Tiger Tales- “Roaring with Pride!” Stephen Central Public School

Stephen Central Public School
Tiger Tales- “Roaring with Pride!”
October 2014
David Bennett – Principal
Betty Regier – Secretary
Principal’s Message
Well it was a whirl wind start to the 2014-15
school year at Stephen. Not only did we have
the usual anticipation and exhilaration
associated with the beginning of every school
year, we had the added excitement of
welcoming so many new students. We even
had three new students join us this week.
Stephen Central is clearly the place to be, and
as our enrolment rose above 190 the school
board was able to increase our staff allocation
by 2.25 people. This made it possible for us to
add an additional class in the junior division and
an Early Childhood Educator in kindergarten.
These changes mean much lower class sizes for
many of our students, some straight grade
classes, and more staff on yard duty to help
ensure that an adult is never far away when a
student needs help at recess.
Parent Council News
2014-2015 Parent Council would like to say
Thank You to everyone who came out and
enjoyed the school Open House. We would like
to thank the teachers, staff, and Mr. & Mrs. Laye,
the school looked fantastic! It was great to see
everyone and meet new families attending our
school. Thank you to everyone who filled out a
ballot and offered to volunteer over the next
year. Please feel free to join us at our
meetings at least once over the year. We will
be having a fall fundraiser. Watch your students’
back packs for the information. Your support
with fundraising is greatly appreciated and goes
directly to purchasing items for the students of
Stephen Central.
Our next parent council meeting is
October 20, 2014 at 6:30 in the school library.
Please join us.
Now that all of these changes have taken place,
and we are in our second month of the school
year, things are settling down to regular routines.
This is good because in addition to all our
regular extracurricular activities and events,
teachers and students are also busy working on
projects, assignments, assessments and other
classroom activities. Our first set of report
cards, called Progress Reports, and parentteacher interviews are only six weeks away!
Hotlunches.net update:
It was wonderful to meet with many of you at our
Open House last week and we look forward to
seeing you at parent-teacher interviews in early
November as well.
I'd like to thank the 94 families that have set up
their user accounts on hotlunches.net. These
families will be notified by emails, reminding
them of their students’ orders for October.
Of course, if you have any questions or
concerns in the meantime, please don`t hesitate
to contact your child’s teacher or the office. Our
door is always open!
- Dave Bennett
As of October 1st, the November orders can be
entered. November’s order will close on October
It would be greatly appreciated if all payments
are received by October 20. Payments should
be sent with the remittance slip (print off) or with
a paper identifying userID, Student Names and
- Paula Eagleson
Congratulations to Cayla, Dakota, James, Colby
and Dylan who were winners of the student
games at Open House. They received a DQ gift
certificate and a Stephen Central Tigers sport
family names. Both payment and paper should
be sent to school within a zip-lock bag or
envelope, to ensure funds and orders arrive to
school together.
If you do not have Internet access and would like
to receive paper format order forms, please let
the office know, so we can add you to the list. If
you have already notified us, you do not need to
do this again.
If you have any questions or need help with
orders, please contact Alison @ home (519-2373771), or email rammelooa@gmail.com
Calling All Three Year Olds (CATYO)
On Wednesday, November 5th we will be
registering kindergarten students for the 20152016 school year.
Before and After School Care
“As part of an on-going commitment to make the
school day as seamless as possible for our
families, each family will be receiving an
information sheet in mid-October regarding
before and after school care. Families
interested in before or after school programs for
their four and five year olds, and possibly older
children in the upcoming school year, should
complete an on-line survey by November 30.
The link to the survey will be found on the Board
website starting mid-October. We appreciate
your assistance as we determine the feasibility
of offering such programs. Should you require a
paper copy, please contact the school after
October 15.”
The Terry Fox National School Run Day
Students, staff, parents and the community
raised over $200.00 for the Terry Fox Run. Your
generosity is appreciated. Congratulations to
the lucky recipient of this year’s Terry Fox
commemorative t-shirt. Many thanks to Mrs.
Desjardine and Ms. King for organizing this
year’s event!
Children who are 3 years old by December 31,
2014 are eligible for junior kindergarten in 2015.
Children who are 4 years old by December 31,
2014 are eligible for senior kindergarten in 2015.
If you or someone you know have a child of
kindergarten age please call the school (519234-6302) for registration information. The
registration process will include developmental
screening. The purpose of the program is to
help parents assess how their child is
developing. CATYO allows parents ample time
to link their child to any needed services and
supports. This will help ensure children are
better prepared for school entry the following
To Do: Please call the school to
register your child for Kindergarten for
September 2015. Registration
packages are being sent home
beginning October 6 for those who call
to register.
Sport Shorts
Soccer – The regional Junior Soccer Meet was
held in St. Marys on September 24. Six teams
competed in the tournament and Stephen Tigers
ended up with a 4th place finish. The weather
was terrific and we enjoyed our first sporting
event of the season. Thank you to the parents
who came out and cheered us on, and thank you
to Ms. Laye for coaching this year’s team.
Cross Country – Our regional cross country
meet will be held in Exeter on Thursday, October
9 (rain date: Friday, October 10). Students will
be leaving at 11:30 a.m. For specific age
groupings and start times, please refer to the
schedule that will be sent home with your
runner. The times listed are approximate and
parents should come in advance of the times
posted. The District cross country meet will be
held in Benmiller on October 20 (rain date:
October 22). Runners will be notified if they will
be advancing and parents will be responsible for
transporting and supervising their own child(ren)
for the District meet. Good-luck to all of the
runners! We are cheering you on from the
sidelines. Go Tigers, Go!
At SCPS, some, but not all of our families
celebrate Hallowe’en. Therefore, we will be
providing alternate activities for whom this
celebration is not one they observe. For the
children and their families who would like to
participate, this is the planned agenda for the
afternoon of October 31.
Spirit Day- Wear orange and black or a costume
Dance - Primary Grades JK- 3 (period 6)
Dance – Junior Grades 4-6 (period 7&8)
Admission of a non-perishable food item would
be appreciated and will be donated to a local
food bank.
All participating students are encouraged to
wear a costume or dress in the black and orange
theme. Prizes will be awarded in various
categories of costumes.
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Congratulations to the winners of the September newsletter draw.
October Newsletter - If you received and read this newsletter, please return this tear-off section for a draw. The
students from the winning family will receive a free pizza, compliments of New Orleans Pizza in Exeter.
Parent/Guardian Signature
How are we doing? Please provide us with some feedback as we value your comments: