2014 Parent Manual

2014 Parent Manual
Table of Contents
Camp ECHO & ECHO Extreme Schedules
Counselor Groups
Goals for the Camp ECHO Day Camp Program
Camp and Before & After Camp Registration
Early Bird Registration
Late Camp Registrations
Photographs or Videos
Multiple Session Reward
Camp Newsletters
Camp Surveys
Office Hours
Transfer Requests or Refunds
Friend Requests
IPRA Teen Camp Olympics
Camp Orientation
Special Event
Activity Days
Early Drop-Off
The First Day of the Session
Camp Paperwork
Emergency Cards
Pick Up and Drop Off Procedures & Guidelines
Before & After Camp Procedures & Guidelines
Late Pick-Up
Special Needs
What to Wear
Lost & Found
Text Messages
Parking for Parents
Field Trips
Swimming at the Cary Park District Pool
Intruder Lockdown Procedures
Weather Forecast
Heat Index Zone Chart
Severe Weather Procedures
Camp Rules and Discipline Procedures
Code of Conduct
Behavior & Discipline
Camp Rules
Write Ups & Consequences
What to Bring & What Not to Bring to Camp ECHO & ECHO Extreme
Cary Park District would like to welcome you to the 2014 Camp ECHO experience. The Camp ECHO Staff is
ready and in full force for a fun and exciting summer. The following information will help answer any
questions you may have regarding the program. Please read this manual thoroughly and keep it in a convenient
location so you can reference it throughout the summer.
Camp ECHO (Grades K-5) & ECHO Extreme (Grades 6-8)
Camp Activities are from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Fel-Pro RRR Conservation Area.
Parents can drop off as early as 8:30 am and pick up as late as 3:30 pm
M - Th
No camp on 7/4
8:30 am-3:30 pm
8:30 am-3:30 pm
8:30 am-3:30 pm
8:30 am-3:30 pm
8:30 am-3:30 pm
8:30 am-3:30 pm
8:30 am-3:30 pm
8:30 am-3:30 pm
8:30 am-3:30 pm
8:30 am-3:30 pm
Drop-Off for camp will be at the Fel-Pro RRR
Conservation Area Monday through Friday.
Swim days are Wednesdays and Fridays and pick up on
those days is at the Cary Park District Community
ECHO Flex Camp (Grades K-8)
Camp Activities are from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Fel-Pro RRR Conservation Area.
Parents can drop off as early as 8:30 am and pick up as late as 3:30 pm
W, Th, F
6/11, 6/12, 6/13
8:30 am-3:30 pm
*Flex session has
been adjusted due
to SD26 last day
6/16 & 6/18
6/23 & 6/25
6/30 & 7/2
7/7 & 7/9
7/14 & 7/16
7/21 & 7/23
7/28 & 7/30
8/4 & 8/6
8/11 & 8/13
Drop-Off for camp will be at the Fel-Pro RRR
Conservation Area Monday through Friday.
8:30 am-3:30 pm
8:30 am-3:30 pm
8:30 am-3:30 pm
8:30 am-3:30 pm
8:30 am-3:30 pm
8:30 am-3:30 pm
8:30 am-3:30 pm
8:30 am-3:30 pm
8:30 am-3:30 pm
Swim days are Wednesdays and Fridays and pick up
on those days is at the Cary Park District Community
Before & After Camp
Before & After Camp is available for Camp ECHO and ECHO Extreme for all 10 sessions. Before Camp is
offered from 7:00 am - 8:30 am and After Camp is offered from 3:30 - 6:00 pm. Program participants must be
in attendance during camp hours in order to participate in Before & After Camp. Drop-Off and Pick-Up for
Before & After Camp is held at the Fel-Pro/RRR Conservation Area. On camp swim days, Wednesdays and Fridays, the
After Camp participants will be bussed via Park District vehicles back to the Fel-Pro/RRR Conservation Area.
