REVERSE OSMOSIS 8RE02H - 8RE03H - 8RE04H - 8RE06H 8RE02L - 8RE03L - 8RE04L - 8RE06L INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION OPERATION & MAINTENANCE WARNING! The equipment must be used only for the utilization for which they have been designed, as shown in the technical documentation. Read carefully this leaflet until the end before starting any operation. Proceed strictly according to all directions included in this manual. Reverse osmosis systems models RO/E are designed to treat raw water supplied from municipalities or from well. ANY OTHER APPLICATIONS OF THE EQUIPMENT DIFFERENT THAN THE MENTIONED ONES IS MADE UNDER THE ONLY RESPONSIBILITY OF THE USER. For any assistance concerning the installations, maintenance or utilization of the equipment apply the NOBEL Service Center closest to you or directly : NOBEL S.r.l. e-mail: tel. 02 2827968 fax 02 2610839 rev. 0 8re02-03-04-06_mi-r0.doc REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS 8RE 02-03-04-06 H / L - INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL INDEX 1. Safety........................................................................................................................................4 1.1. General ...............................................................................................................................4 1.2. How to displace the unit ......................................................................................................4 1.3. Hydraulics ...........................................................................................................................4 1.4. Electrical..............................................................................................................................4 1.5. Directions for storage, delivery, installation.........................................................................4 2. Principles of working.................................................................................................................5 3. Technical characteristics ..........................................................................................................5 3.1. Assumed raw water characteristics.....................................................................................5 3.2. Technical characteristics series high pressure (8RE..H) ....................................................6 3.3. Technical characteristics series low pressure (8RE..L) ......................................................6 4. Installation ................................................................................................................................7 4.1. Room conditions .................................................................................................................7 4.2. How to remove packaging...................................................................................................7 4.3. How to move and lift the unit...............................................................................................7 4.4. Placing ................................................................................................................................7 4.5. Hydraulics connections .......................................................................................................8 4.6. Electrical wiring connections ...............................................................................................8 5. Control panel ............................................................................................................................9 5.1. Commands and visualizations ............................................................................................9 5.2. Logical programmer ..........................................................................................................11 5.2.1. Reports on the display of the programmer ..............................................................11 5.2.2. How to set language .................................................................................................12 5.2.3. How to set current time and day ...............................................................................12 5.2.4. How to set times and delays.....................................................................................12 5.2.5. How to use the function buttons of the programmer.................................................13 5.2.6. How to set parameters switch (ON/OFF)..................................................................13 5.3. Logic of working ................................................................................................................14 5.3.1. Levels .......................................................................................................................14 5.3.2. External enabling signals..........................................................................................15 5.3.3. Hand-driven working.................................................................................................15 5.3.4. Flushing ....................................................................................................................15 5.3.5. Conductivity ..............................................................................................................16 5.3.6. Minimum pressure ....................................................................................................16 5.3.7. Working of the pump.................................................................................................17 5.3.8. Remote alarm ...........................................................................................................17 5.3.9. Optional features (available upon request)...............................................................17 6. Starting-up and adjustments...................................................................................................18 6.1. Resuming table of the factory settings ..............................................................................19 7. Maintenance ...........................................................................................................................20 7.1. Periodical monitoring.........................................................................................................20 7.2. Non-working period ...........................................................................................................20 7.3. How to insert or replace membranes ................................................................................21 7.4. Cleaning of the membranes ..............................................................................................22 7.5. How to adjust the min pressure switch PC........................................................................23 7.6. Disposal ............................................................................................................................23 7.7. Table of chemicals for membranes cleaning.....................................................................24 8. Trouble shooting guide ...........................................................................................................25 s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 2 of 25 8re02-03-04-06_mi-r0.doc - r.0 REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS 8RE 02-03-04-06 H / L - INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL Annex : • diagram UNIT DRAWING • diagram DIMENSIONAL • diagram PLACING • diagram MEMBRANES WASHING • diagram FRONT OF CONTROL PANEL • wiring diagrams (4 pages) • drawing terminal boxes • NOBEL running-test certificate • components list • fitting-out table • special instructions filters • special instructions inlet solenoid valve • special instructions flushing solenoid valve • special instructions 3-ways valves • special instructions high-pressure pump • special instructions conductimeter • special instruction flow meters s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 3 of 25 8re02-03-04-06_mi-r0.doc - r.0 REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS 8RE 02-03-04-06 H / L - INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL 1. Safety 1.1. General The equipment has been designed and constructed according to D.P.R. n° 459 of 24th July 1996 (regulation for accomplishment of Norms 2006/42/CE, 91/368/CE, 93/44/CE and 93/68/CE regarding the unification of States members laws in so far as machines are concerned). It has been designed and constructed according to European Norms UNI EN 292-1, UNI EN 292-2, UNI EN 292-2/A1, UNI EN 418, CEI EN 60439-1, CEI EN 60 204-1. Only authorized and skilled personnel will be allowed to carry out installation, start up as well as routine and planned maintenance. 