Page 2, Thursday, December 20, 2012 SPENCER EVENING WORLD christmas edition Dear Santa, How does your raindeer fly? How are you? What kind of cookies do you like? My mom’s name is Amanda. My dad’s name is Christian. My brother’s name is Ethan. My other brothers name is Jacob. I put ornamants on the tree. I put Christmas lights on the Christmas tree. for Christmas I want Barbies. My family wants 100 dollers. Bring toys for kids that have no toys. I will have cookies for you. Watch out for my cats. Go to the front door. From, Isabella LeFaure Dear Santa, How do you like your randeers? Is Roodof rel? Do you like your elfs? I have a prtee Crismis tree. My famlee wants soks and sliprs. We have a chimene. Our Crismts tree is bi the fiyr plase. I will give you hot choclit and cookes. From, Cora Tingle Dear Santa, How do you get your ranedeer to flly? How do you get your elfs to work? What Cukez do you like? My family is doing good. Plesse get people hawsis in hrulsun Sande. I want a Baby Buderskosh. I put lights up on our tree. We also put up lights on our deck. I think that my family needs noo dishes. Wotch out fa our cat. We don’t have a chime. Plesse go throo the frunt door. Watch out for our dog. Love, Trinity Calvin Letters To Santa from Gosport, McCormick’s Creek, Patricksburg & Spencer Elementary School First Graders Gosport elementary ms. Taylor Dear Santa, How are the rander? What do thay eat? I’d like the magic journal, the lad bug and piratship for Crismas. I hope the lunch lady’s husband gets better. mere Crismas Santa. Annalei Dow Dear Santa, I wut for christmas a brbe van and a Justin Bebr tothbrush. I wut a Helo Kite bakpak and a monstr Hi dol. Love, Emma Buis Dear Santa, I like to gai too. I wint Lago Hinjus. I win a Lago Batman. I wint Lago and the wii Lord uv the Rings. I wint Lago Por Mnns. I wint Lago Atlantis the sqid tow most uv al I like to gat wiiu! Your friend, Ethan Macy Dear Santa, Haw is Roodlf doing? This is whit I want A bike, A trampolen, A brbie, A fish pool and A pet Dog! I wish that my Dog wote die and it snowe! Mere crismiss San ta!!! Love, Mackenzie Adams Dear Santa, Are you redy to delivr presits? For Christmas I want a wwe wresler, and Emma wanta a Brbe doll and a toy earring for Christmas. and my mom wants earrings. Thank You. Love, Tyler Barnett Dear Santa, Are your rander doing good? I rele want a dog for my haws. I want a remot Kontrl helikotr, a blad blad and noo shoos. I wish my friend Wyatt will get a dinosaur. Thak You. Love, Leo Wright Dear Santa, How is Roodolf? I wish my grapa fels betr. I wish my stepsister could be with me on Christmas Day! I would like a Ballet skrit! ThankYou. Love, Ashley Sparks Dear Santa, How are you? For Chrismus I want a red hao giye. He is a leg too. Also a aer craft caryr. I wish my dog can get betr. Thank you for every thing Santa. Your friend, Noah Mims Dear Santa, How is Roodolf doing? Is he flying well? For Chrmiss I wun sum Hello Kitty stuff, tetdbers, hertise, close, a barby, a fish bike, a noow cate and pants. I wish my dad will get beter and I wish my dad’s fut will be beter. Mery Chrismiss Santa! Love, Addison Barnes Dear Santa, Are the elvs bisy makeing the toys? For Christmas I want a 3ds and a new bike. I would like something for my brother and sistr to. Thank you. Love, Destyni Marlett Dear Santa, Haw’s Miss Clos doing? For Christmuss I want Baby Budar School, Baby Budrscoch and My littl pony. I would like sume foot ball cards for my Dad And a radl for my bruthr. Would you bring sumthing for my sistr? Thank You. Love, Brailen Morries Dear Santa, How are the elvs? I wish my mamals foot will feel beter. I wish to have a 4 wheler, a beb gun, gas truk, a gascar, lagos nejs and a big helakptrer for Crismis. I wish you a mery Crismis. Thank you, Lee Ammerman Dear Santa, How are you Santa? I would like you to bring my brother a toyo Monster truck, and my sisters toy earrings. Mom and dad a night stand, and I want a