Training Manual Better Way Imports 201 W Washington Ave, Ste. 100 Zeeland, MI 49464 Table of Contents Greetings and Welcome to the Better Way Imports Team! ............................................... 3 A Better Way to Freedom ................................................................................................. 5 Better Way Imports Directory ............................................................................................ 6 FAST START – A Program to Help New Freedom Fighters ............................................. 7 Getting Started Checklist .................................................................................................. 8 Words That Work For Bookings ...................................................................................... 10 Close the Deal, Not the Door! ......................................................................................... 11 Sponsoring FAQs ........................................................................................................... 15 Thought Starters for New Freedom Fighters .................................................................. 17 Sponsoring at Parties ..................................................................................................... 18 The Announcement Party ............................................................................................... 19 What’s In It for Our Hostesses? ...................................................................................... 22 Hostess Rewards............................................................................................................ 23 Hostess Coaching........................................................................................................... 24 Party Outline ................................................................................................................... 30 Partners .......................................................................................................................... 31 Sample Policy ................................................................................................................. 34 Referral Program ............................................................................................................ 35 Acceptance of Credit Cards for Customer Payments ..................................................... 36 Using the Freedom Fighter Form to Place Customer Orders ......................................... 37 Additional information on the web ................................................................................... 37 BUY BETTER CLUB....................................................................................................... 39 BBC CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION FORM ............................................................. 40 Resources for Combating Human Trafficking ................................................................. 41 Freedom Fighter Agreement Form ................................................................................. 42 Freedom Fighter Promotion Policies............................................................................... 46 FORMS Hostess Wish List ........................................................................................................... 49 FAST START CLAIM FORM .......................................................................................... 50 LIST OF 100 ................................................................................................................... 51 Guest List ....................................................................................................................... 52 Party Checklist ................................................................................................................ 53 Better Way Imports Exchange Form ............................................................................... 54 Open Date Sheet for Better Way Imports Parties ........................................................... 55 Page 2 Greetings and Welcome to the Better Way Imports Team! You made a terrific decision to join a great company, become a modern-day abolitionist, and build a business selling beautiful products which provide freedom to hundreds of women around the world. You’ll be reaching out and extending the hand of God to women around the world who have been rescued from prostitution and slavery. With each product you sell, each party you hold, each new Freedom Fighter you sponsor, you will be spreading a powerful message of hope -- “Doing Good.” As a Freedom Fighter, you will be living the American Dream here in this country, launching a home-based business that is flexible, fun and lucrative -- “Doing Well.” By now you have received an e-mail from the home office with your ID and login information. You’ve probably looked at our websites, logged into the Freedom Fighter form and maybe even called your sponsor to schedule a training session. Hopefully, your announcement party is scheduled and you are ready to get started. This is such an exciting time for you! At Better Way Imports, we have a philosophy that our business is all about freedom. Keeping things simple is one way we give you the freedom to run your own business, be your own boss, and put your own special imprint on the world. We work hard to make being a Freedom Fighter simple, fun and easy. We provide you with training, support and great customer service. Our home office team is genuinely interested in helping make your relationship with BWI one you enjoy and treasure. In the spirit of keeping things simple, we have provided all the basics you need to get your business started with the tools in your Business Building Kit and online. Please do these four things ASAP: 1. Read through all the documents in this Business Building Kit and begin to familiarize yourself with the products, materials and training information. You’ll begin to learn who to contact, what to say, how to book parties, what to do at those parties, and how to sponsor others to join you as Freedom Fighters so you can have the biggest impact possible to combat human trafficking. 2. Go online to view training materials about your account at Once there, click on “My Account” and login with your email and password (sent to you in your welcome e-mail). Then under the subheading “Freedom Fighter,” select “Training Materials.” 3. Once you’ve logged into the Freedom Fighter site listed above, you can get to our online ordering system, also known as “The Form.” You can also go directly to the login screen for “The Form” at http://ff.Better This is where you will enter your orders. 4. Contact your sponsor, if you haven’t already done so, and schedule a training session. While you can become pretty familiar with things by reading Page 3 the information in this Business Building Kit and online at the two websites listed above, you need to complete a training session with your sponsor or a Director. Our public website is Feel free to check out this website, but also know that all the information you need to launch your career as a Freedom Fighter is on the Freedom Fighter site. Holding parties is easy and fun. While you may be tempted to want to learn everything and be perfect before you start holding parties, please just jump right in. Your passion will always be more important than perfection. You can do this. You can make a difference and help employ women who would otherwise have little or no recourse but to be swallowed up by human trafficking. Thanks again for joining our team! Best wishes! Bill & Joanna Leep Owners & Founders Glenn Mills Sales & Marketing Director Page 4 A Better Way to Freedom VISION Better Way Imports will promote the glory of God through operating a business that seeks to advance the people with whom we associate. MISSION Better Way Imports seeks to improve the livelihood of many individuals through marketing in North America the unique gift and accessory items and durable goods produced by companies with similar vision in developing countries. VALUES We will use practices that are based on Biblical principles. We will be good stewards of our God given abilities and resources, so we can give back to our team members in the global community. We expect a reasonable return on invested energy and capital that corresponds to the risks we take. We have intentionally chosen to work with producers in developing countries. We believe fair trade works, yet we recognize the need for long-term sustainability. Therefore our partners will be treated fairly, giving respect to the individual culture. We recognize individuals are vital to our success and seek to ensure each one we work with is dealt with honorably. TRUST Trust requires integrity, caring, alignment, and competence. It is the foundation in all our relationships. People must know that their welfare and growth is critical to us. Tell the unvarnished truth. Share information. Honor commitments. We enhance our customer and supplier’s success. Page 5 Better Way Imports Directory As a Freedom Fighter, your first contact should always be your Mentor: Mentor Name: ____________________________________________________ E-mail: _________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________________________ Product Ordering & General Questions: Freedom Fighter Information: Better Way Imports 201 W Washington, Ste. 100 Zeeland, MI 49464 616.648.0900 206.350.5634 – fax ACCOUNT INFORMATION Freedom Fighter Form ID: __________________________ Password: _______________________ Better Way Imports Web Store ID: __________________________ Password: ____________________ Page 6 FAST START – A Program to Help New Freedom Fighters We want to help every new Freedom Fighter who joins our mission launch a robust business early in her career. Getting off to a fast start is not only exhilarating, but it capitalizes on the enthusiasm you have at the very beginning. It can also greatly influence the income you earn and the difference you can make to others. We also want to help YOU sponsor new Freedom Fighters. It’s not hard to build a team. Sharing our mission with others is how you can make the biggest impact. With your help, we will get closer to achieving our BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) of rescuing 50,000 women. FAST START SALES LEVEL 1: Achieve $600 in your first 30 days, and get a $50 cash rebate. This effectively lowers the net cost of your kit to $149, plus shipping & handling! FAST START SALES LEVEL 2: Achieve $1800 in your first 60 days, and get a $100 product credit! The $1800 is cumulative. It includes the $600 you sold in your first 30 days. FAST START SPONSORING: Sponsor 1 or more Fast Start qualified recruit in your first 60 days, and get a $100 product credit! A Fast Start qualified recruit is a new Freedom Fighter, personally sponsored by you, who achieves FAST START SALES LEVEL 1 in her first 30 days. You do not have to earn Sales Level 1 in order to earn Sales Level 2 or Sponsoring. The program is only available to new Freedom Fighters, not reinstatements. Time period starts when the Freedom Fighter application is received at the home office and the Starter Kit is shipped, not when the kit is received. To claim your awards, please fill in the Claim Form in the Forms section at the end of the manual, and submit it to the home office via email or USPS. What to do next: During the first 15 days, you’ll want to complete these important tasks: Attend an Observation Party with your sponsor or another nearby Freedom Fighter, if you haven’t already hosted an Awareness Event yourself. Look through the catalogs, see where products are made, by whom, the quality, the beauty -- the more you look, the more you will love it! Go through this Business Building Kit and get familiar with the contents. Hold your Announcement Party, to get bookings, get sales toward your Fast Start goal, and to break the ice in front of friends and family who will be understanding that you are new and who will help you out. That’s right, the Announcement Party is held ASAP and definitely within 15 days of your start date. And you should be both the hostess and the Freedom Fighter at your Announcement Party Complete a training session with your sponsor or her up-line Director. From day 16 to 30, you’ll want to hold your first parties! Book a party or two into weeks three and four, with a goal of achieving the FAST START SALES Level 1 and its $50 rebate. At these parties held in weeks 3 and 4, book parties into your first 60 days, with the goal of selling a total of $1800 in your first 60 days. Page 7 Getting Started Checklist (Fill this out and then discuss it with your sponsor) ______ Set Your Goals. I want to save ____ number of women each month. Each $600 in sales employs a woman for a year, on average, at our partner companies. I want to earn $__________ each month. I will use this money for ________________________________________. I will hold _______ parties each month. We suggest to book one party a week or four (4) per month. ______ Set Up Your Team. Everything is more fun with friends! We suggest you get started with at least three other people. Who are the three friends you will bring into your business today? 