There are three options for Before and After Camp:
1). 5-day option held Monday-Friday
2). 2-day option held Monday and Wednesday (except during Session 1)
3). 1-day option held on the day of your choice
Staff is carefully interviewed, selected and hired for the Cary Park District Day Camp program. A Camp
Coordinator and Assistant Camp Coordinator who are highly qualified and experienced supervise the camp
daily. Counselors are a mixture of adults and college-aged students 18 years and older. All staff goes through
an extensive training program prior to camp beginning. We are proud of our Camp ECHO staff and think you
will feel the same.
Counselor Groups
All counselors are assigned a group with 8 to 13 campers depending on age group. Camp ECHO groups will be
formed into three grade classifications: K & 1st, 2nd & 3rd, and 4th & 5th grades. ECHO Extreme will be
formed out of grades 6th through 8th. Counselor groups are used for attendance, and to keep track of campers
during transitions from one activity/location to another. Counselor groups may team up with one other
counselor for activities and may combine the entire camp for a large group activity. Counselor to camper ratios
is as follows:
Camp ECHO Groups
Counselor to Camper Ratio
Grades K & 1
Grades 2 & 3
Grades 4 & 5
ECHO Extreme Groups
Counselor to Camper Ratio
Grades 6-8
Goals of the Camp ECHO Day Camp Program
Through quality leadership and program activities, it is our hope that Camp ECHO/ECHO Extreme will provide
each camper with the opportunity:
1. To learn how to work and play as a member of a group without sacrificing individuality;
2. To encourage the pursuit of meaningful, enjoyable, and satisfying leisure time activities within a day
camp atmosphere;
3. To develop healthy habits, a sense of fair play, and respect for equipment and property;
4. To participate in wholesome and creative play in a setting that will ensure the health and safety of
the camper;
5. To enhance personal growth, emphasizing confidence building, self esteem, acceptance within a
group, independence and resourcefulness;
6. To develop an appreciation for nature and its beauty.
Camp and Before & After Camp Registration
Register your child in the grade level he or she is entering in the fall. Registrations are accepted online using
Rapid Reg found on the Park District website, www.carypark.com, or by completing a Summer Day Camp
and/or Before & After Camp Registration Form. Registration forms may be mailed, faxed (847-639-6290) or
dropped off at the Community Center. Due to the several registration options for Before & After Camp, online
registration is not available for Before & After Camp. Camp registration forms will not be accepted at the
camp location. For proper staff to camper ratio, it is preferred that all camp registration and Before & After
Camp registration be received by 5:30 pm on the Saturday prior to the start of a new session. Please review
your registration form once filled out and before submitted to make sure the program barcodes match the
sessions you want your child to attend camp.
Early Bird Registration
Registering early assists with staffing, purchasing supplies, field trips and transportation. Register for camp by
5:00 pm on Friday, May 23 to receive $10.00 off each session you register for. The early bird fees are listed in
the brochure and ECHO Flex and Before & After Camp do not have early bird pricing. After 5:00 pm on May
23, all camp fees return to their regular rates, also listed in the camp brochure.
Late Camp Registrations
Occasionally, spots may be available after the registration deadline for that session. The front desk staff will not
confirm availability of spots for that week’s sessions. Participants that want to register for camp after the
registration deadline need to contact the Recreation Program Manager about availability. Phone messages and
emails left for the Recreation Program Manager may not be returned until Monday afternoon. This process will
take at least one day and the earliest a child can attend is Tuesday. Participants that have been accepted late will
still need to pay the full price for camp and will not be pro-rated for missed days.
Photographs or Videos
Photos and video footage are periodically taken of participants in class, during a special event, or in the
District’s parks and facilities. Please be aware that by registering for Park District programs and activities or by
using the Park District’s parks and facilities you agree that any photograph or videotape taken by the Park
District may be used by the District for promotional purposes including print and electronic media without
further permission and without any compensation to you. All photos/videos are property of the Park District.
Shortly after each session ends a photo gallery of pictures taken of camp activities during the week will be
available for viewing on our website, www.carypark.com.
Multiple Session Reward
For each child who attends 6 or more sessions of camp, he or she will receive a $25.00 Park District gift
certificate. The award will be distributed at the end of summer and does not apply to Before & After Camp.
Camp Newsletters
Camp newsletters for each session will be distributed at pick-up on Monday afternoon. They will also be
posted on the website, www.carypark.com, under the Camp ECHO section and available via email each session.
