Fix list Microsoft Dynamics C5 2012 Service pack 1 Hotfix 2 April 2013 Contents Fix list introduction 3 Fixed issues 3 OIOUBL 3 General Ledger 3 Vendor 3 Customer 4 Inventory 4 Sales/Purchase/Project 4 General 5 Payroll 5 Corrected elements 6 2 Fix List Fix list introduction This fix list includes the bugs and suggestions included in version 2012 Service pack 01 Hot fix 002. Fixed issues OIOUBL Bug Id MS solve/Org. bug Id 2918 Description OIOUBL - MAC:XMLF_APPL – Sales, purchase and project lines without DeliverNow (i.e. DeliverNow= 0) must not be included when creating an XML document OIOUBL - Log has to be extended so it shows information about duty, discount and charges. OIOUBL - Taxtotal amount is wrong if there is more than one TaxSubtotals 2919 2940 61156 113031510291606 61093 112112610032511 2861 OIOUBL – delivery address on Purch_OrderReqUBL is taken from the Vendor if no delivery address is chosen and not the company info address. It should be possible to export an OIOUBL project order confirmation Tax information (TaxCategory/TaxScheme) on line level must be set/updated in Schema mappings for all relevant UBL schemas Possibility to omit OIOUBL file setup when Importing and exporting XML mapping. It is now possible to omit all file setup such as path and file name for XML Schema, Schematron and Presentation stylesheet when exporting or importing XML mappings. General Ledger Bug Id MS solve/Org. bug Id 1453 60923 112013143077898 61157 113031510291657; 113021510220308 61164 113032210309016 Description Rep: LedCashReportList and LedCashReport do not take the account type into account Interest amounts in foreign currencies All amounts specified in national currency in Interest rate setup (Due, Interest amount, Minimum and Fee ) when used for customers with other currencies are rounded to 2 decimals Simple Balance sheet does not consider leap year. When printing from 01.02.2013-28.02.2013 and marking “Last year” posting made on 29.02.2012 was not included Budget overview (scale) does not show months when you print with cover. If you print without cover the months are shown on the report. Vendor Bug Id 61114 MS solve/Org. bug Id Description In the payment file for PortalBank an “N” replaces the first letter in the vendor name. 3 Fix List Customer Bug Id MS solve/Org. bug Id 3017 Description Simple invoice - after having copied an invoice into the form as a credit note and printing a pro forma invoice - the total amount is set to zero Inventory Bug Id MS solve/Org. bug Id Description 61135 113020810202762 The menu item BOM under Inventory/Setup/Parameters is not visible even though there is a license code for BOM. SET HideMenuItem('MNU', 'InvenSetupParm', '', "BOM") was wrongly connected to Statistics Sales/Purchase/Project Bug Id MS solve/Org. bug Id 2972 REP:PurchInvoice - The field RoundOff should have Yes in reverse sign 61118 113011110131369 61148 113030410259243 3008 61133 113020810202964 61158 113031910299636 2868 Description The total line is missing on a purchase inquiry and requisition. Total added to inquiry and template created for PurchRequisition. When updating C5 4.0 to C5 2012 SP1 you can get a different result on tab page Statistics on an archived order in C52012 SP1 CM and CR may be calculated incorrectly in Archives for orders/projects originating from version 4.0Sp1 If an order made before upgrading to version 2008 and later is completely or partially settled (i.e. the items on the order were completely or partially settled prior to the upgrade) then CM and CR for this order will be calculated incorrectly as the system cannot find the correct cost price for the settled items Solution: The upgrade is corrected and new menu item have introduced In Sales and Project modules that make it possible at any point to recalculate totals for archived orders and projects. E.g. Sales/Periodic/Calculate totals/Archived sales orders This upgrade may take considerable amount of time, why in databases with more