1.2. How to displace the unit Particular care and attention should be put in during moving and displacing of heavy items, in order to avoid injuries to persons or damage properties. The heavy components must be lifted and displaced by lifting or hooking them up only by the points and facilities shown on the attached drawings. It is strictly recommended to use only proper sized and suitable ropes, chains or hooks (see DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT). 1.3. Hydraulics All operations must be performed by and/or under direct supervision of skilled and authorized operators, using proper tools and personal protection devices if required (CE marked), according to safety regulations for working areas. The operators must be aware of the hazards and danger of the chemicals used in the process. In case of leakage of chemicals and/or in case of accident (contact with skin, eyes, etc.) follow strictly the directions mentioned on the safety bulletins of the chemicals themselves. Before any operation of taking out pipes or part of hydraulic system, it is required to release the pressure inside and empty the part of the system. 1.4. Electrical Before starting any operation on electrical devices, be sure that main power supply is OFF. All operations must be performed by skilled and authorized operators, using proper tools and personal protection devices if required (CE marked), according to safety regulations for working areas. In case of liquid leakage, switch off the main power supply before operation. Before the switching ON, be sure all the parts of the system are perfectly dry. Check that the available electrical power is correct, as shown on technical data Do not make preliminary wiring connections. 1.5. • • • • Directions for storage, delivery, installation closed rooms open space transport installation t = ºC t = ºF 5÷40 5÷40 5÷40 5÷40 41÷104 41÷104 41÷104 41÷104 humidity rel. 5÷95% without condensate 5÷95% without condensate 5÷95% without condensate 5÷95% without condensate notes protect from sun-light and rain. protect from sun-light and rain. protect from sun-light and rain. s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 4 of 25 8re02-03-04-06_mi-r0.doc - r.0 REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS 8RE 02-03-04-06 H / L - INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL 2. Principles of working Osmosis is a natural phenomenon : it is the spontaneous passage of a liquid from a dilute to a more concentrated solution across a semi-permeable membrane. The driving force of the solution through the membrane is its osmotic pressure. Osmotic pressure is function of the concentration of the solution or, in our cases, of the salinity of water. Reverse osmosis is the process in which the natural osmotic flow is reversed. Reversal is effected by the application of pressure, greater than the osmotic pressure, to the concentrated solution. Fresh water diffuses through the membrane (practically containing only a small quantities of dissolved salts). Reverse osmosis process allows the removal of approx. 90÷99 % of dissolved salts and pollutants, if any. The real % removal depends on the kind of membrane used. The semi-permeable membrane consists of several layers of special fibers, and can be made of different type and design (spiral wound, hollow fibber, etc.). The word permeate indicates the product water, while the word concentrate indicates the flow of water carried to drain, which contains the dissolved salts removed from the permeate. 3. Technical characteristics 3.1. Assumed raw water characteristics • silt density index (SDI) • max TDS of raw water ¾ series high pressure (8RE..H) ¾ series low pressure (8RE..L) • raw water temperature min÷max • raw water pressure min÷max • bacteria • free chlorine • iron • silica • total hardness: according to the pre-treatment ≤3 ppm ppm ºC (°F) bar (kPa) ppm Cl ppm Fe ppm SiO2 ≤ 5000 * ≤ 1000 * 10÷40 (50÷104) 2.0÷5.0 (200÷500) nil ≤ 0.1 ≤ 0.1 ≤ 10.0 * max. value : according to the construction material used s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 5 of 25 8re02-03-04-06_mi-r0.doc - r.0 REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS 8RE 02-03-04-06 H / L - INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL 3.2. Technical characteristics series high pressure (8RE..H) 8RE02H • • • • • • • • • • • • TDS of treated water * power supply power working pressure max. allowable pressure permeate feed water min-max dimensions weight on service vessel membranes ø 8” filtering elements V/ph/Hz kW bar (kPa) bar (kPa) l/h l/h kg nº nº nº 8RE03H 8RE04H 8RE06H ≤ 2 % of raw water 400/3/50 4,0 5,5 5,5 11,0 16 (1.600) approx 24 (2.400) 2.400 ** 3.600 ** 4.800 ** 7.200 ** 3.200÷4.000 4.800÷7.000 6.400÷9.000 9.600÷14.000 See dimensional diagram 360 400 440 530 1 2 on serial 2 3 4 6 3 x 20" 7 x 20" 7 x 40" * the mentioned percentage is referred to TDS of treated water and of the raw one; it depends on the chemical-phisical characteristics of raw water, the recovery rate and operating features of the system. ** treated water quantities, (permeate), as shown, depends on the raw water temperature (feed water) and strictly depends on its chemical-physical characteristics. 3.3. Technical characteristics series low pressure (8RE..L) 8RE02L • • • • • • • • • • • • TDS of treated water * power supply power working pressure max. allowable pressure permeate feed water min-max dimensions weight on service vessel membranes ø 8” filtering elements V/ph/Hz kW bar (kPa) bar (kPa) l/h l/h kg nº nº nº 8RE03L 8RE04L 8RE06L ≤ 4 % of raw water 400/3/50 2,2 3,0 4,0 5,5 10 (1.000) approx 18 (1.800) 2.400 ** 3.600 ** 4.800 ** 7.200 ** 3.200÷4.000 4.800÷7.000 6.400÷9.000 9.600÷14.000 See dimensional diagram 360 400 440 530 1 2 on serial 2 3 4 6 3 x 20" 7 x 20" 7 x 40" * the mentioned percentage is referred to TDS of treated water and of the raw one; it depends on the chemical-phisical characteristics of raw water, the recovery rate and operating features of the system. ** treated water quantities, (permeate), as shown, depends on the raw water temperature (feed water) and strictly depends on its chemical-physical characteristics. s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 6 of 25 8re02-03-04-06_mi-r0.doc - r.0 REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS 8RE 02-03-04-06 H / L - INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL 4. Installation 4.1. Room conditions These units do not include visible moving or specially noising parts (see also the "noise monitor chart" attached to the special instructions of high-pressure pump). There are not any points which reaches high temperature. 4.2. How to remove packaging The packaging consist of a wooden crate which contains the reverse osmosis system, skidmounted. Open the wooden crate removing, first, the cover and, then, the sides. Keep the cards and everything contained inside the packaging. 4.3. How to move and lift the unit Some of the pipes of the plant are made in plastic material, hence they can be easily damaged. Do not lift and/or move the unit by any part of the plant. Use only fork-lift or other suitable equipment, checking to warrant correct balance and stability during the movement. Insert the forks on the front of the skid as shown on sketch. 