Newsletters are used to keep parents informed of daily activities and other important information happening
during the week.
Camp Surveys
Your feedback is important to us and we want to make sure your child is receiving the best camp experience
possible. Surveys will be sent out via email several times throughout the summer and at the end of camp.
Please take a few minutes to share your comments and concerns, and your campers, on their camp experience
and to help keep our camp fun and safe for all those who attend.
Office Hours
General questions regarding Camp ECHO, ECHO Extreme, and Before & After Camp can be answered by the
front desk staff during building hours. Specific questions can be directed to your child’s counselor, the Camp
Coordinator or the Assistant Camp Coordinator. Questions can also be directed to the Recreation Program
Manager, Sarah Welsh, at 847-639-6100 ext. 105 or by email at swelsh@carypark.com. If you call after office
hours please leave a message and it will be answered the next business day.
Building Hours
Community Center Hours
Monday-Thursday 5:30 am- 10:00 pm
Friday 5:30 am-9:00 pm*
Saturday & Sunday 7:00 am -8:00 pm*
*Summer Weekend Hours (5/24-9/1)
Phone Number
Transfer Requests or Refunds
Any changes to your registration or transfers of sessions must be done in writing and turned into the
Community Center, not verbalized to the camp staff. After June 1, a $5.00 processing fee will be assessed for
each session transfer request. If you need to withdrawal from a session a Cary Park District Withdrawal Form
must be filled out. Forms are available at the Community Center front desk or on our website,
www.carypark.com. When a participant requests a withdrawal, a $5.00 service charge will be deducted
from the refund amount (either a transfer fee or withdrawal feel will be charged, not both). Registration
for all of our camps are for an entire week (except ECHO Flex) and refunds will not be issued for missed days.
If your camper is suspended from camp due to unacceptable behavior, a refund will not be issued for any
missed days. Each situation will be evaluated on its own merit. The complete refund policy is located in the
summer brochure and on the withdrawal form.
Friend Requests
The Camp Coordinator and Assistant Camp Coordinator will be assigning counselor groups prior to the first day
of the camp session. If you would like your child in the same group as a friend or car pool companion, a
Friend Request Form needs to be completed and turned in by the weekly registration deadline. Friend requests
can only be honored if both parties request each other on a Friend Request Form. These forms can be picked up
at the Camp ECHO site, at the Community Center or online. Friend Request Forms must be turned into the
Community Center. Any Friend Request Forms not turned in by the registration deadline will NOT be
honored. Friend Request forms will be honored the entire summer unless a change is indicated. The Camp
Coordinator and Assistant Camp Coordinator will do their best to honor your friend request; however, due to
participant numbers in certain sessions, requests may not be honored for proper camper to staff ratios. Friend
requests may be voided by the Coordinator and Assistant Coordinator if there are behavior issues.
IPRA Teen Camp Olympics
The Illinois Park and Recreation Association’s Teen Committee is hosting a Teen Camp Olympics on July 23 at
the Lisle Park District. Campers registered in the ECHO Extreme during the July 21 session have the
opportunity to compete against other teen camps throughout the state. This is an early drop-off and late pickup day for the ECHO Extreme campers. The ECHO Extreme campers and staff will leave camp at 8:30
am and arrive back to camp around 4:00 pm. ECHO Extreme campers picked up after 4:15 pm will be
charged late fees.
Camp Orientation
Parents and campers are invited to join us as we kick off summer 2014 with a camp orientation. Meet the staff,
tour the site, and engage in fun games and activities with the camp staff. Camp orientation will take place on
Thursday, June 5 from 6:00-7:30 pm at the Fel-Pro/RRR Conservation Area. Please see the agenda below for
more details.
6:00-6:15 pm Main Path
6:15-6:30 pm Main Path
6:30-7:00 pm Fel-Pro/RRR Grounds
7:00-7:30 pm Main Pavilion
7:30 pm
Main Pavilion Field
Main Pavilion
Welcome & Sign-In
Greet Parents & Campers
Introductions & Group Assignments
Tour of the Fel-Pro/RRR Conservation Area Grounds
Parent Manual Q & A Session with Recreation Program
Manager, Camp Coordinator and Assistant Camp Coordinator
Campers join their counselor groups for an activity.
