October 13, 2014 Volume 60, Number 90 The Mississippi Contractor 5165 Old Brandon Road Pearl, MS 39208 t: 601.944.0421 f: 601.944.0450 10480 Corporate Drive, Suite 2 Gulfport, MS 39503 t: 228.897.1711 f: 228.897.2711 www.msabc.net www.msabcplanroom.net Calendar of Events October 16th Scaffold Training October 16th Tupelo Wild Game Dinner October 22nd Lein Law Overview October 22nd Fall Protection Class October 22nd CQM Class Gulfport ABC Office October 28th CPR & First Aid Training October 29th Rigger & Signalperson Training W Arre Parrtnerss We MABC and the Mississippi Connstruction Educationn Foundation (MCEFF) M are partners in educatioon. MCEFF with MAABC as itss strongest supporteer has become thhe educatioon arm of the constrruction induustry. RRecognizing that trainning is thee primary inngredient to t the succcess of any business espeecially in the consttruction inndustry, MCEF M is building b the founndation thaat will provvide that service s to our o membbers. MCEEF has twwo proggrams, thee School to Work program works witth the public schoool systeem and the community colleeges, the Adult Craaft Traininng program m workks with conntractors and a their em mployees. We are onee industry with one training W t prrogram. The T Contreen Learning Seriees (ie. “W Wheels of Learning””) is the approved curriculum m for botth proggrams. Scchool-to-W Work classses are Core curricculum and Level I in craftts. Adult Craft C Trainiing is Leveel I throughh Level IV.. A Craft Training should Adult s be an a integral part of thhe manageement effort of yoour busineess plan. It’s a provven fact thhat a trained, skilledd workforcce will increase i productivity p y and quality, maintaain project scheduless and meeet or beeat projectt budgets. All of thiss goes to the t bottom m line of yoour financiaal stateement. Caan you affoord to not add a to youur profitability? CCall MCEF at 601-6005-2989, sttart trainingg your worrkforce todday. Add to t the success story s of yoour compaany and add to the bottom linne on youur finanncial statem ment. Training doess not cost, it pays. 2 PERSONALIZED SOLUTIONS. PERSONAL SERVICE. Introducing C Spire Business Solutions. C Spire has greatly expanded our portfolio of communications solutions for business to include Wireless, Phone and Internet. To ensure that you get the most out of this new portfolio of options, we have deployed dedicated teams who live and work near you so they can not only help All trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. ©2013 C Spire Business Solutions. All rights reserved. you quickly, but also understand your business, your market and your challenges. Save 10% on IP Voice Phone System when you sign up for Wireless. Get Personalized. Contact your Client Account Executive or Assist for Business. 1-855-CSPIRE2 (277-4732) | cspirebusiness.com | assistforbusiness@cspire.com 3 Summary of Construction Projects 10/13....... Pascagoula.....................Navigational Channel Restoration................................................ Bin #GP-21.....................................................................................7 10/14....... Hickory Flat, MS...........New Classroom Complex Hickory Flat Head Start Center.......... Bin #JX-21.....................................................................................8 10/14....... Starkville.......................Wastewater Collection System - Phase I....................................... Bin #JX-85.....................................................................................8 10/14....... Tunica............................Wastewater System Additions Woolfolk Road............................. Bin #JX-69.....................................................................................8 10/14....... Jackson..........................UMMC Garage C and Roadway Revisions.................................. Bin #JX-42.....................................................................................7 10/14....... MS State........................Extension Administration Storage Building................................. Bin #JX-47.....................................................................................7 10/15....... Starkville.......................Part 3 Repainting 100,000 Gallon Elevated Tank......................... Bin #JX-23.....................................................................................9 10/15....... Diamondhead.................Diamondhead Fire Station Project................................................ Bin #GP-03.....................................................................................9 10/15....... D’Iberville.....................North Sewer Intercept Project - D’Iberville.................................. Bin #GP-08.....................................................................................9 10/16....... Vicksburg.......................RE-BID 2014 Multi-Purpose Building Roofing Program............ Bin #JX-32.....................................................................................10 10/16....... Washington, MS............Historic Jefferson College Roof Repair Program......................... Bin #JX-31.....................................................................................10 10/16....... Mount Olive..................Main Street Rehabilitation Federal Aid No. STP-0099-00(012).. Bin #JX-38.....................................................................................9 10/17....... Lumberton.....................Renovations to Lumberton Auditorium........................................ Bin #JX-20, GP-23.........................................................................11 10/17....... Florence.........................RE-BID Building Additions - Florence City Hall......................... Bin #JX-80.....................................................................................10 10/17....... Sontag, MS ...................Water Well and Appurtenances..................................................... Bin #JX-25.....................................................................................11 10/20X.... Bay Saint Louis.............Sports Complex Facility............................................................... Bin #GP-11 & JX-49......................................................................11 10/20....... D’Iberville.....................D’Iberville Elementary School New Entry Canopy..................... Bin #GP-16.....................................................................................12 10/20....... Gulfport.........................New Administration and Gymnasium Entry Canopies................. Bin #JX-70, GP-15.........................................................................11 10/20....... Bay St. Louis.................Sand Beach Restoration Project.................................................... Bin #GP-05.....................................................................................12 10/21....... Scooba, MS...................Old Cafeteria Re-Roof East Mississippi Community College..... Bin #JX-04.....................................................................................13 10/21....... Greenwood....................Replacement of House @ 424 Star Street - Rising Sun................ Bin #JX-03.....................................................................................13 10/21....... Jackson..........................Recoat Pavilion Roof 2014........................................................... Bin #JX-54.....................................................................................12 10/22....... Mobile, AL....................University of South Alabama Professional Office Bldg............... Electronic........................................................................................13 10/23!...... Hattiesburg....................Residence Hall Addition William Carey University..................... Bin #JX-13.....................................................................................14 10/23....... Long Beach....................New Long Beach High School Softball Fieldhouse RE-BID....... Bin #GP-13.....................................................................................15 10/23....... Greenwood....................Milwaukee Electric Tool Expansion Phase I, Exsisting Facility.. Bin #JX-33.....................................................................................13 10/23....... Starkville.......................Cafeteria Addition and Window Replacement at Gymnasium..... Bin #JX-10.....................................................................................15 10/23....... Starkville.......................East and West Oktibbeha County Elementary School Renov....... Bin #JX-16.....................................................................................14 10/23....... Greenwood....................Museum of the Mississippi Delta Renovation - Phase I............... Bin #JX-01.....................................................................................14 10/27!...... Greenwood....................Yazoo River Trail Phase II Paving for the City of Greenwood.... Bin #JX-07.....................................................................................15 10/27!...... Bruce, MS .....................Sewer System Rehab and Improvements...................................... Bin #JX-06.....................................................................................16 10/28!...... Hancock Cty..................1-MDOT-HSIP-0010-01(148) / 106776301................................. Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................18 10/28!...... Holmes Cty....................2-MDOT-BR-0041-01(011) / 100435301..................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................18 10/28!...... Rankin / Hinds...............3-MDOT-HSIP-0055-02(241) / 106870301 &302....................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................18 10/28!...... Copiah / Rankin.............4-MDOT-HSIP-2177-00(012) / 106859301, HSIP-0008-03........ Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................18 10/28!...... Montgomery Cty...........5-MDOT-BR-9999-02(250) / 106598303..................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................17 10/28!...... Forrest, Harrison, Jxn....6-MDOT-STP-9999-06(015) / 106495301,302 and 303.............. Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................16 10/28!...... Forrest Cty.....................7-MDOT-SP-9999-06(016) / 106672301...................................... Bin #JX-71.....................................................................................16 10/28!...... Whitfield........................RE-BID Cottage Sprinkler System............................................... Bin #JX-37.....................................................................................16 10/28!...... Jackson..........................Asphalt Paving Project - MS Schools for the Blind & the Deaf... Bin #JX-46.....................................................................................16 10/28!...... Clinton...........................SRF Water System Improvements................................................ Bin #JX-24.....................................................................................17 10/28!...... New Orleans, LA...........Christopher Inn ADA Upgrade..................................................... Bin #JX-35.....................................................................................16 10/28!...... McComb........................Fire Station No. 3.......................................................................... Bin #JX-09.....................................................................................17 10/30....... Jackson..........................UMMC Finishes Revision C399-05............................................. Bin #JX-02.....................................................................................18 11/04!...... Jackson..........................Sillers Lobby Upgrades................................................................. Bin #JX-50.....................................................................................19 11/04........ Gulfport.........................Commercial Small Craft Harbor & West Pier Shoreline Pro........ Bin #GP-1A....................................................................................19 11/05!...... Gulfport.........................West Fritz Creek Interceptor - (REBID)....................................... Bin #GP-18.....................................................................................19 11/05!...... Diamondhead.................Drainage Improvements - Diamondhead City Hall...................... Bin #JX-1C.....................................................................................19 11/05!...... Pelahatchie.....................CDBG Multicraft Building Renovations...................................... Bin #JX-22.....................................................................................19 11/06!...... Mooreville, MS.............Mooreville Middle School Building Additions and Renovatio.... Bin #JX-57.....................................................................................20 11/06!...... Mantee, MS...................Mantee Depot Restoration and Rehabilitation.............................. Bin #JX-40.....................................................................................20 11/06!...... University, MS...............Training Kitchen Renovations...................................................... Bin #JX-17.....................................................................................20 11/07!...... Gulfport.........................West Gulfport Regional Interceptor (REBID).............................. Bin #GP-09.....................................................................................21 !