BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide Manual BlueCielo ECM Solutions Tuesday, February 11, 2014 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions Le gal N o t ic e © 2014 BlueCielo ECM Solutions B. V. Handelskade 49 2288 BA Rijswijk The Netherlands All rights reserved. The names BlueCielo® and InnoCielo® are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in many countries around the world by BlueCielo ECM Solutions Holding B.V. All other brand names and product names mentioned in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. This publication or parts thereof may only be reproduced if its source is explicitly mentioned. BlueCielo ECM Solutions makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. BlueCielo ECM Solutions, or any of its subsidiaries, shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. i BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions C o nt e nt s Legal Notice i Contents ii 1 1 2 3 Introducing Meridian GCF/Project Portal 1.1 What’s in this guide 1 1.2 Who should read this guide 1 1.3 Understanding the typographic conventions 2 Understanding the system architecture 4 2.1 Understanding share creation 5 2.2 Understanding transfers to Meridian Project Portal 6 2.3 Understanding transfers to Meridian Enterprise 7 2.4 Understanding status updates 8 2.5 Understanding the licensing 9 2.6 Understanding the Meridian Enterprise extensions 9 About installing the Meridian Enterprise server components 3.1 Understanding the system requirements 11 3.2 Installing the licenses 13 3.3 Registering the Meridian Enterprise extensions 13 3.4 Creating the tables 13 3.5 Importing the briefcase settings 14 3.6 Importing the VBScript code 14 3.6.1 Suppressing custom code during GCF operations 3.7 Adding the Meridian Project Portal support functions 4 About installing components on the GCF computer 4.1 Installing the GCF processors 4.1.1 Controlling Windows Installer packages 4.2 Creating the SQL Server database 5 11 15 16 17 17 18 20 4.2.1 Defining SQL Server security 20 About installing components on the web server 21 5.1 Installing the GCF Remote Access Web Service 21 ii BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions 6 About configuring GCF/Project Portal 22 6.1 Creating and editing a share 22 6.2 Creating the table query 23 6.3 Configuring the GCF processors 24 6.3.1 Configuring the general settings 24 6.3.2 Configuring the export settings 26 6.3.3 Configuring the import settings 27 6.4 Configuring the Meridian Project Portal processors 28 6.5 Mapping document properties 30 6.6 Mapping document types 31 6.7 NEW Mapping folder properties 31 6.8 NEW Mapping folder types 33 6.9 Mapping optional system properties 33 6.10 Mapping document numbers 36 6.11 NEW Mapping workflows 36 6.12 Scheduling the GCF processors 38 6.12.1 Configuring the vault scheduled export task 38 6.12.2 Configuring the vault scheduled import task 39 6.13 Initiating transfer to Meridian Project Portal 40 Appendix A: GCF properties 41 Appendix B: GCF privileges 43 Appendix C: GCF tables 44 C.1 GCFCommands table 44 C.2 GCFEmails table 44 C.3 GCFLastExportDate table 45 C.4 GCF – Last Transfer Date table 45 C.5 GCF Shares table 46 C.6 This Vault Share Name table 46 C.7 Transfers table 46 Index 48 iii BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions 1 Int r o duc ing M e r idian G C F / Pr o j e c t Po r t al The Global Collaboration Framework (GCF) links Meridian Enterprise vaults through a local or wide area network. The goal of the GCF is to allow Meridian Enterprise users to collaborate on documents, including 3D CAD assemblies (for example, Autodesk Inventor or SolidWorks), across multiple sites connected through a WAN. When components of an assembly are added, removed, or updated, the GCF will distribute these updates in the background. But it can also be applied in other situations. Meridian GCF/Project Portal is a version of GCF that allows Meridian Project Portal users to collaborate with Meridian Enterprise sites using the Global Collaboration Framework. Meridian GCF/Project Portal provides two-way replication between a Meridian Enterprise vault and a Meridian Project Portal workspace. Document content files, metadata, and references are supported through configurable options. For information about the limitations of GCF/Project Portal use with Meridian Project Portal, see “Understanding the system architecture” on page 4. 1 .1 Wh a t ’s i n t h i s g u i d e This guide describes the architecture, system requirements, licensing, installation, and configuration of Meridian GCF/Project Portal. Usage of the GCF/Project Portal with Meridian Enterprise clients is documented in the BlueCielo Global Collaboration Framework User’s Guide. Configuration of Meridian Enterprise vaults is documented in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Configuration Guide. This guide includes the following information: An introduction to this guide, who it is meant for, and how to use it. Technical explanation of how the GCF/Project Portal transfers documents between collaborating sites. The requirements of collaborating systems to support GCF/Project Portal. Step-by-step instructions on installing the GCF/Project Portal components on the Meridian Enterprise server, GCF computer, and web server. Step-by-step instructions on setting up the GCF/Project Portal import and export processors, SQL Server database, and GCF Remote Access Web Service. How to configure the various components to meet your organization’s unique requirements. Technical information for system integrators and customization. Known issues with GCF/Project Portal. Useful tips for troubleshooting common problems. 1 .2 Wh o s h o u l d r e a d t h i s g u i d e This guide is intended for Meridian Enterprise server administrators, Meridian Project Portal server administrators, Internet Information Services administrators, and SQL Server administrators who are responsible for implementing GCF/Project Portal. Readers should be familiar with, and have experience in: 1 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions General computing concepts Microsoft Windows® server and workstation operating systems administration Microsoft Windows networks Microsoft Internet Information Services administration Microsoft SQL Server database administration Meridian Project Portal system administration Meridian Enterprise system administration BlueCielo Meridian Global Collaboration Framework User’s Guide 1 .3 U n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e t yp o g r a p h i c c o n v e n t i o n s The table below describes the other typographic conventions used throughout this manual. T y p o g ra p h ic c o n ve n t io n s Convention Example Description bold File Named user interface elements: menu items, button names, dialog box titles, dialog box options, icons, and so on. italic BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal Administrator’s Guide Names of other documents. monospace Document.DisplayName Programming code, configuration file settings, and file system paths and folder names. Also userdefined code elements appearing in the narrative text. light blue background Call WinMsgBox (“Hello, world!”) Programming examples that include sample data and are not intended to be used without modification. bold Document.Log(Line) Named code elements: events, procedures, functions, objects, classes, methods, object properties, constants, and so on appearing in the narrative text except user-defined code elements. Variables and parameters appear in italic type. italic local workspace Introduction of a new term and its definition. Many terms can also be found in the Glossary if one is included in the guide. bold monospace regsvr32 /u Command-line commands and parameters. default font F5, Ctrl+O Key names, combinations, and sequences. 2 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions T y p o g ra p h ic c o n ve n t io n s (c o n t in u e d ) Convention Example Description italic <DocumentName> Placeholders bold DisplayName Meridian GCF/Project Portal property names bold+blue Note Note Related information that is not directly applicable to the adjacent text or might be useful under uncommon circumstances, supplemental, an aside. Tip Information for intermediate to advanced users on how to use the adjacent text in a more efficient or productive way. Warning Information that, if not heeded, could result in lost data or accidents. 3 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions 2 U nde r st anding t he sy st e m ar c hit e c t ur e The system architecture of GCF/Project Portal is based on the standard Global Collaboration Framework architecture and allows deployment and security flexibility. In its simplest configuration, a single folder in a Meridian Enterprise vault is linked to a single folder in a Meridian Project Portal workspace. The two systems can be located at the same physical site or they can be remote from one another. Documents and metadata are transferred between the systems using Meridian Enterprise briefcase files. The GCF processor programs that synchronize information at both sites can be installed at GCF computers at each site or on the same computer. This computer is called the GCF computer in this manual. For more information about Meridian Enterprise briefcase files, see the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Configuration Guide. A typical deployment will employ four servers, each with GCF/Project Portal components installed similar to the following figure. Due to the inherent differences between Meridian Enterprise and Meridian Project Portal, there are some limitations in GCF/Project Portal: In Meridian Project Portal, a folder or file name can contain characters that are not allowed in Windows. Such characters are replaced with underscore characters (_) in Meridian Enterprise. 4 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions In Meridian Project Portal, it is possible to have two folders or files with same name appear in the same folder, this will create a conflict in Meridian Enterprise. GCF/Project Portal uses the Meridian Enterprise file name without the extension for the corresponding document name in Meridian Project Portal. To use a Meridian Enterprise property for the document name in Meridian Project Portal instead, see “Configuring the export settings” on page 26. Unlike Meridian Enterprise which only associates one primary content file to each document (not considering hybrid documents and renditions), multiple primary content files can be attached to one Meridian Project Portal document. Therefore, only one file should be attached to any Meridian Project Portal document that will use GCF collaboration. If multiple content files are attached, the file that is attached and transferred to Meridian Enterprise is determined by a priority list of file extensions. For more information see the MainAttachmentOrder setting in “Configuring the Meridian Project Portal processors” on page 28. In Meridian Enterprise, outdated revisions are read-only. In Meridian Project Portal, all revisions can be modified. GCF/Project Portal works with the most recent revision only. A Meridian Enterprise vault may only collaborate with one Meridian Project Portal site. Meridian Enterprise hybrid documents are not supported. Meridian Enterprise folder properties are not copied to Meridian Project Portal folders. This document describes how to configure GCF/Project Portal with one Meridian Enterprise vault and one Meridian Project Portal workspace. For information on configuring GCF/Project Portal for multiple vaults or workspaces, contact BlueCielo ECM Solutions Technical Support for assistance. The relationships and communications between the various components that are installed on the computers are described in the following topics. 2 .1 Un d ersta n d in g sh a re crea tion When a Meridian Enterprise user shares a folder with a Meridian Project Portal workspace, the following steps are performed: 1. The Collaboration (ProjectPortalExtension) extension retrieves the Meridian Project Portal user name and password that were entered during installation. The credentials are retrieved from a SQL Server table and then used to directly connect to the Meridian Project Portal web service, authenticate the Meridian Enterprise user, and to get the workspace and folder structures. After the share has been created, status updates occur through the GCF Remote Access Web Service as described in “Understanding status updates” on page 8. 5 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions 2 .2 U n d e r s t a n d i n g t r a n s fe r s t o Me r i d i a n P r o j e c t P o r t a l When a Meridian Enterprise user transfers documents to a Meridian Project Portal workspace, the following steps are performed: 1. Schedule: Document transfer is scheduled by registering it in a Meridian Enterprise vault table. Note This is different than the algorithm that is used for regular GCF updates in which the export processor searches for modified documents and registers them in the vault table. Direct registration is done to make the updates that are sent to Meridian Project Portal more controllable. However, the regular algorithm can be enabled with the ProjectPortalSyncModifiedDocs setting described in “Configuring the export settings” on page 26. 