Exhibitors Manual ■ Period: Business Day* Sep. 18 (Thursday) - Sep. 19 (Friday), 2014 *Admission is limited to the press, industry participants and those with invitations. Public Day Sep. 20 (Saturday) - Sep.21 (Sunday), 2014 ■ Opening hours: From 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (may start from 9:30 on Sep. 20-21.) ■ Venue: Makuhari Messe ■ Organizer: Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association (CESA) ■ Co-Organizer: Nikkei Business Publications, Inc. (Nikkei BP) Exhibitors Website https://exponet.nikkeibp.co.jp/tgs/ To login to the exhibitors website, you need ID, password* and email address* of the person who is in charge of the exhibit. (Those with * mark can be changed anytime) <FURTHER INFORMATION> TOKYO GAME SHOW Overseas Management Office E-mail : tgs@smj.co.jp 1. Schedule Publicity Schedule Ticket Sales Schedule Official Website official mobile site (June 27) Schedule Exhibitor Briefing and Booth Location Meeting (June 27) July 1 From Mid July Game Publications Article, Advertisement From Mid July Announcement for selling Admission Ticket Start of Public Day ticket Sales (July 9) From July Nikkei BP Publicity, Web, Article, Advertisement Pre-registration for Mail Delivery Service to Media starts (July 24) General Publications Article, Advertisement Newspaper Article, Advertisement August 1 Pre-registration for Business Day Website Open (Beginning of Aug) Distribution of Invitation Ticket *Regulated Amount (Beginning of Aug) Type of Admission Ticket Ticket Type Classification Price (incl. tax) Exhibitors, CESA ¥1,000 Game industry related persons ¥5,000 Business Day Ticket for preregistered attendees General Public Ticket (Advance General Public Sales) ¥1,000 General Public ¥1,200 General Public Ticket (Ticket General Public valid only on the with special day of issue) discount End Aug TV Publicity Radio Publicity ¥100 Day of Validity Application Business related Valid for two persons days, *Students and Sep. 18 and Children under Sep. 19 18 are not allowed Deadline of Official Guidebook and Publicity Data (Aug 1) Deadline of floor plans and 3-D drawings (Aug 6) Deadline of Food Handling Notification (Aug 15) Age 13 and over (Admissio free for Children Valid one day under 12) on either Sep. 20 or Sep. 21 Age 70 and over and those with Physical disability certificates Distribution of Invitation Ticket (Additional Amount, Game School) (End of Aug) Distribution of Vehicle Certificates, Exhibitor Badge, Worker ribbon, Badge for invited guests (End of August) Sept. 1 TOKYO GAME SHOW 2014 Open (Business Day) Sept. 18 Sept. 19 Newspaper Publicity Flier Sept. 21 TOKYO GAME SHOW 2014 Open (Public Day) Sept. 20 TOKYO GAME SHOW 2014 Close Sept. 21 CHECK LIST ■ Submission Documents & Schedule Revised Check Submit July 1 □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ August 1 Deadline No July 4 July 23 July 23 July 25 34 2 33 36/37 □ □ □ □ □ □ Aug 1 Aug 1 Aug 1 1 3 4 □ □ Aug 1 18 □ □ Aug 1 19 □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Aug 1 Aug 1 Aug 6 Aug 6 Aug 6 Aug 6 Aug 6 Aug 8 Aug 8 Aug 8 Aug 8 Aug 8 Aug 8 Aug 15 Aug 15 Aug 18 Aug 20 Aug 22 Aug 22 Aug 22 Aug 22 Aug 29 Aug 29 Aug 29 Aug 29 Aug 29 Aug 29 Aug 29 Aug 29 September 1 □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Sep 3 Sep 3 Sep 3 Sep 8 Submission Document Rent for the Conference/Meeting Room Application Form Invitaition Ticket Application Form Press Information Distribution Service Reservation Form PS4, PS3, PSVita / Nintendo 3DS, WiiU Rental Application Form Page 131 22 117 135/136 31 32 5 9 10 11 6 7 21 26 30 35 8 41 28 39 14 17 25 38 12 13 15 16 20 22 40 42 General Move-out Vehicle Certificate Application Form Guest Badge Application Form Fee-Charged Additional Badge and Invitation Ticket Application Form Written Confirmation of Exhibit Software (Regarding Compliance with CESA/CERO Ethical Rules) Written Confirmation of Distributing Promotional Items (Regarding Compliance with CERO Ethical Rules) Official Guidebook Entry/ Publicity Data Publicity Personnel Registration Form Decoration Notification Form Floor Plan and 3-D Drawings Confirmation Form of Rental Package Booth Confirmation form of Turnkey Booth/Business Meeting Area/ Asia New Stars Area Electric Power Supply Application Form Ceiling Structure and Two-Story Facility Construction Application Form Dangerous Objects Transportation Approval Application Form Reservation/Consignment Sales Notification Form Digital Signage Personnel Registration Form Exhibitor's Directory Content Report Form Application Form for Outside Stock Room Hole-In Anchors Use Notification Form Hotel Reservation Form Written Confirmation of Participation in Charity Auction Fixtures and Audio Visual Equipment Rental Application Form Application Form for Fee-Charged Early Move-in Booth Operation Officer/ID Purchasing Officer Report Form Written Confirmation of Distribution Items for theTGS Big Draw Xbox 360 Rental Application Form TGS-Net (Internet Connection) Application Form Specially-Installed Telephones, FAX, and ISDN Line Application Form Shipping Cost Estimate Request Form Confirmation Form for Flow Plan in front of In-booth Event Stage/Large-sized Screen Exhibit Software Screening Application Form Tokyo Game Show Product License Application Form PC and Other Digital Equipment Rental Application Form Booth Cleaning Application Form 113 114 31 31 45 47 52 42 43 90 99 112 133 44 144 101 139 64 82 99 138 52 57 73 81 89 91 140 144 23 24 27 29 Promotional/Gift Item Application Form Notification Form for Entertainer & Artist Stage /Application Form for Temporary Traffic Pass Written Confirmation of Family Corner Commemoration Items Confirmation Form for Person in charge of Japan Game Award 2014 93 98 101 102 2 20 24 24 86 88 C O N T E N T S R REVISED: Section revised from 2013. Chapter 1 Documents to be Submitted R R 1. 2. Exhibitors Website / How to Submit Each Document Submission Documents Chapter 2 Points that have been Revised R 1. 2. Request for Coorporation (IMPORTANT) Request for Your Cooperation to Energy Saving Chapter 3 Documents Issued by the Secretariat R 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Items Included in the Exhibit Fee Items to be Issued Free of Charge at the Exihibitor's Request Fee-Charged Items to be Issued at Exhibitor's Request Items to be Issued to Exhibitors that Have Applied for Fee-Charged Early Move-in List of Items Issued by the Management Office Chapter 4 Decoration Notification R R 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Matters of Attention for Construction Work Construction Work Area Required Construction Work Universal Design Concept for Booth Design Submission of the Exhibitor's Decoration Construction Plan Height Restriction Hanging Structures Setback Restrictions for Stages Setback Restrictions for Large Video Displays Setback Restrictions for Trial Play Stands Location and Direction of Speakers Lighting Rules Installation of Wireless LAN Access point Fireproof Requirements Use of Balloons Construction of Ceiling Structures and Two-Story Facilities Use of Fire and Transportation of Dangerous Objects Use of Hole-In Anchors Rental Package Booths Turnkey Booths/Business Meeting Area/ Asia New Stars Area Chapter 5 Electricity and Communication 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Electricity Cautions for Electric Work Electric Capacity/Construction Fee/Usage Fee TGS-net (Internet Connection Services) Specially-Installed Telephones, FAX and ISDN Lines Chapter 6 Move-in and Move-out R R 1-1. 1-2. 2. 3. 4-1. 4-2. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Move-in Schedule(Hall 1-8) Move-in Schedule(Hall 9) Gateway for Exhibitors and Vehicles Fee-Charged Early Move-in Move-In Procedures/Route(Hall 1-8) September 16&17 Move-In Procedures/Route(Hall 9) September 18&19 Move-in Procedures for Public-day-only exhibitors(Hall 1-8) Matters of Attention for Move-in/Setup Days Matters of Attention during the Event Period Move-out Schedule Matters of Attention for Move-out/Removal Days Move-out Procedures/Route September 21 (17:30-22:00) Move-out Procedures for Business-day-only exhibitors Request on Waste Disposal Official Freight Forwarder 3 5 6 11 13 14 17 19 20 24 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 35 36 38 39 39 40 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 49 50 50 51 52 57 58 59 60 61 64 65 66 67 68 69 69 70 71 72 73 73 C O N T E N T S Chapter 7 Booth Operation R R R R R 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. TGS 2014 Schedule for Exhibitors Restricted Activities by Display Area Type Restricted Activities Outside the Booth Waiting Room/Stock Room Safety Supervision Responsibility Ensuring Safety during Busy Hours Booth Operation Officer Sales of Hall Entry Certificate at the Site Restriction on Advertisement Contents Lighting Rendition <Hall 1-8> Sound Volume Restriction Prohibition of Live Musical Performance with Instruments Staging Restrictions in the Booth Handling of Copyrights Restrictions on Items to be Displayed Restriction of Products for Sale Restriction of Promotional Items Restriction of Gift Items Provision of Food and Drinks in the Booth Matters to Note When Displaying Consoles for Nintendo 3DS Compatible Software Matters to Note When Displaying WiiU Game Consoles for Trial Play Performance of Artists/Entertainers Request for Coorperation Computer Entertainment Software Code of Ethics, Second Amendment Emergency Care Chapter 8 Public Relations R R 1. 1-1. 1-2. 1-3. 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Publicity Data to be submitted by all exhibitors Exhibitor Information on TGS Official Website Official Guidebook Entry & Publicity Data Publicity Personnel Information Exhibitors News Publicity Material Display Service at the Press Room When Inviting Press to the Booth Media Partner System Official Movie Distribution Channel Press Information Distribution Service (free) Mail Delivery Service to Business Day Preregistrants Various Advertisement Menus Chapter 9 Business Meeting R 1-1. 1-2. 2. 3. Appointment System “Asia Business Gateway” How to use Asia Business Gateway Business Meeting Area/ International Business Consulting Corner Interpretation Service Chapter 10 Rentals R R 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Rentals of Makuhari Messe Conference Rooms Rentals of Outside Stock Rooms Platform Rentals Rentals of Fixtures, Furniture and AV Equipment Rentals of Personal Computers and Digital Equipment Chapter 11 Hotel/Food & Drinks/Other Services R 1. 2. 3. Hotel Accomodation Box Lunces and Drinks Cleaning Within Each Exhibitor's Display Area Outline of Tokyo Game Show 2014 75 76 77 78 78 78 79 82 82 83 83 83 85 85 85 86 90 92 93 94 94 96 98 99 102 109 111 112 112 113 114 114 115 115 116 117 117 119 121 122 123 124 128 129 130 131 133 135 139 140 143 144 144 144 145 4 Chapter 1 Documents to be Submitted 1 Chapter Documents to be Submitted Chapter 1 Documents to be Submitted 1. Exhibitors Website/ How to Submit Each Document REVISED To make registration and submission procedures smooth and quick, the Management Office of TGS 2014 has set up an exclusive website for the exhibitors (http://exponet.nikkeibp.co.jp/tgs/). Each exhibitor will receive a login ID and a password by email. Please login to the website and complete the procedure for each document. (1) Logging in to the official website 1. Information for logging into the website (ID, password, registered mail address) will be sent by email to the person in charge written on the application form 2. Following the information on the email, please log in to the website. (You can also re-login from here when you have forgotten your ID or password.) ***** ***** *****@******** 3. When you login, you will be on the top page of the exhibitors website. The functions of the website are shown on the menu bar. [Submission of Documents] It is possible to download, upload and enter information from here. [Exhibitors Information] Basic information, such as booth number, etc. is shown here. The Management Office will register and/or make changes. [List of Person in Charge] It is possible to register and add the person that can access to this website. This person will become able to access all the documents and functions. [Information on co-exhibitor] From TGS 2014, registering the information of coexhibitors has become possible (please refer to P. 9 for the details). [Exhibitors News] (Free of charge) It is possible to announce Exhibitor News including exhibit contents and events in your booth on TGS 2014 Official Website. 6 Chapter 1 (2) Documents to be Submitted At TGS 2014, there are 2 ways to submit the documents, by forms on the web or Email/ FAX. Please see the diagram below for details. After the deadline, it will not be possible to submit the documents from the Website, so please pay attention to the deadline. For inquiries on submitting the documents after the deadline, and others, please contact TGS OMO (tgs@smj.co.jp) 1. Procedures for Submitting Documents by Forms on the Web Click on the document Enter Information on the Web Click on the input info confirmed button Complete Email or Fax the document with necessary information Complete 2. Procedures for Submitting Documents via Email or Fax Download the document Enter Information (3) Documents to be submitted using Forms on the Web 1. Log in to the “Exhibitors Website” and click on “Documents to be Submitted”. From the list of documents to be submitted, click on the document you want to submit using the form on the Website. Please check to see that “Create” is indicated on the right hand corner of the list. Even if there is a “completed” sign, it is possible to edit the information as many times as you like, until the deadline. 2. After entering the necessary information on the web form, click on “Confirm” at the bottom of the screen. 3. After upload is completed, the screen will change to the confirmation page. When you click on “Commit” the procedure is completed. 7 Chapter 1 4. After the “submission completed” page is displayed, click ”Submit Application” on the menu bar. Please check the list of documents to be submitted and make sure that there is a “completed” sign besides the documents you have just submitted using the web form. If you have any inquiries, please contact TGS OMO. (tgs@smj.co.jp). (4) Documents to be submitted via Email or FAX 1. When you click on “Documents to be Submitted” on the Exhibitors Website, you will find a list of documents. Click on “Create” on the right hand corner of the list. Documents that you can download are displayed in blue. Click download. If you would like to download all the documents together, you can do so by creating a zip file from “File Download” on the Top Page. 2. Using your PC, you can enter information on documents that have been downloaded (PDF file, Excel File). To complete submission, please send updated file via email or FAX. 8 Chapter 1 (5) About Co-Exhibitors’ Registration When parent exhibitor plans to exhibit/promote products and service which are of other company, the company which actually supplies such products and service need to be registered as co-exhibitor. Please contact TGS OMO when coexhibitor registration becomes necessary. 1. Click on “Add” on Co-Exhibitor Information page of the Exhibitors Website. 2. After entering the necessary information on the web form, click on “Confirm” at the bottom of the page. Pending 4. After clicking on “Registration”, registered Co-Exhibitor is added to “Co-Exhibitor Information” of the list. Registration is not completed at this point. After it is confirmed and approved by the Management Office, and the status will be changed to “log in“ from “Pending”. When the status is changed to “log in”, the procedure is completed. Please note that Co-Exhibitor Information might be modified as necessary by the Management Office. 3. If there is no items to be revised in the screen, click on “Register”. 9 Chapter 1 (6) About Documents for Co-Exhibitors The host exhibitor can submit documents on behalf of co-exhibitors. The host exhibitor can stay within its own log-in page to submit co-exhibitors’ documents. 1. After logging in, click on “Information of co-exhibitors” to display the list of registered co-exhibitors. Then, click on “log in”. 2. When you click on “log in”, it will jump to co-exhibitors’ top page. Then, click “Submit” and submit the document. To go back to the host exhibitors’ page, click on “Go back to the host exhibitor”. The “Go Back” button of the browser cannot be used. (7) Account Management for exhibitors who have booth in 2 or more exhibit areas. This new system enables these exhibitors to log-in using only one log-in key and stay within their own website to complete documents submission for all their exhibit areas. 1. After login, please select the appropriate “Area” which you would like to submit documents from the “Pull-down Menu” on the upper right area. 2. Please complete submission of documents per exhibit area. 10 Chapter 1 2. Submission Documents REVISED Please submit all documents by the deadline (1) Documents to be submitted by all exhibitors Please login to the Exhibitors Website and submit them after entering necessary information. No. Submission Method 1 Web form 2 Web form 5 Submission Document Submission Object Ref. Pg Submission Deadline General Move-out Vehicle Certificate Application Form All Exhibitors 20 August 1, 2014 Invitaition Ticket Application Form All Exhibitors 22 July 23, 2014 Web form Decoration Notification Form All Exhibitors 31 August 6, 2014 - Email/FAX Floor Plan and 3-D Drawings Self-Decorating Exhibitors 31 August 6, 2014 11 Email/FAX Electric Power Supply Application Form All Exhibitors 52 August 6, 2014 All Exhibitors Except Asia New Stars Area and Business Meeting Area 81 August 29, 2014 All Exhibitors 82 August 22, 2014 86 August 1, 2014 88 August 1, 2014 99 August 8, 2014 All exhibitors at Family Area 101 September 3, 2014 16 Web form Confirmation Form for Flow Plan in front of In-booth Event Stage/Large-sized Screen 17 Web form Booth Operation Officer/ID Purchasing Officer Report Form Written Confirmation of Exhibit Software (Regarding Compliance with CESA/CERO Ethical Rules) Written Confirmation of Distributing Promotional Items (Regarding Compliance with CERO Ethical Rules) 18 Web form 19 Web form 26 Web form Digital Signage Personnel Registration Form 27 Web form Written Confirmation of Family Corner Commemoration Items 28 Web form Written Confirmation of Participation in Charity Auction All Exhibitors Except Business Meeting Area All Exhibitors Except Business Meeting Area All Exhibitors who applied more than 40 booths All Exhibitors 101 August 18, 2014 All exhibitors at General, Family, Smartphone Game/ Social Game, PC Game, Cloud Gaming, Romance Simulation Area 102 September 8, 2014 29 Web form Confirmation Form for Person in charge of Japan Game Award 2014 30 Web form Exhibitor's Directory Content Report Form All Exhibitors 112 August 8, 2014 Official Guidebook Entry & Publicity Data All Exhibitors Except Business Meeting Area + Except co-exhibitors 113 August 1, 2014 All Exhibitors 114 August 1, 2014 31 Email 32 Web form Publicity Personnel Registration Form 11 Chapter 1 (2) Documents submitted only by appropriate exhibitors Please login to the Exhibitors Website to enter necessary information for each forms and submit the documents. No. Submission Method 3 Web Form 4 Web Form 6 Submission Document Submission Object Ref. Pg Submission Deadline Guest Badge Application Form Optional 24 August 1, 2014 Fee-Charged Additional Badge and Invitation Ticket Application Form Optional 24 August 1, 2014 Email/FAX Ceiling Structure and Two-Story Facility Construction Application Form Optional 42 August 8, 2014 7 Email/FAX Dangerous Objects Transportation Approval Application Form Optional 43 August 8, 2014 8 Email/FAX Hole-In Anchors Use Notification Form Optional 44 August 15, 2014 August 6, 2014 9 Web Form Confirmation Form of Rental Package Booth Optional 45 10 Web Form Confirmation form of Turnkey Booth/ Business Meeting Area/ Asia New Stars Area Optional 47 August 6, 2014 12 Web form TGS-Net (Internet Connection) Application Form Optional 52 August 29, 2014 13 Email/FAX Specially-Installed Telephones, FAX, and ISDN Line Application Form 14 Web form Application Form for Fee-Charged Early Move-in 15 Email/FAX 20 Postal Mail 21 Optional 57 August 29, 2014 Exhibitors who would like to start Move-in from A.M. 0:00, Tuesday September 16 64 August 22, 2014 Shipping Cost Estimate Request Form Optional 73 August 29, 2014 Exhibit Software Screening Application Form Optional 89 August 29, 2014 Web form Reservation/Consignment Sales Notification Form Optional 90 August 8, 2014 22 Email/FAX Tokyo Game Show Product License Application Form Optional 91 August 29, 2014 23 Web form Promotional/Gift Item Application Form Optional 93 September 3, 2014 24 Email Notification Form for Entertainer & Artist Stage / Application Form for Temporary Traffic Pass Optional 98 September 3, 2014 25 Web Form Written Confirmation of Distribution items for the TGS Big Draw All exhibitors at General, Merchandise,Family, PC Game, Smartphone Game/ Social Game, Game Device, Cloud Gaming, Romance Simulation, Cosplay Area 99 August 22, 2014 33 Email/FAX Press Information Distribution Service Reservation Form Optional 117 July 23 2014 - September 3,2014 34 FAX Rent for the Conference/Meeting Room Application Form Optional 131 July 4, 2014 35 Web form Application Form for Outside Stock Room Optional 133 August 8, 2014 36 Email/FAX PS4, PS3, PSVita Rental Application Form Optional 135 July 25, 2014 37 Email/FAX Nintendo 3DS, WiiU Rental Application Form Optional 136 July 25, 2014 38 Email/FAX Xbox 360 Rental Application Form Optional 138 August 22, 2014 39 Web form Fixtures and Audio Visual Equipment Rental Application Form Optional 139 August 20, 2014 40 Email/FAX PC and Other Digital Equipment Rental Application Form Optional 140 August 29, 2014 41 Email Hotel Reservation Form Optional 144 August 15, 2014 42 Email/FAX Booth Cleaning Application Form Optional 144 August 29, 2014 Exhibitors Website https://exponet.nikkeibp.co.jp/tgs/ *To login to the exhibitors website, you need ID, password* and E-mail address* of person who is in charge of the exhibit. (*Log-in key can be changed anytime) For Further information: Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka (Ms.) / Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg. 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp 12 Chapter 2 Points that have been Revised 2 Chapter Points that have been Revised Chapter 2 Points that have been Revised 1. Request for Cooperation (IMPORTANT) REVISED To carry out the operations at TGS safely and comfortably, we would like to have the cooperation from the exhibitors on the following points. Please read the following text carefully. (1) Management of Exhibitor’s Badge (Important) On the Business Days, there have been cases where exhibitors had given their exhibitors’ badges to visitors. There have also been cases where exhibitors’ badges were misused because exhibitors had lost them. Also, exhibitors’ badges may be sold by a broker or in an auction. In order to prevent these events, the Management Office has decided to print in the exhibitor’s name and a serial number on the badge before delivering it to the exhibitor. With this number, the exhibitor can also specify to whom the badge was distributed. In case a badge was lost or stolen, or in case it was found that someone has given the badge to someone else, please notify the TGS OMO as soon as possible. We would like to ask for your cooperation in preventing any inappropriate actions. (2) Taking Photos on Move-in / Set-up Days (Important) During move-in and set-up days (September 15 (Mon.) – 17 (Wed.), try to avoid taking pictures or record videos of the site and other exhibitors’ booth, other than your own booth. In the past, some people that have obtained the exhibitor’s badge in an improper way were walking around, taking photos of the set-up. If any suspicious persons are found, please report to the TGS OMO or the security guard. (3) Distribution of Numbered Tickets (Important) Ensuring Safety during Busy Hours P. 79 If it is anticipated that the number of visitors flooding into the aisles nearby will exceed a certain number (*1), please request and reserve a place, which will be arranged by the Management Office beforehand, for distributing the numbered tickets. On that day, if the number of visitors exceeds a certain number, or if the Management Office judges that it is dangerous, please guide the visitors to the numbered ticket distribution place, to ensure safety of the visitors. The location of the numbered ticket distribution place will be decided, after the locations of the booths are finalized. Numbered ticket distribution place can be used for free, but the exhibitor is requested to arrange staffs for distributing the tickets (*2). The Management Office will adjust the requests of the exhibitors and will determine the time and location of the numbered ticket distribution place. For details, please refer to P. 79 “Ensuring Safety during Busy Hours” *1 A certain number is when the visitors and/or the waiting line exceeds the visitors’ waiting area, or when the waiting time exceeds 2 hours. Or if CESA or the Management Office judges that it is dangerous or that it obstructs smooth operation. *2 If you need an extra staff for distributing the tickets, we can make that arrangement for 20,000 JPY (excluding tax, per person, 1 time) (4) In case of Setting Up an In-Booth Stage or a Large-sized Screen of over Setting Up an InBooth Stage or a Large-sized Screen of over 100 inch . P. 79 100 inch *NEW All exhibitors carrying out talk show or live performance in their booth and establishing larger than 100 inches large video display need planning the front of such structures to reduce congestion. Please arrange staffs or ropes for ensuring flow line, and execute the operation that the audience does not stay in the passage. If the number of audience exceeds the regulation, please note the stage program might be instructed to be discontinued. 14 Chapter 2 (5) Wireless LAN (Important) Recently, the use of wireless communication system for game devices is increasing, which causes severe crossed-wire problems with other nearby booths. To prevent and reduce these problems, the Management Office has decided to limit the usage amount of wireless LAN access (2.4GHzbands) since 2012. To use wireless LAN access point or mobile router such as pocket Wi-Fi without approval from the Management Office would be prohibited in the Exhibition halls (Hall 1-6). In case the exhibitor needs wireless LAN access for its demonstration or exhibition, please use TGS-net Wi-Fi Connection service (→P.54) provided by the Management Office, or contact TGS OMO in advance. TGS-net Wi-Fi Connection service P. 52 The exhibition halls will be monitored during the show. If using unapproved wireless LAN equipment (or access point) is found, we may ask you to stop using the equipment immediately. Please refer to P.53 for the details. *We strongly ask all visitors as well to communicate game devices and use wireless LAN access such as mobile routers exclusively in the designated area. (6) Appointment System Service “Asia Business Gateway” P. 122 In order to enhance the international business function, Asia Business Gateway will be operated this year. This system allows to make an appointment for a meeting before TGS period between exhibitors and Business-day visitors from overseas and Japan providing chances to connect with new business partners. In this relation, exhibitors are requested to register the person in charge of overseas affairs. For details, please refer to P.122 “Asia Business Gateway”. (7) The TGS Big Draw P. 99 Request for Cooperation to the Digital Signage To enhance the satisfaction level of the visitors, Digital Signage displaying the waiting time and information of give-away items will be set up at the venue. In this relation, we would like to ask each exhibitor reserving more than 40 booths to put together and enter the information to be displayed on the Digital Signage. Please refer to P. 99 for details. The Digital Signage P. 99 (9) Entry restrictions of students on the Business Days P. 22 Request for Cooperation to the TGS Big Draw To enhance the satisfaction level of the visitors, a BIG Draw will be held by collecting some of the give-away items that the exhibitors distribute to the visitors. Every visitor will get a chance to draw the lottery once. The person who wins will receive game serial card, novelty goods, printed materials, etc. In the relation, we would like to ask the exhibitors to turn in the gift to give to the winners(give-away items during the Show). Please refer to P. 99 for details. (8) Media Partner System P. 116 Appointment System Service “Asia Business Gateway” Media Partner System At TGS 2014, Media Partner System has been established among significant game-related media such as magazines, websites and video sites in Asian countries. Reporters of the Media Partner System will be wearing a “Media Partner Badge” for exhibitors to recognize them at once. We would like to have your cooperation if a reporter with a “Media Partner Badge” visits your booth for an interview. If there is any information that the exhibitor would like to provide to the Media Partners, please contact the person in charge at the Press Office of TGS. The details of the Media Partner are on P.116. (10) Game School Corner Exhibitors Entry of students on Business Days (Sep. 18(Thu.) - Sep. 19(Fri.)) will be prohibited. As for schools that have booths at the Game School Corner, only the minimum number of students to operate the booth will be allowed to enter. Students visiting the site just to look around will not be allowed to enter. However, students will be able to enter from the exclusive Student Only Entrance on the Public Days, Sep. 20 (Sat.) - 21 (Sun.). 15 Chapter 2 ■ About the Students Only Entrance for Students with exclusive game school ticket On the Public Days (Sep. 20 (Sat.) - 21 (Sun.), the re-entry entrance in front of Hall 3 on the 2nd floor, central mall of Makuhari Messe, will become the Students Only Entrance. The waiting line is to stretch towards the Messe parking lot. (The end of the line will be around the group bus loading zone.) At the Students Only Entrance, the students will be requested to show the exclusive game school ticket and a student certificate to prove that he/she is a student of the school that have a booth at the Game School Corner. Teachers and the relevant parties escorting the students will also need Game School Entry Tickets, but not necessary to show their IDs. Business Day Preregistration System P. 22 If a student wishes to get numbered tickets distributed at the entrance for general visitors, please line up at the entrance for the general visitors on the 1st floor. (11) Business Day Preregistration System 1. Preregistration System Preregistration is required in order to get in on the Business Days (Sep. 18 (Thu.) - Sep. 19(Fri)). If you have a Preregistration Request Ticket, please complete your preregistration procedures at the Business Day Preregistration Website that is indicated on the Request Ticket. No one is allowed to register on your behalf. Please fill in all the necessary information by yourself. In case some wrong information is entered, it will take a long time to check the validity of the Request Ticket and to verify your identity at the reception counter. In the worst case, the Management Office may not allow you to enter. Therefore, please be extremely careful in entering the correct information. Preregistration is possible until September 17 (Wed.). After that, preregistration will be handled at the reception counter at the site. Please bring with you the Business Day Registration Ticket and 2 business cards and an employee certificate(Photo ID), etc. for identity verification. 2. Business Day Visitor’s Badge will be issued on that day The Management office will not send the visitor’s Badge to the visitors. Please bring Web Ticket which you can download from the URL of “Pre-registration Complete Email” along with 2 business cards and an employee certificate(Photo ID) to the site. At the reception counter for pre-registrants, the Management Office will issue the Visitor’s Badge in exchange for the printed bar code and business cards. In case you visit TGS again on Sep. 19, please receive the visitor’s Badge for the 2nd day at the reception counter for visitors that visited TGS on the previous day (Sep. 18 (Thu.)). Please be noted that you are not allowed to rend the visitor’s Badge to others. 3. Registration of Business Day Tickets (fee-charged) If there are any game business related people that could not obtain the Business Day Registration Ticket, it is possible to preregister for ¥5,000 including tax. If there are any people that the exhibitor could not give the Preregistration Request Ticket to, please inform them of the TGS Official Website. (http://tgs.cesa.or.jp/english) (12) Baggage Check At TGS, the baggage of the visitors will be checked at the Hall Entrances on the Public Days (Sep. 20 (Sat.) – 21 (Sun.)) to secure visitors’ safety. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation to this matter. (13) About Cosplay On the Public Days (Sep. 20 (Sat.) – 21 (Sun.)), many visitors will be dressed up in costumes. To these people, rules and regulations set up by the Management Office (prohibition of bringing in any dangerous items, restrictions on the costumes, etc.) will apply. If anyone is going to be dressed up in your booth, make sure to have that person wear an exhibitor’s badge, so as not to be mistaken for a general visitor. 16 Chapter 2 (14) In Case of Fire/ Earthquake In case of Fire or an earthquake of above level 4 occurs, all the lights in Makuhari Messe will come on. This will be the sign to make the emergency announcement, so please stop all demonstrations and stage attractions in the booth and follow the instructions of the emergency announcement. Emergency Care P. 109 1. In case the announcement instructs to “Check the safety of the booth”, please check the safety of the visitors and the installations in your booth and report the result to the Management Office. 2. In case evacuation orders are given by the announcement, please guide the visitors in your booth and the people around your booth to the emergency exit leading to the temporary evacuation area (truck yard located on the Hall). *When tsunami warning is issued (over 3 meters), the person in charge will guide the people who are in the temporary evacuation area to the “Central Plaza”, “Sky Way” and “Messe Mall” on the 2nd floor. *For details of the information on countermeasures against emergencies such as fire and earthquake, please refer to P.109. (15) CERO’s Exhibit Software Screening Application P. 89 Application to CERO The regulation of Computer Entertainment Rating Organization (CERO) has changed since September 23, 2011. Game software for mobile phones or smartphones was not subject of screening before the change, however it is since then. The screening sheet also applies to “Online Game” (including entry discs) and “Social Game”, and these are subject to the screening when relevant expressions are found. Please be sure to send Form 20 “Exhibit Software Screening Application” to CERO by August 29. In case of submitting the Form late and being unable to go through the screening process, exhibition may not be allowed. Moreover “Game software promotional image” was newly added as subject not to be screened. In case exhibitors wish to exhibit the Z classified film, we will not conduct screening process and judgment is left up to the exhibitor on this matter if the image of the Z classified parts do not appear on the screen. However, if the image recognized as Z classified is found in the exhibition, we may ask you to switch your exhibition to closed-type exhibition for Z classified images. 2. Request for Your Cooperation to Energy Saving For description of Electric power P. 52 Considering the power shortage, TGS2014 takes electricity saving measures. We would like to have your kind understanding and cooperation to this issue. ■ (1) For Rental Package Booth P. 45 Power Related to Each Booth Regulations / Specification Changes ① Electric power that one booth can use is limited to a maximum of 3.0KW. Please make plans so that the power that one booth uses is within 3.0KW and request for electric construction work using Form 11 “Electric Power Supply Application Form” by August 6 (Wed.) 17 Chapter 2 ② Minimum unit of request for the primary line will be 500W. Please plan your electric construction work to save energy as much as possible. ③ “Energy Saving Package” is available in order to cut excess energy and electric line construction work for Package Booth/Turnkey Booth. Please make your request using Form 9 “Confirmation Form of Rental Package Booth” by August 6 (Wed.) Electric capacity of the “Energy Saving Package” Package Booth : 1KW per booth (Before: 1.5KW) Turnkey Booth: 500W per booth (Before: 1.0KW) About Rental Package Booth P. 45 ④ Fluorescent lamps for Package Booth/Turnkey Booth will be changed to the 32W energysaving type from 40W. About Turnkey Booth P. 46 ⑤ Halogen lamps (100W) used in Turnkey Booth (Business Solution Corner) and Family Corner Special Booth will be LED lamps (10W). About PS3 Rentals P. 135 ⑥ Some monitors for Rental PS3 Trial Play Stands will be energy saving monitors that consume 90W less power than the conventional ones. About Lighting Rules <Hall 1-8> P. 39 (2) Recommendations / Precautions ①Please refrain from over-decorating your booth using electric power. ②Please refrain from using lighting equipment that consumes large amount of power (such as Halogen lamps) and use such equipment that consumes only small amount of power instead (such as LED lamps). About Move-in & Setup P. 59 ③In order to save electric power during set-up and overtime hours, please make efficient plans for preparation and set-up to reduce overtime work as much as possible. ■ Power Related to the Whole Exhibition Hall ①Minimal amount of air conditioning in the Hall will be provided ②During move-in and move-out, lighting in the move-in/move-out gate and low ceiling that is not necessary for operation will be switched off. ③Descending escalators will not be operated during move-in/move-out and show days. Enquiries about Energy Saving : Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka (Ms.) / Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg., 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp 18 Chapter 3 Documents Issued by the Secretariat 3 Chapter Documents Issued by the Secretariat Chapter 3 Items Issued by the Management Office REVISED 1. Items Included in the Exhibit Fee (1) Vehicle Certificates Please submit Form 1 and Form 2 with number you need for Vehicle Certificate and Invitation Ticket. * Exhibitors in Indie Game Area follow the specific regulation. Please refer to “Indie Game Area Exhibitor Manual” for the details. Exhibitors in Hall 1-8 Areas 4-Day Exhibit Exhibit only on Public Day Vehicle Certificates Move-in Numbered tickets for move-in (P.65 ) Number of We will issue numbered tickets for move-in vehicles at the vehicle waiting area certificates to (L Block) each day. (No move-in vehicle certificates will be issued in advance.) be issued Effective period Vehicle Certificates Move-out 1 Form Effective period Sep. 21 (Sun.) 17:30-22:00 Business Day Move-out Vehicle Certificate (P.72 ) The total of specified number of "Priority Move-out Vehicle Certificate" and the number of certificates requested using Form 1 "General Move-out Vehicle Certificate Application Form" will be issued. Sep. 19 (Fri.) 17:00-19:00 General Move-out Vehicle Certificate (P.69 ) Sep. 21 (Sun.) 18:30-22:00 Exhibitors in Hall 9 Areas Aug 1 compulsory submission Priority Move-out Vehicle Certificate for removing exhibits (P.70 ) Please enter the number of tickets you want in Number of Form 1 "General Move-out Vehicle Certificate certificates to Application Form," and put in the be issued request by August 1 (Fri.) General Move-out Vehicle Certificate Application Form Web Sep. 16 (Tue.) 8:00-22:00 Sep. 17 (Wed.) 8:00-22:00 Certificates will be issued in accordance with the number of booth/booth type 1-39 booths --------------------- 2 Number of (indl. Turnkey booths, family corner special certificates to booths, basic table space) be issued 40-79 booths -------------------- 4 80-119 booths ------------------- 6 120 booths or more --------------- 8 * No additional certificates will be issued. Effective period Vehicle Certificates No. Exhibit only on Business Day Business Solution Cloud/Data Center Pavilion Asia New Stars Vehicle Certificates Move-in Exhibitors in Business Meeting Area Cosplay PC Game Hall 9 Move-in Vehicle Certificate (P.66 ) Business Meeting Area Move-in and Move-out Vehicle Certificate The total of specified number of "Priority MoveNumber of out Vehicle Certificate" and the number of certificates to certificates requested using Form 1 "General Move-out Vehicle Certificate Application Form" be issued will be issued. Effective period Vehicle Certificates Move-out Sep. 18 (Tue.) 8:00-22:00 Sep. 19 (Wed.) 8:00-22:00 Priority Move-out Vehicle Certificate for removing exhibits (P.70 ) Certificates will be issued in accordance with the number of booth/booth type 1-39 booths --------------------- 2 Number of (indl. Turnkey booths, family corner special certificates to booths, basic table space) be issued 40-79 booths -------------------- 4 80-119 booths ------------------- 6 120 booths or more --------------- 8 * No additional certificates will be issued. Effective Sep. 21 (Sun.) 17:30-22:00 period Vehicle General Move-out Vehicle Certificate (P.69 ) Certificates Please enter the number of tickets you want in Number of Form 1 "General Move-out Vehicle Certificate certificates to Application Form," and put in the be issued request by August 1 (Fri.) Effective period Sep. 21 (Sun.) 18:30-22:00 20 The total of specified number of "Priority Move-out Vehicle Certificate" and the number of certificates requested using Form 1 "General Move-out Vehicle Certificate Application Form" will be issued. Move-in: Sep. 17 (Wed.) 14:00-20:00 Move-out: Sep. 19 (Fri.) 17:00-18:30 Chapter 3 (2) Hall Entry Certificates 1. Exhibitor Badge Effective period: Number of badges: Shipping date: Sep. 16 (Tue.), 8:00 - Sep.21 (Sun.), 22:00 For each display area, 5 x number of booths (up to a maximum of 200)*For CESA members, maximum of 250 * For turnkey booths, Family Corner Special booths and basic table space: 5 badges The badges will be packaged together with other items and sent around the end of August. * To prevent inappropriate use, the Management Office will issue the badges after printing the exhibitor name and serial numbers on them in advance. Please handle them with care. 2. Worker Ribbon Intended Users: Effective period: (Hall 1-8) (Hall 9) Number of Ribbons Shipping date: Setup/removal executors Sep. 16 (Tue.), 8:00 - 17 (Wed.), until completion of the work, Sep. 21 (Sun.), 17:30-22:00 * Workers are prohibited from entering the site during the exhibition period. Sep. 18 (Thur.), 08:00 - 19 (Fri.), until completion of the work, Sep. 21 (Sun.), 17:30-22:00 * Workers are prohibited from entering the site during the exhibition period. For each display area, 5 x number of booths: (up to a maximum of 200) For turnkey booths, Family Corner Special booths and basic table space: 5 ribbons The badges will be packaged together with other items and sent around the end of August (3) Invitation Tickets 1. Ticketing and Effective Period Type of Ticket Business Day Registration Ticket General Public Ticket Game School Entry Tickets Period of Useage Valid for two days, Sep. 18 and Sep. 19 Each valid once on either, Sep. 20 and Sep. 21 Each valid once on either, Sep. 20 and Sep. 21 *Game School Entry Tickets are only for CESA member schools and game schools taking part as exhibitors in TGS 2014. *Use of Business Day Preregistration Request Ticket is to be limited to business-related persons. Persons under 18 years of age and students cannot use these tickets. Please note that such persons will not be able to enter even if they have Business Day Preregistration Request Tickets. *To prevent distribution of the tickets through Internet sales, the Management Office will record the serial numbers of the tickets. Please handle these tickets with care. 21 Chapter 3 Invitation Ticket Aug 10 2. Number of Tickets The total number of Business Day Preregistration Request Tickets and General Public Tickets will be issued as shown in the table below. Please enter the number of tickets you want on Form 2 "Invitation Ticket Application Form" and put in the request by July 23 (Wed.) To prevent errors, please apply for tickets in units of 10 as much as possible. Application Form 3. Number of Tickets to be Supplied No. Web 2 Form Aug 10 Jul 23 Booth type No. of exhibit Booths General booths 1 - 9 booths 10 - 19 booths 20 - 29 booths 30 - 39 booths 40 - 59 booths 60 booths or more Total of Business Day Registration Ticket + General Public Tickets Total 150 Total 300 Total 600 Total 900 Total 1,200 Total 1,500 Turnkey booths Family Corner Special Booths Basic Table Space 1 - 4 booths Total 100 compulsory submission 4. Shipping Date Tickets will be sent around the beginning of August. (Special tickets for game school students will be sent separately around the end of August.) Entry restrictions of students on the Business Days Business Days are for press, distributors and other people related to the industry to promote their items and hold business meetings. Therefore, we would like to prohibit the entry and observation of any students on the Business Days (September 18 and 19). And because of this arrangement, we have decided to provide a special exclusive route on the Public Days (September 20 and 21) for schools that are the members of CESA and students of schools that have booths at TGS 2014. •To get in on the Public Days from the Students Only Entrance, Game School Entry Tickets will be necessary. (With the general ticket, the students will not be able to get in from the Students Only Entrance.) Please request for Game School Entry Tickets with Form 2 "Invitation Ticket Application Form". •Teachers escorting the students will also need Game School Entry Tickets. No tickets will be issued at the site, so be sure to get the necessary number of tickets beforehand. 