Gamma Phi Beta Sorority Discipline Packet _____________________________________________________________________________ President: Complete this packet of forms when recommending a member for international disciplinary action. The discipline packet consists of five required forms and any additional supporting documentation. Omission of any of the five required forms constitutes an incomplete packet and will be returned to the chapter president for completion. The complete Discipline Packet is located in the Member Forms area on the Gamma Phi Beta website. Each form in the discipline packet is also available as an individual document in the Download and Print group. Remember that a member may choose to voluntarily resign her membership at any time during the international disciplinary process. Make a copy of the entire discipline packet for your chapter records before sending to the regional coordinator. A discipline case will not be processed unless all required documentation is complete, accurate and received by International Headquarters. Required Discipline Forms: ___ Recommendation to International Council for Disciplinary Action Form #20 – Discipline form 1 of 5: This form, with the proper approval signatures, must be included in the discipline packet. All documents in the discipline packet (case file) must reference the same date and time of the accused member’s hearing. Discipline packets received at International Headquarters six months or more after the date of the executive council hearing are invalid and will not be considered for international disciplinary action. ___ Incident Report – Discipline form 2 of 5: This report is completed by the witness(s) (accuser) or the executive council. Read about “How to write an Incident Report” in the Collegiate Operations Manual, Member Discipline section, page 12. ___ Notice of Hearing – Discipline form 3 of 5: This notification must be received by the member at least four days prior to her executive council hearing. See instructions on the form for proper execution and delivery procedures. Read about the Notice of Hearing letter and delivery in the Collegiate Operations Manual, Member Discipline section, Pages 5 & 6 (Executive Council Hearing Process). ___ Hearing Minutes – Discipline form 4 of 5: A copy of the hearing minutes must be delivered promptly to the accused member with the Disciplinary Action Letter and a Resignation Form #19. Submit the recording of the hearing with the hearing minutes to International Headquarters. Read about the Hearing Minutes form in the Collegiate Operations Manual, Member Discipline section, Page 7 (Immediately Following the Hearing). ___ Disciplinary Action Letter – Discipline form 5 of 5: This notification letter documenting the results of the member’s executive council hearing must be received by the member, along with a copy of the Hearing Minutes form and a blank Resignation Form #19. See instructions on the form for proper execution and delivery procedures. Read about the Disciplinary Action letter and delivery procedures in the Collegiate Operations Manual, Member Discipline Section, Pages 8 & 9 (After the Hearing). Additional Supporting Documentation (if applicable): ___Financial obligation outstanding to the chapter – second page of the Form #20: Applicable if the member is not in financial good standing at the time of her executive council hearing. All outstanding debt must be itemized showing a description of each item and the date the member was charged. All outstanding debt must have occurred prior to the member’s hearing date. See the form for proper instructions. ___ Academic/grade point average information: Applicable if the member has failed to meet the chapter standards for scholarship. Send applicable grade reports. ___Attendance: Applicable if the alleged issue is attendance related. Send applicable attendance records, along with records showing specific dates and efforts made to contact the member. ___Pictures ___Other written communication/documents/e-mail ___Other info _________________________________________________________________________________ 1/11 Gamma Phi Beta Sorority 12737 E. Euclid Drive Centennial, CO 80111 303.799.1874 F: 303.799.1876 Page 1 of 1 Gamma Phi Beta Sorority Recommendation to International Council for Disciplinary Action Discipline Form 1 of 5 Instructions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Complete this form when recommending a member for international disciplinary action. Within one week of the hearing, send this form along with the other four required discipline forms in the discipline packet and any additional supporting documentation as outlined in the discipline packet cover sheet to your regional coordinator. Your regional coordinator will review and forward the completed discipline packet to International Headquarters. Retain a copy of the entire packet for the chapter files. All approval signatures are required as indicated below. All documents in the discipline packet (case file) must reference the same date and time of the accused member’s hearing. Discipline packets received at International Headquarters six months or more after the executive council hearing date are invalid and will not be considered for international discipinary action. Chapters will be notified in writing of International Council’s decision. The international discipline process takes a minimum of two months. Only International Council can grant membership termination or international suspension of membership. Member Information Chapter School Member’s Name Initiation Date_________Yr. in School_______ Phone( ) Home Address ______________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter Information Chapter President’s Name Phone ( ) E-mail Address Hours Available Fax( ) Reason brought