Nano Research Nano Res DOI 10.1007/s12274-014-0602-0 Thermal Conductivity Determination of Suspended Mono- and Bilayer WS2 by Raman Spectroscopy Namphung Peimyoo1, Jingzhi Shang1, Weihuang Yang1, Yanlong Wang1, Chunxiao Cong1 and Ting Yu1,2,3() Nano Res., Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI: 10.1007/s12274-014-0602-0 on October 8, 2014 © Tsinghua University Press 2014 Just Accepted This is a “Just Accepted” manuscript, which has been examined by the peer-review process and has been accepted for publication. A “Just Accepted” manuscript is published online shortly after its acceptance, which is prior to technical editing and formatting and author proofing. Tsinghua University Press (TUP) provides “Just Accepted” as an optional and free service which allows authors to make their results available to the research community as soon as possible after acceptance. 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Thermal Conductivity Determination of Suspended Mono- and Bilayer WS2 by Raman Spectroscopy Namphung Peimyoo1, Jingzhi Shang1, Weihuang Yang1, Yanlong Wang1, Chunxiao Cong1 and Ting Yu1,2,3* 1Nanyang Technological University, Singapore National University of Singapore, Singapore 3Graphene Research Center, University of Singapore, Singapore 2 By use of temperature- and power-dependent Raman scattering, the extracted thermal conductivities of suspended mono- and bilayer WS2 grown by chemical vapor deposition are 32 and 53 Wm-1K-1, respectively. 1 Nano Res DOI (automatically inserted by the publisher) Research Article Thermal Conductivity Determination of Suspended Monoand Bilayer WS2 by Raman Spectroscopy Namphung Peimyoo1, Jingzhi Shang1, Weihuang Yang1, Yanlong Wang1, Chunxiao Cong1 and Ting Yu1,2,3() 1Division of Physics and Applied Physics, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, 637371, Singapore 2Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore, 117542, Singapore 3Graphene Research Center, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore,117546, Singapore Received: day month year / Revised: day month year / Accepted: day month year (automatically inserted by the publisher) © Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 ABSTRACT We report the thermal conductivities of monolayer (1L) and bilayer (2L) WS 2 grown by chemical vapour 1 deposition (CVD), which are determined by use of temperature and excitation dependences of E2g and A1g 1 Raman modes. The first-order temperature coefficients of E2g and A1g modes in both supported and suspended WS2 layers were extracted. The frequency shift of the A1g mode with temperature is larger than 1 that of the E2g mode for 1L-WS2, which is attributed to stronger electron-phonon coupling for the A1g 1 mode than that for the E2g mode. Moreover, by use of the shift of the phonon mode induced by laser heating, the thermal conductivities at room temperature were estimated to be 32 and 53 W/mK for 1L- and 2L-WS2, respectively. Our results provide fundamental information on the thermal property of WS 2 layers, which is very crucial for developing atomically-thin WS2 device applications. KEYWORDS thermal conductivity, tungsten disulfide, Raman, temperature dependence, excitation power ———————————— Address correspondence to Ting Yu, 2 1. Introduction Two as a natural candidate for the valleytronic research dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have recently gained much interest due to their superior properties [1-3]. Unlike graphene, TMDs such as MoS2, MoSe2, WSe2 and WS2 have intrinsic bandgaps. In particular, these TMDs exhibit the transformation from indirect- to direct-bandgap when the thickness is thinning to monolayer [4-7], opening up various opportunities for electronic and optoelectronic device applications. Monolayer MoS2 (1L-MoS2), which has been intensively studied than other TMD monlayers, exhibits strong photoluminescence (PL), and its field effect transistor presents a high mobility and a large on-off ratio [8]. Another interesting 2D TMD of 1L-WS2 has a direct bandgap with a theoretical value of ~2.1 eV [9], slightly larger than that of 1L-MoS2, while its bulk has an indirect band of ~1.3 eV [1, 9]. Ultrathin WS 2 layers recently