5. Requesting for Cooperation to Preregistration To visit TGS on a Business Day, each visitor needs to register at the TGS website in advance using the specific registration code shown on the Business Day Preregistrantion Request Ticket. Preregistrants will not be able to enter on a Business Day if he/she fails to enter accurate information to the preregistration system. Please ask your guests to carry out this procedure accurately. 22 Chapter 3 * Prohibition of deputy registration If you ask an agent or someone else to enter the information for preregistration, there may be some mistakes, which could cause problems when issuing the badge. Make sure the information is entered by the person requesting for preregistration. * In case the visitor fails to complete the preregistration procedure by the given deadline, or the visitor forgets to carry out the procedure, that person will be allowed to enter the site if the person brings the unused Business Day Registration Ticket, 2 business cards, and Photo ID to the reception area. However, please be advised that the visitor may have to wait for some time before being admitted into the exhibition hall as it takes time to process the registration. 6. Flow of Preregistration Process (A) The Management Office will send all exhibitors the Business Day Registration Ticket (beginning of August) (B) A person wishing to visit the site must enter the registration code shown on the Business Day Preregistration Request Ticket through the TGS website, and enter his/her personal data, including the name of person, the name of company, and his/her address (by September 17 (Wed.). (C) On the Business Day, the visitor will be admitted to the site by showing the web ticket which you can download from the URL of “Preregistration complete mail”. The visitor will receive the badge in exchange for that ticket at the registration counter. (D) In case the visitor wants to visit the site again on the second day (Sep. 19), please bring the visitor badge from the first day to the second-day counter. That visitor will receive a badge for the second day in exchange for the badge of the first day. * Please be noted that you are not allowed to lend the badge to others. * One visitor badge will be issued for each Business Day Preregistration Request Ticket. * To prevent improper use, a registration code that has been used once cannot be used again. Registration Management Office Sending out Business Day Preregistration Request Tickets Exhibitor TGS website Preregistration system Visitor Distribution Print the web ticket. Bring the printed web ticket TGS 2014 You can receive a visitor badge by showing a Business Day Visitor Badge Exchange Number. *From TGS 2010, it became possible to purchase the Business Day Registration Ticket from the official website. However, there will be an examination to see if the person is in the game industry or if the person is working. We may ask the person to send copies of documents proving that the person works for a game company (a company ID card or pay statements). 23 Chapter 3 (4) Operation Manual 1. 2 copies of the manual with the information on the move-in/move-out route, and various operations conducted by the Management Office will be given to each exhibitor. It is also possible to download a PDF file of the manual from the exclusive website for exhibitors. 2. The above manual will be sent together with other items around the end of August. 2. Items to be Issued Free of Charge at the Exhibitor's Request Guest Badge Application Form No. 3 Web form Aug Aug 10 1 Submit for Optional Order The Management Office will issue up to 10 guest badges per display area (another 20 fee-charged guest badges can be issued upon request), that are valid for four days. Please use these badges for inviting important guests or for other business purposes. Any guests with this badge can enter the site from the guest reception desk (2nd floor, Central Mall) without waiting for registration process. (The guest badge is not intended for directors and employees of the exhibitor company. Such personnel are to wear the exhibitor badges.) To apply for the guest badges, the exhibitor needs to complete Form 3 "Guest Badge Application Form" and return it to the Management Office by Aug 1. ■ Guest badge Those whose names and company names have been provided Intended users: by the exhibitor to the Management Office in Form 3 "Guest Badge Application Form." Sep. 18 (Thu.) - Sep. 21 (Sun.) (four days) Valid period: Maximum of 10 for each display area Number of badges to be issued: (In case of 2 corners – 20 badges) The badges will be sent together with other items around end Shipping date: of August. * The name of the guest and his or her company name will be printed on each guest badge. For this reason, if such information is not indicated in the application form, we will not be able to issue the badge. * Guest badges will not be issued to students and persons under 18 years of age. * The guest badges are to be issued only for business-related guests. Directors and employees of the exhibitor's company are to put on exhibitor badges. * The Management Office will send the guest badges to the exhibitor. * The exhibitor is responsible for giving the guest badge to each guest. The Management Office will not send the guest badges directly to the guests. * Exhibitors in Indie Game Area follow the specific regulation. Please refer to “Indie Game Area Exhibitor Manual” for the details 3. Fee-Charged Items to be issued at Exhibitor's Request Fee-Charged Additional Badge and Invitation Ticket Application Form No. 4 Web Form Aug 1 Submit for Optional Order For description of Sales of Hall Entry Certificate at the Site P. 82 The following items can be issued by putting in a request using Form 4, "Fee-Charged Additional Badge and Invitation Ticket Application Form." To apply for these items, please complete the form and return it to TGS OMO by Aug 1. (1) Hall Entry Certificates (a) Exhibitor badge: (b) Worker ribbon: Shipping date: 1,000 JPY per badge (tax included) 100 JPY per badge (tax included) To be sent together with other items around the end of August. * An issuing fee will be charged (800 JPY per issuance, tax included) in addition to the above prices. * No application can be accepted after the deadline. During the show period, however, these items will be issued by the Management Office in Hall No. 4・ No.9. (Only cash payments will be accepted). * The person who can purchase the above items during the show period will be restricted to those who have registered beforehand with Form 17, “Booth Operation Officer / ID Purchasing Officer Report Form”. 24 Chapter 3 ■ Temporary Sales of worker ribbon on site However, as a special case, we will sell the worker ribbon to the worker who has forgotten to bring the ribbon. Please see the place and the price below. Place : (Hall 1–8) Besides former restaurant NOA・Staff Entrance, East 2 Gate, South 2 Gate,2nd floor, Central Mall 2, 5, 7 Hall Entrance (Tentative) (Hall 9) Service entrance East, Hall 9, Esplanade 2nd Floor, Hall 9 Entrance (Tentative) Price : ¥1,000 per ribbon (tax included) Method : By writing the exhibitor’s name, the name of the company executing the decoration, the name of the company the worker works for, the worker’s name, the worker’s mobile phone number in the Temporary Ribbon Sales Application Form. A photo of the worker will also be taken. (2) Invitation Tickets Guest Badge Application Form No. 3 Web form Aug 1 Submit for Optional Order For description of Guest Badges P. 24 ① Business Day Registration Ticket : 1,000 JPY per ticket (tax included) ② General public ticket: 1,000 JPY per ticket (tax included) ③ Game School Entry Ticket: 750 JPY per ticket (tax included) * Game School Entry Tickets are only for CESA member schools and game schools taking part as an exhibitor. Shipping date: To be sent around end of August. *An issuing fee will be charged (800JPY per issuance, tax included) in addition to the above prices. *No application can be accepted after the deadline. (3) Guest Badges (Fee-charged) The Management Office will issue up to 20 fee-charged additional guest badges at exhibitor’s request. Please submit Form 3, “Guest Badge Application Form” to TGS OMO by August 1 (Friday). Additional Guest Badge: 3,000 JPY (tax included) Shipping date: To be sent together with other items around the end of August. *Please refer to P. 24 for details of the guest badge. *Beside the fee above, issuing fee will be charged. (800 JPY per issuance, tax included.) 4. Items to be Issued to Exhibitors that Have Applied for Fee-Charged Early Move-in Application Form for Fee-Charged Early Move-in No. 14 Web Form Aug 22 Submit for Optional Order For description of Fee-Charged Early Move-in P. 64 (1) Fee-charged early move-in vehicle certificate (2) Fee-charged early move-in worker ribbon For details, please see “Fee-charged Early Move-in” on P. 64. All enquiries about this chapter: Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka (Ms.) / Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg., 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp 25 Chapter 3 5. List of Items Issued by the Management Office * All applications should be made through Web Form in Exhibitors website. Document Effective time period Fee-charged early move-in vehicle certificate Sep. 16 (Tue.) 0:00-8:00 Move-in vehicle certifiicate for Move-in Hall 9 vehicle Sep. 18 (Thur.) 8:00-22:00 certificate Sep. 19 (Fri.) 8:00-22:00 Vehicle certificate Business Meeting Area Move-in and Move-out Vehicle Certificate <Move-in> Sep.16(Wed.) 14:00-20:00 <Move-out> Sep.19(Fri.) 17:00-18:30 Business Day Move-out Vehicle Certificate Sep. 19 (Fri.) 17:00Move-out 19:00 Priority Move-out Vehicle vehicle Certificate for removing exhibits certificate Sep. 21 (Sun.) 17:30-22:00 General Move-out Vehicle Certificate Sep. 21 (Sun.) 18:30-22:00 Move-in Move-in Vehicle Certificate vehicle Application Form Sept. 16 (Tues.) certificate 0:00-8:00 a.m. Vehicle certificate Priority exhibit move-out vehicle certificate Sep. 21(Sun.) 17:30-22:00 Move-out vehicle certificate General move-out vehicle certificate Sep. 21 (Sun.) 18:30-22:00 Exhibitor badge Sept.16(Tues.), 8:00 ~ Sept. 21(Sun.), 22:00, *If the exhibitor submits Form 14, "Application Form for Fee-Charged Early Move-in", the certificate will be effective starting Sep,16 at 0:00 Worker ribbon <Hall 1-8> Sep. 16(Tues.), 8:00-Sep 17(Wed.), 22:00, Sep. 21(Sun.), 17:30 p.m. - 22:00 <Hall 9> Sep. 18(Thur.), 8:00-Sep 19(Fri.), 18:00, Sep. 21(Sun.), 17:30 p.m. - 22:00 Refer to P.64 P.66 *2 Guest badge Sep. 18(Thur.), 10:00 - 17:00 Sep. 19(Fri.), 10:00 - 17:00 Sep. 20(Sat.), 10:00 - 17:00 Sep. 21(Sun.), 10:00 - 17:00 the number exhibitor needs The number exhibitor needs * The total of specified number of "Priority Move-out Vehicle Certificate" and the number of certificates requested using Form 1 "General Move-out Vehicle Certificate Application Form" will be issued. P.72 According to the number of exhibitor's booth P.72 The number exhibitor needs P.66 The number of certificates requested P.20 P.72 According to the number of exhibitor's booth P.20 P.72 Form 14, Fee-Charged To be sent in Early Move-in end of Aug Application Form Form 1, General MoveTo be sent in Out Vehicle Certificate end of Aug Application Form To be sent in end of Aug Form 1, General MoveTo be sent in Out Vehicle Certificate end of Aug Application Form Form 14, Fee-Charged To be sent in Early Move-in end of Aug. Application Form Form 1, General MoveOut Vehicle Certificate Application Form The number of booths x 5 (up to a maximum of 200) *For exhibitors using the turnkey booth, the family special booth or basic table space, a total of 5 will be available for each. The number of badges requested (up to a maximum of 10 free To be sent in Form 3, Guest Badge quotas + 20 fee-charged end of Aug. Application Form additional quotas) To be sent in early Aug P.21 According to the number of exhibitor's booth P.24 2 copies per booth When submitting your application, please indicate how many certificates you want to receive. To request additional badges or ribbons, please use Form 4, "FeeCharged Hall Entry Additional Badges and /Invitation Tickets Application Form." Exhibitor badge: @1,000JPY (tax included) Worker ribbon: @100JPY (tax included) *1 Fee-charged early move-in worker ribbon: @100JPY (tax included) Fee-charged early move-in service: @97,200JPY (tax included) *1 Additional Badge @ 3,000JPY (tax included) *1 To request additional tickets, please use Form 4, "Fee-Charged Additional Badge and Invitation Ticket Application Form". To be sent in Form 2, Invitation Ticket early Aug Business Day Registration Ticket: Application Form @1,000JPY (tax included) General public tickets:@1,000JPY To be sent in (tax included) end of Aug Issuance fee: @800JPY (tax included) per order *1 To be sent in end of Aug. *1 Issuing fee is 800 JPY (tax included) per order *2 Please refer to “Operation Manual” which will be sent around August for the details. 26 When submitting your application, please indicate how many certificates you want to receive. To request additional ribbons, please use Form 14, "Application Form for Fee-Charged Early Move-in". Form 14, Application To be sent in Form for Fee-Charged end of Aug. Early Move-in P.65 No more than the specified number of certificates will be available. When submitting your application, please indicate how many certificates you want to receive. No more than the specified number of certificates will be available. To be sent in end of Aug. P.24 When submitting your application, please indicate how many certificates you want to receive. To be sent in end of Aug P.21 P.21 Remarks When submitting your application, please indicate how many certificates you want to receive. To be sent in end of Aug The number of certificates requested Exclusive ticket for the Game School Sep. 20(Sat.), 10:00 - 17:00 Sep. 21(Sun.), 10:00 - 17:00 Operation Manual Form required To be sent in end of Aug. Business Day Registration Ticket Sep. 18(Thur.), 10:00 - 17:00 Sep. 19(Fri.), 10:00 - 17:00 General public ticket Sep. 20(Sat.), 10:00 - 17:00 Invitation tickets Sep. 21(Sun.), 10:00 - 17:00 Date of shipping To be sent in end of Aug P.72 Hall entry certificate Fee-charged early move-in worker ribbon Sep 16(Tues.), 0:00-Sep. 17(Wed.), 20:00 Sep 21(Sun.), 17:30 - 22:00 Issuable number Sent via email Chapter 4 Decoration Notification 4 Chapter Decoration Notification Chapter 4 Decoration Notification 1. Matters of Attention for Construction Work (1) (2) (3) (4) For description of Hanging Structure P. 33 (5) (6) (7) For description of Ceiling Structures and Two-Story Facilities P. 42 (8) For description of Hole-In Anchors P. 44 (10) (9) (11) To prevent accidents, exhibitors must manage and operate following the rules and regulations applicable to their own actions and conduct. On-site construction work must be carried out within the exhibitor's booth area. Please do not store or leave any materials in aisles or passageways or in other exhibitors' booths at the event site. This provision also applies to removal work. Waste materials must be taken away by the exhibitor. If any waste materials are left at the event site, the Management Office will dispose of them and charge the disposal cost to the exhibitor. Smoking is prohibited in the exhibition halls. Smoking during on-site construction work is only allowed in designated smoking areas. No booth decorations and exhibit items are to be hung from or leaned against the building itself in the exhibition halls. Exhibitors reserving an area of 70 or more booths will be allowed to use the building for hanging structures. When laying carpet, etc. in your booth area, do not use adhesives such as glue, or super glue. Please be sure to use low-adhesive double-sided tape. When building booths or carrying materials in and out, pay full attention to avoid damaging facilities, utilities (electricity, telephone and water), basic decorations and other exhibitors‘ decorations and exhibit items. In case any damage is caused to any of the above, the exhibitor causing such damage is responsible for restoring damaged items to their original state. When using a ceiling or two-story structure in the booth, the exhibitor will need to file an application with the local fire department. For more information, see the section 16, "Construction of Ceiling and Two-Story Structures". When using acetylene gas or arc welding in construction work, the exhibitor must bring fire extinguishers to the site and make sure there is no inflammable material within range of flying sparks, etc. When using a hole-in anchor at the booth, the exhibitor must submit Form 8, "Hole-In Anchors Use Notification Form”. For more information, see the section 18, “Use of Hole-in Anchors”. Exhibitors who want running water supply at the booth are requested to contact TGS OMO (tell:+81-3-3512-5670 e-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp). All enquiries about this chapter: Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka (Ms.)/ Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg., 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp 28 Chapter 4 2. Construction Work Area (1) Booth size Booth Type Space area (Width x Depth) Height restriction (Please see the height restriction for each booth type, because there are rules on setback distances from the adjacent booths.) 3.0m x 3.0m 6.0m (3.6m for Merchandise sales area) *Height limitation is 7.5m for exhibitors using hanging structures and reserving an area of 70 or more booths General booth General Exhibition Ga me School PC Ga me Sma rtphone Game & Social Ga me Ga me Device Cl oud Gaming Roma nce Smulation Fa mily Special Corner Cos play Bus iness Solution Cl oud/Data Center Pa vilion As i a New Stars Mercha ndise Sales Turnkey booth General Exhibition Ga me School Fa mily Special Corner 2.0m x 2.5m Turnkey booth PC Ga me Sma rtphone Game & Social Ga me Ga me Device Cl oud Gaming Roma nce Simulation Cos play Bus iness Solution Cl oud/Data Center Pa vilion Turnkey booth Indie Game Business Meeting Area 2.7m 2.0m x 2.0m 1.0m x 1.0m 3.0m x 3.5m(1 booth) 6.0mx3.5m (2 booths) Basic Table Space 2.4m Table set only (2) Usable Area ① Each exhibitor is required to place all of their decorations and audio and lighting equipment within their own booth. For demonstrations within the booth during the show period, the exhibitor must secure sufficient space for the audience. ② To effectively arrange exhibitors' display areas within the halls, some dead-end areas and unusable space between the booths will be designated as "dead space". Exhibitors will not be allowed to use this dead space. Please note that if any exhibitor uses any designated dead space without obtaining prior approval, the exhibitor will be charged for the use of that space as an additional exhibition fee. *The Management Office will set up a wall partition for any dead space facing an aisle. 29 Chapter 4 ■ Designation of dead space After the booth location is determined, a booth layout diagram will be sent to each exhibitor, on which dead space areas will be shown. According to the event regulations, any dead space is to be considered as another exhibitor's booth. If any nearby exhibitor cancels a booth reservation, the designation of nearby dead space may be cancelled. In that case, exhibitors will be notified of the change by the Management Office. For description of Outside Stock Rooms P. 133 ③ There is no place for exhibitors to keep or place any material/items in the halls, other than in the booths they reserve. Please be sure that all of your materials/items can be kept within your booths. * Exhibitors can use a fee-charged outdoor stockroom rental service. * During the move-in/move-out hours and the event period, the Management Office will not take charge of any of exhibitors' luggage or valuables. 3. Required Construction Work (1) If decoration construction works are planned to be carried out by the exhibitor themselves, the exhibitor is required to carpet the floor, set up partition walls between adjacent booths, cover the partition walls appropriately and display the name of the exhibitor. * If the exhibitor reserves a rental package display or a turnkey booth, the above construction requirements will not apply. For description of dead space P. 29 (2) Exhibitors are required to put up 2.7m high panels on the boundary between any adjacent booths. * Any "dead space" is to be considered as an "adjacent booth." * Exhibitors may not make any opening in wall partitions put up between adjacent booths. Wall requirements (height of 2.7m; no opening; covering of booth walls that face the exhibitor’s display area) For description of rental package booth/ turnkey booth P. 45 (3) Each exhibitor is required to have at least two evacuation routes (except for booths that face an aisle on one side only). 30 Chapter 4 4. Universal Design Concept for Booth Design (1) If the floor within the booth is uneven, the exhibitor is required to include a ramp for wheelchair users. (2) If an exhibitor is planning on constructing a two-story booth and have visitors go up to the 2nd floor, that exhibitor is required to construct it so that disabled visitors can also go up to the second floor, or make sure that all items displayed on the second floor can be found on the ground floor as well. (3) When designing all aspects of your booth, please keep the barrier-free concept in mind. 5. Submission of the Exhibitor's Decoration Construction Plan Decoration Notification Form No. 5 Web Form Aug 6 compulsory submission Each exhibitor is required to submit without fail Form 5, "Decoration Notification Form," by Wednesday, August 6. Exhibitors planning to carry out construction work for themselves or contract work to third parties are required to attach floor plans and elevation plans. Based on the documents submitted, the Management Office will check and confirm in advance whether the exhibitor's plans conform to the decoration construction requirements shown in the following pages in this section. (1) Information concerning the Waiting Line (For exhibitors reserving an area of 40 or more booths) The exhibitors reserving an area of 40 or more booths are required to indicate the location of the waiting line and the waiting route on the floor plan, so that any confusion can be minimized in case the waiting line gets too long. Example of the floor plan with the indication of the waiting line and the route. Playing Zone Registration (2) Arrangement for the layout of stages and large video displays (over 200-inch, including net LED’s displays) (For exhibitors reserving an area of 40 or more booths) In order to avoid the sound interference problem caused by sound from stages or large video displays (200-inch or larger, including net LED’s), some effective and useful information in minimizing the problem will be provided to the exhibitors reserving 40 or more booths. Sound interference problem will be minimized by taking the following four steps. Your cooperation is appreciated. 31 Chapter 4 ① Information concerning the responsible personnel of adjacent exhibitors When the booth location for exhibitors reserving 40 or more booths is decided in the meeting to be held on June 20, exhibitors reserving 40 or more booths will receive the above information. ② Information on stage and large video displays of adjacent booths Based on the floor plans submitted by exhibitors along with Form 5, "Decoration Notification Form," the Management Office will send a booth layout diagram indicating the location of stages and large video displays placed in the adjacent booths to the relevant exhibitor. *The booth layout diagram will only show the locations of stages and large video displays in the exhibitor's booth and in other booths that are adjacent to the exhibitor's booth. Information on stages and large video displays in booths that are not adjacent to the exhibitor's booth is not shown. ③ Adjustments for layout of stages and large video displays There will be one week for exhibitors to make adjustments in their booth plan after receiving the above booth layout diagram. If an exhibitor wants to change the layout plan for stages and large video displays, please inform the Management Office about the change within the above time period. ④ Final decision on layout of stages and large video displays When the layout adjustment period ends, a final booth layout diagram showing the location of stages and large video displays will be sent to the relevant exhibitors in the same manner as in the above ②. (Reference) Exhibitors planning to set up stages/large video displays (larger than 100 inches) need to submit flow planning for the front of such structures. Please refer to P. 80 for the details. 6. Height Restriction (1) Height restrictions for General booths (excluding sales corner) For hanging structure P. 33 For description of dead space P. 29 Decoration Notification Form No. 5 Web Form ■ The height of any item including audio/lighting equipment and constructed decorations is restricted to 6 meters, measured from the exhibition hall floor. Exhibitors reserving 70 or more booths can place hanging structure in their display area. The height of decoration trusses cannot exceed 7.5 meters where as any hanging structure from the decoration truss needs to be less than 6 meters in vertical direction. Please refer to Section 7. Hanging Structures (P. 33) for the details. All structure placed in an area within 1 meter of the partition between the adjacent booths cannot exceed a height of 2.7 meters. * Any dead space designated by the Management Office is considered as an adjacent booth. * Exhibitors reserving 70 or more booths and using hanging structures must submit drawings in advance for review by Makuhari Messe to check that no hanging structures are blocking the water spray of fire sprinklers. Please note, if any impediment to fire sprinklers is anticipated, the exhibitor may be requested to change the construction plan. Aug 6 compulsory submission 32 Chapter 4 Exhibitors are required to submit Form 5, "Decoration Notification Form," along with floor plans and elevation plans by Wednesday, August 6, so that the Management Office will be able to confirm their adherence to the height restriction. For description of dead space P. 29 Decoration Notification Form No. 5 Web Form Aug 6 compulsory submission (2) Height restriction for Merchandise Sales Area ■ The height of all equipment and materials including audio and lighting equipment and constructed decorations is limited to 3.6 meters, measured from the exhibition hall floor. However, the height within an area 1 meter of the partition between the adjacent booths cannot exceed 2.7 meters. * Any dead space designated by the Management Office is to be considered as an adjacent booth. Exhibitors are required to submit Form 5, "Decoration Notification Form," along with floor plans and elevation plans by Wednesday, August 6, so that the Management Office will be able to confirm their adherence to the height restriction. (3) The height of a turnkey booth may not exceed 2.7 meters. 7. Hanging Structure Decoration Notification Form No. 5 Web Form Aug 6 Construction of hanging structures may require a number of applications for permission to prevent accidents and fire, unsafe operation, and interruption of fire fighting. Exhibitors planning to use any hanging structure at the booth are required to submit Form 5, "Decoration Notification Form," by Wednesday, August 6. In addition, exhibitors must submit other documents, including hanging structure specifications, structural plans for chain, wire and trusses, floor plans and elevation plans. The Management Office or the Hall Administration Division will check these documents and, if necessary, may request the exhibitor to prepare and file applications for permission with competent authorities. Please note that, in some cases, changes in the exhibitor's plans may also be requested. If any accident occurs by the hanging structure during installation, during the event, or during removal after the event, the exhibitor that installed the hanging structure is to take full responsibility. (1) Booth requirement for hanging structures To construct any hanging structure, the exhibitor must reserve 70 or more booths. (2) Space requirement for hanging structures All hanging structures must be placed within the perpendicular lines of the booth floor perimeter. * In case the hanging structure crosses the border of the halls, we will make adjustments to the hanging position separately. 33 Chapter 4 (3) Weight restriction Hanging structure gusset plates installed in the hall ceiling must be used to hang any structure. The weight limit of a structure hung from a single gusset plate is 300 kilograms. Exhibitors can only use the gusset plates within the area perpendicularly above the booth floor space. Please make a plan so that any hanging structure from a single gusset plate does not exceed 300 kilograms. *Gusset plates for hanging structures: From Hall 1 to Hall 8: Available every 3 meters in four directions of north, south, east and west (540 plates per hall) From Hall 9: Available every 3 meters in 2 directions of east and west, every 6 meters in 2 directions of south and north(387 plates) (4) Height restriction Decoration trusses may not exceed the height of 7.5 meters. Hanging structures may not exceed 6 meters in vertical direction. If any decorations are hung from the building frame and requires the use of trusses for hanging, these trusses must be installed between 16-17 meters from the hall floor. Exhibitors using booths with a lower ceiling, in Halls 1, 6, 7 and 9 can consult with the Management Office separately. Trusses, wire and chain used for hanging structures are not considered as decorations, however, exhibitors may not decorate these items. Please use discreet colors for trusses. Chains used to hang trusses for decorations must be connected to the joint sections of the trusses for safety reasons (within a height of one meter from the trusses. Height restriction for decoration setting up on the floor is 6m regardless of using hanging structures. <Example> Trusses for hanging structures (optional and within a height of 16- 17 meters) Hanging Structures Chain for hanging structures Decorations (within a height of 6 meters) Truss for decoration Safety wire (within a height of 1 meter of the trusses for decorations) *Chain motor boxes are not considered as decorations. Please use discreet colors for these boxes. *Lighting equipment, speakers and other fixtures are considered as decorations and need to be placed within a height of 7.5 meters. *Depending on the location of booths, some exhibitors will need to do more construction work. Please note that these exhibitors may be requested to submit booth design drawings and then to meet with the Management Office staff for preliminary discussions. 34 Chapter 4 8. Setback Restrictions for Stages REVISED Following the instructions of the Fire Department, the Management Office must secure visitor’s route to ensure security within the site. Please make plans for visitor’s route and submit Form 16, “Confirmation Form for Flow Plan in front of In-booth Event Stage/Large-sized Screen” (NEW) so that the audience coming to the exhibitor’s event will not interrupt the flow of the people in the aisle. In case of constructing a stage facing an aisle, please follow the setback restrictions below to relieve congestion and ensure security. (1) Restrictions on Distance Excluding the back side, please follow the restrictions on the distance from the aisle to the stage shown below. 1-20 booths Cannot set the stage within 2m from the aisle 21-39 booths Cannot set the stage within 4m from the aisle 40 booths or more Cannot set the stage within 6m from the aisle [Stage Setback Restrictions on Special Cases] If the exhibitor reserving 40 booths or more is constructing a stage that is below 12m at the longer side of the booth and below 7m at the shorter side of the booth, such stage cannot be set within 5m from the aisle. For description of Restricted Activities by Display Area Type P. 77 * * * Decoration Notification Form No. 5 Web Form Even if the actual stage is not constructed, area for any performance or demonstration within the booth will be considered as a stage. Even if the restrictions are strictly followed, the Management Office may ask the exhibitor to cancel the event using the stage in case the Management Office judges that it will be dangerous. Be careful as there are some areas in which organizing an event in the booth is prohibited. Please refer to P. 77 for the details. Exhibitors are required to submit Form 5, "Decoration Notification Form" along with floor plans by Wednesday, August 6, so that the Management Office will be able to confirm their adherence to the setback restriction. (Make sure that the distance from the stage to the aisle is indicated on the booth floor plan.) ■ If there are no adjacent booths Aug 6 ■ If there are adjacent booths Installation-prohibited place compulsory submission Adjacent booths/ Dead space Exhibitor’s Space Less than 7m Installation-prohibited place Example of Installation * An adjacent booth refers to the booth of another company and dead space (space unusable because of a blind alley, etc) set by the Management Office. 35 Chapter 4 (2) Exception on Setback Restrictions (excluding video displays and trial play stands) Regarding the setback for the left/right side of the stage, there will be no setback restrictions if the stage meets the following wall standards. [Wall standards] • The wall obstructs viewers' vision. (A transparent or semitransparent wall is not acceptable.) • The wall is installed on the side of the stage. The wall must run from the back of the stage towards the front. • The wall length is greater than the depth of the stage (A) plus the specified setback distance (B). • The wall height is greater than the height of structures on the stage (other than lighting apparatus and speakers). Confirmation Form for Flow Plan in front of In-booth Event Stage/Largesized Screen” No. 16 Web Form Aug 29 compulsory submission (3) Submission of flow plan in front of stages (NEW) Since TGS 2014, all exhibitors who plan to set up stages need to submit Form 16, “Confirmation Form for Flow Plan in front of In-booth Event Stage/Large-sized Screen” regardless of the size. Depending on stage size, the number of staff to reserve the flow in the surrounding aisles, the length of rope needed to prepare, and other equipment to guide visitors are specified. Please follow the guideline to establish safety management so that not to risk surrounding booths and visitors. Please refer to Chapter “Ensure Safety During Busy Hours” for the details (P. 79). 9. Setback Restrictions for Large Video Displays REVISED Following the instructions of the Fire Department, the Management Office must secure visitor’s route to ensure security within the site. Please make plans beforehand so that the audience watching the large video display will not interrupt the flow of the people in the aisle. In case of setting a large video display facing an aisle, please follow the restrictions below to relieve congestion and ensure security. 36 Chapter 4 ■Restrictions on Distance In case of setting a large video display facing an aisle, please follow the restrictions on the distance from the aisle to the display shown below. 50 – 79-inch (including multi-screen displays) Cannot set the display within 1m from the aisle 80-inch or more (including multi-screen displays) Cannot set the display within 2m from the aisle *The above also applies when several displays under 50-inch are combined into one large display. *In case a staff is giving an explanation or giving a demonstration in front of the video display, the same setback restrictions as the stage setback (P. 35) will apply. The stage area should include the area where the staff stands. Decoration Notification Form No. 5 Web Form Exhibitors are required to submit Form 5, "Decoration Notification Form," along with a drawing by Wednesday, August 6, so that the Management Office will be able to confirm their adherence to the setback restriction. (Make sure that the size of the display and the distance from the display to the aisle is indicated on the booth floor plan.) ■ If there are no adjacent booths ■ If there are adjacent booths Installaion-prohibited place Aug 6 compulsory submission Adjacent booths/ Dead space Exhibitor’s Space Less than 7m Example of Installation Installation-prohibited place * Video Displays facing exhibitor’s space are exempted from this regulation ■ All exhibitors who plan to set 100-inch or larger display need to submit Form 16, “Confirmation Form for Flow Plan in front of In-booth Event Stage/Large-sized Screen”. 37 Chapter 4 10. Setback Restrictions for Trial Play Stands If a trial play stand is placed in an area of the booth that faces an aisle, there must be a setback of 50cm or more from the edge of the trial play equipment to the boundary of the aisle. * If it is anticipated that there will be a line of people in front of the play stand waiting for their turn to play, please secure adequate space for them to wait within the exhibitor’s booth. Exhibitors are required to submit Form 5, "Decoration Notification Form," along with a drawing by Wednesday, August 6, so that the Management Office will be able to confirm their adherence to the setback restriction. (The booth drawings attached to the form should indicate the distance between the aisle and the play stand.) Aisle Inside the booth Please place the trial play stand to allow 50cm space from the aisle. Decoration Notification Form No. 5 Web Form Aug 6 compulsory submission Inside the booth Aisle For description of Matters to Note When Displaying WiiU Game Consoles for Trial Play P.136 If the trial play stand is placed at an angle to the aisle, a distance of 50cm from the aisle also needs to be reserved. ■ About Trial Play Stands for WiiU In case the exhibitor is setting a trial play stand for playing WiiU software, there are separate guidelines set by Nintendo. Please refer to P. 94. 