to hearing. Include specific charges. _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date and Time of Hearing_____________________________________________________________________________ Name/Titles of People Present__ Member has been given the opportunity to voluntarily resign her membership Yes No Recommendation to International Council: Suspension of membership Termination of membership Approval Signatures - NOTE: Send original to your regional coordinator and retain a copy for the chapter files per the instructions above. All signatures requested below must be included or the discipline case will not be processed. All signatures below attest that they have read the above instructions and proper procedures have been followed according to the Collegiate Operations Manual, Member Discipline section and are in agreement with the recommendation to International Council. Chapter President_____________________________________________________________Date__________________ Signature Print Name Chapter Advisor______________________________________________________________Date__________________ Signature Print Name Financial Advisor_____________________________________________________________Date__________________ Signature Print Name Regional Coordinator__________________________________________________________Date__________________ Signature Print Name (As regional coordinator, my signature acknowledges that I have reviewed the discipline packet, discipline forms 1-5 and any other supporting documentation applicable to this member’s discipline case.) Form #20 1/11 Page 1 of 2 Gamma Phi Beta Sorority 12737 E. Euclid Drive Centennial, CO 80111 303.799.1874 F: 303.799.1876 Financial Obligation to the Chapter Instructions: 1. 2. Each outstanding financial obligation must be itemized below with a description of each debt. Include the original date the member was charged for each item and provide the dollar amount. All outstanding debt must have occurred prior to the member’s executive council hearing date. Do not include on this form any fines imposed by the local chapter. International Council will not hold a member responsible for fines imposed by the chapter. Chapter fines are a local issue and the chapter can pursue these fines from the member independently of this international discipline case. Chapter Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Member’s Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ The member has received this itemized copy of her outstanding debts. Itemized description of outstanding debt (list separately) DO NOT LIST FINES – International Council will not hold a member responsible for chapter fines. Yes Original date the chapter charged this item of debt to the member. (include Mo, Day & Yr) Original date the member incurred this debt must have occurred before the date of the member’s executive council hearing. This includes “late fee” due dates, as well. Dollar Amount 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) TOTAL AMOUNT OWED Form #20 1/11 $ Page 2 of 2 Gamma Phi Beta Sorority 12737 E. Euclid Drive Centennial, CO 80111 303.799.1874 F: 303.799.1876 Gamma Phi Beta Incident Report Form Discipline Form 2 of 5 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Instructions: 1. Any member may complete this form to report an alleged incident in violation of Gamma Phi Beta policies. This report form must be completed thoroughly in order to begin the disciplinary process. 2. Submit the completed and typed form to the chapter president and/or chapter advisor. 3. This discipline form 2 of 5 is required when a member is recommended for disciplinary action. Please refer to the Collegiate Operations Manual, Member Discipline section for proper discipline procedures after the chapter receives this completed Incident Report Form. The complete Discipline Packet of required forms is located in the “Member Forms” area on the Gamma Phi Beta website (Download and Print group). Each form in the discipline packet is also available as an individual document in the Download and Print group. Date submitted: ____________________________________________________________________________ Name of accused: ___________________________________________________________________________ Date of incident:____________________________________________ Time of incident: ________________ Location of incident:_________________________________________________________________________ Did you directly witness the incident? Yes No Is this an alcohol-related incident? Yes No If yes, is the person of legal drinking age? Yes Is this a drug-related incident? Yes No No If yes, what drug(s)? _________________ Persons Involved: Please list names of all members involved in the alleged incident, or who may have witnessed, or attempted to intervene in the situation. Name: Name: Describe what occurred to the best of your knowledge, explaining the involvement or role of each person listed on this form: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Submitted by: ___________________________________________________ Signature Date: _______________ Print Name Officer Use only Chapter advisor notified: Date of notification: Regional coordinator notified: Date of notification: Standards meeting: Date of meeting: Executive council hearing: Date of hearing: 1/11 Page 1 of 1 Gamma Phi Beta Sorority 12737 E. Euclid Drive Centennial, CO 80111 303.799.1874 F: 303.799.1876 Gamma Phi Beta Sorority Notice of Executive Council Hearing Discipline Form 3 of 5 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Instructions: 1. Four days written notice of the time and place of the executive council hearing and of the actions alleged to be in violation of Sorority policy must be given to the accused member by the chapter president on this