Too Much … Workmate 1 A. Work in pairs. Find these expressions in the text. Read them aloud. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jo større han blev, desto mindre motionerede han. I mange år havde han ikke kunnet gå i biografen. Han løste problemet ved at medbringe sin egen stol. I 25 års alderen ... Lidt efter lidt holdt Pete op med at gå sådanne steder som i indkøbscentre. Han havde været vant til at spise. B. Work in pairs. How do you say the following? 1 2 3 4 Jeg har ikke set ham i mange år. Tom stoppede med at spille fodbold i 12 års alderen. Jo mere han hørte, desto mindre forstod han. Jeg er ikke vant til at drikke øl. 2 Work in pairs. Talk about the following: 1 What drawbacks did Pete’s weight cause him earlier in life? 2 Why didn’t Pete like the idea of having an operation? 3 Pete now has a nearly normal BMI. How did he achieve this? drawbacksulemper 3 achieveopnå m 20 A. Listen to Adrian talking about obesity. 1 Who is he especially worried about? 2 What is the main problem, according to him? Do you agree? STRAIGHT FORWARD © ALINEA Try a Method Try method 3 when you study the words for this text. Find the Try a Method-sheet under Additional Resources on 4 Discuss in groups. If possible, each group should have at least one member who has read the text Too Little. 1 What makes people eat too much or too little? Some people have claimed that fast food outlets such as McDonald’s should be sued because they are responsible for people becoming hooked on fatty and sugary foods. Others say that every individual must take responsibility for his or her own lifestyle. What is your opinion on this question? sue retsforfølge/anklage 2 What do we think when we see very fat and very thin people? When Pete was obese, people would stare at him and giggle. What attitude do some people have towards fat people? Do you think there is any truth in their ideas? Are people’s attitudes different towards very thin or anorexic people? Is it more difficult for an obese person to get a job than for a person of “normal” weight? What things influence how we think people should look? 5 Write a story, letter, newspaper article, diary entry or poem based on one of the photos on pages 8 to 39 in the textbook. If you want, you can exchange texts with a classmate and see if you can guess which person he or she has written about. Use the following title: At Risk STRAIGHT FORWARD © ALINEA Workmate Too Much Pupil A Work with a partner and act out the following dialogue. Your partner’s edition looks different from yours. The lines that are in Danish in your edition are in English in your partner’s, and vice versa. Translate the Danish lines in your edition into English. Since your partner has those lines in English, he or she can correct you if you make a mistake. Pupil A is the one to begin. pommes frites french fries (USA), chips (UK) rask healthy A Spiser du ofte fast (junk) food? B Not very(so) often. Do you? A Nej, men jeg har en fætter, som spiser Big Mac med pommes fritês til frokost næsten hver dag. B What does he look like? A Du kan nok regne ud, han er sygeligt fed. B Was he fat even as a child? (even when he was a child?) A Mere eller mindre, men det blev værre, da han flyttede hjemmefra (fra sin mor). Da blev han vant til at spise fast (junk) food hver dag. B Do you know how many calories a Big Mac and french fries contain? A Næsten 1.000 tror jeg - B You have to do a lot of exercise to get rid of a thousand calories. A Jada, og det er klart, at jo tykkere man bliver, desto mindre motionerer man. B But McDonald’s has healthy food too. A Caesar Sallad doesn’t contain so many calories. Check out to find out exactly how many calories a Big Mac, French Fries and a Caesar Sallad contain. STRAIGHT FORWARD © ALINEA Extra Too Much Pupil B Work with a partner and act out the following dialogue. Your partner’s edition looks different from yours. The lines that are in Danish in your edition are in English in your partner’s, and vice versa. Translate the Danish lines in your edition into English. Since your partner has those lines in English, he or she can correct you if you make a mistake. Pupil A is the one to begin. pommes frites french fries (USA), chips (UK) rask healthy A Do you often eat fast food? B Nej, ikke særlig tit. Gør du? A No, but I have a cousin who has (eats) a Big Mac with frem fries (chips) for lunch almost every day. B Hvordan ser han ud? A He is obese, of course. B Var han også fed som barn? (fed allerede som barn?) A More or less – but it got worse when he stopped living with his mother. That’s when he got used to eating fast food every day. B Ved du, hvor mange kalorier der er i en Big Mac med pommes frites? A Almost a thousand, I think B Man skal motionere meget for at komme af med tusinde kalorier. A Sure, and of course (naturally) the fatter you get the less you exercise. B Men McDonald’s har også sund mad. En Cæsersalat indeholder ikke særligt mange kalorier. Check out to find out exactly how many calories a Big Mac, French Fries and a Caesar Sallad contain. STRAIGHT FORWARD © ALINEA Extra Too Much Test Name: 1 Listen and mark the correct alternatives. scientist addictive cause brain videnskabsmand afhængighedsskabende årsag hjerne investigate hooked drug addict level undersøge fanget (afhængig) narkoman niveau TrueFalse 1 Foods that contain a lot of fat and sugar are as addictive as heroin. 2 The laboratory rats became hooked on heroin and cocaine. 3 Between 20 and 30 % of the calories that we eat should come from fat. 2 Fill in the blanks using words from the text. 763 lb. Even as a child he Pete Loiselle was called Big Pete because he had been big, but it was only gradually that his bigger he got, bigger. began to be a problem. he exercised, and so he got even many years, he wasn’t able to fit into the seats of planes, cinemas and theaters. of 25, Pete got married. His wife loved him because he was such a nice, humourous person. Pete’s pupils never mocked him, not even when he grew too to get up from his chair to on the blackboard. But stare, point at him and giggle. Because people who didn’t know Pete of that, Pete came to a decision not to go to places like shopping malls, where there a lot of people. Pete had been used to food containing about 10,000 calories a day, but with the help of a dietician, he cut his intake to 2,200 calories. Pete made a between life and death. He STRAIGHT FORWARD © ALINEA life. 3 Every individual must take responsibility for his or her own lifestyle. The big tobacco companies and fast food outlets like McDonald’s should be sued for ruining peoples’ health. Write a short text where you discuss one of these two statements. Do you agree or disagree? Self Assessment On this test: I did well I could have done better Why? STRAIGHT FORWARD © ALINEA I didn’t do well at all
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