38 Chapter 4 11. Location and Direction of Speakers For description of Sound Volume Restriction P. 83 A live performance producing an excessive volume of sound can bother other visitors and exhibitors, and can also become an obstacle when hall's emergency announcement is made. During the event period, exhibitors are required to place speakers in the following location and directions: (1) Horizontal angle Speaker Speakers must be located in parallel with the stage or video display or at an angle less than that. Speaker (2) Vertical angle If the exhibitor sets up a speaker facing the aisle, the central axis of the speaker may not go over the boundary centerline between the adjacent booth across the aisle. The same applies when the speaker is placed inside a box, or any other constructed item. * This does not apply when woofers are set up on its own. * If the Management Office judges that the volume, quality or direction of the sound coming from the speaker causes any problem, or if visitors make complaints, or if other booths are affected, the Management Office can request the exhibitor to take corrective actions. Exhibitors are required to promptly follow such request by the Management Office. (3) Transistor Megaphone In principle, using transistor megaphones inside the booth is prohibited. It is allowed only when it is used for emergency purpose in and around the booth for securing the route for visitors and guiding the crowd of observers. 12. Lightning Rules ■ Lighting in the booth For Matters Related to Lighting <Hall 1-8> P.83 (1) Lightings must illuminate only the area within the exhibitor’s booth. (2) Usage of such lights as mobile searchlight that briefly illuminate the area outside the booth are also prohibited. (3) Illuminating the walls and ceiling of the site is prohibited (except for illuminating the exhibitor’s own advertisement balloon in and above the booth). (4) Please consider illumination intensity and color so that they do not have serious effects on neighboring booths. 39 Chapter 4 13. Installation of Wireless LAN Access Point For Wireless LAN Connection Service (TGS-net) P. 52 At TGS2014, usage of wireless LAN will be limited within the exhibition halls for equal provision of comfortable radio wave environment to each exhibitor. Utilizing data communication service using wireless-LAN equipment without applying to the Management Office is prohibited. If wireless LAN is used without permission from the Management Office, we will ask the exhibitor to refrain from using the devices. Mobile routers including pocket Wi-Fi which are possessed by a company or by staff in charge of booth are also prohibited. Please use wireless LAN environment installed by the Management Office for trial play or demonstration using wireless LAN in each booth. When exhibitor uses wireless LAN communication function of any handheld game devices for downloading or for other services, communication failure may occur if the number of devices connected to such function exceeds the acceptable amount of data. Please implement alternative measures such as considering an optional way of providing service, other spot availability, and refraining from making advance announcement in case such communication failure should occur. 14. Fireproof Requirements (1) In principle, no combustible materials may be used in any item in your display and decorations. (2) Regardless of its thickness, any base material, such as plywood, must have undertaken the immersed and fireproof process. Spraying process is not acceptable to the Fire Department. *This applies not only to base material of the booth, but also to decorations and reception counters. * In case fireproof material is not used, the Fire Department can instruct the exhibitor to take it down or construct it again. (3) Any thick fabric or pleated paper that is attached or nailed to any fireproof plywood must be fireproof as well. * If the whole area of the thin fabric or paper is applied to the fireproof plywood, then, the material can be considered to be of fireproof quality. (4) Any floor cover, carpet, curtain, flag or banner, fabric or other material used in a display booth must be labeled as having fireproof quality. * Materials may not be sprayed for fireproofing at the site. * Please attach the fireproofing indication (fireproofing label) to each item used in your display booth. (5) It is difficult to undergo a fireproof process with materials such as urethane, polyester and nylon. Therefore, these materials are not allowed to be used. (6) For any item brought into your display booth from overseas, please obtain a certificate issued in Japan indicating the fireproofing process. 40 Chapter 4 15. Use of Balloons Decoration Notification Form No. 5 Web Form Aug 6 In case of using any floating items, the exhibitor is required to submit Form 5, "Decoration Notification Form," along with detail drawings indicating the material and size of the balloons, by Wednesday, August 6. ■ Size restriction and cautions for installation (1) The size of balloons and other floating items with hanging banners attached cannot exceed the height of 5m and they must be placed at a height of 13 meters or more from the floor. They also must be set up within the perimeter of the exhibitor's booth. * With respect to floating items, exhibitors reserving booths with a lower ceiling in Halls 1, 6, 7 and 9 may consult with the Management Office separately. (2) Exhibitors reserving display areas that can affect the operation of fire-protection equipment (i.e., water cannons) may be requested to change the location of floating items. Any exhibitor to whom this restriction applies will be informed by the Management Office separately. (3) For safety reasons, any floating items that could significantly block people's view in the exhibition hall cannot be used. * If it is found, from the submitted detail drawings, that a balloon could block people's view in the hall or is made of hazardous materials, the exhibitor will not be allowed to use it. (4) To set up an inflatable balloon above the decoration height limit, there is an additional regulation. Booth size should be more than 70 booths, (same regulation for hanging structure), and above (1) – (3) restrictions then apply. The device, blower, to inflate balloon needs to be set in a secured place. When hanging a balloon from the ceiling, please be sure to use the gusset plate for hanging structures. A height of 13m or more Please install balloons so that they will not protrude from the exhibitors’ booth and will not cause any problem to other exhibitors. 41 No balloons that could obstruct people’s view in the hall or cause any problems to exhibitors will be allowed. Chapter 4 16. Construction of Ceiling Structures and Two-Story Facilities Ceiling Structure and Two-Story Facility Construction Application Form No. 6 Email FAX Aug 8 Submit for Optional Order public administration will operate inspection. Any exhibitor constructing ceiling structures and two-story facilities must obtain approval from Makuhari Messe. Please submit floor plans and elevation plans indicating the relevant place, location of fire extinguisher, etc. to the Management Office and obtain an approval stamp. After obtaining the approval stamp, exhibitors are required to submit Form 6, "Ceiling Structure and Two-Story Facility Construction Application Form," along with the floor plans and elevation plans with the approval stamp by August 8 to the Management Office. The Management Office will put together all the documents and apply for Fire Department approval all at once. (This does not apply to any canopy shorter than 90cm in width.) After applying for Fire Department approval, the exhibitor may be asked to change plans or take corrective actions. Therefore, make sure to submit the above document by August 8. In case there are some instructions from the Fire Department, the exhibitor must change the specification, design, or install fire extinguishers and auto fire alarms. If the exhibitor fails to submit the above document, or fails to take corrective actions, that exhibitor will not be allowed to take part. *On-site inspection by the Fire Department is scheduled to be conducted on the last day of construction. (1) About Construction of Ceiling Structure In case of using ceiling structure, please submit the floor plan and elevation plans to Overseas Management Office and obtain an approval stamp. (2) About Construction of Two-Story Facility ① Definition of a Two-Story Facility Any facility with the floor height of over 2.1m and having people use the upper level is considered to be a two-story facility. However, in case there are people passing through the lower level, or in case the upper level is used for displaying items, cloakroom, or a stock room, it will be considered as a two-story facility even if the floor height is below 2.1m. ② Conditions for designing and constructing a Two-story facility (a) Use fireproof material such as steel for pillars and joists. These pillars and joists must have adequate strength. (b) The floor area of the upper level must not exceed 500 square meters, including steps and slopes. (c) On the upper level, there must be steps of over 90cm in width, in more than 2 directions. (d) On the upper level and the steps, there must be a handrail or a fence that is over 1.2m high to prevent people from falling off. (e) Emergency lighting equipment must be installed for evacuation. (f) Any facility over two-stories is prohibited. 42 Chapter 4 ③ Conditions for using the upper level (a) The exhibitor must restrict the number of people on the upper level. In case of having visitors into the upper level, the number of people per square meter should not exceed 1.5 persons. Also, a staff to guide the visitors in case of emergency evacuation must be arranged. (b) If the area of the upper level exceeds 100 square meters, a fire prevention supervisor must be arranged on the upper level at all times during construction work and during the event. (c) If the area of the upper level exceeds 200 square meters, or if the upper level is visited by people from the general public, the following arrangements must be made. 1. Packaged firefighting equipment must be installed in the lower level. 2. The fire sensor on the ceiling of the lower level must be an auto fire alarm that is connected directly to the Makuhari Messe General Control Center. * Depending on the instructions from the Fire Department, an exhibitor may be exempted from installing the firefighting equipment mentioned in above ① and ②. (D) If the upper level is visited by visitors, the exhibitor is required to construct the booth so that disabled visitors can also go up to the upper level, or make sure that all items displayed on the second floor can also be found on the ground floor. 17. Use of Fire and Transportation of Dangerous Objects According to the Fire Prevention Ordinance of Chiba Prefecture, Article 23, use of fire and transportation of dangerous objects within the exhibition halls are prohibited. This prohibition does not apply if the approval of the local fire department chief has been obtained. The Management Office will collect the application forms and file application at the local fire department on behalf of exhibitors. Exhibitors planning to use fire or transport dangerous objects are required to submit Form 7 "Dangerous Objects Transportation Approval Application Form" to the Management Office by August 8. Cases for which approval is required Dangerous Objects Transportation Approval Application Form No. 7 Email FAX Aug 8 Submit for Optional Order (1) Use of open flame (including use of equipment discharging sparks and any other similar equipment) 1. This provision does not apply to any enclosed spark- discharging equipment built into a machinery. 2. Worktables where open fire is used and their surroundings need to be covered by noncombustible materials other than metals. (2) Transportation, storage and handling of dangerous objects 1. In accordance with the attached tables in the Fire Law, dangerous objects refer to the following: (A) Petroleum liquids (according to Classification of Dangerous Objects, Type1 - Type 4) Type 1 Petroleum Type 2 Petroleum Type 3 Petroleum Gas oline, Lacquers , Thinners , Alcohols Keros ene, Light Oils Heavy Oils , Lubricants , Dies el Oils Type 4 Petroleum Gear Oils , Plant and Animal Oils and Fats 43 Chapter 4 (B) Combustible gases Hydrogen Gas Propane Gas 2. Smoke machines using oil to generate smoke are also considered as dangerous objects. The Management Office recommends that exhibitors use the following smoke machines. Heavy Fog 2500 (smoking agent: Heavy Fog liquid) High Jet Mini (smoking agent: CO2) Jet Spinner Manual (smoking agent: CO2) Jet Spinner PRO (smoking agent: CO2) 3. When exhibiting vehicles Please exhibit vehicles with the minimum amount of gasoline enough for exiting outside by its own. Please drain unnecessary gasoline out of vehicles before exhibiting in the hall. 18. Use of Hole-In Anchors In case of using hole-in anchor to fix objects to the building frame, please submit Form 8 “Hole-In Anchors Use Notification Form” by August 15. (1) Embedded length of the anchor must be below 80mm and below 12mm in diameter. Hole-In Anchors Use Notification Form No. 8 Email FAX Aug 15 Submit for Optional Order (2) Exhibitors are not allowed to use anchors to the pit cover. In case anchor is used to the pit cover, the cost of repairing the pit cover will be borne by the exhibitor. (3) Regarding the restoration at the time of move-out, use the sander to cut the top of the anchor off. The top of the anchor that the exhibitor used should not stick out above the floor surface (concrete part). Hammering and gas meltdown are prohibited. (4) As a contribution to floor restoration work, the exhibitor will be charged 1,404 JPY (including tax) per anchor. If the floor was not fully restored, the Management Office will carry out the restoration work on behalf of the exhibitor and will charge an additional fee of 1,404 JPY (including tax) per anchor. (After the restoration work is completed, the exhibitor will receive an invoice from TGS OMO.) * If the number of anchors actually used differs from the number indicated at the time of notification, make sure to notify the Management Office of the difference. 44 Chapter 4 19. Rental Package Booths -NOTEExhibitors applying for package booth, turnkey booth and Business meeting Area need to follow different Move-in schedule. P. 59 Confirmation Form of Rental Package Booth No. 9 Web Form Aug 6 Submit for Optional Order Decoration Notification Form No. 5 Exhibitors reserving 1 - 3 booths in the General Exhibiting Area may use the Rental Package Booth arranged by the Management Office. In case an exhibitor wants to use the rental package booth, submit Form 9 “Confirmation Form of Rental Package Booth” by August 6. Following the Energy Saving Policy of Tokyo Game Show , we have decided to take the measures below. We would like to have your kind understanding and cooperation to this matter. ■ “Energy Saving Package” has been provided to avoid unnecessary mainline construction work and to reduce electrical usage in advance. (The price is the same as the regular rental booth.) ■ We have changed the light bulbs to ones that consume less power. (1) Specifications ■ Material : System Panel ■ Size : W3000 x D3000 xH2700 (per booth) ■ Items included in the Rental Package Booth : 1. System wall (side &back walls) (White color covered with PUC sheet) 2. Parapet (H 300mm) (White color covered with PVC sheet) Blue, Green, Gray, Red colors are available. 3. Punch carpet Same color as the Fascia. 4. Company name plate (W1800 x H200) Black letters One plate per company 5. Fluorescent lamp (32W x 2 lamps) 6. Electrical outlet (two-socket outlet x 1): 100V 1.4KW or Energy saving pack 100V 900W 7. Electrical power supply: 100V 1.5KW or Energy saving pack 100V 1.0KW per booth 8. Reception desk set x 1, display table x 2 To use the Rental Package Booth, please submit Form 5 “Decoration Notification Form” by August 6. Web Form Aug 6 Electric Outlet 100V 1.4KW 100V 900W compulsory submission 32W 32W 45 Chapter 4 Electric Power Supply Application Form No. 11 Email FAX Aug 6 compulsory submission For description of Electricity and Communication P. 49 (2) About construction for power supply ■ About additional sockets and capacity In order for the Management Office to check the capacity of the power supply, please submit Form 11 “Electric Power Supply Application Form” by Wednesday, August 6. Request for additional sockets and capacity using this Form. (Regarding the cost for additional main line construction cost and additional capacity usage cost, please refer to P.51) An invoice for the additional costs will be sent to the applicant of Form 11 from Iida Electrical Works. (3) Additional decoration by the exhibitor Decoration restrictions for general booths will apply to any exhibitor undertaking the decoration work on his own. However, be careful of the following points. 1. Because system panels are used, do not use any nails, thumbtacks or pins on the walls of the booth. Also, do not put too much load on the system panels. 2. In case of putting up panels on the walls of the booth, use velcro or a S-shaped hanger and chains. 3. It is possible to use the cutting sheet provided that it will be restored to its original state. 4. If an exhibitor wishes additional decoration, please be sure to submit a floor plan and an elevation plan. 20. Confirmation form of Turnkey Booths/ Business Meeting Area/ Asia New Stars Area -NOTEExhibitors applying for package booth, turnkey booth and Business Meeting Area need to follow different Move-in schedule. P. 59 Turnkey booths are simple, small size booth with basic decoration which allow exhibitors to make a presentation in the general exhibition area and game school corner, just by arranging a trial play stand or exhibit items. Package booth and table space for Business Meeting Area and Package booth exclusive for Asia New Stars Area are prepared respectively with basic decoration. Changing the basic decoration is not allowed for booths mentioned above. Following the Energy Saving Policy of Tokyo Game Show, we have decided to take the measures below. We would like to have your kind understanding and cooperation to this matter. ■ “Energy Saving Package” to avoid unnecessary mainline construction work and to reduce electrical usage in advance. (The price is the same as the regular rental package.) ■ We have changed the light bulbs to ones that consume less power. (1) Specifications ■ Material : System Panel ■ Size: W2000 x D2500 xH2700 (per booth) ■ Items included in the Turnkey Booth: 46 Chapter 4 ■ Items included in the Turnkey Booth: 1. Base Panel : Side and Back 2. Carpet : 3. Company Plate : (White color covered with PVC sheet) Blue, Green, Gray, Red colors are available. Gothic letters in white *One plate per company *Same color will be used for the carpet and the company plate 4. Fluorescent Light : 32W x 2 lights (2 lights per booth) 5. Power supply socket : 100V 900W or Energy Saving Package 100V 400W (Electric outlet with 2-sockets x 2 outlets per booth) 6. Main line construction / Usable amount of power: 100V 1KW or Energy Saving Package 100V 500W(per booth) * Be careful as power for trial play stands, monitors, tables for exhibit items, explanatory panels are to be arranged separately. Specification is different depending on the area the exhibitor wants to take part. Please check the guideline of the package booth for details. Confirmation of Turnkey Booth/ Business Meeting Area/ Asia New Stars Area No. 10 ■ Detailed drawing (specification may change a little) Display Table Electric Outlet 100V 900W/ 100V 400W Web Form Aug 6 Submit for Optional Order If an exhibitor wishes to use a turnkey booth or a fee-charged meeting booth, please submit the following forms by Wednesday, August 6. Decoration Notification Form No. 5 Web Form Aug 6 compulsory submission Area Name General Booth Game School Family Corner Special Booth PC Game Smartphone Game & Social Game Game Device Cloud Gaming Romance Simulation Cosplay Business Solution Cloud/Data Center Pavilion Asia New Stars Business Meeting Area Submission Document Form No. 5: Decoration Notification Form Form No.10: Confirmation of Turnkey Booth/ Business Meeting Area/ Asia New Stars Area Submission Deadline Wed., Aug. 6 * Exhibitors in Indie Game Area follow the specific regulation. Please refer to “Indie Game Area Exhibitor Manual” for the details. 47 Chapter 4 (2) About construction for power supply Electric Power Supply Application Form No. 11 Email FAX Aug 6 compulsory submission For description of Electricity and Communication P. 49 ● About additional sockets and capacity In order for the Management Office to check the capacity of the power supply, please submit Form 11 “Electric Power Supply Application Form” by Wednesday, August 6. Request for additional sockets and capacity using this Form. (Regarding the additional main line construction cost and additional capacity usage cost, please refer to the back side of Form 11.) (3) Additional decoration by the exhibitor 1. Because system panels are used, do not use any nails, thumbtacks or pins on the walls of the booth. Also, do not put too much load on the system panels. 2. In case of putting up panels on the walls of the booth, use velcro or a S-shaped hanger and chains. 3. It is possible to use the cutting sheet provided that it will be restored to its original state. 4. Any Objects which obstruct the view of adjacent booths are not allowed to be set in front of the side walls. If an exhibitor wishes additional decoration, please contact the Management Office. Additional decoration may not allowed in some exhibit areas in order to keep unification of the design. 48 Chapter 5 Electricity and Communication 5 Chapter Electricity and Communication Chapter 5 Electricity and Communication 1. Electricity (1) Electrical current Single-phase alternative current Three-phase alternative current 100V / 200V 200V 50Hz 50Hz *Electricity of a voltage other than the above cannot be supplied. (2) Service period September 17 September 18 September 19 September 20 September 21 Hall 1-8 9:00 - 20:00 8:00 - 18:00 8:00 - 18:00 Hall 9 9:00 - 20:00 8:00 - 18:00 8:00 - 17:30 *If electric supply is necessary for adjustment and trial run of machines and equipment other than the time above, please consult with Iida Electrical Works . 2. Cautions for Electric Work (1) Any electrical work must be performed by specialists qualified under the Electric Work Specialist Law. (2) Electrical work is to be performed in accordance with technical standards specified in ministerial ordinances for electrical facilities and Chiba Prefecture fire prevention ordinances. Special attention is required to the following: 1. Any distribution panel and/or switchboard must be installed in an immovable manner at a place where inspection can be performed easily. If the distribution panel and switchboard are installed in the storeroom within the booth, please do not leave any objects, that may disturb their operation, in front of them. 2. When connecting lighting gear or any other equipment, F cables or the equivalent must be used. If any cables run on the floor, the cable must be protected with a cover and a ramp placed between the cover and the floor to prevent people from tripping or falling down. Please do not place vinyl cords over the floor. 3. For shutting off the power to electric facilities within the booth, exhibitors must use ground-fault circuit interrupters. 4. Exhibitors may not use any electrical transformer exceeding 20KW in the exhibition halls. 5. For any equipment and distribution boards exceeding a voltage to ground of 150V, grounding is needed to prevent electrical shock. 6. Any equipment generating heat such as incandescent lamps and resistors must be placed so that it will not touch any combustible materials and not apply heat to combustible objects. For this type of equipment, exhibitors must implement safety measures for visitors to prevent them from getting burned, and take antivibration measures to prevent the equipment from tipping over. 50 Chapter 5 7. Distribution boards must be located so that they can be easily inspected and maintained. 8. Crimp-type terminals must be used to connect electric wires. 9. No current-carrying parts such as sockets, bases or pins of electric bulbs or tubes may be exposed without a cover. 10. When leaving the booth, exhibitors must turn off the power of their booth except for circuits for equipment requiring continuous power supply. (3) During decoration construction work and the event period, the local fire department will conduct on-site inspections. If any deficiency is found in the exhibitor's construction work based on the above-mentioned regulatory standards, power supply to the exhibitor may be shut off. (4) The Management Office cannot take responsibility if any displayed item or equipment for demonstration in the exhibitor's booth is damaged because of irregular power supply or accidental power failure or voltage reduction. Exhibitors must take sufficient measures to protect their items and equipment. 3. Electric Capacity/Construction Fee/Usage Fee (1) Exhibitors decorating the display booths themselves 1. About Electric Capacity Following the Energy Saving Policy of Tokyo Game Show , we have decided to limit the electric capacity to a maximum of 3.0KW per booth. Please make plans for your decoration so that the total electric capacity does not exceed 3.0KW. 2. Electricity Construction Fee/ Power Usage Fee Electric power supply installation costs (primary main line) are not included in the exhibition fee. (A) Primary main line installation can be offered separately. Please see the table below for prices. Request Power Supply Main line installation costs (tax incl.) 1.0KW and under ¥7,560 1.01 - 1.5KW ¥11,340 1.51 - 2.0KW ¥15,120 2.01 - 2.5KW ¥18,900 2.51 - 3.0KW ¥22,680 3.01 - 3.5KW ¥26,460 3.51 - 4.0KW ¥30,240 4.01 - 4.5KW ¥34,020 4.51 - 5.0KW ¥37,800 5.01 - 5.5KW ¥41,580 Request Power Supply 5.51 - 6.0KW 6.01 - 6.5KW 6.51 - 7.0KW 7.01 - 7.5KW 7.51 - 8.0KW 8.01 - 8.5KW 8.51 - 9.0KW 9.01 - 9.5KW 9.51 - 10.0KW Main line installation costs (tax incl.) ¥45,360 ¥49,140 ¥52,920 ¥56,700 ¥60,480 ¥64,260 ¥68,040 ¥71,820 ¥75,600 Note: For power supply exceeding 10.0 KW, an additional ¥3,780 (including tax) will be charged for each additional 0.5 KW. (B) Secondary line installation cost - Second line installation costs are not included in the above prices. - Exhibitors are required to arrange for any secondary line installation themselves. (C) Power Usage Fee - 1,350 JPY per 0.5 KW (including tax) during the days of the Tokyo Game Show. 51 Chapter 5 Electric Power Supply Application Form No. 11 Email FAX Aug 6 compulsory submission *Usage Fee and main line installation costs will be charged by Iida Electrical Works during TGS 2014. If the amount billed is less than 10,000 JPY, the exhibitor is requested to make the payment in cash. Please be sure to have some cash with you. A receipt will be issued at the time the cash payment is made. 3. Power Supply Application and Additional Line Installation Application Please write the necessary information in Form 11 “Electric Power Supply Application Form” and submit it to Iida Electrical Works Co., Ltd. by Wednesday, August 6. (2) For exhibitors using rental package booth, a turnkey booth, Business Meeting Area or Asia New Stars Area, there is detailed information about power supply installation on the pages written below. Please see those pages. 1. Rental Package Booth (P.45) 2. Turnkey booth, Business Meeting Area, Asia New Stars Area(P. 46) Enquiries about electricity: Iida Electrical Woks Co., Ltd. (Person in charge: Moriya, Sasaki) 1-8-21 Shinkiba, Kouto-ku, Tokyo 136-0082 Japan Tel: +81-(3)3521-3522 Fax: +81-(3)3521-3699 Email:game14@iidae.co.jp 4. TGS-net (Internet Connection Services) TGS-Net (Internet Connection) Application Form No. 12 Web Form Aug 29 Submit for Optional Order To apply for Internet connection services within your booth, please complete Form 12 "TGS-Net (Internet Connection) Application Form" and return it to TGS OMO by August 29. ■ Wired Internet (1) About TGS-net lines (100Mbps) With this service, the exhibitors can connect to the Internet in their booth by using a 100Mbps Ethernet cable shared by the exhibitors. * The interface to be provided will be 100 Mbps Ethernet cable (CAT5e)-RJ-45. * One connection will be provided per line. * We will provide hubs with up to 8 ports. If you plan to connect more terminals, please prepare necessary equipment yourself. Also, electric outlet for 8-port HUB, the LAN cable from the hub to the PC, and LAN adaptor for PC are to be arranged by yourself. * To ensure security, communications between exhibitors will be controlled using VLAN. * The Best Effort type of service will be provided by the internet service carrier / provider. Therefore we do not guarantee communication speed or compensate any damage caused by circuit disturbance or provider obstruction. (2) Fee TGS-net 108,000 JPY (incl. tax) * Each IP address to be granted will be a private address. If global address is necessary, make an optional request. * The above service charges include the use of the line and provider fees. (3) Optional Service Global 1 IP addresses: 32,400 JPY (incl. tax) Global 5 IP addresses: 43,200 JPY (incl. tax) Global 13 IP addresses: 64,800 JPY (incl. tax) *In case of applying for optional service, please put in your request together with TGS-net. *Your IP address will be assigned via the subnet. *DNS for the IP address should be obtained by the exhibitor. * We will provide no access control for access to global IP addresses from inside and outside TGS-net. Therefore, exhibitors are requested to take appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized access (e.g., use a firewall) 52 Chapter 5 * If the exhibitor applies for the optional service, a LAN cable for its global IP address will be placed, instead of a LAN cable for a private IP address, at the location in the booth specified by the exhibitor. * The exhibitor will be notified of the IP address or addresses a week before the exhibition. (4) LAN connection between booths Installation fees (including a cable, RJ-45 connection, and a test) 1. 100 BASE-TX enhanced category 5: one cable, max. 50 m: 32,400 JPY (incl. tax) 2. 100 BASE-TX enhanced category 5: one cable, max. 100 m: 64,800 JPY (incl. tax) * This service is to run a LAN cable between booths in the pit. * This service is not to provide an Internet connection. * A LAN cable with an RJ-45 plug will be provided to each booth. (No hub is included.) Other necessary equipment must be prepared by the exhibitor. * If a LAN connection with a length of over 100m is needed, please consult TGS OMO (5) Other lines No ADSL line can be installed at the exhibition site. For the use of any other line or 1G bps connection, please contact TGS OMO no later than Thursday, August 7. We may not be able to meet your request, depending on the type of line needed, or if your application is received after the deadline. We recommend installation of another line for back-up when you install a 1Gbps line. Please ask TGS OMO of the details. ■ Wireless LAN Connection Service (1) TGS-net Wi-Fi Connection Service Recently, the use of wireless communication system for game devices is increasing, which causes severe crossed-wire problems with other nearby booths. To prevent and reduce these problems, the Management Office has decided to prohibit exhibitors and visitors to carry wireless LAN access point/mobile router in the halls. Instead, the Management Office will provide Wi-Fi connection service in the exhibition halls (Hall 1-6). This Wi-Fi connection service is limited to devices which do not work with wired internet connection, such as Smartphone, tablet devices and other game devices. Please prepare wired connection for devices which work with wired communication, such as PC. (2) Menu TGS-net Wi-Fi Connection Service up to TGS-net Wi-Fi Connection Service up to TGS-net Wi-Fi Connection Service up to 5 devices 10 devices 20 devices JPY108,000(tax incl.) JPY162,000 (tax incl.) JPY216,000 (tax incl.) (3)Service information ・This service provides Wi-Fi connection within exhibitors booths. ・Provided Wireless LAN will be 802.11a/g.. * Communication speed may get slower if there are too many 802.11g, users. Therefore we recommend that you use 802.11a. Please inform us at the time of application if you will use devices that can connect to W56 belt, 802.11a, which has less users. ・We would not guarantee communication speed since the service is the Best Effort type. ・Please submit your booth plan at the time of application since in some cases booth shape may affect wireless LAN radio wave. ・Installation of wireless access point in booth may become necessary depending on the location of the booth. ・Maximum of 20 devices per exhibitor will be offered. Exhibitors who would like to connect more than 21 devices require separate Wi-Fi environment set up. Please contact TGS OMO for the set up. 53 Chapter 5 (4) Wireless LAN Access point for exhibitors /Prohibition of bringing in Mobile router Wi-Fi Connection service will be provided in the exhibition halls (Hall 1-6) exclusively for internet connection of Smartphone, tablet devices and game devices. Therefore carrying wireless LAN Access point or Mobile router in the halls will be prohibited. • Management staff who uses mobile router and tethering function for Smartphone needs to turn off these functions in the venue. If exhibitors bring in and use their own wireless LAN Access point or Mobile router, there is a possibility of communication failure and interference with the TGS-net Wi-Fi Connection service. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation to this matter because the event site is in an enclosed space and the resource for radio wave is limited. Bringing wireless LAN Access point of Mobile router by exhibitors will be strictly prohibited. Exhibitor who is found bringing such Mobile router in will be asked to refrain from using it. <Notice about Internet Connection> 1. Requesting to take antivirus measures In recent years, a number of computer viruses, such as MSBLAST, have infected computers just because they are connected to networks. We will perform virus checking on TGS-net, but that does not totally block out unauthorized access or computer viruses. We urge all exhibitors to take appropriate countermeasures against unauthorized access, computer virus infection and other possible problems. Examples are given below. ● Use antivirus software. ● Apply OS security patches and service packs. ● Change passwords to more complicated ones (combination of alphabetic letters, numerals and symbols is desirable.) ● Set an administrator account password. ● Apply Windows Update. ● Suspend communications using NetBIOS. 2. Organizer's policy for computer virus infection, unauthorized access or any other incidents ● The organizer assumes no responsibility for losses caused by computer virus infection, unauthorized access or any other incident. ● In case an equipment infected by a computer virus is found, the organizer will take necessary measures, including removing the relevant booth from the network. ● In case network failure or any other trouble is caused by the virus infection of a computer for which no antivirus measure has been taken, the organizer may claim expenses incurred for restoration from the relevant exhibitor. * When the exhibitor uses a freeware program for antivirus purposes, the exhibitor is considered to have taken no antivirus measures. So, please be forewarned. 3. Communications between exhibitors Exhibitors will not be able to communicate with other exhibitors using TGS-net. * However, exhibitors will be able to communicate with each other by using their global IP addresses. * It is possible to communicate with Global IP on the Internet. 54 Chapter 5 ■ TGS-net contractual rules (1) Service of TGS-net (wired internet) 1. Internet connection service via TGS-net of 100M maximum. 2. This service is provided on a best effort basis with no guarantee regarding transmission band and speed. (2) IP address 1. Private IP address: To be obtained through DHCP automatically 2. Global IP address: The exhibitor will set the notified IP address privately. (3) Lines provided for this service 1. Ethernet (100 BASE-TX / 10 BASE-T) will be used. 2. A UTP straight cable will be provided up to the place specified by the exhibitor. One connection will be provided per line. 3. If the exhibitor applies for an optional global IP address, LAN cable for global IP will be wired to the place you designate in your booth instead of the LAN cable for private IP address. (4) Items to be prepared by the exhibitor 1. LAN cables to connect each device to the hub 2. A hub to connect eight or more devices 3. Wiring within the booth 4. Setting up the terminals 5. Devices to connect (for example, personal computers) (5) TGS-net Wi-Fi Connection Service 1. This service provides Wi-Fi connection within exhibitors booths. 2. This Wi-Fi connection service is limited to devices which unable to have wired internet connection, such as Smartphone, tablet devices and other game devices. Please prepare wired connection for devices which are capable of wired communication such as PC. 3. Provided Wireless LAN will be 802.11a/g.. * Communication speed may get slower if there are too many 802.11g, users. Therefore we recommend that you use of 802.11a. Please inform us at the time of application if you will use devices that can connect to W56 belt, 802.11a, which has less users. 4. We would not guarantee communication speed since the service is the Best Effort type. 5. SSID (Network‘s name***) /password will be issued for each exhibitor that have applied. 6. Please submit your booth plan on application since in some cases booth shape may affect wireless LAN radio wave. 7. Installation of wireless access point in booth may become necessary depending on the location of the booth. 8. Maximum of 20 devices per exhibitor will be offered. Exhibitors who would like to connect more than 21 devices require separate Wi-Fi environment set up. Please contact the Management Office for the set up. (6) Domain No domain registration, or no forward or reverse lookup of IP addresses will be performed. (7) Scope of use 1. The scope of use of TGS-net is limited to Internet access. 2. No port filtering will be performed. 55 Chapter 5 (8) Prohibited acts The following acts are prohibited. 1. The use of TGS-net by entities other than the exhibitor specified in the TGS-net application form; transfer or lending of the right to use TGS-net to other companies 2. Unauthorized access to other users 3. Unauthorized access to equipment comprising TGS-net or alterations thereto 4. Copyright infringement, acts that are offensive to public order and morals, and any other illegal acts 5. Connection of virus-infected devices to TGS-net 6. The use of IP addresses other than the global IP addresses that have been assigned. 7. Usage of wireless LAN Access point and Mobile router brought in by exhibitors • Wi-Fi Connection service will be provided in the exhibition halls (Hall 1-6) exclusively for internet connection of Smartphone, tablet devices and game devices. If exhibitors bring in and use their own wireless LAN Access point, there is a possibility of communication failure and interference with the TGS-net Wi-Fi Connection service. Therefore bringing in wireless LAN Access point or Mobile router into the exhibition will be prohibited. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation to this matter because the event site is in an enclosed space, the resource for radio wave is limited. (9) Suspension of use The Organizer (or the Management Office) may suspend the use of this IP communication network service in the event of the following: 1. When suspension is inevitable for reasons of maintenance or other work on TGS-net telecommunications equipment 2. Communications failures caused by telecommunication carriers 3. If the exhibitor commits any of the prohibited acts indicated above * Before suspending the use of this IP communication network Service according to these rules, the Organizer will inform the exhibitor of the suspension in advance. However, this does not apply in case of emergencies. (10) Security 1. The Organizer assumes no responsibility for any damages caused by computer virus infection, unauthorized access or any other incident. 2. In case an equipment infected by a computer virus is found, the Organizer will take necessary measures, including removing the relevant booth from the network. 3. In case network failure or any other trouble is caused by virus infection of a computer for which no antivirus measure has been taken, the Organizer may claim expenses incurred for restoration from the relevant exhibitor. 4. If the exhibitor uses a freeware program for antivirus purposes, the exhibitor is considered to have taken no antivirus measure. (11) Period of use The period of use for each TGS-net contract is shown below, regardless of whether the exhibitor uses the service or not. Period of use: Sep. 17, 2014, 2 p.m. - Sep. 21, 2014, 5 p.m. (12) Liability for damages In the event that the service provider fails to provide this service for reasons attributable to the service provider, the service provider will pay damages up to the amount of the exhibitor's contract, only if this service was completely unusable for 24 hours or more from when the service provider became aware of that state. (13) Form to be submitted 1. To ensure proper operation and maintenance of the TGS-net, the exhibitor is required to submit "TGSnet Use Application Form (TGS-net Use Details Notification Form)“ with information on the exhibitor’s network composition and method of utilization. 