zona de cola Inglês · 11.º ano · Continuação • Student’s Book (Inclui Glossary) • Guia do Professor (na banda lateral do manual) • Extensive Reading/Viewing (oferta ao aluno) • Workbook • How to Become a Good Writer and Speaker (oferta ao aluno) • Ficheiros MP3 (disponíveis em www.escolavirtual.pt) • Teacher’s File Planificações, testes, fichas de atividades, soluções e scripts • 3 CD Áudio • e-Manual Premium Contamos com o seu melhor. Conte com o nosso. Oo 1 2 Student’s Book 3 Extensive Reading / Viewing Workbook 1 Student’s Book Inclui Glossary • Organizado de acordo com o Programa de Inglês 11.° Ano Nível de Continuação, apresenta material atual, diversificado e facilitador do estudo, propondo tarefas interessantes e criativas que desenvolvem as 21st century skills e o pensamento criativo a nível individual e em grupo, não só para prática na aula, mas também em casa. • Está dividido em 0 + 4 blocks, subdivididos em 5 sets – subunidades temáticas decorrentes do tópico central. Nos restantes blocks – 1, 2, 3 e 4 – cada set apresenta as seguintes secções: Lead-In, Vocabulary, Reading, Grammar 1, Listening, Writing, Speaking, Grammar 2 e Follow-up. Block Set 2 Cultural diversity Set 2 Cultural diversity “-ed” or “-ing” adjectives 1 Look at the pictures below and choose an adjective to describe the child/picture in question. 2. The largest bull fighting arena is in: a. Plaza Mexico – Mexico City Multiculturalism – mixed nation Auditory The picture is: d The baby is: thrilling thrilled interested interesting f The girl is: e 4. The Tango originated: a. along the border of Argentina and Uruguay b. in Buenos Aires in Argentina LEARNING STYLES surprised surprising intimidating intimidated amazed amazing bored boring b. La Maestranza in Seville 3. The following countries are historical wine lovers: a. Portugal, Spain, France and Italy b. The U.S.A., Australia, South Africa and Chile Power Point – Multicultural quiz • O block 0 tem como objetivo ser diagnóstico e detetor de lacunas das aprendizagens anteriores. Pretende, ainda, reativar conhecimentos adquiridos pelo aluno nos anos anteriores. c 1. Bull fighting is a tradition in: a. Portugal, Spain, France, Mexico, Ecuador, Venezuela and Peru b. Portugal, Spain, France, Mexico, Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru and the Philippines RESOURCES The boy is: excited exciting interested interesting 1 How multicultural are you? Do the quiz below and find out. Teacher's Guide The interaction pattern that has been chosen for the activity is a student-student pattern. However, it can be extended to a student-whole class interaction pattern. b The child is: a The dress is bored boring smashing smashed amused amusing interested interesting 5. “Capoeira” is: a. a Brazilian dance b. a Brazilian martial art 6. Chocolate played a special role in: a. the Maya and Aztec culture b. the African culture 7. Machu Picchu is located in: a. Chile b. Peru Adjectives that end in “-ed” are usually used to describe people or how they feel. Adjectives that end in “-ing” are used to describe things or situations. 8. Kickboxing is a traditional a. Japanese martial art and stand up combat sport. b. Korean Example: Celebrities are respected by their fans. 9. Pizza was first invented in: a. Rome Example: The film that I watched yesterday was amazing. b. Naples 10. Naan is a typical: a. Asian dish b. Indian Bread Visual Logical/Mathematical ANSWER KEY 1. 1. b; 2. a; 3. a; 4. a; 5. b; 6. a; 7. b; 8. a; 9. b; 10. b Teacher's Guide RESOURCES “-ed” adjectives “-ing” adjectives Power Point – “ed/ing” adjectives" e-Manual – interactive exercises EXTRA PRACTICE WORKBOOK page 11 LEARNING STYLES Visual 2 Did you know that these pictures are photos of the famous celebrities in the box below? Work with a partner and try to guess who is who. 2 Now watch a video and see which other cultural traditions you can identify. Celebrities: 1. Angelina Jolie 4. Aubrey “Drake” Graham 2. Pierce Brosnan 5. Aubrey Plaza 3. Dwayne Johnson 6. Katy Perry Linguistic ANSWER KEY 1. a. excited; b. surprised; c. amazed; d. interesting; e. amused; f. boring 2. 1. f; 2. b; 3. c, 4. a; 5. e; 6. d 32 thirty-two thirty-three 33 SUP11EP_20131319_F02_3PCimg.indd 32 Block 3/22/14 9:36 AM SUP11EP_20131319_F03_3PCimg.indd 33 3/22/14 9:35 AM Block 0 Getting started again b. Circle the odd word out and explain why. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1 So what can you remember about last year? Link the subtopics on the right to the topics that you studied in the 10th grade. 