-New Project X-Bid Date Extended Just In-Plans arrived too late for publication JX is the Jackson Bin number, GP is the Gulfport Bin number If a specific plan room is listed, plans are available in that plan room only BUT can be made available in either or both planrooms. Just let me know which job you need. Apparent Low Bidders ........................................................................................ Page 22 4 ARCHITECT RELEASE OF PROJECT PLANS TO ABC PRIME CONTRACTOR MEMBERS A. The architect/engineer will record issue of set(s) of project plans and specifications, without requirement of plan deposit, to ABC Members by name. B. C. This procedure shall apply to the bidding phase of a project only and has no application to issuance of plans to the successful bidder. D. The architect/engineer will call upon the ABC to honor plan deposit guarantee should one of its contractor members: 1 It shall be the responsibility of the ABC member to identify himself to the architect/engineer at the time plans are issued to be entitled to terms of this agreement. Not return plans and specifications to architect/engineer within ten (10) days after bids are received without prior agreement of architect/engineer. 2. Return plans and specifications not in reusable condition, i.e., defaced, mutilated, sheets missing, etc. Discretion will be used to determine whether entire plans or certain sheets thereof need to be replaced. 3. Not submit a bid after receiving plans under the provisions of this program, unless the contractor should return said plans to the architect at least (3) days prior to the bid opening date. 5 Future Projects Information & Dates Listed Subject to Change Bid Date 10/23 10/30 11/05 11/05 11/07 11/13 11/13 11/24 Location Corinth Southaven, MS Hinds County Hinds County Leland, MS Pelahatchie Waynesboro Olive Branch, MS MISSISSIPPI - Requested Projects Project Name Federal Aid Project No.STP-9299-00(002)LPA/106601 Federal Aid Project No. STP-1945-00(001)/104574-701000 Federal Aid Project No. SRSP-0025-00(069)LPA-105776 Byram Swinging Bridge Improvements LPA Project No. STP-0280-00(002)LPA FMS No. 106775 Federal Aid Project No. SRSP-0192-00(038) / 105863 Transportation Museum for City of Waynesboro Federal Aid Project No. STP-7903-00(001)LPA/104919 Arch/Eng (Notes) Cook Coggin Engineers, Inc Elliott & Britt Engineering, P.A. IMS Engineers CivilTech, Inc Gardner Engineering, PA Waggoner Engineering, Inc. Belinda Stewart Architects, PA Neel-Schaffer, Inc. If you have an upcoming project you would like to see listed in the “Future Projects” section of The Mississippi Contractor, contact us by Thursday of each week at 601-944-0421/800-806-7222. To Verify Membership with MABC go to www.msabc.net and click on “Member List”. Contact us for your username and password. 6 Index Advertisements Do you have equipment to sell or a salaried position to fill? Our weekly publication reaches over 800 contractors and can be a valuable tool for you to use selling equipment or filling a position in your company. Run your Index Advertisement here for the unbeatable rate of $25 for 4 weeks! To place an ad in this weekly newsletter, please call 601-944-0421 or email: joyce@msabc.net ESTIMATOR/PROJECT MANAGER LOCAL CONTRACTOR SEEKING ESTIMATOR/PROJECT MANAGER. DUTIES WILL INCLUDE ESTIMATING OF LIGHT GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND REMODEL/ RENOVATIONS; OFFICE DUTIES INCLUDING ATTENDANCE AT PROGRESS MEETINGS, SITE VISITS, ETC., AND SUBMITTAL PROCESSING. PLEASE CALL 601-825-8101 OR EMAIL RESUME TO tweinc1@bellsouth.net 7 10/13/2014 Bidding: 10/13/2014 at 1:00:00 PM Navigational Channel Restoration Pascagoula,MS / Jackson Co (in 9/10/2014) Divisions: 2 Desc: Disposal Sites / Dredging / Permits Bids To: Terry Miller, Clerk of the Board, 2915 Canty St, Suite R, Pascagoula, MS Plans From: Seymour Engineering Biloxi, MS / Phone (228) 385-2350 / Fax (228) 385-2353 Prebid Conference: 9/30 @ 10am Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $150 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-21 Est. Cost: 3.3 Million __________ 10/14/2014 Bidding: 10/14/2014 at 2:00:00 PM UMMC Garage C and Roadway Revisions Jackson,MS / Hinds Co (in 9/4/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,14,21,22,23,26,27,28,31,32,33 Desc: Selective Site Demolition / Selective Mechanical Demolition / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Precast Concrete / Unit Masonry / Metal Fabrications / Metal Grating Stairs / Pipe and Tube Railings / Self-Adhering Sheet Waterproofing / Firestopping / Modified Bituminous Membrane Roofing / Roof Accessories / Joint Sealers / Garage Waterproofing Systems / Hollow Metal Doors and Frames / Impact Resistant Wood Doors / Access Doors and Panels / Fire Rated Glazing Walls / Aluminum Framed Storefronts / Door Hardware / Glazing / Acoustical Ceilings / Painting and Coating / Garage Pavement Marking / Parking Garage Signage / Fire Protection Specialties / Fixed Sun Screens / Aluminum Canopies / Parking Control Equipment / Passenger Elevators / Fire Suppression Standpipes / General Plumbing / Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping and Equipment / Heat Tracing for Plumbing Pipes / Domestic Water Piping / Domestic Water Piping Specialties / Storm Drainage Piping / Sump Pumps / Mechanical / General Mechanical and Plumbing / Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment / HVAC Insulation / Instrumentation and Control for HVAC / SplitSystem Air Conditioners / Electrical / Common Work Results for Electrical / Medium Voltage Cables / Low Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables / Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems / Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems / Raceway and Boxes for Electrical Systems / Underground Ducts and Raceways for Electrical Systems / Identification for Electrical Systems / Medium Voltage Transformers / Panelboards / Electricity Metering / Wiring Devices / Fuses / Transfer Switches / Lightning Protection for Structures / Transient-Voltage Suppression for Low-Voltage Electrical Power Circuits / Interior Lighting / Exterior Lighting / Common Work Results for Communications / Communications Equipment Room Fittings / Common Work Results for Electronic Safety and Security / Zoned (DC Loop) Fire Alarm System / Blue Light Security Phone / Clearing and Grubbing / Earthwork / Pipeline Excavation and Backfill / Silt Fence / Temporary Erosion Checks / Geotextile Fabric / Riprap / Augercast Piles / Straight-Sided Shafts / Crushed Limestone Base / Asphalt Paving / Concrete Accessories / Concrete Formwork / Concrete Placement / Pavement Markings / Aluminum Louver Fencing / Segmented Retaining Wall / Seeding, Fertilizing and Mulching / Site Water Distribution Piping / Enclosure and Piping Specialties – Site Water / Hangers and Supports for Site Piping and Equipment / Heat Tracing for Site Piping / Sump Pumps / Drainage Pipes and Culverts / Precast Concrete Box Culverts / Storm Drainage Structures Bids To: Office of Construction, UMMC, Jackson, MS Plans From: Cooke Douglass Farr Lemons Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 366-3110 / Fax (601) 366-3181 Prebid Conference: 9/23 @830 AM, UMMC Stud Union Conf RM A & B Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $150 Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-42 Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/7/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *Birdsong Construction Co., Inc. Clinton,MS Phone (601) 924-4220 Fax (601) 924-4984 Brasfield & Gorrie Birmingham,AL Phone (800) 289-8017 Fax Fountain Construction Jackson ,MS Phone (601) 373-4162 Fax (601) 373-4300 Hemphill Constr. Co., Inc. Florence ,MS Phone (601) 932-2060 Fax (601) 932-2550 Johnson Construction Pearl,MS Phone (601) 939-8840 Fax (601) 939-8849 *Key, LLC Madison,MS Phone (601) 898-9892 Fax (601) 898-9896 *Malouf Construction, LLC Greenwood,MS Phone (662) 455-6111 Fax (662) 455-6118 *Roy Anderson Corp Jackson,MS Phone (601) 206-7600 Fax (601) 206-7601 *W. G. Yates & Sons Construction Company Jackson,MS Phone (601) 352-7396 Fax (601) 353-3050 *White-Spunner Construction Company, Inc. Mobile,AL Phone (251) 471-5189 Fax (251) 300-3870 __________ Bidding: 10/14/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Extension Administration Storage Building Mississippi State,MS / Oktibbeha Co (in 9/16/2014) Divisions: 2,3,5,6,78,9,13,15,16 Desc: Minor Demolition / Site Preparation / Existing Utilities / Disposal of Material / Site Clearing / Earthwork / Excavating, Backfilling and Compacting for Structures / Termite Control / Water Distribution / Portland Cement Concrete / Water Service Piping / Storm Sewerage / Sanitary Sewage / Job Site Fencing / Equipment Fencing / Lawns and Grassing / Concrete Formwork / Concrete Reinforcement / Cast-in-Place Concrete / Concrete Floor Sealer / Metal Fabrications / Rough Carpentry / Wood Blocking and Curbing / Building Insulation / Pre-Engineered Building Insulation / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Joint Sealers / Steel Doors and Frames / Sectional Overhead Doors / Finish Hardware / Painting / Metal Building System / Fire-Suppression Piping / Mechanical/Plumbing / Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods / Hangers and Supports / Mechanical Identification / Pipe Insulation / Valves / Domestic Water Piping / Plumbing Specialties / Self-Contained Air-Conditioners / Propeller Unit Heaters / Louvers / Power Ventilators / Air Filters / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing / Mechanical Commissioning / Electrical / Basic Electrical Materials and Methods / Grounding and Bonding / Conductors and Cables / Raceways and Boxes / Wiring Devices / Surge Protection Device (SPD) / Enclosed Switches and Circuit Breakers / Panelboards / Interior and Exterior Lighting / Electrical Systems Commissioning Bids To: Office of Procurement and Contracts, Mississippi State University, P. O. Box 5307, 610 McArthur Hall, 245 Barr Avenue, Mississippi State, MS 39762 Plans From: Shafer & Associates, PLLC Starkville, MS / Phone (662) 323-1628 / Fax (662) 324-8239 8 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $150 MABC Plan Room: Jackson, Columbus Bin #: JX-47 Est. Cost: $450,000 Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/8/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Byrum Construction Inc. Starkville,MS Phone (662) 320-7373 Fax (662) 320-7374 *D. Carroll Construction, LLC Oxford,MS Phone (662) 281-1207 Fax (662) 281-1209 T & M Steel Columbus ,MS Phone (662) 328-2860 Fax (662) 328-2889 __________ Bidding: 10/14/2014 at 4:00:00 PM Wastewater System Additions Woolfolk Road Tunica,MS / Tunica Co (in 9/22/2014) Desc: Dewatering / Earthwork / Crushed Aggregate / Erosion, Sedimentation and Dust Control / Bored Casing Pipe with Carrier Pipe / Horizontal Directional Drilling / Pavement Repairs / Force Mains / Water Systems / Disinfection / Drain Pipe / Sanitary Sewer Systems / Chain Link Fence and Gates / Seed and Mulch / Pump Station 1 and 2 / General Provisions Electrical / Electrical Services for Packaged Pumping Stations Bids To: Rechelle R. Siggers, Secretary of the Tunica County Utility District, 1300 School Street, Tunica, MS 38676 Plans From: River Bend of Mississippi Robinsonville, MS / Phone (662) 357-6886 / Fax (662) 357-6889 Prebid Conference: 10/3 @10 AM, 987 Harris Street, Tunica, MS Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $200 Non Ref Addenda: 2 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-69 Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/7/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Argo Construction Cordova ,TN Phone (901) 753-3673 Fax (901) 753-3676 DDH Construction Woodstock,GA Phone (678) 796-3574 Fax (678) 922-7528 Delta Constructors, Inc. Flowood,MS Phone (601) 939-8732 Fax (601) 939-0867 Reece Construction Company, Inc. Forrest City,AR Phone (870) 317-6024 Fax (870) 633-6886 W & T Contracting Corp. Southaven,MS Phone (000) 000-0000 Fax (662) 510-0491 __________ Bidding: 10/14/2014 at 10:00:00 AM Wastewater Collection System - Phase I Starkville,MS / Oktibbeha Co (in 9/22/2014) Desc: Pipe and Fitting Materials / Pipe Installation / Maintenance of Trenches, Driveways and Streets / Removal and Reconstruction of Surfacing / Dewatering / Wye Branches, Service Line and House Service Connection / Cleanouts / Precast Concrete Manholes and Wet Well / Boring and Encasement Under Railroads and Highways / Concrete Pipe Supports / Support Piling / Sewer Main Relation to Water Mains / Cleaning and Restoration of Site / Erosion Control and Seeding / Sewer Collection System Inspection and Testing / Sewer Line Measurement and Basis of