Document 316896

All Sain†s
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 12, 2014
Area Faith Community
St. Andrew's
Fairfax, MN
St. Willibrord's
Father Jeffrey Horejsi
Residence: 426-7125
Gibbon, MN
Sister Mary Ann Kuhn
Parish Minister
Residence: 834-6461
Tanis Waibel, Secretary – 426-7739
E mail -
St. Francis de Sales
Winthrop, MN
Sacred Heart
Franklin, MN
Connie Serbus
Deacon Roger Osborne
Residence: 647-5894
Area Religious Education
Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 8:00 am-4:00 pm
Parish Website:
Sacred Heart – Amy Koupal 507-557-2783
St. Willibrord - Genny Neyers 507-834-6659
St. Andrew - Karen Guggisberg 507-426-7348
St. Francis - Kellie Sloot 647-2103
contact Fr. Jeff at least six months ahead
of time to plan and prepare for your
wedding. No wedding date is final until
approved by Fr. Jeff.
BAPTISMS: Please make arrangements
for attending a baptism session with Sister
Mary Ann anywhere from one to two
months prior to the date of the baptism of
a child.
Catholic Charities of the
Diocese of New Ulm:
(Confidential Counseling Services
and Referral Information)
LITURGY SCHEDULE: In case of a funeral a regular scheduled morning Mass will be canceled that day.
Monday, October 13
Tuesday, October 14
Wednesday, October 15
Thursday, October 16
8:30 AM
+ Harold Schweiss
10:15 AM
Franklin Nursing Home
+ Catherine Murphy
Friday, October 17
9:30 AM
Winthrop Healthcare Center
+ Cathleen Eichten
6:30 PM
Fairfax – Spanish Mass
+ Matt Ludewig
Saturday, October 18
4:30 PM
Reconciliation before Mass at Winthrop
5:00 PM
People of the All Saints Area Faith Community
6:45 PM
+ Ada Fahey
Sunday, October 19
8:00 AM
+Lee Stasson
9:45 AM
+ Agnes Gitter
Reflection Questions for the Twenty-Eighth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
How have you heard God’s invitation to the banquet?
To what extent does the lavishness of the banquet inspire you
to do the hard work of conversion?
How well are you able to praise God no matter what your
circumstances are?
Readings for the Week of October 12, 2014
Is 25:6-10a/Phil 4:12-14, 19-20/Mt 22:1-14
or 22:1-10
Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31--5:1/Lk 11:29-32
Gal 5:1-6/Lk 11:37-41
Gal 5:18-25/Lk 11:42-46
Eph 1:1-10/Lk 11:47-54
Eph 1:11-14/Lk 12:1-7
2 Tm 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9
Next Sunday:
Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21
Politics, according to the Social Doctrine of the Church, is one of the
highest forms of charity, because it serves the common good.”
—Pope Francis
Congressional elections are just around the corner. A helpful resource can be found on Click on “Spotlight on
Voting: The Issues” It covers Religious Liberty, Immigration, Human Life, Labor and Economy, Health Care, Restorative Justice,
Children and Families, Education, Agriculture and the Environment.
Next Sunday is World Mission Sunday. We are all called in a special way to be missionaries through prayer and participation in
the Eucharist, and by giving generously to the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Our gifts support the
life-giving presence of the Church among the poor and suffering in more than 1,150 mission dioceses around the world. For more
information visit
All Saints Area Faith Community Distinguished Service Award. We are taking nominations for the award this year. If you know
of someone who has served in any of our four parishes in a significant way, over a long period of time (at least 15 years), please
fill out the nomination form found in church or on our website, Please drop the form in the collection
basket, bring it to the Area office, mail, or email it in. The deadline is November 2, 2014.
Four of our eight members on our Area Pastoral Council have completed their second terms, so we need a new person from each
of our four parishes to fill either a three or a two year term. If you want more information or would like to offer to serve, contact
one of the Pastoral Council members or Fr. Jeff.
We have our semi-annual Pastoral Leader Days in Willmar on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Wednesday morning, Sr. Mary Ann,
Connie & Tanis have been invited to be a part of a panel on being an Area Faith Community.