1. Young people in a new society 2. The world in your hands 3. The Media − tune in 4. A world of many languages Teacher's Guide RESOURCES e-Manual – interactive exercises LEARNING STYLES Visual • American English and British English • Technology at school • Printed media • Young people and cinema • Studying abroad • The future of Englishes • Fame • Science fiction rise, go up, climb, increase, decline abruptly, suddenly, significant, dramatically, slightly satellites, humans, location, space, cyberspace series, newscast, talkshow, presenter, sitcom wardrobe, chips, autumn, cookie, trousers generosity, friendship, optimism, spite, enthusiasm leather, suede, lycra, cotton, put on local language, lingua franca, foreign language, universal language, worldwide language Starter Oral practice literate illiterate sensitive 2 Let’s start off by looking at and revising some useful vocabulary. responsible governmental ANSWER KEY normal climax a. Suffixes: Add one of the suffixes in the graphic organiser to the words in the box. Then write them in the appropriate box in the graphic organiser. 3 Complete the text below with an appropriate word. 1. 1. young people and the cinema; 2. science fiction, technology at school; 3. fame; 4. the future of Englishes; studying abroad; American English and British English Beep! Beep! Beep! Your alarm clock goes off at 5 a.m., and you’re lying there 1. bed catching a few more minutes of sleep after 2. to bed near midnight trying to study 3. that chemistry test you have the next day. We teenagers go through a lot. We take on 4. much, and we end up feeling burnt out. So by the weekend, all we want to do is sleep 5. relax. I’m 16 years old and going to high school. High school is hard 6. as it is. I stay in school for seven hours then come home and do another two 7. three hours of homework. I have other things besides school to juggle. For example, I play sports for my church basketball 8. and softball team. I also need my own personal time to myself or with friends just to relax 9. a stressful day at school. Other things that I’m going through are relationships and friendships. Just the other week, my friend and I got in a 10. argument over something so dumb. And I know it’s dumb, because I can’t even remember what it was 11. . High school is full of drama. Especially when I’m dating someone; it seems as if everyone else is in the 12. , too. -ity neighbourhood -ship leadership -ness politeness creativity dark • citizen • active • kind • parent • flexible • mother brother • friend • nation • scarce • partner • productive • man easy? student life was So who said that a break! Come on. Give us 10 ten SUP11EP_20131319_F01_3PCimg.indd 11 Academic career/professional career Major influences: people/events Professional evolution 2 Now think about the characteristics of biographical writing. 2. a. hood: parenthood, motherhood, brotherhood, nationhood, manhood; ship: citizenship, friendship, partnership; ness: darkness, kindness; ity: activity, flexibility, scarcity, productivity b. 1. decline (all the others have positive connotations); 2. significant (it is an adj. while the others are adverbs); 3. humans (all the others are concepts that are related to space − humans refer to people); 4. presenter (all the others are TV programmes); 5. cookie (all the others are in British English); 6. spite (all the others have positive connotations); 7. put on (it’s the only verb); 8. local language (all the others are on a universal scale) c. unreal, mistrust, irresponsible, abnormal, disrespect, impossible, insensitive, non-governmental, anti-climax 3. 1. in; 2. having gone/going; 3. for; 4. too; 5. and; 6. enough/ work; 7. to; 8. team/club; 9. from/after; 10. huge, terrible, awful, stupid; 11. about; 12. picture/relationship Teacher's Guide RESOURCES Audio CD1 – track 10 ”Seal opens heart to Ellen” e-Manual – interactive exercises LEARNING STYLES Visual 1 Tick the topics that Seal mentions in this interview: a. Arguing with his wife b. His children c. Getting a divorce d. Wearing his ring e. How long he’s been married to Heidi f. Getting married again Auditory Linguistic ANSWER KEY 1. They both portray celebrities. 2. Personal answer. 