DART-Agilent Vapur Interface Manual For Agilent TOF and Ion Trap Instruments Rev 2 Document # 7.5.059 IonSense Inc. 999 Broadway Suite 404 Saugus, MA 01906 Copyright © 2005-2014 by IonSense Inc. All rights reserved. The information in this document has been carefully checked and is believed to be reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Statements in the document not intended to create any warranty, expressed or implied. Specification and performance characteristics of the hardware and software described in the manual may be changed at any time without notice. IonSense Inc. reserves the right to make changes in any product herein in order to improve reliability, design, or function. IonSense does not assume any liability arising out of application or use of any product or circuit described nor does it cover any license under its patent rights or the rights of others. The apparatus and application of the apparatus described in this document is protected by US Patent Number 6,949,741 and used under license; additional patents pending. All trademarks are properties of their respective owners. DART-Agilent Vapur Interface Manual (SI-300-A Rev 2) 2 This manual details the steps necessary to install a DART source on an Agilent Instrument. It will focus on the Agilent TOF models, but these instructions are also applicable for Agilent Ion Trap instruments as well. Table of Contents 1. Diagram of the Agilent Source and Interface 2. Attaching the DART Vapur Flange to the Instrument 3. Setting the Source Type a. For New Instruments b. Old-Style Instruments 4. Optimal Parameters 5. Enabling Contact Closure 6. Calibrating the Agilent TOF with DART DART-Agilent Vapur Interface Manual (SI-300-A Rev 2) 3 Diagram of the Agilent Source and Interface All current Agilent sources have an “i-button” attached on the left side (as you are looking down the capillary of the instrument). The dual ESI source shown below has an i-button marked “11”. Figure 1: Dual ESI source view The desolvation chamber on the Agilent systems has an electronic reader that interprets the information on the i-button. The reader is shown in the picture below at the right end of the yellow wire in Figure 2. DART-Agilent Vapur Interface Manual (SI-300-A Rev 2) 4 Figure 2: Source mounted - hardware side view The i-button identifies the source attached, so that the parameters associated only with that source may be displayed and/or controlled in the software. Before changing the source, make sure the instrument is put in ‘OFF’ mode via the software. Right click on the TOF in the GUI and select ‘OFF’. Ignore all warnings and press “OK.” Once the DART is installed, place the instrument back into “standby” mode. Then remove the ESI source. Do not remove anything else. Detach the source from the unit by disconnecting it from the LC/MS completely. Leave the i-button attached to the source to prevent any exposure to high voltage. Complete removal of the source involves disconnecting the heater and thermocouple connector (multi-pin connector) and the medium voltage connectors shown below and some gas and solvent connectors shown in Figures 3 and 4. DART-Agilent Vapur Interface Manual (SI-300-A Rev 2) 5 Figure 3: Multi-pin Connector leading to Agilent source Figure 4: Medium voltage connector leading to Agilent source DART-Agilent Vapur Interface Manual (SI-300-A Rev 2) 6 Attaching the DART Vapur Flange to the Instrument Attach the DART flange to the Agilent instrument by sliding the two hinge pins on the left of the flange downward into the two holes on the left side shown circled in red in Figure 5. Swing the flange so that it meets the instrument and secure it with the latch. You may need to unscrew the arm of the latch to extend its length and reach the clamp on the DART flange. Figure 5: DART flange attached to the Agilent interface (hinges circled in red) DART-Agilent Vapur Interface Manual (SI-300-A Rev 2) 7 Figure 6: Rubber stopper in place to create seal with interface (Agilent splash guard still in place) Insert the rubber stopper into the waste pumping port as shown in Figure 6 and remove the Agilent splash guard (pictured below in Figure 7) before closing the Vapur Interface. Note: If may be necessary to adjust the length of the Agilent clasp used to secure the Vapur Interface to the front of the instrument. Make sure that the Vapur Interface makes a good seal against the front of the instrument otherwise there will be vacuum instability. Figure 7: Agilent splash guard removed DART-Agilent Vapur Interface Manual (SI-300-A Rev 2) 8 Figure 8: Vapur Interface fully mounted on Agilent MS Inserting the Ceramic Ion Transfer Tube into the Vapur Interface Remove the Swagelok nut from the front of the Vapur Interface and insert the ceramic ion transfer tube into the interface. Secure the ceramic tube with one of the provided graphite ferrules making sure to set a 2 mm gap inside the interface. Make sure to set a 2 mm gap inside the Vapur Interface between the end of the ceramic tube and the Agilent capillary inside the Vapur Interface. This gap ensures that the excess helium gas will be evacuated and maintain