Bow View Ringette Association Volunteer Bond Manual Last Updated May 28, 2014 Purpose Bow View Ringette Association is run exclusively by VOLUNTEERS. As our association continues to grow, a continued commitment from our members is necessary for our association to be able to operate effectively. The purpose of the volunteer bond program is to encourage more of our membership to become actively involved in making our association the best it can be. Overview Every family will be required to provide Bow View with a Volunteer Bond. This bond is a commitment to provide service or money towards the operation and continued success of the organization. A Volunteer Bond Agreement Form and a post dated cheque made out to Bow View Ringette for May 1 of the following year in the amount of $200 /family will be required at the oldest player's first ice time. It is important that the cheque includes the first and last names of ALL players in the family. Your child will not be allowed on the ice until the division coordinator receives the completed Volunteer Bond Agreement Form and a post dated cheque for the Volunteer Bond(s). Once a minimum of 1 credit (minimum 4 hours)/ family is completed, that family’s volunteer bond cheque will be destroyed. If a family wishes to have their cheque returned to them, they must submit a self addressed stamped envelope along with their cheque. Attached is a list of approved volunteer opportunities. If a family does not fulfill their volunteer commitment by May 1 of the following year their cheque will be cashed. This is a mandatory program that will be enforced. Those who have not complied will not be able to register for the following season until their volunteer bond commitment is met through service or payment. Although approved positions are to help run the association as a whole, all members are encouraged to still volunteer to help their child' s team run smoothly throughout the year as well. The board welcomes new ideas in terms of approved volunteer bond activities. Anyone is welcome to approach the board with suggestions for new activities that will enhance the association. Volunteer Hours Required 1 credit per family of approved volunteer work is required per family. Each credit is for a minimum of 4 hours of Bow View Ringette Association volunteer hours. Hours or credits cannot be carried over to the following season as we need continued help from year to year. Opting Out Families may choose to opt out of the volunteer bond by indicating this choice on the Volunteer Bond Agreement Form. They must include a $ $200 cheque dated for the current date (not post dated). This cheque will be cashed immediately. This will exempt them from performing volunteer activities within the association (but not team volunteering). If a family chooses to volunteer after they have opted out of the Volunteer Bond hours, they will not be refunded. Note: There will be a $30.00 administration fee for NSF cheques Bow View Ringette Association Volunteer Bond Manual Last Updated May 28, 2014 Scheduling/ Reporting Responsibility It is the sole responsibility of the family to seek out approved opportunities to ensure they fulfill their 4 hour commitment. The Bow View Volunteer Coordination Committee will be in charge of tracking volunteer hours. Division Coordinators and volunteer coordinators will be present at events to track volunteers and record volunteer hours. Throughout the season volunteer opportunities may be emailed to the Bow View membership. Families can check the Bow View website for new opportunities. Volunteers will be taken on a first come first serve basis. For further questions contact Colleen Smith at Bow View Ringette Association Volunteer Bond Manual Last Updated May 28, 2014 Bow View Ringette Association Volunteer Bond Agreement Form Please make cheques payable to Bow View Ringette Association. Please indicate volunteer bond with player’s name(s) and division(s) on the cheque. This Bond is for the following players: Player 1 __________________________________________________ Division _____________ Player 2 __________________________________________________ Division _____________ Player 3 __________________________________________________ Division _____________ Player 4 __________________________________________________ Division _____________ Please check one option: I have read the Bow View Ringette Association Volunteer Bond Manual and fully understand that I am required to volunteer a minimum of 4 hours for the upcoming season. I understand I must fulfill this commitment by May 1 of next year or my cheques will be deposited. My $200 cheque post dated to May 1 is attached. OR I choose to opt out of the Volunteer Bond Agreement. My cheque, dated for today's date is attached. I understand this cheque will be deposited immediately. I also understand that if I decide to volunteer at a later date, I will not received a refund. Name (print) __________________________________________________________________________ Signature _____________________________________ Date ____________________________ Please note: Team volunteering does not qualify for volunteer bond hours other than head coaches. This includes Esso Golden Ring (EGRT) volunteers that teams must put forward in order to participate in EGRT- these hours are considered team volunteer hours and do not qualify for volunteer bond hours. For Coordinator Use: cheque payable to Bow View Ringette Association cheque post dated to May 1 unless opting opt cheque is signed player name(s) and division(s) indicated on cheque cheque in the amount of $200 Bow View Ringette Association Volunteer Bond Manual Last Updated May 28, 2014 Bow View Ringette Association Approved Roles for Volunteer Bond Hours This list includes but is not limited to volunteer roles that qualify towards Volunteer Bond Hours. If you have a skill or service outside these parameters that you would like to discuss with the Association please contact Colleen Smith at Bow View Volunteer Tasks Evaluations- Evaluators for all divisions, evaluation on ice helpers, evaluations off ice helpers, welcome desk helpers etc. *** The success of our evaluation process requires a large number of volunteers. Please consider volunteering for the various evaluation roles. *** Equipment Disbursement (beginning of season) Equipment Return (end of season) Universal Assessments (U10, U12 & U14) Friendship Tournament (U7, U9 & U10) Bow View Social Picture Day Come Try Ringette Spring Ringette 3 on 3 Tournament Shot Clock Repair Bow View Head Coach Western Canada Ringette Championships (Calgary 2015) Bow View and/or Ringette Calgary Casinos Acadia Bingos Bow View Committee Roles Fundraising Committee Special Events Committee (Bow View Social) Goalie/Coach/Player Development Committee Annual Financial Review- qualified (2) Bow View Coordinator Roles Division Coordinators (U7, U9, U10, U12, U14, U16, U19) Equipment Manager Shot Clock Coordinator Volunteer Bond Coordinator Esso Golden Ring Coordinators Friendship Tournament Coordinators (U7, U9 & U10) Casino Coordinator Ringette Community Positions Ringette Calgary Board Positions Ringette Alberta Board Positions Esso Golden Ring Planning Committee Western Canada Ringette Championships Committee (Calgary 2015) Bow View Board Positions (usually filled at the Annual General Meeting in May) President VP of Operations, VP of Finance, VP of Administration, VP of Development and VP of Communication Directors at large (6 roles)
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