Oversize/ Overweight Permit Manual Saskatchewan Foreword The Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association is pleased to publish this Oversize/ Overweight Permit Manual. Each state analysis includes information in a standardized format: contact, legal limits, special permit limits, general restrictions, types of permits available, fees, escort needs, fines, and restricted travel areas. Telephone numbers, locations, and hours of operation are listed for ports of entry and permit branches. However, readers are always advised to check with the state offices on current laws and procedures. This project could not have been completed without the advice and consultation of many state officials. We thank all of those who provided permit manuals, maps, laws, regulations, and various other forms of documentation. Legal Notice This SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual is intended only to provide concise, easily read information, useful in planning movements of overdimensional and overweight loads. This Permit Manual is not intended to be an accurate summary of all the applicable laws and regulations. Users of the Permit Manual should confirm the information contained herein before dispatching vehicles and loads. The SC&RA cautions Permit Manual users that state laws and regulations are subject to change without notice, and that some time elapses between the effective date of such changes and the amendment of the Permit Manual to reflect those changes. The SC&RA assumes no responsibility for accident, injury, loss or claim, penalties or any other damage resulting from reliance on the contents of this Permit Manual. Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association 5870 Trinity Parkway, Suite 200 Centreville, VA 20120 PHONE: (703) 698-0291 Fax: (571) 722-1698 Website: www.scranet.org Email: info@scranet.org SK-1 04/14 Copyright 1987-2014 by the Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Joel M. Dandrea, Executive Vice President, Specialized Carrier & Rigging Association. Requests to the publisher for permission should be addressed to Joel M. Dandrea, Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association, 5870 Trinity Parkway, Suite 200, Centreville, VA 20120. SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN CONTACT: Saskatchewan Government Insurance Permit Office 3rd Floor, 2260 11th Avenue Regina, SK S4P 2N7 http://www.highways.gov.sk.ca/tucking-permits/ Hours: Monday-Sunday 6 am - 10pm (Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and New Years Day) 306-775-6969 (in Regina/outside Saskatchewan) 1-800-667-7575 (in Saskatchewan) 306-775-6909 (fax) sgipermitoffice@sgi.sk.ca LEGAL LIMITS (All axle loadings subject to tire size) Primary Highways 5 axles 87,000 lbs. 6 axles 102,400 lbs. (subject to spacings below) 7 axles (A-C Train) 118,000 lbs. 7 axles (B Train) 124,500 lbs. 8 axles (B Train) 137,700 lbs. (subject to spacings below) o (steering on straight truck) o (steering) o (drive) oo ooo ooo ooo 15,900 lbs. tire size) 12,100 lbs. 20,020 lbs. 37,400 lbs. 46,200 lbs. 50,600 lbs. 52,800 lbs. Secondary or Municipal Roads 76,000 lbs. 88,000 lbs. 108,000 lbs. 108,000 lbs. 120,000 lbs. (subject to 12,100 lbs. (7’8”-9’8”) (9’8”-11’8”) (11’8”-12’1”) 12,100 18,040 31,900 44,000 44,000 44,000 lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. WIDTH: HEIGHT: LENGTH: 8’6” 13’6” 41’ single unit 45’9” bus 75’5” tractor and semi-trailer or any other combination of vehicles 82’ A train, B train or C train OVERHANG no night travel exceeding 9’10” Refer to Vertical and Horizontal Clearance of Structures on the Provincial Highway System SK-2 04/14 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual PERMIT LIMITS NOTE: Special permit limits on weight are based on the following formula (except for spring road bans): 560 lbs. per inch width of tire for steering axle 500 lbs. per inch width of tire for any other axle WIDTH: HEIGHT: 16'5" if exceeding will require 2 escorts 17' or higher must be cleared through local power and phone companies NOTE: Larger increments of width and length are considered on a case-by-case basis only. — — Overhang Permit required on overhang exceeding 35% of tractor/trailer wheelbase or if load is over 75'5" in length. Box Length permit required for load exceeding 53' in length. PERMIT RESTRICTIONS General –Permits are issued for non-divisible loads based upon bridge and highway capacities. Permits for overweight are issued at 10 kg per mm width of tire on the steering axle and at 9 kg per mm on all other axles. Operators requiring permits for extremely heavy loads should apply for these permits well in advance to avoid delay, as time is required to review structural capacities along the desired/requested routes. Permits are issued on a per trip basis. Return trips and extensions are available upon request. Night travel restrictions apply to the following: – 12' + in width – 82' + in length – 16' + in height Sunday and holiday travel restrictions apply to the following: – 11' + in width – 82' + in length NOTE: There are no travel restrictions due to weight. Divisible load permits not available. 