Notice of Hearing. Mailing this notice, along with a blank Resignation Form #19 is the preferred delivery method. If the notice and Resignation Form #19 are mailed, they must be mailed via certified mail with return receipt requested (mailed with a tracking number) and in time for the member to receive it at least four days prior to the hearing. In the event that a member refuses delivery of a mailed notice, or in the event that a mailed notice cannot be delivered because of a change of address of which the member has not given written notice to the chapter’s recording secretary and/or president, the mailed notice is deemed delivered. If the notice is hand delivered by the president and a witness, the accused member, president and witness must sign an acknowledgement of receipt (see Acknowledgement of Notice of Hearing, page 2 of this form). If the accused member refuses to sign the acknowledgment of the hearing, the president and witness will note this refusal on the acknowledgment. Delivery of this notice or any information about the executive hearing communicated by e-mail, phone or other electronic notification to the member is not acceptable. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Notice of Executive Council Hearing: DATE: __________________________________________________________________________________________ TO: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ FROM: Gamma Phi Beta Executive Council, ______________________________________________________ Chapter An executive council meeting has been called regarding the events that took place on_________________________ (date). The following violation(s) of Sorority policies have been alleged: Alleged action: Policy allegedly violated: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Therefore, on ________________(date) at _________ (time) at ________________________ (location), we will hold an executive council hearing to provide you with the opportunity to respond to the above alleged violation(s) of Sorority rules and/or policies. Appropriate disciplinary action will then be decided based on the information presented at the hearing. Your attendance at this hearing is mandatory and your absence may be considered full admission of guilt. If this hearing time presents a serious hardship for you, please inform _____________________________ (chapter president) no later than ________________ (date) at _________ (time). Sincerely, The Executive Council of _____________________________________________Chapter of Gamma Phi Beta Sorority. 1/11 Page 1 of 2 Gamma Phi Beta Sorority 12737 E. Euclid Drive Centennial, CO 80111 303.799.1874 F: 303.799.1876 Notice of Executive Council Hearing Discipline Form 3 of 5 Acknowledgement of Notice of Hearing: By signing this form, I _______________________________________acknowledge I have received the Notice of Executive Print name Council Hearing four days before the scheduled hearing set for ________________________ (date of hearing). I have been given the opportunity to voluntarily resign and have received a blank Resignation Form #19. I understand that I may voluntarily resign my membership at any time during the pending international disciplinary process, up until a final decision on my membership status is rendered by International Council. Signature of member: ______________________________________________________Date received ________________ Print name Signature Chapter delivery signatures: This letter was delivered by: Name: ____________________________________________________________________Date of delivery______________ Print name Signature Title: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Witnessed delivery - name: ____________________________________________________Date of delivery_____________ Print name Signature Title: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Attach certified mailing receipt if mailed (with tracking number) 1/11 Page 2 of 2 Gamma Phi Beta Sorority 12737 E. Euclid Drive Centennial, CO 80111 303.799.1874 F: 303.799.1876 Gamma Phi Beta Sorority Hearing Minutes Form Discipline Form 4 of 5 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Instructions: 1. 2. 3. This form must be completed (typed) following each executive council hearing. Send one copy of this form to your regional coordinator with the other four required discipline forms and any other supporting documentation pertaining to this disciplinary action. Retain one copy for the chapter files. The accused member will receive a copy of the Hearing Minutes form when she is presented with the Disciplinary Action letter. Date of Hearing: ____________________________Time of hearing: ____________________________ Location of Hearing: ___________________________________________________________________ Chapter: School: _________________________________________ Accused Member(s):____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ List the name and office of those members attending the hearing (including advisors). Name 1. Office 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1/11 Page 1 of 3 Gamma Phi Beta Sorority 12737 E. Euclid Drive Centennial, CO 80111 303.799.1874 F: 303.799.1876 Date of Hearing: _______________________________ Chapter: _______________________________ Name of accused member: _______________________________________________________________ Was the accused member present? Yes Have the name(s) of the accuser(s) been made known to the accused member? No Yes No List names of witnesses: Description of the charges against the accused member: (Attach a copy of the Incident Report Form) Defense of the accused member: Executive officer questions and member’s responses: 1/11 Page 2 of 3 Gamma Phi Beta Sorority 12737 E. Euclid Drive Centennial, CO 80111 303.799.1874 F: 303.799.1876 Date of