2. To ensure smooth and correct wiring to the exhibitor’s booth, the exhibitor is required to submit "TGSnet Wiring Instructions (Desired TGS-net Wiring Location Description Form)". 3. If the exhibitor plans to connect any Internet line other than TGS-net or any exclusive line to the TGSnet, please notify the Management Office in advance. 56 Chapter 5 5. Specially-Installed Telephones, FAX and ISDN Lines Specially-Installed Telephones, FAX, and ISDN Line Application Form No. 13 To apply for special installation of telephones, Fax and ISDN lines in your booth, please complete Form 13 "Specially-Installed Telephones, FAX, and ISDN Line Application Form" and send it to the Management Office by August 29. (1) Installation Fee Email FAX Aug 29 Submit for Optional Order Special Telephones FAX ¥ 43,200 per line (Construction fee + basic cost + call fee worth ¥ 15,000 + tax included) ¥ 64,800 per line (Construction fee + basic cost + call fee worth ¥ 15,000 + fax machine + tax included) ¥ 64,800 per line (Construction fee + basic cost + call fee worth ¥ 15,000 + tax included) ISDN line * DSU will not be provided. If you wish to use DSU, the Organizer will make arrangements with the cost of ¥ 10,800 (tax included) per unit. There is no rental service for terminal adaptors. The exhibitors are to make arrangements by themselves. * After accepting the Application Form, TGS OMO will issue an invoice. * If the call fee exceeds 15,000 JPY, a separate invoice will be issued. (2) Period of use 1. Starting from September 17, around 13:00 After installation is completed, please check the location and the state of communication. If there are any inconveniences, please report to the Management Office by 5 p.m. that day. 2. Removal from September 21, around 17:00 (3) Number Notification The exhibitor will be notified of the telephone number a week before the exhibition (4) Notes In case of applying for an ISDN line, a different application form for wiring work is necessary. The Management Office will notify the exhibitor regarding this application form later. Enquiries about TGS-net / Specially-Installed Telephones, FAX and ISDN Lines : Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka (Ms.)/ Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg., 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp 57 6 Chapter Move-in and Move-out Chapter 6 Move-in and Move-out Chapter 6 Move-in and Move-out 1-1. Move-in Schedule About Fee-Charged Early Move-in P. 64 (Hall1-8) (1) Move-in・Set-up schedule 1. Starts from : 8:00 September 16 (Tues.) * If you want to move-in earlier (before 8:00), please apply by submitting Form 14 “Application Form for Fee- Charged Early Move-In”. This form will enable you to start move-in from Tuesday, September 16, 0:00a.m. * Move-in for exhibitors using the Packaged Booth or the Turnkey Booth arranged by the Management Office will start from September 16 (Tues.) from14:00. * Business Meeting Area rental will start from 2p.m., Wednesday, September 17. * There is a key to meeting booths in Business Meeting Area except basic table space. Please consult the Management Office regarding the way to get the keys. * Exhibitors in Indie game Area follow the specific regulation for Move-in schedule. Please refer to “Indie Game Area Exhibitor Manual” for the details. 2. Setup Period: 8:00 - 22:00 September 16 (Tues.) 8:00 - 22:00 September 17 (Wed.) * On September 17, there will be a rehearsal for the Japan Game Awards at the Event Stage. In this relation, no overtime work after 20:00 is allowed at the Event Stage and the relevant Hall. Also, we would like to have the exhibitors’ cooperation in evacuating the area during the rehearsal. * On September 17, vehicles are allowed to come into the exhibition hall area only until 13:00. * Please see P. 63 for precautions regarding overtime work during the show period. * Exhibitors in Indie game Area follow the specific regulation for Move-in schedule. Please refer to “Indie Game Area Exhibitor Manual” for the details. (2) Overall Schedule Prepa ra tion peri od Ti me Sep. 16 Fee-charged early move i n 7:00* 8:00 Sep. 18 Sep. 19 Sep. 20 Ti me Sep. 21 Overtime operation Overti me operation Overtime operation Overtime operation Overti me operation (non-charged/ (non-charged/ (non-charged/ (non-charged/ (non-charged/ a pplication required) a pplication required) a pplication required) a pplication required) a pplication required) Move-i n 9:00 Tokyo Ga me Show event peri od/Move-out peri od Sep. 17 Prepa ration Prepa ration Prepa ration Prepa ration Opening Ceremony 10:00 11:00 11:00 Move-i n & Set up 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 14:00Move-i n start for Pa cka ge booth and 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 8:00 9:00 Move-i n & Set up 10:00 7:00* Move-i n/Setup Vehi cles ca n enter the exhibition halls Move-i n/Setup Vehi cles ca n enter the exhibition halls Booth decoration work Exhi bit i tems a rra ngement 12:00 13:00 Bus iness Day Bus iness Day Publ ic Day Publ ic Day 14:00 15:00 from 14:00Bus iness Meeting Area ready to us e 16:00 17:00 From 15:00Ha l l lighting i s dimmed (same as duri ng the exhibition peri od) Ha l l cleaningHall wa l kway ca rpet, etc.Orga nizer’s cons truction work Overti me operation Overti me operation (non-charged/ (non-charged/ a pplication required) a pplication required) *Except Event Sta ge Ha l l Prepa ration Prepa ration Prepa ration 17:00-19:00 Move-out/Removal Bus iness-Day-only Exhi bitors Overtime operation (non-charged/ a pplication required) 18:00 19:00 17:00-18:30 Move-out/Removal Bus iness Meeting Area Overti me operation (non-charged/ a pplication required) Move-out Pri ori ty move-out for exhi bit products Moveout/Removal Vehi cles ca n enter the exhi bition halls. Overti me operation (non-charged/ a pplication required) 20:00 21:00 22:00 Checkup/Cl earout Orga ni zer a nd Exhi bition Hall * Hall entry is allowed only from East 2 Gate at 7:00 AM. * Although the doors are scheduled to open at 10:00 on September 20 (Sat.) and September 21 (Sun.), there is a possibility of opening the doors at 9:30 for visitors’ safety reasons and smooth operation. Therefore, the exhibitors are requested to complete preparation work at their display area no later than 9:30 a.m. Please do not inform any third parties of the possible early opening time 59 Chapter 6 Move-in and Move-out 1-2. Move-in Schedule About Fee-Charged Early Move-in P. 64 Chapter 6 REVISED (Hall 9) (1) Move-in・Set-up schedule 1. Starts from: 8:00 September 18 (Thu.) *Move-in for exhibitors using the Packaged Boot or the Turnkey Booth arranged by the Management Office will start form September 19 (Fri.) from 8:00. 2. Setup Period: 8:00 - 22:00 September 18 (Thu.) 8:00 - 22:00 September 19 (Fri.) *On September 19th, vehicles are allowed to come into the exhibition hall area only until 13:00. *Please see P.69 for precautions regarding overtime work during the show period. (2) Overall Schedule Prepa ra tion peri od Tokyo Ga me Show event peri od/Move-out peri od Ti me Ti me Sep. 18 Fee-charged early moe in 7:00* 8:00 9:00 Move-i n Starts Move-i n & Set up 10:00 11:00 12:00 Move-i n/Setup Vehi cles ca n enter the exhibition halls Sep. 19 Overtime operation (non-charged/ application required) Move-i n & Set up 8:00Move-i n start for Pa ckage booth a nd Turnkey booth Move-i n/Setup Vehi cles ca n enter the exhi bition halls until 13:00. Sep. 20 Sep. 21 Overti me operation (non-charged/ a pplication required) Overti me operation (non-charged/ a pplication required) Preparation Preparation 7:00 8:00 9:00 * * 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:00 Publ ic Day 14:00 15:00 Publ ic Day 14:00 15:00 Booth decoration work Exhi bit i tems arra ngement 16:00 Ha l l cleaning Hall walkway ca rpet, etc.Organizer’s cons truction work 17:00 18:00 16:00 17:00 Prepa ration Move-out Pri ori ty move-out for exhi bit products 19:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 Overti me operation (non-charged/ a pplication required) Overti me operation (non-charged/ a pplication required) *Except Event Sta ge Ha l l Overtime operation (non-charged/ application required) Moveout/Removal Vehi cles ca n enter the exhi bition halls. 21:00 22:00 Checkup/Clearout Organizer and Exhibition Hall * Although the doors are scheduled to open at 10:00 on September 20 (Sat.) and September 21 (Sun.), there is a possibility of opening the doors at 9:30 for visitors’ safety reasons and smooth operation. Therefore, the exhibitors are requested to complete preparation work at their display area no later than 9:30 a.m. Please do not inform any third parties of the possible early opening time 60 20:00 Chapter 6 2. Gateway for Exhibitors and Vehicles Booth Operation Officer / ID Purchasing Officer Report Form No. 17 REVISED (1) Gateway for Exhibitors The places indicated “Entering Check Point” below will be the gateway for the Exhibitors. Hall Entry Certificates are necessary to pass this gate. (Exhibitor’s badge : Effective Sep. 16 - 21, Worker ribbon : Effective Sep 16 & 17, Sep. 21 after 17:30.) So, please have your certificate ready and show it to the staff. Please be warned that gates other than the ones shown below will be locked. Also, exhibitor’s badge cannot be issued at the gate. Only the person who applied using Form 17 “Booth Operation Officer / ID Purchasing Officer Report Form” will be able to purchase the badge at the Management Office located in Hall 4 and 9. Also, the Management Office will not be able to give any assistance to get in touch with the ID Purchasing Officer (including making any announcements). Please get in touch with the ID Purchasing Officer on your own. Web Form Aug 22 compulsory submission Temporary desk on site to sell Worker ribbon As a special case, we will sell the worker ribbon to the worker who has forgotten to bring the ribbon. Please see the place and the price below. However, as this is a special arrangement, please give out the ribbons to the workers beforehand and notify them to bring it to the site. About Booth Operation Officer/ ID Purchasing Officer Report Form P. 82 Place :(Hall1-8) Besides former restaurant NOA, Staff Entrance, East 2 Gate, South 2 Gate, 2nd floor, Central Mall 2, 5, 7 Hall Entrance (Tentative) Hall 9, Service Entrance East, Esplanade 2nd floor Hall 9 Entrance (Tentative) 1,000 JPY per ribbon (tax included) By writing the exhibitor’s name, the name of the company executing the Decoration, the name of the company the worker works for, the worker’s Name, the worker’s mobile phone number in the Temporary Ribbon Sales Application Form. A photo of the worker will also be taken. (Hall 9) Price : Method : Hall 1-8 Floor Entrance to the site 1F Entrance to the hall 2F Entrance to the hall 2F Entering Check Point 1 2 3 East 2 Gate Authorized Personnel Gate Side of Event Hall Ikoi Mall, North & South Fee-Charged Early Move-in Yasuragi Mall, North & Sounth Fee-Charged Early Move-in Entrance of 2 Hall Entrance of 5 Hall Entrance of 7 Hall Visitor Exit / Re-Entrance Gate 4 5 6 7 8 9 Move-in Period Sep. 16 Sep. 17 8:00 ~ 0:00 ~ 8:00 ~ 0:00 ~ Event Period Sep. 18 Sep. 19 Sep. 20 Whole Day 8:00 - 20:00 5:00 - 16:00 until 21:30 Whole Day until 21:30 Whole Day 8:00 - 20:00 Sep. 21 8:00 - 22:00 10:00 - 18:00 Hall 9 Floor 1F No. No. Entrance 12 to the site Entrance 13 to the hall Entrance 14 to the hall 9 Entering Check Point East 3 Gate Entrance of East 9 Hall Entrance of 9 Hall Visitor Exit / Re-Entrance Gate 61 Move-in Period Sep. 18 Sep. 19 8:00 ~ Whole day 8:00 ~ Whole day 8:00 ~ 20:00 8:00 ~ 20:00 Event Period Sep. 21 Sep. 22 Whole Day Whole Day 8:00 - 10:00 10:00 - 18:00 Chapter 6 (2) Gateway for Vehicles The gates shown below are gates for vehicles coming in to and going out of the site. Vehicles are only allowed to pass through South 2 Gate during the hours shown below. Hall 1 - 8 No. Gate Vehicle Certificate Move-in Period Sep. 16 Sep. 17 Move-in Numbered Ticket 8:00 - 20:00 8:00 - 20:00 Sep. 18 Event Period Sep. 19 Sep. 20 Sep. 21 Vehicles can enter the exhibition halls 8:00 - 20:00 8:00 - 13:00 10 South 2 Gate Fee-Charged Early Move-in Certificate 0:00 - 8:00 Move-in 1 Move-out 11 Priority Move-out for Exhibit Products 17:30 - 21:30 Move-out General Vehicle Certificate 18:30 - 21:30 East 2 Gate Vehicles are not Permitted to Enter North Gate Whole Day Hall 9 No. Gate Vehicle Certificate Vehicles can enter the exhibition halls Move-out 12 Eas3 Gate Move-in Period Sep. 18 Sep. 19 8:00 - 20:00 8:00 - 13:00 Event Period Sep. 20 Sep. 21 Priority Move-out for Exhibit Products 17:30 - 21:30 Move-out General Vehicle Certificate 18:30 - 21:30 (3) Temporary Hall Entry Certificate Issuance Counter Parcel delivery service person, or any other forwarding agent not having a hall entry certificate must come to East 2 Gate, South 2 Gate, Ikoi-no-mall South/North, Yasuragi-no-mall South/North or East 3 Gate to receive a temporary hall entry certificate (free of charge) in the presence of a security guard 62 Chapter 6 (4) Gateway for Exhibitors and Vehicles For Exhibitors(Hall 1-8) ①East 2 Gate ②Authorized Personnel Gate ③Side of Event Hall ④Ikoi Mall ⑤Yasuragi Mall ⑥Entrance of 2 Hall ⑦Entrance of 5 Hall ⑧Entrance of 7 Hall ⑨Visitor Exit / Re-Entrance Gate APA Hotel & Resort East Gate West Gate Hotel New Otani For Vehicles Center Gate West Parking Restroom ⑩South 2 Gate ⑪North Gate For Exhibitors(Hall 9) Convention Center 12 13 14 9 15 ⑫East 3 Gate ⑬Hall 9 East Move-in Entrance ⑭Hall 9 Entrance For Vehicles ⑫ East 3 Gate ⑮ East 4 Gate * ⑮ only opens during the show period Kaihin Makuhari Sta. (5) Hall Entry for Overtime (Off-hours)Work Any exhibitor wishing to do some overtime work must submit “Overtime Operation Notification Form” to the Management Office at Hall 4 or 9 in accordance with the time below. During the move-in period, exhibitor in Hall 1-8 must submit the form by 21:00 of that day (in case of overtime work in the morning, submit the form on the previous day). During the show period, please submit the form by 18:00 of that day (in case of overtime work in the morning, submit the form on the previous day). Required number of overtime stickers will be given at the time this form is submitted. Please notify all overtime workers to put this sticker on their clothing where it can be easily seen. After the work is completed, be sure to report to the Management Office. (6) Move-in During the Event Period (Sep. 18 through Sep. 21 *21st and 22nd only for Hall 9) No move-in with vehicles is permitted during the event period. 1. In case any exhibitor wishes to bring printed materials such as pamphlets or any other items into the hall, the exhibitor must notify the driver to park the vehicles around South 2 Gate for Hall 1-8 and East 4 Gate for Hall 9, and have the driver wait inside the vehicle and bring the items into the hall by hand. (South 2 Gate, East 4 Gate open from 8:00 to 18:00) For safety reasons, no wheeled platforms are allowed inside the exhibition hall during the event period. 2. Vehicles transporting staff are also not permitted. However, there are special measures for performers and entertainers. (Please refer to P. 98) 3. If it is absolutely necessary to bring vehicles inside the exhibition hall, please consult the Management Office beforehand. 63 Chapter 6 3. Fee-Charged Early Move-in To Start move-in from Sep. 16, 0:00 AM This is a fee-charged service (97,200 JPY including tax) allowing exhibitors to move in or set up the booths starting at 0:00 a.m., Tuesday, September 16 -- earlier than the general move-in which starts from 8:00 a.m. on that day. Exhibitors who want to use this service need to apply, using Form 14 “Application Form for Fee-Charged Early Move-in,” by Friday August 22. (1) Early Move-in Routes for Vehicles Application Form for Fee-Charged Early Move-in No. 14 South 2 Gate Web Form QVC Marine Field South 1 Gate v APA Hotel & Resort Aug 22 Messe Bridge Kaihin Makuhari Park prefectural road v East 1 Gate Exhibition Center v Messe Parking (Fee Charged) East 2 Gate Hotel New Otani Submit for Optional Order Gate of Parking Event Hall Pedestrian deck World Business Garden Exhibition Hall 9-11 The Manhattan Hotel Green Tower Gate of Parking Vehicle waiting area for Move-in (Hall 1-8) (L Block) 1. Vehicles that have applied for the early move-in service needs to put a “fee-charged early move-in vehicle certificate” on the front window. 2. Vehicles that have applied for the early move-in service is requested to come to the vehicle waiting area (L Block) first. Then, the vehicle will be led individually to South Gate 2, to approach the exhibition hall and begin move-in operations. For move-in operations during normal move-in hours, vehicles do not need to have a move-in certificate. At the vehicle waiting area, each vehicle will receive a numbered ticket for their moving-in operations. For more information, see P. 63. (The move-in vehicle routes are the same, whether the vehicle applied for early move-in service or not.) 3. Please note that the fee-charged early move-in service cannot be applied by the hour and application for the service must be made in advance. 4. Exhibitors who applied for this service will receive “fee-charged early move-in vehicle certificate(s)” and “fee-charged early move-in worker ribbon(s).” Both will be valid beginning at 0:00 a.m., Tuesday, September 16, but only the ribbons will continue to be valid after 8:00 a.m. of that day. ■The number of certificates and ribbons issued to the exhibitors: Fee-charged early move-in vehicle certificate -- the number the exhibitor applied for Fee-charged early move-in worker ribbon -the number of booths x 5 ribbons (up to a maximum of 200) ■These certificates and ribbons will be sent to the exhibitor around beginning of September. ■Exhibitors who want to order additional worker ribbons need to apply, using Form 14 “Application Form for Fee-Charged Early Move-in.” (The ribbons are available for 100 JPY (tax included) and the issuance charge is 800 JPY per request (tax included)) 64 Chapter 6 5. An application for this service needs to be made for each display area. If a booth construction company, that is employed by more than one exhibitor for booth setup operations, works in a display area for which the early move-in service has not been applied for, the exhibitor failing to apply for the service will be charged 97,200 JPY (tax included). Please provide the correct information to the companies you hired so that they can begin move-in operations from the correct time. 4-1. Move-In Procedures/Route (Hall 1-8) September 16&17 No Vehicle certificate will be issued beforehand. (Except for fee-charged early move-in and Business Meeting Area) Each move-in vehicle (except for fee-charged meeting booth) is requested to come to the vehicle waiting area (L Block) Any person coming on foot is requested to enter from the Front Plaza or Staff Entrance. Be sure to have the exhibitor’s badge or worker ribbon ready. Please be reminded that feecharged early move-in will start from 0:00 a.m. on September 16, and general move-in will start from 8:00 a.m.. (1) Move-in Procedures 1. Each move-in vehicle will receive a numbered ticket, which is valid for that day, at the vehicle waiting area (L Block). Please put this ticket on the front window. Vehicles for fee-charged early move-in need to write the necessary information in the “fee-charged early move-in certificate”, and put it on the front window. Taking copies of “fee-charged early move-in certificate” is strictly prohibited. 2. In the order of the ticket number, vehicles will be led to South Gate 2 to approach the exhibition hall and begin move-in operations. Please note that, if it gets overcrowded in the exhibition halls, vehicles may be requested to wait in the vehicle waiting area for a while. Vehicles, except for vehicles conducting move-in operations, are not allowed to enter or park. 3. All move-in vehicles are requested to enter from the South side and get out from the North side. 4. Hours that the vehicles are allowed to enter the halls •September 16 (Tues.) (Fee-charged move-in) 0:00 - 8:00 •September 16 (Tues.) (General move-in) 8:00 - 20:00 •September 17 (Wed.) (General move-in) 8:00 - 13:00 After completion of the move-in operations, the vehicles are requested to leave the site as soon as possible. 5. Vehicles will be allowed to leave the event site only through the North Gate. 6. Although the above rules are set out, please follow the security guards’ instructions at the site. 65 Chapter 6 (2) Valid hours of Move-in Vehicle Certificate ・ Numbered Ticket Sep. 16 Date Fee-Charged Early Move-in Move-in Numbered Ticket Issuing time To be sent beginning of Sept. Vehicles can enter the exhibition hall Fee-Charged Early Move-in Vehicle Certification General Move-in Sep. 17 Sep. 18 - 21 General Move-in Event Period 8:00 - 20:00 0:00 - 8:00 8:00 - 20:00 8:00 - 13:00 ○ × × × ○ ○ Move-in Numbered Ticket No Entry The local police department's instructions specify that vehicles will be strictly prohibited from parking on public roads in the neighborhood for move-in or move-out operations. Please convey this information to your contractors. During the move-in/move-out time, it is expected the local police department will be controlling the traffic in the area. Please strictly follow the instructions to avoid committing any traffic violation. (3) Fee-charged early move-in vehicle certificate (To be sent beforehand) Intended Users : Exhibitors ・ Contractors for booth construction Valid Hours : September 16 (Tues.), 0:00 - 8:00 Application: Submit Form 14 Issuance : By the Management Office and sent to the exhibitor beforehand (4) Issuance Time of Numbered Ticket for move-in vehicle (To be issued on the relevant day) Intended Users : Exhibitors ・ Contractors for booth construction Valid Hours : September 16 (Tues.), 8:00 - 20:00 (Vehicles are allowed to enter the Hall until 20:00) September 17 (Wed.), 8:00 - 20:00 (Vehicles are allowed to enter the Hall until 13:00.) Issuance : On the relevant day at L Block area. (Tickets are valid only for that day.) 4-2 Move-In Procedures/Route <Hall 9> September 18・19 Vehicle certificate will be issued beforehand. Please enter the Hall from East 3 Gate. Any person coming on foot is also requested to enter from East 3 Gate. Be sure to have the exhibitor’s badge or worker ribbon ready. (1) Move-in Procedures 1. Each move-in vehicle will receive a “Hall 9 Move-in certificate”. Please put this ticket on the front window. Taking copies of move-in certificate is strictly prohibited. 2. Please enter from East 3 Gate following security guards’ instruction, and begin movein operations. No vehicles are allowed to enter or park on site other than those conducting move-in operation. 3. Hours that the vehicles are allowed to enter the halls. September 18 (Thur.) 8:00-20:00 September 19 (Fri.) 8:00-13:00 After completion of the move-in operations, the vehicles are requested to leave the site as soon as possible. 66 Chapter 6 4. Although the above rules are set out, please follow the security guards’ instructions at the site. The local police department's instructions specify that vehicles will be strictly prohibited from parking on public roads in the neighborhood for move-in or move-out operations. Please convey this information to your contractors. During the move-in/move-out time, it is expected that the local police department will be controlling the traffic in the area. Please strictly follow the instructions to avoid committing any traffic violation. South 2 Gate QVC Marine Field South 1 Gate v Messe Bridge prefectural road X v East 1 Gate X Exhibition Center v Kaihin Makuhari Park Messe Parking (Fee Charged) East 2 Gate Convention Hall Central Entrance Event Hall Center rotary Messe Mall exit Pedestrian deck World Business Garden Gate of Parking Exhibition Hall 9-11 Gate of Parking (2) Issuance Time of Numbered Ticket for move-in vehicle (To be issued beforehand) Intended Users : Exhibitors ・ Contractors for booth construction Valid Hours : September 18 (Thur.) 8:00 - 20:00 (Vehicles are allowed to enter the Hall until 20:00) September 19 (Fri.) 8:00 - 20:00 (Vehicles are allowed to enter the Hall until 13:00.) Issuance : The Management Office will send the tickets before the show. 5. Move-in Procedures for Public-day-only Exhibitors About Move-in Schedule(Hall 1-8) P. 59 (Hall 1-8) In case the exhibitor in Merchandise Sales or Family Area wishes to take part only on the public days, please carry out move-in / set-up operations following the schedule below. * Exhibitors in Indie game Area follow the specific regulation. Please refer to “Indie Game Area Exhibitor Manual” for the details. (1) Move-in / Set-up of Booth Decoration Materials Please conduct your move-in / set-up operations following the schedule below, which is the same as the schedule for exhibitors taking part for 4 days. Sept. 16 (Tues) 8:00-22:00 (Vehicles are allowed to enter the Hall until 20:00) Sept. 17 (Wed) 8:00-22:00 (Vehicles are allowed to enter the Hall until 13:00) 67 Chapter 6 (2) Bringing in Products for Sale Please bring in your products for sale after 17:00 on Sept. 19 (Fri.) after all the visitors of the Business Days have left the site. *Please do not display the products for sale during the Business Days to minimize the risk of getting stolen. *There will be no exclusive security guards to keep an eye on your products. Please take care of products for sale and valuables by yourselves. (3) In case the Exhibitor wishes to bring in the products for sale using a vehicle on Sept. 19 1. Please follow the instructions given by the security guard and proceed to South Gate 2. No vehicles are allowed to enter into the Hall. Any item must be brought in to the Hall by hand or by using a wheeled platform. Please be warned of this in advance. Vehicles, except for vehicles conducting move-in operations, are not allowed to enter or park. 2. After completion of the move-in operations, the vehicles are requested to leave the site as soon as possible. 6. Matters of Attention for Move-in/Setup Days (1) Vehicles cannot approach the exhibition halls through the North Gate, East Gate 1, East Gate 2, South Gate 1, East Gate 4, West Gate 1, West Gate 2 or West Gate 3. (2) Please note that, if it gets overcrowded in the exhibition halls, vehicles may be requested to wait in the vehicle waiting area for a while. (3) Within the event site, please follow the security guards’ instructions. (4) Vehicles getting out from Hall 1-8 will be allowed to leave the event site only through the North Gate. (5) Except for exhibitors that have applied for fee-charged early move-in service (see P. 58), all exhibitors are requested to inform their booth set-up workers that on both Tuesday, September 16, and Wednesday, September 17, all move-in operations must be completed between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. for security reasons. If it is absolutely necessary to work after the designated time period, please submit “Overtime Operation Notification Form” to the Management Office by 9:00 p.m. of the relevant day. (6) During set-up and event period, we would like to reduce the time for using electric power supply for overtime work and save energy as much as possible. Please make efficient set-up and preparation plans to minimize overtime work. (7) Exhibitors must take responsibility for disposal of empty boxes, empty packing materials and other wastes from their move-in operations. Except for wastes that will be disposed by the exhibitor himself, any waste and remaining packing materials will have to be disposed of within Chiba Prefecture. For resource saving reasons, please make your best efforts not to generate unnecessary waste by considering reuse or recycling of the waste materials as much as possible. It is requested that vehicles leave the event site as soon as the move-in operations are completed. 68 Chapter 6 (8) It is not possible to leave the vehicles parked in the site. In case any vehicles parked in site is disturbing the smooth operation of the event, it could be towed away. Any cost incurred will be borne by the relevant exhibitor. (9) Vehicles for transporting people cannot enter the event site. (10) To avoid the site from getting overcrowded, exhibitors are requested to do their booth set-up within their display area. Also, please do not leave any packages or materials in the passageways at the site. (11) No wheeled platforms will be available at the exhibition halls for moving in and out display items and decoration materials. Exhibitors are requested to bring their own wheeled platforms if necessary. 7. Matters of Attention during the Event Period (1) For security reasons, exhibitors are requested to complete all operations during the designated time period (7:00 - 18:00 from September 18(Thur.) to 20(Sat.) and 7:00 - 22:00 on September 21(Sun.)). If it is absolutely necessary to work after the designated time, submit “Overtime Operation Notification Form” to the Management Office by 18:00 on the relevant day. Upon receipt of the notification form, the Management Office will issue the requested number of overtime operation stickers. The workers are requested to put the sticker on their clothing where it can be easily seen. (2) During the time the event is being held, the area surrounding the event site will be used for visitors’ waiting area. Therefore, exhibitors’ and contractors’ vehicles will not be allowed to enter Makuhari Messe. If any exhibitors wish to bring pamphlets, or any other material into the event site, they must carry the items by hand from an area outside Makuhari Messe grounds. Vehicles can be parked only at fee-charging parking lots outside the event site. 8. Move-out Schedule (1) Move-out Schedule ■ 17:00 – 22:00 September 21 (Sun.) 1. 30 minutes from 17:00 to 17:30 is exclusively reserved for packaging and moving out displayed items by hand. During this 30-minute time period, no vehicles will be allowed to enter the exhibition halls. 2. For smooth move-out operations, at first, vehicles that have “Priority Exhibit Moveout Vehicle Certificates” can enter the exhibition halls starting at 17:30 for moving out items that were exhibited. All other vehicles with “General Move-out Vehicle Certificate” can enter the exhibition halls for move-out operations after 18:30. 3. Exhibitors are requested to complete all move-out operations by 22:00. 4. Please note that additional overtime-charge of the exhibition hall will be charged to exhibitors if move-out operations are not completed by 22:00. 69 Chapter 6 (2) Overall Schedule Preparation period Ti me Sep. 16 Fee-charged early move i n 7:00* 8:00 Sep. 17 Overti me operation (non-charged/ a pplication required) Move-i n 9:00 Move-i n & Set up 13:00 14:00Move-i n start for Pa cka ge booth and 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 Sep. 21 Prepa ration Prepa ration Prepa ration * * Move-in/Setup Vehicles can enter the exhibition halls until 13:00. Booth decoration work Exhi bit items a rra ngement Move-i n/Setup Vehi cles ca n enter the exhibition halls 7:00* 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 Bus iness Day Bus iness Day 13:00 Publ ic Day Publ ic Day 14:00 15:00 from 14:00Bus iness Meeti ng Area ready to us e 16:00 18:00 Ti me Sep. 20 Overtime operation Overtime operation Overtime operation (non-charged/ (non-charged/ (non-charged/ a pplication required) a pplication required) a pplication required) Opening Ceremony 12:00 17:00 Sep. 19 Move-i n & Set up 11:00 15:00 Overtime operation (non-charged/ a pplication required) Prepa ration 10:00 14:00 Tokyo Game Show event period/Move-out period Sep. 18 From 15:00Ha l l l i ghting is dimmed (s a me as during the exhi bition period) 16:00 17:00 Prepa ration Prepa ration Move-out Prepa ration Priority move-out for exhibit products 17:00-18:30 Move-out/Removal Bus iness Meeting Area Ha l l cleaningHall wa l kway ca rpet, etc.Orga nizer’s 17:00-19:00 Overtime operation Move-out/Removal (non-charged/ Overtime operation Overtime operation application required) Bus iness-Day-only Exhi bitors (non-charged/ (non-charged/ application application Overti me operation required) required) (non-charged/ *Except Event Stage Hall a pplication required) 18:00 19:00 Move-out/Removal Vehi cles ca n enter the Overtime operation exhi bition halls. (non-charged/ application required) 20:00 21:00 22:00 Checkup/Cl earout Orga ni zer a nd Exhi bition Hall * Hall 1 -8 entry is allowed only from East 2 Gate at 7:00 AM. 9. Matters of Attention for Move-out/Removal Days (1) For smooth move-out operations, two to eight “Priority Exhibit Move-out Vehicle About Vehicle Certificates P. 20 Certificates” will be issued to each exhibitor, depending on the number of booths reserved. Vehicles with this certificate can enter the exhibition halls starting at 17:30. Please be sure that you complete the preparation for packaging materials, etc. in advance. *Vehicles with the priority exhibit move-out vehicle certificate cannot move out booth decorations and ornaments. *Other vehicles can enter the exhibition halls for move-out operations after 18:30 and the exhibitors are requested to be careful about the work hours, particularly if they have a contractor conducting the move-out operation. (2) General move-out vehicles and priority exhibit move-out vehicles for Hall 1-8 can wait at the parking lot in the L Block or in the area next to the Tokyo Gas building, and in the area next to Tokyo Gas building for Hall 9. (please see the map on P 63). All move-out vehicles need to receive a numbered ticket at the waiting area and put this on the front window. Vehicles without this ticket cannot enter the event site. 70 Chapter 6 (3) Vehicles for transporting people cannot enter the event site. (4) Any waste materials must be taken away by the exhibitor. If any waste materials are left at the event site, the Management Office will dispose of them and charge the disposal cost to the exhibitor. 10. Move-Out Procedures/Route September 21 (17:30-22:00) About Vehicle Certificates P.20 (1) To avoid the streets surrounding the site from getting overcrowded, every moveout vehicle (including vehicles with “Priority Exhibit Move-out Vehicle Certificates”) is requested to come to the respective vehicle waiting area. In order of the arrival, a numbered ticket will be issued. Gates for the waiting area will open at 9:00 September 21. ■ Priority Exhibit Move-out Vehicles Vehicles bringing in packaging materials or boxes for moving out equipment and other materials. Put the Priority Exhibit Move-out Vehicle Certificate on the front window. And come to the vehicle waiting area. No copies of this certificate are permitted. ● Site Entry Time: 17:30 – 22:00 ● Waiting Area ( Hall 1-8 &9): Next to Tokyo Gas ● Vehicle Certificate: Priority Exhibit Move-out Vehicle Certificate ■ General Move-out Vehicles Vehicles bringing in packaging materials or boxes for moving out decorations, ornaments and other materials. Put the General Move-out Vehicle Certificate on the front window. And come to the vehicle waiting area. No copies of this certificate are permitted. ● Site Entry Time: 18:30 – 22:00 ● Waiting Area: (Hall 1-8) L Block (Hall 9) Next to Tokyo Gas ● Vehicle Certificate: General Move-out Vehicle Certificate (2) All vehicles (Priority Exhibit Move-out Vehicle and General Move-out Vehicles) are to enter the site to get to Hall 1-8 from South Gate 2, and to Hall 9 from East Gate 3. (3) All move-out vehicles for Hall 1-8 are requested to enter from the South side and get out from the North side. (4) Vehicles from Hall 1-8 will be allowed to leave the event site only through the North Gate. (5) Although the above rules are set out, please follow the security guards’ instructions at the site. (6) For moving out on the 2nd day of Business Day (September 19), move-out vehicles do not need to go through the Waiting Area. 71 Chapter 6 South 2 Gate QVC Marine Field South 1 Gate v APA Hotel & Resort Messe Bridge Kaihin Makuhari Park prefectural road v East 1 Gate Exhibition Center v Messe Parking (Fee Charged) East 2 Gate Hotel New Otani Gate of Parking Event Hall Pedestrian deck World Business Garden Exhibition Hall 9-11 Gate of Parking Vehicle waiting area (L Block) Priority Exhibit Move-out Vehicle waiting area ● Priority Exhibit Move-out Vehicle Certificates Exhibitors ・ Contractors for booth construction Intended Users: September 21, 17:30 - 22:00 Valid Hours: Issued by the Management Office according to the number of booths Application: reserved Issuance: To be sent by the Management Office to the exhibitor beforehand ● General Move-out Vehicle Certificate Intended Users: Exhibitors ・ Contractors for booth construction Valid Hours: September 21, 18:30 - 22:00 Application: By submitting Form 1 Issuance: To be sent by the Management Office to the exhibitor beforehand 11. Move-out Procedures for Business-day-only Exhibitors In case the exhibitor is taking part only on the Business Days, such exhibitor may start moveout/removal operations after 5:00 p.m. on Sept. 19 (Fri.) when the visitors have left the Hall. For Exhibitors taking part in the following Corner/Pavilion only on Business Days ・Business Solution Area ・Cloud / Data Center Pavilion ・Asia New Stars Area ・Business Meeting Area ■In case of carrying out move-out operations using a vehicle (1) “Business Day Move-out Vehicle Certificate” will be issued, so please put the certificate on the front window. * Move-out certificates will be sent around the end of August. * No copies of this certificate are permitted. * Vehicles for Business Meeting Area will receive an exclusive certificate which will be sent to the exhibitor separately. (2) Following the instructions, please enter from South Gate 2 and park the vehicle in the West Parking Lot. No vehicles are allowed to enter into the Hall. Any item must be brought out from the Hall by hand or by using a wheeled platform. Please be warned of this in advance. 72 Chapter 6 (3) After completion of the move-out operations, the vehicles are requested to leave the site as soon as possible. *Exhibitors in Business Meeting Area has different schedule for Move-in and Move-out. Please refer to “Operation Manual” which will be sent around August for the details. ■ In case of using a Parcel Delivery Service or a Forwarding Agent to send back items A reception counter for parcel delivery service will be set up near the escalator of the exhibition hall during the event. The location of the reception counter will be indicated on the Operation Manual which will be sent to the exhibitor in late August. 12. Request on Waste Disposal ■ About voluntary disposal of decorations Each exhibitor is responsible for disposal of any remaining material and waste. Please take them back with you or ask the contractor to handle them. ■ Cost for disposal of any remaining waste If any waste materials are left at the event site, the Management Office will dispose of them and charge the disposal cost to the exhibitor. ■ Disposal of paint and glue Do not drain any paint or glue used for decorations in the sink or the toilet, as it will clog up the pipes. Also, washing paint brushes and brushes for glue is strictly prohibited. ■ Indication on Necessary Materials Exhibitors are requested to put labels on necessary materials and items so that the cleaners do not throw them away by mistake. 13. Official Freight Forwarder Shipping Cost Estimate Request Form No. 15 Email FAX Aug 29 Submit for Optional Order TGS 2014 has assigned Nippon Express as an official forwarder for exhibitors’ convenience. The following fee-charged services can be offered. ■ Service for transporting decoration materials and display items to the Exhibition Hall from one or more locations the exhibitor designates. ■ Service for transporting decoration materials and display items into and out of the exhibitor’s display booth within the Exhibition Hall. ■ Exhibitors can request the freight forwarder to store empty cases during TGS 2014 ■ Insurance for accidents occurring during move-in and move-out operations can be provided by the freight forwarder. Exhibitors can also use the freight forwarder for just part of their move-in and move-out operations; for example, for one-way transportation or for just moving in and out within the Exhibition Hall. Packages brought into the site must be received by the exhibitor. The Management Office is not responsible for receiving any packages. Invoice will be posted by Nippon Express after the operation. (1) How to request for freight forwarder services Please use Form 15 "Shipping Cost Estimate Request Form" attached at the end of this Manual and send it to Nippon Express by August 29 (Friday.) ① Exhibitors planning to send back items by express courier service A counter for exhibitors who want to use an express courier service will be set up near the escalator in the Exhibition Halls during the Tokyo Game Show. 73 Chapter 6 ② Imported goods The site of the Tokyo Game Show 2014 is not designated as a bonded exhibition site. If you plan to display imported goods, we recommend that you file for tax exemption for reexport. Please consult the Management Office for details about the procedures. Application for Shipping Cost Estimate Request Nippon Express Co., Ltd. Sales Department 4, Gotanda Air Branch Person in charge: Yoshida/ Ukon 5-42-18 Minami-Magome, Ota-ku, Tokyo 143-0025 Tel: +81-(3)3778-8274 Fax: +81-(3)3778-8264 E-mail: ya-ukon@nittsu.co.jp/faityo@air.nittsu.co.jp Enquiries about Shipping Cost Estimate Request Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office Sayaka Tanaka (Ms.)/ Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg., 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp (2) When using other express courier service or a freight forwarder If you want to use a different express courier service or a freight forwarder, you are required to indicate the following information on the courier service's delivery form attached to the packages you send: the name of the Exhibition and Exhibition Hall, the number of the Display Booth, the name of the exhibitor and person in charge of the exhibitor, along with the appointed delivery date (September 16 or later). The Management Office will not receive any packages sent via express courier service. The exhibitor is responsible for receiving its own packages. Parcel delivery service person will receive a temporary hall entry certificate at the Gate. The exhibitor does not need to give that person any vehicle certificates or stickers. ■ Sample of how to indicate the necessary information on express courier service's delivery form [Receiver] To: △△ (the name of person in charge) ○○○○(the name of exhibitor) Display Booth Number: x x x x x Tokyo Game Show International Exhibition Hall Number: x x x x x Makuhari Messe 2-1, Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba City, Chiba 261-0023 Tel: xxx-xxx-xxxx (e.g., mobile phone number of the person in charge of the exhibitor who can be contacted on the delivery date) Description of the Item : 74 7 Chapter Booth Operation Chapter 7 Booth Operation Chapter 7 Booth Operation 1. TGS 2014 Schedule for Exhibitors Tokyo Game Show event period/Move-out period Time Time Sep. 18 Sep. 19 Sep. 20 Sep. 21 Overtime operation (non-charged/ application required) Overtime operation (non-charged/ application required) Overtime operation (non-charged/ application required) Overtime operation (non-charged/ application required) 7:00 8:00 7:00* Preparation 9:00 10:00 Preparatio 8:00 Preparation n Preparation Preparation 9:00 Opening Ceremony (1) (2) (2) (2) 10:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 12:00 13:00 13:00 Business Day Business Day Public Day Public Day 14:00 14:00 15:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 16:00 Vehicle Exhibitor wearing Badge only Move-out vehicle prohibitted Priority move-out vehicle certificate for removing exhibits (5) Preparation Preparation Preparation 21:00 (4) Overtime operation (non-charged/ application required) 17:00-19:00 Move-out/Removal Business-Day-only Exhibitors 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 Exhibitor (6) badge & 20:00 Mov e-out/Remov al Workers ribbon Vehicles can enter the exhibition halls 21:00 17:00-18:30 Move-out/Removal Business Meeting Area 20:00 22:00 Staf f (4) Overtime operation (non-charged/ application required) (4) Overtime operation (non-charged/ application required) End of move-out 22:00 Checkup/Clearout by Organizer and Exhibition Hall staff ■ Matters of Attention Regarding the Schedule (1) Opening Ceremony The Opening Ceremony will take place at 9:30 a.m., September 18. During the ceremony, and exhibitors are requested to cooperate by lining up in from of your booth including companion girls at the exhibitor’s booth. ( Please refer to “Operation Manual” which will be sent around the end of August. ) (2) Time to Open on Public Days Although, in announcements made to the public, the exhibition will start at 10:00 a.m. on September 20, and September 21, the exhibition halls may open earlier, at 9:30 a.m. on these days for visitors' safety reasons and smooth operation. Therefore, exhibitors are requested to be prepared to open their display areas at 9:30. Please do not inform any third parties of the possible early opening. (3) Time to leave for the visitors The exhibition will be over at 17:00. Announcements urging the visitors to leave the site will start from 16:50. At 17:00, please switch off all the monitors and trial play instruments so that the visitors can leave the site smoothly and quickly. 76 Chapter 7 (4) Overtime Work Any exhibitor wishing to do some overtime work must submit “Overtime Operation Application” to the Management Office in Hall 4 or 9 by 21:00 of that day during setup period, and by 18:00 of that day during the event period. (Please see P. 68,69 for the details) (5) After Closing On Sep 21, 30 minutes from 17:00 to 17:30 is exclusively reserved for packaging and moving out displayed items by hand to ensure safety of the visitors leaving the site and of the displayed items. During this 30-minute time period, no vehicles will be allowed to enter the exhibition halls. Only the people with the Exhibitor’s Badge will be able to do any move-out operations during this time. Please make sure you convey this information to your contractors. (6) Completion of Move-out Operations After the end of the event period, please complete your move-out by 22:00 on September 21. Please note that additional overtime-charge of the exhibition hall will be charged on exhibitors if the move-out operations are not completed by 22:00. 2. Restricted Activities by Display Area Type REVISED Promotion and Exhibit Software Sales of Newspapers and Magazines Sales of Goods In-Booth Event *1 General Exhibition Area ○ ○ × *2 ○ Merchandise Sales Area × ○ ○ × Game School Area ○ ○ ○ ○ Smartphone Game Area & Social Game Area ○ ○ Game Device Area ○ ○ Cloud Gaming ○ ○ Romance Simulation Game Area ○ ○ Family Area (General Booth) ○ ○ ○ ○ Family Area (Special Booth) ○ × × *2 ○ PC Game Area (General Booth) ○ ○ ○ ○ PC Game Area (Turnkey Booth) ○ ○ × ○ Cosplay Area (General Booth) ○ ○ × ○ Cosplay Area (Turnkey Booth) ○ ○ × ○ Business Solution Area ○ ○ × ○ Cloud/Data Center Pavilion ○ ○ × ○ Asia New Stars Area ○ ○ × ○ Business Meeting Area × *4 × × × Indie Game Area ○ × × × Name of the Area × *3 × *3 × *2 × *2 ○ ○ ○ ○ Certain activities are restricted depending on the type of reserved display area. Please refer to the chart above. *1 An in-booth event is an event in which entertainers, performers or MCs appear on a stage and attract a fairly large audience and, as a result, can cause confusion around the booth. The above restriction does not apply to other simple demonstrations that do not have the possibility of causing any confusion. *2 Any publisher can consign the Management Office to sell their software. *3 At Smartphone Game & Social Game Area and Game Device Area, the exhibitors can sell only the game platforms (PC, Smart Phones) at their booth by subscription. (Please see P. 90 for details.) *4 At Business Meeting Area, exhibitors can exhibit software within their booth area exclusively if it is necessary for a business meeting. In this case, exhibitors are required to keep the sound volume low so that other exhibitors will not be disturbed. 77 Chapter 7 3. Restricted Activities Outside the Booth Exhibitors may not use any space other than the booths they have reserved. It is prohibited to distribute leaflets, collect questionnaires and call visitors into the booths in areas such as hall aisles, escalator areas, the central mall on the second floor and public streets. * An exception is in the Family Corner, where costumed staff can appear in nearby aisles to create a cheerful atmosphere. • Performance, demonstration and photography in costumes are not permitted in aisles. • Placing portable cart in the aisle of such area as temporary visitor waiting area (P. 79 ) and distributing brochure and novelty goods is prohibited. 4. Waiting Room/Stock Room About Meeting Room P. 128 About Outside Stock Room P. 133 At the exhibition halls, there will be waiting rooms and women's dressing rooms that can be used by all exhibitors but there is no individual waiting room for each exhibitor. Exhibitors planning to use waiting rooms for entertainers or for business meetings must submit Form 34 "Rent for the Conference/Meeting Room Application Form", or Form 35 "Application Form for Outside Stock Room". Otherwise, make arrangements with a nearby hotel. In addition, the information of waiting rooms and women’s dressing rooms will be in “Operation Manual” which will be sent in late August. 5. Safety Control Responsibility (1) Accident prevention ① When operating their booth, exhibitors are required to take the utmost care to prevent any possible damage to people or anyone’s property due to fire or other accidents. ② If any light, hot air, dust, gas, odor or vibration may be generated at the booth, the exhibitor is required to take the utmost care to control these within the booth and not to affect other exhibitors. ③ In addition to complying with the above two restrictions, exhibitors are fully responsible for the management of their own booth which includes keeping the visitors in good order and guiding them in a proper way for safety. (2) Management of displayed items ① The Management Office will make efforts to prevent any robbery or burglary at the exhibition halls by allocating security guards during the event preparation period through to the end of the event. However, exhibitors must take responsibility at all times, from the move-in to move-out time and at night, of the management of software and other displayed items, platforms and other related equipment, decorations and ornamentation, goods for sale, and furniture and fixtures within the booth. (Please note that the Management Office will not take custody of any of exhibitors' properties.) ② Especially after the event, from the evening to the next morning, the rate of burglary in the display area tends to increase. Each exhibitor is responsible for taking appropriate measures (i.e. fixing with security wire, keeping in lockers, arranging security guards, etc.) to prevent burglary of any valuable items in advance. ③ The security of the entire exhibition area will be handled by TEXS. Any exhibitor who wants to use the company‘s security service at their booth should contact: TGS OMO. 78 Chapter 7 (3) Liabilities ① If this exhibition is canceled by the Management Office for the reasons of the Management Office and, as a result, the exhibitor is unable to use the reserved booth, the Management Office shall refund only the booth rental fee to the exhibitor, in proportion to the number of remaining days for which the booth will not be used against the total number of days reserved, but shall not be liable for any other matters. The Management Office shall not be liable to any exhibitor, directly or indirectly, for any damages caused to the exhibitor if any damage arises from a cause or causes beyond reasonable control of the Management Office, including natural disasters, infectious diseases, and terrorist acts, or any orders or instructions from any third parties. ② Under no circumstances will the Management Office be liable for any failure or damage caused to persons or property due to the exhibitor's or its employees' use of booths. ③ Each exhibitor is required to protect the displayed items within the exhibitor's booth. For accidents caused by force majeure (robbery, loss, fire, damage, etc.), the Management Office shall not be liable for the damages in any way. Each exhibitor is required to take appropriate measures to protect displayed items during transportation or during the event, for example, by purchasing insurance for them. ④ Exhibitors, in a timely manner, shall make compensation for any damage to the architectural structures or facilities of the exhibition halls caused by act of negligence by the exhibitor, its employees or related parties. 6. Ensuring Safety during Busy Hours About Restricted Activities by Display Area Type P.77 All exhibitors are required to plan their booth layout so that an area within their own booth is reserved to accommodate visitors staying in the booth to wait in line and/or to watch. Exhibitors planning to set up a trial play stand, sales area, waiting line for handouts, a viewing area for in-booth stage and large screens should operate with the utmost care and attention. If visitors in the waiting area of your booth get overcrowded and go over into the aisle, the exhibitor needs to take appropriate safety measures immediately, including the following: ① Keep the visitors in line promptly within the aisle using partition ropes or poles. ② Secure safe lanes for visitors within the aisle and ask them to keep moving and not to stop. In such case, blocking the traffic to nearby booths or crossing the traffic line is strictly prohibited. For this purpose, the use of an electric megaphone, which is basically prohibited, will be permitted temporarily. ③ “Temporary waiting area” (see (1) below for details) can be used to temporarily organize the visitors going over into the aisle . Organize the visitors without delay and secure appropriate traffic lane making sure not to disturb any nearby exhibitors and other visitors using the aisle. ④ It is not allowed to have the visitors wait going beyond the visitor’s temporary waiting area or wait n the aisle if the waiting time is more than 2 hours. If the visitors at a particular booth exceeds “ a certain number” (*), or if such situation is expected, the exhibitor is requested to take appropriate measures, such as distributing numbered tickets at the place designated by the Management Office (*), or setting up a waiting line to evacuate the visitors in the aisles. ⑤ In case measures mentioned in above ④ are not taken, or if CESA or the Management Office judges that it is dangerous or difficult to control, the exhibitor may be requested to stop the event, distribution of materials, or sales of any items and dismiss the visitors. 79 Chapter 7 * “A certain number” shall mean the number of visitors and/or the waiting line that exceeds the temporary waiting area, or the number that makes the visitors wait for more than 2 hours, or a number that CESA and the Management Office judge to be dangerous or difficult to control. * “The place designated by the Management Office” will be notified in the “Operation Manual” which is scheduled to be sent out end of August. (1) About Visitors’ Temporary Waiting Area This is a special area temporarily set up for visitors to wait until a safe route for the visitors is secured within the aisle. Permission to use the aisle around your booth will be granted temporarily under the conditions mentioned below. Once congestion eases, please remove the rope and partitions within the aisle at once. ① In case the width of the aisle is under 12m, the width of the waiting area should not exceed 1/3 of the aisle width ② In case the width of the aisle is over 12m, the width of the waiting area should be less than 4m for all booths (2) In case of Setting Up an In-Booth Stage or a Large-sized Screen of over 100 inch (New) Any exhibitor setting up a stage or a large-sized display of over 100 inch for talk shows or live performances is requested to prepare the following ① to ③ and submit Form 16, “Confirmation Form for Flow Plan in front of In-booth Event Stage/Large-sized Screen” by August 29 (Fri.). Every exhibitor is requested to submit this form, and if the exhibitor has no in-booth stage or large-sized screen, that exhibitor must write “None” and submit the Form. ■ Things to be prepared by the exhibitor ① Rope to separate the viewing area Depending on the size of the stage or the large-sized display, the minimum length of the rope will be determined. Please calculate the length of the rope when filling out Form 16. Refer to the diagram below to determined the length of the rope. ② Staff to guide the visitors to the viewing area (to keep the traffic flowing) It is necessary to allocate a staff every 2m to make sure the viewers do not go over the viewing area and to urge the visitors walking along the aisle to keep walking. Once the viewing area around the stage and large-sized screen is determined with ①, the number of staff required can automatically be calculated. Please arrange an appropriate number of staff indicated in Form 16. 80 Chapter 7 No. 16 Visitors’ Temporary Waiting Area Neighboring booth Web Form Aisle width is more than 12m Less than 1/3 Aug 29 compulsory submission Aisle width is more than 12m Stage, large-sized display 4m 4m Length X m Confirmation Form for Flow Plan in front of In-booth Event Stage/Largesized Screen” ③ A staff to oversee the traffic flow area and to supervise the viewing area so that the area does not spread out. At least one staff is required outside the viewing area to urge the visitors in the aisle to keep walking and not to stop, and also to supervise that the viewing area does not spread out. In order to secure the traffic flow of the surrounding area, the use of an electric megaphone, which is basically prohibited, will be permitted temporarily. Every 2m Viewing Area Exhibitor booth Less than 1/3 Neighboring booth Supervisor Staff: the number of staff should be adjusted depending on the required length of rope At the shortest, required length of rope should be: The maximum length of viewing area (not the length of stage) + width of visitors’ Temporary Waiting Area.。 In case above, required length of rope should be X m x 4m x 2 (3) During the event, the following items are available for the price indicated below (tax incl.). Pole partition, Poles Plastic Chain 1,728 JPY per pole 259 JPY per 1m * As the supply is limited, please make your request as early as possible. Further information about Ensuring Safety during Busy Hours Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka (Ms.) / Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg., 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp 81 Chapter 7 7. Booth Operation Officer Booth Operation Officer/ID Purchasing Officer Report Form No. 17 Web Form Aug 22 compulsory submission Exhibitors must provide TGS OMO with information on the personnel responsible for their booth operation using Form 17 "Booth Operation Officer/ID Purchasing Officer Report Form," by Friday, August 22. Only the person reported on this Form is able to purchase the Hall Entry Certificate during the event. For further information and Application for Booth Operation Officer/ID Purchasing Officer Report Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka (Ms.) / Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg., 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp 8. Sales of Hall Entry Certificate at the Site Booth Operation Officer/ID Purchasing Officer Report Form No. 17 Web Form Aug 22 compulsory submission Only the person reported on Form 17 "Booth Operation Officer/ID Purchasing Officer Report Form," is able to purchase the Hall Entry Certificate during the event. Please submit this Form by Friday, August 22. (1) Up to 2 officers can be reported using this Form (2) Hall Entry Certificates are sold only at the Management Office in Hall 4 and 9. (3) When purchasing the Hall Entry Certificate, please bring something to identify yourself. * No one is allowed to purchase the Hall Entry Certificates on behalf of the Officer. * Please be advised that the Secretariat will not assist in contacting the exhibitors by telephone or announcement. ■ Sales of Temporary Worker Ribbons As a special case, we will sell the worker ribbon to the worker who has forgotten to bring the ribbon. Please see the place and the price below. However, as this is a special arrangement, please give out the ribbons to the workers beforehand and notify them to bring it to the site. Place:(Hall 1-8) Besides former restaurant NOA, Staff Entrance, East 2 Gate, South 2 Gate, 2nd floor, Central Mall 2, 5, 7 Hall Entrance (Hall 9) Service Entrance East Hall 9, Esplanade Hall 2nd Floor Entrance of Hall 9 (Tentative) Price : 1,000 JPY per ribbon (tax included) Method : By writing the exhibitor’s name, the name of the company executing the Decoration, the name of the company the worker works for, the worker’s Name, the worker’s mobile phone number in the Temporary Ribbon Sales Application Form. A photo of the worker will also be taken. 82 Chapter 7 9. Restriction on Advertisement Contents In any announcements regarding the exhibitor's booths made through TV, radio, newspaper, magazines, website, and any other media, the following expressions will be prohibited. The same will apply to any notices within the exhibition hall. (1) Prohibition of Expression for limiting on people / “Presents or tickets will be distributed to XX (number) people”. (2) Prohibition of Expression for limiting on items / “Limited number of XX will be sold”. (3) Prohibition of Expression for notifying start time of sales / “To be sold from Month/Date/Time”. • Please make previous announcement informing the visitors that the number of promotional items is limited to avoid any trouble concerning distribution of the items. 10. Matters Related to Lighting (Hall 1-8) (1) Basic lighting For Lighting rules P. 39 Each exhibition hall has two types of basic lighting areas, a light-off area and a quarterbrightness lighting area. For details, please see your booth layout chart. (2) Switching the lights off after closing time Rehearsal for switching all the lights off in Hall 1-8 at the same time is planned at 15:00-17:00 on September 17 (Wed.). If any exhibitor wishes to switch the lights off after doors are closed to carry out a rehearsal, photo session, etc., that exhibitor is required to obtain permission from all other exhibitors within the lights-off area, and then report to the Management Office. (3) Please refrain from over-decorating your booth using electric power. Also, please refrain from using lighting equipment that consumes large amount of power (such as Halogen lamps) and use such equipment that consumes only small amount of power instead (such as LED lamps, fluorescent lamps) 11. Sound Volume Restriction REVISED Demonstrations and live performances with too much volume can cause discomfort to visitors and other exhibitors. It can also interfere with the Hall announcement in case of emergency. Because of these reasons, the following restrictions will be placed during the event. (1)About Volume The maximum volume allowed is 90 dB measured at a point 3m away from the boundary of the relevant booth, 150cm above the floor. (2) Measurement of the level of volume ①The exhibitor is requested to measure the level of volume on their own voluntarily. If you don’t have a dB meter, the Management Office can lend it to you. However, the number of supply is limited. ②In case the exhibitor has reserved more than 40 booths, the Organizer (Management Office) will measure the volume during the rehearsal (a day before the opening of the event). Please report the results of this measurement and the stage schedule, etc. mentioned in section (3) below to the people in charge of adjacent booths. ③Please have the people in charge of the adjacent booths check the documented report mentioned in ② above, and submit that document to the Management Office. 83 Chapter 7 (3) Document submission to confirm Stage Event Schedule (New) All exhibitors setting stages/large screen in booth and planning a live-performance show or talk show or showing visual images need to submit their schedule by Sep. 12 (Fri.), to TGS OMO. Please attach stage schedule in PDF file when submitting. (4) The volume limitation on the stage within the booth Please follow the regulations below when conducting live performance (music) by artists including actor or actress on the stage in the booth. ① Please inform the visitors (stage viewers) not to do any "cheering", "calling out", "callingout and responding", "jumping" and etc. Please make announcement of this regulation in advance on the website and on stage on the performance days. Also have the artists on stage inform the visitors (viewers) of this regulation. Make sure that all visitors and stage viewers are fully aware of the prohibited acts mentioned above. ② When noticing anyone conducting any prohibited action, please give warning to the relevant person. If the person does not stop, the exhibitor is responsible for taking such action as asking the relevant person to leave the booth for safe and smooth operation of the event. If the exhibitor overlooks or does not give warning to the person taking prohibited actions, the exhibitor may be advised to discontinue the live performance after consulting with CESA. ③ If such discontinuation of a live event, as mentioned in above ②, happens at TGS2014, regulations may become more strict, even resulting in limitation and/or prohibition of live performances at TGS2015. Please kindly cooperate on this matter so as not to harm the interest of future exhibitors. (5) In case of Violation of the Above If there are any complaints from other exhibitors or visitors, or in case the Management Office judges that there are problems with the volume, sounds quality, and direction of any sound, the Management Office will as the exhibitor to take improvement measures. In such case, the exhibitor is required to follow the instructions of the Management Office . If the instructions of the Management Office is rejected or ignored, the Management Office may have to ask the exhibitor to stop using the relevant equipment , or stop the stage, upon discussing the situation with CESA. For further information on Stage Event Schedule and Visual Contents of Large Display Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka (Ms.)/ Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg., 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp 84 Chapter 7 12. Prohibition of Live Musical Performance with Instruments Basically, no live performance using musical instruments will be allowed. ■ FAQ: Q: Can we use electric drums or electric trumpet? A: Any instrument that is able to control the volume through the amplifier will be permitted. Q: Can we use the bell at a lottery site? A: It is considered as a musical instrument, and therefore, you cannot use it. 13. Staging Restrictions in the Booth When putting on a stage in your booth, please refrain from using sexual expression or discriminatory expression that is offensive to public order and morals. If the Management Office judges that the stage is violating this restriction, the exhibitor may be asked to cancel the stage. 14. Handling of Copyrights To use commercial music CDs or other audio or video software at the exhibition, payment of royalties may be required in accordance with the Copyright Act. We recommend that exhibitors planning to use such software consult the following organization in advance. Tokyo Event Concert Licensing Office Japan Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC) Nihon Seimei Shinjuku Nishiguchi Bldg., 10F, 1-17-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0023 Tel: +81-3-5321-9881; Fax: +81-3-3345-5760 URL: http://www.jasrac.or.jp 85 Chapter 7 15. Restrictions on Items to be Displayed (Applicable to All Types of Display Areas Except Merchandise Sales Area) REVISED Exhibitors' Meeting on 6/27 (Fri.) Deadline for Form 18 on 8/1 (Fri.) Deadline for Form 19 on 8/1 (Fri.) Judged by Exhibitor No Contact No items classified needed in Z zone No Contact No distribution needed Contact CESA Judged by Exhibitor Distribution Contact CESA Document for review to be arrived at CESA by 8/29 (Fri.) Document for review to be arrived at CESA by 8/29 (Fri.) Check on exhibiting products on the day before show starts 9/17 (Wed.) Judged by CESA No booth change Appropriate Not appropriate Give guidance for revision Change of Booth, Distribution or Image Difficult to guide on revising contents Regulation Guide by CESA Exhibition prohibited (1) Restrictions on all types of display items ① In principle, exhibitors can promote consumer game software and related products and services and display related goods at their booth. No amusement game machines (including pachinko and pachisuro machines) are allowed to be displayed or promoted. * However, exhibitors can display amusement game machines for the purpose of promoting consumer game software. In that case, the number of amusement game machines that can be displayed must be one-third of or less than the number of related consumer game software titles that are displayed. Only in Family Corner, amusement game machines can be displayed on its own. ② All exhibit items shown in the Family Area must be appropriate for children of elementary school age or younger. If any inappropriate item is found, the Management Office can request that exhibitor to stop displaying the item. ③ Products not handled by the exhibitor may not be displayed or sold at the booth of that exhibitor. In case more than one exhibitor plans to display items jointly, those coexhibitors are asked to contact TGS OMO in advance. Written Confirmation of Exhibit Software No. 18 Web Form Aug 1 compulsory submission (2) Restrictions on Entertainment Software ①Only software and promotional items complying with the ethical rules of both CESA and CERO may be exhibited. Exhibitors planning to display any software or promotional items must submit Form 18 "Written Confirmation of Exhibit Software” and Form 18 “Written Confirmation of Distributing Promotional Items" to TGS OMO by Friday, August 1, to have the items checked for compliance with CERO/CESA Ethical Rules. ② If, in the above written confirmation, the exhibitor responds "yes" to any of the questions regarding the software it plans to display, the exhibitor must submit the software for an ethical review and receive the approval of CERO in advance. If the exhibitor cannot decide whether an ethical review is needed or not, the exhibitor should contact TGS OMO. 86 Chapter 7 ③ If an exhibitor plans to exhibit an item that has been categorized in the CERO "Z section" or judged to contain any expression specified in the "Z section," the exhibitor must separate and enclose the trial play stand so that the screen cannot be seen from outside the play area. When visitors come to play at the trial play stand, the exhibitor must confirm whether they are 18 years of age or older. Exhibitors must note that “Z section” items cannot be displayed in the same way as other general items. (Exhibiting software using head-mounted display is considered as closed space) Closed Space Staffs for age identification Rules as to how to promote trial-version software, catalogs and leaflets or in the guidebook, are specified in the "guidelines for the promotion of consumer game software targeting players who are 18 years of age or older." For details, exhibitors should contact TGS OMO. ④ Any trial version game software and trial version data distributed to the visitors (trial version of “Z section” is not allowed to be distributed) must comply with the ethical rules of CERO. Especially regarding trial version data, as it is difficult to make the judgment during the event period, all those data will be screened in advance to avoid receiving any complaints after TGS 2014. All trial version game software distributed to the visitor must obtain approval from CERO and display an approval mark by CERO at a specified place. This also applies to any free paper including a CD (mook style). Notice: Under the following "special conditions", the above restrictions are not applicable. ① Products of a game school or ones that are distributed NOT for sales promotion. However, if the contents do not comply with the CERO ethical rules, the exhibitor will be asked to refrain from distributing that product. ② Game software that is permitted to be distributed by the Organizer and the co-organizer. ③ Distribution and delivery of promotional image of game software for home and PC use. ④ Products that are considered not necessary to be screened by CESA. 87 Chapter 7 Written Confirmation of Distributing Promotional Items No. 19 Web Form Aug 1 compulsory submission Questions on Form 19 “Written Confirmation of Distributing Promotional Items “ Q1: Do you plan to distribute a trial version of game software and entry disk for online game? Do you have contents for mobile phones that you will send data to the visitor’s phone and Q2: allowing it to be taken back home? Do you have any plans to distribute any contents which can be received by mobile phones and Q3: smart phones that will not be released during Tokyo Game Show 2014? In case the answer is NO to all of the above. Just put the marks on NO and submit the Form. In case one of the answers to the above is YES First, submit the Form and start making arrangements for review by CERO. The deadline for review by CERO is Friday, August 29. Make sure to have CERO review the item before this deadline. After the review by CERO, put the “CERO Review Receipt Number” on Form 19 and submit it to TGS OMO. The following documents also need to be submitted to TGS OMO. < If the answer to Q1 is YES> Please submit the artwork of the trial version with the CERO Review Mark. < If the answer to Q2 and/or Q3 is YES> During TGS, the exhibitor is requested to place the CERO Review Mark at the data distribution point. Please submit “Specification of the CERO mark display at the data distribution point”. Note: In case any of the above includes items in the “Z section”, it cannot be distributed. Reference : Position of CERO Review Result Mark < Sample that corresponds to Q1 > Pattern A : In case of using the conventional package surface of the package Display the Mark in places designated by CERO, in the same manner as the products in the market now. To be displayed in 2 places : Lower left surface of the front and Lower part of the side. Pattern B : In case of using the special package for the trial version. Thin plastic CD case Slip-in cardboard case Skeleton plastic case In case of using a thin plastic CD case or a slip-in cardboard case, the Mark needs to be displayed in the lower left surface of the package. In case of using a skeleton (transparent) plastic case, in which no paper is used, display the Mark somewhere on the disk and give it to the visitors in such a way that the visitors can see the Mark. 88 Chapter 7 Pattern C : In case a book and a trial-version CD are put together in a mook style. front cover Enclosed CD In case the disk is enclosed in the book, put the Mark in the lower left side of the front cover. < Sample that corresponds to Q2/Q3 > Explanatory panel Data distribution point In case of distributing data, please put the Mark on the explanatory panel at the data distribution point. The Mark must be displayed in a place on the panel that can be easily seen by the visitors. (3) CERO’s Review of Exhibits at TGS Exhibit Software Screening Application Form No. 20 Mail Fax Aug 29 Submit for Optional Order CERO (Computer Entertainment Rating Organization) will be responsible for reviewing the exhibits and any trial version items at TGS. This review is conducted to make sure that all exhibits and trial versions under development comply with CERO’s ethical rules. Only the items judged necessary to be reviewed by CERO, based on the information in Form 18 “Written Confirmation of Exhibit Software” will be reviewed. Also, if any of the answers in Form 18 “Written Confirmation of Exhibit Software” is “Yes”, that item will also be reviewed. Please follow the instructions below to apply for review by CERO. ① How to apply for review by CERO Please submit Form 20 “Exhibit Software Screening Application Form” and the item for review to CERO by Friday, August 29. ② Items to be reviewed Video (VHS or a finalized DVD) including the work to be reviewed and a supplementary explanation on the contents of the game and how the user plays the game. ③ Review Result Notification The result of the review will be sent to the exhibitor within 7 working days after receipt of the relevant item. ④ Fee for Review: 21,600JPY (tax incl.) An invoice will be sent to the exhibitor from CERO. ⑤ Deadline Friday, August 29, 2014 (We cannot accept submission after August 30) ⑥ Information on where to sent the item (Mailing cost is to be borne by the exhibitor) Submission/ Further information to: Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka (Ms.) / Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg., 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp 89 Chapter 7 (4) Restrictions on display items other than software programs ① No specific rules have been established by the Ethical Committee regarding items other than software programs. But no items containing violence or sexual expressions that are not acceptable according to the current social standards can be displayed. If it is difficult for the exhibitor to make a judgment in this regard, please contact TGS OMO in advance. ②Please refer to “CERO’s Code of Ethics” (P. 102) for the details. For Exhibit Software Screening Application Form Submission/ Further information to: Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka (Ms.) / Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg., 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp 16. Restriction of Products for Sale Reservation/ Consignment Sales Notification Form No. 21 Web Form Aug 8 Submit for Optional Order REVISED (1) Restriction of products for sale ③Consignment Sale (Fee required) ①Sales of Goods in booth ②Subscription Sales Game Related Items Game Related Items *If i tems a re compl i ca ted to a ppl y, cons i gnment s a l es ca nnt be a ccepted. × ○ Game Related Items Valid to Sale General Area Merchandise Sales Area Smartphone Game Area & Social Game Area Game Device Area Family Area (General Booth) *1 PC Game Area (General Booth) × ○ ○ *2 ○ × *2 ○ × *2 ○ ○ *2 ○ ○ Cosplay Area (General Booth) ○ Other Areas × *2 ○ *2 × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ *1 At ordinary booths in the Family Corner, products for sale are to be limited to those that are appropriate for children. *2 Only game platforms (Exclusive game machines, PC, Smartphones) ① Restrictions on sales of newspapers and books are indicated in “Restricted Activities by Display Area Type” (P.77). ② Sales by pre-order is only allowed for game platforms. (Exclusive game machines and PC and Smartphones) If an exhibitor wishes to sell some item by pre-order, the exhibitor must submit Form 21 “Reservation/Consignment Sales Notification Form” by Friday, August 8. Sales of food or mobiles phones that requires special contractual style cannot be consigned. In ③ case the exhibitor wishes to sell any items on consignment basis, please submit Form 21 “Reservation/Consignment Sales Notification Form” by Friday, August 8. Handling charge for consignment sales will be 15% of the price including tax. Please contact TGS OMO for details of consignment sales. 90 Chapter 7 (2) Prohibited acts ① Sales by performers, actors/actresses and voice actors/actresses are prohibited. ② All notices indicating priority given to early applicants, volume limitations and time limitations are strictly prohibited. ③ Sales of gum, candy or ice cream that may make the event site dirty as well as any alcohol are prohibited. ④ In addition, sales methods that may overcrowd the site are strictly prohibited. (3) Sales prices Highest sales prices are to be restricted as follows: ● Merchandise Sales Area / Cosplay Area (general booth) / PC Game (general booth) : 30,000JPY(tax included) per unit ● Family Area (general booth): 10,000JPY(tax included) per unit * Pre-order sales informed by Form 20 “Reservation/Consignment Sales Notification Form” and approved by the Management Office can be sold at the price that was approved by the Management Office. (4) Product management ① Each exhibitor is to handle claims and inquiries regarding their products. ② Reporting to the public health centers will be required for sales of food. Each exhibitor is to follow the necessary procedures. Contact TGS OMO for further information Tokyo Game Show Product License Application Form No. 22 Email FAX Aug 29 Submit for Optional Order (5) Sales of Licensed Products Using Form 22 “Tokyo Game Show Product License Application Form,” it is possible to sell items carrying the logo of the Tokyo Game Show. If an exhibitor wishes to sell such items, submit the application form by Friday, August 29. ①Conditions for manufacturing/sales of products with the logo of the TGS 2014. ● After submitting Form 22“TGS Product License Application Form”, obtain the permission of the Organizer. ● No change in or modification of the logo is allowed. ● Licensed products can be sold only within the event site during the TGS period. ● Licensed products cannot be sold at subsequent Tokyo Game Shows. ● During the event period, free distribution or discount sales of licensed products cannot be conducted even within the event site. ● If inventories remain after the end of the show, handle them only within your own company. External sales are strictly prohibited. ② Logo usage fee Application fee of 10,800 JPY (incl. tax) and 3% of the tax-included sales amount of the licensed product is to be received by CESA. ● After the end of the event, the exhibitor is to report the sales volume, and based on that report, CESA will issue a bill. ● As for the inventories to be disposed of within the exhibitor’s company after the end of the event, no usage fee will be imposed. 91 Chapter 7 ③ Matters of attention ● Although it is possible to make a notice that says "products sold only during the Game Show period", any notices that may cause confusion at the event site, indicating information such as “limited sales to a restricted number of people (volume restricted)" and "time restricted," are strictly prohibited. Further information and submission of application form to: Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka (Ms.) / Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg., 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp 17. Restriction of Promotional Items 18. Written Confirmation of Exhibit Software 19. Written Confirmation of Distributing Promotional Items No. No. 18 19 Web Form Aug 1 compulsory submission About Restriction on items to be displayed P. 86 Promotional/Gift Item Application Form No. 23 Web Form Sep 3 Submit for Optional Order To offer trial versions of game software programs (including such items as promotional DVD videos and on-line game starter kits), it is necessary to submit applications using Form 18 “Written Confirmation of Exhibit Software ”and 19 "Written Confirmation of Distributing Promotional Items" (Regarding Compliance with CERO Ethical Rules) by August 1. Please refer to P. 86, 88 for the details. To offer items other than trial versions of game software programs, such as leaflets or other printed matter, submission of an application using Form 23 "Promotional/Gift Item Application Form" is necessary. Be sure to submit the Form by Wednesday September 3. (1) Prohibited promotional items Exhibitors are prohibited from distributing promotional items not related to the products they handle (including items on which the exhibitor's name, brand name, character and so on are not indicated). Moreover, please note that exhibitors are not to distribute the following promotional items. ① Gum, candy and other confectioneries (including any other goods that may make other exhibits or the event site dirty) ② Foods and drinks (excluding novelty items which clearly show the company name, product names or characters. In this case, these food and drinks must be handled under appropriate health and hygiene management). ③ Sources of ignition such as lighters ④ Helium balloons ⑤ Products that may cause a rush of people during distribution, creating dangerous conditions ⑥ Large items that may cause inconvenience to other visitors when carried by hand. ⑦ Money tokens and equivalent items on which face value, usage period, usage frequency, points and so on are described and whose value increases as their volume increases. ⑧ Other goods for which no application has been submitted or no approval has been obtained from the Management Office. 