3. Suggested answers: advantages: fame, money, exciting life style, glamour, socialising, etc. disadvantages: no privacy, scandals, media harassment, paparazzi chase, hate email, tough schedule. g. How he feels towards his wife h. Grieving over the end of his marriage 2 Listen again and fill in the gaps. Characteristics “I think we were a. , you know, because you b. into these things with the greatest c. , you know, when you say “I do” and when you say “till d. do us part”, I e. that, those vows hold value, they’re not just f. . But these things happen, you know. I think, we’ve pretty much said g. we feel, I think we made it clear in the release h. , but you know, for the intents and purposes of this i. , you just grow j. after a while.” • Clear • Objective/factual writing • Clear organisation of facts • Formal English: no slang/abbreviations • Well planned Date and place of birth EXTRA PRACTICE HOW TO BECOME ... page 7 LEARNING STYLES Visual Major educational/professional achievements Auditory Linguistic Personal/professional qualities People’s/the public’s reaction Teacher's Guide eleven 11 3/22/14 9:36 AM Drake’s biography 1 Watch a biography of Drake, the famous rapper and order the personal details given. 3. What do you think are the advantages/ disadvantages of being a celebrity? possible RESOURCES Biography 1. What do you think the pictures on this page have in common? respect trust High stress and high drama Teacher's Guide 2. Do you enjoy reading about celebrities’ lives? Why/why not? real -hood Set 2 Cultural diversity c. Form the antonyms of the words in the table below by adding one of the following prefixes: ab / anti / dis / il / im / in / ir / mis / non / un. Linguistic SUP11EP_20131319_F01_3PCimg.indd 10 Block The end of a multiracial marriage Future ambitions Language function • … was born in… on… • At… years old • In 2009… • One of his/her greatest achievements is… • … had a major influence on… • He/she is currently working on… • … was well received by critics and fans. • With… already under his/ her belt… continues to rise. • He/she has the talent, drive and adaptability to be… Critical thinking ANSWER KEY 1. 1. Date and place of birth; 2. Academic career/professional career; 3. Major educational/ profissional achievements; 4. Major influences: people/ events; 5. Personal/professional qualities; 6. People’s/the public reaction; 7. Future ambitions; 8. Professional evolution 3 Choose a celebrity that you admire, do some research on the Web and write up his/her biography in about 150-200 words. 1. b, d, e, g, h 2. a. shocked; b. go; c. intentions; d. death; e. mean; f. words; g. how; h. statement; i. show; j. apart Remember to check your work for silly mistakes! Seal opens heart to Ellen over Heidi Klum split 38 thirty-eight SUP11EP_20131319_F03_3PCimg.indd 38 thirty-nine 39 3/22/14 9:35 AM SUP11EP_20131319_F03_3PCimg.indd 39 3/22/14 9:36 AM • Contém atividades variadas que vão ao encontro dos interesses dos alunos: material áudio-visual como canções, vídeos e filmes. 3/22/14 9:35 AM 4 5 How to Become a Good Writer and Speaker 6 Teacher’s File 3 CD Áudio 3 Workbook • Cada secção apresenta, na banda lateral, remissões essenciais para os elementos complementares do projeto assim como um mini plano/guia de aula para o professor. Block Set 3 Cultural intolerance Adjectives Hotpotatoes and Jing 1 Look through set 3 and jot down ten words that you like and are related to the topics of tolerance and discrimination. Use · Words that describe nouns · Invariable My sentence E.g. tolerance · To fight racism we need to show tolerance. a. · b. · When there is more than one adjective then they are placed in the following order: c. · d. · Teacher's Guide a/an the e. · RESOURCES a · Before the noun they are describing · After the following verbs: be, look, sound, feel, smell, appear opinion size shape colour origin beautiful PowerPoint – Adjectives (word order) red fantastic a e-Manual – interactive exercises age new small material purpose noun straw brown round hat leather Japanese bag soup bowl WORKBOOK pages 16-17 1 Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct order. LEARNING STYLES c. Joan wore the (funky / strangest / reddish / party) hat I’ve ever seen. Linguistic d. I dream of owning a (modern / red / sports / Italian) car one day. Interpersonal Hotpotatoes software: http://hotpot.uvic.ca Jing software: www.techsmith.com/jing.html Hotpotatoes tutorials: JClose, JMatch, JQuiz, JCross, JMix SELF-CHECK A What are the qualities and attitudes you most value in your favourite celebrity/ies, music star/s, sportsman/ men, etc.? (15 marks) (Write no more than 40 words.) Reading