Student Clubs & Organizations Manual 2013-2014 KENNEBEC VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE

Student Clubs & Organizations Manual
Club & Organization Information
Office of Student Development ................................................................................................................................... 1
Academic Calendar ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Clubs & Orgs Recognition Guidelines & Process .................................................................................................3-4
Accessing Funds ...........................................................................................................................................................4-6
Campus Fundraising & Solicitation ...........................................................................................................................6-8
Where to Go / Who to Ask ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Posting Guidelines ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Campus Center Guidelines ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Fire Code & Dress Code ............................................................................................................................................. 11
Publicity Guidelines ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Where and How to Advertise ................................................................................................................................... 12
Email Communication ................................................................................................................................................... 12
Leadership Tips ........................................................................................................................................................ 13-17
Starting a Club at KVCC .............................................................................................................................................. 19
Clubs & Orgs Data Sheet ............................................................................................................................................ 20
Clubs & Orgs Constitution and Bylaws Form ........................................................................................................ 21
Room Booking Form..................................................................................................................................................... 22
Monitor Message Request Form ................................................................................................................................ 23
Oversized Poster Request Form ............................................................................................................................... 24
Internal Purchase Requisition (PO) ........................................................................................................................... 25
Funding Request Form............................................................................................................................................ 26-27
Intent to Program/Fundraise Form............................................................................................................................ 28
Activity/Event Checklist ......................................................................................................................................... 29-30
Fundraising Report ........................................................................................................................................................ 31
The Office of Student Development provides programing and co-curricular opportunities that encourage
students to further advance personal, professional and leadership skills. The Office of Student
Development works to help students become civically engaged, community minded, goal oriented,
academically motivated and professionally prepared during their time at Kennebec Valley Community
Why get involved on campus? Campus involvement is a great way to make friends, establish useful
networks, and make the most of your college experience. By participating in campus activities and
organizations, you can learn more about your strengths, improve your skills, and increase your career
and educational opportunities.
The Office of Student Development offers opportunities in:
Leadership Development
Student Senate (Government)
Student Clubs & Organizations
National Honor Societies
Intramural Sports/Fitness
Service for Credit Program (formerly
Volunteer Program)
The purpose of this manual is to provide clubs and organizations at KVCC (including all satellite
campuses) with pertinent information, policies, guidelines and procedures. This manual is available for
viewing on the Office of Student Development website. Paper copies are available upon request in the
Office of Student Development. Supplements will be added as needed.
As with all print form publications, the information may need to be updated on a regular basis to keep up with
updates, edits, and clarifications. Please refer to the Clubs & Orgs Manual online for the most up-to-date
information. If you find errors or inconsistencies please let the Director of Student Development know.
Periodically, Club Presidents, Treasurers, and their Advisor(s) may be asked to meet with the Director
of Student Development and/or Student Senate President.
Under The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), individuals with disabilities may request
accommodations to access activities and events sponsored by the College. This extends to special
events or programs such as a speaker series, social activities, cultural, educational, and recreational
activities, or open meetings. See the Director of Student Development for such accommodations.
Kevin Richards
Director of Student Development
126b King Hall
How to start a Club
KVCC students may make a request to form a new club. The students must complete the new club
request form found on the OSD clubs and Organizations website. All information including, club
president (student contact), club advisor (Staff or Faculty liaison) and list of current members must be
submitted. This form can be completed and submitted online and a response that the request has been
received will be given within 2 business days.
After the submission is made it will then be presented to the Student Senate at the next meeting. The
club members may attend the Senate meeting in support of their club proposal. A decision will be made
by the Student Senate and the club members will be notified via KVCC email.
Responsibilities of Club and Organization Officers
A new Data Sheet (with new officer and member names) and any changes to the Constitution/Bylaws
must be submitted each academic year to the Student Senate. In the event that an office is vacated
during the year, special elections may be held, and the new names forwarded to the Student Senate
( The Data Sheet can also be located on the clubs and organizations
website where it can be completed and submitted online.