RCIA session: Tuesday, Oct. 14, 6:30 p.m., St. Francis de Sales Church.
Anyone is welcomed to come for the session.
Knights of Columbus meeting, Thursday, Oct. 16th, 7:30 p.m., St. Andrew’s Social Hall
Oct. 12 Richard Hellendrung, George Wendinger, Adeline Grosam, Jill Eaton
Oct. 13 Ben Traegner, Eddie & Shirley Frank Anniv. , Scott Senkyr, Juan & Leticia Villegas Anniv.,
Charles & Rita Hershman Anniv.
Oct. 14 Gary Huiras, Brian & Anita Weir Anniv.
Oct 15 Pat O’Brien
Oct. 17 Gene Schroeder, Alan Dreier
Oct. 18 Joan Fixsen, Myron & Doris Marquardt Anniv., Elaine Kachelmeier
Please Remember in Prayer
Peter Schweiss
St. Andrew’s
Lloyd Schroeder
St. Andrew’s
Lena Rathke
AREA YOUTH CALENDAR RAFFLE: This week’s winner of $50.00 is Frank Ziegler of Fairfax
OFFICE CLOSED: Wednesday morning, October 15th for the Pastoral Leader Days panel
discussion which includes staff from our Area Faith Community. Also, Wednesday, October 22nd
and Thursday, October 23rd, the office will be closed. Please have any bulletin items submitted no
later than noon on Tuesday, October 21 st. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
CCW RECOGNITION SUNDAY: Bishop LeVoir has proclaimed Sunday, October 12 th, as CCW
Recognition Sunday, in honor of the great role that the Council of Catholic Women (CCW) plays in
our parishes and our diocese. The mission of CCW is to support, empower, and educate all Catholic
women in spirituality, leadership and service. Please thank your CCW members and officers in your
parishes for all the great work they do and service they provide to our AFC!
Delores (Ed) Kokesch
St. Willibrord’s
Kia Rathke
Linda Hanson
St. Willibrord’s
Gertrude “Gertie” Berle
Orren Rathke
St. Francis
PRAYER SERVICE FOR THE DECEASED: On the weekend of November 1-2 we will remember all deceased loved ones who
died this past year in our parishes. They will be named in each parish during the weekend liturgy. There will also be a prayer of
remembrance for ALL deceased loved ones the afternoon of Sunday, Nov. 2,
1:00 p.m., at St. Francis de Sales Church in Winthrop. Everyone is invited to gather and pray with and for all loved ones who
share in Christ’s everlasting love and continue to remain with us in spirit. A social will follow in the church hall.
BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: As in past years please take time to write names of deceased loved ones you’d like to remember
during the month of November in the Book of Remembrance. Please look to see where it is kept in your church.
“Today, even more urgently than in the past, the international community is
required to make a decisive option for peace. At the economic level, it is vital to
work to ensure that the economy is oriented to the service of the human person, to
solidarity and not only to profit.” Pope Benedict XVI
Wanted: Beanbag chairs, tv/video chairs, camping/bag chairs, huge floor pillows or any casual seating you may be looking to get rid
of. Call the parish office for more information 507-426-7739. Thank you!
Parents as Spiritual Mentors: October 18, 2014, 2-5 p.m., Winthrop Covenant Church, 107 W. 3 rd St., Winthrop. This gathering is
designed to quip you as a parent in helping your children mature spiritually and your family to grow closer to God.
St. Aloysius Church in Olivia invites you to join us on Sunday October 12, 2014 for our annual Fall Festival. Our event begins with
Mass at 10:00 a.m. Continue your day with a home-made fried chicken dinner that includes mashed potatoes and gravy, candied
carrots, cranberries, coleslaw, dinner roll, pumpkin dessert and beverage, served from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The cost is $10.00 for
adults or take-outs and $5.00 for children 10 & under. The day also includes a Pumpkin Patch, Farmers’ Market, Country Store,
Bakers’ Corner, Quilt Ladies Booth, Silent Auction, Cake Walk, Bingo and Church Raffle.
