Joint Call for Proposals in the area of Neurosciences and... Sciences under Targeted Programme of CEFIPRA

Joint Call for Proposals in the area of Neurosciences and Engineering
Sciences under Targeted Programme of CEFIPRA
Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India and AgenceNationale de la
Recherche (ANR) launch a joint call for proposal to foster Indo-French collaboration between
scientific communities of two countries (India & France) by supporting joint research projects
conducted by the scientists from both the countries.
In India, on behalf of the Department of Science & Technology, Indo-French Centre for
Promotion of Advanced Research (Centre Franco-Indien pour la Promotion de la
RechercheAvancée, CEFIPRA) invites proposal from the Indian scientists / researchers .
Areas of Collaboration ( Targeted Topic for the Call):
The Proposal will be supported in the following scientific areas:
 Neuro Sciences
 Engineering (including: material science, chemistry, smart transport, energy, mechanics
& Manufacturing)
On the Indian side:Permanent position as a scientist/faculty member in universities/deemed
universities, academic institutes and national research and development laboratories/institutes.
On the French side: As per ANR call for proposal (Link 1)
Application Procedure:
The Indian researchers may apply for funding in accordance with DST rules and French
researchers may apply in accordance with ANR rules, using their own applications format. The
joint proposal shall be written in English. The project budget must clearly delineate and justify
the costs. The budget of the Indian partner must be eligible as per the guidelines of the DST. On
Indian side, the Support will be given for scientific manpower (contractual), consumables &
contingency and international travel.Support will not be provided under equipment
head.Applicants are reminded to include sufficient budget for travel between India and France to
ensure successful collaboration.
Contd. to page 2
-2When drawing up their budget, applicants shall take into account that DST pays the travel
expenses of the visiting Indian researcher to France as well as his/her accommodation and per
diem allowances as per CEFIPRA norms (Link 2). The Vice-Versa will be taken care by the
Evaluation of Project Proposal:
After the closure date of call, both ANR and DST will exchange list of proposals, received on
their side. All applicants must fulfill their national eligibility rules for their research grant
application. After that DST and ANR will evaluate the proposals according to their own
evaluation rules, and will rank the proposals based on scientific quality and interest.
The evaluation criteria will be based on the following
 Scientific excellence and / or innovative nature for technological research
 Quality of the project’s construction and its feasibility
 Overall impact of the project
 Added value of the International cooperation
Based on the scientific evaluation, national ranking, and consensus reached through discussions,
a joint committee will select the joint project (s) to be supported.
Project funding:
Based on the scientific evaluations of the joint research proposals and decision of the joint
committee, DST will fund Indian scientists and ANR will fund French scientists according to the
regulations of each organisation. The research project will be funded for a maximum period of
three years.
Each project will be funded, under the targeted programme, for its merit, scientific justification
and requirements. Hence, depending upon these criteria, the indicative average funding from
Indian side will be 100k€. More ambitious projects could also be taken into account.
Intellectual Property:
The rights of intellectual property arising from the program shall be, in principle, the joint
property of the project participants and their employing institutions. In respect of each result,
which is to be protected, the project participants shall decide the modalities of protecting the
The project participants shall prepare a joint Intellectual Property Management Plan, covering
the matters related to intellectual property such as intellectual property likely to be generated, the
modalities of protecting and the background intellectual property/ background information. The
plan can be jointly modified and/or completed, if necessary, by the partners during the course of
implementation of the programme. A copy of the initial plan and the modified/completed plan, if
any, should be submitted to both CEFIPRA and ANR for information.
Contd. to page 3
-3Due acknowledgement of support received from DST and ANR should be made in the
publications resulting from this programme.
Guidelines for submission of applications:
Application in prescribed format (Link 3) along withjoint submission agreement signed by both
the partners and certificates duly signed by Heads of the Institutions should be submitted to the
Director, Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research, 5B, Ground Floor, India
Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003 (India)on or before 30thMarch, 2015 . One
Advanced copy must be sent by email to mail id Application received after
due date or received only one side will not be considered for evaluation. The French scientific
coordinator must pre-register his/her intention to submit a “PRCI project” on behalf of the
consortium on the ANR submission website before November 18th, 2014.
(Deadline for Submitting of proposals: 30thMarch, 2015)
For further information please contact:
Dr. Debapriya Dutta, Director
Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of
Advanced Research
(Centre Franco-Indien pour la Promotion de la
5B, Ground Floor, India Habitat Centre Lodhi
Road, New Delhi 110 003 (India)
Tel: (+91-11) 2460 2432 (direct)
PBAX lines: +91-11-2468 2251 /2463
3567/4352 6261
Fax: (+91-11) 2464 8632
Dr. Mamoni Banerjee,Programme Officer
Tel:+91 11 24682251, +91 11 24682252
Fax: +91 11 24648632