Officer Responsibilities:
The President shall
a. preside at all meetings
b. maintain a respectful meeting environment
c. sign all requisitions/requests for expenditures of money from the account
d. create standing committees for special events/activities
e. submit for approval all publicity flyers and posters to the appointed Advisor. Please see
section on Publicity/Posting Guidelines as to what to include on your poster
The Vice-President/Public Relations Officer shall
a. preside at meetings in the absence of the President
b. oversee standing committees
c. perform other duties as requested by the President
d. work with the I.T. department to make changes to Blackboard, Portal and/or College
website as it pertains to your club or organization
The club’s Secretary shall
a. maintain records of meeting attendance and minutes
b. perform other duties as requested by the President
c. submit meeting minutes to the Student Senate secretary for archival
The club’s Treasurer shall
a. report out a financial account of expenditures
b. balance the financial report with the monthly report created by the Business Office
d. perform other duties as requested by the President
e. submit a fundraiser report for each event to the Director of Student Development
The Student Senate Representative shall
a. attend all Student Senate meetings
The Advisor shall
a. Be employed by the college on at least a half-time, regular basis and, whenever possible,
be a faculty member in order to promote student-faculty interaction outside of the
b. assist the group in fulfilling its purpose
c. regularly attend functions planned by the group or secure an advisor substitute if needed
d. approve and sign all internal purchase requisitions
e. work with officers in upholding the standards and regulations of the college
f. assist the group in achieving sound financial procedures
g. assist group with any internal conflict and work to resolve these issues
Each club and organization is initially funded by the Student Senate (excluding funds raised as a club or
organization). To access your current balance see either Paula Beach in the Business Office in the Frye
Building or have your Student Senate representative request your balance at the next Student Senate
meeting. It is each club’s responsibility to keep up on all financial deposits and withdrawals. Here are
some considerations and guidelines regulating club monies:
Financial Guidelines & Procedures
The main purpose for these procedures is to provide adequate controls and audit trails for all financial
transactions of any Student Club or other Organization or person.
1. Every student club and organization will deposit all funds at the Business Office. No clubs or
organizations will have a separate account at a banking institution.
2. Anytime a fundraiser occurs where gift cards or certificates are awarded a Fundraising Report
must be submitted (email or by using the form in the FORMS section) to the Director of
Student Development. Be sure the report includes where the gift card was to, who won it and
for how much the card was worth. This will ensure that this practice remains ethical.
3. Every organization is responsible for having an officer act as treasurer and keep a set of books
for recording financial transactions. The treasurer should coordinate his/her books with the
Business Office records to find inconsistencies. The books will allow quick reference for a
balance available and to help prevent duplicate payment of bills when periodically compared to
the Business Office's books. In addition to the treasurer's financial books, the Business Office
keeps official historical records of activity in each account.
4. Recognized students clubs and organizations are allowed to engage in constitutionally protected
political speech and activities. Nonetheless, student clubs and organizations may not conduct
activities that constitute partisan political activities in violation of law or policy. Because the laws
and policies regulating such activities in public facilities are complex, all student organizations
must consult in advance with the Director of Student Development prior to using college names
or resources to invite a candidate running for elected office, solicit funds for such candidates,
use an on-campus address, telephone, computer, service, equipment or personnel in connection
with, or to endorse, such candidacies. (MCCS Policy #503, D4).
5. All clubs must expend funds and/or raise funds in a manner consistent with local, state, and
federal laws and not be in conflict with any College policy.
In the event that money is suspected of being misappropriated, accounts will be frozen and the
Student Conduct Code Officer, currently the Dean of Students, Karen Normandin, will be
KVCC clubs are not allowed to sign and commit to any services (such as contracts) without the
approval of the administration.
Base Funding for Clubs & Orgs
All KVCC recognized student clubs and orgs may request a base fund from the Student Senate at the
beginning of each academic semester (excluding summers). Clubs and Orgs may receive up to $250.00
each academic semester for their purposes by submitting a Funding Request Form found in the
FORMS section of this manual. Expenditures may include purchasing such items as: supplies for
upcoming fundraisers, food for meetings, gifts for advisors, conference fees, transportation to
conferences, guest speakers, books for the club/organization library, art supplies for poster making, etc.
To determine whether funds should be spent on a particular item, clubs and organizations are
encouraged to speak with the Director of Student Development.
Additional Funding
For additional funding, a Funding Request Form must be filled out and be presented by their Club or
Organization representative at the next Senate meeting. See also the sections below on Campus
Fundraising & Solicitation.
Matching Funds
Student Senate at KVCC will match funds raised by the student club or organization as a means to
encourage fundraising but also to reward hard work. This request may be made once per
academic year. The matching by Student Senate shall not exceed $500 and will not be done
automatically. A club or organization’s interest in fundraiser matching must be indicated on their Intent
to Fundraise form and may not be an afterthought.
Withdrawing Funds/Requesting Checks
To request a check (expenditures from an account), the Treasurer must complete the KVCC Internal
Purchase Requisition (IPR) also known as a Purchase Order (PO). Forms may be obtained
from the Director of Student Development OR from your Advisor who can request some from the
Business Office. An example of this form is available in the FORMS section. The President and Advisor
(Responsible Center Manager) must sign this form. The form will be submitted, in a timely fashion, to
the Business Office for final approval by the Dean of Finance. Generally, checks will be available within
two weeks. Requests that do not meet this timeline should be discussed with the Director of Student
Development. Upon approval by the Dean of Finance, the Business Office will forward a yellow copy
of the requisition to the Treasurer to keep for their records. Once available, checks should be picked
up in person to avoid being lost in the mail.
Yellow copies of IPRs must be maintained as a part of the financial history of the club. Original receipts
need to be turned into the Business Office; please keep a copy for your records.
