Monday, 10 November, 2014 Schedule 08:30 Time First author Title 15' Alina Greslebin & Everett Hansen Session 1 Welcome and conference opening mode of presentation 20' Jung Thomas Six new Phytophthora species from ITS Clade 7a including two sexually functional heterothallic hybrid species detected in natural ecosystems in Taiwan 09:10 20' Abad Z. Gloria 09:30 20' Xiao Yang The Taxonomy of Phytophthora: What is done and Oral what is needed for the correct identification and diagnostics of species in the Genus A new multi-locus phylogeny for the genus Phytophthora Poster session of sessions 1: Taxonomy Introducing….. Phytophthora chlamydosporum Poster (née P. taxon Pgchlamydo), P. obrutafolium (née P. taxon oaksoil), and P. “himalsylva-like” (née P. taxon ceanothus) Genetic, morphological and physiological Poster characters of the plant patogen Phytophthora cactorum and its hybrids 10:10 5' Poster session 1 Brasier Clive 5' Pánek Matěj 30' 10:40 30' 11:10 11:25 15' 20' presented by Taxonomy 08:50 09:50 other authors Oral Marília Horta Jung, Bruno Jung Thomas Scanu, Ana Pérez-Sierra, Tun-Tschu Chang, Paloma Abad-Campos, Maela Léon, Gábor M. Kovács, Claude Husson, József Bakonyi Abad Z. Gloria Brett M. Tyler2 and Chuanxue Hong Chuanxue Hong Nik Grunwald, Everett Wendy Sutton Hansen, Paul Reeser, Laura Sims, Wendy Sutton Michal Tomšovský Pánek Matěj coffe break Hansen Everett Session 2 11:45 10' Aghighi Sonia 11:55 10' Talgø, V. 12:05 10' McCracken Alistair 12:15 10' Cech Tomas 12:25 5´ What is a species? The challenge of Phytophthora Main disertation Chair's review of preceding presentations Session discussion Role of Phytophthora species in emergent diseases Pathogenicity of Phytophthora species isolated short oral from declining European blackberry (Rubus anglocandicans) in natural ecosystems of South Western Australia Phytophthora pseudosyringae found on bilberries short oral in Norway The comparative pathogenicity of two short oral Phytophthora ramorum lineages, EU1 and EU2, on a range of hosts Involvement of Phytophthora species in beech short oral decline in Lower Austria Questions and discussion 12:30 01:30 Hansen Everett Chair T. I. Burgess1, J. K. Scott2, Aghighi Sonia M. Calver1 and G. E. St. J. Hardy1 Herrero, M. L.1, Brurberg, Strømeng, G. M. M. B.1, Kitchingman, L., and Strømeng, G. M. Lisa M Quinn 1, Mark A Quinn Wilson 1, Joan F Webber Tamara Corcobado, Thomas Jung n/e Wendy Sutton1, Jon Laine2, Everett Hansen2 María Esperanza Sánchez1, Ana PérezSierra2 and María S. Serrano1,3 Suzanne Sancisi-Frey, Mina Kalantarzadeh, Clive Brasier Rita de Cássia Panizzi[1], Antonio Baldo Geraldo Martins[2], Renata Aparecida de Andrade L. Croeser, T.I. Burgess and G.E.St.J. Hardy Reeser, Paul Lunch Session 2 Role of Phytophthora species in emergent diseases Phytophthora pluvialis on Douglas-fir in Oregon, USA. Identification and pathogenicity of oomycetes causing root disease on wild olives 14:00 10' Reeser, Paul 14:10 10' González, Mario 14:20 10' Ana Perez-Sierra 14:30 10' Gutierrez Rodriguez Mycelial growth and pathogenicity of Edwin Antonio Phytophthora cinnamommi Rands short oral 14:40 10' Paap Trudy short oral 14:50 10' Green Sarah 15:00 10' Assmann Jakob 15:10 10' Fajardo Acuña Sebastian 15:20 10' Sanfuentes E. A. 15:30 10' Questions and discussion 15:40 30 Coffe break 16:10 10' Horner Ian 16:20 10' Joan Webber 16:30 10' 16:40 10' 16:50 10' Suzanne Sancisi-Frey Multiple Phytophthoras associated with larch (Larix) in Britain