St. John’s Catholic Church of Hector will serve a Hot Turkey Sandwich meal on Wednesday, October 22, 2014. We will be serving
in our parish hall from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Cost is $5 for adults and youth, and $3 ages 2-10. Take-outs will be available. The menu
includes: sandwiches with hot turkey, bbq’d turkey or turkey supreme, vegetable, bar/cookies, and beverage. All are invited. This
even is a Catholic United Financial matching grant fundraiser on behalf of the parish’s faith formation programs.
Holy Redeemer Catholic Church of Renville will be serving a Turkey Dinner on Sunday, October 26, 2014 at the Renville
Community Center from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The menu includes: Turkey & Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes & Grave, Coleslaw,
Carrots, Cranberries and Pumpkin Bars. Adults and Take-outs are $10.00, age 3-11 is $5.00, and under 3 is Free. Take-outs are
available at East Entrance.
YOUTH CHOIR (Elementary/Middle School)
will sing for the 4 p.m. Mass at Sacred Heart in Franklin,
on Saturday, November 8th, meeting to practice that day
at 3:30 p.m. in the church social hall. Practices will be
as follows:
Gibbon/Winthrop - Wednesday, October 22nd and November 5th,
at 4:30 p.m., for ½ hour, at the end of religious education class
Franklin - Wednesday, October 26th and November 5th,
at 6:00 p.m. for ½ hour, before religious education class
New members are encouraged to join! The music is easy and fun.
Contact Berny Berger with any questions – or (507) 834-6321
Come celebrate Schoenstatt’s Centennial! All are welcome at the
Schoenstatt Shrine in Sleepy Eye from 10 am to 4 pm on
October 18th: 10:00 am Welcome, Mass at 10:30 with
Bishop John LeVoir, followed by Lunch, and a Play by the Youth.
RSVP 507-794-7727.
Saturday/Sunday, Oct. 11th & 12th : Rite of Enrollment
Sunday, October 12th: Confirmation Retreat at St. Willibrord’s follows 9:45 Rite of Enrollment Mass (Please be
at the church by 9:30 a.m.)
Wednesday, October 15th: No Class/MEA
Monday, October 20th: DRE meeting in Fairfax at 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, October 22nd: Religion Class/ Protecting God's Children (Make-up sessions)
Server Training at SW for SW/SF at 3:45
Server Training at SH for SH at 6:15
Wednesday, October 29th: Religion Class/Prep for 3/4th Grade Mass
3rd & 4th Grade Mass Practice
Saturday and Sunday, November 1st and 2nd: 3rd and 4th Grade Mass
Wednesday, November 5th : Religion Class/High School Senior Class at St. Andrew’s at 7:00 p.m.
Virtus: Catechist and DREs, if you have not completed your on-line Virtus please do so as soon as possible. Please let me know when
you have completed it. Thanks, Connie Serbus
The Senior High Youth Rally will be held at the New Ulm Event Center in New Ulm at 301 20th St S. THEME: Life. Accept the
Challenge! (Matthew 28:19) WHO: All 9-12th grade youth are welcome to attend COST: $10.00 per youth if registered in advance or
$25.00 if registered after October 16, the deadline date. Adults are just $10; if registering after October 16 it is $13. Your parish
contact person is Connie Serbus. (426-7742 or WHAT: The program will be from 1:00–7:00 p.m. on
October 26. This will be a day of fun and inspiration—join us for lunch, meet hundreds of other youth, and celebrate Sunday Mass
with Bishop LeVoir. We have some awesome speakers: Mike Sweeney, baseball celebrity; the new Catholic band, The Thirsting; and
NET Team #11 will also join us for the day. SPONSORED BY: Diocese of New Ulm – Office of Youth Ministry. Detailed
information is being sent home with your child. Please feel free to join your child at this fun event!
You have received many forms and letters that are part of our beginning of the year information.
Please, take the time to fill them out and get them back to your DRE’s.
Parent Letter: Please read this over as it does have important information in it.
Registration: Please fill out with updated phone numbers and an e-mail address if you have one.
