Sequential logic Sequential circuits Timing methodologies cascading flip-flops for proper operation clock skew Basic registers simple circuits with feedback latches edge-triggered flip-flops shift registers simple counters Hardware description languages and sequential logic Autumn 2010 1 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic Circuits with feedback How to control feedback? what stops values from cycling around endlessly X1 X2 • • • Xn Autumn 2010 switching network CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic Z1 Z2 • • • Zn 2 Simplest circuits with feedback Two inverters form a static memory cell will hold value as long as it has power applied "1" "stored value" "0" How to get a new value into the memory cell? selectively break feedback path load new value into cell "remember" "data" "load" Autumn 2010 "stored value" 3 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic Memory with cross-coupled gates Cross-coupled NOR gates similar to inverter pair, with capability to force output to 0 (reset=1) or 1 (set=1) R S R Q S Q' Q Cross-coupled NAND gates similar to inverter pair, with capability to force output to 0 (reset=0) or 1 (set=0) S' R' Autumn 2010 Q S' R' CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic Q Q' 4 Timing behavior Reset Hold R Q S Q' Set Reset Set Race 100 R S Q \Q Autumn 2010 5 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic State behavior or R-S latch R Q S Q' Truth table of R-S latch behavior S 0 0 1 1 R 0 1 0 1 Q hold 0 1 unstable Q Q' 0 1 Q Q' 1 0 Q Q' 0 0 Q Q' 1 1 Autumn 2010 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic 6 Theoretical R-S latch behavior State diagram states: possible SR=00 values of outputs SR=01 transitions: changes based on inputs R Q S Q' SR=10 Q Q' 0 1 SR=11 Q Q' 1 0 Q Q' 0 0 Q Q' 1 1 Autumn 2010 7 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic Theoretical R-S latch behavior State diagram states: possible SR=00 values of outputs SR=01 transitions: changes based on inputs R Q S Q' SR=10 Q Q' 0 1 SR=11 SR=01 Q Q' 0 0 Q Q' 1 0 SR=00 SR=10 SR=11 Q Q' 1 1 Autumn 2010 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic 8 Theoretical R-S latch behavior State diagram states: possible SR=00 values of outputs SR=01 transitions: changes based on inputs R Q S Q' SR=10 SR=01 Q Q' 0 1 SR=01 Q Q' 1 0 SR=00 SR=10 SR=10 SR=11 Q Q' 0 0 SR=11 SR=11 SR=00 Q Q' 1 1 Autumn 2010 9 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic Theoretical R-S latch behavior State diagram states: possible SR=00 values of outputs SR=01 transitions: changes based on inputs R Q S Q' SR=10 SR=01 Q Q' 0 1 SR=01 Q Q' 1 0 SR=00 SR=10 SR=10 SR=11 SR=11 SR=01 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic SR=11 SR=00 SR=11 SR=00 possible oscillation between states 00 and 11 Autumn 2010 Q Q' 0 0 SR=10 Q Q' 1 1 10 Observed R-S latch behavior R Q S Q' Very difficult to observe R-S latch in the 1-1 state one of R or S usually changes first Ambiguously returns to state 0-1 or 1-0 a so-called "race condition" or non-deterministic transition SR=10 SR=00 SR=01 SR=01 Q Q' 0 1 SR=01 Q Q' 1 0 SR=00 SR=10 SR=10 SR=11 SR=11 Q Q' 0 0 SR=11 SR=00 SR=00 Autumn 2010 11 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic R-S latch analysis Break feedback path S 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 R Q S Q' R 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Autumn 2010 Q(t) 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Q(t) Q(t+Δ) S R Q(t+Δ) 0 hold 1 0 reset 0 1 set 1 X not allowed X S Q(t) CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic 0 0 X 1 1 0 X 1 R characteristic equation Q(t+Δ) = S + R’ Q(t) 12 R-S latch using NAND gates R’ Q' R 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 R’ S’ Q S’ S 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Q(t) S’ 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 R’ 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 Q(t) 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Autumn 2010 Q(t+Δ) 0 1 0 0 1 1 X X S hold reset Q(t) 0 0 1 0 set X 1 X 1 R not allowed characteristic equation Q(t+Δ) = S + R’ Q(t) 13 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic Gated R-S latch Control when R and S inputs matter otherwise, the slightest glitch on R or S while enable is low could cause change in stored