Wrestling Match with Jons inu. Thank You. Love, Connor Jones Dear Santa, How are the raindees doing? Four Christmas I what Manstr High dolls. Frbe, butrfly sets, deis, baby budrscoch and belding bllos. I wish my papaw wood get betr. Thak You. Love, Kayley Winkles Dear Santa, Is the slay redy for toys? I want a robot for Crismis. I want a monstr High for Crismis, a doll and clos. Can you bring my bruthr a transformr? Thanks Santa! Dakota Worthington Dear Santa, How are the randyr? Wut I want for Crismiss is a ds games, baby butter scotch, and a barby haws, I wish my grandpa fils betr. Love, Abby McDonald Dear Santa, How os Roodlf doing? I want a ds, a monster high game, a Baby Butter Scotch, tato Maceer, a crater monster high kit and ipod totch. I wish for my gram to feal beater. Thanks! Love, Shania Neuman Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Cl.uas? What I want for Chistmas is moster High stuff, Body stensells, creeate a Monster, ZooZoo pets, D.S. and Monster High games. I wish for my borhter to get Toys. Thank you. Love, Patience Denny Dear Santa, Are the randyr jelus of Rodof? For Craismus I want a baby butter scotch and toy dog. I wish for a toy shake for my bruther Steven! Love, Destiny Silva **** Mrs. Spahr Dear Santa, I wut a 3ds and a scatband and a kitin and a xbox 360. I want a basball and bat. By the wau what have you bin doing? I need a kawn. I wunt a laptop. Love, Derrek Atkinson Dear Santa, How r u? I have bein gud. I wunt animals. I wunt fish, too. Pot kande in mi stoking. Thank you for mom and dad. Get me sum books to read. Get me a lizrd. Get grandma a cannr. Get dad a roling jer. Get mom a goldfish. Love, Wyatt Baldwin Dear Santa, I what a 4 dsSmes and I what a baby doll. I what a hat. I what clos, makecup, and doktre toys. I what a glowfish x box and chuntrolr. Love, Nicole Hall Dear Santa, You and the evils bin wrcking very hrde but would you bring me some games for my wii plees Santa. I have bin a good girls this yer have a mery Crismis. Love, Natalie Hubbard Dear Santa, I hav bin exta good this yer. I hope you will give lots of presits to Natalie cuse I like hre as a frend. I hope you give los of presits to Derrck and my Sister to and to Aubree and ale my friends. Your efes will help you and I wunt mackup and can you give presints to my mom and dad? I hop you have a Mare Christmas. I hope the raneder are good cus I am going to give them carits and Santa I am going to give you coces. I hope you like the milk to. I hope you like the srak! Love, Allison Lilley Dear Santa, Santa will you be ok on christmas? I hope you will be ok on christmas can I have a bb gun. can I have a rose for mom? can I have a dresr and can I have a book? can I have a rose for dad? can my mom and dad have presins? Love, Jaylen Samples Dear Santa, I wunt a montstr haey cdsl. I wunt a Barbe. I wuna Bike. My Sistr wunts a Barbe. My sistr wunts a doll. I wunt some clos. Brooklyn wunts a elfint. I wunt a game for the famley. I want a montsr hays. Maddlyn Schultz Dear Santa, Can I have a ds for Christmas and a cofey cup and a plate? I want a pupey dog and a glowfish and a ise Skat and a xbox 360 with a bloo conatrolr and a red conotrolr and a drt bik. Love, Lance Sorenson Dear Santa, I wot a fotboll helmet. I wot a volleboll. I wot a dsi weth for games. I wot a drt bik wetha helmet. I wot drt bik gluvs. I wot a storwors helmet. I wat a black cops xbox 360. I wot a basball. Love, Caleb Williams Dear Santa, Hi! Haw have you ben? Thnak you Santa for giving me preznts last yer. I want Santa to give bird feed for my tarkez. I wish you wold get some wabit food for my sister. I wont a Randeer radeo. Get my mom a new CD. Love, Gage Williams **** McCormick’s Creek Elementary Mrs. Goss Dear Santa How do you make the toys? We got the treats for you. How do you make rain deers fly? I put up a Santa head. I got my stocking up. I want for Christmas a DSI. Don’t be lawd Santa. Go thrue my front door. Wate in