Special Event
Campers, grab your parents and have them join you! Together you will explore and experience all that camp
has to offer.
Two events will be planned this summer and more details will be available in the weekly Camp ECHO
Activity Days
Tuesdays are Activity Days at Camp ECHO which includes four one-hour activity blocks. During these times
campers will rotate from activity station to activity station, and participate in activities such as: arts & crafts,
theater, sports, dance, archery, fishing and more. Activity Stations are run by Activity Leaders that prepare a
daily activity curriculum appropriate for each grade group.
Early Drop-Off
Campers not registered for Before Camp will not be permitted to enter camp until 8:30 am. If campers arrive
before 8:30 am they are to wait with their parents in the parking lot until 8:30 am.
Camp Sign-In will take place every morning from 8:30-9:00 am with the camp staff on the main path. At this
time, you will be able to meet your child’s counselor for that week and ask any questions you may have. Each
counselor will be lined up at a tree with a sign-in sheet for their group. This change in sign-in allows the
counselors to personally meet the parents or whoever drops off the camper for that day. During this time
campers have the opportunity to participate in activities located in the field along the main path.
Camp Sign-Out will take place every afternoon from 3:00-3:30 pm with their counselors on the main path.
Counselors will line their groups up on the main path between 2:55-3:00 pm. Campers picked-up at camp
between 3:00-3:30 pm will have the opportunity to participate in activities located in the field along the main
The First Day of the Session
The first day of the session is always the most hectic. We will try our best to make the first day of each session
go as smooth as possible and we need your help in order to do so. As it is stated above, the sign-in/out process
will be with the individual counselors. At this time, please turn in all required forms to your child’s counselor.
The camp staff will begin by welcoming everyone and introduce themselves one by one. After the
introductions, camp staff will go over the rules and expectations they have set for the campers.
Camp Paperwork
All camp paperwork needs to be filled out only once during the summer, unless there are changes throughout
the summer. We keep all paperwork on file throughout the entire summer. However, it is needed prior to the
first day your child starts. Basic Camp Information and the Mandatory Camp Forms can be found at our
website, www.carypark.com.
Emergency Cards
A camper will NOT be allowed to attend the first day of camp without a completed emergency card on file at
the camp location. If there are any changes to the emergency card throughout the summer (new work number,
new cell number, emergency contact, etc.), please notify the Camp Coordinator and fill out a new emergency
card, as soon as possible. It is necessary to provide us with the most current information in case of an
Pick Up & Drop Off Procedures & Guidelines
Camp ECHO and ECHO Extreme runs from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday. Campers can be
dropped off as early as 8:30 am and picked-up as late as 3:30 pm. Planned camp activities begin at 9:00 am and
end at 3:00 pm. The Camp Coordinator must be notified in advance if you child will not be arriving at camp by
the official start time. It is helpful if there are limited disruptions throughout the day.
Our camps are parent friendly, but we do need some assistance from you! Prompt pick up of your child is
expected. Campers must be signed out each day by an authorized individual. Parents or guardians listed on the
child’s emergency cards are considered authorized to pick-up unless documented otherwise. Legal
documentation may be required if a parent or guardian is excluded from pick up.
A parent or guardian must complete a Release of Child Form and return it to the camp staff to authorize
additional individuals to pick up his or her child. A child will not be released to an unauthorized individual. If
you will be participating in a car pool, a note from all parties will be required. In the event a parent or guardian
cannot be reached and a completed Release of Child Form has not been submitted to the camp staff,
emergency contacts will be notified. Camp staff will ask to see a photo ID of an unidentified person picking up
a camper. Camp staff must receive contact from a parent or guardian before the end of the camp day if there is
any delay in pick-up. If contact is not received, and a camper has not been picked up by 30 minutes after the
end of camp or After Camp, the police will be notified.