1) Loaded vehicles must not travel on the shoulder of the highway unless otherwise specified by policy. 2) Public structures or highway construction may restrict travel of oversize or overweight loads. 3) “D” signs or escort vehicles must not be used unless they are required by permit. 4) All vehicles are subject to any weight restriction imposed by law or regulation such as The Highways and Transportation Act or The Municipalities Act. 5) Permits and/or permit numbers must be available in the vehicle and produced to a peace officer or authorized Ministry representative upon request. 6) At night, red lights must mark the end of any load extending beyond 1m of the extremities of the vehicle. 7) The vehicle may be equipped with extendible load marking lights. 8) Direct crossing of a provincial highway is allowed on restricted travel days (Sunday afternoons, public holidays, etc.) if a flag person is used. 9) Sunrise and sunset are defined by the National Research Council’s Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics. 10) Certain loads may require specific conditions or travel time restrictions. For more details contact the permit office. 11) As a minimum, all loads are to be secured in accordance with The Security of Loads and Trip Inspection regulations. 12) Farm machinery and equipment have specific policies separate from this section. Refer to section 500 of the Weight and Dimension Administration Manual. 13) Mobile homes and building moves have specific policies separate from this section. Refer to section 200 of the Weight and Dimension Administration Manual. Insurance — Required for vehicle and load, but does not need to be on file with the provincial office. SK-3 04/14 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual Liability and cargo insurance 3rd party Notes liability Class A - Only Class A plated vehicles can register under International Registration Plan (IRP) for out-ofprovince travel. 5,000 kg Exempt from cargo insurance if hauling low value or Yes1 Yes 11,000 kg owner's own goods. 11,001 kg and Exempt from cargo insurance if hauling low value or Yes1 Yes greater owner's own goods. Class C and D - Cannot register under IRP but can leave the province on single trip permits. 5,000 kg No Yes 11,000 kg 11,001 kg and No Yes greater Class LV - If registered as commercial or business purposes. 5,000 kg Exempt from 3rd party liability insurance if operating No Yes 11,000 kg in Saskatchewan. 11,001 kg and No Yes greater Class F No No Class PB No Yes Class PS No Yes Only with 10 passengers or more including the driver. Cargo insurance Weekend/Night Travel – Sunday travel: no travel restrictions on Sundays prior to 12:00 p.m. and no travel on Sundays for vehicles or loads exceeding 3.85m (12.6 ft.) wide after 12:00 p.m. Night travel: vehicles/loads over 3.85m (12.6 ft.) wide, and up to the 4.45m (14.6 ft.) width limit, require lead and trail escort vehicles on all highways; The amendment also increases the length limit of vehicles/loads for travel between sunset and sunrise to 31.0m (102 ft.). At night, red lights must mark the end of any load extending beyond 1m of the extremities of the vehicle. Holiday – Public holidays and on days specified near public holidays [December 24, 27 and 31]: no travel restrictions prior to 12:00 p.m. and no travel for vehicles or loads exceeding 3.85m (12.6 ft.) wide after 12:00 p.m. Inclement Weather – Winter Weights are effective November 16 and continue until March 14 of the following year. The period from November 16 to November 30 and the period from the last day in February until March 14 are subject to restrictions if weather conditions remain or become too mild to allow for the additional weights. Official Spring Restriction Orders are issued every Tuesday and Friday (with the exception of Good Friday) by 12:30 p.m. (CST) during the ban period. Spring road restrictions are dependent on weather. Typically restrictions start in the first week of March, generally in the southwest of the province, and the remainder follow over a two or three week period. When restrictions are implemented, they may be in place for up to six weeks. Restrictions may change with 48 hours notice. If a prolonged cold spell occurs during the restriction season, they may be removed until conditions warrant their implementation again. Permit Information Required — Name and address of carrier; owner of load, owner of vehicle; overall dimensions; load dimensions; dimensions of towed vehicle (if applicable); tractor license; trailer license; no. of axles; starting