92 Chapter 7 (2) Ensuring safety while offering promotional items When offering such items, the exhibitor is responsible for ensuring order and guidance for visitors. * If the Management Office judges the situation to be dangerous, the exhibitor is to stop offering the items even if permission was obtained from the Management Office. (3) Material of large bags ① To prevent injury caused by contact with a bottom corner of a bag, please use soft materials (for example, unwoven fabric) for large bags over 32 cm in width. * When a bottom plate is used, please take appropriate measures, such as rounding off the corners. ② The above also applies to bags used to put products for sale. (4) Offering promotional food and drinks All promotional food and drinks (with characters and logos) must be offered with unopened. The following snacks are mainly considered as novelty distributing items; gummi, energy bar and etc. Please contact TGS OMO for more details on items and distributing measure in advance. Written Confirmation of Exhibit Software, Written Confirmation of Distributing Promotional Items (Regarding Compliance with CERO Ethical Rules) Submission and Enquiries: Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka (Ms.) / Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg., 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp 18. Restriction on Gift Items Promotional / Gift Item Application Form No. 23 Web Form Sep 3 Submit for Optional Order About Restriction of Promotional Items P. 92 To offer any promotional gift items, it is necessary to submit an application using Form 23 “Promotional / Gift Item Application Form” by Wednesday September 3. (1) Gift Items are defined as presents that exhibitors give away to the participants from lotteries. Gifts do not have to be related to the exhibitor’s products. * If it’s applicable to “17. (1) Prohibited promotional items”, that item shall be prohibited to be used as a gift. * Law in Japan defines that gift items should not exceed the amount of 20,000 JPY (tax incl.) per unit price. (2) However, if the gift is offered as a open prize promotion, that gift may exceed 20,000 JPY. Promotional / Gift Item Application Form Submission and Enquiries: Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka (Ms.) / Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg., 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp 93 Chapter 7 19. Provision of Food and Drinks in the Booth About Restriction of Promotional Items P. 92 On general public days, only promotional food and drinks are allowed. When offering food or drinks on Business Day in your booth, please observe the following rules and make sure to maintain proper food sanitation. ● Serving permitted period: Business Days on September 18 (Thursday) and 19 (Friday) ● Method of serving: Food and drinks can be offered within your booth when having business discussions. * It is prohibited to offer food and drinks in order to attract visitors to your booth. Just serving or distributing food and drinks for no reason is also prohibited. ● Items that can be offered: Non-alcoholic beverages, candy, snacks, fruits, etc. (Serving of any drink with alcohol is prohibited.) * Cooking (such as roasting, boiling, frying and cutting) at the booth is prohibited. To provide food and drinks at your booth, a "Food Handling Notification" must be submitted to the Chiba City Public Health Center. Please contact TGS OMO for details. Further information and submission of application for food handling Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka (Ms.) / Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg., 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp * Catering service is available from Makuhari Messe Banquet Office. Please contact TGS OMO for details. 20. Matters to Note When Displaying Consoles for Nintendo 3DS Compatible Software Nintendo Co., Ltd., the manufacturer of Nintendo 3DS, has set guidelines to secure players’ safety in trial play of events. Tokyo Game Show exhibitors are requested to ensure visitors’ safety by taking necessary steps according to the guidelines, which includes provisions regarding evoking attention of the players, providing information and adequate guidance by the play attendant. *The following guidelines are effective as of May 30, 2011. These guidelines are subject to change. To obtain the latest version of guidelines, or for any inquiries on this matter, please contact : Sales Division, Nintendo Co., Ltd. Guidelines for Trial Play Consoles for Nintendo 3DS Compatible Software When planning an event for trial play of consoles for Nintendo 3DS compatible software, please pay attention to the following matters to ensure safe operation and to avoid any accident or trouble. About Safe Operation In case the player is moving the Nintendo 3DS itself, utilizing the gyro sensor or the motion sensor, make sure there is enough space so that the player does not hit other people or objects. Playing with Naked Eyes Be sure to explain the following to the visitors where they start to line up for trial play or in the area near the trial fixtures. 94 Chapter 7 Important Safety Information for Trial Play of Nintendo 3DS The way 3D images are seen will vary among different individuals. Also, please note that the player may not see the images in 3D depending on the individual’s health conditions, contents of the image and the conditions of the environment. Please refrain from playing when you are tired or if you are not feeling well. Also, please notify the staff immediately if you start to feel sick. Excessive viewing of 3D images by children of age 6 and under can have a bad effect on the development of the eyes. Therefore, these children are requested to view 2D images. If children of age 6 and under wish to play, have the staff explain the above and ask them to view 2D images. Please make sure that the 3D volume to be set to the appropriate position when the player starts to play for the safety of the player. Please inform the player that the 3D volume can be adjusted to optimize the 3D image and that the player can also enjoy the play with 2D image. Exhibition of 3D Images Using Nintendo 3DS Please explain about the Safety Information mentioned above and clearly indicate that the exhibit is just the 3D image. In case the exhibitor is displaying in a way that the visitors can press the Nintendo 3DS buttons, make sure that no failure occurs by pressing the buttons and that no menu under development is visible to the visitors. Any operation must comply with the requirements in the safety standards of the CTR guideline and post appropriate signs for stereoscopic (3D) view. Showing Images on A Monitor In case the images of the trial play is shown on a monitor, please put up the sign with the following message at all times near the monitor. Also, the same applies if you are planning on showing an image on the monitor that the visitors may misperceive as the trail play, such as a promotional video. The images of the game shown on the monitor are 2D. However, the images in the actual trial play are 3D. If the monitor is far away from the stage or the trial play area and if the images shown on the monitor is obviously not the trial play images, the above sign does not have to be put up at all times. However, please inform the above on a timely basis. About Wireless Communication In case the environment of the wireless communication is very bad, we cannot guarantee the wireless functions of any equipment. Please use an equipment used for development and make plans for an environment using cables. Also, data distribution cannot be guaranteed. In case of distributing data, the exhibitor must take full responsibility in developing a well-prepared implementation plan which includes making announcements and putting up signs. When Exhibiting Any Equipment that was used for Development [Appearance] Exhibiting or demonstrating any equipment with different appearance from the “retail version” and used for development is prohibited. When using such equipment, please take appropriate measures so that it is not seen by the visitors. 95 Chapter 7 [Application] Menus for development, such as Test menu, Dev Menu, Config, as well as icons in the top menu that are different from the retail version must not be visible to the visitors. In order not to show the icons on the top menu, we recommend you to set the ROM data so that the card will start automatically. To make it start automatically, you need to go to the makebanner file (.bsf) and set AUTOBOOT to TRUE. In that case, when the top button is pressed during application use, the power will switch off. Therefore, please do not call up “nn::applet::CTR::ProcessHome Button Function” to avoid the power from cutting off. In case you cannot help showing the home menu, please move the icons that differ from the retail version to a different place so that they are not visible to the visitors. [Switching Off Wireless Communication : Supplementary information including Display of the Retail Version] In case of using any equipment that was used for development, it can cause trouble such as miscommunication with any equipment used for development of other software manufacturers. Therefore, please make sure to slide that wireless switch to OFF to disable wireless communication. Also, we advise you to set all background communication to OFF on the software. In case of using a retail version, it may start communication with Nintendo 3DS of the visitor. Therefore, we also advise you to disable the wireless communication function. Inquiries regarding other ways to Exhibit Please make inquiries to the Sales Division of Nintendo Co., Ltd 21. Matters to Note When Displaying WiiU Game Consoles for Trial Play Nintendo Co., Ltd., the manufacturer of WiiU game console, has set guidelines when exhibiting WiiU at event sites. Tokyo Game Show exhibitors are requested to ensure visitors’ safety by taking necessary steps according to the guidelines described, which includes provisions regarding sufficient space, proper machine installation, and adequate guidance by the play attendants. Please review the following guidelines thoroughly. * The following guidelines are effective as of April 25, 2013. These guidelines are subject to change. To obtain the latest version of the guidelines, or for any inquiries on this matter, please contact: Sales Division, Nintendo Co., Ltd. <Introduction> The following guidelines are set by Nintendo for exhibiting the game console in events. Please follow the guidelines and operate the event properly to minimize accidents and trouble. <Points to Check in Advance> ● 0peration check All equipment designated for event use is required to undergo a preliminarily operation check of the demonstration software using the equipment for development. ● Equipment for event use Use of WiiU equipment for development kept by relevant companies is prohibited. Exhibitor must use the equipment rent out by Nintentdo Co., Ltd. Only the wireless version of the WiiU PRO controller can be used in an event. Please prepare the controller (wireless version) on the exhibitor side since Nintendo Co., Ltd. will not rent it out to the exhibitor. 96 Chapter 7 <Remarks on Exhibit Environment> ● Distance between consoles Installation distance between two consoles should be more than 3m apart. When installing two consoles back to back, they should be placed at least 1m apart. If the distance cannot be kept, image of the TV screen or/and WiiU GamePad may be fuzzy due to radio wave interference. ● Combination of equipment WiiU console and WiiU GamePad rent out by Nintendo Co., Ltd. are on a one-to-one basis. Different combination of a console and GamePad will not work. Please change with a set of backup console and GamePad when any equipment failure occurs. Please report to the Sales. Division, Nintendo Co., Ltd. for any equipment failure after the event. ● Brightness of Wii U GamePad Touchscreen Brightness of the equipment used in the event comparable to the following condition of WiiU GamePad (wireless of wired) that comes with the equipment for development . Set to 5 (adjustable between level 0-5) Connect to an AC adaptor Brightness can be changed and set at “Brightness of the screen” button under “Change setting” after selecting “Controller setting” on the HOME button Menu. Once set, the brightness is saved on WiiU GamePad and remain unchanged even after re-installing the system. ● Supervising the booth layout in advance When location of the equipment in the booth is finalized following the regulations above, Nintendo Co., Ltd. will confirm the floor plan including distance between each equipment. The confirmation will take a few days to complete. ● Regulation of the Design to be used in the exhibiting booth When using images related to WiiU for the booth design and in the booth, only the material (design) prepared by Nintendo Co., Ltd. is allowed to be used. Please contact Sales. Dept. Nintendo Co., Ltd. after the booth design is finalized so that they can supervise the booth design. <Prohibition during user’s trial play> ● Prohibition on manipulating WiiU Menu by the users Booth staff is responsible of starting up the software from the WiiU Menu. Users are prohibited to touch the WiiU Menu. Rebooting operation for any equipment failures are also limited to the booth staff. Please be sure that no users bring up the HOME button Menu and try to go back to the WiiU Menu during trial play of a software. ● Prohibition related to photo shooting Taking a close up photo of the“equipment” or the“game screen” alone is prohibited. Please post the notice in the booth for visitors. When such photos are taken, person in charge of the equipment must ask the relevant person to delete the data. However, if the photo of the WiiU console, WiiU GamePad, WiiU PRO Controller, game screen and etc. happened to be taken unintentionally when taking photos of the visitor during trial play, the above condition will not apply. ● Prohibition of photo shooting other than game screen In the exhibition site, taking a photo of a screen image other than the game screen (ex. Dev Menu) is prohibited even for media purpose. When such photo has been taken, the person in charge of equipment is required to tell the relevant person not to print/publish such image. <Equipment Control> ● How to control the equipment Please keep safe custody of the equipment, ROM Disk and etc. under the reposibility of the exhibitor. If exhibition continues for several days, place the equipment in a secure location with a lock at the end of each day. 97 Chapter 7 ● Selecting the person in charge of the equipment For recovering the system from operational failure or/and for preventing robbery, it is required to assign more than one person in charge on each equipment throughout the event period. The person in charge of the equipment can also be a booth staff for giving explanations to the visitors. However, an appropriate operational system should be set up so that when the person in charge of the equipment is trying to fix the operational failure of the equipment, that person does not have to leave his/her position. <Remarks on software> Remarks on the specification of exhibit title are as follows. Please contact Sales Dept. Nintendo Co., Ltd. in advance when prohibited specification is essential for your exhibit. ● Prohibition of Networking compatibility Any title that is compatible with network will not be allowed to exhibit. This is because unexpected application may start up depending on the networking condition in the venue. ● Prohibition to use Wii U GamePad microphone Using Wii U GamePad microphone is prohibited. This is because unexpected application may start up due to malfunctioning under noisy environment. ● Prohibition to use Wii U GamePad sensor server Using Wii U GamePad sensor server is prohibited. This is because unexpected application may start up depending on the lighting condition of the venue. <Particulars to notify Nintendo Co., Ltd. before the exhibition> Please report to the Sales. Dept. Nintendo Co., Ltd. To provide the following information before the exhibition. ①Exhibit title ②"Version check list" of planned exhibit title ③Floor plan of the booth layout ④Floor plan of the booth design Please contact the Sales Dept. Nintentdo Co., Ltd. for any inquiry not mentioned above. 22. Performance of Artists/Entertainers Notification Form for Entertainer & Artist Stage /Application Form for Temporary Traffic Pass No. Email 24 Sep 3 Exhibitors planning to have a performer, entertainer, actor/actress or voice actor perform in an inbooth event must contact TGS OMO and inquire about detailed requirements. Further information and submission of application form to: Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka (Ms.)/ Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg., 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp Submit for Optional Order 98 Chapter 7 23. Request for Cooperation REVISED Request for Cooperation (1) Request for distribution items for the TGS Big Draw Written Confirmation of Distribution items for the TGS Big Draw No. 25 Web Form Aug 22 compulsory submission Digital Signage Personnel Registration Form No. 26 Web Form To enhance visitor satisfaction, “TGS Big Draw" will be held on Saturday, September 20th and Sunday, 21st. In the“Big Draw", a certain amount of exhibitors’ products, novelty items, social game cards and etc. will be collected and give them to the visitors as presents. We sincerely appreciate the kind cooperation from Exhibitors of intended areas to offer novelty items, social game cards and etc. Items offered for “Big Draw” will be announced on the official website and in the official guidebook. Please do utilize them as publicity. ■Asking for cooperation to the exhibitors in the following areas General Exhibition Area, Merchandise Sales Area, Family Area, Smartphone Game Area / Social Game Area, Romance Simulation Game Area, Cloud Gaming Area, PC Game Area, Game Device Area and Cosplay Area ■Items to be offered ① Products and Novelty items of the exhibitors Examples:Sticker, clear folder, strap, key holder, letter set, name card set and etc. No need to submit distribution items such as leaflets, brochures and booklets. * It would be very helpful if distribution items are put together as a set by the exhibitor for submission. ② Smartphone Game/Social Game/Online Game Cards with a code that are to be distributed on the day. * Exhibitors reserving the space of more than 40 booths are required to offer some kind of item for the "Big Draw". ■Number of distributing items ① Novelty items related to game that will be distributed on the day: 1(set)-100(sets) per item each day ② Smartphone Game/Social Game/Online Game Cards with the code that are to be distributed on the day: 50 per item each day ■Application Please submit Form 25 (Web Form) by Friday, August 22. Information of offered distributing items will be up on the official website and Guidebook. Please contact TGS OMO for the details. ■Receiving distributing items Please bring distributing items to TGS OMO by Sep. 17 for the confirmation. 2) Use of Digital Signage at the venue Digital Signage will be introduced at the venue, and exhibitors reserving a space of more than 40 booths are able to display the waiting time for its trial play in the booth and availability of distributing items on the signage. Exhibitors reserving a space of more than 40 booths are requested to submit Form 26 (Web Form) with the contact number during the show period of the person in charge of the digital signage system by Friday, August 8. Manual for operating the system will be sent to the relevant person around the end of August. * The signage is only available in Japanese. Aug 8 compulsory submission 99 Chapter 7 ■ Display Image When the information on the exhibitor website is entered, that information will be reflected (updated) automatically onto a closed website only for signage. The website screens of exhibitors reserving more than 40 booths will be displayed in turn on the monitors at the venue. Exhibitor Website Click on Submission Input on web browser Website for exhibitors Click on Registration button Completion of submitting information Automatic Display * Display exhibitors’ signage in turn * Closed website 1-9 Hall 1F 1-9 Hall 2F Around ticket office for Admission on the day ■ Major information to be entered According to the state of congestion in the booth or condition of distribution, please enter (update) the information below at an arbitrary timing of the exhibitor. Every 30-minute update will be appreciated. <Basic information of the Exhibitor> Basic information including Exhibitor name and booth number. Registration and alternation of the information will be made by the Management Office. <Information on the waiting time for trial play> Information on maximum of 5 game titles can be entered. The information can be entered from the pull-down menu by yourself. <Information on items that are distributed> Information on maximum of 5 items can be entered. The information can be shown as “Now distributing”, “A few left” or “Distribution ended” which is to be selected from the pull-down menu. <Time information> Please click on the Registration button after entering the necessary information. The information entered at by the time the button has been clicked will be reflected and displayed on screen. Further information about Digital Signage Personnel Registration Form Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka (Ms.) / Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg., 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp 100 Chapter 7 Written Confirmation of Family Corner Commemoration Items No. 27 Web Form Sep 3 compulsory submission for Family Corner Exhibitors Written Confirmation of Participation in Charity Auction No. 28 Web Form Aug 18 compulsory submission (3) Request for Commemorative items for Family Area To encourage children to visit TGS, we would like to give them souvenirs when they enter the Family Corner. If you have any item for children that we can offer, please give them to us. We sincerely request your cooperation in this regard. (Any quantity will be welcomed.) ■ Distribution method ● The souvenir, in a commemorative bag, will be distributed at the entrance of the Family Corner. ● The number of souvenirs and the content of the package will be adjusted by the Management Office in consideration of the quantity provided. Please let us know by Sep. 3 (Wed.) for confirmation of commemorative items using Form 27 " Written Confirmation of Family Corner Commemorative Items “. * Regarding the items to be provided, please send or deliver them to the Management Office at the event site between Tuesday, September 16 and Wednesday, September 17. If the exhibitor is bringing the items to the event site, TGS OMO will to go to your booth and collect them in the afternoon on Wednesday, September 17. (4) Request for Participation in the Charity Auction for Supporting Reconstruction Work of the East Japan Great Earthquake CESA Charity Auction will be held again this year to support reconstruction work of the East Japan Great Earthquake, and all profits from this auction will be donated. We ask all exhibitors to submit Form 28 “Written Confirmation of Participation in the Charity Auction” by Monday, August 18. Even if exhibitors do not have any items to provide, please put a tick mark on “None” and submit the form. ① Charity Auction Date We will hold the Charity Auction on the following two days. Saturday, September 20 & Sunday, September 21 ② Please submit Form 28 “Written Confirmation of Participation in the Charity Auction” by Monday, August 18. Even if exhibitors do not have any items to provide, please put a tick mark on “None” and submit the relevant Form. ③Preliminary announcement on the TGS official website. We will gather information from the Form exhibitors provide and post “Charity Auction item list” on the TGS official website from early September. By providing relevant information of charity auction, we would like to appeal that the whole game industry is making effort to support the reconstruction. ④Items to be provided for charity auction Not-for-sale items and autographs of creators, voice actor/actresses, and famous entertainers/singers/artists associated with the production and /or promotion of a game as well as any items with autographs are very popular among game users. ⑤How to send items for charity auction Please send the items to the Management Office by Friday, September 12. If items cannot reach by the date, please send them to the Management Office set up in the 4th Exhibition Hall, Makuhari Messe (Japan Convention Center), and make sure that the items will arrive on Tuesday, September 16 or Wednesday, September 17. Or exhibitor can bring the items directly to TGS OMO on those dates. If items such as cards with autographs are expected to be obtained during the show, please make note of “the expected date and time for obtaining the items” in the remarks column of Form 28 (Please obtain the items by 15:00 on the auction day at the latest). Our staff will come to the booth on the designated date and time to collect the items. 101 Chapter 7 Confirmation Form for Person in charge of Japan Game Award 2014 No. 29 Web Form Sep 8 compulsory submission (5) Request for Registration of Person to Contact when Winning the TGS Award All unreleased works exhibited at TGS 2014 are entries of the TGS Award Future Category. The winner will be selected based upon the votes from the visitors on September 18, 19 and 20, and a final meeting by the Selection Committee. The winner will be decided around 20:00 on Saturday, September 20. The Awarding Ceremony will take place at 12:00 on Sunday, September 21, inviting the winner to the Event Stage. In this relation, we would like to ask the exhibitors to submit Form 29 “Confirmation Form for Person in charge of Japan Game Award 2014”, so that TGS OMO can contact the exhibitor when the exhibitor’s work is chosen as the winner. * In case of winning the Award, the person registered with the above Form will be contacted after 20:00 on Saturday, September 20. Make sure to register a contact number (for example, mobile phone) that is reachable at that time. * Exhibitors that are requested to submit this Form are those in the General Exhibition Area Family Corner, Smartphone Game/ Social Game Area and PC Game Area, Cloud Gaming Area and Romance Game Area. Even if the exhibitor does not have any unreleased product, all exhibitors are requested to submit this Form. Exhibitors in the following areas are exemptions of the award (Merchandise Area, Game School Area, Game Devices Area, Cosplay, Asia New Stars Area, Business Solution Area, Cloud/Data Center Pavilion, Business Meeting Area and Indie Game Area). Further information and submission of application form to: Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka (Ms.) / Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg., 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp for Cooperation Software 24. Request Computer Entertainment Code of Ethics, Second Amendment REVISED (Effective as of October 1, 2002) Clause 1 General Rules 1. Interpretation and application of this Code must be conducted in a careful way, as it may have a suppressive effect on the deed of expression. 2. In applying this Code, the controversial expression shall not be judged just by itself, but by the overall context. 3. Expression will always vary with the changes in the set of values of the society. Interpretation and application of this Code must be conducted by taking such changes into consideration. In case the method of sales, or method of advertisement, in which this Code is applied, are 4. different from those when this Code was drafted, these changes should be taken into consideration. 5. Even if a certain expression may be controversial, weigh the artistic quality and the opposing set of values of such expression in making the final judgment. 6. The Code shall also apply to expressions in hidden commands and secret tricks, title and any enclosed printed material, package, ads and promotional materials. 7. Any expression not stated in this Code will be treated in the same manner if CESA judges that the expression is inappropriate under normal social conventions. 102 Chapter 7 Clause 2 Basic Philosophy 1. To respect all races, ethnic groups, public morals, customs, religion and national sentiments. To deny any idea against the sprit of democracy and not to justify militarism or war. 2. To respect the basic human rights and not to infringe any rights or freedom of a certain 3. individual or group. To observe the national constitution, laws and any other regulations, and not to use any positive 4. expression for deeds against such constitution, laws and regulations. Clause 3 Discriminatory Expression and Defamatory Expression 1. To respect the egalitarian spirit, and not to use any discriminatory expression on races, beliefs, sex, occupation, religion, circumstances, mental and physical conditions and living conditions without reason. 2. To refrain from using discriminatory expression towards the weak in the society, such as elder people, infants, handicapped people and mentally-disabled people. 3. To respect the honor and dignity of the individual, corporate body and group, and not to defame them without reason. Clause 4 Expression relating to Education 1. Pay adequate attention not to disturb the development of rich sentiments and healthy mind of youngsters who are in process of shaping their characters. 2. Pay attention to using expressions relating to educators and minors, and do not justify or encourage any deeds prohibited to the minors by law, such as drinking and smoking, or any other misconduct. Clause 5 Sexual Expression 1. Regardless of how it is expressed, any expression of sexual conduct and any expression leading to sexual conduct are prohibited. 2. Whether expressed in photographic form or animated form, any nude expression that will arouse sexual excitement is prohibited. 3. Even with underwear, any expression that will arouse sexual excitement is prohibited. Any other expression that will arouse sexual excitement of youngsters is prohibited. Clause 6 Expression on Antisocial Behavior, Violence and Crime. 1. Expression on crime, such as murder, injury and violence, or any expression suggesting murder, injury and violence, without reason, is prohibited. 2. Expression of any human being or animal with any of its parts (including but not limited to hands and feet) detached or missing is prohibited. 3. Expression of improper use of controlled substances, such as drugs and thinner, without reason, is prohibited. 4. Expression of unhealthy sex culture, such as infidelity, illicit sexual relations and prostitution, without reason, is prohibited. 5. Any other expression of violent nature or savagery nature, without reason, is prohibited. Clause 7 Practical Operations and Procedure 1. Practical application of this Code is entrusted to CERO’s Code of Ethics. 2. A breach of CERO’s Code of Ethics will be regarded as a breach this Code unless there is a compelling reason. 103 Chapter 7 <CERO’s Code of Ethics> Clause 1 Purpose A specified nonprofit corporation, Computer Entertainment Rating Organization (hereinafter referred to as CERO), aims to secure the development, announcement and sales of game software that complies with the ethical standards of the society for development of a healthy computer entertainment culture, while placing utmost respect on freedom of expression. In this relation, CERO will censor home-use game software in light of ethical standards of the society and judge whether the software meets the standards or not. If the software is judged to be appropriate, that software will be classified into relevant categories, and then, will be further classified into relevant section by age. This CERO’s Code of Ethics has been stipulated to set standards and other relevant particulars in conducting this censorship. Clause 2 Range of Application 1. The range of application of CERO’s rating censorship for home-use game software shall be software sold in Japan only. Business-use game is not included in the range of application. 2. As for on-line home-use game software, CERO shall censor only the main framework part of the game. The part that the user can vary shall not be censored. 3. All expressions contained in the software, including but not limited to the theme, concept, system, hidden commands and secret tricks, shall be censored. (System mentioned here shall mean the configuration, structure, mechanism, etc. in the game.) 4. Package and any printed material included in the package of the home-use game software. However, promotional materials, magazine advertisements, TV commercials are not subject to censorship. 5. Home-use game software mentioned in CERO’s Code of Ethics shall mean the game software that is developed and sold for platforms mentioned in Chart 1 below. Clause 3 Relevant Categories 1. CERO will broadly categorize the home-use software into “Game Software” and “Educational・ Database Software” for censorship. 2. Those applying for censorship by CERO shall specify the category at the time of application. 3. “Educational・Database Software” will not be classified into relevant section by age. However, it must not include any expression specified in Clause 7 (also includes Chart 3), and must also fulfill its purpose as an educational software and database. 4. “Game Software shall mean all home-use software other than “Educational/ Database Software”. Clause 4 Censorship of Game Software 1. When censoring Game software, CERO shall check if there is any prohibited expression specified in Clause 7 (also includes Chart 3), and no rating shall be given in case if any prohibited expression is included. In case no prohibited expression is included, such game software shall be rated (by age) as below, according to the type and degree of expression stated in Chart 2. “A” (for all ages) “B” (for children aged 12 and over) “C” (for children aged 15 and over) “D” (for children aged 17 and over) “Z” (for children aged 18 and over) 2. CERO’s standards for censorship mentioned above shall comply with the house rules that are set separately. Clause 5 Censorship of “Educational・Database Software” When censoring Educational ・ Database Software, CERO shall check if the submitted item satisfies the requirements mentioned in Clause 3 Section 3. 104 Chapter 7 Clause 6 Result of the Censorship 1. CERO shall notify the result of the censorship to the applicant following the procedures set by CERO. When selling or using the home-use software, the applicant must print the mark for the category and the rating (by age) determined by CERO as the result of the censorship, on the specified item. However, this shall not apply if a good reason is shown, and CERO gives approval. 2. If CERO judges that the submitted item includes prohibited expressions specified in Clause 7, or decides not to give any rating pursuant to Clause 4 Section 1, or judges that the item is not appropriate to be categorized into Educational ・ Database Software, CERO shall notify the reason in written form to the applicant. Clause 7 Prohibited Expression 1. Prohibited expressions specified in Chart 3 must not be used in any home-use game software. Inappropriate discriminatory expression must not be used in any home-use game software. 2. Inappropriate discriminatory expression shall include, but not limited to, the following. (i) Any inappropriate discriminatory expression on races, beliefs, sex, occupation, religion, circumstances, mental and physical conditions and living conditions (ii) Any inappropriate discriminatory expression towards the weak in the society, such as elder people, infants, handicapped people and mentally-disabled people. (iii) Any inappropriate expression defaming the honor and dignity of the individual, corporate body and group without reason. Clause 8 Amendments 1. The Executive Board of CERO can make amendments to this Code (including the Charts) as necessary. 2. After amendments to this Code are made, CERO shall notify the regular members and supporting members so that the amendments become widely known. < Supplementary Regulations > This Code of Ethics is effective as of October 1, 2002 Amended on October 17, 2002 Effective as of October 18, 2002 Amended on December 13, 2002 Effective as of December 14, 2002 Amended on October 16, 2003 Effective as of October 17, 2003 Amended on December 18, 2003 Effective as of December 19, 2002 Amended on June 24, 2004 Effective as of June 25, 2004 Amended on December 16, 2004 Effective as of December 17, 2004 Amended on March 24, 2005 Effective as of March 25, 2005 Amended on July 21, 2005 Effective as of July 22, 2005 Amended on November 24, 2005 Effective as of November 25, 2005 Amended on February 23, 2006 Effective as of March 1, 2006 Amended on July 13, 2006 Effective as of July 14, 2006 Amended on November 30, 2006 Effective as of December 1, 2006 Amended on March 29, 2007 Effective as of March 30, 2007 Amended on July 26, 2007 Effective as of July 27, 2007 Amended on November 29, 2007 Effective as of November 30, 2007 Amended on March 27, 2008 Effective as of March 28, 2008 Amended on April 24, 2008 Effective as of April 25, 2008 Amended on July 21, 2011 Effective as of July 22, 2011 Amended on September 22, 2011 Effective as of September 23, 2011 Amended on December 20, 2012 Effective as of December 21, 2012 Amended on September 20, 2013 Effective as of September 21, 2013 105 Chapter 7 Chart 1 List of Platforms Sega Dreamcast Sony Computer Entertainment PlayStation PlayStation 2 PlayStation Portable (incl. go) PlayStation 3 PlayStation Vita PlayStation 4 Nintendo64 Nintendo Gamecube GameBoy Gameboy Advance Nintendo DS (incl. DS Lite,DSi,DSiLL,3DS) WiiU WonderSwan Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox One Personal Computers (OS: Windows and MAC) Mobile phone, smart phone etc. (OS: Android,iPhone,Windows Phone etc.) Nintendo Bandai Microsoft Various PC manufacturers Mobile-phone provider As of September, 2013 Chart 2 Type and Degree of Expression 1.Type of Expression < Sexual Expression > “Kissing” “Embracement” “Underwear Exposure” ”Sexual Conduct” “Naked Body” “Expression that evoke something sexual” “Illicit Affair” “Egestion” “Sex Industry” “Swimsuit ・Costume” < Violent Expression > “Bleeding” “Any part of the body separated, lost or missing” “Dead body” “Murder” “Frightfulness” “Fighting・Combat” < Expression of Antisocial Conduct > “Crime” “Drugs” “Abuse” “Illegal drinking and smoking” “Illegal Gambling” “Incestuous Affair・Sexual Crime” “Prostitution・Prostitute buying” “Suicide・Self-injury” “Human trafficking” < Expression of Speech and Ideas > Inappropriate expression of “speech and ideas” 2. Degree of Expression Whether it is expressed “directly” or “indirectly”. Whether it is expressed in “a positive way” or in “a negative way” Whether the expression is “inevitable” and “natural”, or not. Whether the expression is “thematic” or “in the background” in relation to the theme. The expression will be judged whether it is giving a feeling of repulsion senselessly, or whether it is antisocial, or whether it is violent, etc. from the point of view of ordinary people. Chart 3 Prohibited Expression < Sexual Expression > 1. Expression of genitals (including pubic hair) 2. Sexual conduct or embracement and petting related to sexual conduct. 3. Urination and egestion aiming to stimulate sexual desire or to arouse sexual excitement. 106 Chapter 7 < Violent Expression > 1. Depiction of bleeding that projects an extremely cruel image. 2. Depiction of any parts of the body separated, lost or missing that projects an extremely cruel image. 3. Depiction of a dead body that projects an extremely cruel image. 4. Depiction of murder that projects an extremely cruel image. 5. Depiction of frightfulness that projects an extremely cruel image. < Expression of Antisocial Conduct > 1. Expression suggesting mass murder and violence that is not inevitable in light of the theme and concept. 2. Expression affirming the illegal use of drugs and psychotropic drugs for purposes other than its intended medical purpose. 3. Expression of scenes abusing someone on the basis of affirming abuse. 4. Expression affirming the admiration and encouragement for crime. 5. Expression affirming prostitution・prostitute buying and child prostitution, etc. 6. Expression affirming incestuous affair, rape and any other non-consensual sexual conduct, and direct expression of these conducts. 7. Expression clearly recommending drinking and smoking of minors. 8. Expression affirming or recommending suicide・self-injury. 9. Expression affirming illicit affair. 10. Expression recommending human trafficking, etc. < Expression of Speech and Ideas > 1. The use of any words that are prohibited from being broadcasted, any discriminatory words and offensive words that defame or derogate someone, whether directly or indirectly, or used in a metaphoric way, is prohibited. However, if these words are used within the range of common sense, and if they are judged to be necessary considering the scene they are used in and the context, this clause shall not apply. 2. Expression or word that encourages discrimination. 