2. Export: The Meridian Enterprise export processor reads the record in the table, creates a briefcase, and exports the document data into the briefcase as shown in the following figure. The export processor sets the In Transit field for the exported documents in the table. 3. Import: The Meridian Project Portal import processor detects the received briefcase and imports its contents into the destination workspace. Upon completion, it clears the In Transit field in Meridian Enterprise vault table through Meridian Enterprise Web Access. 6 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions 2 .3 U n d e r s t a n d i n g t r a n s fe r s t o Me r i d i a n En t e r p r i s e When a Meridian Project Portal user transfers documents to a Meridian Enterprise vault, the following steps are performed: 1. Collecting: Meridian Project Portal creates a list of all document modifications in the Meridian Project Portalworkspace. 2. Export: The Meridian Project Portal export processor retrieves the list of modified documents through Meridian Project Portal and determines which documents to transfer to the Meridian Enterprise vault. The Meridian Project Portal export processor then creates a briefcase and exports the documents and metadata out of the Meridian Project Portalworkspace and into the briefcase as shown in the following figure. The export processor sets the In Transit field in a SQL Server database. 7 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions 3. Import: The Meridian Enterprise import processor detects the received briefcase and imports its contents into the destination vault. Upon completion, it clears the In Transit field in the SQL Server database through the GCF Remote Component and GCF Remote Access. 2 .4 Un d ersta n d in g sta tu s u p d a tes When a Meridian Enterprise user requests a document status update, the following steps are performed: 1. The GCF Collaboration Status extension gets document status from SQL Server tables and the Meridian Project Portal site using GCF Remote Access and the Meridian Project Portal Web Service. The extension can also run the commands Claim Ownership and Get Latest Version. The commands are scheduled in a SQL Server table for further processing by the Meridian Project Portal export processor. 8 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions 2 .5 Un d ersta n d in g th e licen sin g One license for this module must be installed at the BlueCielo license server of each site for each Meridian Enterprise application server at that site. For information about registering licenses, see the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide. Warning Although the GCF may seem to function when licenses are shared between Meridian Enterprise application servers, this situation can result in incomplete updates of remote sites. Notes The Meridian Enterprise import and export processors will claim a database connection license when running. We recommend that you reserve this license for the account under which the processors run as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide. When the Collaboration page is shown in PowerUser, a Meridian Enterprise Web Client license will be claimed when available. If no Meridian Enterprise Web Client license is available, however, the functionality of the Collaboration page is still available. Due to technical reasons, the GCF will claim a database connection license and an Meridian Enterprise Web Client license for each remote user (except in Meridian Project Portal) that queries a document’s status when Windows authentication is used. When basic authentication is used, all remote users share a single Meridian Enterprise Web Client license. 2 .6 U n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e Me r i d i a n En t e r p r i s e e x t e n s i o n s The GCF includes several Meridian Enterprise user interface extensions. They are described in the following table. 9 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions M e rid ia n E n t e rp ris e e xt e n s io n s Name Description CollaborationStatusExtension Provides the user interface for Meridian Enterprise PowerUser users to enlist vaults, view remote status, and manage ownership and transfers. GCFConfiguration Used to configure the GCF in the Meridian Enterprise Configurator. GcfEvents The event handlers that resided in VBScript in previous versions of the GCF. They are also implemented here to simplify installation and to reduce the amount of VBScript code that must be managed. ProjectPortalExtension Provides the user interface for Meridian Enterprise PowerUser users to enlist a Meridian Project Portal workspace for a Meridian Enterprise project folder. Installing the extensions is described in “Registering the Meridian Enterprise extensions” on page 13. 10 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions 3 A bo ut inst alling t he M e r idian E nt e r pr ise se r ve r c o m po ne nt s Some of the GCF/Project Portal components are installed on the Meridian Enterprise application server. These components are in addition to the base components provided with the GCF that are also installed on the Meridian Enterprise application server. The component installation tasks are listed in the order in which they should be performed in the following table and are described in the remainder of this guide. Use the hyperlinks in the following checklist to find the installation information for each task. Track your installation progress by printing this checklist and placing a checkmark in the box in the Completed column as you finish each task. M e rid ia n E n t e rp ris e s e rve r in s t a lla t io n c h e c k lis t Completed Task Topic Reference o Read this manual completely to familiarize yourself with the system. “Introducing Meridian GCF/Project Portal” on page 1 o Verify that the hardware and software requirements are met completely before beginning installation. “Understanding the system requirements” on page 11 o Register the necessary licenses on the BlueCielo License Server. “Installing the licenses” on page 13 o Register the GCF vault extensions in the collaborating vault. “Registering the Meridian Enterprise extensions” on page 13 Note The GCF Folder extension does not need to be registered for GCF/Project Portal since it does not support folder replication. o Create the GCF tables in the collaborating vault. “Creating the tables” on page 13 o Import the GCF briefcase template settings into the collaborating vault's configuration. “Importing the briefcase settings” on page 14 o Import the GCF VBScript code into the collaborating vault's configuration. “Importing the VBScript code” on page 14 Completing each of these tasks is described in the following topics. 3 .1 U n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e s ys t e m r e q u i r e m e n t s Before you start the installation, ensure that the following system requirements have been met: Meridian Enterprise application server As required for the installed version of Meridian Enterprise. For more information, see the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide. This version of Meridian GCF/Project Portal is 11 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions supported by the corresponding Meridian Enterprise versions listed in BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Supported Software. The Meridian GCF/Project Portal licenses must be registered on the BlueCielo License Server. For more information, see “Understanding the licensing” on page 9. If the Meridian Enterprise processors will be installed on the same computer with the Meridian Enterprise 64-bit edition server components (not recommended), the Meridian Enterprise Web Client must be also be installed on the computer from a Meridian Enterprise 32-bit edition setup program. The vault that contains the documents upon which you want to collaborate must be configured as a Web Access location. Meridian Enterprise user account with all privileges for use by Meridian GCF/Project Portal, particularly the privileges in the Global Collaboration group and in the tables listed in “GCF tables” on page 44. System time synchronized with all other collaborating sites. Meridian Enterprise client computers As required for the installed version of Meridian Enterprise The Meridian Enterprise Web Client must be installed on each client computer that will use the GCF. Both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions must be installed for 64-bit operating systems. Meridian Enterprise .NET Interop, version 1.4.40 or higher Web server As required for the installed version of Meridian Enterprise Web Access. For more information, see the of BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide. Existing website upon which to install the web service SQL Server This version of Meridian GCF/Project Portal is supported by the versions of SQL Server listed in BlueCieloMeridian Enterprise Supported Software. SQL Server Compact Edition is also supported. Meridian Project Portal System time synchronized with all other collaborating sites. Meridian Project Portal site with a dedicated workspace that has the Meridian Link option enabled and a valid Meridian Enterprise account specified for Meridian User. Meridian Project Portal user account with all access rights for use by Meridian GCF/Project Portal. As always when installing new software, you should make backups of those parts of your current configuration that will be changed during installation. We strongly recommend that you back up the configuration (.met file) of all vaults in which you will install the GCF. 12 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions 3 .2 In s t a l l i n g t h e l i c e n s e s GCF/Project Portal requires the following licenses be registered at the BlueCielo license server: Global Collaboration Framework (part number that begins with M--GCF) for import and export of documents from a Meridian Enterprise vault. For information about registering licenses, see the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide. For additional information about GCF license use and limitations, see the BlueCielo Meridian Global Collaboration Framework Administrator's Guide. 3 .3 Re g i s t e r i n g t h e Me r i d i a n En t e r p r i s e e x t e n s i o n s The Meridian Enterprise extensions that are included in the Global Collaboration Framework are described in “Understanding the Meridian Enterprise extensions” on page 9. To register the extensions in a vault: 1. In Meridian Enterprise Configurator, register the GCF Configuration extension located in <Setup>\Meridian\Extensions\Configuration as described in theBlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Configuration Guide. 2. Also register each extension located in <Setup>\Meridian Extensions\Collaboration Status ProjectPortal Note The ProjectPortalExtension extension is not automatically applied to any folder types. You must apply it to the appropriate folder types. We recommend that you create a dedicated project folder type and apply the extension only to that type. 3. Apply the GCFFolderPropertySet property set to the folder type to which you applied the ProjectPortalExtension extension. 4. Close the Meridian Enterprise Configurator. Notes During registration of the GCF Configuration extension, all properties and privileges required by the Global Collaboration Framework are created. For descriptions of these objects, see “GCF properties” on page 41 and “GCF privileges” on page 43. The CollaborationStatusExtension extension is automatically applied to all document types upon registration. 3 .4 Cr e a t i n g t h e t a b l e s The Global Collaboration Framework tables store information about the documents that have been transferred between the collaborating sites. For descriptions of these tables, see “GCF tables” on page 44. 13 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions To create the GCF tables: 1. Open the Meridian Enterprise Configurator. 2. Expand Environment in the configuration tree and select Vault Settings. The vault’s settings appear in property pages in the right pane. 3. Click the GCF Configuration tab. The GCF Configuration property page appears. 4. Click the Create Required Tables button at the bottom of the page. For new installations, this creates the Meridian Enterprise tables that are used by the GCF. For existing installations, this will upgrade the table definitions by adding columns and indexes to the tables. 5. Click OK to save your changes. The tables appear in the Tables and Queries branch of the configuration tree. 6. On the General page of each table, click the Privileges button to load the privileges into the vault configuration. The Roles and Privileges dialog box appears. 7. Close the dialog by clicking either OK or Cancel. 