value R R' enable' Q' S' Set Q S 100 Reset S' R' enable' Q Q' Autumn 2010 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic 14 Clocks Used to keep time wait long enough for inputs (R' and S') to settle then allow to have effect on value stored Clocks are regular periodic signals period (time between clock ticks) duty-cycle (clock pulse width - expressed as % of period) duty cycle (in this case, 50%) period Autumn 2010 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic 15 Clocks (cont’d) Controlling an R-S latch with a clock R and S can’t change while clock is active only have half of clock period for signal changes to propagate signals must be stable for the other half of clock period R’ R Q clock’ S’ Q’ S stable changing stable changing stable R’ and S’ clock’ Autumn 2010 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic 16 Cascading latches Connect output of one latch to input of another How to stop changes from racing through chain? need to be able to control flow of data from one latch to the next move one latch per clock period have to worry about logic between latches (arrows) that is too fast R R Q’ R Q’ S S Q S Q clock Autumn 2010 17 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic Master-slave structure Break flow by alternating clocks (like an air-lock) use positive clock to latch inputs into one R-S latch use negative clock to change outputs with another R-S latch View pair as one basic unit master-slave flip-flop twice as much logic output changes a few gate delays after the falling edge of clock but does not affect any cascaded flip-flops slave stage master stage R R Q’ S S Q P’ P R Q’ S Q CLK Autumn 2010 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic 18 D flip-flop Make S and R complements of each other eliminates 1s catching problem can't just hold previous value must have new value ready every clock period value of D just before clock goes low is what is stored in flip-flop can make R-S flip-flop by adding logic to make D = S + R’ Q slave stage master stage D R Q’ S Q P’ P R Q’ Q’ S Q Q CLK 10 gates Autumn 2010 19 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic Edge-triggered flip-flops using gates Only 6 gates sensitive to inputs only near edge of clock signal (not while high) D’ D becomes D’ when clock goes low 0 R Q Clk=1 Q’ S becomes D when clock goes low Autumn 2010 4-5 gate delays must respect setup and hold time constraints to successfully capture input D Q 0 D negative edge-triggered D flip-flop (D-FF) D’ CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic characteristic equation Q(t+1) = D 20 Edge-triggered flip-flops using transistors Only 8 transistors clk’ clk clk’ D Q clk’ D clk Q clk D Q Autumn 2010 clk clk’ D Q 21 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic Edge-triggered flip-flops (cont’d) Positive edge-triggered inputs sampled on rising edge; outputs change after rising edge Negative edge-triggered flip-flops inputs sampled on falling edge; outputs change after falling edge 100 D CLK Qpos positive edge-triggered FF Qpos’ Qneg negative edge-triggered FF Qneg’ Autumn 2010 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic 22 Timing methodologies Rules for interconnecting components and clocks guarantee proper operation of system when strictly followed Approach depends on building blocks used for memory elements we'll focus on systems with edge-triggered flip-flops many custom integrated circuits focus on level-sensitive latches found in programmable logic devices such as our FPGA they are much smaller (but need to be careful about timing) Basic rules for correct timing: (1) correct inputs, with respect to clock, are provided to the flip-flops (2) no flip-flop changes state more than once per clocking event Autumn 2010 23 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic Timing methodologies (cont’d) Definition of terms Clock: periodic event, causes state of memory element to change can be rising edge or falling edge or high level or low level Setup time: minimum time before the clocking event by which the input must be stable (Tsetup or Tsu) Hold time: minimum time after the clocking event until which the input must remain stable (Thold or Th) Tsu Th data D Q D Q input clock there is a timing "window" around the clocking event during which the input must remain