IMPORTANT INFORMATION / KEY DATES FOR MANUAL COUNSELING FOR B.TECH. COURSE SR.NO. PARTICULARS DATES 1. Last date of submission of application form along with DD of Rs.1,000/- favoring “Registrar, YMCA UST, Faridabad” payable at Faridabad. 08/08/2014 2. Date of display of vacant seats on University website 12/08/2014 at 6.00 pm 3. Date of display of merit list on University website 12/08/2014 at 6.00 pm 4. Date of Counseling in the University Campus 13/08/2014 (9.00 am onward) Note : 1. At the time of admission, candidate has to deposit a DD of Rs.36,600/-(Rupees Thirty six thousand and six hundred only) as semester fee in favour of “Registrar, YMCA UST, Faridabad”, payable at Faridabad. 2. Candidate has to bring original documents for verification at the time of counseling. 3. Rest of the information will be same as per HSTES Brochure 2014. Sd/Prof. I/C Academic Affairs YMCA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (Established by Haryana State Legislative Act No.21 of 2009, Approved by AICTE & Recognized by U.G.C. U/s. 2(f) and 12(B) of U.G.C. Act 1956) Affix a Passport size Photograph (attested). Serial No. For office use........... Four Passport size photographs will also be required at the time of admission. APPLICATION FORM FOR MANUAL COUNSELING / ADMISSION – B.TECH. 2014. 1. Branch wise option / choices i………………………………………. ii……………………………………. iii……………………………………… iv……………………………………… v……………………………………. vi……………………………………… 2. A. CATEGORY, AIC / HOGC etc.: ____________________ B. JEE (Main) Rank 2014(Overall) __________________ C. JEE Roll No. ………………………………………………………………….... 3. Name in Full (in block letters) :___________________________________________ 4. (A) Father’s Name (in block letters) : __________________________________________ (B) Mother’s Name (in block letter) : __________________________________________ 5. Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) 6. Address for correspondence : _______________________________________ : _________________________________________ _____________________________________________PIN____________________________ Mob./ Ph. No. _______________________E-mail. __________________________________ 7. A. Only for YMCA UST students studying since 1.8.2014 in the University (i.e. already admitted students) Counseling No. & Date of Admission (when admitted): _____________ Branch: ___________ Category: _____________ B. Details of Educational Qualification: Exam. Subject Year of passing Name of the Board/University Maximum Marks Marks Obtained % age Marks 10th 12th 8. Minority Community (Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist, Parsi etc) ……………………………………….….… 9. Details of gap year………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………. 10. Family Income per annum…………………………….………………………..………………………………………………… 11. List of enclosure……………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………… DECLARATION BY THE CANDIDATE I hereby declare that all the entries made in this form are correct. I further declare that I fulfill the minimum eligibility conditions laid down for admission. In case of detection of any false entry in respect of qualifying examination / Rank card/, my admission may be treated as cancelled at any time during the course of my study and I will have no claim for the Fee, etc. Date: Place: Signature of the candidate DECLARATION BY THE FATHER / GUARDIAN OF THE CANDIDATE I certify that my son / daughter / ward ______________________________ has applied with my knowledge and consent. I hold myself responsible for his / her good conduct and its maintenance and payment of fees during the period he / she will be on the University Rolls. My son / daughter / ward will not indulge in any act of ragging, and shall follow the code of conduct prescribed for students of the University. Date : Signature of the Father / Guardian 01 Set of the following documents is attached with application form: Rank Card/Result Card. Class 10th Certificate indicating date of birth and 12th mark sheet. Domicile Certificate in case of HOGC. Character certificate from Head of the Institution last attended. Medical fitness certificate from a Govt. Gazetted Medical Officer. Migration Certificate (to be deposited one month after admission) For Office use only: Report of Documents Verification Committee We have verified all documents with originals and the above candidate is eligible for admission with the following discrepancies. 1………………………………………………………………… 2………………………………………………………………………. 3………………………………………………………………… 4………………………………………………………………………. ____________________ _____________________ ___________________ Sign., Name and Designation Sign., Name and Designation Sign., Name and Designation Members of Admission Committee _____________________ _______________________ _______________________ Member Member Member _________________________ Member Chairman (Admission Committee) COF Received Sum of Rs._____________ vide receipt No._____________________ dated_____________ from _____________________ Rank No.__________________ on account of University fee and other charges for B.Tech. Course. Signature of Cashier ON LINE REPORTING TEAM: _____________________ IMPORTANT INFORMATION / KEY DATES FOR MANUAL COUNSELING FOR B.TECH. (LEET) COURSE SR.NO. PARTICULARS DATES 1. Last date of submission of application form along with DD of Rs.1,000/- favoring “Registrar, YMCA UST, Faridabad” payable at Faridabad. 