1. ________________ 2. _________________ 3. _________________ ______ Set Your Schedule. I will hold my Announcement Party on _______________________. We suggest you plan your party approximately 15 days after you submit your application. More details on your Announcement Party are in the next section. Select the dates you want to hold additional parties this month and next month. Write them on the Open Date Sheet (sample provided in the forms section of this manual.) ______ Attend a Training Session. I have scheduled a training session with my sponsor or up-line Director for __________________. ______ Website Review. I will review the Freedom Fighter Form at http://ff.Better Use the log in information e-mailed to you by the home office. This is where you can enter orders for your hostesses and customers. Page 8 I will also review the training documents on the Freedom Fighter website at Ideally, these should be done just before you attend a training session with your sponsor or Director. ______ Set Yourself Up For Success. Create a list of 100 people you can talk to about your new business as an abolitionist and Freedom Fighter. Include everyone! There is a sample list in the Forms section at the end of the manual. ______ Get Off to a Fast Start. As a new Freedom Fighter, you can get a $50 cash rebate with $600 in sales in your first 30 days. You can get $100 product credit with $1,800 in sales sold during your first 60 days. And you can get a $100 product credit when you sponsor a qualified Freedom Fighter in your first 60 days. A qualified new recruit joins in YOUR first 60 days and sells $600 in HER first 30 days. ______ I will have $600 in my first 30 days. My 30th day is ___________. The e-mail you received from the home office lists your start date. This is Day One of your career as a Freedom Fighter. ______ I will have $1,800 in my first 60 days. ______ I will sponsor a new Freedom Fighter in my first 60 days and help her qualify with $600 in HER first 30 days. Page 9 Words That Work For Bookings When you’re making calls to schedule your first parties, there are a few points to keep in mind. First, you are offering her an opportunity to have a party AND benefit from being the hostess. She will help women the world over, and she will earn free and discounted products. Do say: “I’d love to do a party for you.” Don’t say: “Will you do a party for me?” Help her make a decision on the date of the party by offering her choices from the dates you have pre-selected to offer. Do say: Don’t say: “Would a weekday or weekend be better for you?” I have an open date on either Tuesday the 2nd or Saturday the 10th. Which date works better for you?” “When do you want to have your party?” Or “Let me know when you want to have your party.” When you’re calling the people listed on your “List of 100” you might try these words: “Hello Denise. This is Glenda Mills from the gym. I just started a new business with a new company, Better Way Imports, and I’m very excited about it because it’s a biblical company that helps rescue women in third world countries from prostitution and gives them fair and ethical employment. We have a fabulous line of jewelry, bags, accessories and other cool products – all made by women who were rescued from slavery. You appreciate pretty things and I KNOW you have a great heart so I thought you’d want to be one of the first to have your own Awareness Event with your friends. I’m only holding 4 parties this month and I wanted to give you first choice on the available dates. Would a weekday or a weekend work better for you? I have either (date) or (date) available. Which one would you like?” If she says YES and sets the date for her party, congratulations! Talk with her about developing her guest list of 25-30 people and proceed with hostess coaching. Ask her to send you her guest list via e-mail or snail mail. Set a date/time when she will have this to you. If she says NO, invite her to your Announcement Party and ask her for a referral. Don’t get discouraged. Call the next person on the list. You will hear more people say “no” than “yes.” Try not to take this personally. “No” really means “not right now.” And every “no” brings you that much closer to a “yes.” Start to welcome hearing the word “no”, because you know you are doing your job and you know that you are getting that much closer to hearing “yes” and helping another hostess share our vision and mission with her friends. Page 10 Close the Deal, Not the Door! Here are three simple steps to help you book parties and sponsor new Freedom Fighters. First, you must have the right attitude. Second, you must be an active listener. And third, you must help the prospect make her decision. Notice that we did not state that you need to be an expert on human trafficking, Better Way Imports products, or our partner companies overseas. Relax; you will learn what you need to know in good time. Right now, focus on attitude, listening and helping! STEP #1: It’s All about Attitude! You are offering and sharing, not pushing. You must believe you have something of value to share: A great hostess program Wonderful products made by women who were rescued from slavery, and who are paid a living wage. A wonderful earning opportunity - running your own, home-based business and doing something that makes a difference. The following examples illustrate what we mean by pushing vs. sharing: Pushing: “Will you please eat these cookies for me? I have to use them up.” Sharing: “Would you like some warm chocolate chip cookies? I know you’ll like this recipe.” Pushing: “I just started a new business with Better Way. Will you please have a party for me?” Sharing: “I am so excited about my new business with Better Way! When I thought about people who enjoy seeing these beautiful products, I thought of you. I’d love to do a party for you!” Pushing: “I need a recruit so I can earn some free products from Better Way. Will you be a Freedom Fighter?” Sharing: You are so personable! And I can tell your values and heart are in the right place. You’d be a great Freedom Fighter and could make such a difference. I’d love to sponsor you!” Page 11 STEP #2: Listen Actively! When you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want. The best way to do this is to listen to others, discover what motivates them and what they want, and then offer to help them. During hospitality time at your parties, (the first 20 to 30 minutes when guests are arriving, getting refreshments, browsing the catalogs and your display), you have an important task. Listen carefully for clues that will let you know that a Better Way Imports business might be perfect for one of the guests or the hostess. Listen for clues that show you who else would make a great hostess. LISTEN to find a hostess: Oh this is so pretty! I see so many things I’d like. It’s hard to choose. This was such an eye opener. I had no idea how prevalent human trafficking was (Any time you hear people at a party discussing human trafficking, they are potential hostesses!) I love mission work and this is kind of like that. I love to shop, especially with my friends. Pay attention to what she shows interest in. Make this your first priority. When someone decides to have a party, it is as important to find out what they want to get with their free and discounted product credits as it is to set the date. Sometimes, hostesses need a little prodding to express any desire for the hostess items. They want to donate as much as possible to the cause. Let them know that the more products sold and redeemed through the party, the more women are employed at our partner companies. LISTEN to find a Freedom Fighter: “I’m working so much overtime I have no time for me! “ (need: control of her life). “I had to miss another soccer game because I had to work.” (need: flexibility). “I just can’t buy anything – my credit card balances are too high.” (need: income). I had to hold back tears when you shared the story of one of the women.” (need: to make a difference). “Are you sure you’re not taking advantage of these women? How do you know they are treated well?” (need: high ethical standards). “Sometimes I feel like a chauffeur, driving three kids all over town to their activities.” (need: a life in addition to children & a fulfilling career). “I will pray for these women. This was such an eye opener.” (need: to seek God’s guidance and design a career and a life that fits her values). Pay attention to what people say. They are often thinking out loud and giving you excellent clues. Actively listen to her needs, and then show her how Better Way Imports can help her solve her problem or meet her need. You don’t need to explain every detail of the business to every person. Focus on HER wants and HER needs. If she just wants to find a way to be a good wife and mother and still have a career, then talk about that. Page 12 STEP #3: Close The Deal! Book that party! At the party, the guests have learned a little about human trafficking and our “Better Way” solution. They’ve seen, touched, and felt the products. They’ve met you, a real Freedom Fighter. There is no better time than right at the party to close the deal and book the party. Your mission is to get the date set ASAP and get it on your schedule. Help her set the date by offering choices: She says: “I’d like to have a party, I just don’t know when. I need to look at my calendar and ask around a little.” You say: “I understand. Thinking of you and your friends, do you think a weekday or a weekend would be best?” If she says weekend, then ask, “Would Saturday morning or afternoon or evening be better?” If she says weekday, then ask “Would Tuesday or Thursday be better?” Sponsor A New Freedom Fighter If someone is interested in becoming a Freedom Fighter, find out what she wants first. Is it income? Enough money to make a car payment? Is she motivated by our mission and wants to help? Take her interest and translate it for her. If she needs income, show her how holding a party a week can help her achieve her goal. Break it down for her. “Four $600 parties a month would get you to $2,400 in sales and you’d make 27% on that, or $648. Plus, you’d make 3% of the sales of anyone you sponsor. Even after paying business expenses you would bring in about $550 or $600 each month.” If she is more motivated by our mission, translate her interest into the impact she would have: “If you held a $600 party each week, over the course of a year you would be responsible for employing four dozen women for an entire year!” Keep it simple and talk about what interests her. Don’t overwhelm her with everything you know about Better Way Imports or human trafficking. Usually, the less information shared the better. Instead, ask questions of her. Listen to her responses and… Keep the conversation going. Try to sign her up right then and there. Don’t say, “take this information home and I’ll call you next week to see if you have any questions.” If you do this, your chances of sponsoring her will be greatly diminished. Instead, keep the conversation going. Page 13 Common concerns a prospect might raise include: “I don’t know if I can do this.” “I don’t know if I can sell. I’ve never sold before.” “I don’t know if my husband will want me to do this.” “I don’t know if I’ll like this.” “Sometimes I get so busy. I’m not sure I could do this year ‘round.” Rather than object, acknowledge and assure: “I don’t know if either, so just give it a try. Then you’ll know