Schlenzig Alexandra Aerial dieback on Thuja caused by Phytophthora lateralis Strømeng, G. M. Phytophthora disease on alder (Alnus spp.) in Norway 17:00 10' Díaz-Celaya, Marlene short oral 17:10 17:25 15' 15' Unexpected discovery of Phytophthora siskiyouensis in the UK The role of Phytophthora in the decline of Corymbia calophylla (marri), a dominant and widespread tree species in southwest Western Australia Phytophthora austrocedrae emerges as a serious threat to juniper (Juniperus communis) in Britain Evolutionary epidemiology of Phytophthora austrocedrae on juniper in Great Britain and the Northern Hemisphere Phytophthora pseudosyringae associated to the mortality of Nothofagus forests of centralsouthern Chile. Phytophthora kernoviae detection in Drimys winteri (Winter’s Bark) forest of southern Chile short oral short oral short oral short oral short oral short oral Chair's review of preceding presentations Session discussion Ana Perez-Sierra Gutierrez Rodriguez Edwin Antonio Paap Trudy M. Elliot, A. Armstrong, S.J. Hendry Sarah Green, Paul Sharp A. FigueredoB, S. ValenzuelaC, E. Sanfuentes S. N. FajardoA, M. A. SabagA, E. Hansenb and M. G. Gonzálezc Fajardo Acuña Ellena G. Hough Horner Ian Barnaby Wylder, Anna Harris, Clive Brasier Joan Webber short oral Joan Webber Joan Webber?? short oral Sharon Clark, Rachael Campbell Brurberg, M. B., Herrero, M. L., Couanon, W., Stensvand, A., Børja, I. and Talgø, V. Ana Luisa Mora-Dañino, Sylvia Patricia FernándezPavía, Gerardo RodríguezAlvarado and Kurt Lamour Schlenzig Alexandra Strømeng, G. M. short oral Pathogenicity tests of Phytophthora species on short oral Agathis australis Aerial stem cankers associated with Phytophthora short oral syringae on Fraxinus: how and why? First report of Phytophthora sp. on Epipremnum aureum in Mexico n/e short oral Fajardo Acuña Sylvia Patricia Fernández-Pavía Chair Tuesday 11 November, 2014 Schedule Time First author Title Session 3 Tools for Phytophthora surveys mode of presentation 08:30 15' Català Santiago Fishing for Phytophthora 2.0 oral 08:45 15' Català Santiago oral 09:00 15' Burgess Treena 09:15 15' Abad Z. Gloria 09:30 15' Bilodeau Guillaume Exploring hidden Phytophthora via amplicon Pyrosequencing using eDNA from soil and water Next Generation Sequencing reveals unexplored Phytophthora diversity in Australian soils. Molecular Tools for the PCR detection of Phytophthora austrocedri Tools for rapid characterization tools of Phytophthora infestans and Phytophthora ramorum using real-time PCR and microsatellites from genomic resources 09:45 Poster session 3 oral oral oral 5' Migliorini Duccio Detection of Phytophthora species on different woody species in nurseries 09:50 5' Català Santiago 09:55 5' Català Santiago 10:00 5' 10:05 5' Carmen MoralesRodríguez Maria L. Prigigallo Determining an optimal sequence identity threshold poster value for Phytophthora spp. retrieval from Development of new Real-Time specific assays for poster the detection of Phytophthora species in Holm Oak calcareous Evaluation forests of Illumina MiSeq as a new tool for the Poster detection of Phytophthora species Metagenomic analysis of Phytophthora diversity in Poster nurseries of potted ornamental species 10:10 5' 10:15 30' 10:45 30' 11:15 11:25 10' 20' 11:45 Puértolas, A., Larregla, S., Pérez-Sierra, A., AbadCampos, P. Arenas, R., Abad-Campos, P., Pérez-Sierra, A. Santi Català, Diane White, Giles Hardy K.J. Owens, J.C. Bienapfl, S. Green, M.K. Nakhla Marie-Claude