4.4. Placing Place the unit on a perfectly flat surface. Follow the directions of the dimensional drawing for the correct placing of the unit, according to the dimensions of the available room and the required room for service and maintenance. Not any anti-vibration devices is required, hence the unit can be directly placed on floor. s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 7 of 25 8re02-03-04-06_mi-r0.doc - r.0 REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS 8RE 02-03-04-06 H / L - INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL 4.5. Hydraulics connections see DIAGRAM OF THE SYSTEM and DIMENSIONS DIAGRAM • Connect the raw water line (I) to the filter (F), using pipes made in PVC or other suitable materials, with size (Ø) equal or larger than the size of inlet connection (I). • Whether the raw water contains a large quantity of suspended solids, the filters (filtration 5 µm) could be clogged very quickly; in this case a proper Nobel pre-filter with filtration of 50 µm, should be provided. According to the characteristics of raw water, the pre-treatment could be required; apply Nobel Technical Dept. for proper suggestion. • Run the line from the product water outlet fitting (U) to the storage tank, using pipes made in PVC or other suitable materials, with size (Ø) equal or larger than the size of outlet connection (U). • Run the line from the drain fitting (S) to a floor drain of a proper size, using pipes made in PVC or other suitable materials, with size (Ø) equal or larger than the size of concentrate connection (S). • The pre-arranged fittings for cleaning (R and R1) will be connected, only when required, to the cleaning tank and/or to the drain. Indeed, it allows the recirculation (or the drain) of permeate and concentrate during these operation. FOR SYSTEMS ARRANGED FOR FLUSHING WITH RO PROCESSED WATER ONLY : • Connect the intake of RO processed water for flushing to the inlet fitting (IF) using pipes made in PVC or other suitable materials, with size (Ø) equal or larger than the size of the fitting (IF). THE OUTLET PRODUCT WATER LINE MUST BE COMPLETELY FREE OF ANY SHRINKAGE - THROTTLING - SHUT OFF VALVE 4.6. Electrical wiring connections Run the electrical wiring connections to the terminal board of the control panel (QE), as described in the attached resuming sheets of terminal boards. All the connections between control panel to the equipments mounted on the skid, have been already made in factory (see WIRING DIAGRAM). • • • • The power supply plant must be made according to the value of voltage, frequency and adsorption, as stated at paragraph “TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS”. The size of the wires of the electrical power conductors must be selected according to the max allowable current intensity. The power supply line must be protected by an automatic differential circuit breaker, with adequate power and according to applicable law. It is recommended to use suitable fittings, for the wiring connection, in order not to modify the protection grade of the control board. s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 8 of 25 8re02-03-04-06_mi-r0.doc - r.0 REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS 8RE 02-03-04-06 H / L - INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL 5. Control panel The control panel QE, handled by a logical programmer, controls the automatic and/or manual working of the whole system. For safety sake, when the high pressure pump P is on working, the inlet solenoid valve EI is open (except during the flushing with RO processed water, during which the solenoid valve EIF is open), both automatic and manual working as well. Hence, in this manual, any time the working of the high pressure pump P is mentioned, it is understood that the inlet solenoid valve EI is open, The starting of the pump is some seconds delayed than the opening of the solenoid valve EI. 5.1. Commands and visualizations (see diagram FRONT OF CONTROL PANEL) The instruments available on the control panel are : CONDUCTIVITY-METER the instrument continuously shows the conductivity of the treated water (permeate). When the conductivity of treated water overpasses the set-point value (set-point K1), the high conductivity alarm is switched on. LOGICAL PROGRAMMER LOGO the programmer that handles the logical working of the unit. Its display shows the status of the inputs and outputs and allows to modify the pre-set time of the used timers (see special chapter for details). The commands available on the front of control panel QE are : "EMERGENCY STOP " It is placed on the top side of the control panel; pushing the button any working of the system is blocked. To re-start the system, turn counter clock-wise the button, for approx. 30º. SELECTOR "MODE" “AUT-RESET-MAN” on “AUT” it controls the working of the system on “MAN” on “RESET” BUTTON "FLUSHING" the RO system supplies water according to the levels mounted inside the storage tank of permeate. The correct working requires also the external enabling signal (on terminals 9 and 10, timer or jumper) and the one of the minimum pressure switch PC the pump P works and solenoid valve EI opens, regardless of any enabling signals the blocks caused by the alarms are cancelled; the system is not running. It is connected to the working of the flushing solenoid valve EF (and EIF if installed). When the button is pressed, the solenoid valves open; when the button is released the solenoid valves close. The synoptical panel shows graphically the installed items; when one of them is activated, the correspondent led is ON. For the pressure switch, when its led is ON, it means that the pressure overpasses the adjusted set-point. For the valve EF, when its led is ON, it is also understood that the valve EIF, if installed, is open. s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 9 of 25 8re02-03-04-06_mi-r0.doc - r.0 REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS 8RE 02-03-04-06 H / L - INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL The visualizations available on the display of the programmer are : "SERVICE PUMP" This visualization is always available; the total time of working of the system (hours) is also visualized "NO EXTERNAL ENABLING" When this visualization appears, it indicates that the external signal enabling the working of the system is missing (clamps 9-10) "NO WATER REQUEST" When this visualization appears, it indicates that there is not any request of water supplying by level switches "MINIMUM PRESSURE ALARM" The alarm acts when the inlet water pressure drops below 0.8 bar (80 kPa), even if the cause of the pressure drop is a defect of the inlet solenoid valve EI. The alarm, few seconds delayed, stops the working of the pump P (if its selector is on "AUT" mode) but does not close the inlet solenoid valve EI. The alarm and its block can be reset by turning the pump mode selector on "RESET". The alarm does not act if the selector mode of pump is on "MAN" "PUMP ALARM" It is ON if the control does not receive the feed-back from pump P contactor that the pump is ON, when this pump should be ON (automatic command). This alarm switches the block of the whole system; the alarm and its block can be reset by turning the pump mode selector on "RESET" "HIGH CONDUCTIVITY" ALARM the alarm is driven by the conductimeter COND when the conductivity of treated water overpasses the set-point value. The factory set is approx. 