for sure.” “I don’t know if you or your husband will like this, so just give it a try and then you’ll know for sure.” “The beauty of owning your own business is YOU get to decide how much time you can devote to being a Freedom Fighter, and it doesn’t have to be the same amount of time every week or every month. This will give you the flexibility to put God first, your family second, and your own self third. Your Better Way business can be worked around the most important things in your life!” Once you have discovered her needs and answered her questions, use the “assumed close.” This means you assume she is going to become a Freedom Fighter. Assuming requires a positive action statement, such as: “Let’s get you started.” “I’d love to have you on my team. Let’s get you started.” “We can fill out your application together right now so you can get started.” “You’ll be helping to end slavery before you know it. Let’s get your application completed and set the date for your Announcement Party.” Summary: It’s ATTITUDE – offer and share, don’t push. Find out what the other person wants or needs. It’s all about her. Help her decide – offer choices. Assume the best! Page 14 Sponsoring FAQs Why would I want to sponsor someone? First, it’s fun to have someone in the business with you. Second, you will receive 3% commission on the personal sales of everyone you sponsor. Third, it’s very rewarding to help another person succeed and reach their goals. And fourth, sponsoring is the way for you to make the biggest difference toward our mission of combating slavery. I don’t know enough to tell someone else about Better Way Imports. Actually, your first few days are the very best time to begin sponsoring! You don’t need to know everything about Better Way Imports, and you don’t need to hold parties before sharing this opportunity. Just think about the reasons you joined us, and then share those with others. Use your enthusiasm and excitement over your new company and share it with your friends. The best sponsoring tool is your personal enthusiasm. Think of it this way…you can drive a car without reading the entire owner’s manual. So think of someone right now and invite them to join you as a Freedom Fighter. I don’t want to be pushy. Good, because we don’t want that either! It doesn’t feel good to be pushy or to be pushed at. Sponsoring is “sharing” and “offering” someone the opportunity to meet their own goals. Sponsoring is something we do FOR others, not something we do TO others. When you feel this and believe it, you will never appear pushy. It’s all about them. We want to help our friends make the difference God intended them to make. We want our friends to have a successful business doing meaningful work. We want our friends to make extra income doing something worthwhile. No one I know wants to be a Freedom Fighter That may be true. It’s not often someone wakes up in the morning and says, “I want to be a Freedom Fighter.” What does occur is someone is worried about paying the dental bill for the kid’s braces. Or, they are stressed out because the work schedule was just posted and they are going to have to work and miss picking up their daughter from dance class. Or, they are frustrated because someone else just got the promotion they felt they deserved. The point is, people have needs, goals and dreams but they don’t always know how to make them come true. Better Way Imports offers solutions to people and helps them have a more comfortable, flexible and meaningful life. How can I start a conversation with someone about becoming a Freedom Fighter? Begin with people you already know. This could include your best friends, neighbors, someone at the gym, day care, school, or church groups. You could talk to other sports moms, choir moms, play date moms, home school moms. How about the grocery store checker or a co-worker? To help you think of people to speak with, we have a list of thought starters in this section. Fill out as many names as you can without pre-judging anyone. Here’s an example of how you might begin: “Hi Andrea! How was Christmas for your family? Did you stay home and host or travel to be with family? I am having a fabulous start to the new year so far. I’m really having a good Page 15 time! I just discovered a new business opportunity called Better Way Imports and I am really excited about it. It’s called Better Way because we have found a “better way” to help people than simply giving them a handout. All the products we sell are made by women overseas who were forced into prostitution and even slavery at a young age. Our partner organizations have rescued them, given them health care, job training, room & boar, and now they employ these women and pay them a Fair Trade wage. It’s a “better way” to end the cycle of human trafficking. Here in the United States we can help by purchasing the products these women make. For every $600 we sell we employ a woman for a whole year in many countries. Since our business is pretty new, we are looking for some women who want to be modernday abolitionists. We call ourselves Freedom Fighters because we bring freedom, a little piece of the American Dream, and God’s grace to impoverished women who are most in need. If you were to do what I do, who are some of the friends and family members who would probably host your first few parties to spread awareness and hope?” What do I do if someone says “yes” they want to become a Freedom Fighter? First, give yourself a pat on the back because you just offered someone the same opportunity you were given. Well done! Then, work with your new Freedom Fighter to get her application and kit payment submitted to Better Way’s Imports home office. Try to do this RIGHT AWAY so she can get her Business Building Kit and get started. Then, contact your director and tell her the great news. I don’t like rejection. What if someone says “no”? No one likes to feel rejected. Having said that, we can make you a promise: You will have people tell you “no.” Be prepared for it. That is just life. The good news is that someone saying “no” usually means “not right now”, and it isn’t a reflection of you personally or of Better Way Imports. The best way to handle someone saying “no” is to THANK them for their time and for listening, then move on. If they are nice and you feel comfortable, you might say something like: “Donna, I understand and I do appreciate you listening. Would you keep me in mind if you hear of someone who is looking for a fun and meaningful way to earn additional income and make a difference at the same time? Thanks for your time. Have a great day!” When it comes to sponsoring, remember: Some will. Some won’t. So what? Who’s next? Some final words to consider: Someone thought enough of you to invite you to be a part of our Better Way. You have been given the opportunity to make a difference in so many lives while also making your own dreams come true. You have an opportunity to fight for the freedom of others even as you revel in the freedom of owning and running your own business. You have been given a gift that allows you to remain true to your God, your church, your husband, your family, and yourself. Now is your chance to “pay it forward” and sponsor a friend. You can make the world a kinder, fairer and freer place each and every day. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain, so give it a try and offer this career opportunity to others. Page 16 Thought Starters for New Freedom Fighters Here is a fun and quick exercise to help you think of people whom you can talk with about Better Way Imports. Do it quickly and don’t pre-judge anyone for any reason. Grab the “List of 100” in the forms sections and list the name of someone who: Just lost weight Just lost her job Just had her husband lose his job Has red hair Has brown hair Has blond hair Goes to a fitness center Likes to have parties Has been in direct sales before Has a dog Has a cat Just had a baby Has three or more children Is pregnant Has all of her kids in school Loves jewelry Is the happiest person you know Likes to shop Has lots of friends Is athletic Lives in ABC town (pick a town in your area) Loves to travel Has ever worked at the mall or a store Carries a Coach handbag Drinks Starbucks Drives an SUV Drives a minivan Drives a pickup Likes to dance Has a pretty smile Has a beautiful garden Is a newlywed Is getting married Is a grandmother Has a child going off to college Has a new grandchild Knows everyone in town Sells or has sold real estate Page 17 Sponsoring at Parties Everyone at the party should be personally invited to join you in the business. No prejudging! Don’t skip anyone. You never know who will say “yes” until you ask! One key to success in sponsoring is to sprinkle the idea before, during, and after the party. Sprinkle 1 - When you first book a party, let your hostess know you are looking for a new Freedom Fighter. Just ask her to “watch what I do during the party.” Sprinkle 2 - Ask your hostess before the party, “Who to you think would be a terrific Freedom Fighter?” Sprinkle 3 & 4 - Offer the “Three B” Opportunities at the beginning of the party, and again just before shopping time. The three B’s are 1) Become a Freedom Fighter, 2) Book as a hostess, and 3) Buying and becoming a customer. Sprinkle 5 - When you are writing up orders, ask each and every guest: “Did you have fun tonight? And did you learn something? Even though the problem of human trafficking is so horrible, Better Way offers a solution and real hope. So I always go home feeling good. I’m looking for some special people to help me ensure everyone in this area become aware of Better Way. I’d love to sponsor you into my business.” Or you could say: “Thank you so much for coming tonight! I hope you learned about our unique, business-oriented way of providing real work and real economic freedom for these women. We are still so new and there is a real need. Have you considered doing what I’m doing and being a Freedom Fighter?” Or: “Bill and Joanna Leep, the owners and founders of Better Way, have asked me to personally develop the Better Way Imports business in this area. I am looking for someone to join me. Have you ever thought of doing what I’m doing? I think you would be a really special Freedom Fighter!” Sprinkle 6 - At the end of the evening, when you and your hostess are finishing the orders, ask her to join you. You might say, “Wow, Debra! Your party tonight was $642 and that means we helped employ a former slave overseas for a whole year! Plus I made well over $150 tonight. No one profits at the expense of others in this business, but we make an honest living and at the same time provide fair trade employment for impoverished women. I’d love to help you earn great money while you spread awareness and hope among your friends, too. Why don’t you join me as a Freedom Fighter?” Sprinkle early and often, so the “sponsoring seeds” you plant will bloom! Page 18 The Announcement Party Why? When? Who? How? An announcement party is a great way for you to practice and let everyone know you have started a new business. You are announcing your venture with Better Way Imports; hence we call it an “Announcement Party.” In this section of your Training Manual, we will talk about the purpose and benefits of the Announcement Party, and the details of how to be sure yours is a success. If you have not yet hosted a Better Way party, then contact your sponsor or Director and ask to observe one of their parties AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! While you certainly don’t need to be an expert at your Announcement Party, or even at your first 6 – 10 parties, you will feel much more prepared if you have observed a real party in action. Why should I do an Announcement Party? Doing your own Announcement Party has several purposes. You get an opportunity to let everyone know about your new business. You get the double benefit of being both the hostess and the Freedom Fighter, thus receiving both the hostess credits and the profits from the party. Your Announcement Party is a chance for you to practice the party in the comfort of your own home. And because you are your own first hostess, you can begin planning your party even before your Business Building Kit arrives from Better Way Imports. At your Announcement Party, you have the chance to book future parties to keep your business growing. Scheduling