Before & After Camp Procedures & Guidelines
Before and After Camp is available for Camp ECHO and ECHO Extreme from 7:00-8:30 am and 3:30-6:00 pm
at the Fel-Pro RRR Conservation Area. Program participants must be in attendance during the regular day
camp hours in order to participate in the Before and After Camp Program. Parents are responsible for signing
their camper in or out with the Before and After Camp Staff. Campers in the After Camp program will receive
snack at 3:45 pm in the main pavilion. Snack is only provided for participants registered for the After
Camp Program. PROMPT PICK-UP OF YOUR CHILD IS EXPECTED. Once your child has been
picked up from After Camp you cannot return until your next scheduled day.
Late Pick-Up
Camp activities end at 3:00 pm and campers may be picked up as late as 3:30 pm. Any campers picked up after
3:30 pm and not registered in the After Camp program will be charged a late fee with one courtesy allowance.
The late fees are as follows:
Camp ECHO/ECHO Extreme
3:31-3:45 pm $10.00
3:56-4:00 pm
3:46-3:50 pm $15.00
4:01-4:05 pm
3:51-3:55 pm $20.00
4:06-4:10 pm
After Camp
6:00-6:15 pm $10.00
6:16-6:20 pm $15.00
6:21-6:25 pm $20.00
$5.00 charges will
still continue until
child is picked up.
The parent will be asked to sign an acknowledgement form and the fee must be paid by the end of the current
camp session. All fees need to be paid at the Community Center and not at the camp location. A child will not
be allowed to enter the next session of camp until the late fee has been paid.
If your child is sick, please do not send him/her to camp that day. In case of a communicable disease (chicken
pox, head lice, etc.), please contact the Camp Coordinator or Recreation Program Manager IMMEDIATLEY
for the health and safety of all campers. Parents will be notified by the camp staff as soon as possible if a child
in the program has a communicable disease. Camp staff reserves the right to refuse any child who shows signs
of illness. If a child has been home due to illness, he/she must be symptom-free for 24 hours before returning to
camp. Refunds will not be issued due to missed days of camp due to an illness.
If your child will not be in camp, please call the camp site between 7:00 am and 8:50 am. Staff must also be
notified if campers will not be attending Before & After Camp.
Elisa Kemper
Camp Coordinator
Kelsey Nordengren
Assistant Camp Coordinator
Sarah Welsh
Recreation Program Manager
847-639-6100 ext.105
Voicemail is available on both the Camp phone and Park District office phones. Please leave a
message and it will be returned as soon as possible.
The day camp registration form provides the opportunity for a parent/guardian to note any special
accommodation needed by a participant. If special accommodations are medication related, please contact the
Recreation Program Manager to discuss medication needs of your child prior to the beginning of the session. If
medication needs to be sent with your child, a Permission to Dispense Medication form must be filled out in
advance and be at the camp site prior to your child attending their first day. These forms are available from the
Recreation Program Manager at the Community Center, and not at the camp site.
Special Needs
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the Cary Park District at the time of registration if your
child needs special accommodations in order to be successful in our camp program (i.e. specialized equipment,
behavior plans, special information for staff, etc). Please contact the Recreation Program Manager to discuss
any necessary accommodations.
The Cary Park District will comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), which prohibits
discrimination in the provision of programs, services or activities to individuals with disabilities. The Park
District will make reasonable accommodations to enable participation by an individual with a disability who
meets essential eligibility requirements for camp. The Cary Park District works closely with the Northern
Illinois Special Recreation Association (NISRA).
What to Wear
Due to the nature of camp activities, children can sometimes get dirty. We ask that children refrain from
wearing good clothes to camp, as it may hinder their participation in some activities or damage their clothes.