have been fabricated by several techniques such as mechanical exfoliation [7, 10], chemical exfoliation [11] and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) [12-14]. The synthesis of TMDs via CVD offers the large single domain sizes and isolated samples, which is more feasible for researchers to investigate the fundamental properties. Optically, we demonstrated that the intrinsic PL of 1L-WS2 triangles synthesized by CVD, is much more intense than that of 1L-MoS2 [15], comparable with the results from the exfoliated 1L-WS2 from bulk crystals [7]. Electrically, the field effect transistors based on thin layers of WS2 extracted from single crystal and CVD-grown 1L-WS2 are found to have attractive in-plane conductance remarkable mobilities modulation optical and [16,17]. and In electrical effective view of properties, atomically thin WS2 is a promising material to be explored for various applications such as light-emitting diodes and optical sensors. In additon, because of the unique symmery and strong spin orbital coupling in 1L-WS2, it is also regarded [18-20]. Experimental studies on temperature and excitation dependences of the vibrational modes are very helpful to interpret anharmonicity among phonons and electron-phonon interactions [21, 22]. These measurements can provide the fundamental parameters of the material properties such as temperature coefficient and thermal conductivity, which are important for device applications. For instance, the material with a high thermal conductivity can rapidly dissipate the heat, which is very helpful for preventing the breakdown of devices. Conventionally, the thermal conductivity can be measured by several methods, e.g. thermal bridge technique [23]. Nowadays, Raman spectroscopy is another effective approach to evaluate the thermal conductivities of 2D materials such as graphene [24, 25] and MoS2 layers [26], through the shifts of Raman modes induced by laser heating. Meanwhile, Raman spectroscopy can provide the wealth in-situ information on the number of layers [27, 28], doping concentration [29, 30] and strain effect [31] in graphene and TMDs. Till now, experimental studies of the thermal conductivities of TMD materials for 1L, 2L and even few layers are still limited [26, 32]. Very recently, the thermal conductivities of 34 [26] and 52 W/mK [32] have been obtained for 1L- and few-layer MoS2, respectively. The temeperature-dependent Raman study on supported 1L-WS2 recently has been reported [33], while the thermal conductivity is still missing. To experimental our best investigation knowledge, on the direct thermal conductivities of suspended 1L- and 2L-WS2 has not been reported so far. Here we excitation-power present dependent temperature studies and of the vibrational modes for CVD-grown suspended 1Land 2L-WS2 using micro-Raman spectroscopy, which allow us to determine their thermal conductivites. The excitation dependence has been 3 measured by introducing the laser heating on the According to the AFM height profile, 1L-WS2 suspended sample and monitoring the freqency typically owns the thickness varying between 0.7 to shift of the phonon mode. By analysing the changes 1 nm and ~1.4 nm for 2L, which is consistent with of Raman modes in both temperature and power the separated distance between S-W-S. Figure 1c dependent thermal shows the fluorescence image of the same island in conductivities of suspended 1L- and 2L-WS2 have which the 1L region displays the stronger emission been than that of mechanically exfoliated 1L-MoS2 as measurements, evaluated. Our results the provide basic information on the heat conduction in atomically shown WS2 layers, which is very necessary for thermal conditions. manangement in various nanoelectronic in Figure S1 taken under identical In PL measurements, the samples were excited by applications. a 532 nm laser, if not otherwise specified. As known, 2. Results and discussion the bulk WS2 is an indirect bandgap semiconductor with a ~1.3 eV bandgap [1, 34], whereas 1L-WS2 has a direct bandgap of 2.1 eV [1,9]. In Figure 1e, one sharp PL peak centred at 1.96-1.98 eV is observed for 1L-WS2, and the peak intensity becomes very weak with a slight redshift for 