comprehension LEARNING STYLES 3 Match the phrasal verb make on the left with each meaning on the right. Visual Tool f. I’m reading a (interesting / long / strange / historical) book on the Egyptians. JClose: allows you to prepare a gap fill exercise JMatch: allows you to prepare a matching exercise JQuiz: allows you to create a quiz (e.g. multiple-choice) JCross: allows you to create a crossword JMix: allows you to order words to write a sentence g. Do you watch those (American / old / crazy) sitcoms on cable TV? 2 Interview a partner and find out what their favourite possessions look/are like. EXAMPLE: pet − Joe’s favourite pet is a tallish English hunting dog called a greyhound. a. T-shirt: b. electronic equipment: Linguistic Critical thinking 21st Century skills YouTube tutorial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQCsMXRPwFo d. film: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnvW3RO4IlA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35YBIt8Lj_s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zepH2lbdrGM fifty-one 51 3/22/14 9:35 AM a. make for 1. think/understand ENCOUNTER WITH BASEBALL STAR PEDRO MARTINEZ 1 In America’s intense media scrutiny, people get caught up with their favorite TV stars and sports figures. Sometimes these figures are viewed as somehow superhuman, as if they do not possess any faults. If people ever get the chance to meet one of their idols, however, a whole new opinion may be formed. This is what happened to me when I had the opportunity of a lifetime: to meet one of my favorite baseball players, Pedro Martinez. e. make up to 5. leave in a hurry As we sat in the stands with Pedro, I noticed how easygoing he was. A smile never left his face. The fearsome pitcher who takes the mound every five days is not the real Starter 4 Rewrite the sentences without changing their meaning the phrasal verb make.How does this make you feel? Can youand findusing diversity in your classroom? Pedro Martinez, he’s the ordinary 28-year-old guy standing next to me joking about 10 a. Peter compensated Mary for his inappropriate behaviour and they are going to get married. the Yankees coming to Boston. “You know, I beat them, and they beat me,” he chuckled. Pedro gave excellent answers to our questions, but one struck me more than all the 1 Read each paragraph of the text and answer the question beneath it and then the questions others. When I asked how he comes back to face the next batter after giving up a b. I didn’t understand the letter you sent me. Your handwriting is illegible. that follow. home-run, he said that both pitcher and batter have a job to do, and sometimes the pitcher does the best he can, but the batter does a better job. Nobody can get mad, only deal 15 with it. The answer was profound and really affected me. It was an attitude that could apply 1 Rewrite the following sentences with the word(s) provided without changing their meaning. to everything in life. Everyone fails at some point. Pedro’s attitude toward pitching is a. They asked for help because the accident was serious and the car was smashed. the right attitude. We must always do our best. No one is perfect, even if they can (so) throw 95 miles-an-hour. And we cannot let ourselves go down if we do our best and still fail. 20 b. They argued for hours, which caused a certain embarrassment at the meeting. We must take satisfaction in the job we do, because just like the batters, the variables that (consequently) Diversity can be defined as people coming together from control us sometimes do a better job than we do. Diversity cannationalities, be defined religions as people different races, andcoming sexes totogether form a As I walked away from Fenway that night, I had a different attitude. I saw that Pedro c. Tennis requires a lot of training; that’s why I’m not so good at it. fromorganization different races, nationalities, and sexes to group, or community. A religions diverse organization Martinez was just like the rest of the people in the stadium that night. He succeeded, (so... that) form athe group, organisation orItcommunity. A diverse one that values difference in people. is one that recognizes but he also failed sometimes. And if I took anything away, it was that although I cannot 25 d. She’s a nasty and rude girl and her classmates dislike is her. organization is one that values the difference in people. It isand one throw a cut fast ball at 95 mph or throw a twelve to six curve