trailer length is 53 feet. This permit allows for semi-trailer/load up to 56 ft measured from front of trailer or load to the rear of the trailer or load whichever is longer. Load may be divisible or non-divisible. Also available is Double Trailer – Monthly and Annual Legal double trailer length is 61 feet measured from front of first trailer or load to rear of last trailer or load whichever is longer. Load may be divisible or non-divisible These permits are exempt from: Commuter hour and holiday restrictions Oversize sign requirements Night-time travel restrictions Winter restrictions prohibiting permitted movement when traction tires/devices/ chains are advised, recommended or required but must obey chain requirements Fees: $10.00 Monthly $100.00 Annual Available on self issue program: Oversize/Overweight – Tractor Trailer – Single Trip This permit is an overweight permit for a vehicle with an oversize and or overweight non-divisible load. An axle spacing report is required to issue this permit. This is limited to Tractor/Semi trailer combinations. (Jeeps and boosters are considered part of the semi trailer). Limitations: • Height 16 ft. • Width 16 ft. • Trailer/load length 125 ft. • Weight 200,000 lbs. The fees are the same as an oversize/overweight load issued by a WSDOT office or agent. • Dimension only loads $10.00 per trip, up to 3 days Dimension and weight Fee Schedule below (fee for dimension not charged if overweight) Overweight Fee Schedule Weight Over Total Registered and Weight Fee Per Mile on State Highways 1-9,999 .07 10,000-14,999 .14 15,000-19,999 .21 20,000-24,999 .28 25,000-29,999 .35 30,000-34,999 .49 35,000-39,999 .63 40,000-44,999 .79 45,000-49,999 .93 50,000-54,999 1.14 55,000-59,999 1.35 60,000-64,999 1.56 65,000-69,999 1.77 70,000-74,999 2.12 75,000-79,999 2.47 80,000-84,999 2.82 85,000-89,999 3.17 WA-4 06/14 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual 90,000-94,999 3.52 95,000-99,000 3.87 * The fee for weights in excess of 100,000 pounds is $4.25 plus $0.50 for each 5,000 pounds increment or portion thereof exceeding 100,000 pounds. Minimum fee is $14.00 The aforementioned permits available on the self issue program are not all inclusive and the on-line self issue permit system should be reviewed for additional permits available through this system. Continuous operation of overlegal loads having overwidth or overheight features only — Good for 30 days to one year. Limited to 14 feet high and 15 feet wide. Fees $20 per month up to one year. Overlength Only (not exceeding 125') — Continuous move up to one year. Fees: $10 per month up to one year. Western Regional Permit - A Western Regional permit allows non-divisible loads to move between member states with one permit. FEES (see website for Fee detail) Trip (temporary license) permits are $25 (valid for 3 days) Fuel (Temporary IFTA) permits are $30 (valid for 3 days) Width and height permits are $20 per month Length permits are $10 per month Single trip oversize permits are $10 per trip Weight permits are based on your gross weight over your legal weight. (Special Permit - Fees) Transponders will cost $35 each ESCORTS AND SIGNS Labeling — Red flags 18" square must be displayed on all four corners and all extremities of the load. Oversize load signs on escort vehicles must have dimensions of at least 5' x 10", with 8" black lettering (1" brush stroke) on a yellow background. Signs are required on vehicles over 8'6" in width and on escort vehicles (at roof line). Signs on loads must be 7' x 18" with 1.41" brush stroke. Black lettering on yellow background mounted on front and rear of hauling vehicle. Escort Vehicles and Personnel — Vehicles over 11' in width must have front and rear escorts on two lane roads. Vehicles over 14' in width must have a single rear escort on multi-lane highways. Vehicles over 20' in width must have front and rear escorts on multi-lane highways. Trailer length including load over 105' in length or with rear overhang exceeding one-third the trailer/load length must have one escort on two lane roads. Trailer length including load over 125' in length or with rear overhang exceeding one-third the trailer/load length must have a rear escort on multilane loads. The height-measuring device (pole) must be used when escorting an extra-legal load in excess of 14’6” inches high. Escort vehicle operators must be certified to operate in Washington state. Reciprocity with other state certified programs must be verified. Vehicles exceeding 14'6" require front pilot with pole. Mobile Homes exceeding 15' require front pilot with pole. Certification — Authority for the Washington Certified Pilot/Escort