tell my Daddy goes to bed. I’m in first grade. My family is great. Give the kids that don’t have toys, give them some toys. Tyler Gatliff Dear Santa, How do your rain deer fly. What cind of milke do you like? What cind of cookies do you like? I have bruthers and a mom and a dad. Their names are Talon, Tristin & Trevor. My mom’s name is Tammy K. Byers. My dad’s name is GareDel. Byers. I put my light’s on my hows. I put up my light’s on my tree. My family wants a zone 60. My dad wants a car. Go to the frunt door. I have a barking dog. I have a cat that will trip you. My mom fergits to put our the firer. From, Tanner Conley Dear Santa, How do the radeer fly? What cind of cookes do you like? How do you get down chimney? I put up my tree. How do you get throu the snow? What I want for Cerismis is a Pop star. What my family would like are new games. The cookes are in the citchn. My dog barks really loud. I hope you can get down the chimney. My mom would like a new pillow. My dad would like a new blancklit. My little sister would like some new shoos. I would like new shoos. From Olivia Stogsdill Dear Santa, How does Rodofs nose glow? If cids stop believing in you will your powers go dawnn? What cinde of cookies do you like? my mom bise Christmust lites. My family is good. I am in first grade. My name is Cooper. I am going to put up my Cristmus tree. I want the incredeble Hulk the game for ds rated e and up. My family needs $1,000,000,000,000 dolers. Drop Spider man books in the school’s chimney. Do not go in my chimny! You’ll brake the glass! Land your rain deer in the back yard. From a boy who stays on green every day. Love, Cooper King Dear Santa, How do you fly your deer? I will make cookies. How do you tell your elfes to make toys. I have 7 people in my family. I put my tree up. I make presintse. I want a furby. My mom wants sunglasise. For others toys. Do not go outside. My cat will be meen. I have ben nise. I have ben good avry day. I care abuot you. I love you. I love your elfs to. Chrismis is fun. I want a Jeep. Do not go uotside. My dog will bite you. Do not use the chimey. It is dirtty so never use it Santa. Love, Jasmine Sylvester Dear Santa, How are you? Are your elvs fine? I have a dog in a crate and one in bed. My Chrismas tree is in the dining room. Our stockings are on the windo seel. My mommy is named Kasy and my daddy is named Lookes. We are sleeping on are mom and dads flor. My famly is reely reely fun. Bring a noow book for our Sccol. I made you cookies. I am in 1st grade. I am 7 yers old. What kind of toys do your elvs make? I made you choklet chip cookes just for you. All I want for crismas is my to frunt teeth. All of my family put sinse out frunt. I have a reely nice famly. Othrs need books. Watch out for my dogs. Our tree is in the dining room. From, Maddi Dawson Dear Santa, How does the fain deer fly? What kind of cookies do you like? What kind of milk do you like? I have a brother. His name is Cole. My mom’s name is Tamisha. My dad’s name is Joe. My name is Joey. My house is rile cool. I have candy canes in the yord. My christmas tree is rill cool. I made a deer ornamend and my brother made a mouse with antlers! I rile want a skatbord. For my mom and dad and Cole can you bring them a video game? For my dad I want a 4 willer. Go to the back door. I have a barking dog. I am gowen to leev my tree by the windo. From, Joey Ross Dear Santa, How do you eat all the cookes in the world? How do the dear fly? How do you go down the chimne? My family is fun. I dekradid my house for Crist the Lord. My tre is in the living room. I want a scotr. My famle needs a bedrom. The school needs books. I have a dog and a cat. They scrach. Love, Sarina Boyce Dear Santa, How do randeer fli? How do you get to the houses? I want the game Incredible Hulk. From, Jaden Cazee Dear Santa, How do you make your ders fly? Wwhat cind of cuces do you like? I want a fourwelr. My family need papr. Bring a house