Gagnon, C. André Lévesque, Lawrence Kawchuk, Champa P. Wijekoon, Nicolas Feau, Marie-Josée Bergeron, Niklaus J. Grünwald, Clive M. Brasier, Joan F. Webber, Richard C. Hamelin presented by Catala Catala Burgess Treena Abad Z. Gloria Bilodeau Poster session of sessions 3: Tools for Phytophthora surveys 09:45 Ross K. Meentemeyer other authors Citizen Science Helps Predict Risk of Emerging Infectious Disease Poster Poster E. Tondini (1),.N. Luchi (1), L. Ghelardini (1), P. Capretti(2), A. Santini(1) Puértolas, A., Pérez-Sierra, Catala A., Abad-Campos, P. Berbegal, M., Pérez-Sierra, Catala A., Abad-Campos, P Wolfgang Oßwald, Frank Carmen MoralesFleischmann Rodríguez Ahmed Abdelfattah, Santa Leonardo Schena O. Cacciola, David E.L. Cooke, Leonardo Schena John B. Vogler, and Matteo Matteo Garbelotto Garbelotto coffe break David Cooke Whither the species? Phytophthora taxa, MOTUs and oral barcodes in the world of metagenomics. Review of preceding presentations Chair Sesssion discussion Poster session 4 11:45 5' Huai Wen-xia (2) 11:50 5' 11:55 5' Redondo Miguel Angel Català Santiago 12:00 5' Cech Tomas 12:05 5' 12:10 Poster session of session 4: Surveys and new records poster? E. Hansen, Wen-xia Zhao, G.Tian1, Y.Yao poster? J. Boberg, C. Olsson, J. Oliva M.A. Redondo Poster Pérez-Sierra, A., Rodríguez Catala Padrón, C., Siverio de la Rosa, F., Abad-Campos, P. Tamara Corcobado, n/e Christine Huettler, Martin Brandstetter Herrero María-Luz Phytophthora species in forest streams in Nyingchi, Tibet Autonomous Region and Ganzi, Sichuan Province, China Distribution and impact of Phytophthora species on alder (Alnus spp.) in Southern Sweden Discovering Phytophthora species in the laurel forest in Tenerife and La Gomera islands (Canary Islands, Spain) Invasive pathogens in Austrian forests: preliminary planning within the European project “Responses of European forests and society to invasive pathogens (RESIPATH)” Oomycetes survey in Northern Norway 5' Telfer Kari H. Phytophthora survey in a beech forest in Norway Poster 12:15 5' Núñez Cecilia I. poster 12:20 5' Gutierrez Rodriguez Edwin Antonio Maps of Austrocedrus chilensisforests affected by dieback Alternatives for detection of Phytophthora cinnamomi in commercial subtrate 12:30 01:30 Time Poster Poster Leif Sundheim, Ane M. Brevik, Motoaki Tojo, May Bente Brurberg Venche Talgø , Maria-Luz Herrero, May Bente Brurberg, Arne Stensvand Anahí Pérez y Cristina Raponi Mauricio Panizzi Penariol, Marcia Cristina Ohya, Rita de Cassia Panizzi, Renata Aparecida de Andrade Herrero MaríaLuz oral Markéta Hejná, Marcela Mrázková Černý Karel oral Gary Chastagner, Katie Elliott Marianne Coats, Gil Dermott, Lucy Rollins A.Cravador, C. Maia, T. Jung Marília Horta Jung1, E. Hansen, Wen-xia Zhao, G.Tian, Y.Yao Moliner Rubén., Corcobado Abad Campos Tamara., Solla Alejandro., Paloma???? Abad-Campos Paloma poster Herrero M.L. Núñez Mauricio Panizzi Penariol Lunch Session 4 Surveys and new records 14:00 15' Černý Karel-1 Phytophthora spp. invasions in european postcommunist economies – the example of the Czech Republic Survey of Oomycetes found in western Washington streams 14:15 15' Elliott Marianne 14:30 15' Horta Jung Marília 14:45 15' Huai Wen-xia (1) 15:00 15' Mora-Sala Beatriz 15:15 15' Scanu Bruno 15:30 30' 16:00 15' Rooney Latham Phytophthora detections in native plant nurseries and restorations sites in California 16:15 15' Thu Quang Pham 16:30 30' Jung Thomas Phytophthora - an emerging threat to plantation oral forestry in Vietnam Diversity and impact of Phytophthora spp. in natural oral ecosystems of Taiwan. 