3 .5 Im p o r t i n g t h e b r i e fc a s e s e t t i n g s The settings that are required for Global Collaboration Framework briefcases are provided in the files <Setup>\Meridian\Configuration\AMBrcPP.ini. To import the GCF briefcase settings: 1. In Meridian Enterprise Configurator, expand Environment in the configuration tree and select Application Link Settings. The application link property pages appear in the right pane. 2. Click the Briefcases tab. The vault's briefcase settings appear in the right pane. 3. Click the Edit button in the lower right corner of the window. The page becomes editable. 4. Open the file AMBrcPP.ini, copy its entire content to the Clipboard, and paste it to the end of the briefcase settings already present in the vault. 5. Click OK to save your changes. Note For a list of the properties that are synchronized with the current vault and in which directions, see the PropertyMappings section of AMBrcPP.ini. Additional Meridian Project Portal system-defined document and folder properties can be mapped as described in “Mapping optional system properties” on page 33. Custom document properties can be mapped as described in “Mapping document properties” on page 30. Custom folder properties can be mapped as described in “NEW Mapping folder properties” on page 31. 3 .6 Im p o r t i n g t h e V BSc r i p t c o d e The Global Collaboration Framework can handle vault events two ways: with script or with the GcfEvents extension implemented in GCF 2011. Both ways are supported. The script implementation is still supported for those customers that have customized GCF script and cannot use the extension. For first-time installations, we strongly recommend using the GcfEvents extension. 14 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions To make the GCF VBScript functions available within the vault, you must import them into the vault's existing script. To import the VBScript code for a first-time GCF installation: 1. In Meridian Enterprise Configurator, open the vault's event procedures code for editing as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise VBScript API Reference. 2. Copy the content of MainScript.bas to the Clipboard and paste it at the end of the vault's current event procedures code. 3. Review the list of event handlers in “Suppressing custom code during GCF operations” on page 15 and if custom event handlers exist in the vault's configuration, perform the task described in that topic. 4. Click OK to save your changes. Some GCF operations are supported by the Meridian Enterprise Web Client: cross-site workflow, document deletion, and workflow revocation. To make the support available, append the script in the following file to the end of the vault's current event procedures code similar to the preceding task: <Setup>\Meridian\Configuration\Advanced\GCFWeb.bas 3 .6 .1 Su p p r e s s i n g c u s t o m c o d e d u r i n g GCF o p e r a t i o n s Some of the standard Meridian Enterprise events occur during GCF import and export operations. In the following lists, an asterisk (*) is used for brevity but indicates that there are separate Initiate, Before, After, and Terminate events that are otherwise named the same: Briefcase events BrcEvent_BeforeInclude BrcEvent_AfterInclude BrcEvent_BeforeWriteProperty BrcEvent_BeforeImport BrcEvent_AfterImport BrcEvent_AfterReadProperty BrcEvent_Before_Create BrcEvent_BeforeOpen BrcEvent_AfterOpen BrcEvent_BeforeClose Other events DocWorkingCopyEvent_*CreateWC DocWorkingCopyEvent_*SubmitWC DocWorkflowEvent_*ChangeWFPerson Work area events DocWorkAreaEvent_*Assign DocWorkAreaEvent_*Cancel DocWorkAreaEvent_*Release 15 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions To skip the execution of your custom code (if any) during these events so that it doesn't interfere with Global Collaboration Framework processing, add the following line to the top of the corresponding event handler procedures: If Vault.Argument("IsGcf") then Exit Sub Notes The name of the argument is case-sensitive. The same modification should be made to any custom .NET user interface extensions if they implement handlers for the preceding events. In that case, the GcfEvents extension should be moved to the top of the list of .NET extensions applied to a document type as described in theBlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Configuration Guide. 3 .7 A d d i n g t h e Me r i d i a n P r o j e c t P o r t a l s u p p o r t fu n c t i o n s Part of the GCF functionality is implemented using VBScript. To make the GCF functions available within the vault, you must import them into the vault's VBScript code. To add the GCF/Project Portal support functions to a vault: 1. Open <Setup>\Meridian\Configuration\WebPortalScript.bas in any text editor. 2. Select all of the text and copy it to the Clipboard. 3. In Meridian Enterprise Configurator, on the Edit menu, select Edit Events. The Meridian Enterprise Script Editor dialog box appears. 4. Paste the Clipboard contents to the end of any existing code. 5. Click OK to close the dialog. 6. On the Vault menu, select Save to save your changes. 16 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions 4 A bo ut inst alling c o m po ne nt s o n t he G C F c o m put e r The GCF/Project Portal components that are installed on the GCF computer are in addition to the base components provided with the GCF that are installed on the Meridian Enterprise application server. The component installation tasks are listed in the order in which they should be performed in the following table and are described in the remainder of this guide. Use the hyperlinks in the following checklist to find the installation information for each task. Track your installation progress by printing this checklist and placing a checkmark in the box in the Completed column as you finish each task. GCF c o m p ute r ins ta lla tio n c he c k lis t Completed Task Topic Reference o Read this manual completely to familiarize yourself with the system. “Introducing Meridian GCF/Project Portal” on page 1 o Verify that the hardware and software requirements are met completely before beginning installation. “Understanding the system requirements” on page 11 o Install the GCF processors to transfer documents between collaborating shares. “Installing the GCF processors” on page 17 o Create a SQL Server database to store the GCF/Project Portal collaboration data. “Creating the SQL Server database” on page 20 o Grant access to the SQL Server database to the GCF Remote Access Web Service account. “Defining SQL Server security” on page 20 Completing each of these tasks is described in the following topics. 4 .1 In s t a l l i n g t h e GCF p r o c e s s o r s The creation, transfer, and import of briefcases are performed in the background by programs running as Windows scheduled tasks. These programs perform the majority of the processing to collaborate on documents between shares. Note If the processors are installed on the same computer with the Meridian Enterprise 64-bit edition server components, the Meridian Enterprise Web Client must be also be installed on the computer from a Meridian Enterprise 32-bit edition setup program. To install the processors for the first time: 1. On the GCF computer, locate and run the following setup program in the distribution package: <Setup>\ Project Portal\Processors\BCMeridianGCFProjectPortal.msi 2. The Welcome page appears. 3. Click Next. The Collaboration Vault page appears. 4. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table. 17 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions Co lla b ra t io n va u lt o p t io n s Option Description Server computer name The name of the server where the Meridian Enterprise vault is located that you want to share with GCF. Meridian Enterprise vault name The name of the Meridian Enterprise vault that you want to share with GCF. Meridian GCF share name The name of the share given to the Meridian Enterprise vault that you want to share with GCF. For information about creating a share, see “Creating and editing a share” on page 22. 5. Click Next. The Project Portal page appears. 6. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table. Pro je c t Po rt a l o p t io n s Option Description Project Portal GCF share name The name of the share given to the Meridian Project Portal workspace that you want to collaborate with Meridian Enterprise. For information about creating a share, see “Creating and editing a share” on page 22. SQL Server computer name Computer name referenced by the ConnectionString setting described in “Configuring the Meridian Project Portal processors” on page 28. SQL Server database name The GCF/Project Portal database created as described in “Creating the SQL Server database” on page 20. 7. Click Next. The Select Installation Folder page appears. 8. Accept the default folder path, type a path, or click Browse and select a folder. Click Disk Cost to view the impact of continuing installation on the available space of all connected drives. 9. Click Next. The Confirm Installation page appears. 10. Click Next. The installation completes and the Installation Complete page appears. 11. Click Close. 4 .1 .1 Co n t r o l l i n g Wi n d o w s In s t a l l e r p a c ka g e s The GCF/Project Portal distribution package includes Microsoft Windows Installer (.msi) packages for the GCF/Project Portal processors, vault extensions, and the GCF Remote Access Web Service. To install a package with the default options, double-click the file to open it with the Windows Installer program. The program will present an installation wizard for manually choosing available installation options. 18 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions If you want to install a package on many computers with Active Directory or another automated deployment method, run the Windows Installer program in a command window with the optional command-line arguments and switches to specify the installation options you need. The command-line arguments supported by the GCF/Project Portal installation packages are listed in the following table: Windo w s I nstalle r pac k age c o m m and- line argum e nts Argument Description EDMSERVER Meridian Enterprise server name PPSHARENAME GCF/Project Portal share name for Meridian Project Portal GCFVAULT Meridian Enterprise vault name SHARENAME Meridian Enterprise vault share name TARGETAPPPOOL IIS application pool name TARGETVDIR IIS virtual folder name TARGETSITE IIS website ID in Local Machine (LM) format. To find the IDs of the existing sites, run the following in a command window: C:\Windows\System21\inetsrv\appcmd.exe list site The ID of the default website is always 1. TARGETDIR Optional path of the destination application folder. If omitted, the default folder will be used. SQLDB SQL Server database name SQLSERVER SQL Server instance name The Windows Installer program’s command-line options can be used together with the installation package command-line arguments to further control the installation, such as for visibility, restart, logging, and repair options. Refer to the Windows Installer help (msiexec /help or /?) for the command-line options that are supported. Note The installer options and the package command-line arguments (from the preceding table) must be followed by the display options, restart options, and log options for the installation to work. Following are examples of typical command-line installations run in passive (progress bar only) mode. To install the Meridian Enterprise extensions: msiexec /i "Package-X86.msi" /passive To install the GCF/Project Portal processors: msiexec /i "BCMeridianGCF.msi" TARGETDIR="D:\GCF" SHARENAME="Meridian" GCFVAULT="MyVault" EDMSERVER="MyServer" /passive 19 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions To install the GCF/Project Portal processors: msiexec /i "BCMeridianGCFProjectPortal.msi" TARGETDIR="D:\GCF" SHARENAME="Meridian" GCFVAULT="MyVault" EDMSERVER="MyServer" SQLDB="GCFSQL" SQLSERVER="MySQLServer" PPSHARENAME="ContractorPortal" /passive To install the GCF Remote Access Web Service: msiexec /i "BCMeridianGCFSPRemoteWS.msi" TARGETAPPPOOL="DefaultAppPool" TARGETSITE="/LM/W3SVC/1" TARGETVDIR="GCFRemoteWS" /passive 4 .2 Cr e a t i n g t h e SQL Se r v e r d a t a b a s e A SQL Server database is necessary to store GCF/Project Portal collaboration data. To create the SQL Server database: 1. In SQL Server Management Studio, create a database with a descriptive name, for example, GCFProjectPortal. 2. Navigate to the SqlCmd subfolder of the installation folder that you specified in “Installing the GCF processors” on page 17. 