40 µS/cm. The alarm does not stop the working of the unit. The above listed alarm are joined in a free voltage contact for remote report. s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 10 of 25 8re02-03-04-06_mi-r0.doc - r.0 REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS 8RE 02-03-04-06 H / L - INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL 5.2. Logical programmer The logical programmer Siemens serie LOGO controls the logical working of the whole system. The display of the programmer shows the status of the logical input signals (marked as I), the status of the logical output signals (marked as Q), current time and date, the several messages enabled by the programme. It is also possible to modify the setting of the entered numerical parameters (marked as B). The numbering of the inputs and outputs is written on several lines, each of them is related to ten (I1÷I9, I10÷I19 etc.) By pushing the buttons or the display shows, alternatively, the visualizations of the service : current time and date, inputs, outputs, merker (M, to be ignored), function buttons (ESC+C..) By pushing the buttons and the messages enabled by the programme are visualized. The used functions are the following : MARK DESCRIPTION I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 B1 B2 B3-TH B3-TL B4 B100 Input for manual flushing Input of manual start (activated = start) input of minimum pressure switch PC (open without pressure) input of the enabling external signal (activated = start) input for medium level of water tank (open without water) input for maximum level of water tank (open without water) input high conductivity alarm (activated = alarm) Input of the signal of pump working output for the inlet solenoid valve EI output for the pump P output for the flushing solenoid valve EF output for the alarms joined signal (remote alarm) time of flushing post-service delay of pump starting after inlet solenoid valve opening time between two flushings during the service time of flushing during the service delay for minimum pressure alarm ON = message in ITALIAN OFF = message in ENGLISH Factory settings 15 s (60 s) 5 s (5 s) 50 m (50 m) 8 s (20 s) 8 s (8 s) OFF (OFF) NOTE : values between brackets are the settings for systems arranged for flushing using RO processed water. All adjustment of automatic programmer are factory set, before shipment. 5.2.1. Reports on the display of the programmer The report messages enabled by the programmer are visualized on the display one at a time, with a determinate priority. The buttons and are used to scroll the messages. The button is used to turn back to service visualizations. s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 11 of 25 8re02-03-04-06_mi-r0.doc - r.0 REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS 8RE 02-03-04-06 H / L - INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL 5.2.2. How to set language The programmer LOGO allows to select the language of menu and of messages : - To set the language of menu, proceed as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. push the button ESC push the button until the pointer > indicates "Set …" push the button OK . push the button or until the pointer > indicates "Menu language" push the button OK . push the button or until the pointer > indicates the language desired push the button OK to confirm (save) the modifications push twice the button ESC to go back to the visualization of service The programmer is already factory set on “english”. - Set the parameter “B100” on position “ON” to select the italian language of the messages; set on position “OFF” to select english language of the messages (proceed as described at chapter 5.2.6). 5.2.3. How to set current time and day The programmer is equipped with internal clock, keeping exact time for 80 hours in case of power failure. To set the current time and day, proceed as follows : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. push the button ESC push the button until the pointer > indicates "Set …" push the button OK the pointer indicates “Clock..”, push the button OK the pointer indicates “Set Clock..”, push the button OK push the button to point the day or the number to be modified when the pointer blinks on the day or the number to be modified, push the buttonor until the new desired day or value is shown (symbols related to days of week are explained at following chapter) 8. repeat the same operation with other values, if required 9. push the button OK to confirm (save) the modifications 10.push twice the button ESC to go back to the visualization of service. The programmer is already factory set for automatic updating with european summer time (S/W Time ON = EU) 5.2.4. How to set times and delays Proceed as follows, to make any modification : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. push the button ESC push the button until the pointer > indicates "Set param" push the button OK push several times the button until the parameter to be modified is visualized (B1 or other) push the button OK push the button to point the number to be modified when the pointer blinks on the day or the number to be modified, push the button until the new desired value is shown repeat the same operation with other values, if required s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 12 of 25 8re02-03-04-06_mi-r0.doc - r.0 REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS 8RE 02-03-04-06 H / L - INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL 9. push the button OK to confirm (save) the modifications 10. proceed with other modifications for other parameters or push the button ESC to quit the modification menu. 11. push the button ESC to go back to the visualization of service NOTES : • during modification operations the normal current service is NOT interrupted • In modifications menu, related to timers, the digits visualized on the line (marked as Ta) underneath the one on the time settings, marked as T, (TH and TL for alternation timers) indicate the status of the running counting of the time of the selected timer s = seconds (00,00 ÷ 99,95) • the time bases are : m = minutes (00:00 ÷ 99m:59s) h = hours (00:00 ÷ 99h:59m) • symbols related to days of week : Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 5.2.5. How to use the function buttons of the programmer The 4 buttons can have special functions if enabled by the programmer for these purposes. Proceed as follows to use them: • push several times the button until the notice ESC+C…is visualized on the display. • push and keep pushed the button ESC and immediately after that the desired function button () WARNING : by pushing the button ESC and not the function button within 2 seconds, the display skips to the visualization of modification menu; release and then push again the button ESC to go back to visualization ESC+C… 5.2.6. How to set parameters switch (ON/OFF) Proceed as follows to make any modifications of the parameters allowing only ON/OFF selection. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. push the button ESC push several times the button until the pointer > indicates "set param" push the button OK . push several times the button until the required parameter (B74 or other) is visualized. push the button OK , the pointer blinks on the notice "switch" push the button to change selection between ON and OFF push the button OK to save/confirm the modifications. proceed with other modifications, if any, or push the button ESC to quit the modification menu. 9. push the button ESC to go back to the visualization of service s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 13 of 25 8re02-03-04-06_mi-r0.doc - r.0 REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS 8RE 02-03-04-06 H / L - INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL 5.3. Logic of working 5.3.1. Levels Whether level switches are installed inside the storage tank and are connected to the control board, as previously mentioned, the stop and starting of the high pressure pump P is automatically controlled by the medium-maximum level switches. Whether only one level switch ON-OFF is available, it is connected as a max level (LH); it means that the closing of the contact stops the pump P. It is allowed to manually force the start of water supplying, even if the level mark is not below the threshold LL, by pushing the function button of the programmer. Proceed as follows to use the function buttons (see also the chapter “ How to use the function buttons of the programmer”) • push several times the button until the notice ESC+C…is visualized on the display. • push and keep pushed the button ESC and immediately after that the desired function button () • by pushing the button ESC and not the function button within 2 seconds, the display skips to the visualization of modification menu; release and then push again the button ESC to go back to visualization ESC+C… WARNING The water supplying will automatically stop when the water reaches the max level LH. In order to stop the working of the pump before that the level is reached, and featuring the flushing, push the function button same way as per above description. In order to stop the working of the pump before that the level LH is reached, but not featuring the flushing, turn temporarly the mode selector on “RESET” position. The visualization of "NO water request” on the display of the programmer indicates