ball, I am not that different from that people with different backgrounds, skills, attitudes (such) 1 Listen to the CD and decide whether the following statements are true or false. that recognizes that ideas people with different backgrounds, skills, Pedro; none of us are. And what Pedro applies to baseball, we can apply to our lives. I learned 5 experiences bring fresh and perceptions. e. She hasn’t called me, that’s why I’m not going to the station. Correct the false ones. attitudes and experiences bring fresh ideas and perceptions. that I should never be discouraged if I tried my hardest. Failure happens to everyone. (therefore) Q. How can the concept of diversity be defined? a. Rene has been living in the States for a decade. Source: Teen Ink Q. How can the concept of diversity be defined? f. They bought too many gadgets so they got broke. b. His father emigrated to the States before the rest of the family. In society today, most people view diversity as a good (as a result) c. His wife and children joined him later although they had a better lifestyle in Mexico. In society most people diversity as a good thing becausetoday, it gives people theview chance to experience d. His mother found work in a food processing factory. 42 forty-two forty-three 43 thing because gives people the chance to experience different things itoutside of what they are normally e. His siblings have all been able to study and get a high school diploma. 10 accustomed different things outside should of what they are normally to. Diversity in America be openly viewed as a accustomed to. Diversity America should be openly viewed as beneficial bacterium, ratherin than a cancer. SUP11WEP_20134251_F03_4PCImg.indd 42 3/26/14 2:24 PM SUP11WEP_20134251_F03_4PCImg.indd 43 3/26/14 2:24 PM 2 Listen to Part 2. Replace the wrong words with the right ones. Correct the “wrong” words in bold. a beneficial bacterium, rather than a cancer. Q. Why is diversity compared with a beneficial bacterium? Q. Why is diversity compared with a beneficial bacterium? I have never felt like an “American”. To me a. knowing an American means having freedom. Diversity can create curiosity. By being exposed to Freedom to be b. someone you work hard for and always having a fair c. opportunity and Diversity canand create curiosity. By may beingwant exposed different people cultures, a student to learnto different and cultures, a student 15 not being held back by your race, d. sender or sexuality. more aboutpeople a particular group which canmay givewant themto about a particular group can give In my case, it’s my illegal e. creed that keeps me down and unable to better my life. I have insight intolearn how more and why things work as they do which and possibly a them insightthem intofor how why things work as they do and way to change the and better. never been in any f. fate with law enforcement but have g. sometimes feared that at any possibly a way to change them for the better. moment someone in my family can be separated and sent h. predicament to a country that Q. What can a student learn from exposure to diversity? doesn’t feel like home. Q. What can a student learn from exposure to diversity? Block b. make of 2. compensate for c. make off 3. be nice to get something d. make up for 4. move in the direction of 5 2 3 4 Expressing result 50 fifty SUP11EP_20131319_F04_3PCimg.indd 50 Meaning The importance and benefits of diversity 4 Make your own hotpotatoes tutorial to help your classmates use this tool. You can use Jing (http://www.techsmith.com/jing.html) to record the screen of your computer. If you want to share your tutorial with the world, why not upload it onto YouTube? c. book: Phrasal verb: make SUP11EP_20131319_F04_3PCimg.indd 51 3/22/14 9:35 AM 11 My immigration story 5 22 2 Extensive Reading / Viewing Block 33 • Diversidade de propostas de leitura (mixed ability classes). • Dividido em duas partes: Extensive Reading e Extensive Viewing. • Extensive Reading – dois tipos de leitura extensiva: homepage de um projeto e uma história baseada na vida real. • Extensive Viewing – didatização de três filmes. 