Physics 243 Astronomy Project Manual Fall 2014 Astronomy Project Manual for Physics 243 Fall 2014 Contents 1 RR Lyrae stars and distances to globular clusters ........................................................................................... 1 1.1 1.2 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 1 Experimental procedure ........................................................................................................................ 2 1.2.1 Planning 2 1.2.2 At the telescope 5 1.3 Data reduction ......................................................................................................................................... 7 1.4 Analysis .................................................................................................................................................... 9 2 Hertzsprung-Russell diagrams of globular clusters ..................................................................................... 10 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 Active nuclei and their host galaxies: observations of Seyfert galaxies ..................................................... 15 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 1 1.1 Preparations for observation ............................................................................................................... 10 Before you leave for the observatory ................................................................................................. 12 At the telescope ..................................................................................................................................... 12 Back on campus..................................................................................................................................... 13 Preparations for observation ............................................................................................................... 15 Before you leave for the observatory ................................................................................................. 16 At the telescope ..................................................................................................................................... 16 Back on campus..................................................................................................................................... 17 RR Lyrae stars and distances to globular clusters Introduction This is an observing experiment in which we will measure light curves for the variable stars in a globular cluster, and determine the distance to this cluster by comparison of average magnitudes of the variables with that of RR Lyrae, which is near enough to have precisely-measurable parallax. This observing project will involve visits to the telescope frequently over the course of 1-2 weeks, hopefully including a few nights in a row. Everybody who opts for this project will share their data, and receive everyone else’s in return. Each student will perform his or her own analysis and write an independent report on the results. Stars in the instability strip of the stellar Hertzsprung-Russell diagram have been fundamental in the determination of the distance scale of the Universe. These stars pulsate, usually in their fundamental acoustic mode; as we have noted in AST 142 (7 February 2013), with periods Π that vary inversely with the mass density ρ of the star: ©2014, The University of Rochester 1 All rights reserved Physics 243 Astronomy Project Manual Fall 2014 R = Π 4∫ 0 dr 6π ≅ vs γ Gρ (uniform density star). The lowest density stars – giants and supergiants – that lie in the instability strip thus have the longest periods. Their low density is an expression of the size to which each star has swelled during its death throes, so stellar luminosity is also tracked by the pulsation period. As Henrietta Leavitt was first to show (see the AST 142 lecture notes for 2 April 2013), classical Cepheid variables – the highest-luminosity Population I inhabitants of the instability strip – exhibit a very tight relationship between average absolute magnitude and period. These stars, and their period-luminosity relationship, form the strongest rung of the extragalactic distance ladder in the stretch between trig parallax and Hubble’s Law. The instability-strip variables in globular clusters include RR Lyr stars and Population II Cepheids. RR Lyr stars aren’t as bright as the Population II Cepheids, but they are quite a bit more numerous. 1 These are much less luminous than Cepheids, and thus hard to detect in galaxies besides the Milky Way. However, there is one RR Lyrae star close enough to the Solar system to measure its distance and absolute magnitude with trigonometric parallax. This is RR Lyrae itself, for which the variability (Figure 1) was discovered, and its similarity to what were then called “cluster variables” first pointed out, by Wilhelmina Fleming in 1901. Comparison between RR Lyrae and stars with similar light curve and period can be used to measure the distance to globular clusters, the distribution of which is a good tracer of the global structure of the Milky Way. As we discussed at length in AST 142, Shapley’s (1917) use of RR Lyr stars to measure the distances to globular clusters yielded the first correct determination of the shape of the Galaxy, despite the offset in overall scale that resulted from the (forgivable) error of taking RR Lyrs to have the same period-luminosity relation as the classical Cepheids in the Small Magellanic Cloud. 1.2 Experimental procedure 1.2.1 1. Planning Select a candidate globular cluster in which to search for RR Lyr stars. The top 10 northernhemisphere globular clusters in terms of numbers of variable stars is given in Table 1; the ten brightest globular clusters in the northern sky are listed in Table 2. The coordinates of a larger number of selected, bright globular clusters are listed in Table 3. Make sure your cluster is as bright and variable rich as possible, and above the horizon as long as possible. Figure 1: light curves of RR Lyrae (AAVSO). You will reproduce this result, in this experiment, so I won't tell you yet what the units on the horizontal axis mean. In M3, for example, there may be only one Pop II Cepheid (e.g. Rabidoux et al. 2010), but the cluster contains more than 240 RR Lyrae stars (e.g. Sawyer Hogg 1973). Not all clusters are so rich in variables; M 13 has no Pop II Cepheids and only 33 RR Lyrae stars (Clement 1997). 