that there is not request of water supplying by level switches. The sequence of automatic start-stop of the water supplying, driven by level switches, is the following : • water supplying request • opening inlet solenoid valve EI • wait …(factory set 5 seconds) • start working of pump P • water supplying …..stop water supplying request • closing of solenoid valve EI (only if solenoid valve EIF is installed) • opening flushing solenoid valves EF (and EIF, if installed) for the pre-set time • switching off pump P, closing EI, EF (and EIF, if installed) s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 14 of 25 8re02-03-04-06_mi-r0.doc - r.0 REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS 8RE 02-03-04-06 H / L - INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL 5.3.2. External enabling signals Whether automatic filters or softeners are installed upstream of RO system, the regeneration of these units must stop the working of the RO system. The auxiliary contact of the microswitch of programmers of Nobel filters and softeners is operated on service and not on regeneration; hence if these contacts are connected to the control board of RO, as explained at paragraph 4.6, during the regeneration the RO system stops. Concerning the connection of the external enabling, it is important to note the following : ¾ if one or more external enabling is connected on serial to clamps 9-10, the opening of the contact stops immediately the RO unit, without running the end-cycle flushing (it is the same to turn the mode selector on "RESET" position). This is the connection to be used for standard serie equipments. ¾ if one or more external enabling is connected on parallel to clamps 9-12, the closing of the contact stops the RO unit, and the end-cycle flushing runs (it is the same that supplied water reach the max level). This is the connection to be preferably used for equipments arranged to run the flushing using RO processed water (optional), by mean of the inlet flushing solenoid valve EIF. ¾ for equipments arranged to run the flushing using RO processed water, it is also possible to use both connections : for example the contacts of programmers on parallel to clamps 9-12 to stop the unit with running flushing and an external enabling on serial to clamps 9-10 to immediately stop. The absence of the external enabling to clamps 9-10 is visualized by notice “NO EXTERNAL ENABLING” on the display of the programmer. The same notice appears also when the selector mode is on "MAN" or "RESET" position. 5.3.3. Hand-driven working The system can also works out of the automatic commands of level, timer and pressure switch, as hand-driven controlled. Just turn the selector on "MAN" position to work out of automatic control. 5.3.4. Flushing The feature of flushing is available; it allows to purge the membranes, by flushing high flow rate water. This feature runs automatically according to pre-set time schedule, during the current working of the pump P, by mean of the automatic opening of the special solenoid valve EF. Also, the flushing features automatically every time the treated water inside the storage tank reaches the max. level, at the end of water supplying phase (end-cycle flushing). The times of the flushing (during and at the end of working) are both adjustable, separately, by the programmer as described above. The solenoid valve EF can be also hand-driven opened, at any moment, by just pushing the button "FLUSHING", available on the front of the control panel. NOTE: The end-cycle flushing does not feature if the stop of working is not caused by the maximum level signal (but, for example turning the selector mode on "RESET"). s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 15 of 25 8re02-03-04-06_mi-r0.doc - r.0 REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS 8RE 02-03-04-06 H / L - INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL 5.3.5. Conductivity Water conductivity is rough related to its salinity. Since conductivity value is easily measurable, it is normally used to gives an indication, even if approximate, of the efficiency of the system. The conductivity-meter COND, on the front of the control panel, continuously meters and visualizes the conductivity of treated water (permeate). When the conductivity of treated water is higher than the set-point value (factory set 40 µS/cm), the alarm "high conductivity" is driven. The alarm of high conductivity water has not any influence on the working of the system. The conductivity-meter is provided with 2 adjustable set-points, K1 and K2; K1 is used for the alarm, while the set point K2 is not used. The main functions of the conductivity-meter are the following : • • • • The pushing of the button ON disables the outputs related to set-points K1 and K2; in the same time, the light ON blinks to warn that the set-points have been manually disabled The light ON is continuously lit up to indicate the correct working The blinking of the light ON warns of a current faulty condition. The pushing of the button NEXT, during the normal working, alternates the visualization of the conductivity and the one of the temperature of water (only if the temperature sensor is installed, otherwise a fixed value is shown). In order to visualize and/or modify the parameter of configurations of the instrument, (included the set-point K1 value, parameters P06-P07), it is necessary to enter the programming mode, according to the following directions : • • • • • • • push and keep pushed for at least 2 seconds the button CAL; the notice CAL appears. push the button NEXT, the notice EDIT appears on the top and left side of the screen, while the notice P01 appears in the center. by pushing the buttons + or -, select the desired parameters (P01, P02, or else) when the desired parameter is visualized on the screen, push the button CAL; the current value of the selected parameter appears and it is possible to modify it by pushing the buttons + or -. push the button CAL to confirm the modifications proceed the same way for other parameters to modify, if any or push the button NEXT to conclude the programming session. If not any button is pushed for several seconds, the programming mode is automatically closed. For further details about the functions of the instrument, see the directions of the attached manual of the instrument manufacturer. 5.3.6. Minimum pressure A pressure switch PC is installed upstream of the high pressure pump P. It acts when the pressure of the water in that point is less than 0.8 bar (80 kPa). It can be also caused by non-opening of the solenoid valve EI. It drives the “LOW-PRESSURE ALARM”, few seconds delayed, and stops the working of the high pressure pump P; the inlet solenoid valve EI, instead, remains open. The alarm and the block can be re-set only by turning, even momentarily, the mode selector on " RESET". s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 16 of 25 8re02-03-04-06_mi-r0.doc - r.0 REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS 8RE 02-03-04-06 H / L - INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL 5.3.7. Working of the pump The control system should receive the feed-back from the contactor of pump P that the pump is ON, when it should be ON (automatic command). Otherwise, the alarm acts, 3 seconds delayed, and it also switches the block of the whole system. The alarm and its block can be reset only by turning, even momentarily, the pump mode selector on "RESET". 5.3.8. Remote alarm The mentioned alarms, besides their visualization, also drive a relays with a free voltage contact for remote alarm (see electrical wiring connections). 