17:00 17:10 10' 20' Diversity of Phytophthora species in forests, forest oral nurseries and riparian ecosystems of Portugal. Diversity of Phytophthora species in the oak forests oral of Southwest China Phytophthora species associated to Holm oak n/e decline in western Spain Multiple new and invasive alien Phytophthora taxa from Mediterranean maquis ecosystems in Italy oral Benedetto T. Linaldeddu, Bruno Scanu Antonio Deidda, Lucia Maddau, Antonio Franceschini, Thomas Jung oral Cheryl Blomquist, Ted Swiecki, Bernhardt Elizabeth, Ellen Natesan, Susan Frankel Dang Nhu Quynh, Treena Burgess, Bernard Dell Tun-Tschu Chang, Ana Pérez-Sierra, Kai-leen Hsueh, Chuen-Hsu Fu, Paloma Abad-Campos, Maela Léon, Marília Horta Jung coffe break Review of preceding presentations Sesssion discussion Frankel Susan Pham Quang Thu Jung Thomas Chair Wednesday 12 November 2014 Field Trip 08:30 Departure from Hotels 09:30 First stop near to Nant y Fall cascades to see Mal del Cipres at landscape scale Ludmila La Manna 09:45 Arrival to Nant y Fall protected area and visit to a monitoring plot in an affected area: Alina Greslebin y symptoms and ecophysiology of the disease Laura Vélez 10:00 Visit to the protected area to see natural flora and the cascades Park ranger 11:00 Visit to a panoramic point to observe the magnitude of the disease in the Valley: spread and progression of the disease. Ludmila La Manna 11:30 Departure from Nant y Fall to Los Alerces National Park 12:30 Lunch (Asado in Los Alerces National Park) 14:00 The history of "Mal del Ciprés" Mario Rajchenberg 14:20 Other species threatened by Phytophthora austrocedrae Laura Vélez 14:30 Phytophthora austrocedrae in UK Sarah Green 14:50 Mapping Mal del ciprés Cecilia Nuñez 15:00 Visit to the Interpretive Trail of Mal del ciprés Alina Greslebin 15:30 Discussion 16:00 Ride to see other forest diseases as well as beatiful views of the National Parksendero cascada 5 saltos 18:00 Departure from National Park to Esquel 19:00 Arrival to Esquel Thursday 13 November, 2014 Schedule Time First author Session 5 08:30 15' Niklaus J. Grünwald Title mode of presentation other authors presented by Biology & Genetics Patterns and processes of emergence in the genus oral Phytophthora 08:45 15' Bellgard Stanley Visualisation of early infection by Phytophthora “taxon Agathis” in the roots of 2-year old kauri Agathis australis plants oral Niklaus Grünwald Williams SE, Probst C, Padamsee M, Bellgard SE Anand N, and Lebel T 09:00 15' de la Mata Saez Phytophthora ramorum: Study of the lineage EU2 / oral Lourdes EU1 in Ireland Colin Fleming, Alistair McCracken de la Mata Saez Lourdes 09:15 15' O’Hanlon Richard Basic and applied research into Phytophthora ramorum in Ireland: the PHYTOFOR project Choiseul, James; Grogan, Helen; Brennan, Josephine M. O’Hanlon Richard 09:30 15' Joan Webber Lineage, phenotype and environment factors oral influencing the Phytophthora ramorum epidemic on larch Investigation of the tree pathogen, Phytophthora Oral lateralis, newly discovered in Northern Ireland Anna Harris and Clive Brasier Joan Webber Alistair R McCracken 1,2, Louise R Cooke 1,2, David J Studholme 3, Mike J Larkin Quinn Molecular and morphological data shows two consistent lineages in Phytophthora plurivora strains isolated from streams in northern Spain Oral Català, S., Pérez-Sierra, A., AbadCampos, P Catala de la