1 ©2014, The University of Rochester 2 All rights reserved Physics 243 Astronomy Project Manual 2. Fall 2014 Table 1: top ten variable-rich globular clusters in the Northern sky Table 2: ten brightest Northern globular clusters, summed over the entire cluster NGC 5272 (M 3) NGC 5904 (M 5) NGC 7078 (M 15) NGC 7006 NGC 6934 NGC 5024 (M 53) NGC 2419 NGC 5466 NGC 6205 (M 13) NGC 6341 (M 92) NGC 5904 (M 5) NGC 6205 (M 13) NGC 5272 (M 3) NGC 7078 (M 15) NGC 6341 (M 92) NGC 5024 (M 53) NGC 6838 (M 71) NGC 6779 (M 56) NGC 6934 NGC 6760 For each candidate globular cluster, identify a nearby calibration star, and the nearest really bright (V < 2) star. The calibration star bright enough to be easily identifiable in an image, but no brighter -say, V = 6-9 -- and it's handy to use early A stars. (Unextinguished A0 stars have the same magnitude at all visible wavelengths.) A handy tool for finding an appropriate calibration star close to your candidate clusters is the UKIRT star-catalogue search engine, . The nearest very bright star will usually be obvious in TheSky, with a wide field view centered on your candidate cluster. This star will occasionally facilitate telescope pointing checks. 3. One unusual aspect of these observations is the need for data reduction to take place while the observations are still in progress. Accordingly, your team should pack two laptop computers from the undergraduate astronomy lab. One will be used to operate the CCD camera, and the other for image alignment and photometry, so that variable stars can be identified as soon as they are detected. 4. Scan the weather reports to find the next reasonable observing night. Look up or calculate the times of sunset and sunrise, and the length of the night. Table 3: globular clusters with integrated V < 8. Note how poorly provided the northern hemisphere of the sky is with bright globular clusters. Here "radius" is that of the halfpeak-brightness isophotal contour. Cluster Name RA (J2000) Dec (J2000) NGC 104 47 Tuc 00 24 05.67 - 72 04 52.6 Radius (arcmin) 3.2 01 03 14.26 - 70 50 55.6 0.8 05 14 06.76 - 40 02 47.6 0.5 05 24 11.09 - 24 31 29.0 0.7 NGC 2808 09 12 03.10 - 64 51 48.6 0.8 NGC 3201 10 17 36.82 - 46 24 44.9 3.1 NGC 4372 12 25 45.40 - 72 39 32.4 3.9 12 39 27.98 - 26 44 38.6 1.5 12 59 33.92 - 70 52 35.4 2.4 NGC 362 NGC 1851 NGC 1904 NGC 4590 M 79 M 68 NGC 4833 ©2014, The University of Rochester 3 All rights reserved Physics 243 Astronomy Project Manual Fall 2014 Cluster Name RA (J2000) Dec (J2000) NGC 5024 M 53 13 12 55.25 + 18 10 05.4 Radius (arcmin) 1.3 NGC 5139 ω Cen M3 13 26 47.24 - 47 28 46.5 5.0 13 42 11.62 + 28 22 38.2 2.3 13 46 26.81 - 51 22 27.3 0.7 15 18 33.22 + 02 04 51.7 1.8 15 46 03.00 - 37 47 11.1 1.0 NGC 5272 NGC 5286 NGC 5904 M5 NGC 5986 NGC 6093 M 80 16 17 02.41 - 22 58 33.9 0.6 NGC 6121 M4 16 23 35.22 - 26 31 32.7 4.3 NGC 6171 M 107 16 32 31.86 - 13 03 13.6 1.7 NGC 6205 M 13 16 41 41.24 + 36 27 35.5 1.7 NGC 6218 M 12 16 47 14.18 - 01 56 54.7 1.8 NGC 6254 M 10 16 57 09.05 - 04 06 01.1 2.0 NGC 6266 M 62 17 01 12.80 - 30 06 49.4 0.9 NGC 6273 M 19 17 02 37.80 - 26 16 04.7 1.3 NGC 6341 M 92 17 17 07.39 + 43 08 09.4 1.0 NGC 6333 M9 17 19 11.26 - 18 30 57.4 1.0 NGC 6352 17 25 29.11 - 48 25 19.8 2.1 NGC 6362 17 31 54.99 - 67 02 54.0 2.1 NGC 6388 17 36 17.23 - 44 44 07.8 0.5 NGC 6402 17 37 36.10 - 03 14 45.3 1.3 NGC 6397 M 14 17 40 42.09 - 53 40 27.6 2.9 NGC 6441 17 50 13.06 - 37 03 05.2 0.6 NGC 6544 18 07 20.58 - 24 59 50.4 1.2 NGC 6541 18 08 02.36 - 43 42 53.6 1.1 NGC 6624 18 23 40.51 - 30 21 39.7 0.8 NGC 6626 M 28 18 24 32.81 - 24 52 11.2 2.0 NGC 6637 M 69 18 31 23.10 - 32 20 53.1 0.8 NGC 6656 M 22 18 36 23.94 - 23 54 17.1 3.4 NGC 6681 M 70 18 43 12.76 - 32 17 31.6 0.7 NGC 6715 M 54 18 55 03.33 - 30 28 47.5 0.8 NGC 6723 18 59 33.15 - 36 37 56.1 1.5 NGC 6752 19 10 52.11 - 59 59 04.4 1.9 NGC 6809 M 55 19 39 59.71 - 30 57 53.1 2.8 NGC 7078 M 15 21 29 58.33 + 12 10 01.2 1.0 NGC 7089 M2 21 33 27.02 - 00 49 23.7 1.1 NGC 7099 M 30 21 40 22.12 - 23 10 47.5 1.0 5. Plan to take 3-5 minute exposures, with the V filter. Do not plan to take dark frames automatically with every image; instead plan to take them periodically through the night. 6. Familiarize yourself with the Mees telescope and camera startup and shutdown guide. Obtain a copy at ©2014, The University of Rochester 4 All rights reserved Physics 243 Astronomy Project Manual Fall 2014 and pack it along with all the other things you'll need to take. 7. Unlike the observing projects in AST 111, this one takes all night. Therefore you will be required to sleep at the Observatory after your observations are done and before returning to campus. Plan accordingly by packing for an overnight stay, and discussing with your co-observers the allimportant requirement of packing sufficient Food. (Mees is unfortunately beyond the range of pizza delivery, the nearest coffee shop is in Naples, and the nearest donut shop is in Victor.) Familiarize yourself with the rules of the observatory sleeping quarters at the Gannett House. 8. Plan to arrive well before sunset. You have one important task to carry out before the sky gets dark. The telescope and camera must be ready to go, and all team members must be at their stations, as soon as it's dark enough to acquire your first target. 1.2.2 Before you leave for the observatory Make sure you have along your lab notebook, calculator, food, and all of the material you prepared or downloaded in section 1.2.1. Bring also the CCD camera’s laptop computer, obtained from the undergraduate astronomy lab instructors. If it’s after September, bring cold-weather clothing, including a heavy coat, gloves and (especially) heavy shoes or boots, no matter how warm you think it might be. Please note that as you will still be at the observatory at 2:30 AM, you will be required for safety’s sake to stay until morning. 1.2.3 At the telescope 1. Go through the telescope and CCD-camera startup instructions outlined in the Mees Telescope Checklist. Set up appropriately-named directories on the camera computer, into which to record your data. Decide what your file-naming convention will be. Usually the file name should have at least the target name, the exposure time, and some sort of version number in case multiple exposures are necessary. All files should be stored by default in FITS format. The CCD temperature should be set at -5-0 C, and left at this setting for the entire night. 2. With the V filter in front of the CCD, point the telescope near the zenith in a spot with no stars visible in the camera – only blue-sky or twilight emission. Adjust the exposure time so that the signal on the array is about half the maximum value (65535) or less. Take a series of 16 images with this exposure time, identifying these images as V flat fields, and – as with the rest of the images you will take – store them in FITS format. 3. As the sky darkens, and with the CCD camera reading out short exposures continuously in Focus Mode, point to a bright star near the zenith. Focus the telescope roughly, center this star carefully in the camera and update the TCS coordinates. Record the width of the stellar images, in pixels, for brief non-saturated exposures, now and periodically throughout the night. (This diameter, in arcseconds, would be the answer if later on one of the instructors asks you what the “seeing” was during your measurements. The plate scale of the STX-16803 camera is 0.226 arcseconds per pixel.) By moving the telescope slightly with the guiding paddle between short exposures with the camera, make careful note of the correspondence among the directions on the CCD display (up, down, left, right) and the directions on the sky and buttons on the paddle (NSEW), to see that the images from the STX-16803 camera are right-side up (north up, east left) as displayed on the computer. 