5.3.9. Optional features (available upon request) with RO treated water The flushing feature runs using RO treated water, instead of raw water. An inlet line IF is available on the system, complete with a solenoid valve (EIF), and it has to be connected to the storage tank of RO treated water. The flushing works the same way of standard system, only using RO treated water, through the solenoid valve EIF, instead of raw water; the valves EF and EIF open and, in the same time, the inlet solenoid valve EI of the raw water is closed. This features works the same way during automatic flushing as well as by pushing the button “ FLUSHING”. of dosing pump Whether requested, a selector "AUT-0-MAN" (DOSING) is available on the front of control panel; it is related to the control of the working of a dosing pump : - If “AUT" position is selected, the dosing pump automatically starts to work when the inlet solenoid valve EI is open. - If “MAN" position is selected, the dosing pump starts to work regardless of any other enabling signals. - If “0" position is selected, the dosing pump does not start to work. The dosing pump must be wiring connected to a power supply, the enabling of the control panel stops the working of the pump acting the same way of the minimum level switch into the chemical storage tank ; indeed, the enabling of the control panel is connected on parallel to the level switch. In the case two dosing pumps are used and must be controlled, the second contact of relais R1 (not available in the terminal board) must be used, to control the second dosing pump. WARNING : switch off the power supply before making any operations on the terminal board of the dosing pumps. s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 17 of 25 8re02-03-04-06_mi-r0.doc - r.0 REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS 8RE 02-03-04-06 H / L - INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL 6. Starting-up and adjustments At the starting-up of the system, when the system is re-started after a long non-working period, and after a cleaning operation, the membranes are filled with preservative or detergent chemical. Hence, in any cases, it is required to remove completely the preservative or detergent from the membranes before that treated water can be used. The operations are made as follows : (see "DIAGRAM OF THE SYSTEM") • be sure that the power switch of power control panel QE is OFF (main switch on “0”) • connect temporarily the auxiliary fitting R to the drain • divert, temporarily also the permeate line to the drain, by turning the 3-way valve V3 on cleaning position, (the direction of the flow towards the fitting R, check the direction with the symbol marked on the lever of 3-ways valves). • open completely the needle regulation valve VS • close completely the needle regulation valve VR • open slowly the water inlet valve of the system. In order to make easy the filling of the filter F, open slowly the valve placed on the top side of the filter • switch ON the main power of QE control board (turning on "1" position), and switch the mode selector of the pump on "MAN" position; the RO unit will start to work. • after several minutes of working (check carefully that there is required minimum pressure of water inlet, by the pressure gauges M1 and M2: the minimum pressure control is out of working when the mode selector is on “MAN” position), the service flow rates can be checked and adjusted. • adjust the needle valve VS, mounted along the the drain line of the membranes, in order that the flow rate of permeate (flow meter F1) meets the technical data of the system. The value of pressure shown on pressure gauge M4, after the adjustment of VS valve, is the normal working pressure of the system according to the available raw water quality (chemical composition, temperature, etc.) An adjustable recirculating system is available, in order to reduce the quantity of concentrated (drain) water and/or reduce the working pressure; proceed as follows : • adjust the needle valve VR to recirculate part of concentrated water in order to reduce the flow rate of water actually carried to drain. The adjustment of the valve VR causes also the modification of the working pressure, hence a new adjustment of valve VS is required, until both values pressure/flow rate are the ones desired. • The valve VRP, mounted downstream of the pump P, allows to throttle the forcing line of the pump, in order to reduce both the pressure and the flow rate on membranes. This feature can be useful for the system to run at low pressure, without recirculationg or draining a too high flow of water. A “too high flow” means the one that causes a pressure drop, across the membranes, over than 3 bars (300 kPa) for each housing (difference of pressure between M3-M5 and M5-M4). This needing happens more often with new membranes, when they produce the max flow. s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 18 of 25 8re02-03-04-06_mi-r0.doc - r.0 REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS 8RE 02-03-04-06 H / L - INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL The treated water (permeate) supplied during the first hour of working of the system must not be used, since it can still contain residual of preservative chemical. When this solution will be completely flushed away, the valve V3 can be turned on normal working position (the permeate flow is diverted to the storage tank). CAUTION: NOTE : The best ratio treated water/drain water (permeate/concentrated) can be decided according to the characteristics of raw water. The higher is the value of the ratio, the higher is the risk of membrane fouling, furthermore if the hardness of raw water is high. However, even if the raw water is soft (naturally or processed by a softener), it is recommended that the above concentration ratio should not be higher than 1 (permeate = concentrated) NOTE : Normally, the longest life of the membrane depends on the lowest working pressure, with same other operating conditions. Therefore, should the quantity of treated water (permeate) is satisfactory, the system can work at a working pressure lower than the stated one. Once the plant is running on automatic mode, it is necessary to verify again that all the operating parameters of the system meet the rating values (flow rates, pressure, conductivity). 6.1. Resuming table of the factory settings Conductivity-meter setting : • scale range (parameter P01) • working mode (parameter P05) • value for high-conductivity K1 (parameters P06=P07) value 23 (0-200 µS/cm) 1 reading/set conductivity-meter conductivity-meter conductivity-meter 40 (µS/cm) Pressure switch PC setting : • value for minimum pressure alarm bar 0.8 reading PC-M2 DN K 20 75.25 25 52.91 32 28.47 flow rate m3/h m3/h m3/h Flow sensors F1 and F2 setting : • flow sensors F1 and F2 s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 19 of 25 8re02-03-04-06_mi-r0.doc - r.0 REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS 8RE 02-03-04-06 H / L - INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL 7. Maintenance Refer to special manuals of each components for maintenance operations. 7.1. Periodical monitoring The system requires, as periodical maintenance, the cleaning or replacing of the cartridge of filters . Special instructions : • check daily the values of pressure and flow rate of the water; they have to comply with ones stated by the manufacturer. • be sure of chlorine content in raw water : it is STRICTLY required that the contents of chlorine in raw water must be lower than 0.1 ppm; higher quantity can seriously damage the membrane. • replace the 5 µm filtering cartridges of the filter F, at least every six months, according to the quality of raw water or when the inlet pressure decreases (compare pressure gauges M1 and M2, max allowable pressure drop though the filter is 0.8 bar - 80 kPa). Before the opening of the filter, switch OFF the main power, and close the inlet shut off ball valve V1; for refills see the attached special instructions of the filters. • replace the RO membranes, when the quality and/or quantity of treated water (permeate) are not satisfactory any more. Whether the raw water is adequately pre-treated the life of membranes is usually longer than 3 years (even 5-6 years). Therefore, the life of membranes depends on the quality of water to be processed. To re-start the system after the replacement of filters and/or membranes, follow the directions described at chapter "Starting-up and adjustments”. 