Mata Saez Phytophthora ramorum: differences in the gene Lourdes 2 expression during infection in the lineages EU1/EU2 Anna Harris Comparative fitness of European lineages of Phytophthora ramorum Vannini A. Genetic variation in Phytophthora lateralis lineages by analysis of microsatellite profiles Poster Colin Fleming, Alistair McCracken de la Mata Saez Lourdes poster Bruno Scanu, Joan Webber Anna Harris Poster C.M. Brasier2, E.M. Hansen3, S. A.M. Vettraino Green4, C. Robin5, J.F. Webber2, A. Tomassini1, N. Bruni1, A.M. Vettraino Vannini A. Poster C.M.Brasier2, A. Tomassini1, V. A.M. Vettraino Forlenza1, N. Bruni1, A.M. Vettraino1 Poster Ping Kong, Patricia A. Richardson, Sita R. Ghimire, Gary W. Moorman, and John D. Lea-Cox 09:45 15' Quinn Lisa M 10:00 15' Puértolas, A. 10:00 30' 10:30 oral? coffe break Poster session 5 Poster session of sessions 5: Biology & Genetics 10:30 5' 10:35 5' 10:40 5' 10:45 5' 10:50 5' Genotypic variabilityof Phytophthora cinnamomi mating type A1 in native forests of Taiwan Chuanxue Hong Biology of Phytophthora species in aquatic ecosystems 11:00 30' Matteo Phenotypic, genotypic, genetic, genomic, Garbelotto transcriptomic and many other –omic analyses of plant pathogens and their application in plant pathology Review of preceding presentations 11:30 10' 11:40 20' Lunch Session 6 Vannini A. 14:00 15' Sutton Wendy 14:15 15' Tomšovský Michal 14:30 15' Marçais Benoit 14:45 15' Chair Sesssion discussion 12:00 01:30 13:30 30' Main disertation Chuanxue Hong García Luis V. 15:00 30' Ecology Landscape heterogeneity and features are associated to the impact of Ink disease in chestnut orchards in Italy Ecology and pathology of Phytophthora nemorosa, P. pseudosyringae, and other ITS clade 3 species in forests in western Oregon Identification of Phytophthora alni subspecies in riparian stands in the Czech Republic Long term impact of Phytophthora alni on an alder riparian stand The interplay among human, biotic and abiotic factors explains quick Phytophthora cinnamomi spreading and tree decline in a Mediterranean Biosphere Reserve Main presentation G. Natili, A.M. Vettraino Vannini A. oral Paul Reeser, Everett Hansen Sutton Wendy oral oral? C. Husso, Z. Nagy oral? Paolo De Vita, Maria S. Serrano, Cristina Ramo, Juan S. Cara, Miguel Román-Écija, Mª Esperanza Sánchez García Luis V. Poster Nela Filipová, Veronika Strnadová Černý Karel coffe break 15:30 15:30 5' Poster session 6 Poster Session of session 6: Ecology Černý Karel-2 Climate change can affect the impact of Phytophthora alni subsp. Alni 15:35 5' Černý Karel-3 Economical losses caused by Phytophthora alni in Poster riparian stands. Typological study of Vltava River basin (Czech Republic) Veronika Strnadová, Liliya Fedusiv, Černý Karel Šárka Gabrielová, Zuzana Haňáčková, Ludmila Havrdová, Markéta Hejná, Marcela Mrázková, Kateřina Novotná, Vítězslava Pešková, Petra Štochlová, Dušan Romportl 15:40 5' Černý Karel-4 Factors affecting Phytophthora alni distribution in State Forests of the Czech Republic Poster Veronika Strnadová, Dušan Romportl, Černý Karel Marcela Mrázková, Ludmila Havrdová, Vítězslava Pešková 15:45 5' 15:50 5' poster (no sabemos si viene) poster (no sabemos si viene) Margaret R. Metz, Kerri Frangioso, Ross K. Meentemeyer and David M. Rizzo Gary Chastagner 15:55 5' Simler Allison B. Forest regeneration followinginteracting disturbances: Responses to Phytophthora ramorum and wildfire in Big Sur, CA McKeever Community Structures of Root-Rotting