Vehicle Operator is set in the Washington Administrative Code Title 468 Chapter 38 Section 100. The Pilot/Escort Operator Training is provided by the Evergreen Safety Council and training registration can be completed on-line at www.esc.org_pevo_operator_certification.php. Washington recognized pilot car escort certifications from Georgia, Colorado, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Utah. Certification is for three years. FINES Overdimension Only: $122.00 WA-5 06/14 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual Overweight Fines: (1) First Offense, basic penalty of not less than fifty dollars; a Second Offense, a basic penalty of not less than seventy-five dollars, and a Third or Subsequent Offense, a basic penalty of not less than one hundred dollars. (2) In addition to the basic penalties, the following fines will be imposed for each pound overweight, as follows: (a) One pound through four thousand pounds overweight is three cents for each pound; (b) Four thousand one pounds through ten thousand pounds overweight is one hundred twenty dollars plus twelve cents per pound for each additional pound over four thousand pounds overweight; (c) Ten thousand one pounds through fifteen thousand pounds overweight is eight hundred forty dollars plus sixteen cents per pound for each additional pound over ten thousand pounds overweight; (d) Fifteen thousand one pounds through twenty thousand pounds overweight is one thousand six hundred forty dollars plus twenty cents per pound for each additional pound over fifteen thousand pounds overweight; (e) Twenty thousand one pounds and more is two thousand six hundred forty dollars plus thirty cents per pound for each additional pound over twenty thousand pounds overweight. Violation of Posted Limits — $150 minimum and additionally upon a second violation within a twelve month period involving the same power unit, suspend the registration for not less than 30 days.Fines are calculated based on permit weight. Permit is void if violated. Operators may be fined for either an over axle or over gross violation, whichever produces the greater fine. Drivers may not shift load to avoid an over axle citation. RESTRICTED TRAVELCOMMUTER CURFEW HOURS: All vehicles operating under a Special Motor Vehicle Permit are restricted from the following areas (table), except vehicles or loads not exceeding the width only in the table and/or overweight vehicles that can maintain the speed of surrounding traffic flow. Restrictions apply Monday through Friday. Additional exemptions are included in WAC 468-38-075. See website for up-to-date road and bridge restrictions. Vicinity SeattleEverett Tacoma SR 2 Direction Mile Post EB (MP) 0-2.42 WB (MP) 2.42-0 5 NB (MP) 127.48-155.94 SB (MP) 155.94-127.48 NB (MP) 155.94-174.58 SB (MP) 174.58-155.94 NB (MP) 174.58-199.11 SB (MP) 199.11-174.58 NB (MP) 199.11-206.08 SB(MP) 206.08-199.11 18 EB (MP) .01-4.15 WB (MP) 4.15-.01 EB (MP) 4.15-11.38 WB (MP) 11.38-4.15 90 EB (MP) 2.54-9.93 WB (MP) 9.93-2.54 EB (MP) 9.93-18.36 WB (MP) 18.36-9.93 167 NB (MP) 5.98-14.33 SB (MP) 14.33-5.98 NB (MP) 14.33-26.29 SB (MP) 26.29-14.33 405 NB (MP) 0-30.32 SB (MP) 30.32-0 518 EB (MP) 0-3.81 WB (MP) 3.81-0 522 EB (MP) 11.10-14.09 WB (MP) 14.09-11.10 5 16 512 WA-6 06/14 NB SB EB WB EB (MP) (MP) (MP) (MP) (MP) 118-127.48 127.48-118 0-10.28 10.28-0 0-8.74 Location and Boundaries I-5 to SR 204 SR 512 to SR 599 SR 599 to SR 523 SR 523 to SR 528 SR 528 to SR 531 I-5 to SR 164 SR 164 to SR 516 I-5 to I-405 I-405 to Sunset I/C SR 512 to SR 18 SR 18 to I-405 Entire Route SR 509 to I-5 I-405 to SR 9 Exit 118 to SR 512 I-5 to Olympic Drive I-5 to SR 161 Hours (M-F) 3-7 PM 6-9 AM 6-9 AM, 3-6 PM 3-6 PM 6-9 AM, 3-6 PM 6-9 AM, 3-6 PM 3-6 PM 6-9 AM, 3-6 PM 4-6 PM 7-9 AM, 4-6 PM 6-9 AM, 3-7 PM 6-9 AM, 3-7 PM 6:30-8:30AM, 3-7PM 6-9 AM, 3-7 PM 6-9 AM, 3-7 PM 6-9 AM, 3-7 PM 3-7 PM 6-9 AM, 3-7 PM 6-9 AM 3-7 PM 6-9 AM, 3-7 PM 3-7 PM 6-9 AM, 3-7 PM 6-9 AM, 3-7 PM 6-9 AM, 3-7 PM 6-9 AM, 3-7 PM 3-7 PM 6-9 AM Width 9' 9' 10' 10' 9' 9' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 6:30-8:30AM, 4-6PM 6:30-8:30AM, 4-6PM 6-9 AM 3-7 PM 3-7 PM 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual Olympia 5 Vancouver 5 Kelso 205 433 Vancouver 205 WB EB WB NB SB NB SB NB NB SB (MP) (MP) (MP) (MP) (MP) (MP) (MP) (MP) (MP) (MP) 8.74-0 8.74-12.06 12.06-8.74 99-109 109-99 0-7.48 7.48-0 26.59-30.90 .94-0 0-.94 SB (MP) 37.16 – 26.59 SR 161 to SR 167 Exit 99 to Exit 109 Oregon to I-205 Oregon to SR 500 Lewis and Clark Bridge I – 5 Jct to Oregon Border 7-9 3-7 3-7 4-6 4-6 3-6 6-9 4-6 6-9 6-9 AM, 3-7 PM PM PM PM PM PM AM PM AM, 3-7 PM AM, 3-7 PM 6-9 AM 