Business Office Contact: Paula Beach, Frye Building, 453-5132
Depositing Funds
All revenue generated from a fundraiser goes immediately into the club or organization account via the
Business Office in the Frye Building. No cash will be kept in a lock box nor will any off-campus checking
accounts be opened in the name of the club. ALL monies will go through the proper channels or all club
monies will be frozen. See also Financial Guidelines & Procedures.
If a club is in need of more than $250 per semester, they will need to fundraise. Only administratively
and/or Student Senate approved activity groups, and student clubs or organizations are eligible to
conduct fundraising activities on the KVCC Campus. The club or organization wishing to fundraise must
fill out an Intent to Fundraise Form in the FORMS section of this manual (you may photocopy it).
General Raffle Information
Proceeds shall not be used to provide salaries, wages or other remuneration to members, officers
or employees of any organization authorized to conduct games of chance.
Proceeds may go to defray all or part of the expenses that further the purpose for which the
organization is formed, but not to purchase alcohol or to defray the cost of activities where alcohol
is served or directly to organization members except as allowed
The treasurer of an organization or other officer designee shall keep a record of all financial
transactions involving games of chance which must be maintained and kept for 3 years.
Off-Campus Raffles:
All raffle tickets sold off-campus by a recognized KVCC club must adhere to the following Maine
Community College System (MCCS) policy:
All tickets sold must be purchased from a licensed distributor or licensed printer. Tickets
must be sequentially numbered and have printed on their faces the following information:
the name of the special exempt raffle licensee; a description of the prize or prizes; the price of the
ticket; and the date, time and place of the drawing.
It is not enough to simply use a roll of mass marketed raffle tickets.
Off-campus raffle tickets must adhere to this policy
Limited Designated Forum Policy (policy currently under review)
A designated forum is an area that does not qualify as a public forum but has been
affirmatively identified by a college to allow certain speech activities. An example might be an auditorium
or lobby of a college building. In designating such locations, a college may also designate certain limits on
the forum (these are called “limited designated forums”). For example, a college may designate a certain
forum as being available only for internal but not external (or vice versa) persons or groups. Once an
area is designated as regular or limited forum, a college is not required to continue that forum
indefinitely. But for so long as the designation applies, the college is bound by the rights and limits it has
so designated. If the forum is designated without any such limits, then the same standards applicable to a
public forum apply: Reasonable time, place and manner regulations are permissible, but content-based
prohibitions must be narrowly drawn to further a compelling college interest.
In Conjunction with the Maine Community College System (MCCS) policy 210, D2, Kennebec Valley
Community College has established a limited designated forum. The College’s space for designated
forum is a table in the lobby of King Hall adjacent to the stairwell along the window side of Room 112.
The college has designated certain limits on the forum making it a “limited designated forum”.
These limits are:
a. Prior approval from the Director of Student Development
b. Reservation of space needs to be approved by the College
c. Event must occur during the College’s operation hours M-F 8:00am-9:00pm and from 8:00am2:00pm on Saturdays. The College is closed for business on Sundays
d. One group at a time (first come-first served)
e. This space may be used by internal and external groups or individuals
f. May be used for fundraising purposes
g. Event may last 3 consecutive days or by permission of the Director of Student Development.
h. The College reserves the right to allocate space based on specificity related to the event.
i. Please see the Office of Student Development, King 113A, for the most updated policy
regarding the Limited Designated Forum Policy and those policies regarding Public and NonPublic Forum spaces.
Campus Fundraising Policy (policy currently under review)
KVCC clubs and organizations that are officially recognized by the Student Senate may fundraise at
KVCC. All food is prohibited from being sold. Fundraising efforts may not include the selling of
hot foods, cold foods or baked goods of any kind. Prior to fundraising, clubs or organizations
must notify the Office of Student Development of their intentions to fundraise at least 2 weeks (10
business days) in advance. The time and location of the desired fundraiser is dependent upon the space
that is available at that time.
Recognized Clubs and Organizations are permitted to work with non-college vendors in raising funds.
All sales and promotions must comply with KVCC, MCCS, the town of Fairfield, state, and federal
Hosting a Fundraiser on-campus
1. Notify the Director of Student Development of intent to fundraise by dropping off an Intent to
Fundraise Form at least 2 weeks (10 business days) prior to the fundraiser. No
advertising, sales, or promotion can take place until receiving the Director of Student
Development’s approval.
2. If the club or organization plans to solicit donations from businesses, the Director of Student
Development needs to give prior approval where the club intends to seek these items from. A
list of businesses emailed to the Director of Student Development will suffice in this matter.
Additionally, the OSD will work with clubs and organizations on how to write a formal request
3. Lobby space must be secured prior to event approval from Melodie McCutcheon in 113B King
Hall. This is done through a Room Booking Form (available in the FORMS section). You
may indicate on this form what set-up needs and/or technology needs you may have. Any
damages incurred at the event or during the fundraiser will be the financial responsibility of the
sponsoring club/organization.