Kathleen M. Phytophthora Species Affecting Abies in U.S. Christmas ree Farms & Screening True Fir for Resistance to Phytophthora Root Rot Vettraino Ana Assessing the risk of chestnut ink disease Maria spreading using TOPMODEL Poster 16:00 5' T. Mazzetto1, N. Bruni1, A. Tomassini1, A. Petroselli2, A. Vannini1 Paolo de Vita, María S. Serrano, Cristina Ramo, Eduardo Gutiérrez, Pedro Ríos, Ignacio Pérez-Ramos, Lorena Gómez-Aparicio & Mª Esperanza Sánchez 16:05 10' 16:15 20:00 20' Oliver Gutiérrez- Influence of multiple stress sources on cork oak poster Hernández seedling susceptibility to Phytophthora cinnamomi Review of preceding presentations Sesssion discussion Congress Dinner Vettraino Ana Maria Oliver GutiérrezHernández Chair Friday 14 November, 2014 Schedule Time First author Title mode of presentation Session 7 08:30 15' Corcobado Tamara Ecophysiology and Physiopathogenicity Screening Quercus ilex for tolerance to water stress and Phytophthora cinnamomi 08:45 15' Pfanz Hardy The spatial and temporal spread of Phytophthora alni oral subsp. alni in alder bark tissue – an ecophysiological study 09:00 15' Verónica Rachel Olate Diterpene resin profile of Austrocedrus chilensis affected by Phytophthora austrocedri 09:15 15' Ebadzad Ghazal Effect of cinnamomins on Phytophthora cinnamomi biomass oral growth and on the oxidative burst in infected Quercus suber roots De Novo Assembly of Phlomis purpurea Transcriptome oral challenged with Phytophthora cinnamomi 09:30 15' BALDÉ Aladje 09:45 15' Horta Jung Marília Screening of Asian oak species for potential resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi. 10:00 30' 10:30 oral oral oral Poster Session of session 7: Ecophysiology and Physiopathogenicity Maternal effects mediate the resistance of Quercus ilex to Poster??? Phytophthora cinnamomi 10:30 5' Solla, Alejandro 10:35 5' Croeser Louise Spectral measurements for detecting Phytophthora-related Poster??? stress in Corymbia calophylla (marri) 10:40 5' Simamora Agnes Age-related susceptibility of Eucalyptus spp. to Phytophthora boodjera prov. nom poster 10:45 5 Troncoso Oscar poster 10:50 5' Fleischmann Frank Histopatology of Phytophthora austrocedri in Austrocedrus chilensis RNAseq reveals different defense responses of Quercus robur microcuttings against Phytophthora quercina during root and shoot flush 11:00 30' Fleischmann Frank Recent advances in understanding Phytophthora-wood plant interactions Review of preceding presentations 11:30 10' Review of preceding presentations 11:40 20' Sesssion discussion 7 Tamara Corcobado Pfanz Vélez, María Laura Cravador Alfredo Alfredo CRAVADOR, Dina Cravador NEVES, Maria Salomé PAIS Alfredo C. Maia, Tun-Tschu Chang, K. Hsueh, T. Jung Horta Jung Marília Jerónimo Hernández, Tamara Corcobado, Elena Cubera Treena Burgess, Giles Hardy, Trudy Paap, Margaret Andrew Mike Stukely(2) Giles Hardy(1) Treena Burgess(1) M.L. Velez A. Greslebin Solla Alejandro poster (asked) Oguzhan Angay1,2, Sabine Recht3, Lasse Feldhahn3, Mika Tarkka3, Sylvie Hermann3, Thorsten Grams2 Main dissertation 5' Poster Session 8 Horner Ian 2 Poster Session of session 8: Management & Control Phosphite for control of kauri dieback: forest efficacy trials poster 12:05 5' Simamora Agnes 12:10 5' Rolando Carol 12:15 5' 12:20 5' Morales-Rodríguez C. Hulbert J. M. 12:25 5' Tjosvold Steven 12:30 5' McCracken Alistair 12:35 5' Waiapara Nick Epidemiology of Phytophthora boodjera prov. nom; a damping-off pathogen in tree production nurseries in Western Australia Chemicals for management of red needle cast in Pinus radiata plantations in New Zealand: efficacy and persistence of phosphite and other fungicides In vitro control of Phytophthora cinnamomi with Brassica pellet Wooden vectors of Phytophthora ramorum: Are Douglas-fir logs a risk? Polyacrylamide and Movement of Phytophthora ramorum in Irrigation Water Introduction and spread of Phytophthora ramorum in Northern Ireland, UK Surveillance and management of Kauri Dieback in New Zealand. 