Payment / Duplex Submersible Non-Clog Sewage Pump Station / Packaged Duplex Grinder Sewage Pumping System / Pump Station Motor Control System for Duplex Pump Station / Packaged Simplex Grinder Sewage Pumping System / Gate Valves and Valve Boxes / Sewage Air/Vacuum Valve / Metering Devices / Painting / Chain Link Fencing / Curb Stops / Pressure Gauges / Acceptance of Sewer Constructions / Electrical / General Electrical Provisions / Low-Voltage Power Conductors and Cables (600 Volts and Below) / Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems / Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems / Raceways and Boxes for Electrical Systems / Arc Flash Analysis Study / Load Centers / Low-Voltage Distribution Equipment / Wiring Devices / Enclosed Switches / Manual Transfer Switches / Electric Service – Grinder Pump Stations / Electric Service – Pump Stations / Managed Cellular Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System Bids To: President and Board Members, Golden Triangle Planning and Development District, 106 Miley Road, Starkville, MS 39760 Plans From: Calvert-Spradling Engineers West Point, MS / Phone (662) 494-7101 / Fax (662) 494-8549 Prebid Conference: 10/07 @ 10AM Golden Triangle Planning 106 Miley Rd Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $300 Non Ref Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-85 Est. Cost: $3,000,000 Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/9/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Delta Constructors, Inc. Flowood,MS Phone (601) 939-8732 Fax (601) 939-0867 Kajacs Contractors Inc. Poplar Bluff,MO Phone (573) 785-1745 Fax (573) 785-6237 Ken Barlow Fluid Process Florence,MS Phone (601) 664-0233 Fax (601) 664-0144 Perma Corp Columbus ,MS Phone (662) 328-8461 Fax (662) 328-3338 Prairie Construction Saltillo,MS Phone (662) 842-8531 Fax (662) 841-9335 __________ Bidding: 10/14/2014 at 2:00:00 PM New Classroom Complex Hickory Flat Head Start Center Hickory Flat,MS / Benton Co (in 9/24/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,15,16 Desc: Demolition / Patching and Cutting / Earthwork ad Site Grading / Termite Treatment of Foundation Structure and Surrounding Soil / Lawns / Concrete / Asphalt Concrete Paving / Plant Material / Concrete Formwork / Concrete Reinforcing / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Unit Masonry / Miscellaneous Metals / Rough Carpentry / Finish Carpentry / Millwork / Dampproofing / Insulation / Sheet Metal Roofing / Flexible Flashing / Caulking and Sealants / Metal Doors and Frames / Wood Doors / Aluminum Windows / Hardware / Hardware Schedule / Glass and Glazing / Synthetic Stucco Finish System / Gypsum Wallboard / Ceramic Tile (Thin Set) / Quarry Tile / Acoustical Ceiling Systems / Resilient Tile Flooring / Strip and Wax / Sheet Vinyl Flooring / Painting / Tack Boards / Aluminum Walkway and Ramp Covers / Metal Toilet Partition / Firefighting Devices / Identifying Devices / Toilet and Bath Accessories / Kitchen Equipment / Window Blinds / Metal Shelving / Polypropylene Shelving / Walk-In Freezer / Mechanical / Mechanical General Provisions / Submittals and Shop Drawings / Codes and Standards / Air Distribution, Mechanical / Piping and Fittings / Starting, Testing, Balancing and Demonstration of Mechanical System / Electrical / Intercommunications System Bids To: Institute of Community Services, Inc., Project Head Start at 160 West Valley Avenue, Holly Springs, MS 38635 Plans From: LAD Engineering Technologies Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 362-0866 / Fax (601) 362-2597 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Non Ref Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-21 9 Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/7/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Burton Builders Belmont,MS Phone (662) 454-9757 Fax (662) 454-3739 C & M Builders Southaven ,MS Phone (662) 342-7182 Fax (662) 342-5332 CIG Contractors Corinth,MS Phone (662) 287-8079 Fax (662) 287-4789 Fulwood Construction Olive Branch,MS Phone (662) 890-8904 Fax (662) 890-8949 Jaycon Development Corporation Memphis,TN Phone (901) 794-4134 Fax (901) 794-4213 Savannah Electric Savannah,TN Phone (731) 925-9004 Fax (731) 925-0155 Southland Construction Co. Tupelo,MS Phone (662) 844-0140 Fax (662) 844-5702 *Sunbelt Specialties, Inc. Fulton,MS Phone (662) 862-5796 Fax (662) 862-5797 *T L & C Construction, Inc. Corinth,MS Phone (662) 396-4688 Fax (662) 396-4689 *Tri-Star Mechanical Contractors Batesville,MS Phone (662) 578-4440 Fax (662) 578-4447 __________ 10/15/2014 Bidding: 10/15/2014 at 10:00:00 AM Part 3 Repainting 100,000 Gallon Elevated Tank Starkville,MS / Oktibbeha Co (in 10/1/2014) Desc: Scope / Work Included / Related Work and Applicable Requirements Specified Elsewhere / Reference Documents and Standards / Submittals / Delivery, Storage and Handling / Environmental Conditions / Protection and Safety Precautions / Acceptable Manufacturers / Materials / Material Preparation / Pre-Work Inspection / Surface Preparation / Interior Coating System / Exterior Coating System (Base Bid) / Exterior Coating System (Alternate Bid) / Application / Inspection / Acceptance of Work / Repairs / Cleaning and Disinfection / Clean Up Bids To: President and Board Members of Chapel Hill - Pleasant Grove Water Assoc, Rural Development, 510 Hwy 25 South, Suite 3, Starkville, MS 39759 Plans From: Calvert-Spradling Engineers West Point, MS / Phone (662) 494-7101 / Fax (662) 494-8549 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-23 Est. Cost: $70,000 - $80,000 Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/9/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Dixie Painting Andalusia ,AL Phone (334) 572-4200 Fax (334) 572-4079 Southeastern Tank & Tower, Inc. Lake Park,GA Phone (229) 559-7700 Fax (229) 559-7710 Tank Pro Inc Northport ,AL Phone (205) 750-0444 Fax (205) 750-0464 Thweatt Construction, Inc. Canton,MS Phone (601) 855-7311 Fax (601) 855-7311 Utility Service Co. Inc. Perry,GA Phone (478) 987-0303 Fax (478) 987-9657 __________ Bidding: 10/15/2014 at 10:00:00 AM North Sewer Intercept Project – Diberville Diberville,MS / Harrison Co (in 9/23/2014) Divisions: 2,3,16 Desc: Demolition / Clearing / Grubbing / Bedding / Foundation Material / Earthwork / Granular Base Course / Geotextile Fabric / Stormwater Management / Horizontal Directional Drilling / Pavement Removal / Replacement / Residential Water Services / Concrete Culvert Pipe / Gravity Sanitary Sewer / Duplex Pump Station / Traffic Maintenance / Plant Establishment / Cast In Place Concrete / Electrical / Raceway System / Wire / Cable / Devices / Lighting / Service / Distribution / Emergency Generation System Provisions Bids To: Harrison county Utility Authority, 10271 Express Drive, Gulfport, MS Plans From: Brown, Mitchell & Alexander, Inc. Gulfport, MS / Phone (228) 864-7612 / Fax (228) 864-7676 Prebid Conference: 10/1 @ 10am Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $200 Non Ref Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-08 Est. Cost: requested __________ Bidding: 10/15/2014 at 4:00:00 PM Diamondhead Fire Station Project Diamondhead,MS / Hancock Co (in 9/25/2014) Divisions: 2,15,16 Bids To: Diamondhead Fire Department, 88159 Gulf Club Drive, Diamondhead, MS Plans From: Heinrich & Associates Gulfport, MS / Phone (228) 896-6788 / Fax (000) 000-0000 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-03 Est. Cost: not releasing Plan Holders: (Updated Date 9/25/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ 10/16/2014 Bidding: 10/16/2014 at 10:00:00 AM Main Street Rehabilitation Federal Aid Project No. STP-0099-00(012)LPA/106508-701000 Mount Olive,MS / Covington Co (in 9/15/2014) Desc: Measurement and Pavement / Wattles / Hot Mix Asphalt / Warm Mix / Tack Coat / Structural Concrete / Culvert and Storm Drains / Asphalt Pavement Texturing / Temporary Construction Signs / Constructions Stakes / Hydraulic Cement / Polyphosphoric Acid Modification or Petroleum Asphalt Cement / Aggregates / Non Metal Drainage Structures / Metal Pipe / Synthetic Structural Fiber Reinforcement / Admixtures for Concrete / Miscellaneous Materials / Concrete Bridges and Structures / 10 Bids To: The Board of Alderman for the Town of Mount Olive, MS, Board Room, 501 S. Main Street, Mount Olive, mS 39119 Plans From: Shows, Dearman & Waits, Inc. Hattiesburg, MS / Phone (601) 544-1821 / Fax (601) 544-0501 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-38 Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 9/15/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 10/16/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Historic Jefferson College Roof Repair Program Washington,MS / Adams Co (in 9/18/2014) Divisions: 7 Desc: Repair of Shingle Roofing / Slate Roofing / Gutters and Downspouts / Cleaning / Contractor’s Guarantee Bids To: Department of Archives and History, Board Room, 2500 North State Street, Jackson, MS Plans From: Robert Parker Adams, Architect, PA Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 948-7722 / Fax (601) 352-0288 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-31 Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/6/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *Guaranteed Roofing Co., Inc. Pearl,MS Phone (601) 939-2848 Fax (601) 939-2782 *Mandals, Inc. Gulfport,MS Phone (228) 864-1474 Fax (228) 864-1408 Roofing Solutions, LLC Prairieville,LA Phone (225) 744-3912 Fax (225) 744-0037 Rycars Construction LLC Kenner,LA Phone (504) 305-5309 Fax (504) 305-5308 __________ Bidding: 10/16/2014 at 2:00:00 PM RE-BID 2014 Multi-Purpose Building Roofing Program Vicksburg,MS / Warren Co (in 10/1/2014) Divisions: 2,5,6,7,8,9 Desc: Selective Demolition / Miscellaneous Metals / Roof Accessory / Rough Carpentry / Roof Insulation / Exterior Insulation and Finish System / Flexible Sheet Roofing System / Flashing and Sheet Metal / Roof Hatch / Joint Sealants / Insulated Translucent Fiberglass Sandwich Panel Skylight System / Painting Bids To: Office of the Director of Purchasing, D.G. “Sonny” Fountain Hall, 608 Hinds Blvd, Room 208, Raymond, MS 39154 Plans From: Brumfield Ward & Associates Architects, PA Ridgeland, MS / Phone (601) 982-0341 / Fax (601) 899-4799 Prebid Conference: 10/2 @ 10AM, Admin Conf Rm, Banks Bldg, Hwy 27 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-32 Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/9/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *E. Cornell Malone Corp. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 352-5940 Fax (601) 352-5944 *Independent Roofing Systems, Inc. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 922-4301 Fax (601) 922-8602 Mid-Western Commercial Roofers Inc. Mobile,AL Phone (251) 633-7005 Fax (251) 633-7555 R.B.T. Construction Texarkana,TX Phone (903) 278-0975 Fax (000) 000-0000 Rycars Construction LLC Kenner,LA Phone (504) 305-5309 Fax (504) 305-5308 __________ 10/17/2014 Bidding: 10/17/2014 at 10:00:00 AM RE-BID Building Addition - Florence City Hall Florence,MS / Rankin Co (in 8/11/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,22,23,26,28,31,32,34 Desc: / Demolition / Removal of concrete / Utility Allowance / Concrete Formwork / Concrete Reinforcement / Cast-in-Place Concrete for Building Only / Cast-in-Place Concrete – Site Work / Cast Underlayment / Unit Masonry / Structural Steel / Metal Fabrications / Rough Carpentry / Fabricated Wood Trusses / Finish Carpentry / Architectural Woodwork / Thermal Insulation / Weather Barriers / Asphalt Shingles / Fiber Cement Siding / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Joint Sealers / Hollow Metal Doors and Frames / Flush Wood Doors / Door Hardware / Gypsum Board Assemblies / Tile / Acoustical Ceilings / Resilient Flooring / Carpeting / Painting and Coating / Toilet and Bath Accessories / Fire Protection Specialties / Projection Screens / Horizontal Louver Blinds /General-Duty Valves For Plumbing Piping / Facility Water Distribution / Facility Sanitary Sewerage / Plumbing Fixtures and Trim / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing for HVAC / Air Outlets and Inlets / HVAC And Plumbing Insulation / HVAC Ducts and Casing / Gas Fired Furnace / Control System / Air Cooler Condensing Units / Electrical / Low Voltage Conductors and Cables / Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems / Raceway and Boxes for Electrical Systems / Identification for Electrical Systems / Lighting Control Devices / Panelboards / Wiring Devices / Fuses / Enclosed Switches and Circuit Breakers / Transient Voltage Suppression / Indoor Lighting / Area Lighting / Fire Alarm System / Earthwork for Building Only / ES – Muck Excavation / ES – Borrow Excavation / ES – Temporary Silt Fence / Termite Control / ES – Construction Entrance / ES – Geotextile Fabric / Soil Cement Mixing / Asphalt Paving / Seeding / Maintenance of Traffic / ES – Pavement Markings Bids To: City of Florence Office Located at 203 College Street, Florence, MS 39073 Plans From: Dean & Dean/Assoc. Architects Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 939-7717 / Fax (601) 939-3420 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $70 Non Ref Addenda: 2 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-80 Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/6/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC ***General Contractors Only Listed , Phone Fax *Cal-Mar Construction Co., LLC Jackson,MS Phone (601) 932-5409 Fax (601) 939-3566 *Casablanca Construction, Inc. Hattiesburg,MS Phone (601) 264-6676 Fax (601) 264-6677 Cryer Development Madison,MS Phone (601) 209-7201 Fax (000) 000-0000 *E & B Contracting, LLC Jackson,MS Phone (601) 206-0797 Fax (601) 510-9714 Fordco, Inc. Byram,MS Phone (601) 373-1090 Fax (601) 373-1136 11 J & R Construction Group Terry,MS Phone (601) 540-0741 Fax (000) 000-0000 J. A. Moss Construction Co. Florence,MS Phone (601) 939-4141 Fax (601) 939-4142 Richard Womack Construction, LLC Magee,MS Phone (601) 849-5675 Fax (601) 849-4966 __________ Bidding: 10/17/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Renovations To Lumberton Auditorium Lumberton,MS / Lamar Co (in 9/24/2014) Divisions: 2,3,5,6,7,8,9,11,14,15,16 Desc: Selective Demolition / Storm Sewer Collection System / Lawn Work / Concrete Formwork / Concrete Reinforcement / Cast In Place Concrete / Fibrous Concrete Reinforcement / Concrete Floor Topping / Lightweight Insulating Concrete / Structural Precast / Architectural Precast Concrete / Metal Fabrications / Rough Carpentry / Insulation / Joint Sealers / Steel Door Frames / Wood Doors / Door Hardware / Lath and Plaster Repair / Gypsum Drywall / Acoustical Ceiling / Refinishing Wood Flooring / Resilient Flooring, VCT, Wallbase, Etc. / Acoustical Treatment / Painting / Stage Theatrical Equipment / Audio-Visual Systems / Vertical Wheelchair Lifts / Mechanical / General Requirements / Basic Materials and Methods / Insulation of Mechanical Systems / Plumbing / Heating, Ventilating and A/C Equipment / Air Distribution / Electrical / General Requirements / Basic Materials and Methods / Raceway Systems / Wire, Cable and Devices / Service and Distribution / Lighting and Fixtures / Dimming Control System Bids To: Lumberton Public School District, 107 West 10th Avenue, Lumberton, MS Plans From: Landry & Lewis Architects Hattiesburg, MS / Phone (601) 271-7711 / Fax (601) 271-7712 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $150 Addenda: 2 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-20, GP-23 Est. Cost: $250,000 Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/6/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *B. W. Sullivan Building Contractor, Inc. Hattiesburg,MS Phone (601) 582-2933 Fax (601) 582-2049 C. Perry Builders Sumrall,MS Phone (601) 758-3136 Fax (601) 758-3106 *Casablanca Construction, Inc. Hattiesburg,MS Phone (601) 264-6676 Fax (601) 264-6677 Fairley Construction Petal,MS Phone (601) 596-5279 Fax (601) 594-0638 *ReflecTech, Inc. Picayune,MS Phone (601) 798-4969 Fax (601) 798-4906 Renew Maintenance & Construction Co. Inc. Semmes,AL Phone (251) 367-5583 Fax (251) 649-0093 *Southeastern Contracting, LLC Hattiesburg,MS Phone (601) 450-4837 Fax (866) 760-8117 __________ Bidding: 10/17/2014 at 10:00:00 AM Water Well and Appurtenances Sontag,MS / Lawrence Co (in 9/18/2014) Desc: Test Hole and Logs / Gravel Wall Water Well / Vertical Turbine Pump / Electrical / Yard Piping / Chlorination Equipment / Site Restoration Bids To: Sontag Wanilla Association, office of the Engineer, 1700 West Government Street, Building A, Suite J, Brandon, MS 39043 Plans From: Heflin Engineering, Inc. Brandon, MS / Phone (601) 824-7569 / Fax (601) 824-0590 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-25 Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/9/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Griner Drilling Services Columbia,MS Phone (601) 736-6347 Fax (601) 731-1853 Layne Christensen Jackson,MS Phone (601) 922-4312 Fax (601) 922-9358 Mid-South Water & Machine Works Cleveland,MS Phone (662) 843-4076 Fax (662) 843-1717 __________ 10/20/2014 Bidding: 10/20/2014 at 10:00:00 AM North Gulfport 8th Grade New Administration & Gymnasium Entry Canopies Gulfport,MS / Harrison Co (in 9/22/2014) Divisions: 2,6,7,9,32 Desc: Demolition / Wood Blocking / Wood Curbing / Sheet Waterproofing / Sheet Metal Flashing / Sheet Metal Trim / Manufactured Gutters / Manufactured Downspouts / Joint Sealers / Paints / Coatings / Painted Pavement Markings / Chain Link Fences / Chain Link Gates Bids To: Board of Trustees of Harrison County Schools, 11072 Highway 49, Gulfport, MS Plans From: Hardy and Associates/Architect, PLLC Biloxi, MS / Phone (228) 215-1851 / Fax (228) 215-1852 Prebid Conference: 10/13 @ 10am Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-15 Est. Cost: requested Plan Holders: (Updated Date 9/22/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 10/20/2014 at 11:00:00 AM Sports Complex Facility Bay Saint Louis,MS / Hancock Co (in 8/27/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12, 13, 15,16 Desc: Subsurface Investigation / Water Quality Certification / USACE Permit Requirements / Termite Control / Synthetic Turf System / Irrigation System / Field Drainage System / Welded Wire Fences / Welded Wire Gates / Chain Link Fences / Chain Link Gates / Athletic Field Poly Net Fencing / Site Furnishings / Markings / Monuments / Landscape Work / Seeding / Sodding / Athletic Field Seeding / Athletic Field Sodding / Athletic Field Dirt Mix / Basic Concrete Materials / Concrete Formwork / Concrete Reinforcement / Cast In Place Concrete / Basic Masonry Materials / Mortar / Masonry Grout / Masonry Veneer / Stone Veneer / Unit Masonry / Reinforced Unit Masonry / Shop Applied Coatings / Metal Fastenings / Structural Steel / Metal Fabrications / Metal Railings / Basic Wood / Plastic Materials / Rough Carpentry / Finish Carpentry / Millwork / Basic Thermal Protection / Basic Moisture Protection / Dampproofing / Batt insulation / Blanket Insulation / Vapor Retarders / Metal Roof Panels / Sheet Metal Flashing / Sheet Metal Trim / Gutters / Downspouts / Flexible Flashing / Firestopping / joint Sealers / Basic Door Materials / Basic Window Materials / Hollow Metal Frames / Architectural 12 Louvers / Aluminum Windows / Finish Hardware / Basic Finish Materials / Non Load Bearing Metal Framing / Gypsum Board Assemblies / Tile / Resilient Flooring / Rubber Base / Paints / Coatings / louvers / Vents / Exterior Signage / Interior Signage / Fire Extinguishers / Extruded Aluminum Walkway Covers / Toilet Accessories / Food Service Equipment / Athletic Field Equipment / Stadium Seating Bids To: Hancock Co Board of Supervisors, 854 Hwy 90, Ste A. Bay St Louis, MS Plans From: M3A Architects, PLLC Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 981-1227 / Fax (601) 983-4444 Prebid Conference: 09/10 @ 2pm Bid Bond: 5% Addenda: 2 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport, Jackson Bin #: GP-11, JX-49 Est. Cost: $4,000,000 Additional Info: No charge for electronic plans-hard copy responsability of contractor. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/1/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC High Point Contractors Gulfport,MS Phone (228) 214-5452 Fax (228) 214-5453 __________ Bidding: 10/20/2014 at 11:00:00 AM Sand Beach Restoration Project Bay Saint Louis,MS / Hancock Co (in 9/15/2014) Divisions: 2 Desc: Mobilization / Sand Beach Screening / Imported Beach Sand / Sand Retrieval / Sand Replacement Bids To: Hancock County Board of Supervisors, 854 Highway 90, Suite A, Bay Saint Louis, MS Plans From: Brown, Mitchell & Alexander, Inc. Biloxi, MS / Phone (228) 436-7612 / Fax (228) 436-7676 Prebid Conference: 10/7 @ 10am Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $75 Non Ref Addenda: 1 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-05 Est. Cost: requested __________ Bidding: 10/20/2014 at 10:00:00 AM New Administration and Gymnasium Entry Canopies Gulfport,MS / Harrison Co (in 9/22/2014) Divisions: 2,6,7.9,32 Desc: Demolition / Wood Blocking and Curbing / Sheet Waterproofing / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Manufactured Gutters and Downspouts / Joint Sealers / Paints and Coatings / Painted Pavement Markings / Chain Link Fences and Gates Bids To: Board of Trustees of Harrison County Schools, 11072 Highway 49, Gulfport, MS 39503 Plans From: Hardy and Associates/Architect, PLLC Biloxi, MS / Phone (228) 215-1851 / Fax (228) 215-1852 Prebid Conference: 10/13 @ 10AM, Harrison Cty Sch Dist Board RM, Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-70 Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 9/22/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 10/20/2014 at 10:00:00 AM Diberville Elementary School New Entry Canopy Diberville,MS / Harrison Co (in 9/22/2014) Divisions: 2,6,7,9,32 Desc: Demolition / Wood Blocking / Wood Curbing / Sheet Waterproofing / Sheet Metal Flashing / Sheet Metal Trim / Manufactured Gutters / Downspouts / Joint Sealers / Paints / Coatings / Painted Pavement Markings / Chain Link Fences / Chain Link Gates Bids To: Board of Trustees of Harrison County Schools, 11072 Highway 49, Gulfport, MS Plans From: Hardy and Associates/Architect, PLLC Biloxi, MS / Phone (228) 215-1851 / Fax (228) 215-1852 Prebid Conference: 10/13 @ 10am Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-16, JX-5 Est. Cost: requested Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 9/22/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ 10/21/2014 Bidding: 10/21/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Recoat Pavilion Roof 2014 Jackson,MS / Hinds Co (in 9/17/2014) Divisions: 2,7 Desc: Selective Demolition / Firestopping / Fibered Aluminum Roof Coating / Joint Sealers Bids To: University of Mississippi Medical Center, Myra White, Jackson MS Plans From: Dean & Dean/Assoc. Architects Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 939-7717 / Fax (601) 939-3420 Prebid Conference: 10/9 @ 9AM, Office of Plan Design Const, RM AB008 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-54 Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/6/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC ***General Contractors Only Listed , Phone Fax *E. Cornell Malone Corp. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 352-5940 Fax (601) 352-5944 *Eddie Pearson Roofing, LLC Hattiesburg,MS Phone (601) 582-3624 Fax (601) 582-3645 __________ 13 Bidding: 10/21/2014 at 3:30:00 PM Replacement of House @ 424 Star Street - Rising Sun Greenwood,MS / Leflore Co (in 9/22/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,15,16 Desc: Termite Control / Concrete Work / Masonry / Miscellaneous Metals / Rough Carpentry / Finish Carpentry / Cabinetry / Insulation / Shingles / Vinyl Siding and Trim / Flashing and Sheet Metal / Caulking / Doors and Windows / Gypsum Board / Resilient Tile Flooring / Painting / Miscellaneous Specialties / Window Treatment / Plumbing / HVAC / Electrical Bids To: Housing Authority for the City of Greenwood ,111 East Washington Street, Greenwood, MS 38930 Plans From: Mills & Mills Architects, PC Greenville, MS / Phone (662) 332-0388 / Fax (662) 332-0391 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-3 Est. Cost: $80,000 Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 9/22/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC ***General Contractors Only Listed , Phone Fax AIA Builders LLC Greenwood,MS Phone (662) 299-2510 Fax (662) 453-0118 Sullivan Enterprises Magee,MS Phone (601) 849-2441 Fax (601) 849-4121 *Timbo’s Construction, Inc. Cleveland,MS Phone (662) 719-6291 Fax (888) 629-2975 __________ Bidding: 10/21/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Old Cafeteria Re-Roof East Mississippi Community College Scooba,MS / Kemper Co (in 10/2/2014) Divisions: 2,5,6,7,9,13,15,16 Desc: Demolition / Metal Ladders / Rough Carpentry / Dampproofing aand Self-Adhesive Flashings / Thermoplastic Olefin Membrane Roofing / Roof Accessories / Joint Sealant / Paint / Removal of ACM (Environmental Evaluation and Control, Inc.) / Mechanical / General Requirements / Mechanical Identification / Pipe, Fittings and Valves / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing / Electrical / General Requirements / Basic Materials and Methods Bids To: Pryor & Morrow Architects and Engineers’ Conference Room,5227 South Frontage Road, Columbus, MS Plans From: Pryor & Morrow Architects and Engineers, P.A. Columbus, MS / Phone (662) 327-8990 / Fax (662) 327-8991 Prebid Conference: 10/14 @ 930AM, Davis Admin Bldg, E MS Comm College Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $150 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-04 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/8/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *Accurate Roofing Co., Inc. Potts Camp,MS Phone (662) 333-6300 Fax (662) 333-6389 *Dixie Roofing, Inc. (Of Mississippi) Winona,MS Phone (662) 283-4463 Fax (662) 283-3009 *E. Cornell Malone Corp. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 352-5940 Fax (601) 352-5944 *Graham Roofing, Inc. West Point,MS Phone (662) 492-9555 Fax (662) 492-9591 *Independent Roofing Systems, Inc. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 922-4301 Fax (601) 922-8602 *Mandals, Inc. Gulfport,MS Phone (228) 864-1474 Fax (228) 864-1408 Nathan E. Daniels Roofing Inc. Meridian,MS Phone (601) 482-3911 Fax __________ 10/22/2014 Bidding: 10/22/2014 at 12:00:00 PM University of South Alabama Professional Office Building Mobile,AL / Mobile Co (in 10/2/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,11,15,16 Desc: Sitework / Erosion Control / Termite / Asphalt / Concrete Paving / Striping / Signs / Water / Sewer / Storm / Irrigation Well / Irrigation Sleeving / Modular Retaining Wall / CIP Retaining Wall / Fence / Auger Cast Grout Piles / Concrete SOG / Tilt Wall Panels / Self-Leveling Cementitious Underlayment / Steel Fab / AISC Certified Steel Erection, Prefabricated Metal Stairs / Pipe / Tube Railing / Metal Railings / Decorative Formed Metal / Misc Carpentry / Finish Carpentry / Arch. Wood Casework / Metal Wall Panels / Aluminum Honeycomb Wall Panels / Metal Composite Material Wall Panels / TPO Roofing / Joint Sealers / Fluid-Applied Waterproofin /, Foamed-in-Place Insulation / HM Doors / HM Frame / Wood Doors / OH Coiling Doors / Door Hardware / Impact Storefront / Impact Glass / Glazed Aluminum Curtain Walls / Sliding Pass Through Window Units / Drywal /, Acoustical Tile / Ceramic Tile / Tile Carpet / Prefinished Architectural Wall Panels / Painting / High Performance Coatings Specialty / Toilet Partitions / Fire Extinguishers / Misc Specialties / Cubicles, Modular Interior Partition Systems / Wall Protection / Corner Protection / Lockers / Overhead Supported Structural Aluminum Canopy / Projection Screens / Roller Shade Systems / Entrance Floor Mats / Entrance Floor Frames / Radiation Protection / Passenger Elevators / Fire Alarm / Fire Sprinkler / HVAC / Variable Speed Screw Air Cooled Water Chillers Controls / Plumbing / Medical Gas Systems / Gas Piping / Electrical Bids To: White Spunner, Travis Deatherage, 251-471-5189 Plan Contact: Travis Deatherage Phone: (251) 471-5189 Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Gulrport Bin #: Electronic __________ 10/23/2014 Bidding: 10/23/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Milwaukee Electric Tool Expansion Phase I, Exsisting Facility Repairs Greenwood,MS / Leflore Co (in 10/1/2014) Divisions: 2,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,22,23,26 Desc: Selective Demolition / Metal Fabrications / Rough Carpentry / Sheathing / Plastic Laminate Clad Architectural Cabinets / Thermal Insulation / Formed Metal Wall Panels / Joint Sealants / Aluminum Framed Entrances / Glazing / Gypsum Board / Ceramic Tiling / Acoustical Base & Accessories / Interior Painting / Toilet Compartments / Toilet, Bath & Laundry Accessories / Plastic Laminate Clad Countertops / Portable & Mobile Structures / Common Work Results For Plumbing Piping / Facility Water Distribution / Facility Sanitary Sewage / Plumbing Fixtures & Trim / Common Work Results For HVAC / Testing, Adjusting & Balancing for HVAC / HVAC & Plumbing Installation / HVAC Ducts & Casings / Air Outlets & Inlets / Furnaces / Low 14 Voltage Power Conductors & Cables / Grounding & Bonding for Electrical Systems / Raceways, Outlet Boxes & Junction Boxes for Electrical Systems / Switches & Receptacles / Transformers / Panel boards / Lighting Bids To: City of Greenwood, City Hall Upstairs Conference Room, 101 West Church Street, Greenwood, MS 38930 Plans From: Beard + Riser Architects Greenwood, MS / Phone (662) 455-2581 / Fax (662) 459-0279 Prebid Conference: 10/9 @ 2PM, Milwaukee Electric Tool Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-33 Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/9/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *Hunt Management & Construction Grenada,MS Phone (662) 227-1047 Fax (662) 227-9891 *Kenneth R. Thompson, Jr. Builder, Inc. Greenwood,MS Phone (662) 453-7765 Fax (662) 453-5833 *Mike Rozier Construction Co., Inc. Carrollton,MS Phone (662) 453-8161 Fax (662) 455-9795 *Upchurch Plumbing, Inc. Greenwood,MS Phone (662) 453-6860 Fax (662) 453-6201 __________ Bidding: 10/23/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Museum of the Mississippi Delta Renovation Phase 1 Greenwood,MS / Leflore Co (in 9/25/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Desc: Selective Demolition / Polished Concrete Finishing / Unit Masonry / Structural Steel Framing / Metal Fabrications / Misc. Rough Carpentry / Interior Architectural Woodwork / Joint Sealants / Hollow Metal Doors & Frames / Flush Wood Doors / Sectional Doors / Aluminum Framed Entrances & Storefronts / Door Hardware / Glazing / Mirrors / Non-Structural Metal Framing / Gypsum Board / Tiling (Add Alternate No. 1) / Acoustical Panel Ceilings / Wood Ceiling System / Resilient Base & Accessories / Resilient Base & Accessories / Resilient Tile Flooring / Paninting & Coatings / Portland Cement Terrazzo Flooring / Signage / Toilet Compartments / Fire Extinguisher Cabinets / Fire Extinguishers Bids To: Museum of the Mississippi Delta, Greenwood, MS Plans From: Beard + Riser Architects Greenwood, MS / Phone (662) 455-2581 / Fax (662) 459-0279 Prebid Conference: 10-14 @ 9am @ Museum of MS Delta Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-1 Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 9/25/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC ***No Plans Out , Phone Fax __________ Bidding: 10/23/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Residence Hall Addition William Carey University Hattiesburg,MS / Forrest Co (in 10/6/2014) Divisions: 2,4,6,7,8,9,10,14 Desc: Site Clearing / Earthwork / Termite Control / Asphalt Paving / Brick Pavers / Concrete Curbs, Gutters & Walks / Storm Sewer Collection System / Perimeter Drainage System / Lawn Work / Brick & Concrete Masonry Units / Cast Stone / Rough Carpentry / Finish Carpentry / Bituminous Damp proofing / Insulation / Sprayed Foam Insulation / Exterior Insulation Finish System / Asphalt Shingles / Adhered Thermoplastic Membrane Roofing / Sheet Metal Flashing & Trim / Steel Doors & Frames / Wood Doors / Aluminum Windows / Door Hardware / Glass & Glazing / Gypsum Drywall & Metal Studs / Ceramic Tile / Solid Surface / Acoustical Ceiling / VCT, Wall base & Stair Accessories / Carpeting / Painting / Finish Schedule / Corner Guards / Specialty Signs / Fire Extinguishers, Cabinets & Accessories / Toilet Accessories / Misc. Specialties / Hydraulic Elevators Bids To: William Carey University, Thomas Business Building, Hattiesburg Campus of William Carey University Plans From: Landry & Lewis Architects Hattiesburg, MS / Phone (601) 271-7711 / Fax (601) 271-7712 Prebid Conference: 10-16 @ 3pm @ WCU Maint. Bldg. County Dr. Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $1000 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-13, GP-05 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/6/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC *B. W. Sullivan Building Contractor, Inc. Hattiesburg,MS Phone (601) 582-2933 Fax (601) 582-2049 C. Perry Builders Sumrall,MS Phone (601) 758-3136 Fax (601) 758-3106 *Hanco Corporation Hattiesburg,MS Phone (601) 583-6500 Fax (601) 583-6503 Mac’s Construction Hattiesburg,MS Phone (601) 264-8648 Fax (601) 268-3805 __________ Bidding: 10/23/2014 at 2:00:00 PM East and West Oktibbeha County Elementary School Renovations - Part A Starkville,MS / Oktibbeha Co (in 9/30/2014) Divisions: 2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,15,16 Desc: Selective Demolition / Minor Demolition and Remodeling / Removal of Asbestos Containing Materials / Site Preparation / Existing Utilities / Disposal of Material / Site Clearing / Earthwork / Excavating, Backfilling and Compacting for Structures / Termite Control / Water Service Piping / Storm Sewerage / Sanitary Sewerage / Job Site Fencing / Equipment Fencing / Lawns and Grassing / Concrete Formwork / Concrete Reinforcement / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Non-Shrink Grout / Exterior Steel Stud System / Metal Fabrications / Expansion Joint Assemblies / Rough Carpentry / Wood Blocking and Curbing / Finish Carpentry / Roof Coatings (Over Concrete Deck) / Building Insulation / Pre-Engineered Building Insulation / Roof Deck Insulation (Fan Fold Recover Board) / Fiberglass Asphalt Shingles / Flexible Sheet Roof System / Preparation for Re-Roofing / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Gutters and Downspouts / Roof Specialties and Accessories / Joint Sealers / Steel Doors and Frames / Wood Doors / Aluminum Entrances and Storefronts / Finish Hardware / Historic Plaster Repair / Gypsum Board Systems / Ceramic Tile / Suspended Ceilings / Resilient Floor Tile and Accessories / Painting / Preparation of Historic Wood and Metal Surfaces for Painting / Marker Boards and Tack Boards / Toilet Partitions / Construction Sign / Interior Building Signage / Fire Extinguishers and Cabinets / Extruded Aluminum Walkway Covers / Toilet Accessories / Projection Screen / Sports Equipment / Metal Building System / Mechanical / Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods / Motors / Hangers and Supports / Mechanical Vibration Controls / Mechanical Identification / Duct Insulation / Pipe Insulation / Valves / Meters and Gages / Domestic Water Piping / Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping / Fuel Gas Piping / Plumbing Fixtures / Drinking Fountains and Water Coolers / Sewage Pumps / Electric Water Heaters / Packaged Air Conditioners / Self Contained Air-Conditioners / Metal Ducts / Non-Metal Ducts / Duct Accessories / Power Ventilators / Diffusers, Registers and Grilles / Air Filters / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing / Mechanical Commissioning / Electrical / Basic Electrical Materials and Methods / Grounding and Bonding 15 / Conductors and Cables / Raceways and Boxes / Wiring Devices / Enclosed Switches and Circuit Breakers / Panelboards / Interior Lighting / Electrical Systems Commissioning / Voice and Data Systems Bids To: Oktibbeha County School District Superintendent, 106 West Main Street, Starkville, MS Plans From: Shafer & Associates, PLLC Starkville, MS / Phone (662) 323-1628 / Fax (662) 324-8239 Prebid Conference: 10/13 @ 1 PM at both East and West Oktibbeha Schoo Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $250 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-16 Est. Cost: $2,200,000 Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/8/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC CIG Contractors Corinth,MS Phone (662) 287-8079 Fax (662) 287-4789 David Smith Construction Inverness,MS Phone (662) 265-6060 Fax (662) 265-6050 *JESCO, Inc. Fulton,MS Phone (662) 862-3121 Fax (662) 862-3120 *Ralph McKnight & Son Construction Kosciusko,MS Phone (662) 289-6923 Fax (662) 289-1507 Renrock Construction LLC Starkville,MS Phone (662) 324-0101 Fax (662) 324-9009 __________ Bidding: 10/23/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Cafeteria Addition and Window Replacement At Gymnasium Starkvill HS Starkville,MS / Oktibbeha Co (in 9/30/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,16 Desc: Site Exploration / Asbestos Abatement / Demolition / Earthwork / Soil Poisoning / Site Drainage / Pavements and Walks / Sodding / Concrete Formwork / Concrete Reinforcement / Cast In Place Concrete / Non-Shrink, Non-Aggregate Grout / Precast Concrete / Mortar / Unit Masonry / Structural Metal / Steel Joists / Metal Decking / Miscellaneous Metals / Rough Carpentry / Dampproofing / Insulation / Exterior Finish System / Membrane Roofing / Flashing and Sheet Metal / Caulking and Sealants / Hollow Metal Doors and Frames / Aluminum Windows / Hardware and Specialties / Glazing / Gypsum Drywall and Metal Stud / Veneer Stone / Acoustical Treatment / Resilient Flooring / Painting / Protective Covers / Mechanical / Mechanical Systems / Electrical / Electrical General Provisions / Basic Materials and Methods / Service and Distribution / Lighting Fixtures / Mechanical Equipment and Other Special Equipment by Others Bids To: Office of the Oktibbeha County School District Superintendent, 106 West Main Street, Starkville, MS Plans From: Thomas, Shelton, Jones & Associates, PLLC Starkville, MS / Phone (662) 323-3762 / Fax (662) 323-3763 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $250 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-10 Est. Cost: $550,000 Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/8/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Byrum Construction Inc. Starkville,MS Phone (662) 320-7373 Fax (662) 320-7374 CIG Contractors Corinth,MS Phone (662) 287-8079 Fax (662) 287-4789 David Smith Construction Inverness,MS Phone (662) 265-6060 Fax (662) 265-6050 *Graham Roofing, Inc. West Point,MS Phone (662) 492-9555 Fax (662) 492-9591 *JESCO, Inc. Fulton,MS Phone (662) 862-3121 Fax (662) 862-3120 Powerhouse Electric Starkville,MS Phone (662) 649-6054 Fax (000) 000-0000 *Ralph McKnight & Son Construction Kosciusko,MS Phone (662) 289-6923 Fax (662) 289-1507 Renrock Construction LLC Starkville,MS Phone (662) 324-0101 Fax (662) 324-9009 __________ Bidding: 10/23/2014 at 2:00:00 PM New Long Beach High School Softball Fieldhouse (Rebid) Long Beach,MS / Harrison Co (in 10/2/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,13,22,23,26,31,32 Desc: Site Demolition / Selective Structure Demolition / Cast In Place Concrete / Unit Masonry / Rough Carpentry / interior Architectural Woodwork / Thermal Insulation / Vapor Retarders / Joint Sealants / Hollow Metal Doors / Hallow Metal Frames / Overhead Coiling Doors / Door Hardware / Acoustical Panel Ceilings / Painting / Coating / Concrete Coatings / Masonry Coatings / Signage / Toilet Compartments / Fire Extinguishers Cabinets / Pre Engineered Structures / Plumbing / Domestic Water System / Waste Disposal System / Plumbing Fixtures / Natural Gas System / Air Conditioning / Heating Piping / Air Distribution System / Heating Equipment / Air Conditioning Equipment / Automatic Temperature Controls / Electrical / Low Voltage Electrical Power Conductors / Grounding / Bonding / Raceway / Boxes / Wiring Devices / Disconnect Switches / Interior Lighting / Site Clearing / Earthwork / Erosion Control / Erosion Controls / Termite Control / Chain Link Fences / Chain Link Gates / Turf / Grasses Bids To: Long Beach School District Central Office, 19148 Commission Road, Long Beach, MS Plans From: Eley Guild Hardy Architects, PA Biloxi, MS / Phone (228) 594-2323 / Fax (228) 594-2223 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-13 Est. Cost: requested Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/2/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ 10/27/2014 Bidding: 10/27/2014 at 10:00:00 AM Yazoo River Trail Phase II Paving For the City of Greenwood Greenwood,MS / Leflore Co (in 10/9/2014) Desc: See Spec Book Bids To: Office of the Mayor, City of Greenwood, Greenwood MS Plans From: Willis Engineering Grenada, MS / Phone (662) 226-1081 / Fax (662) 226-1649 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-7 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/9/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ 16 Bidding: 10/27/2014 at 10:00:00 AM Sewer System Rehab and Improvements Bruce,MS / Calhoun Co (in 10/3/2014) Desc: Excavation / Site Work / SEE SPEC BBOK Bids To: Office of the Mayor, City of Bruce Plans From: Willis Engineering Grenada, MS / Phone (662) 226-1081 / Fax (662) 226-1649 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-06 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/3/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ 10/28/2014 Bidding: 10/28/2014 at 10:00:00 AM 7-MDOT-SP-9999-06(016) / 106672301 , / Forrest Co (in 10/8/2014) Desc: Safety Upgrades on US 49 from Camp Shelby to US 98, Known as State Project No. SP-9999-06(016) / 106672301 in Forrest County. Bids To: Mississippi Transportation Commission, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Room 1013, MDOT Admin Bldg, 401 N West St, Jackson, MS Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $10 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Est. Cost: $5,000,000 - $10,000,000 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/8/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 10/28/2014 at 10:00:00 AM 6-MDOT-STP-9999-06(015) / 106495301, 106495302, and 106495303 , / Forrest, Harrison, Jaackson Co (in 10/8/2014) Desc: Sign Truss Replacement on Various Routes in District 6, Known as Federal Aid Project No. STP-9999-06(015) / 106495301, 106495302 and 106495303 in Forrest, Harrison and Jackson Counties. Bids To: Mississippi Transportation Commission, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Room 1013, MDOT Admin Bldg, 401 N West St, Jackson, MS Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $10 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $1,000,000 - $5,000,000 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/8/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 10/28/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Asphalt Paving Project - MS Schools For the Blind and the Deaf Jackson,MS / Hinds Co (in 10/8/2014) Divisions: 2 Desc: Geotechnical Investigation / Selective Demolition / Site Clearing / Earthwork / Fine Grading / Excavation, Trenching and Compaction for Utilities / Compaction Control and Testing / Solid Sod (Planting and Establishment) / Bituminous Paving / Storm and Subsurface Drainage Bids To: MS Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management, 1401B North West Street, Jackson, MS 39201 Plans From: Mark S. Vaughan, Architect Clinton, MS / Phone (601) 925-6111 / Fax (601) 925-6112 Prebid Conference: 10/17 @ 1030AM, MSBD Combined Services Bldg, Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-46 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/8/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 10/28/2014 at 2:00:00 PM RE-BID Cottage Sprinkler System Whitfield,MS / Rankin Co (in 10/8/2014) Divisions: 2,3,7,8,9,15,16 Desc: Selective Demolition / Earthwork / Fine Grading / Compaction Control and Testing / Excavation Backfill and Compaction for Utilities / Solid Sod (Planting and Establishment) / Water Utilities / Concrete Curbs and Paving / Concrete Formwork and Formwork Accessories / Concrete Reinforcement and Reinforcement Supports / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Moisture Barrier / Insulation / Sealants and Caulking / Metal Doors and Frames / Wood Doors / Access Doors / Finish Hardware / Gypsum Wall Board / Suspended Acoustical Ceilings / Resilient Flooring / Painting / Mechanical / Mechanical General Provisions / Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods / Hangers and Supports / Mechanical System Identification / Valves / Fire Suppression Systems / Plumbing Specialties / Electrical / Electrical General / Work in Existing Facilities / Raceways / Grounding / Conductors / Fire Alarm System Bids To: Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management, 501 North West Street, Ste 1401B, Jackson, MS 39201 Plans From: Mark S. Vaughan, Architect Clinton, MS / Phone (601) 925-6111 / Fax (601) 925-6112 Prebid Conference: 10/21 @ 10AM, Hudspeth Reg Ctr, Admin Bldg Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $150 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-37 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/8/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 10/28/2014 at 3:00:00 PM Christopher Inn ADA Upgrade New Orleans,LA / Jefferson Co (in 10/7/2014) Divisions: 2,6,7,8,9,10,12,21,22,23,26,27,28 17 Desc: Demolition / Rough Carpentry / Finish Carpentry / Firestopping / Joint Sealers / Flush Wood Doors / Door Hardware / Common Work Results for Flooring Preparation / Gypsum Board Assemblies / Resilient Flooring / Painting and Coating / Toilet, Bath and Laundry Accessories / Fire Protection Specialties / Wire Storage Shelving / Residential Casework / SEE DRAWINGS FOR REST OF SPECS Bids To: SUB BIDS ONLY - Archdiocese of New Orleans, Attn: Andre’ Villere, Jr., 7887 Walmsley Ave, New Orleans, LA 70125 Plans From: MSH Architects, LLC Covington, LA / Phone (985) 898-0303 / Fax (985) 898-0304 Prebid Conference: Mandatory, 10/14 @ 10AM, Project Site, 2110 Royal Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-35 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/7/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 10/28/2014 at 10:00:00 AM 5-MDOT-BR-9999-02(250) / 106598303 , / Montgomery Co (in 10/8/2014) Desc: Joint Repair on 17 Bridges on Various Routes, Known as Federal Aid Project No. BR-9999-02(250) / 106598303 in Montgomery County Bids To: Mississippi Transportation Commission, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Room 1013, MDOT Admin Bldg, 401 N West St, Jackson, MS Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $10 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $250,000 - $500,000 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/8/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 10/28/2014 at 10:00:00 AM Fire Station #3 Mccomb,MS / Pike Co (in 10/6/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,13,15,16 Desc: Site Clearing / Soil Erosion & Sediment Control / Earthwork / Buried Piping Installation / Excavation, Backfill & Compaction / Structures and Pipelines / Seeding, Mulching, Fertilizing & Sodding / Asphalt Paving / Concrete Pavement / Concrete Curb & Sidewalk / Monolithic Manhole Surfacing System / Roadway Pavement Markings / Drainage Structures / Concrete Pipe / Manholes / Polyethylene Pipe / Sanitary Sewer System / Concrete Formwork / Termite Control / Concrete Reinforcement / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Mortar / Accessories / Brick Masonry / Concrete Unit Masonry / Structural Metal Framing / Metal Fabrications / Expansion Control / Rough Carpentry / Finish Carpentry / Waterproofing & Damp proofing / Insulation / Preformed Roofing & Siding / Joint Sealants / Metal Doors & Frames / Wood Doors / Overhead Doors / Entrances, Storefronts & Windows /Hardware / Glazing / Metal Support Systems / Gypsum Wallboard / Ceramic Tile / Acoustical Treatment / Resilient Flooring / Painting / Specialties / Chalkboard & Tack boards / Louvers & Vents / Identifying Devices / Fire Extinguishers, Cabinets & Accessories / Toilet & Bath Accessories / Wardrobe Specialties / Pre-Engineered Structures / Mechanical / Pipes & Fittings / Valves / Piping Specialties / Supports / Anchors / Electrical Requirements / Mechanical Identification / Mechanical Sound & Vibration Control / Mechanical Insulation / Plumbing Specialties / Plumbing Fixtures , Trim & Accessories / Domestic Water Heaters & Accessories / Packaged Air Conditioners / Heating/Cooling Terminal Units / Fans / Air Cleaning/Treatment / Ductwork / Ductwork / Ductwork Accessories / Controls & Instrumentation / Testing, Adjusting & Balancing / Electrical / Raceways & Fittings / Boxes & Enclosures / Conductors 600V / Secondary Electrical Service System / Grounding & Bonding Systems / Panel boards / Wiring Devices / Lighting Luminaries / Equipment Electrical Services / Telecommunication System / Special Systems / Fire Detection & Alarm System Bids To: City of McComb at City Hall, city Clerk’s Office, 115 Third St., McComb, MS 39648 Plan Contact: Plans From: Neel-Schaffer, Inc. Mccomb, MS / Phone (601) 684-4564 / Fax (601) 684-0526 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $150 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-9 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/6/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Barnard & Sons Construction Mendenhall,MS Phone (601) 847-2420 Fax (601) 847-0110 Deer Construction Inc. McComb,MS Phone (601) 551-4086 Fax (000) 000-0000 Evergreen Harvey Jones Sumrall,MS Phone (601) 248-1683 Fax (601) 684-0199 *Gregory Construction Services Columbus,MS Phone (662) 328-2225 Fax (662) 328-2202 *Mayrant & Associates, LLC Jackson,MS Phone (601) 354-2461 Fax (601) 354-2471 Morris General Construction Memphis,TN Phone (901) 267-5737 Fax (901) 552-4972 *Owen Holland & Sons, LLC Bude,MS Phone (601) 384-3156 Fax (601) 384-3158 *Paul Jackson & Son, Inc. Brookhaven,MS Phone (601) 833-3453 Fax (601) 833-3474 Perry Builders, Inc. Sumrall,MS Phone (601) 758-3136 Fax (601) 758-4110 Pike Construction McComb,MS Phone (601) 684-6181 Fax (601) 684-3638 *T. L. Wallace Construction, Inc. Columbia,MS Phone (601) 736-4525 Fax (601) 736-3401 __________ Bidding: 10/28/2014 at 10:00:00 AM SRF Water System Improvements Clinton,MS / Hinds Co (in 10/7/2014) Desc: Clearing and Grubbing / Earthwork / Excavation, Trenching and Backfilling / Erosion Control / Water Plant Piping / Potable Water Supply Well / Crushed Limestone Base / Chain Link Fencing / Concrete General Specifications / Chlorination Equipment and Accessories / Fluoridation Equipment and Accessories / Electrical Materials and Methods / Electrical Conduit / Wires and Cables / Mobile Generator Set / Electrical Distribution Systems / Process Instrumentation and Control Bids To: City of Clinton, 300 Jefferson Street, P O Box 156, Clinton, MS 39060 Plans From: WGK, Inc. Clinton, MS / Phone (601) 925-4444 / Fax (601) 924-6708 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $125 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-24 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/7/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ 18 Bidding: 10/28/2014 at 10:00:00 AM 1-MDOT-HSIP-0010-01(148)/106776301 , / Hancock Co (in 10/8/2014) Desc: Overlay I-10 from Louisiana State Line to MS 43/603, Known as Federal Aid Project No. HSIP-0010-01(148)/106776301 in Hancock County Bids To: Mississippi Transportation Commission, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Room 1013, MDOT Admin Bldg, 401 N West St, Jackson, MS Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $10 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $10,000,000 - $15,000,000 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/8/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 10/28/2014 at 10:00:00 AM 3-MDOT-HSIP-0055-02(241) / 106870301 & 302 , / Rankin and Hinds Co (in 10/8/2014) Desc: Roadway Weather Information System Installation on I-55 Southbound to the Stack at I-20, Known as Federal Aid Project No. HSIP-0055-02(241) / 106870301 & 302 in Rankin and Hinds Counties Bids To: Mississippi Transportation Commission, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Room 1013, MDOT Admin Bldg, 401 N West St, Jackson, MS Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $10 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $500,000 - $1,000,000 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/8/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 10/28/2014 at 10:00:00 AM 2-MDOT-BR-0041-01(011) / 100435301 , / Holmes Co (in 10/8/2014) Desc: Bridge Replacements on SR 17 North of Lexington (Bridge Nos. 45.9, 47.3, 51.9), Known as Federal Aid Project No. BR-0041-01(011) / 100435301 in Holmes County Bids To: Mississippi Transportation Commission, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Room 1013, MDOT Admin Bldg, 401 N West St, Jackson, MS Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $10 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $5,000,000 - $10,000,000 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/8/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 10/28/2014 at 10:00:00 AM 4-MDOT-HSIP-2177-00(012) / 106859301 & HSIP-0008-03(055) / 106859302 , / Copiah and Rankin Co (in 10/8/2014) Desc: Installing an Intersection Conflict Warning System at Various Locations on US Highway 51 and US Highway 49, Known as Federal Aid Project Nos. HSIP-2177-00(012) / 106859301 and HSIP-0008-03(055) / 106859302 in Copiah and Rankin Counties. Bids To: Mississippi Transportation Commission, Office of the Contract Administration Engineer, Room 1013, MDOT Admin Bldg, 401 N West St, Jackson, MS Plans From: Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 359-7292 / Fax (601) 359-9807 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $10 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-71 Est. Cost: $250,000 - $500,000 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/8/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ 10/30/2014 Bidding: 10/30/2014 at 2:00:00 PM UMMC Finishes Revision C399-05 Jackson,MS / Hinds Co (in 9/29/2014) Divisions: 2,6,7,9,10 Desc: Selective Demolition / Solid Polymer Fabrications / Firestopping / Joint Sealers / Resilient Flooring / Paints and Coatings / Wall Protection Systems Bids To: Office of Construction, UMMC, Jackson, MS Plans From: Dean & Dean/Assoc. Architects Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 939-7717 / Fax (601) 939-3420 Prebid Conference: 10/16 @9AM Off of Plan, Design & Const, RM AB008 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-2 Additional Info: Plans/specs available online www.msabcplanroom.net. Paid subscription required. Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/6/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC Ladner Brothers Construction Gulfport,MS Phone (228) 254-0078 Fax *Sunbelt General Contractors, Inc. Jackson,MS Phone (601) 853-1680 Fax (601) 853-1681 __________ 19 11/04/2014 Bidding: 11/4/2014 at 10:00:00 AM Commercial Small Craft Harbor & West Pier Shoreline Protection Gulfport,MS / Harrison Co (in 10/2/2014) Divisions: 31,35 Bids To: Executive Director, Mississippi State Port Authority, 2510 14th St, Suite 1450, Gulfport, MS Plans From: Mississippi State Port Authority Gulfport, MS / Phone (228) 865-4300 / Fax (228) 865-4335 Bid Bond: 10% Plan Deposit: $0 MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-1A Est. Cost: not releasing Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/2/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 11/4/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Sillers Lobby Upgrades Jackson,MS / Hinds Co (in 10/9/2014) Divisions: 2,5,7,8,9,12,16 Desc: Selective Demolition / Structural Steel / Waterproofing / Insulation / Joint Sealers / Sliding Automatic Entrances / Glazing / Glazed Aluminum Curtain Walls / Gypsum Drywall / Rugs and Mats / Electrical / General Provisions / Codes and Standards / Electrical Equipment / Materials Submittals / Basic Materials and Methods / Raceways and Fittings / Boxes and Enclosures / Conductors (600V) / Secondary Electrical Service System / Grounding and Bonding / Panelboards / Wiring Devices / Equipment Electrical Services Bids To: Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management, 501 North West Street, Suite 1401 B, Jackson, MS 39201 Plans From: Eley Guild Hardy Architects, PA Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 354-2572 / Fax (601) 355-2006 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-50 Est. Cost: $200,000 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/9/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ 11/05/2014 Bidding: 11/5/2014 at 10:00:00 AM CDBG Multicraft Building Renovations Pelahatchie,MS / Rankin Co (in 10/3/2014) Divisions: 2,3,6,7,8,9,10,22,23,26,32,33 Desc: Selective Site Demolition / Selective Structural Demolition / Selective Mechanical Demolition / Selective Electrical Demolition / Maintenance of Concrete / Concrete General / Miscellaneous Rough Carpentry / Steel Membrane Roofing – Mechanically Attached / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Manufactured Gutters and Downspouts / Joint Protection / Standard Steel Doors and Frames / Access Doors and Frames / Door Hardware / Gypsum Board Assemblies / Tiling / Acoustical Panel Ceilings / Resilient Flooring / Decorative Fiberglass Reinforced Wall Panels / Painting and Coating / Toilet, Bath and Laundry Accessories / Mechanical / General Mechanical Requirements / Pipes and Tubes for Plumbing Piping and Equipment / Expansion Fittings and Loops for Plumbing Piping / General-Duty Valves for Plumbing Piping / Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping and Equipment / Identification for Plumbing Piping and Equipment / Plumbing Insulation / Facility Water Distribution / Facility Sanitary Sewerage / Packaged Air Compressor System / Electric Domestic Water Heaters / Plumbing Fixtures / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing for HVAC / Refrigerant Piping for VRV and DSS Systems / HVAC Ducts and Casing / / Air Duct Accessories / Exhaust Fans / Air Outlets and Inlets / Packaged Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Units / Ductless Split Systems / Electrical / General Provisions of Electrical Systems / Electrical Systems Codes and Standards / Basic Materials and Methods / Low-Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables / Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems / Hangers and Supports for Electrical / Raceway and Boxes for Electrical Systems / Wiring Devices / Interior Lighting / Sidewalks / Sodding, Seeding, Fertilizing and Mulch / Site Drain Pipe Bids To: Pelahatchie Town Hall, 705 Second Street, Pelahatchie, MS 39145 Plans From: Waggoner Engineering, Inc. Jackson, MS / Phone (601) 355-9526 / Fax (601) 352-3945 Prebid Conference: 10/22 @ 10AM, Pelahatchie Town Hall, 705 Second St Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $200 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-22 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/3/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 11/5/2014 at 10:00:00 AM West Fritz Creek Interceptor – Rebid Gulfport,MS / Harrison Co (in 10/9/2014) Divisions: 2 Desc: Mobilization / Gravity Sewer Pipe / Manholes / Item Removal / Item Abbandonment / Pipe Foundation / Select Sandy Backfill / Geotextile Fabric / Disturbed Facility Restoration / Clearing / Grubbing / Traffic Maintenance / Stormwater Management Bids To: Owner, 10271 Express Drive, Gulfport, MS Plans From: A. Garner Russell & Assoc. Engineers Gulfport, MS / Phone (228) 863-0667 / Fax (228) 863-5232 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $100 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Gulport Bin #: GP-18 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/9/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 11/5/2014 at 10:00:00 AM Drainage Improvements – Diamondhead City Hall Diamondhead,MS / Hancock Co (in 10/9/2014) Divisions: 2 Desc: Excavation / Grading / Filling / Erosion Control / Rip Rap / Geotextile Fabric / Hot Bituminous Pavement / Sanitary Sewers / Storm Sewers / Grass Establishment / Site Clearance / Concrete Bids To: City Clerk, 5000 Diamonhead Circle, Diamonhead, MS Plans From: Seymour Engineering Biloxi, MS / Phone (228) 385-2350 / Fax (228) 385-2353 20 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $75 Non Ref Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/9/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-1C 11/06/2014 Bidding: 11/6/2014 at 2:30:00 PM Training Kitchen Renovations University,MS / Lafayette Co (in 10/7/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,7,9,11,22,23 Desc: Selective Demolition / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Concrete Unit Masonry / Joint Sealants / Ceramic Tiling / Epoxy Flooring / Interior Painting / Food Service Equipment / Mechanical / Basic Plumbing Materials and Methods / Meter and Gauges for Plumbing Piping / General Duty Valves for Plumbing Piping / Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping and Equipment / Vibration and Seismic Controls for Plumbing Piping and Equipment / Identification for Plumbing Piping and Equipment / Plumbing Piping Insulation / Domestic Water Piping / Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping / Plumbing Fixtures / Plumbing Specialties / Common Motor Requirements for HVAC Equipment / Basic HVAC Materials and Methods / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing / Duct Insulation / Field Verification of HVAC / Metal Ducts / Duct Accessories / Centrifugal HVAC Fans Bids To: University of MS, Office of the Director of Purchasing, 164 Jeanette Phillips Drive, P O Box 8750, University, MS 38677 Plans From: The McCarty Company-Design Group, P.A. Tupelo, MS / Phone (662) 844-4400 / Fax (662) 844-0500 Prebid Conference: 10/21@ 10AM, Physical Plant Con Rm, 7 Hathorn Rd, Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $200 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-17 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/7/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 11/6/2014 at 3:00:00 PM Mantee Depot Restoration and Rehabilitation Mantee,MS / Calhoun Co (in 10/8/2014) Divisions: 2,3,6,7,8,9,10,22,23,26,31,33 Desc: Demolition / Concrete Reinforcing / Cast-In-Place Concrete / Rough Carpentry / Finish Carpentry / Thermal Insulation / Weather Barriers / Asphalt Shingles / Wood Siding / Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim / Joint Sealers / Hollow Metal Doors and Frames / Stile and Rail Wood Doors / Wood Windows / Door Hardware / Glazing / Tiling / Painting and Coating / Staining and Transparent Finishing / Signage / Toilet, Bath and Laundry Accessories / Fire Extinguishers and Accessories / General Provisions / Common Work Results for Plumbing / Hangers and Supports / Plumbing Insulation / Plumbing Piping and Pumps / Sanitary Sewerage Facilities / Domestic Water Heaters and Accessories / Plumbing Fixtures, Trim and Accessories / Mechanical / General Provisions / Common Work Results for HVAC / Basic Materials and Methods / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing / HVAC Insulation / Air Distribution / Split-System Air-Conditioners / Electrical / Electrical General / Low Voltage Power / Conductors / Grounding / Raceways, Outlets and Junction Boxes / Switches and Receptacles / Panel Boards / Disconnects and Separately-Mounted Circuit Breakers / Lighting / Telephone and Data Systems / Site Clearing / Termite Control / Excavation, Filling and Grading / Trenching / Water Utility Distribution Piping / Water Utility Distribution Equipment / Sanitary Sewerage Utilities Bids To: The City Hall Board Room, 24 First Street, Mantee, MS Plans From: Belinda Stewart Architects, P.A. Eupora, MS / Phone (662) 258-6405 / Fax (662) 258-6452 Prebid Conference: 10/23 @3 PM, Project Site Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $75 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-40 Est. Cost: $200,000 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/8/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ Bidding: 11/6/2014 at 2:00:00 PM Mooreville Middle School Building Additions and Renovations Mooreville,MS / Lee Co (in 10/8/2014) Divisions: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,15,16 Desc: Demolition / Site Clearing / Site Grading / Excavation and Fill / Termite and Insect Control / Erosion and Sediment Control / Storm Drainage System / Downspout Boots / Asphaltic Concrete Paving / Chain Link Fencing / Landscape Grading / Seeding / Sodding / Concrete Formwork / Concrete Reinforcing / Cast-In-Place Concrete and Grout / Mortar / Masonry Reinforcement and Accessories / Brick Masonry Units / Concrete Masonry Units / Structural Steel / Steel Floor Deck / Light Gauge Metal Framing / Metal Fabrication / Rough Carpentry / Fabricated Wood Trusses / Finish Carpentry / Architectural Woodwork / Cabinets, Euro-Style Plywood / Plastic Laminate Countertops / Dampproofing and Self-Adhesive Flashings / Building Insulation / Exterior Insulation and Finish System / Vapor Retarder (15 Mil) / Shingles / Preformed Metal Roof Panels / Preformed Metal Soffit Panels / Roof Accessories / Penetration Seals (Fire Protection) / Joint Sealant / Steel Doors and Frames / Flush Wood Doors / Access Panels / Aluminum Entrances and Storefronts / Fiberglass Double-Hung Windows / Door Hardware / Glass / Metal Stud Framing System / Suspended Gypsum Board Ceilings / Gypsum Board / Ceramic Tile / Acoustical Ceilings / Vinyl Composition Tile / Rubber Base / Paint / Marker Boards / Tack Boards / Solid Plastic Toilet Compartments / Wall Louvers / Plaques / Exterior Signage (Cast Aluminum) / Interior Signage / Fire Extinguishers / Aluminum Awnings and Walkway Covers / Restroom Accessories / Mini-Blinds / Removal of Asbestos-Containing Materials / Mechanical / Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods / Hangers and Supports / Mechanical Identification / Duct Insulation / Pipe Insulation / Valves / Domestic Water Piping / Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping / Refrigerant Piping / Fuel Gas