4. Check to see if your target is above the telescope’s artificial horizon ( ZA < 70° ). If so, point the telescope at your target. Bring the cluster into the center of the field, using the telescope paddle, and ©2014, The University of Rochester 5 All rights reserved Physics 243 Astronomy Project Manual Fall 2014 adjust the focus to produce a sharp image. Record this focus readout value and the direction you were changing the focus to achieve the sharp image (moving to larger or smaller FOC numbers). Repeat with the eyepiece. Switch back and forth a couple of times to make sure that the telescope operator can change the focus position between camera and eyepiece reliably and accurately. Make sure everybody gets a chance to view the target cluster through the main telescope and eyepiece. The field of view of the STX-16803 camera is quite large, so you should see the cluster in your first image. But if you have trouble finding it, use TheSky to send the telescope to the previouslyidentified, relatively nearby, very bright star. A V < 2 star is bright enough to produce easily visible scattered light that indicates its location, even when it is far from the field of view. Center this star in the eyepiece, reinitialize the coordinates at which the telescope thinks it’s pointing using the TCS computer, and point back to the target cluster, which should now appear smack in the middle of the field. 5. Return the diagonal mirror to the CCD camera’s view, and restore the Focus setting to the value last used for taking images. Take an image of the target cluster, centered in the field, with the CCD camera, and make sure the image is still in sharp focus. Note that the field covered by the SBIG STX16803 camera is a square 15.4 arcminutes on a side, so even very large clusters like M13 fit completely in the picture. 6. Take a few images of length 3-5 minutes, to determine how long an exposure still gives round stellar images. Settle on a standard length a little less than this maximum, and take a dark frame of this length. 7. Now you’re ready to work. Chase everybody out of the dome and close the door to the stairway a while before taking any images you will wish to use in your data analysis. (The sharpness of stellar images will generally improve if you do.) Take images of this same field within your target cluster over the course of the night. A good sequence would be 25-30 minutes of consecutive exposures on the NE quadrant of the target, followed by calibration, this pattern repeated as long as possible. Calibration consists of offsetting the telescope to the nearby calibration star you identified to go with the target cluster – taking several very short exposures (a few seconds) with this star centered in the field; taking dark frames the same length as the cluster and calibrator observations; and offsetting the telescope back to the cluster, trying to reproduce the original position as closely as possible. It will help a great deal in the analysis to write down the altitude ( 90° − ZA ) of your calibration star from TheSky’s information window, each time an observation is made of this star. 8. Interleave observations of RR Lyrae into this routine as well. (It is known to TheSky as SAO 48421. Being in Lyra, it is close to the very bright star Vega.) Add observations of this star to your observing routine, and write down the altitude corresponding to each observation, as you also do for your calibrator. 9. While this is in progress, the Reductionist, working on the other laptop and with network access to the image files, should be producing corrected and aligned versions of the images and searching for stars that change in brightness. The tools most useful in this task are parts of the camera-control program, CCDSoft, and an IDL routine called ATV. a. A great deal of effort will be saved in the analysis if you dark-subtract and flat-field each image as it comes in. Follow the procedure outlined below (section 1.3, item 1). Use an addition to your file-naming convention to indicate the state of processing, such as appending –ds-ff to the original name to designate a dark-subtracted, flat-fielded version. Subtract the dark frame acquired closest in time to a given image. ©2014, The University of Rochester 6 All rights reserved Physics 243 Astronomy Project Manual Fall 2014 b. With CCDSoft one can mark each image of the target cluster with the centroid of a given star, and then shift each member a stack of images so that the star’s centroid is on the same pixel in each image. This is necessary for keeping track of the variable stars in the face of drifts in the pointing of the telescope. Select that star with the Mark Centroid button, and then shift all of the open images so that the star is in the same pixel, using the Image… Align… Align Centroids feature. If you have previously dark-subtracted and flat-fielded the images, the aligned versions need nothing else before final analysis. Indicate that an image is aligned by appending a suitable flag, e.g. –al, to the file name. c. ATV has two useful features: Blink and Aperture Photometry, both under ATV’s MouseMode button, and the latter under the ImExam feature of that button. Blink allows one with the click of the mouse to toggle the ATV display between two images, which is an excellent way to find variable stars. Aperture photometry allows one to count up the total signal in circular area, subtracting automatically the signal from an equal-area annulus surrounding the circle. If a star lies within the circle and the rest is nothing but sky, the result is a number proportional to the flux from that star. Compare this result to that of the same act performed on a star of known magnitude, and you can calculate the flux and magnitude of that star. This is what we will use to measure the magnitude as a function of time for the variables we identify in the target cluster. By this means, identify as many of the target cluster’s variable stars as you can, as you go along. Carefully note the position of each, in pixels with respect to the alignment star. 10. Whenever an object is not clearly seen in the eyepiece or camera, quickly to point to your previouslyidentified, nearby really bright star, center it in the camera and update the TCS telescope position, and then point back to the target. You’ll have to learn how to do this in no more than a couple of minutes. 11. When all is done or when the Sun comes up – whichever comes first – cover and stow the telescope, list all the exposure times used during the night (and temperatures, if it had been necessary to change CCD temperature), and make sure you have a dark frame for each exposure time. Take one, if not. 12. For safekeeping, make at least one copy, on flashdrive or DVD, of all of the night’s data. 13. Now shut down the camera, telescope and computers according to the Mees checklist, and go get some sleep. You may not return to campus without at least the driver(s) sleeping, for at least four hours. This safety rule will be enforced strictly. 