GYM SHOES MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES. Sandals, flip flops, and open toed shoes are not
permitted in the Fel-Pro RRR Conservation Area. The Fel-Pro RRR Conservation Area is a very rustic and
wooded place with non-paved trails that campers will be hiking on and sandals, flip flops, and open toed shoes
are not safe to wear when hiking or playing games. However, campers may wear sandals, flip flops, and opentoed shoes only when they are at the Cary Park District pool or on a waterpark field trip. Remember to dress for
the weather; campers will be outside for the majority of the camp day. For this reason we ask that you apply
sunscreen, minimum SPF-15, to your child before he/she arrives for the camp day. Due to the type of
location, we also ask that you supply your child with insect repellent as well. Please talk to your child
about reapplying sunscreen and insect repellent through the day by themselves or with a buddy. Staff
will remind campers throughout the day to reapply sunscreen and encourage campers to help each other with
the sunscreen. Camp staff can assist campers with application of sunscreen if the sunscreen or insect repellents
are sprays. Staff can spray the sunscreen or insect repellent on your child and instruct them or a buddy to rub it
in the areas they are not able to reach.
The Cary Park District will supply a snack only for those registered for the After Camp program. Snacks
are not provided for camps unless it is a special theme day. These special days will be highlighted in the
weekly camp newsletter. When campers visit the pool, they may bring a snack or small amount of money (no
more than $10.00) to purchase a snack at the pool. Pool rules about food apply to campers as well.
Lost & Found
Please provide your child with a backpack to keep all of his/her belongings. Label everything your child
brings to camp with his/her first and last name. The camp staff will do their best to help the children keep
track of their belongings, but are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please talk with your children
about keeping track of their belongings throughout the day and taking them home at the end of each day. There
is a lost and found container at the camp site and at the Community Center. Please check these containers if any
of your child’s belongings are missing. Lost and found items are donated to charity at the end of each summer
if not claimed.
Text Messages
Stay informed about important Camp ECHO information through text message. Camp ECHO is using
RainedOut to inform you of changes to the day’s schedule or pickup. Text the word CAMP14 to 84483 to be
added to this list. Message or data rates may apply. You will continue to remain on the list until you opt out,
even if you are no longer in a session. When you receive your next message you may opt out at that time.
Parking for Parents
Pick-up and drop-off traffic can be very hectic at times. Parents will follow the one way procedure for parking.
They will enter the lot to the right and follow it around the small curve into the back of the parking lot. This is
the only area that camp parents are permitted to park. When they leave they will continue around past the
ranger station and back out through the parking lot entrance. Parking in the front of or between the tree lines is
prohibited for camp parents. The area between the tree lines is for Camp Staff Only.
Fel-Pro/RRR Conservation Area Parking Lot
Camp Parking Lot
Parking for Camp Drop-Off & Pick Up
Tree Line
Tree Line
Parking Lot Entrance
One Way Entry/Exit Route
Blocked Off Areas (No Camp Parking
for Parents)
Tree Lines
District Maintenance Facility
Field Trips
Camp ECHO’s scheduled field trips are on Thursdays (with the exception of the IPRA Teen Camp Olympics on
July 23 for ECHO Extreme). The weekly newsletter will indicate the departure time for that week’s session. It
is very important that campers arrive to camp on time on field trip days. All counselors chaperone field trips,
with no staff staying back at the camp site. There is no additional fee for the activities planned for each trip.
For most trips, a school bus will be chartered for transportation. For some trips, including the trip to Cary Park
District Pool and the off-site activities for ECHO Extreme will utilize the Cary Park District mini buses for
transportation. All campers must wear their current camp T-shirt on these days. All field trip information can
be found in the camp newsletter which is distributed every Monday and can be found on our website at
www.carypark.com. All field trips are subject to change at any time, due to inclement weather or emergency
circumstances. If you have any questions, please ask the Camp ECHO/ECHO Extreme staff. Campers are
allowed to bring up to $10.00 to camp on the field trip days. However, this is optional and not
mandatory. The decision of bringing extra money to camp is strictly up to the parents or guardians of
the camper.
Cary Park District programs comply with the safety guidelines of our risk management agency. Our goal is to
provide each camper with a safe, yet fun, camp experience.
Swimming at the Cary Park District Pool
Camp ECHO and ECHO Extreme will travel twice a week to the Cary Park District pool for an afternoon of
swimming. Campers will begin departing from the Fel-Pro RRR Conservation Area around 11:00 am.
Campers will swim from 12:00 to 2:30 pm. Pick-up will be at the Cary Park District Community Center in the
field behind the parking lot on both Wednesdays & Fridays.