Bus Release form: We need these for your child/children to be dropped off at St. Andrew’s and St. Willibrord’s on Wednesday after
Volunteer Form: Please take the time to read this over and let us know what works for you. We are still in need of some catechists.
Please contact your DRE or Connie Serbus if you are willing to teach, even if it is only for part of the year.
4th Grade Parents: Each year Fr. Jeff and Sr. Mary Ann have a session with the 4 th graders on serving @ Mass. Please check the
calendar for the dates that fit your child.
Confirmation Retreat/Right of Enrollment: This year’s retreat will take place at St. Willibrord’s parish following the Rite of
Enrollment Mass on Oct., 12, 2014 @ 9:45 am for all Confirmation Students.
Liturgical Ministers (Youth) : We are in need of people serving as lectors, musicians and song leaders. Please consider giving your
time, talent and treasure in these areas. Your gifts would be greatly welcomed and appreciated. Please contact your Liturgy
committee if you are willing to share your gifts.
Attention Youth – Aged 7th Grade and Up! We are looking to form an Area Faith Community Teen Choir, to sing a few times a
year in our churches. Practices and music will be dependent on who joins! If you didn’t make the “Teen Choir” meeting, please
contact Berny Berger ( or 834-6321), or Mike Burns at (507) 766- 5732. All are welcome!
Confirmation Calendar Change: SW/SF will have their Confirmation interviews on January 7th and SH/SA will have their
interviews on January 14th. Please make this change on your calendar! Thanks, Connie Serbus
DRE Meeting: We will be meeting on Oct. 20th. We meet in Fairfax at St. Andrew's School at 7:00 p.m.
YOUTH CHOIR (Elementary/Middle School) will sing for the 4 p.m. Mass at Sacred Heart in Franklin on Saturday, November 8th.
We will meet to practice that day at 3:30 p.m. in the church social hall. Practices will be as follows:
Gibbon/Winthrop - Wednesday, October 22nd and November 5th, at 4:30 p.m., for ½ hour at the end of religious education class.
Franklin - Wednesday, October 26th and November 5th, at 6:00 p.m. for ½ hour before religious education class.
New members are encouraged to join! The music is easy and fun. Contact Berny Berger with any questions – or (507) 834-6321
Parents: Please work on the "Our Father" prayer.
Thank-you Catechists for your support in teaching "Protecting God's Children"! It is "very" important to educate our children about
their safety.
In the book we sent home "Celebrating Sunday for Catholic Families"
Talk to your child about being invited to parties and who they would invite to their parties and why they would invite those
certain people. After Mass, ask them who was invited to God's party? Do they believe they are invited to God's party?
Next, ask them if there is anyone who is not invited to God's party?
YOUTH CHOIR (Elementary/Middle School) will sing for the 4 p.m. Mass at Sacred Heart in Franklin, on Saturday, November 8 th,
meeting to practice that day at 3:30 p.m. in the church social hall. Practices will be as follows:
Gibbon/Winthrop - Wednesday, October 22nd and November 5th, at 4:30 p.m., for ½ hour, at the end of religious education class
Franklin - Wednesday, October 26th and November 5th, at 6:00 p.m. for ½ hour, before religious education class
New members are encouraged to join! The music is easy and fun. Contact Berny Berger with any questions – or (507) 834-6321
Loose Plate
Catholic University of America
CUF Religious Ed funds/trips
Funeral Stipend
Religious Ed Tuition
Cemetery Memorial Donation
Building/ Maintenance
continue to pray for the following military
personnel who are members of our parish
families and are serving full time or active
duty in the military: SSG William R. Schmidt,
SSG Jeff Ziegler, Kyler J. Rieke, Ryan E.
Lawrenz, SGT, Sgt. Chris Levinske, Amber
Lindberg, Captain Martha Serbus, Sgt
Kenneth Coleman, SFC Timothy R. Green,
Spc Adam Nosbush, Major Steven Weber and
Jackie Rieke.