1.3 Data reduction The steps of reduction and calibration are fairly easy, but there are a lot of data, and it's important to go through enough of them right away, to see if you need another night on the telescope for this project. It will be easiest to conduct the preparation of images, and the identification of the variable stars, in the lab using the same computers that the Reductionist used at the telescope. If all has gone well you already identified at least 10-12 variable stars and can specify their coordinates in pixels with respect to the alignment star. If you have only a few identified, start Blinking your images and find more. But now comes the harder part: measurement of flux as a function of time. 1. If you didn’t create dark-subtracted and flat-fielded images during your observations, go back to the original V images and do that now, for the target cluster and the two stars alike. Dark subtraction can be done with the Image… Reduce… Dark subtract… feature of CCDSoft. Flat fielding amounts to ©2014, The University of Rochester 7 All rights reserved Physics 243 Astronomy Project Manual Fall 2014 division of a dark-subtracted image by a dark-subtracted observation of a uniform brightness object, such as a star-free patch of daylight or twilight sky. This is why you took blue-sky images earlier (section 1.2.2, item 2). Flat fielding removes pixel-to-pixel variation in the transmission of the optics, which may be caused by imperfection of optical elements or (more commonly) dust on the surfaces of optics near the CCD. The process can be implemented by another feature of CCDSoft, Image… Reduce… Flat field… . Finally, align all of the target-cluster images, using the same alignment star as before. Use a file-naming convention as described above to keep track of which image has been through what stage of processing. 2. Create a spreadsheet list in Excel of all observations for your night, including the time of observation and object name. This can be done conveniently in Windows by opening a DOS command window, changing to the directory containing the original (unprocessed) images, and executing a directory list command which saves its output in a file: dir > dirlist.txt. Then open the dirlist.txt (or whatever you called it) file in Excel, edit to leave columns with the observation time and object/file name, and save in Excel format. 3. Add the altitude for each observation in a new column. Generate from this a column of zenith angles, and from this a column of values of sec ZA = 1 cos ZA . By construction your target cluster within a few degrees of the calibrator, and it is safe to assume that its sec ZA is the same as the closest-in-time observation of the calibration star. 4. For each processed (ds, ff) image of the calibrator and RR Lyr, use ATV’s aperture photometry to measure its signal. Record these numbers in a new column of the spreadsheet, beside the corresponding time, name and zenith angle. 5. Sort the spreadsheet to bring the observations of the calibrator together; copy them onto a new sheet in the same workbook. In this new sheet, make an X-Y plot of the star’s signal as a function of sec ZA . Click on the series of points in this plot, and choose Chart Tools… Layout… Trendline… to fit a line to the points. Ask Excel to display the equation of the linear fit, and record the intercept and slope it reports. The intercept is the atmospheric-extinction-corrected signal from the star, and the slope is minus the product of the extinction-corrected signal and the extinction of the atmosphere toward the f f 0 − f 0τ 0 sec ZA . (See AST 142 workshop for 5 April 2013.) zenith: = 6. Use this result to make a column of atmospheric-extinction-corrected signals for the two stars: = f corrected f original ( 1 − τ 0 sec ZA ) . Compute the average corrected signal for the calibration star, f calib . 7. Atmospheric-extinction-correct the images of the target cluster, by multiplying each image by 1 ( 1 − τ 0 sec ZA ) . This can be done with in CCDSoft with the feature Image… Combine… ; choose the Multiply function from the dropdown box. Again, append an appropriate tag, e.g. –ec, to the names of the resulting files. 8. Sorting the original spreadsheet again, make new worksheets devoted to the target cluster and RR Lyr, with all their filenames and observation times listed. Turn the times into columns of Date and Coordinated Universal Time by adding four hours to EDT, remembering to adjust the date accordingly for 8 PM through midnight EDT. Express the time in 2013 digital days. 9. Now go through each atmospheric-extinction-corrected image of the target cluster and RR Lyr with ATV, and use the aperture photometry feature to record the corrected signal from each variable star – each in its own spreadsheet column – as a function of time. Identify the globular-cluster variables by ©2014, The University of Rochester 8 All rights reserved Physics 243 Astronomy Project Manual Fall 2014 their x-y offsets in pixels from the alignment reference star. V 8.40 + 2.5 log ( f calib f ) . 10. Convert all the signals f so obtained to V magnitudes, via= 11. (Optional) Your calibrated, aligned images would make a nice movie, in the spirit of the one on our Project page but with much higher time resolution. Such a movie could add considerable geeky charm to your Facebook page. 1.4 Analysis Plot all of your light curves: your measurements of V magnitude as a function of time in digital days. In good astronomical fashion make the magnitudes decrease up the vertical axis, as in Figure 1. Use the plots to provide answers to the following questions in the course of writing your report. 1. For how many variables do you have good measurements of the maximum magnitude (minimum flux)? What is the range of maximum magnitudes? Do any of them seem anomalously small compared to the others, and seem to change more slowly than the rest? If so, you might have a Pop II Cepheid there; check with Dan. 2. For which stars have you measured complete periods? Make a table of period, amplitude and maximum magnitude for those. Is there a trend among the periods and maximum magnitudes? 3. Did your observations of RR Lyr include a maximum magnitude and/or complete period? If so, add this to the table. If not, you need to do some more observing. 