Archivio Fotografico Italiano C.F. 90033100125 P.IVA 03114790128 Contact: Claudio Argentiero T 347 5902640 e-mail: PRESS RELEASE EUROPEAN PHOTOGRAPHIC FESTIVAL 18th October – 23rd November 2014 Busto Arsizio – Castellanza – Legnano – Gorla Maggiore – Olgiate Olona – Milano Photography to merge cultures, peoples and generations European Photographic Festival is back for the 2014 edition, a cultural melting pot, conceived by AFI – Archivio Fotografico Italiano, with the sponsorship of the Municipality of Busto Arsizio, Castellanza, Gorla Maggiore, Olgiate Olona, Samarate and Legnano, the Tourism Agency of Provincia di Varese, Provincia di Milano – Casa delle Culture nel Mondo, with the collaboration of Ester Produzioni, with the technological support of EPSON Italia and with the contribution of a wide range of Associations, Schools and private persons. With the high ambition of being one of the most relevant event of the national scene, offer a structured visual journey, who wants to be an opportunity of meditation and a vibrant comparison of languages, embracing a wide geographical area and proposing exiting creative paths. This new edition, for the first time, extends its boundaries to Milano and its district, to join a dialogue with the Lombard metropolitan area, focusing on visual culture, by means of art photography. A sort of cultural factory, open to Europe, dialoguing with Peoples through the art of the eye, focusing on aspirations, languages and creativity of artists coming from extremely different backgrounds. A project that aim to focus on culture as a catalyst of energy among peoples, exploiting new perspectives of growing and dialogue among generations who, saved by the beauty, social commitment, study and the desire to break down borders, find themselves in a common path of growing and collective responsibility. Great authors that act as a lighthouse to the young emerging, in a full dialectic confrontation with the aim to promote debates and reflections on actuality, history, art and research. PHOTOGRAPHIC EXIBITIONS Over forty planned expositions, of famous and emerging authors, foreigners and Italians, coming from several European countries, present at the opening. Several are the proposed topics: from geographical to social reportage, from historical photography to regional photography, from portrait to ancient printing techniques, from landscape to architectural, to artistic experimentation. An event able to engage the whole geographical area, public administrators and schools, by means of laboratories, lectio magistralis and direct involvement of the students in each phase of the realization of the events. SOME OF THE EXIBITIONS/ THE AUTHORS: GIOVANNI VERGA – scrittore e fotografo VALERIO BISPURI – Encerrados – Travel to South American Jails PERGIORGIO BRANZI – Paris Similitude ELENA CHERNYSHOVA – Day of Night – Night of Day SUSANNA MAJURI – Statement ERICA EVELINA NYHOLM – A room of one’s own FRANCIS LATREILLE – Alla scoperta di animali preistorici NICOLA BERTELLOTTI – Damnatio Memoriae MONIKA BULAJ con i ragazzi di Velika Hoca – Il miracolo degli occhi ISTITUTO ITALIANO DI FOTOGRAFIA – Paesaggi Metafisici LUCA CATALANO GONZAGA – Piccoli Schiavi ENZO CEI – Fiori. La vita vince – 14 storie di figli ANDREA BERTANI – Di sogni e di luce… JACOB BALZANI LÖÖV – Ucraina, il diritto di essere ascoltati JEAN JANSSIS – Entreintes de terre MYLENE ZIZZO – Effaces du Monde MARIE PADLEWSKY – Splendide operaie in India ELIO CIOL – Gli anni del neorealismo LUCA CAPUANO – Il paesaggio descritto / siti italiani del patrimonio UNESCO FRANCESCO CITO – Coma, vite sospese CLAUDIO ARGENTIERO – Figure silenti TIFFANY CHUNG – Homes, homs, where art Thou CARNISIO VIRGILIO – CLAUDIO ARGENTIERO – Incontrando Milano PROJECTIONS – AUDIOVISUALS – MEETINGS – CONFERENCES In the schedule, a lot of events dedicated to the languages of audiovisual and multivision, hosting products appreciated at a national level. A sort of visual contamination to suggest interpretative paths. Aside, lot of encounters with important photographer, journalists and experts, involved to speak about their experiences in the field of photography, with planned lesson even in local schools. 3rd OSCAR OF PHOTOGRAPHIC AUDIOVISUAL – MEMORIAL FRANCO PONTIGGIA With the sponsorship of Pontiggia family, inheritor of the unforgotten photographer from Varese, and strengthened by the national triumph obtained with the previous editions, here we are with a brand new edition of the National Competition, an event with multiple installations continuously active from late night to late morning. Publishing Moreover to the books of exposing authors, Archivio Fotografico Italiano will present new releases from its catalogue, available also in the best Italian and foreign bookshop, for instance: - Figure silenti. La luce di C. Argentiero interpreta le sculture di Odoardo Tabacchi - Valli Varesine. Storie di agricoltura e paesaggio – autori vari - Incontrando Milano. Due autori, due epoche due sguardi –Virgilio Carnisio e Claudio Argentiero - Vision. La fotografia testimone del tempo – autori vari - Busto. Immagini di una città immaginata – C. Tancredi, C. Argentiero, Fondo archivio Afi - Lago Maggiore. Incanti di luce – Claudio Argentiero Book Day Photography is not only a plain “clic”; even if it is simple to buy a digital compact camera and call himself a photographer, this is not. Photography means stop to take a look and start to see, means to create a though within your own mind an then turn it into an image, means being able to catch that fraction of second when all the real life elements put together in a perfect unrepeatable way. To do that, commitment, devotion and study are absolutely necessary. One of the best ways to do that is to observe images created by engaged photographers, read their books, hear their words. For these reason we planned a dedicated space for books and authors, involved to tell their own experiences. Portfolio Award 2014 Portfolio reading is a quite important moment of confrontation among qualified experts and authors, who find in these events an opportunity of growing and development of its own works. Each year AFI select some authors, signaled by experts, for personal and collective exhibitions offering a wide visibility even in national and international contexts. To examine the works, some of the most qualified Italian and foreign experts. Corsi e Workshop: During the festival ten events will be proposed, between courses and workshops, with top experts and photographers. From Reportage with Francesco Cito to Artistic Nude with Bruno Redares, from Ancient Printing Techniques with Gino Mazzanobile to Glamour and Portrait with Claudio Argentiero, to Portfolio Making with Roberrto Mutti. Moreover specific courses dedicated to post production, with national level experts. Coming soon, on, the detailed courses and workshops schedule. Guided Tours and Laboratories: Arranging a guided tour of the expositions, even for schools, is for us most important and constructive. Adding to visits also dedicated laboratories, could be a real opportunity of cultural growth open to the student parents too. Due to this, competent offices of each Municipality operated in order to involve the schools into this project, arranging in advance several activities to approaching young peoples to photography. Furthermore guided tours are planned dedicated to all audience, conducted by the authors or expert guides. Catalogue and guide to events and exhibitions: A brief guide to events and exhibitions, printed in more the 10.000 copies, will be complimentary available to the visitors, in addition to a full Catalogue on sale at a reasonable prize to be accessible to everyone. Curatori Claudio Argentiero, supported by qualified experts such Alfiuccia Musumeci, Andrea, Roberto Bosio e Fabio Preda, in addition to a large team of contributors in charge of manage specific areas. Informations and contacts Festival Press Office: Claudio Argentiero Mobile: 347 5902640 e-mail: / Web: /
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