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10’ PORTS OF ENTRY Entry-Tacoma, Washington Port Information Port Code: Location Address: Mailing Address: 3002 2202 Port of Tacoma Road Tacoma, WA 98421 Same As Above General Phone: General Fax: (253) 593-6336 (253) 593-6351 Operational Hours: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM(Pacific) Weekdays (Monday-Friday) Port Of Entry-Longview Port Information Port Code: Location Address: Mailing Address: General Phone: General Fax: Operational Hours: 2905 1450 Terminal Way Longview, WA 98632 P.O. Box 996 Longview, WA 98632 (360) 425-3710 (360) 425-1657 8:00 AM-4:30 PM(Pacific) Weekdays (Monday-Friday) Port Of Entry-Sumas Port Information Port Code: Location Address: 3009 103 Cherry Street Sumas, WA 98295 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 100 Sumas, WA 98295 General Phone: General Fax: (360) 988-2971 (360) 988-6300 Operational Hours: Twenty Four (24) Hours A Day Seven Days A Week (7) Service Port-Blaine Port Information WA-7 06/14 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual Port Code: 3004 Location Address: 9901 Pacific Highway Blaine, WA 98230 Mailing Address: General Phone: Same As Above (360) 332-5771 General Fax: Operational Hours: (360) 332-4701 Twenty Four (24) Hours A Day Seven Days A Week (7) Description: A Service Port is a CBP location that has a full range of cargo processing functions, including inspections, entry, collections, and verification (19 CFR 101.1). Service Port-Oroville Area Port, WA Port Information Port Code: 3019 Location Address: 33643 Hwy 97 Oroville, WA 98844 Mailing Address: General Phone: General Fax: Same As Above (509) 476-2955 (509) 476-2465 Operational Hours: Twenty Four (24) Hours A Day Seven Days A Week (7) Service Port-Seattle Port Information Port Code: 3001 Location Address: 1000 Second Ave., Suite 2100 Seattle, WA 98104 Mailing Address: Port Director: Same As Above Mark W. Wilkerson Assistant Port Director: Tracie Fukuhara, APD Passenger Operations; Terry Schulze, APD Tactical Operations; Jerry Malmo, APD Trade Operations General Phone: General Fax: (206) 553-0770 (206) 553-2940 Operational Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM(Pacific) Weekdays (Monday-Friday) PERMIT ORDERING All oversize and overweight permits are processed using the on-line program called the Electronic System Network for Oversize and Overweight Information (eSNOOPI). WSDOT offers the eSNOOPI Online SelfIssuing Permitting program for a wide range of permit types. Information on this program can be found at http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/CommercialVehicle/self_issue.htm. To initiate the process: Go to the eSNOOPI login screen Click on “Request for Authorization for Self-Issuing” Fill out the form Read and print the agreement Indicate you have read and understand the agreement Click on “Accept and Sign Up” Self issuing companies are limited to the following types of permits: Department of Licensing trip permits and fuel permits (3 day) Single Trailer permit allowing for a divisible load carried on a semi-trailer up to 56 ft (30 day) WA-8 06/14 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual Double Trailer permit allowing for a divisible load carried on a set of double trailers up to 68 ft. (30 day) 61 ft. non-divisible load on a semi trailer with a rear overhang not to exceed 15 ft. (30 day) Non-divisible dimensional permits 14 ft. wide, 15 ft., and/or 125 trailer/load length (30 day) Monthly Manufactured Home Permits with dimension envelope of 15 ft. high, 15ft. wide (including a 12" eve) and trailer length not to exceed 75 feet (30 day) Empty Apple Bins permits height up to but not to exceed 15 ft. high Hay Bales permits height up to be not to exceed 15 ft. high Log Tolerance permits weights different axle spacing weights other than specified on legal weight chart for 3-axle log truck pulling 2-axle pole trailer Fixed load single unit permit for limited excess weight (30 day periods only) Oversize/weight Tractor Trailer – Single Trip - This permit is an overweight permit for a vehicle with an oversize and or overweight non-divisible load. An axle spacing report is required to issue this permit. This is limited to Tractor/Semi trailer combinations. (Jeeps and boosters are considered part of the semi trailer). Limited to 200,000 lbs. SPECIAL NOTES Recent Changes – Effective Monday, June 9, 2014 the CVS Permit Office will be closed from 12-12:30 p.m., daily. Effective March 1, 2013, transponders will cost $35 each. Pending Changes – None Noted WA-9 06/14 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual
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