proper vacuum in the instrument. Take care to attach the black rubber pumping line from diaphragm pump over the barbed pumping port fitting on the side of the Vapur Interface. Refer to the DART SVP Hardware and Network Installation Manual (pages 6-8) for more specifics on interfacing the DART SVP source to the Vapur Interface. IonSense website: (http://www.ionsense.com/manuals) DART-Agilent Vapur Interface Manual (SI-300-A Rev 2) 9 Setting the Source Type The source setting in the MassHunter software is most likely set to “ESI,” which is the default setting if the system has not detected an i-button present. Change the source type to “Dual-ESI”. The capillary (in the case of ESI) is at high temperature. You can increase/decrease the temp inside the MassHunter software window (shown below in Figure 9). Enter DualESI source Figure 9: MassHunter Control program window Optimal Parameters IonSense recommends using the following operational settings: Capillary Voltage: ~1000V Drying Gas: 8.5 L/min (Important to keep H2O cluster formation low) Fragmentor Voltage: 150-175V Octapole Voltage: o 250V for masses above 100 Da o 100V for masses below 100 Da If “Dual-ESI is not an option: On older-version instruments, “Dual-ESI” is not an option in the software. In this case: 1. Set the source type to “ESI”. 2. On the start button select: Programs → Agilent- MassHunterWorkstation → Acquisition tools → Instrument Configuration 3. Deselect LC 4. On the source button select "Do not wait for set-points to equilibrate" DART-Agilent Vapur Interface Manual (SI-300-A Rev 2) 10 Enabling Contact Closure A B Figure 10: A) Contact closure “Remote” port on Agilent mass spectrometer B) DART-SVP contact closure cable plugged in 1. Plug in the contact closure cable from your DART-SVP kit into the serial port on the Agilent mass spectrometer that says “Remote” as shown in Figure 10. Figure 11: Contact closure cable plugged into the DART-SVP controller 2. Plug the other end of the cable into the “Mass-Spec Interface” port on the DART-SVP controller as shown in Figure 11. DART-Agilent Vapur Interface Manual (SI-300-A Rev 2) 11 DART SVP Software Settings for Contact Closure Navigate in the DART SVP software to the “Settings” page and click on the “Contact Closure” button. On the “Contact Closure” page check to make sure that “Method Start Signal” is selected “On”. Navigate to the “Methods” page and select the desired method. You can “Edit” the method parameters or hit “Start” to initiate the DART sampling method, which will trigger the mass spectrometer data acquisition via contact closure. DART-Agilent Vapur Interface Manual (SI-300-A Rev 2) 12 MassHunter Data Acquisition: Contact Closure Set-up Figure 12: Worklist drop down menu 3. Click on the “Worklist” drop down menu and select “Worklist Run Parameters…” as shown in Figure 12. DART-Agilent Vapur Interface Manual (SI-300-A Rev 2) 13 Figure 13: Work List Parameters… Menu 4. Select “External Start” from the drop down menu for “Run Type” as shown in Figure 13. Figure 14: Worklist tab for sample queue 5. In the “Worklist” tab set up your sample name, method, data file, and sample type and to begin your run. DART-Agilent Vapur Interface Manual (SI-300-A Rev 2) 14 Calibrating the Agilent TOF with DART Thanks to George Dubay of Duke University and Howard Sanford of Agilent Technologies for their assistance with this section. While a tune done with the ESI source will remain current with the DART, it is necessary to calibrate the Agilent TOF with the DART before usage to ensure mass accuracy. The critical factor for the calibration is ion stability. If the ion current is unstable during calibration, the system destabilizes and the mass accuracy will drift significantly. To ensure a stable ion current: The ions used for calibration must be not too small or large: ~100-700 Da. IonSense recommends PEG-600 as a calibration compound for achieving these target ions. Maintain the instrument vacuum at the lower reaches of 10-7. At high vacuum pressures (10-6 and lower), performance decreases. Also, the vacuum should be relatively constant and not wildly fluctuating. o To do this, it may be necessary to pull the DART source away from the ceramic tube inlet so that the gap between the ceramic cap and ceramic tube is ~8.5mm. o When using IonSense experiment modules to introduce samples, attach them to the rail in the position farther away from the API inlet. Target ion abundances for calibration ions should be in the range of 200500K. Greater abundances will lead to system instability. It is recommended to use the Agilent instrument’s standard capillary instead of the resistive-type capillary. DART-Agilent Vapur Interface Manual (SI-300-A Rev 2) 15 Revision History REV DCR # Description of Change Effective Date 1.0 43 Initial Release 11/11/2013 2.0 88 Changed distance on page 15 to 8.5mm from 8.5cm. 3/10/2014 Removed part number of flange from document, do not want to have to update document if part number changes Corrected copyright date from 2012 to 2014 DART-Agilent Vapur Interface Manual (SI-300-A Rev 2) 16
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