4. Assume that the variables you have identified in your target cluster are like RR Lyr – except for any anomalies which might be Pop II Cepheids. From the stellar maximum magnitudes, and from the Hipparcos-measured parallax of RR Lyr ( 4.38 × 10 −3 arcseconds; i.e. a distance of 228 parsecs), compute the distance to your target cluster. Comment on the accuracy of this result, in light of the range of periods and maximum magnitudes of the target-cluster variables. ©2014, The University of Rochester 9 All rights reserved Physics 243 Astronomy Project Manual 2 Fall 2014 Hertzsprung-Russell diagrams of globular clusters In AST 142, we became intimately familiar with the color-magnitude diagrams of open clusters: collections of hundreds to thousands of Population I stars, all nearly the same age, loosely and amorphously arranged and not usually gravitationally bound. A glance at a celestial map like that available on our lab computers by running TheSky reveals many open clusters, ranging across the sky but never found very far from the plane of the Milky Way. The stellar clusters that can be seen on the maps, that lie many degrees away from the plane, are all globular clusters. Globular clusters are spherical, gravitationally bound, compact collections of 10 5 − 106 Population II stars, all members of which were formed during a span small compared to their present ages. The globular clusters we can see are rather heavily concentrated in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius – which lies in the Galactic plane, as well as the Zodiac – but otherwise show no tendency to follow the Milky Way. Those that lie far from the plane provide very good targets for astronomy students who are learning how to do photometric observations of stellar clusters: the density on the sky of cluster members is very large, and the density of confusing, foreground and background non-members can be very small. Globular clusters have played several crucial roles in the development of modern astronomy: their observation has advanced our understanding of pulsating stars, of the cosmic distance scale and the structure of our Galaxy -- most famously, their use by Harlow Shapley to identify the location of the dynamical center of the Milky Way, which turns out to be within that heavy concentration of clusters in Sagittarius -- and of the evolution of stars. In this observing experiment, we will take up the latter of these topics, and assess the state of evolution of stars in globular clusters by observing the visible magnitudes and colors of the stars, and constructing a color-magnitude, or Hertzsprung-Russell, diagram from our results. Please note: This project may take more than one trip to the observatory. This project must be completed before the end of classes. Please make plans to go to the telescope the very next time it’s clear: it’s unwise to count on it being clear at last minute. 2.1 Preparations for observation Well before you go to the telescope, you and your team must make a detailed plan of your observations. 1. Review the observatory startup and shutdown procedures, which can be found at . Take copies of these documents with you to the observatory. 2. Browse the sky for available objects. Have at hand a computer running TheSky and the list of globular clusters in Table 3: globular clusters with integrated V < 8. Note how poorly provided the northern hemisphere of the sky is with bright globular clusters. Here "radius" is that of the half-peak-brightness isophotal contour.. Choose a few globular clusters from the list and find them on TheSky using the Edit…Find… feature. You may find it handy to print for later reference the Object information window that appears when you Find or click on an object in TheSky. Determine what times of night during the next 2-3 weeks your choices will lie above 30° elevation. Estimate how much (or how little!) of each target object’s field will fit on the CCD. Remember that the field of view of the STX-16803 CCD camera is 15.4 arcminute × 15.4 arcminute square. ©2014, The University of Rochester 10 All rights reserved Physics 243 Astronomy Project Manual Fall 2014 3. We will need flux-calibrated images, so we need to identify some standard stars that lie close in the sky to the target globular clusters: stars that have accurately determined magnitudes and colors, and cover a fairly large range of apparent magnitude. Start with the two or three stars nearest your targets, using the procedure of Experiment #1. It would be especially helpful to identify at least a couple of relatively nearby, early A stars (A0 or A1) – which have the useful property that they have the same magnitude at all wavelengths –at least one of which is no brighter than 9th or 10th magnitude. The best list of faint standards, by Landolt (2009), can be found at . This list can help you find stars of given spectral type, within a small angular distance of your target and within a given range of V magnitudes. 4. Become familiar once again with the process of photometric calibration, so you can estimate the magnitudes of stars while you are observing. This is summarized in Figure 2. Recall that once an image is bias- and dark-subtracted, the sum of the signals (in ADUs) in the image of a point object like a star – or, more simply, the peak signal in the star’s image – divided by the exposure time ∆t , is proportional to the flux f from the star, received within the bandwidth of the filter. Thus, for measurements of two stars at a single wavelength, the ratio of stellar fluxes at this wavelength is f1 ADU 1 ∆t2 = f2 ∆t1 ADU 2 Acquire images: 1. Desired image 2. Image of object(s) with known brightness, at same wavelength, for flux calibration 3. Image of objects with known angular separation and orientation 4. “Bias frame” at short integration time 5. “Dark frames” or “background frames” at same integration times as 1-3 6. “Flat field” at same wavelength, with high signal-to-noise 7. Same uniform illumination at a variety of integration times and fractions of full wells, for linearity test , (1) On the basis of the bias-corrected images (7), correct all others for linearity Subtract “darks” or “backgrounds” from 1-3 Divide 1-3 by “flat field” Determine ratio of flux to ADUs from 2; multiply every entry for 1 by this ratio Subtract bias frame (4) from all other images Determine angular scale and orientation of 1 from 3 Figure 2: Correction and calibration procedure for CCD cameras. and for the magnitude difference, f ADU1 ∆t2 m2 = m1 + 2.5 log 1 = m1 + 2.5 log . ∆t1 ADU 2 f2 ©2014, The University of Rochester 11 (2) All rights reserved Physics 243 Astronomy Project Manual Fall 2014 The known magnitude m1 of a standard star can be used in this way with observations of the standard and a (starlike) target object to calculate the magnitude of the target. 2 5. Each team must turn in a (non-binding) observing plan before leaving. 2.2 Before you leave for the observatory Bring along your lab notebook, calculator, food, and all of the material you prepared or downloaded in section 2.1. Bring also the CCD camera’s laptop computer, obtained from the undergraduate astronomy lab instructors. If it’s after September, bring cold-weather clothing, including a heavy coat, gloves and (especially) heavy shoes or boots, no matter how warm you think it might be. Please note that if you are still at the observatory at 2:30 AM, you will be required for safety’s sake to stay until morning. 