4. Fundraisers cannot sell food of any kind (cold, hot or baked items).
5. Fundraisers will not run more than 4 consecutive days without prior permission.
6. Each club will have one (8 foot table). Exceptions made for two can be requested on the Intent
to Fundraise Form.
7. Adhere to all lobby guidelines (of where table can be) and bulletin board/taping guidelines (for
posters & marketing materials).
8. Event must occur during the College’s operation hours M-F 8:00am-9:00pm and from 8:00am2:00pm on Saturdays. The College is closed for business on Sundays
Club/Organization Questions
Student Development, King Hall
Kevin Richards, Room 126b King, 453-5040.
Reserving Rooms on Campus for Meetings and/or Events
Campus Center, Classrooms & Gym
To reserve contact Melodie McCutcheon, Room 113B, King Hall, 453-5154.
Fitness Center
Fitness Center, King Hall
For concerns about equipment or any other questions, contact the Office of Student
Development, Room 126b King Hall, 453-5040.
Colored and/or Black & White Photocopies
For colored photocopies, your faculty or staff advisor has access to a color photocopier in King
Hall. There is also a black & white photocopier for use by your advisor as well in the same
TV Monitors and Larger Sized Posters (there is a charge for these sized posters)
Karen Delile, Room 123 Carter Hall, 453-5083
Bulletin Boards
Frye: Whitney Wing
King: Lower & Upper Campus Center, Lobby
Lunder: Hallway Outside Library
Carter: Side Door by Gym
 By calling 660-2600 you will always reach a member of the maintenance staff.
Bulletin board space on campus is limited. Clubs who are recognized and registered with the Office of
Student Development and Student Senate may advertise on the Student Bulletin Boards that are
pertinent to your event.
Clubs and organizations that do not follow the KVCC Bulletin Board Policy & Sign Policy, both outlined
below, may lose bulletin board & sign privileges.
Bulletin Board Policy
Student Senate adheres to the KVCC bulletin board guidelines for student clubs and organizations.
Clubs are responsible for keeping the boards looking neat, up-to-date, and informative. These spaces
are a place for clubs to display general information, and activities and events being offered to the KVCC
community. The maintenance and appearance of these boards is the responsibility of the club. Bulletin
boards are expected to be changed regularly in an effort to keep students updated and current. The
Office of Student Development will routinely monitor the bulletin boards.
Sign Policy
Notices are not to be posted on exterior doors, glass doors, or interior fire doors. Any notice
posted on a painted wall must be affixed with special mounting squares. Scotch tape is prohibited
because it damages the surfaces. Notices are not to be affixed to whiteboards as adhesive damages
their surfaces. People placing the signs are responsible for their prompt removal after their usefulness
has passed. (KVCC Policy 5.20)
See Limited Designated Forum Policy mentioned earlier in this manual.
The purpose of the Campus Center in King Hall is to provide a multi-purpose space for activities open
to the KVCC on-campus community. An atmosphere of entertainment and other activities will be
created. All events during operational hours will be open to students, faculty, and staff and not limited to
members of one group. The Campus Center is not rented out for events that inhibit general use. Ideas
for programs, activities, and events are welcome and may be directed to the Director of Student
Development, 453-5040.
Campus Center Hours of Operation
College operational hours are M-F 8:00am-9:00pm and from 8:00am-2:00pm on Saturdays. The College
is closed for business on Sundays
Use of Campus Center for Private Parties or Meetings
This is a space for the students to relax and is not to be rented out for any event that blocks student
use. The Campus Center is limited to events where students can walk through without disruption.
Private meetings or luncheons are not encouraged.
In accordance with the State of Maine fire code there are occupancy limits for all rooms on campus.
Contact the Maintenance Office, Room 135, King Hall, 453-5036, if there is a question regarding fire
KVCC does not have an official policy/dress code for students, faculty, or staff. However, individuals
using the Campus Center and any other KVCC facility must wear shoes and shirts.
All policies and guidelines put forth in the KVCC Student Code of Conduct are to be adhered to by all
students at all times. Individuals found in violation of the code will be sanctioned appropriately.
All approved and recognized KVCC Clubs may advertise for their event around campus. Advertising is
expected to be in good taste and have it include the following:
Event Contact Person:
Kennebec Valley Community College is an equal opportunity/affirmative
action institution and employer. For more information, please call John
Delile at 207-453-5123.
The Student Development Office reserves the right to remove all publicity that does not meet the
above requirement. Priority is given to KVCC sponsored events.
Posting of flyers or signage on glass entrance doors is strictly prohibited.
These will be removed.
Option 1 – Posters 8.5 x 11 (Letter) or 8.5" by 14" (Legal). These can be made within your
academic department (with Advisor’s permission). Poster fees, as well as applicable postage, will
be deducted from the club’s budget.