than in total 200.000 Sales, purchase orders and projects, this part of the automatic upgrade can be disabled and performed manually at a later point. Changing amount on a simple invoice line shows a wrong amount on the invoice. The amount changes back to the original amount but it is the changed amount that is shown on the invoice. Sorting on project entries does not show correct transaction. Sort project entries with clicking on the field header or Shift + F4 and go to transactions, C5 does not show the correct transaction. C5pkSl03 - Bookmark is missing for the field ModuleName 4 Fix List General Bug Id MS solve/Org. bug Id 2930 2943 60955 112032064484975 3012 Description Form CONTROL CLRFLTR for resetting a SHIFT+F4 or column sort form filter Support for unicode should be implemented in Journal import/export definition – UTF-8 added Multi note change Made it easier to create a headline for the note Problem med Table2Excel.XAL Corrected so that Show/Hide Table fields functionality is the same in Excel as in C5 application (I.e. if a user is a member of multiple groups and the same field is both hidden and shown in the groups the user is a member of - then the 'Show' option wins) New report TraceTransaction When browsing a transaction (via the menu Item Transaction/ G/L entries available in multiple forms) it is now possible to print out the report that traces a certain transaction across entire database. The report is called from the new menu item Report in the Transaction form and outputs all records associated with the transaction in the database. Payroll Bug Id MS solve/Org. bug Id Description 61024 112061947805505 61143 113022110233315 Udbetaling af feriepenge til fratrådt funktionær, når feriepengene bliver i virksomheden. Indberetning af rest eFeriekort kan give negative dage i feltet <Rest_feriedage>-5,00</Rest_feriedage>, hvis medarbejderen afholder flere feriedage end optjent. I SQL versionen af C5 skulle der være oprettet et arbejdssted med DA kode 0 og DS kode 0, for at kunne danne DA/DS statistikken. Hidtil har DA ikke valideret på om der var nogle arbejdssteder i filen som ikke havde medarbejder på, men det er de begyndt med fra nytår. 2997 5 Fix List Corrected elements Bug Id MS solve/Org. bug Id CompanyInfo_XMLGetCompanyCoRegNo fnc ConfigSystem fnc CustJournal_XMLChargeGetTotalValues fnc CustJournal_XMLGetAddressLine fnc CustJournal_XMLGetALWTotal fnc CustJournal_XMLGetBuyerPartyId fnc CustJournal_XMLGetBuyerPartySchemeId fnc CustJournal_XMLGetCashDiscPM_Date fnc CustJournal_XMLGetDlvAddressLine fnc CustJournal_XMLGetInterestPM_Date fnc CustJournal_XMLGetReferenceNumber fnc CustJournal_XMLGetTaxTotalAmount fnc CustJournal_XMLGetTotalVatAmount fnc CustJournal_XMLInvoiceRounding fnc CustJournal_XMLMakeAllowanceCharge fnc CustJournal_XMLMakeTaxTotals fnc CustJournal_XMLOIOInvoiceType fnc CustJournal_XMLRateAmount fnc CustJournal_XMLUBLGetBuyerPartyId fnc CustJournal_XMLUBLGetEndpointId fnc CustJournal_XMLUBLGetRoundingAmount fnc CustJournal_XMLUBLImportGetCustomer fnc CustJournalLine_XMLGetTaxTotalAmount fnc CustJournalLine_XMLGetVatTotalInfo fnc CustJournalLine_XMLMakeVatTotals fnc CustJournalLine_XMLReturnVatType fnc CustTable_XMLGetPaymAccCode fnc CustTable_XMLGetPaymBankName fnc CustTable_XMLGetPaymSwiftCode fnc CustTrans_SumupVatTotals fnc CustTrans_XMLReminder fnc DBOpen fnc DocRef_AttachRepDoc fnc DutyCode_XMLDutyLineGetVatCode fnc DutyCode_XMLDutyLines fnc Employee_XMLGetEmplName fnc InvenTrans_GetCostAmountZeroLine fnc OEMToUTF8 fnc PayEmplTable_PayDA_XMLEHoliday fnc SalesLineArch_XMLDefineDeliveryReq fnc SalesLineArch_XMLGetLineValues fnc SalesLineArch_XMLGetUnitCode fnc 6 Fix List SalesTable_CopyOrder fnc SalesTable_DeleteLines fnc SalesTable_SetMarking fnc SalesTableArch_XMLCheckMultiSales fnc TmpXMLMap_XDomDoc_createNode fnc TmpXMLMap_XDomNNMap_setNamedItem fnc TmpXMLMap_XDomNode_appendChild fnc TmpXMLMap_XDomNode_attributes_get fnc TmpXMLMap_XMLLoadSchema fnc TmpXMLTaxALW_XMLTaxSpec fnc