2.3 At the telescope The following procedure is presented under the assumption that the telescope and camera have already been started, and the telescope pointing verified. 1. Organize the order of your observations and other activities. Note that in addition to images of your targets you will need to acquire and save: a. dark frames at every exposure time you used for images. b. flat field frames for every wavelength you used for images. These are frames with good signal-tonoise ratio of the daytime or twilight sky, or of the white fabric just past the top of the dome slit, illuminated by dome lights. c. frames of each of the standard stars you selected to correspond to the present target, at each wavelength you used for target images. At least one of these standard stars has to be observed with the same exposure time as your globular cluster images, at each wavelength, without being saturated. Prepare, as before, to keep track of the zenith angles at which all the calibrator observations take place You can do this before or after your target observations. Teams are encouraged to share their standard-star, flat-field and dark-current data. Save ALL of your data both in the CCD camera’s native data format, and in 16-bit FITS format. Your analysis will be performed back on campus after completing the observations, using the FITS versions of the images. 2. Point the telescope at your target, using the user-interface computer in the control room running TheSky. Those in the dome should be able to see the cluster nicely through the finder telescope. Move the telescope so that the center of the cluster is roughly centered on the CCD. Make sure the image is in good focus, and take note of the diameter, in pixels and in arcseconds, of the stars in you images. (Again, this diameter, in arcseconds, would be the answer if later on one of the instructors asks you what the “seeing” was during your measurements.) To take images on which to make photometric measurements of the magnitudes and colors of stars, start with Strictly speaking, the images must also be divided by a flat field after bias and dark subtraction, and the background sky emission signal per pixel (in ADUs) in parts of the CCD near each star must be subtracted from each pixel in the stellar image in order that we count only the ADUs produced by the star. These smaller corrections should be made during your final data analysis. 2 ©2014, The University of Rochester 12 All rights reserved Physics 243 Astronomy Project Manual Fall 2014 exposure times around one minute, but make sure that the stellar images aren’t significantly elongated in right ascension; if they are, adjust the telescope tracking rates so that many-minute exposures can be taken without elongating the stellar images. Chase everybody out of the dome and close the door to the stairway a while before taking any images you will wish to use in your data analysis. (The sharpness of stellar images will generally improve if you do.) 3. Take at least one good few-minute exposure on your target in each of the three filters R, V and B. Make sure the telescope pointing offsets and drifts between images are small enough that a large number of cluster stars are observed at both wavelengths. It will help if the exposure time is the same at the three wavelengths. 4. Identify the brightest few stars in each image and note their peak signals in ADUs. Do the same for the faintest stars you can confidently identify in the image. Find the magnitude difference between the brightest and faintest, using Equation 2. 5. If the difference is less than seven magnitudes, calculate the exposure time that would be necessary in order to detect stars seven magnitudes fainter at each wavelength than the brightest stars in your image. To do this, use Equation 2, also noting that the flux signal-to-noise ratio increases in proportion to the square root of exposure time. 6. Take good images of your target, at all three wavelengths, at longest exposure time calculated in step 5, thereby enabling later calculation of the magnitudes and B-V colors of cluster members over at least a seven magnitude range.. Make sure that the telescope tracks well enough that the stellar images are not elongated; adjust the tracking rates and try again if they are. 7. (Optional) If there is time left over after taking data on your target and acquiring all necessary standard star, flat-field and dark-current images, look around on the display of TheSky to see if there are any other objects for which you’d like to try taking images. You are encouraged to explore all different kinds of objects. 8. Before relinquishing control of the telescope to the next team, or shutting the system down, make sure that you’ve acquired all of the necessary data, have saved it in both formats, and have backed it up on a DVD or flashdrive. 9. If you are the last team to observe, make sure you shut the system down, carefully and scrupulously according to the printed procedures. Also make sure that the dome power is shut off and that the doors are locked before you leave. And don’t run into any deer on the drive home. 2.4 Back on campus 10. You will perform photometry on your cluster in automated fashion, using the IDL-based program XStarfinder. This will most easily be done with the CCD camera’s computer. You and your team should arrange with the instructors to be admitted to this room for the following procedures. a. Run your B and V images through Xstarfinder. This will produce two lists of coordinates and magnitudes that can be imported as text files into Excel. b. Put a copy of both lists in the same Excel worksheet, and match up the B and V measurements that have the same coordinates, deleting records of stars that were not detected at both wavelengths. (This can be tedious, obviously.) ©2014, The University of Rochester 13 All rights reserved Physics 243 Astronomy Project Manual c. Fall 2014 Finally, using Excel formulas, Fill Down, Equation 2, and the signals and magnitudes of your reference star, calculate the B and V magnitudes, and the B-V color index for all of your globular cluster stars, recording the results in new spreadsheet columns in each case. 11. Plot V vs. B-V for all of your stars, in an Excel chart. Make the V axis runs “backwards” (smaller values at the top, larger values at the bottom), as is conventional in color-magnitude diagrams; you can do this by clicking the “Values in reverse order” box on the Scale menu for the vertical axis. 12. Discuss the probable nature of these stars in the light of their position in this diagram: Which are likely to be asymptotic giant branch stars? Horizontal branch stars? Red giants? Main sequence stars? Your score on this project will increase more dramatically the further down the main sequence your measurements go. 13. Finally, and most importantly, compare your results to the H-R diagram for nearby stars, and describe why, taken together, these stellar-cluster observations imply that stars evolve: that their properties change over long periods of time, and that they do not last forever. 