Campers do not have to swim, but they must travel with their group to the pool. At the beginning of each
session, new campers will take a swim test, which is administered by the pool managers and lifeguards. This
test will determine which areas of the pool each child is allowed to swim. A camper only needs to be tested
once per session. Each camper will receive a wristband that is designated to a certain swim area. The
wristband system is as follows:
Wristband Color
Designated Area(s)
Tot Pool Only
Tot Pool & 3 Foot Area Only
Tot Pool & 3 to 5 Foot Area Only
Diving Well & entire “Big” pool
Wristbands must be worn during the entire visit to the pool. Day Camp staff will be stationed throughout the
pool area and in the water to supervise the campers. The lifeguards and pool managers will enforce all regular
pool rules during visits.
Intruder Lockdown Procedures
The Cary Park District and McHenry County Conservation District have an intruder lockdown plan in place in
case of an intruder on the premises. We are keeping this plan confidential for the safety of your children and
the safety of our camp staff. The camp will perform this drill every session. PARENTS WILL BE
Weather Forecast
Every session the weekly forecast will be posted at the camp location and listed in the camp newsletter in the
“This Week’s Forecast” section. This section shows the forecast for that week as well as the heat index zones
we follow. The descriptions of the heat index zones and severe weather information can be found below.
Weather is checked daily and parents will be updated and camp staff will make adjustments as the day goes on.
Heat Index Zone Chart
Heat Index
65-80 Degrees
81-98 Degrees
99-105 Degrees
106-115 Degrees
Above 115
In this range, campers are in very little danger from the heat and no special measure
will be taken by the camp staff
In this range, counselors are instructed to take extra steps to protect their campers by
making sure they keep them hydrated and encouraging breaks in the shade when
In this range camp staff will implement the same measures taken in the yellow zone.
Counselors are instructed to keep all campers hydrated by making sure all water
bottles are full and take frequent breaks in the Lake Pavilion, Main Pavilion, and other
shaded areas.
All measures from the yellow and orange zone will be taken. Reduce all physical
activity by ten minutes and take frequent breaks in the Lake Pavilion, Main Pavilion,
and other shaded areas.
All camp activity will be moved indoors. All participants will be notified to these
changes as soon as possible. Camp will resume outside once the heat index is below
115 degrees.
Severe Weather Procedures
Severe Weather Shelter Location
The bathrooms and office/storage area in the Lake Pavilion.
1. If the weather begins to look questionable, all activities will take place by the lake pavilion. All plans for hiking
through the site will be canceled and postponed until the weather clears.
2. There will be a weather radio on at all times that will be located in the camp office.
3. Air horns will be fired as a means of notification that will be given by the camp staff. This indicates that all campers
and staff need to get below ground in bathrooms and office/storage area in the lake house pavilion.
4. The camp site must be clear from thunder and lightning strikes for 30 minutes before giving the all clear to resume
the outdoor activities. The 30 minute timeline starts over after every thunder or lightning strike.
5. If a severe storm breaks out before the beginning or end of camp, the camp will be on lockdown in the lake
pavilion shelter until the storm clears. CHILDREN WILL NOT BE SIGNED-IN OR RELEASED UNTIL
THE STORM CLEARS. Parents need to remain in their vehicles until the storm clears.
6. On mornings or afternoons when it is raining at sign-in/sign-out children will be shuttled back and forth in a mini van
from the parking lot to the lake pavilion and vice versa when Park District vehicles are available.
7. Only five children can be in the van at a time and we ask that parents wait patiently as we make the way back to the
parking lot.
8. Refer to the weather alert and RainedOut text message.
Severe Weather Drill
1. The Camp Coordinator will conduct a severe weather drill every session with participation for all camp staff.
Camp Rules and Discipline Procedures
Code of Conduct
Each camper, with their parents, need to read and sign the camp code of conduct prior to the start of camp. This
is a great way to ensure that he/she know the rules and what behavior is expected of him/her. Failure to follow
the guidelines in the Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary action.