your next parties into your first 60 days is as important as the sales you get. Be sure to be on the lookout for guests who are interested in you and/or your new business. They may very well want to join you and become a Freedom Fighter, too. Getting started and holding your first party is a very important step in beginning your new venture. It is one thing to complete and submit an application. You really begin with your first actual party and the sooner the better. So schedule your Announcement party somewhere between 10-15 days after your start date (the date your application was received and accepted at the home office and they shipped you your Business Building Kit). We want you to hold that Announcement Party within your first 15 days so you get off to a great start toward your FAST START PROGRAM! FAST START SALES Level 1: Achieve $600 in your first 30 days, and get a $50 cash rebate. This effectively lowers the net cost of your kit to $149 + shipping & handling! FAST START SALES Level 2: Achieve $1,800 in your first 60 days, and get a $100 product credit! The $1,800 is cumulative – it includes the $600 you sold in your first 30 days. FAST START SPONSORING: Sponsor 1 or more Qualified Recruit in your first 60 days, and get a $100 product credit! A Qualified Recruit is a new Freedom Fighter, Page 19 personally sponsored by you who achieves FAST START SALES Level 1 of $600 in her first 30 days. You do not have to earn Sales Level 1 in order to earn Sales Level 2 or Sponsoring. The program is only available to new Freedom Fighters, not reinstatements. Time period starts when the Freedom Fighter application is received at the home office and the Starter Kit is shipped, not when the kit is received. To claim your awards, please fill in the Claim Form in the Forms section at the end of the manual, and submit it to the home office via email or USPS. When should I hold my Announcement Party? We suggest you begin planning your party as soon as you submit your application. You can set the date, invite friends and neighbors, and begin planning your refreshments. You should plan on holding your party about 15 days from your start date (the date your application was accepted and your Business Building Kit was shipped). By having your Announcement Party on or about day 15, you have another two weeks to ensure that you have $600 in sales in your first 30 days. Who should I invite to my party? EVERYONE! And ask them to bring their friends and neighbors, too. The more people you have at your Announcement Party, the more successful it will be. A good rule of thumb is to invite at least 25-30 people. This will result in at least 6-10 guests. If you can invite 50 people, that is so much the better. Where should I have my Announcement Party? Anywhere you like. Your home, a friend’s home, a relative’s home, a park, or wherever! What should I do with the hostess credits from my party? We suggest you use the FREE and discounted products you will earn from the hostess program to build your display. You can also use your credits to get a product or two that you will use personally, because it’s always good to be able to say you wear or use a product yourself. Can I do more than one Announcement Party? Absolutely! In fact, hosting your own party every once in a while is a great way to reenergize your business. Some very successful Freedom Fighters have their own party every few months. This provides an opportunity for people they meet who want to attend a party, but won’t have one of their own. This is a good way to keep adding display products to your business without incurring lots of expense. Simply be your own hostess and redeem the hostess credits yourself. Page 20 How do I actually do the Announcement Party? Just like you will do your parties for your hostesses! Simply follow the Party Outline step by step. It will help you stay on track, and the guests at your Announcement party will be very understanding if you are not “slick” with your presentation yet. Don’t feel you have to be an expert. In fact, just be yourself. Try to relax and go with the flow. You’ll be fine! What if I still have some questions about my Announcement Party after I have read this section of the Training Manual? You have lots of support! You can call your sponsor, her up line Director, or any Freedom Fighter. You can always call the home office and they will offer words of advice and encouragement. You need to schedule a training session with your sponsor or Director so they can help you set up your business and teach you how to enter orders, etc. Schedule this session ASAP and when you take this “class” ask a couple of questions about your Announcement Party. PLEASE don’t wait until you feel you have learned everything about the business before having your Announcement Party. Just jump right in and have fun. It’s called a party, and it should be a party and a celebration, not only for the women helped, but for you, too! Remember, it is always more important to have passion than to aim for perfection. Page 21 What’s In It for Our Hostesses? Benefits of hosting: Knowing that you’re making a true and tangible difference in the lives of women, children and families in third world countries, as well as, right here in America. Monthly specials! Discounts and FREE products, depending on party sales and bookings. As a thank you for opening up your home and having a party, Better Way Imports offers discounts and even FREE products to hostesses. The more products we utilize, including hostess products, the bigger difference we make for the women employed making our products. Awareness Events enable us to continue the cycle of FREEDOM for others around the world. The more that is sold, the more that is earned by each hostess, the more progress we can make, because Better Way Imports ensures that throughout our supply chain every individual is treated with respect, the love of God, and is paid a fair trade, living wage. Thinking about becoming a Freedom Fighter? Ask your Freedom Fighter about converting your current party to your Announcement Party. She will receive the sales credit for the party and you’ll receive all the future bookings. Be among the first to invite your friends to a party with a line of products that are beautiful, fashionable, functional, AND that use the American Free Enterprise economic system to better the lives of women and children around the world. You’ll be proud to invite your friends to see this line of high quality products, and to make them aware of how their purchase can help to end the cycle of poverty and slavery. Some of the information shared at Awareness Events is not appropriate for young children. If there are young children there, simply leave those parts out or use different words. Everyone knows what a slave is. Adults will still get what you are doing. We DO try to have an overall “party” atmosphere, and the vast majority of our time together is spent on messages of Hope and Freedom, shopping for high quality products, and visiting with friends and neighbors. Even if you held a party and never mentioned human trafficking, if you sold $1200 worth of goods you would provide freedom for two women. The party takes only 90 minutes from start to finish. Easy! Quick! Fun! Page 22 Hostess Rewards Please note: Any free credit that comes from bookings cannot be used on any discounted items. A party needs to be at least $250 to Qualify for any discounts. Retail Sales of Party Half Price Free Product Host Booking Rewards $250 - $499 3 Half from: Freeset Radiant Hope Love Calcutta Arts Imani Starfish $500 - $749 4 Half from: Freeset Radiant Hope Love Calcutta Arts Imani, Starfish 1 FREE from: Freeset Radiant Hope Love Calcutta Arts 2 Bookings - $30 in FREE product $10 for each additional booking $750 - $999 4 Half from: Freeset Radiant Hope Love Calcutta Arts Imani, Starfish 2 FREE from: Freeset Radiant Hope Love Calcutta Arts 2 Bookings - $30 in FREE product $10 for each additional booking $1,000 $1,499 4 Half from: Freeset Radiant Hope Love Calcutta Arts Imani, Starfish 3 FREE from: Freeset Radiant Hope Love Calcutta Arts 2 Bookings - $30 in FREE product $10 for each additional booking $1,500 $1,999 4 Half from: Freeset Radiant Hope Love Calcutta Arts Imani, Starfish 4 FREE from: Freeset Radiant Hope Love Calcutta Arts 2 Bookings - $50 in FREE product 5 Bookings - $100 in Free product $10 for each additional booking $2,000 or over 5 Half from: Freeset Radiant Hope Love Calcutta Arts Imani, Starfish 5 FREE from any partner (no duplicate items) 2 Bookings - $50 in FREE product 5 Bookings - $100 in Free product $10 for each additional booking 2 Bookings - $30 in FREE product $10 for each additional booking Page 23 Hostess Coaching Hostess coaching is a process that enables you to support your hostess before, during and after her party. It involves helping her develop her guest list and selecting the merchandise she will get for FREE, or discounted, from the Hostess Rewards Program. Hostess coaching is the best way to ensure that a party scheduled is a party held, and that your hostess and her guests have a wonderful experience. In this section, we will cover: Benefits of hostess coaching. Hostess coaching step-by-step. The Wish List and the Guest List. Using the hostess packet. The Benefits of Hostess Coaching First, you want to form a partnership with your hostess so there are plenty of guests at the party. Second, you want to help your hostess see “what’s in it for her” by helping her understand how sales provide freedom, and create her Wish List – a selection of merchandise she will get for FREE, or at a discount, through the Hostess Rewards Program. Put your hostess’s needs and wants before your own. It’s all about her and her guests. When you help her have a successful event and she gets the satisfaction of making a difference as well as the merchandise on her Wish List, you will benefit, too. You will share the knowledge of Freedom provided, earn more profits, get future bookings, and make a significant impact spreading awareness and hope. You will find new Freedom Fighters to sponsor. This will all come from putting your hostess’s needs first. Hostess coaching increases your hostess’s confidence It’s all about her. Hostess coaching is the best way to demonstrate your commitment to your hostess and the success of her party. As you establish a partnership and keep in contact before the party, your hostess will remain enthusiastic and become increasingly confident that her party will be enjoyable and rewarding. When she knows you are working for her, she will enjoy the experience and you will have a customer, maybe even a friend, for life. Hostess coaching will secure the party While most parties are held as planned, it’s not uncommon for a hostess to reschedule her party, or in some cases, cancel it altogether. Sometimes it’s for reasons beyond your control. Most times, however, a hostess will reschedule or cancel because she’s concerned that her party will be poorly attended. You will reduce the chances of cancellations and postponements when you do the following: Page 24 Be sure you know what she wants! And be sure she understands that she makes a BIGGER impact combating human trafficking when she earns and selects lots of free and discounted products. The Wish List is an extremely important tool. You need to talk through the Hostess Rewards program with your hostess. Help her understand why our “better way” is better, and that the bigger her party, the more items sold, the more free and discounted items she earns, and the bigger the dent made against the evils of human trafficking. Some hostesses initially believe that it is better if they don’t select free items or purchase heavily discounted items. Let them know that our business model is secure and sustainable, that throughout our supply chain no one profits beyond a very reasonable extent. Thus, the more products that flow through the system via her party, the more women are employed in a sustainable and FAIR manner. It’s the BETTER WAY! Be sure to get her guest list & be sure YOU send out the reminder cards. When you have the guest list of at least 25-30 people, YOU need to send out the reminder cards. You encourage your hostess to personally invite her guests. This is in ADDITION to setting up a Facebook event and/or sending an email invitation. She should personally invite