08/08/2014 2. Date of display of vacant seats on University website 12/08/2014 at 6.00 pm 3. Date of display of merit list on University website 12/08/2014 at 6.00 pm 4. Date of Counseling in the University Campus 14/08/2014 (9.00 am onward) Note : 1. At the time of admission, candidate has to deposit a DD of Rs.36,600/-(Rupees Thirty six thousand and six hundred only) as semester fee in favour of “Registrar, YMCA UST, Faridabad”, payable at Faridabad. 2. Candidate has to bring original documents for verification at the time of counseling. 3. Rest of the information will be same as per HSTES Brochure 2014. Sd/Prof. I/C Academic Affairs YMCA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (Established by Haryana State Legislative Act No.21 of 2009, Approved by AICTE & Recognized by U.G.C. U/s. 2(f) and 12(B) of U.G.C. Act 1956) Affix a Passport size Photograph (attested). Serial No. For office use........... Four Passport size photographs will also be required at the time of admission. APPLICATION FORM FOR MANUAL COUNSELING / ADMISSION – B.TECH.(LEET) 2014. 1. Branch wise option / choices i………………………………………. ii……………………………………. iii……………………………………… iv……………………………………… v……………………………………. vi……………………………………… 2. A. CATEGORY, AIC / HOGC etc.: _________________ B. OLET Rank 2014 ________________________ C. OLET Roll No. ………………………………………………………………….... 3. Name in Full (in block letters) 4. :_______________________________________________ (A) Father’s Name (in block letters) : _______________________________________ (B)Mother’s Name (in block letter) : _______________________________________ 5. Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) 6. Address for correspondence : _____________________________________ : _________________________________________ _____________________________________________PIN____________________________ Mob./ Ph. No. _______________________E-mail. __________________________________ 7. A. Only for YMCA UST students studying since 1.8.2014 in the University (i.e. already admitted students) Counseling No. & Date of Admission (when admitted): _____________ Branch: ___________ Category: _____________ B. Details of Educational Qualification: Exam. Subject Year of passing Name of the Board/University Maximum Marks Marks Obtained % age Marks 10th 12th Diploma 8. Minority Community (Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist, Parsi etc) ………………………………….… 9. Details of gap year……………………………………………………………………………………………………….………. 10. Family Income per annum…………………………….………………………..……………………………….………… 11. List of enclosure…………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………… DECLARATION BY THE CANDIDATE I hereby declare that all the entries made in this form are correct. I further declare that I fulfill the minimum eligibility conditions laid down for admission. In case of detection of any false entry in respect of qualifying examination / Rank card/, my admission may be treated as cancelled at any time during the course of my study and I will have no claim for the Fee, etc. Date: Place: Signature of the candidate DECLARATION BY THE FATHER / GUARDIAN OF THE CANDIDATE I certify that my son / daughter / ward ______________________________ has applied with my knowledge and consent. I hold myself responsible for his / her good conduct and its maintenance and payment of fees during the period he / she will be on the University Rolls. My son / daughter / ward will not indulge in any act of ragging, and shall follow the code of conduct prescribed for students of the University. Date : Signature of the Father / Guardian 01 Set of the following documents is attached with application form: Rank Card/Result Card. Class 10th Certificate indicating date of birth and 12th mark sheet. Qualifying degree / Diploma certificate (as applicable). Detailed marks card of the qualifying examinations. Domicile Certificate (in case of HOGC). Character certificate from Head of the Institution last attended. Medical fitness certificate from a Govt. Gazetted Medical Officer. Migration Certificate (to be deposited one month after admission). For Office use only: Report of Documents Verification Committee We have verified all documents with originals and the above candidate is eligible for admission with the following discrepancies. 1………………………………………………………………… 2………………………………………………………………………. 3………………………………………………………………… 4………………………………………………………………………. ____________________ _____________________ ___________________ Sign., Name and Designation Sign., Name and Designation Sign., Name and Designation Members of Admission Committee _____________________ _______________________ _______________________ Member Member Member _________________________ Member Chairman (Admission Committee) COF Received Sum of Rs._____________ vide receipt No._____________________ dated_____________ from _____________________ Rank No.__________________ on account of University fee and other charges for B.Tech. Course. Signature of Cashier ON LINE REPORTING TEAM: _____________________ IMPORTANT INFORMATION / KEY DATES FOR PHYSICAL COUNSELING FOR MCA COURSE SR.NO. PARTICULARS DATES 1. Last date of submission of application form along with DD of Rs.1,000/- favoring “Registrar, YMCA UST, Faridabad” payable at Faridabad. 