Document 316555

c/o 2602, Golden Centre, 188 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong
Contact: John Cowland, Tel: (852) 2527 6283, Fax.: (852) 2591 1730, E-mail:
AGS (HK) 1-day Seminar on Reclamation
This 1-day seminar aims to provide an overview and update of reclamation practices. The
seminar will highlight the use of reclamation and its latest technologies. Drawing from
experience of Hong Kong, Asian and other International projects, and with case studies, the
speakers will provide lessons learnt and guidance for best practice.
29th November 2014, Saturday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
4/F Conference Hall, Hong Kong Productivity Council
The programme is shown on page 2.
Registration Fee
(Including tea and coffee for morning and afternoon breaks, lunch is NOT provided)
HK$ 700 for normal registration
HK$ 500 for members of AGS (HK) (see enclosed list on page 8)
HK$ 300 for full-time students (limited to 30 persons).
Registration & Enquiries
For registration and payment please refer to enclosed Registration Form on page 7.
For enquiries on registration please contact Doris Tse at tel: 2973 5777 or e-mail:
For general enquiries on seminar please contact Ricky Lee at tel: 2591 1774 or e-mail:
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation will only be accepted in writing via email or fax, not later than 2 weeks before
the seminar, and only 50% of registration fee will be refunded.
Attendance Certificate
The seminar is designed for 1 CPD day. Attendance certificates will be provided at the end
of the seminar.
Book Prize
Book prize is open to all young attendants under 35 years old for the submission of a good
quality report (max. 500 words) on this event. Book Prize reward comprises a book "Geology
of Site Investigation Boreholes in Hong Kong" by Chris Fletcher and book coupon HK$300
from Page One. Please submit your report to, AGS (HK)’s Honorary
Secretary. Please refer to AGS (HK)’s website for details of Book Prize.
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c/o 2602, Golden Centre, 188 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong
Contact: John Cowland, Tel: (852) 2527 6283, Fax.: (852) 2591 1730, E-mail:
1-day Seminar on Reclamation, 29 November 2014,
Hong Kong Productivity Council
9:00 – 9:30 am
9:30 – 9:40 am
Welcome Address
John Cowland
(Chairman AGS HK)
Session I – Chairman (John Cowland)
9:40 – 10:20 am
Ground Improvement Techniques in Land
10:20 – 11:00 am
Geophysics for Reclamation Projects
11:00 – 11:30 am
Coffee Break
11:30 – 12:10 pm
Constructing Artificial Islands
12:10 – 12.30 pm
Panel Discussion / Q&A
12:30 – 1:30 pm
Lunch (not included)
Prof. Masaki Kitazume
(Tokyo Institute of
Shen Wen-lue
(EGS (Asia) Ltd)
Ken Yeo
Session II - Chairman (Suraj De Silva)
1:30 – 2:10 pm
Experience in Soft Ground Engineering
2:10 – 2:50 pm
Slurry Improvement by Direct Drainage
Vacuum Preloading
2:50 – 3:20 pm
Coffee Break
3:20 – 4:00 pm
Stone Columns
4:00 – 4:40 pm
HZMB Case Study: Impact of Marine
Construction Works on Marine Mammals
4:40 – 5:00 pm
Panel Discussion / Q&A
5:00 pm
Distribution of CPD Certificates
Jeff Hsi
Jian Chen
Wilhelm Degen
(Ground Improvement
Lindsay Porter
(SMRU Hong Kong)
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c/o 2602, Golden Centre, 188 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong
Contact: John Cowland, Tel: (852) 2527 6283, Fax.: (852) 2591 1730, E-mail:
About the Presentations and Speakers:
Ground Improvement Techniques in Land Reclamations
(Keynote Speaker: Prof. Masaki Kitazume of Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Masaki Kitazume graduated from Tokyo Institute of Technology with a BEng in 1979,
and a MEng in 1981. Then he joined the Port and Harbour Research Institute, Tokyo,
where he has worked for 30 years. He has been Head of the Soil Stabilization
Laboratory for 20 years and has worked on the interaction of improved ground and
soft ground in order to establish design codes for several ground improvement
techniques. In 1994 he was awarded a DEng from Tokyo Institute of Technology on
the design of Deep Mixing improved ground. In 2011 he became Professor of the
Department of Civil Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology.