her friends. But you need the guest list with ALL the contact information for each person invited. This will go a LONG way toward ensuring that the party will hold and that it will be successful. Additionally, you are doing her a service. She may have gotten busy or had an unexpected family matter arise. By helping her and mailing reminder cards, you’ve dramatically increased the chances of the party holding as planned. Hostess coaching will ensure party success Effective hostess coaching will ensure that both you and your hostess will receive the maximum benefit for the time invested. When you help her develop a guest list of 25-30 people, send out reminder cards for her, and help her select her Wish List merchandise, her party will be a success. She will be a happy hostess. Because her experience was a pleasant one, she will most likely encourage her friends to host their own parties. She will probably want to have another party with you in the future. So if you focus on forming a partnership with your hostess, everything will fall into place. Word will spread in your community that you are a good businessperson and that holding a party with you is worth it. Hostess Coaching Step-By-Step The first step of hostess coaching should take place as soon as the hostess agrees to have a party. This is why it is imperative that you have hostess packets on hand at every party, in your car, in your purse, in your desk drawer or locker at work – you get the picture. When the hostess is ready to schedule a party, start coaching your hostess immediately! It will save you time, help her get started inviting guests and it will secure your party. When a guest at a party decides to have her own party, spend 10 minutes right after the party and give her a hostess packet to take home. You’ll be doing follow-up phone calls with her to continue the hostess coaching, but start it as soon as she says “yes.” Page 25 Here’s a quick overview of the steps involved in hostess coaching: STEP 1: At the party, as soon as she says “yes” Give her the hostess packet. Set a date, time and place. Use your Open Date Sheet so you schedule parties on dates that fir your personal calendar. Help her complete her Wish List of merchandise she wants to get with the Hostess Rewards program. Help her start her guest list and agree on a date that she will return the completed guest list to you. STEP 2: Within 2-3 days after step 1 Be sure you have received her guest list and mail the reminder cards to her guests. You can also e-mail reminders to the guests. Cover this with your hostess so you both know who’s doing what. Call your hostess to tell her you have mailed the reminder cards. Ask her if there are additional guests she would like to add to her list. Confirm with your hostess that she has made personal invitation calls. If she hasn’t started yet, your call will be a gentle reminder. If you have not already done so, find out exactly what merchandise she has on her Wish List. Remind her to keep the refreshments simple so she can enjoy the party, too. Suggest she have them ready to serve when the guests arrive. STEP 3: The day before the party Call your hostess to confirm how many guests she expects. Remind her of your arrival time and the party flow. Review which items are on her Wish List and work out any potential issues with items that are out of stock. (You want her wish list to include items that are in stock). Ask her which of her guests she thinks are likely to book their own party. Invite your hostess to join you as a Freedom Fighter. If your hostess expresses concern that her party will be poorly attended, offer a few lastminute suggestions: Give a quick call or send a text to those who are attending and ask them to bring a friend. Review her guest list with her and call those who haven’t responded. Help her expand her guest list even further and tell her it is never too late to extend an invitation. For last-minute invitations, recommend that she stress our mission: “Susie, I want to invite you to a party at my home tomorrow night. You have such an amazing family and it’s so obvious to me that you have a wonderful heart. The party will be just that – a fun event – but it’s also for a great cause. There will be a chance to shop for items that are all made by women in third-world countries who otherwise would not have any job Page 26 other than prostitution and human slavery. Tomorrow, we’ll spread awareness of this problem but we’ll also show people how we are making a difference in the lives of women and children all around the world. I’d love for you to attend and learn more.” Finally, assure her that no matter how many people attend, you’re looking forward to her party and feel confident that it will be great! Your attitude is key. If you’re not concerned about low attendance, she will relax and go ahead with the party. Most worry is unfounded, so end on a positive note. Using the Hostess Packet The hostess packet is a great hostess coaching tool because it helps you organize and plan the party. It guides you through what to cover during a coaching session. You’ll want to always have several hostess packets prepared and on hand so you’re prepared to coach a hostess. Your hostess packet should include: One of the current catalogs. 5 guest order forms. Be sure your name and telephone number is on them. A guest list. 5 reminder cards she can pass out to friends. 5 sponsoring flyers she can share with her friends Let’s take a look at the hostess packet envelope and how you can use it most effectively: Party date and time Confirm the party date and time and write it down for easy reference. Remember to use your Open Date sheet and be sure to get the address for the party. Order deadline It’s best if you can close the party within 2 days of the party date. This gives the hostess a little time to collect an outside order or two to achieve her sales goal and pull in an extra booking or two. Decide on the date the party will close. It should be within a couple of days of the party date so the guests receive their orders in a timely fashion. You want to leave enough time after the party closes to enter and submit your order online before the last day of the month. For parties held the last 3 or 4 days of the month, close them early the following month and offer the specials for the following month. The computer system is based on the date you submit the order online, not the date the party was held. To count for a given month, an order must be submitted and closed by midnight EST on the last day of the month. Delivery date This is simply an estimate for your hostess. Party orders are delivered to the hostess’s home. The home office strives to keep up with orders. However, at the beginning and end of each month, large order volumes can delay order processing slightly. There is Page 27 simply no way to staff for the peak demand periods. Thus, you should under promise and over-deliver. Give your hostess an estimate of 10 days for delivery of her party order. If it arrives earlier, so much the better. Creating the wish list and setting a goal Using the wish list and catalogs, help your hostess decide what she wants to get with her hostess rewards. The wish list is also on the back of the hostess envelope for convenient coaching. Create a guest list A good rule of thumb is for her to invite 25-30 people to ensure there are 6-8 guests at the party. Many times, inviting 30 people will result in many more guests. This is great! Get your hostess at least halfway through her guest list during this first coaching session. Extend a personal invitation Encourage the hostess to invite each friend personally as soon as possible. Encourage her to schedule a quick reminder contact about 2-3 days before her party. Collect orders in advance Encourage your hostess to show the catalogs to those who can’t attend because they might want to place an outside order. These orders can help her achieve her party sales goal. Briefly review how to fill out a customer order form and jot down the sales tax rate. Ask the hostess to: Make sure that her friends provide all contact information. Collect full payment when the order is placed. Double check that personal checks are written out to you. Friendly reminder calls and cards Let her know that you’d like to provide the service of mailing reminder cards to her friends. Once again, suggest she invite people personally as soon as possible and then give them a reminder call 3 days before the party. Final party details Go through what she can expect at the party: Keep refreshments easy and light. Let her know you’ll arrive about 45 minutes to an hour ahead of time to set up. Ask her about her home and get information about where you will set up your display. Suggest that she keeps the food in one room and gives you another room for the display and seating for her guests. Review the structure of the party: o Hospitality time - the first 15-20 minutes. This should be unstructured time, allowing for the arrival of her guests, socializing, previewing the products and catalogs. Suggest the hostess have refreshments available during hospitality time. Page 28 Presentation time – about 20 minutes. During this time you spread awareness and hope (5-10 minutes), and then pass around and discuss the products (10-15 minutes). o Shopping time – the last 20 minutes. This is also unstructured time for touching and trying the products, writing orders, coaching the new hostesses and sharing the Freedom Fighter career opportunity with guests who are interested. The party from start to finish should be no more than 90 minutes. One very important, final hostess coaching step: Offer your hostess the opportunity to become a Freedom Fighter. Every hostess is a prime candidate for becoming a Freedom Fighter. “Amy, based on your enthusiasm alone, I’m confident that your party is going to be quite a success. As we’ve worked together to plan your party, I couldn’t help but think that you would be a terrific Freedom Fighter. I would love to sponsor you and have you join me in the business. What do you think?” If your hostess responds positively, spend the time to tell her more about the opportunity. If she is ready to get started, you may want to make her party an Announcement Party and split the sales with her. This is totally up to you. It’s best if she gets all the bookings if she converts her party. You can decide how to split the sales. You can also go ahead and hold her party with her as a “regular” hostess, let her choose her hostess rewards, give her the bookings, and you take the sales. How you handle it depends on each hostess, how far she lives from you, whether she’s ever seen a party before, etc. If she doesn’t immediately say “yes” to becoming a Freedom Fighter, keep the door open: “That’s fine, Amy. I’m thrilled to work with you in any capacity. But please do me a favor. During your party, watch what I do and check out how much fun my job is. Maybe you’ll think of someone you could refer me to, or maybe you’ll decide to consider the opportunity yourself.” Let’s review the key points of this section: The benefits of hostess coaching are: o Building party attendance by using the guest list. o Partnering with the hostess to get everything on her wish list. Use the wish list to guide your party goal-setting. Use it to over-invite, build attendance, and reach the goal. Form a partnership with your hostess to build attendance – she makes personal invitations, you send reminder cards. The hostess packet envelope guides you through the process. It’s all about your hostess! Hostess coaching happens at least three times: o As soon as she agrees to have her party. o Within 2-3 days after she agrees to have a party. o A day or two before the party. ALWAYS share the Better Way Imports Freedom Fighter career opportunity with your hostess. Always! Page 29 Party Outline Your Awareness and Hope Events need to be your own! The following outline is meant to get you started. Feel free to adapt it however you like in order to make your events personal for you. Just remember that you don’t want to overwhelm people with too many stories about “the problem,” you DO want to transition to a substantial section of the party where you talk about our “better way” solution and pass our samples of products for people to experience. You want the entire party to last about 90 minutes from