08/08/2014 2. Date of display of vacant seats on University website 12/08/2014 at 6.00 pm 3. Date of display of merit list on University website 12/08/2014 at 6.00 pm 4. Date of Counseling in the University Campus 14/08/2014 (9.00 am onward) Note : 1. At the time of admission, candidate has to deposit a DD of Rs.36,600/-(Rupees Thirty six thousand and six hundred only) as semester fee in favour of “Registrar, YMCA UST, Faridabad”, payable at Faridabad. 2. Candidate has to bring original documents for verification at the time of counseling. 3. Rest of the information will be same as per HSTES Brochure 2014. Sd/Prof. I/C Academic Affairs YMCA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (Established by Haryana State Legislative Act No.21 of 2009, Approved by AICTE & Recognized by U.G.C. U/s. 2(f) and 12(B) of U.G.C. Act 1956) Affix a Passport size Photograph (attested). Serial No. For office use........... Four Passport size photographs will also be required at the time of admission. APPLICATION FORM FOR MANUAL COUNSELING / ADMISSION – MCA 2014. 1. A. CATEGORY, AIC / HOGC / SC / BC / PH / EBP / SBC etc.: ______________________________ B. OLET Rank __________________ C. OLET Roll No. ………………………………………………………………….... 2. Name in Full (in block letters) :________________________________________ 3. (A) Father’s Name (in block letters) : _______________________________________ (B)Mother’s Name (in block letter) : _______________________________________ 4. Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) 5. Address for correspondence : _____________________________________ : _________________________________________ _____________________________________________PIN____________________________ Mob./ Ph. No. _______________________E-mail. __________________________________ 6. Exam. 10th 12th Diploma BCA / Graduation Details of Educational Qualification: Subject Year of passing Name of the Board/University Maximum Marks Marks Obtained % age Marks 7. Minority Community (Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist, Parsi etc) ………………………….… 8. Details of gap year………………………………………………………………………………..……………………. 9. Family Income per annum…………………………….…………………………………………..………………… 10. List of enclosure…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… DECLARATION BY THE CANDIDATE I hereby declare that all the entries made in this form are correct. I further declare that I fulfill the minimum eligibility conditions laid down for admission. In case of detection of any false entry in respect of qualifying examination / Rank card/, my admission may be treated as cancelled at any time during the course of my study and I will have no claim for the Fee, etc. Date: Place: Signature of the candidate DECLARATION BY THE FATHER / GUARDIAN OF THE CANDIDATE I certify that my son / daughter / ward ______________________________ has applied with my knowledge and consent. I hold myself responsible for his / her good conduct and its maintenance and payment of fees during the period he / she will be on the University Rolls. My son / daughter / ward will not indulge in any act of ragging, and shall follow the code of conduct prescribed for students of the University. Date : Signature of the Father / Guardian 01 Set of the following documents is attached with application form: Rank Card / Result Card. Class 10th Certificate indicating date of birth and 12th mark sheet. BCA / qualifying degree certificate (as applicable). Detailed marks card of the qualifying examinations. Category Certificate as applicable (HOGC / SC / BC / PH / EBP/ SBC etc.) Haryana Domicile Certificate (in case of reserved category) Character certificate from Head of the Institution last attended. Medical fitness certificate from a Govt. Gazetted Medical Officer. Migration Certificate (to be deposited one month after admission) For Office use only: Report of Documents Verification Committee We have verified all documents with originals and the above candidate is eligible for admission with the following discrepancies. 1………………………………………………………………… 2………………………………………………………………………. 3………………………………………………………………… 4………………………………………………………………………. ____________________ _____________________ ___________________ Sign., Name and Designation Sign., Name and Designation Sign., Name and Designation Members of Admission Committee _____________________ _______________________ _______________________ Member Member Member _________________________ Member Chairman (Admission Committee) COF Received Sum of Rs._____________ vide receipt No._____________________ dated_____________ from _____________________ Rank No.__________________ on account of University fee and other charges for B.Tech. Course. Signature of Cashier ON LINE REPORTING TEAM: _____________________ IMPORTANT INFORMATION / KEY DATES FOR PHYSICAL COUNSELING FOR MBA COURSE Academic Qualification for admission to MBA Course: 1. First preference will be given to those candidates who are having valid C-MAT score with graduation having 50% marks (in case of SC candidate 45%) 2. If seats remain vacant : Second preference will be given to those candidates who are having valid MAT score with graduation with 50% marks. 