2L-WS2. The PL intensity in the present spectral range nearly vanishes for the bulk WS2. When the thickness is down to 1L, the dramatic increase of the PL intensity is a signature of the transformation from indirect to direct bandgap structures. In Figure 1d, the corresponding mapping of the PL intensity shows a spatial homogeneity over the 1L region. Uniform and intense emission indicates that these CVD samples have high crystalline quality [15]. Figure 2a shows the Raman spectrum of 1L-WS2 Figure 1. (a) Optical micrograph of a CVD grown 1L-WS2 at λex = 532 nm. Previously, most of Raman modes triangular island with a second layer grown at the center of the for bulk and 1L-WS2 [35-37] have been assigned. island on SiO2/Si substrate. (b) Atomic force microscope Raman active modes of bulk WS2 comprise (AFM) image of the region highlighted in (a) and line scan 1 2 of A1g , E1g , E2g , and E2g at the centre of the along and Brillouin zone [35, 36], but E1g is forbidden in our photoluminescence intensity mapping (d) exhibiting intense and 2 back-scattering configuration and the E2g mode is spatially homogeneous contrast throughout the 1L region. (e) less studied due to its low frequency out of most Photoluminescence spectra from 1L- and 2L-WS2. conventional Raman spectral ranges. Note that, dashed line. Fluorescence image (c) according to lattice symmetry analysis [38], the Figure 1a presents the optical image of a WS2 precise notation of Raman modes in 1L-, 2L- and island grown on the SiO2/Si substrate by CVD. The individual triangle includes 1L at the outer and 2L bulk WS2 should be different. For simplification, the 1 (Γ) same notation of A1g (Γ) and E2g was used for at the centre of the island. The topological AFM 1L-, 2L- and bulk WS2 here. In 1L-WS2, both A1g (Γ) image is presented in Figure 1b, showing the 1 (Γ) and E2g appear as an out-of-plane vibrational smooth and clean surface of the as-grown sample. 4 Figure 2. Raman spectra of 1L-WS2 under different excitation wavelengths: 532 nm (a) and 488 nm (b). (c) Raman spectra of 1Land 2L-WS2 under 532 nm excitation laser line, showing a blue-shift and red-shift of the A1g (Γ) and the E12g (Γ) peak, respectively with an increase of thickness. Raman mappings for integrated intensity (d) and frequency (e) of the A1g (Γ) peak, showing that the Raman peak intensity in the 2L region is relatively stronger and the peak is blue-shifted with respect to 1L. mode of sulphur atoms and an in-plane vibrational 1 (M) the E2g mode according to theoretical phonon mode, respectively. The corresponding atomic dispersion curves [39]. Moreover, Raman peaks at vibration models are shown in the inset of Figure 2b. At λex = 532 nm, the A1g (Γ) mode was observed at 296 and 320 cm-1 are the combination modes 417 cm and a dominant 2LA(M) mode observed at 1 (Γ) ~350 cm-1 overlapping with the E2g mode (355 -1 involving with 2LA(M), which are attributed to 2 (Γ) 2 (Γ) 2LA(M) − 2E2g and 2LA(M) − E2g modes, cm ), which was acquired by multi-Lorentzian respectively. The Raman intensity of the 2LA(M) 1 (Γ) mode is much stronger than that of the E2g fitting, in agreement with other reports [35, 37]. mode at λex = 532 nm, owing to the double Particularly, the perfect matching of the fit curve to resonance process [37]. At λex = 488 nm (Figure 2b), our experimental data was achieved when another additional peak marked by the star (*) at ~345 cm -1 the intensity of 2LA(M) mode is weaker than that of 1 (Γ)mode. the E2g It is clearly shown that several was added. This peak is assigned to peaks including second-order and combination -1 5 Figure 3. (a) Raman spectra of supported 1L-WS2 showing Raman modes in the range of 240-400 cm-1 (left panel) and the A1g (Γ) mode (right panel) at various temperature in the 80-380 K range. (b) Frequencies of the E12g (Γ) and A1g (Γ) modes as a function of temperature. The linear fit to experimental data and slope values are shown. modes become more apparent at λex 532 nm than integrated intensity of the A1g (Γ) mode increases those obtained at λex = 488 nm. In detail, the Raman and the peak becomes hardening, corresponding to peaks at λex = 532 nm in the ranges of 100-280 cm -1 the lighter colour