Sunday, October 19 – 9:45 AM
Lector: Melvin Neyers, Jacob Unger Dist: Genny Neyers, Mavis Lindmeyer, Dawn Hoffmann Servers: Wyatt, Madison & Anden
Hoffmann Ushers: Michael Willegal, Mike Hartman, Dean Schreiner Gifts: Ray and Geneva Klover
Sunday, October 26th – 9:45 AM
Lector: Chuck & Ann Southworth Dist: Deacon Roger, Steve & Jeanine Grosam Servers: Cole Howe, Kaitlyn & Kylie Unger
Ushers: Michael Willegal, Mike Hartman, Dean Schreiner Gifts: Catherine Willegal
Saturday, November 1st – 8:30 AM
Lector: Amy Weber, Gail Herschman Dist: Vickie Dreier, Grace Rubischko, Connie Tautges Servers Seth Kaploczynski, Jordan &
Lexi Rettig Ushers: Jay Howe, Jerry Howe, Don Forst Gifts: Kathy Bruns
Saturday, November 1st – 5:45 PM
Lector: Jerome Peterson, George Schweiss Dist: Terry Forst, Charlene Forst, Rose Forst Servers Stephanie & Erin Haas, Brooklyn
Werner Ushers: Jay Howe, Jerry Howe, Don Forst Gifts: Linda Olson
Thanks to all who helped move items out of and back into the church for the carpet project. Donations toward the new carpet are still
Kolackies/Donut Sunday Oct 26, 2014: Please help Catholic United Financial in thanking Fr. Jeff, Deacon Roger and Sister Mary
Ann for saying "Yes" to God's call to serve in their vocation as a Priest and in the Religious Life. This is a matching-grant event and
will go towards the Religious Ed. program at St. Willibrords.
Fall Bazaar will be Saturday, November 8, 2014, from 9:00-1:00 p.m. All women of the parish are asked to please support this
annual event. This year's overall chairpersons are Mavis Lindmeyer and Melissa Rettig and workers for this year will be ladies K-Z.
Donations for the raffle (new or homemade) are needed. Boy and Girl raffle items are also needed. To donate an item, please call the
Raffle Chairpersons: Jennifer Werner 834-9711 or Grace Rubischko 834-6315.
Gibbon Senior Dining is a program offered to the elderly in need. Those using this service are served 5 days a week. Their federal
funding is changing and may impact their services in our area. So we are looking for your help so they can continue to serve meals to
those in need. We would hate to lose this service in our community. If you can, please bring any of the following items to the
community center. Thank you!
Blizzard Meal Items: Vegetable Soup, Pudding/Jello cups, individual packs of cookies, Swiss Miss cocoa packets, canned
chicken/tuna/beef stew, cheese/peanut butter crackers, fruit cups, 100% juice boxes.
Paper Goods/Cleaning Supplies: paper plates, foam coffee cups, napkins, paper towels, dish soap, bleach, scrub pads, lunch
sacks, sandwich baggies.
Saturday, October 18th – 5:00 PM
Lector: Dave Schauer Dist: Kevin & Sue Lauwagie, Che May Servers: Halley Busse, Logan Felska
Gifts: Pat & Yvonne O’Brien Ushers: Harry & Kellie Sloot, Phil & Julie Dummer
Saturday, October 25th – 5:00 PM
Lector: Pam Osborne Dist: Deacon Roger, Pete & Marianne Machaiek Servers: Carter Burns, Casey Wersal
Gifts: Dennis & Joan Dording Ushers: Harry & Kellie Sloot, Phil & Julie Dummer
Prayer and Friendship
The young, the old, the weak and the strong need each other! Would you like a unique adventure with a person who is rich in years
and history? Once a month there is a gathering at The Lodge in Winthrop. It is a 20 minute Prayer for the Poor of the World and then
conversation, singing and friendship with refreshments, too. There is a great need for community members to spread friendship and
caring. Will you join us? 7pm Thursday, October 30. Call Barbara Dietl 507-228-9802. Barbara and Ron have been sharing this
ministry with the elderly for about 4 years in Lafayette, now Winthrop.