12:40 01:30 Croeser Louise Simamora Agnes Troncoso Fleischmann Frank Fleischmann Frank Chair 12:00 12:00 14:15 30' Eneko Pérez, Bor Krajnc, Aida Martos, Andrea Pérez, Elena Cubera, Luis Nuñez, Marilia Horta Jung, Anna María Vettraino, Alejandro Solla Janne Mombour, Christiane Wittmann, Frank Fleischmann, Wolfgang Oßwald María Laura Vélez, Alina Greslebin, Guillermo Schmeda-Hirschmann Jorge MARTINS, Alfredo CRAVADOR presented by Coffe break Poster Session 7 14:15 other authors Poster poster Ellena G. Hough Horner Ian Trudy Paap, Mike Stukely, Simamora Agnes Giles Hardy, Treena Burgess Nari Williams and Martin Nari Williams Bader Poster A. Vannini, A.M. Vettraino MoralesRodríguez Poster (asked) Morrell J. J., Hansen E. M. Everett Hansen Poster (asked) D. Chambers, S. Koike, and M. Cahn Poster (asked) John Finlay, Stuart Morwood poster Tony Beauchamp Tjosvold McCraken Nick Waipara Lunch Session 8 Hardy Giles Management & control Main conference oral 14:45 15' Goheen Ellen Continued Monitoring of Sudden Oak Death Treatments in Oregon Tanoak Forests oral 15:00 15' Kanaskie Alan Sudden Oak Death: Intensification and Spread in Oregon Forests oral 15:15 15' Approaching 15 years of research on SOD control oral 15:30 15' Dunstan Bill Eradication of Phytophthora cinnamomi from infested Eucalyptus marginata (jarrah) forest during large scale mining operations oral 15:45 15' Chastagner Gary Potential Impacts of the Revised APHIS Phytophthora oral ramorum Domestic Quarantine Regulatory Requirements on the Spread of this Exotic Pathogen within Washington State 16:00 15' Williams Nari Enabling technologies to combat Phytophthora diseases Garbelotto Matteo 16:00 30' Alan Kanaskie2, Everett Hansen3, Paul Reeser, and Wendy Sutton Ron Rhatigan, Randall Wiese, Jon Laine1, Ellen Michaels Goheen, Everett Hansen, Paul Reeser, and Wendy Sutton Doug Schmidt, Shannon Schechter, Peter CRoucher and Catherine Hayden Goheen Ellen Kanaskie Alan Garbelotto Matteo Jamba Gyeltshen1, Anna- Giles Hardy Maria Vettraino2, Vicki Stokes3, Treena Burgess1, Giles Hardy Marianne Elliott Chastagner Gary oral R. L. McDougal, P. Scott, Williams Nari E. Telfer, L.J. MacDonald, N. Graham1, A. Wagner oral Cristiana MAIA, , Susana Neves Dina DURÃES, Marília HORTA, Ottmar HOLDENRIEDER, Alfredo CRAVADOR coffe break 16:30 15' Neves Dina Searching for Phlomis purpurea metabolites with antiPhytophthora cinnamomi activity 16:45 15' Rios Pedro Screening of biofumigants against Phytophthora cinnamomi oral root disease 17:00 10' Review of preceding presentations and discussion 17:10 20' Sesssion discussion 8 17:30 120' Closing discusssion. Situation of Phytophthora in forests and Natural Ecosystems in the continents: what is done and what is needed. 18:30 30' 'business meeting' 19:00 15' Ellen Goheen and Giles Hardy Conference closing María S. Serrano, Ana Pérez-Sierra, Antonio de Haro, María Esperanza Sánchez n/e Chair
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