region. As seen above, Raman and 560-730 cm were enlarged as shown in two spectra and mapping can be used as a fast approach insets of Figure 2. to identify the thickness of thin layer WS2. -1 Figure 2c shows Raman spectra of 1L- and Temperature-dependent Raman measurements of 2L-WS2 at λex = 532 nm. On the one hand, the A1g (Γ) mode blueshifts with the increasing number supported 1L- and 2L-WS2 have been carried out at of layers, being similar to MoS2 layers [40], as van 3a presents normalized Raman spectra of supported 1 (Γ) 1L-WS2 in the peak regions of E2g (left panel) der Waals interactions between the layers increase 80-380 K under the 532 nm laser excitation. Figure A1g (Γ) (right panel) collected at various the restoring force in thicker layers. On the other 1 (Γ) hand, the E2g mode redshifts with the and increasing number of layers, which has also been by observed in previous works. The decrease of dependences phonon frequency was attributed to increment of frequencies on the temperature are plotted in 1 (Γ) Figure 3b. As expected, both E2g and A1g (Γ) the dielectric long-range Coulomb interactions temperatures. These Raman modes were analysed multiple-peak of Lorentzian 1 (Γ) E2g and fitting. The A1g (Γ) peak among the effective charges [39]. Raman intensity and frequency mappings of the A1g (Γ) mode for a modes significantly redshift with the increasing triangular island are shown in Figure 2d and e, [26, 32, 41], and the changes of the G peaks in 1L respectively. When the thickness increases, the and temperature, which are analogous to MoS2 layers 2L graphene [22]. The temperature 6 dependences of both Raman modes are linearly previous studies [22, 32, 42, 43], the influence of fitted by the following equation, temperature on these phonon modes includes two 𝜔(𝑇) = 𝜔0 + χ𝑇 where 0 is the frequency of the components: the intrinsic temperature contribution (1) 1 (Γ) E2g due to the anharmonicities of the phonon modes or A1g (Γ) mode at 0 K and is the first-order temperature and the volume contribution caused by the thermal expansion of the crystal. coefficient. The slopes of the dependences extracted Moreover, in order to examine the potential from the linear fitting define the value, which are 1 (Γ) -1.25×10-2 and -1.49×10-2 cm-1/K for the E2g and substrate effect, the similar temperature-dependent A1g (Γ) modes, respectively. In addition to the suspended 1L- and 2L-WS2 samples. The as-grown shifts of Raman peak frequency, Raman spectra WS2 layers were transferred onto the substrates before normalization (Figure S2) show the rising of with holes of 3-6 µ m in diameter as shown in Figure the Raman peak intensities when the temperature is 5a. The laser beam size is approximately ~ 1 µ m. elevated, which is similar to that of 1L-MoS2 and Only 1L and 2L samples on the holes with the larger attributed to the increment of electron-phonon diameter of 6 µ m were studied to minimize the coupling [41]. undesired effect from the side wall of the hole, and Raman measurements were performed for to affirm that Raman signal is fully collected from the suspended layers rather than the supported region. In the temperature-dependent measurement for the suspended samples, it is found that both of 1 (Γ) the E2g and A1g (Γ) modes show the linear behaviour in which they redshift with the increasing temperature. The first-order temperature coefficients of the two modes for 1L and 2L display the similarity with those of supported sample as shown in Figure 5c and d, respectively. This verifies that substrate has negligible effect on the temperature coefficients of Raman modes. The previous studies [26, 32] on suspended and supported MoS2 layers are consistent with our observation here. Note that, the measurements have been conducted for several times on different Figure 4. Temperature dependence of the E12g (Γ) and A1g (Γ) supported and suspended samples to confirm the peak frequencies for supported 2L-WS2. temperature dependence of Raman modes and values. Besides, in comparison with the Raman Moreover, the temperature effect measurement was conducted on supported 2L-WS2, and the 1 (Γ) typical red-shift behaviours of the E2g and A1g (Γ) modes were observed (Figure 