3 Answer the following questions. a. Why does Rene feel grateful to his siblings? b. Is he thoroughly happy in the US? Support your answer. c. What does he fear the most? 6 six 8 eight SUP11WEP_20134251_F01_4PCImg.indd 6 3/26/14 2:23 PM SUP11WEP_20134251_F01_4PCImg.indd 8 3/26/14 2:23 PM • No fim de cada block, apresentam-se dois tipos de testes: um tradicional (Self-Check) e um tipo-exame (Exam-Like Test). Block Block Exam−Like Test Exam−Like Test The World of Work 4 The word OUTSOURCED (past participle of the verb to outsource) has several meanings according to the dictionary: Outsourced a. b. c. d. e. f. g. /'a§t?só:s/ out·sourced, out·sourc·ing. verb (used with object) 1. (of a company or organisation) to purchase (goods) or subcontract (services) from an outside supplier or source. 2. to contract out (jobs, services, etc.): a small business that outsources bookkeeping to an accounting firm. verb (used without object) 3. to obtain goods or services from an outside source: U.S. companies who outsource from China. out·sourc·ing, noun 5 Analyse the posters below: O U R C C O V E A L L A M I N O U T S O U R C E D C L K U R E I N E S S M A N C E S T O M S S E A S E N T E R I C A I A I T I got fired by Accounting for fabricating my entire work and education history. C By Carole Martin, Monster Contributing Writer 1. product 6. because 11. telling 2. warmer 7. ahead 3. saying 8. if I immediately got rehired by the Marketing Department! R d. In my opinion, work satisfaction is a bit . I think the pay is more important. Outsourced places main characters events details nineteen 19 3/13/14 9:41 AM SUP11EP_20131319_EXT_READING_F02.indd 19 3/13/14 9:41 AM 48 forty-eight SUP11WEP_20134251_F03_4PCImg.indd 48 5. so 10. really a. Last summer I got a job as a babysitter looking after children. b. I’m having trouble working and studying at the is really heavy. same time. The c. I’m a good candidate for the job because I have experience in this line of work. name of the film 4. best 9. unless 4 Complete each of the sentences below with a suitable compound word formed by joining one word from column A to another from column B. Three of the words in column B do not apply. An example is provided. Use each word only once. Write only the letters and corresponding answers. (12 marks) a. Complete the following table with information from the posters: 18 eighteen SUP11EP_20131319_EXT_READING_F02.indd 18 Column B 1. Many people believe that 2. On balance 3. It is said that 4. All in all 5. The reason I say this is that 6. As far as I’m concerned 7. This example can be illustrated by the fact that 8. On the whole 9. In conclusion 10. In my view 11. Such as SUP11W © Porto Editora H C X SUP11-EXT_READING © Porto Editora S Why Should We Hire You? “Why should we hire you?” is another common interview question that can take you down the wrong you’ve done some thinking b. of time. This question is purely about selling road a. yourself in the interview. Think of yourself as the c. . Why should the customer “buy” you? The Wrong Track Spencer answers by d. , “Because I need and want a job.” That’s nice, but the bottom line here is, “What can you do for us?” Mariana says, “I’m a hard worker and e. want to work for this company.” The majority of people think of themselves as hard workers − and why this company? The Right Track Tom’s answer to this question is, “Because I’m a good fit for the position.” Getting f. to the right answer, but give us more details, please. Sharon answers, “I have what it takes to solve problems and do the job.” This is the g. answer so far. Expand on this, and you’ve got it. (11 marks) 2 Look at the cartoon below and explain its message, in terms of the qualities that we should have to succeed in the market place nowadays. (10 marks) SUP11-EXT_READING © Porto Editora 3 Look at the acrostic below. It contains key words about the film you are about to see. Try to guess what they mean and the connection they may have with the storyline. B Column A a. giving an opinion b. giving examples c. justifying a(n) fact/opinion d. summarising/ concluding Which meaning/s do you think is/are the most plausible for the film title? Justify your answer. 2 Share the main ideas of your discussion with the other groups. E 1 Match the expressions in column B with their corresponding functions in column A. Write only the letters and numbers. http://www.merriam-webster.com how often you go to the cinema how often you watch movies at home the types of films you prefer the latest film you saw DVDs you’ve got at home your favourite actors and actresses Hollywood celebrities, etc. 3 Complete the following text about job interviews with seven words from the box below. Use each word/expression only once. Write only the letters and numbers. (7 marks) Activity A out·source 1 In groups have a discussion about the topic “cinema” for five minutes. Use the cues below to guide you: Your final task is to write an opinion text about: the importance of getting a part-time job nowadays. Activities A and B will provide you with input for activity C. SUP11W © Porto Editora Outsourced Extensive viewing | Comedy · Social drama · Romance SUP11W © Porto Editora e. She now has an (curly / blonde / short / fashionable) hairstyle. h. I’m thinking of wearing my (velvet / long / blue / shiny) dress to the party. 