Prof. Kitazume has been involved in many land reclamation and ground
improvement projects, including Tokyo/Haneda and Kansai International Airports,
Bussan Immersed Tunnel Project in Korea, Cai Mep Port in Vietnam, Virginia Port
Expansion in USA, Pasir Panjang Terminal in Singapore, and a peer review for Deep
Cement Mixing for the Hong Kong Third Runway. He has published three books on
Deep Mixing and Sand Compaction Piles. He has won many awards and he is a
Member of the ISSMGE Technical Committee TC17 on Ground Improvement.
In his lecture, the design, execution and quality control of ground improvement
techniques in land reclamation will be introduced and compared to the
reclamation materials and ground improvement techniques used in four airport
construction projects in Japan. He will discuss various types of ground improvement
techniques that have been developed and applied to reclamation projects to
minimise the magnitude and rate of ground settlement, including vertical drains
and the pneumatic flow cement mixing method.
Geophysics for Reclamation Projects (by Dr. Shen Wen-lue of EGS (Asia) Ltd)
Dr. SHEN Wen-lue is a Senior Geoscientist for EGS (Asia) Ltd. He obtained his BSc
and MSc from Peking University and then his PhD from the University of Hong Kong,
majoring in structural geology and applied geophysics. He has considerable
experience in marine geophysical surveys from Hong Kong to the Malacca Strait,
from the South China Sea to the Okinawa Trough, from Sri Lanka to the Gulf of
Persia, from the Mariana Trench to Australia, and from South Africa to the Red Sea.
Dr. Shen also devotes his expertise to marine geomorphology, seismic stratigraphy
and geomagnetic field inversion techniques.
In his lecture, he will discuss the use of geophysics to determine seabed levels,
sediment sequences and rock-head topography, and the use of bathymetry, side
scan sonar, seismic profiling, magnetometer and electrical resistivity techniques,
and also post reclamation monitoring using geophysics.
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c/o 2602, Golden Centre, 188 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong
Contact: John Cowland, Tel: (852) 2527 6283, Fax.: (852) 2591 1730, E-mail:
Constructing Artificial Islands (by Dr. Ken Yeo of AECOM)
Dr Ken YEO an Associate in AECOM. He has 30 years of experience in geotechnical
engineering, with specialisation in dynamic compaction, stone columns, gravel
piles, vibro-compaction, vertical drains and basal reinforcement of embankments
on soft ground. Currently, he is working on the Hong Kong / Zhuhai / Macao Bridge.
He will give an introduction to the history of constructing artificial islands, and some
international examples, including the Hong Kong / Zhuhai / Macao Bridge (HZMB)
project. Two innovative methods of construction for reclaiming artificial islands will
be discussed: (a) Large Diameter Steel Cellular Cofferdams and (b) Geo-mattress
Revetments. The Large Diameter Steel Cellular Cofferdam method was applied in
constructing the west island of the HZMB in 10 months.
Construction of revetments using Geo-mattresses (or Geobags) has been used in
the Expansion of Colombo Port in Sri Lanka. Geobags manufactured with high
tensile strength woven geotextiles with UV resistance, anti-aging, chemical
resistance and ductility have been used. A local source of soils was used to fill the
geobags to form a gravity structure revetment, and performance verification was
carried out by a carefully planned instrumentation and monitoring scheme.