4). For the 2L sample, the obtained temperature coefficient values 1 (Γ) of E2g and A1g (Γ) modes are -1.33×10-2 and -1.21×10-2 cm-1/K, respectively. According to peak frequencies in supported samples, the peak 1 (Γ) frequencies of E2g and A1g (Γ) modes from both suspended 1L and 2L samples shift by ~1-2 cm-1 (Figure S3). For a 1L TMD, the electrical doping causes the change of the A1g peak frequency [29], 1 (Γ) whereas the frequency of E2g mode is found to be sensitive to strain [31, 44]. Thus, the small shifts 7 Figure 5. (a) Optical microscopy images of CVD-grown WS2 layers transferred onto SiO2/Si substrates chemically etched with array of holes ~3-6 µm in diameter. The number of layers was labeled. (b) Schematic of the temperature-Raman measurement showing suspended WS2 on SiO2/Si substrates and the excitation laser light. (c) and (d) Temperature dependence of E12g (Γ) and A1g (Γ) peak frequencies of suspended 1L- and 2L-WS2, respectively including linear fit and values. 1 (Γ) of E2g and A1g (Γ) frequencies in suspended 1L- and 2L-WS2 are of the same order as those for and supported samples possibly arise from the MoS2 and graphene layers (for G band). Note that, slight differences of charge carrier concentration our values for Raman modes from 1L and 2L and biaxial strain [44, 45] caused by the substrate samples are twice larger than those values reported effect, respectively. Further investigation is needed in supported 1L-WS2 from the other group [33]. In to clarify the effect of strain and doping. It is worth noting that the linear dependences of particular, in their results [33], Raman frequencies 1 (Γ) of E2g and A1g (Γ) modes barely change with the Raman peak frequencies with temperature have the temperature from ~ 80-250 K, whereas the linear been observed in graphene, MoS2 layers and dependence supported 1L-WS2 [22, 26, 32, 33, 41] A detailed temperature range in our samples. The discrepancy summary could of temperature coefficients () of be was related observed to throughout dielectric this environment, atomically thin TMDs and graphene is shown in 1 (Γ)and Table 1. By comparison, values of the E2g temperature control, and contact between sample A1g (Γ) modes in both supported- and suspended peak frequencies to temperature in 1L is different and heat sink. Moreover, the response of Raman 8 from that of 2L. The value of A1g (Γ) mode for 1 (Γ) E2g the out of plane A1g (Γ) mode in 1L is owing to mode and vice stronger coupling between A1g (Γ) phonons and versa for 2L-WS2, similar to those of previously 1 (Γ) electrons than the electron-E2g phonon coupling reported 1L-MoS2 [41]. 1L-WS2 is larger than that of [26,41], few-layer and bulk MoS2 [32, 41]. The larger phonon frequency shift of Table 1. First-order temperature coefficients of the Raman modes from WS2, MoS2 and graphene layers [cm-1/K] λex Sample Comments E12g A1g T (K) [nm] Ref. 1L-WS2 supported, CVD -0.0125 -0.0149 80-380 532 This work 1L-WS2 suspended, CVD -0.0117 -0.0144 80-380 532 This work 2L-WS2 supported, CVD -0.0133 -0.0121 80-380 532 This work 2L-WS2 suspended, CVD -0.0128 -0.0114 80-380 532 This work 1L-WS2 supported, exfoliated -0.0006 -0.0006 77-623 514.5 Thipuranthaka and Dattatray [33] 1L-MoS2 supported, CVD -0.013 -0.016 ~300-450 532 Lanzillo et al.[41] bulk MoS2 supported, CVD -0.015 -0.013 ~300-450 532 Lanzillo et al. [41] 1L-MoS2 suspended, exfoliated -0.011 -0.013 100-320 514.5 Yan et al. [26] 1L-MoS2 supported, exfoliated -0.017 -0.013 100-320 514.5 Yan et al.[26] few layer MoS2 supported, CVD -0.0132 -0.0123 ~83-523 532 Sahoo et al.[32] 1L graphene supported, exfoliated -0.0162 (G) - 83-373 488 Calizo et al.[22] 2L graphene supported, exfoliated -0.0154 (G) - 113-373 488 Calizo et al.