for the people that do not have a house. Go throo the chimne. From, Colby Hawkins Dear Santa, Is Jack Frost real? How do rain deers fly? Is Sandman real? My mom is naned Staisey. My dad is named Jaysin. My name is Nolan. I am in first graed. My sister is named Presley. I am good. I want some sqooshees. I am pooting up my jinjr bread hoiuse. My mom and dad want a car with 10000 dolars. I want the homeless to have a house. I will let my dogs and my cats in. Please use the front door. From, Nolan Zehr Dear Santa, How do you get the radrers to fly? We have the crismiss tree up? I hoop you bring me my prestit? Wi do you bring elfs? I hoop you bring presents please. My cats needs a toy? Get my dogs a bone? Get Gramall’s dog a bone. Plesse git my dad a nif? Get my mom a noo fone. Get my grapall a gun to hunt for deere? My dog is going in my room. My cat is going to be in my room. My mom’s name is Kristiol. My dad’s name is Jeff and my brethrs name is Nick. My name is Scott. My cusin wants a Justin Bebr doll. I want a flying helukoptr. Mom and dad wants a car. My uthr cusin wants a doll. From , Scott Harden Dear Santa, How do you make render fly? Please bring a slide for our playground. My dog is going to be in my room. I want a Sonic game. Plese use the frunt door. My Dad and my Mom want a 3D sonic movey. We have our Crisis tree. The cookes are on the plate My lagoes are in my toy box. We are making candeey. From, Jake Chinn Dear Santa, How are you? Can I have a scatbord sinse I saw one. I can’t wate intel Crismis. You are asim. Your hat is red. What will I have Santa? From, Mike Trimble Dear Santa, How dus your ran dier fly? How is Miss Claus? How do you get in the chimey? My family is dowing good. How do you get food for the randeer. My pets are dowing good. I waint a FurBy for Chrismis. My mom wonts a necliss for Chrismis. From, Jordan Walters Dear Santa, How do rain deer fly? What kind of cookes do you like? How do you make toys? We have our Christmis tree. I have a mom. I have a dad. I have a brother. I’m in 1st grade. My name is Jonathon. My teacher’s name is Ms’ Goss. I want a bablade. My cousin wants a princess doll. I wish evrey one had a house. I have dogs. If you pet one on the it will bite you. I have cat. Wath out! Please go in the door. From, Jonathon Sullivan Dear Santa, I want to know if your reindeers fly? Where do you go if the chimne is not clen. Mom and dad frogt where the Christmas tree was. We found it and we put it up then. We deckrated the crimas tree. The cats will get you. From, Jadin Johnson Dear Santa, How do rain deer fly? My dog is going in my room. We do not a cimne. I want a Ipod. We aer dakrating our home. We are puting lights up. We are makeing peanut butter bread for the birds. From, Mason Smith Dear Santa, How many elfs do you have? How big of a bag do you have? Do you have a majik neklis? My family wish is they can see you. Can you make that wish pleez Santa. I am going to put popcorn strings a the tree. I want for Krismis is a lot of Tackdaks for Krismis. My family wants from Krismis sum Mooveas. I wish you can give the people prasints Santa. My Krismis tree is out side. Go in my dor bie the Krismis tree. My name is Luke. I have dogs. The mite brk. From, Luke Yoder Dear Santa, Will you get me a presit. I want a farm. My name is Joseph. My borhter’s name is Austin. Ples use frunt door. How do your randeers fli? Haw do you get your sled to wrc? From, Joseph Jewell **** Mrs. HANSCOM Dear Santa, I am six years old. My name is Landon. My first grade numbr is 18. I have a babe brothr. I have three cats. I will put blue lites on my house. and on my tree. I got a spesl present with love inside for youto see. I have blue, red, orange, and green lights on my prch. I wish I had a Polr Expres fox train. My family wishes we had a iPad or a laptop. I wish the world got all there presients. What do you like? Your friend, Landon P.S. How do randeers fli Santa? Dear Santa, I’m