2. Personal answer. · The world of work 2 Complete the gaps with the appropriate phrasal verb do in the right form and tense. Remember to add the object if the phrasal verb is transitive. the Internet for so long? I wouldn’t be able to survive. a. How could you b. Nobody wants bullying back at school. We for good, I hope. c. Our project has been delayed. We could well some extra time. d. She gave us the wrong information which misled us and applying for the course. e. Children can’t TV nowadays. They are always glued to the box. f. I thought people religious fanatism, but I was wrong. SUP11W © Porto Editora ANSWER KEY 1. a. Jane bought a valuable antique wooden chair. b. He made a delicious big round chocolate cake. c. Joan wore the strangest funky reddish party hat I’ve ever seen. d. I dream of owning a modern red Italian sports car one day. e. She now has a fashionable short curly blonde hairstyle. f. I’m reading a strange interesting long historical book on the Egyptians. g. Do you watch those crazy old American sitcoms on cable TV? h. I’m thinking of wearing my long shiny blue velvet dress to the party. · i. 3 Go online to http://hotpot.uvic.ca and download the hotpotatoes programme on to your computer. Then choose a type of exercise that you like and prepare a vocabulary exercise for your classmates with the words in the table above. b. He made a (round / delicious / chocolate / big) cake. Logical/Mathematical · · h. Sites to help students with hotpotatoes Block Block Auditory a. Jane bought a (chair / wooden / antique / valuable) chair. Visual f. g. These exercises have been designed to teach students English along with technology. However, they can all be done in a traditional paper format without the aid of technological learning tools. RESOURCES 2 Write a sentence with each of the words you have chosen in the table above. Underline the word in each sentence. EXTRA PRACTICE Teacher's Guide SUP11W © Porto Editora Word Position of adjectives: • Cada block está dividido em 4 secções: Reading, Listening, Vocabulary e Grammar. SUP11W © Porto Editora Adjectives are: • Complementa e consolida as aprendizagens focalizadas no Student’s Book, dando especial ênfase à interpretação textual e auditiva, à revisão do vocabulário e da gramática. e. Look! In the classifieds section they are looking for a for this company. Why don’t you apply? SUP11WEP-04 3/26/14 2:24 PM SUP11WEP_20134251_F04.indd 49 Column A Column B work baby first over sales one sitter load hand ment rated man ist forty-nine 49 3/28/14 9:18 AM 8 e-Manual Premium (exclusivo para o Professor) 4 How to Become a Good Writer and Speaker • Fichas para os 4 blocks do manual que complementam as rubricas de Speaking e Writing no manual de forma a promover a autonomia e o sucesso de cada aluno relativamente às competências de Speaking e Writing. Block Set 4 · A Job Interview On page 197 of your student’s book you are asked to continue the story by writing the description (150-200 words) of what the environment used to look like in the height of all her youth and glory and what caused her decay. Use the frame text below to help you. On page 115 of your student’s book you are asked to role-play an interview for a part-time job at a famous fast food chain called Subway. SUP11W-HOW © Porto Editora Block Set 1 · Writing a Description Use the following speaking cards to help you. Card 1: Interviewer Card Oh, how time can be cruel. I never used to . Actually, when I really Find out about: think about it, I was really different: my fields used to be 1. Personal details: name, age, place of residence, marital status. 2. Give details about the job: and my rivers, well what can I say except that they were a sight to see. Let me explain a little better. They • Part-time job • Flexible working hours • Tasks: prepare food / work at the till / serve customers / clean up / wash dishes . The air that used to light up my days and nights used to . 