Option 2 - Oversized posters or banners are larger than 8.5" by 14”. Attaching your poster
template in Publisher and attaching the Oversized Poster Request Form (available in the
Forms section of this manual) and emailing both documents to Karen Delile at is the most efficient way to achieve this request. There is a fee, reflected
on the form, for these sized posters. It is up to the sponsoring club(s) to hang up and take down
their advertising in a timely fashion.
Option 3 – Outdoor “Sandwich Board” signs are available for KVCC sponsored events.
Contact Karen Delile at to inquire about having your event placed on
Bulletin Board Locations:
Lower Campus Center- 4’ x 8’ for all KVCC recognized club events
Food for Thought Café
Carter Hall –near Gym
Lunder Library-in lobby
Whitney Wing of Frye
Other ways to Advertise:
 Campus Wide-Emails-approved clubs may receive permissions from I.T. in 103 King
(see “e-mail communication” for more information).
 Information Table-reserve with Melodie McCutcheon in 113B King.
 TV Monitor Messages-form available in FORMS section, send to Karen Delile, 123 Carter.
Upon completion and approval of paperwork, a club or organization e-mail account can be generated.
This will allow clubs/orgs the opportunity to send e-mails with their name noted in the “from” line.
Student Clubs/Orgs are responsible for the content of such messages. The KVCC e-mail is the official
communication system of the College. It is the responsibility of clubs to check e-mail on a regular basis.
Why Set Goals?
Goals are an important part of your group’s success. Setting goals can help your club in a variety of
Defining your organization.
Giving direction and avoid chaos.
Motivating members.
Clarifying and communicating what you’re striving for.
Creating a basis for recognition and celebrating success.
Saving time by helping to recognize problems in time to address them.
Start with a Mission
Your mission should be a short statement about the purpose of your group. It should generally stay
constant from year to year.
Start by asking the group why your organization exists.
Find the central themes to your answers to write your mission statement.
A mission should be clear, simple and challenging.
Creating Goals
Goals are statements about what you would like to accomplish in a given period. To be most effective,
change your goals from year to year or term to term, depending on your organization.
Start early. If you plan your goals at the beginning of the year, you’ll be much more
productive, less stressed and projects will take less work if you start early.
Ask members to reflect on your mission and brainstorm goals.
From the brainstormed list, choose goals you want to fulfill.
As a group, prioritize your goals.
Identify objectives and a plan of action for each goal.
Move into action and follow through.
Check in on your progress as you work on goals.
Adapt your action plan as needed.
Evaluate each goal as you accomplish it.
Operate by Objectives
Objectives are specific statements about measurable steps you will take to accomplish each goal. They
are short term and have a deadline. You will probably have several objectives for each goal. To develop
a plan for action:
State the objective.
Identify and secure resources (money, people, materials) needed.
Choose a person to take responsibility for completing the objective.
Decide on a deadline.
Determine how the objective will be evaluated. How will you know that you’ve been
Membership Development
A group is only as strong as the members that make it up. For a healthy club, remember these four
Recruiting members to your organization is just the first step, but an important one. Thinking early
about creative and strategic approaches will make the best use of your time and energy.
Take care of problems in the existing group. The healthier your group is, the more
attractive it is to join.
Identify the benefits to joining and communicate with potential new members about
what they’ll gain from becoming a member.
Think strategically about where to find students who might want to join your group and
advertise accordingly.
Be creative! Develop a recruiting plan that is unique and attention grabbing.
Be honest about expectations and requirements of members. It saves you time and
energy to recruit new members who understand and agree to what you’re asking for.
Helping members develop ensures that there will be leaders to take your place when you leave the
group. Clubs that stay strong from year to year have continuous leadership and strong membership.
Identify opportunities for members to learn new skills and learn more about how the
organization is run.
Invite a facilitator to come in to work with the group on leadership skills.
Share the decision making process with members. The more they know about it, the
more able they’ll be to participate.
Look for hidden talents amongst your members and delegate tasks that use them.
The key is to remember that people are motivated by different things. Try to use a variety of
motivators for the best results.
Make sure members have a part in developing goals, programs and activities. People
support what they come up with.
Recognize a member at each meeting.
Say thank you in public and critique in private.
Try a little friendly competition between committees or teams for completing a project
or selling tickets.
Give awards for going above and beyond or best grades to members each quarter or at
an end of the year pizza party.
Once you have them, make sure you keep them!
If you have a problem with senioritis, feature a senior at each meeting by sharing a few
fun facts and asking members to guess the member.
Recognize members for what they do.
Build a sense of unity with a teambuilding retreat or workshop.
Make sure members are getting what they want out of it by involving members and
making the organization attractive to them.