[22] Furthermore, of heat flows radially from the centre of the suspended suspended 1L- and 2L-WS2 have been investigated. WS2 layers toward the edge of the hole, which has Particularly, conductivities of WS2 layers, it is necessary to been evidenced by the theoretical simulation later. Raman spectra for the A1g (Γ) peaks of 1L- and exploit suspended samples because the substrate 2L-WS2 at various laser powers are shown in Figure may influence the heat dissipation due to the 6a and b, respectively. As the laser power increases, the A1g (Γ) peak intensity increases and its to the thermal obtain the conductivities intrinsic thermal phonon leakage in the vicinity of interfaces between the material and the substrate as observed in supported graphene samples [25, 46]. Previously, micro-Raman spectroscopy has been developed to frequency redshifts. The power dependences of the A1g (Γ) peak positions for 1L- and 2L-WS2 are study the thermal conductivities of 2D materials [24, shown in Figure 6c and d, respectively. The linear redshifts of the A1g (Γ) peaks in both 1L- and 2L 26]. The hole and the laser beam sizes are important samples reflect the local temperature rise in parameters for acquiring high accuracy of the suspended layers. The slopes of 𝛥𝜔/𝛥𝑃 are thermal conductivity. In our case, the hole size is ~ 6 -7.85±0.3 and -3.74±0.2 cm-1/mW for 1L- and 2L-WS2, µ m in diameter (Figure 5a), which is much larger respectively. than the laser spot size (~0.5 µ m). The laser-induced 9 Figure 6. (a,b) Raman spectra of suspended 1L- and 2L-WS2, respectively recorded at different excitation laser power. Power dependence of the A1g (Γ) peak frequencies (sphere) for suspended 1L- (c) and 2L-WS2 (d), including linear fit of experimental data. Inset of Figure 6c is cross-section schematic of the thermal conductivity measurement illustrating suspended WS 2 layers and the size of the excitation laser beam comparing with the diameter of a hole. Note that, with the increase in the laser power, 1 (Γ) the E2g mode shows the red-shift behaviour as of the experimental data from temperature- and well (the data is not shown here) but its peak overlaps with other Raman peaks, thus, the A1g (Γ) with a recently developed heat diffusion model for peak was selected for determining the thermal heat diffusion in the suspended region can be conductivity of the WS2 flake. expressed as power-dependent Raman measurements together 2D materials of graphene [25] and 1L MoS2 [26]. The The thermal conductivity can be evaluated by use 10 𝜅 1 𝑑 𝑑𝑇𝑖 (𝑟) [𝑟 ] + 𝑞(𝑟) = 0 for 𝑟 < 𝑅 𝑟 𝑑𝑟 𝑑𝑟 𝑅 (2) 𝑇𝑚 ≈ ∫0 𝑇𝑖 (𝑟)𝑞(𝑟)𝑑𝑟 (3) 𝑅 ∫0 𝑞(𝑟)𝑟𝑑𝑟 where is the thermal conductivity of suspended where Ti(r) is related to the thermal conductivity of WS2 layers, Ti (r) is the temperature distribution as described in equation 2. Furthermore, the inside the hole, r is the position measured from the dependences centre of the hole and R = 3 µ m is the radius of conductivities of 1L and 2L WS2 have been 𝑞(𝑟) in equation 2 represents the calculated as shown in Figure 7e and 7f, respectively. volumetric optical heating, where the absorbed The experimental values of δTm/δP for 1L- and 2L- excitation power at 532 nm (~4% per layer) is used WS2 are 5.45 × 105 and 3.28×105 K/W, respectively, [15] (See supporting information). Note that, there which are determined by use of the slopes from is no additional metallic heat sink layers [25] (e.g. both temperature and power dependent Raman Au film) used in our cases in view that the metals shifts may remarkably modify the properties of 1L TMD experimental values of δTm/δP and the theoretical [47]. Instead of using the addition heat sink, the relationships (Solid curves in Figures 7e and 7f) heat transfer outside the suspended region and the between δTm/δP and for 1L- and 2L-WS2, the boundary conditions have been considered to thermal conductivity values of 32 and 53 W/mK are calculate the temperature profile according to a extracted for 1L- and 2L-WS2, respectively. hole. The recent study [26]. More details were described in of of the Previous δTm/δP A1g modes. studies show on By the use that thermal of the these thermal the supporting information. Figure 7a and b shows conductivities for suspended layered samples may the temperature profiles across the hole of 1L- and be 2L-WS2, respectively, simulated under various laser determination approach, the sample size (i.e. powers used in the measurements. The focused thickness laser spot at the centre of the suspended region contamination [25, 48, 49]. For instance, the thermal results in a rise of local temperature and the heat conductivities for suspended graphene samples at dissipates from the centre