the time guests start arriving until the guests may begin leaving. Unstructured Hospitality Time (20 Minutes) This is when guests begin arriving. Greet each guest at the door as they arrive. Introduce yourself. Ask a couple of questions of each guest. Just be yourself and get to know your hostess’s friends a little bit. Raising Awareness, Our Message of Hope, and Our Better Way Imports Products (20 Minutes) Introduction (1 minute) Introduce yourself – who you are, why you became a Freedom Fighter. Thank everyone for coming. Show the “Trip to India” video (4:21 minutes) or the Freeset video (6:20 minutes) Talk about Better Way Imports. How the business works and how it helps the women. (1 minute) The GOOD News – something we can DO - the “Three B’s” Become a Freedom Fighter, Book party, Buy products o JOIN: (Become) Explain your job as a Freedom Fighter. Give an example of the rewards you get. (2 minutes) o HOST: (Book) Explain the Hostess Rewards program and talk about the intangible benefits. (2 minutes) Optional - play a giveaway game (2 minutes) o BUY: Explain how this is something they can actually DO that makes a difference, and how it is really better than a charitable hand-out. (2 minutes) Explain the Buy Better Club. (2 minutes) Explain any monthly specials. (2 minutes) Shopping and Taking Orders (20 Minutes) Explain the Better Way Imports Freedom Fighter career opportunity and explain that this is your job. Get out catalogs. Pass around product and have people try things on. Talk about things customers should know about ordering – how to specify color on Sari Bari products, for example. Release everyone to shop and look at table Page 30 Partners Freeset: Kolkata, India. Jute, cotton, and canvas bags and organic cotton tees Offering employment to women trapped in the sex trade, Freeset is revolutionizing the largest red light district in India. Freeset strives to see these women and children find the option of leaving this oppressive industry which they never chose them. Freeset currently employs nearly 200 women to handcraft their beautiful products which are also biodegradable. A member of the Fair Trade Federation, Freeset supplies their employees with a safe work environment, fair pay, insurance and retirement benefits. Find them on Facebook and at Radiant Hope/Authentic Justice: An undisclosed location in the Middle East. Beaded jewelry Often facing forced prostitution, gendercide, persecution, and war, women can find hope and safety with Radiant Hope. This is their way out of a situation no one should endure. Most are trafficked far from home. The ladies sit around a table, crafting these beautiful pieces. Everyone in the circle has been through the same thing. Together they find healing and restoration. They find support. Each day their circle grows as they reach out to other women. Radiant Hope now supports 30 women in 2 safe houses, giving them employment and housing. To learn more please see Love Calcutta Arts: Kolkata, India. Paper goods This company has risen out of a desire to bring freedom to young girls who might otherwise be at risk of abuse. After generations of forced prostitution, poverty and illiteracy, women in Kolkata are breaking the cycle and starting anew with freedom and opportunity. Dignity and self worth are only a few of the goals that LCA has for those it employs. Also vital is economic freedom and education. These greeting cards, journals, stationary and gift bags are a great way to add beauty and meaning to any gift. The purchase of a LCA product helps them to realize the goal of doubling their number of girls influenced. Learn more at Page 31 Basha: Bangladesh. Jewelry and Blankets BASHA’s house of hope is a small business based in Bangladesh’s capital Dhaka. The women have little status and live in extreme poverty. They are often forced into work they would not choose for themselves, and many are unemployed. To help them build better life now, BASHA is training a number of them to turn their talent to jewelry and beautiful Kantha throws and bedspreads. Starfish: Asia. Jewelry The Starfish Project is restoring hope to exploited women in Asia. The Project developed a socially responsible jewelry business in order to provide women with alternative employment and a range of holistic care services. Starfish Project provides opportunities for women to heal and grow through counseling, vocational training, language acquisition, family education grants and health care access, as well as providing housing in our women's shelter. Imani: Uganda. Jewelry In the war-torn region of northern Uganda, there are many Congolese refugees, child soldiers, and girls forced into prostitution, brothels, and the sex industry due to poverty and lack of options. Imani seeks to free women from the global sex trade and alleviate poverty through healing, empowerment, and fashion design. In partnership with these women, they create jewelry that is made from indigenous materials. Imani also offers trauma counseling, savings and business classes, and English classes to all the women we employ in an effort to see them reach their potential. They believe each of these women is worth of receiving love and knowing that she is valuable. Each piece of jewelry you buy keeps her free! Imani is a fair trade business underneath the ministry Zion Project. Sari Bari: Kolkata, India. Blankets, totes and scarves made of saris These unique items are made from recycled saris (traditional clothing in India). These pieces of fabric were discarded by others, but restored by the ladies of Sari Bari into something beautiful. They patch up the tears, clean the fabric and hand stitch it all together. This is a symbol of the restoration the women encounter with these various companies. Look at the tag. Each item has a white tag bearing the name of the woman who made it. Page 32 Artisans Lane: Turkey. Handcrafted, crocheted cards and hairclips Using a special needle and Turkish tradition passed down through generations, the Artisans make lovely cards for all occasions. The women working with Artisan’s Lane are escaping the pitfalls of human trafficking and creating goods to be sold in the global market. Read about them at STOPstart: Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Recycled rice bags and wallets Women and children who find themselves trapped in violent, abusive trafficking circumstances can find help in STOPstart. They are offered recovery, rehabilitation, job readiness with the ultimate goal of community reintegration. For more information visit their website Rahab’s Rope: India. Jewelry Rahab’s Rope exists to give hope and opportunity to women and girls that have been forced into the commercial sex trade of India. By creating a safe and loving environment, they are enabled to grow and develop physically, mentally, and spiritually. Their work provides basic education and vocational training for each girl and woman who goes through their centers, ultimately allowing them to integrate into their communities in a positive and constructive manner. Abba House Foundation: Ch’ing Mai, Thailand. Red Light Rescue Jewelry Providing housing, food, utilities and training to rescued Thai sex slaves, many with HIV, Abba House is teaching a new way of life. A life of dignity and freedom. The jewelry is trendy and earthy. Some styles are also worn by men. Please learn more at NightLight: Bangkok, Thailand. Jewelry NightLight is a ministry that reaches out to women and children Togetherinthey find healing restoration. find support. Each day working a growing sex and trade area. TheThey ministry intervenes when their circle grows as they out to other women. Hopetonow children are solicited or reach prostitution and works withRadiant guardians protect children. It also introduces theseemployment women andand children supportsthese 30 women in 2 safe houses, giving them to Jesus Christ and works to connect them with church families housing. To learn more please see where they can receive discipleship and fellowship. They are given opportunities for English lessons, health training, budgeting, cooking, cleaning and counseling. As the women grow their skills, they are given greater opportunities and training in computer, accounting, record keeping and public relations. Learn more at Page 33 Sample Policy Discount to Freedom Fighter: 40% on all products Better Way Imports believes that it is important for Hostesses and Customers to be able to view the quality of our products. The intent for the discounts is to provide the Freedom Fighters with the opportunity to add to their display with little cost to them. These items that are purchased at a discounted rate are to be used solely for display, discount, or personal purposes. They may not be resold for profit. They may be offered to a customer or hostess as a special. That customer/hostess may purchase those items for the same discounted cost it was purchased for by the Freedom Fighter. If your customer/hostess would like the item immediately, they may purchase that item at full price (including tax and shipping) and then the Freedom Fighter is responsible for reordering that product for their display. The Freedom Fighter may choose another item(s) that is (are) equal to the cost of the product sold. Sample Policy: Items purchased at a discount may not be resold for profit. Items purchased at a discount may be resold at discounted price, or given away. Samples sold must be replaced with item(s) equal to the cost of original product sold. Page 34 Referral Program At Better Way Imports, we receive multiple inquiries about the opportunity to become a Freedom Fighter and to hold awareness events. It is our desire to pass these leads on to our Freedom Fighters when they are in an area near you! Below are the qualifications necessary to receive lead referrals. The Freedom Fighter must maintain $1000 a month in personal sales for the 3 months prior to the referral. When receiving a referral, contact MUST be made via phone/e-mail within 24 hours. Please be aware that Better Way Imports will follow-up on the leads to make sure they are being contacted in a timely manner. Page 35 Acceptance of Credit Cards for Customer Payments Freedom Fighters should set up their own means of accepting credit/debit cards from customers, such as Square or PayPal. There are great benefits, but also some costs, associated with these options. For example, these services ensure that all credit card numbers are accurate and approved prior to you placing the order with Better Way Imports. No follow-up is required should a card be declined or numbers transposed. This can be very time consuming and awkward. If you use one of these services, these companies offer a free card reader and a low flat rate for swiping any card. Plus there are no fee’s if you don’t use the system. This assures you on the spot that the card will not be declined later, and the information has not been copied wrong. It also offers a level off security for your customers. In those instances where you simply cannot use the card reader, there is always the cash or check system. The company recognizes that not all Freedom Fighters will have a laptop with internet access, a smart phone, or tablet to use the card readers, and thus will not be able to utilize services such as Square or PayPal. In the event that you can’t do the reader and you strongly desire to take cards, the company provides a system called You can request a login for (Ask for an Opt-In Form.) If you choose this option, you will be charged an $8 fee for every customer order you enter, regardless of whether or not credit/debit cards were actually used with that order. Errors made in processing credit card payments via, which result in followup and changes required in the front office, will result in a $10.00 fee applied to the Freedom Fighter. If you need to use this option, please be sure to know how to do it, and double check that you have all the correct information entered on both and the Freedom Fighter Form. Page 36 Using the Freedom Fighter Form to Place Customer Orders Website: This form is for all party and individual customer orders. It is NOT for ordering samples, gifts, or anything else with your Freedom Fighter discount. For instructions on how to place customer and hostess orders using the Freedom Fighter Form, go to Once there, click on “My Account” and login with your email