Keep the benefits to membership bigger than the cost (i.e.- time, energy)
Group Dynamics
Understanding How Groups Evolve
There is a rhythm to the way groups evolve. While every group is different, there are some common
stages through which most groups will progress. Understanding this cycle can help you work with the
group more effectively. You may find that your officer group will follow one cycle as a group and the
overall organization will have slightly different progress.
Forming: Each time you have members leave and new members come, you have a new group. Most
new groups will experience a period where members determine their place in the organization, tend to
be overly polite and act fairly independently. Some steps to take during this stage:
Facilitate ice breakers to help members become acquainted.
Coordinate a retreat or workshop for officers and/or members.
Review the group’s mission with members.
Identify expectations with officers.
Provide an initial “to do” list for officers and committee chairs to help them get started.
Storming: Once members feel more comfortable with one another, their quirks will start to
show. This comfort also allows members to disagree with one another, so conflict over expectations
and direction can happen and there is a high level of emotion. Try these steps while storming:
Provide mediation resources when conflicts become difficult for the group to manage.
Hold a workshop on communication and conflict resolution skills.
Remind everyone that storming is a natural part of group formation.
Conduct a group decision-making activity.
Norming: If storming is resolved, cohesiveness develops, members accept rules and expectations and
discover new ways of working together.
Schedule another teambuilding activity that encourages deeper self-disclosure.
As a group, design a t-shirt or some other emblem to identify them as a group.
Develop a new tradition.
Review and possibly establish new goals for the group.
Maintain relationships to avoid reverting to the storming stage.
Performing: Members achieve the fullest task and relationship competence.
Ensure that officers and members have tasks.
Support officers and members by giving feedback.
Step back and allow the group to perform.
Plan for selection and training of new officers for next year.
Adjourning: Bring closure to the experience and help members anticipate changes in relationships by:
Develop a closure activity to reflect on lessons learned from the past year.
Conduct an assessment or evaluation of the year which can be used in goal setting for
the next year.
Complete transition reports for new officers and ensure that meeting minutes and
other documents are organized and passed on.
Hold a recognition event.
Record addresses, phone numbers and e-mails of graduating and other departing
members for future correspondence.
Facilitating Meetings
Most behind the scenes work of the organization will happen through meetings. Facilitating effective
meetings is critical to accomplishing your organizational goals.
Prepare an agenda. The process of planning an agenda helps you focus on what you plan
to do. It also encourages members to contact you prior to the meeting if they have
something significant to add to the agenda. That standard order of a meeting is: (1) call
to order; (2) attendance; (3) minutes from the last meeting; (4) officer reports; (5)
committee reports; (6) unfinished business; (7) new business; (8) announcements; (9)
One person should be delegated the task of taking meeting minutes and distributing
them to group members. Minutes are the official record of what happened for those
who cannot attend and ensure continuity.
During the meeting, encourage open access to discussion. For those who tend to be
quiet, ask for an opinion. Members who dominate the discussion should be encouraged
to leave room for others to speak.
Avoid wasting time. Consider including social time either before or after the official
meeting and reserve your meeting time for formal business. Members with limited time
can make a choice about how much social time they stay for and you can truly enjoy
one another rather than trying to get tasks done while catching up.
Becoming comfortable with conflict and encouraging the open sharing of different opinions is part of
being a leader.
Help your group become more comfortable with resolving conflict by explaining that it
is a natural part of interacting with others. If we all thought the same about everything,
we would only need one of us.
Model your own comfort with people having different ideas that you. Admit you’re not
always right.
Many times conflict is a result of misinterpretation or lack of information. Encourage
open communication and checking the facts before jumping to conclusions.
Encourage members involved in interpersonal conflict to try to talk it out first.
Discourage gossip.
Train members and officers on conflict resolution before there’s a conflict.
Seek help from your advisor, the Center for Student Involvement or the Counseling Center when
you’re struggling with mediating a conflict. It’s worth the effort.
Working with your Advisor
While you are a student organization and should be running things from that point of view, it is wise to
have an advisor to provide you with just that...advice. An advisor can prove to be a valuable asset to
your organization by sharing his/her life experiences and wisdom, and by providing continuity,
organization, memories related, and connections to resources.
The key role of the advisor is to serve as a resource for the organization.
Take some time to discuss reciprocal expectations with your advisor(s). Establish open
lines of communication that will enable you to work together effectively.
Invite your advisor to participate in social events and teambuilding activities so that they
and members can get to know one another more informally.
Include your advisor in developing your mission, goals, and budget.
Ask your advisor to attend officer meetings so they can offer guidance as your work on
Include your advisor on any e-mail or regular mailing list.
Communicate about meetings and events early so your advisor can attend.
Meet one on one regularly to check in, discuss issues and develop a deeper relationship.