Sunday, October 19
– 8:00 AM
Lector: Sheila Robinson Dist: Sheila Robinson, Lori Hacker, Katie Joehnck Ushers: John Robinson, Gene Scharfencamp
Gifts: Tim Sullivan Servers: Ethan & Erica Bock Cross: Thomas Ochs Rosary: CCW
Sunday, October 26th – 8:00 AM
Lector: John Goeltz Dist: Deacon Roger, Connie Serbus, Jim Koupal Ushers: Vic Serbus, Bill Radermacher
Gifts: Tim & Angela Sandgren Servers: Payton Loken, Shyann Koupal Cross: Megan Sandgren Rosary: CCW
CALENDAR RAFFLE: This week's winner of $100.00 is Dave Elfering of Bird Island
CCW NEWS: Sunday, October 12th is CCW Sunday. Remember, all ladies of the parish are considered members of the Counsel of
Catholic Women. CCW has two purposes; to nurture our spirituality as women of the church and to give service to the church.
Saturday, Oct 18 – 6:45 pm
Lector: Pat Buboltz Commentator: Angela Kiecker Dist: Richard Frank, Brian Wortz, Carol Weikle Servers: Kennedy Pelzel,
Carter & Jaedan Nachreiner Ushers: Tom Nachreiner, Don Huiras, Melvin Eckstein, Dennis Blumhoefer Gifts: Anita & Kaden
Weir Visit the Sick: Mary Liebl
Saturday, Oct 25th – 6:45 pm
Lector: Jan Simonsen Commentator: Stephanie Palmer Dist: Desiree Ziegler, Deacon Roger, Myron Schweiss
Servers: Megan Palmer, Grace Weldy, Emily Liebl Ushers: Dave Busch, Ray Schweiss, Robin & Julie Nesburg
Gifts: Mike & Barb Beranek Visit the Sick: Adeline Roiger
Sunday, Nov. 2nd -10:15 am
Lector: R/L Kaukola Commentator: Carolina Carillo Dist: Eloina & Rodrigo Carillo, Lidia Gonzales
Servers: Andrew Kiecker, Allen & Julia Schweiss Ushers: LeAnder Nachreiner, Dennis Domeier, Richard Frank,Kevin Schweiss
Gifts: Norbert & Beverly Blumhoefer Visit the Sick: Agnes Wendinger
ST. ANN’S FUNERAL GROUP 4: Katherine McClain 426-7873, Mary Eckstein 426-8123
FALL BAZAAR: The St. Andrew’s Fall Bazaar is coming up on Saturday, November 1 st! The Bazaar chairmen this year are: Sandy
Hellendrung (426-7480), Lucinda Winch (507-381-7403), Francis Turtle (507-205-7093), Kathy Schroeder (507-430-0090), Cheryl
Kiecker (507-227-4984), and Cindy (Mark) Rieke (426-8369). These ladies will be calling all St. Ann’s Aid members during the next
few weeks to ask their help in working and/or donating to the Bazaar. Please be generous with your time and talents! If you are
donating cash, the suggested amount is $25. This can be mailed to the parish office at “All Saints Area Faith Community, PO Box C,
Fairfax, MN 55332, or placed in the collection basket in an envelope marked “Fall Bazaar.” Thank you!!
Wanted for the Fall Bazaar: potatoes, carrots, and onions for soups! We would greatly appreciate it if you would save them and
deliver them to the church basement by Wednesday, October 29th! Thank You!
Country Store! The St. Andrew’s Fall Bazaar will be in need of items for the country store again this year. Whatever garden
produce you are able to share as well as pickles, jams, and such will be appreciated! Please think ahead and don’t forget the Country
Store! Thanks so much!
Precious Beginnings – Do you still have the Baptismal gown/outfit that you or your children wore? How about First Communion
attire? If so, we would like to invite you to share your family’s precious beginnings in a display at the St. Andrew’s Fall Bazaar on
Saturday, November 1st! Contributions from area parish members and the community members are welcome!!
If you are interested in having your items displayed, please call one of the following ladies for more information:
Jan Simonsen—507-327-8765 or 507-557-8357, Lucinda Winch—507-381-7403, Mary Eckstein—
Julie Nesburg—507-829-7822, Sara Nosbush—507-426-8100 or 507-380-2569, Marilyn Brandel—507-276-5258 or 507-426-7155