Experience in Soft Ground Engineering (by Dr. Jeff Hsi of SMEC)
Dr. Jeff HSI is the Chief Technical Principal for Geotechnics with SMEC who has over
30 years of experience in geotechnical engineering. Jeff’s expertise is in soft
ground engineering and underground spaces, and he has had over 50 technical
papers published in international journals and conferences and he is also a Guest
Lecturer at the University of Technology Sydney and the University of Western
This presentation will cover various ground improvement measures, including high
strength geotextiles, preloading, wick drains, concrete injected columns, driven
piles, stone columns, jet grouting, deep soil mixing and vacuum consolidation. The
presentation will also include specific issues in relation to difficult ground,
effectiveness of solutions, approach to the problems and performance of the work.
Slurry Improvement by Direct Drainage Vacuum Preloading
(by Dr. Jian Chen of CHEC)
Dr. Jian CHEN obtained his PhD in Geotechnical Engineering at the University of
Hong Kong, and is the Manager of the Technical Section at China Harbour
Engineering Company (CHEC). His areas of expertise include ground improvement
and slope monitoring. He has been given an Award of Science and Technology
Progress by the China Association of Construction Enterprise Management.
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c/o 2602, Golden Centre, 188 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong
Contact: John Cowland, Tel: (852) 2527 6283, Fax.: (852) 2591 1730, E-mail:
Traditional vacuum preloading depends on horizontal drainage with sand cushions,
and vertical drainage with prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs). During the vacuum
preloading process, the drainage effect of horizontal sand cushions is strong near
the soil surface but decreases rapidly with depth. This presentation will introduce
the Direct Drainage Vacuum Preloading (DDVP) method in which horizontal sealed
pipes are connected to PVDs to transmit the vacuum head to the vertical drains
more efficiently and thereby eliminating the sand cushions.
Stone Columns (by Dr Wilhelm Degen of Ground Improvement Solutions)
Dr Wilhelm Degen obtained his PhD at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, and
he is a Technical Director of Ground Improvement Solutions. Dr Degen has 25 years
of experience in ground improvement using Vibro-Compaction and Vibro
Replacement Stone Column technology, and he is recognized as an expert in this
specialized field. He has worked on the design and implementation of numerous
ground improvement projects in the USA and internationally. These include the
Hong Kong Airport Core Projects, Hong Kong Disneyland, World Island Dubai, Port of
Stockholm, Hanoi-Haiphong Expressway, and the Hong Kong Border Crossing.
Dr Degen’s presentation will be on the design and installation of stone columns on
land and in marine environments for reclamations.
HZMB Case Study: Impact of Marine Construction Works on Marine Mammals
(by Dr Lindsay Porter of SMRU Hong Kong)
Dr Lindsay Porter is a Senior Research Scientist with SMRU Hong Kong. Lindsay has
focused on marine mammal research since graduating from Glasgow University in
1992. After graduating she conducted survey work in the North and Irish Seas, and
also tracked whales across the Atlantic Ocean, on board a research vessel that
was dedicated to developing acoustic monitoring systems for marine mammals.
Since 1993 Dr Porter has worked in Asia, studying populations of tropical marine
mammals, particularly the Chinese white dolphin. In 1998, she completed a PhD at
the University of Hong Kong on the impact of the development of the Hong Kong
International Airport construction on the Hong Kong population of dolphins. Since
2010, Dr Porter has been employed by the University of St. Andrews through their
Hong Kong unit, SMRU Hong Kong (Ltd), to lead all their research projects in the Asia
Pacific region, including China, Taiwan, Indonesia, East Timor, Vietnam, Australia,
Malaysia, Sri Lanka and the Maldives. She is an Advisor to the South East Asian
Marine Mammal Association and the Chair of the Awards and Scholarships
Committee of the Marine Mammal Society.