14. Choose a set of dark-subtracted, flat-fielded, scaled, shifted images of your target at the three wavelengths that all have the same exposure time. Use Image…RGB combine… to generate a color image of your target, mapping the R, V and B bands respectively to red, green and blue. If the shifting has been done properly (step 4) then each star will appear still to be round and will not have a “blue end” or a “red end.” If the same display background and range is selected for each of your monochromatic images, the resulting combined image will be in true color. Save this image in uncompressed JPG format and include it in your report, too. ©2014, The University of Rochester 14 All rights reserved Physics 243 Astronomy Project Manual 3 Fall 2014 Active nuclei and their host galaxies: observations of Seyfert galaxies In the 1940s Carl Seyfert discovered the class of galaxies with active nuclei which bears his name. The hallmark of Seyfert galaxies is a relatively bright, starlike object, easily seen in short exposures, around which long exposures reveal the bulge and disk of a spiral galaxy. The central object’s luminosity is generally about as large as that of the rest of the galaxy. The active nucleus also contains ionized gas for which the emission-line spectrum indicates an ionization state substantially higher than is typical of the H II regions associated with star formation. Profiles of forbidden lines of the ions of “metals” in Seyfert nuclei – by which the ionization state is analyzed – are generally relatively narrow (Doppler velocities of a few hundred km/s) and consistent with broadening primarily by the rotation of the galaxy. In Seyferts of type 2 (like NGC 1068) this profile also characterizes the hydrogen recombination lines like Hα and Hβ. In Seyferts of type 1 (like NGC 4151), however, the hydrogen recombination lines have in addition a very broad component to their profile that indicates Doppler velocities of a few thousand km/s with respect to the rest of the galaxy. Nowadays we think that the same basic supermassive-black-hole-plusaccretion-disk geometry applies to both main types of Seyferts, and the difference of type is an artifact of the angle at which the disk is viewed: we see further in to the center of the disk for type 1 than type 2. (This suggests that we should also see Seyfert galaxies intermediate in characteristics between these two basic types, and that does in fact turn out to be the case.) In this project you will repeat one of Seyfert’s classic observations, using a CCD camera instead of photographic plates, and demonstrate that short exposures show only the active nucleus while long, or lower-noise, exposures reveal the galaxy’s central stellar cluster as well. With observations in several wavelengths you will also compare the colors of the active nucleus and central stellar cluster. Please note: This project may take more than one trip to the observatory. This project must be completed before the end of classes. Please make plans to go to the telescope the very next time it’s clear: it’s unwise to count on it being clear at last minute. 3.1 Preparations for observation Well before you go to the telescope make a detailed plan of your observations. 1. Refer to all of the “preparations” instructions in section 1 above. In particular, review the observatory startup and shutdown procedures, which can be found at . Print copies of these documents to take with you to the observatory. 2. Unlike Experiments 1 and 2, there is an obvious “best” pair of galaxies to observe: NGC 1068 (a.k.a. M 77) and NGC 772, described in Figure 3. 3. Again, we will need flux-calibrated images, so we need to identify some standard stars that lie close in the sky to the targets. So repeat step 3 of Experiment 2 for each of the galaxies. 4. Become familiar once again with the process of photometric calibration, so you can estimate the magnitudes of stars while you are observing. This is described in section 1.1, and summarized in Figure 2, above. ©2014, The University of Rochester 15 All rights reserved Physics 243 Astronomy Project Manual Name NGC 772 NGC 1068 Fall 2014 Axis δ (J2000) Hubble V (mag) Major type diameter ratio (arcmin) 01 59 19.6 + 19 00 27 Sb 10.3 5 0.80 02 42 40.8 - 00 00 48 Sb 8.9 9 0.89 α (J2000) Figure 3: NGC 772 (left) and NGC 1068 (right), and some basic information about these two galaxies. 3.2 Before you leave for the observatory Again: pack your lab notebook, calculator, food, and all of the material you prepared or downloaded in section 3.1. Bring also the CCD camera’s laptop computer, obtained from the undergraduate astronomy lab instructors. If it’s after September, bring cold-weather clothing, including a heavy coat, gloves and (especially) heavy shoes or boots, no matter how warm you think it might be. Please note that if you are still at the observatory at 2:30 AM, you will be required for safety’s sake to stay until morning. 3.3 At the telescope The following procedure is presented under the assumption that the telescope and camera have already been started, and the telescope pointing verified. 1. Organize the order of your observations and other activities. Note that in addition to images of your targets you will need to acquire and save: a. dark frames at every exposure time you used for images. b. flat field frames for every wavelength you used for images. These are frames with good signal-tonoise ratio of the daytime or twilight sky, or of the white fabric just past the top of the dome slit, illuminated by dome lights. c. frames of each of the standard stars you selected to correspond to the present target, at each wavelength you used for target images. At least one of these standard stars has to be observed with the same exposure time as your galaxy images, at each wavelength, without being saturated. ©2014, The University of Rochester 16 All rights reserved Physics 243 Astronomy Project Manual Fall 2014 You can do this before or after your target observations. Teams are encouraged to share their standard-star, flat-field and dark-current data. Save ALL of your data both in the CCD camera’s native data format, and in 16-bit FITS format. Your analysis will be performed back on campus after completing the observations, using the FITS versions of the images. 