3. Open the file CreateAll.cmd in any text editor and verify that the command line matches your SQL Server computer name and database name. 4. Run the command file to create the tables. Following is an example command line. sqlcmd -S <ServerName> -E -d GCFProjectPortal -i CreateAll.sql 4 .2 .1 D e fi n i n g SQL Se r v e r s e c u r i t y The GCF Remote Access Web Service (described in “Installing the GCF Remote Access Web Service” on page 21) requires security permissions to access the SQL Server database. For example, on Windows Server 2008 R2 with both SQL Server and the GCF Remote Access Web Service installed there, the application pool that is assigned to the web service will be the application pool that you specified during the setup of the web service. You must add the account that is specified for the Identity option of the application pool as a login in SQL Server. If SQL Server runs on a different computer than IIS and the GCF Remote Access Web Service, then you must change the application pool identity to a domain account that has access to SQL Server. 20 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions 5 A bo ut inst alling c o m po ne nt s o n t he w e b se r ve r The GCF Remote Access Web Service performs the following functions: Retrieves document status from Meridian Project Portal Executes GCF commands on documents owned by Meridian Project Portal: Claim Ownership and Get Latest Version. Clears the InTransit property during transfers from Meridian Project Portal. Installing components on the web server is described in the following topics. 5 .1 In s t a l l i n g t h e GCF Re m o t e A c c e s s We b Se r v i c e The GCF Remote Access Web Service is installed on a web server, which can be the Meridian Enterprise web server. Before you begin It is important to install the GCF Remote Access Web Service after performing the steps described in “Installing the GCF processors” on page 17. To install the GCF Remote Access Web Service for the first time: 1. On the web server, locate and run the following setup program in the distribution package: <Setup>\Project Portal\GCF Remote Access Web Service\ BCMeridianGCFSPRemoteWS.msi 2. The Welcome page appears. 3. Click Next. The Select Installation Address page appears. 4. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table. GCF R e m o t e A c c e s s W e b S e rvic e s e t u p o p t io n s Option Description Site Select the website to host the web service or accept the default. Click Disk Cost to view the impact of continuing installation on the available space of all connected drives. Virtual directory Type a name for the web service or accept the default. Application Pool Select an application pool or accept the default. 5. Click Next. The Confirm Installation page appears. 6. Click Next. The installation completes and the Installation Complete page appears. 7. Click Close. 21 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions 6 A bo ut c o nfigur ing G C F / Pr o j e c t Po r t al Configuring GCF/Project Portal includes the tasks that are described in the following topics. 6 .1 Cr e a t i n g a n d e d i t i n g a s h a r e After the GCF has been installed correctly, you can share documents to make them available to the GCF for collaboration. You must also define shares in the local system for the remote repositories with which the local users will collaborate. To create or edit a share: 1. Open Meridian Enterprise Configurator with the vault that will collaborate with GCF. 2. Expand Environment in the configuration tree and select Vault Settings. The vault’s settings appear in property pages in the right pane. 3. Click the GCF Configuration tab. The GCF Configuration property page appears. 4. Click the Edit button in the lower right corner of the window. The page becomes editable. 5. To delete a share, select it and click Delete. 6. To edit a share, select it, and click the Edit button. The GCF Share Details dialog box appears. 7. To create a new share, click New. The GCF Share Details dialog box appears. 8. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table. S h a re d va u lt o p t io n s Option Description Share type Select the appropriate system type for the share that you are creating. Share name The name of the share as you want to use it for GCF configuration, for example, PARISPROJECTS. Remote vault name The address of the repository to associate with the share. For Meridian Enterprise vaults, this is the Web Access location name. This is displayed in the Meridian Enterprise Administrator in the column labelled Name when Web Access is selected in the configuration tree. For other system types, this is the URL of the site. Project Portal site Web Access address Web service address For Meridian Enterprise vaults, the URL used to start a Web Access session with the vault, without the /Start parameter at the end. By default, this is http://<ServerName>/Meridian. For system types other than Meridian Enterprise, the URL of the GCF Remote Access Web Service, for example, http://<ServerName>/GCFRemoteWS/GCFRemoteAccess.asmx. User name The name of a Meridian Enterprise user account with privileges to use Web Access. Password The password of the account specified for User Name. 22 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions S h a re d va u lt o p t io n s (c o n t in u e d ) Option Description Protocol Select the protocol that you want the share to use. For share types other than Meridian Enterprise, select File Copy. Also select File Copy when creating Meridian Enterprise shares for use with Meridian Project Portal. Address If for Protocol you selected the FTP or File Copy protocols or if you specified a custom component protocol that uses a transfer folder, type the path to the folder that contains the incoming briefcases. Configure For system types other than Meridian Enterprise, select this option and click Portal portal Account to specify an account with which the GCF processor can access the sysGCF processor tem. 9. Click OK to save your changes. If any required fields are not completed, a warning appear next to each field. Complete the empty fields and try again. icon will 10. In the Local share name list, select the share name that you typed for Share name to represent the local vault. 11. For Meridian Enterprise shares, ensure that the vault is published as a web location in Web Access. For more information, see the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide. 6 .2 Cr e a t i n g t h e t a b l e q u e r y GCF/Project Portal uses a table in the SQL Server database to store the locations of collaborating GCF/Project Portal sites. You must create a query in Meridian Enterprise for this table manually. To create the table query: 1. Open Meridian Enterprise Configurator with the vault that will collaborate with GCF. 2. Expand Tables and Queries in the configuration tree to display the existing tables and queries. 3. On the Edit menu, select New Table or Query. The Select Data Source Type dialog box appears. 4. Select Query and click OK. A new query is added to the configuration tree and its property pages appear in the right pane. 5. On the General page, type a name for the query in Display Name. This name will not be visible to users. A default internal name is calculated in Name. Accept the default in most cases. 6. Click the Query page to define the query. The query’s parameter options appear. 7. Type a valid OLE DB connection string in Connection string or click the Connection String hyperlink to build a connection string. The Data Link Properties dialog box appears. For assistance in creating a connection, click the Help button. Note The user name and password typed in the Data Link Properties dialog are not shown in the Connection string text box for increased security. 23 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions 8. Type WebProjects in the From text box. 9. Click the Test button to preview the results, which will appear in the data grid. 10. Click OK to save the query’s definition. Note If the SQL Server database does not reside on the Meridian Enterprise server, ensure that the account under which the BlueCielo EDM Server service runs can access that location. If necessary, change the BlueCielo EDM Server service account as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide. 6 .3 Co n fi g u r i n g t h e GCF p r o c e s s o r s The settings that control the GCF processors are configured in configuration (.ini) files. There should be one configuration file for each share that you create. The file can have any name but we recommend that it be the share name that it configures. When you install the processors from the setup program and specify a share name, a default configuration file is created for that share. The name of the configuration file is the same as the share name. The locations of the configuration files are specified when the Windows scheduled tasks are created. The configuration files contain multiple sections. Each is explained in the following topics that describe how to configure the configuration file for a Meridian Enterprise vault. 6 .3 .1 Co n fi g u r i n g t h e g e n e r a l s e t t i n g s The settings in the Settings section are used by the Meridian Enterprise processors. This section is described in the following table: Ge ne ral se ttings Setting Description Machine The name of the computer running the EDM Server service for the configured vault. Datastore The datastore name of the vault. This is displayed in the Meridian Enterprise Administrator in the column labelled Name when the EDM Server is selected in the configuration tree. Vault The section name of the vault database. This is displayed in the server's registry as the DefaultSection value of the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\ CurrentVersion\Installed DataStores\<DataStoreName> Password An optional password to apply to all briefcases generated by the GCF. Setting a password on the briefcases provides an additional level of security. The password setting should be the same for all vaults in a collaborating group of sites. Email The email address to which error reports will be sent. Multiple addresses can be typed by separating them with semicolons. SMTPServer If the computer running the Meridian Enterprise processors is not configured 24 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions Ge ne ral se ttings (c o ntinue d) Setting Description with an SMTP mail service, this setting can be used to specify a different computer that should be used for sending error reports. If omitted, the current computer is assumed to be the SMTP server. See also the SMTP settings section described below. MailFrom The email address from which the error reports are sent. MaxLogFiles The Meridian Enterprise processors will generate a log file for each day that contains status messages and error messages. This setting specifies how many log files should be kept. If the number of log files exceeds this setting, the oldest log files will be deleted. We recommend a value of 250. Template The name of the briefcase template to use for GCF briefcases. By default, this name is in the settings that are imported in “Importing the briefcase settings” on page 14. Note In Global Collaboration Framework version 1, this should always be GCF. TransferThumbnails When set to True, replicates thumbnail images. This feature requires that the briefcases be in an open standard format. For more information on configuring briefcase formats, see the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Configuration Guide. Following is an example of the settings in the Settings section: [Settings] Machine = "GCFServer" Datastore = "Collaboration1" Vault = "Collaboration1" Password = "12345" Email = "" SMTPServer = "" MailFrom = "" MaxLogFiles = 250 Template = "GCF" IncludeWorkAreas = True TransferThumbnails = True To modify the default SMTP server settings: 1. Add the following SMTP section to the configuration file and configure the settings accordingly: [SMTP] ; 1 - UsingPickup, 2 - UsingPort, 3 - UsingExchange, Sendusing = 2 ; 0 - Anonymous, 1 - Basic, 2 - NTLM Authenticate = 0 UserName = "" Password = "" Serverport = 25 Usessl = False Connectiontimeout = 60 25 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions 6 .3 .2 Co n fi g u r i n g t h e e x p o r t s e t t i n g s The settings in the Export section of a configuration file are used by the Global Collaboration Framework export processors. This section contains the settings described in the following table: E xp o rt s e t t in g s Setting Description NEW When set to True, enables the alternative assembly export method. The default is False. AssemblySyncOpt2 BrcFormat Format of the briefcase files created by the GCF: RAR, ZIP, or BRC. The default is brc. DoNotTransferBrc When set to True, the export processor will not transfer briefcases; they will be left in the folder specified in the OutPath option. A special task must then be scheduled to transfer the briefcases. The default value is False; the export processor will transfer the briefcases normally. Note Normally, the export processor creates briefcases and starts a separate process to transfer them to the target share. The process first checks whether there is already a transfer process running to the same target share. If there is a process already running, the second process terminates. In most cases, this works fine. This option is for special situations where the export processor fails to detect an instance of itself that is already running. The result is that the same briefcase will be processed by multiple instances of the transfer processor. The evidence of this is when there are a lot of errors in the transfer log that read “failed to transfer, permission denied”. To work around this, set this option to True and schedule a special transfer task using the syntax: GCFTransferProc.exe <IniFile> <TargetShare> ExportRenditions When set to 1, renditions are included with the documents that are exported. If a briefcase format other than brc is specified in BrcFormat, a valid format definition must exist in the vault's configuration as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Configuration Guide. The identical format definition must also exist in the configuration file of the Meridian Project Portal share. When set to 0, renditions are not included. FullLog When set to 0 or omitted, only errors and high-level events are added to the log file. When set to -1, detailed events are logged that can be useful for troubleshooting. LogPathOut The path to the folder containing the log files generated by the export processor. 