point; destination; routes to be travelled; total gross weight; date of entry; date of exit; load description - if mobile home, include home serial #. For additional detailed restrictions and requirements see the Saskatchewan Weights and Dimensions Administrative Manual. TYPES OF PERMITS Single Trips — Valid for length of trip; return trip available if not leaving SK. Annual — Available on a case-by-case basis. Annual Fleet Permit – to reduce the cost of transporting goods in northern Saskatchewan, the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure is issuing an annual fleet permit to carriers operating on Highways 102, 905 and 915. SK-4 04/14 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual FEES Overwidth – Over 8’6” – 10’ No charge Over 10’ – 12’ $17 Over 12’ – 14’ $36 Over 14’ $72 Overlength - Over 75’ – 95’ $10 Over 95’ $15 Overheight – No charge Overweight - $11 + [(difference between registered weight and actual weight in tons) X $.036] X kms traveled. Non-registered vehicles use the same formula except substitute $.006 for $.036. An insurance fee is also charged calculated with the same formula substituting $.005 for $.036 and adds this to the fee of $5. ESCORTS AND SIGNS Escort Requirements 2-Lane Highways – Multi-Lane/Inter Secondary-Night width 8’6” – 16’4” width 14’1” – 16’4” width 16’4” or over length 98’ or over width 8’6” – 16’4” width 16’4” or over length over 118’ width over 11’2” 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 escort escort where any axle or GVW exceeded rear rear rear rear rear (Front & Rear) Certification – N/A FINES $35 plus $10 each 110 pounds or fraction thereof over legal weight. RESTRICTED TRAVEL SK-5 04/14 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual PORTS OF ENTRY 13 ports of entry from U.S. Hours of operation subject to change, call Canada Customs toll free in Canada at 1-800-461-9999, or 204-983-3500 outside of Canada. PERMIT ORDERING Phone Most permits are issued immediately over the phone - the required details are recorded and you're provided a permit number verbally. The permit number should be carried in the vehicle for the duration of the permit and is used as a reference for enforcement. Carriers from Canada have the option of being billed for their permit or paying for it at the time of issue. Carriers from the United States must pay for their permit at the time it is issued. The Permit Office will accept VISA, Mastercard and American Express. SK-6 04/14 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual Internet Most single trip permits can be applied for and immediately issued using the online permit application. Some permit applications may require further approval from Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure bridge engineers, but the turn around on these permits is generally very fast. If you wish to issue your own permits online, you must first apply and be approved by the Permit Office. Contact the Permit Office for more information on becoming a self issuer. Term permits A term permit is a yearly permit issued for overweight or over-dimension vehicles or loads. Term permits usually require a written application request by mail, fax, or email. Term permits with no fee can be issued over the phone without paper documentation. Not all loads and vehicles are eligible for term permits. Contact the Permit Office at 306-775-6969 for more information on the types of permits that are available and for information on application requirements. In order to be able to use our self-serve system, you must apply through the Permit Office during regular business hours. Once approved as a self issuer, you can be added to our online issuing system to view and print your permits as well as issue most of your own permits. Self issue maximum permit limits: 7.30 m wide 45.0 m long 5.18 m high maximum axle group loading 27,000 kg maximum gross vehicle weight 70,000 kg Loads where the axle group weight exceeds 27,000 kg or the gross weight exceeds 70,000 kg will require approval by Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure bridge engineers. SGI will forward the request for approval to the engineers. Engineer approvals are only completed during regular business hours and may prolong the permit approval process. System requirements Minimum self issuer requirements: a high speed internet connection Internet Explorer is required (other browsers are not supported) Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 or better 512 mb of memory Adobe Acrobat reader Cookies must be enabled Screen resolution set to 1024 X 768 For more information on becoming a self issuer contact the SGI Permit Office at 306-775-6969. SPECIAL NOTES Recent Changes – None noted. Pending Changes – None noted. SK-7 04/14 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual
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