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c/o 2602, Golden Centre, 188 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong
Contact: John Cowland, Tel: (852) 2527 6283, Fax.: (852) 2591 1730, E-mail:
Dr Porter’s presentation will discuss the Chinese white dolphins that are affected by
coastal development in Hong Kong. The many Environmental Impact Assessments
(EIA) that have been conducted under the EIA Ordinance (EIAO Cap. 499) will be
discussed, and key assumptions and predictions reviewed in light of the longer
dataset now available for Hong Kong and new tools recently available to analyse
monitoring data, e.g., PCoD modelling.
The development of the Hong Kong / Zhuhai / Macau Bridge (HZMB) has provided
an opportunity to thoroughly examine the impact of reclamation processes as the
Environmental Permit (EP) for this project is the strictest ever issued and provides for
24 hour monitoring of construction sites for the many years of project duration. The
EP also provides for the development of appropriate analyses for the data
collected, so that impacts can be discerned and quantified with a known degree
of accuracy. The first two years of analyses shows clear underlying patterns of
temporal and spatial habitat preferences with a gradual decrease in habitat use
superimposed on top of this as construction activities continue. The impact
modelling shows that the dolphins ecology is complex and the factors which
dictate changes in habitat use and abundance are many.
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c/o 2602, Golden Centre, 188 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong
Contact: John Cowland, Tel: (852) 2527 6283, Fax.: (852) 2591 1730, E-mail:
1-day Seminar on Reclamation
Event :
Date :
Time :
Venue :
Registration Fee :
Saturday, 29th November 2014
09:00 for registration; 09:30 –17:00 for seminar
HKPC / 4F Conference Hall
HK$ 700 normal
HK$ 500 members of AGS (HK)
HK$ 300 full-time students (limited to 30 persons)
Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis and seats are limited.
Note :
Registration :
You can either:
1. Complete this form and return together with your crossed cheque made payable
to The Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists (Hong Kong)
Limited by mail to :
Ir Chris Lee (AGS HK)
C M Wong & Associates Limited
1104 Universal Trade Centre,
3-5A Arbuthnot Road, Hong Kong
(Telephone enquiry: 2973 5777 for Doris Tse)
2. Bank-in to our HSBC account:
Account number:
Account name:
AGS (HK) Ltd
3. Attn: Ir Chris Lee at fax no. (852) 2521 9979 or with cheque
payment expected at the seminar venue.
Full Name :
Contact e-mail :
Contact Tel. No. :
Fax No. :
Company Name :
Registration Fee:
Fax Registration ONLY
I promise to pay on the day and please
reserve me a place.
Mail Registration ONLY
My attached crossed cheque is
I would like to receive a CPD attendance
certificate :
Signature :
$500 AGS (HK)
Cheque No.
Date :
page 7 of 9
c/o 2602, Golden Centre, 188 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong
Contact: John Cowland, Tel: (852) 2527 6283, Fax.: (852) 2591 1730, E-mail:
List of AGS (HK)’s Member Organisations
AECOM Asia Company Limited
Atkins China Limited
Au Posford Consultants Limited
Aurecon Hong Kong Limited
Bachy Soletanche Group Limited
Benaim (China) Limited
C M Wong & Associates Limited
DrilTech Ground Engineering Limited
EGS (Asia) Limited
Fong On Construction Limited
Fugro (Hong Kong) Limited
Fugro Geotechnical Services Limited
Gammon Construction Limited
Geosystems Ltd.
Golder Associates (HK) Limited
Halcrow China Limited
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Jacobs China Limited
Lam Geotechnics Limited
Maxwell GeoSystems Limited
Mott MacDonald (HK) Limited
Ove Arup & Partners (HK) Limited
SMEC Asia Limited
Stanger Asia Limited
Tony Gee and Partners
Tysan Foundation Limited
Victor Li & Associates Ltd
VSL – Intrafor (HK)
Note: If your affiliated organisation is one of the above organisations, you are
entitled to HK$500 registration fee.
page 8 of 9
c/o 2602, Golden Centre, 188 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong
Contact: John Cowland, Tel: (852) 2527 6283, Fax.: (852) 2591 1730, E-mail:
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