26 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions E xp o rt s e t t in g s (c o n t in u e d ) Setting Description OutPath The path to the folder where outgoing briefcases are created. ParallelTransfer When set to False, the transfer processor transfers briefcases as in older versions of GCF. The default value is True, so it can be omitted. This is for backward compatibility only. Note This should be set to False when the collaborating sites share the same GCF computer, including use with GCF/Project Portal. ProjectPortalSyncModifiedDocs When set to True, the export processor searches for and sends modified documents to Meridian Project Portal. The default is False. Following is an example of the settings in the Export section: [Export] OutPath = "D:\GCF\Out\Collaboration1" LogPathOut = "D:\GCF\Log\Collaboration1" FullLog = False BrcFormat = brc Note GCF/Project Portal uses the Meridian Enterprise file name without the extension for the corresponding document name in Meridian Project Portal. To use a Meridian Enterprise property for the name in Meridian Project Portal instead, create a property mapping in the PropertyMappings section of the briefcase option set as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Configuration Guide. Following is an example mapping GCFTITLE = Custom.Title 6 .3 .3 Co n fi g u r i n g t h e i m p o r t s e t t i n g s The settings in the Import section are used by the Global Collaboration Framework import processors. This section contains the settings described in the following table: I m po rt se ttings Setting Description CheckSequence When set to True, imports briefcases in the order that they were created. If an error occurs (a briefcase is lost, for example) the import stops and reports the missing briefcase. The last briefcase number is stored in the file with the name <SourceShareName>.last. If set to False, the order of the briefcases is ignored. InPath The path to the folder where incoming briefcases are stored. LogPathIn The path to the folder containing the log files generated by the import processor. ArchiveFolder The path where briefcases are archived after having been imported. Archiving briefcases is useful for troubleshooting and for restoring data after the vault has been restored from a backup. MaxArchiveFiles The maximum number of briefcases to archive. 27 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions Following is an example of the settings in the Import section: [Import] ArchiveFolder = "D:\GCF\In\Collaboration1\Archive" CheckSequence = True InPath = "D:\GCF\In\Collaboration1" LogPathIn = "D:\GCF\Log\Collaboration1" MaxArchiveFiles = 500 Warning In order to guarantee the correct import order of the received briefcases, the InPath setting should refer to a folder on an NTFS volume or another volume for which Windows will by default sort the briefcases alphabetically by name. FAT volumes do not meet this requirement. 6 .4 Co n fi g u r i n g t h e Me r i d i a n P r o j e c t P o r t a l p r o c e s s o r s The settings that control the GCF/Project Portal processors are configured in a configuration file similar to the configuration files used to control the Meridian Enterprise processors as described in “Configuring the GCF processors” on page 24. There should be one configuration file for each Meridian Project Portal site. To configure the import and export processors: 1. On the Meridian Enterprise server where the GCF/Project Portal processors are installed, open the processor configuration file in any text editor. 2. Edit the settings in each section of the file using the descriptions in the following table. M e rid ia n Pro je c t Po rt a l p ro c e s s o r s e t t in g s Setting Description [BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.Collaboration.GCFProcessor] ArchiveMaxNumber Maximum number of imported briefcases to be stored in the archive folder. ArchivePath Folder for archived briefcases. BriefcaseMaxNumber Maximum number of documents to include in export briefcases. ExportLog Folder for export log files. ExportPath Path to outgoing briefcases. ImportErrorPath Folder for briefcases that failed to import. ImportLog Folder for import log files. ImportPath Folder for incoming briefcases if HTTP or HTTPS is used to transfer briefcases from Meridian Enterprise to Meridian Project Portal. This is a subfolder of the folder specified for the UploadFolder option described in “Installing the GCF Remote Access Web Service” on page 21. For example, if UploadFolder is set to C:\GCF\In, the incoming folder for a Meridian Project Portal site named MPP would be C:\GCF\In\MPP. LocalShareName GCF share name used by the Meridian Project Portal site. 28 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions M e rid ia n Pro je c t Po rt a l p ro c e s s o r s e t t in g s (c o n t in u e d ) Setting Description ReferenceSupport If set to 1, the Meridian Enterprise references of the type AutoCAD External Reference are copied as subdocuments of the parent document in Meridian Project Portal. If set to 0, they are not copied. SynchronizeFolders If set to 1, the Meridian Enterprise folder properties are copied to Meridian Project Portal. If set to 0, they are not copied. [BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.Collaboration.GCFDatabase] ConnectionString Connection string for the SQL Server database described in “Creating the SQL Server database” on page 20. [BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.Collaboration.Connector] MainAttachmentOrder Semicolon-delimited list of extensions to apply to new files exported to Meridian Enterprise. The extensions should be listed in priority order, for example, dwg;dxf;dgn;iam;idw;ipt;sldasm;slddrw;sldprt;pdf. WSTimeOut The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait for are response from the Meridian Project Portal web service. [BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.AddOnModules.GCFBriefCase] BriefCasePassword Password to extract incoming briefcases. [BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.AddOnModules.Logging] MailSubject Subject text for email notifications that are sent when errors occur during export or import. MailFrom Sender email address. MailTo Semicolon-delimited recipient email addresses. SMTPServer Email server address. SMTPServerPort Email server port number. MailCC CC email addresses. MailBCC BCC email addresses. [ZIP] or [RAR] 29 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions M e rid ia n Pro je c t Po rt a l p ro c e s s o r s e t t in g s (c o n t in u e d ) Setting Description AddTo Command line to execute to add files to outgoing briefcases. This is specified with variables similar to the briefcase settings described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Configuration Guide. For example: C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe a -tzip -r -mx9 "%Archiv e%" "%Folder%\*" Extract Command line to extract files from incoming briefcases. This is specified with variables similar to the briefcase settings described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Configuration Guide. For example: C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe x "%Archive%" -r -o"%Folde r%" 3. Save your changes and close the file. 6 .5 Ma p p i n g d o c u m e n t p r o p e r t i e s Besides the default property mappings that are specified in the briefcase configuration described in “Importing the briefcase settings” on page 14, additional properties can be mapped between Meridian Project Portal and Meridian Enterprise in the processor configuration file. Note Some Meridian Project Portal system properties can also be mapped in the briefcase template as described in “Mapping optional system properties” on page 33. To map Meridian Project Portal columns to Meridian Enterprise properties: 1. On the GCF computer, open the processor configuration file in any text editor. 2. Add a line to the [BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.Collaboration.GCFProcessor] section for each Meridian Project Portal property that you want to map to Meridian Enterprise. Use the following syntax: FieldMapping_<N>=<Column >;<Property> Where: FieldMapping_<N>: Numbered mapping keyword <Column >: Internal Meridian Project Portal property code <Property>: Meridian Enterprise briefcase property name Following is an example: [BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.Collaboration.GCFProcessor] FieldMapping_1=_Comments;Comments FieldMapping_2=vti_title;Title 30 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions FieldMapping_3=gcfICMRoot;Root FieldMapping_4=gcfProjectCode;ProjectCode FieldMapping_5=gcfDiscipline;Discipline FieldMapping_6=gcfTest1;Test1 FieldMapping_7=Author;Author FieldMapping_8=Category;Category FieldMapping_9=Source;Source 6 .6 Ma p p i n g d o c u m e n t t yp e s Mapping Meridian Project Portal document types to Meridian Enterprise document types specifies which document types in Meridian Project Portal will be assigned to documents that are synchronized from Meridian Enterprise and vice versa. To map Meridian Project Portal document types to Meridian Enterprise document types: 1. On the GCF computer, open the processor configuration file in any text editor. 2. Add a line to the [BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.Collaboration.GCFProcessor] section for each Meridian Project Portal content type that you want to map to an Meridian Enterprise document type. Use the following syntax: DocumentTypeMapping_<N>=<ContentType>;<DocumentType> Where: DocumentTypeMapping_<N>: Numbered mapping keyword <ContentType>: Meridian Project Portal document type code <DocumentType>: Meridian Enterprise document type name Following is an example: [BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.Collaboration.GCFProcessor] DocumentTypeMapping_1=Office Document;GenericDocument DocumentTypeMapping_2=AcadCAD Document;AutoCAD Drawing DocumentTypeMapping_3=Picture;Image 6 .7 N EW Ma p p i n g fo l d e r p r o p e r t i e s Similar to how it replicates documents, the GCF/Project Portal can also replicate folders. The folders can be normal folders, folders created with custom folder types and custom properties, or project folders. The folder types and folder properties that are replicated must be configured identically in both systems. You map the folder properties from Meridian Enterprise to the transfer briefcases in the briefcase template in Meridian Enterprise Configurator that is used by the GCF and you map the folder properties from the briefcases to Meridian Project Portal in the processor configuration file. For information about folder type mapping, see “NEW Mapping folder types” on page 33. For more information on configuring briefcase templates, see the BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal Configuration Guide. Notes 31 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions Folder property replication is only supported by Meridian Enterprise 2011 and higher when using custom briefcase formats. For more information about custom briefcase formats, see the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Configuration Guide. Some Meridian Project Portal system-defined document properties and folder properties can also be mapped in the briefcase template as described in “Mapping optional system properties” on page 33. To map Meridian Enterprise folder properties to the briefcase template: 1. In Meridian Enterprise Configurator, for each folder property that you want to replicate, define a property in the briefcase template . 2. Create or edit the FolderSettings setting of the GCF briefcase template. The value of this setting is the name of a section of property mappings, for example, MyFolderSection. 3. On an empty line, create a property mapping section that begins with the value of the FolderSettings setting surrounded by square brackets, for example, [MyFolderSection]. 