If at some point you have difficulty locating an advisor, or are having some complications
with your current advisor, please contact the Office of Student Development for
Source: Seattle University
To start a new club or organization, submit the following three documents to The Office of Student
Proposal for club/organization: A typed document (in Microsoft Word is preferable) that describes what your
club or organization will do. You should include a mission statement of sorts, types of events your club hopes
to offer and include how this group will contribute to the KVCC campus community. This is your chance to
let us get a better understanding of who you are and what you hope to achieve as a recognized club/org at
Club/Org Constitution & By-Laws – Use the sample constitution provided by Student Senate and simply insert
your club name, officers and members.
Club/Org Data sheet - A list of club officers and faculty/staff advisor as outlined in the club constitution. A list of
at least 5 members is required. Members must be current (active) KVCC students. The club/org advisor
must be employed by the college on at least a half-time, regular basis and, whenever possible, be a faculty
member in order to promote student-faculty interaction outside of the classroom.
After your proposal is submitted to the Director of Student Development, it will be forwarded to the President
of the Student Senate for consideration. The President of the new Student Club/Organization will receive
notification when the club/org is officially approved by the Student Senate. Once approved, the President should
obtain a hard copy of the 2013-2014 Student Club & Organizations Manual and adhere to it.
Office of Student Development
Kennebec Valley Community College
92 Western Avenue, Fairfield, Maine 04937-1367
King Hall, Room 126b
A Data Sheet is required by the Student Senate and the Office of Student Development for official
recognition and for qualification of activity funds (from Student Senate).
Club/Org Name ____________________________________________________________________
Club/Org Meeting Location ____________________________________________________________
Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chair, Vice Chair)
President/Chair _________________________ Vice President/Vice-Chair ______________________
Secretary _____________________________ Treasurer ______________________________
Student Senate Rep _____________________________
Student 1 ______________________________
Student 2 ______________________________
Student 3 ______________________________
Student 4 ______________________________
Student 5 ______________________________
Student 6 ______________________________
Student 7 ______________________________
Student 8 ______________________________
Faculty/Staff Advisor (mandatory): _______________________________________________
Program/Department _______________________ Phone # _________________________
Completed by (club person filling this out)): _______________________________________________
Date Submitted: _______________Date Approved: _______________
Signature:_________________________________ (Director of Student Development)
Signature:_________________________________ (Student Senate President)
Filed by: _________________________________________
Date: ________________________
Office of Student Development
Kennebec Valley Community College
92 Western Avenue, Fairfield, Maine 04937-1367
King Hall, Room 126b
A constitution and/or by-laws are required by the Student Senate and the Office of Student Development for
official recognition and for qualification of activity funds (from Student Senate).
Sample Club/Organization Constitution:
Name of Club/Organization
The name of this club/organization is the _______________________________
of Kennebec Valley Community College.
The purpose of __________________________________ is to promote
_________________________________ and encourage the members of
________________________ to share their interests in
The members of ________________________________ are KVCC students
(part-time or full-time). Active members of
______________________________ are to be
_________________________________(can write “see data sheet”).
Officers and Election
Elected officers are president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. The term of
office shall be ______________________. Officers shall be elected by
_______________________________. Elections of officers are held
Meetings are held (time, place, frequency)
The ___________________________ committees consist of
_____________________________________________________. The
___________________________ committees are responsible for
ARTICLE VII Revisions and Amendments
Revisions and amendments may be made in this constitution by a
_________________ vote of the active members.
(207)453-5000 Fax: (207)453-5010
Please complete each section:
Name of Course/Event: ______________________________________________________________
Contact Person: ________________________________________ Phone: ________________
Start Date: _____________________________
End Date: _________________________
Start Time: _____________________________
End Time: _________________________
Will this be a regularly scheduled event during those dates?  Yes  No  One Day Event
If Yes, what is the schedule? ______________________________________________________
If No, please explain: ____________________________________________________________
Seating: ______
Room Type: ___________________________________________
Room Preference: ________________________________________________________
Other: __________________________________________________________________
Return this form to Melodie McCutcheon, Room 113B, King Hall.
If you need to make any changes please notify her as soon as possible. Late changes may not be
possible. Please notify her of cancellations as soon as possible.
You have been assigned __________________________________________________________
Please complete the information below with authorized signature and return this form to Karen Delile,
Senior Faculty Assistant, Room 123 Carter Hall, 453-5083. Please allow at least two days’ notice for
Department/Organization: ________________________________________________________
Contact Person: ________________________________ Phone: __________________________
Message should run from: _________________________ to: __________________________
Message Heading: ___________________________________________________________
Brief description – please indicate exactly how you would like your message to appear (include date,
time, location, contact person, etc.)
Closed Circuit TV Policy 3.36
KVCC’s closed circuit TV system is a resource intended for the purpose of informing the College
community of upcoming events and public service announcements, as well as general policies related to
campus grounds and facilities.