Behavior & Discipline
Participants are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times. The following guidelines have been
developed to help make the Camp ECHO/ECHO Extreme Day Camp program safe and enjoyable for all
participants. Additional rules may be developed as deemed necessary by staff. All participants are to read
through the code of conduct with their parents and sign the Code of Conduct when registering for the program.
The Code of Conduct form is located in the registration packet.
Camp Rules
All campers will go over the rules of camp on the first day. All camp rules can be found in the Camper Code of
Conduct that you and your child sign at registration. Please refer to the code of conduct for all camp rules.
Write Ups & Consequences
This system works by session. Parents will be notified at the end of the day as to what happened to result in this
write up. The slate is wiped clean at the start of each session. Camp staff always use the verbal warnings first
and reminds the campers of their prior write up and the consequences from that action. Automatic write ups
will be given for directly defiant behavior or violent, physical aggression, towards themselves, camp staff
or campers.
What to Bring & What Not to Bring to Camp ECHO & ECHO Extreme
What to Bring to Camp Everyday
All participants in the Cary Park District Day Camp program are required to bring a backpack daily to
keep track of their belongings. Please label all belongings with your child’s name.
Healthy Lunch
& Drink
Campers should bring an insulated lunch bag with freezer packs/frozen bottle of water to keep things
cool. Here are some healthy lunch ideas: pudding cups, water, raisins, apples, orange slices, celery &
carrot sticks, pretzels, graham crackers, yogurt, grapes, applesauce, 100% fruit juice, string cheese, and
fresh seasonal fruit.
All campers need to bring a refillable water bottle everyday to help them keep hydrated. There will be
water coolers that campers can use to fill up their water bottles at various times throughout the day.
Swim Suit
& Towel
Even though they only swim twice a week campers should bring their suit and towel everyday because on
hot days the campers may be playing water games. Swim suits should be one pieces or a “Tankini” (no
bikinis please).
The majority of the camp day is outside and campers must come to camp with sunscreen on and
sunscreen to reapply as needed throughout the camp day. A minimum of SPF-15 is recommended.
There are many wooded areas in the Fel-Pro RRR Conservation Area and we recommend that campers
come to camp with insect repellent on and insect repellent to reapply as needed throughout the camp day.
Hat &
Wearing a hat and sunglasses helps keeps the campers protected from the sun.
Our camp days are filled with many fun activities and the majority of the supplies are provided. Occasionally there are
special theme days that might require campers to bring something from home. These special days will be highlighted in the
weekly camp newsletter. It is important that campers leave items at home that are not appropriate for camp or interfere with
the overall camp experience. The following items are not permitted at camp.
Items Not Permitted at Camp ECHO
Items Not Permitted at ECHO Extreme
rollerblades, scooters, Heeleys or any
other item that has wheels. Participants
that have Heeleys must remove the
wheels at the beginning of the camp day.
Skating Items: Skateboards, rollerblades, scooters, Heeleys or any other item that has
wheels. Participants that have Heeleys must remove the wheels at the beginning of the
camp day. However, there may be days during certain sessions where the ECHO
Extreme may go to the skate park at Lions Park. These items will be permitted on
those days.
Electronic Devices: Cell phones, iPads, Electronic Devices: Cell phones, iPads, Kindles, Nooks, or any other electronic devices.
Kindles, Nooks, or any other electronic Campers may have cell phones on them during the camp day. However, the cell
phone must be turned off and kept inside the backpack for the duration of the camp
day. Texting or calling is not permitted during the day. If campers are caught on their
phone calling or texting, the phone will be confiscated and returned to the camper or
parent at the end of the day. If campers need to call parents they must speak with the
Camp Coordinator and they will be able to use the camp phone.
Portable Game & Music Systems: iPods, Nintendo DS, PSP’s or any other hand held device.
Trading Cards: Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Baseball cards, or any other type of trading cards.
Any violence related materials: magazines, weapons, fireworks, or any other violent materials
If one of the above items or anything else deemed inappropriate is brought to camp, camp staff will confiscate that item. It is
the responsibility of the camper or parent to recover it at the end of the day. Possession of fireworks or weapons will result
in a camper’s immediate expulsion from camp. Each situation will be evaluated on its own merit.
The Cary Park District looks forward to successful camp season with your child.