2. Point the telescope at a reasonably faint (say, 4th-9th magnitude) star near your target Seyfert galaxy, selected using the user-interface computer in the control room running TheSky. Move the telescope so that this star is roughly centered on the CCD. Make sure the image is in good focus, and take note of the diameter, in pixels and in arcseconds, of this star. (This diameter, in arcseconds, would be the answer if later on one of the instructors asks you what the “seeing” was during your measurements.) To take images on which to make photometric measurements of the magnitudes and colors of stars, start with exposure times around one minute, but make sure that the stellar images aren’t significantly elongated in right ascension; if they are, adjust the telescope tracking rates so that many-minute exposures can be taken without elongating the stellar images. Turn on the dome’s exhaust fan, chase everybody out of the dome, and close the door to the stairway a while before taking any images you will wish to use in your data analysis. (The sharpness of stellar images will generally improve if you do.) 3. Now point the telescope at NGC 1068. Take at least one good short exposure (30 sec – 2 min) on your target in each of the three filters R, V and B. In these images the galaxy will look starlike: that’s the active nucleus. Make sure the telescope pointing offsets and drifts between images are as small as possible. It will help if the exposure time is the same at the three wavelengths. 4. Now take good images of NGC 1068, at all three wavelengths, at an exposure time long enough to reveal that there is a spiral galaxy surrounding the starlike object seen in the short exposures. Again it will help if the exposure times are the same at all three wavelengths. Make sure, in particular, that the B and V images are good enough to enable accurate calculation of the total magnitude and B-V color of the galaxy’s central stellar bulge. And make really sure that the telescope tracks well enough that compact objects within your images (e.g. the active nucleus) are not elongated; adjust the tracking rates and try again if they are. 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for NGC 772. 6. (Optional) If there is time left over after taking data on your targets and acquiring all necessary standard star, flat-field and dark-current images, look around on the display of TheSky to see if there are any other objects for which you’d like to try taking images. You are encouraged to explore all different kinds of objects. 7. Before relinquishing control of the telescope to the next team, or shutting the system down, make sure that you’ve acquired all of the necessary data, have saved it in both formats, and have backed it up on a CD or memory stick. 8. If you are the last team to observe, make sure you shut the system down, carefully and scrupulously according to the printed procedures. Also make sure that the dome power is shut off and that the doors are locked before you leave. 3.4 Back on campus Data reduction will be carried out using CCDSoft, an image-processing program that comes with TheSky. This will most easily be done with the CCD camera’s laptop computer. You and your team should arrange with the instructors to be admitted to this room for the following procedures. This is the most ©2014, The University of Rochester 17 All rights reserved Physics 243 Astronomy Project Manual Fall 2014 labor-intensive part of the experiment. Insure that the tasks of measurement of magnitudes are distributed equitably among the members of your team. 1. Start up CCDSoft and Microsoft Excel. Under CCDSoft’s Photometry Setup, enter the information appropriate for an f/12.5 24” telescope, a CCD camera with 20 micron square pixels, and seeing quality appropriate for your findings in step 2 above. 2. In CCDSoft, open all of FITS images of your standard stars at one of the wavelengths. Choosing one of them as the reference, select Reference magnitude, click on this star’s image, and enter the star’s magnitude at this wavelength. Then choose Determine magnitude, and click successively on the images of all of the other standard stars. Compare these magnitudes to those listed in the catalogues for each star. If there are many large discrepancies, repeat the process with one of the other stars serving as a reference. 3. Repeat for the other two wavelengths. In the end, determine as accurately as possible the magnitude of the reference star for which the exposure time is the same as that for the target cluster. Hopefully this won’t be too different from its catalogue magnitude. 4. Shift all of the images of your target Seyfert galaxy so that the active nucleus is in the same position (in pixel coordinates) on all the images. To do this, click the Mark centroid button, and click on the nucleus in each image, recording the centroid position displayed by CCDSoft at lower left each time you do. Then use Modify…Shift… on all of the images but one to shift the images so that the selected star will have the same position in all images. Check to make sure it worked by using Mark centroid on this star again in all the shifted images. Save all new images produced thereby, and work henceforth on the shifted images. 5. Repeat step 4 for all your images of the normal spiral galaxy. 6. Now you are ready to measure the magnitudes and colors of the galaxy nuclei. In the short exposures it may be possible to measure the magnitudes and colors of the active nucleus in the same manner as the colors and magnitudes of your globular cluster stars: Open the B-band images for your Sefert and for the magnitude reference star. Use Reference magnitude to set the B magnitude you worked out for the reference star. Then use Determine magnitude to measure the magnitudes of the compact nuclues. Repeat in V and R. 7. Estimate the B-V color of the central stellar bulge in both of your galaxies. To do this, move the cursor across your image to determine values in well-defined locations within the bulges of the signal in ADUs, and the background level well away from any substantial galactic or stellar emission, also in ADUs. Repeat the process for one of your standard-star images. Then use these flux measurements in ADUs to derive the magnitudes and colors for the bulge locations you chose, using Equations 1 and 2. 7. Discuss the probable nature of these galaxy nuclei. What kinds of stars predominate in the galaxy bulges? What are the similarities and differences between the bulges and nuclei in the two galaxies you observed? 8. Discuss the nature of the compact object in the nucleus of the Seyfert galaxy. How does it compare in color and magnitude to the bulge? Does it have a counterpart in the normal spiral galaxy? (Here the View – 3D surface plot feature of CCDSoft may be useful.) What kinds of stars have colors similar to the color of the compact object? How many stars of this type would be required to produce an object of the observed magnitude, and within what distance would they ©2014, The University of Rochester 18 All rights reserved Physics 243 Astronomy Project Manual Fall 2014 need to be concentrated? Given the lifetime of such stars, discuss the likelihood that the compact object is a cluster of stars, and offer alternative models if the likelihood seems small. 8. Choose a set of images of your target galaxies at the three wavelengths that all have the same exposure time. Use R-G-B Combine to generate a color image of your target. If the shifting has been done properly (step 4) then each star will appear still to be round and will not have a “blue end” or a “red end.” Save this image and include it in your report. ©2014, The University of Rochester 19 All rights reserved
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