Veronica. I am 6 years old. I have brown eyes. I can haing up side down. I have a Brathr. His name is Jeb. He is 7. I have two dogs. ther name are Rose and the uthr one is Amos. I have a candecane on the tree. You can have it if you find it. I will leve a present for Mrs. Clos and she can read it to the elvs. I like elvs. I have the Christmas tree up. My brathr cut down the tree. My mom helped my brathr. I am going to leve a pes of my gingrbred hous and some milcr. My wish for Chrismis is a happy, Joly Christmis every year. I love you. I wish for Christmas pop star. I wish for the world some more trees. I wish for my famle for Deren and Mag to come back and visit us. I wondr how you fit all your toys in your bag? Love, Veronica P.S. Have a happy ride. Dear Santa, My name is Madison. I am seven years old. I am in first grade. I am good at school. I have a dog and a donky. My family is good to me. I wish my family would all go to the lake. I wish Santa would bring me an ipod. I will give the ranedear a cooke for Christmes. They will be on the tablle. I wish Santa will look at my stove for my stocking. I wish the world will cleen the hotels. Love, Madison P.S. I wish you would have a mare Christmas! Will you look on my tree for a present? Dear Santa, My name is Alyssah. I have two dogs one named Tancke and one named Brode. I am 7 years old. Santa you are my friend. I can’t wate for Christmas. I have a cat named Boondocs, too. I love frut. and I have a Ninten do DS that my sister gave me. I have a Christmas tree and snowman. I have a thing that has a pichr of you on my fruntdoor. I wish for a scotr. I think my familey would like a hug from you. I wish form everyone in the world to have a home. Haye, what’s your favorite colr ______? My sister is to years old. Santa, you can have your presnt which is cookes! Love, Alyssah P.S. Would you like a truck? The Dow family gathered to give their list of Christmas requests to Jolly Ol’ Saint Nick in Gosport in early December. Pictured on Santa’s lap are seven-year-old Annalei and 13-year-old Meilynn. Standing are Khrista Beililes and 13-year-old Dalean Dow. (Staff Photo) Dear Santa, I’m Tristan. I’m seven years old. I’m one prsin from Mis H’s class. I’m a footboll playr. I’m grate at footboll. You’re my friend. I have blue lites in my home. I have a Christmas tree with blue lites. I have stokings in my living room. I wish to have a bobblhed of Anddrew Luck. We want just to be happy in my family. I wish for the whole wold to get their presents. I like you. How do randeers fly? Your friend, Tristan P.S. Have fun making presints. Dear Santa, My name is Emily. I am six years old. I am a 1st grader. I have an awsome sister named Elizabeth and she is 11 years old. I have a good house, it is white I have a dog named Chicin when. I will put up stockings soon. I am going to put up my Chrismis tree. I want you to see my bers up on my shelf. I want a diree, my famley wants, rilley wants to put up my tree. I wish the world was cleen. How many elvs do you have? Love, Emily P.S. Can I have necklace? Dear Santa, My name is Jaden Bo Douglas. I am 6 years old. I love Christmas. I have my Christmas tree up. Christmas is all about God and Jesus. I have my white lights up on my frunt portch. I have angels on my Chrismas tree. I wish I had a X Box 360 black cops game also a X box 360 basckit ball game. Jesuses Birthday is on Christmas. My family wishes for a flat scren tv to whatch a Colts game. I wish every bute has a nice Christmas. How do you go down the chimney? Your friend, Jaden Bo Douglas P.S. Have a grate time at the North Poel! Dear Santa, My name is Austin Jewell. I am 7 years old. I have 2 bruthers and a sister. I am a boy. I have a dog. I have four goats. I have glasses. I have blue eyes. I like games. I have a cool family. I have lots of friends. I know how to do my ABC’s. I am very good! I am going to put up my Christmas tree. I am puting up my red stokings. I am