UserFormatStr fnc UTF8ToOEM fnc VendJournal_XMLGetDlvAddressLine fnc VendJournal_XMLMakeAllowanceCharge fnc VendJournal_XMLMakeGetVatTotals fnc VendJournal_XMLUBLImportGetVendor fnc XMLEncodeSpecChar fnc XMLFAddXMlAttribute fnc XMLJournal_ChkMergeZipCityFields fnc XMLJournal_XMLChkTotals fnc XMLMakeVatTotals fnc XMLReturnVatType fnc XMLSchema_FillNSMgr fnc XMLSchema_GetSaveNameSpaces fnc XMLSchema_InitNSMgr fnc XMLSchema_Prefix2URI fnc XMLSchema_SOMItemAccept fnc XMLSchema_SOMItemFirst fnc XMLSchema_SOMItemNext fnc XMLSchema_TreeNodeDebug fnc XMLSchema_URI2Prefix fnc XMLSchema_XmlDocBegin fnc XMLSchema_XmlDocInst fnc XMLSchema_XmlDocNode fnc XMLSchema_XPathAddNamespace fnc XMLSchema_XPathAttribute fnc XMLSchema_XPathIndex fnc XMLSchema_XPathLast fnc XMLSchema_XPathNodes fnc XMLSchema_XPathSingleNode fnc XMLSchema_XPathSplit fnc XMLSchemaMap_SetXPathIdx fnc XMLSchemaMap_XMLChangeSign fnc XMLSchemaMap_XMLCheckConvert fnc XMLSchemaMap_XMLDefineWhichValue fnc XMLSchemaMap_XMLFieldToValue fnc 7 Fix List XMLSchemaMap_XMlGetNodeHandle fnc XMLSchemaMap_XMLSetLevel fnc XMLSchemaMap_XMLSetPath fnc XMLSchemaMap_XMLSkipDefault fnc XMLSchemaMap_XMLUBLGetDateAsString fnc DataManipulation frm JourImportNames frm LedTransTrans frm Notes frm ProjCostPLPosted frm ProjTrans frm QT2FileName frm SimpleInvoice frm TableLayout frm XMLMapper frm XMLSchema frm XMLShowTotalDiff frm Specification_Specification lst TmpXMLTaxALW_TmpXMLTaxALW lst XMLSchemaMap_SchemaMap lst ACTION mac ApplBuild mac APPLVERSIONLIST mac DiscontinuedFunction mac FIELDS mac FORMS mac GLOBALDATAARRAY_SETUP mac JOURNAL_IMPORT mac OIOXML mac ReferenceFields mac SALESPURCH mac SALESPURCH_FORM mac SALESPURCH_POSTUPDATE mac SALESPURCH_REPORT mac SPECIFICATION mac TMP_FILE mac XMLF mac XMLF_APPL mac XmlSchema mac ProjPer mnu ProjPer_Totals mnu PurchPer mnu PurchPer_Totals mnu SalesPer mnu SalesPer_Totals mnu CustInterest qtx 8 Fix List CustReminderUBL qtx PAY2DA qtx ProjArchTotals qtx ProjConfirmationUBL qtx ProjCreditNoteUBL qtx ProjInvoiceUBL qtx PurchArchTotals qtx PurchRequisitionUBL qtx SalesArchTotals qtx SalesConfirmationUBL qtx SalesCreditNoteUBL qtx SalesInvoiceUBL qtx XmlCreateQtx qtx C5Inv03b rep C5PkSl03 rep CheckREPTags rep JourImportSetup rep LedBudgetScale rep LedCashReportList rep PurchInquiry rep PurchInvoice rep PurchRequisition rep SalesConfirmation rep ShowErrorLog rep XMLSchemaMapComparison rep DocRef_Init-record trg ProjTable_DELETE trg PurchTable_DELETE trg SalesTable_DELETE trg XMLSchemaMap_Insert trg XMLSchemaMap_Update trg 41Update xal 4300Update xal 4401000Update xal 4401002Update xal 4401002UpdateSys xal CopyOrder xal DataFileInit xal DataImport xal DataImportConvertXRef xal LedBalancesSimpleRun xal ProjInvoice xal ProjInvoiceTotals xal ProjReset xal PurchInvoice xal PurchInvoiceTotals xal 9 Fix List PurchReset xal SalesInvoice xal SalesInvoiceTotals xal SalesReset xal Table2Excel xal VendDisk_KASEL_DK xal VendDisk_PORTAL_DK xal XMLEksportXmlSchema xal XMLImportXMLSchema xal XMLScanFiles xal XMLUBLImportToPurchase xal XMLUBLImportToSalesOrder xal 10 Fix List Microsoft Dynamics is a line of integrated, adaptable business management solutions that enables you and your people to make business decisions with greater confidence. Microsoft Dynamics works like and with familiar Microsoft software, automating and streamlining financial, customer relationship, and supply chain processes in a way that helps you drive business success. United States and Canada toll free: (888) 477-7989 Worldwide: (1) (701) 2816500 The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, this document should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. This white paper is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. © 2013 Microsoft. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Microsoft Dynamics and the Microsoft Dynamics logo are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. 11 Fix List
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