towards the edge of the room temperature varies in a board range from hole due to the temperature difference. In the area 1500-5000 cm-1/mW [25, 48, 49]. To acquire an near the boundary of the hole, the temperature intuitive recognition on the obtained in 1L- and nearly reaches the ambient temperature of 300 K. In 2L-WS2, Table 2 summarizes thermal conductivities detail, the spatial distributions of temperature over of 2D materials, including suspended WS2, MoS2, the suspended 1L and 2L WS2 at the used maximum h-BN laser powers have been calculated as shown in conductivities of 1L- and 2L-WS2 are comparable Figure 7c and 7d, respectively. Temperature with those of exfoliated 1L-MoS2 (34 W/mK) and changes caused by the excitation beam mostly occur few within the suspended areas with the diameter of 6 vapour-phase μm. one/two-order smaller than that of BN/graphene affected by and and layer the area), graphene MoS2 (52 method fabrication and the flakes. W/mK) [26, process, the environment The grown 32], thermal by which a are To build the relationship between the Raman [23,24]. The knowledge about thermal conduction data and the temperature calculations, the average properties of 1L- and 2L-WS2 will significantly temperature (inside the laser spot) induced by the benefit to their semiconducting device applications. laser excitation in our Raman measurements has Beyond the conducting graphene, the recent rising been formulated as [25, 26] 2D semiconductors (e.g. TMD monolayers) could play a revolutionary role in future development of 11 electronics and optoelectronics. Figure 7. (a,b) Calculated temperature profiles for 1L- and 2L-WS2 at various excitation powers (unit of mW), respectively. (c,d) Simulated spatial temperature distributions for 1L- and 2L-WS2 at the excitation powers of 0.32 and 0.6 mW, respectively. (e,f) δT/δP versus for 1L- and 2L-WS2, respectively. Solid curves are the theoretical predicted relationships. Blue dots are the positions corresponding to experimental observations. 12 Table 2. Thermal conductivities of 2D materials at around room temperature. Sample type Comment [Wm-1K-1] Methods Ref. 1L-suspended WS2 CVD (transferred) 32 Raman This work 2L-suspended WS2 CVD (transferred) 53 Raman This work 1L-suspended MoS2 pristine (exfoliated) 34 Raman Yan et al.[26] few layer-suspended MoS2 CVD (transferred) 52 Raman Sahoo et al.[32] 5- and 11-layer h-BN pristine (transferred) 250, 360 microbridge Jo et al.[23] 1L-suspended graphene pristine (exfoliated) ∼4840–5300 Raman Baladin et al.[24] 1L-suspended graphene CVD (transferred) ~1450-3600 Raman Cai et al.[25] 2L-suspended graphene CVD (transferred) ~560-620 thermometer Pettes et al.[48] µ m in diameter prepared by the reactive ion 3. Conclusions etching technique. The depth of the hole on the substrate is ~3 µ m. The transfer procedure is We report the temperature and excitation 1 dependences of the first-order E2g and A1g Raman modes of CVD grown 1L- and 2L-WS2. It 1 is found that E2g and A1g peak frequencies according to the previous work [50]. The thicknesses of the samples were measured by AFM and confirmed spectrometers. by PL and Micro-Raman Raman and PL decrease with the increasing temperature for both measurements were carried out using a WITEC supported The Raman system with 488 and 532 nm excitation A1g mode is lasers. The laser spot size is determined by the and suspended temperature coefficient of the samples. 1 larger than that of E2g mode in 1L-WS2. This is due to stronger electron-A1g phonon coupling in 1 1L-WS2 than that of the E2g mode. Employing line-scan profile of the Raman signal across the sharp sample edge. In the temperature- dependent Raman measurement, a 50× objective the local heating effect through the laser power lens with a long working distance and a on numerical aperture (NA) of 0.55 was used. The the suspended conductivities thermal laser beam size is ~1 µ m. The temperature was estimated to be 32 W/mK for 1L-WS2 and 53 controlled by a thermal stage (Linkam) in a W/mK Our vacuum chamber cooled by the liquid nitrogen. experimental results provide the understanding To avoid heating induced by the excitation laser, of the heat dissipation and fundamental