The 11th Intervarsity Alumni Golf Competition (2014) (CUHK Vs HKU) Organizers: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Alumni Golf Association (CUHKAGA) Hong Kong University Alumni Association (HKUAA) Venue: Date: Dongguan Phoenix Hill Golf Course (東莞鳳凰山高爾夫球場, 鳳崗雁田祥新西路) 11-12, October 2014 (Sat-Sun) FEE HK$3000 (include round trip coach between Huang gang and the club, locker, breakfast, 2 x 18 holes green fee, one night single room, golf cart, food pack, caddy, dinner and drink) For enrollment, CUHK golfers can reply this email and state if you will take the club coach from Huanggan. The, deposit the fee to Hang Seng Bank 205-137342-001 Account Name : The Chinese University of Hong Kong Alumni Golf Association Please whatsapp the pay-in slip to 90978922 or email to 1 1. Itinerary Day 1: Saturday 11 October 2014 Time Rundown 10:00 am sharp Club coach departs from Huanggan to the club. Please be punctual. 11:00am Golfer Registration and breakfast 11:30am Tournament Briefing and group photo taking 12:00am Shot gun at AC course 5:30 pm Buffet dinner starts 6:00 pm Prize Presentation Ceremony and lucky draw starts 6:30 pm Putting Competition 7:00 pm Second Day Grouping 7:30 pm Stay in Phoenix Hill Golf Club hotel Day 2: Sunday 12 October 2014 Time Rundown 8:30 am Breakfast 9:30am Shot gun at BC course 3:00 pm Dinner starts 3:30 pm Prize Presentation Ceremony 4:30 pm End of the tournament 2 Competition Format Intervarsity Game Format: Four Ball Better Ball Match Play Course: AC on first day, BC on second day. Teams o Each University shall send 30-36 players[kcl1] to participate in Day 1 and Day 2 competitions respectively. Final number of golfers will be decided on 11 Sep, one month before competition starts. o 30 to 36 golfers are divided into Divisions A (10-12 players), B (10-12 players) & C (10-12 players) based on their handicap index. o Others golfers are grouped into Division D. The best 4 individual gross scores of each university will be counted. The winning side can get 3 marks per day. The scores will be counted towards the intervarsity game. o The Captains of HKUAA and CUHK shall form teams of 2 players each for the 3 Divisions. o The line up for Day 1 shall be exchanged between Captains at noon on 9 Oct through email. o The line up for Day 2 will be announced during the dinner on Day 1. o Players who have played for Division A on Day 1 will not be allowed to play in Division C on Day 2 and vice versa. o Players who have played for Division D on Day 1 will not be allowed to play in Division A or B on Day 2. Scoring System o Teams of HKUAA and CUHK shall compete for three points for each match; 1 point for front 9, 1 point for back 9 and 1 point for overall 18 holes. o It should be noted that a shot gun start will be adopted. For the avoidance of doubt, “Front 9” should be counted from the hole from which the team “teeoff”; e.g. if a team tees off at hole No. 3, the front 9 holes of should be hole Nos. 3 – 11. o The matches in Day 1 and Day 2 carry the same score of 3 points each. o The university with the higher total scores will be the Champion. o In case the total scores are the same, the Champion will be shared by both universities. 3 Tee: o Men and Ladies players in Division A shall play from Blue Tee and White Tee respectively. o Men and Ladies players in Divisions B, C and D shall play from White Tee and Red Tee respectively. Remarks: Phoenix Hill Golf Course will be requested to position the tees according to the standard positions as far as possible. In case the tees are not position at the standard position, a tee difference between men and ladies in the same division shall be maintained, e.g. if white and red tees are in the same teeing ground, men should move to blue tee accordingly. Division D Competition Format: o The best 4 individual gross scores of each university will be counted. The winning side can get 3 marks per day. The scores will be counted towards the intervarsity game. Prizes: Day 1 Day 2 Divisional Team Champion (X4) Divisional Team Champion (X4) Longest Drive (1 for men; 1 for ladies) Longest Drive (1 for men; 1 for ladies) Par 3 Closest to the Pin (x2) Par 3 Closest to the Pin (x2) Par 4 2-shot Closest to the Pin Par 4 2-shot Closest to the Pin Par 5 3-shot Closest to the Pin Par 5 3-shot Closest to the Pin Team Champion (Intervarsity Game) and 50 gold medals Team Runner Up (Intervarsity Game) and 50 silver medals 4 Rules & Regulations We follow R&A, USGA and local rule of Phoenix Hill. 己方球僮依例可以協助己方球員,唯因不同球場培訓及工作習慣情況,可能會協 助對方球員代標記果嶺上的球,籌委會雙方同意免除有關罰杆。 The use of ranger finders (without slope) and GPS devices are allowed. The use of mobile phone shall be prevented. Please switch mobile phones and pagers to silent mode during competition. A rules committee has been formed with the following members: o To be appointed (HKU) o To be appointed (CUHK) o Mr Joseph Cheung, Grade II HKGA referee, also consultant of Phoenix Hill Golf Course 兩大球賽注意事項 為了加快打球速度 o 球會會在果嶺上球洞畫上一支推捍作半徑的圓周, 若球在此圓周內(包括球 的任何部份壓線), 球手可免推加一捍完成此洞。 o 若球有機會 OB 或 Lost ball, 請於原地先打一暫定球, 於有找球結果後按 「規則 27-1, 20-5」處理。 o When drop zones are available, golfers shall use it with one penalty stroke. 四人各打自己的球以正常打球方式爭取以最少杆數完成每一球洞 雙方均可容許同組球手在任何己方打球時間先打或後打 雙方均可在任何球洞或任何時間向對方認輸該洞 雙方均可在任何球洞任何時間給與對方球員免打或免推加一杆完成該球洞「規則 2-4」(唯該免打加一杆完成球洞的球員應避免繼續打球,特別如打該球時或許 給與己方隊友球線或提示,因而違反「規則 1-4, 16-1 d」,依《Decisions on the Rules of Golf 2012-2013》2-4/6[KCL2],應判未打球之隊友該洞取消資格) 雙方均可在任何球洞進行期間,查詢對方已進行的杆數,對方也必須提供正確資 料;如被發現提供錯誤資料而不及時修正,按「規則 9-2」,該球員該洞被取消 資格 。 記分記錄--- 每架球車將放置一張記分卡, 上面有同組所有球員名字, 請每球車的球 員記錄同組每個球員的每洞桿數. 完成賽事後, 馬上互相核對兩架球車的記分, 確 認無誤後, 請四位球員在其中一張記分卡上簽署, 然後馬上交回主辦單位。 -END5
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