Hearing: _______________________________ Chapter: ________________________________ Name of accused member: _______________________________________________________________ Subsequent Executive Council Decision: Sanction: ______ No disciplinary action necessary ______ Local chapter probation Start Date: _____________ End Date: ______ International suspension of membership (includes local probation terms pending final International Council decision) ______ International termination of membership (includes local probation terms pending final International Council decision) List the terms of local probation or expectations of the member if international disciplinary action is recommended: The following supporting documents (if applicable) are included: Academic/grade point average information Attendance records List of outstanding financial obligations (use itemization form, page 2 of Form #20) Pictures Other written communication/documents/emails Other info________________________________________________________________________ Signatures (All officers listed below are required to sign): Chapter President Print name Signature Date Chapter Advisor Print name Signature Date Financial Advisor Print name Signature Date Regional Coordinator Print name Signature Date 1/11 Page 3 of 3 Gamma Phi Beta Sorority 12737 E. Euclid Drive Centennial, CO 80111 303.799.1874 F: 303.799.1876 Gamma Phi Beta Sorority Disciplinary Action Letter Discipline Form 5 of 5 Instructions: 1. For full procedures on how to notify the accused member of her local chapter probation or for international disciplinary action, see the Collegiate Operations Manual, Member Discipline Section, pages 8-9 (After the Hearing). 2. If meeting in person with the accused member to discuss the outcome of her executive council hearing is not an option, send this form, a copy of the Hearing Minutes Form and a blank Resignation Form #19, by certified mail with return receipt requested (mailed with a tracking number). Retain a copy of the certified mail receipt (tracking number) and attach to the designated area on page 2 of this form. 3. Delivery of this letter or any information about the outcome of an executive hearing by e-mail, phone or other electronic notification to the member is not acceptable. 4. Local probation documents are stored in secure and confidential chapter files. If the local probation is not attached to pending international disciplinary action, then the local probation documents do not need to be sent to International Headquarters. Date_________________________________ Dear __________________________________________of _____________________________________ Member name Chapter name This letter will serve as notice of the results of the executive council hearing held on your behalf on: Hearing date: ___________________________________ Time of hearing: ___________________________________________ Executive council voted to recommend the following action: No disciplinary action necessary Local chapter probation Start date: ________________ End date: ____________________ The terms of the local chapter probation are as follows: Executive council voted to recommend the following international disciplinary action: International suspension of membership (below include chapter expectations pending final International Council decision) International termination of membership (below include chapter expectations terms pending final International Council decision) The expectations of the member if international disciplinary action is recommended are as follows: If international disciplinary action is recommended, you will be notified by International Headquarters of your right to a hearing at the international level. Expenses incurred in connection with attendance at and participation in an international hearing shall be your responsibility. Should you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Chapter president ________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature Print name 1/11 Page 1 of 2 Gamma Phi Beta Sorority 12737 E. Euclid Drive Centennial, CO 80111 303.799.1874 F: 303.799.1876 Disciplinary Action Letter Discipline Form 5 of 5 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Disciplinary Action letter: By signing this letter, I _______________________________________acknowledge I have received notice of the disciplinary Print name action decision resulting from the executive council hearing held on _________________(date of hearing) and will comply with the terms of local chapter probation or the expectations if international disciplinary action is recommended, as stated in the disciplinary action letter. I have also received a copy of the Hearing Minutes Form and a blank Resignation Form #19. I have been given the opportunity to voluntarily resign. I understand that I may voluntarily resign my membership at any time during the pending international disciplinary process, up until a final decision on my membership status is rendered by International Council. Signature of member: ________________________________________________________ Date received _____________ Print name Signature Chapter delivery signatures: This letter was delivered by: Name: ____________________________________________________________________Date of delivery______________ Print name Signature Title: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Witnessed delivery - name: ____________________________________________________Date of delivery_____________ Print name Signature Title: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Attach certified mailing receipt if mailed (with tracking number) 1/11 Page 2 of 2 Gamma Phi Beta Sorority 12737 E. Euclid Drive Centennial, CO 80111 303.799.1874 F: 303.799.1876
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