going to put a Santa ourdumit on my tree! I want a skatebord. My family wants a heetrer. I want more trees for the world. How do te elfs make toys? Love, Austin Jewell. P.S. How do you fit down the chimne? Dear Santa, My name is Jordan. I am seven. My first grade number is nine. I like playing basket ball. I have a chimny calander that tells me when you’re coming. I put up a woodin Santa that looks like you, four raindeer and your sled. My house has lites. I wish for three Skylander gieants and pordle. My family wishes for vegatable seeds. I wish that the world’s people have an exsiting Christmas. How do you know what color the toy is supost to be? From, Jordan. P.S. Have a good time at the North Pole! Dear Santa, My name is Taylor Monroe. I am seven years old. I have a sister, and she is two years old. I have blue eyes. I am gratefull for my parents. I am in 1st grade. I am going to put a Christmas tree. I will put up different stocings and different otamemets on my tree. I want an Ipod for Chrismas. My family would like to pay all the bills. I would like more schoolls in the world. How many elfs do you have? Love, Taylor Monroe P.S. You are a grate gye! Dear Santa, My name is Michael Hensley. I am seven years old. I am a boy. I have blue eyes. I have glasses that are bendable. I love basketball. I have wonderfull parents. I don’t have a pet. I play basketball. I have an electric tablet. I play Fruit Ninja and Basketball Mix. I have lights hanging from my bedroom seeling and in my living room. I have a beutifull Cristmas tree up. I have a little tree in my room. I wish for SKYLANDERS GIENTS portol. My family would like an ipad. I wish for more lakes in the world. Love, Michael Hensley P.S. How do the raindeer fly? How old is Rudolf? Dear Santa, My name is Kadyn Hixon. I am six in a half. I have dark brown hair. I have brown eyes. I love video games and office suplise. I love browneis I love dogs and cats. I love SKYLANDERS AND SKYLANDERS GIAENTS. I have my tree up and a coster of you. I have an ornament it has you on it, look for it. Santa I wish for more specill games. My family wishes for a baby. I wish the world never ended. Santa is milk and cookies your favorit snack? Love, Kadyn Hixon. P.S. Can riendeer fly? Santa met with four-year-old Anthony Freeman during a visit to Gosport. Anthony is the son of Tiffany and William Freeman of Cloverdale. (Staff Photo) Dear Santa, I am Timmy. I am seven years old. I have a very good life. I am going to get my Christmas tree out soon. I am going to put my lites out soon. I am going to hang my stocking on the fier plas. I wish I could get a new pupe. My family wishes we had a new forwiler. If you don’t get the presints there its fine. I wish the world had more hootels. Santa what is your fafrit culr? ______ Love, Timmy P.S. How do rane deer fly? Dear Santa, I am Victoria. I am six. I like to be with you. I like to tell you my dogs name is Ashr. I whundr where you live. I want you to see my tree. Did you put my ornuments up? Mom and dad wundr if you did. It is cool. I have lites on my tree. I have a snoman. I am good. I want to get something frum you. Do you have Twilight? I am getting this for my family. I want a dremlight. I wish for snow for the hot world. Santa, does Roudof fly? Love, Victoria P.S. I am leving you cookies. Dear Santa, My name is Branson. I am six year old. I am a first gradrer. I have one dog named Belb. I have one cat that likes to sleep. My favrite color is blue. I have a bb gun. I put up my stockings. I put up my Christmas tree. It has cande canes. I put dekrashins on my Chistmas tree. I whish for an apple Ipad. I wish my family was happy. I whish the world was cleen. How do you make toys? Love, Branson P.S. Can I have squishees? Dear Santa, I am Austin. I have rile drck hair. I am six. I like to play with my cusins. I like my sistr. I like to play with my sistr. I rile like to be at school. We are going to put up are stockings. We