4. On consecutive lines in the property mapping section, list the briefcase properties that you created in step 1 and the corresponding folder property names that you want to replicate, one line per property. For each property, specify the vault property set and property name that you want to replicate. The property mapping section is independent of the folder types that are used, so map all properties that are used by all folder types that will be used for collaboration. Use the following format for each line: <BriefcasePropertyName>=<PropertySetName.PropertyName>,<Flag> Unlike replicated documents, folders do not have an owner so that folder property changes can be replicated in every direction. To avoid overwriting property values, set the vault security accordingly on the folders at each site. Alternatively, at each collaborating site, configure the Flag parameter to indicate whether the folder property should be read-only (RO), read/write (RW), or write-only (WO) at that site. By default, all properties are read/write. Following is an example folder property mapping section: [Settings] BriefcaseSettings=GCF [GCF] FolderSettings=PortalFolderSection [PortalFolderSection] gcfProjectName=PSProject.Name, WO gcfProjectCode=PSProject.Code, RO gcfManager=PSProject.Manager, WO To map the briefcase folder properties to Meridian Project Portal folder properties: 1. Open the processor configuration file in any text editor. 2. Add a line to the [BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.Collaboration.GCFProcessor] section for each folder property that you mapped in the preceding task. Use the following syntax: FolderFieldMapping_<N>=<Column >;<Property> 32 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions Where: FolderFieldMapping_<N>: Numbered mapping keyword <Column >: Internal Meridian Project Portal property code <Property>: Meridian Enterprise briefcase property name Following are example folder property mappings: [BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.Collaboration.GCFProcessor] FolderFieldMapping_1=gcfProjectName;ProjectName FolderFieldMapping_2=gcfProjectCode;ProjectCode FolderFieldMapping_3=gcfManager;Manager 6 .8 N EW Ma p p i n g fo l d e r t yp e s Mapping Meridian Project Portal folder types to Meridian Enterprise folder types specifies which folder types in Meridian Project Portal will be assigned to folders that are synchronized from Meridian Enterprise and vice versa. To map Meridian Project Portal folder types to Meridian Enterprise folder types: 1. On the GCF computer, open the processor configuration file in any text editor. 2. Add a line to the [BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.Collaboration.GCFProcessor] section for each Meridian Project Portal folder type that you want to map to an Meridian Enterprise folder type. Use the following syntax: FolderTypeMapping_<N>=<FolderContentType>;<MeridianFolderType> Where: FolderTypeMapping_<N>: Numbered mapping keyword <FolderContentType>: Meridian Project Portal folder type name <MeridianFolderType>: Meridian Enterprise folder type name Following is an example: [BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.Collaboration.GCFProcessor] FolderTypeMapping_1=Project;ContractorProject FolderTypeMapping_2=Contract;Legal FolderTypeMapping_3=Artifacts;Support 6 .9 Ma p p i n g o p t i o n a l s ys t e m p r o p e r t i e s Besides the default document properties that are mapped as described in “Importing the briefcase settings” on page 14, optional Meridian Project Portal system-defined document and folder properties can be mapped in the briefcase template as described in the following tables. All properties are replicated in both directions unless otherwise noted. The mappable folder properties are described in the following table. They can be mapped to any custom property in Meridian Enterprise. 33 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions M e rid ia n Pro je c t Po rt a l m a p p a b le f o ld e r p ro p e rt ie s Briefcase Property Description GCFPPFOLDER_LIFECYCLE Life cycle code of the Meridian Project Portal parent folder. GCFPPFOLDER_STATUS Life cycle state code of the Meridian Project Portal parent folder. GCFPPFOLDER_ STATUSCOMMENT Change status comment of the Meridian Project Portal parent folder. GCFPPFOLDER_ ACCESSPROFILE Access profile code of the Meridian Project Portal parent folder. These properties are replicated when the SynchronizeFolders setting is set to 1 as described in “Configuring the Meridian Project Portal processors” on page 28. Following are example folder property mappings: [GCF] Name=GCF FolderSettings=PortalFolderSection [PortalFolderSection] GCFPPFOLDER_LIFECYCLE = PSProject.KronoFolderLifeCycle GCFPPFOLDER_STATUS = PSProject.KronoFolderStatus, WO GCFPPFOLDER_STATUSCOMMENT = PSProject.KronoFolderStatusComment GCFPPFOLDER_ACCESSPROFILE = PSProject.KronoAccessProfileCode The mappable document properties are described in the following table. They can be mapped to any custom property in Meridian Enterprise unless otherwise noted. M e rid ia n Pro je c t Po rt a l m a p p a b le d o c u m e n t p ro p e rt ie s Briefcase Property Description GCFKRONODOCAUTHOR Meridian Project PortalAuthor property. If a custom property named Custom.GCFKronoDocAuthor exists in Meridian Enterprise, the value of Author (full name) will be automatically set in the Meridian Enterprise Created By (AMFSObjectPropertySet._CREATEDBY) property (user name and full name) and vice versa. You must create the property manually. It is used as a place holder and will not contain a value. In Meridian Project Portal, the name will appears as <FullName>. In Meridian Enterprise, the name will appear as <UserName>(<FullName>). GCFKRONODOCAUTHOREMAIL This property is only replicated to Meridian Project Portal. It represents the email address of the user in the Created By property in Meridian Enterprise. If a custom property named Custom.GCFKronoDocAuthorEmail exists in Meridian Enterprise, the email address will be set in the Author email property in Meridian Project Portal automatically. You must create the Meridian Enterprise property manually. It is used as a place 34 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions M e rid ia n Pro je c t Po rt a l m a p p a b le d o c u m e n t p ro p e rt ie s (c o n t in u e d ) Briefcase Property Description holder and will not contain a value. GCFKRONODOCCREATED Meridian Project PortalCreated property.This property is only replicated to Meridian Enterprise. If a custom property named Custom.GCFKronoDocCreated exists in Meridian Enterprise, the Created (AMFSObjectPropertySet._CREATED) property will be set automatically. You must create the Meridian Enterprise property manually. It is used as a place holder and will not contain a value. GCFKRONODOCDESCRIPTION Meridian Project PortalDescription property. It can be mapped to any custom property in Meridian Enterprise. GCFKRONODOCHANDOVER This briefcase property is only replicated to Meridian Enterprise. It is a place holder (there is no Meridian Project Portal property) can be mapped to any custom Boolean property in Meridian Enterprise. It is required by the GCF when the Hand Over command is used in Meridian Project Portal. GCFKRONODOC_ KRONOSTATUS Used to replicate workflow properties as described in “NEW Mapping workflows” on page 36. GCFKRONODOC_LIFECYCLE Used to replicate workflow properties as described in “NEW Mapping workflows” on page 36. GCFKRONODOCMODIFIEDBY This property is only replicated to Meridian Project Portal. We recommend that you map it to the Meridian Enterprise Modified By (AMFSObjectPropertySet._MODIFIEDBY) property. GCFKRONODOCNUMBER Meridian Project Portal Number property. It can be mapped as described in “Mapping document numbers” on page 36. GCFKRONODOCRELEVANCE This represents the Relevance property of the parent folder in Meridian Project Portal. It can be mapped to any custom property in Meridian Enterprise. GCFKRONODOCTITLE Meridian Project PortalTitle property. In Meridian Enterprise, the document name is not the same as its file name. With GCF, if a document is created in Meridian Enterprise and replicated to Meridian Project Portal, the title will be the same as the document name but without the extension. Using this mapping, it is possible to set the title to any other property. Following are example document property mappings: [GCF] GCFKRONODOCAUTHOR = Custom.GCFKronoDocAuthor GCFKRONODOCAUTHOREMAIL = Custom.GCFKronoDocAuthorEmail,WO GCFKRONODOCCREATED = Custom.GCFCreationDateDbl, RWGCFKRONODOCDESCRIPTION = AMDocumentWorkFlowPropertySet._COMMENT GCFKRONODOCMODIFIEDBY = AMFSObjectPropertySet._MODIFIEDBY,RO 35 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions GCFKRONODOCNUMBER = Custom.GCFKronoDocNumber GCFKRONODOCTITLE = Custom.GCFKronoDocTitle GCFKRONODOC_RELEVANCE = Custom.GCFKronoRel GCFKRONODOC_HANDOVER= Custom.IsHandOver 6 .1 0 Ma p p i n g d o c u m e n t n u m b e r s By default, the value of the Number property in new documents created in Meridian Project Portal (for example, new contractor documents) is automatically assigned by that system. To use the Meridian Enterprise document numbers in Meridian Project Portal instead: 1. Map the GCFKRONODOCNUMBER property to the custom Meridian Enterprise property that contains the Meridian Enterprise-generated number as described in “Mapping optional system properties” on page 33. 2. Disable document numbering in the workspace in Meridian Project Portal. The option can be found at Advanced settings -> Document and folder properties -> Document numbering. For more information about this option, see the BlueCielo Meridian Project Portal Administrator's Guide. When configured this way, the documents will not have a value in the Number property in Meridian Project Portal until after their ownership has been transferred to Meridian Enterprise and they have been synchronized with the vault. Then they will show the Meridian Enterprise document number. Tip If you want to show both numbers in Meridian Project Portal, consider leaving the Number property automatically assigned by Meridian Project Portal and mapping the Meridian Enterprise document number to the Meridian Project Portal Document Number property as described in “Mapping document properties” on page 30. Alternatively, Document Number can be used for the contractor's document number assigned manually. 6 .1 1 N EW Ma p p i n g w o r kfl o w s Mapping Meridian Project Portal workflow to Meridian Enterprise workflow is done in both systems. The mapping in Meridian Project Portal is not configurable and occurs automatically based on information received from Meridian Enterprise during document synchronization. The workflow in Meridian Project Portal is controlled by Meridian Enterprise. The mapping in Meridian Enterprise is controlled by VBScript in Meridian Enterprise. This is because of the variety and complexity of the possible workflows that can exist in the two systems and the business rules that can determine how the workflows should be matched under various circumstances. GCF/Project Portal assists you in this by synchronizing the workflow status information during document transfers so that your VBScript logic has the information that it needs to assign the correct workflow status in Meridian Enterprise. The workflow status information is synchronized using the two built-in briefcase properties GCFKRONODOC_LIFECYCLE and GCFKRONODOC_KRONOSTATUS described in “Mapping optional system properties” on page 33. These properties can be mapped to two corresponding custom document properties that you create. The values of the properties are synchronized in both directions and are described in the following table: 36 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions To map workflows: 1. If documents should be released from their workflows in Meridian Enterprise after they are synchronized to Meridian Project Portal, add the following setting to the processor configuration file: ReleaseOnHandover=1 2. In the VBScript block of the vault, modify the function InitiateTransferOwnershipOnWorkFlow by adding the code shown in bold in the following example: Function InitiateTransferOwnershipOnWorkFlow(Person, wfType, wfDetails) InitiateTransferOwnershipOnWorkFlow = "" If Vault.Argument("ProjectPortalSynWF") Then Vault.Argument("ProjectPortalSynWF") = False Exit Function End If 'The remainder of the existing function... 