3. Ask about: And the animals, flowers and trees that used to decorate • Previous work experience? Reference you can call? • Reasons for applying for the job – why? • Which position they are interested in? . Sometimes, you could even see a . or an 4. Ask about their best and worst qualities. 5. Thank them for coming + warn that you’ll give an answer by next Tuesday. I suppose that if I had had a human form you could have described me as being . Ah! How I miss those days… How I wish that I could still and that you could . instead of GOOD VERBS TO USE: light up, embellish, flourish, smell, feel, look like, adorn, glide, graze (in the fields), inspire, sustain, support, provide for… Metaphors to describe beauty: • Previous work experience? (Working as a cashier in a local supermarket – LIDL) Give name of a reference – boss/ manager at your previous job. (Mrs Barroso/ Mr Santos) • Give reasons for applying for the job – To earn extra pocket money… • Say which position you’re interested in? 4. Talk about your best and worst qualities: hardworking; dedicated; social person; bit of a perfectionist; sometimes a bit too persistent (never give up)… 5. Ask when you’ll know the answer by. 6. Say that it has been a pleasure and say you are available to give more details. O e-Manual Premium é a versão digital do manual para projeção na sala de aula. Contém centenas de recursos interativos sem precisar de aceder à Internet e inúmeros recursos digitais em contexto: • Ficheiros editáveis em Word® (planificações, testes, grelhas e fichas de atividades) • Dictations • Vídeos · Beautiful like the frosting on a cake · Like a spring flower blossoming after the rain 3/15/14 11:07 AM 7 e-Manual Premium 3. Give details about: · Beautiful like the golden sun over the rolling hills SUP11WEP_20134251_F02.indd 21 6 3 CD Áudio Card 2: Interviewee Card Answer questions about: 1. Personal details: name, age, place of residence, marital status. 2. Ask more details about the job: • Part-time job – what is the pay per hour? • Flexible working hours – when? Weekdays or weekends? From what time to what time exactly? • Tasks: do you get training? Can you choose? · As beautiful as gold twenty-one 21 e-Manual do Aluno • Contém todas as atividades de listening do manual, do Workbook e dos testes de listening do Teacher’s File. • Destinado a mixed ability classrooms. SUP11W-HOW © Porto Editora . 7 44 forty-four SUP11WEP_20134251_F03.indd 44 3/15/14 11:07 AM PM 5 Teacher’s File • Apresentações em PowerPoint® para exercitação de conteúdos O acesso à versão definitiva do e-Manual Premium é exclusivo do Professor adotante e estará disponível a partir de setembro de 2014. Um manancial de recursos extra para o professor: • Planificações anuais, planos de aula e orientações metodológicas. • Teste de avaliação formativa, testes intermédios, exam-like tests, speaking tests com respetivas matrizes e grelhas de avaliação. • Fichas de atividades alternativas. • Soluções e guiões áudio. 8 e-Manual do Aluno O acesso ao e-Manual do Aluno é disponibilizado, gratuitamente, na compra do manual em papel, no ano letivo 2014-2015, e poderá ser adquirido autonomamente através da Internet. e-Manual Premium Simples. Completo. Sempre disponível. Conteúdos ricos e diversificados, com indexação em cada página, para uso exclusivo dos professores. Manual com exercícios interativos Todos os recursos do Start-up 11 interligados e acessíveis a partir das páginas do e-Manual ou através de menus específicos: – Vídeos – Apresentações em PowerPoint® – Materiais editáveis (em Word®, Excel® e PowerPoint®) PowerPoint® Planos de aula digitais E AINDA: • Workbook • áudios • vídeos • questões editáveis • testes autocorretivos • planos de aula e-Manual Premium Simples. Completo. Sempre disponível. Adote este projeto e terá acesso ao e-Manual e recursos em qualquer dispositivo. OFERTA AO PROFESSOR com a pen drive 1 Insira a pen no computador. 2 Clique em “Iniciar”. 3 Navegue no e-Manual Premium e utilize todos os recursos. 1 Descarregue a app para o seu tablet. 2 Toque na aplicação e insira os seus dados de login do Espaço Professor. 3 Abra o e-Manual Premium e utilize todos os seus recursos. 1 Aceda ao Espaço Professor. 2 Clique em e-Manuais Premium e faça o seu login. 3 Abra o e-Manual Premium e utilize todos os seus recursos. DISPENSA LIGAÇÃO À INTERNET no seu tablet em espacoprofessor.pt Aceda ainda a estes e outros recursos gratuitamente em .
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