7.2. Non-working period • Whether a shut-off of the system, longer than one week is expected, it is suggested to fill the membranes with a preservative solution containing 1% of sodium bisulphite (NaHSO3) in RO treated water. The preservative is injected into the membranes using an auxiliary tank, the same way described for the cleaning, but without rinse. The solution is simply drawn by the highpressure pump P. At the re-starting of the system it is required to remove the preservative from the membranes, the same way described at chapter “Starting-up & adjustment". s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 20 of 25 8re02-03-04-06_mi-r0.doc - r.0 REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS 8RE 02-03-04-06 H / L - INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL (see DIAGRAM OF THE SYSTEM) 7.3. How to insert or replace membranes NB : the housing caps and their own fixing rings can have shape different than the one shown, according to the type of housing used. In these cases, also the end membrane adapters will have a shape different than the one shown above. • be sure that the main power switch is turned on position "0" (control panel QE OFF) • take off all the caps of the membrane housings M, loosening the closing rings which keep the caps fixed to the housings themselves. • (replacing) take out the membrane from the housings pushing them according to the arrows marked on the housings. • rinse each and every new membrane with plenty running water to remove most of the preservative solution of which the membrane is filled. • insert the membranes inside the housings according to the arrows marked on the housings and the direction of water flow through the gasket of the membrane ends (as shown). Push firmly in order that the membranes are perfectly seated inside their housing. • place again the caps on the housing ends and fix them with their special closing rings removed before. To re-start again the working of the system, after the replacement of the membranes, follow the directions of chapter "Starting up and adjustments” CAUTION: the sealing gasket of membranes and housings can be lubricated, before inserting, using glycerine, for perfect sealing and sliding. NEVER USE SILICONE GREASE !! s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 21 of 25 8re02-03-04-06_mi-r0.doc - r.0 REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS 8RE 02-03-04-06 H / L - INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL 7.4. Cleaning of the membranes (see diagram CLEANING OF MEMBRANES) The operation of membrane cleaning must be performed only by skilled and authorized operators, using proper tools and CE marked personal protection devices (gloves, masks, cloths). The operator must be aware of the hazard and danger of the chemicals used in the process. It is also required to follow strictly the directions mentioned on the safety bulletins of the chemicals themselves. During the normal working, but also during a shut-off of the system, the membranes can be fouled according to the quality of raw water and the operating conditions; hence a cleaning operation of the membranes can be required, using proper and suitable detergent (see "Table of chemicals for cleaning" in the next page). In these cases, it is suggested to apply the Nobel Service Center closest to you or our Technical Dept. The cleaning of the membranes is made by recirculating the detergent chemical through the membranes. Proceed as follows : • prepare the detergent solution in auxiliary tank; the tank should have a useful volume of at least 20 liters for each membrane of the system. To dilute the chemical use treated water (permeate) supplied by the system. • switch the working mode selector of the pump P, on the control panel QE, on "0" position • close the shut-off valve V1 upstream of the filters • turn the 3-ways valves V2 and V3 on cleaning position (the direction of the flow towards the fitting R, check the direction with the symbol marked on the lever of 3ways valves) • connect temporarily the fitting R to the auxiliary tank, as recirculation connection. • open completely the needle valve VS and close the recirculating valve VR. • connect the manual valve R1, mounted on the suction line of the pump P, to the auxiliary tank, suction fitting. • start manually the pump P and recirculate the solution in the auxiliary tank for 20-30 minutes; take care that the temperature and pH of the solution will be within the values mentioned in the table • whether possible, recirculate the solution using an external auxiliary pump, with head 3-4 bar at flow of 15-20 m³/h; the external pump will inject directly from the tank into the fitting R1. Othrwise, use the pump P, the performances of which are by far higher than required for cleaning operation. • whether required, repeat the operation of cleaning, in case, using a different chemical, after rinsing roughly the membrane with water. Before to start the service, It is required to remove accurately the residual detergent inside the membranes, the same way described at chapter “Starting-up and adjustments”. the dumping of the solution used to clean the membranes must be made according to local laws concerning the waste and environmental protection. Follow the instructions mentioned on technical bulletin of the chemical used. CAUTION : s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 22 of 25 8re02-03-04-06_mi-r0.doc - r.0 REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS 8RE 02-03-04-06 H / L - INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL 7.5. How to adjust the min pressure switch PC The factory set point of the pressure switch PC is approx. 0.8 bar (80kPa). Whether further adjustment should be required, proceed as follows : • switch OFF the main power of the control panel QE. • remove the cap of the electrical connector on the head of the pressure switch, by unscrewing the screw placed in the center of the cap. • unscrew 2 turns the hexagonal head holed screw placed in the center of the pressure switch. • using a (cut edge) screwdriver, through the hole of the hexagonal head screw, adjust the turns of the internal screw of the pressure switch until the correct set-point is reached. • to check if the adjustment has been correctly made, put on again for a while the cap on the electrical connector, switch the power ON, start the pump on "MAN" and close partially the inlet valve V1, in order that the min pressure switch acts. Check on the pressure gauge M1, on filter inlet line or the M2 on pump inlet line, the set value of pressure of the pressure switch. • when the adjustment is completed, screw on again the holed screw in the center and the electrical connector. 7.6. Disposal In the case of the disposal of the system or components of it, follow local laws and regulations concerning the materials of which they are made. Take note that membranes and filtering elements are classified as simple plastic material, they are not toxic or harmful. s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 23 of 25 8re02-03-04-06_mi-r0.doc - r.0 REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS 8RE 02-03-04-06 H / L - INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL 7.7. Table of chemicals for membranes cleaning 0.2 % (W) NH2SO3H OK OK OK 2.4 % (W) Acido citrico / Acide Citrique / Citric Acid 2.4 % (W) NH4F-HF pH 1.5-2.5, 30 °C MAX 2.0 % (W) Acido citrico / Acide Citrique / Citric Acid BEST 2.4 % (W) Na2S2O4 0.5 % (W) H3PO4 Sali Inorganici / Sels Inorganiques Inorganic Salts 0.5 % (V) HCl 1.0 % (W) STP 1.0 % (W) TSP 1.0 % (W) Na-EDTA 0.1 % (w) NaOH 0.1 % (w) Na-DSS pH 12, 30 °C MAX TIPO DI SPORCO / SALETE’ / FOULANT 0.1 % (w) NaOH 0.1 % (w) Na-EDTA pH 12, 30 °C MAX DETERGENTE / DETERGENT / CLEANER OK (per esempio / par exemple / for example: CaCO3 - CaSO4 - BaSO4) Ossidi Metallici / Oxjdes Métalliques / Metal Oxides (per esempio / par exemple / for example: GOOD OK GOOD Ferro - Fer - Iron) Inorganici Colloidali / Colloïdaux Inorganiques / Inorganic Colloids (silt) Silice / Silice / Silica Biofilms Organici / Organiques / Organics 1. (W) Peso percentuale. (V) Volume percentuale. Cosí 2.0 % (W) acido citrico significa : 2 grammi di acido citrico sciolto in 98 grammi d’acqua. 2. Simboli chimici delle sostanze incrostanti, nell’ordine: CaCO3 = carbonato di calcio. CaSO 4= solfato di calcio. BaSO4 = solfato di bario. 