3. If seats still remain vacant : Graduation with 50% marks (in case of SC candidate 45%) SR.NO. PARTICULARS DATES 1. Last date of submission of application form along with DD of Rs.1,000/- favoring “Registrar, YMCA UST, Faridabad” payable at Faridabad. 08/08/2014 2. Date of display of vacant seats on University website 12/08/2014 at 6.00 pm 3. Date of display of merit list on University website 12/08/2014 at 6.00 pm 4. Date of Counseling in the University Campus 14/08/2014 (9.00 am onward) Note : 1. At the time of admission, candidate has to deposit a DD of Rs.36,600/-(Rupees Thirty six thousand and six hundred only) as semester fee in favour of “Registrar, YMCA UST, Faridabad”, payable at Faridabad. 2. Candidate has to bring original documents for verification at the time of counseling. 3. Rest of the information will be same as per HSTES Brochure 2014. Sd/Prof. I/C Academic Affairs YMCA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (Established by Haryana State Legislative Act No.21 of 2009, Approved by AICTE & Recognized by U.G.C. U/s. 2(f) and 12(B) of U.G.C. Act 1956) Affix a Passport size Photograph (attested). Serial No. For office use........... Four Passport size photographs will also be required at the time of admission. APPLICATION FORM FOR MANUAL COUNSELING / ADMISSION – MBA 2014. 1. A. CATEGORY, AIC / HOGC / SC / BC / PH / EBP / SBC / any other: _________________ B. C-MAT / MAT Rank 2014 __________________ C. C-MAT / MAT Roll No. ………………………………………………………………….... If no valid C-MAT / MAT score, then % of graduation marks ……………………………………. 2. Name in Full (in block letters) :___________________________________________ 3. (A) Father’s Name (in block letters) : __________________________________________ (B)Mother’s Name (in block letter) : ___________________________________________ 4. Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) 5. Address for correspondence : ________________________________________ : ___________________________________________ _____________________________________________PIN____________________________ Mob./ Ph. No. _______________________E-mail. __________________________________ 6. Details of Educational Qualification: Exam. 10th 12th Diploma B.Tech / Graduation Subject Year of passing Name of the Board/University Maximum Marks Marks Obtained % age Marks 7. Minority Community (Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist, Parsi etc) ………………….……….… 8. Details of gap year…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9. Family Income per annum…………………………….……………………………………….…..………………… 10. List of enclosure………………………………………………………………………………………………..………… DECLARATION BY THE CANDIDATE I hereby declare that all the entries made in this form are correct. I further declare that I fulfill the minimum eligibility conditions laid down for admission. In case of detection of any false entry in respect of qualifying examination / Rank card/, my admission may be treated as cancelled at any time during the course of my study and I will have no claim for the Fee, etc. Date: Place: Signature of the candidate DECLARATION BY THE FATHER / GUARDIAN OF THE CANDIDATE I certify that my son / daughter / ward ______________________________ has applied with my knowledge and consent. I hold myself responsible for his / her good conduct and its maintenance and payment of fees during the period he / she will be on the University Rolls. My son / daughter / ward will not indulge in any act of ragging, and shall follow the code of conduct prescribed for students of the University. Date : Signature of the Father / Guardian 01 Set of the following documents is attached with application form: Rank Card/Result Card. Class 10th Certificate indicating date of birth and 12th mark sheet. Qualifying degree / Diploma certificate (as applicable). Detailed marks card of the qualifying examinations. Category Certificate as applicable (HOGC / SC / BC / PH / EBP/ SBC etc.) Haryana Domicile Certificate (in case of reserved category) Character certificate from Head of the Institution last attended. Medical fitness certificate from a Govt. Gazetted Medical Officer. Migration Certificate (to be deposited one month after admission) For Office use only: Report of Documents Verification Committee We have verified all documents with originals and the above candidate is eligible for admission with the following discrepancies. 1………………………………………………………………… 2………………………………………………………………………. 3………………………………………………………………… 4………………………………………………………………………. ____________________ _____________________ ___________________ Sign., Name and Designation Sign., Name and Designation Sign., Name and Designation Members of Admission Committee _____________________ _______________________ _______________________ Member Member Member _________________________ Member Chairman (Admission Committee) COF Received Sum of Rs._____________ vide receipt No._____________________ dated_____________ from _____________________ Rank No.__________________ on account of University fee and other charges for B.Tech. Course. Signature of Cashier ON LINE REPORTING TEAM: _____________________
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