3. Create or modify the function BrcEvent_AfterImport to implement your own workflow mapping logic similar to the following example: Sub BrcEvent_AfterImport(Batch, Briefcase, Action) 'Exit if this is not a GCF import If Not Vault.Argument("IsGcf") Then Exit Sub 'Workflow status from Meridian Project Portal Dim statusK: statusK = Document.GCFKronoStatus 'Workflow status from Meridian Dim statusM If Len(statusK) = 0 Then Exit Sub 'Not valid ElseIf statusK = "100" Or statusK = "90" Then 'Send to Contractor or In Work statusM = "Draft" ElseIf statusK = "110" Then 'For Approval statusM = "Decision" ElseIf statusK = "120" Then 'Released statusM = "END" Else Exit Sub 'Not supported End If ' Unlock document if GCF locked it Dim lockid: lockid = Document.Property("AMDocumentPropertySet._DOCLOCKID") If Len(lockid) > 0 Then SetLock "" End If If Action = AS_BRCIA_IMPORT Then 'New document is not in the required WF 'Migrate to target state Document.Migrate "CWF1", statusM Else If Document.CWFState.Name <> statusM Then 'Reroute will fire workflow events, so we have to skip execution 'of function InitiateTransferOwnershipOnWorkFlow. Check the vault 'argument there Vault.Argument("ProjectPortalSynWF") = True Document.Reroute statusM , "" 37 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions End If End If ' Lock document if GCF locked it If Len(lockid) > 0 Then SetLock lockid End If End Sub Function SetLock(LockID) Dim objGCFSupport Set objGCFSupport = AMCreateObject("BlueCieloECM.GcfSupport", False) SetLock = objGCFSupport.SetLockID(Document.ID, LockID) objGCFSupport.Dispose Set objGCFSupport = Nothing End Function 4. Test your changes by synchronizing documents with active workflows in one system and observing the results in the other system. 6 .1 2 Sc h e d u l i n g t h e GCF p r o c e s s o r s After the settings in the configuration files have been configured, the GCF processors can be scheduled to run on a periodic basis using Windows Task Scheduler. There should be the following scheduled tasks for each collaborating site: Scheduled export Scheduled import To schedule the processors: For each collaborating site, create a task in Windows Task Scheduler for each of the preceding tasks. For instructions on created tasks with Windows Task Scheduler, see the Windows Help. For information on the task frequency and the command lines to specify, see the following topics. Note Installing the processors as described in “Installing the GCF processors” on page 17 installs sample .cmd files for export and import with the correct configuration file names and share names that you can use to compose the command line. If the export and import processors for two collaborating sites A and B reside on the same computer, the export and import tasks may be combined into a single scheduled task. This should always be the case for collaborating with Meridian Project Portal. The task should execute two actions, one for each share in turn, first the export processor for share A and then the import processor for share B. A second task should also execute two actions but in the opposite direction, first the export processor for share B and then the import processor for share A. This configuration is described in more detail in the following topics. Warning Configure the tasks to not start a new instance if one is already running. For information on configuring Windows Task Scheduler, see the Windows Help. 6 .1 2 .1 Co n fi g u r i n g t h e v a u l t s c h e d u l e d e x p o r t t a s k The scheduled export task first runs the Meridian Enterprise export processor to create briefcases for remote collaborating sites. A parameter in the command line of the task specifies which transfers to process. We recommend that this process should be scheduled frequently, for example, once every hour. 38 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions The export processor command line should specify the following parameters: The name of the configuration file that contains the processing settings that you configured as described in “Configuring the GCF processors” on page 24. The Global Collaboration Framework share name that you configured for the destination Meridian Project Portal workspace as described in “Creating and editing a share” on page 22. True – Causes processing of all transfers. Do not use False with Meridian Project Portal. If the configuration file is located in the same folder as the vault export processor, the path can be omitted. Note Installing the processors as described in “Installing the GCF processors” on page 17 installs sample .cmd files for export and import with the correct configuration file names and share names that you can use to compose the command line. Following is an example of a scheduled Meridian Enterprise export processor command line: "C:\GCF\Meridian\Processors\GCFExportProc.exe" <MeridianIniFile> <Meridian Project Po rtalGCFShareName> True The task should then execute the Meridian Project Portal workspace import processor to import new briefcases into the Meridian Project Portal workspace. The Meridian Project Portal import processor command line should have one argument that is the name of the configuration file that contains the processing settings that you configured as described in “Configuring the Meridian Project Portal processors” on page 28. If the configuration file is located in the same folder as the Meridian Project Portal workspace import processor, the path can be omitted. Following is an example of a scheduled Meridian Project Portal import task command line: "C:\GCF\Meridian Project Portal\Processors\BC.GCFImportProc.exe" <Meridian Project Po rtalIniFile> 6 .1 2 .2 Co n fi g u r i n g t h e v a u l t s c h e d u l e d i m p o r t t a s k The scheduled import task first runs the Meridian Project Portal workspace export processor to create briefcases for remote collaborating sites. A parameter in the command line of the task specifies which transfers to process. We recommend that this process should be scheduled frequently, for example, once every hour. The export processor command line should specify the following parameters: The name of the configuration file that contains the processing settings that you configured as described in “Configuring the Meridian Project Portal processors” on page 28. The destination vault GCF share name that you configured as described in “Creating and editing a share” on page 22. True – Reserved parameter. Always set to True. If the configuration file is located in the same folder as the Meridian Project Portal workspace export processor, the path can be omitted. Following is an example of a scheduled export processor command line: 39 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions "C:\GCF\Meridian Project Portal\Processors\BC.GCFExportProc.exe" <Meridian Project Po rtalIniFile> <MeridianGCFShareName> True The scheduled import task should then execute the Meridian Enterprise import processor to import new briefcases into the local vault. The task command line should have one argument that is the name of the configuration file that contains the processing settings that you configured as described in “Configuring the GCF processors” on page 24. If the configuration file is located in the same folder as the vault import processor, the path can be omitted. Following is an example of a scheduled import task command line: "C:\GCF\Meridian\Processors\GCFImportProc.exe" <MeridianIniFile> Note Installing the processors as described in “Installing the GCF processors” on page 17 installs sample .cmd files for export and import with the correct configuration file names and share names that you can use to compose the command line. 6 .1 3 In i t i a t i n g t r a n s fe r t o Me r i d i a n P r o j e c t P o r t a l By default, only two GCF commands will initiate document transfer to Meridian Project Portal: Enlist and Distribute Now. We recommend that you use cross-site workflow to initiate transfers to Meridian Project Portal for the editing of documents (using the Transfer Ownership command). We also recommend that you create a dedicated Meridian Enterprise user account and advise the users to route documents to that person in order to transfer their ownership to the Meridian Project Portal share. An example implementation follows. Assuming that you have created a Meridian Enterprise user named ContractorPortalUser for this purpose and assuming that your Meridian Project Portal share name is ContractorPortal, implement the InitiateTransferOwnershipOnWorkFlow similar to the following: Const PROJECT_PORTAL_SHARENAME = "ContractorPortalUser" Const PROJECT_PORTAL_USER = "ContractorPortal" Function InitiateTransferOwnershipOnWorkFlow(Person, wfType, wfDetails) InitiateTransferOwnershipOnWorkFlow = "" If IsArray(Person) Then Exit Function If Ucase(Person) = Ucase(PROJECT_PORTAL_SHARENAME) Then InitiateTransferOwnershipOnWorkFlow = PROJECT_PORTAL_SHARENAME End If End Function For information about configuring cross-site workflow, see the BlueCielo Meridian Global Collaboration Framework Administrator's Guide. You can also initiate transfer on other events by customizing the vault script with the VBScript functions InitiateTransferToPortal and EnlistPortal that are described in the BlueCielo Meridian Global Collaboration Framework Administrator's Guide.. 40 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions A ppe ndix A : G C F pr o pe r t ie s The Global Collaboration Framework stores the document-related data that it needs to control transfers in the custom properties described in the following table: GCF p ro p e rtie s Property Data Type Description Custom property set GCFCreationDateDbl Double GCFCriticalUpdateDT Date/Time For internal use only. NEW Boolean GCFDisableSync The document creation time to be exported to a briefcase field. When set to True, disables synchronization of the document. The document can still be in collaboration with other sites and its status shown. This can be useful in scenarios where project documents are released to the master area of a vault and further replication must be prevented even if the document can be updated there.The default is False. This property appears in PowerUser on the GCF Management property page as the Disable synchronization option and can be set by the user. GCFLastPropertyUpdate Date/Time The current local date and time when the properties of the document were last updated. This property is used by the Global Collaboration Framework VBScript functions to detect whether properties have changed since the last time that the document was transferred. GCFLog Memo The document workflow (Comment property) log to be exported to a briefcase field. GCFMasterCopyLock String Information about the master document. GCFOwnershipLocked Boolean This property is set to True when the user clicks the Lock ownership button on the Collaboration property page. GCFReferenceSrc String Master document and project copy references information. GCFSpInfo String Additional information for enlisted GCF/Project Portal sites. 41 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions GCF p ro p e rtie s (c o ntinue d ) Property Data Type Description GCFTempLock String For internal use only. GCFolderPropertySet AllowReleaseAsMasterRevision Boolean Permits replicated project copies in replicated folders to be released as master revisions in the enlisted vaults. This property should only be used if the master documents are also replicated to the collaborating vaults. Otherwise, the master documents for the project copies will not exist in the enlisted vaults and the references will be invalid. EnlistProjectSharesForProjectCopies Boolean Enlists the same vaults initially for new documents created in replicated folders as the vaults that are enlisted for the current folder. This property does not effect project copies, which always enlist the same vaults. GCFCollaboratingShares String A semicolon-delimited list of the share names of all shares currently collaborating on the document. The names are the values stored in the GCF Shares table. SynchronizeRoleAssignments Boolean Copies the security role assignments of the folder to the enlisted vaults. Security role mapping is not supported by GCF/Project Portal. 42 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions A ppe ndix B : G C F pr ivile ge s All of the Global Collaboration Framework privileges can be found in the Global Collaboration group in the Roles and Privileges dialog in Meridian Enterprise Configurator. Most of the privileges control the availability of a command button on the Collaboration page in PowerUser. GCF p rivile g e s Privilege Description Claim Ownership Required to claim ownership from a remote vault with the Claim Ownership command. Note Having this privilege does not guarantee that ownership can be claimed; this depends on the business logic implemented in the remote share. Distribute Required to distribute the latest document revision with the Distribute Now command. NEW Required to edit a document that is not owned by the local site. Without this privilege, the Edit button on the property pages in Meridian Enterprise is disabled unless the document is owned by the local site. Edit Locked Document Enlist Vault Required to enlist a vault with the Enlist Vault command. Also required to share folders with Meridian Project Portal workspaces using the ProjectPortalExtension extension. Get Latest Revision Required to get the latest document revision with the Get command. Lock Ownership Required to manually lock the selected document to the local site with the Lock ownership option. Manage Collaboration Required to use the GCF Management property page. Transfer Ownership Required to initiate the transfer of document ownership to a remote vault with the Transfer Ownership command. For more information about these commands, see the BlueCielo Meridian Global Collaboration Framework User's Guide. 