stable and unchanged in order to be recognized Autumn 2010 clock stable changing data clock CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic 24 Comparison of latches and flip-flops D Q CLK D positive edge-triggered flip-flop CLK Qedge D Q G Qlatch CLK transparent (level-sensitive) latch Autumn 2010 behavior is the same unless input changes while the clock is high CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic 25 Comparison of latches and flip-flops (cont’d) Type When inputs are sampled When output is valid unclocked latch always propagation delay from input change level-sensitive latch clock high (Tsu/Th around falling edge of clock) propagation delay from input change or clock edge (whichever is later) master-slave flip-flop clock hi-to-lo transition (Tsu/Th around falling edge of clock) propagation delay from falling edge of clock negative edge-triggered flip-flop clock hi-to-lo transition (Tsu/Th around falling edge of clock) propagation delay from falling edge of clock Autumn 2010 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic 26 Typical timing specifications Positive edge-triggered D flip-flop setup and hold times minimum clock width propagation delays (low to high, high to low, max and typical) Tsu T h 1.8 0.5 ns ns Tsu T h 1.8 0.5 ns ns D Tw 3.3 ns Clk Tw 3.3 ns Tpdhl 1.1 ns Tpdlh 3.6 ns Q all measurements are made from the clocking event (the rising edge of the clock) Autumn 2010 27 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic Cascading edge-triggered flip-flops Shift register new value goes into first stage while previous value of first stage goes into second stage consider setup/hold/propagation delays (prop must be > hold) IN D Q Q0 D Q Q1 OUT CLK 100 IN Q0 Q1 CLK Autumn 2010 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic 28 Cascading edge-triggered flip-flops (cont’d) Why this works propagation delays exceed hold times clock width constraint exceeds setup time this guarantees following stage will latch current value before it changes to new value In Tsu 1.8ns Q0 Tsu 1.8ns Tp 1.1-3.6ns timing constraints guarantee proper operation of cascaded components Tp 1.1-3.6ns Q1 assumes infinitely fast distribution of the clock CLK Th 0.5ns Autumn 2010 Th 0.5ns 29 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic Clock skew When it doesn’t work correct behavior assumes next state of all storage elements determined by all storage elements at the same time this is difficult in high-performance systems because time for clock to arrive at flip-flop is comparable to delays through logic effect of skew on cascaded flip-flops: 100 In CLK1 is a delayed version of CLK0 Q0 Q1 CLK0 CLK1 original state: IN = 0, Q0 = 1, Q1 = 1 expected next state: Q0 = 0, Q1 = 1 due to skew, next state becomes: Q0 = 0, Q1 = 0 (0 races through two FFs instead of one) Autumn 2010 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic 30 Summary of latches and flip-flops Development of D-FF level-sensitive used in custom integrated circuits edge-triggered used in modern programmable logic devices good choice for data storage register Historically, JK-FF was popular but now never used can be made with 8 switches similar to RS but with 1-1 being used to toggle output JK = 00 hold, 01 reset, 10 set, 11 toggle (complement state) good in days of SSI (more complex input function: D = J Q’ + K’ Q ) can always be implemented using D-FF, if needed Preset and clear inputs are highly desirable on flip-flops used at start-up or to reset system to a known state Autumn 2010 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic 31 Flip-flop features Reset (set state to 0) – R Preset or set (set state to 1) – S (or sometimes P) Dnew = R' • D + S Dnew = R' • D + R'S (set-dominant) (reset-dominant) Selective input capability (input enable or load) – LD or EN synchronous: Dnew = D + S (when next clock edge arrives) asynchronous: doesn't wait for clock, quick but dangerous Both reset and preset synchronous: Dnew = R' • D (when next clock edge arrives) asynchronous: doesn't wait for clock, quick but dangerous multiplexor at input: Dnew = LD' • Q + LD • D load may or may not override reset/set (usually R/S have priority) Complementary outputs – Q and Q' Autumn 2010 CSE370 - XIII - Sequential Logic 32
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