3. Simboli chimici dei detergenti nell’ordine: NaOH = idrossido di sodio. Na-EDTA = sodio etilen-diammino-tetra-acetato Na-DDS = sodio dodecilsulfato. STP = sodio trifosfato (Na5P3O10). TSP = fosfato trisodico (Na3PO4 12H2O). HCl = acido cloridrico. H3PO4 = acido fosforico. NH2SO3H = acido sulfammico. Na2S2O4 = sodio idrosolfito. NH4F- HF = ammonio bifluoruro. GOOD OK OK BEST BEST GOOD GOOD OK GOOD GOOD 1. (W) pourcentage poids . (V) pourcentage volume. Aussi 2.0 % (W) signifie : 2 grammes d’acide citrique dissout en 98 grammes d’eau. 2. Symboles chimiques des substances incrustantes, en ordre : CaCO3 = carbonate de calcium. CaSO 4 = sulfate de calcium. BaSO4 = sulfate de baryum. 3. Symboles chimiques des détergents utilisés, en ordre: NaOH = hydroxyde de sodium. NaEDTA sel sodium de acide tetracétique de diéthylamine . Na-DDS = sels de sodium dodecylsulfate. STP = sodium triphosphate (Na5P3O10). TSP = trisodium phosphate (Na3PO4 - 12H2O). HCl = acide hydrochlorique. H3PO4 = acide phosphorique. NH2SO3H = acide sulfamique. Na2S2O4 = sodium hydrosolfite. NH4F- HF = ammonium bifluorure. 1. (W) denotes weight percent. (V) denotes volume percent. So 2.0 % (W) citric acid means 2 grams of citric acid dissolved in 98 grams of water. 2. Foulant chemical symbols in order used : CaCO3 = calcium carbonate. CaSO 4 = calcium sulfate. BaSO4 = barium sulfate. 3. Cleaning chemical symbols, in order used: NaOH = sodium hydroxyde. Na-EDTA sodium salt of ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid. Na-DDS = sodium salt of dodecylsulfate. STP = sodium triphosphate (Na5P3O10). TSP = trisodium phosphate (Na3PO4 - 12H2O). HCl = hydrochloric acid. H3PO4 = phosphoric acid. NH2SO3H = sulfamic acid. Na2S2O4 = sodium hydrosulfite. NH4F- HF = ammonium bifluoride s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 24 of 25 8re02-03-04-06_mi-r0.doc - r.0 PROBLEM The inlet solenoid valve is dirty or spoiled and does not close properly. HOW TO SOLVE Repair or replace the solenoid valve Replace the pressure switch. Adjust the pressure switch. Purge air off the pump. Repair and/or replace the pump. Open shut-off valves of the filters. Clean or replace the filtering elements. Check the available water. Repair or replace the solenoid valve. Clean or replace the solenoid valve. Replace the membranes. Increase the pressure by adjusting the valve(s) VS, VR, VRP. Wash the membranes. Replace the membranes. Adjust correctly valve VS and/or VR and/or VRP. Increase the pressure by adjusting the valve(s) VS, VR, VRP. Withdraw the membranes and check the integrity and the correct placing of O-rings. Replace or place correctly them. Rinse membranes with high flow rate of water. s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 25 of 25 8re02-03-04-06_mi-r0.doc - r. 0 * CAUTION : pressure upstream of the pump must be checked when the pump is working, since this is the operating condition when the pressure switch alarm acts. Minimum pressure alarm acts although the inlet pressure upstream of the pump is > 0.8 bar (80 kPa) * There is a passage of water when the system is not working. Minimum pressure alarm acts because the inlet pressure upstream of the pump is <0.8 bar (80 kPa) * The pressure does not increase Low pressure treated water (permeate). CAUSE Too low pressure on membranes. Leakage of untreated water through O-ring seals of membranes. The preservative or detergent solution has not been removed completely. Spoiled membranes Too low pressure on membranes. Fouled membranes. Spoiled membranes Valve VS and/or VR and/or VRP are not properly adjusted. Flushing solenoid valve is dirty or spoiled and does not close perfectly. There is air inside the pump. The pump is spoiled. Shut off valves of the filters are closed. The pre-filters are clogged Inlet water pressure is too low The inlet solenoid valve is dirty or spoiled and does not close properly. Pressure switch is defected. The pressure switch is not properly adjusted. Trouble shooting guide High conductivity of treated water (permeate) 8. REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS 8RE 02-03-04-06 H / L - INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL RO 201D RO 202D RO 203D 4RM02 4RM03 4RM04 4RE04 4RE06 4RE09 8RE02 8RE03 8RE04 8RE06 8RE09 8RE12 8RE15 8RE20 8RE25 • standard o available upon request - not available * available as external unit (see pretreatment) RO 221D • di serie o disponibile su richiesta - non disponibile come unità esterna (vedi pre* disponibile trattamenti) acciaio inox AISI 304 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • − − − − stainless steel AISI 304 acciaio inox AISI 316 − − − − ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο • • • • stainless steel AISI 316 · - · - · - - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − - ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο fiberglass ottone • • • • brass PVC - - - - ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο PVC ottone • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • − − − − brass acciaio inox AISI 316 ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο • • • • stainless steel AISI 316 POMPA PRESSURIZZAZIONE BOOSTER PUMP VESSEL vetroresina acciaio inox AISI 304 acciaio inox AISI 316 VESSEL ELETTROVALVOLA INGRESSO stainless steel AISI 304 stainless steel AISI 316 INLET SOLENOID VALVE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PRESSOSTATO MINIMA MINIMUM PRESSURE SWITCH VALVOLA REGOLAZIONE PRESS. POMPA PUMP PRESS. REGULATION VALVE - - - - - - - • • • • • • • • • • • • stainless steel AISI 316 acciaio inox AISI 316 ο ο ο ο • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • stainless steel AISI 316 ottone • • • • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - brass PE-HD • • • • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PE-HD PVC - - - - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PVC acciaio inox AISI 316 VALVOLA REGOLAZIONE PORTATA SCARICO DRAIN FLOW REGULATION VALVE TUBAZIONI BASSA PRESSIONE LOW PRESSURE TUBING TUBAZIONI ALTA PRESSIONE HIGH PRESSURE TUBING PE-HD • • • • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PE-HD acciaio inox AISI 316 - - - - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • stainless steel AISI 316 MEMBRANE ACQUA SALMASTRA • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • BRACKISH WATER MEMBRANES - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • brass - - - ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο ο monofase • • • • - - - trifase combi - - - - • • trifase - - pre-filtro 5µm • • • • • VALVOLA FLUSSAGGIO AUTOMATICO ottone acciaio inox AISI 316 AUTOMATIC FLUSH VALVE QUADRO DI COMANDO stainless steel AISI 316 CONTROL BOARD pre-filtro a carbone attivo • • • • * - - - - - - - - - - - single-phase • - - • • • • • • • • • • • • three-phases • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5µm pre-filter * * * * * * * * * * * * * * activated carbon pre-filter three-phases combi manometro ingresso filtri • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • filters inlet pressure gauge manometro ingresso pompa - - - - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • pump inlet pressure gauge manometro ingresso membrane • • • • - - - • • • • • • • • • • • • membranes inlet pressure gauge manometro intermedio membrane - - - - - - - • • • • • • • • • • • • intermediate stage pressure gauge manometro concentrato - - - - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • drain flow pressure gauge programmatore elettronico • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • electronic programmer cella conducibilità AISI 316/PVC • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • conductivity probe AISI 316/PVC conduttimetro digitale • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • digital conductivity meter flussimetro concentrato - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • drain line flow meter flussimetro permeato - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • product water line flow meter sistema ricircolo regolabile • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • adjustable recirculating system skid in acciaio inox AISI304 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • stainless steel AISI 304 skid predisposizione lavaggi − − − − • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • washing arrangements rev. 4 COMPONENTI RO.XLS 15/02/2011
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