43 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions A ppe ndix C : G C F t able s The Global Collaboration Framework creates a number of tables in the Meridian Enterprise vault when it is installed as described in “Creating the tables” on page 13. Descriptions of each table can be found in the following topics. C.1 GCF Co m m a n d s t a b l e This table holds an entry for each command that has been issued for each remote vault. It is used by the Meridian Enterprise export processor to send commands to remote vaults. The GCFCommands table contains the columns described in the following table. GCFCo m m a nd s ta b le c o lum ns Column Description Command The command to be executed at the vault specified in DestinationShare. This column should be set to the following string value: SCRIPT::<FunctionName> <Arguments> In this value, <FunctionName> is the name of the VBScript function to be executed and <Arguments> is the parameters list. The parameters in the list are separated by spaces (not commas). To include a parameter with embedded spaces, enclose it in double quotes (“”). ActionDate The date at which the command was scheduled for transfer. When setting this column from VBScript, set it to 0. GlobalID The Global ID value of the document for which the command should be executed or Null if the command should not be executed with a specific document. This is the Global ID of the document that will become the CurrentDocument object in the remote VBScript function. DocName The name of the document for which the command should be executed or Null if the command should not be executed with a specific document. This is the name of the document that will become the CurrentDocument object in the remote VBScript function. This column is optional and is used for troubleshooting. DestinationShare The share name of the remote vault in which to run the command. InTransit True if the command has been sent to the vault specified in DestinationShare. When setting this column from VBScript, set it to 0. Pending True if the command is still pending to be transferred to the vault specified in DestinationShare. If set to -1, the command is no longer pending C.2 GCF Em a i l s t a b l e This table holds an entry for each email address that was typed when a vault was enlisted or when document ownership was transferred. The GCFEmails table contains the columns described in the following table. 44 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions GCFE m a ils ta b le c o lum ns Column Description Email The email address typed by the user. C.3 GCF L a s t Ex p o r t D a t e t a b l e This table contains historical information about transfers performed by the Meridian Enterprise export processor. The GCFLastExportDate table contains the columns described in the following table. GCFL a s t E xp o rt Da t e t a b le c o lu m n s Column Description DestinationShare The share name of the remote vault. LastExportDate C.4 The date and time of the last successful export to the vault specified in DestinationShare. GCF – L a s t T r a n s fe r D a t e t a b l e This table holds an entry for each combination of document ID and remote vault. It stores the last date and time each document was added to a briefcase to be sent to each remote vault. The records in this table are created and used by the Global Collaboration Framework VBScript event procedures. The GCF – Last Transfer Date table contains the columns described in the following table. GCF – L a s t T ra ns f e r Da te ta b le c o lum ns Column Description DestinationShare The share name where the document was transferred. DocName The name of the document that was added to the briefcase. This is set by the Meridian Enterprise export processor. DocumentID The global ID of the document added to the briefcase. ModifiedDate The date and time the document or its properties were last modified in the local vault. TransferDate The date and time that the document was added to the briefcase. TransitStamp The ID of the briefcase that should clear the InTransit flag. This ensures that only the last sent briefcase will clear the flag even though previous briefcases were also transferred. WorkPackageID The ID of the work area from which the updates were read. 45 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions C.5 GCF Sh a r e s t a b l e This table holds the information needed to connect to each of the collaborating vaults. The GCF Shares table contains the columns described in the following table. GCF S ha re s ta b le c o lum ns Column Description RootURL The URL used to start a Web Access session with the share, without the /Start parameter at the end. By default, this is http://<ServerName>/Meridian. ShareName The name of the share as it appears to GCF users. TransferAddress A value used by the component specified for TransferComponent to determine the location where briefcases should be sent. For Transfer.FileCopy, this is the destination folder path. TransferComponent The class name (ProgID) of the component that will handle the transfer of GCF briefcases. The Global Collaboration Framework provides two classes, Transfer.HTTP and Transfer.FileCopy. UserName The user name under which access can be gained to Meridian Enterprise Web Access on the remote server. UserPassword The password of the account specified by UserName. VaultName The display name of the remote share. C.6 T h i s V a u l t Sh a r e N a m e t a b l e This table identifies which is the local share from among all of the collaborating share. The This Vault Share Name table contains the columns described in the following table. T his Va ult Sha re N a m e ta b le c o lum ns Column Description Name The value of the ShareName column in the GCF Shares table that corresponds to the local share. C.7 T r a n s fe r s t a b l e This table contains a row for each combination of document ID and remote share. It is used to schedule all transfers except update transfers. The records in this table are created by the CollaborationStatusExtension extension and used and updated by the Meridian Enterprise export processor. For efficiency, the extension will reuse records in this table to schedule new transfers for documents that were transferred earlier. The Transfers table contains the columns described in the following table: 46 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions T ransf e rs table c o lum ns Column Description BriefCasePath The path of the briefcase file created by the Meridian Enterprise export processor. BriefCaseTemplate Reserved for future use. Until then, the value should always be GCF. Comment The workflow comment to be assigned in the remote vault in a cross-site workflow. DestinationShare The share name where the briefcase will be sent. DocName The display name of the document to be added to the briefcase. This column is set by the Meridian Enterprise export processor. Enlist When set to -1, the share specified in DestinationShare should be enlisted. When set to 0, the share should not be enlisted. MainDocumentID The ID of the document to be added to the briefcase. For an assembly, this is the ID of the top-level assembly document. NextManager The name of the workflow manager to be assigned in the remote vault in a cross-site workflow. NextToDoPerson The name of the to-do person (worklist) to be assigned in the remote share when transferring the to-do person in a cross-site workflow. NotificationEmail The email address to which to send notification that the briefcase was imported in the destination share. More than one address can be specified by separating addresses with semicolons (;). NotificationMessage The message to send to the recipients listed in NotificationEmail. OnSchedule When set to -1, the transfer should be processed as a scheduled update, for example, after business hours. When set to 0, the transfer should be processed when the Meridian Enterprise export processor runs again, typically in 10 to 20 minutes. Options The transfer options. Pending When set to -1, the transfer is pending and will be processed on the next run. When set to 0, the transfer is no longer pending. Success When set to -1, the transfer was successful. When set to 0, the transfer failed. This column is set by the GCF transfer processor. TransferDate The date and time that the briefcase was sent by the Meridian Enterprise export processor. TransferOwnership When set to -1, ownership should be transferred to the vault specified in DestinationShare. When set to 0, ownership should not be transferred. WorkPackageID The ID of the work area from which document update transfers should be processed. 47 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions Inde x 6 E 64-bit server components 17 error messages 24, 27 event handler A account 9, 12, 17, 20, 22, 24, 40 Active Directory EXE files 19 adding 16 import and export tasks 39 export support functions 16 architecture archive scheduling 38 1, 4 settings 24, 26 28 extensions 5, 8-9, 14, 27, 35, 43, 46 Collaboration Status arguments name of configuration file as argument parameters list as argument authentication AutoCAD 10 44 GCF Events 10 9 registering 13 39-40 29, 31 B blocks 37 briefcases 4, 6-7, 11, 14, 25-26, 36, 41, 45, 47 importing settings for 14 C Collaboration Status extension F FAT volumes 28 files, configuration 30 folder types 31 mapping Meridian Project Portal folder types to command-line arguments and switches 18 components 46 configuration 2, 4, 14-15, 22-24, 26, 28, 30-31, 33, 37-39 folder property mappings 31 processors 28 sharing a vault 22 configuration file 28, 30, 32 33 folders 10, 13 Windows Installer 10, 13 GCF Configuration property mappings 31 replicating 31 G GCF Configuration extension 10 GCF Events extension 10 GCF properties 41 GCF Remote Access Web Service installing GCF tables, creating 21 13 GCF tables, names of file name as argument 39 for vaults 24 GCF - Last Transfer Date 45 23 GCF Shares 46 GCFCommands 44 GCFEmails 44 GCFLastExportDate 45 This Vault Share Name 46 Transfers 46 connection string ConnectionString option 18, 29 content types 31, 33 creating database customization 20 1, 15, 23, 31, 33, 36, 40-41 D GCF/Project Portal document transfers installing components to Meridian 7 I to Meridian Project Portal 6 import document types mapping Meridian Project Portal content types to 17 16 process 39 31 settings 24, 27 documents status update 1 importing VBScript code 8 InPath setting 14 28, 39 48 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions installation 1, 11-12, 17, 21 processors command-line arguments 18 configuration settings 28 preparation for 11 configuring 28 Windows Installer package 18 Meridian Enterprise installation, GCF properties GCF Remote Access Web Service 21 properties, folder GCF/Project Portal components 17 R installation, Meridian Enterprise registering processors 17 registering extensions server components 11 replicating installing licenses 13 InstallShield vs. MSI 18 L legal notice i libraries transfers to Meridian Project Portal licenses 9, 13 licensing 9, 12 log files folders roles scheduling processors 13 31 42 38 i, 4, 12, 20, 23, 32, 42 20 server components, 64-bit 17 server components, installing Meridian Enterprise share creation mapping 6, 9, 13 security, SQLServer 25-28, 41 M 31 S security 6 24 2-3, 5, 13-14, 21-23, 27, 29-34, 36, 41, 43, 45 shares 11 5 5, 19, 22, 26, 28, 38-40, 42-46 Meridian Project Portal columns 30 Meridian Project Portal content types 31 Meridian Project Portal folder properties 31 Meridian Project Portal folder types 33 creating database 20 36 creating the table query 23 33 defining security 20 Meridian Project Portal workflow system properties sharing vaults SQL Server InTransit field Meridian Enterprise installing server components 11 status updates 22 1, 8, 12, 18, 20, 29 6-7 8 7 support functions 16 Meridian Enterprise extensions 9 suppressing custom code 15 Meridian Enterprise processors 24 switches 18 Meridian Enterprise Web Client 15, 17 transfers to system properties Meridian Project Portal mapping columns transfers to mapping 30 6 T tables appendix of Meridian Project Portal content types 31 Meridian Project Portal folder types 33 tasks Meridian Project Portal workflow 36 tasks, scheduling MSI installer package 18 transfers initiating to Project Portal N NTFS volumes 28 P passwords 5, 22-24, 46 permissions 20 privileges, GCF 43 33 44 15, 26, 32, 38-39 38 40 to Meridian Enterprise 7 to Meridian Project Portal 6 Transfers table troubleshooting typographic conventions 46 1, 26-27, 44 2 49 BlueCielo Meridian GCF/Project Portal 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions V vaults sharing 22 vaults, configuration files for VBScript 24, 39 10-11, 14, 16, 36, 41, 44-45 importing 14 W warranties Web Access i 6, 12, 22, 46 web server installing components on web services 21 5, 12, 21, 29 Windows Installer package 18 Windows registry 24 Windows Task Scheduler 38 workflow 36 mapping Meridian Project Portal workflow 36 50
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