Requests for placement of messages on the monitor system should be submitted via email to the Carter
Hall Faculty Secretary or IT Dept. staff in the event that person isn’t available at least one day in advance
and include a heading and description of the announcement, as well as the start and stop dates when it is
to appear on the monitor system. Messages should be clearly and briefly stated, preferably limited to a
single screen, and written either within the body of the email request or an attached Word document.
Approved by:
Director of Student Development/Club Advisor
(for base funding and any additional funding)
Fill this out when you are requesting additional funds from Student Senate (including your base
funding of $250.00 each semester).
________ I have read and understand all policies pertaining to Fundraising and Funding Requests as
they appear in the Student Clubs and Organizations Manual
I am requesting
Base Funding of $250
Additional Funding
Club/Organization Name: ________________________________________________
Event Title (if applicable): _________________________________________________
Date of Event (if applicable): ______________________________________________
Contact Person: _______________________________________________________
Phone: (
) _________________
Please list all estimated expenses for your event in order of priority for Senate funding.
Expense Description
Total Cost
Please list other sources of funding, such as Club/Organization monies and fundraising.
By signing below, I certify that all information on this request form is true and complete. I understand
that any false information may result in immediate termination of funding now or at any point in the
future if funded by Student Senate. I authorize the verification of any or all information listed
Officer Signature: ________________________________________ Date: _________
Advisor Signature: ________________________________________ Date: _________
Drop off in person (126b King Hall) or inter-campus mail to the Director of Student
Below is a form that the Director of Student Development (113A King) needs to receive at
least two weeks prior (10 business days) to the proposed event taking place.
Basic Event Information:
Name of Event: __________________________________________________________
Date(s): ___________
Time(s): ____________
Location: ___________________
Rain Location (if applicable): _________________________________________________
Please describe in detail the purpose of your fundraiser and how it will be carried out:
*Please Note that no food is to be sold at any fundraiser.
Will you be using this event as your one-time Senate Matching fundraiser?
 Yes
 No
Coordinator Contact Information:
Phone #:___________________________
Officer Signature: ________________________________________ Date: _________
Advisor Signature: ________________________________________ Date: _________
Drop off in person, email, or inter-campus mail to the Director of Student Development, 126b
King Hall.
KVCC Student Clubs & Organizations Event Checklist
Event:_______________________ Date: ______________________ Times: _______________
Event Location: ________________________________
Decide on an appropriate venue
Check availability for your intended date before you advertise anywhere with
Melodie McCutcheon.
Decide on best day of week and time of day for the event.
Reserve the room by completing the Room Booking Form and returning it
to Melodie McCutcheon in 113B King Hall.
Create a budget (To inquire as to how much your club currently has, contact
your Club’s Treasurer or within the Business Office in Frye.
If needed, submit a Funding Request Form to the Student Senate for
Confer with club treasurer on accessing money from the Business Office
Purchase items & record keep (save original receipts to be turned into
Business Office)
If wanting to send out a mass email via your club/org, contact I.T. in King 103
to receive these email permissions to the “Everyone” Group. Only available to
KVCC recognized clubs and organizations.
How should you advertise for this event? Be as creative as possible! Is it for a
targeted audience or the whole campus?
Let your volunteers/club members know exactly what you need them to do.
This makes you look organized and makes them feel needed and informed on
what to do.
Submit Fundraising Report to the Director of Student Development when any
gift cards are given out as prizes. Be sure the report includes where the gift
card was to, who won it and for how much the card was worth.
Who is
Emergency Numbers
EMERGENCY SERVICES (police, fire, ambulance) = 9911
In an emergency, dial 9-911 from a campus phone or 911 from your own phone.
General Assistance (660-2600)
If you are in need of general assistance, would like an escort to your vehicle during
evening hours, or need to report an unsafe situation, contact Maintenance at 6602600
Security Officer
An evening security officer is available from 4:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., Monday through
Thursday during the school year (September through May).
Plant Engineer
King Hall, Room 132, 557-1128 with concerns/questions regarding campus safety.
KVCC requires that recognized student clubs and organizations keep detailed track of any gift
cards and/or certificates that are awarded as prizes to students or employees. At the end of
the fundraiser, the student club or organization will submit the following to the Director of
Student Development:
Name of Event: _________________________________________________________
Date of Event: _________________________
Submitted by (Your Name, Please Print): ________________________________________
Gift Cards/Certificate (Name of Business): ______________________________________
Awarded to (Winner Name): ________________________________________________
In the Amount of: ________________________________________________________
(Repeat for each winner of each gift card/certificate)
Gift Cards/Certificate (Name of Business): ______________________________________
Awarded to (Winner Name): ________________________________________________
In the Amount of: ________________________________________________________
Gift Cards/Certificate (Name of Business): ______________________________________
Awarded to (Winner Name): ________________________________________________
In the Amount of: ________________________________________________________
Gift Cards/Certificate (Name of Business): ______________________________________
Awarded to (Winner Name): ________________________________________________
In the Amount of: ________________________________________________________