and password, which was sent to you in your welcome e-mail. Then under the subheading “Freedom Fighter”, select “Training Materials”. The document is titled “Using the Freedom Fighter Form.” Additional information on the web By now hopefully you are familiar with the BWI Freedom web site and how to log in and find training information. Use the information above to find additional training for As a Freedom Fighter, you are now considered an independent contractor of Better Way Imports. It is important for you to connect with your tax preparer to understand more about maximizing your deductions! Better Way Imports has two Facebook pages. One is our public page where we post product information, specials, blog posts, and other information that is great for sharing! The other is a prayer page that is shared only with Freedom Fighters, Better Way Import Employees, and our Partners. We encourage you all to participate in those pages! Inventory Updates are located on the Freedom Fighter form under reports. They are VERY important to you and great tools to your events. It is important to always carry an updated Inventory sheet with you to each event so that you are aware of what is out of stock. Remember, when we run out, that means we need more! It can also mean that we are providing more work for our partners, which requires more workers and more FREEDOM for others! Better Way Imports has a blog! We would love for you to share it! Page 37 Custom orders are a small but important part of how we partner with Freeset. Please keep an eye out for organizations/conferences/churches, etc., that would benefit by putting their logo on a bag or t-shirt. Remember that while we are spreading the awareness of freedom needed, we are also teaching people that how and what you purchase matters. Better Way Imports is a Member of the Fair Trade Federation and a certified BCorporation. As a Freedom Fighter, you may use their logos, however you must follow their rules regarding the use of their logos. These rules are located online under “Freedom Fighter” and “Training Materials”. Page 38 BUY BETTER CLUB DO GOOD When you join our Buy Better Club, you’ll continuously play a part in providing freedom to women around the world. For a monthly purchase, you can join a group of committed individuals who provide the kind of long-term support that these women need. Each month, you’ll receive a box of Better Way Imports products - beautiful, handmade, ecofriendly bags, jewelry, accessories, and more! Through the establishment of local Fair Trade industries, our partner organizations provide hope and a future for former slaves – a future you are securing by participating in this fair trade business. By doing good for others, you can also do well for yourself. Today, for every $600 we sell here in the United States, one former slave can be employed in a fair and dignified manner for an entire year! So when you sign up for the Buy Better Club and participate for 12 months, you have provided economic freedom to a former slave for a whole year! DO WELL For your monthly subscription, you will receive an assortment of one or more of our product lines, including dazzling jewelry, stylish household goods, and colorful totes. Each time you use these products you can tell the story of home behind them. There is a great need, but the potential is within our grasp, and this is something YOU can do. Today, we help hundreds of women. In the next few years, we hope to help thousands. In fact, our BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) is to one day help rescue 50,000 women. The need is enormous, the satisfaction unending, and the good created is a true blessing to everyone involved. There is a story to tell about our beautiful products, and it’s a story that you will tell. Become a part of this phenomenal venture today! THE SPECIFICS: Join our Buy Better Club and receive fair trade products from Better Way Imports every month. It takes about $600 in BWI sales to employ a former slave in a fair trade job for a year. The BBC service is $55 a month. Of that, $5 helps defray the shipping and handling and $50 goes towards product sales that provide help for these women. So in one year as a Buy Better Club member, you will generate $600 in sales and that will provide a full year of fair trade employment for a former slave. Each month you will receive fair trade products from Better Way Imports with an average retail value of $50. Use these products for yourself or give them as gifts. We will charge your credit card or bank account on the business day closest to the 10th of each month, so payment is hassle-free. If you attend a party and sign up for the Buy Better Club, $50 of your first payment will count toward the party sales total for your hostess’s party. Once you are enrolled in the Buy Better Club, if you host a party during the year your $50 payment for that month will be added to your party sales total, which will increase your Hostess Rewards for the party. Page 39 BBC CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION FORM I _____________________ Authorize Better Way Imports to charge my credit card OR bank account every month. For services rendered. Not to exceed the amount shown. AMOUNT $ ____________________ Financial Institution Information CREDIT CARD # ____________________ Bank Name _________________________________ CARD CV2 # ____________________ Account # __________________________________ ISSUED DATE ____________________ Bank Transit Routing # ________________________ EXPIRATION DATE ____________________ Bank City/State ______________________________ ______________________ (As it appears on card) Account Holder Names ________________________ NAME ON CARD BILLING ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE ________________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER _____________________________________________________________________ EMAIL _____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ SIGNATURE ___________________________________________________ DATE Freedom Fighter Name: __________________________________________________ T-shirt size (circle one): XS S M L XL XXL FAX OR MAIL TO: Better Way Imports 201 W. Washington, Suite 100 Zeeland, MI 49464 (616) 648-0900 (206) 350-5634 fax Page 40 Resources for Combating Human Trafficking Books God In A Brothel, Daniel Walker Not For Sale, David Batstone Sold, Patricia McCormick Toxic Charity: How Churches and Charities Hurt Those They Help, Dr. Robert Lupton The Good News About Injustice, Gary Haugen The Slave Across The Street, Theresa Flores Terrify No More, Gary Haugen Porn Nation, Michael Leahy The Delicate Power of Modesty, Dannah Gresh The Cost of Discipleship, Dietrich Bonhoeffer Documentaries Born Into Brothels, Lucy Walker Calcutta Hilton, John Sinclair The Whistleblower, Larysa Kondracki CALL+RESPONSE, Justin Dillon Nefarious: Merchant of Souls, Benjamin Nolot Page 41 Freedom Fighter Agreement Form Please fill out your contact information below. This will be your official information on record for all contact, mailings and shipments, so please be accurate and print neatly. First Name: _____________________ MI: ______ Last Name: __________________ Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________ City: __________________________ State:_______ Zip Code: _________________ Phone number: _______________________________________________________ Email address: ________________________________________________________ Please read each policy below carefully. Initial each policy once, read through and sign at the bottom. Sponsoring Mentor must also sign before being faxed or mailed in. Better Way Imports strives to operate with integrity and quality as well as the highest service. We ask that our Freedom Fighters strive to possess the same values. Below, you will find the policies and procedures that are required to maintain your position with Better Way Imports as a Freedom Fighter. ____1. Product returns and/or exchanges Better Way Imports offers a satisfaction guarantee on all products. Better Way Imports will unconditionally give a refund (less shipping and handling), make an exchange for an identical product, or deliver a merchandise certificate to use with designated Freedom Fighter within 45 days of initial purchase. Item may be replaced within 90 days of purchase if broken. The customer is responsible for return postage on all items that are being returned unbroken. ____2. Freedom Fighter order submitting Freedom Fighter should submit event orders within 3-5 days after the event (the extra days allow for additional sales often called “outside” orders). The party may stay “open” for a maximum of two weeks. Please be aware that this is not a target timeframe but a maximum limit. Upon the finalization of the show, the Freedom Fighter MUST “close” the party, meaning that the party orders cannot be changed or added to again after this point. This also means an email is sent to Better Way Imports and the orders will be shipped out within two weeks. When you “close” each event, be sure there are sufficient funds in your bank account to be pulled. Once a show is closed, Better Way Imports has Page 42 immediate authorization to pull the remaining balance of the show from a Freedom Fighter’s bank account via EFT. Better Way Imports is not liable for any overdraft bank charges and/or fees. If using, All payments by credit card or accounts must be cleared before the shipment of the order/show. If payments are not submitted by the time the order ships, all dues will come from the Freedom Fighter EFT. Additional fees may also apply. ____3. Online Outside Commission Commission will be paid on orders submitted by customers through the Better Way Imports web store. When a customer places an outside order on our web store, they will need to enter your name in “shipping instructions” on the Shipping Method page. ____4. Income/Compensation/Taxes Freedom Fighter will be paid commission on their NET sales. This amount is the total after any discounts and excludes tax and shipping. Freedom Fighter will be paid based off of “Close Date” of each party. Freedom Fighter will be paid by the 15th of the following month or the first business day following the 15th. Independent Direct Sales Representatives are in no way to be considered employees of Better Way Imports. Each Freedom Fighter is an independent contractor. Freedom Fighter must file and pay taxes on the commission that they receive as income. Better Way Imports will provide a 1099-MISC form at the end of January each year for commission paid to a Freedom Fighter so long as the commission earned exceeded $600 in the previous calendar year. Freedom Fighter can earn commission on Wholesale & Custom Orders submitted through Better Way Imports. ____5. Product purchased by Freedom Fighter Freedom Fighter is allowed to purchase Better Way Imports items at a significantly discounted price. FF orders will all be charged to your account on record by EFT. Credit cards may not be used for FF discounted purchases. Items may be used for additions to personal event display, for hostess/customer gifts, or for personal use (Freedom Fighters are encouraged to utilize Better Way Imports products in everyday life as advertisement for their business. Please see sample policy in your training manual for more details.). If an item owned by a Freedom Fighter is delivered immediately to a customer a replacement must be obtained by the Freedom Fighter from the hostess’s party order. Page 43 FF is responsible for any tax and shipping and handling applicable to his/her order. FF is encouraged to keep a paid invoice of purchase for tax purposes. ____6. Qualified Freedom Fighter Status In order to be a Qualified Freedom Fighter, he/she must achieve $250 in net sales in a rolling quarter. A rolling quarter is a 3-month period that includes the current month and the previous two months. Net sales are sales after discounts and do not include tax and shipping/handling. A Freedom fighter who does not meet the minimum sales requirements to be “Qualified” will be considered “Active” but not a qualified recruit in your sponsor’s network. If a Freedom Fighter fails to qualify for more than one year, their account will be inactivated, they would lose any downline recruits they may have had, they would be required to purchase a current starter kit. Under