3. Expression that disrespects or takes a hostile view of existent person, country, national flag, race, ethnic group, religion, idea, political organization, and furthermore, criticizes and defames the above one-sidedly. < Theme, Concept, and System> Excessive use of expression relating to “Sex”, “Violence” “Antisocial Conduct” that is not inevitable. < Supplement > 1. Other than those prohibited above, CERO may newly judge that a certain expression shall be prohibited due to changes in the social conditions, and not give any rating. 2. As for the language of the above prohibited expressions, it must be interpreted to comply with the purpose of the newly established “Z” section. < Guidelines on home-use game software advertisement, etc. for “games to be played only by children aged 18 and over” > Computer Entertainment Supplier’s Association (CESA) stipulates the following guidelines for the healthy growth of youngsters. 1. Target of this Guideline 1.This guideline is intended for any home-use game software sold in Japan (although this includes software for mobile game, it does not include software for businessuse game machines, PC game software for adults and mobile phone contents) that was rated “Z” (for children aged 18 and over) by CERO (hereinafter referred to as “target software”). This guideline shall not apply to any software of parallel import. 107 Chapter 7 2. Expression Standards for Promotion 1. In running advertisement for the target software, it must comply with the following expression standards for promotion. ① “Any depiction falling under Z section (for children aged 18 and over)” specified by CERO shall not be included in any advertisement or promotional material. ② Clearly indicate that the depiction mentioned above is included in the game software. ③ Indicate the “Z icon” and “Not sold to children under age 18” message. 2. The design of the package for the target software must comply with the forementioned expression standards for promotion. 3. Guideline for Advertising Medium Do not run any advertisement in educational magazines for preschool children, elementary school students, junior high school students and high school students. Also, turn down any offers to carry an article in such magazines. 4. Guideline for Store Sales, Events, Exhibitions, etc. (In case of promoting Z section depiction) 1. In case of exhibiting “depiction that falls under Z section” at an event or an exhibition, the area around the trial play stand must be enclosed and separated so that the image cannot be seen from the surrounding area. In case of trial play using head-mounted display and image cannot be seen from surrounding area, it is considered as enclosed and separated case. In either case, when a person requests to try in any case, make sure to check the age of that person. 2. Make sure to check the age when distributing the trial version. 5. Guideline for Publicizing on the Internet 1. The official website of the target software prepared by the manufacture must have the words “this product is intended for children of age 18 and over” and “this product is not sold to children under age 18” clearly indicated on the top page. Some way to check the age is required in browsing the relevant page. 2. When running an advertisement of the target software on the internet, the words “this product is intended for children of age 18 and over” must be clearly indicated on the page with the ad. 3. As for the website that sells the target software, some way to check the age is required at the time of purchase. 4. Each website must have a link to CERO’s rating introduction page. 6. Amendments 1. The Board of CERO can make amendments to this Code (including Charts) as necessary. 2. After amendments to this Code are made, CERO shall notify the regular members and supporting members so that the amendments become widely known. < Supplementary Regulations > This Guideline is effective as of April 1, 2008. Amended on June 20, 2012 108 Chapter 7 25. Emergency Care (1) Lost and Found / Stray child Please report to Lost and Found Center, Stray Child Center, the Information Counter or the Management Office (Hall 4 & 9) for lost and found or a stray child. Please ask TGS OMO for details. (2) Injury / Medical Crises Please contact OMO for injury or medical crisis. We will guide them to the healthcare room to give them first-aid treatment or to have them rest for a while. If the healthcare room cannot handle the symptom, the Management Office will inform the nearest hospital or call an ambulance. • Healthcare Room is open from September 18 (Thu.) to September 21 (Sun), 9:00-18:00 Exact location of Healthcare room will be announced in “Operation Manual” which will be sent around the end of August. (3) Hall Announcements The Management Office will not use the Hall PA system to page somebody or to deliver messages to the exhibitor. (4) Fire / Earthquake (Over Intensity Scale 4) Please inform the security guard, any staff or the Management Office if you find any fire. If the fire is still in its early stage and fire-fighting is possible, we would like to ask any of you for cooperation in fire-fighting. The Management Office will switch on all the venue lights in case of fire or earthquake (over Intensity Scale 4). Please stop all demonstrations and stage programs and follow instructions given by the PA announcement. The Management Office requests all exhibitors to confirm the safety of the booth in case of an earthquake (over Intensity Scale 4), using the Hall PA system. In such case, please confirm the safety of the visitors and decorations in your booth, and report the result to the Management Office. The person reporting should be the person in charge of the booth or other responsible person. Once the safety of a certain Hall has been confirmed, the lighting of that Hall will be resumed to the usual event lighting. However, even after resuming your booth operation, please maintain a supervisory system so that the safety within your booth can be checked at all times. (5) Evacuation Announcement for evacuation in case of fire, earthquake, bomb attack warning will be announced through the Hall PA system. Please follow the instructions of the security guards and the Management Office staff to guide the visitors in your booth and visitors around your booth to the emergency exit. Also, please evacuate the staff of your booth as soon as possible. ▼Temporary Evacuation Area In case the Hall needs to be evacuated, everyone will be asked to go outside to the temporary evacuation area. Please guide the visitors of your booth as well as any visitors around your booth to the emergency exit. South 2 Gate Hall 1 - 8 South 1 Gate Emergency Exit (All on ground floor) East 1 Gate Temporary Evacuation Area East 2 Gate 109 Chapter 7 Hall 9 (6) In case Tsunami Warning (of over 3 meters) is Issued The person in charge will guide the people who are in the temporary evacuation area to the “Central Plaza”, “Sky Way” and “Messe Mall ” on the 2nd floor. ※People in the southern evacuation area will be led to the northern area immediately. ▼Designated evacuation area in case tsunami warning (of over 3 meters) is issued Exhibition Halls About Tsunami in Tokyo Bay Central Mall Central Plaza Event Hall Conference Hall Messe Mall According to the research by the government , in case an earthquake with the epicenter in Tokyo Bay occurs, the height of the tsunami in Tokyo Bay is expected to be less than 50cm. There is a 5-meter concrete barrier to a tidal wave all along the Tokyo Bay coast, including the area around Makuhari Messe. Exhibition Halls (7) Bomb Attack Warning In case of bomb attack warning, investigations of suspicious substance will be carried out immediately. Also, following the judgment of the chief security officer, Makuhari Messe, or the General Management Center, the fire department and the police department will be contacted. If you find any suspicious substances, please report to the chief security officer, Makuhari Messe, or the General Management Center. If evacuation is judged to be necessary, please guide the visitors to the emergency exit without giving them pressure and anxiety. 110 8 Chapter Public Relations Chapter 8 Public Relations Chapter 8 Public Relations 1. Publicity Data to be submitted by all exhibitors There are three types of information to be assembled by the Management Office. Please note that instructions vary from type to type, including submission deadline, where to submit information, and where to make inquiries. (1) Exhibitor Information on TGS Official Website (2) Official Guidebook Entry & Publicity Data (3) Publicity Personnel Information ■Information to be submitted Content (1) TGS Official Website information (2) Official Guidebook Entry & Publicity Data (3) Publicity Personnel Information Where information is released Exhibitor's directory page on Official Website Area introduction page on Official Guidebook, Official press release No information will be released Form to be submitted Form 30 Exhibitor's Directory Content Report Form Form 31 Official Guidebook Entry & Publicity Data Form 32 Publicity Personnel Registration Form Submission deadline Friday, Aug. 8 Friday, Aug. 1 Friday, Aug. 1 Submission detail Summary of exhibitor Brief description of exhibit items, booth introduction Publicity Personnel name and contact information Enquiries TGS Overseas Management Office TGS Overseas Management Office Press Office (AZ. WORLDCOM JAPAN) 1-1. Exhibitor Information on TGS Official Website Exhibitor's Directory Content Report Form No. 30 Mail Form Aug 8 compulsory submission Exhibitor’s information will be on TGS Official Website at the beginning of September. In this relation, please refer to ” by Friday, August 8. (1) Submission deadline Deadline: Friday, August 8. * In case exhibitor is unable to meet the deadline, only company name (the name at the time of exhibition application) will be posted. (2) Note There will be no chance for proofreading, so please be careful when submitting the document. Please do not put any private company email address in the form as we will upload submitted data without checking. For further information of Exhibitor Information on TGS Official Website Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka (Ms.)/ Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg., 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp 112 Chapter 8 1-2. Official Guidebook Entry & Publicity Data Official Guidebook Entry & Publicity Data No. 31 Email Aug 1 compulsory submission All exhibitors are required to provide TGS OMO with information of exhibitors and their products by Friday, August 1. The provided information will be published in “TGS2014 Official Guidebook” which is distributed on the day of the Tokyo Game Show 2014, and will be uploaded in the “Press Release” section of the official website opened for Media both at the end of August and on the day of the show. Please refer to “Official Guidebook Entry & Publicity Data” for details. (1) Official Guidebook There are four kinds of information appearing on the Official Guidebook. 1. Exhibit Information: Booth number, exhibitor’s name, description of exhibition (400 characters), one image (any kinds of image are acceptable including game screen, company logo and etc), description of image (120 characters). 2. Exhibition Products Information: Specifications (product name, price, platform and date for sale) for exhibit products (game software, service, hardware and etc). 3. Event Information: Title, date and time and content description of Events to be held in the booth(150 Characters). 4. Merchandise Sales Confirmation: Product information (product name, product name) to be sold in Merchandise Sales Area. Please gather and submit the above information using Form 31 “Official Guidebook Entry & Publicity Data”. ■Official Guidebook Specifications Distribution targets: Visitors to TGS 2014 Number of copies to be distributed: 200,000 copies (tentative) Size: Modified A4 size, bonded in the middle Content: Introduction of the exhibitors, information about the event site, introduction of CESA and others. (2) Publicity Data (Press release) Form 31 “Official Guidebook Entry & Publicity Data” includes information for “Press Release” section in the official website on August 28 (tentative) and on September 18. Please decide and fill in the Form by describing which information should be uploaded on August 28 and which to be uploaded on September 18. In Press Release, each aggregate data will be announced based on the information submitted by exhibitors. Products, booth and event information will be uploaded in the official Website for TGS. ■Schedule for Press Release The first release: To Japanese and overseas media (English/Japanese) on Thursday, August 29 (tentative) . The second release: To Japanese and overseas media (English/Japanese) on Thursday, September 18, the first day of the show. 1. Deadline for Form 31 “Official Guidebook Entry & Publicity Data” is Friday, August 1. 2. Confirmation of content for the first release (exhibitor’s directory, products list) (around August 18). 3. Confirmation of content for Official Guidebook (around August 18). 4. Confirmation of content for the second release (exhibitor’s directory, products list) (around September 2). For further information about Official Guidebook Entry & Publicity Data Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka(Ms.)/ Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg., 5-1 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp 113 Chapter 8 1-3. Publicity Personnel Information Publicity Personnel Registration Form No. 32 Web Form Aug 1 compulsory submission If the Management Office receives a request for an interview with an individual exhibitor from the media, the Management Office will inform the media of the publicity personnel's contact information (telephone number, fax, email), which is registered in Form 32 "Publicity Personnel Registration Form”. So please submit this form by Friday, August 1. The Management Office may contact the publicity personnel to obtain and collect information for the official news release. Also, the Management Office may introduce the publicity personnel for press research. For enquiries and application for Publicity Personnel Registration Form Tokyo Game Show Press Office (AZ. WORLDCOM JAPAN) Tel:+81-3-5575-3225 Fax: +81-3-5575-3222 E-mail: tgs2014press@w-az.co.jp 2. Exhibitors News Exhibitors News <Free of charge> (From the start of official website to Sep 21.) If the exhibitor enters the text data into the Exhibitors News, that information will be posted on the official website after the content is approved by the Management Office. (On the top page & press page) Other than the information on the release of products, it is also possible to announce information on the events for mass media and events on stage at TGS. * Up to 2 news per day per exhibitor can be posted. 1. If you click on “Exhibitors News”, you will find “Exhibitors News List” and “Add Exhibitors News” on the left side of the screen. 2. Click on “Add Exhibitors News”, and enter the information you want to make public in the web form on the screen. 3. After entering the information, click “Add” button. The information will be sent to the Management Office, and after approving the contents, the information will be made public on “Official Website” “To the Media” ”Exhibitors News” as well as on the top page of the official website. Please check the contents. 4. <Example> Exhibitors New in TGS2013 114 Chapter 8 3. Publicity Material Display Service at the Press Room During the Tokyo Game Show, a rather small display shelf space will be located in the Press Room to accommodate exhibitors who want to showcase their publicity material. Exhibitors who would like to showcase their publicity material should bring the material directly to the Press Room after 14:00 on Wednesday, September 17. Material brought in will be displayed in order of receipt. ■ Summary of the Press Room Open: Sep. 18 (Thu.) through Sep. 21 (Sun.) 10:00-17:00 Location: Central Lobby, 1st Floor Hall 8 Hall 7 Hall 6 Hall 5 Hall 4 Hall 3 Hall 2 Hall 1 Central Lobby, Central Entrance 1F Conference Tower Press Room Event Hall (1) Due to space limitations, each exhibitor can use an area of about B4 document size and can bring approximately 30-50 copies of the publicity material to the Press Room. (2) Each exhibitor should be prepared to restock copies of the publicity material. (3) Any publicity material remaining in the Press Room at 17:30 on the last day of the Game Show, September 21, will be disposed of. Exhibitors who want to take back any remaining material are requested to do so before that time. For further information of Publicity Material Display Service : Tokyo Game Show Press Office (AZ. WORLDCOM JAPAN) Tel:+81-3-5575-3225 Fax: +81-3-5575-3222 E-mail: tgs2014press@w-az.co.jp 4. When Inviting Press to the Booth (1) Please note the following points when inviting the press to your booth. ① To carry out press activities at Tokyo Game Show 2014, preregistration is necessary. ② Please take note that a deadline is set for the preregistration of any press activities. (2) Please make sure to tell the press people the aforementioned points because we may refuse to issue press passes to unregistered persons. (3) To keep a record of the Tokyo Game Show, the Management Office staff members (and other personnel designated by the Management Office) will take photos and do some video recording at the exhibition site to collect information. The Management Office requests all exhibitors to cooperate in such activities. In addition, all exhibitors are to give their approval to the Management Office to use videos, images, articles, etc. (of their display scenes, booth staff and performers, and personnel of companies cooperating or associated with exhibitors) for the purpose of publicity and advertising of the Tokyo Game Show. (4) Persons eligible to carry out press activities at TGS are limited to those who meet any of the conditions listed below. 115 Chapter 8 Press-related persons eligible for preregistration and press activities at TGS: ① Editors, reporters and photographers for newspapers and publishing companies issuing periodicals that have been authorized as third-class mail ② Editors, reporters, and other crew members of production companies producing news programs or information websites on the Internet operated by corporations ③ Reporters and TV crew members for companies producing TV programs, including satellite TV and cable TV programs ④ Reporters and other crew members for companies producing radio programs ⑤ Writers and photographers contracted with editing or production companies, or the editorial division of the companies stated above ⑥ On-camera performers involved in press activities or program production * Editing companies, subcontracting production companies, and contract reporters and photographers need to file their registration through the companies that they work for. * Any advertising agencies or PR companies responsible for exhibition-related operations of the exhibitor, and any personnel in the advertising division of newspapers, publishers, and TV and radio stations in charge of the exhibitor will be excluded from the eligibility. For further information of preregistration and press activities at TGS: Tokyo Game Show Press Office (AZ. WORLDCOM JAPAN) Tel:+81-3-5575-3225 Fax: +81-3-5575-3222 E-mail: tgs2014press@w-az.co.jp 5. Media Partner System REVISED At TGS 2014, Media Partner System has been established among significant game-related media in Asian countries. By forming alliance with significant media (paper, web, video site) in each country, an environment, in which high quality news and articles related to TGS can be distributed, has been established. Reporters of the Media Partner System will be wearing a “Media Partner Badge” for exhibitors to recognize them at once. Exhibitors will also be able to pass their press material and images to the appropriate media in these countries beforehand, making press activities much easier and smoother. We would like to have our cooperation if a reporter with a “Media Partner Badge” visits your booth for an interview. For further information of TGS Media Partner: Tokyo Game Show Press Office Tel:+81-3-5575-3225 Fax: +81-3-5575-3222 E-mail: tgs2014press@w-az.co.jp 116 Chapter 8 6. Official Movie Distribution Channel TGS2014 will set up “Official Movie Distribution Channel”, to offer information on the Internet using video clips. The Official Movie Distribution Channel for this year will be organized by “niconico”, a movie distribution partner collaborating with TGS2014. The Official Movie Distribution Channel plans to set up program to introduce TGS2014 organizers projects as well as some programs for exhibitors. Please refer to “Official Movie Distribution Channel, Sponsor’s Menu” for details. The document will be sent via email at a later day. ■Official Movie Distribution Channel general description (1)Contents of the distribution Opening Ceremony TGS Forum Key Note Asia Game Business Summit SENSE OF WONDER NIGHT Cosplay Collection Night@TGS The international e-Sports competition - “Cyber Games Asia” We plan to set up the distributions of “Organizer’s events“ mentioned above, “Introduction of each exhibition area” and “programs produced by niconico”, etc. (2) Distribution Period (tentative) September 18, Thursday to September 21, Sunday (3)Way of viewing the channel The Official Movie Channel can be viewed through TGS2014 Official Website. 7. Press Information Distribution Service (Free) Press Information Distribution Service Reservation Form No. 33 Email FAX Jul 23Sep 3 REVISED The service provides exhibitors the opportunity to distribute Newsletters and press invitations to media in Japan and overseas including newspaper, magazine and TV free of charge. This service can be utilized for encouraging media to interview exhibitors and for announcing information in advance. * The distribution service is only via Email. The service does not include the following service; preparation and translation of material, media support, submission of the mailing list and monitoring after distributing press information. * The final data for press information should be prepared by the exhibitor. * The distribution service will be launched in English for overseas media. Submit for Optional Order 117 Chapter 8 [Service charge] [Distribution] Free 1. Around 2,000 including: Media in Japan (Newspaper, Magazine, TV. Web) Overseas media office in Japan 2. Around 1,000 including: Overseas media (Newspaper, Magazine, TV, Web and News Service Agency) [Distribution date] Preferable date during the following period: July 29 (Tues.) – September 9 (Tues.) • Two companies per day (first-come, first-served). Distributing two press information on the same day by one company is not allowed. • Distribution will be made during 11:00-16:00 from Monday to Friday. Distribution time will not be appointed by the exhibitor. • Place of distribution will not be determined by exhibitors. [How to reserve and distribute] (1) Reservation of distribution: Submit Form 33 by 4 days in advance of the preferable distribution day (not including Saturday, Sunday and Holiday) to Tokyo Game Show Press Office by Fax or Email. * Reservation can be made from July 23 (Wed.) to 16:00, September 3 (Wed.) (2) Confirmation of distribution: Tokyo Game Show Press Office will gather application for reserving distribution each day and confirms the reservation on a first-come, first-served basis. The confirmation will be announced by Email to exhibitors. * If the reservation cannot be made on the requested day, other optional day will be offered. (3) Sending press information: After receiving the confirmation Email, please send press information by 18:00, 2 days prior to the distribution date (not including Saturday, Sunday and Holiday) to the Press Office at tgs2014press@w-az.co.jp. * Note: To cancel distribution after the confirmation, please inform the Press Office by 18:00 a day prior to the distribution (not including Saturday, Sunday and Holiday). [Specification of Press information] File: Adobe Acrobat PDF Capacity: 2MB and less Paper: A4 size Number of paper: No limit [Contents of Press information] Only the information related to Tokyo Game show 2014 and which is not offensive to public order and morals. “TEL”, “FAX” and “Email address” need to be written as contact information to media. No correction on errors and omitted letters nor proofreading will be made, so please check before the submission. * If specification and/or contents is/are insufficient or inappropriate, re-submitting will be required. (4) Distribution: Press information will be distributed by the Press Office to media via Email. The Press information will be attached to the Email. [Title of the Email] The title of Email will be: [TGS2014_Exhibitor_News] (Distribution date) (Exhibitor name) Sample: [TGS2014_Exhibitor_News] 8/1 Nikkei BP Inc. 118 Chapter 8 [Text of the Email] The text in the Email will be: Sample: (Distribution date) / To the members of the Press / We, Tokyo Game Show Press Office, is pleased to announce the following exhibitor information. Please kindly take a look at the attached file for the details. / (Title of the Press Release) * “/” represents linefeed (5) Report of on the completion: an email reporting the completion of Press Information distribution will be sent to the person in charge written in Form 33 by Email. Exhibitor (1) Distribution reservation TGS Press Office (2) Receive Reservation & Send email ( to confirm distribution day) Exhibitor (3) Send Press Information TGS Press Office (4) Distribution TGS Press Office (5) Report of Completion of Distribution Press Information Distribution Service Reservation Form Tokyo Game Show Press Office TEL:+81-3-5575-3225 FAX:+81-3-5575-3222 E-mail:tgs2014press@w-az.co.jp 8. Mail Delivery Service to Business Day Preregistrants Preregistration system has been adopted for visitors on the Business Days at TGS. At the time of preregistration, the visitors are requested to register the mail address, category of business and type of job. The visitors are also requested to choose if they would like to receive mails from the Management Office. To those preregistrants that gave us permission, the Management Office will send messages on behalf of the exhibitor. (1) Service Fee (tax is not included) Basic Fee: Unit Price: Category Designation Fee: 200,000 JPY (includes 2,000 mails) Over 2,000 mails - @ 30 JPY 10,000 JPY (for 1 category) (2) Categorization ① Category of Business (A) Publisher of game software (B) Supplier for gaming hardware or related accessories (C) Customized development/ development support of game software (D) Parts/ chip manufacturer (E) Gaming distribution (F) Development/distribution of contents other than games (G) Press/ advertisement* (H) Communication carrier / provider (I) Manufacture of items other than game and entertainment (J) Service for industry other than game and entertainment (K) Finance/securities/insurance (L) Institute/ think tank (M) Other industry * Reporters and Editors are not included in Press (G). Please utilize “The Press Information Distribution Service” for releasing information to media. P 117 119 Chapter 8 ② Type of Job (A) Business Manager, Board Member (B) Sales/Marketing (C) Publicity, Advertising, Marketing (D) Desk work other than above (A) to (C) (E) Producer/Leader related to Games (F) Creator related to Games (G) Programmer related to Games (H) Computer related technical work other than the above (I) Technical work not related to computers (J) Other specialized work (K) Others ③ Country to which the mails will be delivered (3) Possible Delivery Period (Tentative) From September 1 (Mon.) to October 30 (Thu.) (4) Procedures for Distribution ① Consult the Management Office for desired distribution date, category to which the information will be delivered and contents of the mail. ② After choosing the category, the Management Office will make a list of who to distribute the mail to, and propose the number of mails to distribute and estimate the cost. ③ After the order for distribution is finalized, turn in the manuscript. Please turn in your manuscript in Japanese or English. ④ After the mails have been distributed, a report on how many mails were sent will be filed, and an invoice will be issued. (5) Examples of How to Calculate the Fee (excluding tax) In case a category is not specified ■Distribute the mail to all the preregistrants (When there are 20,000 preregistrants ) Basic Fee: Distribution Fee: 540,000 JPY Category Designation Fee: Total 740,000 JPY 200,000 JPY @ 30 JPY x (20,000-2,000) mails 0 JPY @10,000 JPY x 0 category 120 Chapter 8 9. Various Advertisement Menus To invite more visitors to the your booth and to attract attention of more people, the Management Office offers various advertisement menus. The exhibitors can choose from the menus, such as banner advertisements in the Official Guidebook, Official Website and at TGS site. <Examples of Advertisement > *Please ask TGS OMO to send AD menu for more choices. ● Official Guidebook (4color 1page) 324,000 JPY (incl. tax) ● Official Website (Top Page Fixed Banner) 216,000 JPY per unit (incl. tax) ● TGS Official Video Channel Trailer Footage 54,000 JPY per unit (incl. tax) ● Onsite advertisement ・Entrance Self-Standing Banner 540,000 JPY (incl. tax) 【Outline】 ■ material: Fabric ■ Size: W1800 x H1800 ■ Finish: Data output ■ Based on consultation *Please contact TGS OMO for price to customize. ・AD Wall 432,000 JPY (incl. tax) 【Outline】 ■ Material: Output sheet ■ Size: W950 x H2300 (4sides) ■ Finish: Data output ■ Location: Based on consultation (in public spaces only) * The picture shown on the left is a customized sample with catalogue holder. Please contact TGS OMO for price to customize. ・Exhibit Floor signage banner 324,000 JPY (incl. tax) 【Outline】 ■ Material: Fabric ■ Size: W2000 x H2000 (both sides) ■ Finish: Data output ■ Location: Hanging from the ceiling of each Hall 121 9 Chapter Business Meeting Chapter 9 Business Meeting Chapter 9 Business Meeting 1-1. Appointment System “Asia Business Gateway” REVISED Asia Business Gateway is the system that allows exhibitors to make a meeting appointment with other exhibitors or business day visitors in advance. (Exhibitor registration required) Any exhibitor can make use of this system for free. By making use of this System, the exhibitors will be able to approach, or be approached by companies with various products/ services and techniques before the Show. This will expand the possibilities of having business meetings with companies that were hard to approach. Also, because the exhibitor will know who to have the meeting with, thorough preparations of the meeting can be made beforehand. In order to promote game business internationally, CESA and the Management Office are trying to facilitate communication and exchange among Japanese and overseas exhibitors and visitors. In this relation, exhibitors are requested to register the person in charge of overseas affairs as well as the person in charge of domestic business. Name, Email address and other personal information provided for the registration of the Appointment System will not be made public. Exhibitors can send and receive messages on this system only. To make use of this System, the exhibitors are requested to register to Asia Business Gateway and to provide the profile of your own company. Please register from the following website. URL : https://bms.nikkeibp.co.jp/service/login/tgs14-bms?lg=en (Available from beginning of August) ■ To Achieve Good Results in Meetings at TGS (1) What is the advantage of using Appointment System “Asia Business Gateway”? At any trade shows, it is very important to exchange business cards and exchange information at the site. It is equally important to follow-up on these people after the show with direct mails or emails. Sometimes, it may even become necessary to meet with some of the people again after the show. Also, you can save time and money if it is possible to hold as many business meetings as possible during the show. By doing so, you will be able to carry out business efficiently and get good results. TGS 2013 attracted 52,354 people in the game business field from Japan and abroad on the Business Days. Please make the best use of this System to expand your business opportunities. (2) How to utilize Asia Business Gateway To make use of Asia Business Gateway, please follow the procedure on the next page. This system will open approximately 1.5 months before the show (around beginning of August). It is possible to make appointments for a business meeting with companies that are registered to this system. Although, the approach may not always be successful, but the important thing is to approach as many companies as possible. Please make use of this system to expand your business opportunities. 123 Chapter 9 1-2. How to use Asia Business Gateway REVISED Person in charge of domestic business department and of overseas business department of the exhibiting company will be able to use this Appointment System “Asia Business Gateway” in order to make appointments with visitors at TGS 2014 in advance. Exhibitor (1) Exhibitor Asia Business Gateway Managem ent Office Office You can access from “To the business day visitors” in the official website Exhibitor’s Contact Person receives Email including log in information Domestic business Personnel (2) Collecting information from Domestic and Overseas Business Dept. Overseas business Personnel Relative personnel can log in to the system Business Day visitor Entry Starts from beginning of August *Asia Business Gateway cannot be used for making visitor-to-visitor appointment. Email with the log-in information will be automatically sent from the Management Office to exhibitor’s Contact Person around the beginning of August. Registration will be completed on Asia Business Gateway website following the URL in this email. Asia Business Gateway In the official website Exhibitor Business Day visitor Meeting agreed Choose meeting time and date Reserve a meeting place (1) When exhibitor reserves booth in the area Exhibitors’ booth in Business Meeting Area (2) When exhibitor’s booth is not available Exhibitor’s shared meeting tables in Business Meeting Area If all tables are full Other places Exhibitors can choose the meeting time and place after the meeting has been agreed between exhibitors and business day visitors. For the meeting, exhibitors can choose the exhibitor’s booth in Business Meeting Area or exhibitor’s shared meeting table in this area (free of charge) if it is available. 124 Chapter 9 (1) Log-in First, person receiving an invitation email (main personnel) from the Management Office needs to access to the URL that appears in the email to log-in to “Asia Business Gateway”. It is also possible to access this site from the Official Website. Then, please log-in using the provided ID and password. (2) Profile entry Language, company information, selfintroduction, seeking product/service, personal information and other information can be entered in the form. The provided personal information will not be disclosed to be Business Matching counterparts. Meanwhile main personnel can register an account information in order to link to SNS such as Twitter, Facebook and Linkedln. (3) Entry of additional “Person in charge” Main personnel can register another person as “sub-personnel” belonging to the same group. This additional entry allows sub-personnel to receive additional invitation email, use common company profile with main personnel and share information on meeting appointment or schedule. 125 「Asia Business Gateway」 Chapter 9 (4) Company Search Based on the registered open-to-public information, it is possible to search for appropriate business counterparts. This searching system enables the exhibitors and the visitors to find the right counterparts satisfying both sides’ needs by entering the registered company name, visitor’s name, free words, field, company name or country and regional name. (5) Appointment function Exhibitor can request for a meeting appointment after finding a prospective business counterpart. Meeting subject, appointment request message, meeting spot, and preferred date and time for the meeting can be entered and sent to the counterpart. Entering these information may be discontinued halfway and be saved, and can be retrieved at a later time from the Message BOX. (6) Check your schedule You can check your schedule and your client’s (meeting partner) schedule. Please make use of this function to arrange your meeting schedule. You can register the schedule other than the meeting appointment (attending seminar or watching a show) on the system. Schedule sheet can be downloaded as PDF file for you to print out and bring it to the site. 126 Chapter 9 (7) Remind email Remind email will be sent after you send your appointment message to the counterpart. Your company name will be on the remind mail. (8) Message BOX Sent/Received emails are listed in the message box. This message box has the function to check the status of appointment messages, to send remind emails and indicate messages from the Management Office. (9) Automatic booking of meeting table Exhibitors can book a meeting time and place when business meetings are agreed on Asia Business Gateway. For a meeting place, fee-charged meeting booth (Exhibitor booth) at the Business Meeting Area in the International Convention Tower, Makuhari Messe or a exhibitor’s shared meeting table in this hall can be automatically assigned as long as the spaces are available. Please set another meeting space and share this information with your counterpart if the above mentioned meeting spaces are full. For further information about Asia Business Gateway Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka(Ms.)/ Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg., 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp 127 Chapter 9 Business Meeting REVISED 2. Business Meeting Area About Appointment System “Asia Business Gateway” P. 123 Tokyo Game Show has welcomed many game professionals both from Japan and abroad. To facilitate international business meetings, “Business Meeting Area” has been established. Exhibitor can use the Appointment System “Asia Business Gateway” to arrange business meetings with other exhibitors and trade visitors free of charge and hold meetings at the above places. (1) Business Meeting Area (Period) September 18-19 (Venue) 2nd floor, International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe 1. Meeting Room / Basic Table Space (Fee-charged) Meeting Room is a closed private room with door and walls. Basic table space is an open exclusive meeting space. To use the table space, exhibitor application Is necessary. 2. Exhibitors’ Shared Meeting Table All exhibitors can use the shared meeting space (open-style meeting table) free of charge, which can be booked through the Appointment System “Asia Business Gateway”. Exhibitors can use this space for a maximum of an hour per meeting. * The space is not available only among visitors. Visitor Exhibitor System Registration System Registration Appointment System “Asia Business Gateway” Exhibitor can use the free business meeting space after making appointments Reservation can be made on the system Free Exhibitor’s Shared Meeting Table in Business Meeting Area (Period) September 18-19 (Place) 2nd floor, International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe •Shared meeting space for exhibitors and visitors (Free of charge) •Open style tables •This exhibitor’s shared meeting table can be booked via Appointment System “Asia Business Gateway”. Exhibitor can book the space on the day of the meeting if the spaces are available. •Free translation service can be provided (Japanese, English) •Up to 1 hour per one meeting 3. Service provided in Business Meeting Area * Business Coordinator * Interpretation Service (Japanese, English) * Wireless Wi-Fi internet Access (Wireless LAN) * Complimentary Mineral Water 128 Chapter 9 3. Interpretation Service At TGS 2014, free interpretation service is available at the “Business Meeting Area” during the Business Days (Sep. 18 and 19). The interpretation services are only for Japanese and English. Please come to the reception counter in the “Business Meeting Area” on that day to make your request. However, please understand that because the number of interpreters is limited, we may not be able to meet your request. For further information and application for services on this page: Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka (Ms.)/ Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg., 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp 129 10 Chapter Rentals Chapter 10 Rentals Chapter 10 Rentals 1. Rentals of Makuhari Messe Conference Rooms Rent for the Conference/Meeting Room Application Form No. 34 FAX July 4 Submit for Optional Order REVISED Exhibitors may make a request to use the conference rooms or meeting rooms in Makuhari Messe Exhibition Hall and in the Conference Tower, using Form 34 “Rent for the Conference/Meeting Room Application Form”. Please fill in the necessary information and submit it to the Management Office by Friday, July 4. (1) Conference rooms・multi-purpose rooms in the exhibition hall ① Usage Fee 5 days rent one day rent 5 days rent one day rent 5 days rent one day rent one day rent one day rent Meeting room at Hall 1, 3, 4 Sep. 17 - Sep. 21 Meeting room at Hall 2 Multipurpose room at Hall 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 Hall9 Business room 9-1 Meeting room at Hall 9 Sep. 17 - Sep. 21 Sep. 17 - Sep. 21 Sep. 18 - Sep. 21 Sep. 18 - Sep. 21 ¥518,400 ¥129,600 ¥626,400 ¥162,000 ¥842,400 ¥216,000 ¥126,900 ¥162,000 (tax incl.) (tax incl.) (tax incl.) (tax incl.) (tax incl.) (tax incl.) (tax incl.) (tax incl.) * Please contact TGS OMO if the exhibitor would like to use the meeting room from September 16th. ②How to Request and Settle the Payment Make a request, using Form 34 “Rent for the Conference/Meeting Room Application Form”. The Management Office will send an invoice to the exhibitor. ③Deadline for the request: Friday July 4. In case there are too many requests for the room, exhibitors in Hall 1-8 requesting for 5 consecutive days will be given the priority, and those in Hall 9 requesting longer period during the show period will be given the priority . If request for the room overlaps among exhibitors, CESA members reserving more than 80 booths have the top priority. Next priority goes to exhibitors reserving more than 80 booths, CESA members reserving 40 or more booths, CESA members reserving less than 40 booths, and general exhibitors follow. After following these orders, exhibitors to use the room will be chosen by lottery. <Facilities in Makuhari Messe> Hall 1 - 8 Makuhari Messe Seaside Outside Stockroom Exhibitor Only Area Hall 8 Hall 7 Hall 6 Hall 5 Hall 4 Makuhari Messe North side 131 Hall 3 Hall 2 Hall 1 Rooms for rent to Exhibitors Rooms for the Management use Chapter 10 Hall 9 Outside Stock Room Meeting room 9-1 2nd Floor Hall 9 Conference room Meeting room 9-2 Hall 9 Multipurpose room 9-1 Meeting room 9-3 Hall 9 Multipurpose room 9-2 Hall 9 Organizer’s Office 1st Floor Rooms for rent to Exhibitors Rooms for the Management use (2) Conference rooms in the Conference Hall ①Usage Fee Please contact TGS OMO for details. ②Deadline for the request: Friday July 4 In case there are too many requests, CESA members will be given the priority. If request for the room overlaps among exhibitors, CESA members reserving more than 80 booths have the top priority. Next priority goes to exhibitors reserving more than 80 booths, and CESA members reserving 40 or more booths, CESA members reserving less than 40 booths and general exhibitors follow. After following these orders, exhibitors to use the room will be chosen by lottery. ③How to Request Make a request, using Form 34 “Rent for the Conference/Meeting Room Application Form”. The Management Office will keep them until July 14 (Mon.) and submit them all at once to Makuhari Messe. ④Payment Please make the payment of the room usage fee and other supplementary charges to Makuhari Messe by 14 days before the date of usage. The exhibitors are required to make a request directly to Makuhari Messe for incidental facilities, equipment and catering and settle the payment with them. Catering service from outside the venue to the conference Hall is prohibited. 132 Chapter 10 Please note that the following cancellation fee will arise in case the request is cancelled. After July 15----- 30% of the room usage fee After 14 days before the date of usage --- 100% of the room usage fee ⑤Remarks Please take care of your own belongings and valuables as the Management Office or Makuhari Messe will not be responsible for any losses or damage in the Conference Rooms/Multi-purpose Rooms. Conference Tower is smoking free. Please contact TGS OMO for smoking information before the show. For further information and Application for Rentals of Makuhari Messe Conference Rooms Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka(Ms.)/ Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg. 6F, 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp 2. Rentals of Outside Stock Rooms Application Form for Outside Stock Room No. 35 Web Form Aug 8 Submit for Optional Order Exhibitors may make a request to rent outdoor stock rooms, using Form 35 “Application Form for Outside Stock Room”. Please fill in the necessary information and submit it to TGS OMO by Friday, August 8. (1) Installation Fee One stock room is 237,600 JPY (Including tax) ● The above fee includes electricity construction fee up to 2KW and fee for electricity use ● Please contact the TGS OMO for connection of 2 rooms or more. (2) Determining the location of the stock room ● The location of the stock room will be determined by the Management Office. ● As the space is limited, the Management Office may have to stop accepting requests before the deadline. South Stock Rooms East Conference Tower Main entrance Event Hall Stock Rooms North 133 Hall 9 Chapter 10 (3) Specifications 1800 ● Please refer to the illustration below for specifications of the outdoor stock room. ● There is a key to the stock room Please contact TGS OMO as to how to receive the key. ● The period of usage is from Wednesday, September 17, 8:00 to Sunday September 21, 18:30. 800 (4) Optional Service An air conditioner can be installed. 153,360 JPY (including tax, power supply and installation cost) per unit (5) Operations/ Notes The exhibitors using the stock rooms are requested to lock the room and take good custody of the items in the room and any other valuables. Because the move-in/move-out entrance will be the waiting area for the visitors during TGS, thorough management is requested. When using the stock room as a meeting room or a cloak room, it is not necessary to report to the Fire Department for smoking inside the room. However, in case of fire, the Organizer/the Management Office will not be held responsibility. In case of smoking in the stock room, please prepare an ashtray, tin cans for cigarette buds and a fire extinguisher. The following is the way to receive and return the key to the stock room. ■ Receive the key : From 8:00 at the Management Office on Wednesday, September 17 (The exhibitor will receive only one key.) ■ Return the key : To the Management Office by Sunday, September 21 before 19:30 1. Stock Room Entrance Gate Hall 1-8 Steel Gate on the South Side (except for Hall 1, 8) The gate will open during the following hours: September 18 8:00 - 19:00 September 19 8:00 - 19:00 September 20 8:00 - 19:00 September 21 8:00 - 21:30 Use the entrance of the mall and the pathway (indicated with in P. 129) to the stock room (outside) Use the mall entrance when the steel gate on the south side is closed. Hall 9 Steel Gate on the West Side The gate will open during the following hours: September 20 8:00 – 19:00 September 21 8:00 – 21:30 Except the time when the gate opens, stock room cannot be used. 2. On the general public days, security guards will be arranged to prevent visitors from entering the Hall. Therefore, all the exhibitors are requested to put their Exhibitor’s Badges on. There will be no security guards for the stock room. 3. The above are subject to changes. Please contact TGS OMO for further details. 134 Chapter 10 3. Platform Rentals PS4・ PS3, PSVita Rental Application Form No. 36 Email FAX Jul 25 Submit for Optional Order REVISED Exhibitors may make a request to rent various consoles, using Form 36, 37, 38 “Platform Rental Application Form”. Because the number of consoles is limited, please be sure to turn in your request by the specified date. Otherwise, we may not be able to meet your request. (1) Rentals for PS4・PS3, PSVita To rent PS4・PS3 or PSVita, please submit Form 36 “PS4・PS3, PSVita Rental Application Form” by Friday, July 25 ②PS3 Console image (40-inch) W1150 D550 H2090 (mm) Electric capacity: 620W ①PS4 Console image (42-inch) W660 D600 H1955 (mm) Electric capacity: 346W *W954 for monitor (42-inch) *Possible to place 40 or 32 inch ③ PSVita Trial console image (26-inch) W750 D450 H1900 (mm) Electric capacity: approx. 120W * Monitor image does not interface with PSVita. * A DVD player is connected to this console for output. However, you can change this if you want. ④General Trial Play Stand image (32-inch) W630 D800 H1450(mm) * Size may differ depending on monitor size Electric capacity depends on each connected platform, *It works with PS3, PSVita and other platforms. * Please contact TGS OMO for other options for trial console and monitor stand including PSP trial console. 135 Chapter 10 Nintendo 3DS, WiiU Rental Application Form No. 37 Email FAX Jul 25 Submit for Optional Order (2) Rentals for Nintendo 3DS, WiiU To rent Nintendo 3DS or WiiU, please submit Form 37 “Nintendo 3DS, WiiU Rental Application Form” by Thursday, July 25. ④Nintendo 3DS Trial Play Unit Console: W128 D110 H107 (mm) Alarm Box: W180 D115 H48 (mm) 3DS Electric Capacity: 4.1W * Please ask for reference material, etc. * Construction works such as screw clamp to table are necessary ⑤Nintendo DS Official Equipment W350 D421 H1080 (mm) Electric capacity: About 4.1W * Please choose equipment color from White or Black. (Image below is White) Console stand Alarm Box ⑥ WiiU Trial Console (47-inch) W830(maximum1107) D950 H1800 (mm) Electric capacity: approx. 200w Possible to use with WiiU GamePad Stand.* *Please contact Nintendo service representative for the details. 136 Chapter 10 ■ Price List (*Extra cost will be charged for transportation, setting and consumption tax.) ①PS4 Rental Items PS4 trial console full set PS4 Business day only (excl. tax) ¥57,200 ¥11,700 4 days total (excl. tax) ¥74,800 ¥15,300 * PS4 trial console full set includes 42-inch LCD monitor, PS4 and PS4 trial console. * No PlayStation Camera is attached. ②PS3 Business day only (excl. tax) 4 days total (excl. tax) PS3 trial console full set Rental Items ¥58,500 ¥76,500 PS3 debug ¥9,100 ¥11,900 PS3 trial console ¥13,000 ¥17,000 40-inch LCD monitor ¥36,400 ¥47,600 * PS3 trial console full set includes 40-inch LCD monitor, PS3 debug and PS3 trial console. * TGS does not offer rental service regarding PlayStation Movie (Motion controller, Navigation controller and PlayStation Eye) ③PS Vita Rental Items PS Vita trial console full set PS Vita PS Vita trial console 26-inch LCD monitor Business day only (excl. tax) ¥41,600 ¥10,400 ¥11,700 ¥19,500 4 days total (excl. tax) ¥54,400 ¥13,600 ¥15,300 ¥25,500 * PS Vita trail console set comes with a 26-inch monitor, PS Vita testing kit, a trial console and DVD player. * Monitor image does not interface with PSVita. * DVD player will be attached to monitor as output equipment, however you may have another option. ④Trial Console Trial console set Trial console 32-inch LCD monitor Rental Items Business day only (excl. tax) ¥36,400 ¥10,400 ¥26,000 4 days total (excl. tax) ¥47,600 ¥13,600 ¥34,000 Business day only (excl. tax) 4 days total (excl. tax) 3DS official appliance full set (White) ¥18,200 ¥23,800 3DS official appliance full set (Black) ¥18,200 ¥23,800 3DS trial unit(White) ¥7,800 ¥10,200 3DS trial unit(Black) ¥7,800 ¥10,200 * It does not include each platform main eqipment. * Trial console set comes with 32-inch LCD monitor and trialconsole. ⑤3DS Rental Items 3DS ROM card (additional) ¥650 ¥850 ¥9,100 ¥11,900 3DS Hub capture for Partner-CTR ¥650 ¥850 3DS Communiation cable for Partner-CTR ¥650 ¥850 3DS Partner-CTR capture * 3DS trial play unit comes with the main unit, alarm box and a demo stand, alarm release key and short rom. * Construction work is necessary in case of using the 3DS trial play unit. ⑥WiiU Rental Items WiiU trial console set WiiU GamePad Stand set Business day only (excl. tax) ¥49,400 ¥23,400 * WiiU trial console full set comes with a 47-inch monitor, WiiU, exlusive GamePad, WiiUand traial console. For further information and application for rental of Xbox 360 Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka (Ms.)/ Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg., 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp 137 4 days total (excl. tax) ¥64,600 ¥30,600 Chapter 10 Xbox 360 Rental Application Form No. 38 Email FAX (3) Rentals for Xbox 360 To rent Xbox 360, submit Form 38 “Xbox 360 Rental Application Form” by Friday, August 22. ■ Platform Size ■ Internal Lighting Graphics Aug 22 Submit for Optional Order Electric Capacity: 430W per console * Internal Lighting Graphics may be different from the actual image. 1. The rental fee below is only applicable during TGS period. 2. The rental fee below covers the whole exhibition period. (Cost for transport, setting and tax is charged separately.) 3. Please note that these equipments are in limited supply. Rental Items Full set Demo kit Full set Retail (product version) Demo kit (debug version) Retail console (product version) 23-inch LCD monitor Controller with cable Kinect * Full Set Demo Kit: * Full Set Retail Version: * Demo kit includes the following: * Retail console includes the following: 4 days rental (excl. tax) ¥10,000 ¥10,000 ¥2,500 ¥2,500 ¥4,000 ¥300 ¥300 * Tax (8%) is not included. Trial play console, 23-inch monitor, demo kit Trial play console, 23-inch monitor, retail console Xbox360 (250GB, HDMI terminal), power cable, AC adaptor, controller with cable (x 2), HDMI AV cable, D connection HDAV cable, component HDAV cable, S video AV cable, VGA HDAV cable Xbox360 (250GB, HDMI terminal), power cable, AC adaptor, headset, composite AV cable, wireless controller (x 1) For further information and application for rental of Xbox 360 Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka (Ms.)/ Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg., 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp 138 Chapter 10 4. Rentals of Fixtures, Furniture and AV Equipment Exhibitors may also make a request for monitors, video players and PA equipment. In this case, please submit Form 39 “Fixtures and Audio Visual Equipment Rental Application Form” by Friday, August 20. Fixtures and Audio Visual Equipment Rental Application Form (1) Rental Fixtures (excluding tax) Counter Chair Folding Chair Reception Counter Meeting Table Chapter 10 Display Table With arm No. 39 Web Form A4 size, 12copies A4 size, 3 shelves Sliding door cabinet for JPY640 display Corner Display Table JPY3,200 W450xD550xSH430 Aug 20 Plug-in Socket JPY6,000 W900xD450xH800 W400xD450xSH700 Meeting Set Desktop Catalog Stand Catalog Stand JPY3,200 Shelf JPY10,000 Greenery W1800xD600xH730 W1000xD700xH1000 Pole Partition Pole Chain Exhibitors may also make a request for monitors, video players and PA equipment. In this case, please submit Form 38 “Fixtures and Audio Visual Equipment Rental Application Form” by Wednesday, August 20. Submit for Optional Order JPY5,600 JPY1,600 (1) Rental Fixtures (excluding A4 size, 12 copies A4 size, 3 shelves tax) * Items other than the ones above LED Spotlight Round Table are to what other items are available. JPY10,000 W1550xD900xSH1350 Reception Counter Sliding door cabinet also available. for display Please JPY240 1m Meeting Table JPY1,600 Display Table feel free toSocket make inquiriesShelf as Plug-in (2) AV Equipment List (excluding tax) JPY6,000Catalog Stand with arms JPY3,000 JPY3,000 sockets Meeting Setcabinet itself 100V LED2 Spotlight W1000 *To place s JPY4,000 Desktop Catalog ø600xH600 Stand need extra fee *Please designate desired place JPY3,000 Round Table W1000xD300 * Items other than the ones above are also available. Please feel free to make inquiries as to what other items are available. (2) AV Equipment List (excluding tax) No Item Detail Wattage Size Price (excl. tax) 16 22-inch LCD wide display SHARP LC-22K5-B PC screen image (1360 x 768) display, VCR screen image (HDMI terminal input available), 16:9 wide screen, Stereo speaker attached 51W W535×H350×D48 ¥38,000 17 26-inch LCD wide display SHARP LC26GH1 PC screen image (SXGA 1280 x 1024) display, VCR screen image (HDMI terminal input available), 16:9 wide screen, Stereo speaker attached 143W W682×H514×D125 ¥52,000 18 32-inch LCD wide display SHARP LC-32DS5-B PC screen image, VCR screen image (1360 x 768), VCR screen image (HDMI teminal input available), 16:9 wide screen, Stereo speaker attached 154W W786×H534×D92 ¥94,000 19 40-inch LCD wide display NEC LCD-P401 PC screen image, VCR screen image (1920 x 1080), VCR screen image (HDMI teminal input available), 16:9 wide screen, Stereo speaker attached 350W W919,7×H532,2×D140 ¥130,000 20 46-inch LCD wide display NEC LCD-P461 PC screen image, VCR screen image (1920 x 1080), VCR screen image (HDMI teminal input available), 16:9 wide screen, Stereo speaker attached 390W W1055.4×H608.6×D140 ¥145,000 21 52-inch LCD wide display NEC LCD5220 PC screen image, VCR screen image (1920 x 1080), VCR screen image (HDMI teminal input available), 16:9 wide screen, Stereo speaker attached 420W W1200×H732.5×D147.5 ¥178,000 22 55-inch LCD wide display NEC LCD-X551S PC screen image, VCR screen image (1920 x 1080), VCR screen image (HDMI teminal input available), 16:9 wide screen * No Stereo speaker attached 265W W1254×H726×D43,3 ¥194,000 23 60-inch LCD wide display SHARP PN-E601 PC screen image, VCR screen image (1920 x 1080), VCR screen image (HDMI teminal input available), 16:9 wide screen * No Stereo speaker attached 400W W1374×H793×D112 ¥237,000 24 22-inch monitor stand LUXOR LE-DUO (midium size) Shelf and caster attached *** 25 32, 40-inch monitor stand LUXOR LE-DUO (large size) Shelf and caster attached *** 20 - 32-inch LCD display rack AVC STD-R03 26 * only above monitor sizes are available Shelf and caster attached 40 - 46-inch LCD display rack AVC STD-R02 * only above monitor sizes are available 52 - 60-inch LCD display rack AVC STD-R01 28 * only above monitor sizes are available W687×H adjustable×D460 ¥11,000 In the case of monitor set ¥4,000 W895×H adjustable×D614 ¥13,000 In the case of monitor set ¥5,000 *** W500×H1312×D580 ¥8,000 Shelf and caster attached *** W552×H1548×D802 ¥8,000 Shelf and caster attached *** W850×H1695×D904 ¥11,000 29 DVD player Pioneer DV-464-S Retail product, auto-repeat 9W W420×H55×D283 ¥10,000 30 BlueRay player Panasonic DMR-BWT530 Retail product 20W 27 139 In the case of monitor set ¥5,000 W430×H41,5×D199 ¥19,000 In the case of monitor set ¥14,000 Chapter 10 No Item Detail Wattage Size Price (excl. tax) 31 PA set (small size) Max. speaker input 45W(rms), 150W(peak) 100W Speaker (BOSE101) x 2, Small amplifier (2705MX) x 1, Microphone with cable x 1 32 PA set (midium size) Max. speker input 90W(rms), 300W(peak) 500W Speaker (BOSE200) x 2 Mixer amplifier (PMP1000) x 1, Microphone with cable x 1 ¥57,000 33 Microphone with cable As an additional to PA set *** *Only available with PA set ¥4,000 34 Headset microphone with cable As an additional to PA set *** *Only available with PA set ¥5,000 ¥8,000 ¥34,000 35 Small desk speaker BOSE Mediamate L/R 1 set 25W W84×H187×D211 In the case of a set with the item in the list Image distributor analogue RGB (for PC) 36 ALTINEXDA1506RT (max. 6 distribution) Analogue RGB distribution (D-sub 15pin terminal), Cable 4.5W * Analogue RGB (D-sub 15pin terminal) ¥23,000 Analogue RGB switcher (D-sub 15pin terminal), Cable 10W * Analogue RGB (D-sub 15pin terminal) ¥29,000 37 Image switcher analogue RGB (for PC) EXTRON SW6 VGArs (6 inputs, 1 output) ¥5,000 * The prices above include equipment lease fee, delivery fee and adjustment fee. * When any trouble may occur on the rental equipment, it will be handled before and during the show period. * Other rental equipment such as large-sized visual system is available, so please contact TGS OMO. * If all equipment is rented out, same type equipment from other company will be prepared. For further information and Application for Rentals of Fixtures, Furniture and AV Equipment Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka (Ms.)/ Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg., 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp 5. Rentals of Personal Computers and Digital Equipment PC and Other Digital Equipment Rental Application Form Rentals of personal computers and digital equipment are available. Exhibitors may make a request of personal computers and digital equipment, using Form 40 “PC and Other Digital Equipment Rental Application Form” by Friday, August 29. ■ Tokyo Game Show 2014 Special Rate Package No. 40 Email FAX Aug 29 Submit for Optional Order Amount of Power consumption Maximum Presentation Package Price (excl. tax) OS P1 Toshiba dynabook B551 (1366×768) ¥9,500 Windows7 Pro P2 DELL OptiPlex 780SFF (monitor not included) ¥9,500 Windows7 Pro 235W Internet Connection Package Price (excl. tax) OS Maximum P3 Toshiba dynabook B551 (1366×768) ¥9,500 Windows7 Pro P4 DELL OptiPlex 780SFF (monitor not included) ¥9,500 Windows7 Pro All-in-one package Price (excl. tax) OS P5 Toshiba dynabook B551 (1366×768) ¥13,000 Windows7 Pro P6 DELL OptiPlex 780SFF (monitor not included) ¥13,000 Windows7 Pro MS Office Standard is installed with "PowerPoint" for presentation. (Please choose from 2007, 2010, 2013) *1 Virus Measures are pre-installed with strengthened security * NOD32 installed, Update Windows 75W 75W 235W Microsoft Office Standard, NOD32 installed, Updated Windows. (Please choose from 2007, 2010, 2013) *1 75W 235W *1 In case of installing Office 2010, OS above Windows Vista (SP1) , Windows 7 will be necessary. In case of installting Office 2013, OS above Windows 7 will be necessary. Notebook PC No. Items Price Memory (excl. tax) 1 DELL Latitude E6520 (1600×900) ¥7,000 4096 2 DELL Latitude E6510 (English version) (1600×900) ¥6,500 4096 3 Lenovo ThinkPad T530 2359CTO (1920×1080) ¥10,000 8GB 4 Lenovo ThinkPad T510 4314-3VJ (1600×900) ¥7,500 2048 5 Toshiba dynabook B552 (1366×768) ¥7,500 4096 6 Toshiba dynabook K45 (1366×768) ¥6,500 2048 7 Toshiba dynabook B551 (1366×768) ¥6,000 2048 8 Apple MacBook Pro MC103J/A (1440×900) ¥13,000 4096 9 Apple MacBook Pro MD322J/A (1440×900) ¥12,000 4096 CPU Corei7 2.7G Corei7 2.66G Quad Core i7 2.7G Corei5 2.4G Core i5 2.6G Core i7 2.66G Core i5 2.3G Quad Core i7 2.3G Quad Core i7 2.4G 10 Additional memory for notebooks 1024MB ¥500 11 Additional memory for notebooks 2048MB ¥700 12 Security Wire ¥400 *A number of Note-book PC burglaries are reported in the exhibition halls. *Please put security wires and store PCs away in a place with a key to protct them from burglary. 140 VRAM Drive OS Amount of Power consumption Maximum NVIDIA NVS 4200M DVD super multimedia Win7-Pro 32bit 90W Main Memory Share DVD super multimedia Win7-Pro 32bit 65W NVIDIA NVS 5400M DVD super multimedia Win8-Pro 64bit or Win7-Pro 64bit 65W Main Memory Share DVD super multimedia Win7-Pro 32bit 65W Main Memory Share Win8-Pro 64bit or DVD super multimedia Win7-Pro 64bit 75W Main Memory Share DVD super multimedia Win7-Pro 32bit 75W Main Memory Share DVD super multimedia Win7-Pro 32bit GeForce GT 650M DVD super multimedia OS X (10.8) RADEON HD 6770M DVD super multimedia OS X (10.7) 75W Manufactures not open to public Manufactures not open to public Chapter 10 Desktop No. Items 13 HP dx7500 SF/CT Price Memory (excl. tax) ¥5,000 4096 14 DELL OptiPlex 980SFF ¥6,000 4096 15 DELL OptiPlex 980SFF (English version) ¥6,000 4096 16 Additional memory for desktop 1024MB 17 Additional memory for desktop 2048MB Amount of Power consumption Maximum CPU VRAM Drive OS Core2Duo 3.33G Corei7-860 2.8G Corei7-860 2.8G Onboard DVD super mutimedia Win7-Pro 32bit 250W RADEON HD 3450 256MB RADEON HD 3450 256MB DVD super mutimedia Win7-Pro 32bit 235W DVD super mutimedia Win7-Pro 32bit 235W ¥500 ¥700 Useware No 18 19 20 21 Items Windows Update fee Network wiring and istallation Unpacking and Installation, Dismantling and Removal Various application installation Price Remarks In the case of "Important Update" Only ¥2,000 In-booth network wiring and network set up Ask Ask Unpacking setting of the materials, dismantling removal (even one of them is available) ¥ 2,000 ~ Pre- installation of free / commercial application Software Rental (Microsoft Office, Security Measures Software) Price Remarks (excl. tax) 22 MS Office2013/2010/2007 Professional Plus *2 ¥2,500 Japanese, English version (Windows only, installation fee required) 23 MS Office2013/2010/2007 Standard *2 ¥2,000 Japanese, English version (Windows only, installation fee required) 24 King Soft Office2010 ¥500 Japanese version (Windows only, installation fee required) Japanese, English version (Windows only, installation fee required) 25 Cannon IT Solution NOD32 AntiVirus Free 26 Symantec EndpointProtection ¥500 Japanese, English version (Windows, Mac OS, installation fee required) Installtion fee neessary for each PC 27 Software installation fee ¥2,000 28 Data erasure software HITACHI KE Systems CLEAR-DA ¥500 It is required per PC *3 *2 In case of installing Office 2010, OS above Windows Vista (SP1) , Windows 7 will be necessary. In case of installting Office 2013, OS above Windows 7 will be necessary. *3 Erasing data using this software takes about 2 hours.(3-9 minutes / 1GB), so we advise you to take back the PC to erase the data after the event. No. Items LCD Monitor No. 29 30 31 32 33 34 Item 24"LCD Monitor Mitsubishi MDT241WG and etc. 23.6"LCD Monitor iiyama ProLite E2473HS-2 and etc. 20"LCD Monitor SAMSUNG 204B and etc. 19"LCD Monitor Mitsubishi RDT194LM and etc. 17"LCD Monitor SAMSUNG740N PLUS and etc. Monitor (15 - 24"for LCD) Wall mounting hook (VESA Standards) Price (excl. tax) ¥10,000 ¥3,500 ¥3,200 ¥2,200 ¥1,600 ¥1,300 Remarks WideUXGA 24"(1920×1200) FHD 23.6"(1920x1080) UXGA 20"(1600×1200) SXGA 19"(1280×1024) SXGA 17"(1280×1024) To remove monitor stand, extra JPY2,000 per unit will be charged Touch panel No. Item 35 23''Multi-touch LCD Monitor Eizo FlexScan T2381W_B Price (excl. tax) ¥6,700 Remarks FHD23.0''(1920x1080), Windows8,7 corresponding iPad / iPhone No. 36 37 38 39 Item (Tablet)Apple iPad 16GB Wifi [4th/Air] (Tablet)Apple iPad 16GB Wifi + Cellular(SIM Free)*4 [4th/Air] (Tablet)Apple iPad mini 16GB Wifi+Cellular(SIM Free)*4 (Smartphone)Apple iPhone5 16GB White SIM free*4 *4 Please contact TGS OMO if use of 3G is preferred. Printer No. Item 40 41 42 43 44 45 (Inkjet) CANON PIXUS IP100 (Inkjet) EPSON PM-G4500 (B/W Laser) CANON Satera LBP3000B (B/W Laser) CANON Satera 8630 (Color Laser) CANON LBP5400 *5 (Color Laser) CANON LBP5910 *5 *5 Free up to 500 copies. Additional 23 yen per copy from 501 copies. Price (excl. tax) ¥4,500 ¥6,300 ¥5,700 ¥9,900 Remarks Wifi Model Wifi & 3G Model 【Wifi 802.11a/b/g/n】 Wifi & 3G Model 【Wifi 802.11a/b/g/n】 Wifi & 3G Model 【Wifi 802.11a/b/g/n】 46 (HUB) Melco LSW-GT-8NSR 47 (HUB) Melco LSW-TX-8NS/HW 48 (ROUTER) YAMAHA NVR500 Item Amount of Power consumption Maximum 56W Amount of Power consumption Maximum ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Amount of Power consumption Price Remarks Maximum (excl. tax) A4 Inkjet printer *ink included ¥6,200 10W ¥10,500 A3 Inkjet printer *ink included 16W A4 B/W laser printer *toner cartridge included ¥9,800 266W ¥27,000 A3 B/W laser printer(compatible with network) *recycle toner cartridge included 980W ¥23,000 A4 Color laser printer (compatible with network) * Cost depends on the no. of copies taken 920W ¥110,000 A3 Color laser printer (compatible with network, Unpacking packing fee included 1130W Network Devices No. Amount of Power consumption Maximum 110W 40W 63W 38W 34W Price (excl. tax) ¥700 ¥600 ¥4,100 Remarks 10/100/1000M 8 Port Switching HUB 10/100M 8 Port Switching HUB FTTH/ADSL high-speed broadband router Amount of Power consumption Maximum 12W 15W 12W * The above rental fee is a special fee (excluding transportation fee and tax) that is applicable only during the event period. It does not include any packaging or installation fee. You can also ask for optional service such as in-booth network wiring, set-up, unpacking and removing. * Other than the ones above, other computers, peripheral devices and network devices are also available. 141 Chapter 10 * Just before the event, requests may pour in from all over the world. In that case, we may not be able to meet your request, so please make your request as early as possible. * The rented items are scheduled to be delivered between 10:00 - 12:00 on Wednesday, September 17. If any exhibitor would like to have the items delivered other than this time, please discuss with TGS OMO. * Request for delivery prior to use and removal after use are also acceptable. Please make the request to get a quotation. * The exhibitors are responsible for storage of any packing material for the rented items. * The theft of notebook PC is frequently reported in the exhibition hall. Please use security wires or store PCs away in a place with a key. • After receiving Form 40, TGS OMO will contact you. • Please contact TGS OMO for rental term, rental fee and how to return the rental items. For further information and Application for Rentals of Personal Computers and Digital Equipment Tokyo Game Show Overseas Management Office (TGS OMO) Sayaka Tanaka (Ms.)/ Yuko Fukunaga (Ms.) c/o Space Media Japan Kosaikaikan Bldg., 5-1-2F Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel:+81-3-3512-5670 Fax: +81-3-3512-5680 E-mail: tgs@smj.co.jp 142 11 Chapter Hotel/ Food&Drinks/ Other Services Chapter 11 Hotel/ Food&Drinks/ Other Services Chapter 11 Hotel/Food & Drinks/Other Services 1. Hotel Accommodation Hotel Reservation Form No. 41 Web Form Aug 15 REVISED JTB Corporate Sales Inc. is the Official Travel Agency of Tokyo Game Show 2014 and will be pleased to arrange accommodations in the vicinity of the venue for visitors. We also offer a range of other services to make your time at Tokyo Game Show more enjoyable. ●Arrangement and operational support for meetings, luncheons etc. ●Entertainment for VIPs and foreign visitors ●Planning and arrangement of observational tours and visits to surrounding points of interest ●Other travel consultations and advice Submit for Optional Order 【Tokyo Game Show 2014 Official Travel Agency】 JTB Corporate Sales Inc., Account Sales Division 7 Contact:TGS 2014 Desk Office Hours:Mon. – Fri. 9:30-17:30, Closed on Sat.,Sun. & Holidays 27F Shinjuku Park Tower, 3-7-1, Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-1066 Japan Phone:+81-(0)3-5909-8089 Fax:+81-(0)3-5909-8099 E-mail:tokyogameshow2014@bwt.jtb.jp Commissioner of Japan Tourism Agency Registered Travel Agency No. 1767 2. Box Lunches and Drinks To make a request for box lunches and drinks, Please contact to TGS OMO for further information. * We will contact exhibitor how and when the box lunches and drinks are to be delivered. * Please have your box lunches on the day for sanitary reason. * Please dispose the empty boxes by exhibitors. 3. Cleaning Within Each Exhibitor's Display Area Booth Cleaning Application Form No. 42 Email FAX Aug 29 To use this service of Cleaning within the display areas of individual exhibitors , please complete Form 41 "Booth Cleaning Application Form," and return it to TGS OMO by Friday, August 29. The charge is 2,400 yen per booth (9 sqm) (excl. tax) and the application for this service is to be made on the basis of the total number of booths reserved by the exhibitor. Cleaning will be carried out in the evening of each day, September 17-20. For more information, please contact TGS OMO. Submit for Optional Order 144 Thank you for reserving your booth at the Tokyo Game Show 2014. Various rules and regulations are written in the “Exhibitor’s Manual”. Please make sure to read this manual thoroughly in making your preparations. If you are planning to subcontract any of the work, please make sure to convey the contents of this manual to the subcontractors. We hope to have your cooperation to operate the Tokyo Game Show in a safe and comfortable environment. Computer Entertainment Supplier’s Association Nikkei BP Tokyo Game Show Secretariat ■ Outline of TGS 2014 Name: Tokyo Game Show 2014 Organizer: Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association (CESA) Co-organizer: Nikkei Business Publications, Inc. Supporting Organizations: Tokyo Game Show 2014 receives Government subsidy of “Localization & Promotion of Japanese Visual Media”, which is a program of The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. Event period: Sep. 18 (Thu.) - Sep. 21 (Sun.), 2014 (four days) ● Sep. 18 (Thu.) - 19 (Fri.), 10:00-17:00 (Business Days) ● Sep. 20 (Sat.) - 21 (Sun.), 10:00-17:00 (Public Day), * Doors may open earlier * No entrance after 16:00 Event site: Makuhari Messe (Japan Convention Center), Exhibit Halls/No.1 to No.8 Halls, about 54,000 m2 ・ No.9 Hall 9000 m2 2-1 Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba City, Japan Tel:043-296-0001 http://www.m-messe.co.jp/en Facilities of the Exhibition Halls:<Hall1-8> Ceiling Height/ Highest : 28m Lowest : 12m Move-in/out Gates / South Gate (Entrance) Height: 5.6m, Width:8.3m North Gate (Entrance) Height: 4m, Width: 5.2m Gates within the site Width: 9m (all gates are the same) Floor Load / per sqm - 5 t/sq. root of S (S=loaded area) Power Supply Pit / 10 rows of power supply pit in each exhibition hall Mechanical Pit / 9 rows of water supply/drainage pit in each exhibition hall <Hall 9> Ceiling Height/ Highest : 34m Lowest : 16m Move-in/out Gates / East Gate (Entrance) and West Gate (Entrance) Height: 4.6m, Width:10m Floor Load / per sqm - 5 t/sqm Power Supply Pit / 16 rows of power supply pit in the hall Mechanical Pit / 14 rows of water supply/drainage pit in the hall Transportation: ● Trains- Kaihin Makuhari Station (JR Keiyo Line): About 29 minutes from Tokyo Station or about 12 minutes from Soga Station → 5 minutes walk to Makuhari Messe *Please see the details in Makuhari Messe Official Website: http://www.m-messe.co.jp/en/access/index.html <<Request from the Secretariat to Minimize Damage to the Environment>> Nikkei BP has been certified according to ISO14001. From July 2008, Nikkei BP has been making an “ISO14001 selfdeclaration”, getting involved deeply in environmental issues. At any events sponsored, or co-sponsored by Nikkei BP, Nikkei BP is promoting eco-friendly activities to prevent damage to the environment, and to use resources effectively. In this relation, we would like to ask for your cooperation on the following points in minimizing damage to the environment. ● Reduction of Waste ・To reduce the number of copies of printed material, such as pamphlets and leaflets and to print only the necessary volume. ・Have the subcontractors take back the decorations and any remaining material ● Use for material that does not have much damage to the environment * Promoting reuse of resources ・ Use of decoration materials that is possible to reuse or recycle ・ Use of recycled paper or certified paper for pamphlets and leaflets ● Reduction of Waste ・ Making booth plans that conserves energy and resources ・ Stop idling of move-in/out vehicles We hope to have your kind understanding in operating an eco-friendly event with concerted efforts of the Organizer, exhibitors and visitors. Thank you. TOKYO GAME SHOW 2014 List of Submission Documents = All exhibitors are required to submit No. Submission Method Submission Document Submission Type Ref. Pg Submission Deadline Submit to General Exhibition Merchandise Sales Game School Smartphone & Social Game Game Device Cloud Gaming Romance Simulation Game Family PC Game Cosplay Business Solution Cloud/Data Center Pavilion Asia New Stars Business Meeting CoExhibitor 1 Web form General Move-out Vehicle Certificate Application Form All exhibitors 20 Aug 1 TGS Overseas Management Office 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 × 2 Web form Invitation Ticket Application Form All exhibitors 22 Jul 23 TGS Overseas Management Office 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 × 3 Web form Guest Badge Application Form Optional 24 Aug 1 TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 × 4 Web form Fee-Charged Additional Badge and Invitation Ticket Application Form Optional 24 Aug 1 TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 × × 5 Web Form Decoration Notification Form All exhibitors 31 Aug 6 TGS Overseas Management Office 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 - Email/ FAX Floor Plan and 3-D Drawings Own decoration 31 Aug 6 TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿䈜1 䕿䈜1 䕿䈜1 䕿䈜1 䕿䈜1 䕿䈜1 䕿䈜1 䕿䈜1 䕿䈜1 䕿䈜1 䕿䈜1 䕿䈜1 䕿䈜1 × × 6 Email/ FAX Ceiling Structure and Two-Story Facility Construction Application Form Optional 42 Aug 8 TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 × × 7 Email/FAX Dangerous Objects Transportation Approval Application Form Optional 43 Aug 8 TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 × × 8 Email/FAX Hole-In Anchors Use Notification Form Optional 44 Aug 15 TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 × × 9 Web form Confirmation Form of Rental Package Booth Optional 45 Aug 6 TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 × × 10 Web form Confirmation Form of Turnkey Booth/ Business Meeting Area/ Asia New Stars Area Optional 47 Aug 6 TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿䈜2 × 䕿䈜2 䕿䈜2 䕿䈜2 䕿䈜2 䕿䈜2 䕿䈜2 䕿䈜2 䕿䈜2 䕿䈜2 䕿䈜2 䖃 䖃 × 11 Email/FAX Electric Power Supply Application Form All exhibitors 52 Aug 6 Iida Electrical Works Co., Ltd. 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 × 12 Web form TGS-Net (Internet Connection) Application Form Optional 52 Aug 29 TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 × 13 Email/FAX Specially-Installed Telephones, FAX, and ISDN Line Application Form 14 Web form Application Form for Fee-Charged Early Move-in Optional 57 Aug 29 TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 × Exhibitors who would like to start Move-in from A.M. 0:00, Tuesday September 16 64 Aug 22 TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 × × × 䕿 䕿 䕿 × × × Optional 73 Aug 29 Nippon Express 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 All exhibitors except Asia New Stars and Business Meeting Area 79 Aug 29 TGS Overseas Management Office 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 × × × All exhibitors 82 Aug 22 TGS Overseas Management Office 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 × 86 Aug 1 TGS Overseas Management Office 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 × 䖃䠆㻢 88 Aug 1 TGS Overseas Management Office 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 × 䖃䠆㻢 Optional 89 Aug 29 TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿 䕿䈜3 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 × 䕿 Reservation/Consignment Sales Notification Form Optional 90 Aug 8 TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 × Email/FAX Tokyo Game Show Product License Application Form Optional 91 Aug 29 TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 × 23 Web form Promotional/Gift Item Application Form Optional 93 Sep 3 TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 × × 24 Email Notification Form for Entertainer & Artist Stage /Application Form for Temporary Traffic Pass Optional 98 Sep 3 TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 × × All exhibitors at General, Merchandise,Family, PC Game, Smartphone Game/ Social Game, Game Device, Cloud Gaming, Romance Simulation, Cosplay Area 99 Aug 22 TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿 䕿 × 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 × × × × × 15 Email/FAX Shipping Cost Estimate Request Form 16 Web form Confirmation Form for Flow Plan in front of In-booth Event Stage/Largesized Screen 17 Web form Booth Operation Officer/ID Purchasing Officer Report Form 18 Web form 19 Web form 20 Email/FAX Exhibit Software Screening Application Form 21 Web form 22 Written Confirmation of Exhibit Software (Regarding Compliance with CESA/CERO Ethical Rules) Written Confirmation of Distributing Promotional Items (Regarding Compliance with CERO Ethical Rules) Written Confirmation of Distribution items for the TGS Big Draw 25 Web Form 26 Web form Digital Signage Personnel Registration Form 27 Web form Written Confirmation of Family Corner Commemoration Items 28 Web form Written Confirmation of Participation in Charity Auction Confirmation Form for Person in charge of Japan Game Award 2014 All exhibitors except Business Meeting Area All exhibitors except Business Meeting Area All Exhibitors who applied more than 40 booths 99 Aug 8 TGS Overseas Management Office 䖃䈜5 䖃䈜5 䖃䈜5 䖃䈜5 䖃䈜5 䖃䈜5 䖃䈜5 䖃䈜5 䖃䈜5 䖃䈜5 䖃䈜5 䖃䈜5 䖃䈜5 䖃䈜5 × All exhibitors at Family Area 101 Sep 3 TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䖃 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 All exhibitors 101 Aug 18 TGS Overseas Management Office 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 All exhibitors at General, Family, Smartphone Game/ Social Game, PC Game, Cloud Gaming, Romance Simulation Game Area 102 Sep 8 TGS Overseas Management Office 䖃 × × 䖃 × 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 × × × × × 䖃䈜4 䖃 29 Web form 30 Web form Exhibitor's Directory Content Report Form All exhibitors 112 Aug 8 TGS Overseas Management Office 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 31 Email Official Guidebook Entry & Publicity Data All Exhibitors Except Business Meeting Area + Except co-exhibitors 113 Aug 1 TGS Overseas Management Office 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 × × 32 Web form Publicity Personnel Registration Form All exhibitors 114 Aug 1 Press Office, TOKYO GAME SHOW 2014 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 䖃 Press Office, TOKYO GAME SHOW 2014 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 × TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 × × TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 × × 33 Email/FAX Press Information Distribution Service Reservation Form Optional 117 34 FAX Rent for the Conference/Meeting Room Application Form Optional 131 Jul 23 - Sep 3 Jul 4 35 Web form Application Form for Outside Stock Room Optional 133 Aug 8 36 Email/FAX PS4, PS3, PSVita Rental Application Form Optional 135 Jul 25 TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿 × 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 37 Email/FAX Nintendo 3DS, WiiU Rental Application Form Optional 136 Jul 25 TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿 × 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 × 38 Email/FAX Xbox 360 Rental Application Form Optional 138 Aug 22 TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿 × 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 × × 39 Web form Fixtures and Audio Visual Equipment Rental Application Form Optional 139 Aug 20 TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 40 Email/FAX PC and Other Digital Equipment Rental Application Form Optional 140 Aug 29 TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 × 41 Web form Hotel Reservation Form Optional 144 Aug 15 JTB Business World Travel & Solutions Corp. 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 42 Email/FAX Booth Cleaning Application Form Optional 144 Aug 29 TGS Overseas Management Office 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 䕿 × *1 Exhibitors doing their own decoration are required to submit *2 Exhibitors reserving a Turnkey booth are required to submit *3 This must be submitted in case of selling software *4 Exhibitors in General Exhibition Area, Family Area, Smartphone/ Social Game Area, PC Game Area, Cloud Gaming Area and Romance Simulation Game Area are required to submit *5 Exhibitors who applied more than 40 booths are required to submit *6 All exhibitors except Business Meeting Area are required to submit
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