Piping / Plumbing Fixtures / Drinking Fountains and Water Coolers / Plumbing Specialties / Furnaces / Condensing Units / Ductless Split-System Air-Conditioning Units / Air-To-Air Energy Recovery Units / Metal Ducts / Duct Accessories / Louvers / Diffusers, Registers and Grilles / Air Filters / Testing, Adjusting and Balancing / Mechanical Commissioning / Electrical / Basic Electrical Materials and Methods / Grounding and Bonding / Conductors and Cables / Raceways and Boxes / Wiring Devices / Surge Protection Device (SPD) / Enclosed Switches and Circuit Breakers / Panel Boards / Interior Lighting / Addressable Fire Alarm System / Intercom System / Owner-Furnished Communications System / Electrical System Commissioning Bids To: Office of the Lee County School District, 1280 Collegeview Drive, Tupelo, MS 38804 Plans From: Pryor & Morrow Architects and Engineers, P.A. Tupelo, MS / Phone (662) 840-8062 / Fax (662) 840-8092 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $250 MABC Plan Room: Jackson Bin #: JX-57 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/8/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ 21 11/07/2014 Bidding: 11/7/2014 at 10:00:00 AM West Gulfport Regional Interceptor (Rebid) Gulfport,MS / Harrison Co (in 10/9/2014) Divisions: 2,7 Desc: Structure Removal / Clearing / Grubbing / Earthwork / Excavation / Pipe Laying / Utility Line Encased Crossing / Traffic Control / Rip Rap / Trim / Storm Water Management / Painted Traffic Markings / Seeding / Hydroseeding / In Grade Preparation / Asphalt Pavement / Seeding / Sodding / Rip Rap / Geotextile Stabilization / Silt Fence / Erosion Checks / SWPPP / Sanitary Sewer / Manholes / Crushed Limestone Base Course / Drainage System / Fencing / Crystalline Concrete Waterproofing Bids To: Harrison County Utility Authority, 10271 Express Drive, Gulfport, MS Plans From: Knesal Engineering Services, Inc. Gulfport, MS / Phone (228) 867-9100 / Fax (228) 865-0043 Bid Bond: 5% Plan Deposit: $50 Non Ref MABC Plan Room: Gulfport Bin #: GP-09 Plan Holders: (Updated Date 10/9/2014) * Indicates Membership in ABC __________ 22 ABC - Bid Results For Bid Dates From 9/25/2014 To 10/9/2014 * Indicates Membership in ABC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9/25/2014 9/25/2014 9/25/2014 Hattiesburg, MS - Forrest GATEWAY PARKING FACILITY Estimate: Fairley Construction Madison, MS - Madison HOLY TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Estimate: ***Under Advisement Yazoo City, MS - Yazoo NEW ROOFS AND RELATED WORK FOR YAZOO CITY HIGH SCHOOL AND CENTRAL OFFICE Estimate: Mid-Western Commercial Roofers 9/25/2014 Hattiesburg, MS - Forrest WATER SYSTEM EXPANSION ON VETERAN’S MEMORIAL BLVD Estimate: $1,500,000 9/26/2014 9/30/2014 $489,305 C. B. Developers, LLC Brandon, MS - Rankin COMMUNITY BANK Estimate: ***Under Advisement Booneville, MS - Prentiss 504 WORK AT 2 UNITS IN AUGUST CIRCLE Estimate: Iskra Enterprises, Inc. 9/30/2014 Mississippi State, MS - Oktibbeha BAPTIST STUDENT UNION AT MSU ***Under Advisement * Burks-Mordecai Builders 9/30/2014 Pearl, MS - Rankin BARRACKS RENOVATION LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS Estimate: Estimate: $1,361,828 23 Richard Womack Construction, LLC 9/30/2014 Natchitoches, LA - Natchitoches UNIT MODERNIZATIONS, NATCHITOCHES HOUSING AUTHORITY Estimate: T. L. Construction 10/2/2014 Edwards, MS - Hinds FACILITY ROOF REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT FOR EDWARDS HEAD START FACILITY * Independent Roofing Systems, Inc. 10/2/2014 Pontotoc, MS - Pontotoc INDUSTRIAL BUILDING EXPANSION AT ECS, LLC 10/2/2014 Estimate: $350,000 Estimate: Hooker Construction, Inc. Pearl, MS - Rankin NEW BATTING FACILITIES FOR PEARL HIGH SCHOOL Estimate: $125,000 Coleman Hammons Construction 10/2/2014 Summit, MS - Pike REMODELING WOMEN’S DORMITORY, SW MS COMM COLLEGE Estimate: $500,000 - $600,000 Sullivan Enterprises * Conerly Construction, Inc. 10/6/2014 Vicksburg, MS - Warren BAZINSKY PUMP STATION MODIFICATIONS Estimate: Hemphill Constr. Co., Inc. 10/6/2014 Louisville, MS - Winston BRIDGE REPLACEMENTS AND PAVED APPROACHES BR-0080(31)B Estimate: 10/6/2014 10/8/2014 $270,000 Magco Inc Greenwood, MS - Leflore LEFLORE COUNTY MAINTENANCE FACILITY Estimate: ***Under Advisement Jackson, MS - Hinds $476,000 $567,000 24 WAR MEMORIAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS * Pavecon, Ltd. 10/9/2014 Camden, AL - Wilcox FOUR UNIT FIRE DAMAGE WINDWOOD APARTMENTS 10/9/2014 10/9/2014 Estimate: Estimate: ***Job Will Rebid Jackson, MS - Hinds GARAGE C AND ROAD REVISIONS PACKAGE B Estimate: ***No Information Released Pearl, MS - Rankin HAIL DAMAGE REPAIRS (EMER) (PKG C) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Estimate: ***No Information Released 10/9/2014 Whitfield, MS - Rankin HAIL DAMAGE REPAIRS (EMER) (PKG C) MS STATE HOSPITAL Estimate: 10/9/2014 10/9/2014 10/9/2014 ***No Information Released Pearl, MS - Rankin HAIL DAMAGE REPAIRS (EMER) PKG B LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS TRAINING ACADEMY Estimate: $300000 ***No Information Released Pontotoc, MS - Pontotoc INDUSTRIAL BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS Estimate: ***No Bids Received Hattiesburg, MS - Forrest LONGLEAF TRACE PHASE III Estimate: $1,200,000 Walters Constr 25 Experienced Qualified 26 Why don’t ABC Members worry about managing their employee benefits? Because we do — every day. Why don’t ABC Members worry about managing their employee benefits? Because we do — every day. Why choose employee benefits coverage that doesn’t cover your needs? At ABC Merit Choice®, Time Time To sorT To sorT Through insurance opTions? no WaY! no WaY! you’ll find quality solutions for your traditional insurance needs—plus the knowledge, personal Why choose employee benefits coverage that doesn’t cover your needs? At ABC Merit Choice®, attention, and special ABC member perks you can’t find anywhere else. We work with you as an you’ll find quality solutions for your traditional insurance needs—plus the knowledge, personal extension of your staff, solving issues, answering HR questions, and saving you time, money, attention, and special ABC member perks you can’t find anywhere else. We work with you as an and peace of mind. It’s this focus on a higher level of non-traditional service that makes ABC extension of your staff, solving issues, answering HR questions, and saving you time, money, Merit Choice® your first choice. and peace of mind. It’s this focus on a higher level of non-traditional service that makes ABC Merit Choice® your first choice. Through insurance opTions? Exclusive to ABC Members ABC Merit Choice® ABC Merit ✔ 4 Choice® Extension Consultation Extension of of Staff/HR Staff/HR Consultation Exclusive to ABC Members Construction Benefits Specialists Specialists Construction Industry Industry && Benefits Extension of Staff/HR Consultation Construction research specific Construction industry industry research specific Construction Industry & Benefits Specialists to to ABC ABC members members ✔ 4 ✔ ✔ 4 ✔ ✔ 4 ✔ Construction industry research specific Customized Wage –Customized Prevailing Prevailing Wage Plans Plans to ABC members ABC Merit Choice® DollarBank Bank ABC Merit Choice® Dollar Insurance P&C Insurance Broker/ Insurance Carrier Agent Agency Direct Insurance P&C Insurance Broker/ Insurance Carrier No No No No No No Agent Agency Direct ???? ? ? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No ✔ 4 No No No No No No Customized Time Time savings savingsPrevailing Wage Plans – ABC Merit Choice® Dollar Bank Medical PPO, POS) POS) Medical Insurance Insurance (HMO, (HMO, PPO, Time savings Dental, Group Life Life Insurance Insurance Plans Plans Dental, Vision, Vision, Group Medical Insurance (HMO, PPO, POS) Short-term/Long-term Short-term/Long-term Disability Disability Dental, Vision, Group Life Insurance Plans HRAs/HSAs/FSAs Virtual HR Assistant Short-term/Long-term Disability ✔ 4 ✔ ✔ 4 ✔ ✔ 4 ✔ ✔ 4 ✔ ✔ 4 ✔ ??? No No No Employee Benefits Legislative Guides 4 HRAs/HSAs/FSAs ? ? ? ? ? ? ✔ 4 ? ✔ 4 ✔ ✔ 4 ✔ ✔ 4 ? ✔ 4 ✔ ✔ 4 ✔ ✔ 4 ? ✔ 4 ✔ ✔ 4 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ???? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ✔ We make it as easy as ABC Ask us for more info and help. Call, fax or e-mail — whatever works best for you — we’ll take We make it as easy as ABC care of the rest. Ask us for more info and help. Call, fax or e-mail — whatever works best for you — we’ll take Be assured you’re getting the best possible options and service. We’ve done the homework and care of the rest. we’ll do the legwork on your behalf — because it’s a service our members need and value, not Be assured you’re getting the best possible options and service. We’ve done the homework and another insurance sales pitch. we’ll do the legwork on your behalf — because it’s a service our members need and value, not Certainly you can relax and enjoy the rewards of membership. another insurance sales pitch. Certainly you can relax and enjoy the rewards of membership. Insurance and benefits. Exclusively for ABC members. For more information, contact Laurie Williams at 800.441.2185 or or visituswww.abc.org/meritchoice Forlswabc@att.net, More inForMation, ContaCt at 800.621.2993 or visit www.ABC.org/MerItChoICe Insurance and benefits. Exclusively for ABC members. For More inForMation, ContaCt us at 800.621.2993 or visit www.ABC.org/MerItChoICe 27 Calhoun Fence, Inc. ng vi f r Se ll o ppi A ssi i iss M Phone: 601-932-4445 l Fax: 601-932-4479 All types of fence for your commercial & industrial needs • Security Fencing • Temporary Fencing • Recreational Fencing • Access Control • Materials Sales 100 Old Hwy 49 South, Richland, MS www.calhounfenceinc.com Insurance and Bonding Solutions for more than 75 years. P.O. Box 1490 Jackson, MS 39215-1490 601-960-8200 www.fbbins.com NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN IN CONSTRUCTION Core Purpose:To enhance the success of women in the construction Industry Jackson, Mississippi – Chapter #28 Contacts: Dianne Richardson 601-594-9971 • Peggy Harthcock 601-954-9446 Insurance Products are: Not FDIC Insured Not Bank Guaranteed Not Bank Deposits Not Guaranteed by Any Government Agency Fisher Brown Bottrell Insurance, Inc. is a subsidiary of Trustmark National Bank. Build Your Future with NAWIC Your Aerial Professional Cranes Material Handling Boom Lifts Scissor Lifts Construction Equipment * 24/7 Service * Annual Equipment Inspections * Strong Focus on Safety To become part of the NES Rentals team, log on to our web site at www.nesrentals.com. NES Rentals is an Equal Opportunity Employer www.nesrentals.com Columbus, MS (888) 327-5438 Jackson, MS (800) 748-9154 Gulfport, MS (228) 831-3947 Memphis, TN (800) 221-9061 Tupelo, MS (800) 438-6832 Factory Direct Sales and Service AMERICAN CRESCENT ELEVATOR MFG Elevator Equipment Manufactured Locally Residential Elevators Commercial Passenger Elevators Freight Elevators Installation and Service Performed by Factory Trained Technicians 310 Stephens Street, Picayune MS sales@americancrescent.com Phone: Fax: (800) 748-9711 (601) 798-9444 28 MABC STAFFED OFFICES & PLAN ROOMS: Jackson Plan Room 5165 Old Brandon Road, Pearl, MS 39208 800-806-7222 • (601) 944-0421 • Fax: (601) 944-0513 Tupelo Plan Room c/o Tull Brothers 104 Airpark Road, Tupelo, MS 38801 (662) 407-0888 • Fax: (662) 407-0884 Presorted Standard U.S. POSTAGE PAID JACKSON, MS PERMIT NO. 761 Gulfport Plan Room 10480 Corporate Drive, Suite 2, Gulfport, MS 39503 (228) 897-1711 • Fax: (228) 897-2711 Dated Material, Prompt delivery requested PLAN ROOMS HOSTED BY MABC MEMBERS: Cleveland Plan Room c/o Robinson Electric 825 N Chrisman, Cleveland, MS 38732 (662) 843-3978 • Fax: (662) 843-6217 Columbus Plan Room c/o American Glass Company 2206 Short Main St., Columbus, MS 39701 (662) 327-4874 • Fax: (662) 328-7316 Hattiesburg Plan Room c/o Smith Painting & Contracting 652 West 4th St., Hattiesburg, MS 39401 (601) 583-8157 • Fax: (601) 544-3508 Mississippi Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. Publication Editor: Effie Adams HeiDen & GarlanD, inc. Upchurch Plumbing, Inc. is a full service mechanical/plumbing contractor that has been in business for over 40 years. With offices in Greenwood, Mississippi, Jackson Mississippi and Gulfport, Mississippi we serve the South-Eastern United States. insurance & Bonds With over 300 dedicated employees our company is one of the largest mechanical contractors in Mississippi and combined with our excellent payment and performance bonding capacity we are continually expanding our market and service areas. John Heiden Doug Garland Graham Fairly Victor Smith Since 1945 548 Keyway Drive, Flowood, MS 39232 601-932-5700 1-800-382-8595 www.heidengarland.com Upchurch Plumbing, Inc. provides complete plumbing, mechanical and service work from renovation through new construction as well as design-build and design-assist services. Upchurch Plumbing, Inc. has built it’s reputation on quality work and on-time delivery. 2606 Baldwin R, Greenwood, MS (662) 453-6860 Fax: (662) 453-6201 email: mike@upchurchplumbing.com Our staff and management are committed to providing the highest quality work possible. Service is not only a slogan, it is our way of conducting business. Call us at (662) 453-6860.
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