no circumstances will downline recruits be restored to a Freedom Fighter who lost them due to going inactive. ____7. Use of media files Freedom Fighters are free to utilize any video and/or printed material provided by Better Way Imports during the course of an Awareness Event or meeting with customers/hostesses. Should a Freedom Fighter find information not provided by BWI we ask that he/she verify it as legitimate and obtain approval for its use. Better Way Imports logos and tag lines are free to be used by the Freedom Fighters but only in accordance with the logo policy guidelines. Other logo form organizations for which BWI is a member, such as Fair Trade Federation and B-Corp, must be used in accordance with the guidelines published by the organization and found in the online training material. ____8. Sales and Recruitment territory Better Way Imports does not limit Freedom Fighters to any sales or recruitment territory. Freedom Fighters are free to conduct business (Awareness Events and Sales) in any location within the United States of America. ____9. Representing Better Way Imports Freedom Fighter must represent himself/herself as an Independent Sales Representative of Better Way Imports. Although not direct employees of Better Way Imports, Freedom Fighters are expected to represent the company accurately, fairly and in good taste. Better Way Imports reserves the right to terminate a Freedom Fighter’s position at any time if the company feels the Freedom Fighter fails to do so. Page 44 If a Freedom Fighter plans on having any sort of Social Networking, such as Facebook, the title of the page must have your name associated with it, not just Better Way Import’s name or “Freedom Fighter.” No other independent web sites using the name or any portion of the name of Better Way Imports or any of their suppliers in its title or address will be allowed. ____10. Competing product lines Freedom Fighters are not permitted to sell other products at Awareness Events and/or conduct sales that would be in direct competition to any product that BWI offers for sale. This list includes (but is not limited to); tote bags, purses, jewelry, greeting cards, memo pads, journals, blankets, scarves, tshirts, dresses, tea towels, pot holders, placemats, coasters, aprons, and pajama bottoms. Freedom Fighters must receive approval from BWI in order to offer any other product for sale at Awareness events. ____11. BWI Suppliers Freedom Fighter agrees to not purchase & sell product directly from any BWI suppliers including custom orders. ____12. Kit purchase agreement Freedom Fighter agrees to purchase the Starter Kit to activate their status with BWI. The $199 (plus tax and shipping) Starter Kit fee must be paid in full upon signing Freedom Fighter Agreement Form. The kit will be shipped upon completion of payment. (Starter Kits are an exception to the no credit card payments policy for Freedom Fighters samples. You may use a Credit Card for your Starter Kit purchase only) ____13. Acceptance of Credit Cards for Customer Payment We recommend Freedom Fighters set up their own means of accepting Credit/Debit cards from customers, such as Square or PayPal. See page 36 of this document for more information. I, ___________________________ have read and understand the above Policies and Procedures. I will adhere to them. I realize that should I fail to uphold this list my Independent Direct Sales Representative agreement may be terminated. ____________________________________________________________________ Freedom Fighter Date Sales Mentor Date Page 45 Freedom Fighter Promotion Policies Earn more by training and mentoring others to do what you do! Freedom Fighter: Personal Recruits 3% Commission Freedom Circle: CORE Group (6.5% Commission) 4 Qualified Freedom Fighters ($250 in NET sales in a rolling quarter.) $4000 in group NET sales in a month $1,000 in Personal net sales a month YOU Freedom Circle FF FF FF FF Justice Circle: (3% Commission) Maintain all of the Freedom Circle Requirements (CORE group). Maintain minimum of 3 Freedom Circles Combined minimum of $16,000 a month group NET sales YOU Justice Circle FF FF FF FF Freedom Circle Freedom Circle FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Freedom Circle FF FF FF FF FF Page 46 Liberty Circle: (1.5% Commission) Maintain all of the Freedom Circle Requirements (CORE group). Maintain minimum of 2 Justice Circles and 1 Freedom Circle Combined minimum of $40,000 a month group NET sales. FF YOU Liberty Circle FF Justice Circle FF FF Justice Circle F Freedom Circle F Page 47 Recognized-As Title vs. Paid-As Title Each month, a Director is always paid based on the actual performance for that month. His/her “Paid-As” title (and the resulting commission payments) will always be based upon actual performance. If a Director fails to achieve the qualifications in a given month, his/her “Recognized-As” title will remain at the PREVIOUS month’s title for one month. This is designed to give the Director an opportunity to rebuild back to higher performance. Director Sabbatical A Director may request a sabbatical during which the qualifications do not have to be met. This request must be approved by Bill or Joanna Leep. The sabbatical is intended for extreme situations such as a death in the family, extreme personal illness, or some similar situation. The sabbatical is not intended to be used as a vacation. It is a way that the company can help a Director get through a difficult time. When a sabbatical is granted, the Director will retain the Paid-As and Recognized-As title he/she earned the prior month. When the Director who has been on sabbatical is able to return to conducting business, he/she will have two months in which to rebuild. After that, his/her Paid-As and Recognized-As titles will be based on actual performance. Page 48 Hostess Wish List Hostess Wish List Item # Item Name Price _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Hostess Discounts 2 bookings = $30 in FREE product, $10 for each additional booking $250 - $499 show = 3 half priced items $500 - $749 show = 4 half priced items + 1 FREE item $750 - $999 show = 4 half priced items + 2 FREE items $1000 - $1499 show = 4 half priced items + 3 FREE items $1500 - $1999 show = 4 half priced item + 4 FREE items $2000 and up show = 5 half priced item + 5 FREE items! Hostess Wish List Item # Item Name Price _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Hostess Discounts 2 bookings = $30 in FREE product, $10 for each additional booking $250 - $499 show = 3 half priced items $500 - $749 show = 4 half priced items + 1 FREE item $750 - $999 show = 4 half priced items + 2 FREE items $1000 - $1499 show = 4 half priced items + 3 FREE items $1500 - $1999 show = 4 half priced item + 4 FREE items $2000 and up show = 5 half priced item + 5 FREE items! Page 49 FAST START CLAIM FORM I achieved my goals in starting my business with Better Way Imports, and I am ready to claim my Fast Start rewards! Name Date _______ LEVEL 1: I achieved Fast Start sales Level 1. Please send my $50 rebate. _______ LEVEL 2: I achieved Fast Start Sales Level 2. Please send these products for my $100 free. Product Code Name $ Amount TOTAL _______ LEVEL 3: I achieved Fast Start sponsoring by sponsoring the following qualified recruit: Recruit Name Product Code Recruit Start Date Recruit’s Sales 1st 30 Days Name $ Amount TOTAL Page 50 LIST OF 100 The best way to get started is to make a list of 100, or more, people that you can talk to about Better Way Imports. Think of everyone – your relatives, friends, acquaintances, friends of your friends, neighbors, co-workers – everyone! You never know who will be interested in our message of hope and our fantastic products, hostess plan, and career opportunity! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. KEEP GOING Page 51 Guest List The key to a fun and successful party is having lots of guests. They key to having lots of guests are to invite, invite, and invite some more. We suggest you invite at least 30 people and ask each of them to bring a friend. When you invite 30 you can usually count on having 8-10 people attend your party. So, take a few minutes, make 3 copies of this blank list, compile your guest list, then send me a copy! Name Address Phone Email Name Address Phone Email Name Address Phone Email Name Address Phone Email Name Address Phone Email Name Address Phone Email Name Address Phone Email Name Address Phone Email Name Address Phone Email Name Address Phone Email Your Freedom Fighter: ____________________________________________________ Page 52 Party Checklist Party Date: _______________________________________________________ Name: ___________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________ Home phone: _____________________________________________________ Cell: ____________________________________________________________ Hostess she booked under: __________________________________________ __ Gave hostess packet, including a hostess envelope filled with: One of each current catalogs 5 guest order forms. Be sure your name and telephone number is on them. A guest list. 5 reminder cards she can pass out to friends. 5 sponsoring flyers she can share with her friends __ Sent thank you note for booking. __ Created event on FF order form. __ Sent pre-event e-mail. __ Sent out reminders: ___ Facebook Event ___ E-vite ___Postcards __ Printed Google maps or Mapquest directions. Mileage: __________ __ Called hostess for coaching 2-3 days after she booked. __ Called hostess 1-2 days before her party for encouragement and last-minute advice. __ Sent “order has shipped” e-mail. __ Entered into a database ___ Excel ___ Gmail ___ MailChimp ____________ Opened ___ Other ____________ Hostess’ Total __ Sent thank you card to the hostess ____________ Closed ____________ Product Totals ____________ Order Number ____________ Commission Page 53 Better Way Imports Exchange Form Better Way Imports offers a satisfaction guarantee on all of our products! We will, without condition, give a refund (less shipping and handling), exchange for an identical item or deliver a merchandise certificate to use with your Freedom Fighter within 45 days of the initial purchase. Customer is responsible for return postage. Send the item(s) and completed Exchange Form to: Better Way Imports Attn: Exchanges 201 W. Washington, Ste. 100 Zeeland, MI 49464 Name: _____________________________ Phone: _________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________ State: ______ Zip: ___________ E-mail: ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Freedom Fighter Name Hostess Name Date of Event Items Being Returned (Reasons: 1 – Did not like, 2 – Broken, 3 – Wrong Item) ______________________________________________________________________ Item Name Item # Price Reason # ______________________________________________________________________ Item Name Item # Price Reason # Please check one of the following: ( ) Exchange for same item* ( ) Receive a refund ( ) Receive Merchandise Certificate *If item is out of stock OR discontinued, Better Way Imports will send a Merchandise Certificate that you can use with your Freedom Fighter. Better Way Imports 201 W. Washington, Ste. 100 Zeeland, MI 49464 Phone: 616.648.0900 Do Good. Do Well Page 54 Open Date Sheet for Better Way Imports Parties These are the dates I have available to hold parties for the month of ______________. Please select the date that works for you and your guests and then see me for a hostess packet. If you’d like to know more about our FREE and DISCOUNTED prices for hostesses, and how the work we do, and the products your friends buy, help employ women who were rescued from slavery, please ask me! Date: Hostess: Street: City/State/Zip: Day phone: Evening phone: Best time to reach me: Email address: Date: Hostess: Street: City/State/Zip: Day phone: Evening phone: Best time to reach me: Email address: Date: Hostess: Street: City/State/Zip: Day phone: Evening phone: Best time to reach me: Email address: Date: Hostess: Street: City/State/Zip: Day phone: Evening phone: Best time to reach me: Email address: Date: Hostess: Street: City/State/Zip: Day phone: Evening phone: Best time to reach me: Email address: Date: Hostess: Street: City/State/Zip: Day phone: Evening phone: Best time to reach me: Email address: Page 55
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