thermal the laser power was maintained at ~40 µ W parameters in atomically thin WS2 layers, which throughout are significant for the development of the device power-dependent applications based on 2D semiconductors. objective lens with NA = 0.95 was used. The laser 2L room the were for at samples, samples, temperature respectively. all the measurements. measurements, In a the 100× beam spot is approximately 0.5 µ m. The Raman 4. Experimental spectra were taken from suspended 1L and 2L samples, in which the samples were excited by 1L- and 2L-WS2 samples were grown by CVD on different laser powers varying from 0.02 to 0.6 SiO2/Si substrates [13, 15]. 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Phys Rev B 2014, 89, 125406. 16 Electronic Supplementary Material Thermal Conductivity Determination of Suspended Monoand Bilayer WS2 by Raman Spectroscopy Namphung Peimyoo1, Jingzhi Shang1, Weihuang Yang1, Yanlong Wang1, Chunxiao Cong1 and Ting Yu1,2,3() 1Division of Physics and Applied Physics, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, 637371, Singapore 2Department 3Graphene of Physics, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore, 117542, Singapore Research Center, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore,117546, Singapore Supporting information to DOI 10.1007/s12274-****-****-* (automatically inserted by the publisher) Figure S1. Optical image (a) and fluorescence image of exfoliated monolayer MoS2 taken under identical condition as Figure 1c (b) and after artificial enhancement (c). (d) Photoluminescence spectrum for monolayer MoS2. Scale bar: 5 µ m. ———————————— Address correspondence to Ting Yu, 17 Figure S2. Raman spectra of supported monolayer WS 2 taken at 140 and 380 K showing the redshift and increase of the intensity of the E12g and A1g modes when the temperature is elevated. The excitation wavelength is 532 nm. Figure S3. The comparison of the peak frequencies of the E12g and A1g modes for suspended and supported 1L- and 2L-WS2 taken at room temperature. 18 Calculations of the temperature profile of the WS2 sample The 𝑞(𝑟) in equation 2 is the volumetric optical heating and defined as [1, 2] 𝑞(𝑟) = 𝐼𝛼 𝑟2 𝑒𝑥𝑝 (− ) ℎ 𝑟0 2 (S1) where I is peak absorbed laser power per unit area, α is the optical absorption of ~4% per layer at 532 nm obtained from our previous report [3], h is 0.7 and 1.4 µ m for 1L- and 2L-WS2, and r0 is the half of the Gaussian beam width of 0.425 µ m. Note that, the influence of the finite hole depth on the absorbed laser power is neglected in the calculations. The main reasons are as below: (i) after the incident laser beam go through the suspended sample, the transmitted beam (defocused) at 532 nm inside the hole will be partially absorbed (> 60%) and reflected (< 40%) once contacting the inside Si surface for the first round [4]. (ii) If further considering the rough Si morphology due to the reactive ion etching process, the diffuse reflection is dominant and multiple reflections make more transmitted beam absorbed by the sidewalls. (iii) More importantly, the rough surface may significantly reduce the reflectivity of Si, even down to 1% at 532 nm [4]. Outside the suspended region, the heat conduction occur along WS2 layers and through the SiO2 as well, thus the heat diffusion equation can be written as [1] 1 𝑑 𝜅′ 𝑟 𝑑𝑟 [𝑟 𝑑𝑇𝑜 (𝑟) 𝐺 ] + ℎ [(𝑇𝑜 (𝑟) − 𝑇𝑎 )] 𝑑𝑟 = 0 for 𝑟 > 𝑅 (S2) where 𝜅′ is the thermal conductivity of the supported WS2 layers, To is temperature distribution outside the hole, Ta is the ambient temperature (300 K) and G is the interface thermal conductance per unit area between WS2 and SiO2. Here, we take a representative G = 50×106 Wm-2K-1 and the similar boundary conditions according to previous studies [1, 5]. Consequently, the spatial distribution of temperature inside and outside the hole has been obtained by solving the equation 2 and equation S2. 19 The average temperature of Tm at various laser powers Figure S4. (a) The average temperature Tm at each used laser power versus the thermal conductivity for 1L-WS2. (b) The average temperature Tm at each used laser power versus the thermal conductivity for 2L-WS2. 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