are retee to put up are Christmas tree. I am going to put randeer food so thay can eat. I all retee got a Dsi. I got a ninjh. I want more ninjhus. I wish for a noow microwave for my family. I hope our world nevr blos up. How do your elfs make toys? Your friend, Austin P.S. Santas the best! Dear Santa, My favorit color is blue. My name is Jamie. I love presents. I have three dogs. They are name Moly, Jessie and Lila. I am in first grade. We will make cookies for you and hot choclit for you too. We put up are Christmas tree please look for the angel that my sister made. It’s on top of our tree. A wish for my family is for them to be nice to me. A wish for the world is that it rains candy! How old are you Santa? How old is Roodof? How do your raindear fly? How do you make toys? Love, Jamie P.S. My class is going to make gingerbread houses. I wish for an ipad and I want Justin Bieber too. Dear Santa, My name is Davis Hutton. I have a bruthr. His name is Jet. He is two years old. I am six years old. I ben good all year. My Christmes tree is up. My porch is decradid. I would like a drum set. I wish my famly could go on the show Family Game Nigte. A wish I have for the wrld for the porches to be dekradid. What do the elfs do? Your friend, Davis Hutton P.S. I will put out carrots for the rain deer. Dear Santa, My name is Takoda. I am seven years old and I have a dog named Stack and a cat named Willy. I have glasses. I have my tree up for you so you can put presins under the Christmas tree. I put my stocking on my fire place. I wish to get a d’s. My wish for my family is an Ipod. My wish for the world is that it is raining blueberrys! I love blueberrys! I have my lights on my Christmas tree. How old is Ruodollf? P.S. I hope my mommy gives my presins. Love, Takoda Bixler Dear Santa, I am Shaydon. I’m a boy. I’m 6 years old. I have a little sister. I like to play with my little sister. I like school. I’m in soccer. I’m having a new baby sister. I have a pet. I have a dog named Oreo. I have a Christmas tree. I will put blue, red, white, green, yellow, orange, lights on my Christmas tree. I will put Pooh, Piglet and Tigger on my grass. I wish I had a brother. I wish my family had a better life. I wish the world had more trees. Please look at my new baby sister. Your friend, Shaydon P.S. How do you go down the chimnny? Dear Santa, My name is Averie. My famil’s names are Nikki, Jarrod, Logan and Mason. I have pretty skie. My hair is brown and blonish. I am six. Thats all ime going to say to you Santa Cloz. I am rede for prezents under my tree. I have my stocings up. I have lights on my roof. I have rand deyrz. I have my Christmas tree up. I want lalaloopsea dolls. This is what I want also a treehouse. I wish for my family can have a grate Christmas Day. I like to have snoeball fites on Christmas. I wish a Happy Noo Yer for the world. How is your randear? Love, Averie P.S. Could you ples give me a 3sl any culr besidez brown, black or gray. Dear Santa, I am seven yers old. I am Briar. I like my dog Skylr. I ride my red bike. I have a yellow dumstr truk. I will have a Christmas tree. I will put Christ mas lits on my has. We have bals on our tree. I wish for a Lord uv the, goldn ring DS game. I wish my femily could go to the prk. I wish the world could go to Jumpen Joes. How do the rander fli? Your friend, Briar P.S. I will put out a gingr bred man for you! Dear Santa, My name is Abigail. I’m seven. I like you. You are my favrit. I want to show the bala ordumins to you. We hung lites on my tree. we hung stookeens. I hope you make it. I love purple. I know math. I like your ranedeer. I like Rudof. I like Misses Clos. My mom is sweet. My techer is nice. I wish for Monster High. My family wants the movie Smrfs. that is my wish for them. A wish for the wrld is I want to help the inviermint. What’s your faverit culr? Love, Abigail P.S. Also, I wish for a DS.
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